THE OMAHA. ' DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 9 , isa * . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Fluctuates Within Narrow Limits , Closing Higher. A BEARISH FEELING IN CORN Cnnscd By thc'lncrensc In tlio Visible Supply Oats Active nncl Firm rrovlslons Still Strong Cnt- tlo nnd Hogs Itrlflk. CHICAGO PUOnUCE MAKKI3T. CillCAno , Mny 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun BuB.l The wheat market moved within the rnlhcr narrow limit of about } { o all mornlntf , nnd its spells of strength nnd weakness within that rnngo alternated qulto regularly nnd were of about the same duration. As a result nf the morning's trading , prices stand about M@X ° lower than yesterday's closo. Hutchison was again the heaviest seller , and although It is claimed by some that It is long wheat ha is realizing on , yet it seemed this morning as If ho was trying very hard to break the market , which ho would scarcely bo likely to do If trying to get the best price for his wheat. Ills offerings looked lilco an effort to hammer prices down nnd In the Bruno line was the offer of n largo wager that the market would ' 'sell down u cent before It sells up a cent. " The sales of moro than a million bushels by this trader of course had a depressing effect temporarily and was the cause of the first decline. However , there was good buying by local bulls for country account for the northwest nnd especially for New York. A bid by a local bull of Sic for 100,000 , bushels of July wheat seemed ( o bo the turning point , nnd the market climbed tip KC the decline It had suffered only to como most of the way down ngnln on realizing by early buyers. July wheat opened at S-l f c , sold up to S4J4c , down to 84c , up to SlJ @ 3lc , down to &I&C , up to 8S c nnd closed at 1 o'clock at , Juno wheat opened at 63 c , sold up to SIl ® 813'ffo down to SUc nnd closed at 1 o'clock at b3 c. Undoubtedly the most bullish Infliv CIICQ of the day was found In the movement of wheat nt Minneapolis. That city received 70,000 bushels of wheat nnd shipped 83,000 bushcjs. These receipts nro just about 100- 000 bushels less than Minneapolis received u week ago , and the shipments arc three times larger. It was said that the demand from country millers for wheat at Minneapolis , which nad almost ceased with the advance in price , is now again urgent If to-day Is not an Isolated instance , and receipts in the northwest grow stronger from this on , It will confirm the predictions of the wheat bulls of six months ago , who contended at that time that there was n shortage in the crop which would bo felt before the year was out. The winter wheat markets were all particularly strong to-day. Foreign mar kets were quiet. Now York wired that there wore export orders for wheat there , but they were below the market , nnd hardening freight values made it still moro dinicult to work wheat for export. The near approach of the government crop report is n strength ening feature In the market. Every man with any bullish feeling in him seems to think ho should have some wheat on hand when the report comes , and even the bears think It just as well not to put out any largo lines of short wheat until they see what sort of n document that government report actu ally is. There was n dcclino of l c In the price of May corn to-day as compared with yester day's closing prices. The shorts seem to bo pretty well covered , nnd some hold ers of long corn were realizing n,9 best they could. Thcro was nlso n dc'cline , but less extensive in the moro deferred futures , which was partly because of the weakness in May and partly because of very heavy short selling by several local bears. All this was In the fnco of compara tively light receipts , which failed to strengthen the market. This free selling and following so closely upon yesterday's announcement of a largo increase in the visi ble supply , there would seem to bo some connection between the two. The favorite future with the bears was July. July corn opened nt 5. > % c , sold down to 53J c , nnd closed at 5i ! fc. Juno corn was the same price except that the first sales were made at 5Hc , but that delivery also sold up to KMc. All activity in the speculative oats market was concentrated in the early trading , when the feeling was strong , especially for May delivery , the shorts bidding that month up about > 4 < j. Later , when corn declined , ' there was an easier feeling in oats and the market bccnmo dull. May oats opened at 34 0 bid , sold up to ! Hj c , down to and clos ing nt tuftc. June oats opened at : t3c bid , sold nt 'Mo and at n2K@i te , closing at SSd , oats closing at 3 } ie , September onts ranged from 27 0 to ! i7c. opening and closing nt the last named prico. The provision trade again exhibited unmls- tnknblo strength. Nounusuulchango | occurred In vnlucsbut the market was well supported , nnd the feel Ing rather favored holders. As compared with last night's final Jlgurcs , 1 o'clock closings were unchanged to a shade easier for -pork , unchanged for lard and % c higher for short ribs. AFTCIINOON SESSION. Wheat higher , May closing at 82 ; @SaKc , Juno closing nt 83 % . July sold nt 84 &o to 84QA l > , 'o split , closing at 84 c , August closing nt 84'tfc , December closing nt about 80 ? < c. Corn for Mny closed at bid. Juno closed nt 55fc. , July sold at 55Jfo to & 5c , then off 53' ' < e , up to 55 655Kc split , closing at 5555kfc ; August closing with 65tfc sellers. Onts closed steady nnd firm. May closed at 84c , and Juno closed ntW/fej ! / July sold nt 83 (3 ( 3-c , ana closed tit UJ c. Pork unchanged , closing ntf 14.20 for May , * 14.S-JX for Ju" ° . eH.lSJjffor July , and HI.43J4 for August. Quiet. Lard nvcrngcu 2'io ' higher. May closed at ei.2C@J.22 > < , Juno nt . 2 > < f , July nt $8.2 % August nt fS.iiOSS.a'J ? , nnd September nt 78.85. Short ribs wc o un changed to n shndo stronger and moderately nctive , closing nt $7.S7 } for Mtiv , ? 