I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WeSnESDAY NOVEMBER 20 H , , 1889. 5 i" i i i . i . . . . - . . . . . . . . . SHHH m 10CAL POLITICAL GOSSIP H Como ol the Mon Who Want to H Serve the Fooplo Bt THE MODERN APOSTLE PAUL H Mow the Bngo of tlio Mn' .l Snok Pars B Ills Political Uobts Kent's . B Gnnjr of Political HH Ivaborcira HW Aiplrlne Mortnln , * On tlio SStU ot this month the pcoplo of W Omaha will vote in a sj.colal election on the Hi question of issuing bonds to the ntnount of J ll.M..OvO In nld of the construction of a union H depot nnd viaduct on South Tenth street , the H former to bo U90d jointly by the Union PaM - M clflc , li & M. and other railroad companies H Which may dcslroto avail thomsolvosot the HJ advantage fl On the nd at next month the regular city M cloctlon tnkos plnro A mayor , pollco judge , HMi trensuror , comptroller and nlno councllmon- * at-lnrco trill bo elected H' The Issunnco of the following bonds will H also bo voted upon : ? 26OU0O by the county H in aid of the Nebraska Central railvrav In HBtho erection of n steel rntlvvay brulKO over HH the Missouri ; also , * ( i : > ,000 for the purcnaso HH of tlio exposition building nnd the convor- H slon of it into a market house : ? 21j,000 for HI the purchase ot school Bites and the oreulion HH > of schools In various parts of the city , os- HH > pcclnlly with a $75,000 addition to the high HH { school HH | lames II McShano desires to bo placed in HHl chareo of the city's linanccs by the dotno- HHi cruts and is backed in the aspiration by the Hj First national bank , of which his brother , Hi John a. McShano , is a director In the HI event of his belncr unable to secure the noml- Hu nation , his support will bo transferred to HI Jake Hungato , a running partner in the HT Omubafairussoclattou 1 Samuel Do Nedroy , ono of the eldest mem- H bcrs of the Typographical union In this city , HH Iscucourngod by fiicnds and democrats in H many parts of the city to asplru tq the post ' HT tiou ot pollco judge Ho Is a resident of the H Fourth Hi Henry Hornborfror will servo the pcoplo of HI the Fourth ward if the nominating light HI rilng should strilio him Hols not anxious , HI however , to obtain the place H Ed Meadlmbcr , the carriagomakor , Is an- Hj other aspirant for the olllce who thinks ho H can ride with ono of bis rigs into the posi- H H Pat Carey , the proprietor of the Doran HH house , is a third candidate H Whito-wingod pcaco abides with the coun- H cilmunic quartette in the First This con H slsts of 0. 1 ? . Goodman , the druggist and HT chairman of the board of education ; H ) Ernst btulit , the grading contractor , who HT has leveled Eleventh strcot like a barn HT flour ; R Nye , ono of the contributors to the Hi older of the hyphenated shcots , nnd C. S. HI Elsulter , a young mun of education nnd HI means , who is particularly anxious to ncrva Hi the pcoplo of the ward ; Isaac S. Ilascall FHH ) also dosirrs the place 'X bo latter is putting pHHj up unothor whut-is-lt-for building on ( Jastol- rPBPJ lar strcot jAaBf William Segclke , of Pomy & Scgolkc , I BBt wants the councilman's position in tno First Hg on the democratio side Scgolko has an ox- UHM tensive acquaintance , nnd is favorably con HJ sidercd by many friends I HB In ( ho Second ward thcro nro four candl- dates for councilman Fred Helim , paving HV repairer , wants to bo sent back where be HI wis seine time ago , and Dan O'Koeffe , the Hm bricklayer , who is working for the county , HH would like to appeal to the worklngman's HH vote to elect him Mossrs Ilamcl and Hill BBftw are the other aspirants P BB Why have the pollco boon pulled off the BBH espionage of saloonkeepers who soil liquor on pBftw Sunday ! " asked a well-known olllclal yestor- P BB aay For no other reason than that the mayor BBftV considers it policy , now that the campaign is BBftV in progress , to lot the suloons alone I can P P B almost enumerate forty saloons that have P pBj sold liquor for the last two or three Sun P BH days , and after midnight most of the tlmo , P BH with impunity Every ono of these P P B saloon owners is a liroatch man BBftV On election day I know ono saloon keeper B who boasted having taken in ? C0 over his B bar , und ho wasn't nearn pollingplacoeither B Dut lot i\ man who is opposed to him try BmbJ to soil nnd if caught , it will cause htm some BhS trouble " 1 Mayor Drontch , saId anothcr , would have BBhW us bchovo that a lhenso can issue to only BBhb one Urm und that It may not bo transferred BH This is a species of imposture Lot BmB mo show you Tlio saloon run by Bhm Toft on Fifteenth street , south BBhB of Farnam is authorized by a license which BBmM was transferred by Dan McCoy , who opened BBhB the place The House ot Lords saloon on BBhB Dodge street , opposite tbo postoltlce Is now BftB run by Doty & Durst , at least tliey bought BhW the place with the Ucoase of llriggs , of the BmbB Stockyards Exchange The Homestead sa- I BB | loou has heon running about a mouth The ' • ( management of that did not pay $1,000 for for two months to sell Iquor C. S. Hlcglus got a license BT out in the name of Tom Foley , and paid him < (100 for the use of his name Mow Mc- Guckin & Brandies nre doing business at EIB this sanio place Tlio mayors visits to that SB , corner , too , show that ho appreciates souio- B , thing or somebody uonuectod with the B place Hawley & Athey have opened n sa- B loon In a now place , but the firm now con ftam tains Athony instead of Dowd us formerly fBf Who authorized a cliaugo la the liconsol • BT There are other features In connoctiou ApB with this matter which show an anxloty on BB the part of the mayor to onllst the saloon BBi kcopirs The mayor knows that these • Br licenses are transferred illegally from ono • B * man to another Ho knows tbuttboDia- . B" inoiul is running two faro tables ovcry B night Hut ho does not molest the propria- B tors because these are political times , B And yet , ho did not hesltato B to cancel the license of a young BL man which had been bought by the mort- sBI if ' Kitgcd homo of the mother , because a saloon P K' Lk koopcr had sold some whisky to a spying po- ' . ' ! lfcemau who clalmod ho wanted it for a stele ' pB mun If that wcrodono to me , Idon't know Bf What I would do " Bj ' < Hut say , did you bear ot the break that pB/1,1 "Vandorvoortand his'mun Friday \fheeler few made at the ministerial association mooting Monduyl I suppose you have , as it has " boeu the talk of the town ever since On the fuco of the thing it did not appear so f r P H out of the way , but people who know Van dorvoort , and know the mottvo behind it , , J dent Know whether to laugh or become • BftB highly indignant at the bottle scurrcd"chlef P PJ Of the legislative oil rooms - j ' . 