Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hr | * " | f _ _ |
H ho acivortlsomonts will bo taken ( or
H thooo columns nftor 12130 p. m ,
B Tormo--Cnsli In ncivanoo
B Advertisements under this bead 10 cints per
B llneforthe llrst Insertion , I cent * for cacli sub
B sequent Insertion , and flJiU per line per month
H No advertisements taken for less than 21 cents
B for first Inter ) Ion , Seven wornswlll bo counted
1 to the lire : they must run consecutively nnd
H must bo paid In ADV\N ( . B All advertise
V menu must be hamlet in before 12ro : o'clock p.
m m. , nnd under no clrcuuistanres mill tncy be
H taken or discontinued by telephone
B Fartlo * advertising In these columns nnd bar
B lng tlielr answers addressed lncaroof Tun lire
m will please ask for a check to cnahlethemtogct
their letters as none will 1 * delivered except
un presentation of check , All answers to ad-
H vcrtl cments should bn enclosed In envelope * .
H All ndvertl emcnts in these columns nre pud-
limbed in both morning nnd ovenlnir editions ot
H TncIlRF the circulation of which aggregates
H more than l'C0O papers dallr nnd elves the ad-
H vertlrers the benefit , notonly of the city clrcu-
MMM Intlonof Tub lir.K , bnt also of Council Muds
Lincoln and olbereltlcs nnd towns throughout
this section ottho countrv
m Advertising for these columns-Kill bo taken
on the above conalilons , nt the following busl-
ncss houses , who are suthorl7ed agentn fnrTiiK
llr.n special notices , and will qiinte the same
rates as csn bo bad nt the main oftlce
B TOIIN W. HELL , Pharmacist , ECO South Tenth
W Street
CHASE f. EDDY -8tattohcrs and Printers , 113
SouthJUh Stnot
Sld'AIIN-WORTH , Phnrmncist , 2113 Cum
_ _ TAr " .CiniO II F.9. Pharmacist Oil North lGtb
V.Mrcct. .
GTX ) . W. PARK , Pharmacist , 1T1B leavenJ
worth Mreet
H rTuaHES'l'HAHMAOY , 2238 rnrnam Street
H u AM"lIP ! Ity nn exparfoiTced dry needs ' nnd
' boot anil Bhou tnlesmun , situation In sonio
M west ltd town : best reference Including present
employer Address J. Prone Itonsbuw , Hhcl-
99 byvllle lit , 810 an
WANTED Position In olllco or Btore by
Joung mnu willing to work Add P 2 , lie * .
M Hit 2U *
WANTK11 Situation ; Youngnmn ot 3years
experience doMrcs a situation on n Rood
country newspaper ; can tutnlsh goad reter-
) enccs Address O ,0 , lleo 802 29J
B Vi'i'lfNOdKAl'IHiiT oT experlenco with " best
L 1 city references wishes employment during
mmmW morning " , or for n few hours each day Ad-
B dresaK t ! . P. . lbll ) Farium st _ fcSS SOt
WAN'i KJI-Bltuntion by n rst-class baker ;
country town preferred John Krlmsor ,
Ill 8 Leavenworth 07(1 ( Mr
WANIRD Situation In wholesale or retail
liurdvrnre etoro bv mnn of oKperlcnce ,
Heat references Address box 78 , valentine ,
wB Neb < asa
OENTS wanted Wo pny ICO to SitXi per
month to ouerRetlc Rontlomen and lames
] to proturfi members for our association If
you can only devote a few hours vuch week to
] our biihlntss It will pay you well I'or furtlier
) particulars uddrnss Natlomil Library nsstocm-
} lion , Wl Stnts strout , Chicago , 111. Hlliw
MANA011I1S 'ttiinted everywhere to take
cliarso of our business Advertise , dls-
I tribute clrculnrs and employ help Wages J"i0
I to } U > per montli Iixpenscs ndvanccd Stats
{ experience , w aces expected , also your preference -
enco for homo work or traveling , bloau & Co ,
manufacturers , i.U ( Oeorgo street , Cincinnati ,
S Ohio Blii 4 }
WANTKD Night shore oraor cook $ X > ,
lioanl nnd room ; waiter , must act us cash
1 ler , boudrequlicd Jlrs Uiegr.ail ) ; H. 15th.
• siila ) *
BwJ "VVrANTIvO A need boy to take cure ot horse
' and cow and deliver goods , those with city
refercncoandntiiualnted wltn the streets ap-
mmj plyirai lodge 710 2fl
HSfl UAPlilt hanger man who can put on oil fln-
> JIsh , none but tlrst-closs man need apply
VST 421 * Mcnulasst . Walnut lllll Tlil ltt
WAWTBll A Urst-class milker or dairyman ,
_ north of deaf and dumb Institute J. P.
B Hoch QUI It
WANTKD U ) stone iansons at Pourth and
JonMst 7iC- :
WANTl' .D A subscription book man to hnn-
dlo Nobruska Address James 11. Cullen
K & Co , GUI Washington St , Uoston , trass
SB , 71U-29'
WANTKD A llrst class clarionet player ; up-
_ ply to A. T. Jonnlngn , musical director ,
Vmt Peavey Urantl BlouxCity la 7UI-1
WANTED-Flrst class ndverttslug solicitor
Liberal commission to the right man Ad-
I dress boX.0.0. Minneapolis , Minn 711-JO
VJ "VXTANTHD Younc man to take charge ot
Mb | TV books immediately ; must Instruct this
K week , J , II Smltb,403N. 10th , second floor
BBS 710 i-lt
WANTKD-Acook nt City hotel Platts-
mouth Neb Kor particulars lnqlre at
B Mercimnts hotel kitchen , of August Sliadelu
f llonb & Mumiu 700 3uf
WANTED Uookkooper ; give snlnry and
reference Addieas O07. Ilceolllce 7IB
WANTKD Agcnt3 to canvass a household
novelty of great merits : I/Jjo.iioj sold in
H the onst Samples free to good parties Call
mm | Charles Tremont liouac Council llluirs 705-a >
WANTKD Canvassers nt Singer Sewing
Mnchlno olllce 1518 Douglas street .
SSI . 01 d2B
WANTKD Ooneial state agent to open
olllceheadquartors In some principal city ,
V nssumu oxcluslvo control ot our business , and
K appoint local or sub-ugents In every city In
m this siato Goods well knowo , staple as iiour ,
B In universal demand , and pay nnot proitt of M
B to lKlporccnu Address , with credentials The
H Union company ' , H llrouduay , Now Vnrk
SSJ \ djaiit
WANTKD Six horse collar makow Steady
work , piece prices Approved br Jamea
B JlcOlll No strike John 11. Sites , , Terrell ,
H Texas 60O-1J
THKDonver State Lottery Co . want agents
_ Tickets B0 cents Address A. C Hosa & . Co ,
B > Denver , Col Mj nut
WANTKD llellable energotle agent to rep •
resent an old line lire lnsmance company ;
H llboral contract will ba made with party that
H write lnnurnnce ; correspondence conlldential
B Address N U7 Hoe la'dbl
SALESJIKN Wanted At Oncs-A tew good I
_ men to sell our goods by sample to the
H wholesale and retail trade We are the largest
H manufarturors In our line In the world Llboral
H salary paid Permanent position Money ad
H vanrud tor wages , odvertlslng etc Tor full
| terms address Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago ,
M ill , or Cincinnati 0. tttfiDU ?
