I G THE OMA11A UAJTA' BEE : HlTXMV DECEMBER 1 , l&SS-SlXTEEN PAGES M RIPLEY AFTER LAWS ' SEAT | Ho Will Make lor Ilia Plnco la the Iowa Lofxlslaturo REPOHT OF THE COMMISSION tlin ICnlli mills bulilx it II ttlun It hnumlit liilorinntiou A. t r-ry Un Hntls file lory Document Llopt.- incut in Low tillo Will fiinlidi l.nvv' election Oaiimh In , Nov " 10 [ Special Telegram to Tin Hn ] 0n Moiulny inpers will bo proonre 1 for n contest oior Ilia otcction of John Law ns icpresontutlvc of tlio Llchty- Jlfth dlsttlct llio state democratic central cotnmlltco have cntiiped the serthos of A H Ciimmlnts of lc ) Moines , who Is now Investigating tlio mutter The cuso will create ticatinterest throucrliout tlio state , as In casoof 1 nw s dofcnt It will tlio tlio democrats ono mnjorltv in tlio legislature and glvotheiii u Bpeakcr A C Hltilov , who wns tlio candidate atalnsl Law was lnlcrvlowi il bv jour cor respondent torltht anil thinks tlmt hi ) cm full ) establish that Law Is not a clti7cu or tbo United Slates , and Is ml ihscquonco not oltgiblo to tlio uNic llio records or Onoldu countv , Now % t rlc , show that In b > l nnturallzatlo 1 pi | ors weio in en out bonu Thomas Livt When in ( otumbl i countv , it Wisconsin vvhero the I uws forniorlv live ! C tlio rccorls show that 1 horn is I uv , pro f lumably lolln Liu a father , took out lilt first pnpcis Representative elect I aw sirvel odcwu In the late war Hi Coinn mv I , Second low i cavnlrv Ho held tlio onico of county ro ( Older of ttinnobnto county for four jc us iiliil llwaya suppose 1 that ho was n cltl/en on the grounds of hoi linn dlscharto papers from the iirmv 1 aw Is of llio opinion tli it hoc in cstibllsli Ills clllrotishlp by virtue oi Ills father becoming u citizen while ho wns jot n minor I iw wis bom In 1 nglnnd A DlmippDliniii i K"i > nrl DemMoim * Io , Nov 11 | Sp Jil Ido tram to 1 iir Hi p 1 -llio inilroad couiuils Bloncrs tiled their report with the ( .motnor today It is tonei illy res irdc 1 tm tbo poor est report that they Ii ie tiled fro n Its lack I of Intelcstlng Infoiiimtton llio inilroal couip inlcs have kept back much information that in other ye us they have furnished A few months ate Uovoriuir I irrabeo told the commissioner to usk for iiiul.1i additional in formation this jcir and tlio rallroids were not please t nt the dema 11 und so gave less than usu il It Is evident thnt tlioy know that ha is to re tin : frouioflleo in u short tlmo iuhI are not so alrnid of cine o-f Ills mess ills as formerly Ono raid the Chli iio Burlington A. Qulnii explains Its fnlluio to tlvo the do- Blred information on the ground that ex treme poverty had compelled it to abandon its stuistlcal uopartmont Some lli.urcs wcro fui nbshed that show to bomo extent the oporntioiis und revenues of the Iowa roads but tlioy ura not so complete ns w is expected The proportion of tt e e lruints bclontlnir t the lines In Iown Is ro | artud as fJTns 1 0 "rt Sovoial roids bnvo fulled to ioj art but counting their earnings the same ns lust y cat llio total gross eirnhit * foi lhoeir ending : January SO ltjbl nro * . 17 4b I JitjS < an infrcuso over last yeir of * 1 ICs'trs The pnsscntcr ournlnfcsiiro 10 pci cent height 01 ind mis ci llnncous Is I Whilu cnrniiits have in eieased oxjenscs I ave decreased , so that the not revenue is increased in lowi $8 > is8 lO The nuiiibei uf passcntois cat lied carntnt revenue was 10,11)0 IsO , uvorago distance carried 1J miles tot il p isscntcr revenue , til 001 ill 71 , avento received from cnth iiissentcr , 7li ( ) icnts , nuuibor of tons of freight carried earning revenue < iiiA \ > OSS total freight roveuuo tOl f 14 , 200.20 , average iceeived for ouch ton of frolght $1 OS , uvorago receipts poi ton per - " ' * mile fl 03 , totil passontcr and fioigl t cirn- Ings , t > 5 wll ( j5.1' ' .IT , numbel of passenger trains , 4ol 13o freight tialns 171 B71 c.cn oral tonnage 3.i 01 > It 4 While tbo tounuto on lntoi' .stuU tiaftlo shows u dccieisoof ncurlj six million tons thotonnugo in Towu busluess has ii coasc I ibout three bundle 1 and lifty thousand tons 1 he uumbor of oinploj es in Inwa lsi.uon ns H tlli nmount paid if 14 2i [ o IJ J7 taxes fsi lbSS il 000,57 , 5.1 , foi 185J ? ll08bJ17J lV _ Ions of coal consumed blocoinotlM s v I Ji4 10 varying during the j ear Suvtutj two persons woio Utile 1 and HU injuiod on thu ruilroads of tlio stite Of tboso 1 llled 4 \voro passengers and ! > cniplojes , of the Injured -5 weio iasBoiiors ( and 142 wore employes er Ibo report i ills uttoution to sovornl points wheio conllluint , theories nro entcrtninc 1 on some questions or tlii > law , und recommend legislation to remove oil doubt as to nny ) oiuts on which the uuthorit ) of the board j , to net has been disputed I ho suggestions of IbTD that certain duties devolving upon the secrataiy of stnto bo ti uisforrod to the 1 boird uro icnouod The subject of Joint leeeives miemioii iinu mo coinniis- Hioncrs think tlioy should bo piopeilj elotbod with authority to compel joint rates 'llio attention of the lcglsluturo Is cillollo tboso iascs wboro priv ito paitles dusiro to build tru ks nnd connect with raihvnjsfor the siko of having curs swltcbel to their doors Tlio right to correct has been ills putcd The boar 1 nsk further lllit to tvlmt * lonstitutos a now industry , " the lighlof special lutes wbou unproved by nnd tiled with tin , ) commissioners hnviugbcon united by thu last gcneril assembly to such Indus tries A statement ns to wliut shall Do le girnod as for ' clinijtublo purnosos" is also requested at the hands of the legislature Tint report us it wliolo lb \ disapiiolutiug , nnd the tovei uoi is ( list osod to rup tbo roads • t. sovcraly in his departing message to the leg islature I All Mnrrliiui h Hold Good \ " nuiitisfiToN , la , No10 [ Spoeinl lelc- L gium to riiE Hi f J Judge Phelps hug ron h dared a doclslon on the demurrer to thu In illctment in tbo eiiso of tbu state vsV C " Novvton , for perjurv , which bus cioatcl so muoh anxious comment among recently ' married couples ] ho court announced Its dcoUiou , overruling the dumurrci , nnd t > i\o r. Its icusons for doing so nt some length [ ' loucblng on tlio tinoo main points of tlio ilomuriur the Judge said tlmt the duty ot | ( Issuing marringo licenses wus imposed on tlio clerk of iliu district court , the conernl h , act eharglug him with nil tbu duties foi merly tr performed by tbo clerk of tbo district court K thoubh uoispcclllcullymeutlouod becondly on the point thut the inking of testimony In B Issuing a marriage license was a Judicial W oct of the clerk , as cluiincil on the demurrer , r t and so not to bo transferred to