Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    I 2 THE OMAJ5A DAILY Bglt ffKIDAY , NOVEMBER 1o 1889. . \ *
, _ _ _ _ „
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Olnolnnatl and Brooklyn Join the
National Louruo ,
Complete Abolition of" ; lie Clnsslflca-
tlon ClftiiBO Other Imiiortnnt
Olinnsni * Doelilotl Upon
r.lcoilnn of oniccrs
The llnnn Hn.ll Cnnvf-ntlon.
Nn\v YoitK , Nov 14 Three or lour Im
portant clinngra vvcro tnudo In tlio lcaguo
constitution at a la to hour last night iind
when the convention assembled nt noon to-
dnv consideration of Uio constitution was re
sumed Section 3 "i was amended to road :
"No player without the consent of thojo
with wnntn ho n > Id contract or reservation
can ncKotlnto with any other club for his
i services ; but If said consent ho i-lvon , said
ploycr iiiny nciotlnto and recclvo a money
* consideration , which mnv bo accepted d.v the
rclcnslno club " This artlon does nwny with
system of Bales , over which there recently
has been such n cry Section BO wn9 cut out
nnd another section Inserted , piovldlnii that
In case nf the withdrawal of a club the piny-
crs under lorilrnct or reservation shall bo
considered released therefromj but auy
negotiation for sprviccs must be subject to
transfer to any other club designated by the
* .
league _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The American AHSuolntlan
New Voitu , Nov 14. The American asso
ciation devoted the greater portion of the
dnv In balloting for prostdont , but without
result At 4 o'clock Uyrnc , of the Brook
lyns , nnd Stern , of the Cinclnnntls , nn
iiounced Uio rcsixnation of their elubs from
the ' association 'I ho delegates ot the Kan
sas City and Haltlmora clubs retired from
the loom nt the snmo tlmo VondorAho
remained master of the situation Ila ac
cepted the resignation of the two clubs , but
postponed the election of president of the
ussoclatlon until tomorrow morning
'J ho American Turf Couures" ) .
Chicago , Nov 14. At its session to day
-v tho-Amorican Turf congress tools up the
matter of nmoudlnic the rules In regard to
the licensing and fining of Jockeys , nnd the
disposal of the funds , it was tlnally con
, eluded that the rules are good onougb if
Btrlctly.cnforced , so it was decided to malio
no changes in them
A number of changps were made In the
rules , among which were the following :
h Uulo 4 was changed so the conditions re
ferring to mnldons shall menn maidens nt
tho'timo of cntranco , unless otherwlso spccl-
Kulo 10 wns changed to reads Where no
( -cntranco fee is required the declaration must
bo aciompanicd by 5 per cent of the ilrst
money , "
Hulo 21 , relating to change of nama , was
chnnged to read so no association shall to-
eclvo entr.v money for nor nllow a horse
whoso name has boon chnnired onywhoro to
run ou its course
Itulo 48 was chanced so the owner or
trainer of n horse must consent to the
declaration of the Jookoy'to carry legal over
Uulo5now reads ; Every horse whoso
Jockey has weighed out and whoso number
has been put is a starter and liublo for the
whole Btuke If the horsu Is exorcised ufter
liis Jockey has been weighed out nil book
bets on the race nro void , nnd additional tlmo
before the race shall bo granted by the
Jedgoa In nuctions or l'uris mutuals the
bets stand , but money on na cxciclsed horse
shall bo refunded , "
Hulc 02 , section A , relnting to state penal
ties , and section C , to beaten nnd maiden al
lowances is striritcn out
Hulo 140 was stricken out nnd n now rule
adopted In Its place , reading : "If an Ineligible -
, , eligible horse bo entered for tuo purpoBo of
' betting against him nmf ho finishes llrst , or
lit ho be entored.for the purpose of having
liltn disqualified by objections marjo after the ,
. • race , all bets sbitll be declared off "
Just at nigutftillt'u rumor crept nbout
tmong the base ball men in the comtfois
that iirooldyn and Cincinnati bad broken
. the dead lock inintlio association contest by
withdrawing and ? joining the league When
• President Uyrne ' of Brooklyn , and Presi
dent Stern , of Cwlnnnti , were asked if the
• report was true tlioy admitted that it was
fahortly aftor7 6'clock the lcaguo conven
tion ndjourncd for the night , and President
Young gave out tno-nows of the days work
The subject of contention during the session
was the proposition to Incrcasu the visiting
clubs receipts from 25 to CO per cent The
Cleveland , Indianapolis , Pittsburg nnd
Washington clubs favored the increase ,
avhllo the wealthy clubs Now York , Chicago
cage , Uosloa nnd Philadelphia , opposed it
Finally the deadlock wa3 settled by the
adoption of 40 par cent The next important
change in the constitution was the comnleta
abolition of the class'llcatlon clauses It was
the matter treated upon in sections 80 , 31 and
82 which were entirely wiped out Section
0. of the constitution , which deals with the
guur.mteo fund , was amended so as to make
the bond of each club § 25,0C0 , Instead of
, $5,000 , tlio same to bo paid in annual install
wonts of $10,000 a year Section KOjwas so
emended that postponed games cm bo pluvcd
it any tlmo afterwards , but It was decided
that two games should not bo played ou ono
day without the prior consent of two-thirds
of nlLtno lcaguo clubs
. After these alterations the convention ro
coived the applications of the Brooklyn and
Cincinnati clubs * for membership 'Ihoy
Wcrn , made out m the form required by the
rleaeuo constitution , and were referred to the
board of directors , who reported favorably
* on them The clubs were then elected mem
bers by acclamation
„ The convention then proceeded to tno oleo
tlon of olllrers Mr Young woroolected
lirtBUlcnt ; p. o , H. Hohinson , ( if Cleveland ;
NV , A , Nlmick , of Pittsburg ! W. F. Uonitt ,
nf Washington , and Charles , Uyrne , of Urook-
lyn , were alectcd directors
Members to the schedule , board of arbi
tration , aud plnylug rules committees were
also elected It was resolved to bold the
next annual meeting in Now York , and the
, prlng schedule meeting in Cleveland early
In March
- this oaijUhuuhg Tiiouobn
An Attempt to Hum the Kesldonco
ul * nn Attorney
GAU' .snuTia , 111. , Nov 14. Great excite
ment preyalls hero owing to nets of so culled
whlto.cnpa who have boon sending , threaten
ing letters to people connected with the nntl-
Nybladh faction
Intense indignation was caused today by
nn evident attempt to burn the handsome
residence of Attorney Lawrence A largo
* tlio tilled with shavings , saturated with oil ,
' * wus placed by ono sldo of the bouse und
t pud ignited by some unknown persons , but
Wus discovered by a neighbor before the tire
was communicated to tbo house Yesterday
c combustible matter was found In Lawrence's
burn The police are making Btrouuous
efforts to dlscovor the miscreants
Four Minora lCutoiiibcil In Fiery
1-ottsvim.e , Pa , Nov 14. At the Middle
Crook colliery , near Tromont , a blast fired
In a breast yesterday cut una lgnitod a
leader and this Urod a largo quantity of
Xooso coal lying In the breaat nnd threatened
the destruction of the mine Whllo fifteen
men were at work this morning extinguish
lug the flro n mass of coal fell burying four
of their nuinbor at the face of the burning
breast 'J ho remainder wont heroically to
Work to rescue the bodies of their comrades
' which now threatened to bo consumed by
