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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1888)
O\IAHA ] \ DAILY BIDE : F&IDAY , APKIL 20. 1888 , THE DAILY BEE. OOTJISrOIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAIUj 9T11EKT. f- : Delivered by Carrier In Any Part of the Client Twenty Cents rer Week. . . , _ fI II. W.TILTON MANAGE ! ! . I TKIjEFHONKS : IICfllNF.FR OFFICE , No. 45. NIGHT KDCtoii , No. 23. MINOlt MENTION. N , Y. Plumbing Co. Now spring goods tit Heller's. A new usphnlt sidewalk Is being put down on Sixth street , in front ol the new Catholic church. Albert , the sovcn-xvcoks-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Christiansen , who died of lung- * ever Wednesday , was buried yesterday aft ernoon. Special communication Excelsior Lodpo No. 25 ! , R A. and A. M. , Saturday evening , April 21. Work in the third degree. I3y jrdcr W. M. Contractor A. W. Covnlt is rushing the work on the foundation of the addition to the Ncumaycr hotel. The Job Is now well under way , and will bo pushed rapidly to completion. An order has been Issued bv the flro com mittee suspending Foreman I'cto Kuyltcn- dall , of hose house No , 1 , for fifteen days for using disrespectful language to the chief at yesterday's lire. Marriage licenses was Issued yesterday to ilohn J. Lnyimin , of Fremont , Neb. , and Mary Williams , of Bradford county , Pa. , nnd Wilholm Nienmnn and Sophia C. Schcncrlo , both of this county. The now elevator nt the Ogdcn house will bo run by a hydraulic motor. Connection was made yesterday with "tho water main , and everything will bo In running order soon after the cage arrives. A vng and n drunk comprised the sum total of the pollco round-up , in court yesterday morning. E. D. Uelton , the vng , was dis charged on condition that ho lonvo the city immediately. ! . Barlow was lined ? 10 and costs for drunkenness and exposure of i/cr- eon. " The case of J. Wulker , the Wnbash switch man , arrested for throwing a car link at "scab" engineer , and charged with 'assault with intent to commit murder , was not tried before 'Squiro Schurz ycHtcrday , as the defendant's ' attorney was busy in the district court. The cuso was continued until next week. The Harmony mission social this evening nt the residence of Mrs. Kappell , corner ot Madison and Pierce streets , will bo an enjoy able affair. An Intercstlng musical pro gramme has been prepared. JSvory ono is in vited to attend and take part in the oven- ing's enjoyment. Lalco Manawa is somewhat inclined to get on a rampage. On Wednesday the water rose a foot between sunrise and sunset , and yesterday It rose considerably more. The water bucks up from the Missouri and will probably gut much higher than at present , although it cannot do u great amount of damage. Married , at the Metropolitan house , Thurs , day , at C o'clock ' p. m. . Mr. John J. Layman , of Fremont. Neb. , and Miss Mary Williams , of Bradford county , Pennsylvania , Ilev. W H. W. Kecs , of the Methodist church , ofll- elating. Mr. Layman Is an intelligent and prosperous fanner of Nebraska , and has won nn excellent lady for his companion. The insanity commissioners met yesterday afternoon to" investigate the cases of Mrs. Throk , of Macedonia , and Mr. Olcary , living on Avenue B in tills city. The woman was ordered sent to Mt. Pleasant , but Mr. Clcary was Edit home , as his condition was thought to bo the result of sickness and overwork , nnd it Is hoped that careful nursing will soon restore him to his normal condition. An alarm of llro was turned in from box 02 at a quarter before < 5 last evening , and the wliolo department responded quickly. The flames were ] ust breaking out of a Hue in the city roller mills and were extinguished with but little trouble. The now horses on the big truck mndo a good run considering their short practice , and it is thought that witli training they will make ono of the most val uable teams in the city's service. < The diamond at the driving park has been relocated so that.spectators can witness the ball games from the amphitheatre. The llrst schedule on the home grounds will be played on the 2Sth inst. between the Council Bluffs and the .1. J. Hardins of Oinnhn. On the SJyth the Crane Brothers team will cross bats with the homo nine. Work has been commenced