Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1885, Image 1

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The D sagrecaWs Patlnw Wch Many
PoiIclajsPfl ,
Cleveland Splits the Northwestern
nna ITramlnlcnt 1'onslon-
era Tlircntoncil Wltli Ucoaplta-
tlou ? ? lie lown Aiipolntnitnts ,
3pcci l Te'cgrara to Taa IlEii
WABUmaTOH Juno 7. The appolntmcntof
Capt. H. If , Il her , son'of the Ray. II. W.
Beecbor , na ojlleotur of customs of the Puget
sound district , U nut pleasing , it appear , to
the democrats of the northwoit. Judge Kubn ,
of Port Town end , wai o duraed for the ap
pointment by tbo democrat ] generally of
Washington territory , and also by many lead
ing party men of Oregon. Kuhn ta an old
time democrat and hat boon a loading spirit in
the party of the northwest. II o (3 ( a member
of the national committee from Washington ,
and has been an indefatigable worker for his
party. He was backed by tbo democrats and
IVconor by the mugwumps. The loading
democrats of Washington tenitory have said
that the appointment of Beecher would
demoralize the democracy of tha northwest ]
that Botcher waa never anything but u
republican and does nut now profuja to bo o
democrat ; tnat to set NStdo an old party vet
eran like Kubn fur man who does not oven
profess tu baton * to the party wuuld dtrgust
the democrats uf Washiu t n and of Ortgun.
Such representations by tno prominent Wash.
ing temtuiy dunoorats induced thu leading
members of cungieas uf that party to unite in
advising tno appointment of Kuhn. It wa <
eharpeuj by the democrats , ai < d they relter.ttc
it now , tbit lieecbtr b.ised his cUiius only up-
en the services hu fathtr bad rendered
There It some talk of opposition to the re
election. uf 3enAtor Kdmuuda for the tonn
nhich will begin nith M ch , 1837 , baaed uu
his alleged indifference toward tha republican
national tlokut at tha Ust rjreaideniUI eloa <
Uon. Tli" legimature which will elect a suc
cessor to Kdmuuda will bi chosen in Septum-
bor , 1888 , aud repona coma frum Vermonl
that a m .Yemeni la on fuut tu elect a mar
other than Udmuuds. This movement i
treated lightly uy thofritn Is aud admirers ci
the Veruiunt staicsman who rugardhim > s in
vincible , but thine can be no duubtof tht
oarneainosj of these who uio engaged In It ,
and the fact that such uu oppo
sition exlstx shows that there ii
decided hostility to Kdmunds ii
consequcnoo uf his unfrienUiuiuda towart
the natioubl re pub , i can candidates. This feel
,1 Ing against Kdui-nda i < not uunnned tu Ver
mont and should the opposition in'that ttati
develoiie auy reaai/uab o uiuanure of stretigtl
it would itcdlvo cuji euo mru eaient and sup
poit from the uUlsUu aa wuuld seiiouilj
threaten , if not actually prev ut , tlu > ro-tlcc
tion of K linuudd. With the expiration o
his present term , wh'cli ' will occur lu March
1887 , Hdinunrju will h > vu served in the tenati
tweuty-une years lie entered tbo stuati
upon un appumtuunt from the Royeri or ti
nucceod Sjlunou Koota who died lu Mutch
1866 , and was snbeequeutl ;
. , V elected by the legislature ti
servo the remainder of Mr , FUOU'B term
Since then he ban bean re-ciected three times
practically without uppojiuon. Julm Sher
man u the only member uf the suuute whi
anti-dates Mr. dmunds , ulihougb his col
league , Mr. ftlorriil , aid several uther sen
atora bad eoveral years eervioi iu the housi
prior to the appuarauco of Edmunds in tbi
senate. In referring tu tbe opposition ti
Edmnnd'a ro-clection , tbo Star s < tst"
" There is every reason to bihbve that II
Mr. 3 Jdmmdshd earnestly worked , not foi
the election of Blalne , but for the success o
t his paity and iu principle ? , for which Blaini
happened for the time being to stand an tbi
r representative or tymbol. cne retult woutc
have been different. Though not BJ con
( picuous as Blsina. there wore bouts of repub
licaus in Vermont and in uvery state in thi
union who were relatively affected ju t a
directly und vitally by the result of tha eloa
tion at the head ot tbe ticket cuuld bo. Ti
them Blame was only one fly with themselve
on the great whuul to bdcru bed Into thi
earth In its involution or uiveu a net
or longer lea u of life. It wil
not be strange , iborefure , if many of thos
whoee furtunea were BO disastrously afffCtn
as were Blainu's , nhould louk with mdilfai
once upon IJiluiund'd efforu to bo re-ulectei
or work t.ctivuly tu 8 cure bis permanent re
tiremout fri < m gflicial position On th
other hand , with humiu n.tura constitute
as it is. It will bo vury strun o if tnuy do n-
do so. "
Deputy Coramis'iorer of Pensions McLea
says it id thu purpose of thd pdusion buion
to make a thorough examluaiiun of thu pet
siuu liiU uf tha nutira country , with uviow i
cutting off al ) who Illegally drawing pen
tioufl. He udded that th--ro were , no doub
perions In nil thu utatoi Mruwiiig pHuslons 111
Kally. "It Is the ilvpeudmt list " ho s > id , "
think , which contain < thn giu test number I
fraudulent catea fathers or mutheis wh < i ai
dependent , or aUegid m bd , upnn suns lull--
in the army. Now , I know of a caie of ailc
lady , woith $7 ' ,0 0 or $11 0 DUO , who is rtyu
larly drawing u punsiuii to < - . > f-pu killed iu tt :
urroy. She has bren drawing it for
of cuursu it it a f tuud ou th > < guveruinoutV
bhall go tbruu h th lists i f all tbo ttate fi
.y Hiinilar OIBOuud lor uny others by whic
l > ensionB are Illetfally drawn. "
In ngard tu thtt intiroal revenue collecto :
Miip for thu fourth Iowa district , an agroc
moat has been leaahed bctwrou thfuur ilen
ouratio congrrHsuiBii an I iLo ttato ceutn
ciiuiiiittteu Thu omgiesiimeu nude no rn
oinmeudatirn , but it WUB understood tin
Murphy , Fiedeibks and Weaver wiu'd ' BU |
jnitaoy uno named by Hull The Bttd cei
tral commlttbo r > o minendo I Hunter , i n
Hill sent in the uuuiu uf Mr. A. fi. Kneli
inicr , of BurhnKtou who is entlrily aojep
! - iiblo totllH Hl t eintral commiltee , and at tl
rtquest of Hunter bis application h n hue
withdrawn , and Kubliiiier in thu candidate i
the congrtn > inaii and the atati committRi
Uunter's willingness to witbdrw is suppoat
to bi duo to uu urrui genivut by which ha wl
Ret the appointment uf time deputy
Further information li.ia bwii sought r
Carding Mr A N. UoUfurd , of Fort Dolg
who wuuld probably h.ivo been uppoluU
il ! trlot attoruoy of the nortliein Iow ili tri
tlm week but lor the oppi i ion ut Judi
Kiunii and rionatnr Johi n n , of the fta
omrnitteo , and It in IB. rued that Mr , Hot
fordid regarded in Fort D ilgn as n repubi
can , though hn hus ncoui-innaliy voted fi
democrat ocaudldAttsfiiriiUlco. Mr O'Co
nell , tlm present di.tilct utturuoy , has servi
about half bid trim Ho did not eiprct i
remain iu olhco under n demuciatio admlni
tratiou , nd it in tnul that lie aud Bottfui
had mada an arrmgcmrnt to torui
partnership , O'Cuime.11 to reilgn ai
Boteford to bu i.ppcluted as hU buccess
O'Connell of c urtiH , uoeidln tu wbaievi
business HoUfurd wou'd ' be obliged t give i
on beoimliK ? dlntiict adorney. O'uonnt
claimed , ulilmngh u republican , to have an Ii
flueuca at Washington th t wuuld sec1 :
Botsford'd pp tintireut , ai d win tber he d
or not cannot ba raid poHlivvly , but the p'l
waa makii.g' fir t rate pro < re s aud It look (
few days ugo a if liotaford would bo a |
pointed before tbe democrats of Iowa evi
knew of bis r eing H o ndidate.
