BBBBBBBBBBBJBBBJBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBJHBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB , - STtaqMI W-iM' ' numHWii tf p majiwu1 ' vm < m i # nyjU MppfWW- r H _ * ' 1 _ H r < SI H jt ; THE OjVIAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 21 , 1389 _ \ _ t W _ h SPECIAL JNOTIOES ! OMAHA AH No mlvortlsomonts wilt bo tnkon for I tlioso columns nftor 12:30 : p. m v Tormn-'CoBh In ndvnnco _ m Advertisements under this heal 19 esnta per _ m lmu for the first Insertion 7 edit * for each sub Bl le iuent Insertion , nod 11JV1 per line l er month BBt _ J.i ) advertisements inken for less limn 23 cents HHM for first Insertion B ven words will bo counted BBI to tlio life they tntiHtun con < i < utlvblr Mid BBI ! liUstbopatd itlADVkMI All allcrtlse- BB ments must lie linn let in before 12.30 o clt ck p H in nn 1 tin lt-r no circumstances will they be H taken or discontinued by telephone H 1 arllcs advertising In these columns nnd hav * H Ing tl elr answers addressed In enroot 1 up Hrp j will please ask torneheck tocnat lothemtogct H ) tl olr It Iters as nt ne will lie delivered except HHH on t resentr\tIon of check All nnswers to s.1- HHK vertlscments shoul I be enclosed In envelopes HHH All n Ivortl'cmcnts in tin to columns nre pun HH1 lifted in both morning and evening editions of HH _ ! lilt IlKK the of which nggn ( .ates HHi more 11 nn 18 Ono papers daily nn 1 elves the ad HHr rertlsirs the benefit notonly ot the city rlrou- HHl lntlrtlof Tiir Mir , Hit ntsn of Council lllufTs HHi I Inrom nn 1 other cities and towns throughout HH _ " this section of 11 o country BRANCH offices H Adjertlsing for these columns will be taken H - on ho above conctltlans at the following I usl H nrss nouns , who nre niuliorlred nRents rorTiiB H Ili.r special notices nn 1 will quote the same rates nsctn bo hnd nt the malnofllce HHl "fiHINW I'i ' lll'hnrranclst S South lenth H " Street f 1HASF & Klim.fitatlouera and l'rlntcrs , 113 V-'Snuth ' ICth Strict i Q II lAIINSWOUTII , Pharmacist , 21U Cu n > IJ.lug'-treet _ _ M\ \ \V iniblira 1 harmacist C2t North 16th BHJ _ _ J y-tnet _ Gib W PA lilt Pharmacist , ri8 Leaven worth Btrctt HHjl JTUGHl 3 .1II \ HM0V , Sr-W 1 arnntn Street B i . - SITUATIONS WANTED HHJ ) \\T AN JI D-SltiTitlons for 3 first ilnss girls , ii ( nohaa becnf viars and the other u > ems In lost plnce rtlso a lnily leaving town wlsl os apinco forhorcook nn 1 houscmnl 1 hnvo also a first-class Gcrnnn girl who wlshosscc in I I wirk ntirsorv i r sewing lots of cool girls HJ atMrs IHoga lU4S rth 411if W\N11 ! It intlon by two ladles as travel luirsslosladles for some relluulo wl olesalo B house ArldrtHis O"llee 39 OT H W TI D-Sltuatlon by rcrlstcred l h irma it cist In clt ) < r town < f about 10 u O lnh ill ltnntij soiak tlermnn and 1 npllsh eIkiro d references a ldross enro I h II Kohl Derby _ ( lu alio Neb J.HJr H A fllltr wants sltiint o-i In a finillj to do Xidrtsstuaklnif and housework 0 "J 1 urlckat VB a.w-it BBS XVAT1 1) ) A position as an nsststint In I T > iltntlst a olllcob > jomn , lnily whoh is hu 1 considerable experience ! bast of rof.rouce len Adlross 0-1. llee opice I -J H ' \\7 \N LI I ) A p sltlonln ollkoorotntrpl icu B > or trust or 11 tht wurk4 AddrossUlV lieu al iw _ WAN rKb-Sltuatlon by a llrst classbarbor ( white ) Ad Ittss O J > , llee JS.-1 ? 11UATION wanted byTTjo inj , i inn to work In the city pref rre I Ad Ul s James Don ! * pell > Irwin lottn bheltiy cquutj 1W Mt W\NTI D Vposltlon lnahoielns Iilusc keeper b } an exptrioncud laly host of J reference AddroSsU.7 llee 137 t WANTI tfH Sltuatum " * as coacmnan by a . _ _ vo 1115 man x ho has Just arrived from the I B east best of roforoiices Adlross Ola 11 e | H WANTED--WIALE HELP WAN1CD deed nconta for portraits on _ . _ _ _ snl try and commission lhqulro ntiooii , H 13,1 axton House botwuou - and 4 p m EBB iilrl ! AOTNTS Wantod-Wo pay $ 0 to 8203 per in nth to onorM.tlc centlomon and ladles to B _ J procure members for our association If J on enl } d n oto n few ho irs oacii w ceic to our nsliiess Itwlll paj > u well 1 or furth er par 1 ticul irs uudross National 1 lb-ary Assoc lit ion HHH 101 btiiteMtrcot Chicago 111 4)0Ut ) WAN1KD I. O lonoswantsa wlloawake honest boy at the Itookory on Douclas Bt HBH 4UJ--U HBB " 1STAV1I.D A b0) at ICuhn s drug store B BB < > liOOD mon on a stoct'rAncli touo acres ot H H Ocom to husk , V0 Mrs llrota , JUH 8 I th Bt HH JCLS Jit B WAMl 1) A practical olllce man capable H it ofkeepinR bookti and doing tie corn B nponlence Must Inno reference and btato H w hether married oi single AUaress Nebraskt HH ] City Oercsl Mills Nebraska City Neb . .173Ot WANTFD Atood barber at once IX i 8 l _ lth st UO „ U B Bl WrANTIiD 2 young men between 10 and SO M M M 11 > ears of hub for tlllLQWork Address at H once In own liaudnrltlnt , J llurko ir-iCnp HH ] Itol ave it , gut WAN 11 D Oood txi erlenced Rrocerj clerk _ _ _ must be single \Vuuos liberal Address O B gl Itee olllco JIJ .Oj WAN 1LD Competent mtrchandlse book _ _ _ keeper U8t of retoreucos required Ad H | diot.3 UJ llcooll re _ _ 3j3 l BIB B \ \ ; ANil D Mnn to drive butcher sdelhcry B 11 wagon and to take orders onowlmin H dtrstands cuttlnrc meat i referred lostolllco BHMH market oa Ilrondway Ciuncll llluffs AT-1 A01 MS Wo want llrst class men who nre alren ty trax ellnK salesmen to carry our _ _ _ _ _ \ lubrleatligoll sampUsns a si le line Name _ _ _ f territory and ) resent occupation Mauufac B lurers OH Lo Cleveland ( ) 1E8 Ji WAN1KI ) 1 vorycood genilomanand lady _ _ _ _ _ agent within 60j tnlu s uf Omaha th it M M M wants to make money A Ureas ( leo 11 Ult ford Omaha Nub cire dlobo hotel11 T Al tr western business man mutt deoto his entire time nm looking for business B tiDllltj energy and reputttlon more than for 1 capital Address A \ \ llnldwln Fremont , Neb S.4W BBBl mill Ien\irbtato Lottery Co want agents H -L llckcts DO cents Address A. C Itoss & . Co , B BB lienor Col JOJ dUr WAN'll D Kollnblu eneri etlo agent to rep resent an old line llto lnsinauce com | any Ubornl contract will bsmadowlth party tint ) write Insurance correspondence conll lentlal K B AddrehS N 67 llim U dU SAI hSMIN Wanted At Once-A few tool inin to sell our goods by sample to the MVBwl ol s lie aiidretalltrnde \ \ e are the largest inanufartiiierslnourlluo In the worl 1 liberal H nalaiypald I ermanent position Money ad B Vance 1 tor wages a liurtlslut : etc lor full B terms address Centennial Mfi , Co llilcago , BBBl III orClnclunatl O MM lint DkTi OT1V1 S W anted good reliable mon In every community paylnu positions Kansas Detective Ilurcau , l < ock UorUj Wichita Kan H. I dst ( 1 M81 \ \ rite for terms W sample corset Al free fcchleloA-Co 3V0 llroadwaj , New York H 451 WANTED ball smen at $75per mouth s Uary nnlmpensesto sell n line of silver pi uc I H viare watches etc by sample only , lorsoanl 1 team furnished free 1\ rite at i nee for full l ar H tlcul&rs an I sample enso ot goods free bt and B ard Silver Ware Co lloston Mass 4V > BBBB "W/ANX1 D-Qool orl klajers nnd strnccut HHHHH1 it ters good uaios paid Aptly M a. Mur- _ _ pliy Iremont Neb 7 _ MUN to travel for tne 1 onthlll nurseries of Canada Wo pay J > 0 to Sluu a month and HHHHHI expenses to ngenta to sell our Conallnn grown HHHHHB stock Add btone & W olllngton Madison , W Is _ _ 453 WAMTD-Track layers and brl Ige carpen ters for Iowa Ulloj , Kramer & Co cor HHHHHM 11th and I amain su aa H WANTXP-FEMALE HELP WANTHO Dressmakers andono apprentice st 1 tleavoimorthst WANTKD-Coini etent kitchen girl 2310 W el ster TCP WAMi