Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1889, Part II, Image 11

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H KrnrtlJHtCAffrtn in Chteaio Jiiftr-Occnii.
H Over tlio way my ncl hbor Kits ,
Um Tlicro by the window , nnd softly kings ;
UM 1 nra lior linnil M it lightly Hits
H Over n banjos silver strings :
UU 1 hco licr litis us they opo nnu close ,
UM And Bllm , tvlnto lingers trlmutiRnlong ,
UW Hut the u co tops moan nnd tlio north wind
K blown ,
B And I do not licnr tlio song
K Why need of iionR or vibrant sountlt
B why lire nml ilcnth on tbo rUieo of ttmo
K As tlio ancient cycle * roll nraund ,
1 Slip nt Inst Into pantomlno' ,
n > llevonu tbo world is the formless thought ,
MT 1 bo tircatn-vell over tbo | ioot'a lines ,
k Ami tlio most significant laiigunRO taught
B Is that composed ot signs
K Over tbo way my nolghlior now
1 Sweeps from licr Itistrumcntllnhtrofinlns ,
H The strong winds whlstlo nnd branches bow ,
H Till dry twig creak on the window patios ,
m I sco bor lips ns tboy close nnd part , .
H And r cntcli a glcnm or the shlnlntr strlugs ,
H And an echo reaches my longing heart ,
H Hut not of tlio song slio sings
H Into tbo silence that echo dies ,
M l'nlnt splnt-toncs of n song unheard ,
H Yet out of the J cars may sometimes rise
H The sclf-sauio tone and the seir-samo
H word ;
H And I may bear In the dim to bo
ft Its music sweet ns I drift along ,
H Ami thcro by tlio mystic , fnr-olt sea
H Tiud my forgotten son
B Ktifilial llltit < trntoil Muftii/lno : Four
B Tex , Aprils , 18711. Dour Hlsio : I\oh-
HV | lured to tiiigKcel it yenr too to our ro-
H upectod sister , Luvlnln , tlint it would do
H you no lini'in , mid aomo others n ureal
H donl of good If you spout u suminot'
H with mo You remember the answer ?
K You wcro doliciitu , Texas wits the land
B of chillBiuid t win not a lit parson to ho
' jruiirilliin of po irresponsible a subject
B ns my Rtnnll hut olMroporous
H. slstor What you wished did
m not appear until it was too late
m so my plana were ruthlessly
B erushed" and Luvlnla triumphed This
1 11 mo I wrilo to you , not Lavlnia You
K arc ninotcon , my dear , ami if an Amort-
B can woman is aver { ? oltij * to have her
B H own way hIio begins at nineteen Will
J you coino tliirt yearV And will you
r coino at once ? The wlfo wants you , 1
B W want vou , and as for the boy , " to boo
B Bj < Aunt lilitlo is the dourest wish of his
B H heart I do not expect a favorable rc-
B B lily I have too much respect tor the
B B power of Lnvlnia ' s will and authority
B B Yet this letter shall go Your lovinj , '
BBm brother , "AnmwiN Wynxii
BB P S. If you can defy the powers
SB that be , wrlto at once , so that J may
BBS moot you at Hantaan The cars will
BBB carry you there I will coino us far as
BB llobitrt .lunetion if I can Arc you
BBB afraid of the jourueyV A.V. . "
BBB Would I koV Of course T would Old
BBB the foolibh boy thinl ; thcro was only one
BBB' will in the family ? The dear old fol-
BBB low ; if ho really wanted his usolejs ,
BBB frivolous-minded little sinter he should
BBB certainly have her I.avinhi was shocked
BBB at the idea , of course , but it was of no
BBB use I Mild t must < ro , and I wont
BBB I font word , as I was told , the next
BBB day , and two weeks later I was rolling
BBB out of Chicago in a sleeper of the Glii-
BBB < 'u < ; o , llurliiifrtou & Qulncy railway ,
BBB hiiecdintr westwards , fairly embarked
BBB upon ajournoy of five days and live
BBB nights on the cars , and a thirty milo
BBB drive after that
BBB It was a long journey to tnko aiouo ,
BBB' but thcro was no ouo to go with moand
BBB 1 was not a chjld , and had an avorniro
BBB allowance of wits , mid felt sure I should
BBB' mulco friends on the way
BBB How I was wntchod , mid cared for
BBB nnd waited upon by the railway of-
BBB llelnln Conductors of trains have
BBB fauitH , I Hiipposo , but they wore very
BBBj good to mo They got my tickets ; they
BBB told mo where to change ; they brought
BBB mo colToo ; mid until I got to Ilobart
BBB , Junction , where I hoped to find Addi-
BBB' huh , 1 might have been I really was
BBB Hiirrounded by an army of protectors
BBB and friomls I looked auxiouslv up and
BBB down the platform at Ilobart , but , alas !