In compliance , with the rule adopted by tl
ikbinet tbe pretlaent and the heads of eiec
tive dep.tttmouta lecludttdthemsalvea from i
vi > itora yu'terday.
The Dolphin will make a trial trip at i
next Thumday
Commiuioner Katon , being asked vli
foundation there was ts tha tumors publUh
in ono if the ptptn lately that there bad be
collisions between the civil service commit *
bion and the heads f departmouU , or un
friendly spirit * manifested on tha part of the
latter , especially ou the part of tlm secretary
of tbe Interior toward the commission , and
says thtru Is no foundation whatever for such
rumors. They appear , he sty * , to have their
urlgm among the enemies' ot reform nnd of
the policy of the admluistration. No head of
adepmttutnt has shuwn any disposition to
evadntho Miles or to embarrass the commit-
stun. The story ( kbout the commission
rebuking the secretary cf tbe Interior in
connection with a desired certification from
Utuota was utterly baseless.
Phillip Bel Don , uf Illinois , has been ap
point rl assistant medical referee in the pen
sion oirice , vice McGralmm , removed.
The omsul general t Montreal reports tint
glanders his Bammed alarming pioportliins
among the ho sea of that city. The f ct is
important ai , a Urge number of hordes are
shipped tn the United States from Canada
every week ,
Frank Soydor. a machinist in the treasury
department , and Emma L tuo , a rnlsn , a clerk
in the -OBto paper department , were surpriiod
a few davs ago lu a rather smpiciout relatloi-
hhlp by Chltf Clerk Hwanzo , aud having no
satisfactory explanation at hand , were
promptly diachaiired. Miss Lane is a hand-
Homo brunette , with a goud Gu o , and quite
ttylish in her dresi > , and Snyder Is a nuriied
mini and the father of two children. Ills
wlfd has refused to forgiyo his tffunse , and ho
has loft the city.
At the BO fclon of the conferor cp on chatt-
ticn aud connections yrsttrday Gen , Brinker-
hoif of luwa , read a Blunt | ) Hp ° r , the subject
of which was "The Police , " prepared by
Birtvich Daker of Gluucestorsblre , England ,
one of the most rmineut authors on lioual in-
slitntiouH In tbo world.
S , S. Cox has sold his residence on Dupnnt
Circle , completely fur. Mied , together with
un ttdjolnc lot , to Aithur Pudolfurd fur S5i > , -
OCO. Tills U onao' the moit desirable private
reitdences in the city.
Tbo Post says the following appointments
will bomado to-tnorrow : R-ceivers at land
offices-P. K. Wiser , at Tracy , Minn , ; G. 0
HMB ! , at Lirrusic , Wli. ; Joseph Hill , Beatrice -
rico , Neb ; Vice William II. S .miners ; W.
R. Edgir , Irontun , Mn , , and George W.
Warner to bo register of land oilM at Tracy ,
Missouri ,
§ 00,000.
NEW YORK , Jtne 0 A special to the Now
York Suu from Now Orleans s tys :
An investigation of the dedication made by
tha government in the United States sub-
treasury In this city was so secretly conduc
ted that even the local press had no idea of
what was colng on. Tha acoants were ex
amined on Mty 23 nud f jund correct. On
S iturday another Investigation was made and
a shortage in the acoouuta of J. F. Anfde-
morto , redemption clerk , was discovered.
Saturday , Decoration day , was a sort ol holi
day. On Monday morning 'Anfdemorte
f iled tt , appear at the offios The cue wai
put in the hands of detectives and the depart-
nmntat Waahii gt in notified. Autdoinorto'a
flight wa managed skillfully. It is supposed
by the officers thtt bi < l lt here for Mexico on
the Saturday train und i.rrived them Sunday ,
When , therefore , on Monday th deUlcutiou
was discovered Aufdemurte was in the inter
ior uf M xlco. It was at first estimated that
bin defalcation amounted tu 310,000 , but it
Is alieady thown t'ibj over S60UOU nnd maybe
bo much larger The exact amount of thn
lies cannot be determined until all thn
funds in the vault huve been counted
an it Is f.arcd that Auldemoita extracted
money from It. Among his pipura wer > -
mvfrul forged certificates of deposit in local
banks , wh ch he use I to make good his ac
counts. It seems that he would have made
off with a much larger sum had not one nf the
banks lefuted tu cn-di a check for ? 30,000
which he pre entod Friday last. If tha hank
h d reported this the authorities could have
prevented Aufdemorte from leaving the city.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , 111. , June 7. The Indications arc
that the Ch.'cago , Burlington & Qulnoy rail
road company will soon have an independent
line from Chicago to Salt Lake City. Ever
since the company's line reached Denver an
imprestion has prevailed that the next ob
jective pnint would be Salt Lake City , but
the Burlington folks always denied that they
bad any such intention , There Is no ques
tion , however , but that the Burlington is now
being pushed from Denver to Grund Junction
at a rapid rate. The ronte is via HotSprtnps ,
Col. one hundred and ten rmlou torthweet oi
Denver , where Grand river is encountered.
From this point the route will be down the
valley of the Grand to Grand Junction , anii
will be one hundred and ten milothorter
than the Denver & Rio Grande be
tween Denver and Grand Junction , anr
will make a i-hotter route fr > m Denver
to Salt Lake City than the Union t'acific. A
great deal of gru ling has been done b tweoi
Denver a d Hot .Springs and Mong the Gram
valley TnoC' _ ' untry through wl ich It p t gsei
is rich In curiosities und cou ains some uf thi
mrmt extensive c ml .fields In the west.