l > Ten llrst class kid glove sales ladiee none but those who thorouuhlj HHHHHH iinJetsHu I tlio kll glow business und liaie HHHHHB had expriience need applv , at the lloston Sere BBH 1UB ll.tlist 4U1 JO WAN ll'D Good girl for general housework Mrs Maudul , Ism bouth Seventh avenue HHHHHHJ ] 370-wJ BBBB ] "WTANri'D 3 lnd > housekeepers from 2.1 to3.5 HHHHHH ] 11 jrs of ago for widowers with children HHHHHHj one mutt play the piano-best of references HHHHHHJ ul > en and required tlmiiroiierlnWjo V0 com HHHHHHJ potent girls for oUlcer a family ot . t'i ! woman HHHHHH ] cook for Crelghton lowu lady printer good HHHHHH ] wnees : cooks for b arllng houses lu cltv t ) HHHHHH ] Klrls wno w 111 work In the suburbs ot the city , HHHHHH new places eierydaj , at Mrs liregMMHSlGtb | , , JMJOJ GIllIi for general house work 409 N 10th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ait B • W NIKD-At once at City Hotel corner H 11 I0tU and Haruey ats ] chambermaid one B dining room girl , I laundress , 1 second female H cook DuiaiJ l " N 1I5I-'ao'Klt- 1flforKi'enilbouSivork _ _ _ _ "W . - > - ' ! \ H Ti llefercuces lequlred hunutreatttl rkiath H _ . . . . . AM.1 _ _ _ H AVaNi . 1'J- ( ' , lrl for -eueral housework lu H _ > 1 small family ai-B IStli at , an BBBB ] vVAli ! " l , ° 'tl forgeneral housework small _ _ _ M 11 familyi til N Suth st , cor California H Jiu _ _ H TA ILD-Nurse eHI at 511S , astiTstT- " " _ _ _ B \XrAN'jH-lo ' < Kl glil for penernt house _ _ _ U 11 work , Mrs A 1 lukey , „ u Chicago t BBBB ] i jfljji'tiwI ttiiilwN'f-W ' tflH * K- lflrt1 \X1 ANTKD-Oood clrl for ncnersl house V work , II per week 2218 Leavenworth S3 VANTPD 1 Irst class experienced sale 1a ly ii In cloak department Mtate exptrieneo and where employed Address lC ( lice & > 3 llranch Itemedles 8uro cure ror rec tal nnd female diseases Sample 2 cents Mrs J 11 Harvey , MHS tttlist CT1 " \VANTI D Inft > agents : ' " men ! twoim 11 lncn-o new spec ! iltlesi 1 laly mndej * bc foronooni nnotlur JittnoMrst hour \dlnis Ilttle&Co flT I qkcsl le Chlcogo 111 HO . HIvNT-Atter Oct 1 line front oltlco , . ground lloor , plai gla s win low heat nnd light furnished ) a most desirable location for nny kin 1 of business rent resonnblo It quire Omaha lco Co . 310 8 lfth st 4 3 "VVANTIiD-OIrl who Is first class pistry llcook Address llox 1 > 9 Si lney Neb 407 , n AVThD-OIrl for kitchen nnd latin Iry work Mrs It Purvis corner Ulh nn 1 St Mnry g a\e. * 7SU " DRESSW1AKINO , - IilOII Kl NT-Houso 110 NorthK.1 inqulro N • W corVd nnd llaienpnrt > r OU1S WIMvlinTcl dress and clonk maker J ' \ lush clonks to order and Menmed sellskln clon.s repairs 1 all kin Is fur trlinuilngs fm nlshnd HXCapltolato repairing ot nil kin Is I pNOAO ! MfNTS to do dressmaking In fnml li lies solicited Miss Sturdy 619 Seth st _ _ _ i JfJ n-jt ITriBS O ilONOHOK dress mnklng nt 1W ItL I ) i iRlna st Hush cloaks steatnel rollncd andrcflttel 1J ) il3 ! DltPSSMAKJNO lnfamlllos 1021 S 20th " 1) ) d ir MHS I Iurman dretsmaklng parlor OflOtU Sll-dlft MISS 1 W alsli , 1113 Cal ltol avenue dress nn 1 clonk jnnker , i lush coats rellttcd rrllned ll-n < t WISCELLANEOUS WANTS YVrANTI Prom two to four goo 1 nn fur ii nlshcl rooms for light ho isekeuplng must 1m near business center and have nu dern conveniences Address O Jl lice ottlce with lull particulars Q4--1J WAN 11 D Piano to purchnso now and llrst ii cl its no sec nd hand wanted No dLal ers need uj ply a t Hobble -UJ Dodge st boardInc \17AN1I D Ihreo lady boarders at 1110 8 YV uth _ LAHCJItnlcoh firnlslied front rooms cheap , bourd It desired lttt ) laenp rt , .l.U .Ot FOR RENT HOUSES Foil ItFNa Mce cottage on 1 icllle st near I ark iw In llnuscnm place rent SV3 per month Nice tlvo room biick cottatro on tiipl tolnvc near -Oth sttontKO per month also live room Hat corner Ciniiin s and \ ista sts short distance rrom the motor line rcntiir per month Gee N Hicks ngt N 1 Ilfo bldg 41.23 5HOOMhoiisolnreariro < ? l'th st S12 8 room house ISIS runiluc st $ j Rroomhonsi * HON -1st. ii ) 2 8-room houses vv Ith all modern con "ntonces lnclu line routes an 1 In nest rosi lenco locality I" room houses In Winlsor place will rout very cheap Wo have a number of small houses and store rooms for lent Auply to Green A. W llliams I Irst National Hank bull ling Jli- JjiOU 111 Nl House modern lmprovemonts In | lire llt-l Do lge sr Jtll _ 0 _ TTIOH llENI A 7 room brick house city v ater JL ? Bevveranlias 717 10th at 7J121 * "TilOlt III NT 10-ronm house all modern lm JL * proveraeuts 1 blocks from P O on 1 .1 Dodge Jnqulrobam 1 Hums , 1318 liirnam .li .1 "TiiOIl III N I-Sccond lloor Hat 5i. S 10th st , J-in first-class lvnilr au I has all com on lonces Call on Her V Co 1U.S Harney street J63 Foil lirN r rhreo elegant new cotta os 8 line rooms 5 bed roc ms modern conven lenc.s i block south I avonvv > rtu motor line on Mhst M Will sell one cheap $ JBK . Ki cash balance 71 er cent AddicsaO _ . Cooml s II A.M headquarters 211 a Tnbll HKN1 Mne 8-room nouse with barn , JD city nnl cistern water , with line bath in lionse > 30 per rnonth 19 Maple st , 2 J-t JTIOK HUNT " room house In first-class order : No lir-1 North Jlth street & . } per month I ol ock It ll1 Cliaml er ot ( ommerco W7 IjlOH III N i Cottage four rooms with four - acres of Ian 1 on Stats street between I ort andliorence S10 per month Apply 317 Sllthat ItO , JTIOK HKM-House 11 rooms 310 N 22d st - tnoulie Mrs M A Dotwllor nw cor 2ud an 1 jiavcnpurt 1 _ > J710U 111 Nl 8 room house splonUUy lm ' proved with water gas rath etc , newly papired first class neighborhood ST ) per month C. 1 narrlson Merchants Nat 1 bank 101 hou30 to renter tlio winter IrUTHNlSHFD given at once lores ] onsiblo person only ltererenco required . 17 Ohio street Iuqiure on the promises 331It IJlOK HI M Cottages Omaha View Hoggs J o ; Hill 1"3 2 FOH HIM Ncnt cottage sw cor 28th and Dodco 4 looms $ U llofets S. Hill 1 cal Kstate 1WS 1 nrnam 1J1 & WANTPD Sm ill family to occupy for the winter pleasant . o lse with barnut nomi nal ren aL C 1 Harilsou Merchants Nat Ilk IfaO IJloH HliNT Ivvo now houses on Capitol nve - nuo bet -Clli and - "th sts 9 rooms batn city water and sewer tas an I fixtures etc no basement , Inqulro . .iJJ Havenport st FOH HI Nl right roim house with amilo groun Is , corner Ioavenwnrth an 1.1st sts bath room not and cold water Apply to I owls S Heed A. Co room 13 Hoard of lrade bulldlnc , tJO 3J10K HI NT 0 room cottage , $11 per mo cor J irth and Williams st Tnqulro of J Naal , 01. Ho Uth at 763 II j on wish to rent a house or store see II r Cole Continental block olllco open evenings Iron 111 NP Handsome 10-room house all J conveniences pnve'stroot cable and horse cars G minutes walk of ] OBtolllco Nathan Bholton 1014 I nrnam st 4W "ITlOll H1.N1 Neat 7 room house In good reX X' pair on cor 2 < ltn and W oolworth nve pos hesslou given at once Inqulro 0 U Tzscnuck , Ilea olllce cu IIFNT .vroom cottngos on Halt Howard 371011 J lie \r Jld Bt lin iulro C4 S l'th st B.l Oil I PASh I and n Homing the city on in rthcast , in lots ot X 10 .1 or more acres fat gardoniiiL } 3 per aero Hoggs * Hill Heal I state HOilarnumst 1-1 a JTiOll HKN1 4 ten room houses from 8ir > tu ) - per month , on Motor Hue Iloom H.71 axton Hock uU IilOU IIPNl-So \ my block 1111 aeo nve 10 moms furnace gas and fixtures electric wires for lighting range and every conven lence.bnrn with city water and gas in cholco neighborhood Jed D V. bholesU 1st Nat lank , .0 3jy I EO ANT llaU t > rent , 10th st cast Bldo bo- litwoen Joues or d I oavenvvorth llist-class In allreaiects and new , steam heat bath , open rates and m intels electric hells In all rooms , oth motor lines pass property Iteferouces required Ihos 1 Hall , 111 Paxton block ft ) 3D-H0OM ( new ) houses all modem convenlen ces extept fun ace at (10 half block from motor C191 axton Hlock B2U room bouse with barn , inner month O if • Harmon , Mercnanti Nat bank 489 FOR RENT-ROCWf FURNISHED I71U11NISHPU room anl board tor one or two - keutlemeu In private family Address Ilea olllce ijO-M 17011 HINT Suit of rooms ever stove store ! ltt.1 Howard EM I er month 0j7 Sr CIA1H Furopean hotel cor 11th and Dodge , special into by week ormoutn TfiOll HBNl-Double p irlor.lOU Chicago st JU UU lj TJIUIINISHED room for rent , .IJJ Dodge FOlt 11PNT Furnished rooms with or with out board at the Cozzeus hotel till NICli rooms , steam heat , 1719 Daveupoit 743 d.3 FOH HFN r l"urnlshe 1 looms also front and back parlor lma Douglas OH FOH HKN1 Two furnisned rooms on Bt , Mary s avenue to tentlemea only , six inln utes wale of business ccriter lleference re quired Inquire at store 210 and Hit 8. l&tb st I7IIIIBT class furnished rooms 1th or wlthou • meats 'OMN 17th at , one door north o * Leavenwoith H7 . " 0 * t IjiILflANP fiirulshel looms with bath and Usteam 1C19 Howard st M7 1 > OOMBwlth or without board , tor three J\centlemen | private family , references 1812 Dodte Blrtst , bti ZT ym immM * iir-i--TTiiDTJggl ! ! . warm room with boanl In nrl vato family , nicely s Hunted 2130 Harney 7 > W 4ft class furnishel rooms with or wlth- ! out meals 700 N 17thavo , one door nl rth ot I ayenworlh Miss Allle Coverdale U'Mt - Iitrnlahed front room wltti al 1J10UIII-NT conveniences , to gentlemen only , at "P2T * < t Mnri s nvcnuo Apply at store Hi nnd I South Iltteenth st 680 HI NT-One furnlsliel room for two 3 gentlemen $ ! , steam heat lath and gas , 3 blocks from board ot trade G2j , llee olllce T2 2lt 1)rooms with good boarl ens . bath furnace heat ntfl DOte * . Win wiok nt 1323 N l'th St Cl A4 IiiailNMHhD rooms I" 2012 Haruej ' ! 21' > 2H _ lightbotisckoeilnir 5fti IjlUHMSIIPllrooras J bt , Mnrj s ave IW 22t A8UITP of rooms with 1 > onrd for gentleman and wlfo or 3 gentlemen 122 Dodge st02 -02 Oil 111 Nl One largo front bay window parlor furnished with ens bath heat nnl loardfor4 gcntlomai prlcojsper week also back parlor , suitable for . -XWi Harney 31020J TOOMS-8J J ? S10 112 , 1817 Chicago st JLV "an D.t J710II HKNI-Nlroly furnishel front rooii - for light housekeeping , also turnlshc 1 rooms to rent Miss Johnson GOuN 1 th st , fl.l.lj "MIOKIV furnishel rooms with or without -l- > board Apply at 1823 rnrnam at , cor rth room furnished sultaMo for 2 hot LAIlfil ilr gas , use ot bath also small room rent roaeonaulo 0.1 8 19th st . 3 > 7 .It I UltN lSIir I ) rootlTwlth or without board A stenm heat and gas ( Ol 's Utn st4J -It A Will , lurnlshcl front parlor groun 1 lloor , ISHDaveni ort Bt * ) $ -J" TTiOH III N1- urnlshe 1 rooms steam heat J .us .Ithst J2U „ IT/iOIl / ItGNl h furnished roims wltnnllmnl . crn Improvements suitable for housekeep ing for agontleman nnd wife wlthoutchltdrcn In ] ulrc nt II i N hst . .0 22 171011 HI M leone or two gentlemen with - giol references a nicely fund died front room heatol hystoani and centrally located Inquire .4 8 19th Bt 108 171011 111 N T With board lront room an 1 nl cove batn gas furuaco heat , tonus reason able 007 N inn 9123 * I71DII IlKNT Handsome ! } furnished rooms -12 for gontlcmcn bath gas furnace heat .423 Hedge t 392 N1CI 11 furnished nn 1 pleasant rooms Call nt421S lltli at Mrs It 1 ! Hone 31320 TJIOH HI NT 3 nicMy furuished rooms for JL7 light housekecplne Al ply tit 2:1.1 : St "ilaiy s ave ltcferenco re lulred CWS 171011 HI NT Tw > furnishel rooms witn board ? desire 1 AddressNTI Heoolllce 1 I 20t 171011 KF.N1 I aigo nlcelv furnished front J room suitable for - gentlemen , nil molern conveniences 1 OS Douglas Bt ; 310 205 TTIUItNlSllLD room nirnnco bent all mol JL ; ern conveniences for one ( .entloman tmly -U lainam 17J FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHEp NrilltNISm-D rooms for hoiipokecping bteara heat molerate rent Mrs Sl/er l-04S 16th st Martls block , 3rd II it 413 20 ] J7IOU HFNI Unrurnlsnel rooms for light Miousekeepln „ $3 $4 month 8J tlownrd 1S1 .It TW O unfurnished rooms forllnthousckeop ( lng JlOpcrmontlu J19 SouthUth , street 3 2rWIpapered anl painted unfunilslie 1 rooms i nd one turnlshc 1 rent reasonal lo 1"1. Douglas ! 3 .It SLIT ot rooms for rent over my stove Rtc re 1121 llowird St W 1 Stootzel K HENT butt of unfurnished rooms over ITlOll stove store lull Howard st W 1 Stoetzel 109 HINT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable I71011 : for housekeeping 2J8 N 13th st 408 ClOU HENT 4 room suit , unfurnlsbo 1 sulta X : bio for housekeeping gas water etc to family without chlldron rorthwest cor 17th and W ebster st 39" FOR RENT-STOREsTaNP OFFICES . with us Hutchinson & Wead 1521 Douglas teL lr > 29 31- HI NT Nice store room with or without FOH nlco llv e room fiat abov e on corner Cumtncs and N lsta streets ( , oed location for drug store meat market or grocery Gee N IHcks , N \ Lite bldg 412 21 , store for rout in best retail location HAI1 good chance for stock of holiday goods Enqulro lflU Douglas St iUI "ITlOll HENT Store room In Hojd opera house X7 building Ennulro American bavlngs lianc 470 fTHIIV' most promising locality for business la -i. Omaha Is on ICth bt between I nrnam and Leavenworth the future retaildls rlct ot the city I lciant blocks are going up and nothing bhabby will ever be erected there Jake a look at the new block on east silo lOthbetweer Jones K Icavnworth anl secure lease for a number of years all heated with steam wit l plato glass trout Thos I Hall 311 Pa-vton block n TjlOIl HFNT 2 now stores OP and 019S ICth , JJ I Ine show windows 115 > V hotel in heart of city thirty Teems NK W rarnam Smith , 10 Contlnentan Hlock 810 HI NT-Store III I Tarnam st 20x128 371011 stories and cellar Nathan bhelton , IQUIarnamat 471 TTIOH HENT Store room with or without -C basement at 1714 Hurt street , suitable tor meat tnaikct F O Urlaw 0 0 N Seth uv ' 411.0t FOlt HEN r The 4 story brick bull ling with or without po ver formerly occupied 1 v Iho Heel ubllshlnt , Co 911 ! iaruain st J ho bull 1 lng nas n rlre-proof cement basement complete pleto Hteam heatln.llxturos ( wotcr on nil the tloors nas , eta Al ply nt the office of The llee 915 H7IOH HINT A 4 stiry brio * building IHxl20 X ! sultal lo for wholasale goo 1 trackage I have also a number ot line residei ce prop erty for rent or sale lor pa-iiculars caller address 409-411 llee bldg N O Ilrowu 411 MISCELLANEOUS rATHPHSTIHI S furuished nn Iputon for .lo a foot Address L. J Keene 3J 4 Ilamll ton st Omaha lUi 0 $ AUCTION sales every luesdaj nnd lrlday monilngatllll Douglas street Omaha Auc tlou & Storage Co .81 MIDWIIE-Mrs. II B Gllck graduated in Hussla 1 iropo has Had 14 years of piaetl- cal oil urlence has located al 1337 S Uth st RJL _ ITlORIlI'NT-larms Hoggs 4 Hill _ J 12323 LADII S use Marlon Walkers Face llleach for freckles plmplev moth and llv er spots , fuarantecd to hive a beautiful comploxlon and obaperrecly harmless tor further lnfor- Illation call nt 322 N 11th basement 68133 ] RENTAL AGENCY HU Cole rental ngent , oiHca open ovcnlncs 751 STOCK DOAROED AN1FD Horses to winter nttSa month per head on farm near Irvtngton Ilenty of grain and hay to feed , good Rhelter and goo I care civen them horses called for and eiellv erejV 11 Homan room 6 , Frenzcr tit 4"7 atjlpermonth Good care HOHSFSwintered given