BBb nn Addison was to bo been Well , I
BBB had come moro than 1,001) ) miles alone ,
BBB assuredly I was capable of convoying
BBB ! my&olf fifty , and ho would not fail
BBB to be at Sautana : so there was noth-
BBB , ing to worry about Nevertheless ,
BBB when I found that there was only ouo
BBBi day car going on from Ilobart ; that I
BBB' was to bo the only woman on board , nnd
BBB1 that the pace at which wo wcro to
BBB travel would not bo moro than ton miles
BBB an hour because tlio truck was unsifo ,
BBB my heart sank a little , I confess , for it
BBB was \1 \ o'clock in the morning , and I was
BBB very , very tired There was a change
BBB . of conductors , too a change for the
BBB worse The boss of tins train was a
BBB , lr.rgo , roughly-dressed porbou with a
BBB hairy face , who stared at mo as ho ar >
BBB ranged my bags and wraps upon a seat
BBb in frdut , in a way that was scarcely po-
BBl llto and not at nil reassuring When
BB > 'ho had Mulshed his work he growled
BBV uut in a grulToico :
IBBj' "Goln' ' to Fort Lincoln this trip , I
BB > b'liovoV"
BBj ' I replied > vtth dignity that the com
< niaudant of the fort was my brother ,
| BB' and thou , leaning back in my seat , pro
BBJ tended to slumber The hint was suf-
BBJ Ilriont and to my great joy aftoranothor
BBjj prolonged Htaro the man wont about his
BBj business When I was quito sure of
BBb this I opened my eyes and looked about
BBJ mo It was a very shabby cur ; badly
furnished , badly lighted and badly von
BBh < tilated ; asmoll of stale tobacco smoke
BBB about it which made mo fool quito sick
BBB I bociuuo very cross and gloomy Addi-
flBB son ought to have mot mo hoforo this
BBB Ho knew I was alouo , nnd must bo
BBB aware what an omigrnnt car was llko
BBB l'erhaps thiH was a practical loko ho
BBB alvvavs liked practical jokes nnd
BBB ho hoped to frighten me Well ,
BBB ho had douo that at any
W vato There was nothing to bo fright
BBr onud about The men in the car
BBJ , scarcely noticed mo at all , and though
BBj my conductor was grub his face was
BBJi not forbidding and ho Knew Addison
BB Seethed by these thoughts l'dobod my
BB eyes in good earnest and tried to sleep
BB 1 was accustomed to traveling now , and
BB boon dropnod into an uuoasy dee and
BB , began to tlroam 1 dreamed ot a face I
BB , had not soon for along.long while the
BB fTic.o of an old hohoolfollow , Krio Proctor
BB by name , who had gene outwostsomo
BB time ago , and was often montloiicd by
BB Addibou in his letters Krio was a uic ' o
BB boy before ho wont west , a clumsy ,
BB overgrown youth , but very ainia-
Bfl bio and good natured , with a
BB great bead of yellow hair and
BB blmjilo , honest , blue eyes I dent
BB know why I dreamed of Krio now ; per
BBB haps it was because ho was the only
BB ] ) ursou I know in Texas besides the
B tntnily ; but I did dream of him very
BB vividly 1 thought I had arrived at
B Kuntnim and found him on the plut-
B form liibtoud of AddUou Ho looked
B v ry much elder than ho used to , his
B face haggard and worn Ho did not
B speak to mo , hut , taking my hand , led
B ino away until wo weruoutof sight of
BB the btation , and thou lifted mo on to tv
BB horse which had appeared from X
BB dent know where , and wo wont gallop
BB iug away at a tremendous pace
BB 1 begged him to lot mo go , but
B he shook his head nnd spurred on
BB fuoter I began to fool cold and queer ,
BB us if ho wore made of ieo and wcro
I freezing nui All at once ho stepped
J mo with a sharp jerk , nnd with a cry
BJ Hung mo away , and I felt myself falling
Be falliug as if from some great height
and awoke The train was still Wo
BT hud pulled up at n wayside station to
BJ water the engine , and 1 was shlverieg
with the chill nir The dawn was nt
hand , and 1 slipped out of the train and
walked briskly up ami down to warm
tiiyr-alf , rind by the tiin the wants of
the engine wore Mitlsllod the sun was
rising , and l began to recover my
The car looked much shabbier by
daylight than it hnd douo before , but L
eared liltlo for that , Tor wo wcro forty
miles on our way , San tana , would ho
reached in another hour nnd my
troubles ho ever
1 tried to take interest in the appear
ance ot the country , but it looked very
Uninteresting , ami not u bit romantic
Only a dull extent of brown grass on
either hand , stretching cmllcHly into
enaco Tlio prairie , 1 was told Where
tlio antelopes rove , and buffalo miiy still
bo scon- with a strong telescope !
At last n short bin IT whlstlo from the
engine like the bark of some giant dog ,
a movement among the pasMougors , and
it jarring sonsatlon beneath my foot
Tlio goal of my deslro was not far on" .
Now the door of the car was nponcd
wldo , and the conductor , who had kept
away from mo till the journey , cuino in
from the baggage vrvi to take tickets
Mi no was the last ! He examined it
with unnecessary deliberation , and
then dollvorcd hlmsolf of the following
ominous remark :
Now , sny ! why didn't yo wrlto the
colonel that vow wcro oomiu'V"
The familiarity of this address would
have disgusted mo at tiny ordinary
ttmo , but now I only began to fool miserably -
orably anxious
. ' • I did wrlto , ' " I replied breathlessly
"Ho will bo nt the station to moot mo "
The rejoinder came as sharply as tlio
ping of an arrow I jumped up with u
lump in my throat and looked out of
the window
Tlio train hud stopped and most of
the passengers wcro leaving it There
was no station or depot hero ; only a
rough platform on ouo side of the line
with "Snntnnu" paiutod in tipsy black
letters on the rnil and n solitary log
house a few yards away , with Lost
ollleo in whlto letters on the door Yet
tliis was undoubtedly my destination ,
and the conductor was right Addison
had not coino , There was several
rough , red-faced cruaturos lounging on
the platform , wearing broad-brimmed
hats , great riding boots and prominent
spurs ; there wcro our passengers dis
appearing one hv ouo into the log
house in buurcii of breakfast , hut there
was no C'oloaul Wynne What could
have happened ? I turned from the
window with n gasp , nnd met the eyes
of the conductor looking down upon mo
with the grimmest expression I had
ever coon
Well ? " ho said with an exasperat
ing interrogatory iiillcctlou on that ex
pressive word
"Ho cannot have received my let
ter , " 1 observed hurriedly , striving to
keep my voire clear and itcady while
the lump in my throat grow and grow ,
and I wanted to cry very badly indeed
To avert any catastrophe , I suggested
that my belongings should bo removed
from the train _ The conductor in
stantly became , brisk and helpful , and
wo wore boon passing by the rcd-facod
men , who drew back to give us room ,
and stared with great round ,
btupld ojes , ns if they had
never been a girl in a gray ulster
before We went bti aight to the post
olllce , and woio mot by the postmaster
before wo reached the door Ho was a
tall , darlc man , witli only ono eye : a
dreadfully ugly man , with iv very dirty
faco'and still dirtier hands a wicked
looking man I thought The con
ductor greeted him as if they wore old
"Scon Colonel Wynno lately , Hank ? ' '
"A week ago eamo for his mall "
This is his sister "
Mr Hnuk nodded , as if ho wcro al
ready aware of the fact , and stared very
hard at mo with his ono eye
"Is is my brother heroi" I ventured
to ask , just for something to say
"IIo's ' at the fort , Miss "
And how far olt Is that ? "
Thirty miles boo line "
Mv heart began to boat at a very un-
comfojtablc rnto A horrible Htato of
things !