his deputy , If tlio court hold tlio point not well tukuu and 1 quoted from the code , chapter 8 , section 777 , [ which expressly declares that in the ubsonco of tboelcrk lus ilcputv shall norfaim all the duties of his piuiclpil On the third point , thnt tlio luw did not require un uDldavIt to the reijvsl for n mnrriii n license , the court hold that tbo clerk bud the rl lit to require L what proof ho pleased for lus own protou * tlou 4 T bo court closed its remarks with a sug gestion tu tbo clerk thut hoi i after In nppll I cations for marriage lieenso the oath bo first I nIminiatored to the witness and that llion I' Ills signature to the ropiest bo obulnoil I 'llioeaio will b" to trial Immcllately on its I merits L Llopeil Willi ii Fiatioruoinan II UiuiLiMiTON , la , No10 fjspoclal lole- I gram to 'Ihe IIle | Ilonderson countv , I Illinois , ttbitut U by the particulars of an I eloponicut whichocouried sotoraldays ago I but the fuots of which luo only Just trau- I t , spired I * . Tno parties to the uffulr are Mrs Jacobs It- the wife of ii ttsherman lhliig nu tlio Illinois I sldoof tlio river , and William Moore who I ll\od on u farm about thico miles further L , up Mrs Jui/ibs loft homo Wednesday ou Ft the iirctensu of goiugto Uludstuuo to visit I friends Instead ot dolug so , | iowo\or , alio I eumo to lturllngtou wbero she wus net bv I Moore wno lma Pi oeodnd her bore Ou the I tuiluro of the parties to return to tlielr homes I bu luquirj wus Instituted which resulted In f lracing tliom to this city when tbu trull was I lost , tbougU It U believed thoj went 60Utli I from bue I Moore is said to bo about thirty jcars of I ugo and leav es u liuudsomo wjfo mid throe I eblidrou while Mrs Jacobs Is doicribcd as I soverulj ears bis senior , ' by no means band I kouiound tbo mother of two children Jacobs , | the husband of the woman Is one ot the men who Inst Rprlng saved clcvon persons from | the wrecked steamer Lvcrett nnd was pre Rented wi.h n pursa by tbo p < > 0 | lo of this i Ity I Decoration 1 iv In acknowledgement of bis Ik roism on thut occasion l > vl tenth n > ilniiuil < rstniiillng Huiiiinotos , 11 , Nov HI fbpcclil lolo gram to Tin Hli | Mr rdwurd Scmplo tbo president of tbo Hankers Lifoassoclu tion of Dcs Monies wus in this eltv vestcr I | dnv nnd being Inlervleivcd relative to the | pre"iH dispatch from Dcs Moines upon tbo j matter of the recent iiisiiinnco decision sujs Hint the despatch was evidently written under a misunderstanding of the decision or with the willful mtint to misrepresent tbo case which , nciording to vlrcmple , Is ns follows llio board of directors of the liinkors1 Life nssoclntlon prepare I two now Tonus of certificate of membership cither onu of which II i roposcd to issue If the fouii was approved bj the mdltorof state riionttdlt or huv lug some doubt nbout tbo legalltv of the forms submittel tbo | olnt tntbonltor- n ev Renernl who In tils decision sivs In effect that the leg il defects a | prolicndc 1 do not exist Mr Scmplo furthei sins tint ho confcired with the auditors dopirtincnton vrstcrdiv nftcr tbo decision wur piibllsbcl bv tcb i bono und thut his association unit tbo dc | irtnietil lire In full nocord noon the matter tor nt d that ho ri j lehcn Is no lilndrnm n to the issue f lie ceitiilcito nmposol with some niodltkatlnns snijgLstel tbeiitlorncy ti nernl s decision A ICik Ic Uljiinl Sphonio Dhs Moivt < In , Nov to [ Special Tele luim to Tin Hi l. | Information has just ijeen male | ublle thut the new Iowa \ \ , Nebiasku rmlioil loccnth chartered Is n , scheme of tbo Kick Island to shorten its louto lo Dciivoi and help it to regain some of tbo buslm ss it Is losing The now road will build u brilc.o u toss thn Mlssiourl it Lorn ill HlulTs mid then constiuet n link of rondciLlitv miles long from Omaha to He it i c0 Ibis cut off will shorten the Denver routovry much nu 1 through trains will co vvestbv vviivofDes Millies and Council HlutTs Instiadofbvst loscpn ns nt present Ibo new agreement lutweon the Noitbwesteru and the Union Pacillc bus liuiriid up tins ehaiiLii us tin Koi It Island is railing behind vciy much on Its thiouth freight , business Humid lln Child in Dentil Wisteiisit , In , Nov ! Special [ Tele- M un to Tin Urb 1 It has been learned in this city that on Moudnj lust a child of Jackson Wiicht , of lurksou townshlo , i little tlo jirl of noout four jenis of ue.o got so near tlio stove ih it hei clothis cauiht tire She ran out a few rods hoi clothes still burning lieloro si o i ould bu iolleved she was burned so bully tint she died about 4 o clock that ulternoon A Colt Hi ir Cnino HIrIi Duimqm , In Nov to [ SpecialTolegram to Iiie 13i.r I I he Stouts at Highland stock farm no ir this city have just told ii rIk months old colt by Nutwood fiom Alicia , for $ " ,000 Tlio ( olt goes to Lexington , Ivv to IhomuR Icffersou Ihoprlco is tbo ling est ever paid foi n six months old colt Died I'm in licmi DIsoiihc Oskvioo- In Nov ) Specnl lolo gram JO 1m 1m. ! I lliis nioinlni' Mrs Huth Moore , nil el lerlj ladj rccentlj from Mt Pleas tut , was found dead m hoi bed She retiied last niL-lit In her usual health and died it is thought during the nijbt fi om hcait disease I ell Heir to n fortune I out M uiisoN Iii Nov 10 | Special Tel ecram , to Pub Hi t l Mrs lohn Mcl'rldo oi Nuuvoo ill , mil Mrs Gcorgo Koberts of tins eitj , who nio sisters have jointly become como heirs to piopertv at 1 ort Scott Kan said to bo valued ut s.iO 000 left to them bv the widow of a deceased brother Mr Hob erts departed for Tort Scott Inst Monday to inv cstig ito mutters liurirlnrized u Clolhiitir Store CnrsTos , In , Nov t0 | 3pecal Tolo- gnm to lili lln Thostoio of Hallab & I'aldock of this pi leo was burghin/ed last nlkhL J ho thieves entciol u blacksmith shop , slolo some tools and pried the front door of the store open tilting about * 100 worth of undeivvcai , silk handkerchiefs gloves mittens and jewchy Jlioie is no clue lo the thieves \ \ III iliivo a Ci ainoi v I our Uoixn , la Nov to [ Special Ielo gram to Tin lln I lho final share ot tlio ; $20 000 worth of stool In the Fort Dodge creamery association was subscribed this afternoon nnd insuid th establishment of n I u-o cicamei v hero , UHLltl il \ \ \ > , OIJIAINBI ) llin Hogim Hnliy \ \ liicli Set ted to Hired nn Iiistimiuio President Kanhvs Lm Mo Nov 10-ISnecIil TpI crnm to Tub Ui p j Denositlons Hied ted d iv In the dlvoico case of Ira Welch against I his wife Tda Welch tell whore the bogus baby was obtained which depleted the pocketbook of iboniM Huieli of Chicago president of the Phoenix Insurant oooinpanj 1 bo novvspapei reading public is fnmlliar with the