I THE Q.AIAHA DAILY BEE : SX DaY , DECEMBER 1. SIXTEEN PAGES 3 I J | H OLIDAY milt l a tr h ' ' * mm s-ssns sbb a mn-ai ii i uiimjimniam aw MJiiiiiiPBaaaMMMBBBMMMaaMMBawaMeswrtwaaaBEnwBMBaB h nWnirrTTBTnTBinTnTt BwMTBiMTlTr OIl"IiriK'illfr'iWJPggS' y-Wi'Biif ' 'WW * ' w r s-in ' rT' , ? " " > " * * - ' 'tuic ' aHiijwiiw sn-rewu-KtMii in i 11 is j- , _ rKs _ - _ Bntw iireg'a ig i-M im > j H And Christmas cards Prices never before equalled You are in doubt ? Then let us try to help you The best present for a relative or a friend is A GOOD BOOK It is always appropiiatc and sure to be acceptiblc , and 1 ; H gives pleasure long after other presents are thrown aside It appeals to the intelligence , thereby doing good If you only wish to send a souvenir , then what is better than one of those beautiful Brooklets , printed in J ; 1 colors and monotints , by the famous lithographers at Munich , or a handsome Christmas card , of which we have thousands j i I BROOKLETS I ROM 5 c UPWARDS H t'mally to' .d t lit o times this price : and I Christmas Cards H From lc upwards _ H ' ' . ' . . . DON'T IAll 10BI'H TII1..M. . Ilicy willplease _ _ \uu. I BOOKS if THE YOUNG I Belford ' s Annual _ _ _ _ llio ( ireatesti Am ncnii Jnvcnllo published _ _ _ r 1'ull of Holies I'liciiiR , Anecdotes , rniry 'lnles , K rnblti * . eta . with 1-1 full-page llhtstiatloiisl 11- m tunilnulo.l bouidio ers Only 78c. I OUR IEEK AFLOAT _ _ k Just the book for Hoys , I'rtsh , breezy nnd 1 as natural as Ufa I'ullv illustrated , I Price 98c. I BIGHT CHARMING BOOKS H FOR THE YOUNO- . _ _ H Ityl/mlsa M. Alrott , Iinura fairing , Lucy I or H com , Mary Abbot Hand , unit other , I OnrSs BOtllllli11 < ZjhuU \ Cliromo Boards M Ilully and MHIctue , H Home Spun Yams , 3Lf > _ % B llnimy lajs ) , "Ow H ( Jrniuliim's Stories , H Anderson's Fairy Titles , EAGE Mail Orders Promptly Filled I L1N1NGER IN THE SOUTH END B He Talks to an EnthuBlaBtio Gather Hl lug of Second Warders 1 HONEST , MANLY STATEMENTS H A HlHrrputnuIo Scheme to Mobillzo B niul Vote OiudiTH in tlio Inter H est of Cuahini : Hinte l'u- m iittoiii Points m South Sldo Republicans IJally 1 Thcro was a rousing meeting in thu Second H ward nt nighlccnth uud Vinton streets last H night , about two hundred voters being pros H cat Frank ICnspar was clioson clialnnan B and Judge K. M. Stonborgsecretary The H meeting was not a political ono as regards Hi party politics , but was ma Jo up of democrats H > ana republicans alike All wcro very ciithu- H elastic over tlio speeches , and it is safe to say B Hint tlio Second watd will neil an imuionso H > republican vnto H Hob Armstrong , candidate for city comp H trollcr , unit Leo Hclsloy , who'aspires to H tbo police judgeship , were the first speakers H and worn followed by Dan O'Keeffe , cnndl- H , date for the council in the second ward Dan H was getting in some telling work on Phil H Andres , when Hon G. W. Llningor , the ro- H publican candidate lor mayor , cutcrcd B Tlio cheering that greeted him us ho took the platform wus so iutenso that O'lCeoffo M wai forced to retire for tlio time , while Mr , M ICaBpcr in a few well chosen remarits Intro duced Omaha's next mayor Air , Llnlngcr spulto as follows ; BB Mr Chairman and Gcntlcmon : Your nominee for mayor is a very poor Bpuaker , as yon porhnps all know Hut us the central connnitrcu has decided that It is perhaps boat thai 1 Bhould visit a taw moctiugs to- nlitht , jou will I bollevo listen to a short talk , I liavo notsouKht the otllco of mayor ; did not seek the nomination The rcpnuli- ran puriy in its convention fulled to u reo upon any of tlio protnlnont candidates after a long and bitter fight and It was generally conceded that whoever wus nominated M ha could not bo elected The bittar strife that provalled in the pritnarios was carrlod M Into the city coiivontlon and harmony seemed to be very far distant At the reiiuest of lrlcnds I accepted tbo nomination I una said I thouKht I could hnrnionlzotho fnc- I Hops I have united thoin In u partial way ; J In fact , I may say the factions uro nearly , It J not quite , a unit All tbo nuivspapcrs in the J city save ono lira advocatlni ; my candidacy J lu worltliiL' for the success of tlio topjblicuu J ticket I will nay that I am not only working J for my own interests but the interests of J every proport.v owner in Omaha aud tlio J furmers of the state of Nebraska J The turmer raises produce that goes Into M leer and liiuh wines , I uroposo to assort that it is better to convert that produce into M high wines at homo than to ship it out of the J state ut ruinous prices and import our high J wluos at cijually ruinous prices to us If J. prolilbitlon carrlos wo will