, , ' " * - * ' > ' < * * * % < \Hl \ > llQJlQV > - HIS'sBJBBBJ * * ' " " " r ! • ' ' ( -P'n'-lf p W ' \fllliq' \ * imr' ( frm1fllt-fllll ! $ BBT * 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEfa : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 22. 1889. | ' ' B | ' ' ' ' " l I II I „ 11 I - ' " ' " " " I I ! II I I ' " ! BH - - I A GREAT BATTLE OF BALLOTS H . The Mayoralty Prize Fight Proves a Most H Stubborn Contest Iu is Decided on ' the ' . 68th Round - H Mayor Broatch is Finally Knocked Out by Hon H George W , Lininger B The Most Exciting Political Convention Ever H Held in the State of Nebraska ' The Broatch Party Receive a Severe Scoring B For the Audacious Third Ward Frauds m The Result of the Convention is a Strong M Ticket , Which Will Be Elected Scenes m and Incidents of the Convention BBBKJ B Itlnyor G. % V. f.lnlnucr BBB ] 'i'rrn-urrr. . . . lolm Ituslt BBH Cnniptrtill" ! Hubert ArniRtronjr . Pollen iluilur l co llelslcy ' COUNClLMUN-AT-LAItOK. H First Ward riirst Stuht B bocond Dmili-I O'KCiTe BBB Ihiril . . . . . . . Arthur Hrlpin ' ' . ltoclinl H I'ourtl William I' B Iriln ( il < iool > U .Coiinsmaii H hlxtli lulin Slolio.irlo B bovoiitli Mux Unelir BB Klclilh . Tlico Olsen H Ninth , . , . , . . . .l < \ li nioontcr | The republican city convention was one of B tlio most exciting political assemblies ever BMVB held In Omnha Tlio light botweon-tho two BBBJ elements Broatch nnd nntl Urontch was n BBBJ most bitter and stubborn ono It broke BBBjb forth at tlio very opoulug of the convention BBBJ nud Old not subside until after the ballot BBBJ Inn for mayor was begun The attomDt to BBBJ ovorrlilo n free billet and n fair count in on- BBBJ doavorlng to foist upon thu couvcntlon a BBH bogus delegation from the Third w.u-ilthrew BBBJ the nsaotnbly Into angry dlsordor , and nt BBBJ times the wildest confusion und OAcltomont BBBJ prevnlled Finally the Broatch party seeintr BBBJ that to carry out their infamous tactics would HHH disrupt the convention , voted to nd- BBBJ mit the riRlitfully-oUicted delegation from BBBJ the Third ward This was done simply to BBBJ suppress the volcano that was breaking VVfl forth The nnti-Broato'i c'o nent , however , BBBJ demanded a tuli Investigation of the dls- BBBJ graceful methods employed in the Third BBBJ ward by Broatch'a henchmen , but In this ef- BBBJ fort tlioy were not suscossful Balloting for BBBJ mayor finally bognn , und upon the -03th BBBJ ballot Hon Gcorgo W. Lininger was noml- BBBJ ' nntcd It was the longest siege of balloting BBB | i that over took place in a political convention BBBJ BBBJ 'llio Convention BBBJ : The police court room was the place desig- BBg : • nntcd for the holding of the convention , but BBBj owing to the Immcnso crowd In uttondnuco BBBJ nn udlourtiraent was taken to Washington BBBj-i ; „ hull , Elchtconth and Harney strcots , where BBB § . room was found for nil BBBIr The sceuo nt Washington ball was an nni- BBBJi mated ono The gallery was filled to ovcr- BBBJ flowing , wbtlo the delegates on the lower BBBBB lloor were mingled in ono seething mass of H humanity The nail was not in condition H - when the dolcgatos arrived , nnd whllo the K Jahltora were bringing iu cbuirs and tables Bt the various workers put in soma good efforts H > for their respective candidates B Ono could tell by the aspect of affairs at BBBV" tbe gathering of the clans that a hara and BBBJI bitter fight was in prospect and that BBBJf1 it was to bo n battle of respectability against BBBJf v the bum element Every ward ivoruor , wire BBBJI ' puller , would-bo vote controller and Bchemer BBB ] ' in tll ° cili' 1 from l" ° oleaginous Paul Van BBBBr dorvoort down , was on the ground seeking BBBB . whom they might devour All the cnndl- BBBBt dates were nn hand Tom Swobo , Dr Mcr- BBBBJ * ccr , Mayor Broatch , A. L. Straug , W. F. BBBB < Bcchol , John Kusb , 11. A. U. Dick , Lee BBBB Holsloy nnd thorost of them , There were BBBB > attempts at forming combinations , but none BBBB of consequence were made BBBB At the outset it was plain to bo seen that BBBB there would bo several lively scrimmages BBBB The Third ward was known to have n con BBBB test , whllo Sandy Knight of the fifth was B BHh present , backed by a strung following , to KBBJ protest against the delegation carrying the BBB credentials taking Dart in tno deliberations BBBB > ° n the ground that tholr election was secured BBBBi bylraud BBBB At 2:45 Mr D. H. Mercer called the con BBBB1 vention to order , and asked the dele BBB gatlons to got together , stating that no bus ! JBBBJI > ncss would bo transacted until perfect order BBBB1 vas maintained lie then announced tlio BBBB object of the convention , and remarked that BBBB , the first thing in order was the nomination BBBB of a temporary chairman Hero was where BBS the first Installment of sis disgraceful un neB - B c * tlon as cvor marited the proceeding of u con B vontioiMvas forced upon the body B , Mr lTrvlnu of the Nintti ward , nominated " * E. P. Davis , but before any action could bo B * taken , Mr , Gurioy , of the Third , moved a B' | substltuto in the person of D , II Mercer B : The convention was about to proceed to a H V' call of wards when JW KUer , of thu Seventh , B' ' ' moved that as there were contests the dclega- BBBJ' tfon holding holding the credentials should BBBBl'V vote This precipitated a general discussion BBBH' . ' ' , somewhat nkln to pandemonium in which BBBB Joe Kcdman , Ervlno , Eller and others par BBBBV tlclpatcd , all of which was cut short by the BBBJ' ; > cliuir , who decided that the delegation hold BBBBV.t ing the credentials should vote Thisdo- BBBH , . " cislun brought 0. It Coutant to bis feet with BBBB 1 l'o ' ) Inquiry that iu case two delegations held BBBBV credentials , which should do tlio votiug BBBJ' ' Jo ° Hodman Joined in with Coutant and BBBJ • shrieked himself hoarse in ropcatcd inquiries BBBB | > of Vcs who should vote ! " id Hartley , of BBBJ ' " tno 'fl'ird ' , said that one set of credentials I was bogus and that the oihor was not which BBBBB'S caused Mr Gurioy to romurk that ho hold BBBB ' ' - ' tl ° 01ly , credentials ; that there could bo but BBBBBB < qno sot , and that , as ihodelogatlon beheaded BBBBBBJh ivas the rightfully elected one , the other ere K doutlals must bo bogus H , < Mr Itosowatcr hereupon rose and spoke BBBBBf B Mr , Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con B . Vontlon : In 18851 was a delegate to the city Bj * . convention at whloh the very same tactics KMi Were attempted and promoted by the very BBBBBf same party that Is tryipg to perpetuate ono B ' of the most