m\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\m ' ' " " , " ' W r * * < - - > - > - * * tR T l /J / * THE OMAHA'DAILY BEE : lODAY , NOVEMBER 15. 1880. * 7 § m\\\\ \ \ \ \ jflK jflKI 'jH 'jHH H _ . nfl iff li ' I _ II II I I II II III | [ fin Bill HIv v , UK H SPECIAL NOTICES OMAHA No ntivortlsomonta will bo tnlton for thcso columns nftor 12:30 p. m. Torma-'Cftsh In nilvnnco , Advcrtlpemcnts under this head 10 esnts per line for the lltst Insertion , cents for each sub sentient Insertion , and tl.60 per lln * per month No Advertisements taken for less than 25 cents for first Insertion Beven words will bo counted to the Unci they must run consecutively and must ! > paid fnADVsNCIC All advertise ments must be handct m before 12:30 o'clock p. In , nml tinder no circumstances will they be taken err discontinued by telephone Parties advertising In these columns ami hav ing their answers addressed In corn of Tub IIk * will please ask Torn chert to enable thMti to get their letters , ns none " 111 be delivered except on presentation ot check All answers to nd- tcrtUements sliould no enclosed In envelopes All advertl ements in tlii'Se columns are uut > - ll.ilied in both morning nud evening editions of 'JnnllKr the circulation of which aggicKatcs moro tlinn isono papers dallv , nnd elves tlin ad- % erllsers the benefit , notnnly of theclty circu lation otTnn lii.r , hut also of Council Ulurts Lincoln and other cillcs nnd towns throughout this section of the emintrr B RA SC HJO F F I ' C EST Advertising for tlic o columns will betaken ontlie above conulilons , at the following busi ness houses , who ere authorlred n ( rents for Tub Jinn special notices , and will quote the same tales as can lie had tit the main office JOIInT\7hELLPharmacist , KOBouth Tenth bttcct OIIASH & HDDV , Stationers and Printers , II ) Sou Hi icth Stn et Sll lAHNSWOHTII Pharmacist , 2115 Cum • Inp ; Street "Tf\r " l 1IU011ES. Pharmacist , C2t North ir.th . > 7 Street * " G PO W. FA Hit , Pharmacist 1718 Leaven worth street rTUOHES' .PHAHMAUV , SWS Fnruuin Street , SITU ATU > NS WANTED WANTED Situation by young man of good nblllty Btrlctly temperate ; wilt nccoptuny honornbio position , ndctrcss N SO , lice lice.07II3J 07I-I3J WANTISI ) Situation tor girls ; I have old Tl nnd young , liluck nnd while , big und lit tle , all kinds , iiimhtlos and nationalities Mrs lirogn.an5Biathst. ; Hint \\rAN'IHD Position by prnctlcnl news and i T Job printer , competent to t n Ko full chnrgu of country olllce , cdltnrlnlly or otherwise Ad dress forlen days , "C , " enro of llernld olllco Norfolk , Neb 120 14t TO FU11L1BHHUS A thoroughly competent novvsnnpcrmannnd printer desires n posi tion in peed town Cnpablo of filling nny de partment Host of credentials ; not afraid of work ; willing to work ror small salsry , it per manent Address Arrtts olllce , platte Comer , Neb * 1'tt n WANTED--WALE HELP "VXrANTUTj Mun fo vvcirit about ho usp InV - " V > nulra at 4318 Nicholas Et , Walnut II 111. _ lil lit , . A ( SENTS wnnted l'o handle article every -cistove requires Hctnllsl : eaves SI.50 per month Must establish county agencies Sam ples sent express prepaid on receipt of $2.73. Moray Mfg Co . Waukesha Wis VI KW YOHIC importing house handling spec Xi laities In rutllItiKSiiotloitssmull wnreswnnts representative 10 pur cunt commission , for.ian , J Jlonwith experlenco only , need apply Ad dress Btatlngpoitlculnrs , is B. , postoillce , sta tion A , New York City IbH l " W ANTKr > Pattern makers , apply nt 1111 Howard st IK IV WANTED A reliable man to remove tj vards of dltt Address N 01 , llco 100 15 VA/ -AN'i'KD Good newspaper man llefer- V > ences ronulred Adurea3 , N KS , Heo olUre 30i t \VTANTK1) Kellnblo encrfe'otlo agent to rep i r resent an old line llto lnsurunco company ; Hbernl contract will bsmadowlth paity that wrlte lnsmnnca ; correspondence confidential Address N 7 Heo lJ'dia Y\T ANTI1D A registered drugekrk , perma- > ncnt situation ; none but good man need apply Omaha reference required Address Davu Low , care of lllchardsou Drug Co ' ' • ' If.3 10 W'ANTKD .Mlvertlslug solicitors tor tha best scheme out City nnd couutry work ,8iniII \ Cts or call for samples free Novelty JSIgq Wo As uirllamgohtdg ' HUJfi WTAN'flJIt Yminu milli for light work cor T T Howard and llith room ii , 3nl flat , Dili 1 -\X7ANTJD Kstuerlenc8d solicitors , good 11 pay exclusive territory Occidental Iluild- lng& Loan Association , 31US. 16tliOmaha , Neb 881 IW SAI.KSMEN Wanted At Onc-A few good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade We are the largest tnanufat'tuiers In our Hub In the world Liberal salary paid Permanent position Money ad vanced tor wages , advvruslni ; . etc For full terras address Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago , 111. , or Cincinnati O. BIB I ) tit alAlLOKB wanted 1 coat and 1 pantsinaker Immediately L.lternhelmer , McCook , Neb DTP 1 < J DKTECT1VES Wanted , good.rcllabie mon In every comaiunlty ; paying posltions.Kanbas Detective Ilurcmi , Lock llox 1U9 , Wichita , Kan 1 859 d8t WANTI5I ) Man nnd wife , without children " , for Janitor nnd chatnbsrwork Address I llox W. city KM "IXr ANTED Klvo traveling salesmen ; salary * nnd expenses ; no experience necessary Addre > .s with stamp , L. 11. Linn Co . L& Croxse Wig 881 U * AOKNTSI Write for terms , jn sample corset free Schlele & Co , OW ) Urondvray Now York J 4M WrANTIlD Salesmen at ? 7'iper month salary T ? and expenses to sell a line of sllvor-plaud ware , watches , etc by xumplo only ; her eand team furnished free Wrltent once forfnllpar ticulars and sainplo rase of goods tree Stand nrd Silver Ware Co . lloston Mass 4Wi WANTUD-OIon for Washington territory Albright's Labor Agency 119) ) Parnam st _ _ _ ( m _ "Wr ANTKD Good tri'klayers and stonccut- ii "I lersj good wages paid Apply M. T. Murphy - phy , l'lemout , Neb 4i * | MKi to travel for tne Pont hill nurseries of Canada Wo pay 8.7) ) to * 10u a month and expenses ( o ngents to sell our Canadian grown stock Add , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wis WANTKU-Track layers and bridge carpen ters for Iowa Hlley , K ram or & Co . cor lltll and 1'arnam sts 10 WANTKU A tew metre live , rnergetlc sales men to soil groceries , etc , to farmers , ho tel and restaurant keepers and other lurge.con- I. sumcrs at wholesale prices ; exclusive territory I given ; for particulars address the IMcuwortii I Mercaulllo Co , lmporter . manufacturers and I , wholesale grocers , HU State st Chicago 8tlaW ) I I WANTED--FEMALE HELP I "Wl ANT15D Cook and second girls Ufi I T and 112 week ; laundry girl , tl week ; I. cook , laundry girl and ulshnusher for wisner ; l | waitress for lilolr , fares paid ; a second girls It nnrso girl and S girls general wore Omaha Kmpluyment Uureau , 111) ) N llltli 17414T WANTHD flood girl for general house _ . work Mrs A. I , Tutey , Kill Chicago st , | | J'iO pt "ISTANTED-Olrl for general housonork.muit H > TV be good cook Apply ut house , C-3 N lJth ' 110 16t WANTKD ( llrl for general housework In- _ qulro , Na 181 N. ailh st , South Omaha 157 10 R "nTANTKD Olri for general housework : no H T T v ashing ; small family Apniy ; kii : Hurt st li 1B714t I ) "WANTED-Walst and skirt finishers at li > > once M , A. Wallace 151U Howard at , I _ 170 17 I WMNTKD Experienced girl ; small family ; Tt good wages Apply 1113 8 , luthst 104 I WANTED