Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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| H Sho'a f Fee culflontlonorthoDcclnr-
H nt.on of Ititlopondonco
H Rimio Coiniunn Sjiibo Olxcrvntloim on
LWk iliu rStn > ) cot of Kiltictc | ( Dent
Kj for IIn-I > ntls-AVIint Women
H Hnvo Done At Harvard
R HJalniiir Hoyrsrn'n View
HI I first mot the orlptnut typical Araor-
f icmi jjirl in 1HUI. I was somotlmon iu
M { dnngop of misinterpreting her conduct ,
M but Goon ciimo to the conclusion that
M tlicro wns no lirtrin In her She ruled
m , , lier f nth or nnil her mother , who fcomo-
M\ \ times Interposed fccblo objections to
: her pinna for her own nnd my umuso-
M incut ; but the end iiivnrhibiv wns that
| | n puzzled nsscnt wns yteldod to nil her
HS , urococdiirgs She luul nbout ns much
Vp iden of propriety ( in the Euroiiostn
n sen bo ) ns n cut hns of nmthomtitlcs
1 She recognized no lnw ascent her own
jf sovereign will , nnd her demands were
Bf usually do omiihittlc that no one could |
f dleitgroo with lier without Die rUt ( of
E qunrrohng Patriotic she was brlstlinn |
H | with comuiUiveiicw if u criticism was j
H | made which implied disrespect of i
Hl American manners or institutions She
Hg was jjood-naturod , generous to u fault
Hl and brimming with energy
H | Tills young girl is the typo oL Amor-
Hc , lean woinunliooil which Inn become do-
Bf meHtieatcd in tiuropoitn fiction , writes
Hi Iljalinnr Iljorth Hovesnti in the Forum
H | She Is to French , Knglish nnd Gormnn
H ? < authors the American typo par cxeol-
H- leneo She Is ; v familiar figure In the
H French drnmn , nnd her pistol-ilring
H , nnd amusing rowdyism rollovo the mo-
H notouy of many n dull novel Ouldu
Hh has caricatured her In ' Moths and
H ! Sardou in "L'Onclo Sam " Henry
j H' James ventured some years ago to pub
B libit ( i mild edition of her in Daisy
J Miller , " nnd outraged patriotism do-
H | nouueud him as a slanderer of hiHcoun-
H ( , try , declaring that ho had libeled
H > American womanhood
Mr I , too , in a recent novel , was tomptcd
H to mukc a little literary capital out of
H • an early acquaintnuco with this per
MM sonilicntion of the Declaration of
MM Independence I was told by a ohorous
I H of reviewers ( nnd I suspected the so-
K prano note in most of thorn ) that the
fll typo wasonoof my own invention ; that
$ it did not exist except in my jaundiced
J eye ; that , if it did exist , I had out
J riigeoubly caricatured it : and that 1 had
Jl couelubivoly proven myself an alien ,
flflj devoid of sympathv with the American
[ character Now , 1 had m-ided myself ou
! having avoided the farcical oxaggcra-
H tiuns of my European confreres , I had
J imagined that my • emancipated young
J woman was strictly true to life , and
Hi that no single trait of her vivacious
[ personality had boon set down in mulico
J or for the sake of effect
HB The women who matte it n point to be
Hi nbrcst of London in all the more or less
HHm arbitrary observances , are apparently
HHl unaware that they are robbing tliem-
HHb bo'lves of their highest charms when
HHb they are no longer frankly American
HHW It is their national llavor , refined by m-
HHH > , tolligouco nnd culture , which makes
HHVi tlietn u power both at homo and nbrond ;
HHHf und they should have the courage to bo
Hj proud of this nationality , and to show
HHV their pride in it by abandoning their
HHW iittitudo of soclnl Uopondcaco upon
HHV Great Britain
H "Wlint Is Gooil Form ?
K "By the by , what is good form ? " asks
HH | Bab ; and , then , without waiting fornn-
HHb | sworn , she gees ou to oxplaiu as fol-
HHB Its good form to dress well , but not
J ] to have your clothing look ns if it were
HHVt bo new that you were not used to it
HHH Its good foj'in to offer a visitor ho pi-
HHi tallty in the shnpo of n glass of wino
HHHi and a bic of cake , but not to make
HHHU your svronds the uttrnctlon of your
H ? house
HHHf' Its good form to usu a , lorgnette if you
HHH | . ' cue really noar-sightcd , bet not to keep
Hr ono to snub other women with
HHH Its good form to bo punctual ; at a
HHVj dinner it Is courtesy to your hostess , at
HflH the theater or oporn it is politeness to
H tiio actors and the audience , and at *
HHV : church it is the due respect to God ,
HHm Its good form to speak politely of
HBj' every humnn being with whom you nro
HHW thrown * iu contact , but it is not to
HHb be confidential with borvauls or fnmil-
B iiu- with strnugcrs
H Its good form to bo hungry and np-
H proeiativo of what is set before you , and
HHV it is not to disdain the food which you
PHH ) are asked to Hhuro
jfHB It is good form to give your plioto-
BHJf' , , gruuh to the man you nro going to mar
HHH < - * ry , hut not to huvo It decorate thn bnch-
HHH olor upnrtmentsof Tom , Dick or Hurry
HHH It is good form to bo good tempered ,
HHH the woman who is easily irritated can
HHH never be a social buccoss
HHH Its good form to bo a bit dcforoutlal
HHH to men , und it is not to bo on such terms
HHH with men that they etui speak of you in
HHHJ the clubs ns they do of Miss Hulf-
M World ;
HHHJ Its good form to bo n good womtui ,
HHHJ and It is not to hnvo your namocon-
HHHJ nectod vita any other man * oxee ] > t
HHHJ your luiabandri
HHHJ SovoroV Not a bit of it Because its
HHHJ nlwnys good form to do your duty in
HHHJ that stuiion in lifo in which you are
HHHJ jihieod bo you rich man , poor man ,
HHHF beggar man , thief ,
HHHJ A I < Niw "Don'fs" Tor UllBllAMllS
H Do not jest with your wife upon n
HHHJ subject in which there is danger of
HHHJ wounding her feelings , Itejnombor
HHHJ tlmt she treasures every word that vou
HHHJ utter , though you uovor think of it
HHHJ again , snys the Domestic Monthly Do
HHHJ not apeak of bomo virtue In another
HHHJ mans wife to remind your own of a
HHHJ fault Do not reproach rour wife with
HHHJ personal tlofocts , for if she has sonsibil-
HHHJ ity , you inlllctn wound difficult to heal
HHHJ Do not treat your wife with limtton-
