Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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tThoy Will bo Voted for on Dooom-
bor 3.
Bow It In Propo Gd o Convert llio
lixpoHltlon Btillillnu Into a Souroo
of Simply for Life's Ncces-
The Mivrkot House ,
Mayor Uroittch cbnngcd bis mind lata
" Ycdnoiduy afternoon , tma Bignod the tnnrKct-
fcauso bond ordinance Ho then Issued n
proclamation for the election
Tlio ordinance m substunco , provides that
fi marhut-liomo or place bo established on
block 75 , throuirh the purchase nnd alteration
• of the exposition bultdlntr
Last • spring the association owning this
property made nn offer at It to the city for
tCOUOO ami at ita mooting last Tuesday
night tbo council passed r.n ordmanco uc-
ccptlntr the ofTcr and providing for nn elec
tion to role bonds In thu sum of JK > .0W ( tvith
which to puroliaso And alter the building ,
tbo latter to cost $5,000.
'iho question is to bo voted upon at the
city cloctloti , DccomborS , und is stated in
Mavor Broutch'a proclnmution ns follows
Shall an ordlnanco entitled 'An ordinance
tto cstablMi n mnrket bouso and market
place in block 7ft , by tbo purchase und alterI
ntlon of tbo exposition building , and to pro
vldo for tte issue of tbo bonds of tbo city of
Omaha for such purpose to the nrnount of
$05,000 , and for the submission of this ordl
nanco to the legal voters of the city of
Onmlm for their rutlflcation , bo ratified , and
the purclmso und oxpcndlturo therein pro
vldcu for , bo authorized , and shall tbo bonds
of tbo city of Omaha bo issued in tbo sum uf
t0. " ,00 ( ) , to become duo in twenty years
from tbo date thereof , nnd to bear in
terest at tbo rate of 5 per cent per
nnnum , upon interest coupons , to bo at
tached to said bonds , said bonds to bo entitled -
titled market house bonds , and not to bo
old for less than pur , nnd the Drncoods from
the sato of said bonds to do used for no
otbor purpose than nayinp thoibst of purr
chaslnir and nltering suid exposition build
in ; ' , ns proposed In section 1 of said
ordlnanco 'Iho said bauds to bo used ns
may bo necessary for the purposes aforesaid
and within the limits authorized by law "
All votes Yes shall bo considered ns
rntiryliiK saldordlnanco and authorizing said
expenditures and the issuiug of said bonds ,
nnd all votes "No" shall bo ronsldorcd ns
against ratifying said oAUnanco and against
the ranking of saiU cxpondlturo and
ogalust the issuing of said bonds
Section 1 in the ordlnanco reads :
"Tlmt the proposition of the Exposition
Uullding- association 'of Omaha for tbo sale
nnd transfer to the City of Omaha of the exposition -
position building , situated on lotsS , G , 7 and
6 , In block 73. together with the leases of the
ground occupied by said building , for tlio sum
of sixty thousand ( tCO.UOO ) dollars , be , and
the same Is hereby accepted , and the said
exposition building Is hereby established and
made n market bouso nd market place for
said city of Omaha , and the sum of ? 5,000 is
hereby authorized to bo expended In the al-
tciatlonof said bullalng for the purooso of
making sultablo store rooms , stalls nnd
stands for exposing for sale und making sale
bv the lessees and occupants thoroof.of vege
tables , meats , poultry , fruit , and such other
articles us nro usually kept at a miblla
market , tbo same to bo leasedconducted and
mannged as may be provided or required by
said city "
Tbo exposition building property covers
just hair a block of ground on Capitol avc-
nue , between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
streets , and cost originally $113,000. It was
built in 18SQ and an exposition , the first of
its kind In Omaha , was held In Scptembor
of that year It was a crcdltablo display
Tbo Fourteenth street annex was added at a
cost of $15,000 nnd was subsequently leased
to the city for the purpose of a council
. chamber , pollco court , Jail , and other city
In the fall of 1887 the stockholders made
un their minds tbat tbo buildiug could not
bo utilized to profitable advantage as it was
then una conceived the idea of converting
ono half of it into an oporj bouse Arrange
ments were hastily completed for Iho change ,
work of remodeling commonccd , nnd when
tbo curtain rolled up on thu Initial or dedicii-
tory pcrformnnco aaothor outlay of S20.0UO
was added to tbo $77,000 previously expended
Last year the opera house had to bo re
medied nnd cost another > ,000. * These
amountb brought the general outlay for con
struction up to"S103,00U. This does not include -
cludo about $ i5,000 tbntbas been put into
beating apparatus and repairs Ail this
money did not conio out of tbo shockholders'
pockets , however
The building has made good money , but
every cent of prollt has been oaten up oy re
pairs ana exorbitant expenses The gross
receipts for the second year were $ lOGJl.t , > 2.
