" " - - . . - - . - - • • - - . - - . W r . r 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi ffHTJESDAY , NOVEMBER 14. 1889. i | Bf * ' ! i I hi mmmm * mmm0 mrm m mmmmm mmm i im i i I i i.im i i.i .1 11 . , . 1 1 mmmtm 1 , . 1 1 mi 1 1 , 1 11 ii..i im n 1 l im - ! . ! 1 i mi mi 1 nullum imm w L AN IMPOSING CEREMONY Hr HI ; Dedication of the Cntholla TJnlvor- Hl- Blty at Washington H | PRESIDENT HARRISON ATTENDS H - 7M or ton , Secretaries tJInlnc , Hush , BMjf Tracy , Noble , Wliulnm nntl At tor- Hr ncy General Mlllrr Present H81 The Tnnnli H If The rntliollc Uolli-iie Consecrated H AVABinxnTON , Nov 13 Ttio ceremonies H of the dedication of the Catholic university H of America begun nt 10.3U this morning w' .tb Hj tin address by Cardinal Gibbons This was H followed by chnntlng the "Vonl Creator H SplntuV by 2.10 students The building H was then blessed by Cardinal Gibbons wbllo HB the choir chanted the MNercro " H Shortly nftor 1 o'clock the Most Kov Mgr H Satolli , archbishop of Lo Panto and special HB roprcscntutlvo of the pops , bcir.in the cole HH bratlon In the chnpol of the pontifical mass Hj of the Holy Ghost , assisted by a number of B prdmlncnt divines Itt How Utsbop Gil- HS itiour , of Clovelnnd , preached the sermon HB During the celubrntloD of the mass Kcv HB Father Fidelia ( James Kenlstono ) superior HB of the Order of the 1'asMonistB In Uriizll , nd- HBj > drcsBcd nn overflow uudloneo in ono of the Hflr largo lceturo rooms A lartro purl of thu HBj corcmonlos had to bo omitted on account of BHj , the inclement xveutbor A cold , tlrizzllncrnln HBj fell ( luring the Krciter part or the day Mho HBJ formal procession around the striicturo was HflJ abandoned , but the ceremony of blessing the BR ] ' libiltlintf was performed by the cardinal pass HBj inn through the corridors preceded by ueo- HBj lytcs bearing lighted tapers The exterior BB § nnd interior decorations were cUboruto aud BHr . the national colors predominated In uvcry- Hflj tiling Alnsscs of cut flowers , palms jiml HBj' ' other follaeo plants occupied every avnilnblo HBJ space , whllo Hubs , both largo and small , were HBj draped about the windows aud doors and BHu festooned from the ceiling and the chuudo- r Iter Everywhere throughout the great j building bolorc the ceremonies began high Hj > church dignitaries , laymen Und rcpresonta- H tlvcs of the Franciscan , Dominican and An- H gustlna orders of monks , cacn in his distiuo- j tivo robe of purple , black , white Or gray , H. mingled in picturesque groups H The divinity building of the university K dedicated today occupies a commanding po- H sltion on a knoll overlooking ttio Soldiers H Homo Park The central portion of the , building Is ilvo stories High , the rctnnindcr K four It is constructed of Georgetown blue H' gneiss rocic in a modernized Itomnncsquo H , style of architecture When the cntiro plan H | of the university lias been carried out thcro B will bo seven buildmgs which will do M. grouped around the dlvluitv building , which H' is the oniy ono erected nt present , but the HVM sites for the others huvo been chosen Hj Secretaries Blaine , Ituslt , Trucy , Noble B nndVintloin and Attorney General Miller BBM arrived In time lo participate in iho banquet BBS which took phco nftor 1 oclock Covers BBJU wore laid for 2V ) guests Cardinal Gibbous BBB1occupied n seat at the head of the table , and BBJj on his rlglit wore Cardinal Tuschercau , and BBS Archbishops Satolti and Fubro Curd.nul BBM Gibbons vis-a-vm was Sccrotary Ulainu , BBV Who una Hanked by Arcbistiops Hyan , BBM AVilliams ami Uulinmol on the loft nnd riec- BBK retaries Tracy , Noble and Husk on the right BBM Bishop Kuan ? acted as toast master t' . .o BBB first toast , Ills Holiness , 1'opu Leo XIII , " BBM was roponded tu by the Most Rev Mgr BBM Satolli , tlio representative of the pope , wuo BBM Bpoko'in TvUtln IIo said ho was glad to see BBM so thoroughly representative a body , fur it BBM meant tliut till nations weio workiug Willi MBBK America for Catholic ovangelizution BBM * - Secretary Blalno , In responding to the BBM toast Our Country and tier President , " BBM said , "I couiu to represent the United Suites * BBM not in any political sense , nor In connection BBM' with any church , buttospoak for all thegrent BBB freedom which wo enjoy I have mndotbis BBB , statement in Protestant assemblies and urn BBB glad ' td miiko It In Catholia ones " Ho re- BBB ferrcd to tbo adminlstratiou as ono which BBB - bad produced good results , and continuing BBB BBB * 'Tumgladof every college that is endowed BBM' Every iustltution of lcnrning increases BBM , culture , which I believe wilt build up the BBB , government of this great country of ours BBB ; under which nil are frco and equal " lllaino BBMi ' was loudly cheered'during his remarks BBB1 Cardinal Taschorcau , of Canada , was re- BBM ; spondlug to the toast , Our SIsior Univarsl- BBB ties , " when the Marino Imiul struck up BBB i Hall to thu Chief , " and President Harrison BBB entered the hall The cntiro ussemblugo BBB' ' arose and applauded until the president BBB' took the neat reserved for him on the loft of BBB ; * ' Cardinal Gibbons As soon as the president BBB was seated Bishop Keana proposed bis BBB1 health , which was drank standing In ro- BBBj , sDonsc to urgent calls for u speech , tbo BBB > prcsiilontsaid : BBJ "I tun thankful for the rccoption you have BBBJ , given mo I have avoided speechmaking BBBJ ' < neretoforo on occasions of this Jtlnd Ic has BBpft ; ' been my fortune often to have thatcovonant BBB * ; broken by being compelled to make a speech BBBJ J I am Rtiro you will permit mo to exact n BBBJcompliance with that covenant and again BBBJ ( to Minply thank you for your kindly BjBjf , greeting ' ' BBBJ/t Vice President Morton and wlfo entered BBBJ the hall Just us the president concluded and BBBJ Were shown scats near Cardinal Gibbons BBBJ" Thu next toast , The Hierarchy of tbo HBBJU United States , " was responded to by Car BBBJ • dinal Gibbons Several ether addresses wcro BBBJ made BBBJ' Tho'ncxt ccromony was the presentation BBBJ , of a bust of St Thomas Arm inns , , a gift of BBBJ the Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland BBBJresiding in Homo , bv Archbishop Satolli , BBBJ' Tlio day'b celebration then closed with the BBBJ , Inaugural oxerciscs , which took place In tbo BBBJ" lecture room B ; ' * the ' DAM GAVE WAV BBBJL Iwo IjIvci liost and "Mnoli Property B/ "VVreokoel in Coiiudn H , Alton , Out , Nov 13. Early this morn H • I"S the dam at McClcnin's ( louring milt , BBBJj > , v' . ubout n milo west of hero , broke and the H wuter swept down toward tbo town , carry Hp - lag uway sir mill dams and four bridges , H v wrecking