Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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the omaha bee
Delivered tr carrier In any part of the City nt
Tv cnty Centspcr Week
IltTPtNrfs Orm i ! No .
N. Y. 1 . Co •
Glcnson coal
Council llhilTs Lumber Co , coal
" \Vcstorn Lumber and Supply Co
Thatcher coal , sea ndvcrtlsomcnt
Hcst coal nml wood at C. 11. Fuel Co
Carbon Coal Co • wholesale , retail , 10 Pearl
Fall sale begins Monday Boston store
Unity Guild will moot In regular session
this afternoon , with Mrs Coffoon , No 201
Bouth First stroct
Put Hopkins was yesterday flncd $16 and
costs /or boating his wife , and In default was
sent to Jail for flvo days
Members of All Saints Guild will meet nt
thu rcsidonco of Mrs L , Luchow , 1C03 Sixth
avenue , at a o'clock Saturday nttomoon
The young people of the Trinity M , E.
church will give n musical ontortalnment
this evening at tboir hall on South Main
street , opposlto Hlghth avenue
Murrlago licenses were Issued yesterday to
Charles Gregory nnd Fannie Cain , It C.
Francis nnd Lulu Smith , nnd H. F. Deeds
and Florence M. Wnrron , all of this city
An enjoyable party wns given by Fidelity
Council No Mil , at the li A. parlors last
evening There was a largo number Pros
car , nnd the evening pissed most pleasantly
City Wotghmnstor Amy is after soma of
the coal dealers Ho claims that a load of
coal whloh weighed 5,010 pounds on the cltv
scales tipped the beam at 5,105 on u dealers
Superintendent neynolds now runs a motor
from the car house to Tnlrtconth nnd Uroaa-
way to accommodate the conductors nnd Kio
to rm en who run lute the car house on the
late trains
Dr William H. Wall , of Folsom , was In
the cltv yesterday on business , and brought
In u couple of curs of corn , each over llf teen
Inches In length Ho said they were nub
bins from his 100-ncro field
It is stated a mission is to bo established
near the Kovs carriage works Itevs Ileigli ,
of Chicago ; GooUell , of Emerson , mid Ualr-
den , the goncral Iowa missionary , have been
in the cltv several days on this work
OHIccrs Sclioutz nnd Curtis , of Sioux City ,
went cast yestorduy In charge of thrco In
sane patients hound for Clarludn They
were William Fay , from Sioux Cl'y ; George
Allan , Movillo , and John Leo , of Sloan
The I. O. G. T. has socurcd the scrvlcos of
Mrs Hewitt , of Now York , who will deliver
n lecture ut the Broadway M. 13. ' church next
Sunday nlaht She is a speaker of national
reputation and will douotless havoacrowaed
The county board completed the work of
the session yesterday and nujourned They
decided to ollor a a cent bounty for gopher
sculps , but refused to upproprlato nny money
for the improvement of roads leading into
the city
Brooks , Meyers and Day have gore to the
pen , for life , ilftcon and eighteen months ,
rtspcctlvoly Hroolta has abandoned all
hope of a new trial from the supreme court ,
but is positive that ho will rcceivo a pardon
insldo the llrst hull of the next docudo
Some unknown but enterprising thlof
walked off with nn overcoat from in front
of a clothing store at Elseman's old stand ,
corner of Bryant and Broadway The coat
was chuinod to the dummy , but this did not
deter the thlof , who coolly nabbed the entire -
tire outfit Ho was not seen , and the pro
prietor could give no clue to the police
The now tlmo card governing the Main
trcot line is giving1 satisfaction It gives a
ten-minuto stfrvlco , the sumo as boforc , but
there arc now four traics running two go
ing to Upper Uroudway and the other two to
the park This gives a twenty-mlnuto service
on Upoor Broadway and on South First
street It does away with the fast running
that has occasioned so much complaint on
Main street
Frederick Brownold filed a petition for dl-
vorco from Arabella H. Brownold yesterday
afternoon with the cleric of tno district
court Ho alloge3 that the false partner of
his ] oys mid sorrows committed udultory on
the -cl of last January , and on numerous oc
casions slnco , with James Higglus , at
Omaha and at Kansas City Ho insists that
slnco discovering the fact ho has not cohab-
itatrd with the defendant , and prays that
the matrimonial bond bo out short off The
case will bo heard Saturuay
Messrs Lunkloy & Porter is the name of
the firm succeeding Hcrnsmnn & Stevens ,
undertakers Both gentlemen are practical
men in their line , Mr Lunkloy having been
encaged for years in the business in Ne
braska and Mr Porter in Red Oak The
establishment at No 311 Broadway is being
roinodolod , and when completed will bo the
model undertaking establishment of the
west Tlioir house will bo tilled with a line
line of goods used in their business , and
great care and pulns will bo taken to give
This evening thcro will bo ono of the most
Important meetings of the Koyal Arcanum
over bold In the city , at the hall of Fidelity
Council No 150. The supreme council has
arranged for a meeting of delegates of ail
councils In the stata on the Slst ana Sid , and
Friday nights meeting is to niako arrange
ments for this state gathering , consequently
every member is urged to attend At the
stuto mooting Supreme Orator Millar , of
Chicago , and Mr Kendall , from the cast ,
will bo la attendance , Special invitations
have been sent to the members to bo present
to-mght ,
The Pullman restaurant , B34 Broadway
• Money loaned at L. B. Craft & Co 's loan
ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all otbor
articles of value , without removal All bus
iness strictly confidential
Blxby , plumbing , steam heating , Mernam
Finest market in city JM Soanlunn
Dwelling for sale on easy payments Also
building lots at lowest market prices Call
and oxamiuo our list E. H. Shoafo & Co
Neumeyor hotel , first classreasonable rates
IVrsonni Iurugrnplis
R C , Holllng , of Sioux City , wns In the
city yesterday
Mrs Henry Stevenson is homo from a visit
With relatives at Ausloy , Neb
Deputy Internal Kovcnuo Collector Rowon ,
of Dcs Moines , is at the Ogden ,
Mrs Ncllio B. Skolton bus returned to her
homo in Chicago , accompanied by Miss Kuto
Pusoy ,
Miss Jennie Rockafollow , of Knoxvlllo ,
In , is the guest of Mrs L Jr Hendricks , No
Cil'YVashlugton avenue
Mr and Mrs Walter Bacon and Mrs
Jullno E. Smith , of Grand Island , are visit
ing Mrs Frank Shepard , No 804 South
Niulh street
William J , Dean , of the implement house
of Deere & Co , of Minneapolis , is in the
city , tno guest of Hon Lucius Wells , of
Deere , Wells & Co
Messrs , Murphy & Evans , the evangelists
who are to work in the Trinity Motliodlst
church , beginning on next Sunday , are ex
pected to bo la the city today ,
The Itoss Investment and Trust company ,
Drs Woodbury hove removed their dental
ofllco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs
New Ogden , largest , Dost hotel In western
Iowa Special attention to commercial men
Desirable dwelling * for rent at mouerato
prices K. 11. Sheafo & Co , renUl agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs
Sheet muslo 10c , 533 Broadway ,
S. T. McAtteo,23t Main , 333 Pearl Flupst
line fancy groceries in city ,
r- , Bootsshoesrubbers Kinnohan,320B'way
13 cabinets , only 11.75 , Schmidt's , 230 Main
K , II , Sheafe & Co give special attent on
to the collection of routs and care of property
in the city and vicinity Charges moderate
Ofiloa Broadway and Main streets
They Engage hi n Pasango nt Arms
in the Dlstrlot Court
A Sad Cnso or Insanity DotiMiy's
Itooklnun For the Hcinnlndcr
of tlin Ycnr General
nnd 1'orsunnl.