DKTKCTIVKB Wanted , good.rcllabie mon in
e\ery community ; paying posltions.ICnnsas '
H Detective llureau , Iack liox l i , Wlchitn , Kau
H 8 l _ dW
AOKN18I Write for terms Kl sample corset
free Schlelo ic Co , , SSO llroadway , New York
S I 54
WANTED Salesmen at 7iiper month salary I
and oxpouses to sell a line of sllvor.platcd I
H warn , watchus , etc , by sninple only ; borso uml I
B team furnished free Wrlte&t once forfullpar-
tlcuiars and sample cabs of goods free Stand
B ard Silver Warn Co . Uoston Mass 4Hi
Ml' .N to travel tor tne Ponthlll nuraortes of
Canada We pay 100 to 8IU0 a month and [
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
J stock Add , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis
WANTKD-Track layers nnd brldBe " carpen :
_ ters for Iowa Fluey , Kramer & Co . cor
J 11th and l'arnam sta 170
ANTED Lady cook and dlshwusher , tSO
uud MO , tor Idaho ; cook ami necond girls
J In same places , ilb and tlai a waitresses , ! J | ;
H pastry cook , Ki' 3 cooks tor louutry tonus ,
H f.D ; Iota of uew places every day ; Housework
m in all arts ot town Mrs llrega , 3H a isth
M Bliaat
WANTED A neat , pleasaut , lntolllseut
young lady , Danlsh Oerinan or American ,
L L H to do housework Address U " . ' Hoc ' \ ) \
WANTKD flood cook , washer nud lrnner >
also dining-room girl nnd chambermaid
H Mrs Iellniau jlKM loula ) . 7M 1
H ( X7ANTED A competent girl for general
H V > lioiuework , WJISaitli W8
WANTKD A girl for general housenork ;
mutt know bow to cook Inquire at 1CT
B NKIthHreei _ _ 712-IiOt -
1 V\ ANTED Plrst-class experienced bnleslady
H " In cloak department State experience
H and where employed Addreas L 03 , Dee &V1
LBBa "V\TANTii-llrl for general Housework 2335
TT Cuinlug st 2 Oil 'J '
WANTED-A girl for housework nt SOU
B DRE88WIAklNO , -
UES9MAK1N0 In famllles , orJUlltli ave
710 d If
H 'I IJUIB WJNlillKHU , dress ana cloak maker ,
H J-Jpluati cloaks to order and steamed ; sealskin
H cloaks repaired ; all kinds tur trimmings fur
H ulshnd Its Capitol are , repairing of all kinds i ,
m '
MISS _ Walsli , 1318 Capitol are dresa & cloak
_ _ _ _ maker ; pluih coatsretltted.rellnedsteamed
_ IVflsa UDONUHOU dre s-maklug. at l&ii
m ill Douglas at Plush cloaks steamed , rellued
_ _ ! and refitted la-i < m
_ llf'llS.&l' > uriuanlc4 ? sjimaklng parlor 701 S.Uth
WANTKD ity two yondg rnen7nlc wifrln
room midway between 18th and Harney
and loth and Nicholas Ms Address V1 , Ilea
olTlcol KS i *
\X , ANlTtn 2 unfurnished rooms for light
Vl housekeeping , tto * Sper rae Address O
CA , lice olllce tlVS t
* L-j <
\A7ANTii : : > Two furnished rooms ana table
. V > board for gentleman and wlfei permanent
If satlslliHl : everything must bo tlrat-ctass. Ad >
dress (1M lleo olllco rai
1POI1 HUNT fi-room coTtagerPoppleton nvo ,
J ? near SSth , 118. P. K. Darling Uarker bit
Iroit | IlRNT-Ncwn-ioom cottage ; good well
J : and city water , ail N. 87th e AM IJ
JTlOlt HUNT Two 10-room llats centrally lo-
- . ciifdt n7-room cottages 3 store rooms , nil
In good location W. A. Oardner , lloom atn ,
N. Y. Life llnlldlng C)8 ! git _
TilOlt HKNT-Ilouse 310 North 22d. lnqlllro N.
XJ w. cor ssdandjlavotipirt IW
JPOH llKNT IIotiso near V. P. depot after
_ _ l ee _ l : liHiuirotlia * Hlithst 021 auj
THOU UKST A Broom furnished cottanenoar
! Park and Woolwortn ares Address O30 Iloe ,
IS1 *
FOH "ilRNT Front flat ot 4 rooms , hall nnd
il closets , all modern conveniences , 1BH >
Howard ] st . rent 120. Apply to J. P. Lund 80S
South 18th st ft"l lit
FOIt ItKNl Cottsgeot3rooinsinroarof 1215
Chicago St . ncarjlth ; 50.1-Sut
TTlOll HUNT " room Hat Inuulrent the Pn' .r ,
X1 Thirteenth and HowanL OtO
ITIOII HUNT Pleasant 7-room cottage , largo
- lot , W0 , J. W , Orllllth , U. P. Headquarters
. f,7l"rin
3J10I1 11KNT 7-room cottage on California
• street 812.50 per monthtrefurenccs required ,
Nethcrton 5 HnlU Itc-om i , Union block Pith and
l'arnnm J sts Kl-t )
"I70H 11P.NT house on Dodge st Inqulro Itei
J3 _ 1 lodge ; TWO
IpOlt HUNT A cottnge with large stable nnd
[ ! grounds II ft Patterson , ai8 S 15tli. _ _ m
OH UKNT-0-room house , 2I2 < 1 Pt , Mary's
ave , SIOiuo P , K. Darling , 43 Darker blk
_ _ _ J 800 1 _
rnilN ' rootri house , nil modem Improvements ,
X in good order Apply at 21-0 Harnoy at
_ _ _ 80. > 1J
5KOO.M house In rear 830 9.17th st $12.
K room iiouBo , 1818 Cuming at , $15.
8 room nous * . 410 N. 21 sf . tH ,
2 8-rooin houses tilth all modern conveniences
Including , ranges and In nest resilience locality
: i . room houses In Windsor place , will rout
very cheap
Wo have a number of small houses and store
rooms for lent Apply to Green At Williams ,
First National Hank building W2
IJiOll HUNT Cottage , four rooms with four
, - acres of land , on Stntf street bctwoen Fort
and , Florence $10 per month Apply 317 811th st
DviO •
FOItltENT-lIouso. II rooms UIO N. 22d at
Enoulrc , Mrs M. A. Dotwllor , n w cor 22d
and Davenport ; 155
FOK HP.NT 8-room house , splondldly lm-
proved , with water , gas , bath , etc newly
papered , Urst-class neighborhood , * 3. i per
month C. F. Harrison N. Y. Life llldg 101
TS7ANTRD Small family to occimy for the
i winter pleasant _ ouse with barn at noml-
nal rental C. F. Harrison , N. Y Life llldg
pa _
ITIOH KIINT Convenient 4-room house , enst
. front , 8 isth near loivonworthst , for fum-
lly without children Call or address 153 8 yist
at , between Center and Dorcas sts 0.V1 2t
TJ1011 llDNT Klght-room house , with niuplo
X : grounds , corner Leavenworth nnd 21st sts ;
bathroom , hot and cold watei Apply to Lewis
S. Heed & U , Uoard ot Trade building
11(111 ( UENT 0-room cottage , $14 per no , cor
15th and Williams st Knqulro of J. Nncl , 012
So J3th st
IF you wish to rent a house or store see II K.
Cole , Continental block ; olllco open evenings
I [ toil KENT Neat 7-room house In good repair -
pair , on cor Both and Wootworth ave ; pos
sesion given at once Inqulro G. 11. Tzscnucfc ,
lleo ohlco O'Jt
IflOH KENT 5-ioom cottages on Halt Howard
near S3d st Enquire 024 8. 17th st 1,21
"ITIOH KENT-4 ton room houses , from * l. > tu $30
J- per montli , on Motor line Itoom 527 Pnxton
block r , It
ry-room house with barn , H > per month 0. F
I Harnson N. Y. Lifo llldg 480
IriOU llENT-So. H my block , 1131 dee ave ,
10 rooms , fnrnaco gns and lixturos , electrlo
wires for lighting , range and every conven-
lencetbnru with city watef and gas In ; choice
nelghborhoodu0. Dv Sbolea 213,1st Nat bank ,
J71LEOANT llats to rent 10th St . oastslde bo-
lltween Jones and Leavenworth ; first-class \
nllrobperts and new : steam heat , bath , open
grates and mantels , electric bells In nil rooms ;
both motor lines pass property Iloferencos
required Tbos i\ Hall , 311 Paxton block
35-KOOM ( new ) bouses , all modem convenien
ces except furnace , at $10 , halt block rrom
motor , 510 Paxton lllock 820
NK 'KLY furnlslied roonis " forgentlemen only ;
110J Dodge 800
1J1UUNI8IIED south front rooms ; also 2 for
housekeenlng 1724 Capitol nvo 80113
ELEO ANT rooms In modern brick residence ,
slnglo or double , board it desired 1821 Cass
_ 717 4 *
T710111UJNT Nicely furnished , front parlor
3 CQjN 17th street 7lKl' ; ' > *
371011 KENT Nice suite of rooms , bo.ird , gas
? bath , steam heat , 1721 Davenport Bt 800-5 ]
ROOM for two joung mon wltn satisfactory
references , 1811 Douglas st Wl-I ]
EOU HUNT Two rooms , furulshodorunfnr-
ul.lied ! ; _ 1720 Capitol nve 705
FOK HBNT-rurnlshod room , sultuole tor 2
or four gentlemen , on bath room boor , with
