PR4/ * THE OMAHA DAILY B : FRIDAY MAY 11. THE CITY. The Intoriinl revenue colloctlonc yes terday nmountcrl to $27,435.32 , The officers und members of Omaha lodge No. 820 , Knights of Honor , arc re quested to assemble nt their hall on Saturday , May 12 , at 12 in. , to attend the funeral of their late brother , T. J. "Wren , from the residence of the family , Thirty-first and Mason streets. By order of W. R. MATIIIS , llcportor. Allen H. Beatty , another of the ox-B. fe M. onglncoi-8 charged with hindering and delaying the United States mnil trains at Beatrice because the locomo tive was manned by a non-union crow , has been brought to Omaha for trial before United States Commissioner Anderson. Ho was arraigned yesterday afternoon , but waived examination and was put under $500 bonds to appear be fore the superior courts * I'crnonnl I'nrnRrnphfl. A. C. Swnn , of Cheyenne , Is in the city. W. H. Simmons , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the Mlllard. t. P. Lnrson " ' of Fremont , Neb. , It at the Mlllnnl. C. T. Drown , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the Mlllnrd. C. E. Yntos , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the Mlllnrd. W. II. Kelly , or Lincoln , Nob. , Is nt the Mlllnrtl.- William Lnndon , of Odcll , Nob. , is nt the Paxton. T. U. Wallace , of St. Paul , Neb. , Is nt the Paxton. P. G. Hall , of Fremont , Nob. , Is nt the Pnxton. J. W. Place , or Waterloo , Is registered nt thoPnxton. , C. D. Gnrnctt nnd wife , of St. Louis , are at the Mlllard. W. C. Illtchor and wife , or O'Ncil , Neb. , nro nt the Paxton. Gcorco W. Frank nnd wife , of Kearney , nront tho.Puxton. DM P. D. Gatch nnd wife , of Cincinnati , O , , nro nt the Pnxton. Will G. Jones , of FuUorton , Is In the city , - and Is nt the Paxton. A. S. Miller , of Mount Pleasant , Is regis tered at the Paxtou. > Irs. C. F. Perkins , of Weeping Water. Nob. , Is at the Mlllard. GeOrge A. WIgton , or the Hastings Inde pendent , Is In the city. ' Mrs. J. G. McCrendy , of Buffalo , N. Y. , Is registered at the Mlllard. W. S. Dacholler , of New York , represent ing the Dcchcllcr newspaper syndicate , is In the city : Miss Esmcrald Boyle , sister or Juan Boyle , or Kearney , was In the city yesterday on her > way to the cast. General Drhtbln , U. S. A. , nnd family , efFort Fort McKinney , nro visiting Major and Mrs. - W. E. Crcary , 1821 Cass street. . Mrs. J. H. Hcrshey , wife of the partner or - W. A. Paxton , sr. . of O'Fnllon ' , in this state , is in the city visiting Mrs. Pnxton. The genial , accommodating niul handsome assistant postmaster. James I. Woodard , is the proud papa or n brun now girl baby. John Bcnnlson nnd wire and daughter Minnie , of Kownnce , 111. , parents nnd sister or the Bcnnison brothers , are in the city on n short visit. Mrs. J. Mandclbcrg , or Baltimore , Md. , is visiting her son , A. Mandclbcrg. Mrs. S. Roscnthal , of the same place , is visiting her daughter , Mrs. A. Mandclborg. A Now Firm. Articles incorporating the firm or W. L. Parrotc & Co. were filed with the county clerk yesterday. The capital stock is to bo $100,009 , nnd the business to bo carried on is the mnnufnature and sale of hats , caps , gloves nnd other articles. W. L. Parroto , _ C. S. Parroto. M. L. Pnrrote , George A. Palmer and J. W. Balluy are the incor- porators. ' Republican Gluti Meeting. The Seventh Ward Republican club held an enthusiastic mce.tlng aHho Park house , Ilanscom park , with Vice Pres ident J. P. Qucalcy in the chair. After dis cussing various matters pertaining to the approaching campaign , they adjourned. It was decided , however , to hold another meetIng - , Ing prlorto the close of tbo month , for the consideration of several important matters. A Singer ami n Dancer. Bcllo Martin , n rather good looking young octoroon , was run in Wednes day night on suspicion. She told thq court yesterday that she wns a singer , dnnccr nnd oper.i-boufto singer , nnd that she had been connected with some of the best companies in the country ; that she stopped off hero en roiito to 'Frisco , fell in with bad company and her arrest was the re sult. She was allowed to depart. Shot JII IJrotlior. A man by the name of Warren came to fcstivo Omaha yesterday , nnd was formally received by his brother George , who con cluded to show him the sights. The pair re paired to Dago alloy , and the now visitor concluded to try his pistol on ono of the un savory females that populate that section. George