half a dozen mills and sov- BBBsi , oral dwellings , and doing thousands BBBJf * , of dollars worth of other dnmugo BBBJk The house of an old couple named Harris BBBJj' was carried away and both drowned Many BBBJL1 , other residents had narrow escapes The BBBJfc Canadian Pacific company's bridge over the BBBJL * river was wrecked Thodamngo dona by BBBMx , the wrecking und carrying away of mills BBBM > . . and dams it placed at about 2UU0O , but uo BBBM' estimate oan be made yotof the amount of BBBMother datnace dona BBBM | > • BBBMtTlio Miscflluiii-niiH ICefarniora H | . CniCAao , Nov 13. In response to a call BH Hk for a national convention of political reform H2' ,7 ° "i irrespcctlvo of party , thirty prohlbltion- Hl' Ists , twonty-four union labor people , six Hf' eroenbacuors and two republicans assoniDlod BBBMnt Central Music hall today to look matters BBBMe BBBMTho mooting was called to prdcr br Alfred BBBBte ; Clark , of Chicago , and various topics were BBBBT' dlcussed The call for these wtio favored BBBM' . 1 , equal suffragofor both sexes resulted in BBBBfc everybody standing except ono farmer from BBBr lowu Committees were appointed The BBBMf' object of the convention Is to establish a BBBK * union and consolidation of tbo forces that BBBMjf possess tbo lawmaking power There Is a BBBBf Kencral feeling against monopoly in all BBBBf.forms , the ropubllcun and democralto parties BBBBi and the saloons , and in favor of ballot and BBBK civil service reform BBBBT At tonight's mooting the committee on BBBBlt resolutions presented the following t BBBflp ) Uosolvod , That wo commit ourselves to BBBBi" flnanilal reform , to the abolition of tbo BBBBj liquor truDic to equal sulTrage , to tariff re- BBBJI form and the government control of tbo BBBBJ meant of transportation und communication BBBBCA committee was uppoiatod to prepare an BBBBK'address to the public BBBBJ' BJBBM' Hlmt nt n WntUlliiix Party , Hp Cincinnati , Nov la Miss Amanda Stag . E- , sr , nineteen years old , daughter of Henry BH BMT Stegnor , forroorly atsistaut treasurer , died BBBJj" today from tbo offeot of a pistol shot ro > BBBBJ " * " celvod last night wbilo watching tbo return BBBK4 of a wedding party ChurlesThowarlah has BBBK' 'J Vceu arrested on suspicion of having fired BBBBE the shot t BBBBE A Ulir Hotel Fire BJBHK r DjlU.18 , Tor , Nor lJ The Capital hotel BBBBJ . , burned this morning ; loss , KJOO.000 ; tnsu- BBBM ranee , tSooOOO Tbo guests lese nearly all j. their sftocts ' TUB U/VHli / HALti CONVENTIONS Nntlonal tionRno Ulrectom novlslnu elm ItiilrB Atnericiin Astoclntlon Ntiw YoitK , Nov VI At ft mooting of the board of directors of the National league bnso ball association this morning , N. E. Young was ro-clccted secretary , nnd tbo New York club was nwarded the champion ship pennant In the rcrnilar scsston of the league , bold tills afternoon , the reports nf the board of directors nnd the committee on playing ruloa were accepted The committee appointed to confer with the brotherhood last Juno presented their report and tholr request to bo discharged tvns granted The report obtained copies of oflliinl correspond ence between Spalding and President Wnrd , of the brotherhood In n letter to bis follow members Spnldlngsaya that the brotherhood claims tnat the classillcation rule violates nn understanding had with the brotherhood In 1887. The only speclllc chnrgo they mnko Is in the case of SutclKTo , of the Cleveland club , who , tlioy claimed , received n snlnry of $2,001) , from the Detroit club in IBbS , and had signed with Cleveland for 18S9 nt the class licntlon flauro of $1,750. A resolution was then adopted , slating that although ns a matter of fact ho didn't slim n contract con taining the perpetuating salary clause for the season of 1SSS , ho , however , signed n con tract with tbo Detroit club under date ' of October 24 , IS87 , previous to bis ngrcemont- with the brotherhood committee , nnd al though tliore is Bomo doubt as to whether SutelllTodld not voluntnrlly contract to piny for the Clovolnnd club nt a loss salary , yet , as it was n plain intention on the part of both parties ut the time the brotherhood contract was agreed upon thnt plavors when incrcnftor reserved for the ensuing soai'on should rccoivo not less thnn the same salary snccltlcd in the contract for the cur rent season , it is hcroby ordorcd thnt tno secretory of the league pny SutchfTo $ U"iO , being the dllTerenco between the amount paid htm fnr his services with Uotroltfor the Reason of lbSS and the nmount thus far paid him by tbo Cleveland club for tbo season of 18S ! > . The romoludor of the soision wns devoted to a discussion of the classification rules nnd the rules relating to the sale nf players nnd tbo po'centqgoi of visiting clubs Thu delcgatesto the American association convention this afternoon struck a snng on the election of president for the ensuing year , which was the first business takcu up Two candidates wcro plucod in the field for the ofllco U. C. Kruthoh , of the Kansas City clu6 , was named by ttio Byrne faction , whllo thu opposition presented tbo name of Zach Phelps , of LouisvllK A ballot was taken nnd it was found that each enndiduto roceivcd four votes A socondballot | brought the same result At 0:30 : an adjournment was taken until tomorrow without a result being reached Ttin tlroiliorlinnd New Yonn , Nov 13. John Wnrd said to night that the brotherhood had purchased grounds for the now Urooklvn club They uro situated at tbo corner of Fulton street and Mauhattan Beach "dossing , aad tbo stated purchase price is $100,000. TUE hl'EEP JUNG ' Kllzibeth IlncpR Eluaheth , Nov 13. Summary of to-day's ' races : Six furlongs Civil Service won , Oregon second , Wheeler T. third , limo 1:23Jf. : Milo and throo-slxtccnths Harnstor won , Too Leo second , Newburg third Time 2:183 : , * . Six furlongs Benefit won , Tnctus second , Oregano third Time 1'J7. Milo and ono-sixlcenth Lonely won Pel- ham second Glory third Time 2:0BJ : * . Six furlongs Golden Uulo won Freedom second , Vnrdco third Time 1:33. : Milo and otio-sixteenth St Nick won , Glcnmound second , Royal Garter third Time 2:03 : > if The American TutT Congress Cuicaqo Nov IS The annunl meeting of tho'Amcrlcan Turf coneress today discussed the rules drawn up by Secretary Bruce as amendments to the prcsent . rulcs The most Important change was the alteration of clause A of rule 47 to read , ' there shall bo no dash glvon for horses in ' roe years old and upwards less than ono milo " It was adopted by a vote of 0 to 2 , Judge Perking of La- tonia , and Ezokicl , of Birmingham , dissent ing Section U , in thoproamblo , reading ; Sub scribing jockey clubs shall agree that no con tract