What the Bu'liniH'-m will di > when i
readies Grand Junction ban not been devel
oped , but It Is gunuihly believed that it wil
secure ujntrol of the Denver , Rio Grand * I
Wentem. A v > ry nlsnlficaiu fact whlcl
polnta tu such a confuminatlon IH tlmt ever ;
i > idgo that lias recently been built by th
Rio Grandn & Western is a broad gua *
bridge , and the opinion i < tint the entire Hn
will be cnnvoited to standard euaxn aa soon a
the Burlington i cures c ntrol ol the same
GOT , II li. ' 15 d Failure.
BOSTON , Mass , , Mav 6. The failure o
Gnv. Halo bai Involved a large number o
B istou people and banks. C. A. Park nf 1
Milk street is involved to the extent of $30 ,
0(0. The Commonwealth National , Mastiu
chunotts National , Mid Froedrann'd Nation a
hold hU paper. Halo was interested in th
Boston , Winthrop & Shore railway to the ex
tent of § 83,00 1. Henry Halo of New York
brother of the ex-governor , is said to be in
volved Sf > ,00 , and John Hale , anothe
brother , § 2,00 ( ) ( ) . It I * id the Mansachusett
National bank holds $50 000 worth of trad
paper entirely secured. Due uf bin uunucces <
ful enterp lees was tha I.eb nnn wnnlen mills
In which it Is alle < od lid lint $50,000 ADO the
unfortuudto scheme Wj the pU'CliaBa of a
ieland near San Franc eca with the iica o
starting a mammoth sluep or cittlo ranehe.
Another pru ] ct was a salt mountain at Sa
Doming * ' , purposed tu ba a ininu of wealtl
but which faihtd tu , an ont. Guv , Ha e wu
interested in mines tn Idaho and elsewhere ,
Annttiorll > uk Clr-rU O.ICH
PBOVIUENOE , R. I. , June C- William Doi
ranee 18 years o'd , second teller of the Provl
denco national lunk was arrested this after
noon for ombezzVment. Ho cnnfesies to
defalcation of SS'l.OOO extonaing throug
teveral year' . The clun to the crime was du
covered lucldfntully. Tha bank has a U'fi
i-ur ) lua. Dorrauce la of a highly rtxpectttbi
family. _ _
d DurUI Ol'uoii. U-wmati ,
n KANSAS CUT , Mo. , June 7 , Tbe funerc
services of Gen. Samuel T. Bowman wer
held this nfternpon. Tbe remains vein It
terrud with miliUry honors. Gen , Willin
T , Sherman came from Bt Louis to atteu
the cert uiontts , nod muda brief addrets c
11 the grave.
II Wkje Hi'brew.
Oxronn , Pa. , Juno 7 , Tha Rev , D. I
haiT of KeoknU , Iowa , his bien electe
profeiior of Hebrew at Lincoln unlnrtlt
> n neir this place ,
be Acalouiy bf the Queen
Onto ! Gear ,
The Public Talk of Suakim Gen
erals , Wales , Phelps ,
'Attl In Opera on the Continent
Kussla ConsUlorcrt n I'lnjlnj ;
nu Old Game In Dlplonmcy ,
pedal Terrain to The BKE.
LONDON , Juno 7. The London nowspnper
trro-pondenta are all bask from the Soudan
nd are full of indignation at the incompo-
oucy ot Wilson , MoNeill and Giaham. They
re determined to make an official public in-
utry necessary , and if In no other way ono
will come through an action of libel , Wols-
ey sympathises with them.
The queen has had a now attack of sploou
its spring. She Is said to bo lots easy to live
with than over. Her latest freaks are the
baudonment of tbo uual Balmoral ball and
lo forbidding of citlz'us of Perth trom en-
> nng the r .llw'ny station during her patsago
iirouKh it , a privilege they have always cn-
eyed before. The Scotch are v.atly iudlg-
rant.A slight march In mental progress is Illus
trated by the fact that the prlr o of Wales
will on I'uosday roretvo the statue of Darwin
at the British miueum , on behalf of tha na-
ion , and a failure of moral progre-s is indi-
atcd by rho strunuou and unavutlab o efforts
hat have boon made to push up the Jelfties'
in which the uritce and earl , fivd
tliers uf tha prince cf Wales' set and tbo king
f Bduiurn are implicated , No doubt there
will ba an exposure BOOH which will make
omo other scandals mild by comparison. ,
Mme. Patti ha * signed a contract with
\illlne , i f llamhu g , to give performance * in
oncurt and opara in ISuropo , including St.
Petersburg and Moscow , at 11OOJ , frnnci
i ch , or about uno half her American pty.
'aiti'n season In opera at Convent Gardener
or twelve night' , extending "vor t > ir weeks ,
nmmer cos Juno 1C , with Alapleson as man
ger It Is behoved that there will be extra
lights with Nevada or Dut'i. '
The n-gotUtu ns niih Ru-sla drag on. The
) ally News on'Monday lound Itself obliged
0 publish Lord Gruuville'u official denial of
tu Saturday story that a settlement of the
rentier question had been mnched. Nothing
eems to have been settled , Russia is pla -
1 g tbo old game uf dilatory diplomacy ,
lludstone stated in the house of commons
use night with the annnuo'ment ' that an
greem-nt re pectlug the arbitration was not
u final furui , that the r though
greed on had nut consented to act Com
mercial people decline to regard arbitration
eiiuusly. What it mure serious is Sir Peter
Aitntden's singularly open tnd extremely
, mgii g critlcifiu of the conduct of the
mihidtry toward hiuneif , toward the frontier
ommliision , anil toward the whole Russia-
\fnh n question Sir Peter Luinsden arrived
n London to-day , Hi * opinions have arrived
i torn him to thfl t fleet that tha rnput-uicn
f England for good f ! th has suffered In
udia ; that Ras la only can urea the recent
emands because it w s convinced that Bug-
and would not fight and that further demands
nd further aggressions are only a question of
lino. The ministerial and Rusjlau rgans In
j'indon attack Sit Peter with a bitterness
which most people accept as proof that ho
haa been and is entirely right.
Mr. I'helpa contluumto be interesting to
jondoners who h vo had this week two op
portunities of seeing what he is like. He was
ireeoi.t un Tuesday at tbe state conceit In
Buckingham palace and was comialiy
iy tt.0 prince and prince < s
of Wale and other members of the royal
IOUBO. He dlnad on Wednisdoy with the
' rd mayor at tbe Mansion house to meet tbe
judges and made a speech which the company
cheered with enthusiasm and which the Times
> aiees for its judgment and elevation of tone ,
Mr. Lowell says good bye to his friends at
the foreign offica at a reception tc-nlght , and
quiti London to-morrow amid renewed
demnnst ation of skcere regret.