prevented a catastrophe by grasping . the pistol from the hand of Ins over-festive brother , nnd in the struggle had his hand badly shattered by the bullet. Ofllcor Sheep , heard the report of the shot and hastened to the scene , but the shooter es caped before his arrival. The injury to the brother wns properly urcssed by u neigh boring physician. Kvpoflinc Intrigue. Commissioner Grlftltlis retires from the head of the freight bureau of the Omaha board of trade on the first of next month , and regrets that the decision of the intcr-stato commerce commis sion as regards discrimination against Omaha , which was argued some months ago. will not in nil likelihood bo dullvored before -Unit thuo. This is owing mainly to the ill ness or Judge Cooley , the chairman or the commission. Mr , GrilUths fools the decision will bo in favor of Omaha. The same gentleman is preparing n manuscript of a pamphlet which ho is to circulate among some of the leading merchants of the city n ftcr ho shall liuve re tired from his prcsont position. In It ho will pvo | thnlnsldoof several little combines timdo by people of this city whoso private ends led them to combine to defeat the moves which wore calculated to Inure to the benefit of the community. The pamphlet will bo nn interesting ono and open the oycn of many people , whoso knowledge of Intrigue has boon limited and who do not know how schemes for Omaha's prosperity liavo been inunlorcd. .Syuncojjuo Notes. This evening Dr. | Benson will loo- turo at the synagogue on the subject of "Con tracts. " Divine services will commence ut 4880p. ; m , T.ho Jewish reast or Shobuoth , or Pente cost , commences next Tuesday nt sundown. Continuation services usually held on that ilny will bo opened on Wednesday , Iflth Inst. The class or ,018 , embrace the following : Tha Mlt > 8cs Mablo Hollman , Hattie Morris , Annie Drown , Hattie Obcrfeldcr , nnd Masters Moritz KojwUl , Sam Goldsniith'Kinil Krctsch and Louis Motz. , Notices are out for n meeting of the Young Men's Hebrew association , to bo held on next Sunday ut Metropollitan hull , corner Four- tcenth and Dodge. The entertainment to bo given under the auspices of this association on the 2Jml lust , promises to bo quite a success. The pro gramme for the occubion has been rout , plotcd , Mrs. Martin Culm , tbo Misses Isuucs and Messrs S. Friedman , C'hailcs Elutter | and Louis Bacr have kindly offered their services. Every cffoit is bclujr exerted to make the affair an arUstlo and social success. The proceeds of vho same will go to u worthy charitable institution and not to the Hebrew congregation as previously announced. Kurt Oinulm Notci. Major Balccr , the paymaster of this de partment' paid oft the troops ut the garrison ' Tuesday. Wednesday ho arrived nt Bcllo- vuo rifle range and nt about 4 o'clock In the afternoon while engaged in giving the men their dues , "lire-call"-was sounded. Natur ally it threw the whole camp Into a state of wild excitement. A row minutes after the call was sounded , a great number of men had arrived at the burning tent , which happened to bo ( but or Major Kdmoiid Uutlei-'s-iho ' commanding oftlccr of the rlflorange. When fire call was sounded the mnjor was nt the paymaster's tent , nnd when ho reached the scene of conflagration , the men hnd almost entirely extinguished the flames which hnd actually enveloped the whole tent. As the major hnd no lire In his stove nt the tlmo ho can assign nocnuso for the flames. A num ber of books and the major's clothes wcro saved , duo to the earnest nnd speedy work or the men. The following nro the names or the non commissioned ofllcers who have applied ror the commission of second lieutenant nnd nro now nt the garrison awaiting their ojcamlnn- tlon s Coriwrnl Frank H , Sargent , company G , Seventh Infnntry ; Sergeant William C. Bcnnct , company H. Seventeenth infantry ; Sergeant- Simon It. Drum , company H , Seventh infnntry : Sergeant William V. T. Gush , company D , Eighth infantry. The board of examiners will bo composed of ofilccrs nnd they will meet nt Fort Omaha. Drum Is nn army officer's son nnd his uncle Is the adjutant-general of the army. Lieutenant Harry E. Wllkins , who went to Lcnvcnworth In charge or llvo military convicts , returned with his escort yesterday. The Knllronda. T11ANSCONT1NBNTAI. MF.ET1NO. At the transcontinental meeting which will bo held In San Francisco on May 15 , from present Indications nearly all the lines will bo represented. P. S. Enstls will look after the B. & M. Interests , while II. A.John ston and J. S. Tcbbetts or this city , will take care or tbo Union Pacific. VESTinui.n TitAtss. It Is positively asserted that the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy will on Juno 1 run n vestibule train between Chicago and Mis souri river points and Omaha and Denver. 