Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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| i .in mi i 1.1 i ii i i i | n , in i - i i in i . i , , , , i i i Mi l . . i n i i , , | | . i i i n l fl
m 16th and Douglas St ( MBltC J baaaffi WUJIIjy _ _ _ 5 _ I
" Have Yod Invited "T Cm nil KAIFIIKOPK fif lURfJM II
been Received and
are y >
' Mll ! llllLWm 1 L 01 MlMiI ,
MN' MlMi\ \
to Attend liie Grand Opening , on .
iF Sj R f W W \ \ Altogether too numerous to mention in this ad M
ml f Call and see us if you want the best value for
II J n E % d A S l m
* < sssi i fe • barb : , 's ' m'f mSVi N" - • BTlle wollerfiil ( scenic and mechanical disI
Hi TT ' ,
_ _ _
H Oflloors Selected to Boar the Honors
H < " of the Coming Term
H * The l'jtliian Club unil Its OMoith
P Hi ! Doln s ol the Uaustitcrs of" He-
P B ; brlcnli District Lodge I.
Hv O. G. T. Notes
H > K , OF P.
H > fl • ' Tko following is n complete list of the ofll-
RbH cars elected by the various lodges during
RbB' , the past week to servo during the ensuing
Rlflf" Violu No gO-C. C , Jnincs A. Fnris ; V.
Rlflf C , J. L. Alvisoir , P. , F. Clifford ; M. of E. ,
RRRRr A. O. Hunt ; M. of F. . D. II Chusttu ; M. at
. , A. . J. A. Slauglaml ; trustee , A. Gunstor
| B Mnruthon No SU-C. C O. W. Juy : V , O. .
RIB * V. A. Johnson ; PC L Conine ; It P. and
RRRRr S. , J. W , Uobb ; M. of i : . Prod Mutou ; M.
RBI of P. , J. S. Stone ; M. at A. , H , L. Hoi Hey ;
11 ' trustee , William Berg
R1H Virclnlus , No 05-U. C , W. A. Hostottor ;
V. C. , It A. Thompson ; P. , J. Henry Erie ;
RRRRk M. of P. , W. . Wholiin ; M. of P. , J. P.
RBbI" Wolund ; K. It mid S. . A. K. Kulp ; M. at
RRRRr A , , Pranlc Kommors ; trustees , J. T. Dallcy ,
RRRRI i E. IC Drown , P. 13. Hravton
RRRRI r Myrtle No , 2 C 0. , James Dounolly , Jr ;
HBbT' binotK It and S.V. . C. Wagner ; M. of
RRIw P. . , William Durst : M. of P. , O. M. Bnch-
HRRRRj uuin ; M. at A. , George W. Kastnmn ; trps-
RRRRK ; too , II Knodcll
RRRRRjE , Planet , No 4 C. C , Julius Tieltschko ;
RRRRRif V. C , Joseph Montug : P. , Mlchuol Kopp ;
HBk ; IC li and S. , Charles L. Smith ; M. or K. ,
RRRRH - . Jnoob Pranlc ; M. or F. , Samuel Motz ; M. at
RRRRBA. . , Charles Stongla
Nobrasku , No 1 C. C John Haywnrd ;
RbbPK V. C. , J.V. . Mallouo ; P. , II It Drown ; K.
RRRRR11 * It , nnd S , Charles J , Johnson ; M. of K. , M.
, , Toft ; M. of P. , II M. Horner ; M. ntA ,
| iHi > H Joseph Withcrnw
' : Knterprlso , No TO C. C , James 11. Iiulla ;
I B' ' ' V. aV. . II Uari > cr ; P. , Georga W. Hall :
! ' ' IC H. and S. , Jumos P. Hnyos ; M. of 12 ,
P | ML Pranlc 11. Marshall ; M. of P. , T. C. Marsh ;
b i 21. nt A. , C. Ucblngcr
| H | Pailc , No C.'J-C. C , T , . L. Unbb ; V. C ,
Kl , Jl-1 - Over ; P. , II Clements ; IC It and S. ,
| H | , W. H. II Wood ; M , of ItichnrdTl aitl ;
i HI ; , M. of P. , W , II Woods ; M. at A. , eo
i Hjf llartloy
§ | HF ; Jan litis , No 6 C. U. V. L. Vodieha ; V.