Disimtchoa from Rome state that the
cathohVbishops of Erie , Nebraska and Da
cota have left ilia holv c'ty for home. Bishop
Jichtor , of Grand Rapids Michigan , and
he b shop of Cleveland have arrived at
lomo and been received by the pope.
LONDON , Juno C No progresi has beer
mude 'during the past week m the dissensiona !
3rltt h cabinet. The government remains ot
the verge uf disruption , Mr. Chumberlain ii
auxiouj tu become the English premier , nto
Sir Ch Us Dilk , inna ely radical , still stub
bornly refuses to ascent to Gladstone's an
nounced policy of renewing the Irish crimei
ict. It in tiuo that the "Brandold man" yea
torday retreated from his original position oi
the Iri-b question far enough tn admit tha'
the govern ent now means only to renew tin
bill as modified , but the rebels in the cibinei
insist that there txists In Ireland to-day n <
reason , ai d no prospect of any reason f r tbi
rt-uuwal lu any form. While neither Mr
Chamberlain or Sir Charles Dllke have per
sonally Htated in public that they will resifii
from the cabinet if ihe premier persists in hi
renewal policy , It isgisuorally under , teed thn
b-jth have ictualiy threatened to di > BO and i
in nut believed that the modified policy an
nounced yo-terdiy by the p'imo minister ha
In auj wis3 altered tha throat.
The quarrel in tlia cibinnt has , in fact , ex
tended tn other matter * , Thn radical minis
ti m uro just as much opposed to the plan o
( he elector campaign formulated fur the com
ing election by thu wh'g ' n embcra as they ante
to a renewal to the Irish crimes act , Tin
number of n.inUterial rebels i-li this point i
larger even than tboaa arrayed tgiiust tin
rfiiswal Mr. Chamberlain , chairman of-ill
b > urd of trade ; Sir Charles Dilku , president o
heloctl government b ard ; Mr. Trevelyau
John BrlKlit'a successor In the cbancelluriihi |
( f the duchy of Lanautttr , and G J. Sha
Lefrere , Bticceusur to thrf great Fuwcett , as
i tant p ictinaater-general , all lusint on a rad
leal platform ,
Thneq grntlemon agree that the prlncipa
planks in thu liberal platform should be :
1 A reform in the o institution of th
huute of lur a , by Iho reducing number 9
horiditar ? persons and Increasing the numbs
of life titles.
2 A reform In the law of entail , which wil
wurlc towards i > divi luu rather than a coucen
trutlon i f Und titles
3 A gHueral reform in the Und laws o
Great B ituin , to the end that the number o
holidays lu fee in by be increased , aud titlost
land b moro eacily obtained ,
4 For Ireland the widest possible mear-ur
of self government consistent with the unit ;
uf the ritUheuipiro ,
5 I'uhllo d.n < miuntionaleducation on th
principle accejittd by the Irish party.
The whig faction In tha cabinet rcfuf
ateadfsB Iy to adopt any of these five princ
plej in thii pl.tformcf tbe liberal ptrtyfn
the coming camp&lgn. Hunca the party winter
-nter the cauvas weak from lack of oxpres
ion On this account it it more than prut
ible that Gladstone will be inducad ti rimal
iu politici nd power for tbe puipose uf pe ;
onally conductiug the CJinpaign for h
party. Tne liberals havu no other man compi
tent for the task.
Gen. Ix > rd Wols ley is orgaged In the pr
paiationof n offltial report on the chargi
referred against Gen. Sir Gerald Graham ,
ormnander uf the Siukim Berber expedition ,
nd Gtu , MrNell , commander of thu advance
orco of tain expedition , tor neglect of duty
nd irjcjinpo'tiicy in the ccnauct of their
ampalgn If the ri > Lort beunfavorftlile , bi th
oueralsara ti bo subjected to a special In-
ulry by th military o.mncll.
The outspoken denunciations of the govern
ment's conduct tonaid the Afghan boundary
ommltsion. reported to have b en made by
en Sir Peter Lun ( don on his way home
nee hit recall have ind c > d tha British war
BCD tu ask him whether newspaper inter-
lows published nro accurate reports of what
10 has said. Sir Ptter'it answer to this Intel
ogatory Is awaited with great Interest. Thou
u hnrltics In tha war oDioa undoubtedly
> mpathlza with Sir Peter Lumtden , but the
lombertr of tha cabinet are oxaporated over
U stinging criticisms of tha government's
manngemcnt of the Arghan dispute , and they
ouiand that hn repudiate them or bo pun-
shod by some signal mark of tbo dlsplctiuro
f the government. Sir Peter Lumsden's
rionds s y that homrant every word attrib-
ttd to htm in these interviews , aud that ho
will not repudiate a word. Ho believes , his
lends say , that the government lias outraged
10 country and ditgruced the Afghim boun-
ary commission , and that ho will abandon
us office ruth Jr than retract any of his ctitl-
sms ,
Cardinal Manning's propoial that tbo fund
or a memorial to General Gordon be expand-
d In founding a Gordon free sUtu to include
iu Nile country , and to prrteryo tha upper
'lie fur the world'-i c'omraerco on the plan uf
bich the International African association is
uuuding the Congo free state , finds but little
- > vur among the majoiity nf subscribers to
he fund , most of whom opppso the employ
ment of the money in anything pertaining to
rado. A strung syndicate is beiug formed m
jondon to carry out in a purely commercial
> d speculative wy the cardlnal'a schoino.
'he sytdicato will for a company ULder a
carter from tha crown , and will soon organ
za a series ot public meetings throughout
Snaland t > b > om tha cntoiprlso M a national
irojtct , to form a now baMa f r the oxtonslon
t British commerce nnd the suppreatlou ot
10 African eUvo trade. Among the many
istingut had patrons of the ( chemq tn its
ew sliauo are thu Marones * Burdutte Coutts
nd a number of rich philantqrophiets , nl-
lougb tha number of Hebrews pure and sl > nile -
ilo Is grantor tlun that uf tlu Christians ,
The Rti'sian report that Abdurrahman ,
mecr of Afghanistan has been murdered by
in suite is not credited iitthe British foreign
( Gco Couriers from Cabal ariivu at the
Irltiah port on tbo Afghan frontier twice a
wcbk regularly. In tlu late it reports brought
o the lirltit-h a onts at these ports , there was
10 news of actual disorder in Afghanistan ,
mt the general nitua'.icn in the ameer's do
minions lias becndetcribed in all rtoent re-
lorta as mio betok < < nlug danger to Abdarrah-
nan'a nutluriiy. Tnis has been attributed to
10 dltc utent among the tribil chiefs over
is ameorV failure to dlstributo among them
le sums of money whiditho chiefs believed he
tceived from 3' rl Dulleriu , viceroy of India ,
it the recent all air at llawal Sindi , with which
o Bub.-ldizu the Afghan tribes Tno chiefs have
11 along felt certain that Abdurrahman was
ntnuted with a large t-um if muney fur their
) i neht , and that of their tribe ? , and they
av-H chuftd tinder the failure to get what they
ave expected as tlieir shares. It would
ot be Burpritnrig if some of these dis
jointed should have resolved to adopt
rirder rn a ravoi ga upon the ameor.
