NIt If It 8 ' TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE ' : . TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 2G , i 1881) l ) . l , . . . . , - . \ ' " ' ft Mi l THE CITY I f Tliorc will < bo u spcclnl liitrh inns * on ! Thanksgiving day nt St Johns cello glnto churcli , tlio Bcrvlcos commencing nt 0 n. in j * Mnry Jcnn hns chnrprod Chnrlos , Alvln with tlio paternity of her lllofflt- t inmto child TJothworo servants of . Dr * Smith at Slxtoonth and Hurt streets \V. A. Vaniilco nnd a party of friends S hnvo returned from Do Soto , Neb , where they have boon hunting squirrels They . Icllfod eif , 'h , y-threo on Sunday , with I rines I Married , on the 2lth Inst , by thor r Rev Charles W. SnvldRo , Mr WiUnrd , - Froshour and Mrs Ida Lobo , both of this I city The couple left Sunday evening I for Pierre , S. D. , whoio they will here -S after reside W Ed Miller yesterday sent , his hull terrier - § rior pup , Little Nlelt , with u copy of the K ( IInlomti received at the recent Onuiha V fnir , to Henry Lowls , proprietor of the | Central house , and a well known moin- bet of the San Krnnclsco and Gate City Athletic club of San Francisco Union Thanksgiving services of the churches in the southwestern part of I the cilv will bo held nt 11 a. in , in the J3othilon : Daplist church on Park nvonuo near Lea von worth The ser mon will bo preached by the Rev John Gordon , D.Dof the Westminster Prcs- Hf $ l > ytorinn H | ' The perfume of violets , the purltv of tlio lily , tlio glow of tbo rose , and the limb of fi Ilnbo combltio In I'orzonl's wonderful Pow fe dor Hit An liVponsUn Rimt Ht Joseph Visslook stole a stone boat from the electric llRht company , nt Fourth nnd Jones I trcct ° . , Sunday night Ho was arrested und ! | fined * IT.00. _ _ _ _ _ 'p UllsOnx Ourn Fouirl j W. II Stevens , who Uvea out near Central H& , . parit , found ciglitcon drcsaod rhlckcns In a r corn shock on his nlneo Sunday , ltissup- H § ! posed the fowls wcro stolen and the matter R was rcpoitcd to the nollco UW Ilor o and Cow Crrnmlofl Hg > r Tire destroyed n barn owned by O. H. Hpr Kavc , at Twonty-nlnth nnd Maple streets at Bit 1:15 : p. in yesterday A horsonnd cowworo HS burned to death Children plnvlng nt a pllo | , of burning inbblsh sot llro to the barn The Hh loss is about ? JUO , With ho insurance Iff , Clminpng ' iin hns a largo nniount of carbonic JF ocul in it , It healthy und nourishing | Cooks extra dry imperial is the best Hg Tim Door W.ii Open HL The back door of O. Morrows ' grocery H je atero atnoi North Sixtocnth street was found Wti , open at 11 o'clock Sunday night by Officer II McMnlinn Ho no tilled the proprietor and l | after looicingtlirough the stock found noth- f Ing wrong Uvon the money drawer which Hfr contained about $10 In chnnga was tin i touched , A careless elcilt , it Is thought , Hr * left the door open Wih llnnsrn is Dlsinlssptl H | Thocasoof Silas Hansen charged with ft attempt to commit rape on the person of ft Mrs I. S. Lozior of SOO Nortli Twenty § ' eccond street came up iu police court yestcr- F dny afternoon and was dismissed on motion e ot County Attorney Muhonoy who concluded > that the ovldonco wns not suflicient to con Mk Vict BJ1 Dent buy trashy imitations Got the I Cenuiuo Red Cross Cough Drops , Jgv Ft WVncpslntts Fair jf ; The St AVcnccslaus congregation will BJ k bold a fair In Hoffman's hall , Thirteenth and Bj' | Williams streets , on Wednesday , Thursday , ] < Friday nnd Satuidny ovcnlngs The first HjP nnd third ovonincs an exhibition will bo JE Riven by school children in ootti Uohomian ] # - 0"d English , and on the second and fourth f evenings the Union Pacillo band will give JE concerts ltnnl Eu tn Kvcliancc f Thcro was tlio usual crowd nt the mooting jit ofthorealcstatocxchangoycstcrdav Among Bjf tlio visitor * was Mr W. II Churchill of San j , Francisco , a former resident of Omaha who H > has largo propoity Interests hnro The call f. or property was lnrgo and a number of hand ] V , some bargains wcro offered The snln of lot It & < block 8 , Iluusconi nlace , on 'thirty-second < . street for $3,500 , to M. A. Upton , was 10- JP