H- ! C-i Joseph Novate ; P. , It V. Mlskowslcy ; IC
fw 11. nnd S. , J. CcrmnK ; M. or K , A. Kmi'iit ;
P Hii M. of P. , M. 1) . Lctovslcy ; M. ut A. , A.
K ' Moluhcrs
| | Hv' Mt Shasta No 71 C. C , John S. Wliln-
B nor : V. C , W > S. Murr ; 1' . , K 1 . llnwe ;
| HY K. H. iiiiclS , J. a Mltehell ; M. of K. , W.
I l l P. Stoewcl ; M. of P. , Charles II , Howes ;
| | H M. at A. , A. C. Kuar
I IH Trluuglo No 51-C , a. U. H. Hateouibo ;
IliH V , a. I. N. Uuill ; P. . W. W. Quill ; IC It
| | H-t and S , II It Wcbor ; M. of K. , A. P. WoltT ;
| | H , M. of P. , J. A. Patrick ; M. nt A. , Lea N.
| | h Vatcs
| | H * Oriole No TCi-C , 0. , P. J. Saclcett ; V. C ,
| | H • 1) . V. Corto ; P. , U U. Hour ; K. 1L and S. ,
H P. II 7.iunncrmaii ; M. of 12. , W. G. Perfect ;
| | H , M. or P. , W. A. Haundors ; M. at A. , W. W.
, MoMulIou
i i H Forest , No 81-0. C John Mcltao ; V , C.
' - G. I ) . Aiuistrong ; P. . diaries UtnnoliU ; M.
| | Hf' ' of H. , 0. A. Olsen ; IC It , & A. , Viuny
k Good Humarltuu , No ' .17 0. C. K. H.
i IBi Illose ; V. C. , W. T. P. Wood ; P. , NJ
P | Hr Pdholm ; AL of P. , N. II Kelson
| | H At the nicotine of York loJgo No 17 last
| | H Monday evening the following oOlcerswero
; - elected for the ensuing \o r ; C C , , ' ! ' ,
| | H P.ddy llcanett ; V , a. J. L. ICIldow ; P. ,
| | Hi ) PnrUer Kills ; IC of It nnd 8. of M. of P. ,
I I V W. K. Day ton ; M. of E. , O. Prold ; M. of A.
H . . < . - J. H. Cowoll ; Trustee N. P. l'lersou ; U , 1 > „
P P pt < A. J , Hell
P P PW' Omaha dtvUion No 13 has carried off the
P P H honor * in the chancellor commander line ,
P P K , , haviiig in its ranks luu members who have
P P H boon olevatnd to that position lu the elections
H ' held during the past week , namely : W , A ,
H liostctter , James Dounolly , Jr , and John
P P pi llayward , ulectad Ulthut chairiu Virglnius ,
H My rtlo and Nebraska respectively ,
R R RB ' , Trlanglo lodge is rapidly acquiring a ropu >
pp ppv
tution for doing the best work of any lodge
In the city or state The utmost eire is on-
orcised iu all the affairs of the loilgo to com
ply otrictly with the Pythian law with j , very
beneficial effect upon the potsonnel This is
tne lurgost lodge in the city , bslng the only
ono in Omaha which is represented in the
errand lodca by delegates It U the inten
tion of Trlanglo to hnvo a publlu Installation
of olUcors the llrst week In January , which
will bo u decided Innovation In Pi thiau mat
ters in this state
On flcccmoor 19 the Pythian halt associ i-
tlon will hold a grand opening and enter
tainment for the purpose of raising funds to
assist in defraying the expenses connected
with the llttiug up of the inagnltlcont hull
in the Puxton clock The entertainment
will comprlsa literary and musical numbers
by first-class talent both in and out of the
order , and will bo hold in the now ledge
room Tno programme will iucludo a dance
to bo hold In an adjacent hall Aside from
the pleasure uffordnd by attending this en
tertainment , every knight should feel In
duly bound to assist this enterprise in every
way in his power The Sir Knights comiios-
Ing the Pythian hall association have done
wonders in the way of providing an olosrant
hall for the onlor , aud they should I'ecelvo '