gigantlo frauds that has cvor BBBBBt i nought to bo uttumpted | Cries of hear , BBBBBF ; fc hear , ium opplauscj Iu that sumo ward a BBBBBBJ oeau | majority was cast for a delegation BBBBBB ncaaod by Judge Holsloy , By the tustru- BBBBBB ] montallty and nucouragcuiont of & man by BBBB the came of W. J. liroatch the ballot box BBBBBB was smashed and the ballots were scattered H • on the floor These delegates came Into this BBBBBB convention and naked , by the same tactics , BBBBBt - to restrain the regularly elected dele BBBB gates from having a vote and BBBBBB thereby ono of the most outrageous BBBBB , frauds on behalf ot that delegation that had BBBBB i never been elected was made ; and was seated BBBBB , In the convention as a compromise , nnd Mr , BBBBB * liroaK'b was given a delegation to No brash a BBBBB > City to gu to the national convention on u BBBBB fraudulout tlckot , a fraudulent delegation BBBBB Now I happen to know that there were -100 BBBBBT nud soma odd votes cast for the delegation BBBBB , ' slttiug here by me , nnd only SOU for these BBBBB ' ou tn0 opposite side , and the most monstrous BBBBB ] imposition Is sought to be made hero today BBBBB - ln order to give Mr Broatch a majority In BBBB „ this convention ICries of good , good ] BBBBBt I ask you fairly , T ask you BBBBBBJ in nil fairness , as a republican , K > whether any man can hold any title to a BBBBBB nomination from such men I [ Cries of never , H , never.J I say the title would tiot ba worth BBBBB ) five coats , and no republican should hold any H , _ _ . Blleglanae to the attouiplod nomination bv BBBBBB tmy such aelocstos I say that ovcry man BBBBBB | that comes here with such fraudulent cro- BBBBBB | dentlals ought to be arrested [ Cries or ' * * BBBBBB L _ a ? . . . . . : . t. good , good ] Every Judge has cot his nnmo on these two credentials , and I shall Insist upon it before wo got through , that n committee bo appointed to prose cute these fraudulent Judges , nnd prosccuto cvorv man that ran repeaters through the city or Omaha yesterday ; and lot It bo understood that the republicans of Omaha do not countenance repeating or b.illotbox muniltig or ballot box smashing If Mr Broatch has n fair majority lot him hnvo it by an honest and square vote , but not by the Vote of mon who come here to claim Boats when ttioy were beaten by more than two hundred majority , Mr Gurioy endorsed Mr rtosewater's re marks and assorted that it was n dangerous prcccdunt to unseat n delegation that was fairly olectcd The Third ward delegation was there , conscious of being In the right , They did not propose to bo disfranchised m tlio most important part of the convention that of temporary organization They pro posed to remiiui and assort their rights and privileges They were honestly elected and proposed to stay , nnd nil that was desired was fair play Ervlno of the Ninth , who up to this tlmo hnd vlod with Joe Kodman in nn effort to do all the talking , gottho iloornnd assorted that this was a put-up Job on Hosowater'a part to bolt the ticket in the event that Uroutch was the uomlnoo The shouts of derision from all parts of the building indicated plainly that this remark had no effect Then came a series of motions relating to the ap pointment of a committee , nil of which , however , were laid nsido by the chair reiter ating the statement that thodcleguttoa hold ing the credentials should vote Dr , Ulcliotts of the Third , who up to this period had remained silent , nroso to explain to tno convention The credentials of the Third ward , ho said , were signed by a ma jority ot the Judges who had stayed there until the vote was counted The cro- duntlals ot the others were signed by only ono judge a man who had stolen the poll book and the tally sheets The op position had no reason to protest , as every thing had been fairly done Mr Broatch had , things his own way ; ho had oven re moved Boston Eusora , who was there in his i Interests , and had substituted Captain OMallcy Joe Itcdman , backed by n gang of heelers , got the lloor at this point and tried to make nn impression , but failed , und a resolution to the effect that the sitting delegates bo en titled to vote was passed on a call of wards . The convention then proceeded to the ELECTION OV A TEMPOItVlir CKUIIMAX There were 03 votes in the convention , but the Third ward l ospdndod twice , which made A total or 70 , and whllo Davis had a majority , the chair decided that tno election was void A second ballot was taken , with the same re sult , but on the third the bogus delegation refrained from voting , and Davis was elected Dan Sbolloy of the Second was chosen temporary secretary TUB THIRD WARD TltOOnLE again broke out Some one moved that a committee of ono from each ward bo ap pointed as acommitteoon credentials except ; mgtho Third , where there was u contosr Tbls brought Dr Kiokotts to his foot with the statement that there was no contest in the Third ward Mr Uosow.uor then moved as a substitute that the nnmes of the delegates bo called und then If it contest came up It bo settled The doleuates from the Pirst and Second wards were then read and the two creden tials rrom the Third passed up Dave Mercer - cer moved that the chairman of each ward delegation select n member of the committee on credentials , but Mr Ilosewater said the motion was not goricano to the question The chair decided that Mr Kosowntor was out of order , whereupon the latter re marked : Having reached the Third ward , and in that ward there is a bogus and fraudulent claim , I have made the motion that tbo legitimate dolcgation bo seated bore The chair overrules mo ; now the question is whether we shall sot aside the Third ward , leave It unsettloa or settle that matter now The chair Insists that wo Bhall pass the Third ward " The chairman still contended that the speaker was wrong , and was assisted by Mr Contant who said the Tnlrd should be pussed The call of delegates thou pro ceeded , the names being us publishou in yesterdays terday's ' Bek Mr Kosowntor then said that ho had been requested to state that there was a contest in tno fifth ward and that by request of citizens - izons ho wished to hand up some papers lu relation to the case Ho then offered an ufildavlt by James Bruner to the oifeu that 100 mon In the employ of the water works company who were nonresidents of the wnrd , andthlrty-soyon graders who also were nonresidents , had voted the Broateh ticket at the primary An affidavit by a voter who llvos In the Third ward at 21U North Thirteenth street , was also submitted The aQlant stated that at the request of Brown , the contractor , ho bad voted in the Fifth ward Ervlno aud Joe Ucdman , who had evidently beard enough , bowled forreg ular order , the chair sustained them , nnd the Third ward problem was again taken up Mr Gurioy spoke as follows : Mr Chnlrman Representing the delega tion of the Third wnrd , who has credentials una certificates of election signed by two Judges of election , presented immediately after the count Last night , I dent see how the gentleman can hold the certificate of election It is a ma' .tor of very llttla mo ment to mo personally whether wo claim our scats in this convention or not , but it Is a mutter of vital importance to us and to this convention , and to tbo republican party whether or not a precedent shall bo estab lished by which you will say to the repub lican party that a delegation fairly olectcd , a delegation receiving a certificate from tbo Judges immediately after the count , bo unseated - seated for the purpose of nominating any man That Is tbo quostlon , I submit It to you , gentlemen , that it we are entitled to a seat in this convention wo propose , by the permission of this convention , through its Jusllca , to have tbatftucstlon determined We stand here ready to provo by the evl- debco of reputable citizens who were present at the time that our certificates were made ; wo stand hero ready to show that bv their admission this delegation bad a majority of W0 votes ln that ward ' Wo stand hero further to say that the dork of election refused to sign this certifi cate at that time , although he admitted that fact to bo true ; that the proof U in our pos session , that wo can Bond him to the peni tentiary All that wo ask Is fair play and I am will ing to abide by this convention When ho had concluded Judge Lytle , of the Ninth , moved that the bogus delegation be seated , Dr Uleketts obtumod the floor after this motion nad been made and re marked ; , "I want to stata right here before tWs convention proceeds to uct upon that propo sition that its a fact that two delegations from the Third ward hold qredontials to this convention signed bv majority of the Judges The credentials hold by tbo delega tion that sits hero tn my rlcht ( the legally elected delegation ) were signed bv two ot the Judges who stayed there until the count was completed , The credentials of the dele gation that sits upon my lott were signed bv ono ot the Judges that signed his credentials , and signed by nnothor nno of these Judgoa who stole , deliberately and bodily from that ennvssing board , the tally sheets ot that election , Now , then , I want to know , nnd I wunt testate state nnothor thing , nnd to ask this question Ono of the most prominent candidates for the position of mayor of this city c.imo down to ttnt canvassing board nnd walked ln there nnd issued his instructions and withdraw from that canvassing board a man that wo had mutually agreed upon and substituted nnothor man upon that canvassing board [ CrUis of , Who was itl'M ' It was \V. J. Broatclj W. J. Broatch came there nnd walked into the canvassing board and took out the man agreed upon , Boston Kusom , nnd put in Captain O'Mallcy to rcprcsont his inteicst Now , then , what t hnvo to sny is this ! Thnt no candidate can ufford to no- copt the nomination under any such pro cedure [ Cheers J When liickotts had concluded Ervlno rosn nnd stntod thnt ho was ln favor of fair piny , which brought down such a storm of hisses thnt the clmir declared thnt ho would elenr thu galleries lfqulot was not maintained Ho then indulged ln a few personalities regard ing members of the convention ! but wns called down oy Mr Mercer , who Inquired of the chair why ho didn't kocp his attorney quiet Then the climax came ; the last straw was heaped on the camels bick The Ucdinun gang inslstod that the Gurioy delegation from the Third should go and were for forcing a vote ltcdllold of the Second stood up and re marked that if aka ljw was to bo used In the convention nnd the or- gnnizition proposed to throttle the members of the Second wnrd they would lllto to retire - tire and would rctlro , Mercer of tlio Sovoutli said his delegation were of the same opinion Duncan of the Fourth rose and said this action meant democratic ! success , and that sooner than submit the Fouith wnrd would also retire , nud thaUtho law and order people would bo responsible for any dlsa9tor in that event In the name of law nnd order ballot boxes had boon stuffed and It was time for Uecont republicans to call n halt Mr Gurley again rolteratcd his nssortion that all the Third ward wanted was fair play They wanted to bu beard ; tbcv wanted the other slao to bo hoard His delegation hud been elected fnirly , had nothing to bo asliamod of , und Inslstod that the whole con vention sit in Judgment on the case Johnny Clarke and Joe Hcdman again tried to make thcmsolvos hoard , but tbo loud cries for Gurioy arowned their feeble efforts Gurioy infringing speech related the history of the case , as follows : All that wo mo asking of this convention is fair ulny I deslro to put this proposition : Hero nro two Bets of delegates from the Thiid wnrd Both come into this conven tion , both claiming that they nro ontltlcd to a seat hero So far as , the delegates or this convention nro concerned you know nothing ot the right of either delegation to n Beat here This convention is unnblo to fnirly say bv its vote until you can know the cir cumstances uudor which these eortlhcatcs were obtained , until you can know nt what time the ecrtihento of olectlou wjib presented to this delegationand what time the certlllcato was presented to the other delegation ; until you can know what members signed our cer tificate , and what members signed theirs I and my colleagues nro willing to submit it to the convention and amdo by the result , but I claim that when you have noard the facts in this case , there is not a man who desires fair play but what will vote to seat this delega tion I wish to say thut if wo nro allowed to present this c > so before tins convention wo will bo ublo to dOBo ; if wo are allowed by the spirit of fair play on the part of this convention to submit our testimony wo w'll bo nblo to show that our cortlhcatoi was obtained nt the propertlmo , immediately nfter the votes were counted Wo wjll bo nblo to show that at that time no other cer- tltlcato was granted to any delegation , that nt that time no other delegation had applied for a cortifloatp Wo asked the , Judges ofi election if they had made the count ; wo asked what the result was Thovsald a majority of 190.Yo . asked , wbether they * . were ready to issue