Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    V > , ,
Secretary Agor's Report on the
Question of Freight Bates.
Tlio Fill Coniponmlcrfl nnd Tliolr
Professional Supporters Texas
Ponied Dlo on the Iloadaldo
School Matters.
1029 P STUBST , }
LINCOLN , Mny 10. )
J , II. Agcr , ono ot the secretaries of the
stole board of transportation , submitted to
iha bonrtl this morning n report on the ques
tion of freight rates , that duty having been
given to him by the board. The railroads
cannot object to the report and if the people
Oo not there Is no reason why vrhitc-wlrigcd
pence should not settle down for a Unto upon
the railroad question ,
On tbo subject of protection to the com
mercial centers , ho recommended the con
tinuance of the distributing tariff , and in re
sponses to the request of the board , ho sub
mitted a discussion , together with the recom
mendation that the board take no steps at
this time for n general reduction of rates by
adopting such proposed local distance tariff ,
but confine itself to the issuance of such
orders only as shall bo found necessary to
correct irregularities , where , upon com
plaint , investigation develops the fact that
unjust rates have been charged , nnd to pre
vent discrimination where it Is shown to
exist. Ho thinks the proposed action would
complicate matters In the suit pending
against the Fremont , Ellthorn & Missouri
Valley railroad. The board is also enjoined
( n the United States court against making
any orders concerning rates on the Union
Pacific , and this IB trlvon as a suOlclcnt
cause for delaying further action until a
final decision has been tnado and the rela
tions of the board to and their power over that
road have been defined by the courts.
Since April 0,18S7thero have been material
reductions In both state and inter-elate rates.
This is partly duo to the action of the board
and partly to concessions by the roads.
A reasonable rate is defined to bo one
which , without oppressing , or giving the
people cnuso of complaint , still allows the
railroads a fair return on their investment ,
On this question the pcoplo and the railroads
arc liable to differ. The board has been
clothed with the responsibility of determin
ing in the first instance what is n reasonable
and Just rate , and as arbitrators between the
people and the railroads not as the special
attorney of either. It Is probable that the
rates in this state are too high. In compari
son with other western states Nebraska's
rates occupy middles ground. When a rate Is
so low as to bo satisfactory to the people , and
lngh enough to warrant existing roads to
give the best service attainable , to encourages
the extension of main lines , the building of
"branches and now roads into those portions
of the state .vet without umplo and needed
railroad facilities , nnd the benefits derived
from the competition of rival Hues , then it is
a Just nnd reasonable rate. Apply
ing this test , Nebraska's rates are
not so unreasonable ns has been
charged , as complaints have almost ceased
whllo the net earnings for the year ending
Juno 80,1837 , allow them an annual interest
OH stock and a debt of 5J per cent or OJf per
cent on the stock of the road and equipment.
"Tho resources of a largo part of the
state , " continues Mr. Agcr ; "aro as yet un
developed , and its railroad systems uro far
from complete , and uny radical change at
the present time might result in a decreased
nnd poorer service on existing roads , and stop
the building of now ones. Pcoplo who enter
tain views in common with thU suggestion
are confined to no particular portion of the
state , to no particular class of business , and
to no particular party , but are composed of
men who realize the fact that the develop
ment of the siato has boon largely duo to the
railroads , and who bollovo the interests of
the railroads and the pcoplo are too closely
interwoven to make it possible for one to
thrive while the other languishes , or for one
to prosper by the oppression or downfall of
the other. "
The visiting pharmacists who are In at
tendance at the meeting of the state associa
tion wore entertained royally last night at a
ball given to thorn by the Lincoln druggists
ut Temple hall. There were about thrco
hundred persons present , Including a liberal
representation from nearly all the social
clubs in the city. The executive commlttoo
of the ball consisted of Hon. M. E. Shultz , J.
H. Harley , W. C. Mills , J. E. Klggs , C. M.
Cohb , Jj. C. Dunn nnd C. J. Daubach , and
they performed their duties most success
fully , the bill being pronounced by all a
grand success.
The election of officers resulted as follows :
President , W. B. Shryock , of Louisville ;
vice presidents , H.V. . Brown of Lincoln , G.
J. Evans of Hastings , D. W. Saxo of Omaha ,
8. W. Laflln of Wymoro , E. J. Leykora of
North Bend ; secretary , C. J. Danbochof
Lincoln ; treasurer , James Forsyth of
Omaha ; local secretary , A. F. Schilling of
Lincoln , The vote on the location of the
picxt meeting was as follows : Lincoln , fit ;
Omaha , 'M ; Grand Island , 10. The meeting
will bo hold on the second Tuesday in May.
The eclectic physicians who had been in
convention forty-eight hours adjourned last
evening at a late hour. Tbo principal bus- !
pess transacted during the afternoon was the
election of delegates nnd officers. The dolo-
gatns to the National Medical association In
jDctrult next Juno were as follows : Dra.
Grimes. Bates. Keys , Morton , Carrikor ,
Root , Howard , Turner , Alexander , Souther-
laud , Sturdovant , llcntly and Bowman. The
following ofUcors wuro elected for the ensu
ing year : Dr. J. M. Keys , president ; I. D.