story ulrca in tbo Chicago ( omts In regard to tbo lalson of the lieh Insurance compauv president und Mrs Welch Ilureh holloved himself to bo the father of her bubv boj , Lrncst Clevelond Welch , and was proud of its rcsomblanro to him It was uftorw urds discov crcd t1 at this baby wus n Quel out wboro it enmo fiom was a mvbtciy In the depositions Illel in tbo divorce casa todav Jostphine Herm ti mid wife of Si Louis testiilcs tb it the babj was obtained fiom her ostuolishment nnd that tt nurse girl was its mother The nuiso girl saw an advertisement In ono of thn St I ouls papcis statlnu that a married wouinii wanted to ndopt a bub j a month old and giving u de- seilption of the kml of child desired lho nurse girls bauy nnswerod tbo description nnit she wrote a note , which was answered bv Mrs Wekli lliilnoi * Troubles , Joiiosio , Out , Nov 10 V KlornanV Companywholesula grocers , buvu suspended Liabilities .VKOO , assets , not given It Hiyuns of Liudsuy , a lumber doalcr and mill owner , has inudo an usslgnment I la blllties , f. 'iO.OIXl , assets nominally $70 000 ( .i.oiui KTtii , Mass , Nov0 Ihollshlng nnd hrocery nmi of lames Munilclit , \ Sons the oldest ostablishiuont in Cloucestei , has failed , liabilities unknown DIxiiilsHid ilm llill CuiiAi o , Nov to Tudgo ( iioshum today dismissed the hill of the Thorn Who Hcolo lompanv against the Wnsliburn & . Moeu Mauufncturmg company for accounting holding thn dofjudaut company had fulfilled its lontrict with thn plaintiff Ila also dis missed the cross bill bv Wnsliburn & Moon seeking an nicountlng with the Thorn com Pinj siiiniiislnii Arrivals . At Phllalelplila lho bcandiiiavian , from Glasgow At IJueenstown 1 no Umbr'tt , from Now % ork At Now York lho Adriatic and Oltj of Chicago , from I Ivorpool , tbo Quceii , fiom llreuun , tbo Holgoiiland , from Autworp lllnlno luoli Honor Wasuisoton , Nov ill heerotorv Hlalno Is much butter this _ mniiiliig Ho is still conlliied to his bed , but expects to leave it during the daj und to bo at the state depart iiient Monday KmhhIiiii , limriiiillHt IlislimiolilNcd br PiTrusiilio Nov 10 > Hy the reform In the ndiululstiutlon of tbo lialtlo provinces which has gone Into etieet under the new ud inljilsliatlon Journalists uro doprlved of the fruiublsu Tbo Kutiiiin language leptaees ( • eriiinn .liiliiiHtnvv h'h Aid I und Joii\btous , Pa , Nov JO Sotsietary Kramer of tbo Hood icllof rommissioa today prai tically Jlnished his connection with the , local bo ird of in lulrv by lho dUlubutlon of 11,000,000 m jobustowu , . noiims : mstit siiiiim" laiiKlcr I mpli Oslfli-nlo u Orenl I est it al mill It 11 Ivn Pllgi inu I angler Temple , Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mvstio shrine , held a grim 1 fistivnlat I rcemnsou'tbull Pildiv cvenliiL Candlilatcs wcro present from Grand Island , ICcnrnov , rrcmont , I exiiiKton , North Platte Gibbon , Ilia r , Red Oak In , und Vlillsoi In Anumlerof visitors were present from Chicago , Detioit Clin innntl , Indiiimtpoll * , nnd u liireo dcKcation from Llucilu lho inudldntcs weio eonduiled across tlio hot studs with nil tbu | ouip und uuti'iiitl iciko perliiining to this icren oiiv und were duly tluultful when tlioy tcaclfd ttio shelter lug dome of liingicr After the eeromonj of intiferrlug the do- trces the entire part } adjourned to the bin quet loom vvhero u most elaborate repast iivvnted thorn , nnd to which they did atnulo justice 1 ho banquet was followed bv in nil lr6ss ot wckomo to lho nowll creited nobks nnd visitors irom abro id bv Potentate Gustavo Anderson , toast mnstci Kcsionsos wcro mndo bv Dr Garten potentate of Scostris temple flucoln.O P W orsley , of r I Kahp tctunlo , Lcdai ltaplls , lit , Geoigo vI'ovn ton of Motor temple Detioii , Homo Mlllu of Mcdinnh temple Lhicngo , mil A 1 Meyer , of Murat timple , liidtinnpolls ltfdin \ \ b fatrnwn of langior tcinpli then delivered an tiddioss U | ou tbo hlstoty of the order T I Points of'lniigler followed In n general oral ml lress of u historic n ituro W H Uowcu , of I angler rcspondod to the toast Tbo Goncinl Grand Chapter of tbo United States , " Hcnrv Gibbon , of rnnglor , responded to the toast ' Tbo Grand Com mnnderv Knights Templar of Nebraska ' fowisM Kcnno of I remont , ono of the nowlv cicitcd Nobli s lcfpoudcd to tbo toast * lho 1 rem mt Delegation " Depulv Grand Mnster Kobort Prcncb or Kearnev fnvoiod the Nobles with un oilg- inal poem entitled Nobles of the Mjsllo Shrine , " which was vociferously ipplaudel Dr Hntleyof luiigiei nnd Majoi McCnilhv of Lincoln varied lho procrotumo by some splendid sinking ImncS S I rinto pros del at tbo eij in dining the progress ot the eoiemonles and at tbo banquet llio festivities were biouchl to u close nbout J ii m , by singing ' Auld Ling syno " Ij ilior Notes "Thov say it Is boln to bo uhnrd wlntnr ' said u strong healths laborer to n repoiter an 11 dent know what us fellows aio going to do " 'Huveti't the men hud plontv to do all summorl" No , us fellows onlv had a fair season Tbo pay h is been moderate mid the work unstcadv The single men huvo perhaps saved a few dollars but laboters with families will bive i hard strugclo to pull throueh the winter in ease Ii is ex tromelv cold and thov urobaricd from woilc Ibo inukatloiis accorUlng to ibo novvs- liipers nio tlmt It will bo very told und stormy from this ou Coal is high wages low and work ns seurco as money I'm afraia it will provo hard lines foi the lads vv ho huvo not laid awav u little nest egg " Ovei ono hundred men huvo benu laid oil from work by tbc street commlssiouoi dur iug the week Ibis was done partially on account of the weathci und partiallv on account uf slaelc of work It Is tiuo that the council wccilv passes resolutions instructing the street commissioner to rcpiir nnd build certain vva'ks , but that sort of work only requires about fprtj men This numbei is still io tnincd Silownlk work can bo done oven after the ground freezes , and the fortv men now oinplojed will bo kept foi sovoial weeks lbcDonrd of public woiks has lellevcd nearly all of its luborirs Contractors arc onlv woiking sin ill gungs on alio ) paving Aside from tills tbo othui woik is ncaring n finish llio d astorcrs are ill woiking full time at good waics und thcro is no discord among the men Some of the gants are working ovirtliroin order to tinish up cert tin jobs before it cets too cold 1 wo now horscshoers arrived direct from dlisgow , Scotland , this week lhov wore not union la Is but before going to work mndo apphcitlon ti the secretin v of tholncnl union for ap"rmit to work , and it they provo to bo competent workmen they will be elected and initiated Aetivo