contlnuo to ship J ) " out our grain and prohibition will carry If J Omaha goes democratic If Qmaha defeats J tlio republican ticket the farmers of tlio state H and the propel ty owners will suffer Values iu real estate lu Iowa have fallen during the roigu of prohibition 25 per cent ; they will fall lu lllto manner here I know whereof I speak when 1 say that buslucs * In lawn has fullon off I deal di- rcctly with the farmers , and since prohlbl- lion took ofTect In that state I tiara seen the agricultural Implement ilvnlcra of Io\yu forsake tliolr btato uud come to Nebraska to I rado with n people ' hat are V not handicapped I do not sav that If I am elected mayor of Omaha that Tcan prevent H prohibition la Nebraska , but I do say that a J good mayor of Omaha , backed by the city J govcruuieut , can materially assist In aehlov- J ing that end , and that by the tiaio of the J' ' next election It will be seen that high license J' ' Is the best solution for the liauor problem MJ It has been charged that I am not a social J man , that I uui distant If so , it is your H fault My doors are ahva.v s open , como uud J secjme You will be at homo when you get W'y tliero " ' Mr , Llnlngcr then moke regarding the IIISTOH , OF MISSOURI IlyMrs McN'omnrn , lu easy words for Chil dren ; • wed lluiitratcd , bound In Illuminated covers , published at JI.W , Tor 60 Cents 20 Cents Will Buy Any of the following choira Children's Hooks , lllumlnatt'd board covers , full of pictures : Animals and ESIrtN , Pnelry niul IMLliirci , U'luit Joniu S It'll , Urcaiulaiiil , ravnrllu 1'alry Tnlet , IIii ] > | i ) Clil ilrcn Sim liiiit ! anil Hoicm , CIirl < liitikH ! ) ny For 98 Cents Mrs Bosworlli's ' Elocutionary Studies for tbe Horns ari School , ' Cuiitunlii ! | a Delsarlo Drill The bfst liouk of lite klml etcr piillislicd Only 38 Gents Looking Backward It ) IMnm'd lUllamoy Now In its 200tlt llionsaiul EDITHATlDRGLAR , lty Frnni'cs Hodgson lluritrtt , untliorof Little Luid Fatintlfro ) , Snrn Cretlc , etc , etc , 48 Cents viaduct bonds nnd rojolcod that thov hap carried Ho also expressed a wish that the bridge bonds would carry Ho said ho wanted to sea Omaha boom and that If a republican administration was chosen it undoubtedly would Ho then spolio a few words in German regarding his travels in Europe and his visit to thu great gardens , where thousands of people assem ble ufter i o'clock to enjoy their beer and light wines , and remarko.l that in Ins travels ho did not see n half dozen drunken men , which goes to show that the Germans are not the law breaking people they are some times represented Ho closed by stating that if elected ho would give the city a good , honest government , and would conduct his ofllco in an honest , upright maimer When ho had com luded the assembly gave thrco chcors for the ticket , after which James Huyo and others made brief speeches IllSMOOKATIO UCOHUtTS The Plan of Cainpil ii U to Vote l)0 GinderH for Ouihlnir & Co Saturday it was reported tlut an effort was being made by the democratic campaign managers to mobillzo all the laborers in the city and put thorn In graders camps lu the suburbs for service Tuesday , The plan was logo through the form of employing these men for suppositious work on railroad grades In Arkansas , mid to recruit thorn through an ofllco nt Eleventh and Farnam uud nnotuor further up tbo street Tnn Bee secured the sorvlcos of two or thrco Intelligent laboring men who wcro di rected to call ut those recruiting offices and apply for work Kach of them at different times applied , nnd at tlio lower Faruam street ofllco found an elderly man in charge of the ofllco 1'hcta wcro several men , ap parently laborers , sitting around iu the of llco Thodfenilouian who hud called in the Interest of The Hei" told tbo recruiting ofll- cor that ho wanted work "Wo want laborers for Arkansas , " said the elderly agent , " but wo dent propose to send any mon for a few days yet uy-tho- bye , " ho added , are you a voter I" Yes , sir , or else I would not bo in this city , " was the reply "W'oll.if you are a voter Jwo can inako it moro of an object to you to work for us , and in u few days wo will flx.it so your railroad faro wont cost you anything to go down to ArkunHas " Then the recruiting officer wanted to know of the applicant whether ho know of any other workuigmon who were voters In the city und who wanted employment The reply was In the ufllrmatlvo The applicant for work stated that ho know of , n number of men desiring ompioymont whom ho would bring to the ofllco ' o'clock at 'A iu the after noon , A cull was then made at the other recruit ing ofllco , where similar questions were asked by the