Would you kindly advise mo what
to do ? "
"Brenkfast , " struck ia the conductor
decidedly "You've oat nothing for ton
hours "
Thank you , " I answered politely
"I urn hungry ; but I wunt toknow how
I am get to Port Lincoln "
This question was not to be answered
at once Neither of the men scorned to
hoar it , and without further ooroniony ,
ushered mo into the House , through ouo
long room full of mon with a steve in
the nilddlo ot it , a liquor bar , and several -
oral small tables , to a small room behind -
hind , where there wore heaps of blank
ets scattered about a rough bedstead ,
ono chair and a table
Sit down , " said the postmnstor ,
pointing to the eh nir I obeyed , fooling
very forlorn and helpless It wns a
dreadful position to be in There did
not hcom to bo n woman anywhere ; I
was thirty mlles from brother , with no
vlslhlo moans of roiiching him ; nnd
tliis dreadful one-oyed man wus master
of the situation A whispered colloquy ,
lusting bovoral minutes , now took place
between the postmaslorand the conduc
tor , after which tlio former , whoso name
I subsequently discovered to ho Mr
Hank Wybrow , turned to mo and cleared
his throat as though ho wore about to
address a camp meeting
"There's but two things to bo douo ,
miss , ns far as we km sco , nnd you must
fix on which road Hulls yo best Kunnol
Wynno dent ' expect ynu , I reckon , so
you'll have to hunt htm or send nnd git
him to como for vow I cant poke up
much accommodation hero : nnd there
nln't ' a womnn nonror than the fort jubt
now ; but If you loot ' to stay Ill llx what
I may tonight and send a boy to the
kunnol If this ain't good enough Ill
see if any ono is bound Fort Lincoln
way with iv waggon to tnko yo there ,
Think It out , will yo ? while I dish
breakfast , and let mo know your mind
in an hour "
This was very fairly said I thanked
Mr Wybrow for his offers , and wns
able to bid farewell to the conductor ,
who had another ton miles to travel ,
with a stout heart
It did not take mo long to mnko up
my mind , I cannot say that I relished
the Ideaof a tlnrty-mllos drive with a
stranger , but while breakfast was in
course of preparation a little incident
happened that made tins dilllculty scorn
a very Hinnll ono The room I was in
wus lighted by ouo Bquuro window not
fur from tlio ground , and after the post
master had left the room I saw three
pairs of eyes , belonging to thorough
fucos of some of the men I hud soon on
the platform , staring llxedly ut mo
They disappeared with great quickness
when they saw that I was aware of their
scrutiny ; but tlio feeling of boiug
wutohod was very unpleasant , and I felt
that 1 would not paes a night at Santuua
on any account ,
Mr Wybrow uppenrod relieved when
I told him this.nudhe brought up break
fast introduced a muu who owuud a
wagon , and guaranteed to arrive at Fort
Lincoln before sundown
I can see the folio anew , though it is
ton years bIuco that day A very thin
man , of middle holghthdrossod in neat
brown O'lnvass clothing , His hair was
very smooth , jmrtod in the middle and
eurriod back behind his ears as tightly
as if it were hound with rppo Ho had
u small , round head , a lint uoso , brown
eyes , rattier dull and expressionless ,
very high check bones nnd thick lips
An ugly man ; yet quiet and modest in
mnniior and speech , with a soft , well
niotlulnted voice Ho wus incllnod to
bo bald , stooped in his gait , and seemed
a ruther stupid nnd nltogothor insif nl-
llcaiit kind of a person A doctor of
inodlcino , " ho culled himself , and nddod
with simo dignity that ho was a friend
of Colonel Wynnes "
I trusted him His quiet voice was a
relief after the harsh speech by Mr
Wybrow , nnd my ono object in llfo just
then was to getaway from those horri-
hlo staring eyes In less thun an hour
I washy his side , jolting along the Fort
Lincoln road , behind a stout team of
I cannot remember now how far wo
went before I began to fool nervous nnd
uncomfortable I know that It wns a
long way ; for I remember congratulat
ing myself upon having loft San tan u ,
because my companion told mo that the
into postmaster had boon murdered by
cowboys n week or two ago this was
doubtless how my letter miscarried
and that the station wns known to
bo one of tlio worst haunts
for rowdies In the country Out
the time ciimo at length when
ho fell quite silent , and I then found
that whenever 1 ttu-ned my head to
view the prairie about us , his eyes
rostcd unon my face O , how terrible
It was ! I edged away from him to the
farthest corner ot the scat , and felt
moro and moro helpless and unnerved
every moment The suspense did not
last long When ho perceived my fears
ho boldly raised his eyes and looked ut
mo with a smile of the most horrible
kind Then lie laughed softly , a dry ,
hard laugh I tried to speak now , but
my throat was dry and parched , andmv
tongue scomod paralyzed lie laughed
again , louder , and stooping quickly ,
pulled up the mules with a jerk 1
Knew what was coming know , and be
fore he could touch mo sprang from the
wagon Ho followed mo with the swift ,
silent movement of a snake , and ns I
turned to meet him , for I could not run ,
he laughed for tlio third time The
sound roused mo , I tried to seize his
ills throat with both hands I lolt that
I could kill him for that laugh Hut ,
ohl the weakness of a woman ! Why
are wo- not as strong ns mun ? Ho
caught my wrists in his hard , brown
lingers ; ray arms were forced backpow
erless and helpless as if held in iron
bauds I screamed now In good earnest ,
and struggled against hiin with nil my
strength nnd soul , and all the time I
felt his grip grow tighter und tighter
his muscles were of stcol Suddenly ho
relaxed his hold and stood still , and his
Hushed face became colorless and livid ,
as if I had accomplished my
desire and ho was dying
Thou ho lot mo go , stnrtlng from
mo as if I were some poisonous thing ;
and , dropping on his knees , ho bent his
head to the ground and listened When
ho rose to his foot a moment later ho
reeled and staggered llko a drunken
man , looking at me wildly .vlth the ex
pression of some hunted beast of prey
I stared at him dumbfounded for a mo
ment , feeling very giddy und sick ; and
then I know what ho _ bad heard Wo
wore in a hollow , between two rolls of
prairie , and could not sco far on cither
side , but sound carries a long way in
this country , and oven my unnecuh-
tomed ears now caught n low rumbling
thunder , becoming louder every instant
the Hying hoofs of galloping horses
It came from behindwmio ; ono had fol
lowed us Whoever it might bo , tlio
wretched man who had betrayed his
trust wns likely to got short shrift Ho
know it well , and now threw himself on
his knees at my foot , muttering , in a
hearse whisper : .