potted Hf Mrs WIiibIow's Soothing Syrup for Jf children teething gives quiet helpful J& rest 20 cents a bottle BJa IMnrrincn ijicongat J fc Licenses were issued to the following par Jtl tlo3 by Judge Shields yesterday : KflL Numo and Address Ago JhP J.losoph A.Chnpello , Omnha 23 HT 1 Jcsio C Glllon , Omaha , , 10 j August Feldhuscr , Omnha 2S I Magdalene Harth , Sioux City 18 I Morgan Hoafey , South Omnha 25 JKatio Flnnorty , South Omalia 21 ii J William K. Wilding , Omaha 30 1 Mlnnio Trucblood , Cunton , Ind 2.3 An AtlrautU'i * Onnt _ The Wabash road has Just issued a very JI unln.ucns well as an attractlvo advortls- BJL Ing card It boars on Its fnco an Irregularly IK cut scrap from the St louis Globa-temo- ftlik oral contaiping and Item headed , "Wnero Hg Wabash Leads , " marked with largo rod p lines to glvoit prominence . This dinning HF Is photo-cugravid on uianilla paper , lilus- H % trated with a dining car interior nnd the Im Wabash pennant It is one of the noatcst W $ railroad souvenirs over Issued by a western w line Why dent you try Rod Cioss Cough Diops , live cents pot box f Jcnncr Hsod Ills Klbow A reporter called at the YouneMon's Christian Association rooms to inrjulro con , corning the report that Secretary Jonnor , of If that association , had engngod in alight Sat II urday , Mr Sluiskiv clalmod that the report F was nn exaggeration Hu said that at the If Young Men's Christian Association football II crouuds Saturday , n young man named GerM - M wan , persisted in throwing bis arms uround k the players , whU'b was contrary to the rules UL.and causca considerable coiuplnint Ho tried Hr this dodge with Jcuner , when the secretary to punish him thrust Ins elbow in Germans fS' tace , stunning him momontarilv There was Ki no resonlment of this act whatever , nnd a IJJ ; < ] uad oMho plavcrs did not thiasU Jannor JP * or 'l ' > 11S reported aft c Wn are thu I'enplo , Bjl Business mon from Nebraska for Clil- BJf cage , Milwaukee and all oiistorn cities BJ § -vv111 plonso uoto that by the now time J | Bohoilulo ( in otToot from and after No- f vombor 17 , 1ESU ) , they can urrlvo nt f Cunahaabout 4 p. in , can do business or 1 ? visit with Omaha morohants nnd friends 1 for nearly tuo hours , and can then tnico t the through Pullman elooplng car of i the Chicago , Mllwaukoo & St Paul H ' railway short line fast train at Omaha 1 * depot of the Union Pacillo railway U 0 1 P. m. ( supper sorvud on dining car 'loav- ing Council 13lults nt 0:80 : p. m. ) , and urrlvo nt Chicago nt 0:80 : a. m. ( break fast nlso eervod on dining ear ) . In umplo tlmo to make counoetions with the fast I morning trains from Chicago ou ' the principal onstorn and southeastern lines ; or if desired , passongoro for the ast can romnln over in Chicago u few Mi- hours for buslnoss or plcasuro and re- 1 Bumothuir journey by the afternoon Kf fast and limited trains of nil the cast 1 oru roads 1 - In addition to the foregoing , another 5 through short-lino train loaves Omaha I dally at 0:15 : a. in nnd Council Ulults V nt0:40 : n. m. , arriving at Chicago at L UpO : n. m. , making close connection n with the express trains of all eastern 1 roads W For tickets and further parttnulars H- npply to the nearest ticket agent , or to K V. A. Nash , general agent , 1501 Par m nam st , Omaha , Neb , BM -M , f s Kt 't MTriiK OM AT IIOMIl Tlio Youiitt Ociitloincn anil Ijndlen Sul'iurnln-t at the erratic The charity ball given November 5 for the bcneUtot tlio croctio resulted , financially , as lotlows ! Itvculpts for tickets , ( G91 ; tolul ox- ponscs , t(7s net proceeds , $4)13. ) Socially , the ball was a success , although , on account of Its csrly date , fewer tickets worn sold than nt former times , This , how ever , wi.s unavoidable , as the board of man , ngcrs was almost without funds to pay ordln nry running expenses The ladles of the crecho wish to express tholr thanks to the patrons of the hall , nnd ospoclnlly to these who , by their help , made the cxponso so light , as follows : Gibson , Miller & lllchard son , for printing ; W. Seaman , for on * vclopcss the bois of thoOnuh.i National bank , for