A mlddla aged woman , German 'I preferred , must be a good cook At Ibll Canlloliiye Mt-lt' r- \\7 ANTED A good woman cook In small , hotel , steady place the year round ; address - dress at once Commercial hotel , Ord , Neb B3U14 I t " \XT ANTED A good girl for general bouse- ' vi ork , apply at once , ltt"J N. Haad at , III Ut \\ANTKl-41ooa girl for general house j work , 14 per week 121S Leavenworth , 8S1 I , ' \ ANTED-Flm-cuus experienced saleslady ( > In cloak department State experienca } nd whera employed Address L 02. Hoc CVI II " \XANTRD A lady as cashtor ; mubt bo quick f TV andaccurata at figures and corao well ' recommended , J , L. Jlrandcls li sous , MS t boulti 13th St ITIomiKNT-Aner Oct J. fine front onloe , JU ground floor ) plate glass window ; beat and light furutshedt a most desirable location for auy kind of business ; rent reasonable Inquire Omaho lea Co . ilio B. 15th st 17a OLIVE 11 ranch ltemedles Sure cure for rer- _ tal und female diseases Sample 3 cnuts ' Mrs J. II UorjeyJ5txi 3. utU st , Kfl _ I TXT ANTED Lady ageuts ; nisn , mcu ; twonu- Tl tueuse new specialties ; 1 lady mudotiTbu fore uoont another I1B tne nrst hour Address , Xlttle li Co , 'J7 L kealdeJhlcago , 11L b-a UU * WANTED 3 la-ly cooks for Idaho , IV ) and it K l panlrygifl tor Wyoming , tao ; illnlna room girls , elderly woman on a farm , stont girl for I e park , cook for a small notel In Colora do , cook and scr nd girl in samn family ( no washing ) . K0 end 111 ! rook for l'apllllon , tM rook for large family , fcr.t rooVi > for boarding houses , helpers , etc New places every day Mrs , llregn 3144 B th 17C-1HT D RE3SWAKIN C TOOIlHhNf nntis8 3io NottbSM Inquire N. -U W. cor Kid nnd Darenport , fgJ D UESSMAKIN0 Inramiilos , ICK1B. 2)th. - 710 tl.lt MIS3 OllONUIIOE dressmaking , nt 1"3 Douglas at Plush cloaks steamed , rellned alidreDtfed 133 dIS DUESSMAKiitoranpreitlco : to the dress making , wanted Apply , l IS Charles Rt 109 10' _ MISS fj Wnlsli , 131sCnpllolavenuo.drcssnnd cloak maker , ' plush toAtsrefitted , rrllned lEn'Mt I OU1S WlNElir.UO.rtresn.nnd eloaK maker ; plush clonks to order Hnfl steamed ; sealskin cloais repaired ; nil kinds fur trimmings fur nished HVC Capitol Ve , repairing of all kinds , ENtlAflirMKNTS todnVrpmairinyin | fatnT- lies sollclled Miss Stnky , oil ) B.sflth st KM nJl MISCELLANEOUS WANTS WANTED Piano to purcliaso now nud first class , no second hand wanted No deal ers need npply , O. C , Hobble,2IIU IoilBO , t- WANTED A real estate man In Omaha with from U00J t ) ri.nw to take the agency in Umalm for my honso building busi ness ; a blg-tlilngto the ilqlit party Porpn- ttculars atlilress C , II .ludd , OUO llroailway , Council Hluir- . iU It FOR RENT-HOUSES. Ill .NT t'-room house , 1418 Howard St IilOlt ? T. S. Clarkson , ail > a llth st 1J0-15 IJIOlt ItnriT Five-room cottripo sevoa blocks J f 10m court house Call 351 S. ICth UV1 TTtOlTllKNT ( room brrkli ] use with or wltli- J out barn Apply SIM Harney st , US 1R * ? 01t HUNT 7 > roomTiouse In first-class order 1 . No 1S.1 Norm aitli street t3i per month Lobock K. If Chamber of Commerce UJ7 FDIt HUNT Now house 0 rooms and stable . I1KI1 N 4"itli st 0 room house till Woolwoith a\o. U room nouse at EW1 California , C-M-lt' TPOll ItBNT Cottage , four rooms with four J- acres of land , on State street bctnocn Tort and rioreuce $10 per mouth : Apply 317 81 Ith it liso IJIOIl HENT-House. 11 rooms 310N. . EM st . Enquire , Mrs M. A. Dotwller , n w cor 'd nnd Davenport , 135 FOU HENir S-room lioiue splendidly im proved , with water , gas bath , etc , novtly papered , llrst class neighborhood , tXi per month C. P. Harrison , Merchants Nat'l bant , 101 IJIOIt HENT B room house and barn , hot and Jt : cold water bath , Isth nud fllnney sts , Kbiintro place Inquire P. M. Cronl , ll' ' Doug las st drug store 830-11 IJIOIl HUNT 0 room Hat , enqulro llrJS Dodge ? 110 14t TTIOIt HENT 2 cottages , neatly furnished for X1 light housotto plng , Su per month ; cltv and soft ater.Ml Decatur _ _ ? " ' ! IriOlt HENT-Cottaged. Omaha View Hoggs ! Si Hill -l'Ji TftOR HENT Neat cottage , sw cor Wth nud J- ' Dodge ; 4 rooms SIS Hoggs & Hill Heal Estate , 1403 Karuam 13 ! ANTED Small family to occupy for the winter pleasant . .ousewlth bam ut nomi nal rental 0. Hairlson , Merchants Nat Hk DM IJTIOlt HENT A7-room brickliouse.cltywater , : sew cr nnd gas , a 717 l'Jth ht 701 lot OH ItENT Honso U rooms , cellar , cltv water , sewer and gas , close to cabin and motorcars Apply l' > 10 N,2. 'ndst , or James Stockdalc , Arlington block 801 FOH HENT Eight-room house , \ \ ith ample grounds , corner Leavenworth nnd-1st sts : bath room , hot and cold w ater Apply to Lewis S. Heed & . CordonriJ Hoard of Trade building / , , r3Q . FOH ItENT o-room cottage , J14 per mo , cor lGth and Williams st Enquire of J. Nagl , 012 Bo 13th st • • t l - 70S , JTlOlt HENT 'Iheb-roomhousonoxt west of . corner luiuso a w cor.SJJd nnd UavenportJW Hoggs m Hill , Heal Estate , HIM Faruuni IF you wish to rent a house or store see II E , Cole , Continental block ; oflico open oventngs T70U HENT Handsome 10 room bouse , all -L conveniences , paved street , cable and horse cars , 6 minutes walk of postofllce Nathan SholtOD.JGH Parnamst 4(10 ( IflOH HENT Neat 7-room bouse In good re- - pair , on cor SOtn and Wool worth aye ; pos session git en at once , lnmilro O. II Tzscnuck , Hee olllce 003 3710II HENT S-room cottages on Half Howard - near 33d St Enqulro (24 8. 17th St 021 "ITlOIt LB/\.SE Land adjoining the city on X' northeast , in lots of fi , 10 , aj or more acres far gardening , 13 per aero Hoggs & Hill Heal Estate , lldi Parnam Bt 123 22 ' OH HENT tton ro om houses , from $15 to 120 per mouth , on Motor line Hoom B7 l'axton block S14 OH HENT-So. K my block , llil Gee , nve 10 rooms , furnace , gas and fixtures , electrln wires for lighting , range and every conven ience ; barn with city water and gas In ; choice nelguUorhoodJM D.V , Sholes 213,1st at bank , 202 171 LEO ANT flats to reur ICth St , enstsldo , bo- i/twoen Jones and Leavenworth ; Qist-clas3 in nil respects , and new : steam heat , bath , open grates and mantels , electric bells In all rooms ; oth motor Hues pass property Iteferences lcqulred 'Jhos.-l , Hall , 311 Paxton block 078 3 0-HOOM ( now ) houses , all modem convenien ces except furnace , at (10 , halt block from motor GUI Paxton Block 82U rr-room house with barn Il" > ner month U V I Harrison Merchants Nat bank 489 FORRFfrT-ROCM FURNISHED : IIANDSOM lffront rooin , woirhcntetirvTlfh board ; 22UU Parnam at 16215 * IriOH HENT Two furnished rooms , with board ! If dealt ud Addresu N 71 , Heo oIII CO ' 151 20t TjlDEMBHEl ) rooms , light housekeeping , set JC St Mary's nva 1J0 1st ITlOIt HENT One large frontroom with board X' will huvo two smiill rooms Mrs Churchill , 411 N lUtll bt 121 l'Jt IpOIt HENT lurntshed room with board and all conveniences Per gentleman and wlfo or two gentlemen At 1B11 Cap 1 ave 10J0-14J . a'WiO rooms with board , furnace heat , etc , leterences Inquire northeast comer l'Jth nnd lllnney streets , KountiHB Place 085 iailThousekeeplng rooms , 10. 