Howard , Ural vice president ; second vice
president , B. J. Alexander ; third vice -pres-
tlont , I. Von Camp ; secretary , M. A. 13 , Car-
'riker ; treasurer , Alex Colcmatj. The old
board of consura was ro-elccted , and the as
sociation adjourned to meet iu Lincoln on the
third Tuesday in Juuo , ISsD.
At the evening ncssion of the mooting of
the homccpathisU Mrs. Dr. M. A. Howard ,
of Hastings , and Dr. M. A. Corrlker , of Nc-
brivsUn City , were elected members of tha us-
oclation , The election of onlccrs resulted
M follows : 13. F. Bailey , president ; 13. T.
Allen , Omaha , first vloo president ; J. B ,
FOJH , Crete , second vice president ; D. E ,
{ forestall , York , secretary ; O. S. Wood ,
Omahu , treasurer. Board of censors , J. B ,
Eavvlc , Grand IslandC. ; G.SpraguoOmaha ;
R. Carsriuliioii , York. Delegates to the Na
tional HoiiKupathio Institute at Niagara next
Juno , Drs. Parsoll , Wood and Hnnckctt.
Resolutions were passud endorsing the es
tablishment of a homcupathlo hospital and
ticademy of medicine at York. The associa
tion then adjourned to meet at York in May ,
Captain A. S. Godfrey , who bos a farm
crural miles from Lincoln , appeared at the
ofllco of the live stock sanitary commission
this morning and stated that last Tuesday a
car loud of Texas ponies was brought to Lln-
eolu uud unloaded , ufUir which they were
driven from town toward Qcrmautown , tholr
destination , A largo number of them never
reached the cud of the Journey , however , no
Jess than twenty-six of them having laid
down by the roadside and died. As this oc
curred between Woodlawn and Malcolm , and
the pouted had been driven by Captain God
frey's farm , ho was somewhat alarmed lest
they had been carried off by some contagious
disease. Ho asked that the commission scud
n vctrinariau to examine the remainder ot
the herd and itossibly to make mi oxumina <
tlou q/ the bodies of llio dead homos for the
purpose of ascertaining the nature of the
disease" which carried them off. The com
missioners will grant the request.
Hon Gooriro B. Lane , state superintendent
of public , instruction , is Bonding out to the
graded schools of the utato blanks on which
they are requeued to send iu financial ro-
traits showing the cost of conducting the ref -
f > pcclivo schools. The purpose of this is to
L'nublo the bchools to osmp.iro notes and as-
LCI tain whether they are conducting the
Work of education us economically as is con
sistent with thorougluii'bs. 1'rof. Lanu
thinks that the reports will show 100 pet
cent differoiico in the expenses of Bchools ol
equal excellence , and iutitnatcs that amoun
the school * which are uot managed as eco
nomically us they should bo arc those ol
TUOBO blanks for reports will b
enl to nil schools which nro graded nnd
which employ three or more teachers , nnd
the result will doubtless bo very satisfactory.
The Nelson Improvement association filed
its articles of Incorporation yesterday in the
office of the secretary of elate , The object of
the corporation is the improvement of Nelson
and vicinity and the development of 1U
resources. The capital Mock is $10,000.
divided into 400 shares of 623 each , tooo paid
up in installments ot $1 per month. The as
sociation will begin business on Tuesday ,
March 27 , or as soon thereof tor as fifty shares
shall bo subscribed. The articles are signed
by twonty-throo citizens of Nelson as mcor-
The governor this morning commissioned
the following notaries public : C. F. Lctson ,
Albion , Boone county ; C. S. Otis , Blue
Springs , Gage county ; William S. Cook ,
South Omaha ; Frank W. Randall , Thayer ,
York county ; Frank S. Gehrkcn , Humphrey ,
Platte county ; George L. Truox , St. Paul ,
Howard county.
The board of educational lauds and fund *
held a meeting this morning , at which they
purphascd $20,000 Johnson county court house
bonds. They bear G per cent interest nnd
were purchased nt par.
The clerks in the various state offices are
busy preparing material for the biennial re
port to bo made to the legislature , which
meets next January.
At n special meeting of the council held
yesterday afternoon the contract for erecting
a stone bridge over the Antolouo on East 0
street was lot to Hughes Bros , for $3r > 00.
The Jackson dbinocrntlu club mot last
night and listened to addresses by a few of
the faithful , of tor which arrangements were
perfected for the organization of ward clubs.
Thousands of Dollars
are spent every year by the pcoplo of this
state for worthless medicines for the cure of
throat and lung diseases , when wo know that
If they would only invest $1 m SANTA ABIE
the new California discovery-for consump
tion nnd kindred complaints they would in
this pleasant remedy find relief. It Is rec
ommended by ministers , physicians nnd pub
lic speakers of the Golden State. Sold and
guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. nt $1 a
bottle. Three for S2.GO.
The most stubborn case of catarrh will
speedily succumb to CALIFORNIA CAT-U-
CUUE. Six months' treatment forl. By
mail f 1.10.
