_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 THE OMAJEEA DAILY BEE ; * FKIDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1880 7 * H m % SPECIAL NOTICES , MP OMAHA , II ] ho ndvortloomonta will bo tnkon for PB1 thcsocolumnaaftor I2:30p. m. Mil Tormo'-Caah In nclvnnco , | H | Advertisements under this head It ) csnts per H line Tor the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cftits for enrh sub H sequent Insertion , nntl 11.ro per line per month m No advertisements taken for loss than 25 cents B for first Insertion , Seven words will no counted K to tlie Urol they must run eonsecntlvtlv and H mum bo paid In ADVANCE All ndvertlse- n inent * must bo hamlcf lit before 12:30 : o'clock p. 1 nuand under no circumstance * will they be _ _ ! taken or discontinued by telephone _ Hf Putties advertising In tlicso columns nnd linv- BAG In- their answers addressed In enro of The Hkb BBil v ill pier senile for n chock to enable them to get Bl ! their letters , ns tmna will be delivered oxceut Bl un tircnentatlon ot check All answers to ad- I \ eft l emont * should Be enclosed In envelopes I All advertI oments in these columns nro nub 1 I ll.vbpd m both morning and evening editions of _ _ _ 'Jlit : IIIr : the circulation ot which aggregates H more than 18.000 papers daily , nnd elves the ad- B I vettlscrslho benefit , not only ot the city clrcu- : iMIcnnf Tun IIPF , hut also ot Council HlulTs , l Lincoln nnd olher cities nnd towns throughout H this flection of the country " ; branch offices H i Advertising for these columns will bo taken H on the nboye conditions , at the following bust H ,1 JifsshoiiFeo , who lire authorised agents ferTilE H J JIkr special notices , and will quota the sams- H ) | rates as can bo had at the main oirico _ _ 11 TO 11 NWrSb' i'lmrinaclst , 820 South Tenth Ky - " Street 0 HASH & EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 South ICth Strict 11. rAUNSWOUTll , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum . Ingfctrect _ H TVr .ClID-HlS. Pharmacist , 021 North 16th M , VY Street Hi rjm ' lt , PA Kit , Plinnnactst 1718 Lcavon- H V3 worth street _ _ _ _ _ FIUGllES' .PHARMAOY , rnrnam Street _ _ _ _ _ 1 SITUATIONS WANTED ANTED Situations for S Hrst-closs girls ! _ _ ono has been 5 ytars and the other u years Blt In last place : also a lnrty leaving town wishes fj a pisca for her cook nnd housemaid : liavo nlso Bf . n llm-class ( icriuan girl who wishes second BBH work , nursery or sowinc Lots of good girls I nt Mrs Htega'sSU' ' B nth 411 2lf WANTED Situation by registered pliarma- cist In city or town of about KiiM ) lnhub- BBb ! ltnntsj spenk ( lerrann and English ; plvogood _ _ _ _ " loferonoes Address euro Ph II Kohl , Derby HJ | f hotel , Om.lia , Nc < ) . -3 K ) 22t H j WANTED A position as grocery clerkj I ] vt luuoliail 6 years experience Can glvo H Rood reference Address OJ7 , Dee ofllce v 440 21J BBJ A Clllll , wants situation in a faintly to do M -t * drcssmaklni ; and liousenork,20.9 lmricKtst ; aw sit WANTRD A position as an assistant In dentists ollfce by young lady who has h nd l , conslderahlo vxperlenco : best of reference K HUcfi AddlOJS 0 2D , Ilea ofllce 375-MJ B | " 11 lUDIiR nged man of olght years experience | -L'-L travelltiK 111 Nebraska and Dakota , bpcaks il four languages linen I ly , wnnts n position as i solicitor , or to carry a line of iroods on salary i Ilest cf references Address O 41 Ilea , 431-22 * MHI WANTIID-A position In olllco or other pldco ( T ot trust or light work , Address O 10 , Hoe 1 310 sit s K TXr ANTHD Situation by a llrst-class barber , i ' ( White ) . Addicss Q28 , lleo 3 221 ? WANTED A position In a hotel as house keeper by nu experienced lady ; best of i K rcferecee Address 027 , Hee 337 22t ' K WANTED--W1ALE help WANTED Ollico hey of some oxperlenco Apply , Jos Oatnoau Cracker Co Ifil ) 22J ' _ _ _ 'VV/'ANTED A first class carrlaco palntor i H T t capable of taking chnreo of paint unop , B steady umployment ; uddtess stating wages , . B John aiazcby tc Co , , Clanndu , Page co la H 4J7 23J WANTRD flood agents for portraits on salury and commission Ihqulro ntrooru H 13 , Paxton House , between 2 and 1 p. in M 417-23 * l _ H "O/ANTED A practical ollico man , capable j * ' of keeping books nnd doing the corre- ) ppondence , Jlust have reference and Htato i _ Hi whether married or single , Adaress Nebraska City Cereal Mills Nobiaskn qty Neb 313 2Ct _ _ _ lH § WANTED A good barber at once 11J" S. . H > r l.ith at 3ta 2ij _ _ _ _ Hi 'TS/ANTED Competent merchandise book A rr keeper Ilest ot roiorences required Ad- jf dross U 23 lice olllre 319-21 WAN1ED Jinn to drive butchers delivery v agon , nnd to tnkeorders ; one who tin 1 derstands cutting meat preferred Postofllce t market , 03i llroadway Council Hluffs 337-2L AGENTS We wunt llrst-class men who are already traveling salesmen to carry our i lubricating oil samples as a Bids line Kanio i ? territory and present occupation Manttfac- M& turers OH Co , Cleveland , O. UH 2 > i WANTED Every good gomlomau and lady _ _ _ _ _ _ agent within btw miles ot Omaha that LL1 wants to make money Address Gee 11. ( lit 1 ford , Omaha , Neb , care Globe hotel 21 > j2.t THKDenrerState lottery Co . want agents _ _ _ _ _ _ Tickets GO contB Address A. C. Hess & Co . i Denver , Col * 20J dl4t ANTED-llellablo cnorgetio agent to rep _ . _ _ _ _ . resent nn old line Uro Insurance company ; _ _ _ / liberal contract will bamadowkii paity that _ _ _ _ | f write Insurance ; correspondence conlldentlal f Address N Vt Hee laidLi H ; QAXJE8MEN Wanted At Ones A few good _ _ _ _ _ / Omen to sell our goods by sample to the _ _ _ _ ! wholesale and retail trade , \Vo are the largest H ) inanufac turers in onr line in the world Liberal i salary paid Permanent position Money advanced - ' vanced tor wnges , advertising , etc , 1'or full _ _ _ _ ) teims address Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago , j' III , , or Cincinnati , O. bWDm DKTECTIVE8 Wanted , good.reliabte men In _ _ _ _ _ _ every community : paying posltions.Kansas H Detective llureau , Locc box 23t > , Wlcluta , Kan K 83' ' ) dSt AOKN'ISl Write for terms ! K1 sample corset free Schielo & Co , 3W ) llroadway New York _ _ _ _ H 4&1 WANTEISaleamen at S75per month salary and expenses to sell a line of silver-plated L IK ware , watches , etc , by sample only ; horse and _ _ _ T. team furnished free Write at once for full par K tlcuiars and sample case of goods free Stand m ord Silver Ware Co . Hoston , Mnss 45S H. WANTED Good nrl''klayers and stonecut- vl ters ; good wages paid , Apply JJT Jlur- H phy , Iremont , Neb 457 HEN to travel for the Konthlll nurserlos of Cnnada Wo pay Kii ) to SIUU u month and B expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grow n I stock Add , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis B 4113 WANTED-Track layers and bridge rarpen- ters for Iowa I'llley , Kramer & Co . cor B 11th nnd Uarnam sta 170 " = = = : wa ntep--feniale help _ _ _ _ _ _ A GOOD girl for general lioubcwork In sinafl rnmily , a e cor 22d nnd Hurt 447 22 _ _ B "VIT'ANTED Nurse girl Must have reference _ _ _ | 1-good wages Call at once 2112 DourIas st , H 44.122 WANTED Housekeoner SO to 31 yrs old out city : waitiess for lllalrs meat and vege- B table cook J25 ; pastry cook $10 week : 'i nlco B second girls ; cook and second nlrj same place , j < 140(21 ( girls general work Dent baa cUm.lt H you wuntAN orlc conio at once , new places every j • hour , Whlto's otllce 110 N lOtU st 413 21J _ _ H W ANTKD-Oood girl for general housework , B § , TV Mrs . Maugnm , lUiaa 7tli ave 42B 21 * _ _ _ _ _ Hl "HrANTED A good girl for general house l ' work immediately , 8. E. cor 22d and Hurt H { 421 24t _ _ _ _ _ _ I \ \ " ANTEl > First-class experienced saleslady 4 ' in cloak department State