tjio cet-tlficatQofolection. They said they were , and the two Judu-es of election nt that time signed our certificate , Btating that the ticket had received JOO ma jority , and that wo were olectcd They were unable nt that time to Una the poll books for the reason that they had been absconded with This other certlllcato of election wus sicned by ono Judge and by tbo clerk The mgnnturo of one of these parties , I am Informed , was not signed until today There was no pretense at that time tbat that other delegation was entitled to a seat ; they ad mitted tbnt on a majority of the votes cast and counted wo had recolved 190. What is tlio state of nfTairsI I anneal to von I dent care who you are , I appeal to you If it is fair to take our sent fiom us ? If they have pot their clerk of " election let them bring bim out , wd want to see him too Wo want to hear his statement Wo want to nsk him a few nice questions nnd wo want to see the etlior Judge and ask him a few questions " , . Ed Hartley of tbo opposition made a feeble attempt nt n reply , and wns followed by Mr Rosoivator , wno said : Mr Gentleman and Chairman ot the Con vention I want n few momoat's attention I hope you will not bo hasty in making a do- clsion upon this question This is something that Involves the very vital principle of rep resentation and Justice upon which our whole government Is founded , and if there is anything that the republican party prides itself on it Is a fair count Now , wo have , heard from both gentlemen on both sides and I will say nothing about the con testing delegation Tney bavo simply been sent hero evidently to carry out a purpose But ! do say that this Third ward contest isu criminal conspiracy a conspiracy that begins right at the bottom of criminal offenses Kight hero you will find that these credentials are signed by the two Judges of election on ouesido and nno Judge nnd ono "elork upon tno other When the loglsUturo of 1887 framed the primary election law and placed our primary elections under the same law und regulations tbat obtained in gcncrnl elections , every Judge of election wus put under thu same penalties nt the primary election as ho Is at any other , I. say right bore and I give notice to these Judges that unless they get across the river very quickly nnd tonight they are golhc to bo nrrcstcil , and I shall see to it personally , [ Great anplausu.l They bavo no right to sign two certiticatos The Chairman Do not bo personal Mr Uosowator When wo do tl with ballot box breakers , with thlovos with men who forgo certificates of election , thou wo must bo very personal in the matter [ Cri03 of "Hightl Hight"l ! And I have this to say , that there is not a nowspipar in the citv of Omaha that publisbod the cloctionireturns this morning that does not show this to bo tbo state of facts : That 417 votes v/uro cast for the ticket headed by Mr Gurley , or the ticket on which Mr Gurioy is represented , nnd that 237 votes were received by the other ticket Now , these men , further , have not said ono word as to the reason by which they are ontltlod to Beats hero , The only reason , the only valid reason , the only ono by which they can hold a seat , Is by the votes , and it any man is seated hero by not a majority of tbo votes cast , ha caunot have any right in this convention [ Applause ] These con tobtlng delegates bavo simply como up bora through their fraudulent certificates , to un seat an honest and regular delegation Hut it simply shows that sotnobody has-cOmuit- tedacrimo It Is apparent tbat somebody has committed n crime , and you cannot posslnly cover that up The fact that both these certificates nro signed by the Judges , shows that these Judges hnvo boon tampered with , because otherwisa they would lmvo signed but ono certlllcato [ Cries ofiHligbtl Klahtl"l I will ask any ot these gontlemcn to say whether or not there were bObio In fluence brought to boar upon them to sign the certificates after they bad issued the first one There can bo no other showing , why ' tbat Judge , or why they bayo gone back on the certificates Thut showing will have to coma up ln the criminal courts for tbeso fol lows to show , I mean myself go for the follows thut put that Job up [ Applause | And I ask you republicans not to unseat a delegation that rccelvod 417 votes by a dele gation that recolvod 21 votes * These are the men right there " In the midst ot Mr Rosewater's ' remarks Mr Irvine Interrupted him by a request that he bo granted one moment Mr Rosewater yielded and Ervlno moved that Gurloy's delegation bo seated Judge Lytlo said bo had made his motion merely to get this matter before the bouse , - * while Dr Uuckctts demanded an luvcstlgu- tlon claiming that he wanted uo Mississippi methods to prevail Young , Decker of the MaHaaa > | -aBMaHBBBBB | | | bogus gang Winked Hko t mule bocausc , as ho said , llickeut had insulted him , but whllo ho was trylncfq explain the motion was put and cnrrlod unaHimonsly rr.twv NT oiiaANtzvnos The tomparnry organisation was tnndo pormnnontnftqr the chair had decided thnt Ervino was in orJor when ho mndo the mo tion nnd refused to consldor an amendment , after which , oh motion ot Mr Coutant , the convention proceeded to the . nAil.r5Tisa ron MAron No candidates were nnmed The result of the ilrst ballot , rrtilch was informal , was : Votes First Warrt-fc.nv. ulnlngor 7 Second Ward S. D. Mercer 7 Third WnrdA.ilj. . btrnng 7 Fourth Wnrd Thomas Swobo , 7 Fifth Ward -W. J. Broatch 7 Sixth Ward W. J. Broatch 7 Seventh Wnrd A. L. Strang , 7 Eighth Wurd-W. J. Broatch 7 Ninth Word W. J. Broatch 7 nnOAWTULATIOX Lininger 7) ) Strang 14 Mercer 7 Urontou JJS Swobo 7 [ 'iho second ballot resulted In the same mnnuor It requiring 02 votes to elect , nn ether ballot wns taken , with no chnngo Balloting then proceeded monotonously ln tlio same manner for over nn hour A motion to take n recess until 7:30 : wns voted down , Balloting wns resumed , there being no change , each pirty being determined to wear thoothor ftldoout If possible At 0:30 there had been SIS ballots taken , nnd there was no sign of nny weakening on the part of any bed v. Sandwiches nnd boor wore brought In from tlmo to time , and the voting con tinued At the 221th ballot the nntl-Brontch men made nn effort to break the deadlock D. II Mercer of the Seventh , In behalf of tbo young men mndo n glowing speech in favor of Dick Borlln The Third , Fourth nnd Seventh gave him their vote , but the Second nud First stood ilrm The next vote was the snmo old Btory Another attempt wns mndo on the 257th ballot , when the Third , Fourth and Seventh Joined with