Como back to the wagon They'll
murder mo in cold blood else , before
your eyes I swear I was only fooling
1 had not a wrong thought in my heart
Save mo , save me ! "
I was willing to do that , much as I
loathed the creatdro , for ho had not
hurt mo ; but I could not go back to the
wagon I began to fool very faint nnd
queer ; the sensation of safety , after the
horrible tension a minute ago , was ; use
voro reaction , and almost too much for
mo The poor wretch saw this , and his
muttered supplication rose to a bitter
cry."Thoy are cowdojb ; thoy'vo heard
your call They'll tear mo to pieces if
vou drop Dent ' ! Oh , my God ! my
GoJ ! "
I bet my tooth hard I would not
yield to my weakness Bad as his in
tentions were , I could not lot him bo
killed With a great ollort I managed
some how to keep my head stonily , and
tlion my rescuers swept ever the hill ,
and the danger was ever
Twelve mounted men there were , rid
ing at n tearing gallop , with frco bridle
rein They gave a tremendous shout
When they saw us , and then there was a
great Hush of stool and silver , as twelve
revolvers sprang from shcatli.and were
cocked and made ready for use The
poor oroaturo at my feet buried his face
in his hands and crouched it turror.and
I felt very nervous , indcod , for these
cowboys looked dreadfully llorco On
they came , silent now , many of them
with bare knives between their teeth
No wonder this guilty creature wits in
despair 1 wont forward to moot them ,
and was about to speak , when a Hut
waved wildlyand a hearty voice groatod
mo , and Isaw a face that t know It
wns Erie's , pale and stern , as 1 had been
it in my droan , but handsomer , very
much handsomer ; and in another in
stant ho was olt his horse , and shaking
both my hands until my lingers
riositivoly ached I wi's In safe kcop-
iudood ! * * *
ng , now ,
I I have a HUlo moro to toll It took
all Krio's inlluonco and my oiitroatles
to save the wretched man Dut it was
done in the end , and we were soon on
our way to the fort There 1 found out
thnt the very cowboys I hud dreaded so
much at Santana were instrumental in
causing tilts'tlmoly arrival of the rescue
party They had their suspicions , nnd
when Krio who rode into Snntnna hull
an hour after I loft it said ho should
follow mo , they volunteered to a man
I may pass ever Addison's astonish
ment when wo nrrlvod at the fort Ho
had never rocorved my letter Wo had
a most joyful time that day ; hut I think
what interested mo most were some
words I overboard Addison sny to Erie
Proctor : You must stay at least a
month with us We dent often see
you , and now that Klslo is here ! "
Krio did stay ; and T am bound to ad
mit that ho made the most of his time
Before I wont buck to Chicago we were
engaged to bo married
An Alisoluto Cur * .
Is only put up la I urge two ounce tin boxes ,
and is un absolute euro lor old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin mil
lions Will positively euro ull kinds of piles
MBNT , Sold by Goodman UniR communy
ut 25 cents i > er box bv mall 'M cents
Tie New French Conic
The French cnblo now connecting at
North Kastman will bo landed at Rock
port Mass , in n few weeks It will bo
run into the cable house at Capo Hedge
nnd now Instruments will bo put into
the Commercial Cable company's otlluo ,
the companies having combiuod
All the rngo , Red Cross Cough Drops ,
five cents per box , sold eyorywhero
Tbo agitation In favor of a better obiorv-
anco of tbo riabbatb Is active in India , es
pecially In Bombay
Waifs from the "VVorl&.pr Wit nnd
Humor , i ! •
, i ( i
How 13 tier HiizzcII vrtiW Iteliukfil
Hensonnlilr * Mints fiit liurali I'nlw
Strs.SlneknyH I'rii'fino lnrrot
Germans Didn't Count
An Autumn I ny
Uoituri Cornier
The winds nre blowing ,
The Autumns Ko\ag \ ,
And bushed 11 ? the provo Is the soug birds
noto.And llfo Is weary
Ana tlio world Is dreary
To tbo mun who's without an overcoat
A Woman's Memory
You never can toll what will llx itself
in a woman ' s memory , but most of the
time she romembora only what she
wears , says sv writer in the San Fran
cisco Chronicle I called at the house
the other ovonlng whore several ladies
happened to bo culling too , and tbo con
versation turned on opera Somebody
said something about Mine Album
"I'm so sorry , " said ono lady , "I did
not hoar Albanl sing " Yes , you did , ' '
said another No I couldn t go , and
I was quito broken hearted " ' Indeed ,
you aid hear her , because I was there
the btimo night , and I btiw you sitting
in the dross circle , and you had on that
prottv little hat with the pink feiilh-
our ' " "Ohl so I did 1 remember
now Cortntnly 1 heard Albaui "
The I3lcler Wns 51 ire Cnutlo is
Lewiston Journal : It was Kldor Uuz-
7oll who called on a worthy deacon to
open a mooting with prayer , and was
surprised when the good man began his
petition with : "O , thou great , iuslg--
nlllcnnt God "
Omnipotent brother ; you mean om
nipotent God , 1" whispered the horrilled
"Auht" ejaculated the surprised sun
pllcaut , "What's that you s.iy'r"
The preacher ropcutod the correction ,
whoroupou the deacon continued his
prayer to a great length , and concluded
as sollows : k
Finally , Lord , bless our eddicatod
parson StutT him with religion as well
ns with words ; break him of tlio habit of
fault-flndin' , If possible , and at the
'lovonth ' hour gather him with the
saints in Thy kingdom , "
Kldor Iiuz7ell , who was fond of telling
the story , always ended , by declaring
that it was thollrstaud last attuinpt ut
correcting the speech of his brethren
Hints to Clinro . .l'1 iir * .