the heartv support ot every member wno is
interested in seeing the order lifted out of
the old rut
- Mjrtlo No 3 had two nppllcitions fet
membership at their last twolng
Planet No 4 had two implications also , and
will confer the.raulc of pjgo on two candi
dates tomorrow ovuning
S. IC of It & S. Hushnoll reports tint ho
has rocolvcd applications for petition blanks
Tor forming new lodges from Mr Udhnliaof
Omaha , uud from Vesta , Johnson county
gOmaha division No 12 , U. It , gave a bull
uud supper at Goodrich hall Wednesday
evening The hall was hanusoiuoly decor
utod by ontwimng the tour pillari with ttio
national colors nnd ( Imping an Immense ling
in the center ot the hall The hnudsotnu
banner of the division and the second regi
ment colors wciu conspicuous at the musicians
cians' stand The attendance was largo and
select Captain John Havward ofllclatcd ns
master of coremomos , and was as thorough
in the arrangement of details ns bo Is iu
matters pertaining to the drill and conduct
of his division Ho was ably assisted In his
offorta to make the ontertuinment a success
by the following committee of arrangements :
Sir Knights Dr H. It Weber , II W. Snv
der , W. S. Stuart , I. N. GuiU , Alfred Wolff
Tlioso gentlemen attended strictly to busl
n ' ess and neglected no detail which would
contribute to the comfort and enjoyment ot
the guests A delicious suppir was served
in the banquet room about midnight , consist
ing of oyBtors , turkey , pto
Lily division , No , 8 , gave auothor of tholr
very cnjoyablo parties in Metropolitan hall
Tuaukbgiviiig eve Thu attendance was all
that could possibly be desired , both In point
of numbers and In character The bull was
well filled with Sir Knights in full uniform
and tholr friends A Now Knglund luncheon
was served Oeforo milulght , utter which
dancing was icsuuied with reuewod zest
Ilnyul Miikoniti Kite ,
A chapter of the Itoyul Masonic rlto has
been instituted In St uouls by a deputy
grand roproiontaiivo sent from Hoston for
that purpose The Hcyul Masonic rite is a
confederation of the Hito of Mlzruin , the
Kgvptlan Masnnlo Rite ot Memphis and the
Ancient and Primitive ) rite , whloh was ao-
compllsbed nt a convention bold In itoston ,
December 8 , 18Si. At this convention there
were 1,007 mouibeiu ( roprosontlng every
working body In the United States ) present ,
and it was unanimously voted to ignore all
former charters , una cou Ututo and proclaim
themselves the Uniou sovereign sanctuary
of the Iloyal Masonic rite , controlling all de
grees above the third , heretofore knowu us
Egyptian Masonry Darius Wilson , M. D „
ot Uoston , Mass , is the grand master gen
The Iloyal Masonta rite should not bo cou-
fouudod with the Scottish rite , about which
there ban boon so much controversy , as no
connection whatever exists , and while the
Iloyal rite Is virtually new , as a matter of
fuel it has been introduced in this country
lu some form ou several occasions , and
muny ot the prominent Masons of this city
tiavo attended the nlnoty-rjftti degree
N. M. 8.
MooUh Toraplo of St Lou's ' , It P. Nel
son , illustrious potentate , hold a regular
meeting on Wednesday evening , with sit
tecu nobles present It was decided to liavo
the special session for work on December 4.
