Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    y tft < i i w w BSI S 8 8KEfiuBi i > juiHwSwwiwii Ji r > , , 's [ EgM wwt w > i s M | M | s sW
_ _ _
" J. II Dnmont denies nil connection
i -Ith the projected street enr Hno Ho
H nays tlint ho tloca not oven know any
B thing about it
B' ' One of the infnnt twins of Mr nna
Mrs l' roil Gray < llc < l jestordny The
other , it is euiil , is sick und it is not
' likely Hint it will recover
H * Auqust Tliomns stele Goorco Weld
s , nor's coat at 1721 St Mury a nvoniio
H Wednesday nlpht and loft for Fremont
' IIo will bo brought hack to Umahii
H J. J. Nixon , of Denver , writes to
H Chief Soavoy for inlormation about hit
R wlfo , who is supposed to bo hero , but
H | who has not been heard fiom for sov-
H ernl months
H t'ernnnnl Iarncrnplit
H F. P. Ncnl of IMnnr is at the lnvton
H T. V. CloMon of O'Neill is at the Cnsov
1 C. IIlitrns of Lincoln Is nt the Murray
H V.V. . White of I'lnttamouth is at the Mur-
H ray
H 8 0. Loncworth of Seward Is at the Mll-
H J. Dixon Avery of Promont Is at the Mil
H Ocorpo U. Evorlll of llcatrlco is at the
H' Casey
H' Chnrlcs Ureaco of Rushvltlo Is at the
H Cosov
H J. 11. Hughes of Coza < ) Is registered at the
H Casey
H W. G. Slmonson of AlUnnco Is at the
B Casry
H 0. K. M. Bright of Cameron is a cuost at
H' the Cusoy
, Wlllmtn t * . North , of Howard , is at the
B J Merchants
' \V. II Woodward , of Lincoln , Is at the
| Merchants
H ; j. U. Prlco of Hastings is stopping at the
, McrcliuntJ
H John Fitfgornld of Lincoln Is a guest at
B the Paxton
H O. L. Sanborn of Cbadron is registered at
the Paxton
H' B.i. . Sturtovnnt of Fullcrton Is a guest at
B the iMillard
Ht * Georso W. Martin of Kcarnoy Is a guest
Hv t the Casey
H * T. M. MarrjuoUo of Lincoln isrregistered
H' ' at the Paxton
H > ' Miss Mliinio Houkc of Nohraska City , is a
H $ RUest at the Paxton
H Walter ! . La nib and M. D. Welch of Lln-
H. coin nro guests at the Murray
H C. McMenoinv E. N. liiuillov , ; and I. M.
; Dawson , of Ululr , tire registered at the Mcr-
H chants
M Theoilor Henllor , W. R. Goll , H. E. Mo-
V scrvov , and Joseph S. Cook , of litulr , are
H t guests at tbo Morutiants
H ' C. II Kcclnr , formerly of the Oswego , N.
H Y , , Kccorcl , now of Washington , Kin : , is a
H' guest at the Cusov and will remain in the
H city over Sunday Mrs Kcclur accompiulcs
H him
H At tno Windsor A. N. Sehnofor , Ord ; J.
H P. Howdlsh , Marlon , In , ; Gcorgo Wilson ,
H Petorshurgh , NobiT Murdoel , Omuhu ; M.
H Sachs , Cheyenne ; Charles W. Toronto , Fa-
H , tius N. Y. ; John Oilman , Worcester , Mass ;
H H. G. Case , Vernon , Mich ; C. D. Hunter ,
i Gothenburg ; II A. Bibcock , Lincoln ; C. II
H Webster , Chicago
, Proposals fur Curlitnir
| | Scaled proposals will bo rccoivoa by the
B chairman of the Doard of public works up to
HA 1:30 : p. m , December 0 , for curbing Twenty
$ ninth street from Hickory street to Jackson
H\ Mnrrinco Liicensos
f Only orjo Ilconso was issued by Judge
B | Shields yesterday , as follows :
l1 * Numo und Address Age
F I Dr Thomas Jospcrsen , Millard 25
? ( AlmaEbscn , Millard SI
g A Drmncraiic Fzzlr
Bl The democrats In tno Second ward attempted -
} tempted to hold a meeting lust night , but a
' _ quorum fatted to congregate 'I lie brass
' band , -tlio onitor.4 and others who were siip-
Hr posed to ho present , failed to materialise
1 ' All the interested parties were at the ropub-
H llcan convention , and no business whatever
< : was transacted
? I'rlninrlrs nnd ltonlstraHon
: The deniocratlo primaries , to elect dele
B gates to the democratic city convention/ivill
< . bo held today and remain open from 12
V I , noon to 7 d tn
Iho deuiocrntlo city convention will no
' ' held tomorrow In Waslnncton hall nt ! i p. m.