agent , " The applicant was Informed that ho would bo expected to pay H fee as an evidence of good faith , which amount would be ruruudod to him upon his arrivnl at the graders cumplntho uuburbsof the city At this ofllco also the agentseoinod to bo gioatly Interested in the voting capa bilities of their applicant Six hundred men are now In the fourteen or fifteen camps around Omaha , and ull of them liavo been suppled with Cushtug wet goods and straight democratic tickets , They are enjoying tbo good things of life It is suspected that a number or these mon have been trained and drilled to vote jit the different polling places under names of reg istered citizens nnd are expected to perpet rate frauds that could not readily be detected unless the citizen whoso name is used was present The boses are said to have got the uauics of these registered citizens from the public registers uud to have instructed the inch how to answer the questions of the registrar as their names are presented la this way it is said many fraudulent votes uro proposed to bo otfercd Pat l > "orct lleolnres IliiuHrU' Pat Ford has decided to bolt the demo cratic ticket as regards James II McShane for treasurer and one member of the council , declaring that he will vote for Uechel "I am for John Uush and Hechel and will vote ana work hard for both of them , " said Mr.Ford yesterday "Olhor democrats , " he continued , have bolted the straight tlcuct and I doiPt see any reason why I should not bo allowed the same privilege Hush and Uechel have beeu my friends for years and I F BIBLES Prayer Boota anil Hymnals , and Ca'tiolic Pra er Books AX IMJIKXSU VAK1KTY AT D.Mir.AUl ) 01I'KIC'ttS. . MUSlCTOLlOS , Only 33 Bents Each I'nl'o CIivsli ; Mu lf , Y.iK 1 , 2 ami . Young rolks Allium of I'vpulnr Music Clitipln Wllll/CH. WuliltcurcPs Dance Folio , K 1 , 2 & 3. Dance Fo'lo , \ \ \ I , 2 titiil ! J. Containing popular Miill/es lancers , giilon * ami Qiintlitllco , etc Follu of I'oplnur JIarelics Uouuct of Music , vocal and Instrumental HiintenS Celebrated Fiitno 1'ovtc School 1'enrls or Yticnl Music Nntlomil Dnnco Albiniijjjc , etc We Curry ait Immense Line of MUSIC FOLIOS , At - 15y8c _ lul ( 45c. BOYS ' BOOKS IN SETS Kach set contains it toltimes The nuthorti need no introduction PRICE $2.98 PEB SET Log Cahln Str 'es bj Filnattl Ellis Dcerfnot " " " " " " ltoy Fionecr tio-Alicnd " Hnrrv tnstlcmore " " ' " liny Trapper Frank Nelson ' • " " nnd a great variety of other sets by these famous authors for boys a w igait aaasaaggtsWTM vsmBBMnn fr ' - " " " = = am going to stand by them That's all I have to say " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kirst Wnrtl Ucmoorat ! " , A mass meeting of the democrats of the First ward will be held at Forest hall , cor ner Sixth and Pierce streets , this evening Good speakers will bo in attendance All are Invited COUNCIU BliUKPJ VS S. P. MOUSE Second Polo Iioncuo Championship tiamc The city polo lcaguo's championship game will take place tomorrow evening at the coliseum , Instead of Tuesday evening The change was made on account of the election The ; teams that will bo pitted ngainst each other uro tlio S. V. Morses nnd the Council Uluffs Hothhavo bcon practicing for the post ton days and are in line condition to put up a first class came The heating aparatus has been completed and there Is no danger but that the building will bo in a comforta- condition The game on Thursday ovonlntr last between - tweon the Continentals and the Hamblers has awakened a vast amount of enthusiasm , and an Immense crowd is Inevitable tomor row night That the game Is going to provo very popular thcro is not the slightest doubt , as it Is replete with stirring situations and the excitement never lugs until the ball has been safely urlvon within the goal Tbo Coliseum rink is said to bo ono of the finest lu the country , und the facilities for viowlnc the contest could not bo better , The Council Uluffs team is composed of a line lot of young athletes and tboir manager is confi dent of trailing the colors of the MorBos in the dust tomorrow evening 1 < 1NR JI.Y.N'U IlAIili PIjAYIXO Omaha und Chicago Itattlo for Siiproinuor Thcro was a scries of three exciting games of hand ball at Hurt & Kllgallon's court , corner of Twelfth and Chicago streets , yes terday afternoon tor (25 a side The con testants were P. J , Kirby of this city , and Tom Murphy of Chicago on ono sldo , ana Michael Kllgullou of this city and Dennis Cronln of Chicago on the other After a vigorous struggle Kilgallon nnd Cronin won tbo first game by a score of 21 to 13. Kirby and Murphy then knuckled down to their work and took the next two in gtcat shape , the first by