7. < X ) bid for Juno , 5 (57.i@T.70 ( ! for July , * r.75@7.77 for August. CHICAGO l\VK 8TOOIC. CmnnoMay ( 8. [ Special Telegram to THE HEK.J UVTTLU The estimated receipts wore B.OOO ; last Tuesday , 5,1537. , Business was ngnln brisk with u strong nnd solid upturn of lOo on the ordinary run of fat cattle , liutch- crs' stock allured In the advance , and cunning stock sold quicker , If not higher. Thcro was a train or two of Tvxans duo and on bale ; also n train of distillers ; that made strong prices. Everything was sold out nt an early hour , the general market closing steady at on advance. The stacker nnd feeder trade remains quiet , yet specu lators hope for a revival , now that pasturage is assured in the grazing nrca. Steers , 1,350 to 1,600 pounds , f4.8D@ P.OU ; 1,200 to 1,3.10 pounds , * U5@4.75 ; t)50 ) to 1,250 pounds , fa.UO@4.40 ; stackers and feed- crs , $ 'i.C5@t.b5 ) ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $ 175 ga.75 ; bulk , f2.tiO@Ufi : ; slop fed eteura , f4.26QI.70i slop fed bulls , ' f3.25@3.40. Texas cattle : Qrassors , ? 3.8Jj corn fed steers , $3.75 5 5t Hogs Trade brisk , with nn upturn of n strong fit * , In BOIIIO cases lOo , with about nil I sold nt nn early hour , closing steady nt an advance , Hcst heavy made ivsoigs.SA , ono lot mndo f5.87'v'iiud ono lot nt J5.1HJ. Most of mixed made $ -1.0.5 ( 5.75 and lignt t5.05Qi5.70 , NBW YOHK , Mny 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB DEE. ] The stock market was again disappointing to the bulls , and many ara In- cllncd to turn and take the bear side. The bear aixumcnt was that the wheat crop will bo short , and that roads which depend upon largo movement of winter \vhcat during July and succeeding months , will Hud rather slim picking. Another point they inako la ' that money Is growing higher in London , the rnto on short bills being 2 < 32 o in open mar- , If ( it , Foreign exchange bills nro scarce and rate Una within n fractiori of the bhlppiny ' ( whit and fc2jp,000 , Jn gold was' ordered ship ped from .New York ta-day , The latter , howcv6r , was evidently shipped for effect , ns there Is no profit In shipping. The bulls nro beginning to lose courage ns Gould stocks not weak nnd help pull the rest of the list down. There nro a few left , however , who maintain thnt the market Is oversold , nlso that good stocks will soon cut loose from the Gould weaklings nnd advance where others decline. Cnmmnck has been n seller on the market for several days , nnd the Impression prevails that ho nnd Gould nro noting to gether. London wns weaker nnd lower , nnd the decline wns reflected In Wall street , the mnrkct being wcnk and declining from tlio stnrt. Conflicting stories wcro nfloat regard ing the now Heading Londs. Friends of the Corbln nnd Drexcl-Morgnn party claimed thnt they would bo successfully placed In London , whllo Its enemies claimed thnt Droxcl nnd Corbln's efforts In London had been futile. The stock dropped IJ c , but mi lled Jfc. Oregon Transcontinental wns heavy nnd broke l&c , Missouri I'nclflc dropped lc , but rallied jtfc. Ulchinotid Tcrmlnnl broke lc. Grangcra declined fractionally , with fnir trading. Now England wns erratic nnd broke Xc , but rallied J c on the belief thnt it will succeed In tensing the New Haven road. A slight rally nbout noon wns short-lived , ns long stock caino out freely. It wns rumored thnt the Uurllngton had lost 512,000,000 by the strike and that it would pass its dividend. Long stock has been ( .alien from the strong boxes nnd sold with such freedom as to prccipltnto n drop of UX points In n short time. 'Tho drop In the liurllngton weakened the rest of the list , and the last snlcs wcro nt insldo figures , showing n dccltno of % c to2 * c outsldo of the Burlington. The total snlcs wcro 234,233 shares. GovnitNMCXTS. Government bonds wcro quiet but steady. QUOTATIONS. U. 8.4s registered. C.&N.W 109 II. a. 4s coupon. . . do preferred 142 ? U. 8. 4 > 4s reglstrcd.lOllS N.V.Central lOtl'i U. 8 4148 coupon..107Jf O.K. N 4 1'ncinc Os of 'Va 121 . T 24 ; . ' Cnnnda Southern. . 4'J'i' 'nclOo Mail. Central 1'nclllc Illii O. D.&U. . . . . . . . . . iny Clilr.npo & Alton. . . 135 Pullman PalaccCnilinvi C..1J.0 11 ! ) Heading oo ; ; U. . L. &W 12U Hock Island 11U I ) . & 11.0 18 st.L. .vs. K : m Erlu ZVi doprefcrred H7J.J ilo preferred 67 C..M. & St. Paul. . . 727 , Illinois Central 121 do preferred Ill I. . ll.&W 12 St. P. At O ! H < K.AcT. do preferred 107'/ J.nkcShoro OUi Texas Pacific. . . it. " K rj mi " " ? . UnionPnclllc . . ; ; ; ; my Michigan Central. . Til W.St.L.&P i4 : ! } Mlssourll'aclflc. . . 7fli ? do prof erred Ji > Missouri 1'nclllc. . . . 2IS4 W. U. Telegraph. . 76 i doprcferrcd K1/ MONET ON CALL Easy nt 1J to 2 per cent , last loan 2 , closed 1)4@'J. ) PIIIMB MBIICANTILB PAPEII 5@0 per cent. STKUUNO EXCIHNOE Active and strong ; $4.SOf ; for sixty day bills ; $4.88 % for demand. ntOUXJCE MARKETS. , May 8. Following arc the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Firm , ns last quoted ; winter wheat In sacks. $2.50@3.iO ( ; in bbls , S3.75@4.40 ; spring wheat , in sacks. S1.7o@3.85 ; in bbls , $3.50@4.50 ; rye flour , in sncks , i.70@2.UO ; In bbls , $2. 0@3.10. Wheat Opened a little weak under fair offerings , and after fluctuating closed nbout the same as yesterday ; cash , 82 7-lCc ; June , S3 > Vc ; July , 84-tfc. Corn Quiet ; comparatively steady until near the close , when prices ruled easier , nnd closed considerably lower than yesterday ; cash , 56 ; < o ; June , 55 % , July , 55 7-10c. Oats Steady ; May sold u shade higher than yesterday ; but other futures did not change materially ; cash , 34e ; June , 32Jfc ; July , 32 % . Rye Quiet nt C3c. Barley 77@78c. Prime timothy S2.CO. Flax-seed 51.45. Whisky $1.15. Pork Moderately nctive , closing steady ; cash , $14.25 ; June , $14.22 ; July , § 14.32 . Lard Firmer , in limited demand ; cash , $8.20 ; Juno , $8.22 ; July. 83.27)4. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ? 0.00@0.25 ; short clear , * S.OO@S.05 ; short ribs , $7.57 > . Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@25c ; dairy , 10@23c. Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , C@ flats , 'J@'JXe ; young Americas , 10 ( < S Eggs Firmer ; fresh , 12@12 } < fc. Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4 } c ; heavy green salted , 5 > o ; light green salted , Co ; salted bull , 4) ) 0 ; green bull , 3 ] c ; green salted calf , 8c : dry flint and dry calf , 12@13c ; dry salted , 10c : deacons , 80c each. Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4 4@5c ; No. 2,4Ko ; cake , 45cperlo. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 24,000 21,000 Wheat bu . 