HHHJ tlon ) n company Do not upbraid
HHHJ lier in the nresouco of n third person ,
HHHJ nor entertain her with praising the
HHHJ beauty and accomplishments of ether
HHHJ women Do not bo storu and silent in
HHHJ your house , and romnrkablo for socja-
HHHJ bility elsewhere Roinombor that your
HHHJ wife lias us much need of recreation as
HHHJ ynursolf , nnd devote a portion , r.t least ,
HHHI of your leisure hours to such society and
HbHH * fnnuiroiuunts as she may join By o
HHh doing you will secure her smiles and in-
HHb cronso her HlToctiou Do not , being too
HHb exact in pecuniary matters , make your
HHm < wife fool her dependence upon bounty
HHb It tends to lo&sou lier dignity of oliuruc-
HbHH ler and duos not incronbo her ebteeinfor
HHb you If she is a sousiblo woman bbo
HHh bhould bo uequuiuted with your bualness
HHH und know your income , that she may
HbHH regulate her liou&ehold oxiieneos ae-
HHb eordlngly Do not withhold this
HHl i knowledge in order to cover your own
HHHB trxtravnganco Women hnvo a keen
HHHH pereeptioii Da sure she will discover
HHh your Holllbhness , and , though no word is
HH HJ npokcii , ( rem that moment her respect
HHVH is lesbonod nnd her contldouco dlmin-
1 ished , pride wounded , and u thousand ,
B perhaps unjuht , suspicions created
From that mbmont is your domestic
comfort on the wnno
ffrtmcn'n ttmk nt Mnrvnrit
The first niuiouneomeiit that courbcs
of study were tube olTorod to women by
professors of Hnrvnrd college , tajs See
rotnry Arthur Oilman in his tenth an
nual report , was mndo in n circular
dated February 22 , 1871) ) . and the ilrst
examinations for admission to Iho
chimes occurred in September of the
same year , nays the Boston llornld The
report which is now presented is , there
fore , for the tenth year of completed
work The fiivt year began with twen
ty-five studont-i , who called for so many
courses of instruction that they formed
twenty-nine clnises , nnd brought into
Us service Immediately soveu profess
ors , four assistant professors , und Uvolva
instructors twonty-tnreo tenoner * . 'ino
tenth year finds us with llo etudonts ,
distributed into lifty-throo classes , and
directed by fourteen professors , cloven
usslstanW professors , and sixteen in
structors forty-ono louehors in all
From the flrit yeur to the close of the
tenth there has boon a continual
'flic Sinuis-Willed Woman
Labouohnro is something of a cynic
when ho discusses \voinou. The follow
ing Is a pleasing example : Sometimes
this rcstloss and strong-willed woman
of action loaves polities and the artistic
professions , visiting naylums and
hospitals , and all other forms of busy
philanthropy , alone , and devotes her
energies to society and nmusomout
She gets up tennis parties , llt-
tlo dunces nnd picnics in the coun
try where picnics are popular und is the
center of all gnyoty of the place In
which case , if her husband does not like
It , ho hns to do the other thing ; and if
lie docs not clioo-so to join it is open for
him to Htay away
And sometimes she does none of these
things , but In the full middle-term of
life with her daughters already out ,
or just before they come out she takes
n lover who Is sure to be a man young
enough to bo her son lllin-sho parades
to the world us a dear boy in whoso
welfare she hns quite a maternal inter
est This ia by no means rare as the
last act of the drama of love The young
wife who began with dear boys us
brothers often ends with a dear boy
as a nunsl-lilial protege
And the husband nccopts the associa
tion perhaps for the sake of his boys und
girls , in whoso eyes ho would not de
grade their mother Ho prefers to suf-
Tur in his own person , both privately
and before the whole world , and the
ono who is the least grateful to him is
the woman for whoso ako ho bears the
shame and ridicule of his position
Just like a man , " she sa > i , if bho
speaks of him , as she Bomotlmes docs ;
bulshe takesearo never to speak of him
without insinuating that she has her
griefs against him which the world does
not know If people did know well ,
they would pity her
'Iho Woiucn'rt limit
A very curious custom is that called
the women's hunt , which prevails
among some of the abariglnal tribe of
Ghotn Nagpore , India , observed
whenever any calamity falls upon the
community such as , perhaps , a visita
tion of cholera
The women put on men's clothes ,
take up arms , and go a-huuting not in
the jungles , but in the nonrest village
east of them They chase pigs and
fowls , take as their own everything
they kill , and levy blackmail from the
heads ot tno villages for tno purennso
of liquor , or else they allow themselves
to bo bought off for a small sura of
money nnd u pig Toward evening the
hunting pnrty retire to a stream cook
und cat their meal , drink their liquor ,
and then return homohaving acquitted
themselves during the day in a thor
oughly masculine and bo iBtorous man
ner.Then the village that has boon vis
ited goes ou a similar excursion to the
next village cast of it , and so on to the
eastern borders of the district By this
series of excursions it is supposed the
ov' .l spirit ol the nlllictlon is saioly con
ducted out of the district without ollond-
ing its dignity
IlrliloH null Orintio Hlossoms
The Sarnccn brides used to wear
orange blossoms as mi emblem of
fecundity Til that soubo it is peculiarly
uppropriato , as both blossoms are often
on the tree at the same time The
Bamo emblem may have boon occasion
ally worn by European brides ever since
the time of the Crusades ; but the gen
eral adoption of orange blossoms for
brides is comparatively a modern prac
tice , probably at first adopted bepauso
the orange llowor was rare and costly ,
nnd it has always boon the custom to
bo expensive at weddings , sajs Ijippin-
cott's Maga ino The orange blossoms
were found appropriate and suitable ,
the sontimeats under which they were
used by the Saracaus were approved ,
and it became-tho fashion for brides to
