[ I THE OMAHA PAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 1889 7 H ii i in . I . i i ii I. . .I . < i i 1 1 ii i i i ii yj ' t i l l i i i i in . i . BBBJs Hh SPECIAL NOTICES H OMAHA | B ko advortlsomonta will bo taken for BAI these columnp alter 12:30 p. m. U _ H Torni8"CaBh In ntlvnnoo _ B Advertisements under this bead 10 c nts per _ _ B line for Hie llrst Insertion , 7 cent * for each sub sequent Insertion , nml * I.H ) per llii' * per month No ndrettiscmcnts taken for less thnn t cents f lor tlrjt Insertion Be\cn words will bo counted t to tlio lire : their must run consecutively and must be patd In ADVANCE Alt ndvortlso- I mentn must be handec in berore is : nn o'clock p. I m , nml undtr no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone I Parties advertising In these columns and liav lng their answers addressed In care of Tnr Bur v 1)1 ) please Mlc for a chock to enable ttiem to pet their letters , ns none mill bo delivered except pa on presentation of check All nnswers to ad- vcrtlsoments should tie enclosed In envelopes BBBJ ] All advertisements in these columns am Dun ll.Mied m both morning mid evening editions of BBH lHKhry the circulation of which aggregates more thnn 13,000 imperii dally , and elves the ad- 1 vortlFcrn thobenetit , not only or the city clrcu- _ _ H IntlonotTilB IIkk , but also of Council BlnHs fl Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout f this section of the country " ' branch offices _ _ H Advertising for these columns will bo taken J er the above conditions , at the following busl- I ncssboupes , who are authorised agenta forTim f ilEK special notices , and wilt quote the same j rates as can bo had nt the main otllce _ H , TOIIN W. HELL , Pharmacist , 820Bouth Tenth r J Street OI1AHK& EDDY Stationers and l iInters , 113 South 16th Street | i Q II FARNSWOHTII , I'linrmaclst , 2113 Cntr > 1 Oingfctrect * B TS7 .1.1IUaHU8. Pharmacist 024 North lOtb B VV fctrcet BbB l ] : o- w1'A lilt , Pharmacist 1718 Le * , on- ; VJ worth Btroct B UGHHS'FHARMAOY.2203 : Farnatn Street H SITUATIONS WANTED BBBsiA7ANTIJ ' A position as ' an sslstant In ! VT dwitlst'solllcobyyounglaitywhohashnd W cnnsldeiablo experience : best of refnronco _ given Address 0 ai Ilee ofllcc : i7ft2J _ BBBW A V A NTEO A position in ollicoorotnerptuce H It of trust or light work Address O Hi Dee i 48 lilt SITT'ATION wanted by a young man to Work , In the city preferred Addteba James Don Hi nelly 7r\vln , lown , Bhelny county , ula an H \ /'ANTElJ / Situation as coaenman by a B T V young man who has Just arrived from the B east ; bust of references Address O 18 Dee H ac-an t STKNOnnAPUBU Position wanted 3 years _ _ experience Can j/lvo reference JUB ( lees H hotel City ; .tl8 ID' K WANTED--MALE HELP m • > liOOI ) men on a stock ranch • , B.OOOncros o H Ocorn to husk , r.U\Mri. Uiuga , 31IH S. lUli st B aoiwt 1 " \\rANTKD A practical olDco man , capable H t > of keeping books and doing the corrc- H npondence Must lia\e lcfcrenco and state B w hciher married or Klngle Adaress Nebraska H City Cirenl Mills , Nebuiska City , ell il'il 'Ml > "T\7.\SJ13D A good barter nt once ll-TiB. H Y > utitst woau HJ H "VJirANTKD A young mnn to runmentmar- H H VI kuttnmstbo thoroughly competent ami B Rlo A 1 references Apply O 2llee. JUi 19j _ WANTED Oood experienced grocery clerk : _ must bo single , AN ages HboraU Address O H gl , lleo ulllcc , ; il I S.0J WANTUD Competent mcrchandtso book keeper Jlf t otretciencos required Ad- dioss O gl llee olllfc B30-8l _ " i WANTUD ' o good contmnkcrs at Volz the tailor , ! . ' 0th near N st So , Omaha H 3ia w B " \\TANTED At lviu'opsnn hotel , one good f _ vi waiter Immediately It IMAM AM 1) Man to drho butchers delivery w agon , nnd to tnko orders ; one who tin H deretands cutting meat preferred , l'oslolllco H market , & > 5 _ llrouh\aj\ Council JJtuITs Mil _ , ( HINTS Wo want llrst-cmss men who nro A already traveling salesmen to carry our H lubricating oil sumples as a side line Name H territory und present occupation Manufac- H turcui Oil Co . Cleveland , O. U8 ! i > ) WANTUU livery good gentleman nnd lady agent within 60u mlios ot Omuha that H wants to make money Address ( ioo U. Olf- ford , Omaha Neb , care Globe hotel 31H Sit A1.1VK western business mani muit devote his entlro time : am looking for bu&lness H nnlllty , energy and leputatlon more thnn for B cnpltaL Address A. W. llaldnln , Froinont , Neb B . Kia BVsV T\f ANTl' .n A first-class stenographer nnd > typewriter , either hex Address O st , lleo Olllco CT3 MUltfj THE Denver State Lottery Co . want agents , _ Tickets W cents Addiesa A. C. Hosa ACe , M Denver CoL gQJ dUt WANTUD ltellable energetic agent to rep resent an old line llro lnsmance company ; / liberal contrnct will bomidowltn party time write lnsurauco ; correspondence confidential H Addret.3 N (17 ( Uee laid 13 SAI.liSMEN Wanted At Ones A few good _ men to sell our goods by saiuplo to the K wholcsaloandrotalltrade Wo are the largest H jnnnufaeturers In our line 1n the world Ltbuinl H salary patd Permanent position Money ad- H vanced for wages , advertising , etc , l'or full H teiras address Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago , B Dl . or Cincinnati , o. h'JiDUt ' DltTECTl VE8 Wanted , good.rellablo men In every community ; paying noHltions.Kansas K Detective iturcau , Lock lloxM ! ) , Wichita , ICan V W1) d tAO KNT8I Write for terms M sample corset tree , Schlole&Co.SV011roadway , New York IJ H 451 H " \A7ANTKD fcnlesmcn at t75per month salary H ii and expenses to sell a line of silver-plated m warn , watches , etc , by sample only ; horheand 1 team furulshod free U rile at once for lull par B 'tlculars and sample rase of goods free Btand- ard Silver Ware Co . Uoston Mass 45r > B C "V\rANTiD-Ciood : nrl'-klnyers ' and stonecut- YY ters ; good wages paid Apply M , T. Mur- L phy l'lomont , Neb tiil K TV11' .N.ti . traveflor tno l'onthlll nuroerlea of H H XXI Canadu We pay jai to $1(10 a mouth and H expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown ' stock Add , Stone Ac Wellington , Madison , Wis , B , m WANTKD Track layers and bridge enrpen- ters for Iowa , lfllloy , Kramer & Co . cor M B' ) lth and Varnam sts 170 WANT ED--FEIV1ALE HELP WANTllp-Competent klTcliea girZ iMlO . W ulor BCD v. _ _ _ H'l ' ni Al5' 1'2' ' ) ( , oou " Kifl forgoneial houo or ' k" . K't ' t VY Mrs Mandul , Utt South Seventh avenue /INj / 371KJI B / "VITANTBD a lady housekeepers from & ' tor , VY yrs of age , for widowers with children > if one must play the piano best of references B vv choiinndrunulredtinolronorlnWyof ; 'Ucom- ; H -i petoiit girls forolllccr'H family of 2 , til ; woman H \ cook for Crelghton , lowu : ludy printer , good K I wages ; cooks for boarding houses In cltv ; u H / t'lrls wno will work In the uuburbs of the city ; HI now plncesevery dayat Mrs ltregaU'/S815th. ! ) ' H V M SOI H V1I11Ii tor general house work , 100 N. llHh B b\ icm lilt B S T\TANTKD-At uaee at City Hotel , corner H VV loth and Hartley its , 1 chambermaid , one H dtnindlroom gtrl , 1 laundress , 1 second female H i coojcJt uCU-Slj H i " 15lK\NTHD A good girl Must bo a good , • \ VY cook Bias , isth Bt an-ioj 1 \ T\7ANTKD Good girl forgoncral Housework ' \ , VV Itefercnces required Enquire at Git 8. loth m i , : kni m H TA/AM'Kll ( Jiri for general tiousoworu ; H V V good wagessteady employment lttl ! ( S.1V. H "t7XNTKI-01il for geueral housework In H • .1 * small family UILB latu st , 311 WANTIUl airl for general housoworic , iuall family ; 623 N. Sutli St , cor California ' H _ _ _ ! aau H ' 1X7 ANTHD-Niirne girl atfill S. With st , ' , ' K " T ANTIID ( lood girl for general hous . m M work Mrs A. P. Tukey , flll Chicago st , H 150 H | W ANTED-aood girl for geneial house B VT work , 81 per week SIH Lcuvenwoith bW VflVflVfl \ \ ' ANTED Plrst-class experienced snleslady V i In cloak department , btato nxperienco B nd where employed Address Lffii llee CJ3 WANTKD A lady as cashier ; must be quick und accurate ut Dgures and come well 1 tecommendod J , L. Urandels is sous , S63 H South 13th St OUVH llrauch lleuicdles , Bura cure for rec tal nud female diseases Sample S cents , B Mrs J , II , Ilan-ey , 15W s. 13th 8t. Kti VMVMVa7 ANTED Lady agents ; also , men : twoim- H V V memo new specialties ! 