Liizrlo Evnns at the Boytl Last Even
Lizzie Evans , as vivacious and sparkling
ns over , even moro so , If that can bo possi
ble , appeared at Boyd's ' opera nouso last
evening In the romantic comedy of "Our
Angel. " No description of the plot is neces
sary , ns it is the earno old hackneyed story of
a little waif m a mining hamlet , who owns a
rich claim , but sbo don't know it. The deep
dyed villain is there scheming to get posses
sion of both her and her claim ; the honest
miner lover , who found her when a wee lit
tle thing on the breast of her dead mother ,
in the woods , where she had been driven by
a brutal and drunken husband , und who had
always loved and worshipped her , frustrates
the rascal in all his machinations , ana finally
marries the heroine , they settle down , raise
a largo family and live In peace and quiet
over after. Throughout the play Miss Evans
sings and dances , kicks and Jumps , and Is
guilty of a thousand nnd one other abnormal
breaks , that cause the susceptible pcoplo to
cheer and clap their hands and laugh until
one is infected with the prevailing spirit in
spite of himself. Indeed , though. Miss Evans
is a superior little soubrctto , chick , piquant ,
pretty and doliclously clover in everything
she undertakes. There is no call for ex
tended notice of any of her support , male or
female , although all nro pleasing. By the
wuv Miss Evans Is an Omaha property owner ,
and thinks extremely well of the place.
When you urp constipated , with loss
of appetite , hcndacho , lake ono of Dr.
J. H. McLean's Little Liver nnd Kid
ney Fillets. They arc pleasant to take
and will euro you. 25 cents a vial.
Dropped Dcnil With Hcnrt Disease.
Horace Kinncy , the janitor of Crapp Bros'
hall , wlillo in company with two Indies preparing -
paring the rooms for an entertainment to beheld
held at that place last evening , complained
of a pain in his chest. He reached for a
chair to sit down , but suddenly , to the horror
of the two. ladies , ho fell dead to the floor. A
physician was called , but Kinncy was beyond
all human aid. The doctor happened to be
the ono who had been treating Biunoy , and
ho pronounced the case ono of heart disease.
Klnnoy'B wife died a few months ago nnd bo
leaves thrco orphans , the oldest fourteen
years old. The deceased man was about
llftyyears old. On account of this sudden
taking off Just before the proposed festivities
the merry making was indefinitely post
poned. „
The Largo Perfumery Business
of Colgate & Co. gives them unequalled
facilities in preparing fancy odors for
their toilet soaps.
Dick lUtclicu'H Mules.
Denver News : Dick Kitchen oi
Omah'i's hotel Paxton was in this city
Saturday on his way to Lcndvillo. Dick
was a familiar figure in Denver twenty
years ago , nnd the regret of his happy
live is that ho did not remain , take ur.
a section of land somewhere in Arapahoe -
hoe county , divide it into lota now and
become n millionaire. Ho says there
were real estate sharks in those days ,
and ono of those came mighty near
"doing him up. " Dick was preparing
to leave for the "states. " and was pos
sessed of a vary good pair of mules and
n , buokboard for the long haul. A real
estates man pounced upon him the day
ho was to set out on his journey and
offered him twenty lots where the Toboi
Grand nnd government now stand fet
his outlit. Dick told the Impudent fel
low that ho Imd boon in this country
long enough to bo acclimated and have
hid oyo-sooth out , and that if ho didn't
"got away from thorn there mules , " ho
would build a claim s anty over his oyo.
The follow "got , " and Dick got for the
states. Those twenty lots are now
worth about 82,000 per front foot.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , und all skin orup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles ,
MENT , Sold by Goodman Druir Co. at ! M
cents per box by mail ao cents.
A Lesson in I0liiicttc ( ,
The Buffalo Express in a recent issue
says :
A young man stood in a doorway on
Saturday evening. Another young man
and a woman pasbod. "Hollo. Mary1 !
called Ihoypttnfj man who stood , loudly
to the companion of the young mm
who walked That young man Mopped
walking , deposited his girl in anotuui
doorway , came bock to the other young
muu , and gnvo h'm an unmerciful boat
ing. "What did you do that for ? " do
mandcd the vanquished ono ns soon a :
ho had n chnnco to speak. "You in
suited the lady I was with , " was the re
ply. ' 'I didn't ' say anything but 'Hollo
Mary ! ' and , anyway , don't you Unov
that she's my sistori" ' "Yes , I know
that , but you had no right to attrac
attention to her on a crowded street bj
hollorlng at her. Do you supposetha
the erowa know that you are the
brother'/ What would they think of t
girl thus rudely accostodV" It was a severe
voro Icsbon in street etiquette.
"Goldon at morning , silver nt noon
and load at night , " is the old say Inf.
about eating oranges. But there i
something that fa rightly named Golden
and can bo taken with bonotit at urn
hour of the day. This ia Dr. Pierce * !