the lire , and finally reached thorn To their
astonishment they found them ull alive , butte
to badly buruod and injured that they caa-
bet recover
A. Wlluon lilnor tn Dlfttross
i Lo > ; iox , Nov 14. The steamer Adrlallo
C' ' , . from Now York urrlvod at Quconstown to-
l1 Buy She reports having passed on thoOth
, lost In latitude 45 uortu , longitude 40 west ,
n steamer of the Thlngvallu line , towing a
> Vllsou line btoamor westward
r Two 'IraiiiH Culllilo
Londos , Nov , 11. Two trains ran into
fach other between Klazan uud Odessa yes
erduy Bight carriages were stuusucd nnd
jnauy persous injured ,
Mrs George S. linlght ha3 made n now do-
pnrturo In the dramatic profession She has
abandoned horse piny nnd largo companies
or supornumarlcs for simple farces nnd light
comedy with the support of n coteno of flvo
acting people
The departure Is both radical nnd bold
Onn cannot see why It should fall of success
There Is ilttlo doubt tint the lady's venture
will bo followed by u host of Imitators Thus ,
In a measure , nt least , will bo afforded a re
lief from , the rough-and-tumblo plays , which
occupy the boards
Three Jolly little ono net plecos In ono
nluhtl Omaha has never witnessed such a
bill slnco the good old days of the slock com
panies , jJach of tlio nieces was a gem , Im
proving In Interest nnd increasing their hold
Upon tlio nudienco until the Inst was renched ,
whoa the audloaco became wild with en
"A Lucky Number introduced nil the
members of the company oxccjit the star , the
principal cliui'aetora being sustained by
Jcnnn Eddy , a bright and youthful actress ,
nnd Edward Warren , who essnyod a . lawycr's
In Hoop Ln , " o pldco Introduced liora by
Itoslnn Vo kes under the nnmo of the Cir
cus Uider , " Mrs Knight played the title
role with ndmirnhlo craco , not *
veto nnd abandon , cnpturlnc the
nudlonco not less bv her singing , which was
encorodt than by her admirable ucting Mr
Pcipor's Lord Lyndon wns neatly enncted
"My Lord in Livery , " full of activitywith
the simplest of plots , kept the audlcnco in n
roar In this , Charles W. King especially
distinguished himself Uis Spieott was the
work of a master In simulation of ago ,
infirmity , devotion to his mistress abject
fear , lll-felencd courage and u happy appre
ciation or the humorous possibilities of the
character noLliing mora could bodcsltod
Ills hit was most pronounced
Here , too , the stnr distinguished herself
again , Bdndlng the audience homo in most
lively spirits
Qcorgo Hlako , the oldest fireman In the
city in point of actlvo service , nnd Miss Gus
slo Fngan were united In marrinco last night
by Justlco Anderson , Aflor the ceremony
was performed a reception was held at No 4
onglno house , Elovenih nnd Dorcas streets ,
whuro a very onjoyuble tlmo was had About
two hundred guests Wore present , including
the chief of the ilro dopattmeut and mem
bers nnd loading ofllcinl * of the police
department , together with their wives
and sweethearts , as well as
manv others from private llfo
The many presents boslowod embraced bohio
elegant articles The Omahn flro department
Kent a luindsomo bedroom sot while the
Council UluITs Inds will bo remembered by a
chair Captain Cormack of the M. P. 's sent
a line water service of silver In addition to
these there wuro u thousand and ono other
gilts Dancing was indulged in , everybody
participating ,
AflcraSq iniu Monl
John Peal , an old timer in police court , got
full last night and effected nn cntrunco to
Dr Chambers hotiso , on Shormnn avenue ,
where ho proceeded to gorge himself with
the good things in the iinutry Iho servant
who detected him thought ho was n bona
fide burelnr , und summoned n policeman ,
who npprchended John In the mtdstj or a tor-
rifle effort to bolt n cold hum Ho was locked
up on the same old charge , drunk
Jetectlvo O'lloiin.'ll In tlio Citv
Detective O'Donneil ' , the special oflleer
who Una figured quite extensively in the
Cionm case in Chicaeo , is in the city , osten-
slblv selling books Ho uus recognized by a
reporter yesterday and begged not to bo
"aiven nway " questioned closely ho
said ho was not looking for Cronin suspects
in Omahn , but was on another lay , " the
nuturo of which ho would Lot divulge
• . , <
> Imolclni ; b'or HU l > nughtrr
Adam Snow , the futmer who wrote to this
city regarding his runaway daughter from
Falrhury , was la Omaha yesterday looking
for hts missing , child Acting upon the article -
ticlo m 'J he ilBU concerning her , ho pro
cccdcdito Fremont , i where she is said to bo
residing with Mabol Bishop , the notorious
prostltuto who picked her up ,
Tlio Ioniisylvunlnns
Tbo'Pennsjlvanta society will hold u meet
ing tonight in the police court room Every
member la requested to bo present The
meeting is called for the purpose of fixing a
date for the clubs annual banquet
A Ilotrl Clrrlc Arrested
Jerry Kurti , clerk of the Ilotol Derby ,
was arrested last night onti warrant sworn
out by William Noy , who charges him with
ombczzling $1 50 , the property of the house
A Small Fir p.
A small fire called the department to Thirteenth -
teonth and Dortgo last night to quench a
blitzing shed , The damage was about $50.
The NDw Mexican ItlizzarU
Clayton , N. M. , Nov 14. Dan Louis
Boca , a prominent sheep raiser of Ute
Croelr , says flvo Mexican sheep herders per
ished in the blizzard in his neighborhood , the
bodies of four having been found Several
others nro Btlll missing Snow completely
covers the ground from Clayton to the Cana
dian river , a distance of 125 miles Many
Mexican families are in destitute c ircum-
They Are to linjoy Homo American
15(1 tiontlomil , ti tliods
The boya of Franco nro to have a
great dotil inoro fun than their older
brothers und fnthora over hud , says the
Chicago Tribune The French povorn-
raout has discovered that thc o is much
truth in the old rhyme about all worlc
nnd no play , " and that it npplies to
Jacques ns well us to Jack It is pro
posud to introduce some American
games into the French schools
Yes , I urn sent hero by my govern
ment , " unld M. Pierre do Coubortino , of
Paris , who is at the IMcholSou , "to see
the collogca and schools ol this country
My examination is general , for my rev
orument has not much information
about your schools , but I am giving spe
cial attention to the athlotlo games of
your school boy . It is only recently
that wo have begun to npprociato that
wo lack something ia this respect Wo
haven't tocognized the need ot the
games and the healthy oxcrciso and
better fellowship which they bring
about , but wo are beginning to boo it
now 1 was sent to England nwhllo ago ,
nnd now many of the French boys are
playing English foot ball The wearing
of college colors has boon introduced ,
too u practice never known before la
the French colleges ,
"I have boon in this country about
flvo weeks , and have scon the principal
colleges I was in Cauada a short time ,
but found little of interest there Your
college gymnasiums are specially Inter
esting to mo One boob nothing Ilka
thorn oltlior in Franco or in England
I wonder if they are not brought out
by the cliraato requiring moro exercise
than ours ? I have soon all tbo largo
eastern colleges , and I must eay that
Cornell pleases mo the most of nil , 1
do not mean in its athletics alone , but
in its gcuotal tcuohing as well .