24,000 58,000 Corn , bu . 19(5,000 ( 03,000 Oats , bu . 215,000 13ii,000 Uye.bu . 3,000 3,000 Barley , bu . 33,000 9,000 Now York , May 8. Wheat Receipts 48,400 ; exports , 21,000 ; cash dull ; options ruled dull and unsettled ; opened steady and soon advanced J c. but later became weaker and declined M@ c , closing } $ ® Xe under best figures ; No. 2 red , nominal utU3@94Ho In elevator , 97@97 | c delivered , Juno closing at 94 c. Corn Receipts , 11,000 ; exports. 9,000 , cash X@\4c lower ; options opened steady and advanced } { @ % c , later declined 76 ® % closing heavy at bottom figures ; ungraded , . CO@(50J ( c ; No. 3 , 05o in elevator ; No. 2. ( BJf @l0c ! in elevator , C5K(3G5c to arrive deliv ered ; Juno closing at 02J e. Oats Receipts , 82,000 ; exports , 210 ; mar kotdull and u shndo easier : mixed western 38J39Ko ( ; whlto western , 42 < < ? 4GJ4c. Coffee Spot , fair ; ttio , llrm ut $15.00 ; op tions weak , but closed higher and firm ; sales , 90,000 bags ; May , f I2.25@12.i5 ( ; Juno. SU.70 ® 12.00 ; July , $11.95 ( 12.05 ; August , $10.40 ® 10.55 ; September , iU.95@10.15 ; October. $9.90 ® 10.0 J. Petroleum Quiet ; united closed at 85 Eggs Stronger , with fair inquiry : west- crn , 1314 } c. Pork Dull and unchanged ; mess quoteil nt $15.00@15.25 for now ; $14.25@14.50 fo old. old.Lard Lard A shade stronger ; western steam , spot , (8.55. Buttur Quiet and steady : western , 16@ C'hccso Weak and unsettled. St. LioulH , Mny 8. Wheat Higher ; cash , 80K@87c ; Juno , bOc. Corn Higher ; cash , 51J (252c ( ; June , 51Xo. Oats Higher ; cash , 346'o ; Juno , 33 c. Pork $14.75. Lard-t7.87K. Whisky U1. Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@24o ; dairy , 21K22C. AFTEUNOON BOAIII > Wheat , flrmoy ; May , 80i/c ; Juno , Wlo bid ; July , 85' < c. Corn , Jinn ; May , filjfjc ; Juno , We asked ; July , 51J/c , Oats , steady ; May , 34V" bid ; Juno , 32X0 ; July , 29'ie. Minneapolis , May 8. Wheat Receipts , 122 cars ; shipments. 143 cars ; offerings light and sellers asked % u advance. Closing In store : No. 1 hard , cash and May , 83c ; Juno , 83) o ; July , 84 0. No. 1 northern , cash and May , b2o ; Juno. b2) ) c ; July , K ! > o. No. 2 northern , cash , SOKc ; Mny , 80c ; Juno , SOJfc : July , Sitfc. On track No. 1 hard , 84li < fS4Mu ; No. 1 northern , 83 @ &H o ; No. U northern , SlXCto-o. Flour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks to ship in cur lots , 4.20@1.40 ; In barrels , $1.45 W4.55 , Cincinnati , May 8. Wheat Firm and higher ; No. S red , Olc. Corn Firm ; No , 2 mixed , 5S } c. Oats-Strong ; No. 2 mlxcit , 35 > < @ 3Cc. Rye Easy ; No. 2 , 119c. Provisions-Pork firm nt $14.52 ; lard , strong nt $7.95. Whisky- Steady and higher at $1.11. NO. " ii soft . Corn Strong 4So bid ; July. 49o bid , Oats No. 2 , 30 fc bid , 81o asked. Ijlvcrpnol , May 8. Wheat Dull and un changed ; holders offer freely. Corn Firm ; demand fair. Milwaukee , May 8. Wheat Weak ; June , 81 > 'c. Corn-Steady ; No. 3 , Oats Droopins ; No 2 wnlte , aSU@30o do llvcrcd. Rye Steady ; No. 1 , Clolnbiu , Barley Steady ; No. 3 , 70n. Provisions Higlurr pork , May , $1420 , New Orlouiis , May 8. Corn Quiet but firm ; mixed , and white , 00 ( < | 07o ; yellow , 07 . Oatb StroBt' and higher ; No. 2 , 45c , Corn Meal Firmer nt S3 00. Hog Products Quiet but steady , pork , $14.75 ; lara , $7.50. , . , , Hulk Meats Shoulders , $0.3 < Ki long clcnr nnd clear rib , 17.75 , JJIVE srooa. Chicago , May 8. The Drovers' Journal reports ns follows : Cattle Receipts , 5,000 ; market slow but So higher ; steers. $3.00@5.00 ; stockers - ers nnd feeders , $2.05@3.8T > ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $ I.76@3.75 ; Texas steers , $3,75 llogs Receipts , 11,000 ; mnrkot strong nnd 5c higher ; mixed , M.r)05.75 ; heavy , f5.C035.S7Ji 5 light , * 5.435.70 ; skips , $4.50 Sheep Receipts , G.OOO ; wooled natives , $5.00@0.90 ; shorn , S4.23@0.00 ; Texans , shorn , $1.00 5.05 ; western , $4.76@0.50 ; lambs , $5.75ie7.00. ( Drover's Journal speclnl London cable gram quotes heavy supplies. Prices lower. 15cst American beeves 12c per pound esti mated dead weight. Kansas City. May 8. Cattle Receipts , 8,100 ; shipments , 200 ; mnrket slow Imt stronger , nnd Cc higher for good beeves ; coed to choice corn fed , S4.20Vi ( > 4.50 : common to good , $3.204.00 ; stockcrs , $2.00(33.00 ( ; feeders , J3.00@t.GO ; ; cows , ? 1.50(33.0. ( Hogs Receipts , l.lfiO ; shipments , COO ; market strong and 5o higher , closing weak ; common to choice , 54.75ji3.33 ( ; skips nnd pigs , e2.23@4.GO. National Stock Vnrds , East St. Louis , Mny 8. Cattle Receipts , 1,300 ; ship ments , 700 ; mnrket higher ; choice heavy native steers , ? J.50@3,00 ; fair to good native steers , $ I.CO ( < M.GO ; Tnitchcrs' steers , medium to prime , $3.20@4.80 ; stockers nnd feeders , fair to good , S2.BOWS.GO ; rangers , ordinary to good , $2.20@.4.20. Hogs Receipts , n,400 ; shipments , 1,400 : mnrkot active and higher ; choice heavy und butchers' selections , $3.00@3.SO ; packing , medium to good , ? 3.40@5.55 ; light grades , ordinary to best , $5.20@3.45. OMAHA IilVE STOCK. . Cuttle. Tuesday , May 8,1883. There was n slight decrease In the receipts of cattle to-day ns compared with yestordny but tnero wns a great improvement In the quality of the cattle. The market opened nctlvo nnd stronger nnd about nil tlie cattle on sale wcro taken before the close. The hog market , opened nbout stcndy with Iberal receipts in sight. There was n good lomand for both heavy nnd light hogs and .ho market gained In strength toward the close. Light nnd mixed hogs closed fully 5o ilglicr. Everything was sold before the close. Sheep. The receipts were heavy nud a few loads changed hands. Kcceipts. lattlo 1,000 Toga 5,200 Sheep 1,000 PrcvnUlru * Price ? . The following Is n table of prices paid In , his market for the grades of stock men tioned. Primestcors. 1300to 1500Ibs..81.35 © I..M ) Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.S5 C < 4.25 Tat llttlo steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.SO ( $ 1.00 Common to choice cows 2.00 (3)3.50 ( ) Common to choice bulls 2.00 @ 'J.23 Tair to choice light hops 5.10 ( ifij.