8TIKKH. C. P. Huntington , president of the Central nnd Southern Pacilio roads , passed through the city yesterday. Contrary to expecta tions ho did not stop. General Manager Klmball returned rrom Lciivcnworth yesterday. Colonel A. T. Babbitt , or Cheyenne , man ager or the Standard Cattle company , wns n caller at the Union Pacific headquarters yesterday morning. Scidenborg's Figaro , the talk of the town , a lOc cigar for 6c. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. ON TO ST. IiOUlS. Tlic Hoys are Golnc With Grey lints nnil a Band. It was reported nt a meeting held at the office of J. A. Crcightou last night that at least 100 democrats from Omnhn would at tend the national convention to bo held at St , Louis in Juno. The uniform of those at tending will consist or grey plug hats and at tractive badgesto be worn on the coats or the participants. A band or .music Is being considered , nnd if favorable arrangements can be effected with the local organizations ono of them will bo selected to "blow the bnz" for Cleveland's rcuomination. It Is pro posed to tnko the Wabash road 10 St. Louis , und those wishing to Join the unwashed will huvo u clianco to sign their names to the list , which will bo formally exhibited at the oDlce of-tho road indicated to-day. The passenger department of the Union Pacific , "Tho Overland Route , " has just gotten out as an advertisement what is Itnown as the Switchmen's Puzzle , capable of solution iu ten moves. It faciuates all who try to solve it and bids fair svs a novelty to surpass the great 13-16-14 puzzle that created such a craze several vcars ago. Send " to J. S. Tobbcts" , G. P. & T. A. , for ono of these little interesting and entertaining little puzzles , but bo buro to enclose 10 cents in stumps to pay post age on same. WILL THEY NiWlJU CEASE ? Another Younir Granger Panhandled . by Sharps. Yesterday a sand'y haired , blue eyed , freckled faced youth of perhaps twenty sum mers approached a Pinkerton man nt the B. & M. depot nnd inquired if ho was n police man , to which query the afoscsaid indvidual answered in the nfllrmatlvo without even blushing. The youth then related thai ho- wus from a point near Valley , that his name was Cornelius Wcrton and that he had come to Omaha to seek employment , nnd that while in quest of a situation ho was approached preached by a man who represented himself as a temperance advocate from loxva who owned a farm and had lots of work. Ho offered the young hayseed a place at ! 0 per month and board which was promptly ac cepted , and employer and employe were to leave on the train at 10-40for their sunny Iowa home. While walking up Tenth street they met a gentleman , whd , walking up to the Iowa agriculturalist , dunned him for $27.50 which ho owed him. Singularly enough the fanner was broke and could not get any money until the bank opened. The creditor was obdurate ami wanted a "few dollars" until the rest could bo obtained. Well perhaps the young man could accom- date him ? Country had S'J and cheerfully shelled out. Then his employer told him to go into the depot and keep an eye on his vaiiso which wns sitting under a window. Ho did so , there was a valise there and Cor nelius watched It. Very f > eon a man came In and picked it up and Cornelius objected and raised a row. Then tno owner of the vnliso threatened to wipe the face or this torrcstlnl ball with the young man's frame and ho sub sided anil after pondering a few hours de cided ho hnd been swindled. The Piiikcrton man sent him to police headquarters where ho made a complaint but that $ U was gone , gong. WORKED THE COMMISSIONERS. The County Ofllclals Weakened by a Mi'-tresH1 Story. The pathetic story of Mrs. Antonta Buck printed in yestcrdsy's issue of THIS BEH was read by un old acquaint ance or the fcstivo Antonia , who gladly added some now and interesting facts and in formation in the case. The facts as revealed show that the now illustrious Duck aban doned a good homo and wife and interesting children in Chicago to dwell in sin and lust in UIH | city with a German servant girl as a mistress , who is neither handsome , educated nor rullncd. Mr. West , the clerk af the Atlantic hotel on South Tenth street , has been In this city for some years. Prior to his coming to this city ho resided In Klgln. 