work among the carriage in ikors was practically at an end as 30011 us the suow commenced to ( Iv Hut none of the bovs were lot oui lho forces will not bo rcuuecd Whatovei icpalrs that are neees sniv will bo made ana then prepamtions willbo in ido to begin woik ou the vehicles to bo sold next season 1 he laboring men of Omaha uro quietly discussing the leecnt organization of thu 1 bulldcis' ana traders exchange The major its of them are of tbc opinion that it will aid 1 them in settling disputes in case of stiikes lhofi O vii Medicine Men in tbo professional stieots ami squuics " says tie Spectator , nro paying in London 10 per cent higher rates tli.iu thov did in l iJ the Increase being pull ) direct and un almlttoJ consoiueuce of now phlliiu tin epic legislation and putlythe result of the Increase in valuations which as fit us anv onecin see never stops rhoSpecta tor points out that proiesstoual Inco nos uro hy no means lucreismg savs United Labai , in nu equal ratio , and bees * no remedy ' foi this stnto of things It is evidently n enso of the engineer hoisted with his own petard lho profession ! and educated ( lass pononlly huvo tin own thoii whole politic il and social Influence into the sealo ugalnst nnv rtdlcal realjust moot of the system of distribution lhov h iv 0 been the obsequious defenders of the ' riUus' of proportj and the llrst to cry out communism when any ono called utten tlnn to the maimer in vviiich the landlords and capitalists weio enriching themselves by others iudustij Now , that they In turn uio feeling the pressure , poi Imps they muy In tlmo begin to see Hint all labor bus acorn nmi Interest lho process by vvhlcli they are being squeezed for tbo benefit of the clnsa which has long fouud Its most servile und unswerving defenders in their ranks Is 0110 for which labor reformers are nt no loss to propound 11 remedy Hut hitherto tbo professional classes have donlod thutjuiy icmcdv was required When workncmcn ! uttorcd tbo same complaints of being overtaxed taxed to sustain the vutlipiro ot landlordism , and with lullnitely more reason the ; have boon told that their troubles were of their own making nnd tbo remedy in their own hands 1 ho professional classes and their organs have preachodindustry , sobriety and ccouomv as tlio iufolllblo panacea fm all in dustilul difficulties Well , now , lot the pro fosslonal gentlemen tiy adoso of their own medicine Henedy , iudocdl Wnatl have they so 6oon lost faith in their own foi inula 1 Let thorn practice Industry , sobiicty nnd cconomv , ns tlioy aroulwavs rcommcndlng otbors or elsa acknowledge their own hypocrisy aud It 1101 mice Cnuttlitnt Iliu Old Onin- John Smith , alius Hrovvu , alius Jones alius Morgan and 11 thousand othoi allusos , is n confldenco man wno was urrestnd in this city about three years ugo by Captain Mosty not the pollcej force for ply lug bis Il legal vocation , for which he receive In sen tone * of two ears und four morths in tbo penitentiary Ho served his toiin ull right and got out a few weeks nc.o , coming dtroct to Omaliu l'rlday bo was at his old Itrlcksjaguin and by representing lumsolf to bo 11 fuuuiir sue ceodod m omuloy ing u youu g hvvodo nnincd Nelson to work for him J lien eumo the usual racket It was uftor hanking luurs and the employer had u bill to nay No inoiiuv Would omplovo loiu him WO Coit And that Is why John bmith alias Hrow 11 etui is now behind the bars with a good chance for repeating his last teini at Lln- Hi'cond Wind Deinooinls Louis llelmroil presided at a meeting of the Second ward democrats hold at Mios ball at Sixteenth and \ \ llliums streets last nlcjit bpecihos wcro made bv Chuiles Goodrich J b Gibson , James Donuollv , sr , aud others Hun A"nliiHt 1 Kiilif UUh Nestlehouse , Horry riolder and Jim McCarty , tbreo dishwashers otoiio spree last night uud wont to the Dent or chop bouse ut Sixteenth nnd Dodge to clean out thoplaco I hey didn't do It , for Pcto buau ! 11011 a waiter , opcuol flro on ihoin with n curving knllo 11111 suicossfully whittled Me- I'irtj's bead into sci4knt Dr Hulpli dicsse llhl ! latter s wounds nt Ih-istation , where nil ulo now awaiting tha ( lawn oi Mon lily , s j I < V Polh ( uijinV Pluk Hie pvlko found Jwd boxes of freight sup | | osed tohavohsen itiilen fiom n box cir neai Sulphur Sprlnirtjl 1st nltit ( Hoth were Jitninirkrd j Ono corrtnimd hirncss liunirs I tlioothei holiinv goods lloth boxes ore nt the eliicl s ofTUc rut , itcGisiit\nos Sot cut mi ItioiiHitiid A otcrn llnve Itrcn Plnei il on the liistt Tbo registration boa ds In the several vvirdsor tlio t Iti censed their labors Inst nl.htntfl | oiloel , | reparntory to the city nnd bond plectlon , which takes place next luesday The nuuibor of names placed on the bool s In the v ninus voting precincts are ns foi lows MHMIIITION Pirst ttnid 1 irst distrlit . . . un Second district . . . UI8 lbiid district . 41S Second Utinl- llistdlstriit 1.B4I Seiond district . & "J Ibird Unrd I list district . . 1 041 Record illstilct . 1,710 louith Ward I irst district 1,137 Second distiiet . . . 1.1 > llfth \ \ mil ln st distiiet l 8 Second distiiet lli > Sixth Unrd- Plrst dltrict . 1 HI Sc < end district T-jI I ilrl distiiet s > l Seventh Until Pirst distiiet SI * Sdond dlstikt 150 Lb htb Wall 1 Irstdlstnct itt Second distiiet SO ) Ninth Uiud I list distiiet 70) ) Second illstilct . I2. > loti.l 17 43) lho number of names cmollcd In the first reclsti itlon , whii h closed immediately pic ceding the countv election ono month uc.o wis 14 1)2 DuriiiL , the rev islon of the lists , which ut divers times has sluco taken place , 1,1 ( Vt mimes have been nldeo to tbo toll Personal Pnrnnrnilis J Ucssel of Noifolk Isut the Casey L H llalloy of Lincoln Is at the Cnsoy A M Post ot Columbus Is ut the Paxton H A Plko of Grand Island Is ut the P ix ton Hugh Chittick of Premont Is nt the Mil lard C II Gobel of rromont is stopping nt thu Casey N W Totios of Hustings is u guest at the Cnsov A L Hook ot Hebron is stopping at the Cisov Duke Uenlls of Lincoln is ot the Mor en tnts C I. Smith of Lincoln is lotIstcred nt tlio Paten II II bhedd or Ashland is 11 guest at the Murray M H Duvoy of Lincoln is stopping ut the Murrnv \ , " Gcorgo \ ites of Fremont is registered nt tbo t u3i v -J P U Pooi of Clafks is rec.isterod at tlio Merchants V t 0 VcMenemy ofTBlalr is a guest it the Meiehauts | ( l r U Uuiris of West Point Is a guest nt the 1" rxton * * G A Kn.vmer ot Lincoln is stopping ut the Paxton L M Keene of Fremont is registered at the Millnid f\ X ) E riiomi'son ' o ( Lincoln Is registered at the Miir ruv * * " " Mrs U H Disney of Uushvlllo is a guest at the Siutiav r H