1 lady made tit be- H loronoon ; another * lf tae llrst hour Address H Ultla Si Co , il7 l.ukcalde , Chicago , III &Q W JpOHKKNT-Atter Oct 1 , fine front otllce , I ground floor ; Plate glass window ; heat and light furnished : a most desirable location lor H any Blurt of business ; rent reasonable , lniiulre B UmalialceCo , SIO 8 , Uth st rJ WANTKD-airl for kitchen and laundry worki Mrs IV Purvis , curner 81th und St > lurysu\e , 77 so H k- H DRESSWAK1HO , H 'WOU ' ltlCNlpuTeli51 tulu71nqulre ! N , H < * - Vcor \ , S. 'd and Davenport , bUO LOUIS WlNPnKHO , dress and cloae maker ; plush cloaks to order nnd steamed ! sealskin Cloaks repaired ) all kinds tur trimmings fur nished 14X Capitol ave . repairing of all kinds , IpNOAOr.MTNT ! * to do dressmaking In farnT- X lies solicited Miss Sturdy , 61S S. 36th st _ _ _ "jy2' ! UDONiniUR dressmaking , nt 18 MISa Douglas st Plush cloaks steanvd rnllned and refitted It ) d2 ! InfamTlles 1021 8.30th. D11B8SMAK1NO 710 d.lt MllS.U.rurraan.dretsmaklng parlor 7018.16th pam MISS M. Walsh , 1118 Carltol avonue.dressnnd cloak maker ; plush loatsretltted , rellncd lKinact W3QEI.I.ANEOUS WANTS \\7ANTGD-The , use of ft good riding pony Vl for its feed Address O II , Uoo olllce . Piano to purchase , now and llrst WANTUD class , uo Becond hand wanted No deal ers need apply , a , C , Hobble , 2119 Dodge bt • \M dARPTttC : LAlton nlcoly furnished front rooms , cheap , board It desired , 1CAI Davenport 31 ait FOR RENT-HOUSES. r IlOOMhouso In rear KW S. 17th st $12 ] * J H room hnuso , 1818 Cuming St , $ i3. B room house , 410 N , 21 st , . SJO 2 8-room houses with all modern con\enlonces Including ranges nnd In nest residence locality Si 7-ruom houses In Windsor place , will Tout very cheap Wo have a number of small houses nnd store rooms for Jem Apply to llrcon & Williams , Plrst National Hank building WJ IJlOU KENT House , modern lmprovomonta X ? Inquire 1HSI Dodge St 2 ir9 IflOlt KENT A 7-room brickhousocity water , ! sewer nnd gas , 717 S. 10th st 701 a . IilOH HUNT 'llireo elegant new cottngos.B line rooms , D bedrooms , modern convt-n- lenc.s , ! i block south I.eavonwortii motor line , onajthst , WO Will neil one cheap , CI.BX.M cash , balance 7 per cent Address O. U. Coombs , 11. It SI headquarters " 70 gl ' IrioTfluTNT lTne room l bouse with barn , city nnd cistern water , with line bath in house , 830 per month Sllfl Maple St 2.V ) Si I 7-roora house In first-class order FOHHUNT No Viii North 20th street t21 per month Lobock II IS Chamber or Commerce Uj7 TpOH UL'NT Cottnee , four rooms with four -a ; acres of land , on State street between Kort and riorcuce 810 per month Apply 317 S11th st U l FOH HENT-Houso , 11 rooms 310 N. KM st Enquire , Mrs M. A. Dotwllor , n w cor SIM and Dmenport 15" tJIOll ItKNT- Broom house , splendidly lm- X ? proved , with water , gas bnth , etc , newly papered , first class neighborhood , tXi per month C. F. Ilnrrlson , Merchants Nat'l bnnk | 101 _ FIIHN18HED I101130 to rent lor the winter Possession given nt once , Toresponsiblo person only Itefercnco requlrod 'Ssi7 Ohio street Inquire on the piomlscs .Iill'IU IpOU HUNT Cottages Omaha View Hoggs J & Hill liasa Iron ltDNT Neat cottuge , sw cor SfltU nud • Dodge ; I rooms J12. lioggs & Hill Ileal Estate , UU3 1'nrnnm. 1S3 Hi WANTED Small family to occupy for the winter pleasant i.ouso with barn at nomi nal rental C. P. Harrison , Merchants Nat Ilk "IjlOlt HUNT Two now houses on Capitol nvo- Jnuo bet "fith and - 'til sts 0 rooms , batn , city water nud sewer , gas and llxtnres , etc , no basement Inquire ! 1' > 20 Davenport st FOU KENT Eight-room house , with ample grounds , corner Leavenworth and ill st sts ; bath room , hot and cold water Applv to Lewis S. lteed & Co.room 13Uoard of Trade building KM TjVllt KENT IS-ioom cottage , 814 per mo , cor JL' Kith nnd Williams st Enquire of J. Naul , 012 So I'lth st 7liS IF you wish to rent a house or htore see II K , ColeContinental block ; olllco open evsnlngs 17011 HENT Handsome 10-room house all - con\cnlcnces , paved street , cable and horse cars , r > minutes walk of postofllce Nathan Shelton 1611 famainst 46J II10H HENT Neat 7-room house In goodro- ' pulr , on cor iaith and Woolworth ave : pos session given at , once Inquho QU 'I'zscuutk , Doe olllco 0'JJ ITlOn HUNT ft-room cottages on Halt Howard near 33d Bt Enquire 631 8. 17th st Oiil "IT10U LEASE Land adjoining the city on • * - nortbeast , in lots of fi 10 , yd or more acres far gardening , $3 per aero Doggs it Hill Heal Estate 1103FnrnamSt. 1SI 23 Oil 11ENT 4 ten room houses , from 815 to $30 per month , on Motor Hue Hoom 627 i'axton block 0 14 TTIOU KENT So } 4 my block , 1131 Gee nve , X' 10 rooms , furnace , gaa nnd nxturos , electrlo . wires for lighting , range and everv conven ience : bam with city water and gas In ; choice nclghborhoodKO DV Sholos 213,1st Hat bank , Ml I7II.EOANT Hats to rent , 10th St , east side , be- l twecn Jones and Leavenworth ; Mist-class In nil respects , and now ; steam heat , bath , open grates and maulels , electric bells In all rooms ; both motor Hues pass property Itefereucos required Thos K Hull , 311 Paxton block 07S 3D-HOOM ( nuw ) houses , nil modem convenien ces except furnace , at ill ) , half block from motor Sll ) i'axton lllock B20 17-room house with barn Sis Dnr month 0.1 ? * Harrison , Mercnants' Nat , bank 480 FORRENT-ROCW FURBISHED : room and board tor ono or two 37HJUNISHED • gentlemen In private family Address llee olllce HSU-tiO HENT One furnished room for two gentlemen , 815 , steamboat , bath nnd gas , 3 blocks from board of trade OS3 , Ilee olllce Ji ait FOlt HENT One large trout bay window , parlor furnished with gns , bath , heat nnd board for 4 gentleman ; price 8- > per week : also back parlor , sultablo tors 203u Harney UIO.NJ ROOMS * ! , * , 810 , t\i \ , KI17 Chicago st , 3U : D2t IjlOH HENT Nicely furnished front room - tor light housekeeping ; nlso furnished rooms to rent Miss Johnson , ( SOti N. 11th st 303-23J furnished rooms with or without NICELY board Apply at 1B23 Fnrnam at IMS AllGE room furnished , suitable for ? . hot J .Jalr , gas , use ot bath ; also small room ; rent reasonable C21 B. 10th st Kit alt TJIOll UENT-Double parlor , 1013 Chicago St " A FUItNlSIIKDroom with or without board , steam heat nnd gas C04 S 13tu st aiO ait A WELL Furnished front parlor , ground floor ; 1814 Davenport st , 303 SJ' nWNISHEJ ) and unfurnished front rooms X. ' tor light housekeeping : nil conveniences , taper month npteca 4l0810tlist. au-Ut * I7HH HUNT Furnished rooms , steam heut 211 8.21th st 220 aa WANTED-A gentleman and wife to take two'nice furnished rooms with board , on St Mary's uvenue , near aim , In private family ; 1 eferencesrequlrod ; address " 014 , " llee 23110 * TTIOll ItBNT ft furnished rooms wltn nil mod • * - ' em Improvements , suitable for housekeep ing for a gentleman and wife without children , inquire at 201 N S3d et 220 2J UHIItNlSHED looms with good board , gas , -a ; _ oath lurnuco heatatl.Wto5D0a week.at 13J3N. Kthst 224 22 * IriUllNldllEI ) rooms , 87 , SOU Harney J _ | _ J 215 21 IrUJKNlBHUO rooms , light housekeeping StUd bj Mary's eve W ) 22t A SUITE ot rooms .vltli board for gentlemun u nd w If e or 3 gentlemen , 1722 Dodge st 70i Iron HENT Suit of rooms ovurstovo store , ? 