111. , u town about foity miles out from Chicago , While a resident of that small city ho was in the mercantile business nnd had a largo acquaint ance in the city. Among his friends was the above name Antonia Buck , who was n man of position and Influence In the town and was a carpenter and contractor or both mechani cal and tlmihchil ability. Mr. Buck at this tlmo was a married man , the partner of Ills life being a handsome young German woman of culture and wealth. Her parents bud re sided in Germany and oven while there wcro among the acquaintances of Mr. West. Slnco Mr. Buck's marriage to his real wife lie Is the father of a family of sev eral children. three of whom , nro living with their mother in Chicago. The oldest or the children nro Otto and Ulchaid , aged nine and four years respectively. The youngest child is about a year nnd a half old. About four years ago Buck moved with his family to Chicago , and there continued his oulldlng contract work with financial suc cess , and apparently lived happily In his Chicago cage home. December 15 , ho came to this city and took rooms at the Atlantic hotel , nnd wus working about the city. Ho wns regular In his habits , and it is known to u certainty that ho hud no woman In this city who was living oft of his tolls. Ho loft the hotel the last of March nnd since then only 1ms ho been living with the woman who worked the county commissioners yes terday for u pass to Chicago. During Buck's stay at the Atlantic hotel und since ho bus left there tis. ) ias received fre quent letters from his family in Chicago , The uencunl opinion among Duck's friends is that ho lias simply returned to his own first love and family. Ho loft a number of fcrcdl- tors behind him who would bo glad to meet him for from tiyo to twenty-five dollars for work they have-done for him. The woman who worked the commissioners for a pass to Chicago is of n well to- ito German family In the falherlapd but she has fallen hopelessly from grace and has oven now been deserted by a man she im agined would support her , * Buck will niob.ibly bo culled on In Chicago .by somp of his carpenter friends from this u ty unlesi ho settles with them at a rtrv mlydatu. , Continental Clothing House Special Sale of Riverside Worsted Suits , Price $1S. Special Sale of Sawyer Woolen Go's. Oassimere Suits , Price $12. Special Sale of Dolan Cassimere Suits , Price $8 ; Every Visitor to Omaha Talks About the Continental Clothing House The tale of p-o Sawyer Woolen Co.'s flno Cnssimcro Suits , which is contin ued this week has been unprecedented hut of equal importance , however , and of oven greater interest in our great sale of flno worsted dress Suits , cloth made by the RIVERSIDE MILLS , in medium weight fabric , suitable for wear all the year round. Wo olTor this week 200 of thcso fine Worsted Dress Suits which for dress purposes are strictly cor rect in every respect , and the most popu lar and durable goods sold in this coun try. RIVERSIDE'WORSTED' ' ' SUITS , LOT NO. 1. We offer 200 of thoabovo named goods made b.V the RIVERSIDE MILLS CO. , made up in a 4 button cut-a-way Frock suit , , and , in the most thorough manner , suitable Jor dress suits. They are goods which we have sold regularly for $18 , but wo offer them this week to close at the extremely low price of $12 per suit. The color is plain black , edges bound , and every suit would bo-worth in the regular way $18 ; as the lot is not largo they will be closed this week. Send in your order at once if you want ono. OT ? TlTf1 l e w511 sen ( * PJlckages containing suits of clothing , furnishing goods , cloths and woolens of allkinds * kept * - ' * * ' * - * XJJLk3. . ju Olu. establishment"to ; any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado , or Wyoming , C. O. D. giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in our stockl at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY TH IS ARRANGEM ENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory results. , You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you. OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co. NEW YORK DES MOINES Proprietors : Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE. WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 