11 ( T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WjfmESDAY , NOVEMBER 20. 1889. THE OMAHA BEE I COUNOILBLUEFS oveivts No ia im.ahij ktuuht Eellvircdhyrnrrlfrlnnny part of the City t • . . Fifteen ( > nt icr Week , | . UW 'Ill/IOJf WANAOKIl L THtiUPHONKSl K Ht'MXrftROrHCK No 12. Night ) : ditiii ) No sn I f Klltccu Cents n AVcck % , Prom ami after November 10 Tun D.m.T Bee will bo delivered liy carriers in Council t . HlufTs nt fifteen cents n wcelt ! MINOll MKNTIOV I n. y. p. co | Glcason coal I Council UlufFs Vjtnbcr Co . coal | Western Lumber and Supply Co t- Thatcher coal , see advertisement f Ucst coal and woou at C. U. Fuel Co f" Carbon Coal Co wholesale , rotall , 10 Pearl Fall snlo begins Monday Iloston store : * . Gcorgo Wilson nnd his minstrels will be II . the attraction itt , Dohnny's this ovcnlng . 'Mi' Mrs 7 Ima Davis has boon adjudged In- I ; sane , and sent to the Mt Pleasant asylum , Her Insanity was the result ol religious ox- JJ ; citcmeut r 'Squlro Hondriclts will to-dny remove his ofllco to the corner of Pearl and iustlco , hlsnew quarters being over the { ' United States express onico IS The Metropolitan hotel changes hands this L morning Mr A. P. Lungmade thu fernier IH | owner , resuming control Ho will , of course , IH bo glad to sco all his old friends iJH The ilnrton-Iiciio case still occupies the at3 I1B lontlon of the district court Thu court was § - not In session yostcrdtiy afternoon Tlio IH > equity will ho finished up this week H > . Unity guild gavoun cnjoynhlo social last Ittf"evening at the resulcnco of Mrs Sllchtcr , 11H No Sli : North First street It was enter ijjl- taiuod by Misses Hwun , Boll and Orcncllo IJH' Tbo funeral of Mrs 1) . W. Hlght will talto | llj place nt 1 :8U : o'clock this afternoon from the § ) ; residence , on Fourth street , Kov Q. W. | H " Crofts oMeiatlng , assisted by Hev G. G. PJJJJThe annual fair of the ladles of St Francis IJH Xnvicr's church will bo given next wcok ilH ; UMtcro will bo luiiumerablo attractions and § ( ' : the fair will umioubtealy bo the usual suc- 1JJE The council has granted the motor com 1JJK' pau.v permission to put in n temporary track f H at the comer of First and Piurco streets , | MME „ providing a shorter curve , which will put the HH track in the ccntor of the street , is rolaid by IH : May I. PJJJj' A nicetliiir of the coursing club will beheld | MH t the Manhattan ut S o'clock Friday oven j Ing At the meeting Monday evening there | ) H. were not cnuugh members present to const ! IfKi tuto a quorum , but it is desired to liuvo a full ilH'V attendance Friday night , as there Is business IJJf . of great importunco to bo transacted , IJH Yesterday afternoon Justlco Hendricks | JH heard the case of the stnto vs Charles and | BK John Faust nnd William Horn , charged with IBBe unlawfully seining fish nt Lake Mannwn | ll | . They were found guilty und lined $10 nnd Id • costs each They loft their team for security , and roturncd to tholr homo at Pluttsmoutli PJJJ \ The enso of Stewart & Tinas vs Wright Is' | BJ occupying the attention of 'Bqutro Schurz' | Bj court The defendant has charge of a pas ill ] * tolo for the plaintilTs , and they chargQ that iBJ " ' be has ueglcctod to turn over nil ot the I ) ) } , ' money received Ho alleges that the day of HBr settlement iva ! > not until November 1 , and Ml : that ho wns ready to account for all uionoy Hln : received nt the proper time HH } : ' The Hrownoll-Clmpman case will bo suu- Hlr tmttcd to the Jury in the superior court this HBj' morning , after a trial of nearly n wcok HHl' Browuell & Co sued Chapmnn for $094 and lntorest for ninchlnery furnished for thoM M taamor M. F. ltohror , and the defendant , brings in a counter claim for SI,600 dam H * * nges , occasioned by the delay in getting the Ht > boat ready for service The case has been j' atubbomly contested HBJ Yesterday forenoon a Union Pnclflo J iwitchman named Jones was in n South ' , Wain street saloon , ' when a ono-armed HH" stranger inquired the time Jones pulled out HH ' Ms watch when the stranger naked to bo ill H lowc 'd to cxamluo It Jones handed It over , . nnd soon afterward the ticker Hew out of the L door , closely accompanied by the single HVjJi banded stranger Jones related his tale ot HB'1' woo to the police nnd was directed to get a . < ' carrlago In which to go nfter the thief , but i- us it was four hours later before ho appeared ' with the carrlago , the pollco declined to take HBtQy \ further action in the matter § VM)1 ) It is understood that a motion for a writ of HBK habeas corpus in the case of J. J. Fralney will bo argued before Judge A.vlesworth to- HHj ' morrow Messrs , Gannon , of Omuhs , and J' Ware and Mynstor , of this city , will hnvo HHf ; charge of his case , nnd Messrs Smith and HUj' Askwlth will resist the application It is BJf whispered that In case this uiovo is unsuc- BJ ' ccssful , an attempt will bo made to g'st Jl Fralney across the river , by bringing a enso ; ; In the United Status court The general belief - ) - lief is that Frainoy will turn over his properly - } - orly and sottto the case , if ho is uusucccss- j ful hi otherwise goUIng out of the clutches J of the law ) ; ' ' A misunderstanding lead to quite a contro- HHj ; ' .versy at the city building yesterday morn L lug The residents on Third uvonuo , west nfx ° f Twenty-eighth street , complain that the J. watcrworics company has laid mains , made J , ' ' bouso connections una the city is paying for J. hydra ins there , yet they can not secure > vuter , J' as the company will not turn it on notwith- J- standing that they have offered to pay in ad- J * vance Manager Hurt stated that this was HBJr ; because the owner of the kousoi had not Hti > b signed an npplicutlon for house connections K us the rules of the company rcquiro.although BHV' bo hud agreed to do so before the connections Jr ' were mnde It was admitted that it was a JIT' hardship to compel the tonunts to carry J , ' " water several blocks , and Mr Hart agrcod fife to turn on tbo wutcr privided such action JMs ; was not established as u precedent HHbK ; The Puhtnan restaurant , Ml 13 ro fid way , m-Z HHh4' Money loaned nt h. 13 , Craft k Co 's loan HBB&jofllco on furnlturo , pianos , horses wagons , H , personal property of all kinds , and all other | Bf- urticlcs of value , without removal All bus fi incss strictly confidential ' pBM ) : , Poi-sonnl rnrigiiipliM HHl ! • N. Haldwiu left yesterday afternoon for JH Chicago HHlj'v Con.ircssmim Heed loft Inst evening