for betting privileges shall bo made with any association ot bookmakers , " was stricken out Tno rule in rotmrd to foul riding and fraud waschangod to read : Anyone - ono ruled oft for fraud shall stand ruled off fo r lifo " Uulo 10 wns changed to read : When two or moro horses stnrt in a race in the same interests , or wholly owned or in part by the same parsons , thuy shall bo coupled and sold in tin ono liorso.in all pools " A number of minor changes were made nnd several were referred to the commit Leo to report tomorrow m CRYING J'pit MOTHER nnndsomc Henri broken Mr * . Hans Sulcirt' ' By Drowning Chicago , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun HeIv , ] At a late hour last night an of ficer of the Larrabco street station was at tracted to a house on ShcMcld uvonuo by tbo cries of children Ho entered and found a little girl llvo years old and a three-year-old boy crying for their mother They were taken to the morgue , where the body of a handsome woman thirty-five years of ago who had committed suicide by jumping in the river during the tiftornoon was exhib ited They nt once identified her as their mother , Mrs Itosa Haas Inquiry showed that Mrs Huus' husband had been blind for the lost three years and was lately sent to the poor house Tbo family , consisting of two children nnd the mother , were in very destitute circumstances , aud despondency Is supposed to have been the cause of tbo womuu's act American Acatlumv ol Medicine Ciiicauo , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hm : . ] Thothlrtcouth annual session of the American Academy of Medicine opened In this city today , Ddlegatos wcro present from all parts of the country The meeting was called to order by tbo prcsldont , Dr L. Conner , of Detroit , who welcomed the gentlemen - tlomon to tbo gatlierliig.Than the report of tbo council was submitted Sixty-soven follows , as the members uro called , were elected A committee on nominations was appointsd , to report tomorrow afternoon Dr Justin E. Emerson , of Detroit , read the report of the standing somniiUca on the requirements of preliminary education in tbo various modlcal colleges ot tbo United States and Canada The reports of special committees were ro- colvod , pud n variety ot papers to tlio interest of the modiual fraternity wuro read This attornoon President Conner delivered his an nual address , the subject being 'Tbo Amer ican Academy of Mcdlciuo , Its Signs of Promise and Obstacles ; Its Field of Labor aud Some Suggestions Looking to an In- orouso of Its Efficiency " i m X Murderers jjwl'nl Death Wooontjiir , N. J. , Nov , 13. Joseph M. Illllman was hanged hero this morning for the murder In March last of a Polish peddler named Herman Seldmann When the body shot Into tbo air a distance of fifteen feet tlio noose failed to tighten and the rope slipocd around on the wretched mans uuck Ho grounod and shrieked , and bis words could utmost bo distinguished us bo struggled with his arms , and finally suc ceeded in sufficiently freeing hla bauds to al most reach tha rope The hangman reached up to the noose and finally succeeded in get ting It around so thu weight of the body rested on the throat and the Ufa wus slowly strangled put of the man m Aiitlolpitea Ills Doom NMLLSVII.ME , Wis , 13. Last Augujt Carl Hauko was found dead in a lumber camp near SpokoviUe with an empty rifle by his side and a bullet through lii body His death was suppoiwl to have been accidental Recently tbo officer * bava believed that bo was murdered and issued warrants for tlTo arrest of two suspected porsous * This morn ing , when un officer went to arrest a man named Pield , ons of the suspected men , bo round him imaging dead in bis barn near Hpokeville , ' DISBANDED AT KANSAS CITY The TJ P. Sonnto Corantlttoo Oem plotoa Ita Present Trip * A TALK WITH THE MEMBERS I'cnnsyivntila Iron Men SInko a. Vic * urous Protest unit Heouro Hot ter Rntes llio Oinitlia A 1'lorro Itonl CIosu of tlio Comtnittcn's Tour KtNsis Cttr , Mo , Nov 13. | SpooIalTelo- grnm to Tub HrE | The Union Pacific son nto committee finished its labor of investiga tion by looking over the compnuv's property hero today At 7 o'clock to-nlgnt the com mittee stnrtcd east over the Alton Senator Davis , of Minnesota , will romnlil over until tomorrow , when ho will taltoprlvnto carftO'J over tbo Council HlufTs lltio Tor Ills northern home At Chicago the party will go to ploccs Senators Platte , Turplb , nnd Davis will wrocned directly to their homos as or dinary travelers , and Senator Pryo will go cast in the privuto car California Judge Thurston , of the Union Pacific's law depart ment , wont to Denver in private car "L 10. " 'I ho senators talked freely to day over the condition of tbo Union Pacifld as they found it Senator Platte said there were no well formed ideas ns jot ns to whst the coming report will be , but in his opinion it will bo quito satisfactory to both tbo road nnd the government The property wns found n yery flno ono , ndmirnbly manngod nnd con stantly Increasing In value In nn Interview this evening Sonntor Pryo saklilmt two thincs had been determined upon by the investigation : 1. The governments ment's socurlty for tlio debt of the Pacific roadt was nmplo 2. The business of the roadB indicated that tha debts could bo paid if a reasonable extension wcro given by tbo government It was reasonable , therefore , that the commiLteo would recommend un ex tension of time say fifty joars ddrlnu ; which the debts could bo lifted and the ro- tirouicut of the debts by annual payments based on a certain percentage of tbo net earnings of the roads Iron Men Kick to Ativantnee CniCAoo , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram to Tub Hee ] The Pennsylvania iron mon have overturned tno joint ngrcemont of the Contrnl Traffic Trunk Lines and Chicago and Ohio Itivcr Trafllo associations relative to u raisn in rates on pig Iron Tno demands of the iron men wcro altogether too vigor ous to withstand Some of tbo roads were in favor of raising the rates tn spite of pro tests , but yielded on the tbrcatof other roads to qunto the rates now in effect io spite of the associations At to-day's meeting of the Central Trafllo association freight committee the following resolutions , utter much dis cussion , was unanimously passed : Iicsolvcd , That the rates named in Central Trafllo association circulars Nos 509 nnd r > 72 , dated August 23,1SS9 , and supplements thereto , on pig iron and articles named in said defined circulars , bo rostorcd , to take effect November 18 , 18S0. The Chicago and Ohio River Traffic asso ciation also met today nnrt made the matter more binding by passing a corresponding resolution The trunk lines will likewise follow suit The Omaha & Pierre MiicnEM * S. D. , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Bke ] Tbo board of trndo and citizens of Mllcholl generally hold a largo nnd enthusiastic meeting last evening to take definite steps toward the construction pf the Omaha & Pierre railroad After voting right-of-way and depot ground through the city , n committee was appointed to secure the right-of-way nnd iaid between Yankton nnd here , a survey and right-of- way having nlrqady boon scoured from hereto to Pierre GuesHcrs at Work Ciiicaoo , Nov ? 