a score of 21 to II , and the lust by 21 to IS This was thu hottest contest of the series , and neither mdo felt confident of victory until the last point was made Monday afternoon Kilgallon nnd Cronin will play a series of thrco games for 15 a side They both fell piqued at their dofcat yesterday , and have adopted these moaus as a way ot determining which of thorn was the cause of it Klotoher AVants a Itace Yesterday L. Fletcher nnd W. A. Grand Jean of the Hamblers made the return trip from Hlalr to Omaha m two hours and twenty minutes , the best tlmo ever tnado on this trip , Fletcher is lu line form and ready to meet anybody for any distance Here is a uhanco for tbo crack riders ot the Omaha wheel club Hnvon Mon Sinned Elmer Cioveland put his list to an Omaha contract yesterday and Joe Walsh has as good as signed This makes seven mon secured - cured so far as follows : Andrews , Willis Clevelaud , Walsh , Funning , Ulnes and Erquhart \ \ ard Tumptinu Clarke Dad Clarke has been offered $2,500 , with $500 iu advance , by John M. Ward , to sign with tbo Brooklyn Brotherhood club for next season Dramatic Information Outiu , Nov 20.-To the Editor of Tub Ueb : Will you please Inform mo In Tub Sunday Hek who played "Snauius O'Brien" here last season ; also , what did Joe Murphy I'lay ' • MMSW II A. Ans , "Snauius O'Hrien" was played Oy Charles Erin Veruor , Mr , Murphy played Kerry Gow , " Shaun Ithue" and The Donajh " SPECIAL FOIt < L\K WAY OMiY TlicOyclopirdia-Briltaiiica In one large dunrtn volume , eleuantly bound In halt Kusilo , mil Is a library Inlttclr , For One Day Only $2.55. Not only worth but sold every placont ! ts Dore Bible Gallery With 10) full-pngo illustrations PuUlshlied at MM ( imiici : fok osii : ay oxi-y 98c. A New Book of Art llv Irene K. Jcroniv.Thls Is by fni the host book by this famous nrtlst-lN A l'Allt COUMIIV , Only $4.85. Three Beantiftd Gift Booki Containing loem , Ksiays , etc . by Longfel low Whlttlcr , Imiersou , llrynut etc , etcwith homo to line Illustrations by eminent artists Only $1.75. Worlli 83.O0. LAUItKI , LEAVES 1.01'US LKAVKS l'APVKUB LBAVfiB The above elegantly bound in cloth , gilt sldo ana edges : slzo'iiixt * Inches SOME LATE NOVELS That Are Talked About k78c \ Each Elegantly bound In cloth ' gilt top1) , on lnid Pnpor : . . A Transient ( luest , FdgnV Walters Latest novel ny thb snmo'author , Dion and 1mc trem Varlefc ; , { 'lrnusactlouln Hearts , etc , elc Kaily , uy Patience Slapl-jton. blare or Clixumstances' and Mack Hall , by II Delancy l'lerson , Eros and Miss Varlan of Xow York , by Laura Dalntry ' " l'ilnce- Daphne and klssciof Fate , by La- ward Heran Allen " ' Splendid Egotist , by Jeanetta H.Wolwoith etc , etc The above also In paper edition at3Sc. • • I / MtJSlO AND DIUUA Max Bachort , manager of the Boston Symphony club , is in town and has completed arrangements to give a concert under the auspices of the Ladies * * Musicale socloty Of the Boston Symphony club the Boston Herald says : The first appearance In this city of the Boston Symphony Orchestral club as organized for the present se.isou was enjoyed by an nudiencoof praud proportions The organization is Blngularly strong in its Individual memberships , nnd is all in ull a company of musicians that cannot fall to please all true music lovers " Ho who misses seelngand hearing Vornona Jarbeau in Strictly Confidential and Starlight nt the Boyd on the first three evenings of th' .s week , will have cause for fnturo regret Starlight ! Is a string of the brightest and most nopular melodies culled from hero , there and everywhere Thcro Is very Uttlo dialogue , but there Is plenty of the best sort of singing Jarboau herself Is generous cf her tuna nnd presence She simply bubbles ever with lifo and individual ity From tlio crown of the head shu cariies so Jauntly to the too of the slipper that some times twinkles in midair in a manner uulto as bewitching as daring , the characteristic shows itself Her prottlost bit ot acting is pcrhups in the little scone at t'uo piano , and her most charmingly tendered song , Where Are You Going , My Pretty Maidl" She has a clover set of people with her , and she is not afraid to let them make the most of their opportunities On Monday and Tuesday evenings Strictly Confidential will bo the . bill , nnd on Tuesday evening Starlight " Manager Miner caught on to a very flno attraction for this evening nt the Now Grand It is the sparkling comedy success entitled , Chip o' the Old Hloclc , " written by Herbert Hall Winslow and played by thaso eminent enemies of the blues , Scott and Mills , supported bj a very strong company This play Is of the Tin Soldier Bunch of Keys typo and