H l HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1889-SIXTEEN PAGES 15 H | r THE CONDHION OF TRADE Hf Money Continuca Fairly Easy With K n Very Aotlvo Demand Hr l A GOOD INCREASE IN CLEARINGS Hm \ m , Itniikor * Report Ijoss HtrlimciicjThnn B VhiiiiI nt Tills Benson Collcc- H tlotm Homewliiit Harder H 1 to MnKc K ' H In Iiocnl Trnilc Circles B 1 his tins been n broken week la financial HK nnd commercial circles , but ttio clearings B show tlio usual Increase Mr tluijhcs , mnnj B nfcor of tlio clearing house , rcjwrts tlio foot HBff trigs nt 3fl2lWl.Vi ) , nil lncrcnso of St 1-5 per HBj cent over tlio snmo wcclt in 18S3. HBJ Money continues fairly easy with a very HBf nctlvo ilcnianil from both city and country HBt Unnkors sny that there Is less stringency BSJ than usual nt this season nnd rates arc 8 to Bl 10 per cent per annum Collections nro not HBj ns cuslly mnJe ns they should be and credit Hhj uicn nro inclined to feci uneasy In view of Hhj ' tlio several failures reported from tlio coun- HBJ try , Involving two small banks and _ some Hhj mercantile ) Institutions connected therewith , B Those collnpsos coming thus early in tlio HBfl winter wcra unexpected but mvcstlgntlon HBl shows that the weakness wns chronioaud Am that Ilia results developed should hnvo been anticipated , as the correct status of the do- linqucnis wns known to careful observers BBS months since BBB Jobbers report trndo good with a liberal BBV demand for holiday goods , and grocery and BBS dry foods men aru busier than usual BBV Hardware dealers report nn active trade BBBl and nn advancing market Lumber is BBB ! stronpor with the closing of navigation on BBB ] the lakes but prices uro unchanged BBBl ITho produce market holds steady nnd there BBB is nn nelivo demand for clioleo poultry , but BBflJI ter and eggs nt good prices , nnd quotations BBB ; uro readily obtained , Itctult trndo Is very BBBi good uudor the influence of soasonubld BBBU weather and dealers nro anticipating an > , uetivn nnd profitable liollday trade { A very small proportion of our bonded nu- BBB , tlonnl ilobt now consists of coupon bonds In ' BBB' 1885 It wns ubout § 190(100,000 ( , in 181 about BBB $ lfiOIOO)00 ( ( ) , and in ISM ) probably not over BBB * 13 ± ( J0OUO0 , or loss tluin 15 per cent of the BBV W The register of the United States treasury BBBl In his utiuunl repporb shows that dlinmr the BBB ! your 111.500 bonds , uinnuntlng to * 10I,8H.C,0 , ! : BBBi were Issued , and * B , 140 bonds , representing BBBl Sill,81 MM were cancelled The total BBBl amountof bonds outstanding at the present BBBl tlmo is $ iTi2 , 123,812 , of which amount only BH ? llfl.5 : ! 850 , or 1.80 per eciil lire hold abroad BBB11 Fnroien lioldingR , however , showan Inerenso HBBk ofSJ per cent ns compared with Inst year , HBBff iluo to the inoro rapid redemption of denies BBBJt c'c ' "s compared with foreign holdings BBBl' ' ' " ° Phlladnlphln Itucord snys that pig-iron BBBj' ' capacity has been expanded about 23,1)00 ) tons BBBXl lcr WC'k ' " twelve months , and the osti- BBJ muted cupaeltv is now not far from lG OOO BBBX' tons per week Twenty-nlno funrnaccs nro BBft being built , which will nod n capacity of BBBJ ! about 1,200,001) ) tons per year Already the BBB > output of Amoricon furnaces is in excess of BBsl British cupjclty Stocks nro low at nil lur- > BBBA naccs nnd buyers nro plucing orders for next BBBMi years delivery BBV Impoits of woolens into this country for BBB > i tho-nino months ending October I were : BBBl IKS"lbSS. . BBBn Carpets 8 ttSl.GIU f S0H.TT4 BBBil Clothing 1,512.5711 1,3110,8.15 BBBl ) Cloths il.3l)4,3U0 ) 8r > 54,090 BBBl' ' Drehs goods 17,1:28,027 1(5,320,143 ( BBBl Knit goods 1,307.112.1 1,178.72 ! ) i ) Kags , ivasto , etc 2,78-1,010 1,327,432 BBBI > Shawls 780,802 841,011 BBBi' ' Yarns lUulli ! 1,400.575 i BBBil AUothcr 8,207,101 8,100,270 I B Total fl.1,711.815 fl0,4. > l,279 1 BBBK This country is rapidly gaining on Great ' BBfti Britain in pig iron production , as shown by BBBm tuo following ilguros , giving gross tons : BBBf Great United BBBi Periods Britain States BBBl First half 18SS 11,002,801 3,020.092 ! BBBff Second hnltlbbS 3.053.30 3,4119.045 i BBJ Flrtt half 1689 4,084,597 0,000.7117 BBBl The coal trade is not In a very satisfactory BB1 condition and prices nro easy The present ; BBlr year nus boon throughout ono of exceptional i BBBl' ' mildness , and in spite of an incrcusod do- BBBll uitind for Industrial purposes the production , BB1' ' of coal " ! 't0 uat0 lms fallen ° ft 2,011.1,3:17 : tons i BBlt from last years record , nrnbout 9 percent BBBs' i 1'arl of this has been accomplished by stlpu- BBBAlatcd restriction m the output of coal , but : BBBl tuo ( "uculty , has been in maintaining coal I W prices , oven under tlio reduced output BBBl With regard to the Cotton seed oil trust , , BBB which now scorns to bo ripening for n ro- BBB coiver , one of the best Informed and shrewd BBB' csl freiiucntcrs uf Wall street writes to Cord BBB lci' " Company of Hostoa as follows : Let mo givg you a diagnosis of cotton BBB Bccu ° " ' A vr ° l' -.VOU.UUO.OM bushels , BBT raised in 1838 , moans n very largo hog crop of BBB very fat hogs A very largo hog crop of BB > vury 'ut ll0KS mc'an9 VCfy ctie.ip lard , nnd I BBT tllnt ° 'so ' II1C"8 very clionp lard oil Hnvo BBa > ou cauKt < t oul Lard eighteen months airo BB1 u'us ' ' c ° nts a pound In Chicago , now it is G 1 BBBl cents und leas The corn crop of 18S9 was BB1 ul80 " itMUtt'.OOO ' bushels This will In- BB1 dicate & cents a pound for lard within BB1 lll ° next twelve months In- Bl stcud of 75 cents per gallon , lard ] oil is a trldo above no cents a gallon Now J comes the Rcuucnco of the corn crop Lard I J nnd lard oil uro the measures of nil grenso BBT * nml ° " < froui ll' ' ° w1 , ° t0 tll ° menhadcu BH The vegctablo oil ( cotton seed oil ) gets old j nnd ranold , and , ns it has not gouo through Bl "rt' ' " * dromes stulo and only fit for soap [ BBl grouse The eminently respectable manu BB1 KCrs of colt011 60oa d' ' kept their stock on BJBB1 hand all the yield of 1834. There is no sale for it except for soap grease , nnd porhapa BB1 " ° t cs K00ti " truas Atchison , 'J'opoka & Bl Santn Kostock'sprosontiiuotntlons , conipar- BjBBl inR " n't'1 ' ' Jua ° i 1SS - Cheap com and cheap l BBM outs lnoiul cheap oil cakes for fattening BBB Sugar Is 3rm , and both raw nnd refined I have advanced a little