'Vandcrvoort goes before tbo ministers , P PJ nnd with a sanctltlod air and assumed piety P PJ r < makes a devout appeal to the ministers kB . I to liolp this grand and sacred causal I I P Bli Erastus Young , auditor of tbo Union B • Paolllo , could If tbo rules of the company , pormlttod It , disclose cortaln vouchers on tlio > pfl | in his ofllco bearing the approval of this same pBj > • Apostle Paul Vandorvoort , covering cor- B tain bills for wet goods , commonly called PJ lager boor and whisky , which were noces- B sary to Bupply the heavy demand of the leg J - islutlva oil room This oil room , by the way , flj was not merely ono in name , but had u long BB nnd popular existence In the basement ot tbo BM capltol building to the kuowlodgo of every flj body in the Inner circle Vandcrvoort , bow flj over , may have , at that tlmo , insisted on Sun pfll day obsoryanco with regard to the oil room flj Then you know that when the BJ state convontlon mot in Hastings m October , mVB Paul gjrdcd bis loins and commeucod a kB march with other aiiostles of high license , kB nnd they journoved by the liglit of the ruil- BB star by night und free passes by day The kB solo mission of Paul and his deadhead B friends was to defeat Judge Ilceao on the kB Bupromo bench becuuso ot his uvowod prohl- mVB ] bitlon tondcncies.ond this was accomplished VBI But that didn't interfere with Paul soliciting kB the help of the clergy in the grand and sa- kB cred cause ' PBM After Paul had made bis appeal before B Agnppa ho must bavosccu what h fool ho had kB made of himself uecauso ho and Councilman kB Wheeler , who happened to be uear at band , kB Immediately asked the reporters present to kB aay nothing about the incldont , on the J ground that it wus not news Councilman BJ Wbeolor was particularly anxious that uoth- kB log bo said , but the reporters thought it was BJ nuvvs and tno urgent requests were denied , kV Now lust why Wheeler was lutorcstod In BJ this matter Is not clearly set forth , unless it i B was because through Wheclor and llroatcn , 1 VB Vandorvoort worked the Dodlin granite 1 kB scliemo through the council However this I kB may be , It U tbo gossip of the street that \ Vandorvoort and Wheeler in their plea to f the preachers were simply attempting to re- BkBBkV ' JkBBkBkfcJ & , agHifewaMfcjiii ri&Mii > . tyfefe * , m 'is : . doom tholr obligations to Droatch With this knowledge the ministers would undoubt edly have snt upon these pious politicians and cast thorn out bodily As It was they handled them In pretty good shape , nnd I am heartily glad that they rebuked them " Yesterday morning Street Commissioner Kent put sixty mon to work on Shirley street on a Job which , it is claimed , requires no such force It is claimed , in view ot the foot that the strcot commissioner has had no such lorgo force of men at work In many a day , thnt the gang Is to bo used today to bolster up a candidate ticket at the prima ries Rcnnhllcnn l'rlmnrli > . Tno republican primaries will bo held today between the hours ot 12 o'clocs m. and 7 o'clock p. m. ( In the several wards in the city , and at the following place * : First Wnrd Eleventh nnd Pierce Second Ward 14:2South Thirteenth Third Wnrd 110 bouth Twelfth Fourth Ward ! < U5 South Slxtoonth Fifth Ward llSi Sherman nvouuo Sixth Ward 23j9 North Twenty-fourth street Seventh Wnrd 1813 Parle nvonuo Eighth Ward 31U3 Cuming street Ninth Ward 2W3 Furnnin street The following persons have been elected presiding nfllcors and Inspectors of the prl- inary election for their respective wards : First Ward U. M. Smith , Thomas Shea , Fred Horzko Second Ward Danlnl Shelley , August Schroeder , August Gutowood 'Ihird ward A. O. Decker , A. Thompson , Irwin Duggan Fourth Ward A P. Nicholas , D. B. Hall , Alexander Mcintosh Fifth Ward U. F. Kedman , H. C. Couns- man , John Wallace Sixth Ward Frank Mann , A. L. Stein , II J. Wells Seventh Ward-M. D. HydeP J. O'Mally , C. L. Thomas Eight Ward H. A. McCuno , Aaron Hall , L. F. McUinn Ninth Wnrd S. P. Hannon , Gcorgo Henson - son , James Uorphoy 'I ho Itxvr Gbveriilnij Primaries The approaching primnry elections in this city have caused n great doalof contention as regards the legal rights of electors a' such election and the laws govarnlng the same For the benefit of all persons interested wo print tbo following election law In full : If at any primary election held by any party any Individual shall vote under the name of any othar person or who shall prevent - vent others from voting who have the right to do so , or shall fraudulently deposit ballots or take them therefrom or commit any other fraud tending to defeat or affect the result of the election , ho shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Political parties may malco such rules governing tno primaries as they may see lit Provided that la metropolitan cities the polls shall bo open at 13 o'clock and close at 7 p. in , standard tlmo If challenged the voter must swear in his vote as follows : You do solemnly swear ( or alllrm ) that you will true answers make to such questions as mav be put to you by the presiding ofllcor touching your name , resi dence and qualifications as a voter A rec ord of the answers