, Today and tomorrow nro registration days
, - preparatory to special election for the via
b < duct bonds on Thursday , tiStU Inst
Not n Caitdidnte
Bf • Omaha Nov 21. To the Editor of The
B" Bee : About ono week ago I announced my-
Hf aolf ns a democratic candidate tor the ofllco
H- of city treasurer Since that time I have
H been , and am now , confined to my bed
V' through lllncssandunnblo to uiako a canvass
> In view of the nominating convention bet -
t- ing so close at band , aud in justlco to my
f friends and myself , I have concladed not to
" allow tbo further use of my numo for that
Vj position
g. My many friends have my slncoro thanks
t for tbolr kind efforts in my behalf
BB ! Paxton Iiotbl , Omaha Snocini at-
j/ tontion to commorclal nion Finest nnd
h largest hotot in the west Kittrcdgo &
jiis Bruinard , propriotorn
w Tlio Two iilootlnns
On the 23th of this month tbo people of
P H | Omaha will vote In a special election on the
| question of issuing bonds to the amount of
pit 1150,000 In aid of the construction of a uaion
] $ depot and viaduct on South Tenth street , the
JC former to bo used jointly by the Union Pa-
jh1 ciflo , 1) . & M. and other railroad companies
r > which may desire to avail thamsolvcs of the
& • dvuutago
# ' On tbo fld of next month the regular city
F" election takes place A mayor , pollco judge ,
jlr treasurer , comptroller and nluo couuellmou-
[ ' ! at-largo will bo oleetod
b | > The issuance of the following bonds will
Hi also bo voted unon : t 50,000 by the county
jf't tn aid of the Nebraska Central railway In
I' tbo orcction of a stool railway bridge over
ji the Missouri : also , (05,000 for the purchase
jgr of the exposition building and the conver-
Jk lon nf it into a market house ; (215,000 for
E the purchase of school sites and tbo erection
- of schools In various parts of the city ,
UK ; : especially with a$73,000 addition to the high
pf ? ' • cbool
BV H Mora hWlcwnlka
V K Sldowalks have been ordered laid on the
K , followlnpstreots oil or before Decembers ,
V R > If not than laid , they will bo put down by
K tbo city and the cost assessed against the
Vfliv abutting property ;
Bf' East and west side of Leavenworth street
. . to Urigg's place , rnpairs
Jk Kast and west slao of Fourteenth street
K i from Mason street to Custellar street , re-
: pairs
; Kast and westsldoof Fifloonth street from
M • Pacltlo to Vinton street , repairs
U'y ' I ast and west sldo of Eighteenth street
JBW from Center street to Vinton street , repairs
t' ' North side of Dorcas snoot between
P. . Eighth and Tenth street , 4 foot wldo
p North aud south sldo of Charles street bo-
K tweonThlrty-sccoud nnd TUIrty-third streets ,
K , & feet wldo
JHt West sldo of Twenty-sixth street from
K. Popoleton uvcnuo to Hickory street , i foot
Wr Wlda
K On the northwest corner of Eighth and
K Fariiam street In frout of lot 8 , block t' .clty ,
V . 8 feet wide
K * South sldo of lot 21 , block 0 , ICountzo's
JB R Third addition North sldo of Hickory and
K west of Thirteenth street , S feet wide
B BSv East sldo of Thirty-third street from Ham
| P | K r- tlton street to Parkur street , 0 feet wide ,
V' . - r * East sldo of Ninotecnth from Cuming
JpjK street to Nicholas street , 0 feet wldo
JBjK' Chllllinoil'i ) Hnppy Oils
V Amonp the ' iticidonts of childhood
JBJM ' that etaud out in bold rollof , as our
fBK momo.-y loverts to the days wliou wo
HpK' were younu , none nro nioro pronunont
| ppW" tlmnsovorosickpcas , ' The young mother
| pptf vividly romomhera that ft was Chum
IpJHr borluln's CourIi Koinody cured her of
JpV ' croup , aud in turn ndmliiibterd it to her
| Mpf- i own ollspring and always with the best
B U0CC63. For sale by all druggists
1 -A" , _