Golden Medical Dibcoverv , litoralli
worth its weight in gold to any ono suf
forintr from scrofulous affections , im
purities of the blood , or diseases of tin
liver nnd lungs. It is unfailing , ] 3i
How the Great Iiftwyor Jcrkoil Senator
Kvarta Off His Olinir.
A few years ago in the United States
: ourt in Now York I had the pleasure
1 hearing Roscoe Conklingmako a very
iommonplaco moss of railroad niTnlrsin-
torcsting and even exciting with his
marvelous eloquence , said recently an
old resident to a PI ttsburg' Dispatch ro-
reporter. All of the speech ha escaped
mo now , and I can't remember even the
name of the suit. An incident occurred
which was called to my mind by a very
artistic spring overcoat of Now York
architecture , inside which a Pitts-
burger appeared on Fifth avenue yes
At the trial I referred toboforoConk- ,
ing was opposed by William Maxwell
3varts , the senator whoso sentences are
as long as his republican record , nnd
longer. When Conkllng came into
court ho was wearing a very handsome
ovorcontlight , now and glistening with
silk lining. It was spring , and the great
stalwart never was known to dross caro-
ossly ; on the contrary , his taste in at
tire is conspicuously good , and ho likes
to dress well.
Ho took off the overcoat and flung it
over the back of the chair , and turned
away to talk to some of his legal col
leagues. A mlnuto afterward Mr.
Evivrts catno in and sat down at once in
the chair over which his opponent's
overcoat hung. The overcoat slipped
down as the small lawyer composed
himself in the chair , and Mr. Evnrts
appeared to bo enjoying the extra com
fort of the novel support to his back ,
when Conkliug turned round and saw
the tails of his coat disappearing.
Conkling took two slops , and grasping
the coat firmly jerked it and Mr.
Evarts off the chair. Mr. Evarta
was very much astonished and
disposed to bo cross , but ho couldn't
help laughing as Conkllng hold up the
coat wrinkled and creased by its ser
vice as a cushion.
"Perhaps you'd like to shako mo
too ? " said Mr. Evarts , as Conkling
shook out the coat.
"And I would , if I thought I could
shako the wrinkles out of youl" was
Conkling's laughing reply.
I cheerfully recommend Bed Clover
Tonic to these suffering from troubles
of the stomach and liver. I am now on
my second bottle , and it makes mo feel
like a now man. C. M. CONNOK ,
Nashua , Iowa.
C. P. Goodman Drug Co.
Youth No Bar to Greatness.
Charles James Pox was in parliament
nt nineteen.
The great Cromwell left the univers
ity of Cambridge at eighteen.
John Bright never was at any school a
day after ho was fifteen years of age.
Gladstone 'was in parliament at
twenty-two und at twenty-four was lord
of the treasury.
Lord Bacon graduated at Cambridge
when sixteenand was called to the bar
at twenty-one.
Peel was in parliament at twenty-one ,
and Palmerston was lord of the adtnir-
ality at twouty-throo.
Henry Clay was in the senate of the
United States at twenty-nine , coatrary
to the constitution.
Gustavus Adolphus ascended the
throne at sixteen ; before ho was thirty-
four ho was ono of the great rulers of
Judge Story was at Harvard at fif
teen , in congress at twenty-nine and
judge of the supreme court of the
United States at thirty-two.
Condo conducted % memorable cam
paign at seventeen , und at twenty-two
no , and Turenuo also , wore of the most
illustrious men of their timo.
Martin Luther had become largely
distinguished at. twenty-four , and a
fifty-six had reached the topmost rount
of his world-wide fame.
Washington was a distinguished col
onel in the army at twenty-two , early
in public affairs , commander of the
forces at forty-three , and president at
Webster was in college at fifteen , gave
earnest of his great future before ho
was twenty-five , and at thirty was the
poor of the ablest man in congress.
William H , Seward commenced the
practice of law at twenty-one , ut
thirty-ones was president of a state con
vention , and at thirty-seven governor
of Now York.
I have opened my Woodruff granite
quarries and can fill all orders of almost
any dimensions. Rock can bo scon at
stone yards of Wni. Tyler , Lincoln ,
Neb. Tao3 PHICE.
A leading citizen of Martello lately sent to
Davenport for a jug of whisky. It came by
express with the proper seal of secrecy upon
its brown nose. But when the scaling wax
was broken and the cork removed , it was
found to contain nothing but stale water.
Don't Got Caught
This spring with your blood full of im
purities , your digestion imparcd , your
appetite poor , kidneys and liver torpid ,
and whole system liable to bo prostrated
by disease but got yourself into good
condition , and ready for the changing
and wanner weather , by taking Hood's
Sarsaparllla. It stands unequal ! jd for
purifying the blood , giving an appetite ,
and for a general spring medicine.