is to bo Kept by the presiding - siding ofllcor Fulso answers nro perjury nnd subject to Imprisonment ot from ono to five years The acceptance of u bribe of any value for vote or iullucnca is a misdemeanor Primary election means tbo election bold by any party or political body Voters In primaries must bo qualified electors under the state law Punishment of mlsdomeanors under this act is a Uno not oxceediag $300 or one year imprisonment or both A Sovnnth Witril combine Omaha , Nov 19. ( . To the Editor of Tub 13ee : Wo dcslro to call tbo attention of the voters of the Seventh ward to the fact that a combine has been formed ta this ward bo'.weon Mike Lee , who is to bo chairman of the board of public works ; Chalice , who is to furnish lumber on all city contracts , and who now desiro3 tbe election of his running mate , Clayton , who Is also in the lumber business , to servo as his colleague in the council for tlio Seventh ward Also Paul Vandcrvoort , of Dodlin granlto fume , and young Ulondorlf , who has just received from this combine over $13,000 iiavaiico fees on nrchitoct pluns for the city hall This coni- bino in secret caucus has mapped out a cam campaign in the Seventh ward for the primary election tomorrow by which its own interests can bo best subserved without consulting the doctors in general in tbo ward If the voters of the Seventh ward dcslro to protect their prooorty interests and bo rep resented in the council by mon who care more tor the public interest than self , lot thorn turn out on masse and favor the un pledged delegation composed of representa tive mon from all parts of the world as dele gates to the city convention The election of adolugutlon suggested by this combine will bo a detriment to the Seventh ward and the city of Omaha There is a great deal more in this than the poopto see on the surface All tboso interested in good government should rally give their sunport to this unpledged ticket , which Is for law and order and against secret combine Inn Seventh Waiid Bolihi Withdrawn • Omaha , Nov 19. ro the Editor of Tnn Bbk ! I hereby respectfully withdraw as a candidate at large for councilman of the Second ward , Omaha , for the following rea sons : Times are hard and ward bummers nrohungry.andlcannotaftord to spond$1,000 , to secure a $000 offlco ; and , that I wish to comply with the earnest request or my wife , whoso honlth is poor I rospoctfuily with draw Thanliing ull my frlonds In the Second end ward for the honor tendered mo , I re main yours respectfully , John F. He hit Dent ' irritate your lungs with n , stub born cough whoa a pleasant and ofloc- tivo remedy may bo found in Dr J. H. MoLoan'a Tar Wino Lunp Balm A Pleasant poolal Event The comfortable homo of Mr and Mrs G. W. Llnlnger , at Eighteenth and Daven port streets , was the scene of a largo social gathering of Omaha's first citizens last night Tbo occasion was a promenade con cert , given for tbe benefit ot the Hurt street home for women and children There were 200 persons present , and tbo affair was pro nounced by alt a flattering success The host and hostess entertained the company in a most satisfactory manner About $258 will bo realized as tbo result of the con cert Cash to the amount of $35 was received with regrets of persons who were unable to attend % The programme rendered was as follows : Overture Golden Crown Miller Musical Union Orchestra Selection Ermlnto Jacowskl Softly Fall the Shades of Evening..Hatton Madrigal Club Harp Solo Serouado , Gounod Miss Sadie Nash I a Only Thou LasBen t b You Stole My Love Mucfarron Madrigal Club Cornet Solo Das Hild dor Hose . .Relcbardt Henry Lutz J a Forget Me Not , Von Suppo | bTho Last Dream , . . , Cowen Miss Miriam Chase , Flute Solo Selected Mr Frank UadoUoC Kellogg Valse Ardltl Mrs Cotton Where are You Going , My Pretty Maid ! . . . Madrigal Club Mr W. T. Tabor , Accompanist Gavotte Hearts Desire Schrappe March Kaiser William , , . . , , . . .Steinhauser Selection Gypsy liaron Strauss United States Court In the United States court yesterday John Gordon was flnod tl and costs for selling liquor to Tom Buchanan , a Winnobago In dian The costs amount to about $150. Goorga King was arratguod for sending an obscene letter to Philip Douglas , and pleaded not guilty Ho was placed under bonds for his appearance , NervoUs debility , poor memory , diffidence , sexual weakness , pimple , cured by Dr Miles Nervine Samples free at Kubn & Co 's 15th and Douglas WHONG-aORNTKD SIjEUTUS Some Ilnvo Tholr Coat Tails lilftetl With Licnthcr The Chicago Intor-Oconn o day or two since in Its report of the Cronin trial paid no small amount of attention to Frank Murray , who Is part owner of n saloon on Fourteenth street In this city , and who , for n long tlmo , lived in Chicago Ho loft there over two years ago and has since been residing In this cltv In Chicago , tbo prevailing opinion is that Murray Is a prominent member of tbo Clan-na-Gnol , inasmuch as bo knows several of the parties who are now implicated In the Cronin murder Shortly utter the finding of Dr Cronln's body the states attorneys concluded that perhaps Murray would bo a valuable man for thorn to have during the trial , and thov have accordingly sent detectives at numerous times to "pdmp" ' him for information The first ono came in tbo garb ot a nowp- paper man and ronrcscntod that he was con nected with ono of the Omaha papers Ho found Murray at homo playing with his ono yoar-old child on the front porch Ho np- pronched Murray cautiously , notebook and pencil in hand , nnd aflor informing him th\t ( ho ( the visitor ) was a member of the roper torlal fraternity , asked for a prlvato inter view As there was no ono at homo uxcopt Murray and the baby , the former informed his visitor that ho could "ilro uway , " as the child was never kuown to divulge n family secret • Whereupon the quasi newspaper man put n sorlcs of Interrogations that would cuuso tlio reporter on the Arlzonn Kicker to blushthoy were so extremely - tromoly ludicrous Murray , to use bis own expression , tumbled bled to his gama" nnd filled his questioner so full of remarkable talcs regarding cuttle raising in Now Mexico that the fellow fern n tlmo behoved his informant wns daft But whoa Unully he believed tno trick ho had sought to play was of no avail ho was much chagrined Your llttlo ruse might work said Mur- roy , but for the fact th it r know every newspaper man , reporter , or editor in Omaha Hence I would advise you to glvo your head n good bath " The Chicago Impersonator of Omaha re porters then wont homo Detective No 3 tried the traveling mans racket Ho overdid tlio matter , and his into was sad Murray didd't Hill lim nnd throw " him In a sewer , or anything o "f that sort , but ho inflicted the punishment usunllybostowed upon small boys caught stealing fruit , n la boot The fly cop came In while Murray was alone behind the bar , and inquired if Mr Murray wus in Murray replied that ho was , whereupon the stranger warmly grnspod his hand , Bald ho was glad to meet him , had heard of him so often in Chicago in connec tion with the Cronin case , was a friend of the men who hud killed the doctor , and wound up by inviting Murray to take n smllo at his expense Tneu ho ordered anotbor and set up the cigars When ho htui got his Victoria Uoginu going in good shape ho began guzzling , but the mixologist had penetrated his visitors disguise and his an swers were evidently not satisfactory Finally , as a last resort , the stranger re marked : Well , Mr Murray I am going from hereto to Sau Francisco I am very much pleased to have mot you and asa token of my esteem lowering his voice to a whisper allow mo to present you wltn a piece of the whip handle that drove the white horse to the Carlson cottage , " at the same tlmo ten dering a piece of a wbtn And in return for your extreme kind ness , " remarked Murray , allow mo to pre sent to you us pretty a niece of extra line ? rnda of oak-tanned solo leather , with French calf uppers , as ever kicked a man of your kind out of doors , " and minus ceremony , Murray promptly kicked the quondam travel ing man through the aucituro loft by the carpenter who erected the building "Uecauso , you see , " said he , had I bcea foolish enough to toke that piece of whip I would have probably been arrested and takoa to Chicago as an accessory and they would have made mo a mint ot trouble with out my being of any benefit to any of the parties concerned I dent deny that I know several of the parties connected with tlio case , but what I dent know ot thnt affair would make a volume bigger that Webster " And now , very rccontly , comes Dotcctivo O'Donnell , of Chicago , who is ostensibly soiling books , montlon of which was made in TnB Ubk a few days ago His object hero is collecting evidence tor tbo stnto's rebuttal Ho is ono of a corps of men sent to Minne apolis , St Paul , Denver , Kansas City , St Joseph , Dc3 Moines , St Louis und Omaha , in fact every town where a camn of the Clnn-nu-Gacl is thought to bo located His mission is to nnd out who nro mem bers of the camp in Omaha and get acquainted , hoping that some chanca ro- inark may give a clue , the theory being that , as the states evidence is all in , friends of the defense may bo induced to say some thing He is a big , broad-Jhouldored man , who at ono time was employed as a private detoctlvo In a very tough beer garden In Chlcajro Ho visited Murray , but was recognized ; a ropor'er also recognized him Hence bo is not likely to gain much informa tion tion.And there is yet one thing more Letters bavo bcon known to pass betwocn ono of the , , accused mon and an Omaha physician of re pute What their contents are no ono knows , but the Chicago man is evidently acting under Instructions to shadow the doctor The latter is alleged to bo In collu sion with "Coonoy , the Fox , " although the latter stutemont is morelv hypothetical Just how long Mr O'Donnell will romaln in this city after today Is not known , but hi3 book sales will probably dotormmo the matter Miles INcrvonnd Jfjtvor IMIIh An important discovery They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves , A now principle They speedily cure billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation Spiendid for men , women nnd children Smallest , mildest , surest SO doses for 35 cents Samples free at Kuhn & Co 's15th and Douglas AN KMPrVf CHIP But Mr ConneU'H Ml ml Is Full of - Concrrsslonal Ideas Hon W. J. Conaoll has broken up house keeping nnd is stopping with his family at tbe Murray until ho leaves for Washington , next Sunday or Monday , Mr Connell was asked to give an outline of legislative work he expects to accom plish this winter , but hesitated about com mitting himself "I cant toil , " said ho , Just what will bo done until after congress moots and the speakership matter has boon disposed of It will bo my purpose , bownvor , to do all I can for Nebraska at-largo and the First district in nartlcular At the present time , though , I dent know ot any special legislation that is likely to oo brought up , a now member Is not in a position to say what bo will or will not do the first time The majority ha > , heretofore , been as completely blocked from accomplishing much , by the minority , that predictions or amount to nothing Under the iouso retaliations , it rcquiros uuanimous oonsont to suspend the rules , consequently much tlmo ean easily bo waatod on important wattors without over renohing a result , " What Is the feeling ot the Nebraska del egation regarding the speakership ! " "Tnat I dent know We have agreed to consult as soon us wo reach Washington and ascortaln what is the best thing for us to do Laws says ho has.no choice , personally , among the candi dates , while Dorsoy , I think , fools very frlondly towards MclCinley " Mr Connell evaded expressing hla per sonal preference , but talked very favorably of Heeds fitness for the place Ho thinks that the tariff will demand mora