for ? < Washington HHJlf < F. M , Guult has returned from an eastern j ; . business trip i . Hon Lucius Wells has gone to Hock p , Island , 111. , ou a short business trip WsSk * Thomas Howuian loft yesterday for Wis- KQ cassut Mo , to cat Thuuksvivlng turkov at ' bis old home K- ' ' ' Mrs John J. Frainoy Is reported ns being Mb severely ill , the urrest of her husband having jVBc' completely prostrated her T It is reported that the condition ot ox- B , , - Sheriff Heel is rapidly growing worse , aud MV bo ls not expected to recover , I'-/ Jobu Schocntgcn loft last ovenlug for < - Mexico , on n bu > lucss and pleasure trip Ho [ w > 11 return just before Christmas HV' , . Chief Lucas Is experiencing considerable K > trouuio from n badly swollen hund which , It Ml' . feared , Is the result of blood poisoning sssK,1 MttS0 Holifor , Alderman Laoy-and exT - -,1 T : ' . re Gn , ° i Tcinploton left last evening for M Marshalltown , to attend the wlntor meeting E , ° f tha Iowa Firemen's association , F T. W. McCargor is suffering from tempo k . ' rary aberration ot mind , caused by his ill K ucss It is the wish or many friends that bo k > "ay soon bo restored to his rormcr vigor , HHHT ' : M , 1 * Glcason has boon promoted from the , onico of the gcuoral freight auditor of the , Union l'ucllkwhoru ho was engaged as clerk , to the position of pass clerk in the vice f presidents oHlco Tlio promotion was do- R , * served , and the friends of thoyouug wan BMC , Will rejoice with lilm at bis success K Miss Kittto 1) . Ogdcn , daughter of Mr , K and Mrs F , Ogden , No 1'Jj Fuirviow uvo- f , > uie , who has been conllncd to her homo for f the past ten days with diphtheria , li now Bm considered out of dnugor Ilnr recovery is f' progressing favorably She and the family R wt | > h to thank their friends for tholr kind so- f j , licitudo aud the beautiful flowers seut , ftf " "Whlstlol AVtliBlli < ! Wlilbtlrstl'l ' This may not bo correct grammar , but it Ir/ is tbo proper comparison when speaking of Wj- : ' Miss Grace liigolow in her specialty , Sbo MV ' wilt appear at the opera house Friday , Do- ceinbor 0. General udiulssion CO cents , reserved - served seats 73 cents B " 8 osblaets , only I1.T5 , Schmidt's , KOMalo SNATCHED FROM THE WAVES A Stubborn Midnight StruBKlo For Lifo nt Lake Mmmwtt GENERAL AND PERSONAL NOTES Uic Cotinciil Will Have tlio Hotel Alloy Coiuloiiincil Tlio City Mur- slinl Alnkcn nn Knrly BlunitiiK Sluvc A.Xnrrow ICsonpo From Ilentfi A narrow cscapo from death was that of Charles P. Piatt , of the Electric Light com pany , and Lou White , n well known young man of this city , who wont lo take Mannwa Monday evening to shoot ducks They were out In a small skiff , shooting by the light of a largo headlight placed In the bow of the boat It wns nearly 10 o'clock , nnd they had bean having romarknbly good success , when they beard some * geese a short distance away • They managed to got tioar enough for a shot , and both rushctl to the bow ot the boat In the excitement of thu moment , with the geese boating the water with their wings ns they rose In the air , nnd ducks rising on all sldos of them , while the Illuminated spaeo In front ot tbo glaring headlight Boemcd nlivo with wildly dashing objects , what wonder was it that the boat was overturned and the hunters precipi tated Into the chilly wntors of the lake With great prosonca of mind they decided to stny by the boat iustcad of trying to swim to shore , as In tbo latter ciso thov would almost surely have drowned , or , If they had succeeded In reaching shore would Boon have perished from exposure They were In tlio deepest part of the lake , about thrco hundred yards from the pavilion on the shore , in what was the old channel , where there Is about thirty foot of water They tried to propel the boat to the shore , but were soon tired out and had to give up the attempt There was nothing to do hut to cling to the boat , and try to summon as sistance from the other side of the lake , over halt amilo away As ono of the rescuers stated yc9tcrduy : "U over thcro was a pitiful cry for help It eatno over the waters of Lake Mnnnwn Mouday night " Fortu nately the cries wcw henrd by Mrs F. C. Uccd , wife ot the owner ot the Mtuunva motor line , who happened to bu nwake , and the alarm was soon given Mr C. O. Ma- lovvney had notrotlreil , as the hunters bud stabled their horse in his barn , and ho was awaiting their re turn , un they had informed him that the.v would bo back about half past 10 or It oclock Everything was locked up , but the boat houses were hastily broken open , ana soon two boats were headed out , across the lake on the noblest of errands Thoy-wero mauned by Colonel F. C. Iteed , C. O. Malownoy Mr Wricht tiud his two sons , William Uallou , Hugh Morrison and Mr Hell By the time the boats reached the scene of distress the hunters were com pletely exhausted White was entirely un conscious nnd Piatt nearly bo Piatt was lifted Into the boat , but Wlilto could hardly be disongascd.hls hands , stiff and rigid , clutching the partially submerged boat in a visc-1 iko grip The chilled and exhausted limbs of both ro- tnlncd in unconsciousness the sumo position and tension as in the desperate and almost hopeless struggle for llfo In which they had been engaged for over half on hour The boats were rowed to the nearest shore where the already stiffened garments wore torn and cut from the bodies of the young men They wore hurriedly carriud to a shanty near by , in which there fortunately happened to bo a stove , aad n flro was kin dled Cots were improvised , nnd then be gan a stubborn battle between lite and death For flvo lor.g Jiours the rescuers worked In nn endeavor to restore suspended animation in the half frozen bodies before thorn , It was rub and pound , pound and rub with llt- tlo variation Uottles ot hot water were ranged about tbo ' unconscious forms , and whisky was forced down the throats of the insonslblo hunters It was found necessary to use a wedge to force open Whites mouth , his jaws being so rigidly set that nothing else would suOlco After four hours and a half of such heroic treatment 1'lott , bosun to recover , but it wns fully nn hour later oofore White showed any encouraging signs At 8 o'clock yesterday morning , the suffer ers were brought back across the lake , and wcra made as comfortable as possible until yesterday nflornoon , when President Wright , of the electric light company , wont down from the city in a hack , and brought them to the resldonco