on which occasion a largo number of novices
will cross the hot sands A number of 10
hcursnls wore ordered
The Sin mo temples o New York city and
Chicago luivo the O G. " attachment , ' and
the nobles of Tangier touipla should see that
a branch is established in Oranlu
An Important I'otnr ,
A very interesting decision has been
bnndfd down by .Tudgo Clifford of Chicago ,
which is ono of great moment to members of
benevolent Insurance compauinj The case
involved the point of whether a person mpy
retain membership iu the supreme lodge era
a sociotv , though he has been suspended or
expelled from subordinate lodge The
ease came up in the suit ot Mrs Bertha
Dahlbcrg ugnlnst the supreme lode.0 of
ICniahts of Honor to recover the death
bonoflt duo her In case her husband nt the
time or his demise was a member lu good
standing Danlberg Joined Chicago lodge
No SUJ , Knights of Honor , in 18bi , nnd for
souio time continued to pay bis dues Some
dispute over u sick tioiiefit caused trouble
nnd ho failed to pay his next assessment
The subordinate lotlgo dropped him from tlio
toll , but In Its iciulltinco to the supicmo
lodge i.i ido up Dahlbeig's deficiency nnd
sent its full quota of the assessment Dahl
bcrg died uud a domnna was male for the
Insurance money , wnich was refused
Judgment tvas rendered in favor of Mrs ,
Dahlberg for SHVJi
i > . or ii
The oflkers of the Hobeccu craiul conven
tion clotted ut the i ccont session nro as fol
lows : Mrs B L. Armstrong , Omaha , presi
dent ; Mrs , ITeaton , Lincoln , vice president ;
Mrs , LTttluy , O'Neill , secretary ; Mrs Hoag-
land , North PIntto , treasurer ; Mrs Sadie
Wi Ight , Omaha , Mrs J. 11 West , Omaha ,
and Mrs Williams , Lincoln , representatives
to the grand sovereign lodge ; Mrs Hagy of
Nu IV , first warden ; Mrs Pluggor No US ,
Omaha , second warden ; Mrs Hurgcr of No
SO , Hebron , conductor ; Mrs ltUhbun of No
30 , chaplain ; Mrs , Hunoook of No D5 , pace ;
Mrs Hates of No 40 , inside ganrdl.ui ; Mrs ,
PurrUhof No , 40 , outside guurdinn
On Docoinoer 0 Ivy lodge No 33 , Daught
ers of Itobekah , will give a full dress party
at Goodrich hull The olllcers and members
to u largo extent of both the grand lodge
and grand convention of Nebraska have
been invited to attend , and many of thorn
hnvo signified their intention to ultond In-
vitntious to the number of about ono hun
dred outstilo of the dlffuront Omaha lodges
huvo been Issued Tuts party promises to ba
ono or the tlnest given in Omaha It will bu
strictly un invitation affair , and preparations
huvo buon In progress soma time to make it
a sucloss in every way '
Kutli ledge , No , l.gavo a reception at their
ball l'banksgiviug uvoning In honor of Sis
ters Osborne , Wright aud Llvosoy and Dep
uty Grand Muster John Eyaus There was
u largo turnout und the reception was a suc
cess in every way Not the least cnjoyablo
part of the programme was the splendid sup
per which had boon upread la the anto-iootn ,
whloh was uttucked with n will Dancing
was the order ot the evening
• Mrs Ilea , presldout of the national con
vention of the Daughters of Iteboknh , is vis
iting the lodges ot that branch of thu order
nt Sprlngtlold , 111. , by invitation for the pur
pose ot instructing them in the unwritten
work She goes from there to Jacksonville ,
111 , , for the same purpose , also by Invitation ,
I. O , O. I\
The following Is a list ot oflloers elected
by-tbo various lodges last week , for the en
suing term :
Hojperinu Encampment . P. , C A. Pat
terson ; S. W , , I. L. Van Horn ; H. P. , T. J.
Evans ; J. W. , Mads Johnson ; S , D. I * Mori
gan ; treasurer , George A. Uennott ; trustees ,
Silas Wright , W , II Wilds , M. Hypiuski
State Ledge , No 10. N. GVC J , John
on ; V. U. , P. 8 , Sivanson ; secretary , P.
A'anStrand ; treasurer , M. Goldrfmith ; trus
tees , Henry Jackson N. H. Helm P. L. Carr
pentor ; ball association , Henry Jackson , N ,
H. Helui , D , llarloou , , . . _ .
Omaha ledge , No 3-N , G. , L L. Van
Horn ; N. G. , D. L. Morgan ; secretary , C. A.
PatterRoutreisurcr ; , P. B. Bryant ; trustees ,
J. P. Shcoly , (5. A. Bennett , Silas Wright ;
hall association , P. B. Bryant , E. Stuht , B.
C. Cooker
Keystone lodge , No 15. N. G , . Back ; * .
G. , Andy Talloroohus ; secretary , E. E.
Davis ; treasurer , C. A. Olseu
Golden Link ledge , No 38 , D. of ItN. . G. ,
Tillio , Chrlstenson ; V. G. . Ada E. Plagg ;
secretary , Carrie Smith ; treasmor , S. A.