* 'I have boon specially interested in
the athlatia sldo ot collcgo lifo , and
when I was first selected by the govern
mon to look up the subject I sent 6,000 ,
circulurs to the Kngllsh schools
throughout the world , usicing some
questions about the school games and
their doslrablllty Among all tlio
answers I rocolvod there were but two
which did not 6uy that the gaines were
regardc-d us un indispensable part of
the school system , both foroxorclBo und
discipline , The two schools where it
was thought games were a waste of
tlmo were in this country small insti
tutions in Virginia they were When
our school uepurtmont saw how unani
mous were thuso una wars they were con
vinced that moro must bo done in this
line in the French schools , and ray trip
over her istho result "
iowa's ' dairy coranoN
Close of the ThlrtuenUi 3osalou of
the State Association
} .
An Interesting Aililrrai lly a Now
York Coininlsiliin Mcrolimit The
Awnnls Widely , Vnrylnjj
Klcctlon' Itetiirni ' -
Tlio Imirymbn
M o Cltr In , IsoV 14. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to 'I nn IIee.J Today closed the thir
teenth annual sosslon ot thoiStnto Dairy as
sociation lhomostlntorestin ) nndprofilnblo
paper given to the nsjofllatlpij.VTta that of
Ilnlsey Fitch , settler member ot the Arm of
Fitch A ; Whltnoy , coranJIssloa raerchunts of
Now York city Ha saldi-
"hi eleven states dafry Inlorosts occupy n
front rank Tlierq nro lG,3'JifJ.1 ! inltch cows
In the United States , valued nt $ J)0'JJ0,3rft. ! ) ;
The annual production of milk is f > ,0jj,000
gallons The total vahlo of the dairy pro
duct In the United Stntcs for ISSS was
f50,0OOO0O. From 4,000,0JJ ( to 8.000,001) of the
populntlon nro ongnged in this Industry Ot
the dairy Btntos , Now York is llrst , Iowa
second and crowding rnpidly the front
Oleomnrgarlno is still the inch enemy of
the dairy interests Though scotched
by national nnd state laws , it Is
far from being dead Its uirilsarcs | nro
ceaselessly nisllvu , hoping to * secure n modi
fication or renoal of the law Dtemnl vlrt-
lunco Is the prlco of success as well as of
liberty In the fight against this fraud begotten -
gotten monster nino-tenths of the whole
country Is with the people of Iowa "
On the question of cold storage ho said :
Many creameries In the xvest dcslro to have
June and often July butter carried in the
hope of realizing were for it in the fall nnd
winter instead of Belling as fttBt a made
the result ot bucIi holding for the past two
years has , in most cases , becu a disappoint
ment , and in some Instances shippers have
been financially ruined Every season there
is loss cull for hold butter ; tbo demand is for
fresh , The present season threatens to bo
disastrous to many who have stored their
butler Probably two-thirds ot the
butter stored In Juno nnd July
Is still unsold , and unless the
market Is relieved by a lnreo foreign
demand tbo stock on hand must ba closed
out nt a vorv low llguro Dairying , to bo
successful , must bo conducted on business
principles Economy must bo studied nnd
practiced Cows must bo kept with a view
to their value as butter producers , and the
sooner unprofitable ones are weeded out the
better Superior quality nnd the lnrgost
possible quantity at the smallest posslblo expense -
ponso should bo the nlm , "
Of Iowa ho said : With your cheap lands ,
abundant pasturage , unliutited resources of
productions , fertile soil , geographical ad-
vantugos and intelligent nnd enterprising
population , if there is any place on the faro
of the earth where dairying can bo success
fully conductoa it is in Iowa No competi
tion , no adversity , no discouragement should
ret.ird your annual march of progress "
Awards were made us follows : Ucst
crouuiorjr butter Mason City Creamery cem-
p nybost ; dairy butter Lizzio Duwson , ot
Clear Lake ; second best dairy butter , .1.
Hicho , of Nora Springs ; third bust dairy but
ter , M. U. Doollttle , of Ccrosco ; grand
sweepstakes , Mason Citv Creamery com
pany best cheese , Minor Creek chceso lao
tory of Cerosco
Ofllcens were elected as follows : Colonel
U. M. LitLlor , Chicago , president : C. L.
Unrbi iclson , New Hampton , vicq president ;
C. W. Sibloy , State Center , treasurer ; J. W.
Johnson , Oskuloosi , secretary
The Uetu.nn Vary
DumjQCE , In , Nov 14. The returns as re
ceived by vanous papers in tbo Btato of the count of the vote in Iowa tn several
counties varyconsiderably on the lieutenant
governorship The Dcs Moines Leader
( dem ) has liguros showing that Poy neor
( rep ) has about 2TS plurality , pvcr Bestow
( dun ) . The News ( ind ) , of Dea Molposf
figures it nbout the same , whllo the Kogistcr
( rep " ) claims ever 2,000 for Poyncor A
special to tlio Hoi aid uerosaja thatowlngto
evident errors in telegraphing the returns It
will takoan ollluial canvass by the oxecutlvo
hoard of the state to decide who is elected
lieutenant governor Hoios for governor ,
has 7,000 plurality , and the rouiaindor of the
state ticket is republican The senate is six
rcpuDllenn by republican claim , the demo
crats rlniming two ot them ua Independents
The house is a tie
Offcndea the Faculty
Des Moines , In , Nov 14. ISpoclal Tele
gram to The Unci Quito a sensation hns
been caused ia college circles in this city
bver the marriage of Lorenzo D Tetor nnd
Gertrude L. Harp , nt the home of thebndo's '
parents , two miles north of ICnoxvllle , a few
davs ago Hoth were students at the Dc9
Moines college in this city It seems that
the young folks had loft the college without
saying anything to any ono , bent only upon
securing their own happlnoss by having the
nuptial knot securely tied Uhoy guinod
the consent of their paronls , although the
fair young bride was but sixteen years of
ago and the groom but twonty-two , and a
wedding was duly colabratod with the accus
tomed festivities The happy couple re
turned to the city and to college But here
they did not moot with such smooth sailing
The faculty of tbo college wus deeply of
fended at tlio course the young couple bad
taken in leaving tbo college without the con
sent ot the authorities At a meeting of the
faculty this morning it was doclded to make
an example of the pair , and both were ex-
pellod The fooling aroused was very great ,
there being quite a difference of opinion us
to the severity of tbo action takCD Mr Tcter
is a particularly studious young man , and
.cnlly has been occupying tha position of
tutor in the college 'Iho faculty only com
plain because they were not-coniultod in tbo
Ho Helloves in Prohibition ,
LeMaks , la , Nov H. JSpecial Telegram
to Tin Hek ] Hon , Qeorgo L. Dobson , of
UuenaVlsta county , a leading cnndldato for
speaker of the house , expressed himself to
day to a reporter very strongly In favor of
the republican party standing byprohlbltion
Ho says that there Is no prospect for the re
peal of tbo law , and that it Is btlll tbo Bottled
policy of the state Other causes than pro
hibition entered into tbo defeat this full ,
The party has never taken a backward step
In this state , and never will At any rate ,
nothing moro will bo done than to submit the
question at a nonpartisan oloctlon Ho said
bo was surprised that some republicans
should take to the woods so soon , If the republicans
publicans of Kansas had shown their
cowurdlco when the whisky poivor had gained
nn apparent victory la the election of Oov-
eruor Click , and proceeded to ropenl the law ,
they would uot have had Buch a majority at
their last election 4'If wo stand by our
principles llko men , " ho saldj "wo will got
10,000 majority at our next election "
Convicted of Murder
MAnsiui.LTOWN , la , Nov , , , l [ Special
Telegram to The IIef ] Tbo lury in the
case of Frank Pcffors , on trial for killing
Juhn Catbers , returned a vordlct-this after
noon of murder in the second degree Gath
ers was stubbed to death on tha [ street Sep
tember 34.