Halev and son of Vork nro stopping at the Millnid John S Hoover ot Blue Hill Is stopping at tbo Merchants W H Henderson of Sew nd Is registered at the Merchants fames II Kothwoll of Crelghton Isicgis tore 1 ut the Pu\ton 1 J frum m and George Kennedy of Genoa aic guists nt the Casey Clarence ricmmg the manager of Hoslni A olas , is u guest at the Mlllaid A K Hurgrenvcs uud A S Prescott of Lini olu uro stopping at thn Paxton Cmniiual Cabn hotter known us Minnie ' has loturnod to Omih 1 iftci an absence oft tn vt * 11 s Mr I V U llluinn of Pnlconer s dry gobds house 1 ns loturned fiom his visit to Ohio where be iittenaed the sihi r woddluir of bis patents Colonel M T Skiff , the vetorai fi ly halicd theatrical m inager , is in town arrtng ing n reception for his star , Pattl Iiosa At tbo Windsor S Osthcitnei , Chicago M Nowhouso Phihidolptila , I i' Canhold and vlfo , Des Moines , M M Snider Das Moines , T C Abbott , Wilton , J V Hutch inson , St Tosopti , I W Phillips St Louis , L U 1 oai Hurllu tou D D Uolleniuid wife of Donvei are In the city visiting their nephew , C C Hcldun , uud family Mi D D Holden was ut 0110 tlmo mayor of Omnha md Is well remem bered by muny old settlers Ho and his wife will leave next week for U nshinttoii , where they will snonil the w Intel A Hntil on ilm Joints Nellie King , rraukio Clifton , 1 annie Ham ilton Ailuiilo ruircliild Jottio Reynolds und M ly Coleman tno brigadier generals ot the six leading houses of ill-funo of the city , were nrrostod yesterday afternoon charged with selling liquoi v itbout license About fouror tlvo vvnRoii liads of boor nnd wino vvoia conliseatod and taken to the police station , m A IHfiULNDOUs LVl'IiOSlOV I ive Tons ol Niti o-Glvoeriiio Utils-s 11 I ciirful Coiiiiuotion On CmPttNov SO Anoxplosionof nl tro-ghcqrhie oicurredln a8Uburbnt2o'clock this afternoon In which two orothors sons of a widow iinraod Pishor Jainos , aged oiUitcon , and Charles , a ted sixteen and Ld Hoffman , aged t venty six , worokilled 1 Ivo tons of nltro glyeonno owned by a torpedo ioinpany weio" being unloaded from a boat uud plated In a magazine Whllo the mon were awuv tbo boys were soon to n | - proauh tno boat , and it Is supposed that 0110 of the party foil und tisuscd tbo accident The shock was 11 tremendous ono Farm houses and burns in 111 bv were shattered aud blown to pieces An Ice house 100 foot luure wus reduced to kindling wood llio windows in the postonlco and depot , two miles uwuy , were Hhattprcd by the shock 1 . . . I It oil by Hectrlcity CmuAiio Nov JO [ bpoclal Telegram to aim Hi 1 JAn J oleetrlo light who ignltol the six story build'ngjrff ' It D Shepherd , at the corner of Fifth nvenuo aud ICinzto str < ct , tonight , an I in twenty minutes tbo whole sixth story wus burned out lho total loss 1 is estimated at f ! 000 ; of which K ) 000 is to 1 tbo building uud tJO 000 to various mercantllo 1 agencies who ha 1 goods stored therein Tbo 1 engines prevented the llio from spreading to the lower iloorrf SlL'iiidii Caliloriliu Catcher SanFiiimisio Cal , Nov 30 [ Special I 'lologram IoTiik Hli } Swott nlckmamed ' Pod , " catcher for the San Francisco ball 1 team , has signed u contract to play with tl 0 Hoston club of the brotherhood nt a salary o f ? 400 per montl , or it W > for the season Quarantined O in u iUltnsud Toima , Kun , Nov K ) The llvo stock : pnd sumtaiy commission today has ordered 1 th it all cattle now held 111 quarantine In , Kansas to prevent the spread of loxas fever bo released - VI it lo I in it Hurry Sa\ Din 0 , Cal , Nov -bpecal | ! Tele tram to inn Hee I Sirs Cole , the daughter of Judge lhurman , who was divorced last Saturday , was marriel m high style to u ( wealthy Half Mexican beroloiUy , • .1,011 IN SKIS VAPOItINO' I Ho Denounces Ilia Hen lor htlioxlng llin Crookrdnrsi Dr Slomlnskl called it meeting ot Polish cltl/cns nt Cites hull twenty sixth nmi Unluut streets last night About sovcnt\ five Poles rcspondcl u lur .o portion of them liclontlng to tliu faction which Is opposed to SlimlnsKl The doctor ' nddrossol lho mooting lit great length ill Polish , the sum und sub stance of his romiirks being a venomous at tack on 1111 Dpi Ho lull 11 copv ot Tin Dm ot the Jib Inst , 11111 ti inslitcd the ni title refcinug to lho illsntTecii in 111 tbo Polish ranks und tlio opposition to Insloadir ship Ho donoiiuced the nrtl to ns a He mid onllo 1 upon the meeting to pass n losolutlo 11 endorsing him ox | rosMng eonlldoiico 11 his Icidcrship urul on 101 sing tbo demoei itlo ticket Uhcn ho lillcd foruvou upon this resolution the nnvs" weio loU lo th 111 the "uvos , " but tbodoctoi nniiouiicod the iojoIu- Hon ns curled mil consuled those who ti id dared to veto at ilnst It Tboso who hud vote ! ngilnst the resold Hon uro90 mid utten pted lo witbbi iw in 11 bolv , but blomluikl rut 11ft 1 them and foiccd them bade lhov reunlnol in the room hut showed their disgust bv hissing und booting at his lemuks the doctoi continued bis ro narks in tbo sumo strain devoting himself lo I111. ill 1 s oxposuio ot his trickery Hoforo ho conclu lo I bis tti 1 lo ho sent for beer and elg irs mid tro iti 1 tlio whole crow d , nt tie sinio tlinn trvlig to win ovcrtho opposition Aftci the meeting the doctoi grow ix trcmclv eonlldeutul und luformo I a Hi 1 lopor'er , unilei tlio mistaken impression that bo was conneetel with another piper that ho was deteimined to beat Koiow iter and wont I spot d ull tbo money ho hud tone eompllsh it ' 1 vo got tbo Republican and the Uorld Herald soli 1" sililhc 'lho Ucpubllem has offered mo n column any tlmo 1 want it to defend m\self agninst Hosewater Hotb the Ucpubliciiunnd the World-Hor ild huvo Piumlscd 1110 that they will Jumi ) 011 Uoso- water in tno morning and will help mo agah st him Oil , I tell vou I am the greatest politic ! 111 \otl ovei saw ' said the doctor po npously 'Rosewutcr thinks he is 1. politic ! 