13. [ Special Telegram to Tjib Hee.1 The guessers are again at work In regard to the course the Rook Island road will pursue in opposing the Union PaL-lflc-Northwestorn deal Three times to day your corrospoudent was assured that at least a temporary deal has already been made with the Southern Pacific by the Rock Island As already shown , thu official proclamation of the Hock Island tbnt tboir Gulf extension would stop indefinitely at Port Kcno is incorrect The extension Is now moro than ono hundred mile * south of Port Reno nnd lacks but 130 miles of a connection with the Southern Pacific This 130 miles _ is being covered as fast as a largo force of men can luy the rails and tics The fact that President Cable wished it understood that uo further extension would i bo mndo beyond Fort Reuo is corroborative of the circumstance showing that something beyond the mcro wish to get to the gulf Is contemplated Should the Hock Island form an alllauco with the Southern Pacifloit will make a line to San Francisco longer by about 500 miles than the short line from Chicago To passengers In a hurry tbo line would offer tow Inducements , but in freight tbo line could compete almo t on avcu terms For southern California , Mexico ice and Texas points tbo line would in many cases bo the shortest route Even these who believe tlio deal will bo made with the Southern orn aclfio think it is onlytomporary The Colorado Midland connection with tbo Denver vor & Hio Grand Western and Central Pa- cifio branch of the Southern pacific , first published in these dispatches , has as many believers as of old The routes being so widely separated , however , might both bo Kept up The Southern Pacific would prefer tbo southern ono , in which it gets the long haul , but with both it would gel a loaf and a half half.General General Mnnngor St John , of the Rock Island , has for the last four days been in the Indian territory Nothing can bo learned of the object of his trip It would most cer tainly not bo taken , bowover , on an ordinary matter Moro especially it would not have been taken if the Gulf oxtonsiou will stop at Fort Reno " It would have boon no surprise had tbo Rock Island made an attack upou tbo Union I'acifio-Nortbwostern . alliance in to-day's mooting of the general managers vof the InterState Commerce Railway association Not a word , was said in connection with tbo rauttor , however The alleged cut in rates to Memphis by tin ? Missouri pnclllo wns brought up aud referred to Chairman Walker It will be remembered that tlio Missouri Pacific was fined (200 by the Trans Missouri association and refused .to pay , claiming itself Innocent of the charges , The ether busluess transacted at the meeting was simply routine , except a change in the mini mum wolghts of hay in car lots Horcatlor they will be , on cars 30 feet and under , 17,000 pounds , 30 and 31 feet 10,000 pounds , and over 04 foot 20,00. ) pounds The llolllns Patty Win Nkw Youk , Nov 13. At the meeting of tha bondholders of the St Louis & Chicago ralway today the Hollina party was suc cessful , defeating the Copoll party by ftBI.OOOto 37OOO0 , nnd Frank a llolllns will name the now directors tomorrow The recognized company will bo lir.own as tbo St Louis & Illinois Central liiecrsoll'a Daughter Married New Youk , Nov 13. Miss Eva Ingersoll , aged twenty-six , the oldest daughter of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll , was married to Walston Hill Brown , tbo bead of the bank Inglirui'of W. H. Drown & Bros , today Tbo wedding occurred at Colouol IugOrsoll's residence It was a quiet affair , only lntl- mate friends being invited The cvemouy was a purely legal contract and was per formed by Judge Barrett , of the supreme court , a lifelong friend nf Colonel Ingersoll and of tbo bridegrooms family , nijrtlio'a Aliugml Will Sam Fbanciboo , Nov 13. [ Spectol Tele gram to Tnis Bbe ] Judge Coffee had set to day for on investigation of how tbo recent alleged will ot Millionaire Blytbo came to light Only two witness were cxamluod , aud It was then agreed that ull day Saturday I bo devoted to tbo inquiry , FIRST ON jrilE GROUND Arrival nt Iljstnarok of North Da kotn Honnltnrlnl Aspirant HisMAiioR , NI.j,2fov. 13. [ Special Telegram gram to TitE Bee j The first of the candi dates for the Ubltori Stntcs sonata ( o nrrivo nnd scttla down for the campaign is It J. McCumber , of ltlclilatid countv IIo reached hero to day nnd In nn Interview expressed the opinion tlinfliiypnnpocts for success nro good Very few members of the lcglslnttiro have nrrlvcd , arid it Is difficult to make n prediction ns to the probable slate The legislature convenes next Tuesday nnd Itho caucusing on the senatorial question will begin then , If not sooner It is still bollovod that ox-Govornor Plorco is in the load for ono of the seuatorships nnd that ho will bo oloctcd An Opium Den Rnldnil Pikuiie , S. DNov : 18 [ SpcclalTclogram to The Ur.n.1 Another opium don was raided last night by the police It wns kept by a Cblmtman named Lee John nnd a white man named A. J. Roberts ) with a laundry In con nection A complete opium outfit was cap tured , along with the keepers , who are now in jail gm ST 13. Mlsslo ' nnry Commit tec Kansas Citt , Nov 13. The gonorai mis sionary committee of ttio Mothodit Episco pal church began Its annual Bcssion in tbts city this morning The work of the commit tee is determining the fields of work , otc The foreign missions committee will appor tion 5J,00StHX ) nnd will contluuo in session from day to day until the busluess Is dis posed of Dentil nTn Pro m In on tlj ally Wasbinoton , In , Nov 13. I Special Tele gram to The Hkb.1 Mrs llev J. 0. W , Coxe , wife ot tbo western necrotary of the M. E. church , died suddenly of apoplexy last night She was widely known nnd bo- loved Boycotting Colored Men RicnMosn , Nov 13. The dcmocrntlo city committee last night ndoptod n reolution calling upon the city authorities to discharge nil colored men in the employ of tbo city government Ttio Dnnt 'h Itpcnril London , Nov 18. Mr Boyle , editor of the Chronicle , is dead PAnis , Nov 13. Colonel Mauu , who hold office under President Piorcc , bus died