1310 N. 18th. t33 ! If IElANT rortms In modern brick residence ; uw ot telephone und piano : lU- Cas st , 881 1st FOU HENT Furnished rooms , all modern conveniences , ons block from cable 40 ! ) North 10th St 854 O PUHNIBIIEUroomsfor housekeepings man - > aud wife ; no children ; rent taken In board 310 N. 17th. 810 let A SUITE ot rooms < vltn board for gentleman end wife or 3 gentlemen 1724 Dodge st 702 FOH HKNT Suit of rooms over steve 8tor # , 1821 Howard t3Q i > er month til Q'l' . CLA1H European hotel , cor 13th and I Uodge ; special rate by week or month ITlOIt HIiNT Furnished rooms with or with X' out board at the Cozzens hotel , Oil IrtOK HENT 3 largo rooms for housekeeping , - llrst floor ; city water , pavpd street , motor flue ; (10 a month Call , 1244 No 20th st 113 Ut IriOH HENT Furnished rooms Ill a. 14th af _ J 1)39 ) 17t IJ10H HENT Two furnisnea rooms on St • Mary * annuo , to gentlemen only ; six minutes utes' wait ot business renter , Heference re quired Inquire nt store 210 und SVi B. 15th it , 855 JJIUHNISHED room und board , attxif ft 18th _ > 630 Ut IMiECJANT furnished rooms with bath and Usteam lf.lt Howard et 617 "I > OOMB with or without board , for three -LIgentlemen : private family ; references 1312 Hedge strtet " _ tfli JI10H HENT Furnished front room ivlta al - modern cnuvcnlenct-s , to gentlemen only , at ati' St Mary's avenue Apply at store , 210 and 2)3 ) South Fifteenth st , CS0 ITIOK HENT Teens or two gentlemen with g d references , a nicely furnished front room , heated by steam end centrally located Inquire Tit B ltlUt st , 308 VriCEJrooras , steun ( heat 111 * DuYe upou I7IOII HKNT Punilshetl looms also front . und back parlor , 10JJ Douglas , 6a -HiflBI - - IflinST class furnished rooms with or wlthont mcftls , ' 0iN. 17lh at , ono door north ot Leavenworth U7-80 * InDHNlSIIED rooms with steam heat , fjns : and bsth ; also dny board 1012 Harney " .L 17IOK HENT Nicely furnished rooms , with : board , in prlvnto family , Heferclires' 22U7 1'nrnam. 151 irt lilL'llNlSIIKD room , turnaeoTneatftan Siriod X1 em conveniences , for ono gentleman only , 2214 Parnam FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED " " " FOR HENT n unfurnished steam heated rooms Fred Harris , 16U Dodge st 100-18 FOH MINT Unfurnished , a larRo front par lor tor light housekeeping to a man nnd wife or two young latllts Sloe Farnam 12-1 lit SC1T ot rooms for rent over rriy store store , lf21 Howard st IV , l' .Stoeftel , , W8 17IOH HKNT Two unfurnished rooms , 1B15 X1 Cass st . 1111.15 . * I7 < Olt HKNT Sultof tin furnished rooms over my steve store , l&H jloward St . W. V. Etootzol , > tJ ) 1710K lir.NT 3 unfurnished t-6ota 5 sultnlilo X1 for houscKeoplng Tt Ni Uth St 403 ITIOU HEN'r room suit , unfurnished suita- X1 ble for housekeeping , gas Water etc . to family without children ; northwest ror 17th and Webster at HOT FOB RENT-STORES ANDOFFICE3. JTiOH HENT Haseincnt22xV > feet , llestloca- . tloniu the city , fri too per month liny ward llros , nr > DouglosjiU ( llil 10 SPLENDID front olllce , ground lloor , with gas and heat , cheap WmJ Wolshaus , 311 3 , Itth st , tW FOH HKNT-Storo room In Hoyd operahonse building Enqulie American Savings HaoK ri O HENT Desirable warehouse room on X track Apply to C. W. IColth , 714FaclM ; ! St flMII ! most promising locality for business In X Omaha Is on ltth ht . between Parnam and Leavenworth , the future retail district ot the city Elegant blocks are going up , and nothing shabby will ever bo erected there 3 ale a look at the new block on east side ICth between Jones & Leat nworth and secure lease for n number of years ; all heated with steam , with plate-glass front , Thos If Hall , 311 Paxton block MS 171011 KENT 2 new stores , 617 and 010S. 18th , - rino show windows I15'j NEW hotel In heart ot city : thirty rooms W.Paruam Smith , 10. . Contlncnlan Block 810 J7IOK HENT-Store. 1111 Farnam st , 2 xl28 - test , 2 stories and oullar , Nathanfihelton , 1011 Farnam St c471 ITlOIt HENT-Thol story brick building with . or without po Aer formerly occupied by The Heo Ptlhushing Co , , 010 Farnam st The oulld- lng una a fireproof cement basement , com plete steam-heating fixtures , water on all the floors , qas , etc Apply at the office otTho lice 016 JTIOH HENT Easement 40x00 ft , heated by - steam Enquire , J. NagL 012 So , Ltlt _ 9t. 'I7I0H HENT A 4-story nrlck building , Cili XI suitable for wholjsalo : good trackage ; I have also a number ot line residence prop erty for rent or sale For particulars call or address 100-411 llco bldg , N , O. Hroivn 433 MISCELLANEOUS WEATI1EHSTUIP8 furnished nnd put on tor 3ca root Address U J.Kecne,3J-4 Hamil ton s _ . Omaha 105 20 $ BOA HD wanted for self wife , boy 21 years old , baby and nurse ; write , Blvmglocation , price , etc ; private family preferred , with good location and IIrut-class modern Improvements , Address N41. lieu DUMP AUCTION sales every Tuesday nnd Friday morning at 1121 Farnam Omaha Auction A Storage Co 475 T710K HENT Farms Hoggs Jc Hill X 123 S3 A70UNQ widow wants an elderly gentleman X to assist her lluauclally Address conllden- tlally Address , NC Hee oflico W } * ' CASH paid for housohola furniture , stoves Omitu Auction & Storage Co , 1121 Farnam 47u LADIES use Marlon Walkers Face llloach for freckles , pimples , moth nnd liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and to bo tteriectly harmless For further lnfor- matIon cell ut 322 N 15th basement til 33J ' RENTAL AGENCY . p E. Cole , rental ngent ; olflyo open evenings STOCK BOARDED TX7ANTED-Horses to winter at IS a month T V per head on farm near Irvlngton Plenty otgroln nnd hay to feed , good ohelter andgood care glveu thorn ; horses called for and deliv ered W. it lloman roomO , Frenzerblk 477 HORSES wintered nt J4 per month Good care given Inquire rooms 1 & 2Omaha Natl bank HOUSES wintered at Omaha.falr grounds : largo box stalU ; terms reasonable ; car riages stored A. Thomson 208 N444. LOST LOST A physicians buggy case or medi cines ; see local column O. B. Wood , M. D. 108 lit PERSONALS npONOTAHIES and Bankers : "TheNotaries' X Handbook , " a new work by a Nebraskan fur Nebrnskans , will Da sent postpaid ot ) re ceipt ot tl by the author and publisher C. A. Bwcet , Palmyra , Neb 160 Hit EDUCATIONAL THE banjo taught as an art by Gee , F. Gellen- beck , room 213 Douglas block IW ) - QCHOOL ot Expression , Vocal Articulate , IkJPantomlnUc , J. V. Anderson , Hheely block limajt WAN TED-TO BUY "ITTANTKDtobuy A young man with three it years experience Inrpal estate nnd Insur ance Also a competent bookkeeper wants a pidtion lit olllco Address , N 68 , Hee olllce ; A 1 references 08314J ME1UICAN USE for ourcuatomors who have cash.secured paper and real estate to trade Hoom 15 , Chamber Commerce Oil STORACE TKACK AOE storage at lowest rates W. M. llushinau , 1JI1 Leavonworth 478 TOit AOE at low rates at 1121 Farnam Street S Omaha Auction and Storage Co 470 STORAGE and forwarding Wo collect and de liver goods of all description , merchandise , furniture and osggage at cheapest rates for storage tor any length ot time , Vans and wagons to be had at shortest notice , wltn care ful inen for moving Packing and shipping from our own warehouse dona on moaerato charge Merchandise loadea and unloAdud Warehouse on our own tracks Olllce 217 S. llth bt Telephone 111. Howell & Co 481) CLAIRVOYANT FOUTUNB Teller Mrs Lenorman can bo consulted on all affairs ot life Satisfaction guaranteed No 010 N. lMh t 172dl3' DIt NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium Fomala dlseaso a specialty 110 N. lUu at , , rooms2 and 3. 