A Scrap In the Court Itnoin
The case of Hurrouehs vs I'llcklnger occu
pied the attention of tno district court yes
terday morning Six attorneys were em
ployed on the case All of the arguments ,
with the exception of the closing one , by
Mr Fllckingor , had boon maJo when court
adjourned at noon The greater part of the
spectators hnd loft the court room , nnd the
attorneys were engaged In picking up tholr
papers , when Mr I. N. Fllcklnger missed a
certain document Ho stepped nround the
tublo to where ono of the opposing counsel ,
Flnley Burlco , wns gottlng ready to leave
the court room Fllcklnger began looking
through his papers
Get out of hero , " said Hurko , "I dent
want you stealing my pupors "
You liavo my answer hero somewhere , "
replied Fllcklnger
"You're u liar , " was the prompt answer
of Uurke , who wa fooling considerably out
of sorts
Flicklnger Jumped for him , and they
clinched Fllcklnger secured a law book
and wns preparing to' Jam it down Burkes
throat , when the latter fell over a chair ,
with FllctCingeron top of htm
Just at this Juncture the court stepuea out
of tno ludgo's room Sheriff , separate
these men Court has adjourned , but
I want you to understand that I still have
charge of this room Gentlemen , you ought
to bo ashamed of youraolvcs "
Meanwhile , Bailiff McFadden had approached
preached the seat of war , and found Fllclt-
lngor Industnously at work trying to scratch
n hole In his advcji sary's cheek The gen
uine , triiiison goie Mowing freely from
the furrows which ho was digging , but the
quantity wni not sufficient to satiate the
nroused appetite of the bloodthirsty legal
light Thu bailiff called time , " and hos
tilities couscd It was a brief combat , but
them was fun whllo It lasted
In thu afternoon the remaining argument
was made and the case submitted aud taken
under advlsoment
The next case taken up was that of
Hutchinson vs J. F. Evans , which was still
on trial when court adjourned
The motions tiled during the day wore In
the following cases :
Khodn M. Casady vs J. P. Casady Plain
tiff tiled additional ullldavits in support of
application for temporary alimony By
agreement of the attorneys the clerk was
instructed to withhold the affidavits , and the
reporters were not allowed to cazo npon
Overton vs Chris Straub Defendant files
motion to inako petition moro definite
Overton vs Crow Plaintiff riles motion to
suriko answer from the lilos
Ovei ton vs Joseph Her wain Motion for
more spccitlc statement Jn answer
M. S. Stout vs Ettor Si Pierce Amend
ment to petition
The grand Jury did not make anv report ,
but is busily nt work They have been in
vestigating the case of ox-Potlccmau Scott ,
regarding the murder of Lottlo Lcland
They have also been looking into the Gray
perjury case It is understood that the case
of State vs Sims , recuntly dismissed by the
lower court , will bo carried to the grand
Jury , for the purpose of Inducing the prose
cution iu the Gray case to go slow , ' ' 'ho
grand Jury will not make a report before to
morrow , and possibly not this week .