South Omaha Ledge N. G. , Zlba Craw
ford ; V. G. , James Carlm ; secretary , C. W.
Glynn ; treasurer Prank Scykora ; trustees ,
Zaclt Cuddlugton , David Anderson , J. II
Goodrich ledge ball association will give
another dancing party and oyster supper nt
their hall on Saunders street next Wednes
day ovcnlng " These parties are given for
the bonoflt of the ball fund nnd the price of
admission haa been fixed at50 cents
1. O. G. T.
The district ledge Independent Order of
Good Templars met at Fairmont , November
'JO and 27 , with the tolloiving district ledge
ofllcers present : O , L. Brown , D. P , Ches
ter ; A. A. Whitman , D. C , Fairmont ;
Louis ilotnpcs , D S , Chester ; W. D.Grcon ,
D. Tr , Do Witt ; Mtittto Carmichael , D , Ch ,
Do Wilt ; Norn Drulliugor , D. A. S „ Chester ;
Etta Wllkiuson , D. D. M. . and Grand Chief
Templar A. M , Waltingor Leigh ; Mr Hawk
and Miss WlilmpU or DeWitt ; Mis O. L.
Hroivn , Miss Wilson , Misses Drulliugor and
C. F. Heaoll wore thodelegatos and visitors
An open session was held Wednesday
evening und n largo audlonco was well un-
tortained A good programme was given
and Grand Chief Walling delivered an ex
cellent address ,
Kiilehts TVmplnr
( tVmllimcd frwn Inst tiumlay , )
They wcro si monod to the great councils
of the church I rodorlclc IL's persecution
of their order was ono of the main causes of
his excommunication lnl'i.19 , and his last will
enjoined a restoration of their estates Tholr
property was scattered over every country of
Chrlstondom , from Denmark to Spain , from
Ireland to Cyprus Before the middle of the
thirteenth century Matthew Purls reckoned
thqlr manors at 11,000. Soma fifty years carl
lor their income from Armenia olono was
equal to $44,000. Both in Paris and London
their houses were used as strongholds tor the
royal troasur 'ju/Jd / kings looked to them for
loans when lo , jflnunclal straights , In the
Spanish poulnsula they occupied a peculiar
position , aud more than ono icing of Aragon
Is said to have"bceu brought up unuor their
discipline ' ,
Such \verortho power and wealth of the
Templars when PhiJIp IV , of Franco accused
them of heresy nnd worse offenses , had them
arrested in VM nnd forced thorn to confess
by tortures of 'tljo most excruciating kinds
Five years liitfcr the order was suppressed
by decree of tn6'couucll of Vienna and Its
goods transferred to the hospital of St John ,
The vi dor catifisted ot knights chaplains
and men-nt-urms. The knights were bound
for lite or for u fixed pciiod nnd woie the
only members entitled to wear the white
mantle "IhoyMrro obliged touttend relig
ious services dailji ahoy were allowed but
two meals u dsjtund moat but thrice a week ,
Every brother owed the most absolute obo-
dlencu to the master of the order and was to
go wherever his superior bade him without
delay "as if commanded by God " Thej
were to dress iu woolen goods , wear their
hair short , and u rough beard became one of
the distinguishing marks of the order
They were controlled by the strictest dis
cipline , which prescribed the form of ovcrr
act of their life , their clothing , and associ
ates Thu brethren ot the Tomnlo wore ex
horted to shun the kuu ot every woman ,
whether maid or wldow ' mother , aunt or sls- ;
tor , The general spirit of the Toniplar stat
utes romaiuod unaltered to the end At tbp
time of its suppression It was calculated to
number 15.0000 members
PhiliD IV of Franco had secured the elec
tion of Clement V. as pone by his gold and
lulluonce , and this pone lent hlmsoTf to hi
purposes In 1300 the popa summoned the
grand master from Cyprus to Frunco-Janio
do Molul obeyed the call , aud hearing of the
charges against his order domanacd a
prompt examination Clement was urged on
by Philip , who was determined on the dc
struction of the Templars
Finally Philip issued an order for the ar
rest of all the Templars in Franco , aud do
Molal wus Buizcd , with sixty of his brethren ,
in Paris Tne inquisitors began their work
at once , nnd inhuman tortures forced the
most horrible avowals from tLs lips of many
In Paris alone thirty-six Templars died of
torture Of 140 Templars examined at Pans ,
the oxporloaco of seine of whom extended
over nearly half a century , there Is hutdly
ono who did not admit the dishonoring of the
crucifix at his reception , nnd many others
confessed to charges of the worst descrip
tion Clement V. , although ho suspended
the inquisitors powers In Franco , wrote to
Edward II to arrest all tno English
Tomplars , which was accordingly done
The trial of the Tomplais began in April ,
1310 , nnd n month later fifty-four of them
were burnt bv order of the Archbishop of
Sens , and a few days later four raoro worn
met by the same fate Clement and PniUp
had como to terms nnd the former con
domuod the Tomplars , and when thut pontiff