48 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING T\rANTBD-Studeuts to learn shorthand ii evenings : low latest Chautauqua plan ; teacher a graduate train Milwaukee , Address N (13 ( , Hee olllce 127 18' STANDAHDBhorthandRchool.Hoom316.Ware blk . ( successor to Valentines ) the largest , exclusive shorthand school la the west Teach ers are verbatim reporters Particular attention paid to typewriting Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert Circulars J71 N , HYNDMAN i Stenographer and Typewriter , H. 427 l'axton Hlk 'J elepltono 165J. H2n20t FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOU8 lilOH BALE Cheap lot of wood working mt- X' rhinery , fine bay more , ole ant cabinet or gan , light spring wagon ana phaeton , ltoom 610 , l'axton lllock _ boo 17011 SALE-Counter and shelTini room 627 , Paxton lllock aw YTiOKSALH-a cows cheap II II llender- X' son , room 101 , l'axton blk ck "I7MR BALE IS young half blood 1'ercheroa X' mares John { line , Puulap , la , 140-IOJ TJIOlt BALK or Exch\nge Four < ull-olooded X" Jersey cows , nne driving team as thora is In the city , one double currlage one double cutter , one phaeton , Bnyder make , and one road wag on , Snyder jnukei all nearly new ; will trade for good piopertyand will oisume light Incum brance , Apply ltoom 210 , First National bank buildup . IXK ) I7IOH9AI.E A furrltliA > , crockery and nnder- takltw business c4tft , } had at a bargain for rasn Capital required from five to seven thousand AdCrcss box to ) Ked Oak fa B'C 15t ITlOIt BALK A geiKfriil jnerchandtso store In a live Nebraska lownL , Invoice nliotit tf.Wli' will sell Tor cash or oh'frood security ; address "N IW , " Heo oHh a • osta.j WIMi ell or trade-fpr anythingdcslrablo a i • line carrlago team , good slugle drivers , well matched , warranted Round and gentle 8. A. McWnorter , Omaha Nat Hank Hulking w J , ITIOU BALE-ClieanjMrln. Am Champion Ij , ' K. IRS " bicycle , nlckle , first-class condition Hoom4on , Paxton blookf no "ITIOU BALE Kent oWrade Largo livery earn , X known as "Oheckorod llarn " on So ISth street near Harney Neb , MortgagoLoan Co , 610 Paxton Jlk SIO 1710K 8AlTn Household tnrnUure , llxtures , ote , ( worth 1200 two years ago ) , will sell for NO , Apply or address to 800 B. 13th , near Lcovcnworlh room 10. U3 18t ITiOH SALE A a.7-horse power Vorter engine In ftood condition , Weight B.10O pounds cyl inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The Ilea office 708 ITIOH SALE A qtinutlty ot building clone , - Apnly to the sttptilntcnilent Hee building , ' C2i T/IOH BALE Fresh milch cows Cor 0 and XI 2Uh MiS. . Omaha C. M. Manly fc Co 12ldl2t ADSTRACTS OF TITLE IDLANDliuaranteo .fcTrusfCa , N. ' YTl fis bldg.completa abstracts furnished nud titles to real estate oxamlnodperfected ii guaranteed , 48,1 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS on t battels anil collateral security ; low rates 62 * Pavton block 112 25 $ loans at lowest rates , business CHATTKL Confidential J. l > . Emlngcr,1417 Farnam st , llil AMES Loans made on city property Ames , 1507 Parnam st tea 28 WANTED First-class Inside loans Lowest rntes Call and Bee us Mutual invest ment Co , 1501 Farnam , 485 MONEY to loan on rc&l rstato security at lowest rates Hofore negotiating loans see Wallace 11310 llrowu bldg loth and Douglas 487 HE , COLE , loan agent Open ovonlngs • lit MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos , horses , und wagons , ( lawxcyo Investment Co , ltoom 33 , Douglas blk , 18th and Dodeo sts 020 LOANS City and farm leans , mortgage pa per bought , McCaguo Investment Co 488 MONEY to loan on city property nnd farm lands at lowest rates , . J. D , Zlttle , 431 Paxton - ton block 4 'J "D" E. COLE , loan agent Open oveulngs KESIDENCEloans-CJto7'por ! cent ; no ad- tlltlonal charges tor commissions or nttoc- neys' fees , W. tl Melkle , llrst Nnt bank bldg 400 money to buy small notes or mort- 1JHIVATE gages , Uoum 13 , Hoard of Trade , 811 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , hotiseholdgoods , pianosorgautt , diamonds , lowest lutes The first org-inlzod loan olllco In the city Mnkos loans from thirty to three hun dred aud sixiy-Il\o dayn whlcli can bo paid tn part or whole at any 41me , thus lowering the principal und 1ntcr 8tt Call and see us when you want money Wo can assist you promptly nnd to your advantage without removal ot property or publicity Money always on hand No delay lu making lblihs C. F. ileed & Co , 310 8 13th St , over Hlnpham & Sons 401 MON EY to loan O , F. Davis Co , leal estate and loan agents , 1501 Farnam st , 4'12 ' PIEUHE lots II , E. Cole Open evenings 115 IB mz MONEY to loan on city or farm property Gee J. Paul , laWFarnam st 40J BU1LDINO loans „ D. V. Sholes 210 First National bank.a ' 4'Jf r LOANS mnde on real estate and mortgages bought , LoutsS Hoea&Co , r. 13 , board trade > ' ) 405 _ ONEY to loan on Cusulture , horses , wagons , etc , or on nuy approved security , J. WT Bobbins , 200 NT L ig' 400 , I7IIHST mortgage IotvnsjCt low ' rates ' and no ; X1 delay D : V : BuolesT210First National bank .401 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & TrustCo fur nish cheap oastord money to borrowers , purUiaso securities , perfect titles , acrept loans at their western olllce George W. P. Coated , room 7 , Hoard ot Trade , 4D7 KEYSTONE Mortgado Co Loans ot * 10 to Jl.OJO ; get our rates before borrowing and save money : loan on horses , furniture , or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est ratescallIlS08.Sheeley ; blkl5th Howard at , | 108 BEFOUB making'cbattel or collateral loans , it will pay j ott to see The Western Invest ment Co , room li ! , Hoe building 490 MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates Lowest rates ou personal uroperty Tito Ilondereon Mortgage Investment com pany , room too , Paxton block 602 SEE Sholes room 10. First National bank , before making your loans 401 $500,001 to loan at B per rent , Llnahan & Ma- honey , room 5011 , Paxton block 601 MONEY loaned ou furniture , horses and wagons , rates reasonable City Loan Co , 118 S 13th St . opposite Millard hotel 603 BO YOU want money ? Jt so , dent borrow before getting my rales , which are the low est on nuy sum from 81 to 510 , ( 0J. I make loans on nousehold goods , plauos , or- Sans , horses , mules , wngons.worehonse receipts , ouscs , lenses , etc , in nny amount at the low est possible rates , without publicity or removal otproperty Loans can be mdo for one to six months and you can pay part at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , if you owe a balance on your furniture or horses or have a loan on them , I will take It up and carry It tor you as long you desire If you need money you Will find it to your nd- vantags to Hoe mo before borrowing II F. Masters , loom ! , Wlthucil building , l' .th and Harney t 481 MONEY to loan by an eastern man , on gilt edge property , for the next 10 days Ilatrls , room 411,1st Nat Hank 6.10 MONEY to loan In nnr amount on household goods , horses and wagons , diamonds , land coutrncts.sscond lnortRagos.or any available se curity , without pu ollcity Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co Hoom 119.l'axton bin 2 0 ONEhundrod dollars private money to loan or will buy short time mortgage-or good note , room El Hoard of Trade 610 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay J. W. Squire 1219 Farnam St . First National bank building SJ1 MONEY loaned on chattel security or rea estate J , J. Wllainson , 018 l'axton blk 78H 1,000 1'nvatuTOoney to loan or will buy good mortgage , W. USelby , r.13 , Hoard ofTiade „ i 728 alO LOAN--Aspect * ! fund ot * lOJ.00J lu sums .of JIO.OOO nnd upwards at very low rates The Mead Investment t cj . 