attention this tlmo than , probably , any other question , and is satisfied that congress will , during the scsbIou , pass a law reducing the rates Just as fur as possible without in juring tbo manufacturing and commercial interests ot the country An Abmnuie Oaro The ORIGINAL ABIE TINB OINTMENT Isonly putuplnlargotwo-ounco tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old soras , burns , wouuds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tlons Will positively euro all kinds ot pUas- Askfortho ORIGINAL ABIE NE OINT MENT Sold by Goodman Drug company at S5 cents per box bv mail 30 cents Paxton Hotei , , Omaiia Spoo | l at tention to corainorolal wen Finest and largest hotel in tbo west Kittrodgo & Bralnard , proprietors " ABOLM EVANGELIZATION , • a Dr Duryoa's RaUIonl Suggestion to • the YiuVL a. A. rr ti the Docron'jST ' SUBSTITUTE " Ho Would Have the Itnoma Bright nml ChotrrVHh Courteous Attendant nnd Other < Attractions No Uncertain Italic "My friends are Jolting mo about hitting Secretary Jonncr of the Young Mon's Chris tian association in a tender snot by my remarks - marks Monday before the ministerial union , " said Dr Duryoa in conversation with a reporter "I did not Intend to say anything offensive , " continued the divlno , but was niorolyfilvlng rav experience with Young Men's Christian association organiza tions The Young Mon's Christian associa tion of Boston ruined Itself by the course the Omaha association is pursuing by at tempting to usurp the wont of the pulpit The original intention of the organization was forgotten in the work ot evangelization , A low and undesirable class ot fellows were attracted to the organization and the bettor class of young men were driven out The Unitarian church started an organization that eliminated tbo course of evangelization from Its creed , and , as a result , attracted the cream of the Young Mon's Christum as sociation "Tno Young Mon's Christian association in Now York city is a modal organization , nnd this is duo Ih a great degree to tbo good Judgment ot Mr McUurnoy the socrotaiy Everything calculated to interest ana in struct the young mon Is provided , but they are not scared uway by presumptuous fol lows who Imagine they are ovaugellsts Ono of the features was a course ot lectures by Mr Thompson , the son of n missionary The gentleman had boon tnrough the orient and illustrnted old bible scenes and costumes from his actual observation His lectures worn crisp , cntcrtatmne and Instructive , and crowds would sit ana listen to him with openmouthed interest Many poonle of culture uot members would go to bear hi in There nro 10,000 young mon In this city , most of them without homes The Young Men's Christum association hero is to make a ulaco of resort for poor but respectable young men For young men who cannot af ford a Uro In their rooms , who have un place to go , and yet who wish to improve tholr evenings by reading nud otherwise The Young Mon's Christian association will have its hands full it it attends to its proper function , that is of bringing tboso young men to tbo association rooms No matter who the young mon may be , Jew , Gentile , or Arab , It makes no difference Let a number of tbo loading young men of the association , who are bright , intelligent , and of good address , put in tholr time hunting up poor but respoctublo young men Invite them to como to the association rooms , to take part in the gymnastlo exercises , to at tend the lectures and coacorts , enjoy the baths , and rend the papers and books there But when thov got these young men there they should resist the , impulse so common , Now that wove got them , lots convert them ' They fcbould not have religion forced on thorn and bo chased down the stairways and buttonholed at the door by overzealous evangelists That is the ' way to drive them out l - "I Understand tbatstho association hero is making this mistakeFjof behoving that its mission is to be evangelist and lam informed that it Is oven preparing to send a mission ary to India This steppiug outside of its Bptiere It will do nioro harm than good "lhero are men who are educated for the ministry and even they , at least , have a bard time to prepare sermous.that their congre gations should have ifl return for the salary t they give I work like a nigger every day in prcparinc my sermons nnd never retire until midnight I have to "do this to fool that 1 can conscientiously take the salary I am re ceiving I road all the works on theology , science and pbilosopny , in addition to keep ins posted on the current news and literature - turo of the day through the nowapapors and magazines And yet , some upstart with neither information or Judgment will at tempt to do evangelic work because he is a member of tbe Young Men's Christian asso ciation "If a cotorlo ot the members feel disposed to hnvo a quiet song service or prayer moot ing in some corner by themselves it is all right ; but I dent bollovo In an aggregation ot cranks and other men of no standing whatever , getting up and blustering and ex horting and driving the young men of finer sensibilities and good Judgment away The young men who frequent the Young Men's Christian association rooms should be taught by exumplo and not by precept They should bo attracted to Christianity by tbo manliness of its professors " Anculsli Unspeakable is endured by the victims of Inflammatory rheumatism , and any form of tbo disease may reach that agonizing phase or attack the heart and cuuso death Unhappily they who feel its preliminary twinges seldom roulizo this Like other possibly dangerous maladies , rheumatism is often disregarded at tbo outset Well will it be for aim if this brief warning shall servo as a warning ot future peril or pain to a reader troubled with incipient rheumatism The proper sequel will boon instantaneous resort to the great preventive dopurent , Hostettor's Stomach Bitteis , whoso brevet of professional com mendation popular experience has confirmed