within a weclc Tno total meltings of foreign sugnr at Now YorK , Phlludolpbla , Uoston und Now Orleans - leans , for nine mouths to October 1 , were Z ] b20,001 tons , ugitln tbi5,10i : tons sumo tlmo lht > 8 n decrease of 0.11 per cent This decrease - ] crease In ineltlngajms loft the country bare } of rcllnod sugar and accounts for the nctlvo UVH Increased demand now that the course of nricos tends upward again The stock In H ail principal countries , nt intost uuoven 1BB1 dates , is 4111,442 tons , against : i27,0.J9 , at ttio IBH same time last year , The increased IBB ] meltings by the trust for the IBB ] week uro qui to significant (27,055 ( BH tons , against 111,455 tons Inst year ) and show nn Increased do mini a for refined BB Hotlnurs reduced th sir stocks of raw sugar BftBB ' " 8l we0' ' : hy 5,451 tons , aud are now down BKBM to 1)0,000 ) In New York , u moderuto carrying BBM basis This consists of 18,4'fl tons Kust BHHft Iudlu , 0,100 tons Java , MbO tons best sugar , DVB U3U tons llrnzil , and 8,010 tons Cuba The BBM stock in all hands decreased 7.0S3 tous for BBBl , no week , and Importers stock Is now 24,907 BBBl tons , ngulnsl 40,42 , ° ) tons at the same tlmo BBb U8t ' mnrkots show hard • J'cllr- European n * BBB unlng toudency , notwithttaudlng boot crop ustlmutos nro raised 100,000 tons by M. BBHb Llclit , say to ltU18lKX ) tous crop , ngalnst BBBl 2,705,000 tous last year It is stated that the BBB trust will not open the St Louis relliiory this season , but will work up the domosllu cr ° l > ut tlQ N ° w Orleans factories BBM ' 1'10 ' * 'uw Yorlr Commercial llulletin says ; HBBM1 "llalllmoro reports are conspicuous Just now HHM for statistics on the oyster situation , doduc- HBBB tions from the sumo making It aupoar that HBHh tlieiu may boa posltivo scarcity of the bivalve BBHB oroloug it is estlu.tttod thut the November pack will not exceed 750,000 bushels of rovp Bl piters , aud may not ruu above 000,000 bush HHB ° ' * ' "u'1' ' ' the corresponding month last your about ono million bushels were packed , BBB aD(1' ' " November ISbT , about ono million tv , d liundrcd and fifty thouiuud bushels Orders BHHM1 for5'00tJ l'U8s ° f tll ( > canned article were ro- BBB ported placed at Wo for ilvo-ounco and J1.05 BBB BH 031AU < \ IilVU STOOIC HBJ BBlBtT Saturday , Nor , SO t Good cattle whloh happened to strika the BHIBi buyers'fancy sold In tlio morning at strong BHfBI or stronger prices Homo cattle held over BBB front yesterday brought 5o more than was HJH pflored for thom yesterday On the other hand there were cattle of pretty good qunl- Ity which the holders thought ther had to sell for less than oven steady prices Some of the heaviest buyrrs were not on the mar ket nnd that fact naturally operated niratnst the sellers There were several loads good enough to bring f 1.2.1 , but the bulk of tlio na tives went at ? 3 00(34.00. ( The feeder market was steady but slow There were sovernl buyers In the yards , but thn sales wcra not largo ) ' 11 looks now ns If the heavy trade In feodum was over , but stilt dealers look for consjdcrabto trade right nlong , but no rush such ns there has been , Today'H trading in natives wns confined mostly to small bunches which brought f2.C2) ) ® 2.S5. The mnrkct on cows was about steady , but the buyers complained that there worn not many good cows among the offerings , Nfttlrocows sold at gl.50E3 ( 2.5. IlllltH Today's trading In hogs was n shade to Co lower { thnn yestcrdav The heaviest bujers bidding f3 50C 6.155 for the bulk of the hogs , tLWi j being the moit popular bid The trade wns no' , very active , salesmen being slow to part 1 with their holdings nt thn bids made , still the movement was sufllclcntly nctlvo to clear the yards by 10 o'cloctc In the morning The market showed some strength toward thorlosound | hogs for which only t.3.511 or * I 3 52J4 was bid In tlio morning sold at $1.55 ut ' the last Sheep Thcro wnsndoublo dccK of good western sheep in the yards which sold at ? 1.80. Hrcclpls . , Cattle ' 900 Hogs , . . , 4G'H ' ) Sheep 177 Horses , 153 • J'pisvnllln it I'rlc-s. The following U a table ot prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : * Prlmn steers , 1.100 to 1V)0 ( ) lbs.$1.10 @l 5J Good steers , 1251).10 ) 1I5J lbs . . H.00 ( lil.W ( Seed steers , 1U50 to liljO lbs " . . 3 21 0t 1.00 Common 1UM to 1150 lb steers U Oj OS 25 Western steers . ' . . 2.10 ( Sr ) ' 5 Commoncannors 1,0(1 ( [ 'l.5U Ordinary to fair co\vs , 1.50 @ 1 h ( ) Fnlr to good cows 1.80 ( tt2,00 Good to eholco cows 2.0U ( &ZM Cholco to fancy corn-fed cows 2.50 CijIOJ Fntr to good bulls . * . . . , 1.50 ( rt2,10 Light stockers and fpodurs . . . 2 IX ) @ ) ( K ) Feeders , 9.VJ to 1100 Its 2.20 < W > 'I 00 Fnlr to chnlco light hogs : ) .55 0U ) Knlr to cholco ho ivy hogs ! ! 5t ) dtit : ) > 4 Fair to cholcri mixed hogs 8.K5 ( [ < 1.57'J ' Common to rough hogs 3.25 ( fJHO Uojircsoiitativa a tlj I. ' STEKKI No Av Pr No Av 1'r. 7 im 82 75 0 1308 * S 45 1 900 2 75 2(5 ( . . .1144 3 40 1 1180 2 85 19 1103 3 fa 0 912 3 00 21 1244 3 75 10 1105 300 21 1201 3 75 3 1007 3 00 20 1310 3 85 35 12.1,1 3 15 II 1197 3 b5 25 1143 325 St 1370 100 4 1090 3 25 17 1291 105 57 1213 80 31 1435 4 25 , 5 1150 3 30 30 1105 4 25 ton . 1 950 150 10 PSS t 85 7 057 100 0 1059 190 4 1110 105 5 1054 2 10 19 805 175 It 1009 2 15 4 U25 180 20 1017 2 25 1 1090 185 rEKDBHS 0 1020 2 25 4 S47 2 55 1 870 2 25 27 1035 2 0 > K 3 993 2 30 25 007 2 05 2 875 2 45 21 101)5 ) 2 05 2 1110 2 45 12 1112 2 75 1 1000 2 15 2J 10U7 2 85 nflLS fi 1530 135 2 14(15 ( 2 00 1 1530 175 1 1300 2 25 1 1370 1 80 cilvhs 5 350 150 2 125 3 00 4 335 2 00 1 150 3 00 1 170 2 75 1 110 3 00 • BTOCKBTS 1 000 2 00 2 SS0 2 35 100 3151 a o WKSTEKN' OVTTLC Owner and No Av Pr Ufeedcrs 902 2 70 ! 11 feeders 10G0 2 05 ' Hallet & T. 30roeders 1053 2 05 JV Stoner lObulls 1240 140 1 O. B. Uhodcs SSfecdcrs , 907 2 50 ; (13 cows 884 175 IB cows 1043 2 10 7 bulls 1254 150 ! 18DUlls 814 175 G. Hnymond . Ofeeders 1100 2 45 neat No Av SUPr. . No Av Sk Pr 51..131 W 25 03..2SO 1203 55 55..2811 80 4 50 51..32.1 3 55 93..253 230 3 50 ( I1..B&8 200 3 55 49..312 40J 3 50 5(1..88(1 ( ( 80 3 55 CO..279 100 3 60 OS..277 100 3 55 CI..30(1 ( 320 3 50 50 . . .3.13 120 3 55 Bl . . 202 120 3 50 51..3 , 4 40 3 55 72..245 120 3 50 50..353 80 3 55 03 . . .203 120 3.50 55..850 40 3 55 30..319 3 50 07..274 120 3 55 39..331 40 3 50 04. . .292 00 3 55 33-.327 3 50 fC..302 SO 3 55 cn..su : 120 352) ) 02..207 i o .155 0i.313 300 3 62 > J 50..319 100 3 55 05 . . .275 200 3 5.1)4 ) 57..301 40 3 55 02 . . .202 120 3 52 71..270 120 3 55 40..2(50 ( 280 3 52. 