Inquire rooms I & , 2 Omaha Natl bank 7-9 HOHSFS wintered at Omaha fair grounds , large box stalls , terms reasonable ; car rlagesttored A Thomson gb3 N-U LOST LOST A roll of Ingrain carpet Heward If left at the iooplors Installment House 390 _ t LOST Monday afternoon , canary blr I , finder wil Ibe rewarded for his return to 1709 North Twentieth street J77 .1 ] PERSONALS alONOTAHIP3-Send 5cfor short system of records ) only halt as much work as by oil method Sulta ble for any state Gee 11 llovvtlng Notary.Btuart , Neb 393 . . ) INFOIIMATION wanted of Michael McNama ru , last u this home at 4013 N SMhst about October Ij , had on ] eans pauts und blue calico shirt dark coat and vest , about 6 ft 8 or 10 In height , weight about IJJ or ltO pounds , fair complexion Any Information ill be thank fully received oybls brotner , lat McNumara , 401a North 25th st , Omaha 329-30' PKU60NAL Oltvo Branch Unposltlvo cure for all female weaknesses Also have Olive llranch 1 lie llemedy tmre cure for piles Bam 1 lei free Ladyageuts wanted Address Miss oeM Flrby , 1U30 Clark at Omaha Gen Agt fur Ntbrwlu II for 1 mo treatment , JW7- M ammmmst _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1t WANTRD-InrorraMJrm concerning Cnlvln II Bpragno and ( Inica O Itntoj , supposed to have been re ldentsV > t Omaha In 1870 O V , Harrison Merchants iWat bank Sti 21 " EDUCATIONAL ri1lll.banotan ht ti + nbart by Gee F Gellen Xheck room 211 _ IcAglas block O > o QCHOOIj ot Expression , Vocal , Articulate kJI nutomlmlc I Vl Anderson Shtely block in 114n2Jt WANTED TO BUY " \ AT ANTED Stock ( and shoes for VV ensh an 1 good hbrses 4lSheely block ANTI D-Modcrato price 1 rest lonco lot for a customer ! will pny half cash and build nt once Alev Moou 301 oiiedy blk 311) ) 20t rpilli furnlturo of a six to fifteen room house I centrally located suitable for roomers or boarders Will pay cash Address O U lleo olllce JP > - ' \ 7'A TED-lnltbnnks scales that vvII1wpIl.1i II trom six totenhtindrel 11 2000 bow ardst Ln- _ " for nil klndspt househol I goods at 1114 Douglas street Omaha Auction V storage Co 2UI - largo lot ot furnliuro carpets WANTHD-A cash for largo or small lots Address P O llox 820 1 hl MKilHCAN 1181 for our customers Who have cash secure 1 pat er nn I real estate to trade lloom 1 Chamber Cominorco Oil STORAGE alllArivTohstonge at low est rates W. M -llushuian 1311J eivouworth 4i8 • rplll cleanest and 1 est storage In the city at Xlow rates nt 1111 Douglas street Om ilia Auction S. Stereo Co 201 - mil forwarding Wocolloctunddo STOltUll nil description morchanllso furnltuie nnd uaggnge at chcai est latos for stornuo for nuy lenith it timeans nnl wngoni to be hn lnt shortest notice with care ful men for moving lacking nnl shipping In in our own wniehouse done on mrderito rhnrc.p Merchandise loaled nnl unloadel Aon house on our own trncks Of ] co . .174 11th Bt lelephonalM Hovvoll V C 1 4H ) CLAIRVOYANT MHS Pedes the famous fortune tellei and clairvovant busluess love mnrm.e ( and changes CO" loth Kt next door to llarkei hotel " JU > U1UNK lollor Mrs I enorman eau lo I ' consulted on all affnirs ot life batlstnctlou fciiarnnnod No 310 N Ithst DH NANNll \ barren clairvoyant medi cal nnd business 110 Hum 1 em vie disease n specialty 119 N ICth Bt rooms2and3 48 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING lXVD\HibhortliniidSchool Iloom I4i > Ware kJblk isuccossor to \ nlentino s ) the largest o\clu lvo shorthand school In thowost leach ersnre votoatlmropo tors I articular attei tlou pnl 1 to tyi owrltlng Mechnnicil construction ot machine taught b } factory expert Cire dan N IIANDMAN 171 .Stenoeraphei anl Tipewriter H 4-7 1 axton IHk ieloplione 1j30 IlMZOt FOR SALE-M1ISCELLANEOUS ITlOll SA r l"A toani " of Joung horses w elclit . ) 03 also * horse safe foi ladj to aril o Wllev St W llhai Is 3Jtti nn 11 nrnam 1 IW1 * I710US\Lr-Horoe harness ' nnd 01 en bujgy JL ! ill good for$0j for 1 dn > nt thlsprleo John Blilffmnnn corner 15th and Pacific st / 400 t EOH 8AI1P Fln9 4arc.o team of hortcs Uoggs & Hill , 1403frMam 2 0 I GOOD fnmll ) horse ilnd two-sea ed carriage nlco one top bucgv ' at a bargalu C ill 4t 130 1109 1311 Harney . , , , -It .1 TJIOH bAIli Cheap Ifftof wool working ma X ! rhinorj fine bay mure elecmt cabinet or gan light spring wngon and puaoton Iloom 619 I axton Hlock W0 FOH SAI 15 Countei an I shelving loom 1. P ixton lllock ' WO bAl 1 3 rows che ip H H III nder IHOll ! son , loom 101,1 axton blk _ _ _ _ _ TJIOH SALE or 1 kellsngo 1 our full blooded X ) Jersey cows fine driving team as th re is la the cltv ontid > ubiai trrlao..oiiefloublacuttor one pi acton Sujder i.nku and one road wag on Snjdermnkc nllnearlynew wtlltradefor goid piopertynnl will nssumo light Incuin ranee Apply lloom .10 1 Irst National bank bulldlm/ COO TJIOll SALT A goncial meichaullsostoiein a X2 live Nebraska town invoice aleut $ KOO0 will sell for cash or on good security 00 lress N f < > llee olllce 1S4. J FOR S VIE riioap CI In Aire champion I I 18SJ bicycle nlccle first class condition Iloom 400 I axton block tC6 ITlOll 8ALP Kent or trale Large livery nin . known ns Checkered Ilarn , on Ho 1 bth street near Harney Neb Mortgage Loan Co , GDPaxionblk 819 EOH S VI L Two seated carriage oVtrade for a horse A Urowne .001 Cumlnj , stt"0 t"0 ] FOIl SAI b A St 1 orsc power I urter engine In good condition weight B 100 pounds ryl lnloi 11x10 1 or particulars apply to The lleo olllce * ) i "TTlORSAfF A quantitj of bull ling-tone X' Ai ply to the supeilntendent llee building TjlOH SAI E Fresh milch cows Cor 0 and -L1 .ith sts S Omaha c M Manly & Co 13ldl > ABSTRACTS OF TITLE IDLAND Ouaranteod ITust Ca N Y Ilfo bldr complete abstracts furnished an I titles torealestatu examined perfected S. guarantee L 4S3 MONEY TO LOAN LOAN 8 on chattels and collateral securlt ) low rates 6-7 Fa-ton block 11. - % MONE\ loan on real estate security at lowest rates Hefore negotiating loans see W altace 11319 Jlrovvu bldg loth and DouUai HL COLE loan agent Open evonlnvsHI MONF > to loan O F Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , luUl I arnam tt 1 r. . TOANS City nnl farm loans mortee ( pa XJpor bought McCague Investment Co 488 MONK loan on city property nnl farm Ian Is at lowest rates J D jJlttlo , 4J11 ax ton block 489 "I.T L. COLE loan acent Open evenings if SIDFNCF loans-fcj to 7 per cent no nd- dltlonal charges for commissions or utter nevs fees W U Melkle 1 Irst Nat bank bldg 4J0 * T > H1\ Ali money to buy small notes or 1 tort X iages lloum 13 Hoard otlrade 841 BUM DINU loans D V. Sholcs 210 rir3t National bank 494 r.O\NS made on lenl estate and mortgages XJbought IoulsB HoidACo ) r 13 board trale 1 43 i MONE1. to loan on furniture , horses w aeons etc or on auy approved security 1 W. llobblns , 309 N Ilfe 490 ? SI F Sholes room U0J Pint National bank , before making youroana 4111 MONEY loaned on cJmttel securitv or rea estate J J WllklrTaon 013 Paxton blk T ' 84 BFFOHH making chattel or collateral loans , It will pay jou to nee Iho Western Invest mentCo room 4- Hoe building 499 $ > 00 00) ) to loan at 0 parfcent I inahan & Ma honey , room 000 , 1 Mton block 634 MONTY to loan bVan eastern man , on gilt edj.e property forthe * next 10 duys Harris , room 411 lat Nat Hanky US ) MONF\ loanlu auvJlnmount on household goods horses and v.agons diamonds , land contructs.sscond mortgaresor any available se curity without publicity Nelraska Mortgage Loan Co lloom W I axtnn blk .48 ONE hundred dollars private money to loan or will buy short time mortgage or good cote room 13 Hoard o * Trade GUI MON1 \ to loan cash on liauds no delay J . w . b IS re-1S1J J arnam st , First Nivtlonal bank building 6Ji $1000-I nvata money to loan or will buy good mortgage , W USelby r 13 , Hoard of Trade . 