Injured nt the Vnrils
GeorgOiTliurlow mot n p.ilntul acci
dent at the stock yards yesterday forenoon
As the Atmour-Cudahy hog cart wns passing
Mr Thurlow stopped behind the swing gate
At the same time somcono opened another
gate and the wind blow it against the horses
head The nnlmats at once backed against
the gate , cntchlng Mr Thurlow , bndly mash
ing his left wrist nnd Injuring his loft thigh
anil nnklo nnd loot A buggy was ptocUrcd
and Mr Thurlow taken homo where a sur
geon gave him proper attention
Injured nt llninmoiiil'fl ,
John F. Schultz of the fertilizing depart
ment nt the Gcorgo II Hammond & Com
pany's house vas Injured bv the falling of a
jilnuk against his right thigh nnd leg No
bones were btokon
Cut With nn A tin
Christ Stlgnrd while working at tbo
Gcorgo II Hammond packing nouses
cut bis light los with an ad7. The cut
was Qvolnchcs long and required six stitches
Mli * Does ' 1'rocrrssivo nuohre ,
Mr and Mrs John A. Dee gave a progres
sive cuchro party Wednesdnyoveuingntthoir
elegant homo In honor of their guests , Mr
nnd Mrs A. L. Ames nnd tbolr charming and
accomplished daughter , of Peabody , Mass A
nioro elegant gathering and moro cntortulncd
guests never bade a South Omaha hostess
good night " Among the visitors were Mr
nnd Mrs James G. Martin unit tholr guest
Miss Loulo Clomonsou of Topekn , Knn
Mis Juuios G. Martin won nineteen games
nnd was nwnrded tbo first prl/o for ladles
nnd MIsb Gertrude Glasgow , for losing twen
ty gnmes , was awarded a handsome and slg-
uillcant souvenir Z. Cuddington nnd Sam
uel P. IJrlgham tied on sixteen victories for
the llrst prize for gontlemcn nnd Herbert L.
Fowler wus presented the last , least and sig
nificant prize for having lost twenty games
An elegant lunch was served Mr and
Mis Dee wore most happy in tholr elegant
manner in entertaining It was nn event lu
Jingle City social mnUcrs
Kpworth Ijaa-fiin Orcnnlj ! il
About twcnty-llvo joung people of the
Methodist Episcopal congregation mot Tues
day evening In the lectura room of tbo
church nnd organized nn Epworth League
The followingofllcors were elected ! Pres
ident , It C. Young ; llrst vice president nnd
superintendent of Christian work , J , A. Sil
ver ; second vice president nnd superinten
dent of literary work Miss Get trudo Glas
gow ; third vice prosidontiiudsuperintondont
of social work , Miss Dora Squior ; fourth
vice president and superintendent of enter
tainments , E. D. ' 5idcon ; scnetary , Miss
Mabol L. Silver j treusuror , II Finley
The lcaguo moots overv Tuesday evening
in the lecture room of the Mothpdist
Episcopil church All young pcoplo are
Thniikiuisini ; Festival
The members of the ChristUu church of
Albright , will hold o Thanksgiving festival
Thursday evening , in the mission rooms , Al
bright The following committees have
been appointed :
Reception Mesdames M. Maberry nnd
Frank Taylor
Supper Mesdames Claik , M. Maberry ,
V. Taylor and II Sms
O.vslers Mfss Georgia Hnmmott
Ice Cream and Cuke Mrs K. Dorsey
Confections Miss S. L , Clark aud Mrs
L. M. HuncocK
An interesting procrammo has been ar
ranged and the eoinmitthcs under the zeal
ous pastor , the Rev M. C. Hancock , hnvo
mudo arrangements to entertain all friends
Tenipcrnnco lilterary ProRrnimiic
Tlu following prograrauio has been ar
ranged for the temperance literary enter
tainment in tbo Methodist Episcopal church
Friday evening :
Opening song
Reading Part First Mr W. Reed Dunroy ;
Part Second Mr Arthur L. Couelund
lianjo solo A gentleman from the south
Prophecy Mr W. Reed Dunroy
Recitation Miss EUd Hatfield
Song , ,
Debnto Resolved , That Women Should
Have the Right of Suffrage ; nnirmatlve
Messrs A. L. Sutton and Everett E.Lyman ;
negative Mossrs D. J. Ferrall and M. G.
