s , jf -w - p- THE DAIL.Y BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS-FRIDAY. JUNE 5 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Friday Morning , Juno 5 ( auMCfuraioN JUTRS , , vlit * * i " " 0 CODW. pwi OD B/Siu - - - - " - 110.00 pet rear MINOB MENTION , A regular meotlnj ? cf Fidelity council No. 1BO , R. A. , will bo hold this evening. Stray cows are now being picked up by ' and Into the the mar hal's force put pound , No decisions In the Injunction cases. The judges are still reading up the au thorities , and pondering. To-morrow Is the time set for knowing whether Aylesworth or Loolbonrow is the judge of the district court. The Bcml-annnnl sottlumont of the board of supervisors and the county treasurer was madn yesterday. Roller la offering great bargains at hi merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his [ goods and got his prices. At the prlza contest to-night the doors will bs kept cloicd whllo the speaking is in progress , so that the audience may not bo disturbed. Prices still lower at the Boston Boot and Shoo Store , Immense stock of "Newport" button and ties , also other atylos at unheard-of prices. Lightning , on Wednesday night , struck n tree at the corner of Madison and Knoppor street * , giving the residents In that vicinity a lively shock. The chief of the fire department , Oapt , Elobcr , did not turn out to the fire yes terday morning. Walters was on hand and took charge of the work. The requisition papers were being got out yesterday to bring Mary French back from the other sldo cf the river , she beIng Ing the woman who went through the house where she was given lodging the other night. B. F. Stovlck and Miss Ella DeLong wore last night happily united in mar riage at the residence of E. A. Spoonor , and at once commence keeping house in the now residence , corner of Washington .avenue and Harrison street. It Is stated that the barber's Intended who BO suddenly loft for parts unknown. Miss Ida Dlggo , with her lover's presents , also ran off with another fellows gold watch and fifty dollars. Miss DJggs1 whereabouts still remains a mystery , and Jake a wiser barber. The prize speaking of the high school takes place this evening at the opera homo , and promises to bo a very inter esting entertainment , whllo the purpose Is one worthy cf generous encourage ment. The judges selected for the award ing of the prizes are N. P. Dodge , L W. Tnlley , D. 0. Bloomer , Mrs Horace Everett and Mrs. Charles Officer , Vic Bayard , the barber who la em ployed by the 'Tiro Jakes , " yesterday wont over to Omaha to look np his has girl , who , it was reported , had sklppc along with the girl of one of the Jakes , who left her Intended husband ( as ho thought ) , so suddenly. Vic found his girl and returned feeling much better than when ho left. Mr. 0. H. Sholea , the new editor of the Evening 'Herald , began his duties yoitcrday , and opened up with a neat , modest salutatory. Ho is a young man of good ability , and although not experi enced in the management of a great daily , yet ho has the material for the making of an editor of more than ordinary wottb. Personally , ho is popular , and the Herald will , under hia management , continue to grow and prosper. Mr. Spencer , who retires , has been somewhat crippled in hlo work by not having the physical , otrongth and health to endure the ardu ous duties of the position , but ho has done much to build np the paper , and has many friends whose beet withes will go with him into whatever field ho may decide to ontor. He h now thinking of locating in Nebraska. Read Judd fc Smith's offer of § 1,000 reward in another column , PEUSONAIj. Mr . R. T. Bryant Is reported as quite 111 , Mra. Mark JJuryeo baa gene to Cedar Itapida on a visit to her old home , Mrs. John W. Hosier loft yesterday for o riiort visit to her parents in riatUmoutb , Neb. Neb.J. J. A. Towers took a trip up to Mtaourl Valley yesterday In the interettsof the Singer macbice. Copt. B. 1) ) , Frainey has arrived from Washington , ana will remain for a tlmo with his relatives here , A , Alexander , of Chicago , ono of the best known CDminorclal tourists , was m tha city yesterday on his way back from Cayenne. Thomas McCao has returned from Chicago and is ( pending n few days with liii friend liera befora proceeding to Nebtaiha to visll his folks , 0. D , Harmon and wife last evening cele brated their first wedding anniversary by en- terUIniDg a few of their friends In a hoppj tea-party. Substantial abstracts of title and rea' citato loans. J , W. & K. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. An Kurly Illaze , The fire department was called out ai about 1 o'clock yesterday morning by the blazing up of a gasoline stove In the FJumlr , The thssi coinmunlcitod to n pile of straw in the buomnit , which had been used around imported btor botlloi , und the einoke wai sodeiuo tint the fire- mm lud to crawl into ttro building , dragging the rose otter them , and It wai uluioit inipoaiibla to work to any advent- ( we , but R stream was put on , and the Was * put n * before there was any ( pe dal damage done. CLAIMING A CHILD , ThcContislBiinisOHiSerloniGliarEes Against All Goiicornefl , Mother ami Daughter at heads. An intcresUng habo&s corpus case VTIXB decided by Judge AylosTtorth , of the sa- porior court , yesterday. The caao was from Clay , Ilntrlion connty , and the parties concerned wore relatives , the pe titioner being a grandmother who wnntod possession of her granddaughter , and who claimed that her own daughter , the mother of the child , was anything hut pure , while the daughter claimed _ the eamo sad fact about her own mother. The petitioner was Mrs. Nancy Coifing , and in her ttatomcnt aha claims that aho ought to have poaioiaiou of her granddaughter , n girl twelve years of ego , who has , she claims , lived with her nearly all the time tlnco her baby , hood , and has boon cared for and sup ported by hor. She claims that the child Is now being held in unlawful restraint by Ellas Pcgg , trho has been lewdly co habiting with Mrs. Margaret Asher , the mother of the little girl. It Is claimed that Pogg took the child away from her grandmother on the 28th of May last , his purpose being to suppress her evidence In an action pending against Pogg and Mrs. Aahor on a charge of lowdness. As Pogg la no relation to the little girl , the grandmother wanted the court to make him giro up posaesolon of the child , and further sot up the claim that the mother of the girl is not a fit person , morally or financially to have charge of hor. The other side of the case mas a denial of the charge that Mr. Pegg and Mrs. Aahcr were unduly Intimate. Pogg do- nlod that ho had the custody of the child , and ho made counter-charges against Cerfilng , claiming that aho was a woman of bad ropnto , and not a fit per son to have the child. In the hearing of the case the judge thought ( no evidence did not show that Peg ? had taken the child , or that ho had hor. It seemed that the child was taken away from the grandmother's houeo by the mother , and that the only connection that Pogg had with the matter was that ho engaged the team for the woman to go after the child. The caao was therefo'ro dismissed. A CHAIN OF EVIDENCE , It llcsultcd in Convicting the Presi dent of the Y. M , O. A , of liarcony. Yesterday afternoon there waa a drawIng - Ing card in Justice Fralnoy's cautr , It b.ing the trial cf Dr. Montgomery ot : the charge of petit larceny. The prominence nenco of the doctor , and bla position as president of the yoang men's chrletlan association , and aa ono of the loaders in the prohibitory movement , created apocla interest In the crowd , and there -naa ovl dent a feeling among many of the ungod ly that ho ahonld be punished whether o no. The testimony waa about as out lined in yesterday's BEE , there being n dispute about the fact that the doctor had possession of the glrl'a gold chain , the controversy being over the question aa to whether ho stole It , or whether he was legitimately holding the chain aa aecurlty for his bill , he having been treating the girl. The doctor claimed that he had given the girl credit for $10 , and had told her that she could redeem the chain at any tlmo by paying the money. Ho explained that she waa at the tlmo out of her head and not expected to llvo and ho thought that aomo ono might ateal the chain , which waa Ijing on the stand , and ao ho took it. Afterwards one of the Ovorton boys , who wore interested in the prosecution of the case , came to the doctor with a written order for tbo chain , but ho would not give it up. The doctor claimed in court that ho held the chain by virtue of a lion on account of professional services. The girl claimed that aho did net think that she would have to pay anything , as the doctor was running a frco dispensary , and that in 'act aho did not order the doctor , but being taken ill at tha Revera house , Mr. St. John , ono ot the proprietor , wont for the doctor. Mr. St. John alao testified that it waa Ills understanding that the doctor waa not to charge the girl anything , she being poor and without fzionda. The justice , in rendering his