the Pacific coast papers said it was many points ahead of Iloyt's best success , The action is full of snap und go The company is strong iu its comedy features , excellent In Its voices and songs , neat in dances and far above tlio average In everything intended to make an audience laugh Scott and Mills have gathered the cream from all tbo leading farce comedies and huva gathered the best songs , humorous points and dances lute their Chip o' the Old Block " It Is to be pre sented tonight at the Now Grand for ono night onlv , at popular prices ' (15 ( to CO cents ) . The box ofllco will bo upon uftor 10 a. m , and these who apply early will bo sure of their seats j others will not , That bright little soubrette star , Pattl Hosa , will appear at the ) Boyd on next Fri day evening for the first tfmo In a number of yearB , Sluco her last appearance here Pattl Jlosu has made a great success in Europe , win ning the highest praise from high authorities The London Topical Times , one of the best authorities on thoatricaLmuUnrs la England , spenklng ot I'ntti Kosu'n Loudon debutsaid : "I'hut Miss Uosa amply , justified the praise which has been accorded Jior by the press of America , and our own provincial critics , wus attested bv her reception pn Wednesday evening London has fully continued all the good things suid of her , nnd , without enter ing lute any comparisons between the clover lady now ivllh us and the other American actresses who have visited these shores , It Is sufficient to say that she succeeded in plac ing herself Iu the front rauk of soubrettes She bubbles over with fun , her laugh is In- fcctious , her wink Irresistible , and her kick captivating " Pottl llosa.s repertoire at the Boyd will oo as follows ! On Friday and Sat urday evenings "Marjory Daw , " and on Saturday afternoon Bob , " Seldom do male aspirants for liistrlonlo honors get much of a show nowadays with manogors , But certuln it Is thot men of genius are mora readily recognized for their ability now than they were In former years The cases are few enough ; probably five or six successful young nctors would cover the the number Among tbe number may ba mentioned Joseph Howorth , Edmund Col- Her , Young Salvlnl and Wilton Laekuyo , the latter undoubtedly tbo most successful of tne lot Ho bus created parts in three success ful dramas and comedies , and has In those parts fairly astounded tbo public He Is Linen Department Iu this FAVOHIT13 DKl'AUTMr.NT wo olTcr seine unprcccduiitcd bargnlns in towels , iinpUiiiSj crashes , bIiiss lowol- liitfs luneh beta , < ltiiuor6olB , tublo duni- tiBltH nnd bed sprcmls Wo must rctlttco our slock 1'lonso note how wo iiitoiul doing it Towels All linen jowuls , eood bi/.us , ut Sic , worth li2Jc. All lluon buck towels , Rood sixes , nt 10c , worth Lie All lluon buck nnd dnmitsk towels nt I2c ] , worth ISc All linen buck nnd dnmn.sk towels nt 10o , worth : ic ( ) Special vnlucs ut 2oo , COc , 7oc to * 2.25 ; ask to sco thorn Napkins 100 do7. 8 nnpkiiiH , assorted , nt OSc , worth $1.40 per doz 100 doz S napkins , very duo , .it $1.17 , worth V- per do/ . Crashes 2 case flno twilled crush nt liJc ! , l'CR- ultir prieo Ktjc Glass Toweling . 1 case line glass cloth nt lie , reduced from 16c. Lunch Sets Wo uro showing tbo most complete line of new Gorman llnou lunch sots over scon in Oiniilm They com < ; in plain white , colored borders , tolld col ors , and openwork • holders with knotted fringes Wo imported them especially for holiday gilts , und the the prices nro very low Each sol bus 1 doz doylies to mutch Prices , $3.75 , W.50 , $ o.2.0 , fHi.30 up to t2o a set Dinner Sets Roincmncr wo have the oxelusivo snlo in Omnhu of .lotin S. Brown & Sons line bnnd loom dinner sots We nro also show inp a largo stock of Win Lid doll & Co ' s Bolfnst dinner sets tit gretitly reduced prices Secure a sol for Xtnns scarcely thirty years of ago , but during his few yours connection with tlio dramatic pro fession has dovolopcd such remarkable abil ity that managers are rushing to secure him for a starring tour uext season in a now play He is now busily engaged reading plays and will be launched as a star next season DThere will bo an extremely social session at the Grand opera house on Friday and Sat uiday next The occasion will bo the pres entation by the Postage Stamp company of their successful now comedy , "A Social Ses sion " The play has been produced with great success through the cast , and Is most favorably montio ncd by our exchanges , iho comedy is laughable and possesses the rare charm of originality , while the situations fol low one upon the other with a naturalness aud unique humor which fairly captivates the