314 8. . 16th St 133 TC | " ONEY Loans iiejrotlated at low rates witlT JJl out delay , and purchase good commercial ami mortgage noies o. A. Slouiui cor , 3th and Faruain ) . , , / 600 SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS W TT'IHST National safety neroalt ratilts Safes X\to rent S5 to Jj a yew 8J7 S. 13tli. VJJ BUSINESSCHANCES . - = = . . t i. . . " . WANTED Partnearuwlth 8500 , A 1 paying business , Addres D , P. Utuehart , Kansas City , Mo ( g 11IHC * J7H1U BALE Hakery ; the only ono in good Mown of 1,00) Inhlttlitauts ; 150. Address John Schmlttruth Mairnrn , la 102 lit 15AUT1EP desirous orulspostng ot their bust . ness lu any line wtlldo well to call on or ad dress , W. It , E. _ M , E. , ltoom 15Chamber Com merce , oil ITIOU SALE Furniture of lu-room Hat tilled with nice class of boarders Parties got to leave tne city Boon , Address N C8 Ilea ofhee 11H 10J A COMPETENT man with from & ,000 to 110,000 can nave an active Inst , in a good iiifg , business Address N CO Heo IWJ18 1J\OIt BALE-A geol stock of groceries , or . ' will trade for good property and part cash , or will take good secured noted for same Ad- aresa N UL Hee office t/JJ-Ht ( D2,600 will buTa ' half interest In a well ostab- tpiishedseed buslnesi ; location only an hour nud a half rids from Omaha on 11. is M. it li Largo business already worked up , but needs mora capltaL Investigation BOllcltea M , A. Upton Co16th and Farnam 054 - ITIOU ' BALE-Or trade , a well established book X' and btatlonery Btoro Uox CIS600 FOREXCHANCE I NTi'W ! t e . a , t , 'i4 ' carnauo for 2nd mortgaua J.1 Belby , U Hoard Trade Slf _ _ _ _ _ -H | | iij | TjAlNfibrtsl stallion to trapotor good baled hay X1 on railroad within 100 miles ot Omaha Otllco opening evenings It , E. Cole , room It Oontl- nentnl HI I ft _ T7IOH RXcirANUE ISO acre Iowa farm In cub X ttvatlon , three veins nt "A 1" coal and three railroads tor merchandise , 117 Sheoly block , two 18 mo EXCHANGE Good farm and cash for X newspaper outfit : also good farms for a 75 to 103 barret Hour mill Address llox ( II Goth cnonrg Net * P < 2 20 \\TlIiIi exchangs now e-room house for va il cant lots In Omaha , AddrcssN 4S , Hoe 1 > 1 SOME choice land lo Frontier Co , Neb , , to ox- cnnnRflforraerchanrttsonr llvo stock Ad dress H. A. Ilurton , Curtis , Neb H73 16 Ti HrBCH NdE i'or < iny " kind of good XI property , a grain elevator In ono of the best towns in lown situated In the heart of a flue agricultural country Present owner is not n pruln man , and has other business A rnro chance for a practical man Also , five thousand ncros CI use timber Und In northern Tonnes Bee Hoom IS Chamber ot Commerce.Tel , Ilia HH IpJCCHANGE for city propertv two good U farms Joining towns , situated In Harlan and Greoly counties , Meyer & lUapxe , 1105 Hartley eu • > 7WMU FOh'nXOIIAMIK-A now , clean slock ot hardwaie ; will Invoice about 10oi0 | for good Insldn Omaha propeity or cloarlowaor Nebraska fartn land , Addi ess N 31 , lice olllco • • 745. LAND In Nebraska and Iowa and some cash for drug stock Addtess , N. 72. Hee , ! 2il ? EKNTAIi property , Inside , to exchange for clear farms or vacant city lots 'lho < t , v. Hall , ill ! l'axton hlock 607 ITtlHSrmortcagetorturnlturo or llvo stock Olllco open evcnlns3.ll. Ii , Cole , Continental block 74J SIXTEEN horres , 160 clear Improved hind for stock ot general incrclinndlso or haidwnre Address Ulcltsoii llros . Crelgliton , Nub , lilt 11 } I71011 EXIIANGE-fO acres clear ofcnctimb- . ranee In strips ot 10 acres , in Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property ApplyroomEia First National bank building 1,0 GOOD equities In Omaha property and Ne braska land to tr.ido for second mortgage onOmanaproperty * V , It E. AM fi , room 15 , Chamber of Commerce Tel , ml 821 " ITIOU KXCHa nOE-A Imsiuessyieldlngaprollt ot from $1,000 to fft.0 o uer annum , to exchange - change for good city propeity Am willing to assume light , encumbrance Apply room 210 , llrst National bank bnlldmg 130 Improved form property for well secured GOOD cured second mortgaire paper Address , at once " 'S , " care Hoom 15 , chamber Commerce 011 JTIOH EXOHANGE-lOclear South Omaha lots nnd cloai'tand for 8 or 10 room house , will nssume small incumbrance , W. L. Sclby , It 13 , Hoard Trade . 803 WANTED To exchange dry goods notions and millinery goods for clear land or city property and purt cash Address box 470 Frankfort Ind 005 IMl'HOVED farm and city property for mor- chandls * . Addtess , Hoom 15.Chamber Commerce merce- 011 • J CLEAU South Omaha lots for norsos.or land Osouth or east of Wheeler Co , Neb Selby , 13 Hoard Trade 214 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TO AGENTS All my property lshercby with clr-ttn from the niurkot E. D. Klttou 177-15 "ITIOU SALE 80 acres cholco land near Clarks , X'Merrick Co . Neb ; 40 acres under cultiva tion , oulv $15 per acre , one-third cash , balance easy Address O 1 , Heo olllce 175 lot FOU SALE-Dy Evans Substantial rovuutie paying properties In various parts of the city Huslness lots on main thoroughfares Iluslness und residocco lots on nil principal streets leading to nnd from the city Homes for the poor nnd the rlch.and the lucky man who Is neither lied rock prices , and forms elastic enough to suit any customer Not many bargains , but a few that will pull the dollars out ot your pockets , go to the Kx- change meeting , and then call at room 308 , N , Y. Ufebulldlntf 139 lo J. II Evans OTTAGES In Axford's , Orcnnrd Hill Har- bach's" , Hunscom Plnce , LuUo' .s , POppleton ' • Park , Shlnn's , Parkers , ' Grand View Mayne's and Central Park , for sale on easy monthly fiaymcnts All comfortable buildings , on anoi qt3 nnd near car lines Dent delay until next year for a homo ; get In now and tt ko advant age of rise in value F. K. Darling , Darker bile 128 11 rpiIINKot it 100 acres of * finely Improved X land , SH miles from good railroad town , lee - miles horn Omaha for $700. only $203 cast ) , rjal- anco 3 years • 100 acres 2i ! miles from county seat , 40 acres cultivated for SOoO ll'JO ' casn , balance long time ; tltlo perfect You dent have oilers llko this everyday ; oflico ojit-n ovenlngs ; > II , 15.Cole , room 0 Continental block 112 10 INVESTMENT in Omaha real estate will pay if bought at present low prices , l oiler the following bargains at very easy terms : Lots in Lincoln place $850 tolO00. f Lots in Mouut Pleasant J3u0 to 8500. 