111 but ho cuu'tget ahead of mo Wbv , " bo coiitin liel , ' I wus considered Uo gri atcst poll tleinn 111 Chicago und whou 1 told a man ho would Lo oleeted ho w is always elected uud when 1 told him ho would bo defeated bewas nlwavs defeated " 1 will put you on to 11 treat sons Ulo 1 , " said the schemer tlLefullv 'My wife is toing to horsowblp Kosowator on election duy She has hen wanting to do it for some tlmo , but I told jor to wait till a hotter tlmo , and I have retnlncd General Cowin and W W Slab lugn to defend her for doing It , Now , I want you to fix up it good account ot this meeting and I willpav jou well for it Sa > tbeie were JOO Poles present and that they cheered mo when I onto ed the ball bav also that 11 resolution was passed dc nounehigtho slundois of Tut Brr mid expressing pressing the grontcst eonlldcnco in mo as the leidcr of the Poles ' 1 feavo a mnn 110 to cal this meeting to night and get nil the Poles to it I will brim , tlicm nrouuil all rltut mid they will vote ns I toll them ' WHAT Till : It > AItI ) DID It Lots Micky lloclio Ilovvti Insj A liot ol "Mtnoi Work W hen tno hoard of couutv eommissloncis enmo to order yesterday afternoon County Vttorne ) vlaboney made a statement to the effect that County Clerk Ituho had in ido Inm a solemn protmso to abstitn from the use of intoxicating liquors durinc tbo re mnindcr of his term of nfrtcc und had placed his rojtcnitton in tbo hands ot the co inly nttoincv to bo piescntcd In case of 11 rcpiti tion ot the offense Corimissioner Turnci moved that the charges bo dismissed This wassccoude 1 by Corriguu villi coined , nil the members voting for it except Cou unssionei Anderson County Supeimtendent Uruner nske 11 iat ho ha fuiuisliol the valuation of the school dlstucts whicn hal occn chanted by the creation of two now districts lho county cloikwas directed to furnish the Informa tion County Troasuier Uolln roporlel that the t x assessment on thopioperty on the cornel of Fourteenth uud Do lno streets belonguib to thu Odd Fellows Hull association should be cancelled Ucfencd to tno finuneo committee - mitteo A communication w is received from the Goodrich Hall association , asking that the tax o 1 th6 Odd Fellows hull , 011 Saundeis sticet bo cancelled Kefcricd to the com mittee ou finance liunsportntion was requested for Mrs Hunt/berry and her fainll' to friends and lelithes at Haterstown to pioveut the family becoming cliaigcs ui on tlio county Ircob L U lit notiiio 1 the board that ho wool 1 upi ly for u wilt of mandamus to com pel the commissioners to allow him tlmo * , l'5Siluo ' for woik on loads Uofcrrcd to the countv attorney Mis Kictiard Cont'd on npplied for tians portation to Portland Ore , vvhero sue h is filciiis She has llvo children and Is a fljf forei from cluonio heart trouble Referred to coninnttco on charity A resolution was Introduced providing for tlio extension of Wool worth nvenuo und Hickory street from Doutlis addition to Hansi'oin park and rcforied to the cominittco on ro ids 1 ho bond of Mount & . Gilnin for furnish ing BOft coal in half ton lots to the countv poor wns picsonted nnd nccei ted lho following odium bonds were pro souted and approveo P O'Mnlloy countv cleik fill 000 Charles Hrandcs , justice of .ho peace SoOO , George M Roberts jus'ieo of the peuco , foOO , loseph f Hroen , Justice of tlio peace $ . )00 , Tumcs W Moore asses tor , mOO , Silas H Lal.oassessor , * > t)0 ) lhc bondB ot David P I arquhar and M Lies , 1 s constable and assessor lespcctlvoly , were ro fi rred to tbo cominltteo on judieiory Peter 0 Mallov s bond boio tbo names of I'd Meadlmbernnd lhomus Hreiinau us sure ties Chairman Mount nnd Contractor H J Urenuan siguod tbo contract for tlio con sanction ot the soweiugo svsteui ot tbo county hospital Mi Hrennan s bond fo- $1 IKK ) vvlth Pitrlck McArdlo nnd Geoigo Holmes Jr , as suretlos was upprovi d A uuinbei of bills foi work on roads wcro refericd to the comiulttec ou toads The committee on Judiciary recommended thut Gcorgo U Robt rts bo appointed Justice of the pence for West Omaha Adopted 1 ho bill of the Goodman drug company for SISllOfor drugs furnlshcl from April to September inclusive wus allowed lho county clerk was diroctcd to ulvertlso for bids for cioctlng 11 brldgo ever the ; 1 Ittlo Papio , bids to bo opened Saturday , December il Mr O'Koeffo Introduced a icsoluiion on the matter of the paving of Intersection on North thirtieth street providing Hut no i funds bo used for such intersection north of Amos avenue until full payment bo undo 1 for Intersections south ot that point Adopted Mr Corrlgan introduced a resolution to ! the effect thut no transportation on account of indigents bo allowed for a distance ox eoeding tlvo hundred miles Adopted Ibo following appropriation shoots were ullowodi General fund , No SS amounting to2274 45 , genoiulfund , No 3) W05J21 , road fund No 15 M.IIJ70 , bridge fund , No 8 * bilfi , hospital fund , No J2 , * 1 123 01 Ryan & . Walsh submitted a communica tion Btatlur that if the board would order tbo steam turned on the countv hospital bo tlio plaster can bo dneJ tbo contractors can turn the building over to tbo board in about a week Ten o clook S iturday morning was set for hearing protests against tlio locution ot roa 1 51D commissioner Aiideraon stated that lis had been told that the protecdlngs of the boaid hal not been published in the oflleial paper of the county , uud the county clerk hud said thut lho clerk ot tbu board was ro sponsible for tbo neglect Clerk Uebb acknowledged tbo coin and said ha wonld tet them out Mr Anderson then asked how many 1 ounty ofticers had failed to muko their quar tcrly reports as icquired by law 1 lie cloi.i vv as not positive , hut thought tbo county clerk , register of deeds nnd treasurer were the only ones that had mudo the proper ro ports On motion of Mr Anderson tbo clerk was Instructed to furnish tbo county attorney With 11 list of these who were behind nn 1 I the attorney illreetol to proceed nciorllntf to liw to compel the ortlcors to present their reports t j hOU III OMAHA MJW * | Tlio Mnnu'MMtcr MurttrV Cel dilution 1 n Sueeo * " j I As fine aad iippreci itlvo nn amlicnco ns an . orator coull vlth to uddrots , mamblclln I Hunts oiiuri bourn Sttttr Uy night to earn memento the execution of All 11 , Lirftlu nnlOllrieii thn "Minchestor Martyrs * Hon M V G iiinon ot Omali i w is olecto I eliilrmnii llio Anrbit Orlor of Hlbornl nns'bind of Omih 1 put uvcrybolv In teed hunorby Its flno music Lhoioonnnd stngo hi I bion tustofully lieeorutcd with Amorle 111 iilul Irish iiutl 311 il tla s nu 1 pictures of Irish p itriots On the platlorm sit Gcorto Parks , Itiilto King , Icrumiih Howard Dmlol McCoy nn 1 Hon John McMillui of this eltv , thu ihnlrniun , Hon M V Gm 11011 mil Moses P O Hrlon of Ornihii and Hon John P Sutton of Lincoln Lb ilrtnati G union called the mooting to orluritm ! in ido 11 biiof but Interesting und apt Introductory ud Iross , after which he In triluct I Hon lohn P Sutton of Lincoln Mr Sutton gave n ululn , Inlerottlng mil vigorous talk hoi ling the closest attention of his nuiHiiKoto the list , cnllint roith fro qtiont and ho in v applause Mt Sutton s 111 strip Ion of tin men ns ttiey stool hofoio tin 1 mit wns v iv Id and most Interesting ' \ \ iUlitm I urklu " ho sill lull b ion bom md rene I a Piotost nut tmt lo hul been icceinly convcrli 1 tot ithollclsm and ns bo stool