Public Healing
At dlayo Meyer < C lira's. Music Hall
Corner Sixteenth-ami Far-
iutm Streets ,
A largo nnd appreciative audlRnce assembled
at Mux loyur & llro.'a mualo liall yostonluy
inoruliiK tu wltnesM Dr. Hmltli'a struimo and
mysterious magnetic power over disease
Nearly every seat In the hall \vaa tilled with In
valids suffering from all manner of dlaeaso M ho
were Impatiently waiting for au opportunity
to be called ujxjn the utago. After giving u
short lecturu tliu doctor mated that he wouh
occupy the liall every morning from 10 to 1.
o'clock , and that ho would puollcly heal all poor
people free of charge. Ho also utatod that ho
had opened au ollicu In Oruenlg block , on nth
ktreet , next to the Mlllard hotel , where those
who were u Die and trilling to pay for his fcervl
cea could go from U a. m. to & P. m. dally , except
Hundnyd. He then gave an Invitation to the
sick and nflllcted to como upon the stage ( on nt
n tluiu ) nnd be cured. The Hrat peraonotogo
upon the tugo yraa a middle-aged woman 'Wno
\\as8iiirerliiKfroiaaiiQlnln her stomach auc
rio tancl fruui a bovuro pain In the back of her
bead. Tlia doctor seated her In a chair am
took hold of her hand for a few momenta. He
then made a few gentle passim over the allllctec
parts , when ( the declared to tbo audience that
hliowus 1'iillrt'ly free from pain und tliut she
felt perfectly well. An old gentleman went
upon the stage who was so deaf that he coult
not hear a sound without shouting ut him Kt the
top of your voice. In loss than live minutes the
doctor was talking to him In au ordinary tone
of voice. The old gentleman said he could hear
over so much better. He wnu directed to return
In a few duya and receive another treatment
Au old lady sultertiiK from partial paralysis o
her right aide then vent uixm the stage and waa
made I o UBS her arm and limb as if by magic
Several patients fallowed the doctor from Dun
ver. wheru ho spent the winter. They all speak
of him in the highest terms and say that he per
formed n.any remarkable cures \\hlloluDen
ver. The doctor may be consulted in hUotllcn
in QruoiilB block , ou 13th bt. . nuxt to the illllan
hoube , free of charge , from v a. m. till 5 p. tn
He cures all forms of rhroulc diseases. His
charges are moderate and If you BO to him be
will treat you honorably , All letters of lurjulrj
must contain postage.
Its superior excellence proven In millions ot
lomca for more than n quarter of a century- . It
s used by the United States OoTcrnment. Kn-
lorsod bjr the hcnds of the great universities ns
.ho strongest , purest nnd most healthful. Dr.
Trice's Cream Unking 1'owilor docs not contain
amniouln , Hmo or alum. Sold only In cans.
, ,
Now York. Chlrauro. St. Louis.
Our Magic Remedy
r All Bypbllltlo DttCMti , of reo nt or lone lUnalnE.ln
from ton to fifteen dayi. We will BITS written gu&r-
itntcei to cnr any CM * or refund ronrmoncr. Ana
WBwonldux to tboM who h v employed tbi moil
Bklllvd I'hyMelnni , > ed T rr known remedy no
pure not been cured , tbtt Tea are the subjects we r\m
looking for. Ton that bare been to tbc colebmtoa
Hot Spring * ot Aikuiiu , and b re lost all hop * of
Will Cure You
are * . Our remedr I * unknown to anr
one In tbe worfd ootilde of our Company , and It la
tbe only remedr in the world tbat will care you. Wo
will oar * the most obstinate cu > In less tban ono
month , floren Caya la roceat oases does tbo work. 11
Is the old , chronic , deep-seated eases tbat we solicit.
Wo bar * cured hundreds wbo bad been abandoned.
tjr Pb7 > lclan > and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
tobrtnf Bsarjtse tbat wa will not cur t In lees than
8tnca tb0 btstorr of medicine. aTrne Specific for
BjphlUtlChErupUons , Dicers. Bora monta , Ac , lias
bun sou t Xor but neier found until
Our Magic Remedy
eras dtscoTered , and we an Justified in taring It li tot
only remedy In tbe world tbat will pooltlTolr cure ,
because the latest medical works , published by tbe
best known authorities , say there was neror a true
speoino before. Our Itamodr Is tbe onlr medicine In
ue world tbat will cure 'when eTarrtnlnn else ha *
failed. Itbaebeen so conceded by a tarce number of
Celebrated Fbyslrlans. IT IIAS NBTCH YET VAlLin
to CUKI. Why w st your time and money with
patent medicines tbat nerer bad rlrtne , or doctor
with physicians tbat cannot cure you. Ton tbat bar *
tried erer ? thing 4lae should come to us now and let
permanent relief I you nerer can get Itelsewbera.
Mark wbat wo sari Initbe end yon most take OUT
Remedy or NXTKU recover. And you that bar * been
afflicted but a abort time should by all means come to
cs BOW. uany get belp and tblnk tbeya TO free from
tbe disease , but In one , two or three yean after , It
ppean again In B more horrible form.
ICTCctlEat * our financial standing through the mar *
afscles and noM.that wo are fulnr responst *
EUla our written guarantees are good , we hare a
IXDT prepared on purely Scientific Principles and
h to repeat tiaftiMiTHB FAILS TO ctram. All
Kowl sacredly confidential.