putting the grounds in order , and they will bo in line shape for the good playIng - Ing that Is promised in the season's cham pionship games. The river reached the fifteen foot mark again yesterday , and is still rising. It ia washing badly at Gumbo Point , having taken off , about eight feet of the bank for a distance of'several hundred feet. The water is nearly up to the power house at the now Undge , but no material damage has been done. The river Is free from ice , but the current is very swift. The central caisson of the now bridge still stands firm , and it is not probable that any of the piers will bo disturbed. Notice was received in this city yesterday of the death of Miss Sarah E. Wright , at Sioux Falls , Dak. , on Wednesday hist , ol cancor. Mii-s Wright was formerly matron at the Institution for the deaf and dumb in this city , nnd had many warm friends hero. She was compelled by ill health to resign this position a few months ago and returned to her homo in Burlington. At the time ol her deiith she was visiting with two married Bisters ut Sioux Falls The funeral will take pluco to-day In Burlington. Dr. Seybcrt returned yesterday morning from Cedar KnpJds. whore ho wont to at tend the annual meethnr of the directors ol the State Hewing association. Ho presented the advantages of Lake Manawu , as the proper place to hold the regatta this season , Several cities worked hard to secure Hit races , but it was finally decided that the next regatta should bo held ut Spirit Lake Had this city been successful it would have been a great advantage , as these races ul ways attract a largo number of people , am It is hoped that another year will bring r different result. An upright piano , bought one year ngo nt factory , will bo for snlo for OIK week nt S175 , ixs the owner must soil nl onco. Pliuio caaba boon at Swanton l.luoiJ Co.'a. _ 'Shoafu loans money on real estate. S. \Vails\vorth & Co. loan money. o BohlNloi * On n Bccoml Trial. In the district court yesterday the casi of the State vs Schlslor for tno murder o William Keating was on trial. The crim was committed on the nth of October , I8fcO and this is the second tvlul of tha case , th Jur in the former trlul having disagreed The prisoner' * , wlfo and two little chlldrci not by Ills side uurlng the entire day. On th opposite t > Ida But the widow nnd son of th murdcreil man. The bullet with which tin killing wus done was introduced In evidence os well as sovcrul other similar ones found a the house of the defendant. A full Hue of crockery nnd glnsswun at Lund Bros , , No. 23 Main struct. Money at low rates oiulr&t-cla&ftlnrmsccurlt } JJurnlmm , Tulloj-s > V C'o KM Main btrsct. Travdlors ! Stop ut the Beohtolo. Hitmen's Old Violin. Mr. J. Mueller has received from CIncir natl u copy of Harnett'a famous painting "Tho Old Violin , " the original of whlc created such a furore ut the Tnlrternth Gin ciunatl Industrial exposition. It is an cxac fno sunllo of that wonderful picture. Th most faithful description would not adi quately describe It. It must bo seen to b "uppruciHted. U Is on exhibition at the room Ci of the Mueller Musto company. All who se It will Join with the writer in pronouncing i OIIQ of the art wonders of the Nineteen ! century. \Vurburton & Jwiirscn , faehionabl drcssrnakura , No. 32 Putu-l st. litilUUng Permit * . The following building permit * wore I : sued yi'stonluyl Lars Han sen , , . . , , , i 5 ( Tim Monr.hun , i ! ( GpovgeD. Hronu. . . , , . . ! 27 JBCOU Nelson > SC h. LoHz..1 . . . . n , , A TIE DOINGS IN THE BLUFFS , A Successful Art Entertainment Given By the Ladles. THREATENED POLITICAL FIGHT. Tlic DctuMook In the Council Prom ises To llnvc n Holt Sclilfilcr'fl Second Trlnl For Murder 1'crsonnls. Mttlo lilt Cole nt Ilcst. The f uncial of Little Lu Cole , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , E. C. Cole wa held yesterday. It was a peculiarly eau occasion * Owing to the nature of the disease , diphtheria , the .funeral was rather of a private naturo. The more intimate friends gathered nt the homo and expressed their sympathy In numerous ways. There were many nnd clabarnto floral rlbutcs , and nothing that loving hands could ilo to lighten the burden of sorrow was lack- In ? . The little form was In a pure white casket , of brocaded velvet , nnd the