experience snd where employed Address L 82 . _ _ _ _ _ Hi , Ike 0.VI _ _ _ _ _ _ ! i UVE IIranch Uemedlea , Sure cure for reo- H' Vial and female diseases Sample , 2 cents , H Mrs J. 11. Harvey , 1500 S. 12th bt , Kj Ji OintKNT-AfU > r Oct 1 , flno front ollico , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ground tloor ; plate ; glass window ) heat and H light turnlblipd : a most desirable locution for H any kind of business ; rent reasonable Inquire B UmahalcoCo310 S , 18th Bt , 473 WANTED-ErTand girl , M. A. Wallace , 15 _ Howard 431-23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "IX7ANTED Dressmakers audone at.prentlca H T T at 1T24 Leavenworth st Il0 2 V----I • \\7ANTED-4 mpeient kitchen girl 2J10 - - - - H IT Webster yea GIHL for general house work , 400 N. 19th. JBD 21t m WASKIrA . t 0UC8 M C'V "o1. corner JOth and llaruey st , lchambermaid , one H dining room girl , 1 laundress , 1 second female H cook , 30U-21J _ _ H X\7ANTKD-aood girl for general house work H 11 Hef erences roqulred Enquire at Wi a l9Uu ' 1101121' ANTKD-Glrl Tor general housework lam email family 31iiB. ltttUnt , 311 m WANTED airl far general houbework.smuU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tamllyjS23N,2uthst , , cor Califprula y 320 WANTED Good girl for general house _ _ _ _ _ _ work , Mrs A , P. 'IMtty , SU Chicago at _ ---K > \ . -u-ebfi. j . . < Girl who in first-class Pastry WANTED llox 159 , Sidney , Neb 407 21 DRESSMAKING , TOi7UENT-HonsV3lO Tjorth 22XlnquTrol < . - * W , cor 22d and Davenport ttt ) L " OUTrnviNnHEItordress and eloacmaker ; plush clonks to order and steamed : sealskin clonks repaired : all kinds tur trimming * fur nished l 2CCapItol.VG „ repairing of all kinds , 4M I i > NGAGKMKNT8 to do dressmaking Inami - li lies solicited Miss Sturdy 10 S. SHli st grj n23t " \riS3 O'DONOHOU dressmaking , at Va 111Honglns st Plush cloaks steamed , rellned and refitted 120 d 12 fSTlKSSMAKINO lnfamlllos 1021 S. 20th , XJ 718 d.lt MltS.E.l'urmnn.drcssmaklng parlor 701 S.tOtli 213-dlfit Missli Walsh , WIS Capltofavenuo.drcsand cloak maker : plush coatsrelltted , rellned lignJlt WISCELLANEOUS WANTS ANTKD-l'rom two to four good unlur- nlsbcd rooms for light housekeeping , must ha near business center nnd have modern conveniences Address O 31 Ilea ollico , with full particulars 304-22J WANTKD-A horse to tlollgnt work for Its board Mission Home , 222 Hrondwuy , Council HlulTg 4 J22r WANTED Piano to purchase , now and first class , no second hand wanted No deal ers need apply , G. O , Hobble , 2111) ) Dodge st _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOATf-TNC. CUTLDltENboardedTclotheil and schooloil at $2 per week Under Christian lnlluence Address O 41 , lleo ollico 4U0 a \\TANTKD-1 lireeTady boaidcrs nt 1110 8. > V 13th. 3b.jK2 FOR RENT-HOUSES. " " I pOIt iiENTr lce coltag on Pnelflc st , near Park nv In Hanscom place , rent $22 per month Nice five room brick coitaco on Capitol tel ave near suth st , rentSuo per month , also live rodm Hat corner Cumtngs and Vista st . short distance from the motor line , rent $ ll > per month Gee N. Hicks , agt N. Y. Ufo blilg 412 22 IflOlt KENT A r , room furnished cottngp.near Park nnd Woolworth uvos Address O 38 , lleo i-id 23 KOOM house In retrPHfi S. 17th st $12. 8 room House , 1813 Cuming st , $25 , Broom house , 110 N. 21 St . JJ ) . 2 room houses with all modern conveniences Including ranges nnd In best residence locality 3 7-room houses In Windsor place , will rent very cheap We have a number of small houses nnd store rooms , for rent Apply to Green ii Williams , First National Hank building 3V2 " 17011 HUNT Ton-room house with all modern ii Improvements nnd in good condition : also nlrte-room Urlck house Apply to Owen Mc- Callrey , 2120 Harney St 4M > 23 ? HE COLI21ifis4room furnished home $15. • 0 room house with buth , on eloctrlo motor fcu In addition to the largest list in the city II K. Cole It O.Contlnental , ollico open ovemmn 458 24J TjlOH KENT 4-room house , fnrnlturo for sale : C all complete ; Includes sowing machine Price , $125. l'Ht N. 21 at st 451 23t ItFNT l'our-room lint with city wntcr IriOK } water closet , SIC per month , 4 blocks from pcstofllce Itobcrts , 402 North Pith T7IOK HENT-Steam heated liar 7 rooms , V every convenience , lloberts , 402 N. ljith TJIOR HENT A 7-room brick house , city water , Si sewer and gas , 717 S. 10th st 70123 * IriOU ni' .NT 10-room house , nil modern tin ' iirovements , ! l blocks from P. O. , on 1 ,21 Dodge Inquire Sam'l Hums , 1318 Fnrnara 3S4 21 OKKKNT llnrn , 8.IT Howard , near 11. & M. freight depot , 4 stalls TflOK HENT-Second floor llat , C22 8. ICth st , J in llist-class tenilr and has all conven iences Call on llor & Co , 1112 Harney street j 38J room and board for ono or two IilUKNlSHED . gentlemen In private family * Address O 30 Bee otllce 3W-21 FOR RENT Now house,22x24 ft,4 rooms.clty water , hi block from cars , tent $10. itoss , 1800 S. 15th. 421 IBt , - house on Dodge street cnhlo line AD-room cheap , all modern conveniences , Fred J. Ilortnwlck , 213 814th. . -42424 ' THOU llENT-5.room house , 831 South 23d st J ? 418 23 * ITlOIt RENT Three elegant new cottages , 8 line rooms , G bedrooms , modern conven iences , 'A ' block south Leavenworth motor line , on 2Mh St , Pitt , Will sell one cheap , $1.8W , H cash , balance 7 per cent Address O. E. Coombs , H. „ M. headquarters 270 23 RENT Flno 8-room house with barn , IPOIt * city nnd cistern water , with tine bath In house , $30 per month , 2210 Maple St 250 S. 't FOH RENT Cottage , four rooms with four ocres of land , on State street between Fort and llorenco $10 per month Apply 317 B 11th st OltllENT-House. Jl rooms 310 N. 22d St Enoulre , Mrs , M. A. Dotwllor , n w cor _ 22d and Davenport 15 > FOR RENT 8-room house , splendidly Im proved , with water , gas t'ath , etc . newly papered , llrst-class neighborhood $ X1 per mouth , a F. Harrison , N. Y. Ilfe Uldg 101 I7IUUNISIIED house to rent for the winter . Possession given at once To rcspousiblo person only Reference requited 2717 Ohio street Inquire on the promises 301-21 * FOR RENT Cottages Omaha View Hoggs - Hill 123 22 TJtOK KENT Neat eottago , s w cor Kith and -I ? Dodge ; 4 rooms , $12. Hoggs & 11111. Real Estute , UOSFarnnm ; 123 22 WANTED Small family to occtwy for the winter pleasant louse with barn at nomi nal rental C' . V. Harrison , N. Y Llfo Uldg 058 FOR RUNT Two new bouses on Capitol ave nue bet 20th and 27th bts 0 rooms , bath , city water nnd sewer , gas and llxturos , etc , no basement Inquire 2520 Davenport st OH RENT Eight-room house , with ample grounds , corner Leavenworth nnd2Iststs. ; bath room , hot and cold w ater Apply to [ owls 8. Heed & Co.room 13Hoard otTrado building Ml ( FOR KENT fl-room cottage , $11 per mo , cor 15th and Williams st Enquire of J. Nasi , 012 Bo J3th St 7Q3 IF yon wish to rent a house or store see II , E , Cole , Continental block ; olHce open evenings FOR UENT llandsomo 10-room house , all conveniences , paved street , cable and horse ears , n minutes walk of postolllco , Nathan bhclton 1614 Fnrnamst 400 "ITKHl HENT Neat 7-room house In good reX - X" pair , on cor 2Ctn and Woolworth ayes pos session given at once Inquire G. U. Tzscnuck , Hee oilCB ! 003 ; FOR RENT f > room cottages on Half Howard near 33d st Enquire BJi 8. 