of Whites mother , on First nvenuo Last evening they were as well as could bo exocctca under the circum stances Their bodies were covered with livid bruises , the result of the pounding and rubbing of the rescuers in tholr attempt at resuscitation They were sore from head to Tootand fromonosldo to the other , butanimn- tlon and circulation were fully restored , and they are on tbo high road to recovery It was a terrible experience for them , and they will carry with them to the grave a vivid recollection of the horrors of that awful night To the untiring energy of tholr rescuers they owe their lives Nothing short of the rough and seemingly unmerci ful treatment nccordod them would have availed anything , and the recipients may well bo filled with gratitude to those who in flicted on them the most merciless drubbing they over experienced That it wus a most narrow escape none know bettor than the rescued ones , and It is a matter of congratu lation to know that they , tholr rescuers and friends may hereafter recount without a pang , tbo story of that November night that came so near bringing the keenest sorrow to two plousnut homes > Blxby , plumbing , Bteam heating , Merriam block Finest market in cuy--J.M. Soanlun'1 , Dwelling for sale on easy payinonts Also building lots nt lowest market prices Call and exuuiiuo our list 12. H. Shoafo & Co Noumoyer hotel , first classreasonablo , rates The Hess Investment and Trust company _ _ The Council HlufTs Cnrpot company's mammoth establishment was tilled with cus tomers yesterday The fall season Is in its midst and the pcoplo nro attracted by the novelties and splendid bargains offered ; . Will Condemn the Allay The council held a special meeting yester day morning for the purpose of looking over tlio ground with reference to condemning nn ' alloy in the roar of the now hotel site , as asked by the hotel company They decided In favor of tbo request , and the sheriff will today bo Instructed to impanel a jury for the purpose of condemning the property re quired for the alloy This will furnish a moans of entrance to the rear of the hotel , aud was a necessary move , there being no alloy or street at that point A finely illustrated ontortalmnont will bo given in tbo First Baptist church Thursday nnd Fridav evenings by J , D. Perry , of Do- trolt Among the views , which will bo pro duced thirty foot in diameter , are views of Jerusalem , Hock of Ages , Greenland's Ioy Mountains , tompcranco illustrations , na tional historical events , scenes in the lifo of Christ and many others , among which flow ers will bloom , angels appear , etc Tickets 23 cents : for sale at Cavlu's book store , Pothybrldgo's uiarkot , and at II Morgan's , 72 : ! CCroadway Always on Time If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent loss than club rates , and on cusy terms , then call at once and make your own selection at O. B. Jacquemln & Co , 27 Main street Fountain cigar , a strictly 10a cigar tor 5o at the Fountain , Trv ono * ' Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorate rices K. II , Slieafo & Co , rental ageuti Iroadway and Mala streets , up stairs la un Investigation Nomletl ? Auotbor carload of grief , billed to a cer tain inonibcr of tbo pollco force , has arrived at its destination and Is being unloaded at the said blue coals front door Charges ot a very serious nature have been preferred against Captain F , P. Fowler ler and the matter U in tbo bands ot Chief Lucas , who is privately conducting an In- ycstlgatiou The oharito against the ofllcor In undue lntlmuoy with tbo wlfo of Fredo- rick Hrownold It is alleged that In August , 1SSS , Fdwler took the Hrownold woman to ihns Western house on Upper Hroadway , where tboonicor had secured n room , nnd that then nnd nt divers other times indulged In numerous lndescrotions The dlvoreo case of Hrownold against his wifa wns tried In the district court last Sat urday , and u decree was granted Hrownold now states that ho know ot nil tbo facts re garding Fowlers connection with his wlfo , over n year ago , but ho was working to so- euro n dlvoreo , and did not want to make any move or say anything further until the case was ready to bo' submitted in court Hrownold states that ho does not Know of his own personal knowledge that Fowler Is guilty , ns his Information is lnrgoly hearsay but coiicorulng what ho does know , ho speaks ns follows ! "I know that Fowljr wns hanging around my rcstauraut n prent deal more than ho should hnvo done , in fact , when ho had no business there I often tried to find out what ho wanted , or It there was anything I could do for him , but bo irenorally gave rae an ovaslvo nnswnr Once ho came in because ho felt friendly , nnd another tlmo ho wuntod to borrow some of my sheet music Ho said his wlfo was n. singer , nnd ho wanted to got it for her I told h.lin . I didn't llko to lend It , for It was generally Rolled on such occnslons Others told mo that ho was Intlmato with my wito , but I didn't see anything absolutely wrong between them A painter named Car lln , who works for mo , . did see something , mid ho told mo about it I dent ' want nnothcr mans homo broken up as mlno has been , but I dent think a man who Is guilty of coming between a man nnd his wlfo Is tit to boon tbo pollco force , and least of nil to bo captain of the force I didn't Intend to say nuy more about it , but it tins looked out , und the chlot has been told of It Ho came to me nnd I told him just what the facts were ns 1 know thorn Ho said ho was going to investigate the case , out I dent know what he has done nbout it slnco then " J. W. Carlln , the painter to whom Hrown old referred , was looked up , and ho told a straightforward story re garding his knowledge of the case Sold ho : "A year ago last August 1 worked for H. P. Nllos , und boarded at the Western house on Upper Broadway I knew both Mrs , Urownold and Ofllcor Fowler by sight , and about 3 o'clock ono nftorhoon they both went up stairs and went into a room just across the hall from mlno Neither of thorn boarded or roomed at the house regularly I dent unow how long they remained there , for I did'nt see them como out I was In my room and saw them go In The house was then run by a man named Larklus , nnd I went to him and told linn I would leave the house If ho nllowcd such actions as that Ha said that t must not'say unything about it , for it would get him Into trouble t know that no frequently routed rooms for such purposes , and ho told mo that I might do the same thins If I