2 lots In HedfonlPlu.ee , corner of Emmet nnd 30th St 100x128. $ ltm Lots 11 and 12. blk 34 , South Omaha , K.200. Lots2 nud 4. blk 4 , South Omaha , each $000. Lot4 In blk 10 , South Omaha $1,200. Lot 4 lu blk U. South Omaha , * l,200. Sea me Otto Lobeck , H 18 Chamber ot Com merce U0310 US1NES3 corner 3 blocks from N. Y. Life S3V1 per foot , pays 10 per cent ; } i cash , bnl once easy ; D. O. Patterson , 51S N. Y. Life , 675 TJIOH SALE The llnest Drlck restaqneo in the JJ city , modern and now , large shady yard con taining about two ncres of grounds , stone walks and wlthai a complete home , Have ex tensive business interests lu Bait Lake and my wlfo declares she will live alouo no longer Terms and prlco to suit the customer How is that ? Address M 72 Dee olllco 370 DO you want a beautiful home at a bargain ? Icanolfvrfor sale two Urst-class cottages Just completed Nos , 3211 and 3220 Popploton ave lhese cottages were designed by dltfer- ent architects , ana are among tne nnest ar ranged cottages In the city They nro substan tially built throughout , with double lloors , fur nace , bath , hot and cold water and cisterns , splendid brick collars , etc Tito new motor car line to nanscom park Is wlthlnthree short blocks , and the street car company ara now Btrlaglng their rails on 32nd street , within a block , torthelr motor line If you want a beautiful residence in nnn of the nicest neighborhoods In town , healthy and pleasant location It will pay vou to call nt once nud sen this propertv Cm give posses sion Immediately Low price If sold this week Gee , N. Hicks , New York Lira building 103 10 $2,000 HUYS an elegant full lot In Hanscon place , near Poppleton and 32nd st Tills is a bargain Sholes 213 first Nat'l bank 037-10 ONE hundred and sixty-live feet on Leaven worth and 30th eta at the best bargains that was over olfered Can take good clear lot for equity Bee mo quick Sholes , 213 First Nat'l bank [ 087-10 OALL nnd get the price and terms that will astonish you on a business lot so feet front Joining the Transit bouse South Omaha , oppo- xlte depot : owners disagree , to wish to sell D. D. Bmcaton , 1011 Farnam at , Omaha 'JV2 NIP "HATANTED-Fornctual customer , choice lit T V tie place worth52.00 : ) , will pay J5T0 cash 8 cent on balance C. F. Harrison Merchants Ser bank IK ! 18 TTHlltBAIiK lluslness corner In the heart of X1 the cltv of Omaha $10,000. AH city im provements paid ; produces8 per cent net with most meager Improvements ; net Interest pay lng capacity can bo doubled with small otiilay An Investment ns good as a government iioud Write O. F. Harrison , Omaha , Neb 182 ' A N ELEGANT 10 room house and full lot , hard wood finish , every convenience possi ble East front on Georgia aye , Sholes , 213 First Nat'l bauk 087-10 INSTALMENT house opportunity , first-class 50-ioot-frout building , J. 8. Whoeior Sioux City , la 8711IJ ' HE best Ilustnsss , llesidence Vacant and suburban properties In the market are forsaln by-Iho old reliable " 31. A. Upton Co , 18th and Farnam 2U OU HALE improved rosldenco property on S. llth st , east front , suaae and fruit trees , city water , good houses with good permanent paying tenants Enquire 1020 S. llth st 075 17 * ITIOH SALE Or otchanee.on easy terms , some brand new S-room houses on Spauldtug st , near motor line ; no better residence location lu the city Also some new T-rooin houses on Corby and Si' .th st Just IV miles from post olllce ; will exchange any ot the above for clear land or lots For terms and particulars apply to C. 0. Hpottswood , UOIVi B 10th at 440 for shares in the American , " SUDSCBIHE bulldlm ? and loan association in tha world M. A. Upton , special agent , lflth and Farnam 212 JTIOH SAIE-On easy terms , the new cottage i erected by me on ( leorgo St , corner Lowe avei-t property has 100 ft , froutago onGBorgebt by 160 frontage on Luvt a alor terras apply ltoom 216 , First National bank buUdlug Co ? HALB-Large two story tramp building 371011 J rooms In peed condition , to be moved W , It lloman , ltoom 0 , Frenzer block MJ -o-a-a-H-fl-H-i - - - - - - - " 1TK > H BALE On long tlmn and easy payments , X1 handoma , newwell bnllt houses ots , l > , and 10 room * . All conveniences , good nel hlK > N hood ; paved slre-sts , street cars , and within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , lt' ,14 Farnam atrcefr , i _ _ _ Mfi _ JTIOH SALE , very chenn no trades , farmMT.7l ( - acres , son , MS N 0 W Hamilton countyNeb , S miles from Marquette , small house , stable ! T > i acres pasture fenced , living water , price only JI0par acre , S\417.00. onc-thlrtl ts < 0 crop Included Terms $ i,2J0 cash , balance R per cent interns ! , P. K. Atktni , owner.rnllmail building , Denver , Coio fill I ' TIOHSA LESSTw 111 buy lot isTinbm aha - ' Vlow , ono block from motot1 line , nicely on grade Lots in this addition are worth JI.OW and the nbovo price Is open for a short tlmo only O , II , Tzsohuck care Omaha Heo 701 WILL exchange newsroom honso , all mod 11 orn conveniences for vacant lots ormnva- bio property , _ _ Hoom OlM'axton block 0S5 _ IT you v. ant any lots in llrcharil Hill , apply to Hoom 210 , First National bank building for terms aid location WJ WAUG1I & Westerlleld Teal estate S.lma1ia i > BIJ _ _ SjWO lTD VS spiondld four ltioin house atd lull • Plot Northpartotcltynear muter Sholes , 213 First Nat'l bank P87-lit lilHHUETots U , li Oolo Open cvoulnss I HAVE some first-class rental property for sals cheap within one mil * or posillloce , on paxrd 1-trents and motor Hue Thos P. Hall , 311 Paxton block MO 1THNKre ldenoes Wo have 3 aw fill nice rest . oenrcs In dltfercnt parts ot the cltytnst wo can sell for less than they cm bfc reproduced for They ara Joe Dandies , " M. A , Upton , Co , ICth and Parnam U74 15 WE have the only east fronts on IKith street between Farnam nud Davenport that are inthotnatlot , HpoiiK quick If vou want the tlncst resltlenco site out there Wo can sell now 25 percent lower thannoxtspring M , A. Up- ton Co , Pith and Farnam , , U73 1 > IaiEHUEIots II liTcolo Open ovonlngs < . U10 I > lUKHlfiot ir E. Cole Opcnovenlngs . 115 10 _ 171011 SAIiE or lease , on ctsy terms 3 lots on . ' 2.tU nve . Just south o ( Leavenworth Would build nn eight ronm house nnd sell 30 Teet for 8,1,000 and soil on monthly payments Lota 4 and A , hlk 0 , Kllby Place , high and slchtlv Ono lot N. 13th st „ trackage Pour lm'-mcss lots N. 21th anil S. 10th st , sntli ave and Dodge , corner IJOft N 30th St Other good residence property r * lots Crolgbton H > U'litA , cheap Will sell n tow lots on building terms N. A. ICubn , drugstore , 13th and Douglas , 41 < ! n23 ITIOU SALE A now honso Just being erected ' on Cuming st lu Sherwood park ; the house has ult modern Improvements , hard wood finish throughout : also large barn , with 160 ft front age on West st , by 1MJ f rontngo on Cuming St 1 willse' .l this to the right party on reasonable terms Apply Hoom 210 , first National bank building t-O OW1AHA HOTELS LOHB HOTEL , IJJS-I'llu-l 113 Douglas street , newly furnished Strictly llrst-class ; rates 31.no nnd 82 per day Tarpleyllros , proprietors 312 dUt Ilnnrd orEqunllzntloii Notice ot the sitting of the City Council ns a Board of Equalisation To the owners ot lots and lands nbbutlng on , adjacent to the streets , nllojs or avenues , oi Bit uatod in whole or in part within any or the tits , trlcts herelniiftvr named : You and each ot you are hereby notified that the City Council will sit us u Hoard ot Equaliza tion at the olico ot the City Clerk in Douglas County Court House ou \ \ ednpodur the 2Jth ilav of November , lttJ from u o'clock n. m , to fi Rm „ for the purpose of oquallilug Uio proposid ivy of sueclul ti.xos und assessments and cur rectln'xauy errors therein , and at hearing all complulnttithut the ownersotDroperiysoto oo ta od and assessed may make , said spe.'lnl taxi s and assessments tielng levied uccordlug to law to corer the cost and expenses of paving , curbing , fcowor