thcro with his pile tic , linniturally ptin ut this sii prune moment of his life w lib his long mil hmirluit hli k h iir hanting bic * over his cirs Just In budding 111 inbood for ho hi 1 justpissel twenty , iiokcl back dell nice the dellnieoof fi arlcss hate O Htlcn sttl wart in roini with his mirtlal beirlng , roi bo h id spout fouryem In lho seivlco of his udoptcd eotltitry in tbo war of the lobcllloii received Ins sentence as If It weio 1 boon , but in his eve be unci lho tlio of 11 feroclo is detoruiln itlon as if born or dosp iii I arklu was tbo son or a tritesmun uud tbo hriud son of 11 nun who hal suffoiel foi his attachment to uud pitrlotlc nets for his 111 tlio counttv Ho loft 11 wife und fnir children Sin h weio the men ton Icmiicd tu die November 23 P > (7 ( \ \ Illl un Alii 11 with his 1 lie bluoiye , vvltli tbo hueofdcith was the ilist to i | ptoacb tbo sciiffokl O Hi lei coming next , with his ma till step repeated the words of bis lather in heaven I ither fortlvctliLin for they I now not what they do and kissed Vllen s hand Martin 1 .it - kin , pnlonud with unstcadv slip was , think lug of bis vcnci iblo and dependent \ arents und loving wife nnd children und O Hrlon stb | ping whispered in his cir lust mtly ho stood and walkcl erect and met his futo llko un Irish boio ' vlr Sutton closed with a beautiful tribute to tbo pitrlotsof Lrln Chairman Germ in then leal a letter fiom John Rush giving reasons wbv ho com 1 not bo present A humorous roc tntion was then given oy Mi Mulhtaii Moses P O Hnon then mndo a short n id pleasing uddriss Miss Maggie Rush sang " 1 lie Ilntp 1 h it Once Thio liuris Hulls'jnl lCcLivcd nn encore After a ] atilotie iccltatlou by Mi Gor nun Mi Kobeit \ Uinlorpf of Omihi give a piano boIo and u beautiful sent b\ Mr lames Rush m d sisturs Misses Mamie und Mattie Rush close 1 onoof tbu 111 ist In torostint cntert itnnicuts over held m the city I no ir II liniiioiid'i At 0 ll 0 clock Situioiy evonlm , flio wis discovered in tbo new smokchouso ut the George A Hummond v. Company pad ing houses lho alarm was piomptlv sounded and Rescue boso wus prompth ou bun 1 1I10 flames were extinguish d bef ire doing anv ' pirticulnr dumato totkobiilldiiit lliebu ld ing Is full ot meits nnd while it is now be lieved that 110 particulai dam.ito bus been done yet the loss may bo very severe While the lire laduies di 1 evorvibii g pos sible nnd merit nil 1 r Use , y ut the tralni d nu 1 efficient men of the house p irticul irly the hog Ming under the industrious , cool und business line John D Robinson must tot be omitied for they weio where dangers were thickest and work was most needed , and won lots of fi lends by tbch successful work Su perintunucnt Hy U Meliy is jtistlt proud of his well trained and trusty men unu tbcv are as fait ti fill is an emplovcr could desire After the lire Mr Meday took the boys out 1 nd sat thorn down to 11 w 11 mint up spread that w is as much appreciate 1 ns it was tenerously given by Mr Mcdav No estimate can be made of tbo loss I Ill 11.innxic ! ti The elegant homo of Mr and Mrs James D Jones Twenty s icond street , Ootween I and K sit cots w is made men y by a house full of young frlcn Is Saturday ovenlng In their e isy und c iptivating way Ml and Mrs Jor es ma lo llio M ung peuplu fed at homo und vouched them us picas int an evening ns the old let all and the young dream of Ilnnil 1Iam | i < mile Hill Matio city Cornet band will tlvo n { ,1 ind masquerade ball and reception in A O H hall Rowley's block , lues lay vening Do- co-ibcr21 JI10 boys have ontatc 1 food musio and populai as ttiev ore will lnvo a lnrto ittoud auco and will give their friends tlio finest of soeiilticats Aliout People Messrs W H Chock William M Wood , N U Mead , D O 1 reemiui and Georto H Mooters went to Omiili 1 to uttond the b in qnet und reception tlvun In honor of Gi md Chief A D Thurston of the U legraphors Doll 1 dwaids , nfroi 11 weeks jaunt tlnouth Iowa , returned homo Satuidiv evening George W Hewers , who hns been visiting his pan nts in Ciilc.ito bus icturncd RobcitP Lchllu of the Aiinoui Cudahv foieo h is boon enllid to Chfcuto to attend the funeral of an uncle who died suddenly John Parks who has beou spending sev eral weeks in K nisas City is receiving 11 toy tl welcome bin k by his muny fi lends Notes About llio tllj Colonel h. P Savage hold ticket No 01 and die w thn prio Saturday ei cuing ut I aw son A , Wulker s drawing Apleasant sicinl d inco was fclven Situr- dny evening at Thomas Hionnnn's , Albiight A doeu couples wi nt down from this dt\ \ lhomus Hclditol has removed to 1 ivonty llrst nnd N sticets Cusbloi W H Wvmati of the Union Picillo ruilioad foieo , Is on the sick list , D mlol Dee is in the city " locked up and will Iw soni to Fiouiont to answer tof ginn 1 larceny Mnnutcrl dvvnid A Cu lahv has recovoicd Irom his illness aud Is u „ tin ut his ties ( Georto Heinold , uu omplovo ut the | iclc ing house ot Swift Su Company nd \ss | | Mlnulo Huirls , duughtor of Mis William Hums were marriel at the home of the brums pironts Mr nnd Mis Willi un Hums thirty third uril R streets nt 'I o'clock Situidny evening , tlio Rev Mr ltelno Hrown , D D , olll luting Rev Robert 1Wluohr ut II 01 lock Sunduy moinlug viil give Some Ihauks- thiug Ihouthts' in tbo Presbyturiun ebuicb Sunduy bchnil lit the 1 ouitli war ) schoil house at i (0 ( o clock A buudnv bchool will bo organkod at J o clock In thu 1 ' = 3 ! H school house nt Sixteenth street and Mis- | sourl nvenuo In the evening n union gospel H tempernnco meeting will bo held In tbo H Prvsbytorlan church hy Mrs ( . ' M Uiol- H w ard of Sew nr 1 M Nliss Molllo Condon In going from her M homo , Iwoiitv sixth mid K streets to lho H I'nloii 1'iicttlc deot | Krldny cvenlog , lost a H 1 valuable gold chain aud bracelet 4 l A young mini whoso nnmo could not ho M nsierlalnod , vv is hot 1 up and robbed 1 rlilny 1 night nt Iwnnty fourth nu I I streets M \ daughter horn to Mr nnd Mrs Ccoito M Dmlol lvillv , ono of the cftHlent stock * B Vnrds cmplovcs hat hCcti sorely atlllcted this B winter First his son Charles w is tikcn ill , I H then ho was taken down und 1 liilimd to his | bed then Ins little dnuglitei , and now hit j H wife isvciy sick l Mis Hem v Mai tin , who has been dinger * 4 l uuslv 111 is ticttot } H Jacob Plilllq s , dnv ton man of the Union l * H Rtockvurds switch cruvv No i after 11 shorl > H Illness is better und ut woi k ngnln l B 1 1 Ilrceu bat remove I to Iwentleth ntul ( i H I streets l lho South Omalin nthlctie club will giva I j H nn exhibition in the club rooms under f H Kulglilsaf Liibn hill , 1 wcntv-slxth sticet , IS I litesliy oviuliig fi H