wear the orange blossoms The orange
fruit was brought to England as early
as 1200 , but It was a long tlmo before
there was really any cultivation of the
orange The tree is supposed by many
to have boon brought into Bnglnnd by
Sir Walter Ualolgh , and the btntoment
is made that it was not adopted from
the Saracens , but probably from India ,
or at loust from the far cast
'J ho Snlo tV ulrlB in Ceylon
A woman in Goylon , us elsewhere in
non-Ohristiaii lands , is biraply a ehattol
without rights ns a human being She
win bo bought for ulmostnny purpose at
a deplorably low price , says a correspondent
pendent of the Now York Tribune Of
course , if she is educated , it she can
sintr , piny , and dunce , if she is intelli
gent , her money vnluo is enhanced ;
yotBho still remains nothing moro or
loss than a marketable piece of prop
erty Many of the poor of that island
self their little girls to men nnd wonion
who rear thorn for n lifo of infamy a
lifo of death to body , inliul and spirit
The mo the ra of these unhappy inno
cents having , ns a rule , omo natural
atToction which the fathers have not ,
beck to dispose of their girls among
Chrlstiuus , in order to avert so terrible
a fate A relative of mine , whllo mak-
intr a recent tour over the island , was
again und again uccostod by such
mothers , ttieir children in their arms ,
bogging her to accept ; them as a gift
She nice llttlo girl You have her
for nothing " It went hnrd with my
friend to i ofuso this plea
Trulnlii'- Girl
When a girl is ton years old she
should bo glvou household duties to per
form nccoidliig to horsUoaud strength ,
for which a sum of money bhould bo
paid her wooklv , says the Louisville
Gourior-Journul. She needs a llttlo
pookot money und the knowledge how
to spend it judiciously , which can bo
well bo glvon by a mother to her little
girl She should , bo required to fur
uiah a part ot her wardrobe with this
money For in stance , if she gets 10
cunts a week bho should purchase all
her stockings or all her gloves , us her
mother nury doeldo , and doing this
under the mothers buporvielon she will
soon learn to trade with judgment and
economy , Of courbO the mother will
see to it tlmt the sum is sufficient to do
this und vet leave u triilo for the child
to spend us she pleases
If you are suffering from weak or In
flamed eyes , or granulated oyelius , you
can be cured by using Dr J. II Mct
Leans strengthening eye salvo |
Sonaasntloaal Revelations in the In
vestigation at Salt Lake
How the Arcli-Ap tlo lnoulenteil the
li ; snn llinttlio Throats of Aihh-
late * Should Bo Cut 'Iho
Onth of Jtovensc :
A Cluireh ol'Tmltor * .
Su.t Like , Utah , Nov 19. [ Special
to 'I he llF.rMot ] monism in Utah is
liuvim ; a. severe trial Juat now A
trial which should fully convlnco tlio world
that the church of Latter Day Saints of
Jesus Clirlst , ns the Mormon organization
delights to call Itself , Is
Readers of Tun ltr.i ; have been told in
these letters aoractrlng of the political work
ings of this church Now that there Is dnn-
gcr of their losing control ot the chief city
and center of church power , every moans nt
their command will bo rciortod to to pre
vent this luss of political nomination Ue-
sUles colonizing mon from the country for
votes , every alien whom they could natural
ize wus run In on the courts This brought
tliollbcinls to the rescue , und ono class of
dcionso was to object to the Issuing of nnt-
urnllgilion papers to men holding such alle
giance to the church as to bo willing to obey
any and nil maudatcs ot the priesthood and
to uphold polygamy , either In practice or
sympathv and aid
This kind of challenge resulted In setting
the 14th of this month for producing ovl-
denco that the ilormon church , In Its teach
ings nnd practices , wns disloyul to the gov
ernment , nnd houconoono who lirul taken the
degrees of the oiulowmont house was a lit sub
ject to ho made a cltion Ou opening court
on that day Judge Andersen said : In the '
matter of the uppllcitlon ot Jame3 D , Moo rote
to bo udmlttod to citizenship , objection has
been made to his admission ns a citizen , be
cause It was shown that ho was a member of
the Church ot Jesus Ohrist of Lat
ter Day Saints , and has been through
the endowment nouso It was Btated
that it could bo shown that others
who had gene through the endowment
house , if not , all of the members of that
chuich , had boon required to take or had
taken un oath or entcrod into an obligation
of some kind , that would bo incompatible
with their duties
That the oath that they were required to
take there was Incompatible with the oath
they worn required to make when becoming
citizens In the case of the applicant Moore
and others of n similar character , the
further hearing of the tostlmony has been
continued until this morning for the purpose
of giving the objectors a chance to offer the
testimony which they claimed they could
furnish The courtis now ready to hoar uuy
testimony they may offer on that subject
After the usual preliminaries nbnut the
evidence to bo uresentcd , John Bond testi
fied Among other things ho said : "Iu
going through the endowment house I passed
• through different rooms , including what is
known as room t > ; ns far as I remember ,
whether It would bo in the 5 or 0 or any other
room in there , I tools ono obligation , piessed
their thumb'with the index linger , clasped
the hand , pressed the thumb with the ludc :
ilngor , that is the Anionic or lessor priest
hood This confined mo to believe every
doctrine that wa3 taught In the Mormon
church , especially against the government
of the United Stutes , as I understood it The
penalty of divulging that , I was to
Trom car to ear my tongue torn out hold
my hands to high heaven In the presence of
these there , that they might see that I
granted tbi3 aci to be done That is the ilrst
as I remember ; as far as i reuioraber , the
soeond ono I was put under was to avenge
the blood of the prophets against the govern