wanted to I told the story to Mr Johnson , who runs the plcturo gallery on Uuper Broadwa/ , und afterwards Fowler must have heard of It , for ho stooped mo on the street about four or flvo weons af terward and asked mo if I had told that I saw him go into a room at the Western house with Mrs Brownold I said that I had , and ho said that when ho heard it ho lutended to get his gun and como right down town and shoot me , but bis wlfo prevented him Ho said if I Bald any more about it ho would fix mo Ho then told mo that if 1 wanted to go ulong and keep my mouth shut I could go nnyvhero I pleased and it would bo ' nll right , for ho wouldn't molest mo , and bo would bo my friend Slnca then ho has al ways rccognlzod and spoken to me when ho has passed me oa the street I Know that ho wus the ofllcor who went into the room with tbo woman , and I know that the woman was Mrs Browuold " The Joliuson plcturo gallery was visltod , and tbo proprietor asked to tell what ho know of the case Well , " said ho , "it was some time ago and I bud almost forgotten about it You see , the first I heard of It was what Carter told mo He Bald that it was a policeman , but did not say what oue brown old is an old friend ot mlno , and I thought it my duty to tell him what wus going on I did so , und.it was the llrst ho know about it Ho asked her about it , and she did not deny it , but sbo laid it up against mo , as I could tell by the way she looked atmo after wards I made up my mind then never to interfere in any moro domcstlo difficulties , and if a manwus too blind to see what was going on , his wife could do as she plcasod until kingdom como and I.would never say a word , oven If he was my own brother Ono dny I was going down Main istroot when Fowler came up to me and wanted to know If I said ho took Mrs Brownold to the West ern house , and I said'that I did not I said that it was some policeman , but I did not know which one Then ho told mo how near he came to coming down to shoot me , but his wife prevented him " This is substantially what is in possession of the chief , and is the ground for the charges against Fowler At the tima that Brownold brought his divorce suit it was stated that the charges Implicating Fowler ler were to uppoar In the petition , but some letters received from his wife nbout this time furnishoo all the necessary proof , so that but ono ehurgo was made , nnd that was regarding the man James Higgins , with whom she loft the city on the 2d of last January As It became whispered nrounn that a policeman was implicated in the case , several of tbo members of the force Interested themselves in finding out the proper party , in order to relieve in nocent men from the odium which the affair cast upon the ontlro force It is understood that no spociile charges have yet been pre ferred bofnro the mayor or council , the mat ter hinging at present upon the personal in vestigation to bo couductcd by the chief Following closely ns It does upon the re cent sensational development of affairs in the case of ox-Pulicomnn Scott , the case causes constdorablo adverse comment , and the question is repeatedly asked why the city cannot have its pollco force composed entirely of moral , intelligent mon , who will bo a credit Instead of a disgnico to tbo city Thus far it has been tbo men who have eu- joyod the most implicit confidence of the chief who have gotten into trouble Scott was the prldo aud especial pet of the head of the force and was hornlded as the best man in the state " Fowler enjoyed sufficient trust to bo made captain of the force but a short tlmo ago , notwithstanding certain un favorable features regarding him which de veloped in connection with the Scott case At that tlmo Tun Bui ; urged the necessity of a wholcsalo Investigation , insisting that there were ether uion on tbo force who should.bo removed , but the Investigation was not in ado If It is moro satisfactory to those in authority to refuse to take any action in tbo matter until affairs have devel oped as in the Scott and Fowler crises , tuo public con undoubtedly stand It , but would do bo unwillingly A general purifying of tbo department is nocded , and Itvlll bo bad whothcr the proper ones to engage in it see fit to inaugurate It or not , S. T. MoAttcb , 231 Main , 233 Pearl Finest line fancy groceries in city Now Ogden , largest , best hotel in western Iowa Special attention to commercial men , m Special prices In lop robes and horse b ankots this wcok at Irobstlos Reducing stock to move m Sheet music 10c , S.H3 Broadway ' J , G. Tipton , real estate , 62T Broadway C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway Cobs $1 a load , Glcason , 20 Pearl Dr 0. H. Bower , 51a First ave Tel 229. P. C. Mlllor , best paper hanging and dec orating Tbo best Is the cheapest Drs , Woodbury have removed their dental ofllco to 1U1 Pearl Btroot , up stairs ' • i Dodging un Injunction At the meeting of the city council Monday night City Marshal Guanolla was . directed to remove thu obstruottont on Twentieth street Fences bad been croctod at First , Third and Fourth avenues , enclosing the width of the street , und cxtondlag back as far as tbo allays , thus making six fences in all • At an early hour yesterday morning City Marshal Guanolla , accompanied by tour deputies , hastened to the spot , und | n a short tlmo tbo boards were down , and by U o'clock all tbo posts bad boon dug up aud post holes refilled , thus lcaviug the btreet open for traffic The rcsldouts lu that locality were aroused by tbo pounding , and when the cause was ascertained they gathered in con sldornblo uumbcrs and viewed with satis faction the opening of the street This hasty action on the part of the city nniclals was to have the wurkcoaiplcted before in junction proceedings ' ould stop It , # E. 11. Shcafo & Co give special nltenl on to the collection of resists and caroof property in the city nnd vicinity Charge * moiloruto Ofllco Broadway nrtd Main streets WONDERFUL WATCHES One Undo Kntljfoly of l'npor Rnron Nicholas Mnrvolnus Timepiece In 1883 ft wutchnmUcr ot Drcsdon ex hibited u watch made ontlroly of pnpor Tlio nnpor was cliotnlually prepared , anil the nmltcr clafmod that it would bo as serviceable ns if mrnlo ot the matcrlnl ordinarily used Tlio satno year at a lair hold nt Worcestershire , Kngiiind , Oowthor Brothers & Company , exhib ited ono made ontlroly ot iron , An ingenious prisoner nt Karinuj Bohemia , recently constructed n wntcli eight uontlmotros in dliunotor , With no ether tools or