THE COOK BEMEDI CO. , Omaha , Heb.
Boom 10 and 11 , U. 8. National Dank. 12th and
FarnamnU. Callers take elevator on Farnam
street ; to sccona lloor. Jloom 11 for ladles ouly
What terrible Titlons thli little word brings
before the eyes of the nerrous.
Headache , Neuralgia ,
Indigestion , Sleeplessness ,
Nervous Prostration ,
All stare them In the face. Yet all these nervous
trouble ! can be cured by uiUig
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
Also contain ] the best remedies for diseased con.
ditior , * of the Kidneys , Liver , and ZJlood , which
always accompany nerve troubles.
It it a Nerve Tonic , an Alterative , a Laxative ,
and a Diuretic. That Is why It
$ i.oo a Dottle. Send for full particular * ,
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. . Proprietors ,
Easily digested ; ot the fluost flavor. A hearty
beverage for ix strong appetite ; a delicate drink
for tnusensitive. Thorouglily testednutritious ; ;
palatable ; unexcelled la purity ; no unpleasant
uftereirecta. Requires no bolllnfr.
soiB ny
Tbe lamest , fastc t < und finest In the world.
I'assoDuer accomraofliUons unifxceilod.
Ne\v Xorkto Oln | [ atvvlaLoodunderrv
CltlCAHHIA . . .MAVlVtUl ANCIIOlllA. , . . . .JUNK Vth
The Celebrated I Largest anil Unoit I'tts-l MAV 16th
Mi'uuishlu eag t Rtoamor In Ji'NKlHIi
CITV OK IIOMBI tbe World. | jlII.Vlltll
Huloou pussaga to Qlaixow.Jerrr.Liverpool , llolfast
or Quuoiistown , Xantl upwurds per Glasgow Htoatu *
ors. liu and upwards for Cltr of llomo. Hocond-Uiios
fJO , Ho turn tickets at reduce ! rates made uvnllubla
for either route , offerlnc excursionists Ibo urlrllcKe
of scelnK tha North ana Snutb of Ireland , thu Hirers
Memoir anil plcluresqua Clyde. bteoreKO "J. Anibor
l.lno ilrnftn imyablo free of cbaree , sold ut lOMOtt
rates , l or boot of toura. tickets or furlber Informa
tion apply to
HENDEHOH BROS. , 72 Li Salle St. , Chieago.
Or to any of our local agents.
lffcTTimreinBf04 J iyD7.
( ' Lleetr * aiB4ni tU li lu
r riiM.oomUnM. Uuuuiueatha
onJr one In the world aencrnUns
j.- a cuntinuoQS Kltclno df aciynttu
RT mrml. d ntHle.VoweHal. Djrable ,
ij , _ rOomiorUblo sjid KH ctT * , Avoid frauds ,
; ° ? OY TB.OOO cured , SuodrJUnirilorpaiiipiUtt
04. HUaHE. leviNTOR. 101 UfAOASX AYE. . CHICACO.
Of lus llodr enlsrgsd nd strenetheued. Full partlcu.
larssentsrsl d ( rec. KHIK tlEU. CO. . flcrriio , N. Y.
ritilt of oTtr-Wcrk , tLJItcrctloc , etc. , aJlrcii abors ,
Besides doing the largest clothing business wo keep tlio most complete stock of Men's
Furnishing Goods. The prices at which wo sell them make it very difficult for other houses
to compete with us.
Shirts are sold everywhere at all sorts of prices. Wo would like to show you a sample
of the "Nebraska" Shirt ; you will not buy any other. Wo believe wo have touched bottom
on our Unlaundried Shirts at 30c , 50o and 70c. Laundered at G5o , 90c and $1.25. Elegant
pleated front Shirts at $1.00 , which cost you elsewhere $1.75. In fancy Percale Shirts wobeat ,
the world. OurOSo Eronch Percale Shirts , in newest designs , is equal to any $1.50 Shirt intho
market. All our Shirts are 36 inches long , cut full and guaranteed to fit and bo just as
represented. An elegant line of French flannel and fine cassimero Shirts in beautiful pat
terns. Low prices everywhere.
In Underwear we are in a position to beat all compotion out of .sight. Recent heavy
purchases at prices which would have boon impossible a mouth ago enable us to offer several
lots far below manufacturer's cost. Fine Gauze and Gossamer Merino Shirts at 15c and 20c.
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 25c each. Our fancy Standard Balbriggan at 55c each
for Shirts and Drawers are indeed surprising value ; nothing loss than $2.00 per suit would
buy such goods at any other place.
HOSIERY at just about one-half you have to pay elsewhere ; good
British Socks , 2 t > air for 25c , no better can be bought for double
the money elsewhere- Fancy Balbriggan and Silk clocked at 20o
and 25c.