They will bo larger this year , for tlio reason
that the concern is being managed better
All tbo storerooms am rented to good ten
ants and tbo theater is doing better than
bcrotoforo For the annex the city pays uu
nonual rental of UVji" and the taxes 'Ilia
annual interest on tbo bonds to bo voted will
bo less than this amount
KlUilCS oV OIU3U5.
Chief Soavcy Disposes of" Thorn by
Chief Scavoy bad a picnic In the police court
room yesterday afternoon selling revolvers ,
braBs mid lead knuckles , guns , blankets ,
watches , knives ana other Bluff which had
boon confiscated lu the pollco court
The chief was a succcsb la securing big ;
prices Several hundred men gathered out .
side the railing and a dozen or inoro pollco-
mon stood Insidoand picked out the different
lots as they were called ofT by tbo chief who i
stood at the judges desk
The llrst lot was principally composed of
ohoap revolvers More valuable ones were i
bid In und knocked down to policemen Mr
Hltt bought a rusty pistol for tLSO whloh 1
could not bo exploded if it was
loaded to the muzzle and thrown '
Into a furnace A junk shop man named
Ucardsluy bought snvcral bushels of truck ;
at a big lleuro It was ! 1 o'clock before the '
chlof reached any articles of value , but com
paratively lurjo prices were received for
everything put up
Who breathes must suffer , nnd who
thinks , must mourn , und ho alone is blessed
who knows that puln und suffering can bo
cured by Solvation Oil
Although we bnvo heard persons remark
"It Is-worth its wolght in gold still Dr
Hulls ' Cough Syrup is U be bad at all drag
stores for 25 cents
I'ulillo Works
Tbo board of public works will open pro
posals for curbing and paving of Eighth
etrcot from Varnatn to Douglas today
Contractor F. J. Peterson was yesterday
ordered to comroonco work uuder bis con
tract for grading Mcrcor avenue from Lowe
avenue to Vistn street
Hugh Murphy has been directed to pave
the Intersection of Twonty-socoiul street aud
Poppletonavouuo with Colorado sandstone ,
TUB intcrsoctloil was left uifpnved on ac
count ofy a mistake In the ordluanco pro
viding for the paving of l'oppleton avenue , ,
which called fur sandstone on ono side of
Twenty-second street and uspbaltum on the
other ulile , but neglected to provide for the
paving or tlio intersection of those streets
A resolution covering this point was tnorc-
fore Introduced and passed by the council
A llltrlt Hank
The grading of Twenty-seventh street 1 ,
from Leavenworth to Howard , Is in an ad
vanced stugo Owlug to an lujauctionwhich
has boon secured , St , Mary's avenue
terminates in a bank twelve fool high This
euibuiihuient is at present in a dangerous
oouditiou , and residents of that part of thu
city prophesy tbat it a feuco or some other
safeguard is not built soon , soma serious uo-
cideut will befall persons out driving or ,
walking after nightfall
Our maohlnos having boon crowned
wilU tbu grand prlzo ut the Exposition , ,
Unlver olle , l'nrls , NnthanionVlioolor
our Probldont , has now boon decorated
with the Cross of the LorIoh of Honor
\ViiKKLiiit & Wilson M'v'q Co ,
The Mllwnnkco Mill Proltattlr Cross
thn Union l'nclflo find so
Negotiations nro pending between the Chicago
cage , Mllwnukco tt St Paul nnd the Union
Pacific rolatlro to the running of nil passonI
gcr trains on the former road solid Into and
out of Omaha Tlio Mllwnukeo has long
been desirous of making Omaha Its western
terminus \ This question has frequently been
discussed J by officials of both companies , but
the bridge tariff required by the Union Pa-
ciflo was regarded as excessive by the of
ficials of tbo other road
About ono week ego the Milwaukee agnln
took the matter op and it is reported on good
authority that within thirty days it will bo
running nil of its passenger trains solid into
and out of this city
The ofllrlnls of iho Union Pacific declined
to speak upon the subject
Gcnoral Agent Nash , of the Milwaukee ,
stated thntn deal of this kind was pending ,
but ho was not nwaro that any dcllnlto
nirrccment bad been reached IIo admitted
that his company was verv deslrousof run
nlng Its trains over the Union Pacific bridge
and said tbat everything Indicated the con
summation of it but just at what time , ho
was not prepared to state
Holiday Itntcs
. At a meeting of the trans-Missouri nssocl-
tlon held at Kunsns City Wednesday , a holi
day rnto of ono fore for the round trip was
established to apply on all roads of the asso
ciation within u radius of 1100 miles Tlckota
will bo on sale December 21 to January S.