material except two needles , a spool ot thread , ti nowspnpor and some rye straw The wheels , posts and cops tire all made of tlio rye straw , which it is well known ia qulto coarse mid touuh It runs six hours without winding and kcops good tlmo It is now in the possession of the protect of Knriatis , who considers it the greatest marvel of the nineteenth century The most ingenious , portcet and com plex watch over manufactured was sent out from the works of Ptttck Phillippo & Co , of Geneva , Switzerland , in July , 1887 , and is now in possession of Bnrnn Nicholas It is what is known as a full sized hunter " On ono sldo there is a dial of the regulation kind , exhibiting the hour , minute and second hands ; also tin independent chronograph hund which marks the fifth of seconds Tito same dial has repealing mechanism which strikes the hours , quarters and minutes , The opposite dial has linnds pointing to months , weeks and days Another lurgo con trnl hand on this 'dlul , if sot at the beginning of each year , correctly points to till moon phases , and also acts as a porpotuul calendar It is so con structed ns to udtnlt of its kuoping two dilTorent times , say standard time ou ono side , and sun time on the other Insist on having the genuine Red Cross Cough Drops , 5 els a box Sold everywhere FOUND AFTER YEARS OF SEARCH A Boy Stolen by Strikers in 1881 Turns Up in California L. G. Dickinson eight yours ago was , manager of some mining property at Commonwealth , Wis , says a Los Angeles special to the Now York World There was a strike of minors employed by him , in which Dickinson came out best , and the strikers swore vengeance A few days after the strike was settled Diclihison's six-year-old boy Willie did not , return homo from school , and the minors were suspected of having made away with him Since that day his parents have never sot eyes on their child Tlie father spent a fortune lu trying to discover the boys whereabouts ' Pinkerton's detec tive ngoncy was dhliuod in the sonrch , and it standing.roward of $3,000 was offered for kuo\v _ ladgo of the boys whereabouts About two wcoks ago a bright , intel ligent lad was found roaming around East Los Angoles'by a policeman , who took hi in to the boys ' and girls homo The boy told a strange tale Ho said his name was Wlllio E. Dickinson ; that about six or seven ' years ' ago strangers took him from his homo to Chicago , ) whore ho was nbau ' uoiiOd on the streets Ho fell in with ether boys and made it living soiling papers and blacking boots till 1883 , when ho rode to Sacramento on al-rakoboam. Since ho arrived in California ho has fallen in with liorso jockeys , who took him around to fairs with them When he reached Los Angeles ho concluded to remain , A week ago the chief of police sent a letter - tor to the Chicngo chief of police , relat ing the boys story , and today ho received - coivod the answer which toils the story of the abduction and incloses a photo graph of the missing boy , which tallies exactly with the features of the boy hero The chief of police has informed the father , who lives at Bessemer , Mich Cushman's Menthe lnhaior cures catairh , headache , neuralgia , usthma , hay fovcr Trial free at your druggist Prlco 50 cents BUDDHA'S BEAD EYEBALL A Precious Rcllo itcllRlously Gunrdrrt by PnnnnPrlcsis Among the sacred relics of Ilorluji is the veritable oyoballof Buddha There is a line old legend connected with it , and ono is asked to bollovo the marvel lous early lifo and adventures of She toku Taisho , the mikado who founded Horiuii and"left to it statues of himself , carved by his own hand at aifforont po t-tods of his lifo Sliotoku Taisho talked when ho was four months old , and later became 30 profioiont that ho could carry on con versations in eight languages ull at once It one believes that , ho can eas ily aecopt the story that when this prod igy of legend was a year old ho turned to the east and with clasped hands re peated the invocation of his sect : "Nanua Araida Butzul" ( nail , great Buddha ) . When ho finished his prayer , ho found this prooious rolio of Buddha's body , the oyohall , in his hands How bo know that it was an eyeball proves him to have had marvellous powers * of divination , as it looks llko nothing else but the tiny , black , woll-boilod pearl that ono finds in an oyster stow The eye of Buddha is shown ovcry dny at high noon , a special mass being ohuntod by the priest , while the rolio is being brought out and displayed , writes a correspondent For a consid eration , and for thowolfaro of the tom 71I0 treasury , tho'rniiss ' can bo repeated at any hour , and the old prioBt was sent for and came with an humble brother holdlngallig yellow hnlo ot a rain umbrella JoVor tlio holy mans • " " ' liond First lie knoti , , , touched a Bilvor- voiced gong and p > , ayod before a gilded shrine with closed doors and golden lotus ornamonts.mud then drew from one sldo ol tlio sljVino a largo bundle covered with a hlc6f rich old rod and gold brocade anditied witli silk cords This was rovororftly laid on a low table before tlio iiltaraVd , with 11 muttered chant of prayer going on nil the time , the old priest nutled and laid back bag after hag of old , hrocudo , each lined with silk of some dull , contrasting color nnd tied with a heavy silk cord , After the the ninth nag was opouod , nn upright case llko a box , covered with moro brocade , appeared , and , lifting it , the priest procured u little rock crystol reliquary and sot upon It a gilded lotus pedestal thatstood wultlng The reliquary was shuped llko the tombs In a cemetery a cube , u sphere and n pyramid placed 0110 above the other and hold by silver wires , In the hollow sphere lay the tiny little - tlo dingy rolio , that rattled around like a pearl or a pebble when tlio priest turned nnd tipped the snerod object for mo to see it Ho never stopped once in las muttered chant , and nftor ti proper , time had been given us for looking , ho began to replace the object in its ton wrappings , The rosy freshness and volvetv softness of the skin is invariably obtained by those who use Fozionl's Complexion Powder , ' • OLE MAMMY HARVEY , A Colored Womnn Who M > T Vet Brcnk Mctliusolnh'fl llccoftt Ole Mnmroy" llnrvoy , na she is called , who lives on the outskirts of this city , says a StTojoph Mo , special , is n tiogrcss ono hundred nnd eight yours of nge She was married ttvlco nnd has been the mother ot fourteen children Five of her sons served in the union army and two of them died on the