51..257 100 3 55 CO..307 40 3 52K 74..252 SO 3 55 57..292 120 3 52K 07..283 240 3 55 55..304 100 3 52K 40..374 120 3 55 72..277 80 3 52K 102..313 030 3 55 (55..299 ( 200 3 52) ) | 54..238 3 57k ; 07. . . 321 100 3T,2JJ 0(5 ( . . .21(1 ( 200 3 57K , ( KS..8 > 9 100 3 52K 57..IU2 40 3 57' * { 59..300 300 3 63f } 49..317 1(50 ( 3 57 > < f 01..2(11 ( 80 3 52K 51 . . .335 80 3 57K ( II..943 80I52K ft.293 SO 3 57K" \ (54..270 ( 120 JI52K 50 . . .230 3 57k 0I..3J3 30 3 52K 73. . . 250 120 3 BTJtf f 03..273 200 3 52' ' 59..35.1 40 3 hVA C2..290 2b0 "J 5205 . . .208' 120 3 57J < C3..270 200 3 62'rf ' ( .0..279 240 3 57J < i 03. . . .323 40 3 55 70.272 80 3 57'tf ' 51..331 200 3 55 83..213 200 3(50 ( 00..293 80 3 55 29.839 3 00 81. . 2(50 ( 120 3 55 21..224 3 (50 ( (53..318 ( 400 3 55 23..317 40 3 00 (50..305 100 3 55 8 III ! I ! r. No Av Pr 177 westerns , corn fed 119 * 4 20 l.lvn RKiok > ntc . Lay & Peters markctod hogs from Stan tou Frank Suda brought hogs In from Mllli- gan gan.A. A. 11. IIuusou w.u In from AVayuo with cattle A. .1. Adams of llradshaw was m with cattle Ulpii Si Latubort were in from Humphroy with hogs Ucnry Routing of Plntto Center was In with hogs John Hastloof Auburn , was in with hogs fromj uiiama A. Hcekmun & Company marketed bogs from Oakland M. II Shoemaker canio lit from Wyoming , Neb , with cattle Jncob Llbby catno in from Crcston with two cars ot cuttle Hobort MoDouald brought , in live curs ot cattle from Tildcn Charles Howard of Ncola , la , was a visitor at the yards Fuller Smith & Fuller had hogs on the market from Leigh , 1) . J. Kobb brouiht In a. load of corn-fed heifers from Kndleott * Cross Brothers of Avcca , were on morkct looking for coders Iiispoior Clark Howard condemned ono dlsoasedeteer yesterday Hobert Ingram aud T V. Fall of Silver City , la , were at the yards A. G , Johnson ot Anderson Si Johnson was In > vlth hogs from Oakland Albert Lvinan of Dunlup la , was on the market with tbreo loads of cattle Jacob Lomuile of Stanton , had two cars of cattle and oao of hogs 011 the market William IJavldsou und son marketed two car * ° f cattle aud four cars of M > gs from Greshani , The Ne.v-Wilson-Moorohouse company had hogs In from Leigh , W'lsncr , Crcston , Cou- lo.v and Stanton llerryniuu & L. of Cordova , were repre sented by J , V , Hcrryraan , who uiarketod ho s and two cars ot cattle , TnE-SPECOLHTlVE MARKETS Whont Buloa Steady With Very LlCClo Chaaeo in Prlcoa 1 ' , NOVEMBERCORNSHORTS | SETTLE Tlio Provision Trade Scnrcoly Com * inniuls Ordinary Attention Usiinl Snltiritny IIusIiiohh In Cnttlo Hoks Itntlier Slow , , CHICAGO PltODUCM MAKHnTS Chic 100 , Nov 30. ISpeclnl Tolo.5r.1m to The UcE.i Wheat ruled steady todny nnd jtrlccs nt tlio close recorded very little chnnpo from yesterday Deccmbor opened nt Tli' e , sold off to 79c , advanced to TO a 'c , receded to TS c , ndvnnccd to 79f@79J4c nnd closed there Mnv oi > oiied ut S lc , sold oft to 83JJ ® 84c , up to 84t8IVc , back to 83J o and up to S4V@S4J.rc , closing nt 84 , ' 4'e , Olhor ao- inostlo markets were steady Cables were linn , nnd although there Is ns yet very little now export business to report , It Is probably true that foreign holders nro oven moro te nacious believers In better prices thnn hold ers on ( his sldo They know their supplies are small and they nro unyielding In their demands Consumers hnvo not taken alarm so far und bopo to ultimately tire Ut the owners nnd producers and force nn era ot lower values Indications point to an ineroaso nf about 1,500,000 bushels , but calculations tuny bo nil upset by a final readjustment of ' 'on lake nnd canal figures News from the northwest seems to bo shnplng towards n change The receipts at Minneapolis nnd Duluth hold up well and the total receipts nt all points cast and west for a whole week nro not greatly less than last , but it the movement docs not fall oft sharply next week then no reliance cau bo placed upon the Informntlon that sifts throuch sources usually considered very trustwoi thy and reliable Safe correspon dence fioni tliu Uakotus tends to show thnt fnrmors' supplies nro down close to the point of exhaustion and there Is a suspicion that wheat has been rushed forward so tromuud- ously bv nrlvato and railroad elovntor com panies In orderto influence country prices nnd got wheat well out ot first hands before sounding a change In the market tone Uho prophecy was mndo on the floor today by a rash Dakota banker thut before nnotner two weeks tno same par tics who uro sending out bearish bulletins from Duluth und Minneapolis would experi ence a complete 1 evulsion of feeling and become - como roaring bulls Interest In the corn market was ngaln at fever heat when trading commenced , but it booh became evident that the principal shorts for this month bad settled and no buy ers could bo found nt fancy prices niter the last few trnde3 had been made November was the future of chief speculative interest for a time und sold to a limited extent in the open market at COc , nnd it was said that 000,000 to 700,000 , bt.shols had been settled privately at that ilguro A firm having 35,000 bushels of contract corn In store olTcied to sell nt 5Uc , but could find no buyers until it had been offered down to 50c. Ono or two 5,000 bushel lots were sold at the latter Ilg uro and then the buyer : , of carloads began gathering up the cash offerings and selling them in the speculative market , nnd kept doing so until the price had deolinod to 32o. In the meantime , before the dcclino rofcrrod to In the November delivery had been con summated , December shorts hud started to cover their contracts , but seeing the danger they ran , with so small a quantity of No 2 corn held in store , and from 31y@31JXo early the price advanced to 3JKc- Then , as November weakened It sold down to 31Jic , again recovered slightly to 31 fcand ouco moro declined until it sold nt 31 'iC ' , and finally closed nt 3I > f@)3litfo. ) May was about steady and inuctivo around 3.T ! @ 33 ; ' B c There was nothing now in tlio surrouudlngs of the morkct to effect legitimnto values except improved weather , which nppeurcd however , to effect most iho prices ot the lowest grades Oats did not depart far from the narrow tango of the previous two days , with only moderate interest displayed in the regular market Early the tone wusof mild strength , with May touching 23J c , but there was a subsequent lack of support nnd fair speeuUi- tivo offerings caused u down turn of X@Hc , with trade confined to Mav and December November attracted no interest , the month closing nominal at about 20c , with that paid for car lots otNo 2 to go to Btoro The provision trade scarcely commanded ordinary attention In the cash movement there was considerable restriction as com pared with the former days of the week , while In a speculative way a slow fooling held control Outside future orders were limited nnd on local account trading had no special significance In the product today the monotonous condition was relieved near the close by quick sales of November short ribs An early sale of the desired article was mndo 1 at ? 