the Second on Dr Mor cor The First tvard , however , stuck to Lininger , und this vote was kept up until the 202d bnllot , when n delegate in the Seventh changed his vote from Mercer to Strang , the Broatch men thought they had galnod n vote nnd cheered lnsnly , but when the result wns hnnounued the slicnco wns thick enough to bo cut with n knife On the 203d ballot the Third cast seven for Strang , the others romnhlcd llrm Ou the next bal lot the Seventh wont baok to Straug On ballot 205 the Second Bwltchcd to Lininger , innklng him 21 , Broatch 23 and Strang 14. It looked for a time as though the Broatch mon were defoatcd , but the Seventh stand ing llrm broke the combination LIN1X01.R 0CT8 TlIEIin Everybody hold his breath when ballot 200 wus called , for it appeared as though Bomothlng might happen The Seventh again stood llrm nnd the result wns the Bamo The next ballot was longand tedious , the Third nnd Seventh waiting nt ljast tweuty-Ilvo minutes before an nouncing their votes The latter finally voted 4 for Lininger , 1 for Broatch , 2 for Strang Then pandemonium reigned su premo Ervlno tried to work gag rule on the convention nnd announced that four votes would j bo cast for Broatch by the PirBtqi ward The pretest that went up wastrnmondous A poll of the First ward was cordorod and resulted in 7 votes for Lininger.i The result nf the bal lot was Uro.itch 29 , Strang 2 , Lininger 32. The chair anntunccd the vote and amid A rnuriiU'r' ' roak op aiuLacse Lininger waa'dUflarcd the unanimous nom inee of the conventions Mr Lininger was escorted to thoulatform and said : Gentlemen mt'iellow citizens : Up to a few moments n'go'thud decided to decline to serve , but the unanimity shown has induced mo to accept Ilyivo uot Bought this nomi nation , and dld.lidt , know my name would be used It Is an honior Jhat any tnnn may bo proud of I can give no pledge , nnd will glvo none except this , , that it I am elected my past record sbair ; , fto my guarantee I will glvo you anDouost / administration , and will endeavor Ho ndvanco the best interests ot OmnhtC and will try to continue the prosperity ofnt4 last two or thrco years I will never gd'nrfiund unit ask mon to vote forme You must do that Thank you " Mr Gurley then tripvod to adjourn until this afternoon at 2 oclock The motion was declared lost and a division was called for The motion to adjourn was lost nusn for citv treasurer C. K. Coutant then took thn chair and announced that nominations for city treas urer wcioiu order Jobn Rush , the present incumbent , was nominated by acclamation I.EE IIELBLET TOR FOUCB JU1K3E. The next nomination was that of pollco Judge Led Holsley was nominated by Mr Gurioy Charles Brunor nominated R. A. L. Dick The Toutth ward presented George M. OBrien The calls of wards re sulted as follows : Holsloy 30 , Dick 24 , O'Brien ' ! ) . There was no choice nnd another bnllot was ordered Tlio second effort was a victory for Helsley by a vote of 38 to Dicks 19 , and O'Urion's 8. ARJ1STRONQ FOR COMITIIOLLCR For comptroller Robert Armstrong and C. K. Coulter were presented Armstrong was elected by a vote ot 28 to 23. COONCILMEK When the nominations for councilmen nt largo were called for , Mr Rsdtiold of thu Second moved that the convention nominate the men selected by the ward delegations This prevailed , and the following were placed ln norj' nation : First Ward Ernest Stuht Second Wurd Dan OKeofo Third AVurd Sol Pnaco and Arthur Briggs Fourth Wnrd W. F. Beehol Fifth Ward J. M. Counsman Sixth Wnrd John McLcanc Seventh Ward M. J. Buohr Eighth Ward Theodore Olsen Ninth Ward F. L. Bloomer All the nominations except those of the Third , which had two candidates , were ratl- , lled A call of wards in the latter case resulted - sultod in Brrggs being elected by a vote of 3JK to Prlnco'B 30 . CITV CliMItAL , COMMlTTm The following republican city central com mittee was then cluctod , euch wurd naming its own representatives : First Ward William Umphcrson , Peter Doysen , WilliamICulloy , Second M. Morrison , Frank ICaspar , M. H. Rodllold Third-W. F. Gurley , Los Hartley , A. D. White Fourth n. D. ( Duncan , Gustavo Ander son , M , Goldsmith Fitth-L. R. Redman , J. G. Dunn , kN. . Phillips Sixth -E\ Cone , Wijllam Marrow , Thomas Golden Seventh M. L. Reader , C , N. Insktp , J. C. Thompson , tl , v Eighth-J. T. Clark , M. F. Singleton , Pedor Poderson.,1 Id Ninth C. J. Johnson , H. S. Seward , G. Benson 'K , , On motion ot E. Cone ot the Sixth ward , D. H. Mercer wu elected chairman of tbo committee.mil Tbecnmmittea'wUl meat at the Millard to morrow afternoon at li oclock Adjourned ut lib m. -rt i Df-mncia'lo Primaries The democratic wjmarles will bo held to day , from noon ui yj7 | p. in , at the following places : First Word 1013 Leavenworth street Second 1001 Vinton Third Northe t ; corner Elovcnth and Harnoy streets , , , ' „ . , Fourth WushfpHr011 nail Fifth 1154 Sherman nyonue Sixth Twonty-auth nnd Luke streets Seventh Twenty-ninth aveuuo , Detween Woolworth street and Poppteton avenue Eighth 2403 Cuming street Ninth Corner of Lowe and Mercer aven ues . Ho Will Pay It oT0P. Nebraska Citt , Neb , Nov 31. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee ] The investigation into the alleged shortage of District Clerk Houser was today completed , showing the amount of claimed withes * fees retained by him to be about IT00. Ho will pay It over A Hharp Auvanoo Cniciao , Nov , 21. The northwestern as sociation of sash , door and blind manufactur ers has dcoldod to make a general advance on present pneos The secrelury told a reporter that the advance would bo a sharp ono , duo principally to the recent udvanco m lumber and glass # | * MBBBiBiiBBBBBmBBttBU A GREAT SHOOTING MATCH Fred Erb Defeats Chnrloa W. Budd By n Sooro of 43 to 43. FIFTY-FOUR ROUND PRIZEFIGHT Sullivan WnutH 310,000 , to Mcnt Jnok- Bon Tlio linttist Buho Hall Nowa An Address From tlio Na- ttonnl League Notes Iiost JJy ft Single tllnl D tVEuroiiT , la , Nov 21. [ Spoclal Tolo- grnm to Tub Br.n.1 Today Fred Erb , of La fayette , Ind , took the American Hold cham pion wing shot cup away from Charles W. Budd , of Dos Moines , in the greatest trnp contest ever scon In Iowa The two men ran neck nnd nock to the close At tlio end ot forty birds Budd had thirtvilvo , Erb thirty thrco In the Inst ton Budd lost two out of bounds nnd missed one , whllo Erb shot straight , winning by the score ot 43 to 43 out of a possible ilfty Only ono bird escaped unhlt nnd taat was Hudd'n Inst miss They were unusually tough nnd wicked fUdrs Thn shoot was nttondod by rcprosontulivo sportsman from nil ever the