17th Bt , 021 IpOU LEASE Land adjoining the city on northeast , in lots of ft , lo , 20 or more acres far gardonlng $3 per acre Hoggs Si 11111. Real Estate HQjrarnam st , 123 82 1POU ltENT-4 ten room houses , from $15 to $20 - per month , on Motor llne.Room 627 Paxton block ; * . HI FOR HENT So H my block , 1131 Gee , ave , 10 rooms , furnace , gas nnd llxturos , electrln wires for lighting , range and every conven ience : barn with city water and gas In ; choice nelghborhoodtuU DV Sholes 213,1st ftat bank , 282 IJtLEOANT Hats to rent , 16th St . east side , be- Htween Jones otid Leavenworth : llist-class In allreipecti , and newt steam heat , bath , open grates and mantels , eloctrlo hells In aluooms ; oth motor lines pass property , Hefercnces required Tbos Jb , Hall , 311 Paxton block 30-HOOM ( now ) houses , allmoaoinconvenien ces except furnace , at $18 , half block front motor BIO Paxton Mock sjj T-roam house with barn IU car month , U. r" Harrison N. Y. Life Uldg 4t9 FORRENT-HOCM FUHNISHEDT" FOR KENT Suit of rooms over store store , 1621 Howard , $ jo per month 6ST TCIOU HENT Doable parlor , 1013 Chicago at JP 1)33 ) 21J TpUHNlSHED room for rent , 2423 Dodge # JJIOR RENT Furnished rooms with or with ' out board at the Co tana hotel 011 NICK rooms , steam beat , 1719 Davoupoit w < m OH HENT-I'urnUhed loom * also front and hack parlor WJ Douglas Wt IriLKUANT furnished rooms with bath and Kbteem 151ft Howard nt 617 IJOOMdwlth or without board , for throe Iceutleinen ; private fstully ; references 1S13 Dodge street , fXW . CLAin Dnropoan hotel , cor 13th and Dodge ; special rate by week or month IjHU RENT Furnished front room wltn nl JJ modern conveniences , to gentlemen only , at Jfl25 St , Mary's avenue , Apply at store , 210 and 212 Bonth Fifteenth st 680 rnoil RENT One furnished room for two JD gentlemen , $15 , steam heat , bath and gas , 3 blocks from board ot trade * 025 , Ueoofllro ST1 Sit 37IOR HENT Two fnrntsned rooms on ft , . Mary's avsnue to gentlemen only : six ; minutes utes' walK of Jmslness center Reference re quired Inquire at store , ZiO and 212 8.15th st JnDRNlSHEDrooms with good board , m bath , furnace heat , attlW ) totJ.COa wceknt 1323 N. Ktli St 224 % "niURNldllED rooms , $7 , 2012 Harney.p TflURMSH ED rooms , light housekeeping 202 < ) A1 SI Mary's ave 110 22t A SUITE of rooms .vith board for gentleman and wife or 3 gentlemen 1722 Dodge nt KOOMS-J6 , $8 , $10 , $12,1017 ( ailcago St . 3.1' ' ) i > 2t NICELY furnished rooms No 322 N Kith st 151J FOR HENT Two elegant furnlshod rooms , board , bnth , heat , lltil Dodge St 433 21 ] TilOR HENT Nicely furnished front room J- for light housekeeping ; also furnished rooms to rent Miss Johnson , COO N. lHh st 30J-23J IflOK RENT rurnlshod Teem In house with • all modem Improvements , lxiard If desired on West Farnam : address OM jloe 420 23t "ITIUHNISIIHI ) room and Lonnl for ono ortwo -L gentlemou In private family Address O 35. Hoe - 42721 * T/lOll HENT Nlco room , board , gas , bUb , JL" steam hent 1721 Davenport st 422 27t NICELY fnrnlsbed rooms with or without board Apply at 1823 Farnam st cor lith S65 LAHOE room furnished , suitable for ? . hot air , gas , use of bath ; also small room : rent reasonable 021 8 , 10th St 357 21t A FURNISHED room with or without botrd , steam heat and gas C04 8 13tn st , 219 21t A WELL Furnished front parlor , gnuind floor ; 1814Davenport st , SOS 23 * IJWR RkNT Furnished rooms , steam heat , ? 213 8.24th at , 229-2 IriOR HENT I. furnished rooms witn ' nll tnnd- - ern lmpro\emunts. suitable for housekeep ing for a gentleman and wife without children Inquire nt 205 N 23d st , 220 22 JJlOil RKNT To one or two gentlemen with - gaod references , a nicely tuntlmed front room , heated by steam and centrally located Inquire 721 8 lath st ' 108 FOR RENT-Wlth board , front room and al cove , bntn , gas , furnace heat ; terms re isun- able 6U7 N , lbtn 30123 * IJIOH RENT Handsomely furnished rooms J- for gentlemen : bath , gas , furnace heat 243 Dodge st _ 302 NICF/LY furnished and pleasant rooms Call at 421 3.11th St . Mrs , ft It lloae 303 20 FOH RENT ,1 nicely rurmshoa rooms for light housekeeping Apply at 2324 StMary's nve Hofeicnce required \ 3.WSX TjIUHNISUED room , turnaco heat , nil mod JL' em conveniences , for ono gentleman only 2214 Farnam 1 J FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED SUIT ot rooms for rent over my steve store , 1C21 Howard Bt , W. F. Stoetzel 808 TTNFURNISI1CD rooms for honsokeeplug vj Steam heat , moderato rent Mrs SIzer , TOlN.JOth st , Martls block , 3rd Hat 413 21 ] FOR RENT Unfnrnlsned rooms tor light housekeeping , $3 , $1 month , 807 Howard 3tl 2ir TWO unfurnished rooms torllgnt housekeep ing , $10 per month 319 South 12th street . 350-211- 2NEWLY pipered and painted unfurnished rooms nnd one furnished , rent reasonable , 1712 Douglas 32J Stt IJIOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , suitnblo J for housekeeping 208 N. 11th St 403 JjlOU HENT 4-room suit , unfurnished sulta- . ble for housekeeping , gas , water , etc to family without children ; northwest cor 17th and Webster st 307 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES ' DESK room with us Hutchinson _ Woad , 1524 Douglas ; tel 1529. 317 3TIOH HENT Nlco store room with or without - nice live room Hat above on corner Cumlngs and Vista streets , good location for drug store , meat market or grocery Gee , N. Hicks , N. Y. Lite bldg 41223 HALF etoro torrent In best retail location ; good rhance for stock of holiday goods Enquire 1516 Douglas at 353 FOR UENT Store room In Doyd opera house building Enquire American Savings Ilanic 470 rpilE most promising locality for business in -L Omaha Is on 18th bt . between Farnam nnd Leavenworth , the future retail district of the city Elegant blocks are going up , and nothing shabby will ever be erected there 3akealook at the new block on east side 16th between Jones & Leavuwortb and secure lease for a number of years ; all heated with steam , with plate-glass front , Thos F. Hall , 311 Paxton block 595 FOR HENT 2 now stores , 017 and 0198. 10th. Fine show windows 35'j NEW hotel , In heart of city : thirty rooms W.Farnam Smith , 10. Contlnentan Hlock 810 FOR ItENT-Store. 1111 Farnam st 20x128 test , 2 stories and cellar Nathan Shnlton , 1811 Farnam st 471 TjIOH RENT Store room wltn or without -E ? basement at 1714 Burt street , sultablo for meat market F. G. Urlaw , 070 N 25th av 4U2ttt TJIOR RKNT The 4-story brick building with S ! or without power , formerly occupied by The Hee Publishing Co , , 910 Farnam bt The Build ing nas a tlre-nroof cement basement com Slete steam-heating fixtures , witter on all the oors , gas , etc Apply at the ofllce of The Hee 015 ITIOR RENT A 4-story nrlck building , 03x120. J. " sultablo for wholssale : good trackago ; 1 have also a number ot tine resldeLca prop erty for rent or sale For particulars call or address 409-411 lleo hid g. N. O. Hrown 435 - MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION sales every Tuesday aud Friday morning at 1114 Douglas street Omaha Auc tion _ Storage Co 203 YSTANTUD For 10 cents wo will mall to you it Hills Researches In Magnctlsm.lllnstratod 01 pp 2d edition Hill Brush Co , Heading , Mass , 441 21 ] THE Hurry window ventilator supplies fresn air without the doadlv cold draught It can bo adjusted to any window Itls simple , effect ive and cheap Agents wanted John H. Comes , Uamgu building 418 27 MIDWIFE Mrs H. a Click , graduated in Russia , Europe , has had It years of practi cal experience , has located at 1337 8.13th st LIm ! CLOAKS steamed , repaired and refitted at Mrs Saunders dressmaking rooms 120 N 15. 419 21 ] T710U ItENT Farms , llogga & Hill . 