7 _ _ a 10 LOAN -A special fun I ot 10) 000 lu sums -of lloooo and upwards at very low rates Iho Mead Investment Co „ 114 8.16tu st 133 MONKi to loan on horses , wagons mules household ( oods pianos organs , diamonds ' - lowest rates 'i-ho first organized loan olllco In the cltv Makes wans fro . tbirtv tothreohun drod and eixiy live days which can be laid lu part or whole at unj time thus lowering the principal and Interest call and seoni when you w ant money We cas aesist you promptly and to jour advantage without removal of property or publicltlouey / always on hand iSSe r , a . WBWlnc . lenis O 1 Heed 4Co , 819 3.13ihst , over Ulu.ham& Bom Ui _ _ SBaaassasHi MONET to losn on furnlturo orrana pianos , horsea nnl wagons ( lavrkeye Inrestmeni Co Itoora 33 , Douglas blk , 10th and Dodge sts _ . wo JillHSI mortaago loans nt low rates and no Mlslnv I ) V. sholes , .13 Hrst National lank ; _ _ _ T31I1I AHKI rillA Mortgatts \ Trust Co Mr- X mm cheap eastern money to borrowers purrhnseBeeiirltles porf ct tltle\ accept loans at their western otllce Gcort.0 vP Coates ro < m" Hoard of Trade 497 MON1 \ loanol on " furriiture horses an I wagons nt s reasonable Cltj Loan Co US S Utli st , opposite M lllar 1 hotel rjUi DO i OLT want money 1 o.vns mn In on furnt tnrt plnnos horses itc without dela > publicity or removal Persons wlshlnir n loan of this kind will do well by calling nt this olllco before dentine , elsewhere A h Orcenwoolc Co room (1 ( > h J South Ihlrloenlh street11 YTT > Ii loans at owest rates business CH confidential J I. I tulngor 1417 larnvuisi WJ1 _ _ _ AMU1' . Loans mnde on cltv property Ames 15 ( > - larnnm st hfa 28 XV ANll I ) Ttrst cl us Inside loans 1 owest 11 rntes , Cnil nnd sen us Mutual Invest ment Co inoi Inmsni 4S DlT\Oil waht 'liiionevi1 it so lm t I 1 rrovv betoro getting ill ) rales , which are the low est ou nn > sum from tl to * i0 , ( u I make loans on househol 1 goo Is pianos , or pans hordes iiiulea w mons wnrehouserocolpts liousts lenses ot" In nnj ivmonnt at the 11 vi est possll le r ites , without publicity 01 remov al of propertv I oans cnu 10 made fir one to six months and you can 1 ij part nt nnv time re luclng I oth prlnclpnl mil lntereit It voll oivo n bnlnneo onjonr firiilluro or hones orhave a loan cm them 1 Will take It up nu I csrrj It for joi as long you desire If 3 ou need money you w 111 fin 1 It to your ml- vantngs tu see 111 1 fore t orroulnu H 1 Masters room 4 Wlthticil bull ling lUh and Haruey 484 MONLY lo loan on nnj rocuiltj for short tli le nt low intos I owest rates < n personal pr ipertv The Honderson Mortgage Investment com pan j tiomOJ 1 axton I lock W Kl \ sroVlPdorfgaLu Co loans of JI0 to . II ojut get our rates before borrow lm , an I sai 0 nionoj loan on hi rs-)3 furniture or nuy approved socirltj without publlrltj notes bought for new loan renivvalot oil mil low est rates call 11 0 * Sheele > blk I th VHownrdst _ _ _ IN HON ! \ to loan on ciky or fnrm 1 loporty ( led 1 1 ml 1003 1-nrunm st 493 M " ON I 1 loans hogotl iTednt low rates with o it delay nnd purchase goo 1 commercial paper and mongnto notes 8 A Blounn cor J Ith nnd I arnam fOO " SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS IjIIHSI N Ulonnl safety derosltaultsafes 12 to rental to - > a veir 31 b Uth 299 BUblTJESS CHANCES 171011 SAll-Mcat 1 inrkot doing a llrst class -bislness In a goo I locution W ill I e sold cheap If taken by Dec L address O 61 llee _ _ J 4H _ J W\MLD Vpaitn 1 of giod stanlliif nnl businessnbilltv with at out J 001 capital to tnkr ti half interest 11 an estabtl lied bust ness in connection with bull ling of a high tra le ctuirnnleed to t av from $10 01 to $1 0 Kl Per au 111111 lerms will be covirned morooi less bv the stnndlnc and abilltj ot the itpll- cant Address O-l' ' llee olllce 4J1 . ' • IilOIl 8111W ell establishc' 1 Irtish 1 ith busluiss Call and luvesttLnte or a llress Dr W II Hatch l.-i.Ostieot I lncolu Nib l _ _ _ _ W\NlFD-Ajouucmnnvvlthifsuu e ccllout opening A A Herrlnir Slouv City In , 3 0-.1J ITlOll S\l 1 A. 1 00 1 ret ill coil J nnl doing a X' No 1 business wlthtinn • olllce nnl uvciv thing complete J It Inrrote Hot 111 .1 Dnigtns blo-k HI lit 13AU1II desiious rt disposing of tiielr In si . ncss In nny line will do welt to call on 01 til iliess W It I _ • M. . i. lloom 1 Cnamboi C < m merce 111 TJIOH SAI FAte bariln a small toiler grist X1 mill complete t r ( , rlu Un , all kin Is ot ( inln situated In a No 1 town Addioss 1) Do Ig Orinuell low a. PG 2ut flllll owner ot ilaig liar Iwaro stock vviull Xllko n partnei witUIHOJO caih wlo Is n thoroufch linrdiinie man Addriss O 9 llee olllce 238 _ , w111 buv ahalf lnt lest In a well csiab $2,500 I he d business location enl > nn hour and a half ride flom Omaha on 11 t M it It I argu business alien ly v orked up butiueds more capital Investigation bollcltea Af A Uptcn Oo Uth inlijrnum u. 4 IjIOUSAII trede a well eslubllshedbook X1 nud stationer ) store llox 018rM FOR CXCHANCE rAN TED 1 ncuml ered Ncbiaska farms for 11 Insld i Omaha pi 01 city 41" Sheelj block 401 .1 I TUN I 1 oues to tra le for clear land or lots - \rnold & Wlustanlei room B-1J1 axton 1 Idg 3)1 .1 WAN11 D To trndo leal estate and cash for general merehniillso or hnrdwaio Ad dress llox 2b ( ozad Neb 290 23 _ _ ITlOll l'XCIl\NGE-Will soil or tinde lor . hu ck of goo Is or unencumbered pioperty one fnmlly horse and phaeton one poney nnd cart onocuttei one lit 1110 mndo driving buggy harne " otc nlso one cow are In flr t class or dcr call on or u Idross W 11 A nugbnii Demo ciat nliico -18 3 ) reneial nierclian llso want id for which $10CO Iwlllgive nix goo 1 Improve 1 fa ms All luttwo uro clear ot encumbrance Address II N Scott Maplcton la -K- , ' Nl \ \ „ seated carriage fro .nd mortgage Pel Up IJ Hoar I irnle .11 mo BXOII V.NOI Geol farm anl cash for Xncwspapiroutfit nlso good faims for 11o to lOJbairel Hour mill \ddrcss llox 01 , Goth enburg Neo ls2 20 ITlOll I \l HANGb A businessyioldlngnprofit X'of from Jl (00 ( to } i Ofl per annum , to ex change for good city propertv Am willing to assume light encumbrance Apply room .18 , First National bank building 131 JnOItEVUI aNGllOclear South Omaha lots . and clearjinn 1 for 8 or 10 room house will assume Biunll incumbrance W L Selbv It 13 , Heard Trade fcJJ T\7ANTED lo exchange dry goods notions 11 au 1 millinery goods for clear Ian 1 or city property an I 1 art cash Address box 479 Vranklort Ind 90. ) 1Ml'HO\ D farm and city property for mer chandise Address lloom 15 Chamber Com merce 611 V ) CLPll South Omalin lots for noraes or land Osouth or east of Whesler Co N eb belby , 13 Hoard Undo 314 FOR SALE--RCAL ESTATE EI 1 G IM cott igoh ) ine " " all molern conven- lencts for sale it a bargain It tiken quick Gee N Hicks N 1 1 Ite bldt , 41. . IF you will put us up a building suitable for cjirrlace shop nnd repository lu coed loca tlou , vv e vv 111 rant f ir o or It years time Will also hell lot 01 Harney street UJ feet from 11 e corner lonthand Harney 41x1 ! for J"009 , or will exchange for more central lo ation Our present le isu at IJli and 1117 Harney sti eet ex Rlres next sprint , Call or address Win U rumraond & Co , carriage and wagon builders FOIl BAT I lot 2 block 70 , South Omaha at a bargain A hnlf lot on Iznrd st between COtlf and 21st sts double house 10 rooms to exchanc.0 foi acre propertv on the bottom north List