NECKWEAR. A glance into our window on the 14th street corner ,
will give you a small idea of what we propose to do in this line this
summer ,
RUBBER COATS , "We hope you will not need them any more this
week , but if you should , we keep a large assortment and prices on
them as on everything else we handle positively the lowest.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Corner i4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Its TPfl n linofl and brandies include CHX0AQO ,
and scores of Intermediate cities. Choice of
routes to and from the Paclflo Coast. All trans
fer * in Union depota. Frist tralna of line Day
Coaches , oloeant Dinlnc Oars , magnificent Pull
man Palace sleepers , and ( between Chlcaeo , St.
Joseph , Atcnlaon and Kansas City ) Reclining
Cbalr Oars , Boats Free , to holders ) of through
Crst-cloaa tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Uland Route. "
ErtendaWest nnd Southwest from Kansas City
sndBt Joseph to NELSON. HOBTOFT , . BELLE
liUTCliTNBON , CALDWELI. , and all points In
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All eofoty ap
pliances and modem improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
IB the farorlta between Chlcaeo , Rock Island ,
Atchlson , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul Its Watortown branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lake ,
Bloux Falls and many other towns and cities.
The Short Line via Benecn and Kanknkeo offers
superior facilities to travel to and from Indian
apolis , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , Maps , Folders , or desired informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or address
DRS. S. & D.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of the Mnftenm of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. Mem.
bcra of University College Hospital , London. M. 13.
Glescn. Germany and New Yorfe , bavlnir devoted
tliclr attention specially to tbo treatment of v
Nervous , Cteoiilc & Blooj Diseases
More especially thoeo arlstnr/ from Imprudence , In
vite all BO eultcrlnu to corrjupond v.lthoul dolay.
Diseases of lufcctlon and contagion cured safely and
Ipcedlly without aso ot dangerous drugs. 1'atlents
whose cases have been ncuiccteA , lin.lly . trentrd or
proDoancud Incurable , sliouia Dot fall to write tu
Soncernlnir their eymptoins. All tetters recuiva 1m.
mediate attention.
* vf *
And will bo mailed Fliun to any addren unon r
ript of ono 2 < ent stomp. ' Proctlcol Obtcrvatlou on
nervous Debility and I'lmleal HihntKtlon , " Aval ,
liable inodlcal troatUo which sliould be read Ly all.
Address ,
c , 1742 Lawrence Street , Denver , Colo.
Paid Up Capital $250,000
Surplus 50,000
U.W.YATEB. President.
LKWIH H. IIBED , Vice President.
A. K. TOUZAUN , 2nd Vice President.
W. H , 8. HuniiES , Cashier.
niRECroits :
W , V. MOIWK , JOHN 8. Cor.LiKB ,
Hanking Office
Corner JSth and Farnam Kts.
A General Hanking Ilusluebs Transacted.
E.T.Allen , M. D. .
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
vr , J. aAi.nitA.iTu.
Surgeon and Physician ,
OlUce K. W Corner J4th and llougla-i St. Office
telephone , 4G5 ; Itesldeuce telephone , [ M.
Incomparably the Suet.
TED , who In his FOLLY and IGNOnANCB
has TRIFLED nwar his VIGOR of HODY ,
MIND and MANHOOO , wnslng exhausting
drains upon tha FOUNTAIN ! ! of LIFE ,
Drftms , "WEAKNESS of Moinorf , DAHII-
rcLNEHa in HoeiETir. PIMI'LEN upon
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS loading to
TION or INSANITY , should consult at once
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established
1661. Er. Clarke has made NE.RTOI7S IE-
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Diseases' of
the GENITO URINARY Organs a I.ifo
B'ndjr. It makes NO difference WHAT you
baTe taken or WHO has failed to cure you.
* JT FEMALES suffering from diseases p cu <
liar to their BOX can consult with the usuranco
of speedy relUf and core. Bend 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
4&-8end 4 cents postage for Celebrated
Works ) on Chronic , Norvoua and Dell *
no Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
latter , free. Consult the old Doctor.
Tboniandi cnr < l. ORIoei and parlors
private. AV-Thoso contemplating Mairlajo
tend for Dr. Clarke's ) celebrated guide
Halo and Female , each l&c. . both 25c.
( stamps ) . Befoi confiding your case , consult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future lufierlngand shame , and add golden
yean to life. * a-Book " Life's ( Secret ) Er.
rore , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent everrwhere , secure from exposure.
Boon , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Addrrjt ,
F. D. OLABBLB3 , M. D.
188 So. Claris SU OHIO AGO. ILL.
S , K , FELTON & GO , ,
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
dee , Strap's ' Building , Fonrtli Floor ,
To have your friends coma to
OB Kastern lines will sell tickets and run
Semi Monthly Land Excursions
Union Pacific
"The Overland Roulo. "
Until July 1 , 1888 , tickets sold for these excur
sions will ho good thirty dayn for the round trip
nnd can bo used ten days going. When purchas
ers are ready to return , these tickets will bo
good llvo day a for that purpose , 1 f purchasers
wish to stop short of destination ou our lines ,
agents will stamp tickets good to return from
' '
. 'B. KHIIETS , B. t. LOMAX.