1)11. WILLIAMS' He Dclicvcs the Doctor to Be the Prince or Darkness On Saturday afternoon Dr. Williams , whoso oOlco is on the corner of Tantli nnd Hickory streets , swore out n warrant ainifnst one "John Doe , " an unknown man who lias been loitering about bis premises und who has , on several occasions , attacltcd him. On examination it was ascertained that the man was crazy. He is n poor Slavonian who came to this country about a ago and was employed on a gravel train ut South Omahii. IJy an unfortunate accident ho had his toes mashed while so employed and was confined to his bed for several weeks. When able to get out bo hired a pair of shysters to get him damages from the railroad company. They secured a Judgment of ? 100 , but tried to swindle the poor man , pretending that Uioy pot only 50 and would keep SCO for their services. By the inter vention of u well-known citizen who got on to their schemes , they had to shell out and return to their client $70. The latter has since been unable to get work , as bis foot is not healed up , und he can do no heavy work. Ho made several applications to the railroad company for some position he could 1111 , but wus unsuccessful. His family is In the old country and looked to him for support , but ho could of course not RCIU ! them anything , having himself a loud of debt for board to carry. All this weighed heavily on his mind and llnallv made him crazy. Hq imagines that Dr. Williams is n devil , an Anti-Christ , who is the cause of all his suffering und mis fortune and that he must kill him. The poor fellow , whoso name Is Mike Fillpchlch ( also called Philip ) , wns taken to the county jail und will bo examined by the Insane commis sion. ItAPlI ) TU/VNS1T. The Schcino to Connect AVIth Street Track the Two Uninhns. The ordinance which wns passed Wednes day night by the council providing for the sub mission to the people of the iiucstion of al lowing a street car track to bo laid between South Omaha und this city is considered ono of the most Important ordinances which has been passed by that body. As such , it has been opposed In a most rcmarkabto manner and It Is said und , in deed , It has been almost apparent , that the railroad men in the council have attempted to kill it. The requisite majority , however , was secured und tbo ordinance wus passed. Speaking with P. E. Her on the needs of Omaha , u HBB reporter , without referring ut all to the subject of the road , secured the following expression ot opinion : "What Omaha now wants is rapid transit between this city und South Omahu. " 'Uy what means , paved roads ! " "Well , yesj paved roads and cars. " The reporter suggested that there were now hourly trains between both places. "Thoso are good enough us far us they go. Hut something better Is roiulrcd. When a man rides into town on the dummy ho goes to the depot , und then bo's about us far from the city us bo was before ho left South Omaha. What Is wanted Is a line which will run direct to the heart of the city. When the stockmen know they can get on a car every live minutes and ride Into town , more of them will come hero and spend some of the money they would otherwise carry uway witb them. As It is now they go there with ODP , throe , five or ten cars of stock , sell them , put their money in their pockets and go homo. There Is more money changing hands In South Omaha daily than there is here , of course excepting the bank exchange. Now wo ought to get some of that , and wo could get it if wo had a rapid line between the two cities. " The proposed line Is not tliu motor of which , so much has been said , but another with H steam motor , which shall bo entirely safe and under the supervision of the coun cil. This will run to about two miles from the conterof the city ( where it will bo con nected with the cable line , thus giving almost a live mlauto Borvico between both places. llVVn have worked a great deal in tbo last , fcw days on tins business , " said ono of the company. "Woiiavo been greatly opposed by .the .Union Pacific radroua und their councilman and'wo expect * more opposition. Hut our plan Is iot a railroad Jcr the people , LOT NO. 2. Stock No. 4018-1049 and 4050. Imported Whipcord Suits made in a 4 button ctit-n-way style only. , in regular sizes from 35 to 42. This suit wns made in our own machliio room dur ing last sixty days , and thocutand muHo of this suit Is ns correct for dress pur poses as it is possible to have'them , and ns the present month is the month of all the year when pcoploiiro thinking'about tlrcss suits , we claim that thislotof wors ted suits is absolutely the most desira ble that It has ever been our privilege to olTcr the public. This garment'wad ' made UD to sell in our.stock for 822 , but ns one of the leading bargains for this week it is olTorcd ut the ridiculously low prlco of $15. Wo unhesitatingly claim that the average retail price o , , this suit is never less than 322. Of these two lots , which pi ® small1' ' particularly lot No. 2 , which Was adver tised as lot No. 1 , in our advertisement of last week , wo can send nd sample's of " either lot , hut as long as they-last. Sample - ' plo suits will bo sent by exnrCss'C. O. D. with the privilege of examination.lBo ! sure in ordering to mention the date of the advertisement , ns the lot numbers in our-diiTorcnt ndvertison-onts represent' different goods. In ordering mention the No. of the lot and the date of the advertisement. nnd wc'will win no mutter how much the railroad monopoly may try to injure Us. We expect to expend In the new enterprise three quarters of u million dollars. " Tnispowa-r neTer varies. A marvel of purl- ty.strenutli ami , wliolesonrnesi. .More econora Jcnlthantlio ordlnnrv kinds , nnil cnnn ° t dcsolp IncompeUUonwUntUe multitude of lovr cost , shortweight alum or .phosphate powders. Bold Pomlcr C ° " 12 ° OEV3AH A MEDICAL 9 SUBGIGAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sta. BK.-A.OH3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUtSES , Bc t facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue restful treatment of every form of disease renulr jug Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accouimO' nations in the west. WitiTK FOR CIKCOLABS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Cloti Feet , Curvature of tn < Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paraljsls , Epilepsy , Kid. ney , Bladder , liyc , Ear , SUu and Wood , aud all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Woman a Speolal'y. HOOK ox OiiiACts or WOMEN Fmx. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE JUKINQ 1 BrtCIAlTT Of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Dlood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic 1'oison removed from the eyslem without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital I'ower. Persons unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicines or liutrmnenU sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or tender , One personal - sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , aud we will scud iu plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Im- Mteocy , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocile , with Jneitioa list. Address Omaha aftdtcal and Suralcal Jn ( iucor DR. McMENAMY , \Cor. 13th tnBD atSU. , ' . OMAHA , NEB , . Continuation of the Sale of the Sawyer Woolen GVs Fabrics , There nro only two colorings loft on thcso celebrated suitings , ana wo olTor them until they are entirely closed out nt the snmo unapproachable low price of $12 per suit. No moro desirable mntor- ial can bo offered for a business suit than thcso goods are , being purely nil wool fabrics , and goods that have stood the test for years. LOT NO. 3. In this lot wo have about 100 suits left in Single Breasted Suck Coats , in sizes 35 to 44. The very bcf > t Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double arid Twist Spring Suitlngsnowlight grey and brown mixture , just made up in our very best manner , and never during the twelve yearn that wo have boon soiling this suit has it been placed on our coun ters at less than $18. The celebrated Sawyer Woolen t Co. , of Dover , N. H. , needs no commendation from us , hut wo unhesitatingly pronounce - nounco them the best manufacturers of fine all Wool Suitings in Now England. No shoddy Hocks or cotton used in any of their fabrics. Do not forgot the price only $12. LOT NO. 4. Wo offer 100 of the well known Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Suits in a very dark Ox ford Mixture , a small neat check pat tern , ono of the most popular styles the mill has over made , suitable for either dress or business purposes. Single Breasted Sacks , regular sizes in Spring weight , at the same extremely low price of $12. $2 PANTS. c. o. n. With Privilege of Examination. All Wool Pants , both light and dark colors , in sixes 30 to 1 ! ! waist and 30 to 34 leg measure. Also a very largo line of bettor grades of Pan ts ranging in price from 82.50 to 8. Our $3.75 to &T Pauls arc extra good value. Mail Orders Solicited WINDSOR UMBRELLAS. Most popular t'mbrollas Known. Moro tlmn OO.OOO sold int i twelve months. None nro gonulno without our VATUNTfiD SIMUNfiS In the btk'kH und tics inured us above. BELKNAP , JOHNSON & POWELL New Yoik and Philadelphia. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Aids niyestlon , CurcuJyc sf , Strenutltcna the Nystem , Jlcstorcs tiotinil , Jtefrctihlna 1'rlceless to Xttralug Mothers. RecoimenHed by Eminent Physicians , For Sale by nil tirmjuMttntllUch- ard son Jruu Co. , Wholesale Drwj- DOLAN Cassimere Suits Wo commence the sale this week of about 1000 Suits of the celebrated Dolan Casaimcrcs , in regular sizes 34 to 44 , comprising four different styles ami mixtures at the extraordinary low price of $8 per suit. Those are strictly all wool goods , free from shoddy , durable and right in every respect. No suit In this lot ever to bo retailed for loss than $12 , hut wo offer this as an attractive bargain In Men's low priced business nulls. Send for earn pies of these goods before ordering thorn , wo will gladly send sam- Jilo of cloth to any address , or wo would much prefer to send a sample suit , so that the manner of making and trim ming can bo scon. Wo would recom mend , however , that self measurement blanks ho sent for first , BO that a sample suit may bo sent fitted to the party who has ordered , and in this wny saves the trouble of returning suit to exchange it. Remember , there are four styles of thcso goods. Remember , the price I only $8.00. LAWRENCE , OSTROM & CO. , LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY. FAMOUS 10 YEAR OLD OF BOURBON WHISKEY For Medicinal p/ and Family Use. ABSOLUTELY PURE NO FUSEL OIL ! Is Death to Sure Cure for MALARIA , CONSUMPTION , CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING , TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS BOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATION INDIGESTION , OF FOOD. DYSPEPSIA. PRICE , $1.23 For Quart Bottle. SoW Only In Bottles. For Sale by Oiocert For Solo by and Wine Merchant Druggists Everywhere. Etitrywhtrtt ; ? * 0"W THE FLIMTV oSlNV PAHT pf THE < EEIHS IT OF hJSEL OIL BEFORE IT 15 THE GREAT APPETIZER. Tbla It to certify that I haTO eumlnod the tunfli ot BELLE OK DOtmDON WHISKEY recclretl fro Lawrence , Octrom & Co , anj found Uie mo to bo | > erfocllj free from t'uiol Oil tnd all other ddoUrlou lubstoncci nod BtrlcUj puro. 1 cbtwrfully rtcoramtnd the tame for family and Medicinal j > urpoi i. J , I' . nnuiCK. M , D. . Analytical Clminlit , Ixmlirllle. Kr. GLADSTONE ISICOS. & CO. , AguiifM for Omaha , A'cb. Heaiiii is Wealth ! DII. 15. C. WEST'S NEIIVE AND IlnAi.v TUBAT- UK NT , a Kinininlfoil specific for Hysteria , Dlzzl- BOSH. ConvnlBloiiH , nta , Nervous Nc-urnlRla , Ht'iulnclio , NervouH I'rostnitlou. canned by the nbo of alcohol or tobacco , WiikcfnlnesH , Mental Depression , BoftenliiK of the llniln , ri'tiiiltliiK In ] iimnlty , uul U'lullni , ' to mlsi-rv. dccny nnd death , 1'rcmiitiirn Old AKC. llfirrennons , LUSH of 1'ower In either sox. Involuntary J/osses nnd KpennnUjrlm.'u caused l > y ovor-exeiUon at ( he liritln , self-abuse or over-Indulgence , IJarh l > ns contains one month's treatment. H.OT n liox , or six boxes for 8.VOO , tent by ronll prepaid on 10- cclptof prlco , IV15 GUARANTEE BIX BOXRS To euro nny case. With eacli Older received by IIH for MX boxen , accompanied with H.I.UOve will tend the purchaser our written iuarante to refund the money If the treatment does not effect u euro , ( juaiantees Issued only by U , 1 < \ ( JOODMAN. Druvplbt , Solo , \gent , 111U Knrunin Btreet , Omaha , Neb. SteekPiano MgniarXujlo.for powerful nvmpa- thitlo toner'l'innjltfactlon nnd ub- tioluiuilunUilVl ty. 3u > Ti > ri T record , the b ht guarantee of _ thoextel- _ _ lericc ot thesa instruments. WODDBR1DGEBROS , PEERLESS DYES . ' . A-.j- -.1 * - ' ' ' - - ' " - i-'i . . . . - , . - . . . . . . . . * * * Pianos CHICKERING , KNABE Vose & Sons , Instruments exchanged , rented and coldoa Easy Payments , below FACTORY PRICES. Instruments slightly used at GREAT BARGAIN Max MeyeT& Bro , , Omaha , Neb. Omaha Seed House. . Ilt'tid < | unUH > > for l.itinli t-tli ( Xlibnit'-d hectic 1'luTiti , Cut Flowers . add 1'lovnl dubl ug. Bead forci'taloguc. W. H. KOSTKU / . SON , Propdotortt J022 Capitol Avenue , .