United I'rosbytcilnn Servlcs
Rev J. G. Stewart , pastor of the United
Presbyterian church , will bold mcotiugs
every evening this week in the Mission
church Twentv-fourtli near Q street On
ncxtSunduy afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock the
sacrament of the Lords supper will bo ad
ministered The public is cordially Invited
to attend the services in the Mission
St Acnes Clinroh Serviced
The Rev Father D. W. Monarity an
nounces that hereafter services will bo bold
in St Agues church as follows : Masses at
5:30 : , 8U0 : und 10:30 : o'clock a. ra ; vespers
and benediction nt 7:80 : o'clock in the evening -
ing ; Suudny school at 2U0 : o'clock In tno
afternoon _
Suit Itlirmn
V 'ith its intense itching , dry , hot skin ,
oftou broken into painful cracks , and
the little watery pimples , often causes
indcBcrlbablo sufforini ; . Hoods Sarsaparilla -
saparilla has wondorfuWpowor over this
disease It purifies the blood und ox-
pois the humor , aud the skin heals
without p. . scar Send for Dook co.itain-
inu many statements of cures , to C. I.
Hood Si Co.Apothecaries , LowellMass ,
A Diis'rt Lorn ; Fan
Not lonpr since Dong Claypolo of
Webster county , WoBt Virginia , and a
friend wont hunting , etc , taking with
thorn a couple of hounds It wus not
long till the hounds scouted a fox and
gave chnso They ran him till about 8
p. rowhon ho wont to hole Ono of
the dofrs ro turn ad the same day ; the
ether was unheard from for moro than
a weak Unzol CowRor , who lives near
the place whore the fox was holc 'd ,
hoard the suppressed barking of u doc
lor several days in succession On
golnp to the place Cowgor found the
dog unublo to frco himself having
illiod the loose earth behind him as ho
dug after the fox , und being oxlmustod
from the want of food and water After
oloarlng away the obstruction and
given rofrcshmont the dog was able to
como forth from his dark and solitary
abode , the fox bolag dead , having boon
conflnod there without food nnd water
and not much uir for nluo duys
Watch the box , buy the gonutno Hod
Cioss Cough Drops , 6 cents per box
The I'ennlty of a lleifat'fi Uurioslty
Fnrmor LuCz , of Montollo , Pa.missed
a young cow , and hunted ull ever tbo
plncu for her for two dayB , but In vain
On the evening of the second day his
eon Billy wont to the old smokehouse ,
and pulling up the latoh uoticod that
the ploco of old clothosltno with which
the door wus usually fastened to the
frame by mentis of staples for additional
security , had boon chowqd in two IIo
thought this wus queer , but a moment
nftorward , when ho stopped oyer the
threshold , the case wub mudo clour to
him There on the floor of the smoke
house , mooing faintly in her compressed
[ iuirtors , and weakened by the lack of
? oed nnd wntor , lay the young hoiffor ,
eutTorltig the punishment for her curi
osity Slio hud got there two nights
before , having llrst jiimnod over the
barnyard fence , opened tlio farmyard
goto wUh hur mouth und forelegs , und
tliuu chewed the rene oil that fastened
the jmioko-liouso door und lifted the
Why nnohcfnrt LieTi Hnclmut ,
Tlio l.o ndon correspondent of the
Paris Bntaillo says th at Rocholort has
disappeared from London without leav
ing any trace of his whereabouts The
explanation of his donartuto is given in
another paper ui follows : For some
tluio pas * , a pamphlet wus bclug told lu
the streets of London entitled 'R6chc
fort on England , ' which reproduced the
nrticlo jniblishcil in the Inlransigonnt
ngninst Kngland and Qucpn Victoria
Tbo pnmplilot ended with a violent np-
peal for vengennco The prosecution
of Uochofort wixt tnlkcd of by the au
thorities , who were thinking of arrest
ing him for insults to the c tioon , nnd ,
ns the English dent lake long to como
to n decision in such matters , Hochofort
thought It prudent to follow the oxnm-
plo of his skipper , Uoulnngor , und
. "
skip _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If you nro nil run down lirtvo no
stvongtli , no energy , and fool very tired
all the time take Dr J. II , MoLonn's
3nrsnparilla. It will Impart strength
and vitality to your sjstom
The Mexicans lligli-l'ilcod Hpiul'rf > nr
Moxlco correspondence Philadelphia
Record : When tlio men persist in
wonring sticli extremely largo lints it
scorns u little queer that the ladies
wear no hats nt nil and one can not but
fool Impressed with tlio idea that if
they could bo persuaded to split the
dilToroneos" nnd avorngo up their head
gear fashions the result would bo moro
cotnfortntilo for both sexes Tlio most
ordinary sombrero costs not loss than
$15 , while the moro universally populhr
ones these profusely garnished with
bullion range in prlco from $ C0 to $000.