delivered his sermon against thorn Philip
was at his right hand The order was never
formally pronountod guilty of the crimes
laid to its charge , but many wore burned ut
tUo stake us a result of Philips ' hatred
The opinion that the monstrous charges
brought ugalnst the Templars were false ,
and the confessions were only extracted by
torture , is supported by the gcnoral results
of the Investigation carried on in almost
every country outside of Fiance , us councils
cxistct where the prejudice against them was
not so strong as in France
The con ncction between Templarism and
Masonry dates from thu time of the persecu
tion of the order under Philip the Fair ,
when tl > o English und Scotch Toinplurs
Jolnod the Freemasons lodges , and ns 11 vo
Knight ! could consccrato a convent and cro
nto Knights , they did so under the shield of
Masonic lodco rooms The order with ull its
secrets wus thus handed down to the present
time It is said that this association of the
Tomplars and MnsonB at the tltno of the
formers persecution led to the grnftlngupon
the ritual of the working craft of considera
ble eastern imagery and signs and symbols ,
many pf the latter being today a protection
to travelers through the hostllo til bos ot the
east.Tho order of the Knights of the Red
Cross , which is the first of the Templar degrees -
groes conferred under the present Masonic
working , is founded upon incidents con
nected with the building of the second tem
ple , aud which are said to hava taken place
during tbo reign of Darius I. , son of
Hystnspls , king ot Persia Many historians
bcliuvo Hystaspis to bo Ahasuorus , who dis
carded Vushtl and took Esther to bo his
wife This order Is more Intimately con
nected with Freomusonry than Is either of
the other two orders of Knights Templar ,
Tholr sessions nro held in a council cbumbor ,
culled the Hall of tbo East , aud the gather
ing ot tbo Knights represents an assemblage
of rulers and princes which was held at
Hubylon Tbo ritual of the order provides
that the room shall bo lu/nlshed in oriental
splendor , with red drapery and the blazing
sun ot.Porsla behind the sovereign master
For the latter , known also as the eminent
commander , is prescribed a costume of royal
scarlet or purple robes , with Persian crown
und golden scepter , Thu cnancollor or gen
erallfslmo wears a yellow and green roba
and turban , a broad purple glrdlo around his
waist and a Persian sun upon his breast
The master of the palace , or the captain general -
oral , wears green robes and turban , u broad
rod sash about bis waist , a sua on his breast ,
and is armed with a sword
i. o. o. r.
Urothor John Medolo , P. G. M- , makes a
good point against the action ot the sovereign
grand lodge In the lata legislation of that
body allowing subordinate lodges to omit
mooting * which fell on legal holldajs , says
the Ilbchesier , N , Y. , Herald He justly
claims that such a law , before It ran become
operative , must first bo sauctloued by tbo
grand lodge , which alone has control of the
meeting of the subordinate , nnd ho gives
oino pertinent points in which the subordin
ate ledges are deeply Interested The chief
point Is tbo payment of dues If the mooting
falls on a legal holiday and Is omlttod and a
member cornea to pay his duos , and Is de
barred because the lodge Is uot In session ,
and that member is taken slek the law ot the
sovereign grand lodge declares that ho is not
entitled to benefits because ho did not pay
his dues in il.o lodge Now if the ledge
Ulogallv omits a meeting of this kind
without the pcinilsslcn of the grand
ledge , then the benefits must bo
• pild the same ns If the brother
hnd paid his dues The same rule applies to
the time of electing oflloors Wo give the
following case : Christmas this j oar false on
Wednesday Suppose Plornl lodge , whlirh Is
required by the constitution to elect ofliccry
on that night , should conclude to omit the
meeting becausu it win a holiday , nt what
other time could the ofllcers bo legally
elected ) The Bntuo law also affects the time
ot nuioudmg the bylaws , wnich must lav
ever two weeks after being proposed , and
are required to bo acted upon at the third
mooting Suppose u member of Floral or
Humboldt ledge otlors an amendment on the
11th day ot December nnd the lodge omits to
hold n meeting on both Christmas and Now
Years , what can ba done with thu pionosod
amendments ! These points ate of vital in
terest to each subordinate ledge and also
each subordinate encampment , nud ns
Brother Meilolo s ivs the ledges would do
well to hesitate In taking advantage of the
privilege direct from the sovereign grand
It bus been ostituatod that the order pays
fO ovury mlnutu for the relief of the dis
tressed , which shall lng hns no parallel cither
in scctaiiau or non-sectari.iii bodies ,
o. or i. u.