5 59 , but offerings were light and before 1 nblo to 1111 his coutraet an anxious short was forced to bid the price up to f0.00 , which brought out a round lot Later as high as fO.12.Jj was bid without ; bringing a seller to the surface Fully cured short ribs nro in limited supply The unsettled short interest for the month > was estimated at 200,000 pounds The * 0.12K closing was 70c higher than yesterdays last price January short ribs declined 5c , rest ing at 51.72 ] , . May shore ribs closed at ; * 195 , or 2 > fu lower Pork for November closed nt * J.l2Vf. or at n docltno of 12 > $ fu Lard for future delivery was steady und un- chaaged OlllOAGO L1VK STOCK Ciucvao , Nov 30 , [ Special Telegram to 1 Tub IIee.J Cattix There was about the usual Saturdays ' business transacted in the usual Saturdays way The few good na tives offered sold about steady , und the rest of the nntlvo stock was peddled out at the btst bids offered At no tune did buyers evince any desire to look at the stocit nnd most of them guvo It out that their firms 1 would rather not buy than otherwise About all the Texans on the market balongcd to Mori Is , Swift and others , hence there was little or no business in that line Choice to extra hooves were quoted nt * 4 C0@ 5 25 ; medium to good steers , 1,1150 to 1,1500 JbB , fl.00C < * 4.40 : 1,200 to 1,350 lbs , * 340ffli.l ( ) : 950 to 1.200lbs.r3.80ai.75. : Block ers and fcodors , tl.83iiJ2,90 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , tl.S0W3.85 ( ; bulk , * 1.00(22.10j ( Texas steers , * 2.85 { # ' } . 75 ; cows * 1.50@2.10 , lions Iho general market ruled rather slow , with prices somewhat Irregular nnd weak , finally closing about a nickel lower the great bulk of packing grades , shippers and enod heavy coing nt * 3.(53@3.70 ( , a few ut.1.75 , nnd light sorts sold unlrormly at M.05 , The market closed weak , with some stock In the hands of the speculators FINANUIAIj New Yomk , Nov 30. | Special Telegram to TiihHee | Stoci s Aptlon In stocks toduy was moro decidedly bcurish than ut any tune for a month The market opened with moro ot a rush of business than usual , and for a tlmo it was not apparent how the tPuipor of the trade would turn Chicago Gas was still the center of uttractlon , trading in it for the first halt hour bolug enormous , though It was followed by Sugar , Atchison , Heading , Ulchmond & West Point , Western Union , Union Puoiflo and St Paul of the regulur list , whllo the remainder were quiet to dull Thcro was considerable less animation in the latter portion of the hour , but nctlvo trading was maintained throughout First prices were Tgenorally but slightly chnngod from these of last evening , though Canada Southern was down } nnd Consolidated Gas nnd Ilurllugtou were 2 per cent each Chicago cage Gas was unchanged , but weakness de veloped Immediately and in a few mluutes it had dropped from 39 to 80 , after which there was a recovery to 33. The rest of the list was qulto strong in early dealings , and though a few stocks sbudod off slightly it was generally followed by a full recovery , with somothlng In addition , and Missouri Pacillo and Western Uulou were specially conspicuous for strength , rising } { nnd * * Ji J per cent respectively Ulchmond & West Point i wns the only rcolly weak spot In the list 1 , losing 1 per cant to 20.Jf. Sugar sympa thized closely with 'tohlcngo Gas howovcr , and was weak throughout , declining from GO j to 04. The dashlnjf break ot the day was shortly before the < " close when allthoactlva stocks touched their lowest points , The action ot the boars was concerted and much the I snmo ns the rnlOMod by the Cnmmack- Jones party yctcj-duy. Chicago Gas did not ] reach the early figure , but closed nt 37. Sugnr trusts wont to the bad , touch ing j 59 nt tlio blfiso , or a bronlt , ot over , 8 points from fast night In the rail road 1 list Transcontinental broke to 32 , lllg Four to CT > t from 72 last night , nud clo cd at j Cojf Loulsvlllo woakcucd Northern Pacific preferred yloldod to 73 from 75 onrly Atchison went off to 33. Hurllngton gnvo way nnd fold nt 10:15 : , Northwestern sold off , very sharply , e.x-dlvldciid to 100J St Paul , Missouri Pnclllc nnd Union Pacific ; uoro raided los . Tennessee Coal closed at 7.5X \ , nnd even Pullman yloldod 2 points to 18.5. It was a boar day to the close , nl hough n slight recovery occurred In n few Bocks The following wore the closing quotations : I ) . S. 4s regular IM Noithcrn lnclflo , n0 i U.S.4scoupons . . .1J7 do prof erred . . . . . 13'i U.S.4sreiruli ! } r..l0l , 0. , V N. W 10)'i ) U. 8.4 > Ss coupons..10Mi doprorerrod HH4 ! PncitlclWof Ml 1115 N.r.ivntral lml'i Central PacltlcIl'i 1" . D..VH 1 rhlcago.VAlton . . .110 Itoeklslnml Wi ChtcacoHurllngton UM , fcHtl' . . . . . . . . PNJ AJnlucv lftl'l iloprnferred..lt2 , ( lIiJtW ) . . . , IIP , StlnulVOmahn . X'i ' UllnolsCentral..llt'Sl ' Uoprorerren 97 1. . II Av niiltMlnuVteltlo , . , . . HT7C hnnsasJeTexas . . . ini\V..St. | L. .V 1' Hl't lnkoShoro 10r > 'jl dopreforrod 'M'x Michigan Coatral . Ul I Western Union . . . K'i MlKuourlf'actllc . . . 01'il ' Money Easy at 4 per cent PitiMB MnuuANTiLu PAiT.it 5J4 < i47 .M per cent cent.STEiit.txn ExcitAXon Quiet nnd steady ; • sixty-day bills , t4.S0)f ; demand , * 4.85. PUODOOfcl MAItKHT * . CntOAflo Nov 30.