Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    | FT
347 Broadway , Council Buffs ,
Dry Goods Must Go
Cooke & Morgan will m&ko prices this week that cannot bo dap Heated , Come
See and bo convinced.
* " \ , ,
Bargains In every department.
Uress GJ-oods. of style , advertised by others at 3c and
Brocadeo , all colors 4o worth 8 c. 4o , as our otock contains all now goods
Brocades and plain goods 8Jo and now stylos.
Seersuckers at lie worth 12Jc , Seer
Manchtster ciahracros lOc worth 15 o. suckers at 12 " o worth ICc.
Elegant line of Drees Goods at 12Ao Chrambayo" Scotch Ohevolts , French
and loa worth 20o and 25. GlnglamB , Sateens.
Wo have picked out ar < l marked down , 3000 yards Lawn , 3o rrorth 8Jo.
n lot of dress goods to 25o per yard , worth 2000 yards Lawn at Qa worth lOc.
from 35c to C 0o. This ia the beat bargain A most beautiful Hull of lawns at 12Jo
over offered In Conncll Bluffs. actually worth worth and would bo cheap
FABRICS , ETC. Sateens 8Jo worth 15o.
This department has never boon BO Great reduction In Domoitlca. Calicos
complete and never have such goods bcon at halt ptice.
offered for the money. Muellna 25 per cent cheaper than you
Gln hama 7 worth lOc. can buy anywhere.
Dreis 1'lald ? , all now , beautiful doalgna Wo will eave you 20 per cent on 3-4
and patterns 80 and lOc , other merchants shcotlngs.
ore advertising these goods at 12&o and Wo will save you 20 per cent on 9-4
ICc. shootings.
) < ' Do not got these goods mixed with the Wo will eave you 20 per cent on 10-4
shoddy auction godn or old patterns out sheetings.
Cream Table Linen IBo worth 25s. cheaper than you over bought.
< ' ' 28u " 40c.
< ' 42o " COo. Turkey Rud 32a worth 40c ,
" " C5o " 85c. 11 " 42io " 50o.
" " 85o " § 100. " " 50c " G5o.
Pnro White beautiful patterns. See " " COc " 85c.
them and you will be convinced they are " " 7uo " OOo.
Gents Furnishing doods.
Gents Lisle Thread Socks 50 cheap at
In this department wo have never offor- 75c.Gents
ouch bargains. Gents Tics , Job lot at 25a cheap at 50c. " "
Genta Gauze Shirts 15o woith 25s. EMBROIDERIES AND LA.OES.
' " " " 25o " 40o. Never in the annals of the dry goods
' ' 35c " 50c. business have these goods been offered
i " BOo " 05o. so cheap. Irish points Magic and Swiss
Gonta Lisle Thread Shirts 75o would bo embroideries. Colored embroideries ,
cheap at $1.25. como and look at them if yon want to
Genta bleached drawers COo worth 7Co see something pretty and pot the worth of
' " * 75o " § 1. yonr money.
Genti Socks in endless varieties. Pnro Linen Laceal5o doz. yds worth Sue
Socks at Oo worth 8 0 ; Socks 8Jc worth ' 20o " " " 30c
Seamlfsi Socks OB worth 15c. 30c 40o
" " 12o " 20o. 400 50o
" ' 205 " 30c.
, 503 75o
" ' 25s " 40o.
PJ55" We want people to know how cheap we can and will sell goods , to
find out , you must come and see for yourselves , and do uot take our
word for it. Wo advrtiso nothing we do not do. Remember the place
Leaders and Maintained of Low Prices
Indies who wish to look arouud wo iavite to como to our eto 10
wo will show you goods with pleasure. All will ha treated pleasantlt
and politely. Yon will not he urped to buv goods but will have our I > OF
attention aud efforts to make your visit to our store pleasant and profitahl
v 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
A Gralcful ftoplc Tenderly Hemem-
licrs Them ,
Music , Flowers and Oratory.
Decoration day wag moro generally ob
otvod hcra thin year than over boforo.
The many aontimontn which gave birth
o this anniversary , nud which still cling
o and aronnd it , aeotn to strengthen hero
5 olsowhcro , rather than weaken. The
ay waa n bright , pleasant one , and from
ho early hears of the morning the streets
wore crowded with people , business being
rencrally suspended , and many atraogord
rom other places arriving on every train.
The exorcises and services took place
n the afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock. The
iroccstion formed and maichod np Bioad-
woy to the Ogden homo , and thoncs np
Oakland avenue to Falrvlow comotcry.
Abe Lincoln post Grand Army of the
lopnblio turned oat in fall force , and
lioto survivors of the aconoa of over
wenty years ago , their ranks each year
> ocomlng thinner and their atopaleas firm ,
ormod os on all such occasions , the chief
> bject of Intoroat. Each veteran bore a
argo floral wreath , to bo offered aa a
rlbuto to those who had boon mnatorod
at before. The younger generations
roro well represented , there being a
nrgo number of school children and
uplls rf the inatllutlon for the deaf and
nmb In lino.
Iho Danebo society with an excellent
> and inado a fine appearance. There
were also a largo delegation of the
indent order of Hibernians , the Catho-
o Knights , pud the ancient order of
) rnids. The city officials , tbo Gro do-
lartment and citizens In oirrlagoa helped
well the procestioD. The fire depart-
icnt in uniform , and the apparatus
ccoratod with flowers , , flags and other
dornments prcaontod a very attractive
The cemetery Itaalf was a perfect jjar-
en of flowers. The services opened at
10 grand stand , aronnd which gathered
, great crowd of people. The Hon. J.