1021 Howard 820 per month K 7 ST OLAllt l'uropean hotel , cor 13th and Dodge ; special rate by week or mouth 407 J neil HENT-Furnlshed rooms with or with • out board at the Cozzens hotel till NlCErooms ; , stejm lieat , 17UI Dareupoic , 74J 03 * 3i\OU HENT Furubihed looms also front ' anil back parlor , 1W Douglas , 004 FOK HENT Two furmsnea rooms on tiu Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six minutes utes' wale of business center Deference re quired Inquire at store , 210 and 2)2 ) 8.15th st lIUlldT class turntshed rooms with or wlthou , -L'uieaU.IOJN. lUh av , one door uorth o' I.ea > euw orth , 147-20 * t IjM.KQANT furnished rooms with bath and toain U16 Howard st , UT IJOOMSwlth or without board , lor three Vgeutlemea ; private fatally : references 1811 Dodge street ( s ) warm room with boanl In orl- vate family , nicely situated , 2130 Harney , BW-2W " " riIU8T class furnished rooms with or with I ' ont meals TOO N. 17th n e , one door north of Leavenworth Miss Alllo Coverdala 147-20 ? TTKHt HEJsT-Furnlshed front room with al S : modern conveniences , to gentlemen only at ari' . St Mary's avenue Apply nt store , * lo nnd212 South Fifteenth st J2L. HENT To one or two gentlemen with IflOlt references , nlcoly furnished front room , heated by steam nnd centrally located Inquire 724 B IPth St 103 T4IOU HENT Front furnished tooin suitable 1 ? for man nnd wife or 2 gentlemen , 110 , heated , 1701 Wetster SL 3S ! 1W f jlultNISli ED room for rent , 2423 Dodge IJlOU HENT 3 nicsly furnished rooms for : light housekeeping Apply at 2324 Bt Mary's nve Hctorenco requlied SW-22J IPOU HENT 2 rooms , suitable for man nnd wife or two ladles , ltcferencos required , 424 N. mii 316 in : 1710It HENT Two furnished rooms.witn noard It desired Address N 71. lleo olllce _ 111 20t * * IilOIt 11KNT-Large nicely turnlshoa front - room , sultablo for B gentlemen , nil modern ConvonlcnceSjJTOSDoUglas sf aiaa'S ' JJIOU HENT One large front room withlioard J Will have two small rooms Mrs Churchill iUH MLs .hI - 121 1W I710H HENT Furnlshad rooms , nit modern . ronvonloncos , ono block from cable 403 North lath St B5I FUHN1SUED room , lurnaco heat , nil mod cm conveniences , for ono gentleman only 2214 rarnam 173 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED WO unfurnished rooms torllgnt housekeep ing , 810 per month 310 South 12th street ; ro-2it _ 2NEWLY papered and painted unfurnished rooms nnd ono furnished , rent reasonable , 1712 Douglas 32.1 24t SUIT of rooms for rent ever my steve store , 1021 Howard st , W. r. Stnotzol BOS Foil WENT Suit ot unfurnished rooms over my stove store , 1S21 Howard St , W. 1 * . Etoetzol H01 I7HIt HENT 3 unfurnished rooms , sultablo : for housekeeping , 203 N. nth st 403 HENT l-roora suit , unfurnished sulta- JJIOU ble for housekeeping , gas w ater etc . to family without children ; northwest cor 17th una Webster st , 307 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES DESK , room with us Hutchinson & Woad , 1521 Douglas ; tcl 1K29. 317 HALF toieforront In best retail location ; good chnnco for stock of holiday goods liqulro illUlouglasst ; 35.1 . ITIOIt HUNT Store room In llovd opera house building Enquire Ameilcnn Savings llanit TO HENT Desirable warehouse room on tracn Applyto O. W. Keith , 714 Pailtlost 472 fl lIE most promising locality for business In JL Omnhals on loth bt , between Farnatn nnd Leavenworth , vho future retail district of the city Elegant blocks are going Up , and nothing shabby will over bo erected there 'Jel.cn look nr the new block on cast sldo 10th between Jones & [ , envnworth and secure lease for a number of years ; all heated with steam , with plate-glass front , Thos , F. Hall 311 Paxton block KG FOlt KENT 2 new stores , 017 and 019S. 10th. 1 luo Bhow windows MM NEW hotel In heart of city ; thirty rooms W.Farnam Smith , id Contlnentan lllock 810 "T7I0H HE.NT-Store. 1111 rarnam St , 20x123 JU feet , 2 storlos and cellar Nathan Slielton , 1614 IajnamjBt 471 'LTOItilENT The 4 story brlcK building with -U or without power , t'onnerly occupied by'J he lleo Publishing Co , "JIO Farnam st Ibfi oulld- lug cas a ilie-nroof cement basement , complete - pleto steam-heating fixtures , water on all the boors , gas , etc Apply at the office of Tne llee 1)15 ) ITlOIt KENT A 4-story nrlck building , 0"xl2O. JU mutable for wholjsale : good trackage ; I have also a number ot line residence prop erty lor rent or sale For pnnlculavs call or address 40:1-111 : lloo bldg N. O. Hrown 431 MISCELLANEOUS ' EATHEHSTIUPS furnished and puton for 3oa foot Address L. J.Koone , Hit Hamll- ton St . Omaha Itri 203 AUCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday morning at 1114 Douglas stieet Omaha Auc tion It storage Co 263 M IDWIFE Mrs H. S. Ollck , graduated In Russia , Europe , has had 14 years of practi cal experience , has located at 1J37 S. 13th st _ _ J 327 DITt "JJIOU HENT Farms Hoggs & Hill 1" ADIES Use Marlon Walkers Face llleach -ifor freckles , pimples , moth and liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and to bo pcriectly liurmloss For further Information mation call ut 322 N 15th basement till 33J RENTAL ACEHCY HE Cole , lental agent ; olllco open evenings . 761 STOCK BOARD tP WANTED Horses to winter at.Sdn month , per head en farm near Irvlngton Plenty of grain and hay to feed good shelter and good care glveu them ; horses called tor and nellv- cro-1. w ; it I Ionian , room 6 , Frenzor blk 47" HOUSES wintered at $1 per month Oood care given Inquire rooms ! & 2Omaha Natl bunk HOUSES wint roi at Omaha fair grounds : large box stalls ; terms rensonable : car riages stored A. Thomson 283 N2U LOST 1 OST A plaid , doubioshawl , ouornear Cmn- -i-ilng street , tinder can return to this olllce and recolvo reward 374 lot LOST Monday afternoon , canary blid ; finder wil lbe rewarded for his return to 1700 North Twentieth street 877-21J F UND 17'OUND One iTtTsettei'dng ; send'deiscrlptlori V nnd when lost to 0 2.ilee olllce Xu It ) IjlOUND A cow ; owner can hnvosamo by up- - piling and paying chaigos at 501 S. 10th sr Phu Mntturn 347 111 ? "ITIOUND A Smith 5 Wesson revolver ; J ? ow ner can have same by catling at this of fice nnd paying for this advertisement , 31f > Ji J PERSONALS INFOIIMATION wanted of Michael McNama- ra ; lai-tat his homo at 4012 N 2Hhst , about October M ; had on Jeans pants and blue calico shirt , dark coat and vest ; about 5 ft 8 or 10 In height ; weight uboutlM or HO pounds ; fair complexion Any information will bo thank fully received oy Ills brotuer , Pat MrNumara , 4012North26th st , Omaha 320-20 * PERSONAL Olive Hrancli Is a positive euro for all female weaknesses Also have Ollvo llrauch Pile Hemedy , sure cure for piles , Sam ples free Lady agents wanted Address MIbs /oe M. Flrby , H120 Clark st , Omaha , den Act , lor Nebraska 81 for 1 mo treatment 'uU7l l W7ANTED Information concerning Calvin V V 11. Sprague and ( Irace 0. Leroy , supposed to have been residents ot Omaha in 1670. < J. 1' . Harrison , Merchants'Nat , bank 243 21 EDUCATIONAL rpiIE banjo tnught as anart by Oeo 1' . Qcllen- X beck , room 211 Douglas block 050 QCIIOOL ot Expression Vocal Articulate , IJlautoinimlc 1 , V , Anderson , Snuely block Htn2Jt WANTED-TO buy "r\7ANTiD-Falrbanks scales that will weigh Vt trom six to ten hundred il.,20Wbowardtt. ) 31121 CASH for all kinds ot household goods at lilt Douglas street Omuha Auction & Storage Co sctT WANTED-A large lot ot furniture , carpets , etc : will pay cash for large or small lots . Address P. O. pox 20. J7 21 MEH1IOAN J1SE for our customers who have cashsecured paper nud real estate to trade Room 13 , Chamber Commerce Oil STORAGE rpitACKAOU storage at lowest rates W. M. X llushman , 1311 Loavenwortn 478 rPHE cleanest and best storage In the city at Alow rates at 1111 Douglas street Omuha Auction & btorage Co xot CJTOUAUK and forwurdlng We collect and37 pilver goods ot all description , merchandise , furniture and baggage at cheapest ratej lor storage tor any length ot time Vans and wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care ful men for moving Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on inouorate charge Merchandise loaded and unloaded , warehouse on our own tracks Ollice217 8. HtU st Telephone in Howell & Co , 880 _ _ . . . . MRS , F.cdos , the frm5Hs fortune teller and clairvoyant , buslnC&eJMovp , marriage and changes , 007 13th st . nefrttloor to Darker hotel f > T flV Si IjlOHTUNE leHer-MM. 