A nifrninist Burreifilcr J
Scbaston Citv , la , Nov U. [ Special
Telegram td Tub Bee ] Byron Pier , tha
bigamist , of whom mention has been made ,
was Indicted by the grand Jury at the last
term of court , nnd , bccomuig tired of hiding ,
recently gave himself up to Sheriff Black ,
and is now in jail awaiting ; tbo verdict ( > f the
judge and jury
Tlio OH Inspectors Ilpport ,
Des Moines , la , Nov , 14. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tub Ueb.J- The third bionnlal re
port of the ttato inspector of oils was re
ceived by the governor today Inspector
Boardsloy calls attention to the establish
ment of now districts and tbo appointment
ot new deputies Now stations oall ' for josl-
dent deputies At the time'of'the report
there were olovcn deputy Inspectors , as fol
lows ! J. K. Mason , Keokuk- John Bohrons ,
DnvonporttfE1 ! p. Udall Dubuquot Oeorgo
L. Stearns , Cedar ItnpmV M , Stone nnd V.
It Lilrd , Dcs.Molncsi W. H. Lynchard ,
Council BlurSD ( 1Helsor , Sioux City ; J.
H. Lcvlnbutno , KagloGrovn ; A M. ICeorlo ,
Mason CityjlVN Ohaso , Ccdnr Falls The
inspector reports that there has boon no well
established caia of lossot llfobythu explo
sion of lnmps , nnd a very small number of
fatal nccldeujrt resulting from tlio use of gas
Tlid'lkiilirhtn ' Tomplnr
DAVKxroirr , In , Nov 14. | Special Tole-
grnm to'litB0lfijK.l The grnnd chapter of
Iowa Hoynl A . roh Masons concluded its work
Inst night , and many of the members of that
body resolved themselves into delcgatos to
the grand commnndery of Knights Templars
otloua , which began its twonty-sixth nni
nual conclave today The knights were
escorted from their hotel to the Mn < sonlc
tempto by Su Simon , of Cyrono commandery
of this city An nddross of welcome was
made by Sir Knight W. 1C White , nnd a
rcsuonso by Orund Commander varnum ,
Then cntno the nnnual address of the latter ,
which contained much uiatonal for leftisln-
tlvo action Ho recommends that the un-
wrltton Templar law bo recorded and en
forced requiting ovnry Templar to procure a
full uniform Matters pertaining to the
twooty-fourth triennial conclave nt Wash
ington were rovlowed Bo dwelt particularly
on the restoration t > f the Iowa commandery
to a position in the grand encamnment , from
which Its members had been excluded by the
rulings of the grand master 'Iho icport of
Grand Treasurer Smith sliovvod receipts
nmonntlng to S 1,051 nnd disbursements of
SJ,4 J ' The comtnundery will conclude its
work tomorrow
Another Masonlo body , the Nnbles of the
Mjstic Shrine , lied a business mooting to
Homn llonn for Ivoniioily
DuAuqub , In , Nov.44. [ Special Telegram
to The Bkb.1 The attorney ot Barney ICon
ucdv , the convicted wlfo murderer of thiB
cloty , now under scntenco ofjdcnth , lcccivcd
a letter today from Governor Larrnbeo , the
tenor of which was , as thev inferred , that
Konnody's sentence would bo commuted to
imprisonment for life The cvldctico on
which ho was convtctod was purely circum
stantial , nud leaves a doubt us to bis guilt
Woninn MifTraulsts1 .
KuAnwET , Neb , Nov 14. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun Bex.1 Iho ninth nnnual
convention of the Womnn's ' State Suffragist
association met In the Presbyterian church
hero this evening Kov W. S. Bnrno3 , of
this city , opened the session with prayer ,
followed by a neat address of welcome by
Mrs Nora M. Jones , president of the asso
ciation of the Tenth district Mrs E. L.
Wnruor , of Roca , secretary of the slate as
sociation , responded with a cheering speech
IC O. Holmci , of this city , made a short
address , followed by Clara Bewiclt Colby ,
editor of the Woman's Iribuno , of Boatnoo ,
wno urged the importance of municipal suf
frage ns the main issue of the association in
this campaign ? nllnded to the suftraco ro-
ccntly granted Spotted Tall and Ited Doir ;
nppoiled to the intollifjenco of the Nebraska
voters in behrtlfof her cause The situa
tion in Kansas wns briolly revlowad The
women of our ' sister Btato nro earnestly
stuuyiug Rcianco The prohibitory amend
ment , If it carries ; must have women to
make it a sutcess when it becomes a law
At present oirun"ialoous can bo prohibited in
citlo ? , but votes'lnust back It 'ino speaker
recommended the association to adopt non
pal tls.ui princfjllbs
Mrs llcnftHi1 Ileoham , of Humphrey ,
made an nddriKB | n "Cato's Opinion "
A memorial for Mrs O. C. Dmsmoro and
Dr Hcttlo IC.l'ainter will bo presented to
morrow H ,
lif <
Thurston.Coutitv'n DlHtrlct Court
Pkndeii , NhbrfiNov 14. [ Special to Tub
Bee ] The llrst term of "Thurston countv's '
distiict courlWiivonos nt this place next
Monday , and { hfliuattornoys conducting the
iprosecution imlhacaso of the State vs Henry ,
Rice , Green1 lUilnh&w and * Gebrgo Black
HaWk , thd three Tddians suspected rif the
murder of little Jiuimio ] 3enjamiii at this
plare the 27th or last July , arc mstling about
looking Up'iH'ory link of testimony obtnin-
ahlo , preimratory'to trial It is believed this
trial will occupy eVer a wcolc of the courts
time , as the preliminary required three days ,
anu there are several new witnesses for the
state There are tlf teen cases on the docket ,
three of which uro criminal
Itnilronil Boutin Can led
Noirrn Lour , Neb , Nov 11 [ Special to
The Bee.j Tuesdays elections resulted ia
the carrying of the railroad bonds by a very
nearly unanimous vet , there being but
three votes against the proposition By the
terms of tlio proposition grading Bhall bo
commenced bv the first day of September ,
lbjO and track to ha laid bv July 1 , 1801.