haltloilold Ilor oldest living sonHOWeighty ycarsoldresldosin Sher idan countyaiid until six wcoks ngo his roof his sheltered his ngod mother , but then Robert , who is nearly sixty , went down to visit her and brought her to his homo in this city { where she ex pects to pass the remainder ot her days In the 0110 huudrod and eight yenrs ether her exlstouco she had iiovor uoforo rid den on a railway train Speaking ot the novel oxporlonco she said to the llornld correspondent : "I war skecred at fust , but liked it pow'ful artor " * An inquiry rogardtng the ntimbor of hordlroct descendants rather puzzled her ' • Well , " she said slowly , "I don 'zaotly know how many I hov got I counted mon a hundred grati'ohilluii one day , when I got ter thniklu' bout it I've hod fourtcon chillun , an' all ob 'oin's lied lots o' chillun , too My youngest dnrlor's got fo'toon , nn' she ain't but fifty-fo' years ole . " Robert stated that she has 123 grand children , with several precincts to ho hoard from Mummy holloved that at last accounts she hud forty-six great grandchildren and twelve grcut-great- grandchildroii If this is true , * she is responsible for 100 peonlo in four gen erations , a record of which she feels proud , Mammy has never worn glasses and she oats about ovorythlng , notwith standing the nb3onco of all but thrco teeth , She can neither road nor write , but puts in most of her spare time work ing nt something She says sbo is per fect health , except an occasional twinge of rheumatism , and altogether she bids fair to break Mothusoluh's record Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething relieves the child from pain 125 cents a bottle The Schoolmaster Wns Pair Gnino A kind friend tolls us that a recent paragraph in this column relating to the Hai'lau county feud in Kentucky re called to his mind a story which is now so old as to bo now ngain , says the Washington Post A strnngor had gene into ono of the southern states to have a little sport with his gun , but after hunting nearly all day was well nigh disgusted at having found nothing to shoot Ho was about to glvo up when ho chanced to moot a native , with whom he fell into conversation "I thought this was a great couutry for gamer said the stranger "Waal , so it war a bit ago Thor war a right smart o' game roun' hyar nfo' the boys got to guiiuin' fur it , but I reckon its mostly killed elf now " "I should say it had boon Why , I'vo boon tramping through these woods Binco early this morniug , and 1 haven't soon a blessed thing to Bhoot at " The native , whoso heart wns full ofi that beautiful hospitality for which the south wns so famous in antebellum times , stopped and stood in deep medi tation for some seconds Dogged if I dent hate to sco you go way disappointed , stranger.but " An idea struck him a good idea His face lighted up What time is it , stranger1' ho asked Quarter past 4. " "Waal , now , ' ' said the native with spirit , you go ever and stand behind the big tree at the fork of the road just beyond the knoll School'll bo out m just lifteon minutes , an' you'll got a right good shot at the Yankee school master " The Denver State lottery company wants agents Tickets 50 cents Ad dress A. C. Ross & Co , Denver , Cole Died In HisPuloit Rev John Mnyhow , a Free Will Bap tist minister , foil dead last night in the pulpit while preaching at the Mountain school house , about six miles from this city , says a Eureka Springs , Ark , special Ho seemed as well as usunl when opening service , and hud reached the middle of his discourse when ho foil forward and died instantly The coroner ner summoned a jury and hold an In quest , the verdict being death from heart disease m Samples of Dr Mites Restorative Norvmo nt . Kulm & Co 's 15th and Douglas , cures headache , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu ralgia , tits , etc THE RgALTY MAflKET LNSrilUAllSNrd placed oa raz3U duriti ; yesterday State of Nebraska to ] ? Tries , noswmv 1WIM3. deed 8 250 W h Selby to T.I Salmon , lot 1H bile3 , W li Balby'a 1st ad , wd U.0 01C Turner and nusband to J IJ Flnlny , trustee lots 11 and 1 , blk - , Summit Place.wd 10,000 United States to ( JMIIanmer , lot 6 In 10-111-13 , pat W O Thomas to Btorz 4s 1 ler , lot 1 , Uaven • " ports sub , w d 3,000 CM llarpster aud wlfo to UN Withnoll , lot 0 in lii-ltl-13 , w d 155 F Manas and wlto to William Pieler , lotsi In add to oik 18 , lledtord's 2d add w d. 1,000 Henry ilolln , treasurer , to J 11 Dickey Iotsi ) aud 7 , bile 1 , lot 8 , blk 2. lots ( and 5 , hit 3 , lots 3 , 7 aud 8 , blk 4. lot 11 and e V lot 4 , bin ( l , Ilclvedore add , deed Henry Uolhi , treasurxr , to J II lllckcy , lot 1. blk 11 , Ilolvndere add , deed Henry Ilulln , treasurer , to J It Dlcitcy , lot ] H. blk 3 , llolveilero add , deed Q W Ames und wlfo to II .Mnrtliii , lots 5 nnd ( I , blk S , Ames Plane , vr d • l.r.txj Q W Amen und wire to James Saunders , lots 3 and 4 , blk2 , Ames Place , w d J.OOU E A lent > oii and wife to I * II Kay , lot C , • hlkH , llrlgKa'I'lacft , w d l.BOu E A llenson nnd wife to O S Ilyrne , lot S , blk8 , Ilrlgc-i' Place , wd 1,800 A Itesum and wlfo to Grorgo Johnson , und ! i part lot I ) , blk , Waterloo , wd , . 203 South Slao llulldlnc Association to l'otor ( lees lots 17 to0 , blk 7TlioMiason & ( lees add , wd 1 John Mngulro and wlro to It Itomlnc , V ) seres In 11 0 a w 19-13-10 , w d 100 A V Ttikey et al to J E Upton , lot IX , blk 10 , Clifton Hill , w d MO J li' Wucrth and wlfo to Jnltn 1'ndll , 6 i lot 3 , blk I , Campbell's add , wd 1,00(1 ( O O Findley and husband to G W Itogers , lot SO , Harts sub , w a . . , 4,703 South Omaha Land Co to D U Thomas , lot 7 blk t'J , 8011th Omaua w it 1W I ) Si Thomas and wife to ( Jury & Co , lot 7 ulfcWi SouthOmuhn wd . I.r.00 I ) J O'Uonahoeetal to Helen Crawford , lotllt , AldlneSiiuare.wd ' . 