'I.enorman can bo : consulted on all aIalrtt ( life Satisfaction guaranteed No 310N.dTth St 172dl1 * ARHIVED Mrs Dr3T. p. Wood , the " great European claln oynnU and fortuneteller , ( lives full account of past , present and future Every hidden mystery rnvealed Can bo Inter viotved at rooms ' and It No 220 N. 10th st 9J | 315 191 DH NANNIE V. WarrVIL clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium Female disease a specialty 110 N. ICth st ? rooms 2 nnd 3. 48 Shorthand and typewriting JTANDAltl ) oTtharidScrHol.ltoom3ISMare V-Jblk. , isncressor to Valentines ) tht > largest , exclusive shorthand school In the west Teach ers are Vet batlm t oporters Particular attcnl Ion paid to typewriting Mechanical construction of maclilne taught by factory expert Circulars 482 171 n. 11\NDMAN. Jl ? Stenographer and Typewriter , H. 427 Paxton llllc Telephone 1630. 112n20t FORSALE-Nl ISCE LLANEOUS "T710H SAMf Xtea tuof youngniorscsTwc-lglit jj 1,200 ; nlso buggy horse , safe for lady to arlvo Wlloy * Williams , 30th and Farnitm . 343 21 * SALE line Urge team of horses JJIOU ! & Hill , H03 Fnrnam 2S0-28 GOOD family horse and two sealed carriage , also one top buggy at a bargain Call nt 1307 , 1300. IJllllnrney 21121 3310H SALE Cheap , lot ot wood working ma- rhmory , line bay more , nlouant cabinet or gan , light spring wagon and pnaeton Room 610 , Paxton lllock KX1 37011 SALE Counter and shelving , room B27 , Paxton lllock 300 _ _ 'iJiOlt SALE 3 rows cheap II H. Hendor- J son , room 103. Paxton blk fc0 IilOH SALE 18 young half blood Pcrcheron X1 marcs Jolmlllne , Duulap , la 140-10J AMHIiETONlANBtnllionat ono-hnlt value , also tine Kentucky bred driving liorso ; owner must sell ; olllco open ovoulngs If , u. Coin , Continental block 301-10 IilOR SALE or Exchvige lour full-bloodod - Jersey cows , line driving team os there is In the city , ono dnubio carriage , ono double cutter , one phaeton , Snyder make , and one road wag on , Suyder inuko : nil nearly now ; will trade for good ptoperty nnd will aasttmo light Incum brance Apply Hoom 218 , First National bank building < 00 FOR SALE A general merchnudlso store in * live Nebraska town ; lnvoico nbout $ X,000 : will soil for cash or ou good security ; address "NS" , " llee olllco 03425J IJIOR SALE Cheap Bl-ln. Am Champion I , . . K. 18S9 bicycle , nlcKlo , Urst-class condition * Hoom 400. Paxton block , 8t6 FOR SALE Rent or trido Ltrge livery urn known as Checkered Harn on So 1 bth street ucar Harnoy Neb , MortgagoLoan Co , r.li ) Paxton blk BID ; " 17011 SALE Two-seated carriageor trade for V a hone A , Hrowue , 2001 Cuming st st..TII20J FOR SALE A nvhorso power Furtor engine In good condition , weight fj.100 pounds cyl inder 11x10. For particulars npply to The lleo ollico 783 "IJIOH SALE A quantity of building etone -L Apply to the supciluten Jent llee building • " C23 IjIOH SALE Fresh milch cows Cor C aud X1 24th sts . S. Omaha UJTU Manly Sc Co tnix 124dl2t ABSTRACTS 'bF TITLE IDEAND Ouarantoe Trust Ca , N. Y. Ltfo bldg.complBte abstracts furnished and titles to real e3tato oxamlnodperfected & guaranteetb • c MONEY TO7 LOAN LOANS ou chattels and collateral security ; low rates 527 I'axton blqqk 112 25 $ DO YOU want money dLoins mnde on furni ture , pianos , horhos.jiotc , , without delay , publicity or removal Persons wishing n loan of this Kind will do well by calling at this olllce before dealing elsewlierdji A. E. Greenwood Co , room | 1) ) 12J South iUilr' .oouth street 231i CHA'lTTEirioans " atjl cest rates , bustjjesi confidential J. BXmlngorl417 Farnamst Ufll AMES Loans made on city property Ames , 1507 Farnam st B02 23 First-class Inside loans Lowest WANTED rates Call und see us Mutual Invest ment Co , 1501 Fnrnam 4S. > MONEY to loan on real estate security at lowest rutes Hefore negotiating loans see Wallace , It 310 Brown bldg 10th and Douglas * 4b7 TT E , COLE , loan agent Open evenings MONEY to loan O , F. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , IjOI I amain st 402 LOANS City and farm leans , mortgage pa per bought McCagno Investment Co 483 MONEl" to loan on city property nnd farm lands at lowest rates , . J. D. Zlttle , 4J1 Pax ton block , 4ts0 XX IS COLE , loan agout Open evenings RESIDENCE loans d to7 per cent ; no ad ditional chniges for commissions or attorneys neys' fees W. U. Melkle , llrst Nat bank bldg [ 430 Pit LVATE monov to buy small notes or mort- gnges ltoum 13. Hoard otTrade 841 BUILDINU loans D. V. Sholes 210 lirst National bank 494' L OANS made on real estate and mortgages bought , LouisS Heed&Cor.l3boardtrade. 405 MONEV to loan on furnlturo , horses , wagons , etc , or on auy approved security , J , W. Hobblas , 203 N. Y. Lite 406 FIRST mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no delay , 1) . V , Sholos , 210 First National bank 491 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage Sc Trust Co fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers , purehnse securities perfect tltlos , accept loans nt tholr western olllco George W , P. Coates , room 7 , Board of Trade 497 MONE1T leaned ou turnlturo , horses and wagons , rutes reasonable City Loan Co , 118 S 13th at , opposite Millard lintel DOS DO YOU want money ? It so , dent borrow before getting my rates , which are the low , ' est on any sum from $1 to 810.UH. 1 make I onus on nousohold goods , pianos , or gans , herpes , muleswagonswarehouse receipts , bouses , leases , etc , In auy amount at tlu > low est possible rates , without publicity or removal of property Loans can be mdo for one to six months and you can pay part n $ any time , reducing both principal and Interest If you owe u balance ouyour furniture or horses or have a loan on them , I will taken'up and carry.lt for you as long you deslro If you need money you will find It to your ad- vantag * to see me before borrowing II F. Masters , room I , Wlthncil building , 15th and Harney , 484 MONEY to loan ou auyiuecurlty for short time At low rates Lowestrates ' " ' on personal property , 1 i ) The Henderson Mortgage ! Investment com pony , room 400 , Paitijn Jolock 603 SEE Sholes room 210jjirat National bank , before making your loans 494 MONEY loaned on chattel security or rea estate , J. J. Wllslnsoil , 018 I'axton blk _ 78S EFOHK making chatUl or collateial loans , It will pay you to beside Western Invest ment Co , room 442. Hen budlng.- ] ) ( 400 $ u00,00) ) to loan at 0 par ciiit Llnahan Sc Ma > houey room 003 , PaxtcuijVlock 601 MONEY to loan by aWeasternratn , on gilt edge property , for theioext 10 day3. Harris , room 411 , Ut Nat Hanl.rj ) oj "ItTONEY to loan In any'amount on household JU-goods , horses and wacoas , diamonds , land contracts.sscondmortgagoa.or any uvallablese curity , without puulielty Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co Room W.Faxtnu blk " 40 ONE hundred dollars private rnonoy to loan or will buy short time mortgage or good cote , room 13 Hoard of Trade UO MONEY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay , J. W. Squire 1213 Farnam St , First National bank building , Ml $1,000 Private money to loan or will buy good mortgs.se , Yf L. Belby r. 13 , Board ot Trade 728 T ° . Ii0ft : ' 'lBPoclal fnndot 1100,000 In sums „ . . . o $ . , ltl)0 , ; ) * ° a upwards at very low rates The Meadlnvestment Co . 