The road is Incorporated a3 the Missouri
River , North Platlo & Denver railway com
pany und proposes to operate a throuirh main
line North Loup , from Its location , is
destined to be orlo of tbo largest towns on
the now line , and the prospect that the end
of o division will bo located hero is vary
promising The now line will rass through
the center of the very finest part of tbo
state Already manv eyes are turned towaid
the now line , and the towns through wnieh
it passes are beginning to feel the impulse of
new life
A Hrcnnd Inqtirnt Ildil
Ncdkaski Citv , Neb , Nov 14 ISpoclal
Telegram to The Bee | The coroner hold a
second inquest on'tho body of James Cun
ningham , who was found banging In a barn
near S.vracuso on the (5th ( lust , but arrived at
no satisfactory conclusion except that the
cause of death was unknown to the jury and
tlio impression left that it was a case of foul
play .
Calvin Ptnltham testified that bohnd quar-
rolled with the deceased tbo night before ,
and when ho found him hanging the next
morning ho first did work about the farm
before i cporting the matter to thn rest of tlio
family Bvcrv indication points to murder ,
but the jury adjourned without being able toi
fix the blame on any ono
Motlioillst Mlnlxtori
David Citt , Neb , , Nov 14 ISpoclal Tel
egram to The Bee/1 The ministerial asso
ciation of the M. Church of the York
district closed a three days sesbion hero to
night Twenty ministers were present
Killed By a Horses Kirk
Mosiioe , Neb , Nor 14. I Special taTits
Bfb.1 Axel F.rlosort was kicked bv a horse
ho was leading to water nnd died in a few
hours The de ecasod leaves a wlfo and
small child ' . < - " '
; ' )
Thlil Worn in tt's Fire
The grocery1 Mlora belonging to Moses
Stewart , sltuatcd/at Twenty-ninth nnd Bur
den streets wis totally destroyed bv fire , to-
gotber with its , corjtents shortly after mid
night this morning The loss could not bo
ascertained " , „
The Ctlilrt Adjourned
LouisviMEI Niav 13 A dispatch from
Hnnrd corroborates the previous reports of
the rrench-Evo/gol fight In Perry county
When tno flgbt.ppfurred the witnesses nud
attnohes of tha Terry onunty court wore
stampeded nud o court since adjourned
A Pf ngfuKxploslon. \ .
Bsni.iN' i NovuWv By an explosion In the
rovsl Dowdor factory at Ilanau to-dav eight
persons were Killed and twonty-elght In
Knir nnd Ilxnmltlon Mnnn or .
Milwaukee , Nov 14. Tbo international
association of exposition and fair managers
closed today
LH'n-lii I'unn Oro6lr.
Texas Sittings : Major Jack Pott
Como on quick , colonel , Judge FullJ
triggers house is nQro
Colonol.Whipsaw of the Rattlesnake
Ranch Dent care ; ho shot at mo yes
terday ,
But , great Cssar , bo's In it and may
burn up- . "
• Yes , but there's a barrel of good
whisky in the collar that may bo lost '
Smitten Soott , get ont or my way
• fore I run.pyor you ! Why didn't you
say whisky at QrstV"
Ho Doflnoa Hia Position on the
Mayoralty Question
A Liberal Policy Wanted in tlio Denl-
- * lnjrsi With tlio Saloon Men
Mr , Krvln's lteply In
Ninth Wnrd Rrimbllonni
Billy Klorstcnd flrod the first iintl-Broatch
gun of tlio city campaign at the mooting of
the Jnith Ward Uopubllcnn club last nignt ,
and the result ot the shot adjourned the
meeting amid a scene ot tha greatest con
fusion - , t y
'Iho mooting was fairly nttcndod , the club
room nt 2003 ijYirnaai being illled The Hist
business of tno mbotinp ! was the nlloivanco
ottt few , campilgn bills and a claim ot JJ.BO
for ' , kerosene that was earned in a coupld
of big , round , rod-hooped kegs nnd placed la
a cool corner of the room
After n tow preliminary matters had boon
disposed ot Mr Klorstoad , who is president
ofjtho club , look the floor "to make n few ro-
marks " Ho said :
"Gontlcmen of the Ninth Ward Ropubtlrnn
Club : As your president , I wish to say n few
words to jou hi regard to my position on the
mnjoralty question Mayor Broatch has re
peatedly stated that I was two-fneed : that I
htid gene b ick ou him after ho had appointed
mo as n member of the board of public
works ; that I wns a enndiduto for mayor ,
und that I was doing till I could to further
inv Interests at bis expense To this I will
sny I um not a cihdldato and never have
boon } and would uot bo under any circum
stances 1 realize but too well the hardships
imposed on ono who fills tlio position us it
Bhoutd bo filled , nnd nnv talk or my candi
dacy Is spread by ethers than myself I will
say , however , that prominent members of
tblstlub and from other wards have assured
mo that if I. were a candidate they would go
to the convention in my behalf , but I have them nil , 'No , I am hot a candldato , '
and no man will say that I acknowledged to
him that I was n candidate
"I was Mr Broatch's friend during mv
two years in tbo council I stood by him
through all his lights , voted for every veto
bo sent iu nnd was ono of the minority that
stayed faithfully with him nnd the police
commission during those months of wrang
ling , until the courts had enid they were a
legul body , 1 will say for Mr Broatch's nd-
miulstration , and no mau has watched It
closer than I , that ho has not done a slnglo
act where his honesty could bo quslloncd ,
and If ho Is defeated In the coming campaign
ha will turn the administration over to
his successor in hotter shape than
it has ever been since Omaha was a city ,
row men in this room roalb.o what it is to
bo mayor of a city llko Omaha Few men
reilizo how ea-y it is for the city council to
railroad bills through that never oueht to
piss , and It not only takes walehfuluess unit
care to detect their Impci lections , but some
times backbone to veto them Take for Instance -
stance the viaduct ordinaneo passed by the
couucilu few weeks nco It called for the
issue of $150,000 , in bonds to the Union Piicliiu
as soon ns they wore voted , not wait
ing until the depot nnd via
duct were built Mayor Broatch hud
stuminn enough to vote it , notwithstanding
the Union Pacific and other powerful later
csts were urging him to sign it
"Alnvor Broatch has administered the
office according to his interpretation of wiint
was just and right We do not nil think
alike I kno'v 1 have criticised him ou some
things , us any citizen has a right to do , hut
it was because ho enforced the law too strin
gently vand not because ho wus negligent
F r instance , the policy pursued by Mr
Broatch t6wnrds the saloon keepers , I
think , has been too extremely severe
ln' the first pluco ho exacted 11,000 license in
udvauco the first of last January In the
second , no closed thdiu on Sunday , claiming
that bo was obeying the lawand the demands
of the people , neither of which laws did ho
enforce the mst two years of his adminis
tration-when nil was harmony , und the great
majority of the people perfectly satisfied
Heiotoforo they have been allowed to pay
tboir llcenso quarterly In advance , but the
first of last January Mr Broatch instructed
the oity clerk to issue no license unless thoclty
received the whole thousand In advance .