It was nlso decided to make Dcadwood ,
Dale , and Newcastle , Wyo , tourist points to
which tickets will bo sold at a reduced rata
the year round
Itnolc lslund Train Chances
. Goncral Agent Stevens , of the Hock
Island , announces the following changes In
the arrival and departure of trains on his
road , taking effect November 17 , tho-desig
nated point bolug tbo transfer :
No 4 , now leaving at 10 a. m. , will leave at
0:40 : a. m.
. No 0. the fast express leaving at 0:45 : p.
in , will leave at 5 p. m.
. No 2 will leave at 0:15 : p. m. instead of 5
p. m.
No 1 will arrive at S:40a. : m. , instead of
0:15 : u. m , as at present
No 0 , arriving at 0:30 : p. m. , will arrlvo nt
C:55p. : m.
No 5 , arriving at 7 a. m. , will nrrivo at
0:30 : am
In addition to the train changes the Rock
Island bus arranged with the Uuion Pacific
Whereby . a sleeper and chair car will bo run
In . and out of Omaha in connection with Its
fust trains , the same taking effect on the
nbovo date
An Additional Train
On and after Monday next the Uurlincton
yvUl run Pullmau cars on the Alliunco branch
between 1 Lincoln and Newcastle Direct
connection will bo made at Lincoln with the
overland . train from Omaha The company
has ' also decided to put on an additional
passongcr 1 train botwecn Lincoln and
Falls City which will connect
] with No 8 , leaving Omaha nt
0:40 ' : p. in at Lincoln , and will also make
direct connection at Table Hock , with the
through ' train for Kansas City Koturn con
nections ' will bo made in a like way These
changes will also bo made Monday next
Tim I"utit Mull Train
The new fast mall train from Omaha west
ward to Portland , Ore , which will leave
this \ city Saturday over the Union Pacific ,
will not bo an exclusive mail train , but will
carry ' through passengers Two Pullman
cars ' will bo attached to tne train , which will
stop ' only at division points , viz : Grand
island , North Platte , Sidney , Cheyenne ,
Hawlins , otc
Superintendent Whlto and Chief Clerk
Mohl , of the railway mail service , will go
out ' on tbo llrst trip It is possible tbat ( gen
eral ' Monager Dickinson , of tbo Union Pa
cific , will accompany them
Missouri Pact Ho Oflicinls
P. S. Leeds , freight traffic manager ; C.
M. Rathburn , superintendent , and J. O.
Phlllippl , assistant general freight and pas
senger agent of the Missouri Pacific , will
nrrivo in a special car nt 0:30 : this morning
This ' is thu Initial trip of Mr Leeds over
this section of the system , and ho will today
make a trip over the licit line and visit tbo
stock yards at South Omaha Mr Lcods , it
will bo romembercd , was until recently
chairman of tbo transcontinental associa
tion , ana is regarded as ono of the ablest
traffic mon in tbo Unltod States
McNeill Succeeds Dickinson
j General Manager Dickinson , of the Union
Paclfio , has returned from Leavenworth , •
Kan , where he attended a meeting of tbo 1
Union depot company of that place
ilo tendered his resignation " as president , i
and E. McNeill , general manager of the St
Joe & Grand Island , was elected his succes
sor.Tho resignation was offered owing to the I
recent reorganization wmch removed that
portion of thu system from his Jurisdiction
Itnilrnnil Notes
General Attorney Thurston , of the Union
Pueiflc , has returned from the west , where
ho accompanied the Pacific railway lavcstigat-
lng committee Ho is of the opinion that the
commltteo will make a favorable report as :
regards the refunding bill
J. II Green , formorlv with the Milwaukee
at this point , but now with tbo Diagonal at
Dcs Moines , is in tno city
II J. Hargrcuves , commercial ageat of
the Illinois Central at Kaasas City , Is In
H. T. Humpbroy , traveling passenger
ngentto the Lake Stioro & Micnlgan South
em , is in the city
Henry Choynoy , assistant general passenger -
songer agent of iho Klkhorn , has returned
from Kansas City
T. W. Leo , assistant general passenger
agent of the Union Pacific , has rcturnod
from Kansas City
The Atlantic express on the Union Paclflo
was ono bour lata from the west
Ono Knot
is worth it column of rhetoric , said nn
American statesman , It Is a fuct , es
tablished by the testimony of thousands
ol people , that Hoods Sarsaparilla docs
cure scrofula , salt rheum , and other dis-
eases or nlToctloiis arisjntr from impure
state or low condition of the blood It
also overcomes that tired feeling , cro-
utes/i good tippotlto und glvoa strength
to every part of the system Try It
disunions Menthe Inhaler cures catairh i ,
hoadacbo , nouralglo , asthma , hay fever
Trial free at your druggist Pride 50 cents
Itrnl Estate l. xohanLo
There wo so fully 300 pcoplo present at tbo
meeting of tbo real estate exchange and the
lutarcsl shown in tbo woric was greater than
the most hopeful members of the organlza-
tloa had dared expect The business men
seem to lake very kludly to the organization