814 8. Uth st 1J3 "ATONEVtoloan on horses , wagons , mules , OJXhousehold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates llie llrst organized loan ortlco In the city Makes loans from thirty to three hun dred aud sixty-th a days , w blch can be paid In partorwholeutany time , thus lowering the principal and Interest , Call and see us when you want money Wo can asist you promptly and to your advantage without lemoval of KPSStaS ? ruy , 1 < : lty , - Money always on hand , m2SeSyi ! . maklQa . ' "in * . V. V. Jteed Co , 810 a 18th St , ovt Ulnghain & 8o # . 191 MONEY to lo n on furniture , organs , pianos , hones , nnd wagons Uawxeye Investment Co , Room nn , Dourlas blk , letli and Dodge sts teJJ T bVSTONK Mortgaae Co I tsns of 110 to Vl,0J ) ; get our rates befo/e borrowing atid save money 1 loan on horses , furniture , or any approved security , without publicity : notes bought : for new loan , roncwal of old and low est ratescall ; R 208Sheeley b1k,15th Allow ard st " _ " " „ _ _ _ _ _ " "i\roNEV to loan on city or farm property Xll-Heo , J. Fnul , lCOli Farnam st 403 ItlONEV Lonns negoUatedat low rates with J--lout delay , nnd purchase good commercial paper snrt mortgage notes , 8. A. Sloraan cor , 13th and Farnain TOO SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS T'llRbT National safety clernst' > ault . Sares X ? to rent fci 10 Hi a year , 8J7 3. 13th. 230 BUSINESS CHANCES Inott sTiaT W rStabhsheir Tnrklsh " botii J business Call and ln\cstlgnte. or address Dr W. II , Hatch , 1222 o street , Lincoln , Neb | _ 3I8-22J WANTED A youuemnnwitlTs.soj : cxcolloiit opening A. a. Hcrrlny , Sioux City In iiiftJlj IIWR SALE \ good retail coal yard dolug a x NO 1 business , w Ith teamr , otllce nnd every thing complete J. II Pnrrotto , Room 21 , Douglas bock1'a ! : ii2J , ? _ 13A11T1KS desirous ot disposing of thelrTiusi- ness in any line will do well to call ou or ad dress , W. It E. & M. E „ Hoom 15OhamborCom- lueru ) . flu 1r\OR \ SALts At a bargain , a Bmall roller grist • mill comnlele , for grinding all kinds ot ginln , situated In n No 1 tov.iu Address D , Dodge qrlnncll , Iowa .133 20t fpiIE oinier ot u largo hardware stock would XHko a partner with $10,000 raih , who Is a thorough hardware mill Address O 8. Ilee o 111 ce ski X710R SA LE-Furnlturo ot 10-room lint tilled . with nice class ot boarders Parties got to leave tno city soon Address In ts lleo ofhee , 118 in a > 2.W > 0 will buy a hnlf lutcrost In a well estab- tpllshetl seed business ; location only an hour and n halt ride from Omaha on U. & M. It R. Large business ntreudy worked up , but needs more capital Investigation solicited , M. A Upton Co . lilth and Fnrnam Bi4 | jURSALH Or trade , u well established book X' and stationery store Uox MSWO FOR EXCHANGE FINE houses to trade for clear land or lots , Arnold is Wlustauloy , rqotn Wj Paxton bldg WANTED To trade real estate and cash for general merchandise or hardware Ad dress HoviaSCozad eb ; 20023 FOR EXCHANGE Will sell or trade for stock ot goods or unencumbered property , ono family borso and phaeton , ono ponoy und cart , ono cutter , one home made driving buggy harness , etc , also one cow , are in first class or der , call ou or address W. II Vaughan Demo I pratnll e _ 23a 3J * $10,00J general merchandise wanted , for which I will give six good Improved fams ; All but two are clear of encumbrance Address II N. Scott Maploton Io , 273-22' NEW S-seated carringo fro 2nd mortgage Selby 1.1 Hoard Trade -214 rpo EXCHANGE Good farm and cash for Xnewspaperoutnt : ulso good faims for a 7B to 10J barrel Hour mill Address llox 01. Goth ennuig , Neb 082 20 \STlLLoschang9 now S-room house forva- Y > cant lots In Omaha AddressN 49 , Ilee 842 EXCHANGE for city property , two good forms Joining towns , situated In Hnilan andGrcely counties Meyer & llaapko 1405 Harney st 78H-d > ' KENTA lj property Inside , to exchange for clear farms or vucant city lots , Thos..l\ Hall , 311 I'axton block 607 3711RST mortgage tor furniture or live stock - Oniceonunevunlcgsil n. , Cole , Comlnontal block 74J TTIOU EXHANGE 80 ncros clear of cucumb- X ranee In strlp3 of 10 acres In Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock ot goods or city property Apply room 310. First National bank building 1,10 GOOD equities in Omaha property and No- braska land to trnde for secoud mortgage on Orn ana property W. II E. Si M. E. , room 13. Chumbor of Commerce Tcl 111L "Tl6u EXCIlANGtl-A business yielding a profit : of from $3 , < KX ) to 3 ,0 J per annum , to ex change for good city property Am willing to assume light encumbrance Apply room 210 , First National bank building 130 JjlOR EXCHANGE 10 clear South Omaha lots : and clearSand lor 8 or 10 room house , will assume small incumbrance W. L. Selby , R , 13 , Heard Tradq . b'JJ WTANTED To oxchansre dry goods notions Y1 and millinery goods for clear land or city property and part cash Address box 470 trankfort Ind 005 IMPROVED farm nnd city property for mer chandise Address , Room lS.Chamber Commerce merce11 Olt • J CLEAR Soutn Omaha lots for hor3cs.or land Osouth or east of Wheeler Co , Neb Selby , 13 Board Trade 214 " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IF you will put us up a building sultablo tor currlngu shop und repository In good loca tion , wo will rent for 5 or 10 years time Will also soil lqt on Harney street , 0J feet from n. o. corner Tenth and Harney , 44x132 for $2" .00 , or will exchange-ifor more central location Our present lease at IJI5 ana 1,117 , Ilnrnoy street , ex- Blres next spring Call or address , Win , H , rummond is Co , carrlago and wugon bullders 358-21 : FOR SALE Lot 2 , block 70 , South Omuha , at a bargain A half lot on Izard st , between 20th and 21st sts , double house , 10 rooms , to exchange for ncre property on the bottom north , List your property with H. lb Hall , member of Omaha Exchange , room 42 , Darker block 352 21 SUBSCRIBE tor shares in the American " the largest building and loan association In the world U. A. Upton , special agent , lf.th and Farnam 212 TJIOH SALE-Hnslness lot U0X120 feet , at bed X1 rock rigutes Hoggs is Hill , Heal Estate 1103 Iarnnm gfO-20 TjlOllSALE Business corner In the heart of X ! the cltv ot Omuha 810,000. Ail city Im provements paid ; produces 8 per cent not with most meager improvements ; net Interest pay ing capacity can be doubled with small outlay An ln\estment nsgood as a government bond Write C V. Harrison , Omaha , Neb 102 THE best Ilusluess Residence , Vacant and Niiburban properties in the market are for sale bytha old reliable M , A , Upton Co , loth nnd Farnam 242 " 1710H 8ALB-On long time and easy payments , X' handome , newwell built houses otb 0 , and 10'rooms. All conveniences , good neighbor hood ; paved streets , street cars , and within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Bhelton , 1014 Fanmin street sw EOR SALE , very chosp no trades , farm / > l3.7fl acres , soc B.12 NOW Hamilton countyNeb , 2 miles from Marquette , small house , stable , 30o acres pasture fenced , living water , price only 810 per acre 85,417.00. one-third 1880 crop Included Terms 8' ,2)0 cash , balance tt per cent lnterost , F. K , Aticlns , owner.rallroad building , Denver , C010. fill IflOlt SALE-Ono of the best lots between Pleasant st and Lowe ave , on Oi chard st , Orchard hill , at a snap ngure ; call and see W , A. Spencer , 1&21 Douglas st BTO 19 T/IOR SALE One house containing 3 rooms , X' $1,400 ; one containing 5 rooms , * 1,000 : one vacant lot , 40xI2Ii { , 8)00. ) Apply ut JlIB