child np- icurcd as though fallen In n tired sleep , llnv. ) r. Cooley , pastor of the First Baptist jhurch , read suitable passages of scripture , iipoko words of sweet comfort , nnd offered ender prayer. The remains taken to , ho cemetry , accompanied by n number of filonds. Ono of the saddest features of the occasion was the absence of the mother , who "ins been taken 111 , her strength so exhausted ivlth the mixious care of her little ono that , ho disease readily took hold upon her. Her condition Is by no means alarming , hut bhuis confined to her bed nnd thus prevented from loining In the last sad services. Seldom docs the death of ono so young ouch the hearts of so many. The family Imvo so many friends , and little Lu had by icr sparkling xvays and affectionate disposl- .Ion become BO great a favorite with all , that icr death unddons the hearts of a larger circle than usually centers about n llp of so few years. The sympathy l j especially drawn toward the mother , nnd friends would gladly lighten her grief by sharing it , could this be done. It is hoped that she will speed lly bo restored to the health and to the strength which she so greatly needs nt this time to ennblo her to endure the loneliness nnd sorrow which those only know xvho have had their treasures taken from them. Irs. 3io > cr& Van No s euro private Itooms 4 and 0 , opera hoim b'lk. Telephone 27J. For all femnlo ( llacaseH consult Drs. Moscr ft Van Ness , opera house block , rooms H anil 5 , Council lilufls. Correspondence solicited. E. II , Shcnfo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. ' All business strictly confidential. Oltico f > 00 Broadway , cor ner Main fatrect , up-stuirs. An KvonittK With Art. The ludlcs of the P. E. O. won high honors ast evening. The meaning of the mystcr- ous title which this society bears is kept a rofound secret from the curious , unnitintcd masculines. It matters little , however , In view of the fact that the society is composed of such ladies as surely would have none but nn honorable secret. The purposes of the organlr.ition seem to be largely charitable , nd the object of last evening's entertain ment was to swell the fund whien they de sire to expend In helping those less fortunate tha'n themselves. The opera honso was crowded , and tlio audience was asllnelycom posed as any which ever gathered there. There waa sufficient enthusiasm manifested to fully assure the ladies that their efforts to please were appreciated , and had proved truly successful. It was a varied pro gramme , and there were no poor numbers from beginning to tlnish. Prof. Uaotcns , with his "Stryken Bluas" club , kindly favored the audience with some very pleasing Instrumental selections , open ing with the "Swedish Wedding March. " There wore Interspersed selections from Shubcrt's symphonies , and from Weber. An enjoyable evening could easily have been afforded by such music alone. Tho- other musical numbers of the programme were also truly excellent. Miss Merkol , who has one of the sweetest -soprano voices , nnd to whom all gladly Usten. Joined witn her sis ter , Mrs. Ward , nnd with Mr. Treynor , in a charming trio Mr. Treynor sang insole solo also , winning as always , enthu siastic applause. Mrs. Ward gave a ono of her rich , contralto solps. Mrs. Wnds- xvorth , who is conceded to bo ono of the best sopranos in the west , sang "Lo , Hear the Lark , " one of her best selections. Ono of the most pleasing numbers was the duet of Miss Merkel and Mr. Treynor. With such music Interspersed throughout the art pro gramme , the evening was mndo most enjoy able. able.Tho The ar.t xvas also varied. There were some very pleasing living pictures. These wore the only showings of bright colors , and were shown in a frame. Tliero were also line showings of white statuary , the figures being gracefully draped and in pleasing positions and postures. The Hogers statuary was rather more nox'cl than the other features. These were of the color peculiar to that statuary. The designs were taking and the groups were well presented. The pictures and statuary were made moro attractive by a skillful handling of the calcium light , with varied colorings. The accompanists for the evening were MKs Ofllccr and Miss Atkins. Their part was not perhaps as prominent as some , but the taste