country A Fierce ) Prize Klirlit Chicaoo , Nov , 31. A vicious prito fight between llght-wolghts Tommy Morgan and Tommy Whlto took place this morning at II amnion a , md Morgan has n record In the ring , whllo White , until ho began training for today's ' fight , wns employed as n blackboard boy in n stock brokers oftico Morgan forced the fighting nt the start , but In the third round was pushed into his corner by Whites hard work In the fourth Morgan made another rush nnd received u blow that drew n quantity of blood From this time on Whllo showed hlmsolf the hot ter man nnd began forcing the light In the thirty-second rouud ho delivered a blow Which knocked Morgan senseless , , but his trainers managed to got their man up before time was called Morgan was n pltiablo sight , both oyca being nearly closed nnd his body a mass of bruises uud cuts Whlto showed few marks From the thirty-eighth to the lllty-fourth round the light wnsnioronno sided than ever , consisting of mod rushes by Morgan , who was nearly blind , nnd quick , savage blows by Whlto In the rniddlu of the lifty-fourth round the police mndo a raid and arrested the contestants , allowing the rest of the party to escape SiiMiv.iit'A Nerve Boston , Mass , Nov 21. John L. Sullivan said , today , referring to the action of the California Athletic club last night , thnt ho Will meet Jackson at its rooms if a purse of $20,000 is put up and for nothing less The clubs action Inst night limited the purse to $10UW. • BASK BALL The Position of tlio Nntinnnl League JjXplalued In an Address PniLATipj.rniA , Nov 21. The commlttoo of the National Base Ball lenguo has issued a lengthy address to the public defining the position ot that organization in the present base ball controversy The address glorifies the work ot the National league for the past fourteen jean , setting forth at great length tow It has rescued the national game from the slough of corruption and disgrace Into which It had fallen in profession ul playing prior to 1870. It tells of ull reforms the lcaguo has accomplished nnd bow It has brought base ball to a high standard , how salaries ot plav- crs bavo moro than trebled , nnd a higher dogrco ot skill boon attained Speaking of causes of complnlnt , it Bays : The reserve Irulo" was adopted for the benotlt of weaker clubs as a check upon competition nnd thnt weaker clubs might have nucleus of teams for next season The system proving beneflllaltborcscrvolist was increased Incident to reservation nroso re leases for pecuniary considerations , but the ndarcss savfl , except in cases ot disbanding or retiring clubs , the nghtof tbo clubs claim has never been transferred without tbo play ers ro-operatlon or consent In an excep tional case nf disbandment or retirement of a league club , of which complaint was made by the brotherhood in 18S7 , n commit tee of playets after the conference was ob liged to admit such involuutary trans fer absolutely essential to the welfare of thn league The address calls attention to the fact that the new players league has given the extraordinary power of transfer ring players with or without the consent of the club disbanded , to u central tribunal of sixteen directors , nnd says , in view of these facts , the use of the terms slavery , " sold like sheep , " etc , becomes ubsurd At the annual meeting of the loiguo in November , 1887. the brotherhood recolved recognition ou the statement of its representatives that It organized for benevolent purposes , and disavowing any Intention to interfere with the business affairs of the league Tins con tract Iiub never been violated by the league In letter or spirit Regarding alleged "ononuous profits of league clubs , the ad dress says during the past 11 vo and only prosperous years the league has known , tbcro have been paid in cash dividends to stockholders in eight league clubs less than 150,000 , while during tbo same time league plivers have received ln salaries uvor S1.SUO.000. The address nays the brother hood know when they made a demand for a conference this summer there wns no urg ency for the consideration of their claims and that the league could not without sacri fice of pccuulary und other interests convene its clubs in midsummer They desired a refusal - fusal and started tbo organization of a rival association while receiving liberal sal mies from their employers They secured the signatures of numbers of their brother play ers under the prouuso that they would only s&ccdo in tbo event of the league refusing thorn Justice , und for some time after the imblicutioa of their conspiracy , " Septem ber 7 , thov and tholr abettors denied there wus any foundation fir the story and repeat cdlv pledged their word that the league should huvo n chance Tno address con cludes from all this tbat "an cdillco built on falsehood lias no moral foundation and must parish ot Its own weight " The league will aid its clubs in the enforcement of contract rights aud will continue to do business as heretofore Slirned the Brotherhood Contract Chicaoo , Nov 81. Fred Pfeffcr has se cured the signatures of Duffy , Ryan , Farrell - roll , Darllug , Toner , Baldwin , King , Dwyer , Bastlau Latham and Williamson to plav in the Chicago Brotherhood team next year A Donlnl by PfrtTor CnicAoo , Nov 21 , Fred Pfcffer , when shown the address of the National lenguo to night , denied that there is anything in the brotherhood contract , us alleged by the man agers , compelling a trauslor ot players from ono olub to another , Connors Univnn Greener A crowd of ono hundred and fifty or there abouts assembled at the Colisouin last night to wltuoss the catch-as catch-can wrestling mutch between Tom Connors , tbo American champion , and Alfred Greener , the British champion , Tbo match was best thrco falls ln llvo , two shoulders down to constitute a fall , full Nelson hold barred , for $250 a side , so said , but in reality for the gate receipts It was a heads I win , tails you lese match Patsy Fulton wns chosen ruforco and the sporting editor ot Tun But , timer , whllo Tom Bell seconded Connors and Jack Prlnco , Greener , At 0:15 the principals made their appearance on the mattress spread on a raised platlorm in the center ot the audi torium At tbo call of tlmo the men went to work with vigor , and after eighteen minutes and forty-live seconds of as pretty an exhibition of scientific wrestling as ono would wish to see , tbo Englishman got a halt-Nolsoa and wrist hold go Connors , und in spite of tha latter ter' * most superhuman exertions to prevent It , bore hs | shoulders to tbo inuttrcss After ten minutes for refreshments