aud show their apnrcc'atlon of its efforts bv ,
attending the meetings iu larger numbers
every day A number of choice bargains
were listed and a number of sales reported
At tbo executive session n committee was
appointed on advertising and instructed "J
huva proper advertising matter , calling ut-
tentiou to the dally scssionsof tbo exchange ,
freely distributed In the hotels nnd publiu
places iu the city The exchange also pro
poses to Invest largely In the annual reviews
to be published by tbo various papers and
distribute them throughout tbo country A
commltteo was also appointed to report upon
tbo udvtsability of admitting Joan agents and
other brokers to membership in the assocla-
ironuontly ncoldents occur in the
household which cauees cuts , burns ,
sprains nnd bruises ; for use in such
cases D. J. n. McLean's Volcanic Oil
Liniment lias for many years been the
constant favorite family remedy ,
The State Itonrtl Committee nnd Its
Kxainliiallonti ,
A. T. Stroltx , North Platte ; Max liocht
Omaha ; James Heed , Nobrasvu City , and
Henry ! D. Iloyden , Grand Island , who con
stltuto I the board of examiners for the state
board ] of pharmacy , hold on examination yes
terday at thn Murray hotel
Wednesday they were in session at Lincoln
and i today will meet In Grand island
Owipg I to the fact that reduced rates could
not i be obtained from the railroad * ex
cept on nn agreement that 100
tickets J ' would bo sold , the board adopted
a plan of holding its examinations nt
the i points moatlonod , nnd thus save appli
cants i who cannot afford it the cxponso of
railroad ' fares
Thcso examinations arc open to any drug
gist j in UtoUnuecl States , providing ho has
had thrco years practical experience in trio
business I Without this qualification no ono
Is I eligible , and before any pharmnclstcnn do
business 1 in this state ho must undergo ex
amination i by tnls board The applicants for
examination < were Jnmcs V. Dachtlor , W. J.
Sohrocdcr 1 , Robert Uomansson , J. I ) . Jolah ,
Lewis 1 H. licbrncs Dinlcl O. McIIugh , W.
II ] Field , Omaha ; II U.Davis , Cbndron ;
H. j W. Klrson , Norfolk ; J. II Thompson ,
Elgin ] ; P. U. Shelby , Preston ; A. Jensen ,
i Oakland i ; Martin Mason , Horton ; P. II
Ifobl I , Vlnirig , Kan ; C S.Thompson , Albion ;
Henry i Fisher , South Omaha ; H. II Wood
ward ' , Mclbourn , la ; Gcorgo A. Chapman ,
Onawn ( , In , and S. It Cook , Wall La lie , la ;
H. I F. Johnson , South Otnnhn ; W. D. Hogc ,
Omaha ( , and Charles J. Kadltb , West Point ,
Preparations For tlio Bond anil tlio
Cltr Ktection
The following places have been designated
for I the sitting of registrars for the special
elections U > bo hold November ! ! 8 and the
general city election to bo held December 3 ,
of this year The registrars will bo found at
thcso places until 1) ) o'clock this evening
rmsT WA1CD.
First District Railroad ticket orflcc , 807
South Tenth strcot
, Second District Harbor shop , 1110 South
Sixth Btroct
Third District Hlrt's grocoryTenth strcot
bctweon 1 Dorcas and Martha
sncoNU wxitn
First District Drugstoro.corncr Sixteenth
and , Williams streets
Second District No 1603 Vinton street
Flrsf District No 017 Capitol nvenuo
Second District No 310 South Eleventh
street '
rounrii wJ.m > .
First District Lesllo's drug store , 102
South j Sixteenth street
Second District LHtlo'9 cigar store , 1C05
Farnaui street
rirm wjinD
First District Costello's cigar store , 500
North Sixteenth street
Second District-1151 Sherman avenue
SIXTH Willi ) .
First District Club room , Twonty-slxth
and Lnko streets
Second District Lyceum hall , Twenty
fourth and Elkborn railway
Third District Stevens ' grocery Thirty
third and Parker streets
First District Republican headquarters at
Park avenue , between Popploloa avenue and
Woolworth avenue
Second District RIowo's store , Twohty-
sixth and Walnut streets ,
eighth wahd ,
First District 2103 Cuming street nt bar
ber shop
Sccoad District 2103 Cuming street , drug
First District 2903 Furnnm street
Second District Kyan's office , corner Lowe
und Mercer avenues
The remaining days of registration are
tomorrow , the 22A , 23d and 80th of this
The proposition to bo voted for on tbo 2Sth
of this month -is the issuance of $150,1)00 )
bonds in aid of the construction of a union
depot and u viaduct on South Tenth street
On the 3d of next month the vote will bo
on too issuance of $250,000 bonds to the Ne
braska Central road in consideration of the
construction of a steel bridge across the
Missouri and the building of a union depot
in this citv ; also , $35,000 for the purchase of
the exposition building and the conversion
of the same into n market house ; also of
$215,000 for the erection of an addition to the
high school und the purchase of school sites
and the erection of schools in various parts
of the city
Paxton LlOTHb , Ojiaiia Spocialnt- .