Decatur 8M.21 * FOR SAIiK-$20aOOln cash will buy a piece ot real cstato worth $1,0,00' ) , for a few days only Men of means cannot aflord to let this slip , Hoggs Si Hill , Real Estate , 1403 Farunm , 28J-21I ON 31st. :12nd : , 33rd and34th streets , between Davenport and Farnam , very choice rosl denco lots at prices ranging from $ V > 0J to 1.1rM ) per lot , ( las , water , sewers and paved streets , Ames , 1D07 Farnam st 200-21 IJIOR BALM Large two story tratne building of 12 or It rooms In good condition , to be moved W. R , Homan , Room 0 , Frenzor block E07 FOR SALE About as good a lCfl-acre farm us can be found In Kearney Co , Neb ; 1,10 ucrescultivated Make oiler ; must be sold at some price , lioggs & Hill , Ileal Estate , 1403 Farnam 280-28 tJIORSALB-Housesand lots from 81.D00 to X1 810,000 In value : first payment fromg-VOto 83,000 : well located ; good conveniences Buy now and quit paying rent W. A , Suenrer , 1521 Douglas St 27019 TJIOR SALE One thousand dollars In cash -1 ? will buy a good , rich 100 acres of land in Cedar Ca , Neb , with clear and perfect IRle , worth at least twice the price asked Hocks & Hill Heal Estate 1408 Farnam 280-20 IJIOR SALll-8860 will buy lot t xl2u lu Omahu ? View , one block from motor line , nlcoly on grade Lots in this addition are worth fl.000 und the above prlca Is open for a short time only , O. II Tzsehuck tare Omaha Bee 781 iriOR SALE Six of the best lots In Omaha J ? fronting north on Dodge , bet , 29th st add 29th ave Will soil one or more at such low p/lces as will astonish purchasers Hoggs & lllll , Heal Estate 1108 Farnam 280-20 ITKMl BALE-100 choice lots In Omaha View ; X * old time prices ? Immense reduction for a tew days Wo mean business Call for prices Hoggs < V Hill , Heal Ustute , 1103 Farnitm 80-24 _ _ _ aaaBjj1 BUSINESS corner 3 blocks from N. Y. Life 8.(50per-foot , pays 10 percent ; H cash , bat anoe easy ? D. C Patterson 818 N. Y , Life 678 IriOH SALE Houses and lots In Omaha View ? onnionthlv payments ; houses built to snlt purchasers Hoggs.V lllll 1108 Fnrnam gyo-28 IrORfAl.E Fine business corner , cailO- * , 7 cheap for cash or ou good terms Jamas Slockdale room IP Arlington block IM " 1710R SALE Or exi-lmtige.on easy terms , some X brnnd n w 0-room houses nu Sps.ulding st , near motor line ; no better residency location In the city Also some now 7-ruom houses on Corby BUd SUh st , Just 1V miles from post ofllco ; will exchange anv ot the nbnve for clear bind or lots For terms nnd particulars apply tou , a spottsivocHi 'Ji'iv ; s iotn _ st 440 IJIOR SALE On easy tortus , the new cottngo X eroded by mo on tioorgo st 1 corner Lowe ave ; property has 100 ft fronUgoonlloorgost , by t50 frontage on IaiWo av . For terms npDly Room 210 , First National bank building ftU "IilOR SALE or tradl owlinnnbsoltito equity X'of $80,000 In the three brick andstono store bulldlngsthreo stories hlgli.adjolnlng the Iirwt National bnnk on 13th m „ Omaha , thnt I will trade for unencumbered property In or near pinaha Should liken n > iro'ldonco or 1 will sell said property nt 11 gain , Address \ \ \ R , Vaughan , Democrat . oe , Oinahn , Neb , . 239 no * OMAHA the great western city Kvonbody Is talking about her Everybody Is acknow ledging the corn regarding lior immense fu ture , llusbols of money will bo made In Omaha dirt In the next twelve months Buy now , right now at this time Dent wnlt There will norar bo a tlmo Uko thnprescnt to make a good turn In rral estate Buy now , sell next yonr M , A. Upton Co 13th and Farnam llll 19 1VOOIC nt this dandr llttlo bargain Ixit l , -Jblock 10 , Hodford Plnco east front on 28th street , ono blocknorthot BristolpnM'dstreet ( ) , only 4 blotks from 21th st motor line , Kixi Tlilnk ot II only 870J. JM A. Upton Co , 10th aud rarimtii 192 11) ) WILIioxchnugo now S-room house , all mod ern conveniences , for vacant lots or mova- blopr _ pcrty ' _ _ _ _ _ _ oem l _ i Paxton block ; 6t " > _ _ IFyou want nnylots In Orchard lllll , npply to Hoom 210 , First Nntionnl bank building for terms nud location lm "yrTAUGII tc Wester/told , real estate , S.OmaTuT 11AVI ) some tlrst-cHss rentaTpiotierty for sals cneap within ono mile of postllloce on paved stloets nnd motor Hue Thos P. Hall , Sll Paxton block lilO \X7ANTEH For actual customer lot worth VY 82.i0Jto8i.000. C r. Hnirlson , Morcliants' Nat , batik 240 10 FOR SALE-Ortrade.8I5,003cqulty Inn large lot on Jones st , baxll * , with line rosldenco Address or call on W. R. Vaughan , Democrat ojllco aiomj IN VESTMENT In Omaha leal estate will pay It bouelit nt present low prices I olTor the following bargains at very easy terms : Lots In Lincoln place 8 V > 0 to 8I.0X ) . Lots In Mount Pleasant J3j0 to 8500. 2 lots In Bedford Place , corner of Emmet and 30th St l' ' Jxl28.82.600. lots 11 and 12 , blk 31 , Bouth Omaha , 82,2)3. Lots 2 aud 4. blk 4 , South Oiunha uach 1900. Lot 4 in blk 10 , South Omaha , 81.200. Lot 4 In blk U South Omaha , 81,2 K ) . bee mo , Otto Lobecfc , It 18 Chamber of Com merce D9310 ; AN EXCEPTIONAL otter , $1,000 lot for haf cash , lialanco I and 'J years , Inside property w 1th a guarantee to sell at good urollt or tuk property back Inu year nnd money roturuled with M per cent adaed I ) , D. Smenton , 1U14 Paruam st , 21921 OALL and got the price una terms that will astouisll you on a business lot W feet front , joining the Transit house South Omaha , oppo site depot : owners disagree , io wish to bell I ) . D. Snicaton , 1814 Farnam Bt , Omaha 0i2 N19 O ACHES Just south ot Vinton , runinug from ' 15tli To ldthsts , good brick bouse , barn and large grove : will iuiko 10 lots 44x108:81.1.20O , a cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years M. A. Upton Co . lbth and Farnam 192 10 "ClDlt SALE or lease , ou easy terms 3 lots on X 2)th ave . Just south of Lcnvonworth Would build an eight room house and soil 31 feet for 83.000 and soil ou monthly payments Lots 4 and 5 , blk tf , Kllby Place , high and slghtlv Onelot N , 13th St . trackage Four business lots N. 24th nnd St 10th st 2Mb nve anil Dodge , corner 120 tt N. 30th nc Other good residence property CM lots Crelghton IleLrhts , cheap Will sell a few lots on building terms N. A. Kuhn , drug store , 16th and Douglas , 413 n 23 "VTICE Houses 2 nice 0-rooni houses , lot 28x00 X > each , at corner 20th nnd Cnsstus sts , $2ot/0 / for the corner house nud $1,80. ) for the insldo one These are only 2 blocks from 24tli sf „ motor ; easy terms M. A. Upton Co . lfith rnd l-'tunani. . 102 19 IilOU SALE A new house Just bomg erected on Cuming ut in Sherwood park ; the house has all modern improvements , bard wood llnlsb throughout : nlso lnrgebarn , with 160 ft front age on West st by 180 frontage on Cuming 8t. 1 will so' ! this to the right party on reasonable terms Apply Hoom 210 , First National bank , building COJ _ CO , YONGE & CO M BaJ18 MA ! < V ACTDDJ.nSoyfSSS HWALKING CANES , M Lnporter ODTLEBX gffl Km'A" RtiMur Oa Balloo . s , Jjwelryi / & [ ( ? | _ _ Notlom , . Noveltlcf , _ . ( • . , &e „ "pMif& . f B loweit priees Oncii for Street ram , IfiVBfSi _ _ i Auoltonrers and At-ntt. Cue Rackj fo V FT , l and K-lf Standi a Specislty _ _ It/ ] CM ll.Ll'STniT'U CtTALIICieVlIPG w ml niu 71B Washiwotoh AVE St LOUIS MO.T Wf Proposals for Mnrcs , Cows and Uulld- iiifr Mutorinls U. S. Indian SEiivion , ) 8AKTEK AOrNCY , NllllllAHlCA , V November llth , 188J , ) EcaleC proposals Indorsed "Froposnls for Mares , Cows or llulldlng Materials us the case muy bo , and addressed to the undersigned nt the Bnutee Agency , Knox county , Nebrnska , will be recoU ed at this agency until one o'clock of Dec 7th ltSO , for furnishing for and delivering at liandreau , Dak , to cows , 22 Aiueiic.m innres nud building material for the erection of six Indian houses , for