incut of the United States , teach tlmt to my
children , my children's children from genera
tion to generation , nnd everlastingly keep
after them ; the penalty of that obligation , I
bollove , was to
or bowels , something to that effect , as far as
my memory will carry mo I consider from
what I was told there , that I was to support
the priesthood in all things , religiously , so
cially , politically , domestically nnd finan
cially About fifty men and women went
through the house nt the time I did j the oath
that I have spoken of was administered by
the president of the church today , Wllford
Woodruff ; ho is the man that married mo ,
that is the way I Itnow1 him ; I have boon
sorry ever since that ho put mo under such
an obligation , nnd the following year I npos-
tatl/ed from the church sent my loaignn-
tlon ; I wouldn't tolerate it ; I didn't want to
go through the house at first and went to a
friend of mine , Harrison Sperry , who was
then a bishops couucellor and is
now bishop nf the Fouith waid , who
Bald ho could marry me , provided
the bishop wns willing , nnd ho referred mete
to Hisliow Thomas Jenkins ; he told mo that
lie couldn't allow Harrison Sperry to marry
mo ; that ho had orders from Brignam Young
not to do so , but ho would grant mo a rec
ommend ; that Ungliam Young had issued
\ orders to hltri to give recommends to go
through the endowment house About a
third of these who wont through with mo
were women ; several were married nt that
time and , as far as I can recollect , two were
married into polygamy ; wo all wont through
the same ceremonies nt the Bamo time ; I was
under the obligation to sustain and uphold
the BUbJcot of polygamy Mv wife that I ox-
pooled to marry at tbo end of thosame , the
question was put to her with other women ,
Are yOu willing to let your husband to have
moro wives than one ! All those that nro
In favor of that Bay ave ; contrary , uo "
There was all uyes ; an obligation wus taken
not to divulge nnytbinjr , nnd there wcro pen
alties uttuched to a violation of this , but I
dent Just remember wunt ; I am conscien
tious nbout the matter ; 1 know I have to meet
mv savings before my God "
Martin II Wnddell testified to having
nkon nn outli to
on this nation from the president to the last
man , and among other things said : The
penalty for devulglng , as I hnvo stated , was
dcatn ; I have seen thut penalty Indicted ; In
tno latter part of 16113 a church train was
pioccedlng to this city from tbo east ; I was
with the party and \Y. H. Dame wub the
captain of the train ; when wo cot about
twenty miles this side of Gr 'cn river the
death penalty was inflicted upon a man
named Green , who was with the party
To make his tostlmony stronger ho told
who were witnesses , as follows ;
Hilly Williams , who used to bo in Walk
ers store , was the chaplain for the train ;
Mark Surridge , who afterwards went east ,
Joseph Kollot , who lives ut Cottonwood now ,
were present und saw the penalty Indicted ;
Dave Mclirido , who lives In Iron county ,
George Sniuor of Wooer , my son George
who lives at Pcoa , aud John W. Young , ot
Iron county , a nephew of Urifjhaui worn
also there ; Green hod ono wagon loaded
with groceries and another loadrd with dry
goods and three yoke ot cattle for onch
wagon ; there was a man traveling with
himbut ho was out with the cattle when
the penalty was inflicted ; one ulght when
we were nbout twenty miles this side
nt nrenti river Curtain Dama took
mo by tbo shoulder and said
'We didn't do much last night ; tbo brethren
haven't got cleaned up , and wo will take nn
early Beat tonight ana lot them finish up '
He took mo by the shoulder , led mo outside
the tralu , and pointed to eleven men dressed
in buck&kin clothes , and said : Now , I want
you to call the camp together tonight and ,
forbid them golug outside thocamplestsom e
tiling may happen , for these men are mouti-
taineorn Finally , at about 0 o'clock that
night , thtoo men came up and called on
Green , who was in bis wagon ; ho was a lit
tle afraid , and didn't comf , und after they
had called twice , I got off ot my wagon , and
just then they pulled the man out of the
wugon by his coat ; ho stood there two or
three minutes , wheu dno mau took him by
the hair ot his head and the other
and when ho laid down they opened his
clothes and toou a belt oil from him with
$5,000 , and after this ray son George drove
his wagon Into the tithing onlco
i'Soiuo of us commenced to make trouble
about it when John W , Young told us If wo
didn't shut our mouths they wuuld servo us
out the same and lcavo us lor the wolves to
| eut The next morning the uiuu who was
with Green Icnulrcd where roon was ind
Captain Dnmo snld ho hnl nnosUtizcd from
the church once , a ml ho hod upostatized again
and gene to hell , .
"My son and the man who was with Grrun
took his outfit to the tltlihfg.oniconnd I dent
know what boouno nf It after that ; the
Young I mentioned wns * John W. Young , a
cousin to the John W. Yoilng who Is hero
now ; ho Joined the train ut Green river "
' U.inin was associated with John I ) . Leo in
the Atountnin Meadow massacre Some of
the ether nctors In this trngedv nro still liv
ing In Utah , ono of thorn ucitr this city An
drew Culioon and John Spillclt frilly corrob
orated this in their testimony of their own
experiences , so nlso did Charles Gllmore ,
who nt first refused to testify because ot on-
danpering his life He bashml , n hard fight
the past few yoarj because of his apostioy
Ills horses nnd cattle hnvo been cut nnd
maimed , buggy nnd wngons broken , children
beaten nnd himself ubused nnd threatened
Joseph Stlvu nnd T-cvl Axtell nlso gave simi
lar testimony as to the oaths taken in the en
dowment house , after which documentary
evidence wns offered to show that the teach
ings of the church were disloyal The fol
lowing from one ot Hrigham Young's ser
mons , printed in the Hook of Discourses1'
by nuthorlty of the church , is an Interesting
sample !