-'O ' ? air to choice heavy hogs 5.35 C'W.50 Tair to choice mixed hogs 5.20 © 5.30 Representative Sales. CATTED. No. Av. Pr. 2cows 910 2.50 Icow 850 2.70 Scows 1110 3.00 Ibull 1020 8.00 Ibull. . , 1300 3.15 Ibull 1350 3.25 18 stags 1574 3.40 2 cows 11S5 3.50 2 stags 1525 3.50 Ssteers 830 3.50 2cows 1210 3.50 10 cows 1215 3.50 21 steers 872 3.PO 11 steers 1150 3.85 22steers 910 3.S3 50 steers 07(5 ( 3.S7J lOstccrs 07(5 ( 3.87)4 CO western steers 1271 3.90 CO steers 10SO H.'O aSstccrs 1007 11.90 22 steers 80S 3.90 22 steers 1003 3.95 111 steers 1027 ii.95 GO steers 1071 3.C5 lOstcors 10uO 4.00 23 steers 1040 4.00 iW steers 1038 4.00 ISstcurs 1214 4.00 44 steers 10)0 4.00 18 steers 1213 4.00 12 steers 1100 4.05 42 steers 1142 4.05 10 steers 12 > ! 3 4.03 19 steers 1159 4.05 14 steers 1038 4.05 ; tO steers 1339 4.10 30 steers 1195 4.10 13 steers 1207 4.10 1B7 steers 1158 4.10 C > 1 steers 1123 4.10 20 steers 1145 4.10 15 steers 12C8 4.10 01 steers 1157 4.10 10 steers 1211 4.10 23 steers 1300 4.15 41 steers 1178 4.15 lOstosrs 1250 4.15 ' . ' 0 steers 13.V3 4.20 JO steers 1239 4.20 40 steers 13IMJ 4.35 18 steers lllit 4.40 1 calf 190 5.873 1 calf 1(50 ( G.b * ; lions. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. BO.193 40 $5.10 80. , . ,210 100 $5. ( ) 78..150 200 5.10 100.219 240 5.30 12..170 5,15 US..215 240 5.30 239..180 4SO 5.15 59..235 240 5.30 81..190 2SO 5.20 57..207 5.35 55..220 120 520 OS..240 1CO 5.35 93..190 t ! > 0 5.20 08..243 200 5 35 04..237 300 5.20 37..250 120 5.35 77..203 60 5.20 79. . , .233 120 5.35 54. . .200 5.20 CO. . , .220 bO 5.H5 77..211 M ) 5.20 73. . , .233 120 5.35 , .212 bO 5.20 82. . , .214 200 5.35 87. . , .20(1 ( 120 , .211 40 535 o73. . , .207 80 ii. . , .237 100 6.37K 4. . . .200 5.25 02. . . .271 5.40 70. . . .212 100 5.25 70. . . .23 $ fi.40 193. . . .219 103 5.25 ( H. . . .24(5 ( 540 M. . . .252 200 5.25 ( M. . . .214 80 5.40 ( X ) . . . .231 240 5.25 47. . . .35 $ 5.45 49. . 222 40 5.25 , .252 120 5.45 72. . lisas 80 ' 0 ? ! ! 80 5.45 009. . . .228 1(10 ( 5.30 ' ' 200 5.45 5'J. . . .217 * 2bO 5.30 ( . . . .100 ICO 5.45 h3 , . . .22(5 ( bO 5.30 02. . . .203 120 5.45 82. . . .25(5 ( ICO 5.30 08. . . .253 120 5.45 12. . . .240 5.80 71. . . .24(1 ( 40 5.45 711. . . .228 320 5.30 128. . . .273 5,50 74. . . .230 bO 5,30 57. . . .263 5.50 72. . . .240 120 5.80 < . . . .273 40 5.50 (58. ( . . .221 bO 5.80 55. . . .329 bO 5.50 CATTLE. Harris & Fisher 2S Swift & Co 11-11 A. Jackson , . , . . , . . , 19U H. Drolfuss 12(5 ( c.c.o 3 ? G. H. Hammond & Co SSI LeoRothchlld 324 Stevens , Hamilton .t Co. 31a Armour & Co a J. Curlln . , 7 Chipman & W W. Burnsido 103 T. D. Gore 17 Swift & Co IDS Armour & O Pk'g Co 101 No. Av. Pr. 101 corn fed westerns 124 5.40 SI corn fed westerns 110 5.C2i 7(1 ( corn fed westerns 120 7 corn fed natives 117 5.83 1 corn fed native 230 5.U5 MvoHtouu : Sold. Showing the number of lioijof stock sold to the leading buyers on the market to-day. llOUd , G , H. Hammond & Co. . . , , . . , , , . . . . , . . 7CO Omaha Packing Co . 000 Armour & Cudahay P. Co . . . . . . . IK)7 ) J. P. Squire & Co . list Kingau&Co . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . (141 Harris & Fisher . . . . . 09 Ilal&tcud ffCo . , . . 272 B. L. Lambert . . . , . 43S Speculators . . . 451 Ilvo Stook Among tho&e m with' hogs was \V. Butler Outaviu. Hogs arc 9ollmg | ifiTjr | hero than In Kan sas Ch\y. . , , - , F. H. Pnrks , Bacrfttt , marketed a load of 272-lb hogs at KU.'K. , , W. H. Morrison , Yort wns In and marketed two fjno loads of 50c Iwge. J. E. Fnrrlngtoif , TMnSi was hero nnd dis posed of n load of mijcM stock. H. F. Church. 1'fcrto , Neb. , cnmo down with n load of calttB , nnd hogs. W. C. Do LnshmiitV Glcnwood , sheriff of Mills county , wn $ ninong the shippers who came In with stoslc. . L. P. Southworth , the well-known sheep feeder , of Shelton , was In with six double decks and ono singld'load of western sheep of his own feeding. Ono train on the 1JJ & M. entno In without any bills , the conductor taking them on to Phittsmouth with him. No ono knew to whom the stock wns consigned nnd It hnd to be held nil dnv without being sold. This litho the second time this thing has occurred within a week. The following nmong others cnmo In with cattle : Jim Cummins , Talmtige ; Nat Mar tin , Doniphan ; John uohcrty , Dunlnp , la. ; James Leslie , Bclvldcro ; O. C. Ragnn , Utica ; E. Pcttcys. Shelby ; L. B. Dcnman , Valparaiso ; J. W. Young , Hooper ; .1. F. Kcssler , Craig ; E.G. Goodnll , Western ; J. A. Howie , Octavla , nnd H. L. Downing , Ken rn cy . _ OMAHA WHOIiKSALK lUAUKKT. Protlncc , I'Ytilts , Nuts , Etc. Wednesday , May 8. The following quotations arc wholesale and not retail. Prices quoted on jiroilitcc tire l/ic / ralci at which round lots arc fold on thin market. Fruits or other lines of ( joods rcqulrlny cxtta labor In pachlnfl cannot al- mii/s / be ftujllcd ) ) on outside orders at the siiKic prices quoted for the local trade. Hates on flour and feed arc jobbers1 prices. Price * on [ train are those paid by Omaha ml/lent / ( Iclltcrcil. All quotations on mcr- chandlac arc obtained front -tending ha\iscs \ and arc corrected dallu. Prices on crackers , cakcv , clc. , arc those ylucn bu fcmltitf/mauii- / faclurcrs. BuTTEit Fancy creamery roll butter. 25@ 20c , with solid packed at 20$22c ( ; choice country butter 10@20c , common grades 17Q18C , Inferior stuff 12@15c , according to quality. Eoos-Strictly fresh 12@12' < fc. CiinRsi : Full cream , 18 ( < ? 14c. STUAWDEUUICS Frcsh'Florida , 25@30c per box. box.UEETS UEETS GOc per doz. POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@S5c ; Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10@1.25 ; low grades , 55Ji05c. ( POUI.TUY No dressed fowl in the market ; ivo chickens , $3.75 ( > 4.00 per doz ; turkc.vs , < u > llc per Ib ; pecse , $9.00@10.00 per doz. S n s N AO p. $3.00562.23. RnuiiAiiit 5c per Ib. ONIONS Native stock $1.25@1.50 , Spanish per box of 5 Ibs $1.75(3)2,00 ( ) , California onions 3) < ( S4o per Ib. LEMONS $3.50@3.75 per box ; fancy , $4.00@ 5.00. 5.00.ORANGES ORANGES California Riverside , $3.73@4.00 ; Messina , S4.50@5.W ) ; Los Angeles , $3,00 ( ! 8.25 ; Los Angclor Navals , $4.00 ; Hlvcrsldo Navals , $0.00. Asi'AiiAOUs 50@00e per doz. CUCU.MIIKIIS $1.00 per doz for choice. LETTUCE 30@10c per iloz. CIILEKV California stock , $1.50 per doz. HADISIIF.S lOc per doz. STIIINO UCANS $3.75@3.00 perbu. Gur.iiN PCAS $ .i,2 > 4 > or bu. TOMATOES $3.00(3 ( > 3.50 per bu. PINI : AITI.ES { ? ) .00@3.50. BANANAS Commonlmcdlum , $2.GO@3.00per bunch ; choice , $3.00@3.50. TuiiNii's Rutabagas. 