Always on Time
If you wish to purchase a good and reliable
watch 35 per cent less than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at C , 1 $ . Jacquemin &
Co , 27 Main street
Fountain cigar , a strictly 10c cigar for 5o
at the Fountain , Try one
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 537 Broadway
Knjoinine Against the liotul
It liai > happened The projectors and con
tractors of the new hotel have been enjoined
from removing dirt or buildings or in any
way interfering with the premises described
as "enmmoncing at a point slxcy-nlno feet
north of the northwest corner of Pearl
street and First avenue , thence west ninety
feet , thence north twenty-ono foct , thence
east ninety feet , thence south twenty-one
feet to the place of beginning "
The injunction was served by Marshal
Guanella on Messrs Kimball & Champ and
upon contractor A. M. Davis , to whom was
awarded the contract for tno work * of oxca-
va tion The causes leading to the applica
tion for an Injunction are desclbcd as fol
lows by the interested p-pii „ :
Mr Chnmp stated hat a few days ago ho
called on Mr D. K. Gloason to see about tno
rcmovul of some wood In the roar of No 31
Pearl street , the premises being occupied by
Gleason'a sister Miss Mary Uleason , as a
dressmaking establishment Gloason said
ho would attend to it , but nothing was done ,
and Mr Chnmp'cilled again Wednesday to
see about it , as the wood was in the way of
the workmen who had commenced excavat
ing Gloason eollo d ovaslvuly , and Chnmp
stated that bo would find a way to remove it ,
after which ho loft
Gloason states that the first ho know of
the mutter Champ bolted Into his
ofllco and peremptorily demanded that
bo move the wood forthwith
The second tlmo ho came ho repeated his de
mand , and finally vowed bo would Had a way
to get it moved Gloason told him to go
ahead Yesterday morning Gloason's at
torneys secured the injunction , and the con
tractor had to con line his opurntious to the
portion of the hotel alto not covered by tbo
Chump laments that nothing was ever
started In the Bluffs that some ono did not
get out un injunction to retard it , and Gloa
son replies that there would have boon no
Injunction If ha had been decently treated
Miss Gloason said : "I would have been out
of hero the first of next week it they hada't
tried to throw mo out I would gladly hnvo
accommodated them oil I could , but they
missed it when they tried to drive mo It is
almost Thanksgiving , and you know how a
dressmaker is driven just about this time I
really had to steal what time I devoted to
looking up a now location , I had boon to
look at several places , but had found none
to suit , yet had about muds up my mind to
take ono , whoa this-happonod. They seemed
to think that I could go anywhere , and sug
gested several places , as If I was looking for
a place to start a saloon , My business is of
as much importance to mo as Mr , Champs is *
to him , and I must look out for it I didn't
put any coufldonco in the report that n hotel
was to bo built until 1 was notified to
move They wont through the same
programme a year ago the papers Bald
the money was subscribed , the site would be
purchased and the hotel would bo built
Nothing came of it and I paid no attention to
it when it was repeated However , Dr
Woodbury know that the change must be
made , and ho might have notified us sooner
than no did , but 1 suppose he wanted to gut
rent from us as long a tlmo as possible It
wouldn't have cost them uuy moro to have
been decent about the mutter , ana I would
bavu tried to please thorn , but they thought
they could drive me out into the strict because -
cause I am a woman , nad now they can go
ahead and drive My thirty-days' notlco
will not bo up until the lSth of December ,
and thou I can get tliroo days after that
They leaded up my wood and carted it off
somewhere , and thev will have to settle for
that After being insulted aud abused , is It
to bo supposed that I will bo very anxious
to nut myself out to please 1 I dent look at
it that way , "
Another dissatisfied ono is Squire A , L.
Hendricks , who rents the north half of the
building for his Justlco court rooms Soma
of his wood was carted off , and ho vows ho
will prosecute the parties for larceay and
stay with them until the last canlno has
been lynched Something must ba done to
uour oil on the troublnu waters or there will
be a block to proceedings until December 8.
Champ says Gloasou's action is duo to
splto work and alleges that some time ago
Kimball St Chump bought ten tons of coal of
Gloiuou , which was found to be short weight ,
ono ton being 157 pounds short , malting a
total shortage of three-fourths of a ton Ho
says ho called Gloason to account , nnd that
Is what Is the mutter Gleason waxes
wroth nt the charge , and says he will make
Champ sweat for It
There is ono thing certain nnd that Is the
Injunction It sticks tighter than cobblar's
wax and there is no promise of a speedy
C. U , steam dye works , 1013 Broadway
Cobs tl a load Glenson , 20 Pearl ,
A Sail Case
Christina Johnson , wife of Peter Johnson ,
of Walnut , wiis brought before the com
missioners for the insntio yesterday morning
for examination , to doturmiuo whether br
not her mental condition wnrranted her con
finement In the Insane asylum nt Mount
Pleasant , The examination developed tbo
fact that she was suffering from puernoral
Insanity , brought on from exhaustion caused
by nursing her child , The scene wns pa-
Jhotlo while the inquiry was bolnp made , The
young wife was plpadlng earnestly nnd ten
dcrlv with her husband to bo taken back to
her baby During all the tlmo she never re
linquished his hand , but Has whlspuring
eagerly in his car and pulling ut hisurm ,
begging him to fly with her before it wns too
late She was c.irod for during tha day and
taken to the asylum nn the oven in g train , ac
companied by her husb aid
Dr C. H. Bower , 528 First ave Tel 229.
P. C. Miller , best papur hanging nna dec
orating The best is ttio cheapest
Coming ; Amnsi'in-iun.
The following attractions nro booked for
Dohany's for the remainder of the icar :
Nov IS "A Bunch of Keys "
21 George Wilson's mlustiols
2.1 "Hnns , the tloatmau "
23 Thanksgiving uiatluco and evening ,
Victoua Voltes
During the month or December the dates
and plays are :
5 Vernona Jnibcau
10 Chip of the Old Block "
12 Stetsons Undo Toms Cabin "
13 com eld's Opera company
14-"Pt ck's Bad Hey "
17 Lillian Kennodv in "CaBsy's Trou-
• hies "
27 The Two Johns ' '
30 Cal Wagner's minstrels
An HlHini'lanl Party
Mr J. A , Sllvor nnd Misses Mabol L.
Sllvor nnd Dora D , Squlcr will plvo nn his
torical party at their home , Hunt-Gould
block , N street , Saturday evening next
The invited ones nro each to tell what ho or
she knows of two or thrco historical char
acters . The antcrtainment will bo as enter
taining nnd profitable as it is novel
Notes About the City
Willlo Martln walked over the bank into
the street near St Agnes church and was
slightly injured
I.avlnia McCrcdy , n promising young girl
residing in Brown Park , whoso escapades
have brought her into notorious disrepute In
her neighborhood , was arrested Wednesday
on the churgo of vagrancy and Judge King
fined her $5 and costs ami committed her to
jail As alio is only fourteen years old she
will bo sent to the reform school
Gate City Lodge , No 20 , Independent
Order of FoieStors , of Omaha , will bo
honored by a largo attendance from this city
of fellow Foresters on the occnslon or its
ball Fridny evening , Dooinber 0. To ac
commodate the South Omaha delegation a
train will leave the union depot , Omaha , at
3 o'clock In the morning1 .
John Bnrr.y of this city has been grunted
an Increase of pension
Word has been received by Joseph Kisky
of tbo doatti of bis brother in Monmouth ,
Mrs D. P. Roth Is ill with malarial fever
Mosdamcs Dwight L. Holmes nnd Jnmes
U. Cnrloy are arranging to entertain the
Ladles Aid socloty of the Presbyterian
church and give a supper for the bcuofit of
tbo bazaar to be given in tbo church later
this month
A young daughter , ngod about fourteen , of
Mr and Mrs Daniel Kelly is very low with
A number of South Omaha Scandinavians
will co to Omaha Saturday evuuinir to at
tend the Noidcn society concert Iu Washing
ton hall
Court Toutonla , No 195 , Independent
Order of Foresters , has decided to give a
ball and social Wednesday evening , Decem
ber 31.