Now , in my opinion that was a great hard
ship to many saloon keepers If it had
diminished the number of saloons , then it
would have done goodbyuttalnjng the object
sought for , but it did not Two hundred and
sixty-oight saloon keepers paid their $1,000 ,
which was moro than the j car before Very
few saloon men b yo $1,000 In cash on hand
They go to tlio bank and borrow It , giving
their notes at 10 per cent , interest , and some
of tbem giving a mortgage on their saloons
Ndw , if this money was needed all at oneo by
the city it would bo different , but it Is not
It goes U ) tbo school fund , and is paid out
monthly to the teachers and Janitors Tno
city treasurer deposits this money the next
day in the sumo banks it was borrowed from
the uay before They thee hold the saloon
keepers notes , drawing 10 per cent interest ,
and huvo the money ready to loan out again
Thorcfoiol think tbo quarterly payment
system the moro just , because where ho pays
$1,000 In advauco it does no ono but tbo
banks any good , and costs him , witli inter
est , $1,100 , instead of J1.U00 , and the bank is
the institution that profits "
Hero Mr .Klorstoad was interrupted ,
Andy Wiggins was there and wanted to ask
a question O. P. Howard also wanted to
put in a question Tbo club took sides , and
lor a few minutes the uproar waa so great
that the sDeukcr's ' voice wns drowned in the
general gabble Mr Seward finally made a
demand ' lor a temporary chairman , and M.
S. Lindsay was called to presldo After
some further interruption Mr Klorstoad
proceeded :
• 'As to closing tbo saloons on Sunday , it is
but trying to enforce prohlbilion'ono day in
the wcok , and it is absolutely impossible It
simply manes wrangling and contention
without accomplishing its object Men who
drink liquor will get it on Sunday as well as
on Saturday , If they can not buy a slnglo
drink in a saloon on Sunday they will buy a
bottle beforehand , and nine limes out of
ten drink more than they want It nas boon a
ftpluro wherever tried , and lost Ohio to
the republican party last wcok Governor
Forakor , tbo brainiest man in the state , ono
with whoso administration no posslblo fault
could bo found , wus beaten , and the cause of
it was the split in the party caused by the
mayor of Cincinnati closing the saloons on
Sunday Human nature is allno tbo world
over Men will not lut others dictate to
t&un what they must do without rebelling
rin a temperate man myself and seldom
| Mi > a drink , but I think if 1 were In a pro
motion town I would bo dry all tbo tlmo
• "I'ho Ninth ward supported Mr Broatch
in the convention before and I think they
will do so atratn , and if ho is nominated I
hope bo will pledge himself before the con
vention to a more liberal policy , and no man
In the party will work harder for him th au
I. Let the , saloon men pay their licenses
quarterly and keep their back doors open
Sundays , and lie will bo otcctod by a hand
some majority It Is not the
extreme cranks on oithcr side
that control the election , but the
people that want harmony and not continued
wrangling and discontent Dent ' run Omaha
It ) the interest of Council Bluffs aud CutOff
lake Let us keep our money at borne
Thousands of dollars are taken out of Omaha
every Sunday because it can not bo spent
here Wo have a glorious future boforc us
Lot as pursue a policy of pence aud harmony ,
aud uot ono ot continued strito Omuba ia
the gateway to an empire We are in the
center of the richest agricultural country
on earth , and , with a wise and
liberal policy , but a few years
will clapso botoro Omaha is a city of half a
million people Doa't try to make it a Now
England puritanical town , but a broad gauge
western city It Is no argument to say it is
the law , and must absolutely ba euforcod ,
because not halt our laws are strictly on
forced It they were no street camor rail
ways could be operated on Sunday , Tha
smelting works , employing 000 men , would
huvo to close , and there Is do more legal
right to enforce it in ono case than the other ,
' 'I hope the republican party will not enter
thu campaign with the battle cry of repub
licanism and tbo churches on tbe ono side ,
as against tbo saloons and democracy on the
other If they do they will go down to in
evitable defeat The object lesson of Iowa
before us , where the banner state of all the
union has boon wrested from the republican
party through strlfo engendered by the
liquor question , Is a lesson no snno man enn
afford to Ignore "
K. S. Krvln wns on his feet before Klcr-
stcad finished nnd began a speech In reply
Mr Ktorstctd protested that ho ww not
through yet , nnd amid cries of "Go on , "
Hold on , " "Kiorstcod , " "Ervfn , " Mr Klor
stead presented a resolution declaring It to
bo the sense of the Ninth wnrd republican
club that the ropubllrwis should go Into the
city cnmptlga on a moro liberal plnifonn to
ward the saloons a policy that will nllow *
Uiem to keep their unck doors open on Sun
day nnd to pay their license lu tuimtorly In
stallments *
The resolution brought every man In the
liouso to his foot , nnd Cbnrlov Johnson's dog
jumnod up in the window and barked Act
in ? President Lindsay pounded the tahlo for
order , and finally succeeded In stating the
Then Mr Ervin wns given nn opportunity
to speak Ho said ho enmo from Iowa , und
lnlSj21iad spent six weeks stumping thnt
state for prohibition Ho did It because It
was a party moiiMiro The first attempt nt
tha enforcement of the law made
him an nntl-m-ohibltioiilst , nnd no had
been com pell oil to leave Ipwn because tha
law was killing the Mnto nud ruining his
business1 ' Prohibition is a fnrco , " snld Mri
Krvln "It cant bo enforced The tcmoei'f
nnco people , the best element of thorn In
Iowa , found this out , and nt the last oloctlon
Joined with the democrats iu declaring for a
high llcenso and locnl option law , similar to
our Slocumb law , and It Mr Klorstond's ' reso
lution u carried into the convention nud tlio
Slocumb law is not enforced In Omaha , then
ptohtuttlon will bo voted In Nebraska tn two
years from now The great Ubornl element
of both parties will become disgusted and
vote for prohibition if you attempt to run
open saloous in Omaha on Sunday "
Mr Krvln went ou to compliment Mr ,
Broatch upon the success of his administra
tion How could Broatch do anything to
ward enforcing the laws tlio llrst vear of till
administration , when no wns opposed by a
lawbreaking counelll" warmly demuiiuud
Mr Brvln oxplnlncd Forakor's defeat in
Ohio to third termism , the simo rock
against which Hilly Coburn's ship whs