board cheap 1011 Douglas Bt MX ) IIP *
Tj OIt IuNT"Kle : gantly newly furnished
JH rooms in now brick building , with llrst class
table board if desired 107 S. 17th st
st.CM 2J
TJlUUNISIIEn front room with all modern
X : improvements to nice parties , board If do-
sired Apply at 0U7 N. Uth St I1CB > t
IfOIUtENT Well furnished Jchoated rooms ;
- allconvience ; llrst class board 22051'arnnm
; 658. J
IflUltNlSilED HOOMS nil modern convcnl-
! oncts , 213 South Twenty-fourth street
(131-2 (
FUItNISHKD rooms , light housekeenlng , 2020
St Mnry's ave " 025 lj
plOlt KENT After Nov 23. furnished , room
-i- modern conveniences $7
- - , per month 2218
Leavenworth st 012
ROOMS-JO , S8 , $10 , $12 , 1017 Chicago st
\ ilNJ02 *
ST CLAlIt Puropean hotel , cor 13th and
Dodge ; bpcclalrate by week or month
"I > OOMH with or without board , for three
Xigcntlemen ; private family ; references 1812
Dodge street 503
vflCELY furnished rooms with board ; nil
-L > modern conveniences ; 321 North 15th st
- ; > *
1710U ltKNT Furnlshod front room witn nl
-1- modern conveniences , to gentlemen only ,
at 21 bt Mary's avenue Apply at store , 210
and 212 South Fifteenth st 180
I71011 KENT Tno furnished rooms on St
. Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only : six minutes
utes' walk ot business center , ltefereuce i e-
quired Inquire at store , 210 and 212 S. 15th st
TfTOlt HUNT Suit of rooms overstovo store ,
J IC'I Howard $21 per month MT _ _
IT OIt KENT Furuiahod rooms with or with
X' out board at thu Co.zeua hotel till
N1UE rooms , steam heatTniB Davenpoit
. 743 il.H
IpOU HUNT-Furnished looms also front
JtJ _ nnd back parlor 10IJ Douglas UJt
17011 UENT-Nlce room witn use ot sitting
X room and parlor , 713 B 10th. 403
/lOYKltDALK House , opposite scnoot house ,
Vj' 17th uve , llrst bouse uorth of Leavenworth
street Warm llrst class furnished rooms with
or without meals Iteasonable rates , Mrs ,
Allle Coverdalo , fiO-fftD
TTIUIINISHED room for 3 gentlemen 2105
JC Douglas 523 ' 'Jt
"jfijIOU HKNT An oxesptlnnallv pleasant front
X' alcove room , furnished or uufiirnlshsdwlth
or without board , house has all modern con
leniences , one block from motor , but two In
family , terms reasonable.uApply 633 Park ave
TjWH HUNT To one or two gentlemen with
X' g d references , a nicely turuUlieil front
room , heated by steam and centrally located
InqutreJ24jU2th st 108
J jflOlt UENT Handsomely fnrnlsbed rooms
- for gentlemen ; bath , gas , furnace beat , 212) )
Dodge st 303
jnOUNISHHD room , furnace heat , all mod
X1 ern conveniences , for oae gentlemau only ,
2214 larnam 17J
' , . . , . , - . . 1
K uuturnubed chambers for houiskeoplug to ,
O manandwlto , No children Jill N.litii.7VK
IJlOll HKNT-a unfurnished stoam-heated i
X < rooms Fred D. Harris , 1510 Dodge , 527 20 i
IrH.KOANT furnished rooms with bath and f
llsteam UIMtoward st 517
fjlblt UENT 4-room suit , tinfurnlsbed sultatS
X' bis for bonsckesptng , gas water , etc to
family without children ; northwest ror 17th
and , webner at ; P7
JnoilllKNT-After Oct 1 , fine front olllco
J • ground floor ; oiateRlass window ; boat and
light furnished ; n most desirable location for
anv kind of business ; rent reasonable Inquire
Omaha l Ice Co . 310 8 15th Bt 4W
DESK room with HS
Hutchinson & \ \ ead , 1524 Douglas ; tcL 1529.
- m
HALF More for rent In best retail location ;
• * good clianco for stock of holiday goods
EnqulroPilUDouglMstj J53
fllllKmost promising locality for busluess In
X Omaha Is on ICth kt , between Farnam nnd
I.en > cnworth , the future retail district of the
city Elegant blocks are going up and nothing
shabby will ever be erected there .
1 ake a look nt the new block on east side
ICth ( between Jones s I.cavnworth and secure
lease for n number of years ; all heafd with
steam , with plnto-gtass front Thoi F. Hall
311 Pnxton block 50'
IllOlt HENT-2 new stores , BIT nnd OIKS ICth
J ! Fine show windows 350
Soil ItENT Store 1111 Farnnm st . 20x123
. feet 2 stories and cellar Nathan Shelton ,
1614 _ Farnam St 471
IjlOltltKNl The 4 story brick building with
X' , or'without power , formerly occupied by The
lleo ' Publishing Co , 015 Farnam t. The oulld
lng , nns a lire-proof cement basement , com
plete steam-beating llxtures , water on all the
floors , cas , etc Apply at the olllco of The lleo ,
JllOlt - IIKNT A 4-story nrlck hulidlng , CSxIa ) ,
aultablo for wholssalot good trackage ; I
have nlso a number ot line residence prop
erty for rout or sale For particulars call or
address 4IH ) 111 lleo bldg N. O , llrown 431
OLlVKIlranchltcmedtos Sure euro for reci
tul and female dlsoasos Sample , 2 cents ,
Mrs J. 11. Harvey , 1500 S. 12th st f33 _
AUCTION sales every Tuesday nnd Friday
morulngnt HUDouglasstreet Omaha Auc
tion _ Stoi qgn Co 20.1
KKALcstatu Conveyancing papers correctly
J drawn Hutchinson &i Wcudlo21 Douglas st
; 014
MCINT1HK weather strlos furnished and put
J on3ea foot Strips last 5 years Address
L. L _ KecnejKlI HamIIton CU-W
-i hotno with tlrst-clnss Hoard
J be bad In private family by ono or two per
sons ( ladles preferred ) , nt low prices Address
O or , lleo BP7
COMMERCIAL travelers write to St Joseph ,
' Mo „ nox 1525 for Information concerning
specialties to sell as side line H'4l-3t
FOK liRNT Houses nnd stores Property
J cared for , taxes paid Midland Guarnntoe
& Trust Co , 1014 l'arnam st Abstracts ; 57u _
"TVTIDWII'E-Mrs. II 8. 011ck , graduated In
iu ltussla , Europe , has had 14 years of practl-
cal experience , has located at 1337 8. 13th st
327 DI7t
LADIES use Marlon Walkers Fnce llleach
. for trccklns , pimples , moth and liver spots ,
guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and
to be ccriectly narmless For further lnforJ
inntlon call nt 322 N lith basement . 68131J
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
DTCIUNSON _ Wead , 1521 Douglas St
- 014
HIS Cole , rental agent ; olllco open evenings
- 751
WANTED Horses to winter nt $0 a month
per head on farm near lrvlncton Plenty
of J grain and liny to feed , good shelter and good
care given them ; horses called for and dellvr
erod W. It Homan rooraO , Frenzer blk 477
HOUSES wintered atSlpermonth flood care
- given Inquire rooms 1 & 2Omaha Natl bank
LOST Eyeglasses with gold frame ; return
to O. Mlttauer , 1207 Jones st , and recelvo
toward i 701-20J
LOST Hold watch , Howard If returned to
this olllce lit I 2.IJ
TONOTAKIE3 Send 25c for short system of
records ; only halt as much work as v > y old >
method j Sultu b'e for any slate GeoII
Uowring Notary.Stuart , Neb 303 28 *
LKAHN shortnand and typewriting under
Prof Omaha Couimorclal college ,
corner , 15th nnd Dodge Students wrlto from 00
to lee wonls per minute In three months ; olllco
drill one month free : only repotting style
taucht ; no text books needed ; students put In
positions ; grammar , letter writing , spedlng ,
ponmnnshlp , free ; type waiters for rent nnd sup
plies for sale Shorthand taught by mall Wrlto
us for circulars ltohrbough liros . Omaha ,
0 0 d 3 I
THE banjo taught as an art by UooP Uellen-
berk , room 213 Douglas block Vo0
WANTKD Dollvery wagon and good cook
ing range , cheap for cash Address O 71
Bee 70JM10J
LIST your property for Omaha Heal Estate
Exchange Hutchinson & Wead,1521 Douglas ,
014 _
CASH for nil kinds of household goods at 1114
Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage
CO ; 2W1
MEUHUAN )18 ) E tor our customers wno have
casbsecured paper and real estate to trade ,
lloom lfi Chamber Commerce , Oil
TltACKAOIiBtorags at lowest rates W. M.