tbo steaming athletes again mounted the plat form Greener is big and strong as nu ox whllo Connors Is email , yet as supple una slippery a * an eel , and the handicap was not tft-MBMikiitiMJBiMBMBMI as grcnt as Iho iDcxperioncod would suppose , vet the sympathies of the crowd were with tno American champion , nnd whenever ho executed any especial ploco of cleverness in breaking the big mnn's dangerous hnlf-Nol- sons and crotch holds , was greeted with up- rorious applause Ho made sovornl harrow cscapos , biit ilnnllv succeeded In getting Greener * favorlto hold , a half.Nclson and fnr-nrm hold , and linro the Riant ever on the carpet Tlmo 1ft minutes nnd 12 seconds The third bout was nlso won by Connors , v ho caught Urctnor , when the lnitor was endeavoring to break nn all-round body lock , by ono log nnd pulling It up to his nctk , kicked the big mans romalning props out from under him , nnd floored him In the twinkling of nn eye The crowd howled itself hearse Time 4:19. : In the fourth bout Connors gave n display ot some of the most marvelous ncrobatlo teats , head spins , urldgos nnd breaks overseen seen in n similar contest , but It all nvalled him naught , for Greener finally got his deadly Iialf-Ncltton nnd far-arm nnd rolled the llttlo fellow over flat on Ills back Tlmo 15:40. The last and final fall was won by tha American nftor a herculean stntgplo of six teen minutes nnd iUty-nlno seconds Both men came up fresh and ot course smiling They came together and then fol lowed a sorlos of Nelsons , nnd half-Nelsons , hammer , log nnd arm-locks , cross-buttocks , bridges , bond spins , somcrnaults nnd Brummagcn breaks and clinches , uutil both men were glistening lllto n couple ot wal ruses Greener secured a full-kelson once nnd would hnvo bad Conncrs dead to rights had nottho refcroo compollcd the English man to break his hold A moment lntor Tom secured ono of his poeulinr neck and crotch holds , nud burling the big 'un on bis back , bore his shoulders to the carpet and the battle was won Pitcher Piimiln * signed Manager Leonard of the Omaha baseball team , has signed Pitcher Fanning of the Buffalo team , Ho writes President McCor- thnt ho has no doutits but what Fanning will develop Into a ilrst class twlrlcr next aoasou , and ho is much elated over securing him Ynnk nntl IIIh Fingers Yank Adams ontortalnod n select cotcrio of friends at the Millard billiard rooms yes toraay afternoon with an hours exhibition of his wonderful science nt finger billiards Omnlin Admirers Disappointed 1 Omaha udmlrors of Charlie Budd nro much disappointed over his defeat by Fred Erb , nt Davenport jestordny As n special telegram attests , the lown crack shot was in tough luck Erb , however , Is ono of the coolest and the best shots In the country First Prnoilco nt tlin Itlnk The different teams of the City Polo league will take their first practlco at the Coliseum rink tills evening A wire netting has boon stretched entirely around the rluk propar una everything Is in readiness for the open ing of the senson FLEHC1NG COUNTRY SHIPPERS Grnvo Clinrccs Preferred Airalnst Chi caco Board ol'Trndo IVtnn CnicAoo , Nov 21. The light between the Stnto Grain Dealers association of Illinois and the Chicago board of trade on the ques tion of weights and grades of grain in the Chicago market was ro opened today before the Railroad and Warehouse commission Testimony was piesonted nnd n number of Bpoechos were made nn both aides Presi dent Van Ordstrand , of tlio Grain Doalora' usaociatlon , In his adarcsB said there were thrco complaints In the first plnco the re ceivers and elevator mon of Chicago make n prncticoot beating the country shipper out of from thrco to five bushels on ovcrj car of wheat When the car is unloaded it is not swept clean , but after the grain is weighed the car is swept out nnd tno gatherings go to the olevntor men Van Ordstrand said ono firm In Chicago hud made over twelve hun dred bushels of grain in one month by this practlco The second charge is that the rule govern ing too inspection of No 3 wneut is so con strued by tbo Chicago board of trade inspectors that tbo country dealer is compeilod to ship his grain elsewhere to got honest inspection The country shippers say that 33 per cent of the wheat graded as No 3 by Chicago inspectors is really a good No 2 nud that the dlfferenco in inspection is made to glvo Chicago dealers the benefit of the difference in price The third cbargo was that under the pres ent Chicago inspection there is no uniform ity ot grade The complainant says that at times two samples , both of No 3 Chicago wheat , ha vo sold on the board of trade at thu same time at a difference of 18 cents n bushel In closing , Mr Van Ordstrand asked that the commission insist on a more liberal con struction of the rule governing Chicago in spection ; that there Bhall bo moro uniform ity for tbo No 3 grade , nnd that elevators and receivei'3 oo made to swoop all cars clean nnd weigh nil grain to the shippers account Several gentlemen appeared for the board of trade und spoke in opposition to a change of the rule The hearing will bo coutlnuod tomorrow . TUB IlolmsiTuHSNTlFlED Four or These AVnloh Were J'ound Itecentlv Neur Plerro Pierre , S. D. , Nov 21. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee ] Four of the bodies which were discovered by workmen digging a cellar yesterday , about a mile from this city , have been identified by the authorities at Fort Bennett oTno nnmes nro Lieutenant Edward Donnelly , Privates S. S. I orann nnd Peter McNiunov and Corporal S. VV Chandler It Is now certain thut they were frozen in the grent storm of January 12 and nftorwarda found nnd buried by a number of Indians Itnlldinii in Pioi-re. Pierre , S. D. , Nov 31. [ Special Tele gram to The Bee.1 A Minneapolis synai- cato commenced the building of an $80,000 brick block hero this morning , which It is intended to bo completed by January 1 , Over S1SO.O00 worth of building is being done in the business portion ot the city at the pres ent time Ploroo ICleotc-d Senator Bismarck , N. D. , Nov 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tiik Bek.1 Gllboit A. Pierce was formally olectcd United States senator at noon today , The Johnson men attempted to force a ballot for the second senator , but were dofcatcd N , G , Oruwuy la looked upon ns the coming man for the second sen ators hip , and a ballot will bo taken to-mor row ' Land Donated For a Hmoltor Kansas Citt , Mo , Nov 21 | Spocal ! Telegram gram to The Bee | Tha Chicago , Kan sas 6i Nebraska railway has offered llvo acres of land or Twenty-Bocond street , Ar- tnourdalo , for tbo location of a smelter , which the people of that town propose to have located zhcro The smelter , if located , Will bo ono of tbo lnrgost In the world • • WomrnV Indlun Association Nbwaiik , N. J „ Nov , 21. Tbo tenth con vention of the Women's National Indian as sociation is in session hero Tbo receipts lastyoar werotlO.OOO ; expenditures , 113,000. Interesting reports on the work among the Iudiaas were read , and Commissioner Mor gan mailo un address commendlni ; thu work of the organization Tlio Denlh Record Desver , Cole , Nov , 31. [ Spoclal Tele- grnra to The Bee ] Prof James Cassidy , of the chair ot botuuy and Horticulture in the state agricultural college , died a' Fort Collins this morning of Inilutninuilon of tbo bowels Went Down Willi All on Hoard Marsmeli ) , Ore , Nov , 21. [ Spoclal Tclo- graui to The Bee ] Ne s has Just reached hero tbat tbo tug Fearless was wrecked while attempting to cross Umpqua bar Tues day evening last and all hands drowned Two lown Appointment * . WasillNOToy , Nov , 31 The president lias appointed David U. Miller of Jowa United States marshal for the southern district of Iowa , and Louis Miles of Iowa Uuitod btates attorney for the same district PRODUCING THE PROOF , kA Overwhelming Statement * HoanrdSMf ins il > c Purity nntl Power or < \ Popu- , ( BV , lar Prcpnrntlon W lint Suloutlstn ] | B any R la not only natural but Just thnt proo ( IBB should bo tlemnmlcil by the public , for every > i H statement or clulm tlmt Is maun to tha Dublin IIBBi When , tlioreforc.lt Is twsprteil thnt a cortnln ( BH artlcln Is not only pure nnd vaUtablo nnd n I , fBB most delightful bevemup , lint nl o thai It | > s < f BB bcsjoj qualities almost luvaliiatilft for the , BH humnn system , neuplx nro right In demanding tlio promt Head the following : i BB ] Professor Henry A. Molt , l'h.I ) , y.n.8. . ot H Nor York , snyst "llv the most cure till ntinly BB | sis , ] ha\o found OulTv's 1'uro Mnlt Whiskey BB | trco from ndullor<on or foreign substunros } 'J hoe qualities should certainly recommend It BH to the lilghust publlo favor " , BB1 Dr William T. Cutter Stale Chemist of Con IBBI ncctlrut , sa > a : "llullv's lure Malt A\hlsU < v i 'BB contains no iloktcrlous or injurious qualltlos 'i ' 'BBf nnd Its nliMilmo purity ns well ns nclenllllo I i IBBI mode ot mnim factum must recommend it to .IBBI gonernl use aud favor " < \ j BBe Jr R.V. . Hutchinson , the eminent nuthor ' 'bBI ' says : "I Jilchly recommend Duny's Pure .Mai i BBi \ \ iilskoy ami prcscrlbo It ln my prno' lce " t ' BBJ . ltnv H. Mills , klill , &ajs : " 1 bavo used - Dairy's lure Malt Whlsknr with grent liemint • BBI to my wlfowholsn coiillrmod lnriilld Intnn , BBH Presb > lorJnn clergyman nnd a lioctor ot llIn - 1 BBB ltv but I nni not ivfrnld to recommend Duffy's , BHI Mnlt Whiskey ns the pnrcit and most elllcletit 'BBH preparation as it medicine that I know or , and l BBi my oxperlenco U a largo nno " y BBI _ Hundreds ot n 'ldltlonnt statements cnuldho H'WBI furnished , but the ninilts of this nrllclo which CI BBi lin.sln.en boToro public so ninnv.yours nmplr 31 BBI pro themselves Its grent power and \ aluo ' * BBI MX HOOSEK&EPERS 9 If they regard IU'AITii nnd Kconoviv , should tnir BBI Htilleil nntl Crnilivl § A. B. C. WHITE OATS ( \ D , C. OATMEAL ) * BB | THU IlKbl'GKAlNSSTKAM rUOICKn-MOT : BBi EASILY DIOllstl' .ll-OUIOICf.V l'HIll'AKUl ) BBl -A DiiICIUUH : UltllAlCrAbT D1BU , BJ srf2S 53fc m SomiivAn CIiiorKiin.-Kinil for cl rrnl r Aa Ml BBI TinsCMiEAixMravob 'ililurriiv tu , > oiY\'ork. . It'BBJ LOTTERY H OF T1IF. 1'UIILIC CIIA1UTV. tlVflfl Established in 1S7S | 1 | iiy tiii : UbbF t > ATKNAt , aOVlllKMrNT [ BBB I VH oi'iitATin : : _ Under a Twenty Yean * Central by to } t H < Mcsian IntonmUoail Imprjvonoat M Company H Grand monthly Drnwlngs hold ln the Morcsqns B l'nvllllou ln the AUmeila Parte , city of MoxlBBB co nnd publicly conducted by Government BBi Olllrluls appointed for the purnnsa ! > > • the BBI Secretaries ot tlio Interior and thetreasury BBi m > ttibsv : , • ! H Tim 1 ' 'BBB ' Eknefi&e.ida FuhSha fl Tlio monthly Inur < loll ir Drawing BBB will bo lielil in iho HBb City of Mexico on Dccciiiocr mi 1889. CAPITAL PRIZES6Q.Q00. 80,000 Xlokots nt' $ I , $ : SUOO0 ( > . ! | Price ot Tickets , American Money , . < BBH WIIOLiSil HAIViS3 2. QUltTAiit3 ; 1 T.isr ov i'iti/.i2 < % . " , * BbB l capital pitizr.op juuKiis sno.ooi "BBI i UAPtTAbi'idiiKoi' aynois . . . . . . ai.ow iIBBb 1 OAl'irAtil'lll/.llOl' UMWOLs 10,00(1 ( MflBB i miANDi'ituuor iMJoou suoi bBB iU'lti'/Kt-or. . . . ] , ( kmi nro : in > ) BBI Ol'ltl/KSUI. ' . . . . Mullens iuoO UBB aipur/usor aw mo.urn i'BBI ' JOQPinznsor too mo jouui' f BB | IHO I'lll/.KS OF Mate . . . . 170tt BB | DM PJUZl'S OP a ) nro . . Il/ljo ( lBBfl AiTROTisiATiov rittxrs ) BB 3B0PrIz6 of8ilapp. to 3H ( ) Prize $ 0,000 BBB 11X1 Prizes ot BO app to Stlfi < 0 Prlza T.UIO I'BBB ' 1 1 Prizes or 4U nop to 10,000 Prize tl.OOJ ftBBBl TVJ Terminals ot isi , ilBBB decided by M0.O001'lizo. . . . KVW ) "IBB S37CPrlr.es Amounting to fflfjun 'BBfJ ' All prizes gold ln the United Btates full paid in , BBfl D. 8. Currency „ _ _ _ _ _ _ .BBB AGENTS WANTED CSTFor Cmii Uatks or any further informBBJ rulon desired , n-rlto legibly to the underHlguod , BBB clearly Btating your residence , villi statu , county - H ty , street nnd uumbor Moro rapid return mnll H nellMirynlllbo assured br % nur enclosinguu 'i BB eurelopo bearing your full nudrcss IIbBH IMPORTANT ( 'BBB ' Address If llASSr.TTJ , lUBBfli City otMexico Mexico BBI Iy ordinary letter , containing SIom' .v Ultima ' < BBb1 lMsut'ii by nil Kxpress Companies , New York l xBBBI change , Draft or i'oatal Note 'BBBJ ' Kproiul Pcnturns , VBB Ily terms of contract thu company must do'BBi ' posit the sum ot all prizes Included ln tha iBBI BCliemo before selling n single ticket , aud re- , ! B celre the following olliclal permit : ' iBBi CKIl CirWATK r hcrcou ccrtlju that Via 'BBB ' Jlanknf Lmithin and toertu ) has a rrccial ditBBl posit the vecemmu faniln tn pmmxntec the panBBI rnott uf all vrtus drawn bit the Lnltrla ch la fioieBBB flccncki fuhltca , BBB A. Of , XAtt CASTILLO lnterrenUir iBBi Further , the Company Is required to dlstrlbiBBi ute tltty-slx per cent ot tlio value oC all the BBI tickets In prizes a larger propoittoathan Is BBI given by any other Lottery IBBB 1'lnally , the number ot tckots is limited to IBBB 80,0:0120 : , < XJU less thim nresoldby other lotteries I'BBI ' using the some schemes , } 0 $ & & 1 ASK Qjk % I voun [ S\S'tn ' < ! n si&vJl xx\ \ U1 f BBB SwMfp • I . . C2.JH C.H PEARSON & C2.- - * BALTIMORE Ma s BbBbBbBbI