constrtictloii , extonilluc , opeu- lug and wideningstreots , und the one halt cost of grading , as hurelnatter slated : I'AVINO Alloy In alloy paving district No 58. Alloy In alley i alng district No 6" . Alley in alloy psvlng district NofiO Alley in allo > pAving district No or loth htreet from Martha street to Oistcllnr street In paving district No ill , * Luke street from 18th street to 24th street In paving district No E0. Capitol avenue from21th street to 20th street in paving district No 105. Webster Btreet from 1 ith street to U. P. Hall way in paving district TJo 10 > . CnlcttaO street from 2Jth blreot to 22ud street in parlnir district No 223. i Leavenworth street from Soldcn street to Lowonvenne in paving district No 221. Poopleton avenue tiom 'SUh street to "Sth avenue In paving district No , 220. llth street from t umlng street toGraco street in pavingdlbtrlct No 2)4. ) 32udMrLct trom Woolworth avenue to Pop pleton avenue in paviug dlstilct No 238. Cass btieet from Uth street to 10th street in paving district No 211 , 3jth uieauo tram Poppleton avenue to Wool worth avenue in pav lug district No 241. Itith btreet from Leavenworthstreetto Muton street in pavin ? district No 214. 20th street from Harney Btreet to St Mary's avenue in paving district No 245. illtt Btreet from Poppleton avenue to Wool worth avenue lnpavlnu district No.247. M&S.H1 street tromSUth uvenno to 30th Btreot in paviug district No Ml GimniKn Hrlstol street from 24th street to 30th street In paving district No 218. Chicago t-trcot from 20th street to 22nd street in paving district No 23. Woolvvortli avenue from 3Ibt street to 32nd avenuu In paving district No 227. Hurt street from ; th ntreet to Pleasant street in pavm * ; district No 230 , Vinton btreet from20th bttcct to21 th street in paving dlatiict No , 231 , Mh .itreet , from Pine street to Worlhlngton street In Pavlnt ; District o. 23 „ 21st street , from Davenport to California street , in Paving Dlatiict No 237. 3tith street , from Cuming street to California street In Paving Dlatiict No/iW. Pleasant btruet , from Cupilng to Burt street , In Paving District No 240. littli btreet , from Leavenworth street to Mason street , iu Paving tlstrit ) No 241. Maeon street , froit 2irtlt at enuo to 30th street , In Paving District No _ W. MJVVKIt CONBTllUCTION In Sewer District No Hi in Sewer District No OO In Sewer District No Ut Inbewor District No 02. (11IAUINO. 22nd street , from Nicholas to Davenport street District No 0. Chicago street , from 20th to 23rd street , Dis trict No 0. Blst street , from California to Davenport BtreetDistrict No , 0. lull btreet , from Dorcas street to alley sonth District No 1. lbthstieet fromCastellarto Vinton , District No 1. Dorcas street , from llth street to 20th street District No 1. Center btreet , from 13th street to 20th street , District No 1. 2Jth avenue , from Hnlf Howard street to St Marv's avenue Lows avenue , from Hamilton street to Far nam street , o bhermau avenue , from S. line of Sec 3 to 613 fAotH otcoutorof Sec 3 Lake btreet , from 2tith street to 27th street 1Mb Htreet from Center street to Dorcas st Hurdetto street , from lUh street to 1Mb sti eet 21st street , from Leavenworth btreet to N , L. BrlcgJ estate Alloy , from Oth to ICth , south of Hickory Bt EXTENlltNC ] , VV11IKMMI AKII OI'KNIMI ST1U.KT8. ii2ud avenue , troin Ed Crclghtoa avenue to south city limits 22nd street , f om Paul btreet to south line E , V. Smiths addition Purk street , ! rom East avenue to Spring btroet You aDd e ch ot you are notified to appear before suld Hoard ot Equalisation utttiu tlmo and place above sp < clued , to make any com plaint , statement or objection you may desire , concerning said proposed levy and assessment of special taxes J. II BoitTIUUD , City Clerk Omaha , November 12,1884 , ulldlt Notice Is hereby given that a book win be opened at 10 o'clock n : m. on baturday , the sixteenth - teonth day of November , 10. at tne olllco of J , M. Thiirbtou , Uulou Paciho Hulldlng , In the city ot Omaha , Douglas , county Nebraska , for tuo purpose ot receiving subscriptions to the capital stock ot the Omaha Union Depot Com nauy W , II Horxouu 4 ' o. w. iioruiMuE , T. U KluuiLU o-17-d-30-t For the Incorporators Notice to GroUers SEALED proposals will bo received at the olllce of County Engineer ot Douglas County , until2 p. m , Fnturduy , November loth , lbhj , for grading 7.W ) yards , more orles-sln "Ue- mis Paik , " Pluus to bo been at otliro of county engineer All bids must bo accompanied by certified check for Vfl.W , Might reserved to re- reject any or all bids nil 1213 14 15. O. H.llovw , County Engineer Notice Hear niver Canal , notice to contractors , sealed received at the otllui of tha riroporalswlllbe tear I ke and Itlvor Watern orka and Irrlgatton Company , ( ltothwsl ) Canal System ) lu tlgdeu , Utah , up to November IV , iwj , noon , for the excavation ot thetiratrieworkof the Hear Hirer Canal , cast brunch Including 60 miles of canal and about two million r-VAuU' cubio yards of material , plans and npei lllcntlona may bo seen in the olllce of the engineer in charge in Ogden , bids must b * accompanied by a ccrtllled check payable to the order of the secretary of the com pany , tor an amount equal to llvo per cent ot the bid , worn will polot la divisions ot five to ten miles or in the whole , the compiuy re serves the right to reject any and all bids 1 Signed , FnkuUtTiiiAi , H i d W t. Engineer la Charge , Dlsniilutlnn Nntloc _ A _ _ I Nottco Is hereby given that th * partnership B _ _ H heretofore existing between Henry Storer * of H _ _ H Avora , Iowa , and P. J. lloys nof Otnnha , Neb l _ _ l rasxa In the business of welling lleer nnd th * K- _ _ i manufartlirlnsand selling Soda and Mineral SI _ H Waters in Umthn , Neb , Is this day hereby < lls- | HIH solves ! by mutual consent All neconnts due U _ H tbs llrmarotobnpvld to 1 * . J , Hoysen , UMt- K _ _ i ness our hand this llth day of November , lsso , H _ _ l Omaha , Neb , , Nor llth 18S9 1 * . J. Ilovm- . B _ _ _ H lld-3-l' II Stkvtns H I'rouosnls for Mnrrs , Cows And Hullit'C _ _ _ l itiu Mnirrinls K i _ _ _ XI S. Indian Briuicr , ) K _ _ _ H SANTUK AOI NCV , M.llltVSK.A , J- l _ H November llth , 188t > , 1 K _ H Sealrr * proposals , indorsed "Propossls for H _ _ _ l Marcs , Cows or lliuldliig Mntrrlala" ns the case H _ H maybe , nnd addressed tot ho noderslgncil at tha ' _ i Sant co Agency , Knox county , fsobrnskn , will bsj E3 _ _ H received at this agency until oils o'clock ot Doc H _ _ _ l Hti l > " 8li. tor furnislilmr tor and drllverliic nt nil H llandroait Dak , 0.1 co - , 21 Ameitean mares K3B _ H nnd butluiiig material for the erect on of six 5I _ _ H lmllnu Innties fo * ilrllverlnz at the Ponca ln _ _ i Agency , Dakota , materol for six Indian houses H _ _ _ i and live grannies ; nlso for < 0 Aincilciinmarcsl H _ _ l and material for ten Indian bouses , ll stable * fl _ _ H nut ! grannries und for outer ptiriwses to bo do- W M llv ci-etl at the Santoa Agency , Nebraska _ _ H ' 1 ho cows must bo American cattle , l ot imVlcr | _ B two or over tlvb years old , fu-i < from Arkansas , ( _ _ i 'J ex its or Mexican bit o i , und average TMpoumls a _ _ _ l In weight , none to weigh less tlinmt 0 pounds a _ _ _ l Toe males must be of American Stock , from _ _ l four to seven years old , sound , well broken , V l without