tontion to commercial men Finest and
largest hotel in the west Kitti-cdgo &
Bruinard , proprietors "
The City MlHSion
The thirteenth annual report , of the Omaha
city mission shows the following Interesting
facts and figures :
Total amount of receipts for the year ,
$1,003 50 ; disbursements , $1,003.50 ; leaving
a total indebtedness of $147.88.
Tbo sowing school is held on Saturday
mornings during the fall , winter and spring
months , and there the daughters of the poor
are tuugnt to sow The girls are allowed to
keep nil the garments that they make - Tbo
nvorage nttondunco of scholars during the
year has been 151 , the lowest attendance on
any ono Saturday 02 apd the highest 199.
Tbo average attendance of touchers und
officers was 15J , und 499 garments have
boon finished hy the scholars and taken
homo Mrs A. P. Hopkins is superintendent -
> ont of the sewing school , Mrs J. U. Jardino ,
assistant superintendent ; Miss Jcnnio M.
Grant , secretary , nnd tbo following ladies i
are tbo teachers : Mr * . John J. Moncll ,
Mrs Elliott , Mrs G. II Hitchcock , Mrs
Lovl Carter , Mrs Goncral IJrooko , Mrs
Colonel Strong , Mrs Howard Kennedy ,
MVs William G. Maul , Miss Annie Elliott , |
Miss Jessie Millard , Miss Mary Millard , ,
Miss Anna Millard , Miss Clara Uawloy , 1
Miss Minor , Miss Margaret Uoyd , Miss
ilortha Yost , Miss Mary Ludlngtou , Miss
Alice Chambers , Miss Miriam Cnusc , Miss
Laura Soott una Mrs McCain
Fits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness
nnd hysteria are soon cured bv Dr Miles
Norvino Samples frco nt Kuhn & Co 's ,
15th and Douglas
NatlonnI Association nt Bulldars
Mr William II Sayward , of Boston , secretary -
rotary of the National Builders association
of the Unltod States , will meet * the con
tractors and material furnishers at thoboard
of trade rooms Saturday evening , next His
object In coming hero Is to ostabllsh an ox-
change under the nutional associations rules
These exchanges are now working well In
nearly all largo cities , and provo of great
benefit to tbo building trades generally ,
Omaha needs such an institution , aud It is
said that if the contractors and builderstako
tbo proper interest in this subject an ex- :
cbungc , operating undor.tlio auspices of the
national association , will bo successful aad
work out a remedy for the present condition
of the building trades
Mr Shj'ward will address thn builders , on
' The Opportunities of Duildors' Excbauges
ana tbo Objects of tbo Nutional Association " i
at the rooms mentioned and on tbo date
given above
Clinwhrilnlii's Con li Itomrdy
This remedy is made especially for
acute throat und lun ? diseases , such as
coughs , colds and croupand is admitted
to bo without an equal for thobo nihnon ts ,
Its ortcct is to loosen a cold relieve the
lungs , opou the secretions and free tbo
on tire Bystom of nil symptoms of tbo
ocold. . 60 cent and ono dollar bottles uro
for sale by all dru gglsta
Htrnolc By a Onblo Oar
Mr F. W. Wessels , manager of the Omaha
aSavings bunk , was driving boms on Burt
street shortly after S o'clock last evening ,
when his borso stopped directly in front of a
cable car at thu crossing of Burt oa Twonti-
oth street Tbo gripman stopped the car
promptly , but too late to avoid a collision , la
which Mr Wessels'
buggy was upset His
horse sturted to run , dragging him to Twoa-
ty-llrst and Burt streets , where the animal
was stopped Mr Wessels was stunned by ,
tbo accident , but was not seriously hbrt
Change of llle , backache , montblv irregu
larities , hot flashes , ore cured by Dr Miles
Nervine Samples free at Kuhn & Co 's 15th
\ aud Douglas
MEbFai CusE
This rmunrlcnhlo Whiskey , whloh ts
so popular thruuulitmt the ICnst , pus
M ! > ni'H In addition to Its purity nnd
llnvnr , proprrtlcs whloh mnko It par
ticularly liralturul In nil cases of
Ikiltle , Pneumonia or tlio first ntners
of Consumption , It Is psp-olnlly i-fll-
clonr Fir Iho trenk , dolillltntnit or
need , it la must valunhlp For hnllil-
Inc I up wnnto nerve nnd hiukcIo tUsur- ,
It has the hmhostcndnrsrnicntftortho
tnerllonl profession It is sold by nil
. rppmnldo tlrnsrelMR
Itochostcr , N. V.