jour property with 11 11 Hall member of Omaha Lxcaaiifee room 42 Darker block 3-U 21 for shares in the American SUIlSCnillli the luri.est bull line , and loan association In the world U A Upton , special ntent , l th audi arn 1111 .12 FOIl 8 VLl'-Hiislnesslot 90x120 feet , at bed rock figures Uoi { > s < x Hill , Heal Lstate 1408 1 arnam j&iJi I710H BAIP-tMOCWJln cash will buy apiece 3 of real estate worth ftiO 000 for a tew days only Mon of means cannot afford to let this Blip Hosts & Hill Ileal Lstate 1408 inm 1111 .8I-.0 ON 31st Xntl 33rd and 3ttli streets between Davenport and Farnam very choice re l dence lots at prices ranging from V 500 to 1,600 terlot Gas , water , sewers and I avod streets Ames 1W7 I arnam st 21X11 1 ITIOH HA1 H Large two story frame building , of 1. or 11 rooms In kood condition , to be moved W.ll Homan , ItoomO , Fienzer block 567 IjlOU SAI B About as good a IGC-acro farm ascun be found In Kearney Co Neb , Ml ncreacultivate I Makeolfor , must be soil at b me price Uoggs A. Hill Heal I itato 1403 luruam -80-Jl 8 A IF One thousand dollars In cash FOll buy a coot ! rich IW aires of land In Cedar Ca Neb with clear and perfect title worth at least twice the 1 rice asked U Hill Ileal Lstate H08 I arnam .cO-Ji SAI L-JtfO will buy lot 60x120 In Omaha Mew one block from motor line , nicely on grade Lois In tills addition are worth 91 0J0 and the above price U open for a short tlmo only O 11 Tzschuck care Omaha lleeHI " 'I4IOU 8A11 Slxot the best lots In Omaha X1 Irontlng north on Doilfce bet 29th st and 22th ave Will sell one or more at such low prices as will astonish ] urehaser * . Hohga i , U\U \ , Heal gstate HQ8 Farnam , 280-20 "IjioirSALK-100 choice lots lu Omaha Maws X' old time prices ! Immense reduction for a levvduyu We mean business Call tor prices Hoggs * JIM , Ileal Estate , lt99 rna _ , Ui\H \ sssaB _ _ _ _ BUBINI corner 1 blocks from N A life * 3"0per foot , jaralO percent U cash , Iml ance ensyt llftl alto on MS N. \ I ire 67S "iT Oll 8AI F llonses aniTiotrin " 6tnntia VTow X'onnvonthlv payments ; hnues built to suit purchasers Hoggs \ lllll , 1108 tnrnam .sq-.o Iroil M 1 - line " business corner , OaxlJ , 1 cheap for csh or on goo I terms , James StocVOnld roomlP " rllngton _ Mork _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1TRTAlN ( - i ncrrs enn bo plane I lnto t 1 > uiro U ts ) tan oircr the entlro tract for JS 000 If sold nt once , Ueo N Hicks N 1 LHo hi 1l IilOlt LMIVNUK ) ncres clear itcncnmb . ranee , in strips ot 10 acres In Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock of goa Is or cit > propi rty Apply room 2H llrst National bank bull ling GOOD equities In Omaha property anlNe- brnsk 1 Ian I to tiuda tor secou 1 mi rtgaire onOmanapripertj W HI v ; M L , room 11 Cham ! er of Oommorce ri 111) _ 8.1 \\T IT L exenangs now 8-ro > m h > i e for v n II cant luts In Omaha AdlrcssN O , llee IH2 1Ji11 ( \NGI for city propsrtv Two goo 1 -3 farms Joining to vns tltuated In Harlan nnlflreely counties , Mejor & . ltanukn 1105 Harney ht st _ _ _ | ? IkNI \ L 1 ripertj luslle to exclisiiKO for J Iclear fiirms or vncautrlty lots lhos I. Hnll 111 ] vxton block Dili J7111111 mi rt agotir furniture or live stock 1 Olllceopotiovonlni s II I , . , Cole Continental 1 block 7IJ 111 TvlJtfi Ul homo In iTansoomflaco f ir , I sale at n bargain It tuken iiulck can eli 1 imlncdlnto possession Goo N nicks N V Htobllg _ _ 41222 _ | "ITlOllSAI I OrBKChangeoneasj terms some X' urnu I now o-ioom houses (11 Spitll llui , st near motorllne no better resllonee location In the cltv Also soiiio new room houses on Corl v 11111ith Bt lust Vi miles from poit ofllco will exctungo tvnj of.tho nbovo f > r char lanlorlots lor terms mil imrtlcttt ira npply to _ aSiittiH | vol llii , SKthRt _ 44 1 171011 SLI On easy terms the new coitne.0 X ercctol bj in on ( • eeriest , corner I ivve ave 1 roj > irtv has UK ) ft frontac oniOor ( > est bv 1 1 fr ) iitnhe on IaiWo nve 1 or terms npnlj Hoe 11.11 I list National bank bull lltii tun FOH 8 M L 11 islness corner In tlio I eart ot thoiltv of Omahi * iy xj All city lm provimintspall , ire lucei tt 1 er cent net with mosttieigi Improveinenti net Interest j iv lnt , CApailt } cin lo do iblsd with small outlaj An lnv esticent ns coed ns a gov ornment 1 on 1 WritoC 1 Harrison Omaha , Neb in rpill best X itiistuoss , lttsidenco A nennt au 1 suburban pioportlis in the mnrkot nre for sale by the ollrelliblo M A O ] ton Co lblluui' tarn im .1. "IilOIl 8I I I legant new cottage all mod om X'convi nleuccs In Hnnscom plvce nil ready for ocelli nncy ran quote a low 1 rlro If sold at once Gee N Hicks N \ , Ilfo 11 lug 41 * 23 FOU SL1 On lone ttmeniuleiis ) payments , h indouit new well built houses ot S , 9 an 1 10 rooni3 All convent nces goo I nclchl or hoe I t wed stieots r.liuel ens nut within wnlkltu distance of P O NnthnnShollon 1011 I arnam street wri TjlOlt 8\IV lly Pvans choice fruntae.0011 X' Hurt st east of bacre I Heart ucadetii ) nt bnrgnln figures South frontage paiol street per font S21 I lno comer , 3 th and Daienpurt II 4 Kl Iinst front llimseom place atndi ( tl EDO Substantial revenue lajlng pro _ ertles In good local ! ns lOncriauortl $0 000 10tuns south t fOO 10 actus wist tOJl Uno D mgla-s Co farm $ " 00. I an Is thro 1c.H0 it the btnte on easj tonus J H 1 Vans CIS N Y _ I _ lfo 41. > .1 L01fc > l lolsl Iotsl For s ilo In North Omahn , 03 lots Size 60x1- left .J-foot nlleys 1 rlees K > 0 to 5il.l 1 er lot W mil In t It be well for joi , bororo the snow cornea to atny to see andseloctsomoof these lots ? I < nl > wlshtosell j ou after jou have so ill the I roperty nn 1 hnd tin o for rellectlon Take shcrm m ftvenuo n otornde within four blocks w ilk ever and cxnmii 0 the propirti nnd by lurchishliiK establish 1 basis for a coinpe tence lliu basU ot all real estate value is loc 1 tlou n I the locatlor of these lots 111 iku thorn the best Investment in Oi-iahn at tko price 3his Is 1 ttom propertj aid will become the III st v ilu iblo trnckngH ind warcl onse proper ty 11 mk of theprlce ! lerms $5J casn bal ancoitlO 11 onth Lverybo ly can have one 31ots ' 4.11 llo south cost $ .1,500 3 \ ears no o vnor this summer refused $3 , t 00 No chroi 10s no bands of music no excursion trains Hut If 5 ou wish to curd nso where Increase In mine U cert ilu come nnd see Georce M Cooper 81J N 1 lto bide , 401 t ITlOll SAI 15 At a bargain oholco ten acre . tract close to llelt 1 lno Itj lu VV est Omnh 1 Call und fact 1 rice Gee N Hicks Nil lto bl lb OH SALl very cheat ) no tr ides , farm ril 0 acres soc r NOW Hamilton county Neb mlles from Mar incite small house atal le JXl acres pastui 0 fence 1 llv lng water , price enl } J1U per ncre S. ) 417 CO ono third lSt-9 crop Include 1 lerms8 .JO cash balance percent Interest I K Atkins ovvuor.rallroad building Denver Cole Ml TjIOH * * ALE Ono house containing 3 r urns XI Jl 403 0110 containing fi rooms , (1 UU one vacant lot ! 