wrecked , " ho added , Ho claimed that no re
publican could ba elected who did not run on
Mayor Broatch's ' platform of closing the
saloons on Sunday nnd nt midnight Ho
said there is no strougor man than Mr
Broatch for maser because ho will enforce
the law in the future us ho has in the past
As far as ho was concerned , Mr Emu said
bo would rather go with the republican pai ty
to defeat on the platform of the enforcement
ot the Slocumb law than to win on such a
platform as Mr Kiorstcad had proposed
MrKlorstoad secured the floor to reuly to
Mr Ervin , but was intoiruptod by Wiggins ,
Seward , ptnl , and thu pandemonium of the
first part of tbo meeting was in a fair way to
bo repeated when some one offucd n motion
to adjourn , and the majority of the club took
this method of getting out of the mess und
adopted the motion
It Arrnimei lor tlio PriiuniicB and
Com n Olly IHccttnn
The republican city central committee held
a mooting at the Millard hotel last night
There wns a full attendance nnd consldor-
nblo discussion D. II Morccr presided and
B. P. Redman acted as secrotnry
It was decided to hold tlio pnmni ies on
Wednesday next from 12 o'clock noon until 7
p. in The convention will bo held on Thurs
day at 2 p. m. in tbo police court loom , if It
can bo seemed , and if it cannot bo had the
piesidcntand secretary were authorized to
select bohio ether sultablo plnco aud notify
the voters through the papsrs
Each ward will bo represented by seven
The matter of selecting judges nnd clerks
for the primaries elicited considerable dis
cussion William Kelley moved that the dif
ferent ward clubs ba instructed to select
these judges und cIoiks , - but this was
stionglv objected to on the ground that the
clubs did not represent all the rppublicans in
the various wards and was finally with
drawn , nud it was decided that tl e members
of tbo central committao fiom cacti Ward
name the judges and Clerks
Another wUno elephant was sprung on
the meeting bv a motion that the pri
maries be held under > the state law
gnveraing primary elections , which
provides that only these who nro republi
cans can vote at a rppuolican primary and
democrats nt a democratic primary The
question of fixing the qunliticalions .of a
voter as tn his republicanism was thu stick
ing point , und it was proposed to fix ns a
qualification that only these who had voted
the republican ticket at the last presidential
election , or who declared their intention of
voting that ticket at tbo coming election ,
should bo considered entitled to vote Alter
a boated discussion ou this point the ques
tion was laid on tbe table
The delegates from the various wards an
nounced the following places for holding the
primaries :
First Ward Eleventh and Pierce
Second Ward 1422 South Thirteenth
Third Wnid 110 South Twelfth
Fourth Ward 303 South Sixteenth
Fifth Ward 1151 Sherman avenue
Sixth Ward 2200 North Twenty-fourth
Seventh Ward 1212 Park avenue
Eighth Ward 2I0J Cuming street
Ninth Wnrd 2U03 Parnam street
The following are the judges and clerks of
the primaries , there being two judges and
ono clerk In each ward ;
First Ward B. M. Smith , Thomas Shea ,
Fred Ilorzlta
Second Ward Dan Shelley , August
Schroeder August Gatowood
Third Wnr d A. O. Decker , A. Sbornblll ,
Irwin Duggan
Fifth Ward B. F. Redman , II G , Couns-
mnn , John Wallace
Sixth Ward W. A. Grant , A. S. Stocn ,
II J. Wells
Seventh Ward M. D. Hyde , P. J. Qua
Icy , C. L. Thomas
Eighth Ward H. A. JMcCuno , Aaron
Heel , L. F. Mngmn
Ninth Ward S , P. Hannan , Gcorgo Benson -
son , James Brophoy ,
The Fourth ward dologatlon announced
that they would select the Judges und clerk
In that ward today aud make them known ,
The Domocrutlo Committee
The domocratlo central committee will
meet at Twelfth and Far nam streets to
morrow night for the purpose of issuing a
ca 11 for tbo democratic city convention ,
First Ward DomoQrats
A meeting of the First ward democratic
club was billed for MoU' ball , on South
Tenth street , last night Owing to tbo fact
that but a dozen or so attended , it was do
clded tp postpone the mooting until some
f uturo time
Bow Kdlson'fi Invention Affects the
Ears With New Ills
As civilization advances now diseases
are not only discovered , but are actually
produced by the novel agonclQS which
uro brought to hoar on mans body and
mind , says the British Medical Journal
The inoroo.60 ol insanity throughout
the world is unquestionably duo to the
storm and stress of our crowded mod
ern lifo , and almost every additloa
which bcionco makes to the con vonionco
of tno majority scorns to bring with it
some new form of Bufforlng to the few
Railway traveling has its amnri illiquid
in the shape of slight , but possibly not
unimportant , Jolting of the nervous
centers ; the olectiio light has already
ercutod a special form of oph
thalmia , and now wo have the telephone
indicted us * v cause of oar troubles ,
which loact on the spirits , and indi
rectly on the gonorul noaltb M.
Golle has observed , not in womaa only ,
but in strong-minded nnd able
bodied mon , symptoms of whut wo call
aural overpressure , " caused by the
condition of almost constant strain of
the auditory apparatus , in which per
sons who use the telephone much have
to spend a considerable portion of each
working day In some cases , else , the
ear seemed to be irritated by the con
stantly recurring sharp tlcklo of tlio
bell , or by the nearness of the sounds
convoyed through the tube , into a state
at ovor-sonsitivouobs viilch made it in
tolerant of sound , us the eye , yvhon In
flamed or irrllablo , becomes \mablo to | J - jf
bear the tight T" %
The pationti suffered from nervous r " 1
oxcltoblllty , with buzzing noises in the ' M
oar , cldilinoss and notiriugla psutiB In , 1
addition to these stibjootlvo symptoms ; l i\ \
M. Gollo in some ensci found logons , } l 11
puch asasublnllnmmatory condition of j
the mombraiia tympanl A Bimilnr I
condition of things Is often scon in per i I
soni who spend a largo portion of their B
lives amid the jar and crash of mn-
ohlnorv AU the trouble otiuodllr vanished -
ishod If the onr U allowed a Kiifllplont
measure ot physiological rest ; this it
can only obtain b.v the cause of the
evil being withdrawn The victims of
"tolonliono tinnitus , " it wo may so
haptbo this latest addition to the ills
thnt noli Is heir to , socms nil to boot
marked nervous organisation , and the '
moral may bo drawn that such '
persons should not usb the telephone K
all housTekeepers . I
iriliej toasnl Ukai.tii nnd Kconomv , xhould liar I ' !