decision , remarked that ho did not know of ony law by which a physician could thna take a lion on a gold chain to eocnro his bill , and ttat ho should have to find the doctor guilty , and ho imposed a fine of § 10 and coats , and placed the aopeal bonds at $300. The doctor had not decided latt even ing whether ha would appeal or not. He aaid ho wanted to wash hla handa of the whole affur , and denounced the prosecu tion as malicious and the decision unjust. Considering the prominence and reputa tion < ? f the doctor It la a rather hard pinch to bo thus placed on the records at guilly of larceny. Bloro Dimes MIIUII uollnrs , The dime museum seems to bo in bad luck , A short time ago ono of the pro prietors , Sanders , was missing , and all aorta of tumors about him were flying in the air ; and now the other proprietor , J NY. Palmer , has gone , leaving some mourning creditors. It la catd that he has gene to Minneapolis in companj with two gentlemen named Tlbbits and Wilson. Ho left about $2CO to bo dl- , , vlded up among the creditors , and mnoli moro than that ia due on salaries. H II. Martens baa takou Ilia bu'lneis , he being the owner ot the building , and thli action being ncottsaty aa the rent wa < behind. Ho will continue to run the museum for a week or BO , and may fine it to hla advantage to ran it longer. The museum and thoalro started in with i big ruah of business , and promised to b < a permanent and profitable enterprise but mienunagemont haa brought it tt grief. Nonce , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa , May 28,1885 , Notice Is hereby given that the regular annuil meeting of the itcckhohlers of tbe Council Bluffi City WaUr Works com- piny will bo bold at the cilice of the com pany , No. 20 Pearl trcot , in the city of Gouucll Hlufi * ' , Iowa , rn Wednoiday , the 10th day of Juno , 1885 , at 2 o'clock , p. m , for the election ( f directors to serve Ilia eneniup year , and the transaction of neb other business as tray lawfully come ba'ore it , The transfer books of the company J will close on Wednesday , the id ) day of Juno , 1885 , at 3 o'clock , p. m , , and will reopen cm Thursday , the llth day of June , 1885 , at 10 o'clock , a. m. By order cf the board of director ? . S. W. HOPKINS , vln , Secretary. A "FBEE" MASON. lie "Won't bo Ono tionp , If Ho Is Once Ontiftlit , The young man George Mason , whoso actions in connection with the tlll-tnpplng at Molntyro'n store were narrated in yes terday's ' BEE , seems to have a rather bad record before this event. It now appears that before entering the employ of Mr. Mclntiro ho was engaged In soliciting orders for Mr. Samuel Tatc , and that gentleman says that ho fonnd Mason was collecting money and not turning it over to him. Ho therefore discharged him , and wrote the facts to Mvson's father , who is an attorney in Wottfiold , N , Y. , and the latter wrote in return that ho was not surprised , as ho had been caused much trouble before by his son's actions. Ho wonted Mr. Tate to retain the young man In his employ at a small salary , and give him a chance ta square the matter up , but this request was not granted. It is reported the young man in skipping out of town forgot or neglected to settle his beard bill with Mrs. I'ortcrfiold , the amount duo bolng about eighteen dollars. Mr. Tata Is thinking strongly of having him brought back hero to answer a charge of embezzlement. Not n Hnfo Tncklo , A cafe weighing 2,500 pounds was being ing taken np the stairs at No. 12 South Main street yesterday into the office of the Mutual life and accident association , when some part of the tackling broke and the eafo foil crashing through the stairway , bnt fortunately injuring no ono. Cobs at George Hoaton's , G23 Broad way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cesspools ana vaults cleaned Address , R. &K. , BEE office. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 6th Avc. and Pearl Street , ( Formerly Martin's Kink. ) J. W. PAIMF.E , Proprietor. CARPENTER'S MAMMOTH COi TWENTY PEOPLE. Every Evening for Two Weeks. CommencingJWonday , , June 2tl In Our Ourio Hll : Replete with new curiosities every week. . SOEUKZ. OWICB oven AMERICAS EXPRESS COUNCIL BLUFFS. TO w A THE BEST THING OUT FOB Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. BAVKS LABOR , TUIK and SOAP AMAZINGLY , and gives , nnlversalsatlsfactlon. No family rich or poor should be without It. Sold by all grocerr. EKITARR of Imitations well do- glgnei to mislead. PKAIILI.NH Is the ONLY BAPK Ubor Having compound and uln ays boara the above Bym bol and name ot JAMES PYLB NEW