56 MOJ A " "t iftsl . THE O NLY-
JEiT iE : rjV-O S , QUnpAfJTEED
flSBY IU .C ) W cure roi\
sw owL ffix ATARRH
wiftine Mrn rr < A n vn ? r.- .
For ] sale by Gopclmari Drug Co
H03 Fahiam Stiieet , Omaha , Nbo
( Opposite Pnxton Hot l. )
OIBcoliouraOtt m. , to 8 p. m. SundnralOn m , to
Epcclallata in Chronic , Ncrrous , Skin and tllool Dis
CsrConsnltstlon ut offlfe or bjr mall free Slodl-
clues tent bjr mall or eicpresi , aecurolr packed , frco
from observation Guarantees to euro quickly , safe
Ir and pcrraaucutlr
tlont lhy lcaldecar artslnB Iroin IndUerotlon cx-
ccsaor Indulgence pmductnK sleeptesnoai despon-
ilcncy , iJlroulea on tbo fncflaversion toeocloty , eanlljr
discouraged Juck or contldoncu dull unfit for Bttiilr
or butlnuss , mid lluds life u burden , bafelr , perman-
( Hitlr and prtvatoljr cured , Con ult prs Uotts k Uctts (
UUtj Fnrnatn Street , OiiiaUn , Neb
Blocft and lX\i \ Disease SsS'firViU'is' ' .
reAulta , completely oradlcatod fflLbont the aid of
mercury Scrofula , eryslpeui * . fever sores , blotches
ulcpti.poliii mthn hcaa and Loucs syphilitic sera
throat , mouth and tongue catarrh , otc , permanently
cured vrbura others have failed
Kidney Urinary v&atitg& ffiftS
qunnt burning or bloody unno , urine hlirli co.orcl or
with milky Bedlraent on atanilnir weak baek.gonorr
tim > . glaol.cyatltls , etc l'nimplly and safely cured
charges reasonable
moral complots without culllnK causilo or dlllatlon
Cures eOfuctod at homo by patient wlthouta moments
pala or annoyance
To Yonng Mn ? anfl MidiUe-Aicd Men ,
* flDP T119 awful effects ot early
AnnDU UJIUj Vlee , , which hrinifs oreanla
twoakness.desirvyioKbQtb mind and body , with all
Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured ,
HDQ UrTTU Adaresij the io who have lm-
UHOi HIjIIu palroa tftemselves by lninrojwr
ludulnoiicoi and aad sutltury habits , which rufn both
body and mind , nurJlllng ILorn for business , study or
aUmilKD MEN , or these entering on that happy
Ufa , aware of physlctal debility , quickly asilsted
Is based unou facts , flrst-nractlcal experience , see *
ond-'cveryt.aiu Is esiaUlly studied , thus starting
arlgbt third me Jlclnes are iiropared In our own < a-
baiory eiaotly to suit cucu case , thus alft cling cures
without injury
IfHcnd il cents postAir * for celebrated works on
chronic , nervous and delicate diseases Thousands
cured tVA friendly letter or call may sareyou fu
turft Butiorlng and shame , nud add 0 den years to life
r f.No letters auiwp.rea unlets aocompanled by t
oents la stamps Address orcall on
tilla IStf'JcJl'S V BCTTS ,
ItDiFarnsin Street Omaha , Neb
State Line
To ( JlASgoir , llcirusl , Dublin and Ltrerpool
Cabin puuge KB to KO , according to location of stat
room Excursion ttli to tua ,
Eteerag * to and from Europe at Lowest Bates
AUSTIN BALDWIN & Co , Uen'l Agents ,
, 63 Broadway , New York
Joux ULEOEjf , Geol Western Agent
161 Itandolpb 8L , Chicago ,
Agents at Oman
A Hex of Wind Mutches Free With
Deparlraont is nn institution Ly itsoltr It occui C3 itlmo3t the entire second floor of our building , H
and wo show ns lnrgo n rnriety n.3 any house in the United States , Overcoats is our business It is n trndo J |
which wo lijivo studied thoroughly and wo know what wo are bilking about when wo offer you Overcoats H
at prices which no other house will touch Wo feel special pride the present season in this department , |
last winter wo sold moro Overcoats than all doalcrs in Omaha combined Tliis senson wo have n lnrgor |
plnco and must sell more , so you enn iiuagino what a stock wo have prepared If you look at iho piloa H
of Ovcrcoata and sco the plnin marked tlgurcs on them , you will know the reason-why wo soil thrco-fourtlm |
of the Overcoats that arc sold in Omaha H
It is simply impossible to attempt to describe our magnificent stock of Overconls or to mention nny |
special bargains Every Overcoat wo offer is n bargain in itself From the plnin looking but good nnd H
substantial Chinchilla coat at § 3 , up to the very finest silk and satin-lined Bcarera , Kerseys or fancy Ohov- |
iots nt $18 , $20 , $21.50 nnd $22.76 every gnrmont is po3tivoly n great bargain H
Our display of Boys nnd Childron's Overcoats in cveryc occiAnblc flin ] c is the largest mil nest ' H
perfect Hint enn bo seen anywhere J M
Prices of small Boys 3 to 10 yonrs Overcoats start nt 95c nnd run up to S10.50. " fl