This order meets in A. O. U. W. hall on
the first nnd second Tuesday evenings ot
each mouth A. P. Houck is the chief Justice
Election of ottlcera for rext year , commenc
ing with January , will bo held nt next meet
ing The active Tcombors , as they become
more acquainted with Its work , are
becoming quito enthusiastic The ol
der bus nothing to do with life Insur
ance , nor does it interfere with other fra
ternal societies Any white person ,
between eighteen nnd sixtv-livoj ears of ngc ,
of good moral character , mny hoconio a
member and bo Immediately Initiated , if
duly qualified It costs only $ . " > , including
initiation fee , iiiomb".rshlp ccrtificato nnd
medical examination Sovnn years Is the
limit of momborshlp , nnd 1,000 the limit at
the umouut of the ccrtificato issued any
member , is paid at the end of seven eurs
Assessments on $1,000 nro $ . ' . ! > . ) or piopor-
tionntcly on utnounU of two , four , six , eight
hundred dollars nnd averaging uot to exceed
twenty usscssiuonts per year
The Pythtnn Club ,
The Pythian clubwlnch was contemplated
by tbo members of the Pythian hall associa
tion when they commonccd the nrraugoments
for the now Pythian castle hall , has been or
ganized and the following officers elected ;
Grand Chancellor J. C. Mncfarlutid , presi
dent ; Colonel J , A. Brown , first vlcu prcti-
dent ; Captain John Htiywurd , second vice
president ; Charles E , Currier , third vice
president ; Will Seism , secretary ; J. C.
Lalng , treasurer
The club Is organized for purely social
purK ] > scs and will bo composed of members
of the order Any Knight in good iitauding
is eligible to membership Applications for
membership liavo boon rccoivod from u num
ber of knights In vnrious parts of the state
The club will exerclsogreat diacrotlon In the
admission of- members and will do careful
to select good material
No bar or Uquoru will bo allowed in the
club rooms The club rooms will ba fitted
up with a billiard ttiblo and card tables ,
newspapers will bo provided , nnd nu exten
sive library will bo put into the rooms for
the use of the members
The iulliutloii fee for udmlsslpn to mem
bership lu the club has been fixed nt 810 , but
this will bo Increased to IJ-1 after January 1.
o. a. h.
Manner lodge , No , 0 , Order of the Golden
Shore , initiated live new members at Its
meeting last Wednesday night , und has the
names of several prominent men upon the
roster It gives reason to believe that it will
be in fact as well as Iu nauio the banner
ledge of the order Dr Kobnstamm was
elected the physlclau of the lodge
Past Supreme President Itothcnstuin left
last Sunday for Chicago and Michigan upon
urgent business conuocted with the order
He expects to return In a few weeks
t , O. V.