Mrs C M oolwnrd of Sownial national t H orgnnl/or or thn Wonion h Chiisiluu leiupcr fi H mice union , will iioueli in thu Methodist V H Hplscopildiurrh at tl o cloi t-Suuil it morn * H ingmil will tnnduct 11 tuiioii teui | irinca H uieotlngin the Presbytoriiin ihurcli Stliiduv H uv oiling H I Icoliis I'10111 un Irnln Patlior H I mil Oberg of O iltlnul was In tbo eltv Ij H vestcrday He Is thu victim of his own pci I H lldy and Hindu his osui | 0 to Omaha to avoid H the lithiums wrath uf un irnta fnthoi whoso H dnuthtei had luvid Ohirg not wisely but too H well His stay in this eltv was un short H nnd tie scorned ufinld of puisult Ilostnitod H oastw ird fiom Omalia and will no doubt H seek new Holds lot the oxcrciso or hisvil- H liunous propensity J l DOM PI MHO * , \ aAOI1 M 11k I \-l 111 it 101 \rii\i h Salt ly al Ilm | H ( n ] ) ( < lc \ ( id Isliuids i l\\H \ \ I dm on , Nov HO The Porttitiieso 1 1 steiilnur Alitois with ix 1 inpeioi Dom I H Pdlro and his 1 itty un board arrived nt St H Vincent CipodoVcrd islinds todin Ml > H lho members of the p 11 ty are well U | ou j H the irrhul uf the Alntoas it M St \ inceiit an iittemi t was undo | to Interview Dun Pelro concerning li H tbo events thut bill led to his di position ami I | H exile HeiUiliiil bowover , to ontci Into ' | unv discussion rel itivo to tlio revolution , but H st lie 1 ho h id been ti e ttfc 1 w ltb the utmost H kindness thrnuthoiit H 1 ho Al igons w ill proceed to Lisbon tomoi - * H row U hen the slcaiuoi arrived she was M III lot tlio new II it of tbo Unite 1 Stutos ot H Hri7il The Hag rem lined Hying until the H Hra/ill 111 vieu consul boar led her mm in- t foi mi ! the iiptiiu bat the piovi- M sioual govcrnmctil hil tiVcii lustiuo J | tious tli-t the old II ig wis to bu H hoisted at - > t A inecnt and Lisbon lho H olllius of the steimci not hiving received M un ould fi nn Rio Inticiro dc lined to malio H lho eb into lbev , however imincilinti ly B htut 11 uible dis | itdi to Rio Inneiro asking H foi ordcis relilivo to the Hut lien lint the M arrival ol which the Alntois Hies 110 Hag , at j Ij H lho Vhcois wus ( Oiivoyod foul and 11 half H davs fi0111 R11 Inneiro by a liri/.iliin uiiin M of un Imuvvcither was expciieneed nil H the way from Rio Jaiuiio to St \ inecnt H tjAs soon us thostcamir Matasdiopicd nn M choi in bt \ inecnt a boat was sunt ashoio M b mint a e ibh message to tbc king of Port > M ugil fn 111 ex 1 mpcioi Dom Pedro Ilia 'l , l lalcinpeioi ucliuovvle Iges with tritoful B ncss tbo oltei bv the 1 int ot u pulaco for his \\\H I | \ \ \ icslloncc out siys bo cannot accept the ill H fiver Innicdittelv upon his itrivulntlis m H bou the < \-ompcroi will to to tlio Hotel l H Hritaii7i When Dom PeJro Ian 1c 1 at bt f H \ lucent the PoitutcBO 0 ivetlo which was M In the harbor Urol 11 royul s ilu e The fet 1 H tresses did 111 ewiso > H I'liNCTUItbl ) AS LDirOH M \ IJnircd SlntcH Jlmslial Itotluki H | < H St iiHiiti mill .louiiiitli-nii I H U < in n Ltih Nov 10 [ Special Tclctraui | H to illl H11. 1 CS King eiltorof the Dily il l Union , w is shot and probably fatal \ wounded l l tins afternoon by o\ Deputy Mauhal I L il l I xnin I ho shooting w is the lcsult of 11 iW 1 villilnuis uitiilo 1 ubllshod in tl 0 Union fli l Nnvemboi 21 1 elicit Int 011 1 xum mid his Olfl lately mnirlcd wife , urouiinent and highly ji l res | tcted people November 27 Mnisliiil I' H 111111 1 deni indod of King a puhlislied statement - ' H mont ictruetlnglho rorincr article and be * / | | llttlmt him ( Kliiti which King printed the ! H follow int dnv but lidding a saviut dau'o i H miklnt tltu whole affuir woiso than hofoio \ fl lodn\ the puties met uud 1 xum flicil four Y l shots ut Knit , ono slithtly rutth g thoiulf M H of bis leg tin 1 the otbei lodtmg agninst li H Kbit s wind pipe H l King published 11 paper here seven venrs Vt l ito tlio Daily Rustier und was quiutly filWWl tain I and fe ithcicd for a Riniilat offense by J l hoiiin lather piomiueiit 1 Itizcns Ho went to IliH iintle Utah uifaln stinted n paper , only to Vl l come to tikf shoitly beint driven out of ) IH that mining town Ho betan publishing the 4f | Dull Union hero lust spring md 1 oiled pi | u flU cipillv upon ricklcss sens iti in illsin foi od fell itorials MuirIiiiI Lxuiil Is n iiromlneut elti jl | /en of Mississippi appointed bv Clovcluul III dm mt the dimuuiatin udminlstrntton , nud tUfl has the symp ithy of most of tlio citizens } VU ( Il inn Man II111 dm 'd | fl Hiuimi PiNov 10 [ S | cclnl loltgram Jl/I / to Tin Hi 1At 1 PottHtown this morning TlIM thoeoioncr s juiy 111 llio ease of John Chauii , HI said to h ivo hi como 11 helpless paiuly tie us 1 sfl lisult uf bluspheuiv and who was found ihuisliy morning in his room liungint 011 11 f { IH iO | 0 fastened to a bed post retained a vtr § 11 diet lint di ith losulted from stiautulalion gfl ut the hands of Ids wife a punmour lohn III Kludaioseh , and that vtis Chiuin wns nu j 11 accessory to the crime Kinlniosch uud | jBJ Mif Chunii were eoinmltted to pilsou this f ) H morning to inswei the eharte of murder IH Di ( UnllorH Muko 11 Hush tVJ vvvm Mitinif Pu Nov 10 lho Farmers [ H nudWeivors 11 ulonul b ink opened Its doois t U utnln this morniut uud thoio wus a rush ( I made at once by tno depositors which lusted iflj ull day lho newly 1 lectel president , G L „ , 11 Uyley , siys the bank is tiafo mid has j louty i ] of money lo pay nil depositors At least ] ] iwcntv of of tbo most wmlthy mon of tbo til country will bo mined bv being icspnusiblo IH fm those who filled lho amount lost In ; \ \m \ them will nttn-Mdu ovei half n million J ! Now \oilc Dry Goods Mnrlcnl f | l Nrw tout , Nov 8) ) ( Sneelal Telogi uu ( lo J nu UirJ With lho weather atalu L more seusoniiblo Ihoro wus iiu.rcusul cheei C fulness In the dry toodi trade , a col I torn i p ( rituro being lho only tiling needed to 10 1 nnliuito tlio market Tlio ilomai d was tin I important today , or nt least loimpicuous us f it , usually Isut tbo end of tha mouth lho " market continue 1 In 11 well sold upcoudltion , T howuvci , am strong intone Huycisnio expectul to visit the market next week when , ousluess will again ho moro act've 1 mmmm six-cord spool / Br\ 'C0TT01 , • Fet Sale bij all % JttBw J Letlw0 , Ooaleis 34 Union Square , New York City , Aug 31st , 1889. AJtei 11 serits of It sis tit 111r J Innlxthpoi tfiu/t > ) , tleu ling ol er I a ttnod of sevaal uumlhs , 'ce hate itdUtcd la use the a " WILUMANUC M&CORD SPOOL COTION , J Mm 1111 , ' tl lo de the best ( In en I now in the m.vket , mil sliou 1 / ecommetui it to nil agents , purchasen nn I use/1 of the Sun , et Mithines Ill TJSNGLJi MANUFACTURING r rp NY II