UusbmanrillLeivonwortn. . 473
rpiIK cleanest and host storage In the city at
Xlow rates at 1114 Douglas street Omaha
Auction & Storage Co 204
TOUAOEand forwarding We collect nnd deliver -
liver goods of all description , merchandise ,
furniture and oaggage at cheapest rates for
Btorago for nny length ot lime Vans nnd
wagons to be had at shortest notice , wltn care
ful men for moving Packing nnd shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
chnrge Merchandise loaded and unloaded
Wai ehouso on our own tracks Onlco 217 8. 14th
st Telephone 114. Howell & Co 430
US KCCLES , the famous foitune teller and
clairvoyant , business love , marriage nnd
change ) , W7o. litb next to Darker Hotel
, 7 t5-t
3710UTUNE Teller-Mrs. Lenorman can bo
- consulted on all affairs ot life , Satisfaction
guaranteed No 310 N. 15th st 17. 'dM *
Dlt NANNH3 V. Warren , clairvoyant , modi-
pal and business medium Female disease
a specialty , 110 N. ICth it rooms 2 and 3 , 48
HITTLKSEY'S ' Shorthand and Typewrit-
lng School , Darker block Day and even
ing classes Terms six dollars 01Ud21T
QTANDAHDBhorthandSchnol , Hoom315 , Ware
KJblk . ( successor to Valentines ) the largest ,
exclusive shnrtband.scbool In the west Teach
ers are verbatim reporters Particular attention
paid to typewriting Mechanical construction
ot machine taught by factory oxpart Circulars
ITIOH SALE A good wagon , cheap Cooper
. talvo Laud and Lot Co , 205 N , loth street
lilOlt SALE Furniture of n 4-room house In-
X eludes wenlng machine , $ t. S 1321 N. 21st sr
707 201
Iron SALE Counter and shelving , room 527 ,
Paxton lllock , wo
f/lOU SALE Cheap , carriage house nnd a
XI stable ; to be removed Applv to the Hernia
Park Co , rooms 15 and 10. Continental block
Fifteenth and Douglas streets ( Us
IflOlt BALK Horses , mules , wagons , etc , on
! easy terms U. 1' , Masters , room 4 Wlthnell
Tlk auai
FOU HALE Good horse ror family use , cheap ,
A. P. Tukey , N. Y , L. Uldg 481) )
IrilNE carrlago teams and single drivers and
- i fresh milch cows for sale at W. II Millard's
Hillside stock farm Horses wintered nt reasonable
enable rates T.J , Fleming.m'g'r.Calhouii.Neb ,
Foil BALE Cheap , lot of wood working ma-
nailery , Una bay mare , elexant cabinet or-
gau light spring wagon ana puaeton Hoom
MO , Paxtou Ulock too
CHEAP for cash , bed room set square piano ,
. „ , W seat road wngonlu good condition J ,
. ' . j' ' building , 1,02-2 Jt u
IilOU BALB or Kxchs.nge-1'our full-nlooded
. - Jersey cows , fine driving team as thure is In
the city , ono double currluge one double cutter ,
oue phaeton , Hnyuer make , and one road wag
on buyder make : all nearly new ; will trade for
good pioperty nnd will assume light Incum-
Jrn n'r9Apply Itoom Sio , First National bank
bulldlnp , . coo
OHRAP for cash Thfll furniture ot ft-room
V flat at 415 a 1 lib lt7f 485 Z3t
NEW pBotographfn apparatns Never been
1 used or damaged , . Cheap , It taken soon
Address John K. Al.leW , Omaha , Neb ( Oen
eral , delivery ) r. * 711KM *
ITIOH SALE I row f jieap II , II HendeN
: son , room 10) . laxtbnblk oa
I/IOH8ALE Kent otirade Large livery arn ,
J : known as Checkered Ham , " on Ho 18th
street near Harnoy Ntrt > , MortgageLoan Co ,
SID Paxton blk TJi 849
FOH SALE A aVhotse power Porter engine
rf In good condltlonvw lght 5.100 pounds cyl-
lnder 11x15 , For particulars apply to The lice
otnee . 7W
- ; _
I 71011 SALE A qnnnJlty ot building etone
J . Apply to the superlutonJent Ilee building
I/'Oil ' SALE Fresh milch cows Cor 0 and
J : Ulth sta . 8. Omaha U. M. Manly A Co
I1 IDLAtTfi ( Turiratirce , t Trust Ca , N. V. Life
bldg.completo abstracts furnished and titles
J real estatoexamlnedperfcctedt guaranteed ,
WE \ HAVE cash on hnnd tor any choice
, loans ot ) first clnss city property " Central
l • ianand Trust Co , 1205 1-arnamst. 5.12-2
MONEY I nt low rates Mortgages bought
Hutchinson * Wend , 1521 Douglas Tel 15.10.
EL _
OMAHA Heal Estate Exchange List on file
I each day at Hutchinson & Wead,152t Dou glas
( ISO 20
CHATTEL loans at owest rates , business
\ conlldential J , If Emlnger,1417 Farnamst
MONEY = j loaned ou furniture , horses and
wagons , rates reasonable City Loan Co ,
118 813th St . opposite Millard hotel 505
MONEY to loan onreal estate security at
low est rates Ilcfore negotiating loans see
Wallace , 11310 Drown bldg , loth and Douglas
TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings
SEE Sholes room 210 , First National bank ,
before making your loans , 4 4
$1,000 Private money to loan or will buy good
* mortgage , W. L. Selby , r. 13 , Hoard of Trade
LOANS 1 City and frfrm leans , mortgage pa
J per bought McCague Investment Co 488
MONEY ] loaned on chattel security or rea
estate JJ Wllxlnson , 018 Paxton blk
BEFOKE 1 making chattel or collateral loans
: It will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co , room 442 , Doe building 490
$500,000 to loan at 6 per cent Llnnhan & Mai
* honey , room 500 , Paxton block 504
MONET ] to loan by an eastern man , on gilt
edge property , for the next 10 days Harris ,
room 411,1st Nat Hank 53J
1 HILADKLPHIA Mortgage Jfc Trust Co fur
J nlstt cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securltlos , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western olllce Ocorgi ) W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trndo 41)7 )
MONEY to loan In any amount on household
. goods , horses and wagons , diamonds , bind
contractssecond mortgages.or any available se
curity , without puoltclty Nehraaka Mortgage
Loan Co Itoom IW.Paxton blk 243
w > i
ONE ( hundred dollars private money to loan
or will buy short lime mortgage or good
note , room 13 Hoard oHTrade 610
n :
TO LOAN -A speciaLfund ot 3103.000 In sums
of Slu.000 and upwards nt very low rates
The Mead Investment ? Co . 314 3.15th st 133
ONKY to loan on'Jiorses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , prahos , organs , diamonds ,
] lowest rates The Ursiliorgaiiized loan olllco In
the I city Makes loans trpm thirty to threohun
dred and sixty-live days , which cau bo paid in
j part or whole at any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest ) Call and see us when
you ; wunt money Wo pm assist you promptly
and i to your ail vantage without removal of
Rroperty | or publicity Money always on hand
o aelay In raakinc loans C. F. ICcod Co ,
810 i 8. 13th st ' . over Bingham & Sons 491
MONEY to loan on fntnlturo , organs , pianos ,
horses , and wagons > Ilawxcye Investment
Co | , Itoom 33 , Douglas-blk , loth and Dodge sts
MONEY to loauoniOkty property and farm
lands at lowest rates , . . J. D. Zlttlo , 810 N. Y.
Lite bidg > . 18J
TT \ E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings
ESIDENCE loans 5 4 to 7 per cent ; no ad-
ditlonal charges for commissions or attorneys
neys' ] fees W. It Melkle , First Nat bank bldg
I 49J
PKIVATE money to buy small notes or mort
gages , lloom 13 , Hoard of Trade 841
UILDINO loans D. V. Sholes 210 First
National bank 401
WANTED Flrbt-class Inside loans Lowest
rates Call and see us Mutual Invest
ment Co , 1501 l'arnam , 485
DO YOU want money Loans made on furni
ture , pianos , horses , etc , without delay ,
publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan
of this kind will do well by calling at this olllce
before dealing elsewhere A. E. Oreenwood Ac
Co . room (1) ( ) fJ South Thirteenth street 231
10 YOCJ want money ? If so , dent borrow
X/before getting my rales , which are the low
est on any sum from $1 to $10XD. (
luiako loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , muleswagonswarehouse receipts ,
houses leases , etc . In any amount at the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property
Loans can be made for one to six months and
you can pay part at nny time , reducing both
principal nnd interest If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses or hare a , loan on
them I will take It up and carry It for you as
long you desire
If you need money you will And It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing
II F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building , lith
and Harney 484
MONEY to loan O , F. Davis Co , real estate
and loan agents , 1501 Farnam st 412
J7UHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank
SHOUT loans nt reasonable rates on good se
curity , over 1001 Howard st • 478
MONEY to loan on any security
for snort time at low
rates Low est rates
on personal
property .
The Henderson Mortgage Investment com
pany , room 400 , Paxtou block 503
EYSTONK Mortgage Co Loans of $10 to
$1,0J0 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money : loan on horses , furniture , or uny
approved soourlty , without publicity : notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old nnd low
est * ratcscall ; It 203Sheeley blktSthHowardst
_ ] 1IW
LOANS made on real cstnte and mortgages
bought Louis S. lloed&Uo , r , 13board trade ,
MONEY to loan on furnlturo , horses , wagons ,
eta or on nuy approved security J. W.
Hobblns , 209 N. YLife . . 498
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay J.
\V. Squire 1219 l'arnam st , First National
' '
bank building f 5J1
MONEY to loan op" city or farm property
Oeo J. Paul , jtmfSfnam st 493
MONEY-Loana negpHated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage noies S. A. Slonan cor
13th and Farnam ) .J 500
"f/IIKhT National safety deposit vaults Safes
X' to rent $5 to ti ! a yeuy , 3J7 S. 11th. 290
MKAT Market , one'tat the best locations In
Oinuua , owner liasntuer buslnoss , Hutch
inson & Wead , 1521 Duuulaa street Tel 1520.