A-dodgo of Knights and Ladles of Honor
will soon bo organized in this city
Superintendent A. A. Munrco of the pub
lic schools is arranging a series of nn\vs-
paper literary exercises and uowspapar days
for the high school It is the purpose to
huvo n paper published Thursday of each
week filled with contribution by the pupils
and then used for the Friday afternoon lit
erary exercises
About Peonle
Miss Lulu Johnson , of Racine , Wis , is
visiting hur sister nnd brother-in-law , Mr
and Mrs Frame Williams
Misses Molllo and Jennie Condon went to
Valparaiso last evening
The Denver State lottery company
wants ng-onts. Tickets 50 cents Ad
dress A. C. Itoss & Co , Denver , Cole
Two Keniiirknbiy nienn Mon
Louisville Commercial : Ono of the
richest men in Louisville some time ago
rather roluctutitly garo his notoof hmid
at six months time for the sum of $500
to aid in the establishment of a most
worthy charity The time hns not jot
expired , but the institution wns pressed
for funds and the mamigors asked , the
millionaire to anticipate the maturity
of his no to and help them out Much
to tholr burprlso nnd disgust ho com
plied by discounting the paper for flfty-
Uvo days interest The transaction got
on the strcQtnnd has boon talked ubout
for the last few days
Detroit Free Press : Talk nbout
closeness and calculating stinginess , "
said n downtown businessmnn Saturday
to a group of friends , "I used to know a
citizen of this community , who wns
just about as near a pcrbon , as the
yiinlfoos say , ns over 1 mot I give
you my word that this old codger , who
was in the drug business on u promi
nent thoroughfare , used to go to u pop
ular saloon , where an elaborate frco
lunch was sot out every day at just noon
Ho would walk up to the bar , buy a flvo
cent oigar , which ho invariably put
carefully away in his pocket , then ho
would tnoklo Iho lunoh And my ! how
ho would make the soup , the cold moat ,
the snlud the cheese , the pioklos dis
appear For fully flftoen minutes ho
would minister to the needs ol the in
ner man , then would wash Ills hands
and return to his upothocary shop as
well satisfied as most mon would fool
after a dinner nt Dolmonlcos Hut
what do you think ho used to do with
that ( Avo-cout cigar for ho nov or
smoked ? Sold it to the first customer
who came in for 10 cents "
Piles ! l'lles ! Piles !
Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when
other ointments have failed It absorbs tbo
tumors , allays the itching at once , acts as a
foultico , pivos Instant rollof Dr WUhatn1
ndlan Pile Olntmont Is prepared only for
piles ano ltclilng of the private parts , and
nothing else Dvorv box is warranted Sold
by druggists or sent by mall on receipt of
price , fiOo and (1. per box
Cleveland , O.
Snoakingof the lute General Hart
rnnft , of Pennsylvania , a correspondent
says : The general wus a mason At
Autiotatn , just after ho had dropped
down on the bridge and taken It , and
while the lighting was almost hand to
handfa confedernto olllcor gave hlra
the Masonio sign , lie recognized it in
stantly und sent the olllcor unharmed
to t' ' > o roar as a prisoner "
The Ohuroh to jllnmovo the Bnn
irom Secret Ordora
All Uroiight About by the Ualtlnioro
CongrcBs A VIlit to Points or
Interest , innnd About
A BtnrtlltiR Annoniinctnniit
Bai.timoiik , Mi ) . , Nov 14. ISpccial Tolo-
Rram to Tim Bfe ] A prominent delegate
from the northwest to thoCathollo congress ,
in discussing the work of the congress , said
thut white Catholics as well as Protestants
had been wondering what posslblo result
could como fiomu meetingul the laity , its
positlvo effect would soon bo apparent
through the land Said ho :
Ono of the declared startling announce
ments following this congress iu Baltimore
Is this ! Thnt the Catholic church In Amer
ica will from'this day , through thu mlnistrn
tlon of the prlosts In tbo confosslonnl , deal
with extraordinary uud hitherto unknown
liberality with members of Bcctot organiza
tions It will , In fact , i-oinova all restric
tions that prevent Catholics from becoming -
coming or remaining members of
uny known secret socloty with ono
exception Thu exception is the
Masonio fraternity So far ns that order Is
concerned , It is believed by thu bishops and
nrchbishops to bo in America a harm
less organ iznllon , The otio particular
point which brings into application , the
quintessence of Catholic philosophy nnd
forms the point or exception on the part of
the bishops nnd archbishops , is that where a
man Joins an order without Knowing Its pur
poses aud takes the oath of ollcsinuco to it
The Catholic church holds that this is contra
dictory to loasou nnd judgment Inasmuch ns
the man who tonic such an oath without
knowing what his obligations or duties are
to be , is rash A rash oath is forbidden by
the Catholic church Whllo the archbishops
have held no formal meeting on the subject ,
it is well understood that they louvo'Hulti-
moro prepared to net ns I have Indicated , nnd
you may bo certain that nomombcis of the
Odd Fellows , the Order of Foi esters ,
Knights of Labor or other secret orders , ex
cept the one I hnvo named , will bo advised
by his confessor to abjuio his fellowship
with them Possibly oven the Clan-na-Gacl
iuav not bo excepted , "
The prelates , priests and delegates to the
number or 00J wore convejed Iu carriages
today to various points of Interest in Balti
more aud its environs At 1 o'clock the party
reached St Mary's ' Industrial school und
were welcomed by Monslgnor McColgun and
Brother Alexius , the president of the Insti
tution There was nn cntcrtnlninont given
by the boys nnd muslo was furnished by the
school band A 2 o'clock a banquet wus ten
dered thu visitors , and numbers of speeches
were made in which the InstlfJtion , Balti
more , its clergy and people came in for a
largo sharn of commendation ,
a A recoptlon to the cardinal nnd the members
bers of the Cntholio congress was held at the
city hall at 4 oclock About 1.53J invita
tions had been issued This did not debar
anvono who presented himself from getting
ndmission ana being piesented to the mayor
aud the cardinal r
A Kansas City Milliners Escnn-ulo
With a Providence Merclianr
Kansis Citt , Nov % It [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bni.J About a ycarugo Mrs Louls -
Kcithinullcr , a handsome , dushing blonde ,
kept a Quo millinery establishment on
Twelfth street , in this city From this
fashionable place sprang the causes that
brought about replevin proceedings that
opened In the courts today , Gentlemen of
the jury , " sola Attorney Wollman , ' the
plcasuro of visiting Paris Is not glvon every
one , but In this case I intend giving you a
Parisian romance which will answer for a
visit to the gny metropolis "
The ovldcnco Iu the case showed that John
Dean , a wealthy Providence , It , I. , mer
chant , mot Mrs Holthmuller , through his
agent , whllo hero in the spring of 18S7.