" 1 will toll you a dream that 1 had lust
night I dreamt tliat I was lu the midst of n
people who were dressed In rags and tatters
They had turbans upou their heads , and
they were also hnnglng in tatters , The
rags wcro ot many colors , nnd when thn
people moved they were nil In motion ,
Their object uppoarod to bo to nttract atten
tion Said thev to mo , 'Wo nro Mormons ,
Hrolhor Hrigham ' 'No , you nro not , I ro-
plled Hut wo hnvo been , ' said they , nnd
tnoy began to Jump nnd caper about nnd
dance , and their rags of many colors were
nil in motion , to attract the attention of the
people I said , You nro no saints You ure
u disgrace to them ' Snld they 'Wo have
boon Mormons ' Hy nnd by along came
some mobocrats , and they greeted with
thorn , How do you do sir ! I nm very happy
to see you ' They kept ou tnjt way for an
hour I felt asnamod of thorn , for they
were iu my eyes a diagram to Mormonlsm
Thonlsnwtwo ruffians whom I knew to bo
mobocrats and murderers , and they crept
iuto n boJ where ono of my wives und chil
dren were X said , You that call yourself
brethren , toll mo Is this the fashion
among youl' They said , but they are good
men ; they are gentlemen ' With that I
tonic my largo bowie kmfo that I used to
wear as a bosom pin at Nauvoo , nnd
from ear to ear , saying , 'Go to hell across
lots ' The other ono said , You ' dare not
servo mo so , ' I Instantly sprang nt linn ,
seized htm by the hair of the head , una
bringing him down , cut his throat und sent
him after his comrade ; then told them both
if they would behave themselves thev should
yet live ; but if thev did not I would unjolnt
theirs uorks At this 1 awoke "
Judge UasUtn Now hero is the nut of the
thing Ho was talking from onr view of the
case , and ns nppoars from these witnesses ,
to men who had token oaths where thront-
cnttlng was apart of the penalty :
"I say , rather than thut an apostate should
flourish hero , I will unshcath my bowlo
knife and conquer or die ( Great commo
tion in the congregation nud a simultaneous
burst of fooling nssonting to the declara
tion ) . Now you nasty apostates clear out or
Judgment will bo put to the line nnd right
eousness to the plummet ' ( Voices generally
'Go it ' ) If you any it' is'right , raise your
hands ( All hands up ) . Let us call on the
Lord to assist us in His and every other good
work "
Ono of the sormonsof Gcdcdirh Grant was
read , expounding the doctrine of blood
ntonement to bo visited on apostatoi or out
siders to save their souls , nnd rid the people
of thorn A sermon of Uriljhain Young , de
livered in 1838 , was renu , < Its subject being
blood atonement * The closing portion leads :
"I could refer you to plenty of instances
where men have been , ,
In order to mono for their sins I have seen
scores and hundreds of'peoplo ' for whom
there would have bocn a chance in the lust
resuneciion there will bo if their lives
had been taken and their blood spilled on tno
ground as a smoking lueonso to the
Almighty , but who nro , now angels to the
doi'll until our elder brother , Jesus Christ ,
raises them up conquers ' death , hell and
the grave I have known a great many
mon who have left thp churcb , for wtKm
there is no chance whatever for exaltation ,
but if their blood had been spilled It would
have been better for them Tbo wickedness
and Ignorance of the nation forbids this
principle being In full force , but the time
will como when\tho law of God will bo in
full force
This is loving our neighbor as ourselves
If ho needs help , help him ; and If ho wants
salvation , and it is necessary to spill his
blood on the earth in order that bo may be
saved , spill it Aud of you who understand
the principles qf otcrnity If you have sinned
a sin requiring the shedding of blood , except
the sin unto death , would not bo satisfied nor
rest until your blood should bo splllod that
you might gain that salvation you desire
That Is the way to love mankind "
In a sermon by President Helen u. Kim
ball was this specimen of Instruction to the
saints : ,
"In regard to our situation aud circum
stances in these valleys , brethren , wake up ,
yo older ? of Israel , nud live to God nud uona
else , and learn to do us you ore told , both
old and young ; learn to do ns you are
told for the future , nnd when you nre taking
a position , if you do not know that you uro
right , 'do not take It ; 1 mean independently ,
but If you nro told by your leader to do a
thing , do it cone of your business whether
It is rlgh * or wrong "
And here is some more from the satno per
son in 1857 :
"I have a right to say tbo Gentiles shall
nl vor rule over mo , although this people
might ndmlt of their coming hero I have a
right to say also that wo never shall bo ruled
over by thotn from this day forth whllo grjss
grows and water runs ; no , never ( Volcos ,
Amen )
Well , wo have got to sustain these Amen
and Ave have got to sustain these vows ,
will certainly hnvo to do your parts or back
out I told you last Sunday to arm your
selves , and If you cannot do It any other
wav , soil some of your fine bonnets , ilno
dresses , nnd buy yourselves a good diik , a
pistol , or some otne-r Instrument of war
Arm your boys nnd arm yourselves uni
versally , nnd that , too , with the weapons ol
war , for wo may bo brought to the test to
see it wo will stand up to the line ,
"I uovor knew it to fail , when men made
covenants , but they were brought to the test
to see if they would live up to them "
These nre only a few of the many extracts
of sermons , read as evidence of the church
being n disloyal institution During these
proceedings in court the room wns crowded
with people having the deepest iutorost In the
rovelutionB being made There was present
two or three npostlos of the Mormon ehuruli
nnd many lessor oftlclals Tbo liberals were
represented in connsol bvV , H. Dickson , H ,
N. Uaskln and Joseph 'Llmimau , while the
Mormons had Lo Grande ' , Young , J. H.
Moylo and W. It Young The latter is u son
ot Brigham , llo was Wucntod ut West
Point und commlHsiouod'ir'lieutenantlii ' ' the
regular army , uftor which ho'secured a
transfer to Fort Douglas , much against the
wish of the officers of tiinlpost On being
questioned once ho oxpre'sscd himself on the
Mormon question to ttid extent that if
trouble should tome botwepu them and the
government ho would llglt | with the church
It Is understood that his'lata reported resig
nation means a furlough''for ' ono year on
half pay whllo he tries for success in law ,
and if he does not succeed Will go back into
service , j ,
$5,000 It u ward1 SBOOO
For a bettor or moro pleasant remedy for
the euro of consumptioiinbonchlnl ) troubles ,
cough , croup and whopping cough than ,
SANTA AUIR , the California king of con
sumption Every bottle wiirrantou If you
would be cured of that dlgustlng dlseaso ,
cutarrh , use OALllXMNIA QAT-H-CUHK ,
81 u Jar by mail (1.10. Santa Able nnd Cat
H-Cnro are sold and warranted by Goodman
Drug Co
flLPENNYROYAL • . , Ladlu , < • %
( If Drueil.l fur IMiaouil Umii Jl rril ueullll
SM Uih , tMll ltbblti rlt'b o. TttLrnwollirn
WS Htai 4c. < it [ > 0 for I ullouUrt * • * Keller fol
D lAdle , * ! , ) rclura malL .1 < > m < l\ti-a
r lil < li.ttrllieu.Ca.B41 ( * . , rl > U l *
WEAK UEijis MirS
Ill b H row , u y d uy , | u t
03 > it lnluif full iHirUculari fgr heme euro , irte vt
; hanrc Andrem ,
PROF F. O. FOWLEft , Moodui , Conn _
A for llAUHir.U icople A
xure from acrtuln
fkPAnrT :
VpllKl * I I'fivalu llox 073 , rlliclnnatl ,
M MH Mfaaika BTn ' * ! . ] .J..1..I l m P
For Five Dollars ,
DR R. W. BAILEY , Dentist ,
Paxton Blok , 16th and Parnaui Streets
"XKTa A " tid having within the past two
t . > q "PTa-nck + Qfotr
VV G SXi tJ XltJiy LU KJbtty months largely Increased our
orflco room , are now better pre aared to turn out the best class or
work , and much more rapidly than heretorore Wo make a full set
orteeth on rubber Tor FIVE DOLLARS , guaranteed to bs nswol
made ns plates sent out or any dental office in this country Do not
let others influence you not to come , but make us n call and see for
Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN , and without using chloroform