and skill shown by them was an im portant feature of the successful rendering of the musical numbers. Largest sloc'c of xvtill paper over scon in the city. Picture muncb mndo tt order. Very latest designs in cornice mouldings. II. P. Nilcs102Broadway. . Oldest linn in this line in the city. Sewer connections and house sowon laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. Piles cured xvith certainty. Drs , Mosor & Van Ness , Council Bluffs , In. A. Holt ns Well as a Dondlocic. Local politics are nt present \-ory inter estlng study to the outsldo spectator who li not in the deal and has nothing at Btaka ir the turn of the xvheel of political fortune The two factions in the dominant party nn at war and both declare it is to the death The beginning of this state of thing ! ) date ! buforo the Into election. The story , ns givei by ono of the newly elected aldermen , is as follows : When his friends xvero urging hli candidacy ho xvas visited by certain "ringer In" who advised him , If ho desired to si-curt his nomination and election , that ho first sc < the leaders in the ring and make himsel ' 'solid , " This suggestion cumo from varloui ones nnd at various times until the xvould-bi candidate sent xvord to the bosses that hi should try to secure the nomination and clcc tlon , nnd would do so v/lthout asking the as slstiuico or advice of the ring. That ho bo llevcd firmly that the local ndmlnUtrntloi xvas corrupt , and ho proposed to unearth tin corruption and show up the corruptlonlstH This , of course , created a stir in the camp andantrotig fight xvas made by the ring both in the caucus and nt the noils to dofca him. Now he declares ho will bo true to hi purpose. The young1 Men's Demourntli club , In which the alderman Is a Icudlii ) spirit , is badly dlx'idcd in consequence The majority support him , but do not as yet , feel at liberty to make an open revolt but In rasa thti desired ofllccrs are not chosei by the city council next Monday evening they say they will split off from the orpuniru tiou , rnorganlio their forces and carry thi xvnr Into Africa. Ono prominent dUsentc. from the ring rule says : "They have heretofore toforo furnished us the money and ws hax- , done their dirty xvork. They have thu avoided shouldering I ho odium of their polit liiul trickery and Imvo cast it upon us. Kov wo prnposuto let these that furnish the mone ; al o do the xvork , and xvu will fight thou inoth r.nd nail while they do It. We knov their nj'.thods , r.nd xvo eheekraato cverj inr.vo they maKo.1' ' In no i ouni-11 AUeraicn BnllhiKCr , ICncnho. anil Weaver are anxious to return John Tein plotou in hln present position. Weaver , Met calf yn.l Laivy tight Just as hard for the con tinuunco of liurko in the clerk'k chair , Hell factions claimed to hold the choices Iroi conviction as to xvh&t le best for lliu city , am thus fur , although UU posbible cot.bin ; ; ! ion have been tried , r.ono hub been u'w't xvlilo' would unlt'o all , or > \ mn'orltv of tha .council Each man jays lid vail not inuugo bib voi ow , nor nt any tlmo In the future. If these ondittons hold over Monday night , which ow seems moro than probable , n party fight vill result. If from this shall cotno a better ondltion of things , a cleaner government ml a strict enforcement of law , the people f the city tnny well be satisfied and rejoice. The difetrict telegraph Co ( servos pat rons nny time of day or night. Union Abstract company , 230 Main street , Personal Parngrnphs. James Wilson , ot Persia , xvas In the city csterday. O. H. Stokes , of Yorkshire , xvas In the city yesterday. W. A. McCutchcon , of DCS Molncs , was In ho city yesterday. E. A. Pippin has gone to Maplcton , loxvn , for n visit xvith friends. W. D. Humn. an old nnd respected cltlrcn of Missouri valley , died yesterday morning. Mru. Hoinco Everett returned homo yester day morning from n visit xvith her mother , Mrs. Judge Leonard , at Oakxx'ood , Mo , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoffman left for Lov- ngton , 111. , last evening. They were nccom- > anicd by Mrs. Jcnnlo Hyatt , who xvill cmaln there during the summer. Charles E. Hcnnctt , Peorint S. M. Wooster , Uoono ; E , E. Lang , Enflcld ! James A. Matson , Cedar Hnulds : J. W. McGarrlsh and J , N. Wilson , DCS Molncs , xvcro among , 'csterdny's