5b@COc. DATES Pcrsitiii , U ) @ 7o per Ib. Gtvoccf's REFINED LAUD Tiurcc , 7 c ; 40-lb square cans , 75 < e ; 50-lb rou'n'd , "jj c ; 20-lb round , So ; 10-lb pails , S e ; fclb calls , Sfc ; 3-lb pails , svnurs Now Orleijns molasses , per bbl. , 37@4Cc per gal. ; corn syrup , 8Go ; naif bbls. , JSu ; 4 gal. kegs , $1,55.sorghum ; , 3Sc. PitovtsioNS Hiuus(10 @lo c ; breakfast bacon , 10@10 ' c : . bacon sides , SX SX < j ; dry salt , % @ c ; shoulders , 7@7c ; dried beef , Ollc. PICKI.ES Mcdliim in bbls , S3.75 : do in half Ms , $3.40 ; smallln , bbls , § 0.75 ; do In half bbls , S3.90 ; gherkins , in bbls , S7.75 ; do m half bbls , $4.40. CVNNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per cabc , $3.10@3.85 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , 52.85(32.90 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ ( ( ? J.85 " - ' $ l.70@4.80 ; per O'XSC ' " ' $0.00'"Calilornia ; plums , per oase1.50@l.CO ; lilueberries , per case , $3.10@2.20 ; egg ] > lums , J-lb , per case. S2.50 ; ) ) iiicapplos , 2-lb , per ease , $ , .20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $1.80@1.S5 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , S3.25@3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , par case , $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , S1.CO@1.C5 ; 2-lb marrowfat | ) cas , 8J.50@200 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , par case , $2.85 ; 8-lb tomatoes , 2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , 2.30C S.40 ) ; sardines , imported J , 12o ) 15c iicr box : domestic l { , CJ Qiiy e ; mustard , 'tKK'JKc. JELLIES 30 Ib pails , $1.25@1.50. SILT Per bbl in car load lots , $1.40. Ron : Seven-sixteenths , lOl OlOJ c. CANDT Mixed , 9@llc ; stick , 9@9j c. Hoi.Lvxi ) Iliiuitixqs OS@70c per keg. MATM : SLOAH Uricks , 12 e per Ib ; penny cakes , 1314c per Ib. BIIOOMS Extra , 4-tlo , S'2.00 ; parlor 3-tie , painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. STAUCII Mirror gloss , 5J/c ; Graves' com , 5)tfc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7e ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. TEAS Japans , 20if55c : Gunpowder , 20@ COc ; Young Hyson , 22 < ffi55c ; Oolong , 20@05j ( , POWIIKK AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot , $1.70 ; Hazard powder , kcgp , $5,00 ; half UCKS , $2.75 ; one-fourtht. $1.50 : blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses , 100 ft , 45@5c. SUOAH-Granulated , OJ < ( ffi7e ; conf. A , " " " 7c ; white extra C , OJ i5i'iJffc ; extra C , ( i't c ; yellow C , r > > , 'ftf.Vfic ; cut loaf , 75. 7c ; powdered , 7JiSJie ; Now Orleans , ii 'COITEE Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fair. I7C'l8c ; prime , 18@19 e ; fancy green and yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28 ® yilc ; interior Java , 25@38c ; Mocha , 23ii > ' ] 0o ; Arlmeklu's roasted , 20Jfc ; McLiiughlin's XXXX , 20V c ; Dilworth's , 20c ; Red Cross , 20c ; Alnroma , 19J < c. WooiiENWAiic Two-hoop palls , per doz , $1.40 ; three-hoop pills , $1.115 ; No , Hub , $7,00 ; No. 2 tub , $0.00 ; No. 3 tub.$5.00 ; washboards , electric , SI.50 ; fancy Northern Queen wash boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $850 ; No. 8 churns , $7,50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , In nests , 70c per ncbt. TOIIACCO Pi.uo Lorillard's Climax , 45o ; Splendid , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett - gett & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 39o ; Druinmond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42o ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate , " 2'Jc ' ; "Oh , My , " 27c ; Pi | > or HoIdsickC4c. TOIIACCO SMOKINO Catlln's Meerschaum , Sic ; Catlin's Old Style , 2e ) ; Sweet Tip Top , 83c ; U. N. O , , 17i3 ; Red , White and lilue , Ibc. Dry GootlB , PitiNTS SOLID COLOIIS Atlantic , Co ; Slater , Gj c ; Hcrlln oil , C ) o ; Garner oil , ( i@ 7c. PIND AND ROUES-Richmond , O' e ; Allen , O' o ; River Point , 5c ; Steel River Cc ; Richmond mend , Co ; Piidllc , . W o. INDIOO lii.ui : Washington , } fct C&itury. dlgo i blue prints , 9c ; American , G c ; Arnold , ( lUo ; Arnold 13 , 10) < fo ; Arnold A , iCof Arnold Gold Seal , lOKc. DliEbS Charter Oiracj 5o ; Humnim , 4 } < o ; LodI , 5a ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , ( ie ; Windsor , 0 fo ; Eddystone , ( iii ! ; Pacillc , ( JJfc. BIIOWX SiiKKTixo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } o ; Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7M" ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ( % ; Atlantic P , 4-4Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Au rora C , 4-4 , Co ; flirown XXX , 4-4 , 7 c ; Hoo. sier LL , 4-4 , Co ; Ihdian Head , 4-4 , Lawrence LL , j-4 , Uc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6Jo } ; PepperclUlIU 4-4 , 7o ; Popperoll , O , 4-4 , Co ; I'epporell.-iWi ISK" ' . Pepporoll , 9-4 21c ; Pepporell , rjrf < , ' 23o ; Utica , O , 4-4 , 5o ; Wnchusett , 4-4 7WoAurora. . B , 4-4 , OKo ; Aurora , R. 4-4 , ll c.\ BATTS Standardf'Oc ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty. 12Ko ; Byonne , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. C'AUI-ET WAW Bibb , white , 19o ; colored , "DUCK West Point 20 In. 8 oz. , 10J c ; West Point , 29ln. lOoz. , 12Ho ; West Point. 10 in 12 oz. , 15e ; West Point 50 in. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks-Cnledonla X , DMe ; Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , Vc. KKSTUCKV JKANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 2So ; Durham , 27kc ; Hercules , Ibo ; Leaminj ; . ton 2eCott8 ; wold. 27 > < c. CiiAbii Slovens' B , Co ; bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7kc ; bleached , 8 0 ; Stevens' P bleached , Ke ; Stevens' N. bleached , JOKe ; Stevens , ' S R T , 12Kc. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85- plain Holland , 8Ko to it o ; Dado Holland l ) > foCoMFOltTCUS CoMFOltTCUS ffi.COQ 33.00. BLANKETS White , $1.007.50 : colored $1.10@'j.OO. BLEACHED SUEETIXO Berkely cambric. No. 60 , UJfo ; Best Yet , 4-4 , f.Jf ; butter cloth 00 , 4Xc ; Cabot , 7 > ioi Parwell , 8Kcj Fruit of Loom , O'f ' : Frcono Q , Co ; Hopd , 7J/c ; King Philip Cambric , lie : I ) Wal6 , llhc ; Lons- le Ji'csNcw York mills.10l < c ; Peppcrell , -ln , lie ; Pcpperell , 40-ln. , l2c ; Pcp | > crcll. 