123 21 AD1E8 use Marlon Walkers Pace Rleacb for freckles , pimples , moth and liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and to be perfectly harmless For further lnfor- matlun call at 323 N 15th basement Ml 30 ] RENTAL AGENCY T3 E , Cole , rental agent ; ofllce open evenings " stock boarded ANTED Horses to winter at $0 a month per head on farm near Irvlngton , Plenty ot grain and hay to feed , good shelter and good care given them ; horses called for and dellv ereJ W. it lloman room 8 , Frenzer bit 471 HORSES wintered at $4per month Good care given Inquire rooms i & 2Omaha Natl bank 770 HORSEB wintered at Omaha fairgrounds ; large box stalls ; terms reasonable ; car riages stored A. Thomson 203 N'SH LOST pST-rjov. SO pug dog ; a liberal reward will be paid for Its rotum to W. H. Blnnott , Ar cade hotel 423 sst LOST Hetween Jefferson square and Hamil ton street , diamond line In purse : liberal reward ; room 3 Crelghton blk 4i022J Tj9 ? ? : AoU . ° r ingrain carpet Ueward It . ' heft at the Peoples Installment House 398 3 1 ,06TT , end ytternoon < : , " > rybUdilnaer JLJ wil lbs rewarded for his return to 1709 North Twentieth street im-21 ] PERSONALS rpONOTAHIE3-8end 25cfor sljortsyntemof - - records : only bait as much work as by old method Suits , ble „ for any state Ono u lUmilrur , Notary.Btuatt , en , a 8 2 * PERSONAL Olive nnpeh Is a positive cure for all female weaknesses Also have Oltv * llrancn Ills Remedy , -sura enre for piles Sam ples free LadragenVrtKanted Address Miss Zen M. Flrby 1620 darker . , Omaha Gen Agt for Nebraska $1 for I Itfct , treatment ir7-23B WANTED-InforirMtlr/n concerning Calvin 11. Sprsgne and utace O. Leroy , supposed to have been residents of.Omaha In 1370. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank 243 81 edIhFa'tTonau Ill . . Mlim banjo taught as an art by Goo F. Gollen- X heck , room 211 Douglas block 050 WANTPD TQ BUY ANTED Stock df'lboots ' and shoes for cash and good horses 417 Shecly block 405 25 fflllE furniture ot a six to IIfteen room house , X centrally located , suitable for roomers or boarders Will pay cash , Address O 30 , Hee ofllce 095-23 OA8H for all kinds ot household goods at lilt Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage WANTED-A largo lot of furniture , carpets , etc ; will pay cash for large or small lots Address P. O , llox 820. 17821 MERHCAN )18E for our customers who have cashsecurcd paper and real estate to trade , ( loom 15 , Chamber Commerce , 611 STORAGE TRACKAGE storage at lowest rates W. M. Bushman , 1311 Leavonworth 478 rpiIU cleanest and best storage In the city at X low rates nt 1111 Douglas street , Omaha Auction _ Storage Co 204 _ ' QTOIiAGF and forwarding Wo collect and d < Oliver goods of all description , merchandise , furniture nnd baggage nt cheapest rates for storage for any length ot time Vnus nnd wagons to bo had at shortest notice , with enro- fulmon for moving Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on mndorato charge Merchandise loaded and unloaded Warehouse on our own tracks Ollico 217 8. 11th st Telephone 114. Howell A Co 481) ) claTrvoyant MRS Ecclcs , the famous fortune teller nnd clnirvovant business , love , marriage and changes , 007 13th bt , , next door to Harkor hotel 'TjIORTUNE Teller Mrs Lenorman can bo JU consulted on all affairs ot life Satisfaction guaranteed No 810 N. 15th St 172dl3 * _ , DR NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium Female dlsoasa a specialty 119 N. lGtli St , rooms 2 and 3. 43 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING - S TANDAllirshorthand School Room 345 , Ware blk . tsuccossor to Valentines ) the largest , exclusive shorthand sohool in the west Teach ers are vet uotlm reporters Particular attention paid to typewriting Mechanical construction ot machine tnUght by factory expert Circulars ' I TN. \ . HYNDMAN : Stenographer nnd Typewriter , 11. 427 Paxton Hlk Telephone 1530. 112n20t FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 'ITIOICSaTTK A team of young horses , wTJIglit J3 ] ,203 ; nlso buggy horse , safe for lady to arlv e. Wlloy & Williams , 30th and Farnam 34a 31 * TjIOKSATjE iheap No 2 Remington t > pe- V writer , has nil the latest Improvements : ad dress O 40 Dee ollice 43922.1 3I1INE carrlngo tcamsplid single drivers and - fresh milcli cows forjialeat W. H. Millard's Hlllbldo stock farm Horses w lntered nt reasonable enable lates TJ FleminglngrCnlhounNob 4IU-Fen21 j j JjlOll SALE Horse , harness and open buggy , ' all good , for$05 , for 3 days at this price John Slilllmnnn , cornertlfah and Pacllio st , jna 400 22t FOR SALE rino 'i large team of horses Hoggs & IIUI , HOS Fflrnam 2MI-20 GOOD family horse and two seated carriage , also ono top buggy atia bargain Call atl307 , 1309. 1J11 Harney w 214 21 TJIOR SALE Cheap , Idt of wood working maXI - XI rhmery One bay mure , elegant cabinet or- gnn light spring wagon , and phaeton Room 510 , Paxton Ulock | ' , " r too FOR 8ALE Counter and sbelving , room 527 , Paxton Hlock \ ' * 300 IJIOH SALE 3 rowscieap H. II Hender- : 'ioomiOl blk ' • " son , Paxton _ _ _ _ F OR SALE or Exchsiftgo i'our full-Dlooded Jersey cows , fine driving team ns there is In the city , ono double carriage , ono double cutter , ono phnelon , Snytier m ko and one road wag ou , Snyder make : all nearly now ; will trade for good property and will nssume light Incum brance Apply Room 210 , First National bank bulldlnp 009 TTTIOR BALE A genetal merchandise store in a X live Nebraska town ; invoice about $4,000 ; • will sell for cash or on good security ; address "N 51. " Bee olDce 1184 25 ] IflOR SALE Hent or trade Large livery nrn , . known as Checkered Barn , on So 1 Oth street near Harney Neb , Mortgage Loan Co , Sioraxtunblk 849 FOR BALE A avhorse power Porter engine in good condition , weight 5.100 pounds cyl inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The Hee ofTlco 793 FOR SALE A quantity ot building clone Apply to the suptilntcndent Dee building 025 TjIOH 8ALE Fresh milch cows Cor O and X 24th sts . 8. Omaha C. M. Manly & Co 124dl2t ABSTRACT3 OF TITLE ' M IDLAND Guarantee-Trust Co , N. Y. Life bldg.complete abstracts furnished and titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed 483 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS on chattels and collateral security ; low rates 527 Paxton block 112 25 $ MONEY to loan on real estate security at lowest rates Refers negotiating loans see Wallace , U310 Hrown bldg 10th and Douglas 487 ; HE COLE , loan agent Open evenings lit MONEY to loan O , F. Davis Co , real estate nnd loan agents , fll t amain st , 412 X OANB City and farm leans , mortgage pa- XJper bought McCague Investment Co 483 MONEY to loan on city property and farm lands at lowest rates , , J. D. Zlttle , 433 Pax ton block 4S9 TJ" E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings , K81HENCBloans-04to7 ! per cent ; no ad- dltlonnl charges for commissions or attorneys neys' fees W. 11. Melkle , First Nat bank bldg , 490 PRIVATE money to buy small notes or mort- gages * HoumfJ , Hoard ot Trade 841 BUILDING loans D. V. Bholes 210 First National bank , 494 OANB made on ical estuto and mortgages bought , Louis 8 , Heed _ Co , r. 13 , board trade , 495 AMita Loans made on city property , Amos , 1507 Fsroam st K3 28 SEE Bholes , room IUQ First National bank , before making your loans 414 MONEY loaned onf chattel security or rc estate J. J , WlUlustln , 613 Paxton blk m- 788 BEFORE making cauttel or collateral loans , it will pay you to sea , The Western Jnvost- ment Co , room 442. Uee.tniUdlng. . 