gas , other or electricity Fillinq nt lowest rates , nemombor the lo
cation DR BAILEY , Dentist , Pnxlon Block
Open evening * until S o'clock Take elevator on ICth street Kill and Iarnain
Cut tills out Mention this p it ) . > r ,
P5 Ih& $ Tools
Telephone 437 , 1511 Bodge St
SPOOL \ mm
For Sa/e by all / Leading Dealers
34 Union Square , New York City , Aug 311st , 1889.
After a series of tests at our Elizabethportfaetory , extending over
a period of several months , we have decided to use the
lelieving it to be the best tluead now in the market , arid strongly /
recommend it to all agents , purchasers and risers of the Singer Machines
_ _ _ _ _
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
don carLos "TDSSber ca ;
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
ITello sr Pine
To cHaleis only 31111a Southern Missouri Hooma . , I , 2 and 3 , u. B National Hank Iltilhllng
Tcleuliono 1.157. Omaha Neb
! 1
Dewey & Stone ,
Furniture Company
A magnlilcent display of everything useail and ornamental in the
furniture makers art at reasonable prices
roil TUB TKEAI11XNT Or Jill
B tF .olllUeiApp r tuiaiiRem dI iforButotiii\i'
Treatment of af.rr form of D'leti ' • reaulntur
Bond kAtLodance Beit Aoeonuaoditiom iu Vftii
C3-WRITE I0K. OlROULAJtacn DorormlUti .nl
Bree . Trumi , Clubfeet , CuTTitureioiEpfne.Filei ,
Tumor . Ouc.r , O.Urrh , BrencbiUi , InbUtlon
IleetrieUT , PutlyaU , Eplltp.Klisey , Bltdiir ,
If e , ax , Skin and Blood and all Bur ( leal Of eraUou
DISEASES QF WOMEN .Lc ' VnV . u . ' ; iS
oim ni iiuco ri av T. < STtCTLl | ( fJIVATr )
Oalr BtllaMt Xtdioal IniUtut * makinf a Bpe.liltjr oi
AlFttloodlMiiutifacctufHU/ . Uipumtio folioa
r mave4 froutt tjal n wlltout mtrenrf IT w UiUra.llf
Tr • ! • I fvr Lou or VITAL f 01TKE. FtrtUi u milt to tMI
Ham * ; Li IrtaUdat Iioim tf torrMpocdtQCf All cetnmiifilet *
MdBtietiflcUaiitt McdlclotiorlDitrutututiic&tbjbatUrci *
cttrtjtfck ! dn nirka.ol0diealtceBtroUorarudtr ,
aaptraouftaiiWvprtrftrid CavlU&dcotaalttttorae&d
fclalory of yotr caae , to * w will lend In pUId wt \ \ < r , • #
annv ta iicu frkc * v * > ° rnr te , ot
pUUK TU mtn % w.vas a. ipuM n ±
VU ; OJmI avDd \ rieoe ti , with onutliio Ilit iddmt
ltth and Dodje BUmU , OMAHA , USB
Health is Wealth !
Ull.K.0. WVst'H NKIIVIi ANU HlHIN TlilMT- , a guaranteed Mie-llK fur lljstirin Dizzl'
iicRS , Convulsoui , Kt | , Nenoiu Nuuralnln ,
lleuclaclie , Nervous lru < tuillon cause 1 by Did
una ot alcohol tnliarco Wakefulness , Mental
JleprttHslmi.tiottfului ! nttl.ti I Ham , irsuUhiir In
Insunll y un < l luudiui ; to nilaciy , decay ami death ,
I'rematuroOld Age , HaiituuuMs , I-osiof I'ower
in ftltUeretv , Inroluntnty I-owk and Xpcrniat-
torliiiiicaufcedliy overexertion of iliotualn nef- !