ST. PiTEitsnouo Juno G. The Novoati
yesterday ) announced that it had been pri-
dtely inforimd 'from Cancai-us that the
meurof Afghanistan , Abduribman Khan
ad bean murdered by his suite. It U said
lit the UiUrder tcos. place while the ameer
was traveling , and < bat Ayoub Khan de
nser ) Iho ameer and will be bis successor.
This report causes much excitement.
LONDON , Juno 8 , The daily1 Telegraph
tates that there Is no foundutUn for the re-
ort of the a eassmation of Ameer Abdurrah-
nan , and that the re ort wan telegraphed to
le St. Petersburg Novesti from Vienna , and
nd not from Oaucusui , as alleged.
PARIS , June G The Gaulola tUtea that
tie princess of Wales is endeavorintr to bring
bout a meeting of tha prince of Wales and
ae czir of Russia at Copenhagen. It is the
lope uf thi princeta that permanent peace
may be securad.
LONDON , June 6 The platform of Charing
] ross station was crowded with a diUin-
.uished assemblage to welcome Sir Peter
jumsden. Ho was given an enthusiastic re-
jptloD , being heartily cheered. Lord Straits-
maim , Lord Alfred Paget , Sir Richard Cross ,
Sr Henry Druramoud Wolff , dir William
lardies und othcra warmly shook hands with
him. The reception amounted to an ovation
The Princess Lldi Dotgorouki , daughter of
bolatocza-'d morgautic widow , has caused
quito a eocUl sensation in Berlin by appsar-
ug as a public performer on the violin in
gardens , concerts und exhibitions. Her cun-
mct has d.graced | her family and society
i lends. The prir.c.-ss , however , is an im-
nenso c ird fur the maui.gerti , and never fails
tu draw crowded h 'uses ' , Sliu teams to be
charmed with the eneryand excitement of her
now life , and says she plajn in public timply
tu exhibit her disdain fur "conventionalities
and preju lie s i f uriUocia ic lif < ? .
The Pull Mall Gaz tto states on what It
claims is the highait authority , that thi 1 < ng-
tuuding qu stlou uf difference bjtween Enf-
und and Rus m cancurning thn northwiat
Afghan boundary ban ' -een finally aud satis
[ hCturily settled , A defmito agreement has
jeen arrived ut un all qaeatlona uf principle.
Thu commissioners will forthwith commence
o mark precisely the delimitation uf the
iiouudary. They are now on tha npit. The
fenjdeh iucldunt will bo rufeired to the king
uf D ninark , who Informally > greed to accept
thaoflico of Arbitrator , Arbitration will bt
rigidly confined to the interpretation of the
sacred covenant of March 10.
LONDON June G. It is reported that the
cl tud r case r.f Charles W. Adams agaluM
dord Oiilerldge has bean comproinued. It it
tttud that the compromise rrqulies thai
Culeiidge bhali give Adums GOUO on tlu
occasion ot thu marriage of Adanu and Colo-
diTb'u daughter.
ROUE , June G. The catholic bithop of Ne
braska has left the holy city for homo.
LONDON , Juno 7. The earthquake iLocki
at Serlnaxnr aud other points in Vle O-n-b-
more continue at Intervals , averaging tbrei
tioura lu JenKth , Whole villages have beer
cngulfid and terrible subterrauoan noises an
beard , dnvint : the people frantic with fear
Horrors of approachiW famine a > e added ti
other reeu ta of the disaster , as many thou
sand bushels of grain iu storrga have t eei
wallowed in chasms which are constant ) ;
opening ,
PABIS , June G. Thu Gaulois states that th
Princess of Wales \n \ endeavoring to brini
about a meeting of the prince of Wales am
the czar of Kusiia at Copenhagen It is tin
hope of the princjsu that permanent peaci
may be secured.
CoNSTANriNOPLE , June 7. Throe hundrei
hou-eu , hftj thops and three mosques In th
Stamb-.iul quarter of the city , burned to-daj
One person waa killed and ma ; y injured ,
VIENNA , June 7Of Ihe 275 deputic
rlevted last week , 118 belong to the party c
thb left , which haa lo.t eighteen ( eats ,
PARIS , June 8. Thi Gaulaisakyi Ku Ia di
cllnea all offers nf American * aud Iriihme
tent through the Russian mimitry at Wa-li
ington to equip a privateer fleet against Knf
land ,
Fighting A * ! Epidemics of SmallPox -
Pox anil Ctiolera ,
ScourgeladenImmigrants Baf
fle Quarantine Kostriotionsi
A Ship-load of Infected Gormnns
fiOAttcr Throughtho Country
Cholera on Its March ,
Special Toll-gram tu The 13KB.
NK\T Youc , Juno 7" . It transpired to-day
that a number of immigrants tfllictcd with
small-pox , who were permitted to land at
Castle Grrdon during the past week uro now
scattered throughout the city , nobody' ' knows
where , The health authorities have boon
notified to hunt up the cases , hut many of
them have probably left the city and are now
tottering the germs of the tha terrible
8C3iirgo broadcast over the country , Dr.
Taylor , of the health I'opatttnent , said to-day
that there was small-pox in nearly every port
from which steamers cama to Now York. In
London , where there h 3 ' .eon an epidemic of
small-pox for nearly n year putt there
were 1-lOJ cases last weok. The
small-pox patient on the llbylaud ,
ono of tbo three steamers detained at qunron-
tlno the past week was a London piusenger ,
As to n as ho was takou ill ha was isolated
and It is behoved that the other C49 passen
gers escaped Infection. The patients uu tbo
Weeer wcro also isolated su that there was
cot much exposure in that caso. TUoeo i f the
Wcper'o passBUgers who had been vacina'ed ,
160 in number , were allowed to land on Fri
day. Tney wont west If no more email-
pox manifests itself the vessel will be allowed
to leave quarantine shortly. The exposure to
infection on the Polulsa from which six tinall-
pox patients were removed on Thursuuy and
thirtoou on Friday , wan very great and the
voi-sol will culler proportionate detention.