499 ( 500,031 to loan at 6 peri aent Llnahsn & Ma- "Phoney , room SOU , PaxtVoii block 501 MONEY to loan 'by ita eastern man , on gilt edge property , forlthft next 10 days Harris , room _ 411,1st Nat , Hanlf , , K13 P HILADELPHIA Mortfeogs _ Trust Co fur nish cheap eastern..money . to borrowers , purchase securities , potfict titles , accept loans at their western olHctf , ' ' George w. P.Coates , room 7 , Hoard ot Tradaol 4V7 ONEYto loan In anj5 amount on housshoU goods , horses and Wagons , diamonds , land contracts suconil mortgage , or any available se curity , without publicity Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co Room SID.paxtnnblk 240 ONE hundred dollars private money to loan or will buy short time mortgage or good cote , room 13 Hoard o { Trade , 516 MONEY to loan ; cash oahand : no delay J. . W. Son ra 1219 Farnam st , First National bank building an $1,000-Pnvata money to loan or will buy good mortgage , W , L. Selby r. l'JL Hoard of Trade 728 T < ) .ffOA ; 'AP0Cla' fund of $103,000 In sums - „ J * 1 00 ana "Pwards at very low rates The Meadlnvestmsnt Co _ 314 8.16th sr 133 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates Qheilrst organized loan olhce in the city Makes loans fross tblrtytothroehun dred and sixty.llve days , which can be paid in part or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest Call and see us when you " want money We can assist you promptly and to your adyantago wltliout removal of property or publicity Money always oa hand , mS _ Bl . ; > Lln . I"ltlnr , loa . U. K. Kesa icCa , 318 a 13th sL , over Ulnguam & Bens , 491 : MONEr to loan on furniture , organs , pianos , horses , and wagons II awxeye Investment Co , Room 33 , Donglas blk , ISth and Dodge sts i _ _ _ 820 | Ijllll.ST tnortgaga loans at low rates and no ? delay D. V. Bholes , 210 First National bank . 494 Tf ONBY to loan on furniture , horses , waf ons , J--actc , or on auy approved socnrlty J. W , Bobbins , 209 NY Ufo , 496 MONEY loaned ou furnltnro horses and wagons , rates reasonable City Loan Co , 118 813th St , opposite MIIlard hotel 605 DO YO U wnnt money Loans made on furni ture , pianos , horses , eta , without delay , publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan ot this kind will do well by calling at this ofllce before dealing elsewhere A. K. Greenwood & Co.roomDNJSonth ( ) Thirteenth street , 231 OHATTEirioans at owest ' rates , business confidential J. U , Emlngor.lIU Fnrnamst 961 _ WANTED First-class Inside loaas Lowest rates , Call and see us Mutual Invest ment Co 1501 larnum 4tv " | " \0 iuU want money ? It so , dent borrow X/bofore gettlngmy rates , which are the low est on any sum from i to $10,00. ) . 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or- gnus , horses , mulesw agonswarchons9 receipts , houses , leases , etc . In any amount at the low est possible rates , without publicity or removal of property . Loans can be nude for ono to six months and yon can pny part at any time , reducing both principal and interest If yon owe-a balance ou your furniture or horses or have a loan on them I will take It up and carry It tor you as long you doslro It you need money yon will find It to your ad- • vantag * to see mo before borrowing 11. K Mnstors room 4 , Wlthneil building , lUh nnd Harney 48i MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates Lowest rates on pergonal _ property The Henderson Mortgage Investment com pany , room 400 , Pa-tun block , KEYSTONE Mortgano Co Loons of $10 to ll.OJti : got our rates botoro borrowing nnd save mouoy : loan on horses , furniture , or any npproved security , without publicity : notes bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low C8tratC3callU208Shecleyblk,15tb ; < UIowaidst , , m MONEY to loan on city or farm property Gee J. Paul 1609 Farnam st ! _ _ _ \lt ONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with Uout delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notes , a. A. Slonan cor , 13th and Farusin 500 SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS FIRST National safety deroslt vaults Safes to rent $5 to $25 n year 397 8. 13th. 299 BUSINESS CHANCES MEATmnrfcct , well located , for exchange or will rent both building and llxturos Hutch inson & Wead , 1524 Douglas st Tel 152" ) . 432-21 IjlOR SALE A clean stock of groceries , or - will trade for good city or Council Hlulls Inside property ; will Invoice about J3li00. No real estate meniieed answer this Address O 39 , lleo ofllce 4(2 23 ] TJIOIt SALE Meat market doing a first-class X business In a good location Will be sold cheap if taken by Dec L Address O 33 Hee 410-221 WANTED A partner of good standing and business ability with about S" . .0JI capital to takr u half Interest In an established busi ness in connection with building ot a high grade guaranteed to pay from $10(0) ( ) to $ no0J per annum Teims will be governed more or loss by the standing nnd ability ot the apDll- cant Address O 29 , Hee ollice 404-22 * FOR BiLIVWell established Turkish bath business Call and investigate , or address Dr W. II Hatch , 1222 O street , Lincoln Neb 378-22J WANTED A young man with $800 ; excellent M opening A. A. Herring , Sioux City , la 3,021 ] IIIOK SALE Agood retail coal yard doing a X' No 1 business , vith teams , ollice and every thing complete J , II , Parrotto , Room 21 , Douglas block 312-33 ? PARTIES desirous ot disposing of their busi ness In any line will do well to call on or ad dress , W. It E , & M. E. , Room 15Chamber Com merce ; on riIHE owner of a largo hardware stock would Xllko n partner with $10,000 ca > h , who Is a thorough hardware man Address O 9 , Hee o Hi se _ . 230 _ $2,500 jvlll buy a half interest In a well , estab lished seed business ; location only an hour and a halt ride from Omaha on D. _ M. It H. Largb business ftirendy woikcd up , but neoda mora capital Investigation uollcltea M. A Upton Co . liith and Farnam 054 E10R SALE-Or trade , a well established book X1 and stationery store Pox CIS503 FOR EXCHANGE CLEAN stock dry goods , boots and shoes nnd clothing , otc , WilltaKe part real estate and pan money Hex 163 , Frankfort , Ind 435 24 ] Si 8,000 trackage lot for Iowa farm 1 Farm ( clear ) , near Omaha , for city propety Several good cheap lots for personal property Hutchinson & Wead , 1621 Douglas st Tel 1529 , 412 24 FOH EXCHANGE 040 acres clear Colorado land , prlcolTOOO ; want merchandise , jewelry or Nebraska land : address W. IIW Republican ollice , Denver Col , 430 24 ] WANTED To trade for merchandise , 160 acres of laud In Dundy county , a tree claim in Howard county Neb , 20 acres within 7 miles Kansas City union depot 300 acre plan tation In Louisiana Call on or address Aiictlon Dry Gooas Co , , 420 South Thirteenth street , Omaha , Neb 433-24 * IF YOU have anything to exchange call on or address 11. E. Cole , R. 0 , Continental ollico open evenings 451 WANTED Encumbered Nebraska farmB for inside Omaha property 417 Sheely block , 405 25 iTTIINE houses to trade for clear land or lots , X' Arnold _ Wlnstanloy , loom 535 Paxton bldg 31121 WANTED To trade real estate and cash for ' general merchandise or hardware Ad dress Hex 223.J2ozad. Neb ; 29023 3710R EXCHANGE-W1U sell or trade for - stock of goods or unenrum.be.red . property , one family horse and phaeton , one ponoy and cart , one cutter , one home made driving buggy harness , etc . also one cow , are in first class or der , call on or address W. 11. Vaugnan , Demo ci at ollice $10,001 general merchandise wanted , for which I will give blx good Improved fams ; All but two are clear of encumbrance Address II N. Bcott Mnpleton la 27.1-22 * NEW 2-seated carriage fro 2ad mortgage Selby , 13 Hoard Trade 214 IjlOR EXCHANGE-A businessyieldlngaprollt - ot from $3,000 to p.o V tier annum , to ex change for good city property Am willing to assume light oncumbrnnce Apply room 218 , First National bank b gilding 130 J710It EXCIIANaE-lOcIear South Omaha lots and clearjland for 8 or 10 room house , will assume small incumbrance , W. L. Belby , R. 13 , Heard Trade , 893 IMPROVED farm and city property for mor- tnaudlse Address , Room 15Chamber Commerce merce- 811 • > CLEAtt Boutn Omaha lots for hnrscs.or land south or east of Wheeler Co , Neb Belby , 13 Hoard Trade 214 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE EI7EGA"NT cottage homo , all modern conveTP lenccs for sale at a bargain It taken quick Gee , N , Hicks , N. Y. Lite bldg , 412 22 FORSALE-Oroxchange , tor dry goodsboots and shoos , soma excellent land In Nebraska Address , Lock Hex CO , Risings , Neb , 419 22 $ TyALNUT hill lot ( at grade ) , on Nicholas , Hanscom place , now cottage and good batn , east front , and at grade ; nice trees $ .1.50.1 , , Hanscom place , cast front , good elevation $ L775. Nice residence , on a sightly lot 60x108 , one mile from P. O. ' $5,700. List your property with us Hutchinson & Wead , 1621 Douglas tt Tel 1529. 