in this city Knrmprj' JNntlonnl Conirross MoNTQOMEitr , Ala , Nov 13. The Farm ers National congress assembled today with dclcgatos present from every state nnd ter ritory A number of papers were dis cussed Twenty MtncrH Burled Beulix , Nov 13. Twenty miners wcro buried by the collapse of a mlno at Rutisbou today WUAI PEOPLE TAIilC ABOUT Views and Interviews Caught in Hotel Corridor * ! null Elsewhere Whoever it wns gave you a statement about thnt Hall'1 ' county case , " said Judge Platte , of Grand Inland , must have been greatly prejudiced . Ho shot very wldo of the fuels Moshler , Brahman & Co are not to blame Wo hud accepted the jail und Used it three nibnlhs before any prisoners cscapod from It : They got out then by the use of n ciowbaj and heavy iron rod which somebody had managed to slip in to them while the sheriffs ' back was turned 'J ho fault was dun irioro to negligence than any defects In the jad Yes , " ho conjtinfied , "I think the result in Iowa of the rcccut'olcctiou was a good thing for Nobt-askn. " 'n > 'J "It is ratboruatrango , " said Judge S. R. Spearo , of HulVje " { bat so many democrats man ago to get on-juries In the United States court I dent understand it Probably Frank Ireland can epluin " > Merely to give tbo jury a little tone , " said Mr lrelandiln reply to the suggestion . An ex-ofllcial of the United States court told a good story yesterday morning on Judge Dundy It was suggested , by the short dialogue bold by his honor and Ernst , of Lincoln , wno was excused from sorvlni ; on the jury It was during the roller Bleating craze , and wo had u young fellow up who was charged with defrauding a skating rink man at Grand Island Lambcrtson , then district attorney made arrangements with the boys parents to have him fined $100 and induce the Judge to oommuto any sentence for imprisonmeut This , however , his houor demurred against , until Mr Lambcrtson happened to mention the fuel that tbo offense was against n skating rink professor "Is that a fact ! " inquired the judge "It is , your honor ' ! Then the sentence will bo a fine of | 100 and no imprisonment " , ' o BETRAYED A.M ) DK8KRTED. A Yount ; Girl licavrs Homo and En ters Upon n l.llo of Slinmc , Adam Snow is a farmer who lives in tbo vicinity of PairburyNob Seventcou years ago n daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Snow It is needless to assort that she grew and finally blossomed out into an fine looking country girl , buxom , winsome , and attractive About three months ago she was betrayed by a young dry goods clerk In Falrbury Sbo asked him to marry her and protect her from her shame , but ho refused Knowing that no other uvenuo was left her , she forsook her homo and came to Omaha to outer upon a lifo of shatno She boarded for a time at Minnie Falrchild's , and from thence went.to n house kept by a woman named Joe , " on the opposite sldo of the street But she wus soon iast'out and would have perhaps become a town charge bud not Mabel Bishop , a woman of the town , picked her up and took her to Fre mont , where she is now A privnto detective ngency of this city yesterday received a letter from her parents at Falrbury , and a search was at once insti tuted Ono of the officials will proceed to Fremont to-duy. where bo will meet the lost girls father Tbo pair will endeavor to in duce her to return bomo Potli Were Kim In , J. C. Montgomery , a young man of tbo town , got drunk last night and endeavored to clean out a Tenth street saloon Ho was assisted by thd piano plnycr , Tom Brown , Both weru nrroslfd , tin former on n charge of threulening > tt kill and the latter for Interfering withinn oSlccr r-ti * Fits , spasms , SUiVltus dunce , norvousnrss and hystorin urosoon , cured bv Dr Miles Morviuo Sainplca , free at Kulin & Co 'a , 15tb and Douglasdl ' j • English ns' 'rilton by Japanese , An inBtaucqjbt tbo way In wliiob Jap anese bBslnosii iijou hundlo the English lmi < ; uugo is gXvfl/i in the following letter - tor , recently j' .e/iplvod by it morclmnt of this city , say * the Now Yoris Times The letter wudlaont from Yokohama OctoborlO Tt an : Being u trpWCj merchant wo hope to introdueo my/jjpjr / to you upon business Ileforo going jpjdo bo wo uro very glad tOBOtid to yquisome sample our Jap- annso picture ; which 1b ono or our print ing production , ns the commencement of our communication upon business , If you Imvo a view that these picture ) can be ifppropriitte to the tnsto of American people , and cun 'bo 6old there in your country , wo beg you to order me " Tlio letter then goes on to desorlbo prices und dutuiU of samples sent , one of which the Japanese nforchatit nays is a"Comploto eery of the picture of Shot gun , our ancient general , marching with hla army with three leaves ! " This production of Japanese ) industry bo fol lows up with another , which Makes ono complete sory of the picture our ancient royal amusement with three leaves " The letter ends as'follows : "If you order mo , wo uro glud to sontl you wliato you order mo by post us fust us possible Please answer to mo huski ly and also Bond mo your detail by con vinionco Wo oblige you much " " THE IOWA DAIRY 1NMESTS. They Are Well Roproaon ted nt the , Mason City Oonvontion SECOND DAYS PMOCEtDINGS A Number of Interesting t'nporn Itontl nntl DIsciiHietl Tlio Mnbbnth Asso ciation anil Its Anns Ilnwk- oj-o , Ilnpiisiilngn llio Dalryinnn , Masoh Citt , In , Nov in , tSpoolal Telegram gram to Tun Ber.1 Among n number of important committees appointed nt the morn ing session of the dairy convention was a com in it too of seven , with C. 1) . Slbloy as chairman , to secure ap appropriation from the state to booxponded In publishing im portant literature , Tbo"attendance at this mooting is lnrgor than it lias boon in flvo years Prof l at- rick'sjoxporltnonts In giving tests of oil , the vnluo of milk , aud showing the worth of in dividual milkers , was the central themoot to-day's convention C. ! . Qabrlolson , ot Now Hampton , read nn Interesting paper on Economy m Feeding for the Dairy " llo endorsed tbo feeding of ensilage , plenty of ground feed and sweet com This was fully discussed'by the convention , nnd rpjestions nnd answers of interest ex changed The thought prevailing was that it was the purpose ot the dalryiuon not to study nlouo how to got higher prices for butter , but how to produce moro butter at tbo B.ialo expeuso O. T. Domilson rend a paper on Needs of tbo Creamery " It pre sented the idea that separators would bo moro prolltnbla thnn the present cretiui pluu tchceso maKlng ) was M. B. Doollltlo gave the methods ot the factory , and compared the vnluo of milk convoitod into choose and milk converted into butter , suiting that the