United nlnl I'rusliol ; {
uahilv iir.i.siituiciiv ) : : ) i > mi : > Aituu
Potti iiv AM.ilnnoMiK.tnd for < lrcutnr < Aoto j
Tin : OriiKAi.s Aim Co , SJ Murray su , .NonVort , m
or thk runuc cii.vum' . ;
l stcit > lisliocl in 1S7S ,
nv Titr j H
CATinNAr , aowitoirVT H
Ol'KltATKI ) K
Under a Twenty Yean Centrajt by th I , K
lucslcaq , Internatlnul Improvomnt | iHl
Company iB >
Grand Monthly Drawings hold in the Moiosnus H' |
l'million In thu Ahtmeda l' .iric , Citv of .Muxl- H >
en , nud publicly conducted by ( lovcrnment H'l
Ulllrlals uppolulod for thn purpnsa by tno 1 Hti
Sccretnrlus uf tko interior and tiw Treasury ' . Hi ,
LOT I'llRV Her
or tmh H |
Beneffimcia' Publics I
The moni111v lour dull ir Drnwlnj ; Hi
will 1)0 iK'Ilt in ilie Kj
City of Mexico on Dcccute 15111,1889. , 1
80,000 Xlc'cof- Si , ijI ISOOOO H'
l'rlr * of Tickets American Jtonoy , Bb
WltOUSl : HAIiVLSS 2. QUiU'AIUlS 1 !
t.isr or vniisis Hj
i capitalrm/.ioT : jo.nuii $ noooa ?
1 CAi'ii'Ai.Pinznur tM/nou > ooa Mb
l CAi-ii'Ai.i'iti/.iior jo.otxiis 10,000
i uitANii l'liuuoK y.uooii a.uoo i M
'irm/.rsor 1,000 nro 'uxw B
r. l'HI/.ICMOK Mil rv , . . . . J.OU0 HI
a ) lmzidoi ' au uro . . . . 4ooj Bl
, ICM J'ltr/.t'SOI > ' 103 aio , . . . 10.00J Bl
MO lHI7.K'U > i' fill ore 17.UX ) SI
UH1-U1/.LSOI * • Xlnro . . ll.ObU BJ
Al'IMIOXIMATin * * Pltl/1 S. H
IJOPrlzesof Wl npp toru.oiM 1'ilze. 8 0,000 BJ
Hul'rlitaof fiOai-p. to : % M > i0l > rl7e 7r.'JJ ' Bl
UOPilro of luanp to 1 ( > ,01)J l'nzo tl,00J . Bl
TV'J'lVunltmls ol J..M , I Bl
decided by , , 80,003 Prlro , . . . 15,080 | BJ
22"(11'rlzcs ( , . . .Amnuntlni-toifliSKW | M
All prl7os Bold In the United Status Mil paid lu i Bl
U. S. Q BJ
-jt- |
i . , , lm
tsrron Cr.un ItATCor any further Inform B ]
atinu desired , ivrlto legibly to tha undersigned , H
clearly fltutlii-f jouriusideiicB , wiltistato , couni > M
ty.htreet nnd number Mole r.ipldreturn mall J | M
dellinry will bo nssuroil bv jour enclosing au is M
em elope bearing your full nddriiss & M
Address U. IIASSnTTl , , f H
Citv or Mexico Mexico B ]
By ordlniry letter , uoiitalnlui * Moni.v Oituiin M
lssuca by all lxpri ! < sa Companies , Now Vorlc Ux- M
chungo , lirattor Postal Note M
Spronil Kantmo < i , H
Dy terms of contract the i mpiny must de- Bl
posit the sura uf all prizes included In the M
sclicmu beroro sclllui ; a slucle ticket , nnd re- , Bl
eclvo -Tuliowlng olllclal permit : 1 H
CE11S'U'ICA1K. 1 lierrou icrtifu thnt the | BJ
Ihmitnf 7D ii don and Mcilcu lias a eptcfal dc- M
jiosfr the luxexsniy funds tn yiim-roifce the van I M
mint i > f all vrlzcsamumbuUte IMtila CU , lalient- ' M
A'Oli NAll CASTILLO , Inlcrvtntnr BJ
Further , the Company Is required to dlstrlb- J Bl
utc lirty-slx per cunt of the value ot all the $ Bl
tickets la prlzes-n larger propoitioa tlian Is M
given by any otlior Lottery , H
1 inally , the numbar ot tcVets Is limited to B
EU.tKA ) l i.iKM lo si Hum nre soldliy other loll urlos M ]
using the Raine schemes > M
bv ffiS nco cnoas diamond dhaud , H |
' • SSKiV M Hufe , luroand ftlwt T rflioUo Indies , cull - B
' / " i7rIru2ifUtrtirIkliiDiiind limn 1In red BitUllli . BBJ
, . Jf boi .cololwlthiAlucrlbt-on TuhoMiootkrn , 1 BV ! !
i C * Hctd * * • • * ' ! " > tor P rtleuUri and * MtcUcf tor \ AVB
n-X t ? JmiIIc * , " ir * ltt cub J return mnll.fiamiJ'urxl 3BTJM
- r CliloUntcrClJCin.Co BnUWubtj lblU i * F H
t n we ak m c Kla 'sssrssva ) m
" , , • ta , , ,
s Ml ffirI K KIl . $ m
Lock ltox 156. Uetroll.Mlch , . ,
Coiner ltlth nnd I'aruam btreots , Chamber ot > Bl
Coinmerco llullding , , H
Cnpltal Stock $100,01)0 ) [
Llnliilitj of StocltholdcrH 800,000 ] BJ
rive per cent paid on deposits , loam main un real f |
rBtHluiuili ( > er- piiiilffocuritnute [ , vrurrauts , blocks ' . H
and liunUu purclinsud , M
HAMUJ' .l.COl.NKIt , VlcoPro-llmt. H
DHXTKIt I. THOMArf , Oulllcr B ]
l:0AUI)0l'l : > IUKUTOH3.
John I > . JUIcs , Krnilus lleuaon , H
Hnmuet ( otner , John II Kruns , H
Andrew ItiMimntor , Morns Morrison , M
W , A. J. . ( UMioii , CuorxeK.IInrker , M
< ! ot AlvlnHuundoM , Dexter I.1 homn * , 1 H
Nlirninii A.Kulin , Jumoi'lliumiisOii , I H
V , U. Johnson , * John Itush , I M
D. Andernon f H
and 151U Sis
S. W.CorncrFarnam .
mill in Cnultnl $500,000
OI'TJCClt3 ! :
GEO 1' . IiAIlKIIt President ' BJ
1" . li HIKllHOWBII , Vlco Prestilent Bl
V. D. JOIINbON , Iashler Bl
W. S. KKOTUIt , AssUtanC Cashier B ]
duuotohs : : BJ
flEO E. IHllKFIt , J. If , Ml'CONMSr.t , B ]
li U Illl.IlllOWKil , Ciiah Mn/ , M ]
if Ji.Jonr.bON , JN Ojiinhii , f B ]
Ij U. Wjimahs , J.UhUhES , H
H. It JOHNSON 8v. . Cnor , H
B. A , llrNbON , ( lUbrAV Andeiisox , M |
Accounts of banker * , merchants end IndividBJ
unla received on the most favorable terms , , BJ
U , S. DEP031TCEY. ' }
Capital $500,000 i. |
Surplus 100,009
UEUMAN KOUNT/.E. 1'resldent , H
JOHN A. OUI'IUHTOX , Vice Pros ident BJ
t > . II OAVIB Cashier B |
IV II Ml'aUIBlt , Assistant Cashier BJ
If U. OATKS , Asilstant Cashier BJ
Safety Dopostt Vaults In Basement , BJ