4JJ-21 $35 cash and Hi monthly without Interest buys nice 6-roora house on motor ; large list of houseson easy terms ; ofllce open ertntmrs , 11. E , Cole , H , 0 , Continental block 457 24 PI Ell 1115 bargains , 20 acres for platting , $1,500' X Dane building and lot 22x125. UhJS ( Sod dard , 009 N. Y. Life 414 21 ] ON 31st , 32nd , 33rd and 3ith streets , between Davenport and Farnam , very choice resi dence lots ut prices ranging from $ . ' ,001 to $3,500 per lot Gas , water , sewers and pared streets , Ames 1507 Farnam at 200-21 TjTOH BALE Large two story frame bulldltur X of 12 or 14 rooms In good condition , to be moved W. H , Homan , ltoom 6 , Frenzer block 667 FOB aALE About as good a lCQ-acre farm as can be found In Kearney Co , Neb ; 130 acres cultivated Make offer ; must be sold at some price Hoggs & Hill , Ileal Estate , 1403 Farnam , 280-20 TTIOR BALE One thousand dollars In cash X will buy a good , rich 160 acres ot land In Cedar Co , Neb , with clear and perfect title , worth at least twice the price ukod Hoggs & UUI Heal Estate 1408 Farnam 280-20 TJIOR EALK-t'W ' ) will buy lot 50x120 in Omaha X.YUw , one block from motor 11ns , nicely on grade Lou in this addition are worth $1,000 and the above price Is open , for short time only , a , 11 , Tcuck , car * Oui-ha Bts , 7vl imli imi wiiiriir-ni i.iiii i _ * * ft i' * ' * " ' 'v ' immlritMirM NT ITTIWriWilnHiii BUSINESS corner3blocks from N. Y. Lit * $350 p r root , pays to per cent ; V rash , hal anceeasy ; D. O. rattorson MS N. Y > Life 675 171011 BALE Houses and lots In Omsrta View . on monthly payment * ; houses built to suit purchasers Hoggs & Hill HOS Farnam 20-20 Ion SALE Fine business corner , 66x1 ? ! , ! cheap for cash or on good terms , James Stockdale , room 19 , Arlington block 195 BAHRAIN 5 ncres on b plstted lnto2 < 1 nice lots ) can offer the cntlro tract for $2,000 It sold at once , Gee N , Hicks , NY Life bldg , 412 23 FOR 15X1IANOB 80 acres clear of encumb rance , In strips of 10 aeros In Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock ot goods or city properly Apply room 210. First National bank building no GOOD equities In Omaha property nnd Ne braska land to trade for second mortgage on Omann property W. It K. A M. a , room 15 , Chamher ofOommorce Tel lit ) , 824 \\T Iblioxchaugs now 8-room house for vn > T csnt lots in Omaha AddressN49 , nee ; iu : J7XCI1AN0E lor tlty property , two gooTI M farms Joining towns , situated In Hatlati suddreoly counties , Meyer .V llsapke 1403 Harney st , 7SH-dS AllBAUTlFULhome | n Hanscom Place for sale nt a bargain if taken quick : can clvo Immediate possession Gee N. Hicks N. Y. Lltobldg 412 22 I71011 SALE Or etchango.ou easy terms , some braud new 6-rootn houses on Spauldlug st , near Wotorllne : no better residence location In the city Atso some new 7-room houses on Corby aud 2Uh st , ] ust ly miles from post ollice ; will exchange any of the above for ilear I land or lots For terms and partlculin apply ' to a U. Spottsw oed , -W > y 8 16th st , ilil j ITIOR SALE On easy terms , the new cottage I X'erected by me on George st , , corner I/iwo ave ; property has 100 ft frontage ou 11 eorge st , by 150 front ago on Luwo ave For terms apoiy Room210 , First National bank building 603 * milEbest X Huslness , Hesidence Vacant nnd suburban properties in the market are for sale by the old rollabls" M. A. Upton Co , 10th aud Farnum 2U ITIOR SALE Elegant now cottage , all modern - conveniences , in Hanscom plaeo all ready for occupancy ; can quota a low prlco It sold ot once Gee N. lllcks , N. Y , Lite H'ltl'i * . FOR SALE On long time and easy pay mouts , handome , newwell built houses of H. u. and 10 roonu All conveniences , good neighbor hood : pnxed streets street cirs , and within walking dtstaqco ot P. a Nathan Suolton , 1011 Famnm street ' to1) ) 1 JjlOIt BALE Uy Evans , choice frontngoon X' Hurt bt , east of Bacred Heart atatlomy at bargain figures . South frontnge paved street , per font , $21. Flno corner , 115th and Davenport , $1,100 , East front , Hanscom place at grade $1,603. Substantial revenue paying properties In good locations 10 acres north , $9fXX ) , 10 acres south $7,503 , 10 acres west , J3.0J0. Fine Dougloa Co farm $7,200. Lands throughout the state on easy terms , J. U. Evans , 30S N , Y. Llfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JTtOK SALE Sl-cof the best lots In Omaha , - fronting north on Dodge , bet 20th Bt nnd | 28th ave Will sell ono or moro at such low prices as will astonish purchasers , Hoggs & Hill Ileal Estate HOj Farnam 230--0 I "JTIOK HALE 100 choice lots In Omaha Vlow ; ' X' old time prices ; Immense reduction for a tow days We menu business Call for pi Ices Hoggs * Hill _ Heal Estuto 1403 farnnin 280-Ji FOR SALK HyStringer . Penny Hooui-d7 Douglas block , S. E. Cor 16th and Dodge : Lots 21 and 22 , block 0 , Orchnrd Hill , each $700. - - Lot 10 , block 10 , Orchard Hill $900. Lots 23 and 24 , block 8 , Uodford Place , each $1,00U , Lot 10 , block 11 , Bedford Place $750. Lot 21 , blocks , Brown Park , S. Omaha , $700. Lot 16 , block 0 , Ambler Place , $ ViU Lots In Crelghton Heights from { 350 to $300. Lots In Orchard Hill from $70J to $1,800. Lots In every purt ot the city at low prices for cash Weareopen fortrados of nil kinds , nnd you will find us good to deal with $ i.U0J worth of good paper to trade for clear lot in desirable part of city Stringer 4r Penny , Hoom 20 , Doug ; las block 8. B. Cor 16th and Dodge 415 27 I 1 IF you will put us up a building suitable for carrlago shop nnd repository in good loca tion , w 0 will rent for 5 or 10ye rs tlmo Will also sell lot on Harney street 03 feet from n. e. carnor Tenth nnd Harney , 41x13-for $2. .000 , or will exchange for more central location Our present lease at 1315 and 1117 Harney street , ex pires next spring ; Call or address , Wm K. Drnmmond • & Co , carriage and wagon builders , 358-21 FOR SALE Lot 2 , block 70. South Omaha , at a bargain A half lot on Tzard st between 20th nnd 21st Bts , , double house , il > rooms , to exchange for acre property on the bottom north List your property with B. It Hall , member of Omaha Exchange , room 42. Harkor block , 35a 21 SUBSCRIBE tor shares in the Amerlcon " the largest building and loan association in the world M. A. Upton , special , agent , 10th and Farnam 212 - 3 T10R SALE Business lot , V9xl20 feet , nt bed - rock figures Hoggs _ HID , Heal Estate 1408 Farnam 2S0-8S TJIOR SALE $200,000 In cash will buy a piece X1 of real estate worm $350,000 , for & tew days only Men of means cannot aflord to let this slip Uoggs & Hill , Heal Estate 1408 Farnam 280-26 LOTS I Lotsl Dots I For sale In North Omaha , 00 lots Size 50x123 leet , 20-foot alleys Prices $550 to $3 > 0 per lot Wouldn't it be well for you before the suow comes to stay.to.ee and select some otthese lots ? 