Mothers , you will bo surprised to see whata nice little Overcoat , with capa , wo offer you at 91,50 , H
, * 1.75 and J2.50. S
Prices of lnrgo Boys 13 to 19 years Overcoats start at $1.00. M
Ours is a safe place to buy Boys Clothing ANYTHING TIIA.T DOES NOT PIT OR IS NOT H
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets ; Omaha H
| The lion of the AH&s I1ount5insi3 |
terror , the Cape lion a curThe lion among I
• scouring soaps is ® RP@M © > Avoid Imitationa I
Grocers often substitute cheaper goods for SAPOLIO to make a
better profit Send back such articles , and insist upon having just
what you ordered
l&flmM SH
* fae I.lannr liable l > asltlr lr Oared
br Adnilnl.terinB llr IJalaca'
UoHen Hperino
It ran bo Elron In 0 cup of coffee or tea without lha
knowlodtfOiittlid person takinu It ; Is absolutely lisrru *
ess ana wit ) i-ITuct a apvetljr an4 nvmianont cura
srliettier tlio patient U a moderate ilrlnkcrur an al-
cotiol wreck Thousanils of drunkards have been
made temperate men who have takun liuMeuHportfto
in their cotfee without thetr knowleilcu and todajr ba
Here tber quit drinking of their own freewill , IT
Merer ( alls The systeuioncaluirei | with the becomes an utter liunos.lblllty fur lha
liquor appetite to exist Kor sala br Kuhn A Co
Uruimtsts 1Mb and Uouulos ats and 1Mb and Rum
tnirits-Hmsba. A. I ) . Coster X Hro . timnrll llluDj _
Viieurou ore burins dIoiyj rememlxr that there U
- such a MiIub as a price I bat _
mMM lstooea > l > . Itlilxturto S.
mmm pax a fair price and not awH
fi M teed KloveallkeIlulcliIM
ass Hlu.on'a. . They are tnado _ &
B WrromatUOed skins lu theft I H
B M best manner andarewnt-QII B
M ranted " > be Ibo muttft H
Ku serrlctelilu male If you Is Hb
WWV want to know more about B
f gloves in grnrrat and V
MW lluleliluaou'ai ( ilovea H
afafafav lu liarttcular anoloss W M
M atanipforthabookAbout K l
' sW Ulovea K will iuteresi Wgt
I you KsTi usu oI86l
.OUH a liUXCUIfikON , J.kMt.wn , ir , v.
Can bo cured in 20 to BD days by the
use ot the
Magic Remedy
For Ealo pnly by the Oook ; ltcmody Co..Dot
Omahu Nebraska Write to us for the names
and address ot patients who Iiuvh been
cured aud from whom we nave permission to
refer byphllU li a dlseaso that lias always
bathed the skill of the most eminent phj slcljtis
nnd untH the discovery of the Cook Ueuiedy
Co "a MAGIC HKJIKUV , " not ona lnllfty over
having the disease has been cured Wo uuarnn-
too to euro any case Hint uin be produced ,
'd'hoso wha have taken Mercury Totash , B. 8. 8.
Bucus Alterana or other advertised irmodles ,
with only temporary bcnellts can now be per
msnently cured by the use of the "MAulO
ltliMlSUY" of the Coot Itoraedy Co . Omaha ,
Neb Ilewareof Immlttitlons It Is absolutely
Impossible for any other person nr company to
liave our formula or any remedy like It In effect
and results 'J ho Coot ltemedy Co , has been
trcatlnit patients for four years nnd have al
ways given perfect satisfaction They ore iinan-
clalty responsible..having a capital ot ever
fcX ) , ( < W , maklutt their guarantee good Wo soli
cit thn mott olHtluato cases these who'have
tiled every known remedy ana lost all hope ot
recovery Correspond with us nnd let us put
yf/H In po < isossion ot evidence that convluces tlio
most skeptical Mark what wo ay : In the end
ynu MUBTuseour "MAOIO XtEMKDV" before
you can bo permanently cured It Is tbo most
lierolo blood puriner ever knownt Write for
particulars All letters confidential
nillTinM liesuro you are getting the Cook
UAUIIUli ltemedy Co 's Made ltemedy
None others are genuine , l'artlrs claiming to
be agents for us are imposters and frauds , l'till
particulars tree Address all communications
The to Gook Remedy Co ,
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxlon Block
m , a. in am A Perfect Art Album containing 24
riBsCG , DcanWal Pholographt representing
" * • Teaana Coffee culture , will bo teat
an receipt of your address
CHASE 01 SANBORN , I3Q Broad St , Boston
Western Dept 80 Frankllngt , Chicago , HI
KL Importers and Wholesale Dealers Io
IHm Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery ,
LfUl Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
K > fc Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
K A Coat-Collar Springs , CC
Hef H Lsriro assortmeat for
Ul VPcane Racks Knlls Boards , 6plndlei.