delivering at the Ponca Agency , Dakota , matoral for sK Indian hou ° es nnd live grunerics ; also for 40 Ameilcunmnrcs and material for ten Indian Ziousos , 10 stables nnd granaries and for otherpurposes , to bo de livered at the Sautee Agency , Nebraska • The cows must bo American cattle , not under two or over llvo years old , fieo from Arkansas , Texas or Mexican blood , and average 700pounds lu weight , none to weigh loss thun iv.O pounds The mares must be of Amerlcnu Stock , from four to seven years old , sound , well broken , without blemishes and must weigh not less than 050 pounds each A complete list and inscription of the build ing materials roqulred ntboth ngenclos.will bo furnished to bidders , upon application to the undersigned Each bidder must state bpeclDcally the pro posed nrlco of each article to be olloiod for de livery under comract ' CERIIFU2D CHECKS Each bid must be accompanied by n certtilod check or draft uponsomo UnltedStatos l.oposi- tory , mnde payable to the order of the under slcned for at least FIVE per cent of the amount ot the proposal , which chock or draft will bo forfeited to the Unitou States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a cent ruct with good and sum * olent sureties , otherwise toberoturned to the bidder The right Is reserved to reject any or nil bids , or any part ot any bid , It docmed for the best Interests of the service OiiAni.iifl Hii.c , No 14 d to D 4. U. 8. Indian Agout /VrtlcIc'H of Incorporation of tliu Hoimnza Hlnc Blnnufuoturlnx Company , KNOW All Men by These Presents ! That wo Richard II Cooper and brands Y. Keator , do associate ourselves together for the purpose of formlug and becoming a corporation in the state of Nebraska , fur the transaction of the business hereinafter mentioned : Article 1. 'lbonamoof the corporation shall be 'llie Bonanza King Manufacturing Com , " The principal place of transacting its usinossBliuilbointlio city ot Omaha , county of Douglas und state ot Nebraska Artlcti > 2. Thetiaturo ot the business to bo transacted by bitld corporation shall be tno manufacturing nud sale of The Bonanza King , " a commercial article used for removing Hcale from ( team boilers , and the erection und innlntalnnnco utsucli buildings , machinery ami structures ns may be doomed necessary , and t purchase real estate as a olio therefor , and especially to facilitate the mauufauuie and sale of The Bonanza King " Article it The authorized capital stock of said corporation suull bo ten thousand dollars ( tio.ooo ) , to be divided lu shares ot onehuudrel dollars (1100.00) ( ) each , to be subscribed aud paid as required Dy the board of directors Article ! . The exlsteateot this corporation shall commence on the 7th day of October , A. I ) . IS43 , and'contlnue lu force during the period of ulnety-nlne years Anlcleli The business of said corporation shall bo conducted by u board of directors , not to exceed live (5) ( ) In number , to be elected by the stockholders , such election to tuko place at such time , and be conducted In such manner us shall bo prescribed by bylaws of said corpora tion Article 0. The olTlcers ot said corporation shall be a president and secretary-trjusuror , who shall be chosen by the board of directors , and shall hold their term of olllce for the period of one year or until their successors shall be elected and quality Article 7. The highest amount of Indebted ness to which said corporation shall at nny time subject Itself , shall not bs more thun one thous and dollars iJI.ouu.00) ) . Article 8. The manner of holding tno meet , lugs of stockholders for the election of ofll-ors and the method of conducting the business of the corporation shall bo adopted by the board ot directors In witness whereof the undersigned have here unto set their hands this 7th day ot October , A.D.1BS . IBlgUea ) IllCIMItu II Coopmii , _ ( Signed ) FitaMiS V. Kkatou Bworn to before notary public Douglas coun ty , state of Nebraska , Omaha _ ( Signed ) C E. Brit ATrnw cfil-23nsi2-H > Notion to fontmotors _ H Sealed proposals will be received at the office V H ot County Clerk of Douglas County , Nobinsia , . * _ until 2 o'clock p. \\ednesday , November H 20th , A. 1 > . IMi , tor the construction of the sow * _ _ erige cess pools , etc about the ronnty lluspl- | _ B tal llulldlng said work to be < louo according to _ _ _ _ | plan * ami specifications now In the hands ottlie J H County Survcror . , Ench old must be accompanied by a certtBod M check for fVc as an evidence of good fnlth _ _ _ B 'Ihu Hoard es the to reject | roser > right any or all bids , M. I ) . Hooiir ' | _ H N ISd jj County Clerk _ _ H io tun ntuUAliolilerti ol 11111 Uuutulln _ _ _ H Iniiitl nml Cnltlo Omiitmiiy _ _ | Notlco Is hereby given that the annual _ _ l meeting ot the stockholders ot the Oguinlla _ _ Land aud Cattle company , will be held nt the _ _ | coinpnnv'aottko In the city ot Otnnha , Neb , H ou Wedncsdiy December 4th , uw , at : i o'clock _ _ 1 p. m. , lor tli election ot dltccturs for the en- _ _ 1 BUlng year , nnd the transnoilon ot such busl- | ness ns may conic before th 1 meeting _ _ _ _ | wnr.iAM A. Pax on , President | _ | Nov -to-D4. 1 . Jostrit FitAvK , tecrotniy , _ H nntioo ot Sjirolnl KlooMon , | Notice Is hereby given to the legal voUrs oi _ | Douglas county , Nebiaska , tint nrhereas Hit _ _ H Nebrnska Central railway company has sub | _ H muted to the boaidof o'unty commissioners ot fl Douglas county , Nobraika , a proposition la th * 1 1 words following , tiamslyt H Omaha , Neb , Oct , 31 , ) sS9. Honorable Hoard _ _ H ot Commlsslouets of Douglas County , Neb _ _ l braskn lleutlomeni lbe Nubrasxa Centla * _ _ 1 rall-ay company proposes to build a doublst track steel railway bridge across the Missouri _ _ | river nt some point yet to be selected above the _ _ | present btldgts and south of the north line of _ _ i too city of Omaha-prorlded the county oi _ _ | Douglas will donate to the comptny two bun _ _ dred nnd titty thousand iJ-JiO.nni ) dollars of 5 _ _ H Eer cent , twentr-ycar bonds ot the county , to _ _ H s delivered to the company on the completion > I H of the bridge ready fornperatlon on or before H Juue22. ikti : . , _ | " 1 he bridge is proposed to bs built under an l k actof congresseutltlsd , 'An act to authorize 1 the construction ot abridge ever the Mis.our ! _ H river , nt or near the city ot Omaha , Neb , ' an _ _ B proved .1 line 22.1M4 , And the net provides that _ H the brldgo shall bo opn to all railroad com * _ _ | panics desiring to use the same , upon equal _ _ | terms , _ _ BIn 'In case the constrnctloa of the bridge Is net s _ _ | begun before the lMh day ot.Iuna , IdX ) , or the | _ H brldgo Is uot completed before the 2d day oi ' _ _ | Junp , Ihic the company shall not bo entitled to lecelvo nny of said bonds , non though the < _ _ H proposition should bo carried by vote of the _ H electors , _ _ B And , provldod further , thnt sntd bonds shall _ _ | bodcllredtothesnld Nebraska Central Hall * "WU way conn ) my , its agents , successors or assigns , & H onlv upon the execution by sntd Ne'y-aska ' Central - - _ _ | tral Itiitlw-iiv company nrlts successors , nud tie _ _ | llverv to said county ot Douglas , of an under * j H taking in writing to the ctlocs that the princl- _ _ | psl depot ot said railway company Its general H H odlccs and principal machine shops , when H built , shall be located and mulntalnod within H the corporate limits ot the cltyof Omaha , Neb , H and that a violation ot the terms ot said tin j HH dertaklng uy the vald Kebraska Central HallBfl waycompany or it successors shall render said H Nebraska Central Hallway company or Its sne- H cessors lndohted to the said county or Douglas _ _ | to the full amount ot said bonds und the inter H est thereon . . . B 'By order ot the board of directors Nebraska Central Uullwav company _ V J 1) ) . DuMOKr , Vlco Prcsldont , ! OPOltaBO lUitNUH , Secretary " ] ' And , wlioroas , it was voted by the board ot * _ I county commissioners ot laid Douglas county , } Nebraska , to accept the nbove and foregoing _ proposition of the • Nebraska Central Hallway i m company B Proxlded , that the terms of such proposition - , wF , be llrst submitted to the legal voters of said SB county aud adopted by tlmm according to law T1H Now , therefore , n special election of the legal _ _ voters ot Douglas county , Nebraska , will do > , 'j H held on 'mm\ \ TUESDAY THE THIRD DAY OF DECEM- B HER , 1839. IB at which election the following questions shall , _ bo submitted to said voters iiua voted upon In the form una manuor and at tno pollUg places _ following : ! < Sunllthe county ot Douglas Nebraska , Issue _ - Its coupon bonds to aid the Nebraska Central - _ railway corap.