Detroit Free Press : Take nine roa-
Bonable si/.ed oysters apt ; too largo to
each rive gallons ot water , and tlo them
up ctrofully in a cloth
If the fair is to continue only three
days , cheese cloth will do ; but if it
holds a week and n largo attondaneo is
expected it is bottorb to use a good
heavy quality of duck , so that the bi
valves shall not lese their entire lluvor
tbo llrst few evenings , j
Tlio most satisfactory financial results
have boon obtninod from the above.nnd
there is iv local legend , pretty well au
thenticated , which relates that it youth
once murmured In nu ivwo-slriokcu
wiilsDor , ' after ho bad tasted such a
mixture : "T think 1 detect a llavor of
oyster ! ' ! . -a - " > r
Mts ainckny'a 1'nrror.
At Mrs Maekay's window in Buck
ingham Palace gate is a wonderful
green parrot , which attracts huudrods
of people every day to hoar him talk ,
bays the Shotliold ( Kng ) Telegraph
The crowd on Sunday was so great
that the nolicoman had to request the
people to move on * " Move on , "
echoes the parrot to the intense delight
of the mob folly , what is o'clock ? "
asked a man The parrot ) pretending
to look at the clock , cried out in answer :
Half paste , " and ho was right
Asked how bis missus was : Como
over soon , ull right , " replied the mar
velous bird How old are you , Polly ? "
Dent know , how old are ? " was the
answer , * which , of courbo , provoked
great merriment , in which the parrot
joined <
Asked what day of the week it was ,
the wretch hopped about , sorenining :
Sunday Go to prayers Ora pro
nobis Damn it , " and fell into a par
oxysm of laughter which was quito con
Beware of frauds Hod Cross Cough
Drops will cure yuur rold
The second national Sabbath convention ,
under tbo auspices of tbo American Kaobatli
union , will bo bold In Now York city , December -
comber 10 and 11.
A buddhUt temple at Kioto , Japan , has
been in course of erection for thu past eleven
years and cannot bo finished for six years
moro Its cost will bo 110,000,100.
The Northern t'resbytcriau church reports
TuXls cotnmunlcints , the Southern 101,712 ,
and the Cumbcrlcud iGOlBS The thrco
churches have respectively ' M1,009 and 110
It is Buid that the Turlrs whoso religion
prohibits the use of ulcoliullc urinlcB of any
kind , are sroatly scandalized by tbo liquor
saloons that have been opened In many paits
of Turkey by the Chiistlaiis
Thcro nro 3,310 Catholic priests with 1,31-
455 Catholic population in Knglanu , and 320
priests with : ! iSU4'l CutholiK population in
Scotland , Ireland bus 3,25 ! priests and
3i9J,337 ( Catholic population
In Winnipeg there are 2,000 Icelanders ami
a I'rcSbvtorlan mission bus boon established
among them , but no church us yet Thiy are
led by u converted Icelander , nnd have un
Icelandic bymu book aim two Icelandic daws-
. '
papers -
Dr W. J. H. Tuylor , formerly ono of the
secretaries of the AmorUsan bible nocioty ,
und mora recently pastor ot the Clinton
uvonuo Keformcd church , iNewark , N. J „
has been elected corresponding secretary of
the American Sibbalh union
In England , where it is . iluito common for
ministers to udvcrtlso for churches , a young
minister recently inserted tbo following ad-
vortisumont In a newspaper : Cultured ,
earnest Godly young iua.mdesires u pastor
ate Vivid preacher , mus , volco , brilliant
organizer Tall and of , good uppoaranco ,
UlamolosB iifo Very liisllest references ,
llelovod by ull " l '
Kobert P. Porter , superintendent of tbo
census , has addressed a'clrcular to the re
ligious press of the country announcing that
bo has determined to lucludo church statis
tics In the special inquirio * to bo made for
the eleventh census , " und that bo desires to
obtain tbo fullest ami most accurate results
posstblo In this special dutmrtmenl "as to
the numerical strength ot the various relig
ious denominations in tbo United States 1'
This information will bo urranirod under flvo
heads , as follows : ( ! ) organizations or socie
ties ; ( ' ) church cdlhcos ; (3) ( ) seating capac
ity ; (4) ( ) valuoof church properly ; (5) ( ) com
municants Dr I ) , K. Carroll of the Now
York Indeponaeut bus boon put In ohargo of
this particular department
UCMr oxiuimiku rVSj A
Prck-.r.t.J v" ' * TUIUlAR ( All CUSHIQMlM ? ' *
roruVI Mf.i < J .lajtlliaiau ! ii h , . -.r.fl kfc .
F.HISCOX , Hn3Urani. " . 'V ' . . - . .
w r. ' r. > York
CiLLw WIU1II to III UT muot Vi . .ml III XOAKlHTf
Manhnnrl restored
Iflnmlllllll liE
IIMtlliy UUi 6f rouUiful luiprudmw
r u lna 1'miuture | i v Kr oui IfeiiUHjr , l t
uuikood ia , tuvloD irltd In r la et r known reme
dy hudUnnl klmnto of tell cure , widen
lit lll tend kiM ) V KPKl Mi fellow utl > rt rl
-aj . ; .uitt.viar.eii iat o , > , w\oikaix
Have You Seen the
Grand Holiday
AT Till !