" " ' 811 1
EESTAUHANT ln . | > od location for bale
( heap , or will sell 'llalf luterest This Is a
good opportunity for.lparty wishing that busi
ness Two grocery stocks , one in Omaha and •
one In South Omaha for cash and land Abe '
twogenuralstocks in good towns in Neb , for
cash and land Co-opsratlve Land and Lot
Co.npauy , 205 N 16th st 7011
HOP HOUSE In line locality can be bought
away down cheap Parties going awayf Es-
lubllsbud business o" two years , Co-opcruHvo
LandBUd Lot Co , 201 N. 10th st 791-1
IJlOlt SALK-A generul mercnandlso store In
alive Nebraska town ; Invoice about J8.00J ;
win sell for cash or on good security ; uddress 1
N50 , Hoe olllce 671 Ut
Ifipil SALE or ' neutr-llestaurant In hurojwuu i
• hotel of flfty rooms ; easy terms to right
party Addrets o ij nee ct
tor the American "
SDDSCItlllE shares in ,
the largest building and loan association in 1
the world | . A. Upton , special agent , I6th 1
and Farnam , s _
lu u ? ALi good retail Coal yard doing a '
JNo. . I business , with teamr , olllco and eveiy-
thing complete J , j „ Parrotte lloom 21 ,
Douglas block ai2-3
1 } AUTIES desirous ordlsposing ot their busi-
ncsp In any line will do well to call ou or ud-
dress , W , H. K. A. M. B „ Koom 15Cuamber Com
merce on
JilOnSALK-Or | trade , a well established book
J J and stationery Btoro llox f.l < - fffl
"KTKW J 2seaTeTT"earfiagiifro 2nd rubttgags
1 > Selby 13 Hoard Trade 314
AOOOD grocery store In flrst-clnss location ?
j do.lig good business , for a couple ot goml
trams nnd a little cash ; ownorcolng Into other
nuslness : big bargain If taken soon Address
O CO Ilee ofllcoj iWt-gQt
VirANTED > To trade Slots and rt-roora house
il nt Florence : property worth $300 : no In-
enmbrance ; for work teams , grading outtlt prei
terred II Hall , Florence , Neb 040 Lf
GOOD equities In Omaha property and Noc
braska land to trade for second mortgage
on Omann property W. It E. , V M , E , room lo ,
Chnmher of Commerce , Tel lit ) . 824
- - -
IriOR KJCHANOE W ) acres clear otencumb-
- ranee In strips ot 10 acres , in Mercer coun-
ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property
Apply room 215. First National bank building
\ 1.H I
IpXCHANOE for city proportv , two good
J U farms Joining towns , situated In Hnrlan
and Orecly counties , Meyer & ltaapke 1405
] Harney st 788-dl
\\TIliLoxcliangs now 8-rooin noilss tor va-
Vi cant lots InOmnha AddressN 43 , lleo
$1,000 J ; stock in battle of Oettysburg tor personc
nl property What bavoyou to offer Sholes ,
213 First NatT bank OSI29
V\71LL exchange now S-room house , all modI I
Vi cm conveniences , for vacant lots or wornt
bio , property Hoom 018 Paxton block 085
IMPltOVED farm 14 mlles from Omahn
Hutchinson &Wead,1524 Douglas St Tel 152J.
_ U j
aW EXCHANGE tor for stock ot grocerlos or I
hardware , il quarter sectlons.wcstern land ,
improved \ farm in Kmisas , Improved form In
lllltlor Co , Neb , town lots In Imperial , Neb ,
county ! ; seat Chase Co Address W. It Davis ic
Sons , Seward , Neb 480 (128
IF YOU hno anything to exchange call on or
address II K. Cole , It 0 , Continental , olllce
openotenlngs \ 45i
EXCIIANOE Cash nnd city property or cash
nnd land for morchniidlso Co-oporntlve
Laud and Iot Co , S05N. 10th St 791-1
I7IOK KXCHANGK Good improved farm
: - land for furniture and lease of Hat or largo
house ' Address O 0' , lleo olllco 80. ) IJ | |
ITIOH EXCHANOE-WIll soil or trade for 1
J stock of goods or unencumbered property ,
ono family borso and phaeton , oue ponoy und
cart j ono cutter , one homo mads driving buggy
harness , etc , also ono cow , are In first class order -
der J , call on or address W. It Vaugbnn , Demo
crat olllce , 238 33 *
FOI1 KXCHANOE-A business yielding a protlt
' of from i-\iM to JH.0JJper annum , to exchange -
change tor good city property Am willing to
nssunio i light encumbrance Apply room 210 ,
First National bank building 130
JflOR EXCHANGE lOclear South Omaha lots
. and clear land for 8 or 10 room house , will
assume i small incumbrance W. L. Selby , It IS ,
Heard Trade 80J
IMPHOVED farm and city property for mor-
thandlse Address , lloom 15Chamber Commerce
merce- i Oil
• _ > CLEAR Soutn Omaha lots for norses.or land
Osouth ' or cast of Wheeler Co , Neb Selby ,
13 Uoard Trade 341
BiATUIATNBln ncro property
• Ten-acro tract on Heft Line lly $3,033.
Five acres In West Omaha $ J,6)J.
Twenty ncros close to llelt Line $7,000. -
Flvc-ncro tract near Holt Line 8A250 ,
Forty acres west city limits $12,000.
Five actus will make 20 lote , $ . ' .750.
Threencres with nice grove $1,700.
len-acro tract , beautiful location , $ ' ,500.
Ten acres , house , bnrn , shade trees , $7,500.
Twenty-acre tract will make 10J lots , $9,000.
live acres , splendid fruit garden , ilouo
Twenty acres close to M. P. and P. , E. & M. V.
Ity . $ | 0.&X ) .
live acres In Eellair add $1,000.
Ten acres lu Lawnileld $ Jr/jj.
T hero Is no hotter Investment "on the market
today than well-located acre property
Oeo N. Hicks N. Y. Life building CIS 23
TRACKAGE , lot 37 , block 5 , on 13th Btreet
Paddock Place , now worth $ .1.0 0. will bo
worth $5,00o when new bridge Is built , to be sold
at miction Real Estate Exchange , at 11 a m. ,
November 30. C87 30J
IJiOK SALE Lot 33x132 , near High school , 4
J room-eottogoJJ,5 < X > . CP : HarrlsonNYLIfo
023 1
TjlOK SALE Or exchango.on easy terms , some
X ! Draud new 0-room houses on Spiuldlug st ,
near motor line ; no better residence location in
the city Also some new 7-room houses on
Corby nnd 2 > th st Just li miles from post
ofllco ; will exchange any of the above for clear
land or lots For terms and particulars apply
to ft ft Spottswood , 31'iVi S IGtn st 440
TO ANY ono who has $500 to Invest , not more
thau four such persons , 15 per cent for ono
or two years Heal estate Call on D. D.
Smoatou , 1014 Farnam Bt 807-2
TUB best
Business ,
Vacant and
suburban properties In the market .
are for sale by the old reliable M. A , Upton
Co , 10th and Farnam .13
F0U8ALE-0n long time and easy payments ,
handome , newwell built houses ot8 , 9 , and
10 room3. All conveniences , good neighbor
hood ; paved streets , btreet cirs , and within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014
Farnam Htreot 603
TjlOK SALE A new house just being erectea
X onCumlugst In Sherwood park ; tne house
has all modern improvements , hard wood finish
throughout ; nlso large barn , with 150 ft front
age on West st by 180 frontage on Cuming St I
willse' .l this to the right party on reasonable
terms Apply lloom 210 , First National bank
building | 003
FOR 8AL2 A great bnrgain ; lot 3. block 14 ,
Ambler place , $375. H. S. llrown , J12 N. Y.
Life building 037-2J
FOR SALE , very cheap , no trades , farm 611.70
ncros , soc 5.12 NOW Hamilton countyNeb ,
2 miles from Mnrquotte , wnall house , stable ,
3)0 acres pasture fenced , living water , price
only $10 per acre , $5,437 00. ono-thlrd 1889 crop
Included Tonusi,2 0 cash , balanced percent
Interest , F. K. Atkins , ownorrailroad building
Denier , Cole • 011
RaCICAGK , lot 37 , blocks , on 13th street ,
Faddock Place , now worth $1.0 0 , will be
worth fiUM when new bridge Is built , to bo Bold
nt auction , Heal Estate Exchange , at ll n. in ,
November U ) . L87 30j
ITIOH SALE or trade I own nn absolute equity
XI ot $3JO0J In the three brick nnd stone store
bulldings.threo stories hlghadJolulng the First
National bank on 13th st , Omnha , that I will
trade for unencumbered property In or near
Omaha Should llko a nice residence or I will
sell said property at a barguln Address W.