0-1) ) ICq ; Pcptwcll , 8-4 , 21c : Pcpperell , 0-1 23c ; Pcpperell. 10-4. 25o ; Canton. 4-4 , 8Jc ; anton , 4-4 , 0 , o { Triumph , Oc : Wamsutta , ,0c ; Valley , 5c. GiNpiiAM Plunkctt checks , 7fe ! ; Whlttcn- on , 7. o ; York , 7Hc ; Nohnnndl dress , 8' c ; Calcutta dress , s c : whlttcndon dress , 8 > 4c ; { enfrew dress , 8 > i@12We. TICKS Lewiston , 30-fn , 12 c ; Lowlslon , ffi-ln. , 13'fc ! York , 32-ln. , Ilo ; Swift river , ' eThorndykoOO ( , Skcj Thorndyko FF , 4c ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 > Jo ; Tliorndlko XX , 5c ; Cordls , No. 5 , U c : Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DE > JJMS Amoskeag B , 0-oz. lOo ; Everett , ro ? , 13e ; York 7-oz , IDKe ; Hnymnkcr , Sko ; Tnffroy XX , lljjfc : Jnffrcy XXX , 12kc ; Jenver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , ic ; Beaver Orcck CC , lOc. FLANNELS Plnld Uaftsman , COc ; Goshcn , COTTOX FI.AXXIU.S 10 per cent trade discount " " " " ' countess - ess , XX , Oonernl Mnrkctn. Fi.oun AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.45 @ 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri fnncy ivintcr patents , $2.60@3.75 percwt ; Nebraska mtonts , $2.45@2.50porcwt ; rye Hour , $2.00 icr cwt ; wheat grnhntn , $1.75 per cwt ; rye ; raham , $ l.3.X > ? 1.40 per cwt ; New York buck wheat , $3,50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00pcrewt ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10@1.15 ) crcwt ; brnn , $10.00Q17.EO per ton ; screen- ngs. JIH.SO per ton ; sacked , 85c i > or cwt ; lominy , $3.25 per bbl ; ' chopped feed , $18.00 icr ton ; chopped corn' , $10.00@17.00 l > cr ton. LKATHEU Oak soles. 3r37o ; hemlock slnughter sole , 21@39c ; hemlock dry solo , 13 © 25y hemlock kip , COWUOc ; A. & B. runner kip , 50ffi > 75c ; A. hemlock calf , S)0c@$1.00 ) ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 19@24o ; English grain upjier , 25o ; lemlock grain upper , 21@24c ; Tampico B. L. Morocco , 29 ( < ? 33c ; Tampico jiepplc , O. D. Mo. , , M@20c : Curncon. U. G. Mo. , SOc : Simon 0.1) . Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , ! ffl@3 e ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c ; Griesen kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids. $2.502.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip skins , $ SOcS$1.00 ( ; oak calf skins. S1.00@1.55 ; French calf skins , $1.25@2.2j ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Jlussitt linings , $0.00@0.50 : > cr doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50 VJ9.75 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00@ DitUGS Acid Carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ; uitrls , per Ib , COc ; tartaric , per Ib , 50c ; sul- ihuric , per In , 5c ; ammonta.'carb , per Ib , [ 5a ; alum , per Ib , Be ; nlcohol , 03 per cent , per cat , SJ.22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , 8c ; borax , relined - lined , per Ib , lOc ; camphor , refined , 35c ; cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 40c ; cream tartar , commercial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , 33o ; cuttlefish bone , perlb , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. 30c ; hops , fresh , | ier Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , gOc ; insect powder , per Ib , COc ; morphine , P. & W. per oz , $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; quin ine , P. & W. , per oz , 5Sr ; quinine , German , per oz , 48c ; Rochelle salts , per Ib , 35c ; saf fron , American , per Ib , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre , pur per Ib , lOc ; sulphur. Flowers' , per Ib , 5c ; soda , bi carbonate , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per Ib , $11.50 ; spermatti. per Ib , COc ; strychnine , per oz , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 55c ; wax white , pure , per Ib , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c. HIDES Green butchers,1 4@4' c ; green cured , 5 > @ ( ' } c ; dry flint , Oc ; dry salt , 80 ; green salted calf , 7K@Sc ; damaged hides two-thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25o each. Tallow No. 1 , 3J c ; No. 2 , 2Kc. Grease Prime white , 4j c ; yellow , 3o ; brown , 2c. Shcop pelts 10cg$1.00 ( , accord ing to quality. Branded hides classified us damaged. Si'iftiTS Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second qunlity , 101 proof , $1.15 ; do 188 proof , $1.13 ; nlcohol , 188 proof , per. wine gallon , 83.13 ; re-distilled whiskies , $ l.25@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50(52.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , $3.00 ( 0.00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $3.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50(713.00 ( ; brandies , imported , $5.00VZS.OO ( : domestic , $1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , $3.00@t5.00 ; do mestic , $1.25@3.00 ; champagnes , imported , per case , S2S.OO@33.00 ; American , per castf , $10.00@1COO. OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon , 150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , COc ; linseed , raw , 75c ; castor. No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water bleached , b5c ; fish , bank , 35c ; ncatsfoot , extra , C5c ; ncatsfoot , No. 1 , SOc ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. Lard , 35c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , I50 ( 5Sc ; W. Va. zero , Uc ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No 2,25i ; ; whale , 20c ; naptha , 1 degree , lie ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; turpentine , 4Jc ; castor , pure , $1.30 per gal. Heal Estate TraitHfcrs. Thomas Ilrcnnnnd sliiRlo , to Xnrtln T Murphy , lots JW and ai blk 7 , Iledford PlBCO , Wll . 1,200 South Omaha Land Co. to .1 SI Swctnum , ct ul. lot H llk ) IS. lots 1 , 7 nnd 8 llk It ) . lots 7 and 8 blk 31. lot 11 l > lk 3'J , lots ( I nnd 7 blfc 41. lots ! l , 11 nnd K blk 4(1 ( , lot 11 blk4'J , lot 1 blk ra , lot 1 blk 61 , South Onmhn , w d . 0,800 South Unmhu Land Co. to.l M Swctnnni , et nl , lota 7 , , ! l , 10. 11 and lli tilk V , lots 7. 8. ! ) , 10 , 11 nnd IS blk UU , South Omaha , wd . 