4.0M llonry Ilolln , treasurer , to V Droxe ) , lot 7 blk 100 , Omaha.doed William Couurn et nl rojeren to J O Wil cox , lots 15 and 10 , blk S , Wilcox's " 11 d add , deed , 1 OeorKo I'rescott and wlfo to J O Wilcox , lot II , blkiii Wilcox's id ndd.q 0 d 1 O II and Ul linllou to Edward Stringer lot in , blit U , Ambler Place , w d 400 Eva ( Jrvenr-ergnnd husband to S llrod- key , o a lot 7 , blk 3.V > , Omaha w rt . . . . & .0O1 S ilrodkey und wife to Henry ( Jreenberg , e ti lot 7. blK3W , Omaha , w d B.0OO fieorco Kdlbson and wlfa lo W T Wy " ' man , lot 6 , blk 0. West End , w d 3.033 S J l.ur.son und wlfo to l Venstrand , und / lot 7 , blk 15 , Hunscom Place , wd 1.0M J FLlsy and wire to J Mezlx , ptlotsland ! . ' . blk II Campbell's add w d 1,010 A II Dufreno imdwirntoU i ; Slaughter , lutifblk7,1'lalnvluw. wd 3.C00 A It Dtifreneand wlfo to 0 It SlRUuhter lot r. and nt lot 4. blk 3. Hoyd's add , w tl ] , W0 G E llnrtrand and wlfo to Henry ltleclr , a 7 foot strip adj pt lot IA Ulso's add w d 1 Thlrty-flyo transfers , a&Krcgatlog ti' , tOJ tlnllCinK iHrmui The following building permits were issued at the office of Building Inspector Whltlock yciterduy : John l'Flaufei brick residence , Mb South Thirty-unit , , . . . . * , M > 0 Three minor permits , 350 lour permits , amecatlotr . . . . . . .I eiiw I ICQ IP Kor Improved Aoco- LIlDIU notnio cookery Use tt for Kbup , Sauces , . Made Dishes ( Game , n , I'AliinrtiitT n , i9" < clc" ) Anslo or toinpaiiys px , uW .nates for nny length CVTDA OT of time , nnd is cheap CA I hAll I pr " 'id of liner flavor thnn nny ether stock CKE7 BAC B 1" Ono pound equal to US" illCffl 0 . fory Pounds of lean nihn 1 bco , of the vnluo ot j- * about ? .50. r/ _ < . j9 Gcnulno only with vp - Jnuliw von Mclilv's _ \J slKiiattire ns shown CM.PEARSON & CS r- -BALTIMOREMd SPECIAL NOT1CEST COUNOIti BLUFFS t-OK SUE AN J RiNT I470K EXCHANGE-Stock of general mer- • chaudlse , store and dwclliug In 11 peed Wo- brasta railroad town , stock valued fct $ ' • ,000 , buildings at * l,00J : will take $ . ' ,5110 in rash or peed secured paper nnd balance In fnrmlui : land Inquire of Kerr Jc Gray , WAnTED A position on the road for a hardware or nsrlcultura lllnn , or wilt work in store ; have had long uxpeilonco in either ! good reference given Address K 2 , Iteo ottlco NEW Improved real cstato to trade for unim proved Omaha or , Council llliill's property C. B. Jttdd , GOO Hroadway JpOIt HENT Ofllco In rear Klrst National . bank , FOIl TI ! A DE For a lo t. a clear store , well lo- cated Invoice about $150 to $100. Address V in , lice olllce plOUS ALB or Exchange A small coal stove X : Apply to Maurers jTo 3t : > , llroadway I HAVE three nousos on Lincoln and two on Sixth nvenuo for sale ou terms to suit These nouses are now , modern improved I will Fell these houses ! ! " > per rent , less than you can duplicate the same C. U. Judd , 000 Uroad- woy FOR SALE OH EXCIIANGE-10 to 15 head ot horses Will take clear property , Improved or unimproved , G. K. Metcalt , Council JIliiHs FOlt SALE Oil KENT A V/ story , 5 room frame house , located ou North tutu St O. U. Metcalf , 10 l'oarl st FOHBAL13 0KIir.NT Agood3 stall stable , 18x34 , on lotn kt , between lid and yd avenues O. E. Metcalf 10 1'earl st ANTEDr-Fanns within 1,1 to 2ii miles of Council Illuira to exchanRe for good Ira proved or vacant property In tnls city Kerr & Gray AEAUOAIN in 2 lots In good location , ] block from inoter Kerr At Gray AS I am contemplating largo improvements lu Council Illuirs 1 will sell nousos and lots JU monthly payments or terms to suit be low their cash value for the next 31 days It costs nothing to investigate C. 11. Judd , coo Hroadway FOHUENT Ono seven-roomliouco on rourth avenues ono eight-room house on Second end avenue , and ono eight-room house on Tenth street ; nil fitted up with all modern conveu- lencos W. W. Hllger , l'earl street FOlt SALE To quit bininos , my entire stock of furniture , stoves and carpets , will bo sold at cost , without leserve Persons fur mshlnggood references cnu buy on Install ments , maklngr weekly payments A. J. Mau- dell , 333 and 335 Hroadway BELL HltOS & CO loan money The most liberal terms ollered 101 l'oarl st FOlt SAfiE-An old aud well established drugstore , established in 1815. Cash re quired , 11,51) , balance real estatn Address A S , Hce Council Ululfs IriOll KENT Four room cottage , cneap to ten ants without children luqulro < l7 Klrstst IF you are looking for lnve3tmonts that will net yon Handsomely In a Short time , wo have them Write or call ou Kerr & Gray , Council Illuirs Iowa , WE have first class Improved city property in good locntlon that we will exchange for good Improved farm land In Iowa that Is clenr , Kerr & Gray , Council Muffs T/iOIl SAI < E or Kent Garden land with houses J byJ II ltlco 'Mnln st „ Coancll limits NOTICE If you have real estate or cnattols you want to dispose ot quick , list them with Kerr & Gray , Council llluQ's , la RHAL ESTATI5 Ilouglit and not I and ex- changed Spsclal attention civuu to exam ination of titles W. U. James , Sn 10 l'earl st , WHY pay rent when you can ouy a homo for 815 per month and tiDwarda , Including Interest , of O. I ) . Judd , ( KM Hroadway ? TT'Olt SALE Acre lots in Orchard place This -U property Is located In the Itlco nursery , soutli of the main part of the city 114 mllei from court houss , Gee Motcalf 10 Pearl at litOK SALE KM acre fnrm In Jasper county , X. Iowa , located near coal mines that are m operation There Is a live foot vein of coal under tbo farm Gee Motcalf , No 10 l'earl st SALE SO feet lake frontage located between tweon O I ) . boat house and Manawa bsacli Also n number of choice lots In ltegatta place Gee Motcalf , No 10 l'earl nt 'I tin ItpHt Htovc In tlio Mnrkct , The new lted Cross stovn Is the best heater In the market It Is the most economical steve In ube ; requires less coal and gives a greater degree ot boat than any-surtace burner or mng azlno stove old It has the only perfect sys tem of circulating Hues It is boautlful and perfect , and Is sold Sio less than any other llrst class steve , Sold exclusively by 8HUOAUT ACO. . , 11 Main Btreet Council muffs Tiios Orwcr.it , W. II M. I'uskv OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS Corner Main and Ilroadwny , UO UN CI Li HIiUPKH , IOWA Dealers In foreign and domesla ! exchange Collections made and interest paid on time do- posits A NEW STOVE Examine the New Model Brilliant Oak Stoves , the latest triumph ot the steve makers genius It has a cast iron Jacketed lire box oponltiglnto a hot air line , that runs from the bottom of the stove to thu top , passing through tlie intense boat of the furuuec lttukes the cold air from the tloor and heats It by direct contact with the Hottest pans of the stove Why pay J50 fora stove when this perfect heater can be had for only J2J , It burns anything OnlyntOdell * Ilryaut'B , 5U8 and 510. CODVCIL KLUFFS Omnibus , Carriage an I Transfe mms : , WM , WELCH , . Proprietor , The Finest Line of Landaus , Coaches and Hacks In the City fETI have unowiatln-ltncd carrlago for prlv atiicall It Is the moot elegant coach in the city Special attention given to commercial men and theatrical troupe ) . Host facilities lu the city for handling scenery , orncMi OODKN HOUSE , 015 BO MAIN BT . , Telephone No 83. Telephone No 03 IIA UN Telephone No 21. The only line authorised to uusner calls turned in to Am lllst Tel Co , , COMi COAIi COAIi 4" " Iproposoto mvo consumers vntno fortliclr * 1 money In Coal , aud tmlll further notlea my > rlc s are all rail Anthracites Grate nnd Egp , ! ) No t nnd llange , VM { i1t * tmtt , M.5H. AI o lest nrades or Illinois and Iowa Soft Coal Edlulmrg Illinois , lump SIMI Mnplowood , lump , H. 