former was tbo moro prolltablo by from 10 to 15 per cent The question was warmly discussed , but very fo\v agreeing with Mr Doolittla in the laltcr's assertions Jonn Boyd , of Chicago , thought that good milk made into good butter wus as valuable , or moro so , tbuu milk made into ehoeso The value of skimmed milk und buttermilk ns food for young stock was variously esti mated , lrot Munrael , ot Chicago , dis cussed "Tlio Relations of Patrons to the Creamery aud Cbecso Factory , " and showed that nbsoluto justice could not bo done to in dividual patrons under existing circum stances , aud the only solution was a careful test of the value of the milk product L. 11. Blnghum , of Estborvillo , read nn interest ing paper on The Dairy Interests of Iowa , " giving thu history lending up through the vnrlous Btngos or dairy progress In Iowa Ho claimed that there wus yet far too much loss from inferior products , . insnfUuiont feeding and careless handling of dairy cattle and products This evening State Dairy Commissioner Sherman suolio on News From the Field , " giving the Important statistics that thcro were 10i : creameries in the state , 101 cheese fac tories , und that the creameries of Iowa in 18SS made 41.57G.51S pounds or butter und the cheese factories 4,400.093 pounds of cheese , the total value of both products being worth 510,770,23. 1. IIo was followed by nn interest ing speech by Henry Wallace editor of the Iowa Homestead Tlio Snbliath Convention Des Moinm , la , Nov 13. fSpeoial to Tub Bee.1 At the morning session today of the State Sabbath association convention the secretary , Charles It Hunt , read his an nual report , in which ho called attention to tha action of thu executive council in ap proving the circulation of a petition to the United States congress nsktng tno passage of n Sabbath rest law Nearly 800 of these petitions had been sent to the pastors of various denominations , and to tbeso huvo been secured nearly 3,000 signatures About 15J signatures had nlso been secured to tbo petition for laws prohibiting nil unnecessary laboi on the Sabbath The secretary also suggested tbo advisability of conducting a SaDDatb observance department at ouch ot the Chautauqua assemblies in the stale , and that this subject should bo taken up by the association A paper by Is S. Coflln on tbo feasibility of railway companies obsorvingctho Sabbath "wus read Mr Collin hold that the question of transporta tion was , as a matter of fact , ono of gain Quick transit for nil freight is what the shipper desires Yet the point Is found only on two classes of shipments , live stock and perishable goods As to live stock , tbo spealier saiu there was a law that prohibited the keeping of stock in a car for moro than iwonty-cicut hours contimiouslv , and that it would bo no grenter hardship for shippers to unload their stock for a stop of twelve hours than for watering und feeding Bo thought the time would came when nc trains would bo run on Sunday , either for stock , perish able goods or passenger travel J. C. Brock smit , auditor of the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern railway , made a reply I to the proposition sot forth by Mr Collin , taking for the most part the opposite vloiv , und a very interesting discussion ensued , in which the main phase of the question wns also introduced Iu the afternoon tbo following ofUcors were elected : Presideut , A. M. Bomlcyj vice presidents , lirst district , C. D. Trum bull ; second E. W. Barrett ; third , J. S. McCord ; fourth J.V. . Bissull ; ilfth , J. C. Brocksmot ; sixth , G. A. Gales ; saventb , S. E Wishard ; eighth , M. Noor ; ninth , Stephen Noer ; tenth , U. S. Coflln ; eleventh , W. L. Farrlsj secretary C IJ , Hunt ; treas urer , T. II Atchison Director , John Mnnln • Tlio itoval Arch Mnsons Daveni'Okt , la , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Beb.1 The most important plcco of legislation today by tbo grand chapter ot Jowa Royal Arch Masons was j thut ot separating the grand chapter from the grand commandcry , Knights Templar Heretofore the grand chapter and comman dcry have met the same week at the same place The grand priest was made chulrroun of tbo board of custodians at work " Here after four days will bo devoted to the school of instruction and the sessions ot the grand chnptor The appointive otllcers were an nounced ns follows : Right reverend grand chaplln , . ,1. N. Pardee , of Lo Mars ; grand chaulin of the post , C. S. fletcner , of At lantic ; crand principal sojourner , C. H. Wilder - dor , ot Newton ; grand royal orch , Cuptain F. W. Craig , of Dos Molnos ; grand raastor of the first vail , Richard Herman , of Du buque ; grand guard , Theodore Schrelner , of Mount Pleasant The grand commandcry , Knights Tomplur , ot Iowa , moot tomorrow in honor of the four hundred Masons of high degree now in the city A social and musical reception was toudercd this evening in Mssonio temple by the sir knights and the Business Men's association The attendance was very largo lumped Into a Well Dies Moines , In , Nov 13. [ Special Telegram gram to Tins Hee I Mrs Hanks , living near Ccntralin , a station un the Chicago , Burling ton & Kansas City road , about forty miles west of Fort Madison , committed suicide by jumping into a well last Thursday Slit ) took along with her two children , a boy and n girl , whom she throw in the well , which is only about nlno feet deep , but contains Beveu feet of water The girl managed to got out of the water but the mother and son were drowned Shn left a note Informing bor husband thut ho could find bor in the well , Sbo was the second wife of Mr , Hanks A New nriilso for Moux City Watkiiloo , la , Nov 13. fSpecial Telegram gram to The Bee ] J , M , Moou , president of the Sioux City Pontoon Bridge company , and Interested in the contraction of the Oregon Short Line railroad , was in the city this evening He stated that a company bad been formed to build a railroad and wagon bridge across tbo Missouri at Sioux City The company is to ba baokod by the Short Line , and the trains of that road will run across the uridgo The proposed bridge will cost 11,000,000. Was Probably Murdered Masos Citt , Ia „ her , 13. ( Special Telegram gram to Thu Dee.J That the missing Iowa Central brakuinan was inurd'crqd Hods stronger confirmation Sheriff Hicson , of Marshall county , Hill continues the search , Hi but finds not thoslmhtOJt oluo HM lonrnod to day that Hrownoll's real name was John Suerrtmn , n married man , nnd ho has as sumed this name to cludo bis wife Jo cph Trotter , who llvos near where it Is thought ttio docd was committed , said Hint ho heard three shots , apparently from a rovolvcr , on the night the trouble occurred