Court Ecllpso , No 107,1 , O. P. , holds its
third annual ball nnd banquet at Metropoll1' H
t n hall December 10. At its next meeting Bl Pfl
December ( I , two cundldatcs will rldo the nlP H
goat Court Eclipse has entered upon a boom l < PlH
era its existence und is receiving new and i !
vnlimblo accessions to its moiubsislilp ut 'M '
each meeting II PJ
CONMJltlAIillirS jifl
The proud Illinois man who would not la ' } H
his daughter marry n congressman should Jill
bo presented to the Pan-American delegates j > H
usnsamplo of the high-minded fathers of llM
North America f' ' RPl
She Why do you look so unhappy , 'ffl l
George i Dent you know wo nro ono , now ! • (
Ho Yes , I'vo heard that bo fore , but when 'Pjlfl
it cornea to paying the hotel bill the landlord tPH
doesu't seem to think so I'fl RJ
Prof Stargaiza ( enraptured ) And you Yl H
really love mo ? I thought your heart boP.fPH
longed to that scapegrace boy of mine Lucy < , ( )
No , It is you , j ou dear old gnose And IllH
then as n man of hcIouco I thought vofl IfPH
would liku mo to show you a totul ecllpso lllH
ot the son liRB
' ' .My clear " snM Mrs Heiio.wnnon to her i RJ
spouse , ono dav ut dinner , the doctor eays J
that ono should not think about business f
matters ut meal timesus It impairs digestion §
and injures the health Pray , dear , what do !
you think about when we sit down tomi'alsl" ! > §
"Swootcst , " replied tbo old man , "L only plfl
think about cho.v | " And Mrs Honeymoon ; H
put her arms at ound his neck , und kissed O'lS
Adam Kcnklo and August i Krankauor , of VU
Minnesota , wore to have boon married Iu JMa
nu unguarded moniont Adam wworo nt u ! §
Sunday school picnic Augusta fainted und ftH
was sick for somodays Iu consequence , bjing , ! '
delirious most of the time She swore most R'U
awful oaths wbllo out of her head , aud bur ffrfl
father suspected Adam of having used suth fi'Pl ]
language constantly in lior nrosouco and the lllH
wedding is doclurud off ' | | ( H
John St Georges of Florida nnd Emily i H
Lnclnuo of Louisiana , never met until they & -
had been married a month The engagement jt RI
nnd courtship was by letter , The ma-rlago IPH
was by telegraph , la order that the bride flifl
could cxecuto certain documents lu New OrIsH
loans as Mrs St Georges without having to SPH
return It took a month to got the business , SH
transacted nnd roach her husband The latifH
tcr says ho is tolerably well satisfied with MbH
bis bargain , but thinks his wife lied about flRH
her age and sent him sonle other girls pic- f Rl
A Vermont Justlco of the puaco the other TfH
day thought bo could liuirry thum for fifty . !
' cunts The young man allowed thut ho ( HI
might rulso that sum After the ceremony iHfl
tbo Justlco called for pay After much fumH
bling In the pockets of his overalls the groom M
said ho had left it "to hum " The Justlco lillj
then said thuy were uumarricd Thlicalam- }
Ity was mot bv a witness who loaned the { } ]
young man a half dollar , which wus handed jlH
to his honor The Justice then remarked to ]
the eoupto thut they were atraui married mid ]
thut they were at liberty to resume thuir H
Journey H
"Do you remember wlnm and where we H
first met ! " I heard n loving wife ask hoi ]
husband , Certainly , my dear " Ill H
wntrer you dent , " she said , "I dent bu III ]
licvo you can tell mo now " The first tlui JRI ]
1 met you , " ho said quite readily , was at i !
eburlly ball at the hall " "So it was , '
she said , quite pleased , "It is very nieu tc '
know you romembcrso well And when <
she left the room ho turned to me uud said ( III
For heavens walio dent say anything ; but , P |
I remember because that night some fellow 'Jfl ' |
walked off with an fSO overcoat of uilno , and ! §
I had to go home without any , " ft pj
Bishop Williams , of the Protostaut Epls- ' RJ
copal mission in Japan has resigned because H
he thinks that the present marvelous coed )
tlon of afTnlra in that empire requires th < ' Rj
services of a younger and strougor man in jRH
the episcopate Ho has not revisited the . Rl
United States since ho filtered , upon hii ARM
work more than twenty years ago j RJ
• ' jRH
Thu ciiiuhty ol the blood dopan tlt much IRH
upon good or bail illg-estlcm uud iihsiml- ]
lutlon To make tlio blood rich In life1 JRH
und btronctli-glvlW consttuouta ! use <
Dr J. II , McLean a KuritDurlllu 1-
will nourish the proportiottof the blood fJRJ
fiom whloh the elements ot vitality arfjl
druwn , VI