nbueo or oveilmlulKome Kadi liox uiiitalna
ono mouths Itealmnit , ll.'iOa , l > ox , or kit boxes
forts.oo , sent Ijy mall piei util on ioi eli > t ot lirlru
To euro nny cisa AVlth cacli order ieeelI l > y
ua for nix hnxea , accomnauled by fi.iiO , we vr\\l \ \
8eml tliominliaserour willtm nuuiantee to re
fund tli mnn y If tlietteatnientdooi nut eifoct
a cuie HuariinUeH lis > ue'l ' only by tlooilmtin
llruic Co , Ilrujrir'ita ' , Sola hciiIh , 1110 l'snuia
fatreet , Oiualia , Nubrujta
I rTottoo ot Sp cl : RlcoMon , I j H
Notlcfh lirrebjr given to th * bal ( vot.ts ot MM
nouclas county , Nebi ? * a , that nheroM th * |
1 N.braMta Ontrat rAIHvay compvny ha sub MUt
mltted icitlio bokriloCOL'unty ( oiamlMloners ot 'Um
Douclasco.inty , Ncliraikn a proposition In tn * UU
noidi luilowitifnamMyi i H
"Umalia , Neb , Uctai , l W. Itnnorablu flor < \ TMM
of rommlMloners ot llouclaa County , N b < B H
braska-Uentlomeal Thn Nobratkn Onntift- Mm <
rallwity company pronoset to build n dotililtl , J M
track steel rallnny brl.lge acrojj inn Mltnirl > UM
river M omo point yet to be ( elected nbeon thn f H
present bildftrs nnd south ot the north line ot M
ins city ot Omalia-provMed ilio county ot m
. .Dougins will donntn to thn company tno fiun * , Mm
Area and fifty tliomnnd , IjoijWi dollar * of t MM
cent , twenty-yenr bond * nf thn county , to : : 'WM }
Eer delivered to tlinro'iiptny on thn completion M\ \
I of the liiklgo ready foropcratlon on or betor * Um
jun * . ' . ib . ' . - mm
"lliebrulnltrotio | < * Jto bi built under an il B
act otconcretnentitled 'An act to autborlt * > -MM -
tno construction of a bride * over the MHxourl j UM
river , nt or near the city of Omaha , Neb , ' ap i UM
firoved Jnneia If ) , Andtho act provides tnat ' Mm
he brldRo shall bo open to all railroad com 'MM
pailes desiring to use the same , upon equal Mm\
, terms , MM
1 'In case the constructloa at the brldue Is n BB
beBun before thn 1'ith dav of Jiinii , l < * iX ) , or th * U M
brldRe Is uot completed bttorovho SSd day of j H
June , I4'4.thft ! company shall not be entitled t jl B
receive any ot salif bonds , even thoiiKh th * 'i H
proposition should bo carried by voti of tlio , j H
electors f H
And , provided further , that i > nld bonds shall > H
bo delivered to tlio sail Nebraska Central Hall , H
naycomptny , us ageni . siicessoMorassljjns , j H
onlr upon the execution by said N > -astaCen i mm\ \
iral ItnllwHy company or Its succecsore nnd do * m k
llterv to said county ot Douglas , nt an under mmm
taxiiiEln wntlne to the elleit that the princl * IMm
pal del otof raid rallttav company Its tieneral 'MM
oftices anil principal niachlue shops , nhen i M\ \
built , shall beloiaied and nnlntalned within MM
the corporate limns ot the city ot Omaha , Neb , j H
and thut a violation ot the terms citoaldun M9M
dertnklUK uy the eald Ncbrnska Central Hall . H
. waycomtiuiiy or It uuevcasors shall render salil , j H
Neurasiia Central Hallnay company or Its miS M\ \
lessors Indebted to the said county ot DoiiRlas M
I to tne full amount ot said bonds and the Inter * H
est thereon , , ) i B
• Hy older of the bonrdot dliectors Nebraska Mm
Central ttallw ay company ; B
"J , II , lUMO- . Vice President H
• • GiouaRO IUiinum Becretiry ' Mt
And , microtis , it 'nns voted bv ttieboaulot mm
county connnlsslonersot jald Dotmlas county , imm
Nebraska , to accept the nboio and foregoing IH
proposition of thoi Nebraska Central Hallway - B
company JLH
l'rovldcd , that the terms ot such proposition mM
be Ilrst submitted tn the legal voters ot imld 'Wm
county anu adopted by tlmm nccordlns to law H
Sort , therefore , a special eloctlon nf the lenal i l
voters ot Uouglas county , Nebraska , will bo ; BJ
held on Lammi
TUKSDAY , TIIR Tlllltl ) DAY Ob' DKCKM- ' .
HKII , 1S5H.
at which election the follonitiK questions nliall ' < H
bo submitted to said voter , and voted upon In \mW \
the form and manner an I ut tna pollUg places 'aaal
tollonlnK' ( _
Bnallthe county ot Doul , Nolnnska , hjun > H
Its coupon bonds to aid tile Nebraska Central ) | M
railway company tn the constnutlonot rail 1 'laal
road bridge across tlio tltssotul riser at Siafl !
Om.ihn , Neb : snld bonds to amount to the sum ' ( , >
ol two hundred and fifty thou > aud tJ O.UUOl UvM
dolhirs : to be Issued In sums of ono thousand A'
( tl.UUU ) dollar : ) each ; tn do made payable to , f % '
bearer ; to bo dated on tna 1st day ot January , i ' - ] ,
18111 ; to become due twenty ( Al ) jicars after the Jill
date thereof ; to br Interest at the tuteof Uvo • ] 4
(5) ) per cent per annum , psynble semiannually vl
on the Ilrst day of January nnd or July : eacliot ; < |
which bonds to boar on Its facs the followiiik - vl
words ! This bond Is ono of a am
series of CM llfco bonds vthlch ar * , f
lstuied by the county of Douglas In the xtateot ' 11
Nebraska , to nld thoNcbraska Central Halltvujr > ° t I
company lu th construction ot a railroad ,
brldfioacross the Missouri liver at Omnna , l''l
Nebraska ; " all of sal 1 bonds and the Inierejl „
theroou tobe pnyableatlhe a < ; encvof the , , m
state of Nebraska lutho city ot New Vol c ; to l
bo delivered and donated to rue A obraskacen1 1 , |
trnl Hallway company \ \ hen It shall have com " ' 1(1 (
plcted , ready lor operation , a double trucK ; "
eteelrallrood mldgoncross tho.Mlssourl river t ' "H
Omaha , Nebraska , nndshall have executed th * IV-il
apreements cnuialned In said proposition : prr • ; ' !
vldod the enmo shall be commemod on or be- 'IJH
fore June IS , 189 , > , and shall bs Uultned ready fj |
tor onerntlonon or beroro , ! tin i. MV ! . ) M\ \
And shall nn annual tax In nddttlon to Ilia - < < M\ \
usual nnd nil other taxes , be le/lcd on tbo tax * ,
able property of Douglas couuty Nelraska , , ' M\ \
flUfllcTcut to pay the Interest on i-ald bonds as II \m \
becomes due ; una at the t.lue of levjluic'hn > H
anuuil county taxes , commun lnK the le.i'H , <
year prior to the maturity ot raid bonds , s' all • !
a tax In addition to all other taxes ue levied on
the taxable property of Douglas county a'jA , . i m
continued annually thereatter trom year to "II
year , until thereby a sinking fund shtll liava !