11.630 Krnnk Holler sliiKle , to A > I Kitchen , otnl , lots nnd : i blk4 , 1'lalnviow , wd . 3,600 Sarah M Kitchen to Frank Heller , lot B blk 2. I'ntterson's sub , w d . 760 W ( ! Albright ami wife to 1C 1C Harden , lots ( ! , 7 and 8 blk ill , Albright's Choice , w d . l.OSO Onmhn Heal Kstnte & Trust Co. to Annlo K Holbrook , lot 3 , blk 14 , Pannders & lIlmebiUigh'H HlKhlnnd park mid. w d. . 400 J A Siinderlund and villa to I.ustur T film- ( lerlnnd , iindlvi \ lot 7 , blk 1 , Creston add.wd . POO It C Patterson and wlfo to Jcrls Vrouuhol , lot 0 , blk 7 , Urtgewood park add , wd. . . . CO George Arnibtning and wife to 1'etcr Meleen , vast H , lot 6 , blk 4 , Armstrong's 2nd add , wd . 050 William N Nnfon and wife to Carrie Mehv , pt lot 42 in w ' / sw U 10-13-U , wd . 6,600 Isabella Pclby ( widow ) toV I , Sal by , lot 0 , blk 2. lot 7 , blk 3 nnd lot 10' blk 1. Hush & Solby'B add to South Omnhu. < | c . 105 Jlutlldii Carpenter ( widow ) to O P Heed , n M lot 11. bit 24 , Wllcox's Sml mill , w d. . D19 J 11 Smith toAiiKiista Bmlth , lot ,11 , blk ! l , Hunndtirn.'c HlnnvbniiKh'8 add , ( I c. , . . 75C 0M Mnnloy fit al to K II U'Nuall , oM ft of w 7 ft , lot 10. blk il'H. South Omaha , w d 400 Thos o Nendryx et al to C'nlvnry llaptlst church Omahu , ci ! lot 1 , S , blk 3 , .SllnnU add. wil . . . . . 5,700 K S Ilimdy. jr. to Thu Public , i : H Duudy jr'u sub of lot K , HuHcttlrx Oknloma plat . JliTJimn Honntzu ct ux to Trustees ot 'J'rlnltyM K church of Konntzo I'lnce , lot 7 anil w33 feet of lot G , blk 4Hountzo I'luciwd . . . , . 1 Eighteen transfers , aggregating. , , . 10,0'Jo PcrinitB. Yesterday the following permits were Is sued by the superintendent of buildings ; II. H , Jones , stable , Twenty-sixth near Bprngue . t 200 Churli'H iluxhold , Improvcmuntii , Miami neur Twi'iitluth . WX ) J. 1) . Montgomery , cottage , l.uko near Twentieth . 450 I ! . K. Illnger , two cottage' ' , Taylor near Thlrty-routh avenue . 3.000 Four permits , aggregating . , . 3,1W SOUTH 01 r. H. IMLUEIl. N. I' . 1I1CJIMAS. J , 11. PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. . Live StocK Commission Merchants , Ofllco Hoom 24 , Onponllo Kxchunzo lliilldluit , l/ulon Block Vurds.boulUOmuuaNeb. McCOY BROS. , Live Stoolc Commission Merchants , Market ( urnlthud frco on application , Mockers nni' ( reilers ( urnlshod on good terms. Itu'i'rencen' Oma ha National Hank and houtli Ouiuha National , Unlun block iVnls. bouth Omaha , LORIMER"WESTERFIELp& MALEY Live Stock Commission , ( loom li , Exchange IlulKllnir , Union Stock Yards Koutu Omahu , N b , ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sod Opfioslto Kithanuo llulldlntf , Uuiun Stock Yards , boutU Omabu.Nub. ' UNION STOCK YAR DS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , Jota i'.Bojtd.BttBcrlBtcndent. CHRCHILL PARKER , " ] Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrl g s and Iln lr . JonM Ptrfet.b twc n thand 10th , Omaha , N bra ka. L1NINGER & METIMLF CO. . AgricnltnralImplementsWagonsCarriages ) , nuggles , Ktc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nebraska. PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies POl , Wt , Kfi and 907 Jones Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Bncleyc Drills , Seeders , CulllTators.Hay Rakes. Cider Mills nntl Luban 1'ul- Tcrltcrs. Cor. Itth and Nicholas Streets. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale AgricnltnralImplementsWagons&Bii , gies Corner I4lh anil Nlrholssytrepts. OMAITAtlllANCIl. HamsHne Mactorfaiu Binder Twine ) W. E. Mead , Mnnngof. 1213 I nvcnworth St. , Oranhn Bootsj ndJShoos. " W. V. MORSE & CO" , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Artists' Wlntorlhlo. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Doualns Slrcct , Oranba , Nctirntka. MOLINE.MlLBURN&STODDAnDCo Klitnufacturcrn nntl Jobbers In Wagons Bnggics , Rate , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th nml I'nclde Ptn > ct > . Ornulm , Noli. 1110 1103-1105 Pout-Inn Ht. . Omnlm Alnnufnctory , Sum nicrBt. , lloston KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succcsfors to llccil.Joncs &Co. ) WflolesalB Mannfacturers of Boots anuSnoes nt. for QookBollors nnd Stationers. H. M , & "s. W.JONES , BucccsBors to A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , Wliolcfnlo 4 IlotMl BootaBllcrs and Stationers , Flno WeddliiR Btntloncrr. Commorclnl Stationery. lOW DouKlHS btroot , Uiuuliu , .Net ) . Coffooe , Splcoa , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Uraulia Cotleo onil gplco Mills. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , Crookory ° ndj9'O8 ' W.V/W RIGHT. Agent for the Manufacturers and Importcts of Glassware Lamps Chimneys Crockery , , , , Ktc. OW ce. SIT 8.13th Bt. , Omaha. Ncbrntka. PERKINS. CATCH St. LAUMAN , Importers und .lobbura of Grocery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Kto 1511 Karnam St. , New 1'aiton Building. Commission and Storage. . GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Successors to McSlmno & Schracdcr. ) Protoce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Ncbrarkn. FREDERICK J. FA1RBRASS. Wholesale Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merclmnta. CorrcuponUonco solicited. 10U North ICth Street , Umnhn , Neb RIDDEUL & niDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , SpoclaltlPB Butter , KBKS , Cheese , 1'oxiltry , Game , Oyster ? , Etc. , Ktc. 112 South 1Mb Street. Coal , Coj < p OMAHA COAU , COKE & LIME Jobte of Hard and Soft Coal , XO South 13th Street , Omnlm , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , rinstcr , I.iinc , Drain Tllo , nmt Bower 1'lpc. Ofllce , 1'niton Hotel , Karnum bt. , Ouiuha , Neb. Telephone bll. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cote , 211 South 13th SU. Omaha , Neb. Copdajind Nptlona. M. E SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 11U2 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATR1CK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing Goods. Corner llth and llaJucy Ms . Omaha. Nobratkn. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Fnrnam Street. Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK. Furniture Onmhii , Nubrtuka. Offlco Fixtures. TJIK 81MMONDS MANUPACTUIIINQ CO. Mnnufiicturcrsot Bant Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantles , SI loboanlHHook Onsen , Drug l'Utiirc , Wall ( 'nKe * , 1'artltluns , ItullliiKs , Countcni , llccr and Wlno Coolers , Mli-nrn , etc. tuctory nna ( Jinco,17JJ onil IW-1 Soutli liith tJl. , Uiuahn. Tulcphoncr 1121. Crocorloo. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , T05,707 , TO and 7118.10th 8t. , Omaha , Neb. MoCORD'BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I th ana LcaTCuworth Streets , OmahaNebraskn. LEE , FRIED Ac CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Bhcct Iron , Kto , Agents ( or Howe Scales , uud Miami 1'owder ' Co. , Omaba , Neb. HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Ilutrolo Hcalci. 1(05 ttreet , Omaha , NcbraAa. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarner fits. , Omaha , Neb. wtitcrn Agent ( or Austin iWdor Co. , Juffornon ftool Nails , Fairbanks Blanduril Hcnlei MARKS BROS.SADDLERY CO Wholesale Mumifactiircni o ( Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. HUI , 1W5 nnd iw ; llurney bt.Uaishu He a y y Hard vynm. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , Himlwaro. Lumber , Etc. IW und 1211 IlnriKT Street , Omaha. JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron ana1 Steel , r'flffonond Carrlnuo Wuod Stock , Hcavr Hardware Ktc. 1217 bad 11H Ixiarvnwanti Bt. , Oiuulm , Neb. Lumber. " OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 16j ( Street and Union I'aclOc Track , Omaha , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , lopr ) , Etc. Yurils ( kirner "th and l > nwl . Cot on bill * uit Uau ina. Hnta , Cnpa , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE it CO. ' , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Utrnfy Street. Omaha. Nob. C N DIETZ. Dealer in Ail Kiims of Lumber , 13th anil California Ftroctn , Omaha. Nebratki , FRED W . Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corne-r f th nnd Oonstai Sts. . Omajin. TTW. HARVEY LUMBER'CO. , To Dealers Only , OfllCf.lKaFarnftm Street , Omaha , " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported anil American I'ortland Cement. FUatt Agent ( or Mwaukcn llyitraullo Cement and Qiilncy Whllo l.lmc. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpel ? and 1'nrqiiot Flooring ttli and I\-iy ) n Ol L E R W O R Its , Carter & Son , Prop's. Jlnnufnrtiirersof all kind ) Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorK _ Works South ! 0th nnd 11. , V M. crosilng. " i\\XTONV"VIliuMN.o"lHON , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , Engines , Itntss Work , ( lenvrnl Ponurtry , Machine auj Jllacksuillb Work. Ofllco iind Works , U. 1 * lly. _ and 17th Street , Omaha. _ OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Bosk. Unllii , Wlndoir Qnanls , Klowcr Stands , Wlr t-lgns.Ktc. 12J North ICth atrcct. Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of FircS Burglar Proof Safes VniillK , Jnll Work , Iron nnd Wlro Fencing , Blgns , Kto. ( I. Airtn-en , P-oi'r Cnr.iah nnd JapK'on SU. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS ion and Wire Fencss , Railings , Guards id bcrt'uns , lorbAHKn , olllcust sioios , rcueneu | * , ct4 ImptOTOd Awnlnits , locksmith Machinery and _ Ulacksmlth Works. WJSoulbHlUH t. _ IMEAGHER & LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locte. General Agents ( orjlcbold Safe A I-oek Co.'s VuulU and Jail Wurk , HIS t'omaui Street , Omaha , Itiilltnory and Notions. . 6BER E LD ER" & cb. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions SOS. SIO and SU South llth Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 400 nnd 405 ScutUlOth St. , Omaha. " * VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , llOTi Hnrney Street , Omaha. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , ' Wholsale Refined and LuMcatinr Oils , ' Azlo Qrcnao , Etc. , Omaha. A. II. Dlthnp. Managua Paper Boxes JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nos. 1317 anil 11119 DougltiB St. , Omtxlm , KcV ) . Paints and Oils. CUMMINQB & NKII.SON , WholeiHlo Dtulernln Paints , Oils , f inflow Glass , Etc , llfti FuriiUui street , OmuUu.V < : b. Printers' Materials ' ' ' ' 'WESTVRN'NEWSPAPE'R'UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Type. l'ro os nnd 1'rliitpra'Supplies. 103 bouth 12tU 8ireet , Onmha. Pnper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice stock of Printing , Wrupplng and Writing J'a sr. Special attention slvcn to cur load orders. 1 Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing and Leather Belting. 11)08 ) Karnam Stresfi steam FJttlnjgB , Pumpjjj.JEtc. . A. L. STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , FitUngs , U. S. WIND -k * ENGINE tf PUMP CO./ Steam and Water Supplies , HallldBj Wind Mllln. 018 nml 93) ) Fnrnnm St. , Omaha , U. K , Itosg , Actinic lIiiiiBKcr. BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Sheet Iron V ork Bteam Pumps , Raw MIMs. IZll-lJlB Leavenworth Btreot , Omaha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed ? fill and dl3Jonen Street Omaha. i Storage , Forwarding & CommlBBlor ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Urunch huntoof the lleiHiov IliiKurCo. Hugglestl nuolesalu und retutl. ! , UlOanil 1312 Itard btrcet , Oiaaha. Tclepliouo No. 700. _ B rowers STOR2 Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North ISIuthtoonth Street. Omaha. Nun. _ _ N FIELD MANljFACTURINa DO Maiiufactiirers of Overalls , s I'anti , bhlrts , Ktc. IKTJand 1101 Douglas Stract Omaha , Neb , ' Cornloo. ' , _ _ . EAGLE CORN'fCE WORKS , J Mannfactnre Galvanizefl Iron anfl Cornice , 4 JbbuKpcnuter.l'rnprlutor , t J Dodjfo and 110 nnd 1M Nurtli llnh Htreet. Oiuttlit. M. A. DISBROV/V.CO. , ' Wbulctnla llaiiu cturcra of Sasn. Doors , Blinds anil Mouldings , 1 Urancli offlcc , ISlli and ItarJ htrccuOinabs , Neb. ! BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. 1 ManutuCtnrers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , i MouHlncifitalr Work nnd Interior llurd Wool Ha. 'k l u. ti , U. Uornvr Mil BnJ lA'itvuuwurlli btrvvl * , . ' " _ Oiuuliu , l > 'uu , OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , j Manafactnrers of Moiildiug , Sash , Doors , And llllndi.Turning , Stalr-wcrk , Hank and OClc FtU 1 UiiKi , vnitli and I'oyidetou Arunua. 1 Stacks , Uollore , Etc. \ " " ' ' * "H.'K' . SAWYER , 1 Mannfacturing Dealer in Smolfe ' Staclcs , > - - m \