Dean was married , but ho nevertheless tonic
a great liking to thu handsome milliner
Mrs Reilbmuller reciprocated bis affections ,
giving her husband { 3.500 of Deans money
to retire from the Hold The cay pair then
lit out for the east , going straight to the
Hoffman house , Now York In that hotel
they lived ltko urhices for some tlmo , when
old Rclthtnullor stepped in Dean then ,
turned over some more money , and Keith
muller again left After this little episode
the guilty pair visited all of the eastern
watering places , where the woman attracted
universal attention After a faw wccKs of
this sort of life Mrs Rclthmullcr returned
to this city , and Dean sought the bosom of
his family in Providence Dean is now
fighting the creditors of Mrs Reithmullor ,
who closed the woman's business The for
mer wants to get his money back , and says
ho has a pi lor claim on the goods
A Firm of Maycnon Butchers Import
In ir train the United Htatcs
WAsmsoToy , Nov 1-1. Commercial Agent
Smith at MnyeiicoGermanyroports thnt the
prevallcnco of high prices for meat In Ger
many has caused n firm of butchers In May
ence to try tbo experiment of importing ltvo
oxen from the United States and that ar
rangements have boon made for thoshipmont
from Illinois to Germany of 900 head of fat
oxen within a period of two months Ho Is
informed that this is the first tlmo that live
oxen from the United States all ready for
slaughter huvo boon imported into Germany
The llrst lot of cattle arrived the week pre
ceding thn report nnd the animals were sold
at a price 10 to IS per cent less than German
cnttlo , notwithstanding the heavy cost of
transportation and customs duty
Nobrnalca anil Iowa Pmistona
Washinotox , Nov 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tub Bee ] Pensions granted Nebraskans :
Increase David II , Schultz , Benedict ;
David Roads , Nebraska City ; Solomon W.
Stilgcboncr , Danbury Station ; Flavius I.
Randall , Bollwnod ; David Itogan , Paxton ;
Napoleon B. WllllamB , Broken Bow ; John
B. Poasloy , Princeton ,
Pensions for lowaus ; Original invalid
George C Latham Allison ; Lellwyn D
Frantz , Bcnford ; JolraM Hogloy , Emmotts
burg ; Carl Lane , BloomHeld ; Gnorgo W.
Hawkcnson Norwich Incrcaso Peter
Jacobs Ogden ; W. A. Baker , Hillsboro ;
Merrick Harris , West'Urovo ' ; John G. Pro
toxtor , Sheldon ; D , McCUnn , Center Point ;
David Huff , ManQIq ; George Mutli-
orly , ContorvlllolDavld ; W. Ulm ,
Woodburu ; Martin Walravon , Oskaloosa
T. Mlttboll CornlngtiWilllam A. Poudinot
Western Collcgo ; Lomnn G. Leonard , West
Mitchell ; William < --Coffman , Columbia ;
William O. kllowari ) , iCholsoa Reissue
John A. Dalrymplo Ilopkinton ; Benjamin
F. Neck , Keokuk ; Henry D , Dufleld , Pitts-
burg ; Miles Humphrey , Newton Rolssuo
and increase Frederick N. Kellogg , Pralrlo
City ,
The Hiiltnn'a nemimiU
Zanzibar , Nov , lljr-Tho sultan of Zanzi
bar refuses the demand of the East Africa
company for Indemnity to cover the losses
suffered by tha company because of the 10-
volt Moro than this , ho demands the pay
incut of the subsldv promised him by the
company for the first experimental year of
Its operations The company resists this de
mand and thinks a second year should bo
ullowed it on the ground that it u Impossi
ble yet to estimate the loss it has suffered
A Lady Drnugfil to Death
St , JoiiNsuuiir , Vt , Nov K Yesterday
afternoon Miss Bertha A. Gates , ncoii twon
ty-ouo , daughter of Rev , A. M. Gates , and
a graduate of Wollcsley college , was thrown
from a horse and dragged through the
streets until dead She was shockingly
bruised and mangled ,
• ' .
Iho lied Pollen Cnltlo Club
Cuioaqo , Nov 14. Tha Red Polled Cattle
club ( unincorporated ) met today and elected
oflloers , with L. F. Ross , of Iowa City , as
1 have just received from eastern manufacturers a complete line of Mens' Boys and Children - K
dren ' s Clothing , Hats , Caps , Gents Furnishing Goods , Boots and Shoes I will sell this
month my entire stock of goods at prices that were never offered before in this city 1 will V
quote you a few prices of our bargains Come early and secure bargains jH
Meu's Beaver Cents and Vests , f 1 worth $8.50.
Men's Chinchilla Coats nnd Vests , M.S3 ,
other merchants sell nt iiOO
50 different styles of Men's nil wool Dross
Suits at } 12.50 , the same suits are sold else
where at tlO.OO
Meu's imported worsted 4 button Cutaway
and Sack Suits 13.75 , worth WJ.50.
Fine Fancy Worsted Frock Sulis and Sack
Suits ill ! ift worth $ i > .00.
Men's heavy Working Suits at ? ! , worth $7.00.
Youths Suits nt 4'.50. )
50 dllTorcnt styles of Boys alt wool suits , ago
13 to 10 , at fd.OO worth double the prlco
Ono lot Children's Suits , ngo 4 to 10 at $1.50.
Children's all wool suits , ago 4 to 12 , I wilt
sell this month at ? 4.00. Yon will have to
pay elsewhere double the pi Ice
500 pairs of Pants In Fancy colors , nil wool ,
from $ .100 up , worth double the money
500 nulrft of Boys ' long pants fiom 75cui > .