It Vaughan Democrat olllce , Omnha Neb
_ ) JJ _ _ _
JUbTlook 55feet-east front on Lowe uve
near Chicago st for $1C0J. This Is worth
" '
"l/jt 4 , block 7 , Hodford place near 30th and
Pinkney streets $703.
Lot o , block 11 , South Omaha 60x150. corner
and east front on 24th st 83,2,10 , There is big
money In nny of the above ,
1 hare some elegant clear Improved farms In
Illinois , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota and Neoraska
for good Improved Omnha property , and as
sume Incumbrance Would like to get brick
Piece ot One Improved residence property ,
with light Incumbrance , at 8 per cent Interest ,
for some llrst class clear vacant lots lu Hans
corn place , or near West Farnnm at
live urlck houses nnd four frame , all well
rented , on 31th and Jackson streets , which 1
can sell at a bargain Call In while the weather
Is had und I will get you up a good trade ,
Sholes , 21.1 First Nati bunk 08120
J7IOH BALK On easy terms , the new cottage
: erected by me on George st , corner Lowe
ave ; property has 10) ft frontage ou O eorge st
by 150 frontage on Luwe ave For terms apnly
Itoom 210 , First National bank bulldlu g. 033
XPyon want any lots In Orchard Hill , npply to
Room 210 , First National bank building tor
terms and location 030
WAUOII Si Westerileld , real estate , 8. Omaha
JjiOU 8ALK-Or trade $15,000equity In a large
. lot ou Jones tt , uixlJ , with line residence
Address or call on W. It Vaughan , Democrat
o lce 211UJJ .
IJIOR SALK-$050 will buy lot MxlJJ ia Omaha
Vlow , one block from motor line , ulsely on
grade Lots in this addition are worth $1,000 I
una the above price la open for a short time '
only O , II Tzschuck , care Omaha Ilee 701
llTHOTKUlJOi-niJ-liilTjouglas street :
newly furnished rUrlctly first-class ; rates i
H.Wuud * - ! per day , Tarpley Ilros , proprietors
- .
Not leu ,
Matter ot Application of John W. Green , for
liquor Ureiibe ,
Notice is hereby given that John W. Green ,
did upon the 2Jth day of November , A. D. 188,1 ,
tile his application to the Board of I ire aiui j
Police Commissioners of Omaha , for License to
sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors at No ,
1415 Farnam street , ihlrd ward , Omaha , Nub ,
from the 1st day ot January , 1800. to the 1st day
of January IBJl
It their lie no objection , remonstrance or pro
test filed w llhln two weeks Jr 'in ' December 2d ,
A. D. 1889 , the said llr n > > o will be uruned
JSti JOHN W. GitEEN , Applicant
ttnttoe of Special TClcoMon
Netlct Is hereby lr n to the legal rottra ot
Douglas 1 county , Nebraska , that whereas the
Nebraska Central railway company has subr
milted to the board of county commissioners of
Douglas county , Nebraska , a proposition In tne
words following , namely !
• • Omaha Neb . OCU31.1889. Honorable Board
of commissioners or Douglas County , Neb
braska Uentlement The Kehrasxa Contia- >
railway company proposes to build a double !
track ateel railway bridge across the Missouri
river at some point yet to be selected above the
present bildgrs , and south ot the north Hue of
the city of Omaha provided the county of
Douglas will donate to the company two hun
dred and fifty thontnud it-S-O.itM ) dollars of 8
Eer j cent twenty-year bonds ot the county , to
e delivered to the company on the completion
of the bridge ready for operation on or before
June 22. U92.
"lhe bridge Is proposed to bs built tinder ai
act ot congress entitled , 'An act to authorise
the construction of a bridge over the Missouri
river , at or near the city of Omaha , Neb , ' approved -
proved June 22.1884. And the ait pro > hies that
the bridge shall be open to all railroad com '
fatiles desiring to use the same , upon equal
l erms
in case the constructloi of the bridge Is not
begun before the lith day ot June Is- * ) , or tne
brlil.o Isnot coraDloted nsroroiho 22d day of
June 1892 , the company shall not bo entltloil ti
recelvo nny of said bonds , even though tke
proposition should be carried by vote ot the
And , provided further , that raid bonds shall
bo delivered to the sal.l Nebraska Central Kail
way company , its agents , successors or assigns
only upon the execution by said Nebraska Cen
tral I Railway company or lis succctsors , and do <
ll livery to said county of Douglas , ot an under
taking in writing to the effect that the princl-
pal ] depotot said railway company Its general
odlces and principal machine shops , when
built I shall belocawd and maintained within
the corporate limits ot the city ot Omnha , N ob ,
ami that n violation of the terms ot said nn-
dertaklngbythe said Nebraska Central RnlU
waycompaiiy ! or It suciessors shall render said
NebrasKa Central Railway company or Its suc
cessors Indouted to the said couutv ot Douglas
to the full amount ot said bonds and the Inter
est thereon
'lly order of the board of directors Nebraska
Central Railway company
. " • • " • Dumont Vice President ,
" -
"Gr.ona-0. IUiinuh Secretary "
And , wnereas , it was voted by the board ol
countycouimlsstonersot said Douglas county ,
Nebraska I , to nccept the above nnd foregoing
proposition of the i Nebraska Central Hallway
, Provided , that the terms ot such proposition
be 1 llrst submitted to the legal voters ot said
county ana adopted by th m according to law
Now , therefore , a special eloctton of the legal
voters < of Douglas county , Nebraska , will be
held nn
BER 18S9 ,
at J which election the following questions shall
bo ' submitted to said voters and voted upon In
the ; form and manner nnd at tne polling places
following ' :
, Shall the county of Douglas , Nebraska , Issue
Its coupon bonds to aid the Nebras kn Central
railway j compsuy in the construction of a rail
road bridge across the Missouri river at
Omaha ! , Neb ; said bonds to amount to the sum
of . two hundred , and fifty thousand ( M O.uun
dollars : to be Issued In sums ot one thousand
( ' ll.ux ) ) dollars each ; to no made payable to
bsarer ; to bo dated on the 1st day ol January ,
1891 ; ; to become duo twenty ( ' . " 0) ) years after the
date ! thereof ; to bear Interest at the rate of live
(5) ( ) per cent per annum , payable semiannually
on i the llrst day ot January and ot July : of
which bonds to boar on Its face the following
words : This bond Is one of a
series of 250 like bonds which are
Issued < by the county of Douglas , In the btate of
Nebraska , to aid the Nebraska Central Railway
company i In th < construction of a railroad
bridge across the Missouri river at Omnna ,
Nebraska ; " all ot said bonds and the Interest
thereon to be pnyablo nt the Hscal agency ot the
state of Nebraska In the city ot New York ; to
be delivered and donated to the Nebraskacen- .
tral Railway rolnpany when It shall have com
pleted , ready lor operation , a double track
steel railroad Drldsoacross the Missouri liver at
Omaha , JNooraska , and shall have executed the
agreements contained In said proposition ; pro
vided the Bnme shall be commenced on or be
fore June 15,1890 , and shall be llnuhcd ready
for onerattnn on or berore June 23.1892.
And Bball nn annual tax , In addition to the
msual and all other taxes , tie levied on thu tax
able property ot Douglas county , Nebraska ,
sufficient to pay the luterest on said bonds as It
becomes due ; unu at the time ot levying the
annual county taxes , commencing the tenth
year prior to the maturity ot said bonds , shall
a tax In addition to nil other taxes oe levied on
the taxable property of Douglas county , nnd
continued annually thereafter from year to
year , until thereby a sinking fund shall have
been treated sufficient to pay said bonds at the
maturity thereof J
The above questions shall be regarded as one
entire question , ana all legal voters or said
Douglas county who desire to vote in favor ot
the Issuance of said bonds and the levy ot said
taxes In payment of the principal ana Interest
thereof , at said election , sball votj a bal ot
with said question printed or written , or parti
printed and partly written , with the following
additional words thereon : Yes For the Ne
braska Central railway aid bonds and tnxes 'f
And all legal voters or said Douglas couutv who
desire to vote against the Issuance of said
bonds nnd the levy of said taxes in payment ot
the principal and interest thereof , at said elec
tion , shall vote a ballot with said question
printed or written , or partly printed and part
ly written , with the following additional words
thereon : "No Against the Nebraska Central
railway aid bonds and taxes "
If two-thirds of all ot said ballots voted by i
the said legal voters ot said Douglas county at ! I
said election shall have thereon tne words Yes
For the Nebraska Central railway aid bonds
and taxes , " the foregoing proposition will nave
been adopted , and the said bonds shall he Is-
S'ledandiue said taxes sball bo levied In ac
cordance with tne terms and conditions there
of ; otherwise not
Said election shall be opened at eight (8) ( )
o'clock a. m. upon said Tuesday , the 3d day of
December , 18&V , and shall remain open until six
(0) ( ) o'clock p. m. of said nay
The polling places of said election shall be
the following named places In Douglas county ,
Nebraska :
District No 1 fi W. corner Tenth and Jones
District No 2 Nnmber J117 South Sixth
street , Vlney's barber shop
District No 3 s. E. corner Eleventh and Dor
cas streets , engine house
DIstrlctNo 1 Number 1218 South Sixteenth
District No 2 Number 1671 South Sixteenth
District No 1 Nnmber IU08 Davenport street
District No 2 Number 1022 Harney street
District No 1 1607 Capitol avenue
District No , 2 Nuraber.,1712 St Mary's bts-
District No 1 Number 604 North Sixteenth
District No 2 Corner Izard and Sixteenth
treets Engine Hoube No 0.