1209 Farnii St ,
In all styles of binding , from
25c to $8.90. Special lead
ers not to be found in any
other store
Toilet Casfs ,
From 50c per set to 514.85 ,
Handsome , novel , new See
them before buying
1 11 in Bi
Of e ' very description.including
every imaginable style of
doll , dressed and undressed ,
bisque , washable , undistruc-
tible and rubber
Toys in wood , iron , tin , etc
No old stock , everything
new at prices that are sure
to please you
Everyone should see this ele
gant array of Christmas
Gifts Remember we have
the right article at the right
The 99c Store
1209 faaffl St ,
www I "
. . .
What We Wish ;
To desire the confidence or
the Dcai- Public , to preserve
our own self respect , nnd to
I subsuro mutual Interest by
furnishing always to our pat
rons , tlio best material mudo
up in the best styles by the
best manufacturers
1408 Faun km Stiu kt , Ovt vn t , Nib
( Oiipcflito I'axtoa HotI , )
Oftlcohours,9a.m.to8p.m. Stimlnj-s 10a. m to
, . . , . . , . ,
I pm
HpcclnllstH In Cbronlc , Nerrous.Skln ami UlooJ nil *
SfCnii'uUntlon ot oMco or by mntl fiee MeoU *
clues ftont by mill or fxpr s , securely jtftckctt , free
( "roni observation Gmiraiitccs to turn quickly , ( Ufo
ly und pcrmaucutlr
hIoih I'lipleal dcrny , Hrtiltm from indum'tlnn , ox *
pom or limutgcnep producing MaciitcmaM tk1 spoil *
ilcncy plmrt'c ' * tin lli fiu tMivutilou tntociPty , eally
UUcouriiKcajHClc of cimfldunre dull unlit for ntutiy
urbti lno < * , rdiil itiidn DTp a luiiden Safely , p rmnti-
pnllr mul prlrntcly tuml Consult OrUeits A Iletto ,
\m 1 Hrntm fctrcut , Omaha , > eb
Blood and Skin Diseases ffiVSriUTnW
result * , completely eradicated without the aid of
mercury Bcrofuta pryripclan , fever * ore * . blotches ,
ulccri pulnBtntlx * licaa nnd bones , syphilitic sore
tlirckiCnumtliiiid tou ie.ciuuriu , etc , pcruinncuLly
curt'd where other * have Talcd
Kidney Urinary v& Tl&r $ ? &
qut'ntbjrnlnK orbluoJy urlni" , urlno liUh cniorcil or
vltbnilUr srillnieiiluii stanlluc , vcnlt bick , tonorr
tunKleL'icy ! tlthelr I'roinpily nrt attCclj cured rciisonublo
moral complete without cutting , ra-jctlc or dllliilion
Cureftoffectoint hone by pallcnt without a momenta
pnlu or annoyance
To Young Mm and Mid1lc-Aied Men
fl'lDP 11 > o awful olTects of early
A0IIDD UUllD Vice , tthloli DrlnL" < oii'.itilc
ireakneia , tlusliuyinu both mind un 1 , with all
ll.drciuted Ills , permanently cured ,
nno OTTTi ! Address tliois ho liavo tiu-
LIlUi OullU pnlred themselves by improper
Imhilacneeiuml nn 1 nollturj hslilln irhkb rulit both
body nd mind , iinllUIni ; lUcm rorbiinlui' ! * , uludj or
HAiniirn Mrv , or tlioie inlorlni ; on that happy
lift , nnnro ct ph ) ; lcl l debility , quickly ni > lsluJ
tsbanedupou , llrst pnictkHl nxpnrlenre , nee
otld-every enrc In e p jlally Htudlvl , tbus sturtlne
nrltUl.thlr.l-nieJUliipsar. prepiired in our own i -
bumry eiuctly to suit tucli ense , thun iinvcllnn cure *
without Injury
I rT Heiid ti cents postage for rclobralert wor H on
ihronlc , nervous nnddillcatodKiiiitea Thou nint
Hired rsrA trleiully letter on all muy tavejou fu
ture sufTcrlnK nnd phamo , and adit uoMen > oars to life
jtTSo letters answered uule > s accompanied by I
cents In slatips Address urciill on
i > k < . it .s & hett.s ,
1103 Karnim ritreot , Omaha , Neb
aim iiAsi ) or
_ _ _
, Spri'H rct'-c l'i i MiM ! lir2.a'
lAHIETINr : MEDicft-orovmr. cal
i sv ° cw Z.JF * ATARM
MnirTINFMmtr ' nmfiii r r >
For sale by Goodman Drug Co
Tito Well JKllOH'llrniCflUll.f ,
iiiHiiriniRRCdliitlio treat
ment nf ull forum of I'm-
vatb Disk ssi.lleet und
hTliiCTimi : , uciiret'uuniu-
teed H'KitiiAVoimiiorM ,
lUIOTtMV I.DhMOf man
noon itmi umliltlon Btkii-
un orlUKiit.s.Miesubho-
els i ured rieild for
books "Ilm l.lfo HetTet , "
fbr "Jtan" or Woman '
xacli I1 ! cents ( btnuipj )
NnivoUhNtasJ , 1'KHAi.t
DiMm-i' ) ' . C'ATAiiiut and
hKiN Dikkahch cured
( Itilrkly uuil perinaiiently
Treaiiiieut by correspondence , nend stumps for
Olllos H , 10. cor lath und Jackson Sts ,
Oinitha , Nobrasliu
I Tlntlon ot Spsctat TmcoMon lillH
1 Nolle * Is hereby privet to thft UgtA rat.ri ol k iH
Doucla.i county Nebitskn , thst whereas tti * s H
Nebraska Central railway company has sub H
muted lotbe board ot ctinty ( omruifsloners ot ] H
DouKlas county , Netuaska , a propcultlon in tb H
uotUS rullowinc nain.lyi , H
' 'Omnlia , Neb , Oct , .11 , -IIonorablr Hoard M
of Commlssloneia ot Duuclai County Neb i B
braska Uontlsnisni The NMirnsKa > nta : > H
railway company proposes to build a dotibl.l H
track steel railway bridge across the Missouri l iH
rlTer ntaomn point jet to bo selected above til li H
rresent btldcrs and ioutb of the nortb linnet i ifl
he city of ( imabnrrovhtnt the county ot H
Douglas mil donate to tlir lompany two fum- - H
itred anil Itfly thousand itJMVfOi dollars ot a ' s H
per cent , twrntv-yoni bonds nt tliec unt > , to H
badi-ll\ered lotbe company on the completion ' I H
ot the tiridge teady fornpiration ou or before is H
i JnneLV I ui , l H
I "iho liridse Is propose Ito bl built under an i B
act of consress entitled 'An net to atitliorli * {
tneronstriirtlnn ot abrtdzo over the Mls.ourl {
rlrer , at or near the tlty ot Omaha Nab , ' np- !