stamping and nddresslng en velopes ; Mr Moallo.for services nt the door J Mr Josljn and Mr Dcnlso for decorations ; the pres3 for its kind " notices In addition wo u Ish to think the following pcoplo for provisions sent during October ! Mis , Switzlcr , Mrs Pmtt , Mrs Woolwortn , Mrs Colpetror , Mrs Chnso , Mrs Dr Moore , Mrs J. II , Hilllnrd , Mrs Urndford , Mrs Koss , Mrs.Thurston , Mrs 0 , 11. Moore , Mrs Monoll , Mrs Austin , Mrs Warren , Mrs Wnlkcr Mr M. H. llrown save SHH5. At proscnt thcro nro at the Crecho sixteen children who stny by the wcok and from sovnn to ten who romaln only during the day day.As colder weather approaches the children will have to romaln Indoors , and the atten tion of the ladles Is consequently tinning to the pla\room , Wo need many things for this room Especially welcome would bo any do nations of klndorgurton matorlals , ns wo uro just ntthls time making nn earnest effort to direct thu children's play in the line of kin dnrgarton worn Wo must , however , linvo material to use Please remember us in this need , ns i < ) ti hnvn so kindly done in others , ( hlns William W. Kctsoii , Secretary "Wo Point with I'rlilo" to the Good name at home , " won by Hoods Sarsaparllla In Lowell , Mass , where it is prepared , there is moro of Hoods Sarsaparllla sold than of all other medicines , and It hns pi von the best of satisfaction since its introduc tion ten years ngo This could not ho it the inodicino did not possess merit If you sufTcr fiom " impure blood , try Hoods Sarsaparllla anil rcalizo its pe culiar curative peter I'OSTAIi OUAVfiES 'JChr-yMnkn eomn of the Clerks Feci Vi'pv IInpay Eight men m the railway miil service of thisdivistou have had their salaries r.ilsod on account of a new order that goes Into ef fect December I , dividing the Missouri Valley nnd Wbitowood route into two runs P. II GossnrdJ R. McLaughlin , J. V , Whlto and R H. Ciawford have had their pay advanced fromtl.000 to $1,130while William Hall , Felix Murry J. C. Yiitos nnd John L. Guruoy go from $000 positions Into clerkships thut command $1,000 a vcir The ( list rua irom Missouri Valley to Long Pine is made a full rallwuy postofllco route , which accounts for the four $1,150 piaces , whllo the second lun , Long Pine to Whltwood , Is second class The Lincoln nnd Allinnco run on the B. & M. , has been oxtomlcd to Crawford , where a. lutfctlon is mndo with the Llkhoni VaUev Chief Clerk Crnmer of the railway mill svrvlco returned Sunciy evening from Port land and went to Noi th t'latto yesterday .lohn H. Green nnd W. H.FInnnlligan I n/rt received nopolntnients as clerlts , the former on the Nebraska City nnd Cheyenne mn and the latter from Lincoln to Crawford $7,500'o \ horcby certify that wo have presented for payment ticket No 9J , drawing the Capital Prbo of seven thousand llvoliun- drcd dollars , in class UL" of 'I he Denver State Lottery , nnd that s line was paid by check , on presentation by A. C. Koss & Co , Denver Col Stencd , G. U. SniiMiv , Agent Fargo Wells Express Co Denver , Col , Nov 23,18S9. THE1 VOTED I'OH HKOATCII Now Kent Has No Moro Use For His IllrVl im . On Saturday night Street Commissioner Kent discharged about scventy-flvo laborers , The men were surprised at this notloo , as Just prior to the city urimnrles they had boon promised live weeks work in enso they voted the ticket which Commissioner Kent gave them Yesterday mornlnga gnngof nboutfif ty con qiogatcd iu front of the court bouso while a committee , waited on Kent and requested that ho clvo the men their time and a voucher • 'ICcut icforred us , first to ono man and then to another , " said a laborer "Wo went to the city comptroller and ho said ho could do nothing without nn order from Kent and now wo cant llnd Kent " "I'm ' willjng to chip In 91 , nnd if wo nil do that wo can lniso enough money to have a lnwver , aud then we will compel the city to pay us Some of the boys want to leave the city ns long as they will not give us work , and If we ara compelled to lie around Omaha two weeks waiting for our pay wo are liable to bo run in ns vagrants If they , plvo us vouchers nt once wo can s U them , oven at n discount , pay our dnbts and go where thcro Is work , " said another "I'd have gene long ago , " chimed In another burly fellow , "if It hadn't IScen for a man named Dunn nromlsing us that if wo all voted for Uroatch nt the primaries , wo would bo given llvo moro weeks of work The ground is not so frosty now but that the dirt can bn easily handled , und it looks to us follows as though our discharge was a matter of splto work Hut wo want our money and were ' going to bavo It or thcro will be trouble . " American liulUluiir nnd Loan Asso ciation The following has boon received by O. A. Crum , ponornl agent of the American 13ulldlug and Loan associa tion , Lincoln , Neb : MiNNKAi' , Minn , Nov IS The now mnnagemont have decided to issue llnniiclnl statements quarterly , nnd the next btatemont will be issued January 1,1600. Our membership hns become so largo that It is burdonBomo to Issue monthly statements us horotoforu It gives us pleasure to announce that the association has at this dale us : > ots amounting to $2,2o > ,000 , nil in non nogotlablo first mortgages All stock In good standing on September I , last , was earning 21 per contunnunl interest , .TAJir.3 II Btsiioi' , President These mortgages are deposited with the auditor of the stale of Minnesota iu trust TUB OAIMjR GOES Us Yokes n Font uro of tlio Tenth Btrool Vlniluot , At the last meeting of the council , the Omaha street railway company asked for right of way ever the proposed viaduct on Tenth street It hold that in all the discus sions which bad taken place concerning the subject nothing had boon said which toudod to assure it that it would be permitted to ex tend its lines acioss that stiucturo Iu the plans which had boon submitted , there was no suggestion of a street railway track , moro espoclalllv was thcro no provi sion made for the running of the cable across the structure If the company extends Its lines from the south side of the tracks , it must bo the cable system which will bo ox tended This would icquiro certain under eurfaco work on the fratno of tbo structure which Is not visible tn the plans Either that provision goes into the speci fications and undeistanding , " said ono of the street railway stockholders , "or else off goes our coats against the bonds " This throat , kowovor , it teems , will not bo put Into olfect , A conference was held Saturdny , by requou of Messrs Holoombo and Kimball , with tbo loading stockholders of tlio street railway company , when the differences above suggested were adjusted to the satisfaction of the parties interested Farewell to the Hello An agreement has been entorcd into In writing , signed by the officers of both the I Union Pacillo and Hurllngtoa companies to J the effect that , when work is commenced on the proposed union depot , the present cow shed Is to bo rated to the ground , nnd nn entirely now structure Is to bo erected Ever since the question of voting bonds for n viaduct wns raised , which Improvement had to bo Insured before these corporations felt Justified tn commencing work , soma people ple have persisted In claiming thut the now edlflco would bo nothing moro than nn addi tion to and a remodeling ef the old ono Mr T. L. Kimball hns boon working to have this objection removed Ho says that tbo effort has bcoa successful , and thnt both companies , us stnted above , have signed the ngreemont In black nnd white to corn , pletolv demolish the old concern This will nccossitiUo the drawing of now ns well ns Improved plans , but the two cor porations say they nro willing and ready to build n depot that will bo satisfactory In architectural beauty and imposing appearance - anco to satisfy the wtshes of tbo people of Omnha Annthrr Mat of l. hangiH Next Sunday , December 1 , another list of changes , ln official circles will go Into ofloct on the Union Pacific Assistant General Passenger Agent Leo goes to Portland , Ore , as general passenger agent of the Pacific division John Scott , now ticket agent nt Kansas , City , comes to this city as Ins successor , wbilo John H. Prawlcy , the traveling passenger ngent , takes tbo uluco mndo vacant