DIstrlctNo 1 Wumber2)30 Lake street
District No 2 Lyceum Hall , op Twenty
fourth street on South side of P. , E. 4 M. V. Hi
It track
District No 3 Stevens Store on Parker
street West of Thirty-third street
District No l Corner Twenty-ninth street
and Woolwnrtb avenue , School House
District No 2 II ( J. Clarks Dulldtng on
Twenty-ninth street , between Dupont and Klce
District No 1 South Side Cuming , between
Twentieth and Twenty-flrst streets ( Harness
Shop ) . .
District No 2 Cuming btreet , between
Twenty-fourth street anu'iwenty-flftb avenue ,
Furay's barn
District No 1 Conur Twenty-ninth and Far
nan streets , c. J , Jobuson's store
District No 2 Corner Mercer and Lowe ave
nues , ft J. Ryan's store
Treclnct No I F. pivonka's , N street , be
tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets
Precinct No ; 2 j. Levis , Twenty-sixth street
between N and O streets
Precinct No 3 Little house hack ot Keller's
hotel , o street
Precinct No 4 Exchange hotel
Florence Precinct At scnool house at Flor
Union Precinct At George L. Redman's
house ,
Jellerson Precinct At P.Deldricbson's ofllce ,
Klkhoro Preclnct-At Town hall , Klxborn
City •
valley Precinct At school bouse at Valley
station . I
Waterloo Precinct At Masomo hall building
Chicago Precinct At Van Alt's ohlce
Millard Precinct At school house at Millard
McArdle Precinct At McArdla's school
Douglas Prerinct At Henry Iluser's place ,
t. W. qr . section iai , township 11. range 13.
VUst Omnha At school house , district No 9 , '
By order of the board of county commission
4 e. [ s-- | U , D. ROCHE , County Clerk
BUIlTiNGTON7HOUTK.r" Leave ' [ Arrlvo -
Depot Ulth _ Mason sts Omaha Omaha
Chicago Vestibule Ex . , , 3:15 p m 50 iv m
4 Ii cage Mall .
: am BU0 : p in
Chicago Local . 6:40 : p m 8JQ : u m
Denver Vestibule Ex . . . .
; 10:01 : a m 3 Go p m
Lincoln Jfc Concordia Lei 8.0 a m 6:15 : n m
Colorado Mall BUpg V . 05 a m i
Chicago Fast Mall , via U ,
P. Transfer , , . . , in ; p m
Kansas City Express 035 a m 6:45 : am
Kansas City Express H ) p a 6d5 ; p m
Depot IMhWebaterats Omaha Omaha
* '
BtTaul Limited 0:45 : p m a5 a m
ft MbT PAUL Lea > e Arrive
Depot 1Kb & Marcy sts , Omaha , Omaha
Ho.2. MalL . , . , 0:15 : a m
No 4. Express , , , , 6:00 : p m
No 1. Mall , r 7:15 : am
Noa Express , , , 0:05 : p m
tVARASH WESTERN Leave I Arrive i _ _
Depot lorn h Marcy ets Omaha Omaba 1 H
- No.8 " 8t „ Kip Dally , . ) 4 ; p " " m | 12:20p : ra H
i-3- ? _ \SltJ- ' • ArflT -H
- i
Depot 15th * -
sta Omaha , Omaha M
Sioux : 7 * A1'r , Krreas . _ 1:03 : p m lm pm , | j H
• City Aeimnodafn d.o ) a m S : p m il _
> t Paul Limited
J , 6t5 : p m 9:11am : _ _
, lorenco Passenger . 0t6am : 9:00 : am _ _ _
niorencn . 1'as.sengor. , . 5:15 : pm 0:03 : pm _
8 ' ' '
oux City Ar'om'dst'n 5HJ
p m _
' ' '
JMoux j City Ac'om'dal'n 4:45 : a ra _
EvceptSunday , iH
yially Except Monday _ _
_ tS .V N. W. It H. I Losve " Arrive - _ _ _ _
Depot ' Kih A Marcy sts.t Omaha omana M
last 1 < Limited , : xp.r" . ? \ ' Ia"l , . . : I5 a tn 0:01 p m _ |
Ilnl'y 4:05 : p m 10:30 : a m I
Atb1ntloMlilllall ) . .ij ; jjn JimJ ffio , ajn
, . KB Jr M. V. II It I nave Arrive M
Depot IMhA Webster Ms Omaha Omaha M
' ,
Black j Hilts Express 8:5 : , a m Ails \ \ in _ _
llnitiugaft 1 Superior Ex 8V > n In 5:45 : p in ! _
Lincoln ' .V Wnhoo 1'ass. . . 5:00 p m 10:25 : a m _ _ _
David I City & York Pass 6:01 : p tu 10:25 : a m _
Norfolk I Pass fiu : ) p m 10.27 a m H
45. I ! . I. .V P. 1 Leave Arrive tH _
Depot i luth A Marcy su , ' Omaha Omaha H
Atlantic 1 Espross , , i • ! • | \ n m A'U : p m . I H
Mght Kxptess • 515 ; p m Mini ' M M
yojtlbuled i' .xprcss I 4is p m | 10.00 a in - M
UNION PACIFIC Leave Arrive ij H
. Depot i loth and Marcy sts Omaha Omaha ' M
• Overland llyer , 7:15 : pm 7:10 : am . B
• Limited 1 ast Mnlk 0:15 : pm 4:20 : pm _ H
• IwnverExpress , . , ] UjS ) nm 4u0 : p m ' Rsl
• tdruiul Island Express nil p m 12:15 : pm _ J _ _
Kansas City Express , 4 : o a m 12:21 : a m ' I H
• < Pnpilllon Passenger 5:5) : p lu , 7t : ) n m _
• i Dally B
tDally Except Sunday _
\Vestw nl M
Running between Conncll I Huffs and AI- ' M
might , in addition to the stations mentioned , _ H
trains ' slop at Trentleth aid Twenty-fourth ' M |
stiects ' , anil atthoSiiiniult lu Diiinhq * . HH
llrosiii"raii9Omaha Fonth I Al- > f B
way fer doiHit Shrely Oinnhajbrlght SBV
AM A. M. A. lT Am7 A. m7 A. Jl7 - _ H
5:41 : 5:51 : 0:03 UlV : H
: l < > 0:17 : rio : oil : cry ) 0:55 : H
6:4) 0:17 : 7 : 0 7.07 7:20 7:21
7:15 7:42 : 8:03 kSBl
7:45 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 825 ; 8:30 { _
8 35 8:12 : 8:5 : > 0:00 : H
8:45 8:52 : 0:01 : 0W : 9:25 : 0:3) ) )
9.I5 : 8:42 : U:5 : * > l'ii)0 . _
9:45 : 0:52 10:05 : llliU 10:25 10:31 H
10:41 : in : " - 11:05 : 11:12 11:21 11:3) | sjB
11:45 11:52 : PM PM PM PM VB |
PM PM 12U5 12:13 : 12:21 : 12:30 &H
12:45 : 12:52 : 1:01 1:12 : ] : -35 1:30 : : !