Of Into years the upper strata of society -
oty cover their heads exactly as do gen
tlemen in London , Paris , or Now York ,
but u gciuiino Moxicnn of the middle
class still Invests nil his surplus capital
in his hat A serving man , whoso wages
nro not moro than $12 per month , patri
otically puts n years ' income into iho
expensive national sombrero , though ho
economises t6 make uo for It in the
matter of shoos , wearing o.\-hldo san
dals of his own manufacture An
American gontlcman tells me that ,
after being absent thico monthf , ho
paid his footman $15 back wnges , nnd
before night the follow had invested $3i
of it in a hut and do voted the romnin-
ing $7 to the wants of his numerous and
needy family While many a thorough
bred Mexican opmts a sointyroro whoso
value is away up in the hundreds , the
ragged boy who blacks jour boots is tlio
jHoud possessor of ono which cost him
at least 150 shines "
Insist on having the genuine Rod
Cross Cough Drops.o cts a boSola
ovcry whore
"llnrr " ' ' .
) Glny'H Itoils'-Scrvnnt.
William Alexander , an aged colored
man omplnyod about the slate house ,
was found in his room yesterday morn
ing , stricken with paralysis , says a Co
lumbus , O. , special lie has been a
resident of Cincinnati for , many years ,
ana his-rolativos there * were notified by
telegraph Mr Alexander was qmto a
character , and always kept himself
posted on the news of the day
During the days of slavery ho was on
the plantation of Henry Clay , the great
Kentucky statesman When young
Harry Clay went to Mexico at tlio head
of a roglniotit , Alexander accompanied
him ns body servant , nnd ho wa3 near
the young colonel when ho > vas killed
Alexander used to relate ninny nnnec-
dotes of Henry Cluy , and could repeat
some of his speeches from niomory lie
used to say that Mr Clay never
scorned to be himself after the death of
young Harry "
IS not only a distressing complaint , of'
itself , but , by causing the blood to
become depraved und the syslcm en
feebled , Is tbo patent of innumerable
maladies That Aycr's Sarsnpnrilla
Is the best cure for Indigestion , o\cn
when complicated with Lier Complaint ,
Is proved by tlio following testimony
from Sirs Joseph Lake , of Brockway
Centro , Mich :
"Lher complaint and Indigestion
made my life n burden and came near
ending my cxlstonce For wore ; than
four years I suffered untold agony , was
reduced almost to a skeleton , and baldly
had strength to drag myself about All
kinds of food distressed mo , and only
tbo most delicate could bo digested at
all Within the tliuo mentioned seuial
treated mo without giving le-
let Nothing that I took seemed < o do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Aycr's Sarsaparilla , which
has produced wonderful results Soon
after commencing to take the Sarsapa
rilla I could see an iinpiovcment in my
condition My appetite began to return
and with it came the ability to digest
nil tlio food taken , my strength im
proved each dny , nnd after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions , I found inself a well
woman , able to attend to all household
duties The medicine has given mo a
new lease of life "
Iyer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
rnErxnEC nr
Or J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
• Price tl ; lx bottlci , $5. Worth ti joule - .
A f ull net of Teeth on rubber lot * \ Kunrantecd to
boas will mudo m plutei unt out from anrUental
ofllco la tills country , uuil lot wliliU jrou would ! > •
tlnruo.l ever twloa a much
'IcethMlracloil without pain or rtanirer , ml with
out tlio uao iholofonu , cas , cither or electricity ,
uolitand llytr lllng at hair rates
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Taxtoii Illock , 101U nnd Faronm Streets ,
Talto Klevator on Mth Street
Nos 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO0.
" "lu
' fHOrtf O FOWWB , MooUu , Conn
For Snlo by M. II DHbs , Omaha , Nebraska
F om Max Meyer , & -Buo.