by Mr Scott's promotion It is understood that M. J. Greovy , for manyyenrs the cflkicnt passenger ncent at the transfer , Council Bluffs , succocas Fraw- Ipy Ipy.J. J. V , Parker , formerly assistant general frolcht agent nt Salt Lnkcllcty , becomes as sistant general passengerugont of the moun tain division , It has finally boon settled thnt H. A. John son will succeed Kcclcr as assistant gcnornl freight agent at Denver Waltlim Tor Wnlkcr The now rntes for Omaha business ngreod upon Inst Snturdiy bctwoon the railroad oftlclals nnd n commlttco of Jobbers will go into effect , ns , heretofore stated , December 10. Everybody Interested Is waiting for a repoit from Ch-ilrinnn Walltorot the Inter state railway commission nt Chicago , which , it is understood , will nrrlvo liaro today 'J l\e telegram sent to General ' 1 rafllo Man nger Mellon by Mr Walker snys in sub stnnco that the ttrbltrators linvo arranged a schedule which , ho thinks , will fullv satisfy the Omnha merchants nnd nt the same tiino liluco Lincoln Johhors in n position wbero they will have no grounds on which to mulco cqmpluints The ngioonient , which has boon signed by General Tiaftio Mnnnger Mollcn for the Union Pacific , Gen oial Maaacor Holdrego for the H. & M. . nnd Genernl Manager Hurt Tor the Elkhorn Val ley , suys , in so many words , that if these rales do not suit they will on the 10th day of December put into effect a schedule that will bo entirely satisfactory , ri'gjrdless of Mr Walker , the urbltiators , Lincoln jobbers or anyoodyclso I'orsonul Mention Francis Cope , passenger ngont of the mountain division , Salt Lake , is In the city city.W. W. W. Cotton , solicitor of the Orcsron Hiilway & Navigation road , Portland , is in town General Manager J. M. Eddy of the Toxns & Gieat Northern load , Palcstlno , urrlvod in Omaha Sunday evening dlicet ftomtho City of Mexico , where ho left Mrs Eddy with Mr nnd Mrs T. M. Oir E. D. Branch , city ticket agent of the 13. & M. at Lincoln , and F. J. Knupp , agent under Hurry Hnll in the city tlcltet ofilco here , have exchanged places Urttiru is on duty now in Omnh.i , und Knaup has taken up his residence nttho capital Nervous debility , poor memory , diflldonce , Boxunl weakness , pimples , cured by Dr Miles Nervine Simples free at Kuhu & Co 's loth and Douglas Whrrc I llochp ? The safe in the county clerks ofilco hn3 been locked on the day lock for the Inst two years , the combination not being used Yesterday Deputy Guilfoil dlsrovored that the safe had been locked by the combi nation and could not open it , as Clerk Koche , the only one possessing the combination , was absent Anoxport from Andreons' safe inanufne tor.v was cillod In bur could not open the lock It is supposed that some ono in pass ing the vault guvo the knob of the aafo a lurn.nnd set the combination Mr Guilfoil has decided to wait until Mr IJocno puts in an appearmco with the combination until which time business in the office will'bo practically suspended Cushmnn's Mcntho inhalnr cures eatairh , headache , neuralgia , asthmi , hay fever Trial fieo nt lour druggist Pilca 50 cents Bntr kin Grillltli On Sunday , the marriage of Mr George M. Entrikln , commercial ngeat of tbo Wa bash railway In Omaha , and a brother of T. A Entrikln , of the Northwestern , and Mi33 Onn Griffith , also of Oinihn , was celebrated at the icsidcnco ol her undo , at Kansas City City.Mr. Mr nnd Mrs Entrikln will take a short wedding Journey to Chicago and St Louis , nnd will bo at homo to tholr friends at 2 ' )7 ) Hickory street , in this city , after January 1. Constipation , IF not remedied in season , is liable to become habitual and chronic Dras tic pnrgatU cs , by w ( aliening the bow els , confirm , rather than cure , thp o\U. Ayers Pills , being mild , effective , and strengthening in their action , ate genet , ally recommended by the faculty us the best of aperients "HaUng been subjeet , for jears , to constipation , without being nblo to find much relief , I at last tiled Ayei's Pills , 1 deem it botli a duty and a pleasure to testify that I lu\e derived gicat ben efit from thcii use Foroier two years past I