Ono lot of Bov's Knee Pants from 25c up
Boyn' Chinchilla Overcoats with nstmchnn
collars and en Its , ngo 5 to 12 , at ftl.50.
Mon's PcnoletShhts and Drawers at 85c HI
Men's heavy Canton Flannel Shirts anil Hi
Drawers 40c. HI
Men's Wool Soclts nt 15c. HI
Men's Cnsshncrc Socks nt See , HH
Men's Heavy Seamless Rib Top Socks nt 10a IhT'
Men's ' Heavy Rockford Socks nt 7c. -H
Men's Working Hoots nt $1.50. Hv
Men's Working Shoos nt $1,00. ' E
Men's Hand Welt Calf Shoes nt $ .1.50. /
Men's Woukemphast Shoes nt $3.50. Bj
Hoy's ' Shoes from $ l.0J up v. K
Ladles Kid Shoes at $1.50 worth $3.5J. "B
Lndlos' Pebble Gout Shoos $1.21 worth $100. < IE
Lndlcs' DongolaHnnd I'urn $2.25 worth $ .1.00 , Hi
Ludlvs' Flno Calf Shoes $1.50 worth $2.35. fl
Ladles Oil Grain Button Shoes nt $1.50. Hf'
worth $2.25. * mf
Infant Kid Shoes nt 5'c. H
Misses Shoes In nil styles from $1.35 op ]
,100 Comfort * fromT 'o up H2
250 Wool Blankets from $1,25 up Hj !
A complete line of Hats , Caps , Gloves nnd < m
Mittens ut reduced prlcos H
Dent fail to come and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere S
3JE v4E33\dEE3K : : , THE EIJ-flk.C33 , " * 'lH '
546 & 548 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa B
president The socloty is mnlntainod for
the purpose of forcing a settlement with the
former secretary , J. C. Murray , of Maquo-
lrota , who , the members allrge , refuses to
surrender the old clubs books The Incor-
poratcd club nl o mot nnd elected a board of
directors who will select OfUcers
Online Kciidv for tlio Fair
Cmcvoo , Nov 14. Resolutions were
passed by the Illinois state board of agricul
ture today to the effect that the members of
the board , realizing the responsibility resting
upon them and the limited time for prepara
tions for the worlds fair to be hold In Chicago
cage in ISU'i , will from this tima forward devote
vote their personal efforts and the avallablo
means nt their disposal in the troasurv of the
board to the end that the exhibit within the
scope and duties of tholr department is made
tlioroughly representative nnd entirely
creditable to the Intelligent enterprise and
Industry of the people of the state
M. li General MisRionurv Committer
Kansas Citt , Nov 14. The second days
session of the gcnoral missionary committee
of the Methodist church was dovotcd to the
discussion of the committees finances The
reports showed tha receipts for the past year
to bo $ lia0,137. $129,550 moro than for the
previous year Among the appropriations
made for the following year was ono of $1-
120,000 for homo nnd foreign missions The
totnl amnuntof appropriations was$1,225,775.
It was decided that 45 per cent of the appro
priations bo used for home nnd 55 per c6nt
for foreign missionary societies
Hpavy Work for the Auditor
Washington , Nov 14. First Auditor
Fisher In his annual report to the secretary
of the treasury , snys there has boon a de
cided increase la the work of the ofllco dur
ing the past flvo years , with no correspond
ing incrcaso in the clerical force , and he rec
ommends that provision bo made for an ad
ditional stuff of division and two assistants
He reports that during the past fiscal year
thcro have been examined nnd adjusted 29-
408 accounts , representing $1,070,010,725.
Swedish Hnrk Wrecked
London , Nov 14. A dispatch from Rio
Grande says that the Swedish bark Hilma ,
from Now York August 27 for Pelatas , went
ashore near there and became a total wreck
A part of the crew was saved Captain
Frisell , master of the vessel , was drowned
Six Men Instantly Killed
Butte , Mont , Nov 14. On tno construc
tion branch of the Northern Pacific , fifteen
miles east of here in Jefferson county , six
mon were instantly killed and two others
hnd their ey es blown out by a premature ex
plosion of a blast Tuesday nieht
Flno Hordes Cremated
Louisville , Nov , 14 , Look & Smiths
barn , near Louisville , used for sheltering
brood mares nnd joung colts , burned last
night , together with sovenleen ycalling- colts
valued at $75,000
Starch grows sticky common powders
hnvo a vulgar glare Pozzoni's is the only
Complexion powder lit for use
A Singular Coiniminltr
The vnlloy of Groasonoy , where the
Italian queen passed last summer , is
ono of the most bonutiful localities in
the Italian Alps It also lias a curious
history , sayH the Now York Sun In
the eleventh century it was colonized
by Gorman soldiers , to who It had been
glvon by King Otto in recognition of
their valinnt services to him Thb do-
condnnts of these soldiers , though in n
strange land , have stuck fust to their
German traditions They still speak
Gorman and keep up the closdst connec
tion with Gormnny , which they con
sider their fathorluud , Tholr daugh
ters nro oducatoo in the host Gorman
schools and seminaries When the
young women como homo from the big
cities of tbo north , however , they uro
compelled by their parents to lay aside
their flno Berlin and Frankfort car
inonts to don the curious costumes of
their forefathers , and to loam to bake ,
and scrub , nnd wash ns tholr mothers
and grandmothers did before thorn
The cloauliiiees of the "Grcssonnri" has
made thorn famous throughout Italy
It is a proverb thnt their burns nro
cleaner than other peoples houses
Gorman is spoken in the family , French
in the churches , and Italian in tbo
schools Consequently nil the Gross
ontirs know ut least three languages
Artificial Teeth
The finest artificial tooth are made of
the best Ivory , but the great majority of
false masticators now in use nro simply
pieces of specially propnrod hard porco-
lalii , eays the Surgical Uoportor The
following is ono of the processor adopted
for their manufrctura : Fine calcined
or roasted rjuartz nondor , woll-ground
fluor-spar , china clay and a very little
oxidoof tin are very intimately mixed
nnd ground together , and oftorward
made into a soft paste with water This
paste is poured into molds of various
Kinds ana sizes of tooth , and allowed to
sot The plastic griudors nro then
transferred to u furnace , where they uro
cured that is , half-baked or
hardanod When this has been done
they are covered with an cuamal made
of pasta of spar and quartz , and finally
subjected to nn intense heat until they
ara sulliuiontlr baked , when they are
ready for the aontist
To Ill co OnrMovo * .