nudionce Few comedies contain moro delightful melodies , nnd the attention of the listoncr is absorbed from unpinning to end , Seat sale will open on Thursday evening . President Lnwler of the Edun Museo Is at all times enterprising , but Ills latest achieve ment has outrivaled nil of the past Tbo chief attraction at the Hdcn Mu'sco during the coming week will bo Zamasbu , Hcury Stanley , the famous explorers , scout Zamassa has acquired considerable reputa tion himself Ho is a great Mushuua chief , nnd ns such will provo csnoclally interesting to these who have followed the famous Stanley In his explorations Zamassa , too , has much to doscrlbo In his own peculiar way of tlio adventures of Stanley For many years the great explorer , who for many years himself was a resident of Omaha , depended solely on Zamassa In no instiinco did the bravo Mashuua chief vlo- late this confidence The recently awakened interest in Henry Stanley will make Zumassa of double interest to the people One dime admits to oil attractions in the bouse , * MISS CIjAIWC KXOS KHATI31) . Illnii-'a Persecuted • Postmistress Ac quitted of Foul Cluirces Miss Cora Clark , the postmistress at Blair , who ljas bcon iu Oinalia for some tlmo await ing the uction of the federal grand Jury in her case , Is once moio u free woman Miss Clark was appointed postmistress by President Cleveland , and while heads have beou falling right and loft , she still retains the position to which ho appointed her She was charged with burning Icttors but the Jury contended that the ovldonco was not suffi cient and refused to hold her Her friends say that she was the victim of a ba o conspiracy , aud that about four months ago Cougrossmnn Dorsoy sent her a letter which contained affidavits charging her with burning letters and intimating that if she would resign everything would bo dropped Her friends bay that she then de manded an Investigation and that when it did eomo four months later , it was in tlio shape of an arrest of a cousin of liors upon the same charge They also claim that Mr , Dorsey intormed her thiough a friend that if she would resign all would bo well , but she refused tbo offer , nnuviTiHs The World Publishing company filed amended nrtlules of incorporation witli the county clerk yesterday , The Security Abstract of Title company filed articles of incorporation yesterday The capital stock is 250,000 and the business is stated to bo the furnishing of abstracts of title to real estate , etc Hov Newton M. Mann will preach this morning at Trinity church on Thankful ness , " Lost A pair of opera glasses Were left In Boyd's opera house after perfonnanco Saturday night Itetura to Bek ofllco and receive rowurd , im < : i > , BAHIUNGTOX-Novoinber B0. J , II Hare iugton , aged 41 years , at St Joseph's hos pital The deceased has a brother living on Thir teenth street , His remains are at Henfey & Heufoy's morgua All the rogo , Red Cross Cough Drops , five cents per box , sold everywhere ' " ' I i HEADQUARTERS FOR I f ! Table Damasks 1 case cronin damask , oxtrti line , ut 57c , reduced from 7oc. 1 case 8-4 blenched dnmusk tit b'Ao , re duced from $1 25. 1 cum ) Turkey red dniuick , fust col ors , tit 47c , reduced from iVic Bed Spreads 1 oiis-o 11-4 line crochet quilts , Mar seilles pattern , OSc , reduced from $1. . " 3. 1 enso 11-4 flno croi'ltol quilts , Mar seilles pattern , at sM.llfl , reduced from $1.7.1. 1 case 12-4 crochet quills , Maiseillos patterns , nt $1.S2 , reduced from t.i | > 0. 1 Mease bear iu mind wo do not carry any Mjconds or shoddy goods in stock Tliat would bo dear at any price Everything iboxcollcnt quality and just us tidvertiscd Muslin and Sheeting Dept ' EXTRA SPECIAL To make things livelv wo will offer , ON MONDAY OiJLY , 2 enses 10-4 unbleached Utieu shooting at 21c per yard , worth ! IOc As this is considerably less than cost at the mills , wo will have to limit the quantity to 10 yards to any ono cus tomer , nnd positively none to the trade Blanket and Flannel Dept ' BLANKETS To cduco this immense stock wo will offer special inducements in while , red and gruv blankets during tlio coming week at 98c , $1.0' ! , lr2.0H$4.o0 up to $1C a pair Ask to sco ourwhito blankets nt ? 