arrivals nt the Paolfli1. Mrs. J. P. I3ilups ] , of Sheridan county , * Jeb. , is visiting in this city for a foxv days. She came cast to attend the funeral of her son Theodora , aged fourteen years , xvho died ast Sunday in Springfield , Mo. , ot spinal ncningltls. Mrs. Ulllups xvns a resident of his city for over twenty years , but moved to Nebraska about three years ago. She has nany friends In this vicinity xvho sympa thize xvllh her in her bereavement. Too Much Cnrc 2nnnot bo tulfon in the f-clcction of oilot soaps. Colgate & Oo.'s are the best. Try Crtbhmero Bouquet. Hustlers for Trn < lp. The Domestic Sewing Machine com- Miny take the load. The lightest run- ling and the most durable inachino nauc. Terms to suit nny one. Cull. 105 Mnlft street. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. A Magic City. Marvelous as xx-as the groxvth of South Omaha during 18S7 , the summer of 1S88 bids fair to surpass It , and to xvln for It the title of the Magic city. Ucforo the frost XXTIS out of the ground , building xvns commenced , and within the next ten days upxvnrils of ono hun dred and seventy stores and residences xvlll bo In course of erection. No less than txx'cnty business buildings arc now going up , nnd the material is being placed on the ground for at least one hundred nnd fifty cottages nnd res idences. No special locality is favored , but the boom is all ox-er the city. The South Omaha National bank is about to erect-a line business block on N street , near Twenty- seventh , and , ns already noted , the Ex change hotel finds it necessary to in crease its accommodations by a three-story brick addition , 40x100. The graders are also at xvork on Twentieth , Txventy-lifth , Txventy- seveth , Mand N streets and Missouri uvcnuc. nnd tenders are asked for to build a grand boulex'ard connecting North xvith South Omaha. In Albright things are also booming and some twenty-five ncxv buildings are under way , Contractor Coy heading the list xvith elox-en , including the now school house. He- sides all this the bankers' report , a marked improx'cmcnt in general business , xvith but little accommodation required , and first class security offered xvhcn asked for. Payments arc boinc : met promptly nnd nil. things point to another era of prosperity for South Omaha. Ttntlrond Wrecks. Two slight mishaps xvero credited to the railroads yesterday. The llrst xvas an early morning collision at the chutes , bctxx'ccn stock trains of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri - ' souri Valley railroad and the Union Pacific. It resulted in n badly demolished caboose for the latter and some half dozen dead sheep for the shippers. The second xvas n run off on the- Union Pacific caused by an open switch , and the engine and txvo cai s xvero ditched. No damage xx'as done but some out going trains xx'cre delayed. Last Night's Bull. Last night the Sporting Sons of Erin made their llrst appearance in public and held their first annual ball. It xvas n success in every way , the hall being crowded , the music good nnd the receipts satisfactory. Refresh ments xvero served at midnight and the danc ing kept up till the early hours , the xvholo being looked after by the floor managers , llodio Kcdmond , Con Hogan nnd Tom Guincs. Notes About tlio City. W. T. RIckley , of Columbus , brought in a load of hogs. J. J. Hnnns , of Forth , Neb. , is on the market xvith a load of hogs. Wm. Juest of DcWitt , is in xvith a car of sheep. Hen Majors has eight cars of Wood River cattle on the market. C. II. Pettyjohn , of Belvidere , caught the top price for hogs. To-day Grader ICincndo xvlll finish xvork on the noxv ball park. Seventy curs of hogs , and forty-six of cat tle xvero reported at noon to-day , nnd the market xvas quoted 5c higher. In the suit of Norton vs Sandlin , a now resident , Justice Levy issued n xvrit of at tachment for 121.50. James Oglcsby xvas run in on a charge oj doing an express business without n license , but proved lie xvus only carting his own goods and was discharged. Henry Livesoy Is erecting the necessary buildings for the erection of a mammoth brickyard. The site chosen Is at the 13. & M. brldgo where there are ample shipping facili ties , . Jim Crowlcy started out on nn ordinary drunk last night , and wound up in n light tea a finish , At