Fuller and Warrens Snlsnald and Abraham
Cox iUdluut Novelty Uaso { turners are too
well knowu to require comment un them here
Hemnmber , we guarantee All Stoves , Uootcn ,
llauges und Heaters to give perfect naturae-
tlon or no sale
TUT llroadway
Hoys' Cnsslmcro Overcoats with capo end
astruchan trimming nt $0 50 ,
200 Children's Overcoats , ago 4 to 10 , at $1.50.
Men's nil wool Worsted Overcoats , nt $9.00
worth $10.00.
Mon's Fancy Worsted Overcoats nt $9.60 ,
worth $17.00.
Men's Molten Overcoats , nt$1J. 5 worth $12 50 ,
Mon's Blue Heaver Overcoats at $14.00 ,
worth $10.75.
Men's all wool Chinchilla Overconts , satin
lined , $10 , othnr merchants will nsk for
same coats $25.
Men's Storm Overcoats nt $9.00. worth $15.00.
Men's ' Working Overcoats , nt $2.05.
Men's Chinchilla Overcoats at $ a 00.
Mon's working Gloves nt 25c.
Men's Cheviot Shirts nt 60c ,
Men's Water Proof Ovcrshlrts at 75c
Men's Host Hluo Flannel Oversiilrtsnt 11.60.
500 Fancy Flnnnol Ovcrshlrts from $1,25 up
Men's Moleskin Shirts at 50c.
Men's ' Cnmol Hulr Shirts and Drawers at40c.
Men's ' Gray Satin Trimmed Shirts and
Drawers 60c.
Men's heavy Fnuoy Striped Shirts nnd
Drawers 75a
The nest Kqnlppod KstKbllshmont lu the West Tees Dyeing ana Cleaning of Garments and If Hi
tlooils of every description nnd material Dry Cloinlng ot line Garments a Specialty ' ,
uut of tow n orders by mail or express , w ill receive prompt attontton K *
Works on Motor Una , Corner 2Blii St & Ave , A , Council Bluffs I ;
H Rl R1/1 WRIMC Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer Plans , Estimates |
i DiniMllDmu Spoeillcntlons Supervision of Publio Work Brown
Huilding , Coucll HltilTs , Iowa HI
NCPU I I DT-Tu'tlc0 ' of tao Peace Olllco over American Express , No 41 H
. OUMUnt Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ' ]
QTfMMF Ji ? CI MQ Attorno.vs-at 72w , Practice in the Statu una Fed
O I LMlL Ot OIIYIO oral Courts Rooms 7 and 8 SJiugnrt-Bono Block , ,
Council Dhitfs , Iowa Hj
l\/inMTPni\/lCDV / \ / Surgeon nnd Ilomoeputh Room 0 , Brown H
PI . IVIUIN I UUIVILn I building 115 Pearl St Ofllco hours , 9 to 12. H
u. m. , 2 to 0 and 7 to 8 p. m. H |
three nouses on Lincoln and two on
IIIAVH avenue for sale on terms to suit
These nouses are now , modern Improved I
will hcII these houses ' per cent , less than you
can duplicate the same C. II Judo , 000 Uroau-
Pen salt ; ort ixchangk : io to n head of
horses Will take clear property Improved
or unimproved , O. K. Metcalt , Council illufU
Oil SALT ! OR ItENT-A VA story 0 room
frame house , located on North lutu s ; , G , D ,
Metcalf , 10 Pearl St
FOR HALT } Oil RENT A good 3 Ftnll etablo ,
18x24 , on lOtu St , between * d and 3d avenues
0. E. Metcalf 101'earl at ;
Farms within 11 to 2R miles of
WANTED lllulla to exchange for good Im
proved \acant propeity In tnis city
Kerr Si Gray
OB EXCHANGE-palno toward a lot
Kerr & Gray
AI1ARGA1N la 2 lots In good location , 1
block from meter Kerr k Gray
WHY pay rent when you can duv a home for
! . ) per mouth and unnards , Including
interest , of C. U , Judd , oUil llroadway ?
FOR 8ALE A draft mare 7 years old , weight
1200 lbs : souud and gentle Price fl in cash ,
or tI- > one year , A. J. btephenson , 118 Wash
lngion avenue
WANTED A hend cook at the deaf and
dumb institution Apply In person to
Henry W. ItotheTt , Supt
NEW improved real estate to trade for unim
proved Omuna or Council UlufTd property
C. P. Judd , COa llroadway
AS I am contemplating largo improvements
In Council Uluus , 1 will sell nouses and
lots Jti monthly payments or terms to suit be
low tholr cash value for the next 31 days It
costs nothing to Investigate O. 11. Judd , SOU
ITtOR RENT Ono seven-room house on x ourth
• avenue ; one eight-roam house on bee
end avenue , and one eight-room house on Tenth
street ; all tlttnu up with all modern conven-
lences W. W. Illlger , l'eart street
"ITlOll SALE To quit buiinoss , my entire
JL ! stock of furniture , stoves und carpets , will
be sold at cost , without reserve , l'onsous fur
nishing good references can buy on Install
ments , maklnu weekly payments A. J. Man
dell , 323 and 3"ii llroadway
ODCLL I1HOS.4 CO loan money Tile most
liberal terms offered 101 Pearl st
FOR SALE-An old nnd well established
drugstore , established In 1813. Cmli re
quired , 11,6'J I , balance real estate , Address A
i , llee Council Hlulls
T7IOR RENT Four room cottage , cheap to ten
X ? ants without children Inqulroin tlrstst
IK you are looking for Investments that will
net you Handsomely in a xliort time , wo have
them Write or call on Kerr li Gray , Council
Iilutfs , Iowa ,
IrtOirEXCIIANaH We have acre property ,
. adjoining Uty , for garden purposes , that wo
will exohange for Improved city property Kerr
Si Gray
WE have llrst class Improved city property
In good location that we will exchnnge for
good Improved farm land In Iowa that Is clear
Kerr & Gray , Council muffs
I j lOR S ALU or Rent Gordon land with houses ,
? by J. It Rice KB Main st , Council limits
NOTICE If you have real estate or cnsttels
you want to dispose ot quick , list them Ith
Kerr Gray , Council lllulla la ,
RKAL KSTATK-llougnt mad nolt an4 ex-
changed Special attention given to eiani-
tnatlou ot titles W. O. Jumoa , Nn IJ I'earl nt
IFOR SALE Acre lots in Orchard place This
. property Is located In tha Rice nursery ,
souiiiof the main part of thn alty , IJJ miles
from court liousa , Gee Metcalf.nJ Pearl St
J jtOR BALK liu acre farm In Jasnor county ,
- Iowa , located near coal minus that are in
operation , Tliero Is a Are foot vein of coal
under the farm Gee Metcalf , No IB I'tmrl st
FOR SALE 60 feet lake trontaice located be
tween O II boat house and Man&wa beach
Also a number of choice lots In Regatta place
Gee , Metcalf , No , iu Pearl st
Omnibus , Carriage ani Trade
WM , WELCH , Proprietor ,
The Finest Line ot Landaus , Coaches and
Hacks in the City ,
taSTI have a now i utln-llnod carriage for prlv
ate call It Is the most elegant coach iu the
city x
city.bpeclal attention given to commetclal mon
and theatrical tioupes Rest facilities in the
city for handling scenery ,
Telephone No 33. Telephone NO , 'J3
IIA UN , Telephone No , Bid
Tbo only line authorlzeed to answer calls
turned lu to Am Dlst Teh Co ,
Dissolution of Co-rurtiifrshlp.