"The Over I und Uoulo. "
Has BO arranged its Kiimily Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now he reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
} . Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Bluff *
own. The reservations when made arc
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , so that passengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured ,
J. H.'JfEnilETS. K. IfcliOMAX ,
Gen. 1 . Sc T. Agent. Ans't 0 , P , & T , A.
Overland Itoutc. "
The Sportsmen' * , Tourists' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line *
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Hook ,
"CKCrir O aLTCTB 1 X7X 233. "
highly interesting and useful to Sportsmen.
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association : as well as the revised game
laws of the Western States and Territories ,
Copies sent free upon application to
J. H.TKHniiT
Gen'IP. * T. Agt. .
O m uh a , Nob.
Are Ibo 11EHT.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road tn take for PcsMolnos , Marsbaltown *
Coflnr Itepldn. Clinton , Dixon , Chicago , Milwaukee )
nnd all points llast. To the poopln of Nebraska , Cole *
rado. Wyoming. Utah , Idaho. Neradn. Oregon. W < isu
Inxton nnd CullfornlR , It oiTora superior advantages
not possible by any other line.
Among a few of tuo numerous points of superiority
enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Omaha
and Chicago , are IU two trains n day of UAV
C'OACUKS , which are the fluent that human art and
Ingenuity can create. lnl'AI-ACUSl.KK.l'lNO CAlBt ,
which are models nf comfort and eloganca. Its I'AK-
l.OH DUAW1NU UOOM CAHS , unnurimi.ied by any ,
nnd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL. INNING CAUB.
the equal of which cannot bo found olsfiwheru. At
Council IllufTi , tha trnlna of the Union I'ucltlo Hall
way connect In union depot with thono of the Chi.
CHKO It Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the tnuns ot
this line mnko close connection wltu those of all
other Baitern linos.
For Detroit , Columbns. Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
Klannni Falls , nnfTMo , lltttlnirg , Toronto , Montreal ,
Uoston , New York , 1'bllatlelpbTa , Baltimore. WashIngton -
Ington , and all points In the Kant. Ask fur tickets via
" " "
If yon wish tbe licit accommodation. All ticket
agent * sell tickets via this lino.
Uen'l Manager. Qen'l 1'ass'r Agent.
W. N. BABCOCK. Gon'l. Western Agent.
O.K. ulMBALI.Ticket ! Aitent.
U. K. WKb'i' . City I'usjGnger Agent.
1101 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Ilcst Route from Oiualm nud Council
Bluffs to
Clilcngo , AND Slllminhce ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Islauil , Frcqiort , Rockford ,
Cllulon , Diibuiiuc , Davenport ,
Mndlsoii , Jaumlllo ,
Uelolt , Wnoiin , La Crosse ,
Andallothor Important points Rust , Northeast ana
For through tickets call on the ticket agent at 1W1
Karnnm street , la liarkor Illuclc , or ut Umon lacfio !
Pullman Bleepors and the finest Dining Cars In thli
world era run on tbe muln line of the Chicago. Mil
Haukco & Hi. I'aul Hallway , nnd overr atlautloaU
paid to passengers bjr courtuuiu employes cf Iba
1C Wll.LKItO neral Manager.
J.F. TUCKE1U AfiiyiiutJeucral Manager.
A. V. It. CAllrj'.NTEa , General l-aslen cr ona
Ticket Agmit. , !
( JKO.ll. IIHAPFOIU ) , Assistant General VtLUtatet
and Ticket Agent.
J.T. CJiAltR , Ooneral Superintendent.
rpiiE SCIKNCI : or
' great Uedlcal Work
age ou llauhooJ , Nerrous and 4
I'uyslcal Debility , Premature '
Decline , Errors of Youth , and
IhountoM rnUcrlesounscanent
thereon , SOO pages 8vo , IK
prescriptions for oil dUoases. .
Cloth , full gilt , only ei.OO , bj *
mall , scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young
end middle oeod men. Bcnduovr. TheQoldanJ
Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tha Na
tional Medical Association. Address I' . O. bar
1993 , Bottoa , Mass. , or Dr. W. IL TAmOSt , grail
uateof Harvard lIcdlcalCollfgo,25years' practice
tu noston , who may bo consul ted confidentially
Specialty , Diseases of lion. Office No , 4 Bulonch at.
State Line.
To ( ilasgow , Uclfust , DubIiiuimlLhm > eel
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passage f to and t&O , accordlntr to location
of btate room. Kxcurrilou ! ( fi to f"5.
Steerage to and from Huropo at I < owest tatea
0 cn'l A gents , K ) I Iroadway , Nu\v York.
JOHN IILKQBN , Oen'l Western Agent ,
101 Uaudolpu St. , Clilcago ,
IIAKUV B.MUOUB8 , Agent , Omuha.
MONTH ran bo msdo wurk.
$100 to $300 $ , A.
cau furnish thulr own hurtes aiU KITH tliulr
whole time tv tbu busluuss. bpt.r inumonU may U9
tirutltablT eniplojpd also. A few tnnturlf In lonns
aiulrltlus. 11. K. JousmiV & tXin IDWMaln bt. , KIcU
tuoud , Vu. ilcnUou tlie Uoiaba live.