proved JunnSS , Mi , Andthe nitpruvldrstnal ' 'hVAl
the brldgs shall bo open to all railroad coin * ! H
panics desiring to use the same , upon equal ! !
; terms . • '
I 'In case tbe constrnctloa nt the bridge Is nek . ' J
beftinbeforntliel'itli day of June , ISW0. or B l H
brldce Is not completed neforo tbo 'd day of flU '
I June iwa the company shall not be nntltled tit ; H
rccelr anyot jalJ bonds , n\en thougb til * SjBBj
proposition should bo carried by vote ot tlio !
eleclora , WB1
> And , provided tut titer , that i aid bond ! aliall -ISBj
be drill tred to the sat I Nsbiasta Central ltall ; H
nay company , lit aRenis , suoessois or assigns , IIBVJ
only upon the execution by said Nebraska Can 'SB '
tral llnllwoT company or its auccesora and de JBrarl
ltvery to said county ot DoiiEla\ nu under lap !
taking In mittntt to the effect that tlio prlticl- ; vAl
pal depot nt said railway company , Its itenerat !
Drllcea nnd principal machine ahope , rrhea > s H
built , sball bolocar i and tnntntalned wlihln ' . M
the rorpoiato limits ot the cityntOniabn Neb , I H
and that a violation ot the tonus of said un- ' iH H
dertaklniruy the salil Nebraska Centtal H | U H H
iraycoiupnny or it auriessors shall render naljl Is H
Nebraska Central Hallway company or its sn6' is H
: essora indebted to the said county or Oouului io H
to the full amount ot said bonds and the Inter fl l
est thereon tiis kl
'Ily oiderc'tbe boardof directors Kebra kst _ H
Central ttullwnv company t H
J II Dumont Vice I'tesident , ; H
" ( iKtitaiO IUhmiu Hecrctary ' tliiiH
i And , whereas , it was voted by the board ol 'l l
countycoiiimisslouersol said Dnuidas inunty , H
Nebiasku , to nccept the aboM > nnd forecoioa i H
proposition of the i Nebiaska Centrnl Itatlwaf | H
company s H
Provided , tttat the tcims ot such proposition : . B
be ih st submitted to the legal voters ot said
county and udoptcil by thorn nccoidlnir to lsw 9Al
Now , therefotv n. special election or the leea ( !
' voters ot Douqlas county Nebraska , will to iTBB
held nn
TUUSDAV , TDK Til 11(11 1)AV Of DKCEH-
unit 18-n. afj
at ulilch oleollon the followinu questions stall
be submitted to said voters und voted upon 111
the form and mnuuet an I at tno polling places
tollosrlni ; :
Bn all the county of Uoualas , Nebraska , Issua HbI
its coupon bonds to aid the Nobrascn Central apj
railway company Intho construction ot rail '
rout bud across the MlsHoiirl river at 9pJ
Omnlia , Net ) . ; said bonds to amount to the sum *
ottwo hundred and titty thmitmud ( - " unit H
dotlais : tube Issuedlu sums of one thousand \ cVB ]
ijl.000) ) dollars tacU ; to tie made pajable to | aBJ
bearer : to bo dated on the 1st day ot JHUuury , MM
1891 i to become due twenty pj ) years after the
date thereof ; to Inlerostat the ratoof Uvo {
(5) ( ) per cent per annum , pnyatila seinl-nununUy SH
on the llrst day of Jauuary and ot July ; eacn ot
which bonds to bear mi Its face tlio followlna ;
words : Hits bond is ono ot a Bl
series ot SHI like bonds which srq fll
lssusd by the county ot UoiiRlas , In thn otate ot
Nebraska , to aid the Nebraska Centrnl ttnllway
company in th t ronstiuction ot a rulhoaa n
brtdKcarioss the Mlviourl river at Omnna , SBB
Nebraska ; " all ot sail bonds and the Interfsl '
thereon to be payabient the fiscal agency uf the ) '
atato of Nebraska In tlio city of New Yum ; to •
be delivered und donated to the NebraskaCeu- '
tral Hallway company when it shall haxoco-n- , 9H
pleted ready tor operation , a ttoutilo traclt J
Hteel railroad orldiioneross thn Missouri river nH . * ;
Omaha , Nebraska , and shall have executed the ' J
acrcements contained in Bald ptopontlon ; pro *
vlitAll thn fttttlie alinll hn rntfimenrnrl on , ti-tin *
fore Juno IS , l ! n' , and shall be llnlsbcd ready '
tor operation on or beroro Junu - . ' . ISO . ,
And blinllnn anntinl tux , In addition to tbo Hf
usual and nir other taxes Do levied on thu tax H |
able property ot louglas county Nebrnxta , i H
sunicicnt to pay the Interest on said bonds ad it H |
becomes due ; mm at the time ot levyinc tli # H
annual county ta.\es. cnmmcnclnc the teutk H |
year prior to the maturity ot said bond * , si nil
atuxlnnddltlou to all other taxes ue levlo.t on
tlio taxnblo property of Douglas county , and ; Hf
continued annually thereafter from your to | HH
year , until thereby a sinking fund h ill have
been crented sulllclent t-i pay satd bomU at the HJ
maturltr thereof ? ' H
The above questions shall be regarded as una iBHI
entire question , and all le iU voters orsald H HJ
Douglas county who deslro to vote in favor ot ii H
the Issuance of said bouda and the levy ot sal4 ' 1HB1
taxes In payment of the principal nna lmerest I H
thereof , at said election , wball votj a bal ot I H
with eald question printedor written , or partl ,1
printed and partly written , with the following I H
additional words thereon : "Ves For the Ne * t asH
bruskaCentruliallway aid bonds and taxes 'J I asH
And all IcjjhI votersorsald DonRlaacountv who ' " "I
deslro to into against the Issuance of bald llB
bonds and the levy of said taxes in payment ox '
the principal and tnteiesc thereof , at said eloc- ' H
tIon , shall vote a ballot with wild qunstlott , , f I H
fuintcd or written , or partly printed and part . ' * HJ
y written , wrlth the following additional word * v H
thereon : "No Airalnst the Nebraslia Central i. | |
railway aid bonus and taxes " ' H
If two-thlrds of nil ot said ballots voted by HJ
the said lesul votera of said Douglas county at HJ
said election shall line thereon tueworrta "V'os >
For the Nebraska Central railway itld bondg
and tuxes , " the forecoliiR proposition will navel . !