between Brownull and the Wllsonv nnd this fact Is regarded ns significant On the same night the Wilsons were out until 'J a. m. , and when they roturued it Is renortod that they said they had done up" the fellow Iho Wll < sons , McUuire and Warren had a prolimb nnry hearing today , nnd will doubtless beheld hold to await future developments A SERVANT GIRLS PARADISE MontAnn n , Mnrlcnt for All Mnrringo- nlilu You tic Women of Srrvlue Perhaps the demand for dntnostio sorvanta Is n9 generally unsatisfied in the northwest its in any ether BocLlon , saya a correspondent of the Now York Telegram t have yet to visit the happy , happy land where tito servant girl problem does notoxist as the prin cipal sourco'or domestic gloom , but hero it is certainly to bo found at its worst It is utterly impossible to keep a girl , sn.yan Minneapolis exchange The fomulo iinlf of the population , while largo and growing , la still in n considerable measure the smaller half , und young women of every degree nro quoted higher than they would fetch cast of the Alloghoulos This inuy not bo gallant , and yet it ought t * > bo valuable blo to such young women in the east who fool themselves unappreciated Tlio cases nro counted in hundreds where a young girl hits entered a oook or cbam- bonnaid nnd thereafter romalnod a3 dauglitot-in-lnw. It Is highly unprofit able to fetch girls from eastern cities If they are worth tholr salt they go orf and got married , oftcu before they have earned the prlco of tholr railway faros Servants wages are 100 per . cent higher in Montana Uwin in Now York Tno cooks on the railway dining cars rccoivo $00 a month In private families $30 is the lowest wnges ollored , and some nrp paid as much ns SIOO The girl experiment is so gotior.illy unsatis factory that many families employ col ored mon and Ohinamon The wny to get a Chinaman is to toll another China man you want ono IIo will spare you nil the trouble nno > expense of dealing with un employment agency An nlllcor at Fort Custor , who had imported girl nrtor girl only to have them como to . him within a month or two and say they were going to pot married , was at last tidvised by a friend to try a Mon gollan "I have onb , " said the friend , and ho is a perfect jewel If you lileo him Ill toll him to lind ono for you ' ' The olllcor kindly consented , and in the course ot a day or two , when his wlfo wont to the kitchen to prepare dinner , she found a Chinntmtn , cued and wliitc-tostod. already at work among the pots and pans She cheer fully retired m his favor About a week later , when the olllcor and his wife sat down to din nor , they observed that the heathen * in attonduneo upon thorn was not the heathen who had been serving thorn for the past week , hut an o-utiroly now and dittorcnt ono They also observed that the dinner be fore them was much superior to the dinners tholr late heathen had supplied They presently inquired of the now heathen what , had become of their old ono , "Ho no good , answered John "Ho some washce , but no cookec Wing Ting toll him go and ho say mo como " AN ENGINE PUSH-OF-WAR. Two IiOcomotivrn in Mompbls Trying to bhovo Onu-Another. An incident rarely soon on a railroad wns witnosscd yesterday afternoon at the corner of Calhoun and Tennessee streets , says the MomphisAvalanche It caused the pnssotigcrs on two street cars eomo annoyance , tempered with umusomont When car .12 , of the Jackson Mound park line , reached the crossing at the time named it was found blocked by two freight trains , with the two.onginos facing each ether Neither of the trains mndo any motion to move , aud the enr driver.whoso name is Thomas , inquired of a brakeman the cause of the dclry The answer surprised him : Well , thov mot on the same track ; both of the en gineers claim tno right of way , and tiolthor ono will back down " At this juncture the engineer of ono ougino pulled his lovur and attempted to force the other train buck , but the effort was unsuccessful Then the engi neers argued the matter , and ono sug gested that they were hooping the crossing blocked , to which the ether re plied that no didn't care if it was kept blocked for an hour Thou the first engineer mndo another attempt to run the opposing train back , and again failed , whereupon ho backed hia engine a few feet and attacked the enemy with nrunnintrstnrt but in vain It was a battle of the giants , in whicli both were equally powerful The engineer then signaled nn engi neer who was on his engine in the yard south of the crossing for usslstanco Ho rcspondod and ran his engine up in the rear of the north bound train Then both etigincers started their engines to gether , nnd by their combined strength the south bound train was pushed back , and the crossing was cleared Street car ,1'2 , going south , was de layed fully fifteen minutes by the con test , and car 29 , going south , driven by GeorgoLoo , was dclnyod ubout ilvo min utes by the singular contest Botli the car drivers reported the occtirrouco and the scene was witnessed by a number of passengers The drivers say that from what they could hour from the railroad men that the onginocr of engine 590 was in fault The number of the ether oiigiucR or the numos of the etigincers could not bo as certained A DANGKKOUS DRUG Ono Khntilii Beware In Meddling With Cocaine , Cocainousis now well known , is a very valuable but an exceedingly dnn- geroua drug , and M. Dufourmor bus lately published in the Archives do Mudcoiuo the romarlcablo results of his investigations Into its use , Bays the St James Gazette , Cases where accidents - dents have occurred are very numerous , and there is hnrdly a surgeon using cocnino who lias not had occasion to wltnoss thorn , • OlAs early as in 1887 Br Mattison published - lishod tlio account of forty such in stances , and the roll of victims who have lost their lives from a dose of co caine has now reached us high as nines In u largo number of cases it has given rise to u species of ixiisoning , from which the patlont usually recovers Amnng the phenomena characterizing this form of poisoning ono observed in a putidnt of Dr K. Bradley is worthy of special mention This patlont was taken witli facial paralysis , from which ho did not rocoyor for six months Other symptoms nro hallucinations , great oxuitumont and cerebral agita tion ; nnd , finally , Dr Leslie Culloghau in ono case saw the entire body covered by a scurloliulfonn rash Dr Szuuman , wishing to remove a largo wart situutod at the base of the thumb of a young girl of twenty , Inject ed ttndor the skin , close to tno wart , ono cubic loutimotor of a ono-lii-ton so lution of cocaine The patient felt no pain , but as the little wound ivns being sewed together