Mayor Qrace , in a letter to the health com-
muiiiuDers to-day , called attention lotbo ne
cessity for extraordinary vigiUnco in view of
tbo email-pox at quarantine Col , Clark , sec
retary of the board , replied in a ro-nnnuring
, tone , declaring that the health officer of the
ort WUB doing all that could ba dune to keep
10 scourge fri.ii entering the city , Pusaen-
tors on incoming vessels who h vo the small-
iox are s > nt t J JUvereido hospital and the rest
r quarantined ,
Tne Marine hrspital authorities at Wash-
ogton have recaived Information that cholera
s spreading in Spain. Arrangements have
> een made to givq this country the earliest
icurate Information on the subject. Dr
.amllton has prepared a paper on the
revontion tif the spread of cholera. He
ves sketches of the international notiticati5n
vhlch has been agreed upon , the main fea-
urea of which neio devlatd in thia country.
3 far this system has worked admirably uud
.amilton thinks it will not be potnible to
luceal from this government kuoUdgo of
IB fact that cho'era ' waa epidemic in any
uarter , The conauUr authorities are In-
rutted to use the cable freely to give uotL-o
1 an outbreak of the epidemic. It is not
rnbable that any ship can leave any port
itbout immediate notice to the United
fates Dr. Hamilton is a firm believer In
uarantlne of land and sea , and is confident
mt cholera ccn be kept out of this country
unnj ? at least a year , nothwiths'anding the
to valence of ch.doia in different parts oi
lurcpe. There has not been a ( ingle caie re-
oived atony quarantine station of the United
LONDON , May 7- Cholera is raging in
pain. Even the officials are no longer able
a conceal the fact. Probably a fortnight will
ea an outbreak at Madrid and in other
ticp ,
At Marseilles matters are unchanged ,
'here are sparadlc cases now and then but
othlng definite has occurred yet. There , too ,
fortnight is likely to bring a real outbreak.
MADBID , Juno 7. The death rate from
cholera in Valincia hai doubled. The people
are ol.rmed and fleetest from the infected clia
ricts. Notwithstanding reports to the con-
rary , it ia now absolutely asserted that there
s no genuine cholera in Mad > id. The mayor
[ Madrid has issued a proclamation ordering
anitary measures in stables houses , etc , and
Bering a free analysis of auspicious food.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Juno 7. The following
lepatch has been received :
"FonT PITT , N. W. T. , June 3 , VIA BATILX-
ODD , June 0. Gen. Mlddleton , with fiftj
men ct > ch of the Ninetieth MldUnd and tl (
irenadlersandagatllng with eight men , lefl
o join Gen. Strange this evening. All tin
nounted men left early this morning Oapt ,
iteolo , who is pursuing Big Bear , baa nu !
lien heard from , consequently it is not now
nown when the men belonging to thU col-
imn will return. Gen Mlddleton , btfun
raving ta d they Would not return till all ol
Jle Bear1 * prHuner/i were rencusd. "
Fonr PITT , N. W. T. , Juno -1 Captain
Hecle with seventy mounted scouts i d p
ice , had an engagement with B g Bear at
'wo Laken , fifty miles southeast of here , yea
orday. Ha rame upon ( ho Indians ut i
'clock in the morning , as they wore stilbir f
jm [ ) . Ho Immediately attacked them , auc
indintf their front too strong , lu . .recited t
levi r flanking movement taking tha Indians
u thu rear and driving them a final
creek where he wai unable so follow nn ac
count of his small foica. Taa Indiaui
numbered fully 250. He saw no signs o
prison rs during the fight Steele sent Inter
iioter McKeu with a nag of truce. Hti ad
anced , but was fired on. He got near cnougl
o bo hoard ami called out to Big Bear , In
li n , who replied Indistinctly. McKee Ball
If you will deliver our people wn will cois
firing. " The Indian rcplud : 'Wo intend t
clean you out. " Steela'a loss was thre
wounded ,
DoYomiR IjcurnH AVImt Sugar IB.
Sppcial Telegram to The BEE.
BAN FBANCISOO , CaL , June 7 , Th
JprccUela case appears to bo interminabli
The defence Imi submitted evidenca to tlio'
that Adolph Sprtcklea received Injuries to hi
iead Bcmo years go ainca which ho bai bee
a changed man , Another witners to tli
shooting testified to seeing Mr , DoYoun
make a motion towards his hip pockt
when ho turned arnutd in reipooso t
Sproiktls otll , A < < o1ph also state
that he bad simply culled to ixp < ululate , bv
becume afraid of hiu life when he perceive
De Yountj'a movement. Hellion findtwlc
in self-defense , To the prosecution ha ad
mlttnd that he was an expert with a pisto
and ablu to take tbo head < II a pigeon on tli
wing , Glaus Hpreckels , when pUced on tl
Hand aweepingly denounced a false all tl
allegations of tha Chronicle , that he had BUI
nidized railroad * , or that ho wan at the hea
of u sugar rim' . To a str nger it looks as
the Gnionicle , and not Adulph Spreckels , wi
on trijl.
A Life fur Tardy Charity ,
NEwBtErouD , Mass. JunaG , A terrib
tragedy occurred here about noon to-day
the outfitting store of Phillips & Blocum
Slocuinb was sitting at hit detk in the coun
n ? room making an entry in the ledger , win
Charles Foss came from the back room.leani
against the railing dividing the wanting-
from the store , and without speaking dien
rnvolvcr and fired , the ball taking ctfect Rt
thnbnoeof dlccnmb's tku'l. ' Ho fell insUntly
lo thn fl > or and died. Foss then went to thu
back room , placed the tnuztlo nf his pistol to
the temple and pulled thn trigger. Ho died
tnt-tantly , Furs was n continued diunknrd ,
Hivl had applied to Slocuoib to thlp him to
Honduras b. y Slocuuib had not yet pro
cured a berth fer Koss and It it thought the
delay so enrnRoil Fors that h murdoicd Slo-
cumb and then coinmi'tod suicide.
Wil on Moti-nra a < d NcKrnoa
SHHIHIA.V , TEX , , Juno 7. A meteor of to-
marluulo size was scon near midnight last
night , moving In n nouthwwt ily direction ,
Tbo sky was brilliantly illuminated by It fur
several fcconds , A moment alter the meteor
had disappeared a loud explosion , similar to
the ditcharga of heavy artillery , WM
heard , accompanied by a perceptible
shock , This phenomenon wan followed by n
tumbling Ilko distant thunder , The meteor
appexrad to bo tha dzo nf a Hour barrel , It
wa < nlso observed at McKinney , 85 miles di-
tnnt , where a hlmlng sotii.d WAS heard , greatly
alarming tnuio coloied peope who wera re
turning from pinjer meeting and causing
thfin in take flight , thouting that the day ot
judgment hrd come.
TclcKrniih Non-8.
Chief Detective Wapponsteln and Inspector
of Pollen Dunn cf Cincinnati , ImveiWii per.
auontly dism'saed from tbo fotco for black-
A bronea statue of "Tho Pilgrim" by J. O.