YORK. Djiivril * . JJUtigft , fevcc wul AKU < S ft ciitlv ) Off tni. A few drcpl Imptrtaikltflaui l o/chimpan * , inillo > U nmffitf flriaVU Try II , fMUUrMu. AikTnrtmeer c > r drrnU ta U . y. r. nnMetttr'sEtcin. achCHtcrsoonqucra " d prevents mala. rial/cvere , dj jior- sla , ( lironfo c)8t- ! pttlfln , a tendency to kldror and blad der ailments and rheumatism , and Is of the greatest lalue In cases cf lijdily wcakneai. ( .Id peo- 1 bale greatly aided bylf.aurtltlabljhly , renlccable to con valescents and la ioIri ( 'e'lcate ' h'i - I I' , uioro- f.r , i u Iu | med- I'luu la t.ko nith one on Ion ; jour- _ _ _ _ _ uoye , and counter- lets the tllccti i f mental exhiuMlon. For * sale by oil DrJgulbti aid dmlcrs generally. , Ueckin ; ; jicrfect restoration to health , full iiiitnhuuil ami cxuul vl or ivltliout Ntoiuncli DruRuliiK , should send fur Trea- tlsoou the Jtlnruiuii liolim. YOUIIR men and others w bo aufTjr from Jiriroiiiiand jihysl- cal tlchlllly , nxliuiuluil vllullly , ] ire > liiituru il < rllii . Viirlcorelc , Ac. , are BVpoclilly licuefltod by consulting its contents. Diseases of the I > r < i liit Qliiiul , Kliliit > y ami ItliKlilor cftfctmlly cured Kndorsod by lliouKHinli who ha > been cured. Adopted In HoipltJla and by l-Jiyaiclaua in Kuropo and America. Eealnrj'rralUofreo. Address rOH REKEDV CO. cr DR. D. TREBEOV7 , 40 Wool 14th St. . New Vork. TBRflKEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 400,000ffin , EN USE. HARKNES ROTH 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CARPETS CARPET ; 'I ' A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. DryGoods , Dry ods All the"novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices We make a suecialtv of Store Shadings ? Office Mattings , the furnishing of churches offices and public buildings * Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Oouncil Bluffs I Norene & Landstrom , Merchant Tailors Suits to order In l&teat styles at cheapest poissib prices. prices.No. No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffs. W.'P. ' A.YLESWOKTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and B.itisfaction guaranteed. .Frame bout , moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council BIuBa Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will tell in retail or carload lota II Stock Warranted as Reoresented Wholesale and retail dealers In 0rain and Baled Hay. Prices reasonable . sonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. SOIHILTJTEDEi So BOOLE'S" Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. fcLJU CEUCsTIIX AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Everything served in 'first cl et atyle nd on shor notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. WOW AT FULL FLOW AS NEVER BEFORE AT p , , 's PTO ; The Leading Store in the City , the Grand est and'Greatest Dry Goods Stock in the West , Prices neyer before so much in favor o th epur- chaser. Late grand arrivals AT DEPRESSED prices from the manufacturingdistricts. Big purchases just opened up in Silks , Dress Goods , Cloaks , Linens , Domestics , Hsiery , Gloves , Fans , Parasols , Laces and Embroideries , P In all the above departments during this week. Goods to be sold for less than half the regular retail prices. FOLLOW THE CROWD To the leading and largest [ Retail House in the citv. You will alwavs get more than value for your monev. EISEMAN , EOBDA & CO , Peoples' Store , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. LIVE STOCK * STOCKERS AA'D FEEDEBS. Hcllcra and cows ft Ml agca furnished In any desired numbers ; ranchmen should corrcfp end with bcc ro purchasing clsenlieie. WINDOW & CRAMPfON , Waverly , Iowa. SMITH it TOLLER , AGTS. IiEADIXG Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. , - - - . A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand , For any cuse of Kidney or liver disease or dyspepsia rheumatism , or any diaeaai indudcod by n lack of native power , that cannot be cured by the use of Drs. Judd & Smith's Electric Belts and ApDHnrces. Wo. 30 , Fourth St , Council BlulTd. AGENTS WANTED. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a vortlBements , eto M Lost Tound , To Loan , For Sale , To Eent , Want : , Board ing , cto. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate oi TEN CENTS PER LINE for the tint Insertion ind T1VE CENTS PER LINE for each onbsoqaenl eitlan. Leave advertisement ! at our offoe , No. Tear ! Btritot n r nrnadwuv WAtn'B. WANTKD-Iioaidand room for eectlcmanand wife in a s'rlctly j rlvato ftmllt , near the Methodist ohurch. AdJrcsa 1) . , BIR Otllcc.g W ANTED Agncilglrl tooo housework. Inquire at 831 Third Atomic , Council Fluffs. O. C. DBOXKLL. WANTED Voaril and room for gent ard ulfo In a ttrlitly private family , near the Mciha- dlit church. Addrees H. BEK ollic ? . TTTANTED House with 4 Jo fl rooms. No chl d- TV ren. Address / , Bee office. FOR SALE Team of largo b'ack liortcfl , suitable for farm or heavy work In city. One gear's time on Bitlelactory security. Horace Everc.t , Ccm-cll Blurts , Ion a WANTKD-FIrat-clasa cake baker at Smith & LocrcktV , 623 Main street , Council Dluffe. w ANTED A flrit-cla-s cook , at the Cicston House , Council Elulfr. 10H HENT House , 7 rooms mid 2 halls , corner Haimonv and lioatou Sts. Apply 218 Harrison W'ANia TO TrtADK. Uood Iowa cr Nebraska land for a small stock of hardware or general merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKKR. TTXJfl SALE Ararochanro to get a One , well lm- J ? proved farm of 400 acres , within a few miles of Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low nrlco and easy terms. bWAi , & WALKHB ITOll SALE A good paying hotel property with llyery stable , in ono of the best small lonns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or n 111 tiade for a email farm with stock etc. SWAN & WALKBK. Tj > OH BALK Lands Improved and unlmnto\cd , JL1 If you want a farm In uoitern Iowa , Uanats Nebraska or Dakota , let us heir from jou. SWAN a WALRKR. Tj OIt SALE Alarsro number of business and real -L1 dcnco lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See us before you buy , SWAN A WALKKK. WOll bLK Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to V build on can buy on c.onthly payments of from 82 to 810. 8WAN& WALBXB TTMW KENT Wo will rent you a lot to build on JL : with the privilege to buy If you wlih on very liberal term' . SWAN & WALKER. jj'OH HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. J. Eteihca on , 603 First avenue. WANTEDbody m Council Ulnffi o take TniUii. ted by carrier at only Iwtnty II a week. FOR KXCIIANOK N . 1(7 , 10,000 aciei land ten mllessouthcf Sidney , Nib , , for Ccuncll Eluffa property. No. 1(5. A good eteam flonrln ; mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , far a stock of general merchandise or bard- ware , v Iuo(0'CO No. 160 Hotel property In Tajlor Co. , Iowa , for gard farm properly , \aluo M.OOO. No I o. Mild lo Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , for Council Uluffi propeity. No 101 , line Improved farm for cheap western ard. ard.No No , 161. One nf the bed farms In Pottawtttatch county , Iowa , 400 acres for wild Kanini orNibtoska anJ. anJ.No. No. 169. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , woith $ D.f09 , for Iowa , K > n a * , or Nebraska land In pir and long time on balince. No. 171. Uood farm , for stook of ( roods or hard * ware. ware.No. . 172. Wild lane's In Rookj Co. , Neb. , for stock of dry gcotJe. No. 175. House and lot In Clarlmla Page Co. , Iowa , for Nebraska or Joa l > n < ; value S1SO\ No. 177. Hotel In one ot Uauoia'd toit towns , value M.OOO , fjr stock of drugs for pare and Und Improved or unlmoiovtil No. 178. Bileodld bargains In Klctli Co. , Neb , wild laud for lands In wuiUrn Iowa or good stock otdiugior hard ariv No. 18' , A half Interest In a flrit-daei plow worLi , neil located , for lands vilued 83,500. No. JH2 , MO i ere Improved farm In CassCo. , Iowa also ono la Pali , Alto Co , , of 316 , for stock of goods. No. 181 , tloio bul.dlni ; and stock of gemnl merctiandfgo , In a Hie western town ( or weitern and , lmpraie- unimproved , > alue 814,600. And bU"drc < Isnf ether tpecUl i-xcban o bargains or particular , call and see or write to twin & VVALKKR , Council bl ufl , la TI10.S. OfKICEII , Vf , II , M. I'DfiB Officer < & Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealer * in Foreign and Domestic Exchange nd Homo Securities , OlfflGiL BLUFFS CABPETS , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to On of Town Orders , Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our atock la Iho iLanest ; I in and is being continually replenished by nil the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufis I OB SALR W S.A. PIERCE ; 100 Main bt. , Council Bluff * Iletall Hoot and Shoe stora where bit ; baririluscaii wajBbo found. JACOIt SIMM , at-Law - - , COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. Office , Uatn Street , Rooms 7 and 6 , ShUk'nrfani lituu block. Will prartloo In Siateand tats court * . MANDEMAKERS & VAN , AROHITEOTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 201 rinporHrMaliviv Cuitll Utuff E , ElCQ CANCERS , CHRONIC