'k ) ; Centervllls , Iowa , lump , M.Wj Walnut - I nut lllwk lump , * un ; Hamilton lump 1.23 : [ Vt'nltcbrpHSt lump , U.R0 : Whitnureast nut , J-l ; 4 len , $ ! lUStoam il ; Slack , * 1.SU. Term * cash 1 with order or delivered CO I ) . W51. WELCH , V CI.1 Soutn Main street Telephone m , THE FAMOUS I'ltioM iiisr nmn CAittrui.tY : aiANciKi > haiiv Granulated Sugar 1,1 pounds t 1.00 t CholeeHr U.lnp , Tea p > r pound . ' . , , ,17o 1 , Good Itlo CortVo , per pound , . . . , . S2o Ilo t UoEedOatsper pound , . . , . < o j California Hams per pound "o , ( qttakorOnlsTtrriMricnico . . i . . . . . ll'o * ' Good l.cuudtySoap , II bars . . . , , oo IA Host Laundry Soap , 0 bars . , . , Sfio i Cldir Vinegar , nor Italian , . . , . , . I5o If Coal Oil , per gallon . , , , 10a ft Good Flour , per sack 1,00 ft' lln < t Flour , per auric iRuarnntocill , • . l-40 1/ Kcnumbortho place No , 2M Hroadway , op- Jr ) naslto Og.lea Housj Telepho , | 3 | , _ _ _ _ _ _ ! • S. E. MAXON , | Archlte t and Superintend n | , | Room 2B1 , Mori'lnm Block , w COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA Ik 1) . 0. linMUNtiSON , E. U Hmio.litT , * | l'r S Vice lrea k' ' Chap li Uannav , Cashier R CITIZENS ' STATE BANK , i OKCOCNCH , lllUKM Pnld u Capital $1150,000.00 , Surplus 35,000.00 . . , Liability to Depositors.-.335,000.00 \j \ llniKCTOits-L A. Miller , V. O. fllosson U. L. ' ? > Shugart , 15. II Hart , ,1. 1) . Udundson Chas It Hnnunn Transact gonor.tl banking business i Largest capital and surplus of any bank In t ; Isorthwestera lowi , lntorest ou time deposits | : l'wiirukut Kerixmio it ntfri > . fy Como and sco my Keroscno Heating Stoves f Just the tliliigforb.au aud bed roomi , . Some ( . thing now , nnd cau be run at nn expense of ono „ • cent perhoui , No pipe , no smoke , no odor , but , " ' an excellent heater , and easily carried from , • ono room to another "I know It was lomtng , " nnd the Htovaof the future is what people say i > oflt Ono wk-k will last a whole season , and II requires no trimming Will have ono burning • ' lu my window every night this week Como ' " and see it- Bit Yea , the IVcrlcrs Garland Is fast displacing Bl the llnso Hlirucr for parlor stoves , on ucconnt 8' of Its good work and economy Can heat a , 4 I audo rooms with 2 tons ot coal Am closing I outiuyl * . I * . Stewart stoves , made by fuller m Wurren , at coat MyNo.H , * 10 cook stoves are 1 going rapidly 1 Iteinomberthat I have double the stock of any dealer In the city and can sell cheaper Caution Do not buy n stove that requires the taking ot 10J to-dlmonlals to sell It , but como and get a I'rorltst Garland , the worlds host 1 * . U DeVol 5JI Broadway THE LADIES ( Of Couucll lllutrs and Omaha , and surrounding country will unci It to their advantage to deal with mo when they want any klud of Hair Goods AND ORNAMENTS.il il Two months ago I determined to close out my stock aud quit lmslnuss , but the stock was too large to bo disposed of , aud I will continue tlio business Willi moro goous than ever Kvcry- thlug Is tlrnt class and made up In latest style Mall orders receive prompt attention MRS C.L.GILLETTE , No 20 fllntn St , , Council UlulIV i P OF niirriis PHYSIOLOGICAL MANIKIN i Adapted to the public schools The only I comnleto thing or ItH kind In existence and iti- f dispeuslblo in the school room Sciiool Hoards 1 desiring the most parfect help for the teacher J are Invited to examine this Address : U.A.UtY-liLNGUH , f General Agent | Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc Agents wanted 1 BELL & BERLINGHOF , f ARCHITECTS v AND HUPKUINXIiNlirCNiS { Itoom 2 , Opera House Uloclc , Council Uluffs , Iowa I a. a. hart ; 1-II18T-CI.ASS Jeweler ai WM mm Has removed from 110 Main St to K)7 ) Hroad way l'lno watch work a specialty nnd satis- il faction guarantesd A full line of holiday , ! . , goods and novelties 'u ' TAPEWORM ES K ; Willi lioailornofco ) no failing rcnulrod , Seattle vl// / ttsmn for circular llr tl I ey biuitli , bliecltl * , ltt.72J0llvu tSt Louis Mo I fjfJA GOLD MEDAb , PAKJu , 1B78. , f > * w& w. i5Airiir& co 's * < | ' IrsiiKlisi ! ; Cocoa jHjjlM'1 ' It abtoltilelupure and f WS " ' " so' " ' , ' ' ' > fj fflUmN" 0 Clieniicals J ill / I I ' ill Aft * re ue ' " lt < r l ftlon lihtinvri \ III 1 I i Tl Iu4l\ \ taA , I"t4 "mej ' * ttrength of Coco * r I2H i I Ml llui , nis < wtIt ! torc' > A > rourut ; orfiit tr * j KiH W 14 fill * n ' ' , , lfffc r0 fr , nero "onomlcfll , \ HiJi I 'I fill * 9ttitt3 'rf * ' * an bnt ( , nt a tvP' " ' * * ft rfcU I / | 3 ! H OcUclounouri lilnffitrenxiionlTis ! ( , IU- 4 t Ivi I II III lit bLY , ttWEBTrPiandnInilrtMy * I pt l fix " Hold tjr Oroitr * cicrjuhi-re. J W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , ' , ON 30 DAYS TRBAL i iBlzSSlEUSTip TRUSS sln Rs SrSlPhM " 1'n.rJiirTrfiit from Ji J3laJltEHU ! lSt ollicrilaciip > li r > e , Willi Hell j " " 7 ' nUT . llni ] M Vizf adlu llnffllalimnUT' | W /ltBe1toallx | ltlouaolIliet > olr.willd ) v. y iiobaila" | > a"ii.presBeB baoK • ta.fir the ( nloatlnno luotop p per FOR MEN ONLY ! A BfltlTIVP For WBTorFAlUHO MAKHOODl H rUdllllC atstrtluid HEltVOUS DEBILITY ! riTTTf Tl WukiMt of Bodyind MlndiEfftctS BWI , Sell mmwill nil , K lrr4. Htw lo Itelirj > S | Binaflkta lllllllllirH h u UIUIIIS * l-JltTSftt Oobr i\wuu\j \ • • rauf.t HOiy Tii AT i T-n. . , i , i , > • , . Bu l Ur > tttm 41 HUIm , TtrrlUrio , s < 4 r rlcnCwitriu IlRHIKriLflkfH BWI , fall * ipli kU0 , ftBd hrUll MElUi ( Milrtl n . Ultut | g | [ KiOltit CO . ( Ulf10. K. . JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS , COLD itSVAt PARIS EXPOSITION ISO Nos 303-404-170-604. THE HOST PEBFEOT OF PENS _ " , - < % . CHICHe8TER'8 EHOLI8H MmPENNYROYAL PILLS , * Cr7 ) ! 7J rtlO CROSS DIAMOND BRAND , \ I 4ifUr | cctlbr4IUnoB4ll li4lare4 iUlll ] I W Jf Uic , m U4 Vila bin , rlbUo T k tM4athan I D Hmt 4 > . ( > l | l lor fullcuUri u < l "JlJltf Ut • XT _ iT I * * ) fc * < l I < , rl/rttMro , iill * "u'a > - - / llktckMtu fkUb Gm IUUiw ( U rUliJ *