. Word , sculptor , was unvellan in Coutral
ark , Now York Saturday in the presence of
10 New England society of Now Ynrk nnd
any di > tlngulshed persons , uuionpr them ox-
resident Arthur , representatives from uther
ew Ei gland societies and a large coucourso
: citizens.
The now course of the St. Louis fair assnci-
on was opened Saturday under favorable
Now York democratic clubn nro playing
ate ball for thn benefit of the Btrtliolilt | ied-
tal fund. On Saturday the Hudson county
emocrncy difeatoj thu T mru U8 , 49 tu IU.
It is reported at Ottawa that the govern-
ent bus given instructions to tit out a nuni-
er < > f small vessels to bo used to protect the
The Cleveland base ball nine has been
irced to disband , owlt.R to a lack of public
The weekly bulletin of Gen , Grant's con-
itlon , i sued last night , showed his condition
i bouuchanged.
The leading c oaring houxsj of the United
Latos report that the total clearances for the
eek ending Juno G were S7-I8,675,020 a do-
reao of 16.5 pir cant , us compared with the
orreeponeim ? week uf last year.
Thu ripucliu Maid.
WASHtNOTON , June G. Liontenuut Walsh
eports that a telegi am from Globe indicates
lat the Indians atoilincr stock In that vi-
ulty. He will send out at once to ascertain
nd will order the Indians in for another
nunt. Gen Crooks states that up to ta t
ight the following numbers of persons have
Len killed by the Indians : Silver City ,
ve ; Ciinp Vnnceut , two old men ; at C af-
on , three ; in Blue and nn.uud Allna , onp
Gen.'rook ( telegraphs Gen Sheridan that
10 Indiana passed Duncin on the ni ht of
IB 4th imt , gum ? south well moun ed and
olng very fast , nnd states that it now looks
i if the only chance is .hat the troops at
uada'oup ' * nn intercept thorn Cap , Uraw-
ird with 91 PC uts will pu mo them.
A dispatch from Cul. Bradley , of the 6th
st. , status that the hi stiles have left at
[ agellon mountains and are moving south.
SAN FRANCISCO , Gal. , June 7. An Exam-
ier Tombstone , Arizona specinl says : C. T ,
'iithtlngule has just arrived C oua Mac.son
enora , Mexico and n ports thitt three Amer-
can mineis , Fr > d. Hantington , Peter
IcGertlu and Peter Palmer
vere killed by Aoicbes In mine
27. The bodies of McC roln and Primer
ere found in the dump box phot through the
e d , nnd the skulls cruuhcd. Huntrngton'a
dy was found In the bottom of the shaft ,
'wo ' other men , namns unknown , were killed
y the Apuches on the Opeto trail about a
eek previous.
OliiBlug tn tin i no Boys.
CHICAGO , I1L , June G Captain White ,
[ vision superintendent at Chicago , is said to
ave received the following telegram from
ostmaster-General "VlUa to-day : "I un-
erstand that an organization ia forming
mong the po.ital clerks in your division for
le purpose of retaining their own positions
y striking , provided tbe other clerks are
irown out. I want to know the truth. " The difcusnion nf this message led to con-
dornblo talk in relation tu some SO removals
f alleged elfic ent men who , among o hers
rero a short time ngo suddenly renulrod to ftp-
a.rfor civil service examination. This cir-
uniBtunco is claim * d to have resulted In
reparations for a guner * ! ntriko.
Preparing to K.-c-clvc J ckson.
CITY OK MEXICO , Juuo 7. At n meeting of
.mericauB last night a committee was ap-
eluted to go up the Central railway on Mon-
ay morrdng to welcome the now minister ,
leu , Jackson , who Is cnmlngou a special car
L i-peecli i f wolc uno will bu made by Super-
itoudent Mnckturlp , of the Central railway ,
'leuarations arc being ti ude for a banquet to
lie mtiiistor tu which tno president aud cabi-
et and f jreigu diplomatu will bo invited.
AVhlHkv HiiiiiKKlDrx Shot.
CALBEUT , I. T , J ne 7 Yontorduy morn'
up at pout Oak Grave , Capt. Sam-Sii
nd five policemen overtook aband of ne |
ndtr a notunou ) desperado named
Jla > s , wlin hid two wagon loadi of whisky
he } iriteiidtd tnitufilii g into tbo Sfmmoh
ation , A fi lit ensued in which Gla a and
j negro nanud Jim Jobntnn wera killed and
wo other diivurs sonnunl y woundtd and cap-
urpd together with thn whluky ,
, V ! ) ( Minn H UiMtillcry Itrsnincr
DES MOINES , In , Juno 7. The Interua
louat dittlllery starts up to-night. This ha
> een brought about by finding about twi
.houtand head of cattle of tbo Union call !
conpany still in the utaWes The distiller ;
will probably ehut down ubout July i for th.
Usual annual reptirn , i-o that there is no dan
; er of tha still frd cittlu being thrown a
> nco on the Chicago
A New S > rc or * ttir Knuto.
BPRINariELD , Il ! , , Juno G , A farmer livin
near Curr.n anived hero tMa afternoon witl
250 letters which be found yesterday canccale
under a hay stack on his farm. Ho has give
them to tne postusster. Too letters buardat
of April 8tb , un.i contain a i. . umber of moue1
orders and a draft for $1,000. Train robbdr ;
in tha only apparent explnnat'on of the my *
tery. No notification of um il having bee ;
lost has bf en received here. The matter wil
be fort arded to its cteotluatlon.
Komo tur VotciniiH ,
NABHVILI.E , Tonn , , June 0. The homo o
representatives yesterday adopted a resolu
tion giving Hermitage farm to the govern
mcnt fur a veteran soldiers' home , Genorc
Jackson's house and t-jiub remain intact. Tb
u embers and servant * ) of Jackson's fomtl
will have a homo during life , atdtho fitn
will revert to the Rtuto when it ceases to be
home for United States soldiers ,
A. Kninlly iturnt Alivr ,
DAHHIB , Ont. , June G , About twelve lai
nit/tit the wife of J Woncli and four childre
were burned to death In their luute lun
Mr.Vonch escaped by Jumping out of tl
window. He aid when he awe e the who !
room seemed to be on fire. Ho tried to pu
his wife otf the bed , but ouli cot. as tl
fire wai leaping out of the inatreis all arctic
her ,
Places of Darger in the Orflisary
Avcm s of Trade.
i |
Bears Ooiitinno an UmliB-
turbed Sway on Wall Street ;
Uoljlicry of the Dlnnlintlan , the It a ten
War , 1'arrylni ; In Wool , tlin Iron 1
Strlko niul O < ml rroductlon ,
Special Tolfgram to The BEB.
NEW YOBK , Jun 7. Apart fiom the prob
able settlement of the silver difficulty early in
the soeseon of tbo now congress the week hu
developed no encouraging sign for the bull
side of things. In fact the bears have- taken
fresh ouurage.