have taken ono of these pills tnery night beforeictlrlug , 1 would not willingly bo without tbcm , " G. W. lluwuiuu , 20 East Mulu at , Uarllslo , la "I have been taking Aycr's Pills and using them in my family since 18.17 , aud cheerfully recommend them to all in need of a rfafo but effectual CRtbartic , " John M. Uoggs , Loulstillo , Ky For eight years I was afflicted with constipation , which nt last became so bad that tbo doctors could do no mora for mo Then I began to take Ayers Tills , and soon the bowels recovered their natural nnd regular action , so that now I am In excellent health " S , L. Loughhildgo , Ilryan , Texas , " Having used Aior's Pills , with good results , I fully indorse them for the pur poses for which they are rucoiiimondcd " T. Connors , M , D. , Centre llrldgo , Pa Ayers Pills , rnsrir.iD bt Dr , J. O. Ayer ti Co , Lowell , Mast Bold by til Druggists end Delicti In Medicine , Thursday , I'rldny nnd Saturday , Nov -S. 20 nnil 110. ( SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MATINI'.B.I -sirFH.ANK ; DANIELS * tup KAVonnr cosirWAW , Will give vent to hs ! foellius Pt humor , In pro suatlug his tunny comedy , Little Puck Assisted Dy MISS IlISSSIK SANSlirj And a carefully chosen comnaiiv of nrtPts Prices IcSc 7lio and flouTlmuWsgU lug nnd Saturday malluees , Ko and 73c SiEOEALERS&i ebrateil lines of IlooU nnd Shoes , manufsctur- • d or a M. Henderson Co . of Chicago-Fjo- tortes t Chlcsco , UlxonHU . and load nutao , Wli.-ihoutd writ * BAM N. WATsON resi dence , KI1KMONT , NEU Tr TeUng ( j n4 [ tiMdaUMterl tot SUtltlKtV I WKT How to be Happy T/iou&fo You Jiave COLD INTHE HEAD Inject PONDS EX TRACT into the nostrils A SORE THROAT Gargle with PONDS EXTRACT Wrap the neck in compress moist ened with PONDS EX TRACT and cold water CHILBLAINS Bathe affected parts with PONDS EXTRACT HOARSENESS Gatgle with PONDS EXTRACT Take tea spoonful internally three times a day FROST BITES Wrap patts affected in soft bandage wet with PONDS EXTRACT BUT BU SURE TO QCT THE OENUlNn ARTICLE SEE LANDSCAPE TRADEMARK ON BOT TLE WRAPPER AVOID WORTH LESS IMITATIONS MADE ONLY BY PONDS EXTRACT CO , NEW YORK LOTTERY OP THU I'UIlTiia CltAltlTV T staU > lislied in 1S7S nv thu j > ATio.\At. atnEi vinsT OrEKATED UnSor a Twenty Yean Centra : ' , 07 th ) Mosicaa Intornatloul Im.crjvanwni Compm7. Oiaud tomllIv Drnwlng ? hold la the Mo-esiiuj l'livllilon lntho Alnmcdn Pnrfc , Uty ot Mexl- co and puljllcly conducted by ( lorernnipnt Olllclnls appoiiitud for the purposes by tne Secielaries ot the Interior nnd tno Treasury I.OTTSUtY Off Tllli Hid monthly lour doll ir Draulnu Mill lit ! Ill'llt 111 1 ho Ciiyoflteic ] on Locate I5lli. 1889. CAPITAL iPRIZESSO , 000. 80,000 'I talents nt $1 , ji 'I OOOO l'rhv atTlcketi , American Jlouey , WHOLES & 4 IIAUVT - ) ! 2. QUltrAEHS 1 T.isr or l' .ii/pv. i CAPiTAJJi'iti/.nor o. oi is $ wioo ) i capital lMtizKor aixKi ) ) < i svhtj i OAi'ii'AL pitr/.i : ot' uoouis ioojo 1 ( IRANI ) Pltl/.EOK 2.0W1U y. 'lfl ) 3 VUl/.l.bOK 1.0IM urn UH ) } n Pltl/.LSOP f.oi ire a.iioo to Plll/.t'SOl' . , , . SIX ) uro . . . 4,00) ) iCUPKI/.t'SOP . - . 10) are 111.00J iIO ! PHIZES OK . . . , Mara 17,003 C54 I'ltliSLSOF i. 20 nro . . 11.03J APrilOXIVATlOV I'III7hS. IMPilzesot JLllnpp to Jin.010 Prize J f,00J lroi'rlreaof iuOPrize ? , ) ) lrul'rlzoHot 10,00.Priza O.WJ TO ) Terminals of ( ii , decided by KO.OO ] Pilzo . . . 13,930 SSK0Prl/ps AinouutttiK toilW.r O All prl7es eold In the United Statai lull paid In U. S. Ciiroucy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AG\TS WASTED ta7"rou Cr.un ltATn , or nny fnrtlnr Inform ntlon desired , write loglbly to the underalsned , clearly PtatlnttyonrreblduTco 'nltli stite , couu- tyi > trrot nnd number Moro rapid leturn mall dcll\my wlllix ) nsaurol bv your enclosing nn cmulopo beariugjour full addreji IMPORTANT Address U. 11ASSETTI. Oitv of Mexico , Mfmco By oidlniry letter , containing Monlv Oiiduu iasaen by all Express Compaules , Now VorkEx change , Draft or Postal Note hjircinl Pi-ntiiiot , Ily terms ot contiict the company must de posit the sum of all prizes included In tlio sciiemo before sellln" a single ticket , nnd re ceive the follpu ing ailicJul permit : CriltriWCAli ; , ] luirn < i crillfu Vint the Bitnlcot I.nmlon and Mcxtu > htti • i c rctiil de posit the ti tsiiiHimil < to omiiautsf the van ment of a I vi izts ui-triibi/ / Lota la ih , la licne- fleencta 1'iihllca. A OTj NAU CASTILLO Intmenlor rurthor the Comfany U required to distrib ute llfiy-six per ctnt of tlio value of alt tlia tickets la pilzoa-a laigor propoition tnan U given by nny oilier Lottery I iually , the number ot toieta Is Itmltod to to.ita I ai.W ) Jen j than are soldby other lottorlej using the samn schemes . \ BMdJ' \ ' | ( | | ' f to | l m\ • Such nnd so various are the tastes of men tnat to satisfy all ono munt carry nn nl- most uullinlud Jltpuly Wo have pirclia sed this full n llrp ot neckwear wInch for richness of maUsrtal , variety ot deslan nnd Lharmlnc comblautions of color cannot be surpassed Wotosppclally aik the oppor tunity of showing them to you \ § ysy \ TUIIGU NIUIITs , COMJlENCI.N'a KOVR9 HKK saili MONDAY , TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY A t'ASUION < tM : EVENT MISS VICTORIA V0KES Supported bv TllKArtl.Ti a C001EIf3 Comedy Couipauylu "TUK ROUGU DIAMOND HUBBY " Two ery Inngy . farrWi comcdlei Ilerular prfoM Boats go on sale Saturday HOW IS THIS , j Wc 'havc prepared for this week a few new bargains in Overcoats , the like of which has * I not been seen here We offer the following I 300 excellent Chinchilla Overcoats , with fine Cassimcrc lining , silk striped sleeve lining , cord I ededge and gotten up in perfect manner at $7.50. This beats anything ever shown , the 1 coat would be cheap at $12.50. 1 25o very fine Chinchilla Overcoats , lined throughout with satin , velvet piped , fine satin / sleeve lining , a very nobby and good Coat which could not be bought anywhere for less AM than $15.00 , our price for this Coat isonly$8.oo. { / 300 very fine Kersey Overcoats , silk faced , fine double warp Italian lining , satin sleeve lin- if I ing , silk velvet collar and handsomely made up , Price for this coatis $9.50 and we pro 11a nouncc it worth fully $16 or $ i7. They are in two shades , both excellent and fashion jfl able It will pay you to examine this garment . j'l ' 200 long Ulsters made of very good Irish Frieze with fine checked Cassimcrc lining , one ofkB the handsomest garments of the kind ever shown at $10.75. This is the coat for rough [ ) weather • It is both comfortable and stylish and the material is indestructible The j-fl regular price for such a garment is $20.00. We also offer this week several styles of Fur trimmed Overcoats , at remarkable low I prices , $9.75 , $10.50 , $13.75 a-d $16.50. These garments are now very popular You M must see and examine them and you will judge yourself whether they are cheap or not ] M We would advise you to call early At the prices we offer them they will not last long ' _ i Corner . Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.M , ' Mm _ * fl -ftf ho who 1 * - good use-wife , uses SAPOUO , it is well saidff he mouse I is muzzled , in her houseVTry it and keep I your house cle&nAU grocers keep if- * I SAPOLIO is the house-wife's best friend With it she conquers ' dirt and adds to the appearance of her house by keeping it clean . M Dent be foolish and try to clean house without SAPOLIO Quick work can be done with SAPOLIO Common soap and elbow service belong to the past generation Be in fashion and " use SAPOLIO pfl Wonderful Value Mm T ® OBSER QVEiSOMTS , 120 and $25. Chinchilla Goods , * • Blue or Black colors , > We bought the goods large ly and low - ' . , T . v V Place orders early - - Best Workmanship _ _ _ \ Mr mhi i ingg YflLLIMANTIC SIX-CORD ' j SPOOL T\ mm % , For Sale bij alt \Qp § | J Leading Dealers 31 Union Square , New York City , Aug 31st , 1SS9. After a series of tests at our Elizabethpoit factory , extending over a period of several months , we have decided to use the WILLIMANTIC SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON , believing it to be the bejf thread now in the tnaihet , and sttangly recommend it to all agents , purchasers and users of the Singer Machines THE S/NGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY "YOST" WRITING MACHINE , " THWVH W * > A Typewriter ma < ! to meat th molnrn _ n ur _ v _ j _ - _ _ r-A _ tj w nt foi nma lilno wlilch prlnn directly from _ M ; _ & _ j " _ _ t > lyie ' "i3 im ribbon , allum pormanuntly at vy > _ fia ! CraXHu1fTr' polntof piJnUng la Liglit , Compact , Durable , ( _ usErZil _ _ > Biidlnn woirt hiiullt nn nclentlllo principles , lHHKC23jyilr the Invention of ( JV. . N. Voat tlio uullUer of JMBBfS flPKTaHtMB Dotli the Itemlnutou ami Callgraph , t BWIvjSJsXg3aBB Muclilnes with Kenilugtoa or Callcrapti Vey ri _ 3yyl A ? 