she suddenly lost her oolor and fnlutod ; her pulao booamo * KA weak mid slow , nnd her hnndsmiil foot • " ; stiffened Water was dashed in her I face and she recovered conscious I ness , but she did not regain nt once I her sense of feeling , as she kept asking | | where her hands were Hy this time II the ntHTonlng had extended to the II whole of her person , but these alarming 11 symptoms quiotcd down little by HU16 , I and by half nn hours time they all I came tea happy end This case represents - sonts the miluost form of cocalnn pol- Boning , ltutv.oun this form und the I cases In which death unsttcil como inn sorics or severer forms , in which the I altinning symptoms lasted from three hours to live or six days FORTY-TWO YEAflS A MAN , Ami the Item nf llrr Life She filvntt n Woman On the arrival of a passangor stoanior from St Brlonc the coiuiuaiidor in formed the police that a woman , ntllrcd as a man , was on hoard , says the Jun- dco News , She hnd it npponrcd , taken a passage for St Urlono , but the con tain , having noticed certain peculiari ties about the ptssongor on reaching that port summoned a modtcal munnnd hodcolnrod thut the psoutlo man was ronlly a woman IIo further cortidod that she wns sutToring from slight con cussion of the brain , and the b'rouoh authorities , in view of her mysterious endu ct , refused to allow her to land On thu steamer entering the harbor of St Holler the woman look a cab and proceeded to a boarding house , where bio hnd previously lodged for some time under the name of Ijottis Hermann She hud qvory appearance ot manhood , and from her 'Ciisy deportment it was ovltlont that male attire was no novelty to her She were a fur waistcoat , a long overcoat , a hat and a turned-down collar She smokes a long pipe or cigar with the air of ono accustomed to the habit Lett an orphan nt the ago of thirteen , she then resolved to adopt the male attire She has now reached iho ago of lirty-livo , so that for forty-two years she bus been traveling the world , and lias boon known us ti man Her calling hasbcoti that of acourior , and in that capacity she has traveled widely , bho has tt knowledge of several continental languages , and is ether wlso welt informed Tlio name by which Bho was generally known was ' i-ouis Hormaiin Tobosh , but in some > ' cases she bus dropped the last name , H and calls herself Louis Hermann DurH ing the Inst trinshohudiibalanco of up- Bj ward of JC150 to her credit in a bunking Hi firm , but it is not known whether this HI hits been drawn upon When arrested HI by the Jersey police she had only Is Od H in her possession , and she is indebted H to the host to the extent of Xt ! 10s. A II number of papers found at her lodgings - H ings have been taken possession of by H the police Mud mm Inttl I London Times , Oct 22 : It is no wonder - I dor , when parting is such sweet sorrow - H row , " that tlio Albert hall was crowded H last night for the lirst of the farewell H concerts given by Mmo.Pattl before her Hi departure to America It is only nccos- HI sary to record ns briolly as possible the HI facts that "Ahl non crodca , " and "AhI HJ non giungo" were sung will all con H > colvublo beauty and brilliancy of style , HI and were followed by The Last Rose H of Summer , " Gounod's superstructure HB on Bach's first prelude , in which the Ha original work , one of the most happily B iuspircd creations of art , is well-nigh Hi obliterated by obligate parts for a vartHa oty of instrumentswas performed twice , H and then succeeded by Homo , swuct Hi homo"and ; that Miuo , Patli was nssooifl atcd with Mrao Hatoy in Rossini's H "Quia est home , " which , of course , HK like very nearly all the numbers H in the programme , was encored Mr H Lloyd sang the graceful and oxpresslvo HM tenor song from Mr Thomas "Ksmor- ml nldn , " "O vision entrancing , " ana gave H B3 a worthy pendant to it , Mr Clny's HB Ill Bing the songs of Araby " Mr HI Lee Stern , ono of the most promising of HB the young violiucollists now before the H public , played , not without certain oxHB uggerations of style , a clover and effective - H • tivo "Saltarollo" of his own , and ether HB pieces , among them nn nrrangomont of HB of that nocturne of Chopin's which HB seems to have suggested a familiar pas HB sago in Gounod's Nazareth " Had the HB order of the programmo boon slightly BH varied , the two works would have stood HJ in startling juxtaposition , for the song , HB sung by Mr Barrington L'ooto , wus mBH eluded in the lirst part Madame HH Noruda played Raff's ' Caprice HonHH grois" and the clever Mete Porpcto , " HJ by Hies ; and Mr Ganz conducted HR ssesc gMm@ @ i I " s 1 Positively cured byl H , * AP1TDCI these little PiPIs | wHliI Lifl w Thcy nl30"hoo Dis-I ' ' nsoB tress tnra Iiyspepsla , In-1 IKS ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ; ! B SS | H WET | 5 Hating A perfect rcm-ff BJ ) -l B W EiBik edy for Dizziness , Nausea , * Aj Ka'fPlliLSa > rowalncS3 , Had Tastol HJ f § jffij In the Jlouth , OntcflH HJ njWpS3 $ * q - Tongue , Tain In the BlJo.i H | [ yy.tMVirmi-j ItoWID Livrit Tlicyl HI reguloto tbo Bowels Purely Vegetable i Hi SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PR1CE | NEW YORK STEEL MAT CO , • 231 & 235 mtOAlIWAY , N. Y. Owners & Solo Manufacture ot Ui > BB ROCHESTER STEEL'MAT , AND HI Stripped Steel Mats of all Bizes Hi ratontu1rcb.7tt1.1es9. HJ TbDMMfitnliuvethecomblnriladruitaitciofail , H olhcrMauwIlh nonunf thtlnll8a < lvanti > KC , un4 m bxonnivrnlotmtlie ( ; iii'iii - > t ami liml H Tnolll nothnalc down.Iluitenout , , ijupor H | Kt out or • Hal * . Mid will M W "I.U wl ' HI Will clean Ilia feet lmi r Iban any utUr Mat , H nnVnot permit the dirt to bo carried beyond tliwii . rcaitanooliiallillri'Ctlon . HB urfaioc.ff r . . BH haVni d noabalclair.tln-tetorocrealano.hul. Bold " ull llurdwur . ! > • r Hood . tJurprt 1 JjUraldUBB nnd Ilou.tii'urnl.bluerltorea. JjUraldU- count ollowixl to tlie traJa | BI rntcE31 bH . 1Rliol iH.iOJ ! | > | o. H-RIzo 80x48.$1.00 BBf 8lSKga&slg& : ; : Sasa.l5 : : : S , W. CornerFarnam aud I5tli Ss ! I I'ald In Capital $5OUO0U ' M Ol'l'lCKU-l : QEU V IIAltKI' lt I'r04lllent , l B ] ' . U DIHItllDWl' .lt , vice President \ M V , JI.JUIINKON , Cusnler I B W. a. Itlltn'OJt , AMilstantC'aslilor [ BBJ DIliKUTOUHl } H riEO K llAIIKEll , J. II McCONKEt , ! * I bI H , fj 11iKi111mrr.il , rmu.Unz , i H 1' . II JoilNaiiy J , N , OuitNHU , > BB I * . O , Wii.i.uu- , .1,1-JIii.uh , ! B. It JmixKox , H.V. . ( 'm > r , IBB ai.lfaT ttr.c-rtm , H' , tfibvuit UB | I' . A , | ltv : ( ) , iiiiitrAV ANiucnaO.v , . B | Qkii Vxni.it 1 Odnnimiiiau , JBB Account * ot bankers , inrrcbauu und liidlrld * TbJ uaU received outlie moat larorablu l rin , < MJ