thu tlnUh ho xvus minus n part of an car , but received sympathy from Judge Kcuther , xvho lined him $1 nnd costs. Doud & Pierce is the style of a nexv firm going Into the hog fattening business. They have secured n flvo-aero lot for feeding grounds down near the river , and those xvho knoxv Jim Doud , say it xvlll bo a success , The rovlx'al services In the Methodist church xvero brought to a close , The Rexr. J , E. Ensign wns In charge and devoted some tlmo to advocating the establishment of a branch of the Chautauqua Circle. In all probability his advice will bo followed. Marshal McCraekcn picked up the flvc- year-old daughter of John Daden. She hid been left out to piny , but concluded to take a trip to Albright and back , and she did. She xvas cared for at the Dclmonlco until claimed by her parents. The xvlthdawal of the night switch engine is giving everything but satisfaction to the packing house men , Then Union Pacific are doing the work to the best ol their ability , but the packers xvant it done to suit them. This morning there xvas consldcrablu delay in starting up , owing to the stock being handled to slowly , and to the packers delay means money lost. Among the people of to-day , there are few indeed , who Imvo not heard of the merits of Prickly Ash Baric nnd Berries as a household remedy. Teas and drinks have been made of them for centuries , und in hundreds of families havtf formed the solo reliance in rheu matic and kidney diseases. Prickly Ash Bitters now take the place of the olii system and is moro beneficial in all troubles of this nature. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , * Only Hotel In Iho City with Flro Es- capo. Eloctrlo Cell Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reason MAX MOHN , Proprie tor THE NEW BRIDGE. SHOWING THE ADVANTAGED OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. IMTQBBt StOOk , 1 Furnishing Qoodsf METCALF BROTHERS : Lowest Prices , I I Clothing , Hata , Caps , cto. { & 4 2 * * - WilUfcm.SiQdHntopf- * -DeMtrlo- * * * ; * * ffardman , Everett & Fisher & to Cay.Co ntUEAI ESTATE rv , . Oouiidi . SU niulTi. * Mlle 4 t " " KQ.B M.-M togv. , | Xr | 1814 Si. M ry'tAf/.Ofti , , \ vvS/ . / largest Capital and YourPatronac Cr > Surplus BANK/ , ' o//fny anA / / ; //0 0/fy. / - ' J .CITIZENSSTATE " > Is Solicited ss C3TJ - STH , & A , D , Faster ' TJW * SQUIRE'S W COUNCIL , ULUFFS * u' JWOvi. TJa & Hooro's ' ' Fcregoy / Abstracts' Title' a - n rl - Santo Rasa. . , No. . 8. Pearl St. ARE THE BEST. o C' CO 'CD ' - " * > - EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. I always keep in stock a lurco variety of custom I have always a full stock to select from. H. F , H ATTENH AUER , jnnko Carriages , which 1 fcoll ata . very low rate. Call and examine my stock. I am always Prices Low. N n. 27 to 1 Fourtli Street. ready to enow poodn. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPnciAIj advertisements , such nsl est , found. To Loan , For Sale. To Kent , Wants , Hoarding etc. , xvlll bo Inserted in this column at the low rate of TKN CENTS PKU MNE for the flrat In sertion and Five Cunts Per I lno for each subse quent Insertion. Ijuavo advertisements nt our ofllco. No , 11'earl Street , near Broadway , Coun- ell UlulTs , I own. WANTS. TT OH KENT Furnished anil unfurnished J- ' rooms , 717 1st avo. llefcrences xvantcd. FOlt SAJjB Very chcup for cash or would ex change for Council lllulrs or Umnlia prop erty , a retail stock of boots and shoes valued nt J5.WX ) . Call at store No , 520 8. 13th St. . Omaha , or nddrebs It. Martin , same place nnd number. T71UHN1TUHE nought , sold nnd exchanged ; -LJ also storage nnd commission In good , light , airy , fire-proof building. Inquire nt store No. 110 North 13th St. 11. Martin ; Omaha , Neb. At onco. two experienced sewer WANTED . Oeo. S. Miller , 1OT Fourth-st. , Council . ' ' Illnir.s' , i UPHOI.STE1UNO nnd Furniture repairing done neatly nnd promptly : xvork cuaran- tecd. Household goods nnd furniture bought nnd sold. L. M. Lewis , No. 110 North 13th St. , Omnhn. T110H SAM At a bhrcnln , W ncro * nenr stock X1 yurds , South Omnha , Neb. , .lohnson & Christian , Itoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce , Umnhn. \\7"ANTED Stocks of merchandise , llnva T T Omaha and Council Illuirs city property , also \\fntorn land to eicliaimo for Koods. Call on or address Johnson It Christian , Itocm 35 , Cliamber of Commerce , Omnhn. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PRICK $15. Is a thoroughly jiractlenl , well mndo nnd finely finished rnnchlne. Combines the PERFCCT LUT- TKIllNO , KXACT AWONMENT nnd H.Vl'II ) WllIT- INO of n high pricud writer with SIMI'MCITV. Corapnctness nnd Durnbility. Send for circulars. AOKNTS AVANTED. E. GAGE , The Excelsior Co. 33 Mnln St. . LINCOLN , NEU. , Council minis. Ocn'l Agent. Agt. for Western Iowa & PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , No. 5-52 Broadway. Opera House Block , Council BlufTs. Telephone No. 281. Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroudwuy , Council DlulTs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses nnd mules constantly on hand , for snle nt retnll or In car lend lots. Orders promptly Hlled by contract on short notice. Stock hold on commission. Telephone 114 , 6CIIUJTRR & nOLKV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UluITs JOHN GILBERT , PLUMIIEU AM ) DKALKU IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , NO. B21 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , : t IOWA FOR THE ATEST And MostFashipnablo novelties in HUMAN HAIR GOODS GOTO G. L. GILLETTE . . . , 20 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. OKr'ICE Or THIS STEAM DY WORKS , ' Same btroct and number. 1861. 1888. P. C. DEVX3L. 1 > BALER IN Jewell Ynpor Stores , Monitor Wrought RnngeSj Clinrtcr Oak Stoves , Lponnnl Ko- rigcrntorsjlJuililcrs' Hanhvare , ( Joltlen tnr Vapor Ilnnsjcs , ( Jlldilcn Fence Whv , lluollng nml Job Work 501 Ilroail Avay , Council Uliiirs , In. Estimates Furnished , CASH - TRADE SOLICITED. SEND FOR CIRCULARS , YOU GO JliaiiT DOWN PETER C. MILLER'S And ( Jet Tlmt Itcnntifnl 1'attcrii of WALL PAPER I SAW THI3UB VISSTJEiRDAV. Ilfi DOES AM.J KINDS OK HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING DECORATING , WHITEHINO , ETC. , And HAH None lint Exncrk'iii'cd Workmen. No. 1U Tenrl St. i : Council IlliiffH. DELMONICO HOTEL 711 BUOrtDWAY. Best $1 a Day House in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near the Depots. Street Car Connections. NEW SPRING MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NED. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest , Market Prices. Prompt Returns. UCund 823 MaU Brt tCouncll 0lutf , I wa. PRING TRADE IS NOW OPEN BEAUTIFUL SELECTIONS AMD LOW PRICES GO0BS AS REPRESENTED. Every one saya we liave the finest patterns. "We know sell at lowest prices. " THE PLACE , KSTADLISJIED 1842. INCORPOUA.TED 1878. | co. , MASSILLOX , OHIO , MAKUFACTUIIERS. Especially Designed for SIZES FROffl MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE , Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , 8KND 1 'OR CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DR. RICE'S COMMON SKXSK HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of the ABO ! Itupturo or Hornln a Specialty ; Makes Female Diseases a Specially , Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases , that are curable , with hliTinost Wonderful Yeurtalilo Item * dies. Is the oiliest nnd most mircosnf ul HpnclnlUt in the west , Call and see him , Olllce No. 11 1'eo.rl St. , Council UlutTs , Iowa. OIHco liours:8 : to 1IJ a. m ; 1 to 5 nnd U to U p. in. DR. C. B. J U'D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary. WANTiiL.OCAI. : . . AM > Tlt.\VIXIK A E.VI'S ON COMMISSION. NATURALISAND TAXIDERMIST , T. MOUNTS AIKDS A.\I > MAMMALS VltUK TO JVATUJ6E. AIA , WOKli. GOJAUANTlvIJl ) . NO , 010 MAIN BT/IKKT , i COUNOIIj IJhUKFft , M. OrdiTB taken at I'enrosolardon B. 13th at. , Omaha , Neb. OFFICER & BANKERS. WOHroadway Council BlulTa , Iowa. Established IMT. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH ! Itt vreeUr Ir.ilsjmrity'for injury , Cosfs but 113 per year in thci OM HrliAblo United BUtes Mu tual Accident /.fuoclutlon ut New York. _ Ueuvrul Agents. Iloom'J , Opera House Ulcvlc. " 06DEN BOILER ! WORKS - : - - - , CAJITKU &JON , I'ron'n , Mauufactur rnof / / / Kinds of Steam Boihrs < J S/itel Iron Work , Ordcu by mall for repairs promptly attended to. tiHtlifAction inarftntetd. 10th Arouue. Ad < dfefcgQgden BnlUr Works. Couuoll illuJu.Iu'Vu. " ' R. H.lINTNOTOH CO , , FLOUR , FRUIT & PRODUCE , NO. 104