Notice Is hereby given that the partnership
between A. CDempsey and 8. Iluttor Is dis
solved , A O. Ilempsey assumes the business
and all liabilities , lie will continue to nianu
tacture all grades of caudles and confections at
the old stand , 10) Mala BU
Ttio Ttrst Move In the Mnrkr-r. B
The new Red Cross stove is the best heater la H
the market It Is the most stovs B
In use ; requires less coal and ulves a greater K
degree ot neat than any surtnee burner ormag- H
azlne stove sold It has the only perfect sys- H
tcm of circulating tines It Is beautiful and H
perfect , and Is sold S1Q less than any other first H
class stove Sold exclusively by H
8IIUUA11T ti CO , Ht
11 MaluStreot , Council tllutrs H
Examine the New Model Rrllllnnt Oak Stores H
the latest triumph of the stove makers genius Id H
liasacast Iron Jacketed lire bec opnnli g Into a * H
hot air Hue , that iuiis from the bottomoftha H
stove to the top , passing thro.igh the Intense H
hoatof the furnace It takes the cold air fiom H
the floor and heats It by direct contact with the H
hottest pans of the stove Why pay JM for a K
stove \thcu this perfect heater enn be had for " "Vl lW
only (2J. ( It burns anything Only at Odell A k M
llryaufs , 6O8audr.l0. ' ' B
I propose to give consumers vnlue for their H
money In Coal , and until funber notlco iny H
prices are all rail Anthracite : Grate and Eire , B
IU ; No 4 and Range , ( J SO ; Chestnut , ; u. > u. Also V
Best nrades of Illinois and I own Sort Coal H
ruiuburg , Illinois , lump 8I.M ) : .Maplowood , H
lump II.5JCentervllte , Iowa , lump , &I.73 ; Walnut - H
nut Diock lump , M.tO : Hamilton lump $3.25 ; H
Wnttebreaat lump , f.XM ; Whltobrcnst nut , S.I ; H
Pea ; .i:0 : ; Steam , ! ; Slack , 11.80. Terms cash i H
with order or delivered t ! . I ) . O. WM WELCH , B
610 South Main street Telephone IU H
I'HICi : LIS ) ' .
head CAnmruixY CIIANOr.I ) DAirr H
Granulated Sugar , t ) pounds } 1.00 H
Choice U , OJap Tea pjr pound HTo H
Good RloColfeo , per pound 220 H
Host Rolled Oats , per pound In B
California Hams pur pound 7a V
OuakerOatsperpacKajo lUo i K
Good LaundiySoap , 11 bara 2r o K
Host Laundry Sonp , fl bms 2T > 0 H
Cider Vinegar , per gallon 15a Bi
Coal Oil , per gallon 10o m\ \
Good Flour , per sack , 1.00 H
Rest Hour , per Back [ guarantrodl I'lO t H
Remtmberthe place No 2JJ llroadway , op- M *
poslte Ogden House Telephe 131. n
1) . J. UPMUNDSON , UL SliaOAHT , , i H
Pros Vice Pres ; ]
CitAB R. IIannan , Cashier ) H4
Paid up Capital $150,000,00 Bp
Surplus 35,000.00 B
Liability to Depositors-335,000.00 K
Diur.c-roiis I. A. Miller , F , O. Oleison K. L. P
Shugart , i : . II Hart , J. D. Kdundson , Chus R. Hj
Haunan , Transact general banking business H
Largest capital and surplus of any bank In Bf
Northwestern Iowa Interest on time deposits H
Of Couucll IllufTs and Omalia , and surrounding B
country will ilnd It to their advantage to deal .m (
with mo hen they want any kind ot *
Hair Goods I
Two months ngo I determined to close outmy ' Sj
stock and quit business , but the stock was too .Hmf
large to be disposed of , and I will continue the ! Km |
business with inoia goods than ever Every Km |
thing 1 : first class and made up iu htto.t style , Hmf
Mali orders receive prompt attention HVl
No SO fllnm St , Council IHuffj Bfl
Tiios OFFicrn W. II M , PudKT H
Corner Main and Rroaaway , Kt
Dealers in foreign and ilomestlo exchange |
Collections made and Interest paid on time do | H |
posits _ H
lias reopened her Diessmaklug Parlors over M
Klseinauu' old Maud , illl llroadway , on . Motor B
Line , mid Is again pcrmannnlly located , bh H
euarautcas satisfaction to all who doslie llrsc B
class and fashionable work To Omaha ladles , , M
Motor faro will be paid and dresses fitted while H
ualtlng Prices : woolen Dresseso to JdBilks , M
Plushes uud Laces It to t2. ! H
Archite t and Superintend nt . I
Room 2B1 Merrlam Block
, ,
t , _ _ _
_ _
Itoom 9 , Opera House Block , Council llluffs , W M
Iowa H