1 only wish to Bell you after yon have seen the proppity and bad tlmo for rellettlon , Take bhermuti nenue motorrlde Within four blocks , walk operand examine the property , and by purchashlng , establish 11 basis for a compe tence The basis ot all real estate value 13 loca tion , and the location of these lots make them the best Investment m Omaha at the price This Is bottom property and will become the most valuable trackage and warehouse proper ty Think of the price I Terms , $50 cash , bal ance $10 month Everybody can have one 3 lots U mile south cost M.5UI 3years ago ; owner this summer refused $35,033. No chroinos , no bauds of music , no excursion trams Hut If you wish to purchase where Increase In value is certain , come and see George M. Cooper.819 N. Y. Lite bldg 401 S2 AN EXCEPTIONAL oiler , tUmiot for hat cash , balance 1 andyears ! Inside property with a guarantee to sell nt good profit or take properly back In a year and money returnled with 10 per cent adaed D. D. Smcaton , loit Fin nam st 21924 ITtOHTBALE , very choan no trades , farm 613.70 . ' acres , sec B.W N 6 W Hamilton countyNcb , 2 miles fiora Marquette , small house , stable , SOU acres pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 per acre , $ \4I7 00. one-third TOO crop included Terms,2X ) cash , balanceII percent Interest , F. K. Atkins , ownor.rallroad building , Denver Coio 511 TTlOlt SALE One house containing 3 rooms , X $1,40' ) ; one containing 5 rooms , tl.600 : one vacant lot , 40x127ft , $130. Apply at .1110 Decatur 34 21 * FOR SALE or trade I own an absolute equity of $80,000 In the three brick and stone store ulldings.throe stories highadjoining the First National bank on 13th st , , Omaha , that I will trade for unencumbered property In or near Omaha Should like a nice residence or I will sell said property at a bargain Addreis W. It Vaughan , Democrat ollice , Omaha , Neb 239 30 * WILL exchange new 8-room house , all mod ern conveniences , for vacant lots or mova ble property Hoom 018 Paxton block 085 IF you want any lots In Orchard Hill , apply to Hoom 210 , First National bank bulldlug for terms and location 609 ; TftTAUG H & Westerlleld , real estate , B. Omaha TTOIt HALK-Or trade 815,00) equity 111 a large , X" lot on Jones Bt , GitxlU , with line residence Address or call oa W. H. Vaughan , Democrat ollice 310 3 J ] FOR BALE A now house lust being erected onCumlugst in Sherwood park ; the house has all modern Improvements , hard wood finish throughout ; ale largo barn , with 150 ft front age on West st by 180 frontage on Cuming Bt 1 will s U this to the right party on reasonable terms Apply Hoom 210 , First National bank building COO BAUGA1N New modem-bulit house , Han scorn place , forsaleby Gee N. lllcks , N. Y , Life bldg 413-1 TTIOR SALE or lease , on easy terms ,1 lots on X 35th ave . Just south ot Leavenworth Would build an eight room house and sell 30 feet for $ .1,000 and sell on monthly payments . Lots 4 and 6 , blk 0 , lUlby Place , high and sightly One lot N. 13th sr , trackage Four business lots N , 2ith and 3 , 16th st , 8th ave , nnd Dodge , comer 1A ) ft N. 30th sc Other good residence property Mi lots Crelghton Heights , cheap Will sell a few lots on building terms N , A , Kuhn , drugstore , 15th and Douglas , 413 n 83 SPLENDID east front corner COx 133 , on south llth st , , for sale Owner will takol,6JO. Terms tyjOJ cash , balance to assume Fine lot Oflxltu on & 10th bt , with small house routing $10 month Owner will take $230 less than It cost him Price $1,200 , $1,100 rash$1.101 to assume Only tH front foot All taxes J aid These are worthy your consideration , louses and lots , vacant lots everywhere Trad ing a specialty , Gaorge M , Cooper , am N. Y. Life building 40322 ] A UCTION ot lot II , block 51. original South Dinahs , on Saturday , at Heal Estate Ex change In N. Y , lMn bldg - blocks north ot L street viaduct , above grade , size 00x150. corner H and 28th sts ; terms H cash , balance 3 years , 8 per ce.t , semiannually , must sell at any price Go and so * It and come to the auction 880 it ) ITIOR SALE At a bargain , choice ten acre _ _ _ _ ! tract close to Belt Line Ry , In West Omaha , I H Call and get price Geo.N.HIcka , N.Y.LI'0 bhlgv ! _ _ _ _ 4I8 28 M _ _ _ _ WJ omaha hotels I ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LOIIK HOTKI , lTO-mo-nil Douglas streetT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ newly rurnlthed , Strictly first-class : rates _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tl.Wnnd $2 per day Tnrpley Bros , proprmtors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H 112 d 3f J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To tHe StiioxliofilcrM uT Clio " Oaalnltn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IiuikI null Cnttla Company _ _ _ _ _ Notice Is hereby given Hint the annual H meeting of the stockholders ot ttio Ogaialla W M land ni'd Cattle company , will be held at the m M coirnunv'sonlce tn the city ot Omaha , Neb , _ _ _ _ _ _ on Wednesday , December 1th , US' , nt 3 o'clock _ _ _ _ _ pm , tor the election of directors tor the on- _ _ _ _ _ _ sntneyear , nnd the transaction of such bust * ! _ _ _ _ _ _ ncss ns may come bf ore the meeting _ Hi Wn.t.UM A. l'Atuis" , President fl ! _ _ H Nov l ° tel 4. _ Jisrrn ( IIiask , Serretary _ _ _ _ _ Motion ot Sppclnt nicoMnn , H _ H Notice Is hereby glvcc to the legal % olers ot _ _ _ Douglas county , Nebiaska , that whereas the _ _ Nebraska Centtal railway company has sub SdflH muted lotbo boardof county commissioners ot _ _ _ _ _ Douglas county Nebraska , a proposition In tn * _ _ _ _ _ wotdsftillon-lng , nanmlyi BiMHH Omaha , Neb Oct , ,11 , l -Ionoraule ! Hoard If _ _ _ _ ot Commitjloneis of Douglas County , Neb _ _ braska Ucuileiueni The Nebraska CVntia- _ _ _ railway company proposes to build a doublsl _ _ _ _ _ _ track steel railway bridge across the Missouri _ _ _ _ _ riv * r nt some point rot to bo selected above the _ _ _ _ present hildgrs , and south of the north line ot _ _ _ tno city ot Oinahn provided tlio county ot l _ _ _ _ l _ Douglas will donate to His company two nun _ _ _ li dred and Ofty thousand iijO Ai ) dollsrs ot S _ _ _ _ B per cent , twi ntr-year bonds ot the county , to _ _ _ _ _ l be dcllAcred to the company on the completion _ _ _ _ | of the bridge ready fornpvratlou on or before | _ _ _ _ | June 22 , lssti B ' "i ho bridge Is proposed to be built under an flHHHl act of congress entitled 'An act tn authorize _ the construction ota bridge over the Missouri _ _ _ H river , at or near the city ot Omaha , Neb , ' approved - _ _ _ _ H proved Juno 22. lvgAnd ) the act provides tbat H the brldgo shall be open to all railroad com * ' _ _ _ _ _ panics desiring to use the same , upon equal ' _ _ _ _ l | • in case the construction nt the bridge Is net _ _ _ begun before the I.Mh day of June lK-io , or ths _ _ _ _ _ bridge Is not completed before the 2d day of H June , 18C ! the company shall not bo entltlod to H receive anyot said bonds , even though the -i _ _ proposition should ho carried by vote of the _ _ _ | ' I And , provided further , that said bonds shall | H bo dolrtsred to the said Nebraska Contra ! ltnll- H way company , its ngenus , < < uc 'essors or assigns , H onlr uron the execution by suld No > iraska Central - H tral Rnllwiir company or Its successors , and delivery - H livery to said county ot Douglas , of an underflHsl taking In wilting to the erteit that the princl- . I H pal depot ot said railway company Its general _ _ _ s1 ofllces nnd principal machine shops , when _ _ _ _ H hullt , shall be located and maintained within _ _ _ H the corporate limits ot the city ot Omaha , Neb , _ _ _ _ | and that a violation ot the terms ot said up.