3U1 Apply at IHO Decatur "ClOlfSAI E or tra lo I ow 11 an absolute equity X" of SS0 ooa In tl e tl 1 ee brick nnd stone store null lhus thioo stoili'3 hliundJolulng the Hrst Nntlonal bank on Uth st Oi niha tl nt 1 will trade for uncncumbeied pr iperty iu or near Omaha Should like u nice residence or I will sell said property nt a bargain Alflross W It 1 uughnn Democrat olllce Omaha Neb 23J 10 * W1I L exchange new 8-roo n house all mod ci n conveniences , for vacant lots or mova ble propertj Uoom (118 ( 1 axton block (18j ( fl you w ant any lots In Orchard Hill npplj to Xlloom.lO Hrst National bank building for tonus and location * * * ! "ryAU.H4. ( Westortlell real estate b Omalia HAVE so ne first-class rental 1 ropoity f < r hals cheap within one mile of loitlli ce on paved streets and motoi Uno Thos t Hall Ml I axton block .do 17011 SAI I'-Or tra le $11000 equity in a lar e lot on Jones st Vbxlt , with line lesldeuce Ad lross or call on W It \ aughun Democrat olllco -m ' 1 AN 1C1 PriONAi oiror 51 uuio 101 1 ur cish balnnco 1 and ' 5ears inside property with a gumantee tonell ut coed proll or take prot erty back la a year and money returnled with 11 per cent adaed I ) D braealon , loll 1 arnam it -1924 AUG A IN New 1110 lern buiit house Han B scorn place , forsaleby Gee N Hicks N \ . Life bill 412 ITIOU SAI Tor lease on easy terras 8 lots on . _ th ave just south ot Leavenworth W ould build an eight room house an 1 hell M feet for $3,003 and sell on monthly p lymonts Lots 1 an 1 6 , blk 0 Kllby 1 lace high and OuolotN 11th st trackage Four business lots N4th nn 1S 10th st ,8th av e and Dodge corner ISO ft N Other Other too I residence property f lota Crelghton Ileltnts cheap Will sell a few lots on building terms N A Kubn , drug atoro , 15th and Doiiklas 41Jn-3 QPI1 NDII ) east front corner 00x113 on south O lltli at foi sale Owner will take SI 5 0 lerms S' 000 cnali bnli nee to assume line lot Mx 140 on S loth st with small ho ise rentlm , SU month Owner will tike Hw00 less than It cost htm Price t. 200 , ti 100 ca h 11109 to assutno Only 78 front foot All t ixes fall , Those are worthy your consideration , louses and lots vacant lots evoryw hero Tra I lngaspeclaU } , George M Cooper , 819 N 1 Llio huliainc 401.22 ] AUCTION ot lot 11 block 54 original 8011th Omaha , on Saturday at Heal 1 state I x change In N V Ufa bid g i blocks north of I , street viaduct , abov e grade size 00x150 corner II and .8th sts terms } $ cash balance 3 years U per cett beml annual ! ) must sell at any price Go and see It nnd come to the auction 111 . "ITIOn BALI * A new house Just being erected X'on Cuming st In Shorwoolpark the house lias all mo lern lmj rev omenta liar 1 vv oed finish throughout also large barn with 1 > 0 ft front nge 011 West at by 180 frontaco ou Cuming bt I will sal this to the rlcbt pany 011 reasonable terras Ai ply lloom .10 I Irst National bank building 609 OMAHA HOTEL8 L0I1F HOTEL 130S-UI0 1112 Douglas street newly furnished Strictly first-class rates 21 W and * ' per day Tarpley Hros , proprietors 7Ld3t To tlio fatnokliolilora 01 the Ounlalla UniKl ami CaJtlo Coinpntiy Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot HieOg.mlla 1 1 and avd Cattle company will be held ut the I company a oiilce In the city ot Omaha Neb on Wednesday , December 4th ] 689 at II o clock p 111 tor the election ot dliectors for the en- Buing year , and the translation of such busl ness as may come bet ire the meeting WiiiiamA 1 ax ion 1 resident Nov lf-toD4 Jdsliii Fjmxk , Secretary , " s SSfSH * MHIiTIVKVlx/llStSS tltUl lnt1htntalLX. UUtAllhM41lr ri.ib r at h klcetrlt tU.1 uif * nltuitutt • < • . Uu .1 cup.r- ft.b < M T ir 4Ul lt _ OBll.i S. & 4l > 4CDlkl.l4d.feUUk • AKPUXCT IC0O llUIWl , ugir.Q0 _ _ iTT * -ataCT Tr " " " > rawrr nrnYittnTOW1 . asjiasiias Notion ol "pfclal riio'lon | | Nottcs Is hereby Blven to the legal volan ol | ? _ _ _ W Dougtas county Nebraska , that whereas th * ] m M Mt Nebraska Central railway company has sub < 'l _ _ _ l nutted lot he boar lot OLiintyconinilsjlonen ol fl _ _ H Douitlasco inly , Nebiaska , a proposition In the * IB _ _ H wonls fi llowlug naiuelyt f _ _ H Omalia Neb . Oct 31 pesj Honors ! In noaril i _ _ l ot couimtsslouers ot Douclns Counlv , Neb l _ _ _ _ l brnska Uentlsiiism Iho mbrasxa Untia * J H railway com ) any proposes to build n doul 111 ' H track steel railway brllg across the Missouri _ _ _ H river ntsomoiolnt yet to leielecli 1 above the : IH _ _ _ rccnt bihlgrii nnlionthof the north line ot h h ? te cltv ot Omaha profile ! tie ro inty ot H _ H Douglas will donate to the company tivo hun _ _ ilretl nnd fifty thousand It3j0.io3) ) dollars ot 6 _ _ H per cent twenty yiar bonds ot thee tint ) , to lfl _ H be drllvi red lotlie company on the coiniutlon RM _ I ot the brl Igo ready for operation on 01 betore E _ _ l June 2. , I , < i B ) _ H 1 lie brl Igo Is trot o < * lto bl b Ult 1111 ler an fi _ _ H act of congress entitle I , * An net to authorize _ _ H the constructlt not nbrllg > over the Mlsibnrl M _ _ _ river nt or near the city of Omaha Neb , np > H _ _ _ kl provol luue _ l84 Andthenctprovtlesthat _ VH the brldqo shall bo open to all rallri a I com H _ _ _ I pa lies desiring to use the same 111 on equal Ii _ _ H terms H _ _ _ l In cn o the construction of the bridge ts not H H begun before the I th day otjum | s i or the IH Irldgolsiiitcomoleto I liitiiotha - - I day 01 ilH _ _ _ l June 181 , the c t nban > shall not be entitle 11 * IhI _ _ _ I receive anj ot sal I bonds nvon though thi [ H _ _ H pro ] osltlon should 00 camel by vote ot the fifi _ _ H electors Sn _ H And 1 rovlde 1 fnrthor that tald b > ndi shall H _ _ _ B bo dcllv ired to the sal I Nebraska central Hall * H _ _ _ l rea ) company us ngeuus , s icessors or assieni , H _ _ _ l only neon the executionlv sail lMiTnstai ) > n- _ _ _ _ l tral Itullwiiv company nr lis succe'snra and do- B _ _ _ l llv erv to said county nt Douglas of an under H _ _ l takit gin writing ti the olfeit that the princl fl _ _ l pnl d j otot snl Irallvvny company Itsponeral _ _ _ m ofllccs and 1 rlnclpal machine shots when X _ _ _ built shall be locale 1 and mnlnialnol within M _ _ l the c irporato limits ot the cltv 1 f Omaha Neb , m _ _ _ \ and that 11 vlolatlt n ot the lerms ofaatliin- H deilaklngb ) the sal 1 rtobrmkn Central Hall n _ _ _ l will coin any or It snrcessors shall ren lei aald J _ _ _ H Nebrasaa Central Itnllna > companj or Its sue SM _ H -sasore Indcnte I to the said county or Do lglns 3 _ _ _ _ i lo iho full amount ot said bon la and the Inter * { _ _ _ _ _ ! estihereon , . _ _ _ _ Hj order of the board 1 f directors Nebraska , # _ _ _ H Central Itullw n.v c nn | anv B _ H I II Dumont Mco Presllont B _ H 'QiOnacC lUitNtlvi Beciatnrv S H Anl vvhcrias it was otl I by tnoboard ot _ _ _ 9 count ) commlsslonirsotsal 1 Douitlns count ) , B Nebraska to nccel t the nlovo nnd foregolna 1 pro ] osltlon of tliei Nebraska Centrnl Hallway 9 _ _ H coint _ _ _ m 1 rev I u 1 that the terms ot s ich proposition l _ _ _ _ be first submitted to the legal voters of said IHH count ) and a loptc I b ) thnm nccor IHiK to 1 iw U _ _ H Now th re for . n at oclnl election ot the legal l _ _ _ l voters ot Douglas county Nebraska will be _ _ l on H 1ULSDW HIP Til IUI ) DAI OF DLCKM _ _ M llhltlR- ) H at which election the toll > wing questions shall H be submltte 1 to sal l voters and vote I upon lu H _ _ _ the form and miuuor nnl at the poIlUg places _ _ _ _ following ! _ bliilllthe county ot Douglas Nobrnska , Issue H _ _ l its e < upon bonds to aid the Nobrasxa Coutr il H H railway company in tliu construe tic not a rail HH road bndgo across the Missouri river at HflH Omahn Neb sail bon Is to amount to the sum il _ _ l ot tw < V hundred an I Oft ) thousand I0.U3U1 BMB dollars to bo Issued in sums of ono thousand V _ _ l ( tlOilO ) dollars laeh to 00 inn lo paabln to I , _ _ biarer to bo date I 01 the 1st da ) ot linuir ) , ) H 1K9I to I ecomo due twenty ( U ) cars after the l l date thereof to blur lnteristat the niteof llvo I H ( I per cent per an mi in payable semi annually l l ou the llrst da ) otJiiuuar ) and ot July encuot i _ | w hlch bon Is to boar on Its face the following \m \ words This I old Is one of a l _ H series of „ like bonds which are H l lssuod by the count ) nt Douglas in thostatoof jl _ Nebiaska , to nl I tlioNol riskn Ceutiulltallwtiy IMk\l \ company in th 1 constiuctlon ot a rallroud , _ _ lrldguncross thoMlssuri liver ut Omaha H l Nobrnski , nil of sal 11 ills uud tl olnteiMut M H then on lol o 1 a > al leuttho fiscal livelier of tlio i H Unto 11 Nebraska In llo city of Now York , to I H be delivered and donate 1 to tno Nebraska Coil IM H tral Hallway lompan ) vihcn It shall havncom ! _ _ _ I letnl re 11) f r operntlnn n double track : < _ H steel riiltn nd orl lge across the lllssonrl rlv er at J _ \ Omaha , Nebraska , uudsl all huvo executed the { * * * H agreements enntau id in said I reposition pro f H l vide 1 the same sh ill bo commence 1 on or bo- S _ _ M fore Juno 15 18M and shall be finished ready , _ H for 01 irutlon on or beroro June . lbo _ l And shall nn annual tax In a Idltlon to the .M H Bsual and nil other taxes , be levied on the tax * lT _ _ able piojert ) of Douglas county Nebraska , u _ _ Bufllcient to pa ) the Interest on sal 1 bou Is ns It V _ _ becomes due ai a at the time ot levylugllo V _ H annual county taxes ciniincnclnc the tenth l _ m year prior 10 the maturity of said t ends shall 1 _ m a tux In addition to all otl er taxes oe lertad on H _ m the tnxnble pro ] erty of Douglas count ) and ' _ _ _ continued nnnually thorenfter trom year to _ l ? oar intll thorel y 11 Blnklnn fun 1 shall have ! _ _ _ icon created sufficient to pay said bonds at the - JB H mnturlt ) thereof ? K H Ihe abov e questlona shall be regarded as one Hl entire question nnd till legal voters of said vl H Douglas county who deslro to vote in favor of * • SHH the 1-siiunco ot said bon Is nnd the levy 1 f said HH iiixos I11 payment of thu principal ni a Interest _ theieot at said cle tlon ahull vota a ballot _ _ _ with enld question printed or written or parti Ml printed and partly written , with the following tf < _ _ II ldillonnl words thereon V es her the No- McH briska Central lallway aid bonds mil tnxes 4 BH An 1 all voters or sail Donglascountvwho IH desliu to vote against the Issuance of Bald H bnuda und the lev ) of said taxes lu bnym nt ot B l thu 1 rlnclpal an 1 interest : thereof at satd olec _ _ _ M tlon shall vote a ballot with said question H H printed or written or p irtly printed mi I partHMH ly written with the following additional words Ml thereon No Against the Nebraska Central HH railway aid bonds and taxes H If tv o thirls of all of sail ballots voted by HH the said lo .il voters ot said Douglas county at _ W H Bal I c ecilon shall have thereon tueworas ios IB H 1 or the Nebraska Central railway aid bonds n H and tnxes the foregolnc proposition will nave ! J _ _ been adopted undue bhuI bonds shall be Is lBi _ l B led and tue said taxeu Bball be levied In ao . fll H corJance with tno terms and conditions there _ ! ! _ _ of , otheriv lse not I T _ Sill election Khali be opened at eight(8) ( ) iSi _ _ o clock a in upon satd lues lay theJddayot ! _ December 1M > > nnd sh ill remain open until six IIH (6) ( ) o clock p in ot sail nay M HI lhe polling places of said election shall bo ffli _ _ the following named places In Douglaa county , iHIH Nubiaska ltTHI OMAHA PIlECINCT NO 1 2IIH District No 1 S W corner Tenth nndjonoa IjlH Bt reels fB _ District No 2-Numbor 1117 South Sixth IBH street Vlnoy s barber shop I District No 3 8 1' co ner Pleventh und Dor- ) can streets , engine house { * H OMAHA 1'JtI CINCTNO . tliH DIstrlctNo 1 Number 1218 South Sixteenth UhH street * Bl District No 2 Number 1871 South Blxtocnth ] _ OMAHA 1 HFGINCT NO 3 W _ M DIstrlctNo I Numoei 1008 Davenport street * , H DIstrlctNo 2 Number 1022 llcmeystreet OMAHA PKKClNC'l NO 4 WU District No l li > 07 Capitol at ouuo H DIstrlctNo 2 Numberal171. Bt Mary nve nuo _ t Hi OMAHA PHFCINOC NO 6 District No 1 Number 604 North Sixteenth treet _ _ H District No 2 Corner l7ard and Bixteonth treets Fnglne House No 6 H _ _ OMAHA IHFCIMT NO 0. ( _ M Dlstrlc * No 1 Number )30 I ake street * District No 2 1 yceiim Hnll on Twenty f fourth street on South side of L > E. 4 M V U W _ \ It track District No 1 Stevens Store on Parker street W est ot Thirty third street OMAHA 1 III C1NT ( NO 7 iB DIstrlctNo 1 Cornir Twenty ninth street • nd W oolworth avenue School House < District No II U ( larks Hulldlng on Twenty ninth street , betweun Dupont and Klco W streets HI OMA1U PHl.fl.N01 NO 8 B District No 1 bouth Side earning between . Twentieth and fweut ) first Btrueta ( Harness BtH Shop ) , r * District No 2 Cuming street , bctweon a Bjin lwenty fourth ttreet anu ivvoiit ) fifth avouue B I Furay s barn HI OMAHA PltrUNCT NO 9 flj MM DIstrlctNo 1 Cornel Iwemy ninth anl Fat > ru , B | _ nam streets C J 3ohnson a store . BU DIstrlctNo Corner Mercer und Lowe ave * BBI Hues , C. J Ilyan k store * MB SOUTH OMAHA PHFOINCT Precinct No 1 F 1 lvonka s N street , be * - HI tween Twenty fifth and I wenty sixth atroets r ! _ Precinct No . j I vls lnenty sixth street „ > between N and O streets j- . I I reclncc No 3 Little house back ot Keller a mm hntil o street IKl I- Precinct No 4 Lxcbange hotsL _ W Florence Precinct At school housi at Flor- BtH ence HH Union Precinct At George L. Hedmana bouse IB Jefferson Precinct At P Dildrlchson office , • < M _ t Bennington W | Llkhorn Iriclnct-At lown ball , Elxborn Valley Preclnct-At school bouse at Valley , II 8 Waterloo Precinct At Masonic hall bulldloo * a II Chicago I reelnct At Van Alt otllce J BH Millard 1 reelnct At school house ut Millard % ! _ station J HI McArdle Precinct At MoArdlei school j II house is Hul Douclas Precinct At Heurr Ilusers plaoe , * H1 ! B W.qr section30 township 11 range 13 ' . | II WritOraaha At school bouse district No V. j MV ] Uy order of the boaid ot county commissions 1 > iB ! k in [ scar I M D. HO0UE , Oounty Uorli J 11 NovBdiWt 1 HI NO Hi A 0J1PHOl OSAI S lOltSUDSlB * jlBl lei co Stores Ofllie of purchasing ami de J iB'H ' pot ( immlssarr of Hubslslenee , II S. Army , " 111 Omaha Nebraska Novemt or 30 , 1889 Sealed LHiti projosals iutrliUcnto vrill be received ot this 'IB' ' ! ' olllce until 12 o clock m central standaid THf time on Pilday December 20 18s3 at which llBji time and plnce tney win boonened In the pres * ( IH once of I tldeis for tl of nrnlnhlng and delivery /BM / at Omalia , Neb the following subsistence kIH store * . vU loik I aeon , haid bread bacon , SIHI breakfasti chceie A. A. , crackers , Hour , fain * itJIHl lly lams B C laid , and oatmeal cookoL JSllHl 1 lefercuee will be riven to articles of domesllo , mHi production or manufacture conditions of qual * t'trnV It ) uud price ( iuclulliig lu the price of foreign ' | HII productions or manufacture the duty thereon ) ) nj1 being equal , I ho right Is reserved to reict any < U or all bids Hlank proposals and speclhcatloiu & _ \ , showing ] n dotull the urtlcles and quantities re * i HI quired and giving full information as to condl * & Hi tlon ot contract will be furuished ou uppltca * 1 HI tlon to this office W. II 111'I 1. Mulor nndl Q. % Bl 8 _ J"BA ' N 30212. 231)19 30. 1 _ ' . * V CHICHCaTtR'S CHOLISK 1 , H PENHYROYAL PILLS 11 tX3j ntD CR0 > * OlaMONO BRAND 4' tXi-i rfi rod H , ; U , .Lailu , Mk H / ! . * IlruKtfUt fwf lilawund Iirm4 Is rM IMUU14 _ J * ' U , . < , t l 4 wlilie • • tlliUo no l\if _ * Q held 4c-itp ( > ) M puUauUd n.4 "lUlur f < _ f U Idlu , lal > ll < r t/r lor i lC > , r < ii Hi C 4JkiOMCkoiei i.rt wJi Ul . . , . . , . . . , ji _ _ MMgaE8 esarn5i ! a& < * &MW Vt W M Biil8iHH _ _ _ _ _