\ny lntho construction of a rail .BH road uridge across the Missouri river at Wjl' ' Omaha , Net ) . ; said bonds to amount to the sum , B ottwo hundred and fifty thousand 1 * 0,000) ) ' _ dollars : to bo Issued In sums of one thousand 'HJL ( $1,000) ) dollars each ; to do made pa } able to _ H bearer ; to be dated on the 1st day or .luuuary , BV 1801 ; to become duo twenty 00) ) years after the _ _ ! date thereof ; to bear Interest at the rate of five _ ! (6) ( ) per cent per annum , payable soml-annuallv on the llrst day 0t.Iauu.1ry and ot July : nncnot | 4 which bonds to boar on Its face the following H words : This bond Is ono of a _ series of 260 like bonds which are Issued by the county of Douglas , In the state of _ ! Nebraska , to aid thoNebrasca Central Hallway _ company In th c constiuctlon ot a rallioau * H biidgeacross the Missouri liver at Oniaba , 4VJ Nebruska ; " all ot said bonds and the Interest jB _ thereon tobe paynbleatthe fiscal agency ot the ' state otNebrasta intlio city ot New Yorx ; to _ be dell\ered and donated to the Nebraska Central - _ B tral llailwav company when it shall havocom'M pletod , ready for operation , a double track WW steel railroad orldge across tb Missouri rlvorut 111 Omaba , Nebraska , and shall have executed the mm ngreoments contained in Bald proposition ; pro --IB vlded the same shall be commenced on or bo- AB fore Juno 15,1890 , nnd shall be finished ready JB for ulceration on or beroro luna 22 , 180. . -aH And shkll an auuual tax In addition to the asunl and all other taxes , uj levied on the tax _ able property of Douglas county Nebraska , . _ sullicicnt to pay the Interest on said bonds as It - m becomes due ; una at the time of levying the iBl annual county taxes , commencing the tenth ' "jBM year prior to the maturity of said oonds , shall .Sf I a tax in addition to all other taxes ne levlta on -Hrf the taxable property ot Douglas county , and t m I continued annually thereafter from year to I year , until thereby a sinking fund shall have Sk ! been created sutllclent to pay said bonds at the ' • * ! maturity thereof ? 1 Bb ! The above questions shall be regarded as one , , BV entire question , and all legal voters of Bald ! ' -BB' Douglns county who desire to vote in favor ot * ' the Issuance of said bonds und tlio levy of said TJBR taxes Inpayment of the principal ana Interest sBV thereof , at said election , shall vets a ballot 'Bv ' with said question printedor written , or parti /BB printed and partly written , with the following ] additional words thereon : Yes For the No BV braskn Central railway aid bonds and taxes , ' , - - BJf And all legal voters of said Donglascountvwho 'SB deslie to vote against the Issuance of said InB bomlR nnd the levy of said taxes lu payment of ; BB the principal and mterotit thereof , at said eloc- IB tlon shall vote a ballot with said question Ifl printedor written , or partly printed and part jB ly written , with the following additional words , BB thereon : "No Against the Nebraska Central * BB railway aid bonds aud taxes " } mU If two-tlilrdsot all of said ballots voted by V H the said legal voters of said Douglas county at ! 'Bfl said election shall hnvo thereon tue words "l'es ? BB For the NebrdSKa Central railway aid bonds ' BB and taxes , " the foregoing proposition will nava " BB been adopted , and the said bonds shall be Is- BB Siedandibe said taxes shall be levied In nc- 'BB ' cordance with tno terms and conditions there "SB of ; otherwise not " < lBE Bald election shall be opened at eight (8) ( ) , HB o'clock n. m. upon said Tuesday , the 3d day ot , mB December , 11180 , nud shall remain open until six rflB (6) ( ) o'clock p. 111. of bald day kBB The polling places of Bald election shall bo iJMBI the following named places 1n Douglas county , ' sBB Nebraska : sB | OMAHA PRECINCT NO 1. * * tM District No 1 S. W , corner Tenth and Jones s SB streets 5 , District No 2 Number 1117 South Sixth f | street Vlnoy's barber shop iif B District No ii S. E. corner Eleventh and Dor * < ilE cus streets , engine house IB OMAHA PRECINCT NO 2. ' ; § DIstilctN'o , 1 Numbsr 12li South Sixteenth sl | street 3 DistilctNo.S Number 1871 South Sixteenth ' 'Ifl street , -tftfl OMAHA PRFOINCT NO 3. > VB | District No , 1 Number 1008 Davenport street , 'i'Mm District No 2 Number 1022 Hnmoystroot , ' , Bl OMAHA PRECINCT NO i. f > Bl District No 1 H07 ! Cupltol avenue \ > B1 District No 2 Numbor.,1712 Bt Mary's ava > % Bl nue , rfi Bal OMAHA PRECINOT NO A. JH District No , 1 Number 604 North Sixteenth , . Bl street * * District No 2 Corner Izard and Blxtoouth J Mm streets Engine House No u. i > BI OMAHA PHECINI7T NO 0. ' Bl District No 1 Number 2J30 Lake street . ' | H District No 2 Lyceum Hall , on Twenty ' " Bi fourth street on South side ot F. , E. & M. Y , It ' ' ! Bl It track 4 mm District No fl Stevens Store on Parker -A H street , West of Thirty-third street , Hal OMAHA PRECINCT NO 7. jfU District No 1 Corner Twenty-ninth street i > Bl and Woolworth avenue School Hoimo " Bl District No U II G. Clarks Building on "Bl Twenty-ninth street , between Dupont aud Rice il Bl streets wjBal OMAHA PRECINOT NO 8 , < & District No 1 South Bide Cuming , batween gBB Twentieth and Twenty-first streets ( Harness 'YMM Shop ) . JH District No 2 Cuming street , between 'TBI Twenty-fourth tdreot ana Twenty-lit th avenue , > wBl Furuy's barn .SBl OMAHA rRECINCT NO 0. Ttwm District No 1 Corner Twenty-ninth and Farfll nan streets , V. J , Johnson's store is District No 3-Corcer Mercer and Lowe ave % m Dues 0. J. Ryan's store < jl SOOTH OMAHA PRECINCT MM Precinct No 1 F , Plvonka's , N street , be * 'hS.m tween Twenty-hf th and Twenty-sixth streets 11 Precinct No 2 j. Levis , Twmy-alxtn street , t fj between N and O streets , , JM Precinct No 3-Llulo bouts back ot Keller s > SB hotel , o street $ m l'reolnct Nc , 4 Exchange hotel , M Florence Precinct At scnool bouse at FIor > f _ • nee . Union Precinct At Ocorgs L. Bedman's ' bouse : ,7B Jefferson Precinct At P. Deidrlchson's ofllc * , * km % Uennlugton -aBJ Elkhorn i'reclnct-At Town hall , F.lxhorn - f _ B City * ! Valley Preclnct-At school house at Valley ' % _ station ifBJl Waterloo Precinct At Masonto hall bull din * 1 < M } Chicago Prsclnct At Van Alt's onics * BJ Millard Precinct At school house at Millar * Mm station S-JB McArdle Preclnct-At MoArdlo's sthoel AfH Taouae , kVJ Douglas Precinct At Henry Huser's plac * . ! B. W. or , section 30 , township 14 , range 13. jjJB West Omaha At school house , district Ne ( . VM II v order ot the board ot county commleslen * Him r . [ skai.I tl D. ROCHE , County Clark ; jii Nor a301. M OMAHA HOTELS jl G IXBE HOTEL 1J0S-HI0-IJU Douglas stresc . lB nunlr furulshsd Strictly tlrst-classt rate * Sm Jl.W and (2 per day , Tarplay.uroa , , proprietors ' : B % _ l