2.95 a pair THE CAPITAL CITY GRIST Lincoln's Fostoflloo Still a Matter for Speculation GERE PROBABLY THE LUCKY MAN GucoiirnRcnicnt Given to the Fnrin- cr ' Packing ; House Trinity Church to Bo Dedicated lo- day The City In llricr Lixcoi.n BuiiEiuor The Omuu Deb , 1 1020 V Stueut , } Lixcoiv Neb , Nov ! H ) . | The Lincoln postofllco continues to bo u bono of contention Word was received u day or two ago that C. II Gere , editor of the State Journnl , had loeolvod the appoint ment , but it still lacks voi lflcatlon Most of the aspirants for the position , howovcr , now concede it to him But with some thu Man derson lcttor stating that the authority foi making the recommendation rested solely with Congrcssmau Council leaves the hope that the head of ono of tlio dominant factious of the republican party in Laucustor county will not bo recognized Tliat Packing ' nduotry The farmers association , interested in the now beef packing house contemplated for West Lincoln during thu coming year , mot tlio board of trndo nt Holiamm's hall this afternoon for a brief conference Chairman Brown addrebsed the meeting and spoke in very fitting terms of the work in hand thus far , The meeting especially hud to do with a proposition of assistance made recently by the board of trade It is understood that it was accepted Dedicatory HTvices The rector of the Church of the Holy Trin ity announces that the uewchurch at the comer of Twelfth and J stieotswlll bo for mally dedicated tomorrow and that Ut Kov Hishop Worthlngton will preach the dedica tory sermon The sorvlcos will commence at lU.UO o'clock , the tiBiial church hour On Monday evening , Decombcr 'A , the church will bo opened for the purpose of renting pews _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stain IloiiHo lottliigH The supreme court convenes again Tues day morning at 8:30 : oclock Auditor Benton examined the history of $ .1,000 of Loup City's funding bonds today , Commissioner Steen Is at Norfolk looking into some accounts at the Jusanonsjlum over which thcro seems to bo soma dispute The Osceola , Polk county , olovutor com plaint will bo hoaid buforo the state hoard of transportation Dccembsr 1) ) . It is under stood that the testimony will bo taken at that place It Is learned Hint Judgu Norval will resicn tlio Judgeship of the Sixth judicial the first ot the month , Tliero Is no clear indication ns to whom his successor will bo , but At torney France of York , is said to have tljo best chance for the position , Aluycr Brothers Now Store Tbo firm of Mayer Brothers purchased the two lots lying between tbo building occupied by them nnd houio Mayer's , east of the gov ernment square today , from II , J , Walsh and the Putnam heirs , for $30,000 , As early us the weather will permit next spring they will begin work on a new building which they premise shall bo un attraction It will bo fiOxHS , and for the present two stories In bright , though with only ono lloor The building will be made of glass us nearly as is possible nnd when finished will afford as hundsomo a store room as can bo found la America Louie Mayer will remodel his front so as to correspond aud the two stores will present a soventy-flvo-foot front City News and Notes Word is received that Warden Hopkins , with his prisoner , Harry Hall , loft Deuvor cu route home this afternoon W. Morton Smith and his sister , Miss Maude , are in Omaha visaing a brother , Comforts • • I . . ! Kor ono wcuk wo will oftor eiderdown J I comforts ut prices that will certnlnl- -1 astonish tbo trndo Secure ono for 4 ! Xnuis Prices , W.IIS , $0.78 , $0.75 up to J $2" for the llucst bilk quilts -1 Flannels tJM Wo would respectfully call the niton * | _ _ _ tloii of the public to our lnruo stock ot A _ _ _ plain and fancy tlntmols Tills depart * 1 _ _ _ ment Is certainly complete , and wo t _ | gunruiitco values if _ _ _ HOlSERYand | | | UNDERWEAR , III Sl'KCIAL | 11 1 case each Ladies line Jersey Kit " $ fl tintf ribbed Merino Vests and Pit fits ( in -S | jfl crciiiu only ) all sl/cs , at O73o each ; worth ' | _ | " " > < : • 'Jm ' \ P 0 do/.en Ladies * o.\tra line qunltty Am \ Camels Hair Merino Vests and l'ants , , am \ ( Rolden brown , ) all sis-os , ut 60c ; they 4 were 7oe. * 1 75 do/.en Ladles extra line quality all if I pure wool .Torsoy Fitting \osts a'ld S I Pants , natural and white , vests are alt m 1 > laced trimmed and warranted not to 4 ! shrink , sale price $1.15. They are 4\\m \ \ cheap at $1.05. d\M \ HOSILUY HOSIKHY > J 50 do/.en Ladles all pure wool CnsH * ml more lloso with double heels and toes , il | at file They are worth 50c. Jill 05 do/en Ladles • Onyx Stainless * ! - _ _ _ Fleece lined Hose , full regular made , .III . color and wear grunrnntecd , at 45c pair 'Iij 1000 p.urs of our celebrated Onyx lIM Stainless Black Cotton ITosc , nil full | { _ | rcfiular made , and good winter weight , ] _ every pair warranted not lo crock o IM fade Snlo price l.c. . _ _ SPECIAL SPlCIAL ill 400 pounds of the very best Fairy M Zephyr , all colors Monday only , nt ' , ii 08c ; worth $1.85 , 'I ' _ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i I _ _ We Pay Express