-1:15 : o. tn close Wheat About steady : November , 79c ; December , 79s 'c ; Mnv , 84J c. Corn Lower ; November , 32c ; December , 31lfc ; May , 33jfe. ) Oats Steady ; Dccombor , 20 } c ; May , 22V < o. kyo November , 41c. Uarlev Nnvombnr , 5Sc. Prluiu Timothy * 1.20. Flaxseed-Cash , * l.3t ; May1 , tl.41. Whlsky-tl.02. Pork Steady ; November , * 9.12J ; Jan unry , S9 2 ? . Lard Steadv : NovcaiDor , * 5.03 ; Janu ary , # 5.B7 > < ft5.00. Flour bteady : winter wheat , * 2.00@4 35 ; spring wheat , * 3 05(71 ( ,4.90 } rye , S2 50 2.35 ; buckwhent , $ l.50@3 00 per cwt Provisions Shoulders , $1.37 > < < 4.50 ; short clear , ? 5.50g5 ( 57 > ; short ribs , id 12 for No vember ' flutter Steady ; trcamory , 1920s ; dairy , 1422e. Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , and Hats , Ot Qfl c ; ' Young Americas , 9K @ 9J4 'o ; Eggs Firm : fresh , " 22323c. Hides Steady ; light green salted , 0c ( dry calf , r > 5dc ; doacotis , each , 20c. ' Tallow StoadyVNb ; 1 solid packed , 4c ; No 2 , 3 , ' @ 3 > tfo ; o 4kp , 4K - Kccolpts Shlmnts " Flour , 13.000 10,000 Wheat ; . ' 117,000 27,000 Coru V' , ' . . . . . . 1G3.00D 201,000 Oats ! . " . . . . . 95.0M 272,000 N \v Yorlc Nov , 30. Wheat Hcccipts , 100,000 ; experts , 1'32 000 ; spot dull but firmer ; No 2 'f6d , SSjic in elo vntor ; SiJ QSSo afloat ; Sl QSlJf f. o. b. ; ungraded red , 77g ( 9c ; options dull nnd steady ; December blwu Corn IJecoipts , itt OOOs experts , 7,200 ; spot active nnd firmer ; No 2. 4J@42j.fc In elovntor ; 42a nllqatj ; ungraded miked , 40 @ 43o ; options dull , firmer Oats Ueceipts , 135.0JO ; experts none ; spot quiet , mid steady ; options i dull nnd lower : December • 23'gc ; spot No 2 white , 30B'rf,3lc ( , ; mixed western , 27@10c. Cotfce- Options ilosed"sibady and 5 @ 10 points down Dcceu.bwr , " S1B.79GS15.85 ; MayS15 80@15.0O ; spot Hio , dull.noiniual . ; fair cargoes , # 19.75. Sugar rirm Petroleum Qulot , steady ; United closed ut 31.03& for December Eggs Firm ; western , 27c. Pork Actlvo nt tll.00@ll.50. Lard Ouiot , easy ; western steam , f0.35 ; Hutter Firm ; wnstorn dairy , 9ig28c. Cheese Qulot ; western , 7KW10C Ht limiH Nov 80. Wneat Firm ; cash , 77 o ; May , bSJ c. Corn Iiregular ; cash , 28J4 1 ; May , 30c. Oats Dull ; cash , 20c ; May , 23Jic Pork Dull at ? 10.25. Lard Dull nt * 5.G5@5.75. Whlsky-51.03. Hutter Creamery , 20@32i > ; dairy , lS(220c. ( ; Cinolnnmi , Nov 30. Wheat F.rm ; ; No 2 red , ' 78c. Corn Strong ; No 2 mixed , 33c. Oats Steady ; No 3 , mixed , 22 'i'23c. ' W btskv-Sl.03. MUtv iii o < - , Nov 30. Wheat Firm ; ' cash , 72c ; May , 87 c. Corn bteady ; No 3. 20@20j c. Oats Steady ; No 2 white , 23J c. Hyo Quiet ; ; No 1 , 44J cHarley - Harley Dull : No 2 , i di-isyic Provisions Easy ; pork , * 9.20 , Knnsim Ciiv , Nov 30. Wheat Steady ; ' No 2 hard , cash , Gl"fcbld ! ; ; December , Clke bid bid.Corn Corn Qulot ; No 2 , cash , November , 1 2l ) ubia ; No 3 , cash , 2J o asked Oats No 2 , cash , 10 > io bid ; November and Docomboc , Ida bid . tnnuncius. . Nov 30. Sample wheat " Quiet ; receipts , 337 cars ; sjilpmonts , (50 ( cars Closing : No I hard November , 77 > 40 ; May , b4o ; on track , 78@78 > < o ; No 1 northern , No vember , 74Jtfo ; May , SlWo ; on track , 70'J@ 7(5 ( ? o ; No 2 northeru , November , 71c ; May , 78c Iilveroool , Nov , 30.--Wheat Firm ; demand poor ; holders offur sparingly ; Call fornia No 1 , 7s 3'fd per cental Corn Firm ; domnod poor lilVK friJok Uhlonco , Nov 30 , The Drovers'Journal 1 reports ns follows : Cattle - Hecelpts , 2.000 ; market slow and steady ; beeves , * 4.00@5.25 ; steers 1 , $2.S0@4.40 ; Blockers nnd feeders , tl.85@2 90 ; Texas cattle , * l.50@2.85. Hogs Koceipts , 10,000 ; market strong , but rlosed weak ; mixed , * 3.50 ( 3 80 ; heavy , M 503.b2Ki light , * J.45ft3.80 ( ; skips , t3.00 < a 3.40. Slioep Kocolpts , 3,000 ; market strong : natives , * .1.035c5.30 ; westerns , * 3 5o@4.40 ; Texans , * J,40@l:00 : ( lambs , tl.B0C 0.00. Kfiuu in i' _ tfnv ! tl.n.lt.tlnlnnnlnt < 3,700 ; shipinonts , Ui.wmarKot \ strong and higher ; natives , f-I.tllKrf4.85 ; cows , tl.C5@ 2.50 ; stockers nud feetlors , $2.30@3.1B. Hogs Kccolpts , (0,000 ( ; stilpmonts none ; market closed loworic light , * 3 02/ 1 < @ 3.07 > i ; heavy aDd mixed , if J 553J (55. ( Kloux City , Noy , , 30. Cattle Receipts , ISO ; shipments , 375y . market dull and un changed ; canuers , 75cUfl.2 ( ; ) ; co'.vs , * 1.00@ 2.15 ; Blockers nnd feeders , tl.20 ( < J2.90 ; veal calves , * i00@.1.15. ie Hogs Ueceipts , " 4B00 ; market closed weak ; light S150Wl.55 { ; heavy , t3A7liQ $ a55 : mixed $3.40(33.50. ( Nnlloiml Htonlci Ynrils , Ennt St Louih , Nov 30. Cattle Hocoipts , 700 ; ship incuts , 3,100 ; marJttt Atrong ; fair to fancy nutlvo steers , * 3.20TuJS0 ) ; stockers aud feed ers * 2,00 ( < > 1.30. Hogs llecolpts , 31000 ; shlpmonu , 1,000 ; mnrkot firm : hoavi\IS g3.W2i3.75 ( ; packing , f3.50@3.05 ; light , W.60M3.C5. " ' n"'i Tlio BmnlloHtrt'i-liilIiiK Press SM A firm on Wall strcot , Now Yorlc , lmvo in operation imd on oshlbltlon what ia probably the amnllost working jirintinff press in tlio world It is un IiiterohuiiKublo oyllndor nnd prints from u continuous roll , with a cut-oil. ItUbut Jii * inohekTii loiifttli and 71 inches in lioiglit its width in the widest part is loss than 7 inches In the olllces whom it Is in' use it bus boon uooessary to furnish broUorB and otbors a daily letter ot flimnciul news Until the invoutlon of thla mlniaturo press the service wns performed by the muni- fold system Nine manifolds , each working vorv rapidly , were required to perform the service , With this Ut ile lltrhtnlpir press , nftor the types are sot , liOO copies per minute of any cir cular can bo printed With the dynamo maohino lately attached , it has printed as high as 700 copio3 per mlnuto niSTORICAL GRADE FIGHTS _ _ How Omaha Soourod Her Mnguifl- cent Strooto _ _ _ _ _ STUPENDOUS CUTS AND FILLS , People Win ) Have llec" Slndo Illcti In 8p > Ito oT TlioinnctrCH The Ho- clnlmlne of Slxtooiult Street = r Knlslnc rropTty by Cuttlnij It Down , There nro but few of the iicoplo who have gnno into ccstaclcs ever the brand , hand somely paved streets of Omaha , who have nny Idea of the iuimcnsoalmost insurmount nblo dlnicultlos that were mot by the men who wcru nctlvo In brlnclng"about tills desir able eomlitioii of nfTnirs Thcro Is no city on the contlnout In which moro radical changes of grndo hnvo been mndo thnn in Omaha Nowcomcrs 111 Omaha will find It dlnlcult to ballovo that six years ago Jones street was the centre of a big stagnant pond of * wnter nil the year round , nnd that Slxtcentlf street north of Dodge was without curb lines or sidewalks ; was filled with trees , nnd was Impassable the greater part of the year , Yet such Is the case , nnd the history o f Iho tnd- leal changes that have been made In the city is nn interesting ono It Bhowsmoro thnn anything else the ofToit of good streets upon thu value of real estate , 'iho Hist attempt nt 11 radical change in gr.ido of an Omaha street was mndo by Sir A. Hanscom In 1871 , und ho inndo himself the most cordially hated mini in Oinulia when honttoinpted to make u big cut 111 the grade of St Mary's avenue past the convent property Ho was fairly smothered with injunction suits and was finally compelled to nccept a compromlso grndo that has never been changed much since und St Mary's uvcnlio is the quietest , dullest thorouchfarc Within thrco miles of the poitolllco today The work of establishing radical grndos throughout the city was fairly commenced In lS l , when Mr Audrew Kosowater was city engineer Jones street was then the bed of a crook and was filled over twenty foot at the point where the Humor hotel now stands All of the wholesale houses now 011 that street uro un ground that * was then purchased at $20 a front foot It is now worth at least $500 u front foot Heavy changes were made at that time in the grades of Thirteenth , Four teenth and Fifteenthstrcots south fioni t'nr- num to Jones At the same linio the final heavy cut was mndo nn Furnnm street Previous to lSfd there had been n cut of ton foot from the origiual surface of the ground Another ton-foot cut wns mndo in 1878 , and this crndo was maintained until 1883 , when Mr Kosowater recommended and the coun cil adopted a further cut or tncnty-livo feet nt the corner of Seventeenth street The order sot the peoplu wild , from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth street on b'arnnm , to meet this grade a fill of over twenty feet was re quired To mark this the city engineer had to use telegraph poles Peoplocnmo out in swarms , especially on Sunday , to giuo at these poles und romarlt what an outrageously mean thing it was for Engineer Hosewater to do Ho was abused in nil manner * of ways , and had a hard light to keep the council from going buck on their uctlon In supporting him E. L. Emory owned nbout S100 worth of property on Farnnm near Twenty-second. Ho fought the change and tried to stop the work by injunction proceedings Ho was overruled nnd was made rich in spite uf him self , the property being today worth at least $ JO,000. Some of thu loading men in the city opposed the change Dr Millerof the Herald voiced the sentiment of a very respectable following in protesting ngnmst cuttingdown the high grounds , which , ho maintained , should bo kept exclusively for residence streets Ho argued thut business would never extend west , but would cover the low c/rounds / east of the bluffs Dr Miller also opposed thu filling up of the creeks that crossed Omaha in various sections at that tlmo Ho has lived , however , to see the error of his ways The cut on Furnanl was made , however , and the benefits that have been derived are manlfsst on every hand Tno grade ot the street where The 15rh building now stands is now fuily fortv-flvo feet lower than the original Burfaco of the street at that point , whllo the other oxtrcmo Is reached bo ] tween Twentieth and and Twenty-fourth streets on Farnnm , where asewor which was laid In 1878 Is now nearly forty-eight feet boI I low the surfneo of the strcot In 1873 the grade of Dodge street , west of • ' Twoatleth , was established aud a fill of twelve feet made at the southwest corner of the high school grounds Later , when the proposition to make n radical change of the grade , making n cut of liftcon foot at Nine teenth street , came up beforn the counciltlio property owners from ono end of the street to the other protested against the proposed change as nn extraordinary imposition , but the council stood by the engineer , and the property owners nro now onlv sorry that the grndo was not even moro radical ! The heaviest cut ever made in a street grndo in Omnhawas four yoara ago , when Eleventh street , nt its Intersection with l'lorce , was cut down sixty feet , and a fill ot fortv-flvo foot made further south It was • the making of the property , however The property occupied by the B. & M. freight depot has been reclaimed from n swamp and was filled from ton to llfteon feet Seventh and Eighth streets were cut down nbout twenty-Ore foot and nro making two of the host business streets in the southern part of the city , streets that until two years ngo were impassable It was a hard light that made Thirteenth street a decent thoroughfare There were a number of 30 foot cuts thnt were made by • degrees nnd were not secured until after 11 vo years work In the council Elghtcouth street is ono of the nrottlcst thoroughfares In the city , but no longer than four years ago thcro was a big fight before the city could Induce the property owners to nllow n big ridge along Clark street to bo cut and a branch of the old creek south of ( Jharles street filled They fought it bard then but none of thom will now admit that they were opposed to the change Some of the now comers 011 Cuming street will bo surprised to know thnt in 1674 a strip of ground u mlle long nnd (5(1 ( ( feet wldo on Cuming street from Twenty-fifth to the city limits on the west was condemned for 11 county ! road nnd wns sold for thQ magnificent sum ot * 2MX > . The road wns In foar/ul shape , nnd had to bo graded nt nn enormous cost 1 Property along the street wm then worth nbout * - ' X > nn acre It is worth nt least $5,000 I nn aero now , Onoof the most bitter fights resulting from the 1 oponlng of the street was that made ngalnst 1 Hon W. J , Cotinoll , when ho made his light throe years ago for the grading ot Lonvcnworth j stroct from Sixteenth west to the city limits The strcot wns cut In mun.v places twenty foct and more , and the re inonstrnnccs in many Instances came in the form j of porsonnl obuso of Mr Connell The council ' stood by him , however , nnd against the wishes of many or the wealthiest prop erty , owners , gave thom one of the bcit streets 1i 1 of the city In every respect Datango suits i were stnrlod by the doou , but the benefits ] derived from the radical change of grade j were so great nnd so soon shown that none of the cases over c.uno to trial Mr O. W. Hamilton , or the United States bank , who was among the most bitter opponents