Tlic auction sale which is now in progress at our
store has caused so many inquiries that we take
this method to answer the inquiries and inform the public at
the same iimc The object of the saleis not , as some have
asserted , to get rid of our old stoqk for the best of reasons ,
we have none Nor is it a holiday scheme to get the
trade but it is as advertised , to close the retail depart
ment of our jewelry business which we have been desirous
of doing for many months , and having failed to find a cus
tomer to purchase the stock entire , and to put the stock in
to our wholesale department not being feasible , we have
determined upon an auction sale of our entire stock of diamonds
mends , fancy goods , art goods , and all Without limit or
reserve of one single article We invite all to attend these
sales , which will be held daily for the next thirty clays ( if not
disposed of before ) andsee if this statement is not a fact
_ xaS I913 S 82 illtrN A Typewriter mido to meet the mo tern
/StoxCfflKSttiSliii3 ! 5SstiSFt want for n nia-lilno wlilcli prints directly from
* 'MntffiWflfrTJTTliiriirTlit typo , uses no rlblmn , nllsni permanently at
"VrartEEES JuSaB * ) ! point of printing Is Mglit Cojinict , Duiahle ,
ftSSSseSSMSS ! ! U oud In a word Is built on Rclentlflc principle * .
fi3SS5&25cStvreS' ) ' tholnvcntlon of o. w. N. Yc t. tlio btilldor of
( KcaK ? 5 5Srftjffla | ; Doth the ItomUnrton and Callgraph
gj feffi j psraa MnchlniM wltn llonilugtoa or Callgrapli key
* * a3 § 3w'MVfH Sl A larco stoclc of second hand Typewriters , ot
J5 * ' ' B& 383SiiffiSS > 'i ' sP33 ah makes , for sale , rent or oxchnnfo We nro
_ , S5B _ 5 _ KKS Js JUXQB rlso sales ancnts for tlio "MHIUUl't' Typo
JiW y HKrji5H | < ' * > B mSwt SI writer , tno nnest low priced midline on tlio
MwmSt0OfiKtK | | Hi _ 3 _ * y Wo would ueplo ' ased to receive n call from
KffiSSS5v a * J * i iy- : iS yon , whether \oit want to pnrcli ise or uot , und
KWiSS S yS V ti si w-o will Klailly show you the " YOi C' and the
By S& ! _ _ lC * aP E ? / lt lincBt and lnrgnst oo < ot Typawrlter t'uriil-
i'i ' i iPlii il"il [ Jitjjii iiff * " " i 11 * T - * ture Supplier , etc , over broiiKnt to this city ,
@EQH-SgBlTH&GOi , 8802 Farnam Si , OmaEia
Dlanufacturers and Wholesale Dealers hi
' UTollow Pine
To dealers only Mills Southern Missouri Itoonm , 1 , Sand.1. U. S. National Hunk HiilKUns
, Tclenliono 1 ( . ' , ; . Uinnlia , Aeb
A. B. MEYER & CO ,
103 South 13th Street , Opp Postoffice Telephone 1490
ETCHINGS , il | _ k Mf k SfKV 091 UaTEMERSON ,
MOULDINGS , j& Bjlwjf ® ET | _ g PIANOS & ORGANS
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
ivovnniiGit asm
Monday , Tuesday ; Wednesday
Supported bv THEAU1.I3 & COOI'Ell'3 Comedy
Company in
Two very tunny farcical comedies Itogular
prices Beats go on sale Sutui day ,
[ EiiyMlCTBEiMliUiaaa
I'rlduy and Batttrday , November S3 and S3 ;
Saturday Matinee
The Supremely Urratnnd llnrlvtlod
An exclusive exposition of preeminent tttais
never foeforo seen conjointly , Gee WltEon ,
Lew Ileneillct , .
' 1 ho SwcdUh Dance , with Hi participants
From tbo Klrmessu.ttio 130,000 introductory
Derby Duy in Kn | and ( duly copyrlRhtod
by Gee Wilson ) .