Thorobb ry cf the Manhattan banklont
color to the assertions froeiy made of late that
various defalcations are in the wind , Thin
particular robbery is instructive thr ough di
recting attention to the wrung conditions fa
voring such result ) , A pig is looto In that
tbo pay and dlguity of a payla g teller of to
day la by no moans _ cqual to the new
and far greater resfi-miiblliiy of bis ollico ,
Dlrcct < ra of banks mutt too to it
that the circumstances under which a paying
teller wurks arocinduclvo to the maintenance
of integiltr to the full ext nt.
TbalaUstdovolopmcnisIn the trunk line
situation have not tended to Incrntso the
cbauctsof n ttettlein nt. Tbo meetings of
the prteldcnts last week ouly resulted in
demonstrating the Imposalbility of restoring
rates. ChicaKn ioad weru tjld by tbo joint
executive c mmittue if they wanted to form
an east bound pool ihoy onuld arrange It them
selves , without tbo p nicipit'on ' of the trunk ,
linos. Coiniuisnionei Fiuk idno gave notice
that he still uDically oxlcted by
iesulng an order reducii g the west
Lcutd freight tai Iff twenty per c nt , but the
rates have bet n cue below this figure for
mouths. Tbo pa stumer di seutions of the
joint executive committee ate making no
bolter progress , Tne Poonsvlvaniit Is cutting
pas euger rtktcs and will most likely cut them
moro The tiuUi in that tha recent admission
ot the rail Any manugen buloro the vonatorial
committee tlut they had lo t control of
th nga is the real c use of the unsettled
feeling as to the future of bueinet > s.
Interest in wool trade centers for the
prem nt in tbe Interior where the markets are
aciive , if not excitt d , and pricas are strong.
Stocks nf denir-blo wona me light , and sotna
kinds for iubtance , Ohio fine dflalucs arc-
virtually out uf mn.ply. AIt < gnther manu
facturers arobuykg ouly for current needs ,
and these are , fur tevtral na-ocs , small. Tbo
nijiirity of buyers ore welting for the newclip.
Farmers in Ohio , Miibi an. PoLnrylvania ,
eto , ttre talki < e ubout higher prices thun the
auditionahdprospiots bf u auulactuiinp will ,
a the opinion of most dealers , warrant Deal-
is , however , are plainly as much Interested
ow in cjjlriK down the clip ns tbe producers
re in C'ying it tip
Tha Wectein strike was expected by rarions
.embers in the Iroutrado to exercise n npcclal
ifluenco in the ciuteru markets. Eastern
nlsbod iron mnkers expected to Induce buy-
is to take in ncena of the immediate needs.
'Ig ' iron is dull as heretofore with with prices
nchan ed , bales being very li ht. The strike
t PitUborg and other western cities where
on mills rro ulttntfj ) looks uni-tablo. At
Llladelphla trade ban been quiet A steady
nn for small orders is noted for steel tails.
Anthracite coal In duller than it hss becu
or years. The Pennsylvania railrotd la still
minlufr nnd carrying in excesx uf in < FUgeestod
oal. Ilria in ahnad also. Lehigh V.lloy gets
.head . of the othe s by thn cl-tsifiintlon of
omo of it * semi-anthracite tonnage ns other
.ban . anthracite. Reading has been sacra6c-
i ( ? a share of Its profits for six months past ,
.lling coal before it was mined. Lackawannn
ears the pleasantest face of alL Bltnminont
Sued for Mutilating a Bead Bfdy ,
BOHTOJJ , Mass. , Juce C. AD extraordinary
unit was begun here tc-day. Mrs. Frsncis B ,
l9oney seeks to recover from George
M. Rowe and Dr. Samuel Delano for si
eged malpractice and conspiracy to mutilate
he body of her father , Patrick Hennlns , by
icrforining an nutopay npon it without her
sonsent. Hennini was admitted to iho city
.capital last Dr camber , being seventy-eight
can uld and in feeble health , Ho lived but
t-hort tlrna aftcrwnr.i His case was of nn-
.ual inter > -ft to pbyticianp , and hU daughter
ays that Rowe askud her permission to have
tn autopsy performed , and nbo pobitlvely ro
used. The autopny wax peiforined , nevor-
heleuf , and when ills body as taken to Mrs.
'uoney'd home it was tut ubout tha head and
iack , aud OUICIWIKM mu lluttd. The denfen-
Junts claim that M-v Rmiioy knew the au-
opsy was to be per formed , and consented
Tili-rt Pr.-iii l > lf > tit.
COCHOOTON , N. Y.Tnue C Dr. Sprout
ind Samuel Groo , leadirg citizens of Gra-
lamvlllo. tlrh county , qnitrrelod a few days
igo , in the streets ( if that village. James
, ! uind go. n former , asoil sixty Gvq years ,
jnuie drivin nloni { in company wilh hi. wife ,
lust as Dr Sprout drown knife and made a
javaijo lunge nt Groo vlth it Ho raised the
; ntfo to rojieut the attempt to stabGrou when
waa eilz.-il by ft b > t nder Tcrmear
LdaKO turned toi \ \ wife aud said , "This
is terrible ! Inoterwas su niucb frightened
in my life. " The wordi were baldly spoken
when ha fell over dead in thn wnguu. HU
death was prunoumed rluo to fright ,
A Ivnko V H.elVrrcltcil. .
CHICAGO , Juno G. The ichooncr Nellie
Winlock , which left hero Tuesday evcnirg for
Port Clinton , has n-.t been seen ncr heard
, rom since. It is euppnsed tlio has gnno down
n the terrific gale which came before daylight -
light on Widi H day mnrtijpg. _ _
Causes Its victims to bo miserableI- . ,
confused , and depressed In mind , very Irrlta-
llo , languid , and drowsy. It 1s n disease
which docs not get \vcll of itself. It require *
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw olt the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
willingly , llood'a Sarsnpaiilla has proven
Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I'havo taken Hood's Barsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suffered two years.
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
' , "
Hood's Barsaparllla
$ o satisfactory as
TIIOMAB Coou , JJrUJli Electric Light f f
New York City.
Sick. Headache
"I'or the past two years I bare been
afflicted with to ere licadaches and dyspep
sia. I vas Induced to try Hood's Barsapv
relief. I cheerfully
rllla , and liavo found Great
fully recommend it to all. " Mita , K. V.
AXNAHLE , New Haven , Conn. . |
Mrs. Mary 0. Smith , Cambrldecport , Mass. ,
and slek head
was a sufferer from dynpcpsla
ache. Bho took Hood's Barsaparllla and
found it the best remedy sbo ever used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all drucslBts. lislxfor$5. Mao >
ply by 0.1. HOOD It CO. , Jewell , Mass.
WO ° po8Q8.OnoDollar. . , ,