of ' the radical change , said recently : "If wo dent ' look out that blanked Connell Will make us all ilch m spite ot ourselves " Hut the gicntcsttlmo wo had , " said Mr , Andrew Ko.iovvator , from whom the nbovo facts were secured , was when wo rescued Sixteenth street rrom a muddy country lauu and mndo a stroct ot It That wns only six years ngo , in I3S3. At that tlmo T. C. lim ner ran a little grocery store nt the corner of Sixteenth and Capitol avenue nud ho bus probably soon moro toatris mired down thnn nny ' mun nhvo The strcot wns a regular mudholc There wasn't a curb north of Capital uvenue T ho sidewalks were uuoven nnd none ot them moro than six feet wide Shndo trcos filled the street nnd fences in front of the houses frcqontly took up 11 third of ' the ftroni All attempts to get the street In shnpo were violently opposed Property owners claimed wo could not col lect sldownlk tnx or unv levy for street Im provements Finally Jim Urolghton , who wns chairman of the board ot publiu wonts , decided to adopt hereto measures , Wo wont In there with men nnd , before they could stop us by injunctions , hud the shada trees ( ' .ut down , curbing laid nnd were putting ' down ' sidewalks 'Wocouvlneedklckors thnt the city had a right to curry on Improve ments nnd they themselves were too well plensed with the results to carry on their lights It has been the same ever since Uudicnl grades hnvo been opposed wherever made , but the bonollts have ulways boon so great 1 that all opposition has been silenced " The Ki-nlty Mnrkct A cold wave of two days duration , the festivities attending ThnuKsglvlng and the neglect of buslnoss Invariably Incident to a city election wore three disturbing elements that would furnish an excellent excuse for n poor showing In real estate transactions Hut the realestato men of Omaha have no need of prosontliig any excuse for the results of the weeks business that wits closed Inst night The number of sales was largo nnd the prices extremely satisfactory The real 03tato 1 men nro jubilant The adoption of Iho uuion depot bond'proposltlon , the ulmnat cer tain adoption of the now bridge bonus , the commotion of a street railway system to South Omaha end a dozen other enterprises all 1 conspire to give the market au upward tendency I that no combination of bad weather , elections and croakers can check The ' following table shows the realty trans actions 1 of the past week as comp irod with the corresponding weak or Inst year : K1IAL ESTITU rllANSltlS ( Day 1838. 1880. Monday 851,601 $130,823 Tuesday 150.1515 24,115 Wednesday . . , * . . 33,137 57.883 " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " Friday . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . 20.210 ' 99.960 Saturday 85,037 34,430 Totals S2S2,2,10 ( 33S,222 'iiij iiiiiniinsr u. 'om-d. The building permits for the past week and the corresponding week ot last year nro shown by these figures : Dav 1SSS. 18S0. Monday $1,150 313,500 Tuosdrv 4,750 700 Wednesday 100 13(550 ( 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' * " " " ' " " ' Friday I ? . I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,050 500 Saturday ,100 M.359 ° Totals ? 2O,050 J49.70O The lollowlng figures show the amount of building permits issued for the cloven months of the present year ns compared with the showing of the twelve mouths of 1SS3 : 1889. 1883. Janunry S 82,201 , $ 49,100 , ! February 03,990 02,575 Maroh . . 400,070 135,575 April 445,807 477(545 ( May T 503,312 533,730 Juno 454b50 701,435 July 440.025 850,830 August 547,505 450,273 I September 581.115 • 30(5,2.55 ( October 505,045 3(53,255 ( November 332.095 . 182,0 5 December 153,060 > ' Totals . . * 4,403,410 M,770,3 S i The bank clearings for the month of November vembor Just closed , amounted to 518,013 I 724.50 as against S15,751,754.78 for the snmo . mouth last year The clearings for tbcpast | weclc were as follows : Monday $ 781.703 17 . Tuesdny 725,319 37 ' Wednesday 741,327 CO Thursday Friday b55.173 01 Saturday , 833,995 75 Total * 3DllUUy ! 69 , Ineroaso ever corresponding week of lust year , 21.2 percent AVIiy Illindl l'ni' < uis Seldom Smoke A pooulinritr nbout the blind is thnt there Is Boldom ono of thom who Binolccs Soldiers nnd sailors accus tomed to smokinpr and who hnvo lost I tholr sight in notion , con ti 11110 to smolco for n short whllo , but soon fjivo up the habit They sny that it gives thom no plcnsuro when they can not see the 1 Binoko , and bomo hnvo mild that they can not taste the smoito unless they see It This almost demonstrates tlio theory that if you blindfold n mnn in a room full of smoke , and put n lighted nnd an unllfrhted cignrin his mouth nltornatolj ho will tiolbo nblo to tall the difference THE MAIL COACH IN AUSTRALIA H AHocno of Lively Snolnl Kiollmncnl H In tlio Itnok HVttlompiits I H Although Now South Wales nnd Vto- H tnrin possess great main lines of mil j H way , systematically plnunod to reach H the remotest townships of the Interior , H ensh nt these colonics ImvlnguOw nbovo _ H two thousand tnllosot ratlrnml nrttinlly H working , whllo Molbotinic nnd Hydnoy l H nro connected by 11 line of 570 tnllos , ! _ _ H traveled in uluoteoit hours , the mails j H nro carried tn muny places by four horse _ H eduches , nud the tit-rival of those , with H Its few piissongurs und its uugorly ox- 5 H poctcd freight of totters nnd uowspa- H per * , is us.iully a scene of lively social H I oxcitemoiit among thcnsscmblcd'itihnbH tents of abac ! ; settlement H From the neighboring shooprunsniul B stations como iruntlomun driving tholr I H fust buggies , ' ' nnd boundary riders Her or stntlon huiids sent lo moot the mall , j H und perhaps minors tn ugold Hold dls- * H trict , to wait nt tlio appointed hour in il fl front of the little shod which servos for ' H a poslolllco as well as for a gouor.il shop i H or store and often for n romlMilo inn , l l providing supper and bed , or shako j l down for belnted travelers H Thostahlomau holds a Irosh tentn ot I i l hortps ready for the couch as It Mulshes i l the stage with 11 brisk gallop downhill , l H the driver bnuulMiliig iho whip to H l salute the little crowd of 111011 In unit i H lug at the stntlon Ton minutes will bo i l allowed for changing und fnreatlngiind | drinking lieTore the vehicle ngiitu sturti | on another run of llfteon or twenty I H miles , keeping up n nnco which could H only bo surpassed in the