J M Autlioneers , Streetmen and Peddlers
FCaW Ul variety of to 10a and 25o counter
| > _ aT goods Band for Illustrated catalvEue
Bbaa-j ll jn-itt Kortli FiltCtllSf ,
B&i St LouIb , Mo
ran ns iexatuknt or xvu
BestFaciUU < sArpsratuaandIUm alssfor&uocessfal
Xrsatment of every form of DUsasa requiring ; '
liosxaAltsndance Best ActommcdslloasiaWsst
OT WHITE lOR OIROnXABB on UerormiUes aal
? raessTrusstsClubFMtOurvatiiras of Spins Files ,
umora Oaaisr , Oatarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation ,
Bltttrisity , Paralysis Epilepsy , Xldaer , Bladair ,
Bye bar , Slcicaaa Blcod and all Bur lcal Operations
diseases of woken .e . c . , .v - . .v.a
wo it uuttuucoitriKuiMr ( STWtltf f iVATf > '
Only Eeliable Medical Institute maklac a Eneslalty of
411 Blood D.icmm ccuifntlr treftttd firplitllllal'oliosl
iisnaT dfr iatsitiT t ia vliheut n reorr * Ktw ftMtr t1rt
rttnai for Uu r T1T1L HIWKK rrU viittti U > Tiai4
ciiBKjbetr tadftt hotoaby orriposieltoeff JHIconsaaMUsw t
tloDieaaOdtDtlil M ellelD iorlisfltraairaUuhtbj'ta&ilrts > i
Br Mi curilrpck Jii0Barki • • lodlctiiiilcaitiritQdir |
ot rtriourUtnl tf prtftrrcd Cell s. d eonmlt biorita4 !
MjUJT • will nnd lD pliJD wraptier , • * w
BOOK TO MtlN , JfAtttfjsAsfteSlTSSliS
to ) UlMl sad V.rle.MlL , wild a.MtlaB Hat Addr . .
llth and Dade * Strsets , OMAHA ; XEB ,
Healthjs Wealth
Dit I' . C. VEST ( NBll anii flitaiK Theat- , , *
MK.tT , u Kiiarnntood upoclhc for llyuterU , Dlzil- ,
ness , OmvuNloua PltH Netvous Nnurall . 4
Hiart'iUie , Nervous frustration cauoed by tlie -
use ot ulcolinl tobacco Wulcafulnu > s , Mmtal * ' ,
Ucpres lou.BofUmtug of the llralu , resultlDK la ' .
lnnunlty nnd leAdlnjt to mlsery.ttecny nnd deutli ,
I'roinuluro Old Ape llarrennesH , Iiohh of Potvcr
In eittier sex Involuntary Ixiaues unl Hinimt. .
torlm 'UouusL'd Ijyoveroxertlonof ths brainself , < /
abuse or overlndusenco liucli box coutulnv j
one months trontmi-nt. HSft a box orvlx Iwxes
for ftj.00 , sent by mull prepaid on receipt of price < >
To cure nny case With eadt order received by . '
us for ulx boxes , accompanied wltb 1UO , we trill *
send the purchaser our written jruiraniee to rs ) . - *
fund the money If the treatment does not effect .
ncure Ouaranlet-d lasund only by ( inodmsn < J
ill UK Co , lirutx'ista , Sale Agunla , 1110 l'arnam it
Btreet , uinulia fVebrasxa , n
m ' mmTi i
ft rUSI USE a.eeral and MEUV0U8 DSBUITtii \ *
aTl'IT'LiT ' ' ! VTaakasssef Body end XtndiEffsoU ' <
\j XSiXA ofErrersorExMsissUrjldarYousir
KbMl XAI.aikllUOUf.llrkuiu.4. M. I. ItmUn • lii 4 '
mrjtii n iku ukiriul-iuowin ; siiKT8of uur , i „ MhiiCs Mona THUi kSi-ii..rtu u . V
? m lull//tna 41 1UIM. T riuriu , . .4 r. la CnatrtM
uawwrltUM . BM rtliplMiu . , a.4 | > rM.f.MUUi ,
iMtUdims iaaraM UU HUICAI HuIMAlBlt