1:43 : 1:52 „ : o > 2:12J:25 : 2:30 : > _
2H M2 26A ; 3:0 J isi
2:41 : 2:52 lli : < i .1:12 : 3:23 : 3:3) : | HI
3:50 3:57 : 4:10 : 4:15 : ' ! _
3:45 : 3:52 : 4:15 4:12 : 4:2.1 : 4:00 91
40 : 4:11 : 5:10 : 5ir : Mm
4:15 : 42 ; 5:03 : 5:12 : 5:25 : 5ro : mm
5:45 : 6:52 : 8:01 : 11:12 : 6'J5 : 60 : K |
0:45 : 6:52 : 7Oi 7:12 : 7:25 7:0 : : M
7:45 : 7:52 : 8ir 8:12 8:25 : 8:30 : {
8:45 : 8:52 : 0:05 9:12 : 9:25 : 9:30 : n
9:43 : 9:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:21 : 10:30 : jfll
IIsOj : WJ Jjg } : } U:51 12:01 : 12:03 : M
_ lj:55 : | 12:05 : 12:0 > | j _ . . . . . . . . . . . VJ
Ivnsiwinl Hl
AIrgoutnl Sliee- Omaha Trans-IliroaTo ? _
bright Omaha ley Depot , fer way _ _
A. M , A. M. A. M. " aTmT a7m. " aTmT . [ _ H
5:45 : 5:17 : 0.03 _
5:5' : 000 ; 0:10 0:15 : 0.27 0:35 : ]
7:00 : 7:05 7:15 7:20 : 7:32 : 7:45 ] ]
7:5(1 : 7:55 8:07 8:15 : 8:27 : 8:32 : _ _
8:01 : h:10 : 8 : i 8:33 :
8:50 : | 8:55 : 9:07 9:15 : 9:27 : 9:3S Ji
9:01 : 9:10 : H : _ ! 0:30. : . . I _ _
ur : > ( i 9:55 : 10:07 > 10:15 : 10:27 : 10:35 : S _
10:05 : 10:10 : 10- lu : ) , ! _ _
10W : 10:51 : 11:07 11:15 11:27 : 11:35 I
11:50 11:55 : PM PM PM P , M. _
PM PM 12:07 12:15 : 12:27 : 12:25 I WWM
12-50 12:55 : 1:07 1:15 1:21 1:35 : j j M
lso : 1:55 : 2J7 : 2:15 2:21 2.35 I _
2:51 2Vi : 3:07 : 3:16 : 3:27 : 3:35 : < _
32J 3:20 : S:37 3:41. : . . . nmWM
3V : ) 3V' : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:27 : 4:33 : S9B-
4:20 : 4:2.1 : 4:37 : 4:15 : li
4 : : > 0 4:55 : 5:07 5:15 5:27 6:35 : _ _
& :2 : > l 5:21 : 5:37 : 5:45 : WmWM
5:50 : 5:61 : 0:07 : 0:16 0:27 0:35 : _ _ _
0:60 0:56 : 7:07 7:16 7:27 7:35 : _ _ _
7:60 7:66 8:07 8:15 : 8:27 8 : % _
8 : . r > 0 8:51 : 9:07 : 9:16 : 0.T 9:35 li
0:59 9V > 11).17 : 10:15 : 1o:27 10:15 : ] _
lOre I0V > 11U7 : nr IlH : 11:12 11150 _ _
12:5u | iiiith 12:24 nuilv 12yo | . . . . . . . . | _ _ _ i
II Kd 3 0:15pmA | No 5 0:3)am : ) H
A No 4 9:10am D No 1 8:10 am | _ HI
A No 0 5:01pmA | No 3. . . . .0:55pm ,
No 2 ' ) .40aralNo.B , . . , 9:27 : am H
No.6 4:5.1 : pin No.3 7:16am _
Mo 4 8:00nmNo.l : | 6:45pm
A No.2 9:40amA : No 1 7:00am : H
A No 4 940pnA ; No.5 5:45pm :
I1LUITS. i _ _ |
A No 2 10:40 : a iii.A . No 3 fJpra -.9 _
A No 4 10:20pmlA : No 1 0:10pm l'lBJ
A No 10 7:0 > nmA | No 0 8:55am : _
A No 12. . 7:00pmA ! No 11 900pm ; M
A No 8 4XipmA | No 7 12:00 : m . ;
A No 4 9:10a m.lANo.3 6:12 : p. m \
ANo.0 6.4)p. : m. ANo.6 8:20a.m. : •
A No 8 5:00 : p.m.I
BLUliS ijV
A No.2 10:07am A No.3 6:20 : am MM
_ _ J,0 _ v _ ' 'll ) iPmA | _ No-LU'8iur'pm | H
A daily ; 11 dally , excent Saturday : U except M
Sunday ; D except Monday ; fast malt mm
Not Ice -I t
Sealed proposals willbo received at the olllce ' H
ot county clerk , Douglas county , Nebraska , { H
until 2) ) . m. , Saturday , December 7 , 18 9. for
ruriilshlng Douglas county ] > oor : 1.000 lbs tea , J M
2,000 lbs ronntud coffee , 5,1X10 lbs beans , 50 boxes - _ i
Ronp , t,0) sacks flour To be delivered at court HH
house in such quantities as may be required , J H
Each bid to be accompanied by a certified . 9M
chncK ot $25. , J H
Tiie board reserves the right to reject any ' _ i
and all bids M. D. ROCHE m\
Nov 3) d m & o to Dee 7 County Clerk , M
m * > W CUTLERY ml ;
FV IJ A nil Rubber Oai Btlloom , Jewelryi BifSWt 1
| | Hotio • , , NovIti.s , _ . , fte.i at/AvfHl / M
r § lowest rrioes Onods for Gtrof tmen , W W Wjk ? BH
fig ami It IfoRtndinHpflltv ItMl j , imm
, EH _ 7l6VMSHIWtlT0MflVi.ST.l0UI3.M0. r W _ t /
. - lj . ) . I H
THHUislTY MARK.7 , . " . H
I N3TitU ) ll5NI , _ nlaoa on r 3Jrl during , \ 'H
yesterday ;
i ' ; . _
LII Kuhl to A K Pruyn lot 2. Lutey's | ' 1
sub wd , $ 3,600 ' . ( . _
James EltlleynndwlfetoC E S Dixon , * tWM
w 7.i feet lot 10 , blk 5. Park place , w ( I. . 6,000 _
Q W E Dorspy and wlto to William E
Smalls , und H lots 1 to 7 and 12 to 14,10 ' ! _
to 18 , blk 2. lots 1 to7. 10 , II , 1.1 . to 18 , 1 > _
lilkH lots 1.2,4 to H , blk 4. lots 1,3,4. , '
Il und 18. blk 6 , lots 2. 4 to 18 , blk 0 , lots '
2,3 , 0 to 15 , blk 7. nnd lots 0. 7 , 8. 10,11 ' )
toll and IP , blk 8 C H Muyne'a 1st add . _
to Valley , and blks 1,2,3,4 uudn.Mayne , * H
ic Riley's ' sub otOKJlayno'a 2d add to i '
Valley , wd 1,030 " _
johnTCathorsand wife to J II Flnlay . : < 9M
truntort , lotll 4. 6,0. 7.10to20 , blkli'.unii ' ' !
lotsn.B nnd 13 to 10 , blk 14 , North ' > H
Omaha , wtl 10,000 ! |
D R Archer and wife to Lvdltt Ashdown , , H
partoflot 101. ( llso's ailil , wd 1 < < - B
Patrick i.and company to A K Johns , lota - MM
21 tn24blk 113. Dundee pluce wd 5,250 ;
V ICuOnvy to Anna Kudavy , lot 3 , blk 70 , • > ;
South Omaha , wn 0,250 * 4 _ _
11 A Truman to Ella ,1 Squires et al , lots , .M
13to 17 , blk5. Kllny place , iiod 26 IM §
Carl Knnschelt and wlfo to Jos Helm , s , 'H
' / of lota ) , blkII , Llpton place wd . 850 : H
It M Pattcrwm to D (11'nlterson , lots 3 , ; i |
3 , 8 and \blk I , lots 6 and 10 , blk2 , und * ;
• i Into , bic I , and lot 1 , blkll , Folsom - - > lot 0 , blk 7 , Cote ilrllliunte , ' <
wd , : low : ii
O I. Sherwood and wife to Eva A Fox , _ , !
lots l , and22 to 20 , Archer plate , wd . . 35,000 ; d |
O LSherwood and wife to Hannah J Fox , ' 1
lot2l. Archer place , w d , . . C.001 -M
M nrv Mnlono to A 0 II Flainboo , lot 3 , _ , _ _ _ _ „ )
blk I , Plaluvle w.yr d 1.300 | B
J ll'J bleinuiiHud husband to A J Jaut- > mt
no u lj lotlo , lierson'Hsub.wd 3,000 ' 'H
A J JuutiMii und husband to 1 D Jaynoa ,
i , a lot 10 , lierson's sub , w d 3,000 % .
3 D Bhuunon to A Flulayson , - lots 14 and .
15 , blk la Dundee place , w d 10,009 , ?
A1 Inlayuon and wife to It l'eiheron.s 41 i
teetlot0blki5 . Omaha , wd 6,500 ' 1
Patrick ind Co to J H Shiuabarger , lots 3
ll and 12 , blk 110 , Dundee place , wd . . . 3.760. . |
Eighteen transfers , aggregating , , . , • WM A
. _ _ ' ' ! ' .
' *
i-\T > TTT"M"Morphlno Habit eurod Apermaaeat v < i
\J1 lUiilanil i > alnle ruroguar 3Widlne erj' 3
Intmiie Oner luO cured In Kansas City , llestofre- f
fereiu-et given l.rinonU easy , , 1'rtvata contuluj s
tiuurooiui.illl and iu j uie Imllulnir corner blxth 'r
audalala olBcehours , 1U . m. U6 p. io _ . , _ J
DHO I' .COATri , KANSAS Cur , MO . %
_ F _ _ | _ _ _ HkUp < nkMlJ < U l * > l. 1' < ii IviuUj ,1