Charges on I all Packages jl ' jt | Mr Smith represents the Republican In tills 7 > _ _ i city Iffl Judge Field put in the day hearing nrgu * ' t-M monts on motions Law causes as follows * _ _ i will bo hcurd Monday : Larnuoovs Williams , ) "H Morton vs Fremont , Klkhoni & Missouri 'i * * j _ * j Valley railroad , Kaisnervs O'Connor , Un- Jii dcrwood vs Pucilic telegraph compnuvUeiis j _ * _ moro vs Daniels , Williams vs Dawson , Penn -1B vs Flick , Oldomeyor vs Uurchuui and Ste\v I'Mi art Chute lumbar company vs Newton The Lincoln Gun clubs tournament closed /HI / last evening The day was put in shooting ftnl off ties made the day before In the sweep ! SSI stakes l'nrin.ileo won first , Carothorssecond , jll Reynard third , Smith fourth mid Sloven * ili fifth It took thrco matches to settle the ' ! _ _ sweepstakes tie , The attendance at the Ifll tournament was not largo cither day I The compiled stututes of Nebraska , 1SS9 , $111 containing nil laws of the statu in forca , nli Novombcr 1 , nrd out Annotations are ex > ftl tended to iucludo volunio 25 , Nobrasua re- _ _ | ports % H Thu Union Pacific railroad company is II oxtcnduiir itsC.illawiiyllnoof reid west , from 11 Nautiuket Itlssdid tliat the company is "jll moving in the matter to save legal proceed 'III lugs The conditions ! are much the same ns IIfl these surrounding the Republican Vulloy ' .111 road between Culbortson and ilolvoke , Col . ill witli which readers of Tub 11m ; are familiar , ' -If I The Hebrew congregation has rented two 111 rooms iu lioliauan's hall , and tholr religious 4 ] * services ami Sabbath school will bo held \'ll ! thcro until their now tcmplu of worship cnu ill bo erected ut the corner of Twelfth and O ll streets , l | < Kv-Warden Nobes of Yoik , was in the . * n _ | rity today Ho was Interviewed icgardiiigj 111 the rcqupturo of Hurry Hall and took ; -'III occasion to emphatically deny that ho was ) > I ] jfl ever a real trusty under ills ndnilnlstro * 'tI H tiou 411 Mis Grain per , the widow of the old GorfffiH man who committed sulcido near Prlucoton ? > _ i tlio other day , was seat to the poor lionso ' : wU this attenioon It is said Hint tlio old gen'i II tleman's poverty led him to take his own "m | life At ono tlmo Mr and Mrs Urampor ' 11 were nuito well-to do , 4 > E I ninrrtntso Ijicomhoi ill Liconscs were issued to the following part f I ties by Judge Shields yesterdny : 'irl Numo und Address , Ago ' ill J Judson T. Karnes , Omaha 'A\ - > , ii I Phila Stokcsborry , Bed Oak , la ' "J f . * _ j Ccorgo MclCnight , Omaha 31 _ A _ _ I Jesslo McDonald , Omaha , 11) HM j Hans Andersen , Omaha 93 IVI Annlo Helm Omaha ' I 'Si | - _ _ ( George Hculold , Omaha 'A\ ll I Minnlo Harris , Omaha 17 xH I Kurnost Meyers , Omaha 21 filil ( Lean floss , Omahn 2Q -i j Wllholm Viting , Omaha 23. -jljl ISophlo Hotmann , Omulia 2.1 tfj | ' j'WalterShnuct , Fnlrbault , Minn 21 'III ( Tcnna Miller , Owtunii , Minn 20 4f | | siNGULAHrrine fill A llvo lobster half red nnd half green , the 'Ull dividing color line running loiiglhwiso his fll whole body.is now on exhibition in Portland , "III Mo Fishermen say that specimens lllto this l I mo very rare • dm A Newport man copturod a sea torpout" kill last week and has put it alive in a glass Jar Ill It fulls far short ot the descriptions usuully Jill given this animal It is only llvo feet lon _ 1311 and weighs two bounds ilfil A young woman of Crescent City , Cu ! . , Will picked up u largo pebble on tbo beach sumo Sill time ago and seat it to a lapidary In Hau Till Francisco , who pronounced it to bo un outJIIM orald wortli f3fi00 , llll An intelligent canlno that spends much of All Its time around a railroad crossing iu Hostoti flfl takes a position near the safety gates when u > jlll train approaches and refuses tn allow per jlll sons lo pass until all daugor Is over ? lll At Augusta , Mo , some boys playing In ft itil sandbank uuoarlhcd u hugo skull of soma JlH oxtlnct animal The skull Is leprosented as tIH being four feet long aud the huge Jaws curry 4 ! _ _ _ teeth six and seven inches long , which are „ MH decidedly ugly looking , ' 'AM A furmor living about throe miles south " ? _ _ east of Akron has a ben which occasionally k * flIWJ lavs an egg of solid shell throughout , usually vlil after none of any kind have been laid for , VIi bcveral days , Six of these curiosities Imya 7iH already been secured , _ _ _ Just what a full grown black bear can do lll in the way of hugging vvas demonstrated In _ _ _ ! Maine a week or two ago , when Druln solzod rj _ * _ _ j u barrel of boqf , gave it a squce/o and ( n _ _ crushed it to pieces 11 was estimated to bit _ _ _ i a squeeze ot two-horse power HH