Regular prices Seats on sale Tliursdsy
pf l ]
_ _ _ _ _ i
| nl _ _ _ ? ' 9 _ MR |
CDRC Perfect Art Album containing 24
I" Kil EL beautiful Photographs representing
> Tm anJ Cofn , cuiture , will be * ent
on receipt of your address ,
CHASE & SANBORN , 136 Broad St , Boston ,
] Western Dept 80 franklin St , Chicago , III
ebratel lines ot Hoots and SUoes , manufactuf
• d or 0. M. Henderson ft l ) . , of rhlc-mo-t c-
torles at Unlcago Dlion Ills , and Fond lu Lac ,
\ Vlsliould write 6All. t ? . WA'ISON , resU
dence , fllBMONT , NLU 'IVavollng Btfeat ,
Ue dquurt tl for llubbers
Cbrnp John Utilises are Tr > luc ; to Imlt'it
• • Such and so various ore tbo tastes of men
tnut to satlsly all ono must carry an al
most unlimited supply Wo have purclia-
Bed this fall a line ot neckwear winch for
richness of material , vurioty ot design and
charmlnfr combinations of color cannot be
surpassed Wo especially ask the oppor
tunity of showing them to you
State Line
ToUlnsgow , Belfast , Dublin ami Tihrrnool
rnoM nkw youic kvkuy tiiuusdav
Cabin pauayetv to f.V ) , acconllnz to location of itat
room , liicuralon W to K > J.
Mccroeo to and from ISurope at I-owcst Hates
AL'STI.S IlALUU IN i CO , CiCll'l AgenU ,
M llroaUnnir , Now Vork
John BU.QKN , ( icn'l Wcttcrn Axe nt
1M Kumlulpb St , Chicago ,
iunnr H. ilooiiEs , Tues jicCjinnk ,
.iL'enH st Oronh
When you am buying olavtt remember that there is
. • uclia < bIi > gH.aprlcolhat .
| l | Is too cheap It Is lietter to _ 1 _
. pay a fair price and set _ jn
_ | Kc d uIq\l like lluleuIM
l _ _ | jlu onn Thuj uru luade _ M
K df from selected kklnsln theM IKjul
_ _ | bestinsnnorandaiuvarQII9B |
K- ! ranted ta bo the inoktn _ _ _ H
VM SltT serviceable made If ) ou ! _ _ _ _
IffiHf want to know more about V _ _ _ V
_ V glotes In geiiersl und _ _ V
Qr llutcblneon'e ( Slpwa ffl _
_ _ _ F In iiarilcuuir enoloso
_ _ _ r stauipfor the book Aba-it _
• S-f lilovra li will Intensst
' I > ou t Tmutir i)18 i
JOUN C. llUiOlllNkOV J.kuleiTD , K , V.
Manhood JjsSS ? ? ?
llmlioo.1,4a. ha lii ( I rlid In ) sin ( trrjr known rcine
0y , luu dlwuvcred & rtini le lurani of iM core , vldcll
li lll Mil I rwalrill t IlKK to nil fellow ( unVren
iAUtM , JU KKiVlil , f.V , UoiarW.Ntw lelktlij
Anouocement | J
Extraordinary : | |
- - t
Immense purchase of Overcoats and Ulsters m
from the stock of the celebrated New York 11
Manufacturers , • Naumberg , Kraus , Lauer & I
Co , 657 and 659 Broadway , whose entire 1
stock was sold at auction in Eew York on : l
Tuesday , Nov 12th. I
Naumberg , Kraus , Lauer So Co , are
i H
known all over the United States as /
among the largest manufacturers of '
strictly first class Fine Clothing in I
the country iH ;
Freeland , Loomis & Co . bought at this 1
great sale the largest portion ot their entire jifl
stock , and it has been"distributed among their | H
branch stores These goods will be placed on
our counters on ' H
Saturday Morning , Nw , 23d , I
At prices averaging not much over 111
50 Per Cent of the Original 1
Value of the Goods ]
When held by Naumberg , Kraus , Lauer & Co
> l
This is one of the most Important Sales Ever {
inaugurated in this city , and let it he fully | H
understood that this is the Very Best Class ot | H
Clothing Manufactured in this county jH
' t _ _ _ |
The Goods were Sold at This Auction Sale at .
. Ridiculously Low Prices I
' I
It was a Forced Sale , and it enables us to offer M
bargains that are genuine bargains in every jH
sense of the word , [ never before approximated - \ M
ted in Omaha ! fl
Sale Begins Saturday Morning , Nov , 23 , M
Freeland , Loomis & Co , I
Cor Douglas and 15th St [ H
The Largest Retail and Wholesale Clothing H
House West of the Mississippi M