- _ _ _ dortaking-Dy the said Nebraska Central Hail _ _ _ waycompany or it successors shall render said _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska Central Hallway company or its snoMnHH cessors Indebted to the said county or Douglas _ _ _ _ _ to the full amount ot said bonds and the Inter _ _ _ _ _ • st thereon Hn _ _ _ _ • By order ot the board of directors Nebiaska Hh _ _ _ _ Central Railway company _ _ _ _ * 'J , 11. Dumokt , Vice President , _ _ _ _ OeohocO Baiinum , Secretary ' ! _ _ _ _ And , whereas , it was voted by the board ot ' _ _ county commissioners otoatd Douglas county , ! _ _ _ _ Nebraska , to accept the above and foregoing _ ! _ _ _ proposition ot the 1 Nebraska Central Railway ll _ _ company H Provided , that the terms ot such proposition l H be first submitted to the legal voters ot said j H county and adopted by them according to law Now , therefore , a special election ot the legal * f H voters ot Douglas county , Nebraska , will be i _ _ _ held on ] _ _ _ _ TUESDAY , THE THIRD DAY OF DECEM- _ _ HER , lRt > . i M at which election the following questions shall j H bo submitted to said voters and voted upon In O H the form mid manner and at tno polling places j H following : _ H Snail the county of Douglas , Nebraska , Issue _ _ _ Its coupon bonds to old the Nebraska Central < _ _ railway company lnthe construction of a rail , I H road bridge across the Mls3ouil river at _ _ _ _ Omaha , Neb , ; said bonds to amount to the sum ! _ _ _ _ of two hundred and fifty thousand ( $2,0.0001 _ _ _ _ dollars ; to be Issued in sums ot one thousand _ _ _ _ ( $1,000) ) dollars each ; to uo inndepajnblo to _ bearer ; to be dated on the 1st day ot January , _ _ _ 1891 ; to become due twenty (20) ( ) years after the kHbI date thereof : to bear Interest at the rate of live _ _ _ (5) ( ) per cent per annum , payable semiannually T _ _ on the first dayot January and or July ; eachof ll' ' _ _ _ which bonds to bear on its face the following ' . _ _ Words ; This bond is one of a li _ _ _ _ Bories of 250 Uko bonds which are ! _ _ issued by the county of Douglas , tn the state ot X' ' _ _ i Mabraska , to aid thaNebraska Central Hallway bHi bomoany In th 1 construction ot a rallrouu _ _ _ _ bridge across the Missouri liver at Ornana , - _ _ _ _ Nebraska ; " all of said bonds and the Interest H _ _ thereon tobe payablentthe fiscal agoncyot the . flEH state ot Nebraska lnthe city ot New York ) to Ws1 bo delivered and donated to the N ebroska Central - _ _ tral Hallway company when it shall have com S _ _ _ pleted- ready for operation , a 'aouble-track Hi steel railroad orldgo across theMIssourlriverat K _ B Omaha , Nebraska , and shall have executed the _ _ _ _ _ agreements contained in said proposition ; pro V _ _ _ vlded Ihe same shall be commenced on or be- Ki fore June 15,1090 , and shall be finished ready -HH for operation on or beroro Juno 22 , lb92. | H And Bball an annual tax In addition to the _ _ _ msnal nnd all other taxes Do levied on the tax ! _ _ ! able property of Douglas county Nebraska , _ _ _ _ _ suHlcient to pay the interest on said bonds as It H becomes due ; una at the time ot levying the M _ _ _ annual county taxes , commencing the tentk I H I year prior 10 the maturity of saldbonds , shall _ a tax in addition to all other taxes oe levied on H the taxable property ot Douglas county , and ' ] _ _ continued annually thematter from year to J H year , until thereby a sinking fund shall have ; _ been rreatod sufficient to pay said bonds at the , B maturity thereof ? j _ H The above questions Bhall be regarded as one j _ • ntlro question , and nil legal voters of said { Douglas county who desire to vote m favor ot ' A _ | the Issuance ot said bonds und the levy of said _ taxes Inpayment of the principal ana interest , * 1 thereof , ac said election , shall vota a ballot ; with said question prlntedor wiltten , or parti ' , j H printed and partly written , with the following - i ! _ additional words thereon : Yes For the Ne- • H braska Central railway aid bonds and taxes 'J H And all legal voters01 said Donglaseountv who _ _ _ desire to vote against tlie Issuance of said _ _ bonds nnd the levy of said taxes in payment of ' _ _ the principal and interest thereof , at said olec- Mi tlon shall vote a ballot with suld question _ _ _ firlnted or written , or partly printed and part H y written , with the following additional words . _ thereon : "No Against the Nebraska Central _ Lt _ _ railway aid bonds and taxes " ' _ _ _ _ 1 If two-thirds ot all ot said ballots voted by _ _ i I the said legal voters of suld Douglas county ac _ _ Bald election shall have thereon ttte words Yes < _ _ ! 1 For the Nebraska Central railway aid bonds _ _ i and taxes , " the foregoing proposition will nave _ B been adopted , and the said bonas shall be is- M Bled and toe said taxes shall bo levied , In ac- ' _ HH _ _ cordance with tno terms and conditions there I H of ; otherwise not bhMH Slid election shall ba opened at etccht(8) ( ) IflH o'clock a. m. upon said Tuesday , the 3d day of H December , 18SU , oudshaU remain open until six B _ H (6) ( ) o'clock p. tn of said < i ay M The polling places of said election shall ba _ _ _ _ the following named places in Douglas county , ! _ ! Nebiaska : , JsH OMAHA PRECTNCT NO 1 , . . _ _ District No 1 B. W. corner Tenth and Jones RI streets -Vl District No 2 Number 1117 South Sixth _ street , Vlnoy's barber shop _ l District No 3 8. E. corner Eleventh and Dor- 1 cat streets , engine house t , B OMAHA PRECINCT NO.2. , I _ i DlstrlctNo 1-Number 1213 Boutll Sixteenth street : _ District No , 2 Number 1871 South Sixteenth H Btreet 0MAHApuroiNtrr NO.3.Kfl District tie , 1 Number 10O3 Davenport street , 'KB District No 2 Number 1022 Harney street , * ' _ _ OMAHA PREtTNOT NO 4. _ _ _ _ ! District No 1 10O7 Capitol avenue _ K- _ District No 2-Number,1712 , Bt Mary's ays 'IB ' Hue 1 Bi _ _ OMAHA PHCCINGT NO A. _ _ _ District No 1 Number 504 North Sixteenth Tf District No 2 Corner Izard and Sixteenth jll streets Engine House No 0. . _ _ OMAHA PUEUINOT NO 6. f _ DlstrlctNo I Number t 30 Lake street , < . > ' _ District No Z Lyceum Hall , on Twenty < _ fourth street on South side ot v. , E. * M. V. It M _ _ It track . ' District No 3. Stevens Store on Parke * , HtH street West of Thirty-third street , * ' OMAHA PR ICC J NUT NO T. 4Hi District No 1 Cornsr Twenty-ninth street 1H1H and Woolworth areniiH , School Houw BuH District No 2 11. G. Clar 's Building on tflRB Twenty-ninth street , between Dupow and Klcs tB streets ) , Bnlkl OMAHA PRECINCT NO 8. " . _ District No 1-Houth Bide Cuming , between " ! _ Twentieth nnd Twenty-flrit streets ( Harness I _ tihop ) . tiB DUtrlct No , 2-Cumlng street , betwson , _ Twenty-fourth street anaTweuty-Ofth avenue ii lB ] . _ ray s barn Bl OMAHA PRECINCT NO 0. ; District No 1 Corner Twenty-ninth and Far * , ] nan ( treats , (1 J. Johuson's store Jin District No 2-Corratr Mercer and Low * ave * . - ' . I nues , C J. Ryan's store * ; BOUTH OMAHA PBECINDT -MM Precinct No 1-K. Plronkas N street , bo ; : Edl tween Twenty-llttb and Twenty-alxthstrests. m _ | Precluct No 2-j. I rl's , Twenty-sixth tro • KlBil between N and 0 street * . _ . fli Precinct No 3-LUtlo house back ot Keller's - ' 4 _ hotel , O street J | _ | Precinct No 4 Exchange beteL } : * Florence Precinct At school houis at Flor CIS • nci : , B'1I Union Precinct At George _ . Redman's ' ' ' ' ! _ bouse , > K | Jefferson Precinct At P , Deldrlchson s office , , i B"l Bennington Bll Ulkhorn Prsclnct-At Town hall Elkhora - , ' 3 . ' _ _ Valley Pi-sclnct-At school bouse at Valley MlM station _ B Waterloo Precinct At Musonlo hall bulldlnf , f _ M Chicago Precinct At Van Alt's olllcs "iB Millard Precinct At school benne st MlUarfl ! ' _ ! station * 1n _ McArdle Precinpt At MoArdle's school * J1B _ bouse nMi Douglas Precinct At Henry Hums plact , 'vJBi B. W. qr . section DO , townsulp 14 , range 18. Bfl West Omaha At school house , district No t , IBB Uy order of the board ot county comml si a IBB Ut [ scar , ] MD iiOOUE , County Clarlt 'III BPENNYROYAL PILLS H * K" _ .r 73 tO CROSS CISMOND BRAND , V _ H In * mi t l ' • • ' • • " ' J i * k l.I } • , • ! ) < nl 17 7)/llru..l ) > tforI > l > laiiu < lSnta.1 > lurvau > Ulll4 ilH _ | U Jf boM , I _ 4 lUI > l l < - 1.i _ • . iin \t W Stud4c ( ! > fcf MJU uU4"JUUef f IH1 _ X W Lau , * ) ( < < ur.Vr tiiraalL a-M > iMl -Bfl s .T tIt kwu ii-u-oi i- w.rkj - > mti T - _ J _ ataMas Maiaftsi > * t < ' ' " < , trt < * ' ' , - " * -"ffgB _ _ _ !