been tteated sufliclont to pay said bonds ut th * J
tnntttrltv thotcof ? > | l
the above questions shall be regarded as cnq tl
• ntlre question , und all legal voters ot said hm
IlouKlas county who desire toote in favor of" . *
the lssu.itice ot said bonds and tlio levy of aula f
taxes Inpayment of the piluclpal ana luteieat It ,
theieof , at , said election , shall votjabalol t
vrltn said question printed or written , or parti ft
pi luted ana partly written , with the following i m
additional words thereon : yes For the Ne- | J4
traska Central rullway aid bonds and tnxes 'J • • JJ
And all legal votersorsald DouglascotintvTihd , ' r ,
desire tooto aualnst the Issuance ofnld , • ;
bonds and the levy otsaitl taxes lu naymsntoi 5 -
the principal and interest theieof at said elec < . H
tlon shall vote a billet with said question > :
firluted or written , or partly printed and part , 1
y written , with the following additional word * i ( J
thereon : "No Against the Nebraska Central ' i
railway aid bonds and taxes " }
It two-tblrds of all of said ballots voted by it
the said legal voters ot suUl'Douslas county at ' j
eald election shall have thei eon tun vt ords "Vert o , j |
For the Nebraska Central railway aid bonds ) ' 5
and taxes " the fore olng proposition will nav *
been adopted , nnd tno said uouds shall bo Is * . ; &
B'iedan.1 t a said taxes shall be levied , in ao V \
cordance with tno terms nnd conditions there .t |
of ; otherwise not % A
Bald eloctlon shall be opened at elsut (3)f ( ) ; $
o'clock u. m. upon eald Tuesday , the 3d day of * & \
December , H8W , and blmll remain open until sis * %
(6) ( ) o'clock p. ui ot said nay v > .s
The polling places of said eloctlon shall b $ ft
the follow Ins named places In Douglas county , J *
N.braska : , I
oMAHA pnBnNC1 Na , |
District No 1 . IV corner Tenth and Jones > S %
BtiUtrict No 2-Numbcr 1117 South glxtU 'f %
street Vinay'n barber shop M
District No 'U 8. K. corner Kleventh and Dor S
ca btreots , enijluo home it %
OMAHA IltECINCrNO ' . ' . % ft
DistrlctNo 1 Number 1318 South SlxteonthJ f
street , y f
Distilct No ! } Number 16T1 PouthSlxteenta f | j |
street , ' t
OMAHA l'HECIN.71' NO 3 , * J
District No I Number lurHDuvenpnstfitreet i I
DistrlctNo.2 Number 10 ? ; Ilriuoystreet 1 M
Distiict No l ] tit)7 Capitol nieuue 7 a
DIstilctNo S Number17U Bt Mary'a T * S 'ft
DUe OMAHA I'HECINOr No ! f , . J ! I
District No 1 Number BJJ Noith HlxtoentB , \W \
Htrcct . w
DistrlctNo 2 Comer Izatd uud BlxteontU S &
• treets , Lnclno House No (1. ( 75
DistrlctNo 1 Number SjiJU Luke sheet • ff K.
District No 2 Lyceum Hall , on Twenty . J * Is
fourth street on South side of F. , K. * M. V. ft M Sf {
It trace * w p
District No n. Sto ens' Store on Parke * n , m\ \
street West of Thirty-third utreot jf M ;
OMAHA 1'tlLCINOT NO 7. if 1
1 District No 1 Corner Twenty-ninth street • ' * m
and WoolwortU avenue School House w
District No , 8 11. (1. Clarks llulldlng on *
Twenty-ninth street , between Dupout aud lllc * B m
1 itreots LA1
I • OMAHA 1'IIKCINOT NO * , | | j
1 District No 1-South Side Cuinlng , between 4tK
Twentieth and Twenty-first streets ( Harness • m S ?
Shop ) . a m
I District No 2-Cumtuir fctreot , between Jf m\
aweuty-foutth street anu'twenty llfth avenue , j H
Furayabaiu wm m\ \
District No 1 Corner Twenty-ninth nnd Jar * S m
nan streets , C. J , Johnson'H > tore , ' qb m
Distiict No J-CoicerMerterund Low * ave . JB , m
nues , C. J. Ilyansstore . . . _ . . , . Jri m
1'reclnct No l V. Plvonka'u , N street , be 1 ]
twotnTwenty-litthandTwenty-slxthbtroets. Umt C
Prcclact No.J. . Iovls Twenty-sixth street , Mt ; § J
between N und 0 streets . \M' M
1'reclnct No J-I.lltlo house back of Kelldr'4 ' w S
hotel , O street , . m
J'recluct No 1 Kxchaniro hotel • *
l'loreure Precinct At scnool bouse at 1 lor M ft
• nre m m >
I Union Precinct At George Ii Hodman * < M K
bouHe * . iM m
I Jeirersoul'icclnct At P. Deldrioluon's ofllc , Wt M
Klkhuru I'reclnct-At Town hall , Hlxhorn JR
I 'V alley Prsdnct-At school Mouse ut Valley Mi 9
1 " Waterloo Precinct At Maiomo hall building ft H
Chi-ago Proclnct-AtVun Alt otllc ; , . Jf J |
Mlllird Precinct At school house ut Millard MS
1 * McAr 'dle Preclnct-At .MoAidlo's school w H
Douglas Precinct At Henry Itusers place , * A B
B. W. ill . , section 1)0. ) township H , range W ; W K
West Omaha At school house , dlatrlct No 9 , ? M ] |
11 y order of the board of county commission * < 3gn
• ri [ oKAr.l M , D. UOCHU , Couuty Clerk , ± ' 1
wovaaiwt _ _ m
I Stanton * Amorlonn tI
In ' rt rriaUrllf In tin ihmkUiIuM , e t. fur W1 I
rlS l ill ind nun • " ' < lljw ; e Si t < ll jft I
f lllbl , ( lull \
rHUHUH UllDltll > MM W4l f\ |
js Ssrif * U cJUil liillldl artfrle ml * 1
I faKli l < | atVv * | , | ic..liriii " li < itNi't > " , Si' ' :
\\TBfViUanl "HI , r 4 Irasa M r . 1 ;
V.tS V i'tuiiut ' * • , - "ini it ty / am •
I sKwS > ri/n"1 ' , " ' * * u ! a.rtlcul r . • . / SB ,
I tmmy specific Medicine Co , / ' , m \
; j jiStTwa ii.iu.iijii . fa \ / , m ,
ll.e I.argo.t und Dost H.iulpped Soliool In the 3
West Tliorouuh Practical Department M