There Is no finer or moro genial antidote to the virus of rheumatism in the system Botanic In its origin , it Is free from tbo ob jections attaching to depurent poisons liable to bo taken in moro than the infinitesimal dose , The Bitters conquers malaria , indl- gestion , liver nnd kidney troubles South Omaha Robert Still , aged fifteen years , sou of Charles Still , was run over by a grader be longing to E. F. Dawson His loft thumb was broken William Delaney Knocked Michael Richey through a window in Foley * saloon Ho was fined $5. B , L. Bean , a Tekamnh stockman , foil into a cnttlo cbuto at Swifts and sustained bruises on his left leg , - " : Tndigestion IB not only a distressing complaint , of Itself , but , by causing tbo blood to become depraved , and the system en feebled , is the patent ot innumerable maladies That AVers Sarsaparilla Is the best cure for Indigestion , even when complicated wiih Liver Complaint , Is proved by thtftdllowlng testimony from Mrs , Joseph Lake , of Brockway Centre , Mich , j OLiver Liver complalntt and Indigestion made my life a burdpn and came near ending my existence For moro than four years I suffered untold agony , was reduced almost to a skeleton , and hardly had strength to dra tmyself about All kinds ot food dibtftcssed me , and only the most delicate could be digested at all Within the time'mentioned ' several physicians treated me without giving ro- lief Nothing that I took seeraod to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla , which bos produced wonderful results Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa rilla I could see an improvement in my condition , My appetite began to return and with It came the ability to digest all the food taken , ray strength im proved each day , and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions , I found myself a well woman , able to attend to all household duties , The medlclno has given tno anew now lease ot life " Ayers ' Sarsaparilla , FBXFA8ED BT Dr J. O. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mast Pries | 1 s six bottlei , 15. Worth $ S oltle kBkBkBBakSakBsafikBBi YOU ARE FOOLING I Away moiioy i you buy an overcoat without looking at our atock Uur a sortmout ororslintlona H everything oE its kind in the city Never in nil the years that wo have boon in businoaa have " wo had H such vast quantities o fmo and elegant overcoats , and never were they sold at such low figures Wo H are in tlio height of the season , our overcoat department is booming , you will always Bud it crowded H and why is it so ? Are the people crowding our store because wo give thorn poorer goods or chnrgo H more than others ? Would they come to us to buy overcoats that can bo hnd cheaper elsewhere ? NOT , H MUCH ! They como here bccnu&o they know they con save money , and save considerable too B H Our largo business is the result oC our nbility to buy right and the will to sell right , our largo busi- H ncss is the result of fair dealing and of hotter values thnnyou can get clsowhoro for your money , B H Ami in no article can wo provo that to you quicker than in an overcoat Clothing Houses as a rule H make moro profit on overcoats than they do on other goods It will take but it glance at OUR PRICES . . H - bbI toconvinco you what n great difference there is in the way WE sell overcoats nntl the way ethers are H selling thorn You need but look at the elegant wide wale and all wool cassimoro overcoat which wo H have marked $0 , or at the fine chinchilla garment , satin lined throughout , velvet piped and made up H in excellent style , which wo offer at $8 , and hundreds of other garments marked equally as low , H WHERE COULD YOU MATCH THEM * [ Nebraska Clothing Company , I Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha H 4 glg TrXMSnrMtaWWDfrlKAMBlir * i ISKEjSSM whiteI I • c T' Aw O-ouog I Ififflll I TflW * V/ftAPPERS / rS iff ] \ lift ' //ur / / ( UROiaiaiJ a S llF W'mIiIIi ) , , " ' • • * , , * 9 - % % „ jLr/pr / m PHOTO WAPHS S \c AciDRsand-rtosss • BWwaywaCTBWMiTrrl'H'IT " III lil'WII ' I II ' ' ALL PRECEDENT ! PAST OVEll TWO MILLIONS DISTIUDUTKD Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the legislature , for Kducatlonal and Charttablo purposes , nnj Hi frtmchlso mailu a part or the present t til to Constitution , in 1979 , by an overwhelming popular vote Its GRAND nxTHAOUDINAnVDUAWINOS take placoSeml-Aunually. ( .lunonnrt December ) , andltsOUANDSINOI.ENO.MIllillDItAWINOS talseplaee m eacu of tlio othorton months of tha year , nod uro all drawn In public , at the Acnd- emy ot Music , New Orleans , La "Wo do lioreby certify that wo supervise the at * rangoments for ull the Monthly and Soml-Annual Drawlnira of iho Louisiana statu lottery Coiupnny , and In person manano and control tbe DrawlnKS thcm&eWotf , and that the anmo are conducted with honesty , falrnes , and In peed intth toward all par ties , and wo authorixe the Company to use this cortl * Ucate , wlthiUTOlmllesatonr signatures attadiod In Its advcrtlscm "nts " C0.MM1S810NEI1S , We the undersigned Hunks and Bankers , willpay all prlios drawn la tlio Louisiana Slnte I ttorles which may be presented at our rountord K. M. WAI.MSLiEV , 1'res. Louisiana Nat Dank l'lKKUK LANATJX Pros State Nat'l Bant AUALDWIN Pres NawOrleaus Nat'l Hunt OAUIi K0IIN , 1'rcs. Union National Dank MiOTH mmm At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans - loans , Tue9day. December 17. 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE , - $600,000 100,000 Tluk-ta nt$40 ; llnlvus $20 ; Qunrtors , $10 ; Klclits $5 : Twen tieths , $2 ; Kortiotns $1. list or vtaxKi i I'ltizisot' s < i .oooij roo.oco 1 l'KI/.K 01.V.IO0 1 20,000 1 I'UI/.K OK 1IU.UU1S 1UU.0J0 1 1'ltlZK Of UIJMI Is . . , , Mjm 2 l'ui/.us or 3uuu uro , . . . . to.iin 6 I'ltl/.KS OV U.'JUUnre ' fti.uu ) 110 I'KIZKS OK" MUlare t' ) tt li6 I'ltl/.IM OI > ' • . • , ( < < > are M.UU0 100 l'lll/.is ; OF Nil are , HU.UJ0 lull 1'ltlKK ! ) Of Ull are 130,100 10J i'UUtUH OV UOaro mM APPUOX1HAT10S IlllZEO IQO 1'rlrcs of 11,00a are , lOUDO 100 do tOOore . . W.0 ' WO do UOaro 40.UO0 7WO NUMBEU TEIiaiNAU 1.093 rrltesof ISKJaro , mm 3,144 Prizes amounting to 52,139,600 A iXTS : WAJiTBn nrFoit Club Hates , or any further Information deslrod , wrlto leinbly to tbo undersigned , clearly stating your residence with Hiato , County , btreet nnd Number Mora rapid relurn mall dellycry will be assured br your enclosing an envelope bearing your lull addiess , IMPORTANT Address M. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La Or M. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , D. 0. Oyordlnar ; letter , contatntng Moxir OiideiiIs sued by all Kspress Companies , New York Uiclmnge UraltorlOitalNoto Address Registered Letters containing Curreocj ta NEW OHL.UANB NATIONAL I1ANK , New OrleansLa rtKMKXiriEU that the payment of rrtres Is fJUAllANTKHD UY FOUIl NAT10.VA1 UANKri Of Now Orleans , and the tltkota era signed by the uretl dent of an Institution , whosu chaitdrel rights aio reciigulied In the highest courts : therefore , beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes " ONK 1)01.1.A It Is the urlcoot the smallest part or fraction of a ticket ISSUKlO HY UH In any drawing Anything In our name ottered for less thau a dollar as aswlndte DRUNKENNESS the Honor Habit , Positively Cared by Administering Dr Halaea' Golden Hpcilfle It can ho given In a cup of cotfoe or tea without th Inowledgoortho person taking It ; Is absolutely harm ess and will elfuU a speedy and psroiauont cure , whotlier the patient Is a moderate drinker or an al cohol wreck , thousands of drunkards have been made teiuperalo men who Have lakeu ( Jolilcu Hpc-eMla In their coffeoMlthout their kuuwledge und today pa lleve they uutt drinking of their own rrcewill , tT Never fails The system once Impregnated with the specific It becomes an ulter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to eilst ( or sale by Kuhn * Co Druggists ISth and ltouclas sis , aud ISth and Cam LBgsUOuisUa A. U. Foster 4 llro , OouuUI Ulnas OMAHA iflEDEGAL SUr .D L NWCOB I3IH& DoccE 0T8 , OMAHA NEB TOB TUB TBKATUEin OF ALL GE11HG1UU DBIES.-s9s.OSIi3 ! , 1 APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES Bsc ? Faculties , AppsrarasandB.ejnedUsfor8uccessfa * Treatment of evsry farm cf Jl'seass icquiria ? MEDICAL or RUHOICfil THEATHEI1T. HINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS BoardAttsndanos Bust Acoomnodationa la Vint , 07"tfJUTE FOR cntCULAES on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Ftst , Curvatures of Seinelies , Tumors Cancer , Catarrh , Brouohitis , Xnhalstioa Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Bye , Ear , Skin ani Blcod and all Surgical Operations diseases of wmn lEsss&sxia \r mvit LtrcLT iddsp a LTU0-1 * DirACTnsnrroa robkn niRiMi conrisKJiEiiT ( STftlCTIV FRIVATF ) Only KelllblsHedicat Institute ma.Bug a SfCiialtyo ! PRIVATE UISB ABBB All Ulood miMiet lotcpfifQllf treated Srphimie Poison r.moTed rromthviTiUawtlhotit w rcnrr * H vr Utttorttd * * rrcatMtnl tor L H of VITAL TO * V * * I'artlea UDftble to TllU mmay be treated At borne b/corrcspondeoee. JtMeou > niunlea > tloaaeootltltntlal , U dlCiBeiorlniroucDtoentljliii > lorex * trtiii ureljpa keilnomarkioiDiieatecvnleiliorttQder : OaFarf t&niiitrilev7prtreired. Call and eoomit uior in.4 bJatoryof roar a e , and ir * mill eend la pUIn wrapperoar book to win , sirWstfffieMi sr-ViS Ills ; Glealscd T rteoc lcwllh question tLU Addreu OMAHA MEDICAL & BOKOTCIAL INSTITUTE , 13th and Dojfe StrsoU , OU-flilA , NEB Hejltlus Wealth , DDn BC West r Nerve and nitAiN Tiikat- hk.nt , nuunnmtoeil tmcciuc for Ilystnilit , Dizzi ness Convulsions , pita , Neivous Neuralgia , Headache Nervous Prostration caused bj * the use of ulcohol tobacco Wnlcofulno > s , Mental Iteprusslon.Boftenlni ; ot the Ilrain , lesiilllDg In Insanity and lendluc ; to inlsery.decay and death Premature Old Ape Jlarrenntts , Loss ot , Power In ottucr sex Involuntary losses Hnd Bperinat- torlircacauipd nyoveroxarttonof the uraln.s lf abuse or overindulgence Each box contains one tnontIt's treatment 11.00 n box , or ilx boxes forln.O ) , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price WB GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with IV 0 , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money It the treatment does not effect a cure Guarantees Issued only by ( loodman Drug Co . Druggists Solo Agenti , fill ) Farnam Street , Omaha Nebraska SYPHILIS Con be cured In 20 to 00 days by the use of the Mafic Remedy For tale only by the Cook Hcinedy Co , of Omaha Nebraska Wrltutous tor the names and address of patients who Iiuvu beeit cured aud from whom wn have psruiUslon to refer byphllU Is a disease that lias always battled the skill of the most eminent ljliyslcluua aud until the discovery ot tlio Cook itemedy Co 's "MAOIO UlSMlalir " not one In llfty uvor having tlio disease has been cured Wo guaran tee to cure any case that can be produced Those w hn Have taken Mercury Potash , B. H. H. Bucus Alteruns or other advertised remedies , with only tomporaiy bencllts cun now be per manently cured by tbe use of the "MAUIU MBMtiliY" of the Cook Itemedy Co . Omaha Neb Jlnwarnotlmmltatloiu It Is absolutely impossible for uuy other person or company ta have our formula or any remedy likeltlu etfuct and results ' 1 he Cook Itemedy Co , has been treating patients for four year and have al ways given perfect satisfaction , 'ihoy are mun dolly responsible , having a capital of over & 0O.U00 , maklugtlielr guarantee good Wo soli cit the mutt obstinate cases those who iiuvo tried every known remedy ana lost ail hope of recovery Correspond with us and let us put ynu In possession ot evidence that convinces the mostskentltal Markwlmt v nay : In the end ynu MUST us our "MAC10 ItUMKUV" before you can bo permanently cured , It Is the most herolo blood purifler ever knonn Write for particulars Alt letters coutlitcntlil PAIITinM l > esure you are getting the Cook