'sBi ' il AlaioeBloclcutB conilhana Typewriters of _ MiRliKS ! _ _ " makes , for bale , rent or exchange Wo are SSWSPpKw ? w KyB also soles airents for the "MJIHHUT1 Typa iJ Pyo5'5 SRfiS5lfetB5 ; l wrer , m ti'ieot . low price4 muclilu * on the F. 'Sj fSSwW ! Sn 1lJIft SiKiB i Wo woulU be plo ' asert to receive a call from h ? wTvQlr _ & _ - S < a _ _ iSE9iT ! you whrther jou want tb parchaieor not , ami hmmn f &W pJ 'J } wo will gladly show j on the VOil' " ami the u"Rsr > * * 5 * * ' < r5ffil9WfTS , ; . * rA finest ami lar 'nst sloct ot TypswrlUr luinl- 'iw 5a ? fg3 Wjf-Cnr < wt' * turoSupplies , etc , ever bronslit t < tbU city BEO.H.SKSBtH 1895 Farnam St Omaha . . & CO , . , " A. B. MEYER & 00. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN OOiS.I _ & COKE 103South 18th Street , Opp Postoffice Telephone 1490 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ -fei , * " , , " ' ' ' l - il'TSP"3 ! ' 'S5'WH' 4 _ MWCon I3TH&UCDCESIB. OMAHANEB hi fen TILE TBK1TUSXT or JJJ L'H AFPLIANCFS FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES.1 'H EeitrocllltliAppir tiii ndItni ai iforSuce siful ilH Iioatmcnt of eviry form of ntai rtqutrinff * liH UEDICALorBUEOIOALTKEATHSHT fl NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENT8.1 i Boaidfc Attendance , licit Accommodations In Weil , ' M _ CCTWRITEr0B,0IIl01TtAKIlonD fonr.tli ! aij | fl JJr ee , Tiu ; iClubVcet , CufTaturtiofSvlneIllia , H Tuaors , Oanctr , Oatarrh , Srcachltli , InhnUllonJ * M SUotrlcltjFaralyiit , EpUipir , Eidarr , UUddirJ 1 _ ye ; Ear , fixnasi Blood aad all BurflcalOftrnUonj B DISEASES OF WOMEN lZ\l \ ! h lZ i • imHJYBLlTSLt iDDBIli LllHQ.lK DiritlTIlinTlOa < irouss uiKiaucosriMBK > T. ISTSItTtr JRIVATE ) ] Only Uellabla Hedlcil Inttltats maUog a Specialty o t ' { PRIVATE DISEASES ifl All uiooa PI . . . . . .ucwirnir trnul lijttUMt l-.lna li . . . . . . . . . ti.w . l.u.T.jriomlb.i/.i.nwIlbo.lm.norr. Bi.Urillit 'Si tf..i".if.rlo.t < , rtiriifoitaR ijB • u ta4.tLvu br od , AILtnUBaLl l crriip net Vu llaotecDCtlatll Ue1ltln.ioio.ltiiaLii | ( < olbiijllri WHi lif l < curelrruktd.noii.itii.oli > 4le t < < < mltBlioritiJ < r. ? ? llntiroQflutnlwprrird c.llind coDialtuioriiad , lal ii"/ . " ' ! " " ' " " , and a will acat In plain wr fr r , i ! ) ) BOOK TO MEN , l& p $ ffi& OBLtUIA _ SDIOA _ A. BUROIO AI ttf HTITUTIl f lSUi and Dodge Strnta , OBallA , HID , M Dr J. E. McGREW TIlO Well UllOH'll SpiHlitlitil H * ' H mentor till forms of I'm * t H \aii : Diek.ibwJleet and l H fiiliiorniiB , acuroauaraa l H teoil M-niMtvoiiiinoKA , ! _ IMI'OTENCV , I'Ot'HOf MAK > H linnu anil ambition , Htxii j H llTVlirllAKIIBNMtHalj80. < H elaimsurpinsoilliiUiatroat ! H booKJ "Ilie Ufo Secret , " H for • • Man or "Woniau" < H mcli li ) cents ( stamps ) > | Nr tvouMMH l'EMrumM \ Iiai\si : Fi c'ATAiiiiii and | H HKIN ISKBEH | curedUm \ quhUlv ami pennanrntly , I H Treatment by conespomlouco , homlstaniiii for i H reply , i H CONSULTATION I'ltliJ : , H Ofilco S , li cor IHtli and Jackson St3 , , < H Omaha , Nubrasita H A full aot of Tcetb on rubber for It , miarantred to H teas nell madaai | iate | * mat out from any tluntal M onlcelnlbltiountry , and lur vrlilib you Mould li * H cliaruo.l orer iKlce ai much , M 'lotth exlracluil vfltUortl palaor dannir , anj * flt- | H out tliu uio i lioloforui , cat , • Itlinr or olourlelty ' ' _ uoUauJ silverillittiit * at half rate M fiutlulaotloii ( iiurnntccil ' | DR BAILEY , DENTIST , I I'nxtoii Illoek , 10li ! mi rnnmm Streets jH Tuko Ulotutor on ldtn Street H ( -N UV-NINOa UNrUjU O'OLOCC H