blemishes and must wolghnotlcbsthau _ _ _ H D50 pounds each M H Acomplotollstnnddbriiptton of the build J _ _ _ H lng materials required at both npcnclcs.wltl bo M furnished to binder * , upon application to the H underslcnod f H Each bidder must statn specifically tha pro a H posed prlco of ouch article to bo olfuied fordo- _ | lh ory under contract ' . _ B _ i ( EHIII'IED OIIKCIvS H _ i Each bid must boiiccoiiipiiiled by a certllled l _ _ H check ordralt upon some l/nltcdStntvs 1 oposl- G _ H tory , tnntle payable to the order of the under > H _ _ I blotted ror tit least KIVEper ceutofthu nmoutlt , _ H ot the proposal , wtilch check or draft ivlll bo B forfeited to tno United States tn rase nny bidder H oi bidders receiving nn uvvnrd shall fall to W M promptly tttccutun contract w ltd good nnd sum S H clont sureties , otherwise to bo returned th the iB _ H bid dor . , 1 _ H The right Is rcsorrod to reject nny or all bids i _ _ l or nny part ot any bid , If deemed for the best H lutcrostsot the service CiiAUf.KS llibtj , , _ H NolldtoDl US Ind lau Agent J M Wiimwfum fl OMAHA H _ H nUHLINOWN TTOUTK : Ieavo Arrlro " 4 _ H Depot loth tt Mason sts Omaha Ouiubo lr _ _ H Chicago Vestibule Ex . . . 3tl5 x > m 0TO a'm B- _ l Chicago Mall , :45 : a m 0:1 } p tn 9B H Chicago Local 0:43 : pm 7li a m 9S : _ _ I Denver Vestibule Ex . . . . 10:05 : am 8:00 : n rn I7r _ l Lincoln * Concordia Lo'li K:0J : a m fl:15 p m S'&tH Colotodo Mall < . . . 7:15 : p m 0:35 : a m i'i _ - l Chicago Fast Mall :03 p m kjtHi Kansas Clty'Express 0:15 : * m 0:11 t q WH KansasClty Express . . . . | 0:00 : pm < 1 V p in H _ _ I 0.1I.I.4P. Losvo , .Arnvo _ H _ H Depot ltth Si Marry sts , Omaha Omana H Dot Molucs Accommod'u 6li : a'm 0:05 pin H H Atlantiv Express , * 0:15 : a. m 7:01 p m j H Mght Express ( :15 : pm 0:50 a m E H Vestlbuled Express B:5 : : p m 7:10 n in " H H UNION 1'ACIKIU Leave Arrlvo X _ H Depot luth and Murcysts Omaha Omahn _ _ i * nvcrtnml 1'lvMt- . * r.r.ri m u.in m m _ _ _ H • Pacific Express 8:2.1 : am 7:20 a tn M _ _ _ i • liituver I xpress 10J0am : 2:10 : pm < _ _ i • Kansa3 City Lincoln A _ _ H Heatrlce Hxjircss 4 ! < 5 am 12:15 : a m _ _ _ i tflrand Island Express . 5:45 : pm 12:25 pm ff _ _ _ l • Papllilon Passenger 6:65 : pm 7:30 a m U _ _ H Dally _ H tDaUy Excspt Sunday H Ml > SODltll'AClKl ( ; lea\o Arrlra fl | Depot IfthWcnslerhts Omaha Omauu JH _ H Day Exprcs 10:31 a in 0:40 : a tn ] _ _ l Night Lxprc-s : . . . 8:50 : p in 6:35 : p m l _ H _ T. E. M V. H. H. Lnavs Arrlvo iHH Depot l. 'jthi Wobstrr bts Omaha Omulm t _ H Hlack Hills Express 8:40 : a m 3:40 : pm WkMM ] lastinjts& Superior Ex :40 : a m 0:50 : p in ] HU Lincoln & Wahoo Pass . . 6:10-p m 10:16 : am ' _ H David City & York pass 6:10 : p m 10:16 : a rn k H Norfolkl'ass 6:10 p n 10:15 : ant f M Fremout Pass . ' : . 12il5DOOu 3:10 : p'ty H O. ftNtr ft H , L-isvo ARli * 'HH Dspot 10th ic Maroy sts Omaha omana I H Chicago tsxpress Dally . 9:16 : < v m 7:03 : p m _ H Fast Limited , Dallynt . . . 2:40 pm 10:20 am HB-H yiho jjivcr " Dally , . . . ; to p ml t:05 ) : aun iH C. M. a , ST PAUL I.eava Arrlvo i H Depot loth & Mnrcy ats Omolla Umahai ' 1 No 2 h. . . 9:15 : a m " _ _ H No 4. 9:00 : p m K _ _ H No 1 7:15 a ra ii _ _ B No 3 6:00 p rn HH CST.P.M.4 0. J.cav 1 ATilve ' _ _ _ H Depot 15th 4 Wobster-sts. Omaha Omaha , • H H • Sioux City Express , . . . _ 1:00 pm 1:00 pm H Sioux City ACmmodat'n 7:40 : a m 0:10 p ra > HH St Paul Limited 0:46 : pm 0:35 am 'B ' | H • Florence Passenger . . 0:15 : a m 8:30 a in xaH • Florence Passenger . . . . 6:20 : p m 6:3u p ra iHl tFlorenee Passenger . . . 9 : ° W a m 10:21 am " HH _ tFlorenre Passenger . . . . 1:3J : p m 6:15.p in B H • Dally Except Sunday M tBunday Only ' _ H gUBUKRAN TKAIXS * j | _ _ _ AVrBtwnrd ' l _ _ _ Hunnlng between Council MatT * and Al * -J H bright , in addition to the stations montloned , I H trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth < _ VH jl.eeli , and at the Bummlt In Omaha ' ' . HH Broid- Trans Omaha I ih'ontU | Al- ' _ _ ! way fer depot Shcoly OnjBhaDrJght , BH AH AM ' A. U. AM AM AM HH 6:45 : 6:61 : 0:000:03 : B:10 0:17 fl:30 : 0:31 : i 0.60 0:55 : _ HH 0:10 : 0:47 ItA 7,07 7:20 7:25 _ 7:36 742 ; 7:55 : 8:00 7:45 7:62 8:06 : 8:12 : 825 ; ti ; . < 0 8 35 8:42 : 3:65 0:00 8:15 8:62 0.05 9:12 : 0:26 O:30 0:35 : 9:42 : 9S& 10:03 0:15 : 0:52 10:05 10:12 : 10:25 : 10:3) _ _ 10I5 10:52 11:05 11:12 : 11:25 11:30 H 11:45 11:52 PM 1' . M. PM 1' . M. _ B V. M. P. M. 12:06 12:12 : 12:25 13:30 _ _ | 12:45 12:62 1:05 : 1:12 1:25 : 1:00 H 1:45 1:52 2:05 : 2:12 : 2:23 : 2:00 : H 2'U 2142 • 2:65 n:00 : _ _ i 2:15 : 2:52 8:05 3:12 : 3:2.1 : 0:80 : _ , , 8:60 : 8:67 : 4:10 : 4:15 : 3:45 : 3U12 4lA : 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:30 : H 4f0 : 4:67 : 6:10 : 6:16 : , B 4:45 4:52 6.05 6:12 : 6:26 : fi:30 : i m 6:45 : 6:52 : 0:05 : 0:12 : 6:26 'GX : , _ | 45 0:63 : 7:05 7:12 : 7:26 : 7:30 : ' 7:46 7:52 : 8:05 8:12 8:25 : 8l30 ' 8:46 : 8:62 9:05 : 0:12 0:25 : 0:30 „ , H 9:45 : 9:62 : 10a > 10:12 : 10:25 : 10,30 , 11:00 : 11:07 "il-irU ' : l" " • 11:66 12:05 12:0i 'H IvnHtwnril | " AlSouth siiei Omaha Trans Hrojid" 1H Crigjit , Omaha y. Depot , fer V py ; ll AM A.M , A. M. A. M. A. M. A. mT . . H 6:45 6:57 0.00 * . 'H < 6W ; OftlO 0:10 8:16 : :27 : 6:31 : ' 7.00 7:05 : 7:15 7:20 7:32 7:46 : . B 7:60 : 7:66 8:07 : 8:16 8:27 : 8:33 : 8:05 : 8:10 8:22 : 8:30 , w BM : 8:66 0:07 ' 9:16 Sr37 8:31 : " ' 9:06 : 9:10 : 0:22 : 9:30 : 9W 0M : 10:07 : 10:15 10:27 10:31 < 10:06 : 10ii0 10:22 : 10:31 , H. 10:50 10:65 : 11:07 11:15 11:27 lliSft Wk 11:50 11:55 : PM V. M. PM PM , _ PM PM 12:07 : 12:16 12:27 : 12:25 B | 12-60 12:65 : 1:07 : 1:16 1:27 : 1:35 ' . H l.W 1:55 : 2:07 : 2:16 2:27 : 8:35 : - _ 2:5J : 2:65 3:07 : 3 : > 6 0:27 : 8:35 : -Hj 3:10 : 8:15 8:27 8.3J , . „ . . : . . . . . . . . < > W 8W 8:56 : 4:07 : 4:16 : 4:27 : 4:34 _ B 4:20 : 4:25 4:37 : 4:46 : . , , . . . „ . . . . . . . . ; < H- 4:60 : lU , 6:07 : 6:16 : . 6:27 : 6:31 , < . 6:80 6:25 6:37 : 6:45 : , , 1B\ fi:60 6:65 : 0:01 : 0:15 6t7 0:3 * ' : 860 8:55 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:27 7:5 : OW ' 7:60 7:56 8:07 : 8:16 : 8:27 8:34 : • [ 8:60 : 8:65 9:07 : 9:15 : 9:27 B:8 | V 9:60 9:65 10:07 : 10:15 : lo:27 : 10:35 'Wi 10U : 10:66 lltnr : ( 11:30 11:42 : 11)60 ) jB • , • 12:50 | 12:6512:24amlv. : 12:30 • • • • " | • ' ' COUNOlIi liliVFFB , l. 'j CHICAOO , HOCK ISLAND Ic PACIFIC ; a No 2 6:00paiA No 13,7:10 : am { O No 6 e:50pmD | No 1 9:16pm : , ! A No 4 lO.OOain.O No 6 6:15pu • _ A No 14 9lt5pmA | No 3 6.30 am _ ' CHICAOO * NOUTHWE8TEUN. ' ] , No.8 ,9.40amNn,7 | 9:37am : , _ * Ko.8 , , , „ 8l5pin : Noa 7:16am : * B . io,4 , . , , .or25amlNo.A. , . , 0:15 : pm * BJ CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE ft BT PAUL J A No 2 .9:40 : ami A Nol 7 : lara ! v * . . . nirnm1' vo . . . , . s- > n _ KANSAS CITY , * Si tfjSi5iK | ! * CODlJCri ! A No 2 , . , . ,1007aiuA ; No.U 6:25am MM X No i. - ; ISpmA Nol 0:10pm : , * * % HlUUJk Ui.i t * I'A-lflU , 'dHi A No , 10. , 7:05a : mA | No , b 8:65 : am A No , 12 . . .7UlpmlA : No 11 V:00pm : r MUM OMAHA & ST LOIJIS IH A No.8 < t5pmA | No,7 12:00m AJH AdailytDcUUy , exctDt Baturday ; 0 except j H D Monday fast mall " Bundayt except ; _ B T/1 / WEAK MCyp oY rfr : ' • luuuTuod , eta I win iw Ti * iuLU tn tU ( wM-l d _ , mmw- fonUltUiw full iwrlicuUrs fur Jiauw vuna , ww oi f\\\\w " 0,7 FOWLER M0QdU8 , OaniU ,