old country j H lltly yours ngo by the host examples 'f , 1 mall coach driving ; but serious ncei- H dents are very rare Tlio roads in the H colony are generally kept In good Condi- j | "llnwily" In Thirteen CouhhIoh j H ' • How do you deV Tliut's llngllah | aud American , How du von carry H yoursolty" That's French 'ltT.ow do H you stiino'r" ' That's Italian How do j H you find yoursoltV" That's Gorman j H How do you fnroV" That's Dutch , i H How can you " That'h Swedish How H l do you porsplroV" Thais Kgyptlan iflH Flow is your stomachV Iliivo you oaten ufB your rico i" ' That's Chlnoso "IIow do ' { B | youylivo onV" That's Hussian "Mnv thy shadow never bo loss ' ' That's 'flfl Porslnn "Hoxv ih your bodyV" Thnt's Turkish And all the nbovo mean the II same fll An other Hum Coliiohlenec 9 | II is a curious fuot that the wife of H Mr Chnndlor , ox-secretary of the navy , U should have heou n daughter of a ill former Senator Halo , whllo Iho wlfo of 4V | Senator llulo of the present dav Ih a ' vl daughter of a former Soorotary of the * M Navy Chandler No relationship ex- j | isls between the families Ono litis a M sou uomed Halo Chandler nnd the olhor j H a son named Chandler llulo M alio Great Hock Inland ltoute f k In changing time on Sunday , Ndv j H 17 , the Chicugo , Itock Island & Paeillo H Ity have considered every point of in- H | 1 crest to the Omaha traveling public H 1j 1 If you are going to Dcs MoinoaChicago , M j j or any point east , our solid vestihulo j H ) limited train is just what \ou want : : j | Leave Omaha l:2o : p. 111. arrive in Dos J H Moines i'j ) : ( ) p. m. nud Cliicugo8 : ' > ! 0 u. m. , | H dining car for suupor leaving Council M BlulTs and for breakfusL before reaching 5 H Chicago , This train Is also equipped 5 H with the finest sleepers und chair cars | | made by the Ptillmnu Co , which leave - , .i | from the U. P. depot , Omaha , every dny H at 1:23 : p. m. , making close connections ' | at Chicago with all trains for cnstcVn | pointH In addition tn this magnificent . | train wo have two other daily trains to < | Chicago , leaving Omaha at " ' .1:15 : n. m. | and 5:15 : p. m. Per tnforinntlou as to | routes , rates , time , etc , cali at ticket | nllice , 1305 Faruam strcot ; telephone J M 782. S. S. Stuvunb , | H Goncral Western Agent H , H THE REAt-TY MARKET Q IN3rilU.MKNr3 Dlacal on rdiiM dunnj | . yestdrdar ' H AVLBeltiy trustee , to-William Colfax , j M lots V. to1,21 to ! * , i0 ! toM \ nud 31. blk M 4. W f.Selby's 1st add to Bourn Omaha , 1 M wd ! 5(00 ( ' H William Colfax : to 15 Koblson lots 2S , UJ , I H 3l.tand34. : ! bite4. W I.Sclby'a 1st add J M to Soutti ( liiialis , w il 2,509 H William Oodiii 11 , shurlir , tn W A Kulin , M lotb , bis 1. tiouth Kxcnange plncc , wd 330 H Potteric Oolib tel Hmltnliury , s % lot fi , H lilkS , 1'otter A : Cobb's add , wil 113 _ H South Omaha Land company to ItT Afax- ; H well Iota Sand ll , blfji , Smith Onmlis , < H wd 2,000 B South Omaha fjinit company to SInry H Schultz lot 12 , Ink in , South Omuna.w a 000 M South Omaha Land cnnipsny to C M H Hunt , lots 5 and II , blk 21 , South Omaha , H wd 1,275 M AC Itobertson to A J Ifo e. lots 7 ana H t > . liltt ( I , .Meyers , ltlclmrds to Tlldons' ' , jH dd.wd l.W ) H Union Stock Ynrils company to N Olsen , k B lot Id , blk 11,1st add to south Omaha , wd 300 H PA llarrett nnd wire to Krtward Gilford , - B lot I ) , bile 3. W I , Selby'B lstadd to bout ll ' H Omaba.wd 500 John It HurK'i'U7.1o nnd wife to II l' JlttthlB lot 14. blk 11) . WiilliutlUll wd , . .250 Gate City Land Co to II M Ulead , lots 8 , V . nnd 10. blkt ) . llowllnKIrecn wd 1.S09 fll A Saundots und wlfo to M K Clark , lot 17 , - , blk"iI , "Snundt'rs &HlUH'baughsadd , \ \ A 400 -H J SSIilnabai-KertoJ O Montgomery , lots M 11 and 1IjIk Uli , Dundee phico wd . . . U.C00 1 WJ I'alto K JumlRBon , part lot IX , blk2 , 'H ' .ilamo l'lu/u , wd 3,003 H W J l'anl to John Davidson , part lots 18 - : und ill , blkS Alamo IMarn , wil 3,000 ' K H 1'iencli , exoriitor , toll I * Ili'inle' , lots - H landU , lilk lt "Shinn'B' dndd < | cd . . Sia JOIsnntoMulrAcOaylord Uxltitoot ud- . Jolnlmr lot B , blk IIU [ { , Omaha , q 0 d . . 1 IH City of Omalm toJOlsen HxlJJ rnetnd * H joiulnir lot 15. btk 1UIH. Omaha , nod , . . 501 H 1 , Oerrard nnd nlfe 10V ifartln , lots 1 to ; H W , blkO , l'ulllun plaoo , nod , , 1 . ( I Xncnty-onotransfors , at'gre atlng.'ll.l- ) H OMAHA COMMllROIAL OOLLEGE M COR 18TH AND DODGE ROHRfciOUOH BROS PROPRIKTORS , ] C 1 Is ' Ij j , noimnoucn If ,1 , G. A. ROimnOUGH , Kng Uopt # , fl M. G. ROHRBOUGH , Prin ronmunshlpDopH , This institution , during the past year , hits achlovcd the most wondor/ul enccess of any wostoru college RoTTrbough > 11 Bros , havo'provided the host facilltios aud sought the bobt intoro&ta of pupils There nro now 175 unrolled in Day SJH School , and the number will exceed ifflO by December 15th. The fluoat actual business department west of Chicago , fa J'llW provided for nractical drill A Leoturo Course and Literary eooioty uro provided free Day students attend night tH ! bchool free , There are six regular teachers The college has the finest display of poninaushlp Prof L. , T. itolir- bough ha9 few equals in the line al ponranuship Board furnished students for three hours work per day Moro than KM IK ) per cent of these In uttondiinco pay board In this1 way Next week now classes will bo started for now students in all 'tUI ' ( lepartinents You cun enter at any tlmo , The short hund and typo writing department Is the host in the btnto The Jfjl corresponding slylo is ) omitted , thus sivlng the stndont two or thrco months time Practical ollico drll glvon each HIIH student Students write from CO to 100 words per minute in three months Over 40 students now taking those l il brunches Prof Moshor is the most successful teacher of shorthand wo have over known Over 40 students of the Ulfl shorthand department hnvo boon placed in positions within iho past few months , besides inuiiy bookkeepers -Wk Ifoti , desire to obtain a thorough commercial training , if you want to attend un institution which will bo a crodlt dEl to you aud help you to a situation , bo sure nud attend the Omaha Commercial College lB Wo teach shorthand by mall and guarantee satlbfaotion JM Visit the college next week Send for oirculnrsnnd a beautiful spoolinon of ponmanfahip IB ADDRESS , ROHRBOUGH BROS , COR l&TII AND DODGK STS , OMAHA , NUB M