been adopted , and the B.ild bonus shall bo la * *
B'ledandtl'o said taxes shall be levied , ia no HJ
coidnuce with the terms and conditions there H |
ot ; otberw lse not 1 Hj
bald election shatl be opened at elaht (81 ( is H
o'clock a. in upon said Tuesday , the lit day ox > H
December , 1S8U , and shall remain open until 3i • , H
( IS ) o'clock p. m. of said nay , . t M
The polling places of sa' .d election shall ba H
the follow ins named placed in Douglas cjunty , , H
Nebraska : H
District No I t. W. corner Tenth and JoneA , '
District No S-Number 1117 South SWtU ' | B
street Vinoy's barbershop , J M
District No Si H. K. corner eleventh and DoO H
cas streets , t ngluo house M
DlstrlctNo 1 Number UVi South bixteenttt B
street M
District No 2 Number 1871 Foulli SlxtecntU B
street , M
District No 1 Number inns Davenport street H
DlstrlctNo.2 Number Iita lloinoyctieet B
District No 1 1U17 Capitol aenuo. . M
District No 2 Numboril712 Bt Mary's ar
nue ,
District No 1 Number Mi North HlxleentU i H
street '
DlstrlctNo 2 Corner Izurd aud Hixlcoutu ) \ M
treets , Enslne House No (1.
OMAHA 1'ltlICINt.T NO 0. fl
District No 1 Number 25iW luke street
Dbtrlct No 2 Lyceum Hall , on Twouty •
fourth street on South side ot F. , K. M. V. It
1L trace
Dlbttict No a. Stevens Store on rarite * M H
• trout West uf Thirty-third street .
District No l Corner Tv.enty.nlnth streel
and Woolworthaveniu Rcliool House < st
District No 2-11. 11. Clara's llulldlnit od . H
Twenty-ninth street , between Dupont and Kico > . . -3
treets ,
District No 1-Sonth Bldo O.imlnK , betweeii H
Twontleth and Twenty-first streets ( Harness !
Uhop ) . H
District No ' . ' botnceit
No.Cumtnf street , < -
a-wenty-foui th btroet ami 'J wouty-tlttil avenue , ; |
Fui ay's barn I
District No l Cormr Twenty-ninth und Far , , ,
nan atreots c. J. Jonnson'a store , FBh
District No 2-Corcer Mercer und Lows tiroi kpl
nuos , ( i J. Ityan's atora " 'ItBl
Pieclnct No l V. l'lvouka's , N Htruet , hv iluffl
twoen Twenty-fttth and Twenty-sixth streets vf UiS
l'reclact No 2-j , Levis , Twenty-sixth streeaj ? TllBl
between N and Ostreets . 4MHl
Precinct No 3 I.lttlo house back ot Keller at -
hotel , O street , ; tPH
l'reclnct No i Hxchango hotel . . bHl
Florence Precinct At scnool house at llor
once '
Union Precinct At Uoorgo Ij Iledman'at a LSI
house fH
Jefleraon 1'ieclnct At 1 * . Deldrlchson'ii otllce KSI
Bennlncton . . . , _ fSJ
Kltthorn l'reclnct-At Town hnll , I'Mhora ; iB |
City v I H
Valley I'reclnct-At school house at Valley fe'
station . . . . , . . . , IH
Waterloo l'reclnct At Masonic hall building a 1HJ
Chicago 1'roelnct At Van Alfa olllco > t ,
Millard l'reclnct At school house at Millard IHJ
McAr ' dlt Precinct-At McAtdlo's school fill
house .liliHl
Douglas l'reclnct At Henry Itinera place * , . BJ
. W , qr „ section IW township U , range 11. tlllB
West Omaha At school house , district No 9 , IH
Uy order ot the boardof county commlislpa KiHl
o s. [ btAr.l M , D. HOUUB , County CuitT7 Z > wW
&k Max Geisler | | |
l lBi.d mporter&Dealer | | l
tfis/vAVSUK Yoiiik.i dtauiul'ubuii Par 1DI
2Q k4 taBBV Yuuiu uud taut ) 4 < u ing fn
! . ( Mexican Intubo is H
* ! 9 VA ) anted f ; I ei > mu ilrH vlus > * 4 |
' inl
_ "V
-1V4 LTJ Nafv ut .u4 lv j. iclllblt Ijliif * c tj AH
rl * Wl rui l.ltufl l i..i > Ur ij rraii > citiii - > Mm
I W IP Imim , mltl .lili tiM rlt < l .o Totir .Ikera HHB
\SM Bi * sitilf ) air pwUoolari .ul-'Jlclbr Ui BBl
\ If ' I 4lra , "u > l l < > , < < baVi .laTBH
* mtr ) il ic.Urtk m.C H > J iU.t l. . kUj _ mM