bAUIIUIl Itemedy Co 's Magio llemedy None others are genuine Parties claiming to be agents for us are Impostors and frauds , lull particulars tree Address all communications The Cook Remedy Co , Booms 418 and 419. Paxton Block THE RAILWAY TIUEMB H ' faaaalal H 3 llUlli.lNOTON ItOirmTj Leave Arrive DoputKith ii Mason ms Omaha Oiunlin HIH Chicago Vestibule Ux . , . .1:15 : pm 9S'J n m ssHH ChlcagoMall iit' > a m B:50 : p in BUM Chicago Local 0:1) : p m 8:30 : a m Baaaal Dent or Vestibule llx 10:0" : > n m 3:10 : p m flaTflal Lincoln tc Concordia J.o'l b : > 0 a m 11:15 : p m HI Hi Colorado Mnil 11:15 : p m DJ5 : a ra HI 91 Chlraco Kast Mall , via U. HI Hi P. Transfer 4:11 : p m HsiHs Kansas City Kxpross 9tt : a m 0:15 : am HhHI Kansas City Kxprf-ss VUS p in fl:35 p m HatlHl C. nIP I Lcavo Arrive .W Depot 10th & Marry sts 1 Omaha Omaha HhHI Atlantic Express * ' tlr a in (1:30 ( : p m HUHJ Night Express V ; 15 p m Mam 'HhHI Vestlbnted llnpross ' ! ; p in 10:013 : am StHl UNION PACIFIC Leavd I ArriveHI / Depot lutli and Marcy sts Omaha Omaha HUB • Overland Ilycr 7lr > p ml 7:10 : am < HEH • Limited Past Malt . . . . * 0V : > p ml 40 : pm 'HsH • lienvcr Express 10:10 n m 4:00 : pm > HaU • Hirand Island Uxpress , Wi n m' 12:11 : p m HRH Kansas City Express . . 4 : I ) n mi 12:21 : a m IVlH • l'apllllon Passenger G:55 p m T:30 a m 1IH1 • Dally VaVH tDaliy Ilxcept Bunday sWtH 1' . E. JI V. 1UH. Leave - Arrive flll Depot 1 jthi : Webster sts Omaha Omulia HlH lllack llllltKxpress , , . . . . 8:55 am r :4" : ) p m HI Hastings * Superior Vx 8Vi : a in tiMfi p m HafH Llncnlu & Wulioo Pass , . . r > :00 : p m 10:25 : a m HiH Dnv Id City & Vork pass 5:0J : p in 10r : > a m 'HIH Norfolk Pass D:10 p m I0.S5 am Bfl SIODX CITV & PACII'IO Leave I Arrive VI Depot Ifitb Ac Wcbstersts Omaha Omaha HBH St Paul Limited 0:45 : p ni | 0 : 5 q in iHnl O , * N.W.Tt.K , I Leave I Arrive HfI Depot 10th A : Marcy sts | Omaha otnana < fllfl Chicago Kxpres ? , Daily , . 1)jl6 a m 0OS : D inHn ' Past Limited , Dally 4:05 : pm 10:20 m "HI I Atlantic Mall Dally 7:15 : pm 7:50 n m vHJ IVADABII WESTEHN Leave Arrive A Depot 10th & Mnrcy sts Omaha , Omuha HV No 8 St L. Kxp Dally . . 415 ; p ni "Ta:30 p m < | V QSI.&ST.PADL. . I.en\e Arrlvo "M Depot 10th & Marcy sts Omaha Omaha HK No 0:15 a m 'AH f < o. 4 0:00 : pm * HH o-l. 7:15 am v'HHI No a ouo : p nx HHJ C. ST.P.M.4-O. Lcavo Arrive ' 'HS Depot 16th & Webster sts Omaha Omaha Haf • Rlonx City Dxprnss 1:00 : p m lno p m • Wm Sioux City Ac'mmodat'n H:00 a m 0:4" : p in SB St Paul Ltmltod (1:46 ( : pm 0:35 : u m 'IB M'lorenco Passenger , . fli'io a in t:0) ) : a m 'Mm • I'lorcnce PnsBengor , . . 6:15 : p m 0:03 p mrlaHL • Sioux City Ac'om'dat'n 6:45 : pm IHHI ? louxCity Ac'om dat'n 4:45 : am 'HH • Daily Except Sunday Si 'HHai tDaliy Except JMnndav 1' < HHI a \HH SUUUUBA.N TRAINS flip AVcHtwnrd • IBii Ilunnlng between Council niufls nnd Al- 1V' } bright In addition to Hie btatloos mentioned ; | lj trains stop at Twentieth and Twunty-tourtU Hal utreetu and at the Summit In Omaha • HE' DroailTransOmaha South Al- ' IB ' way fer depot Shcoly Omaha brlgbu < f 'Hw Xm am a. m. a.m7 am a.m7 ' > HH 6:45 : 6:51 : 8C0 : 6:0 : 'VHB 0:11) : ) 0:17 : ll.W 0:37 : 0.50 0:6 > . < HV 0:40 : 0:47 7:10 7:07 : 7:20 7:3J . - , - . HalH 7.m : 7:43 : 7:55 8:03HaL 7:45 7:52 : K:05 : 8:12 : H-X ; , 8:80HM1 : 8 35 8:42 : 8:55 : 0:00 : . SHE 8:45 : 8:52 : 0:05 : V.U osr , , u3)5HH ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oas : 8:42 : 8:5.1 : looo : 'iHB 0:45 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:2. : ; 10:3 : . > H1 10:45 : 10:53 : U:05 : JH12 11:23 : 1183 SflH _ ; 1J5- P.P.M. . 1' . M. l > M. H r-SL pm 13:05 : Uil2 u& > , j2S3 . : HM4 1:45 1:52 : 2:05 2:12 : 2:2. : ' i 2:80 : HM 2:1F : > Si52 : i:05 AM 11:25 : 3:3) : ) < 1fHI • • • . . • • • ; IM : 3:67 : 4:10 : 4:15 : > U ] 34j ; 3:52 : 4US : 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:30 : aMM * 4'X ) 4:57 : 6:10 : 5:154M1 : 4:45 : 4W 5:05 : B:12 : 6 : ' . ' 6'J8 : 'W 645 ; fi:5J : 0:05 : 0:12 : 0:25 :30 : jHU 0:15 : 0 : ! < 2 7U1 7U : 7:25 : 7UJ0 IHn 7:15 : 7:52 8:05 : 8:12 8:25 : 8:30 : iaSH 8:46 : 8152 0:05 : 0:12 : l2D ) ; 0:80HH : 0:45 : 0:52 : H:0.5 ) : 10:13 : 10.23 10:30HI : U:0 : : 11:07 : frrI } : ' ' } 11:51 : 12:01 : 12l0 § ' | HJ 11:55 | 12:05 ] 2 : o > | a 'PJI ICastwanl Isfail . AV L8out"l 81ltB * Ornlha aYan8 U " road"lPJ ; bright Omaha ley Depot , fer way , ' -mM am am am " aT"jl aTmT AM > aH [ , 6:1-5 : 5:57 8:0) : ' 1 | < 6:55 : 0:00 : 0:10 : 8:15 : 0:27 : 0:3a : i'Hi 7:00 : 7:05 : 7il5 7:20 : 7:32 745 | iHI 7:50 7:55 8:01 8:15 : 8:27 : B:33 : " * 8:05 : 8:10 : 8:22 : 8:80 : , " . # , 8:50 : 8:55 : 0:07 : 0:16 0'i1 Psi : lliK' ' 0:05 : 0:10 : 0:23 : 0uV ) All VIM 0:55 : 10:07 10:15 : 10:27 : 10lM ' ' 'IB 1005 ; 10:10 : 10:23 : io:3 : > , fi ? Mm 10:5i : ) io:55 : 1IU7 : 11:16 11:27 llili IH Hf0 11:55 : PM PM PM PM • ill PM PM 12:07 : 12:16 12:27 : . ' 2:25 ] 12'60 12:55 : 1:07 1:16 1:27 : llti ilHI i'U : 1:55 : 2:07 : 2:15 : 2:27 8:35 : fflHai 2:50 : 2V : , ii:07 : 3:16 : 8:27 : 8:35 : lHai ! 3Sj 3:20 : 3:37 : Si5 : „ „ mmm 3'i0 : 8\5 ; 4:07 4:15 : 1:27 : i3a I.HI 4:20 : 4:21 : 4:37 4:16 : , . . . . ? ; 4AU : 4:50 : 5:07 : 5:15 : 6:21 : 6:35 JH1 5:20 : 5:25 : 5:37 5:4i : . , /IHul 6:10 : 5:65 : e,07 0:15 : Ojn 0:35 umwi atO : 6:55 : 707 ; 7:15 : 7:27 7:35 " HH 7:50 7:55 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 8:36 ' "TlHai 8:50 : 8:55 : 8:07 : 0:16 : 8:27 8:35 ifl 8:50 : 8:55 : 10.117 10)15 ) 1(1:27 ( : 10:85 : iVM 10:50 10:55 11:07 : ar II.m 11:12 Ii0 | Iffl 12:5u : 13:55 : 12:21 : am lr 13:10 : . . . . , , Ji ; . Ill ] Manhood " Ts2.wj& U IV UIIIIUUU ot yuulktul liuprudtnca , > ' 4Hai causing fremature Peosy , Nervuus PeblUtx , IjtM * lUm Msi > liKKt.de.haTlagtrleUliivalnevar > knuwiirvin . tMW dy , lias dlsooTerad a t-lmpls means of self cure , wutca taHJ iKwIilssnd ( s l il ) KltEE to his frllow sutTrren 'Viaal isUrcu , ; . II , UKKYU , fO UolSW.htm Yelk City _ , " HJ , , ; HEr r" 1"T * "niMiH ! HM