I. Phillips served as president. Gen.
oslah Given of Dos Molnea , waa the or-
tor of tbo day and hta oration was a
; rand one. In opening ho drew the dla-
nction between this and other days ob-
srved by the American people. He tald
o could not recall in all history
wherein death had been by custom
nblloly commemorated except one , the
jord'a supper. History might tell the
auaos and success of the war , bat the
tones of the noble dead should not be
rested to history alone. Those gather-
nga wore to keep alive the feeling of
ratltudo , and to cherish sacred mom-
rlea. The speaker vividly pictured
cenes and Incidents of the camp an d
'old , and the mention of the name of
Jen. Grant , as their old leader call ad
orth enthusiastic applause. In epeak-
ng of the relations to their old enemy
o said :
"What are they to-day ? I think the
abject had fit expression In the resolu-
lon pasted in the last encampment of
ho grand army of the republic of Iowa ,
n substance this : The old enemy di
vides themselves into two classes ; that
ilaas who declared war agalnat the gov-
irnment , mot ns and fought us according
; o the laws of war , and having been do-
eatod accept their defeat as decisive
( gainst the right of secession for which
hey fought , and are to-day loyal to the
> ld flag and union. Comrades , there are
housands of snob , and we consider them
welcome to all the privileges and protec-
lena of the government that we aa clti-
cna aak for ourselves , and we bid them
welcome to an equal chance with our-
elves in the straggles and contests of
Ife. Welcome aa a citizen , bnt when bo-
ore the government demanding the
ights duo ns aa eoldiora , they cannot
tand beside us. "
The orator was closely listened to ,
nd Jhis address waa frequently broken
nto by applause.
The decorating cf the graves followed ,
nd among the sposlal features were the
ervicea at the resting place of Prof. G.
! . Masaoy , formerly principal of the
Vaahlngton avenue school In this city.
Hia grave la marked by a marble monument
ment placed tfcoio by the teachers of the
public achoolp , as a special tribute for the
lay. There was placed at the foot of the
grave a crosa wrapped in the national
colors , and resting on a bass 'formed of
hroo terraces of natural flowers. On the
iprlght of the cross hung
loral wreath , and a basket if
lo veers on each arm. There was
a shield with an appropriate Inscription ,
and on tha grave was a floral pillow , of
white flowers , the border of red , and the
otters "At Rest" In bluo. Those con
nected with the public schools joined in
: hls special remembrance of Prof. Massoy.
VIr. Spencer Smith g&vn an address , in
which ho outlined the life and virtues of
the dopatted. Prcf , Maeaey waa a native
of Massachusetts , and enlisted aa a pri
vate In the Seventh Pennsylvania volun
teers. He waa for four months a pris
oner in Llbby. and there contracted a dis
ease which ultimately caused his death.
At tbo close of the war be removed to
this city and taught in the public schools
here. He died in 1880.
Prof. MoNanghton offered a touching
kribnta to those ia unknown graves , hit
address being one of the best of the day ,
Ho was followed by Ool , Sapp , whoto
address closed the exercises.
The Fuller post , of Logan , the Woodbine -
bine peat and Malvern peat were repre
sented on the day by large delegations.
Dr. MoKuno's grave was very beauti
fully decorated , among the tributes being
a pillow , with the stars and atrlpee
worked upon It In ( lowers.
The grave of Henry Cunningham , the
soldier printer , was handeomely deco
rated , among the offerings being a fine
wreath sent by the old typo , Ben Allen ,
from Fayottovllle , Arkansas.
They Iluln the Hate , But Don't Get
Enouch to Pay tor Powder ,
Saturday night burglars went through
the Chicigo , Batlingtcn & Qaincy dope
at Malvern. They drilled the nafa , and
blew it open , the door being broken Into
niBiiy pieces , and tha tafo about rallied
They got nothing for tholr palnr , there
being no monny In tbo eafo. They broke
open the cash drawer In the deek , ant
there found about two dollars in change
whlohwaiall they received for thoi
night's work. Tne burglary was no
discovered nntil yesterday morning , r
that the follows had plenty of time to
nuke good their escape.
"Tho Lone AVolf. "
Dr. J. Palmer ( Lone Wolf ) tnya the
utatcmont rn do by the Herald Saturday
ovenlnR In wg&rd to hU going to Omaha
to-morrow Is not BO ; that ho cipccta to
remain hero at the very least a month
longer. From exchanges , It scorns the
doctor has worked a largo reputation In
the eastern p rt of this state by wonder-
: nl cures. On Friday last ho was called
on to , attend James O. Sinclair , who has
jeon confined to Imbed for throe months
with rheumatism , and treated his case so
successfully that Sinclair wna out Satur
day and witnessed the circus p rado and
the decoration ceremonies. The doctor
will continue to hold his quarters at the
Scott house , on Nirlh Main street , during
the remainder of his stay In this city.
Dr. Wade Gary has gene to Cedar llaplds
o attend the races.
Mre. E. J. Walters leaves this evening for
jottyaburg , L'n. , on a visit.
II. M. Byera , county recorder , ot Qlon-
wood , was in the city yesterday.
Coptaln McCollougb spent Saturday and
Sunday nt homo and leave this morning to
visit the heavy hardware trade ,
Mr , and Mrs. George Mahr , ot Ann Arbor ,
Mich. , are In the city , visiting their relative ,
Mr. J. Schmidt , on Mynstor street.
T. 13. Gault and family , ot Chicago , spent
iundaywith his old friends hero. Ho was
ormerly general ngont of the \Vauash horo.
J. H. Kolman , who has boon in the clothing
msinosa with Moslor , loaves this morning for
Chicago , whore ho will make hia future home.
Mr. A. J. Axtoll , of Rochester , N. Y. , and
ormerly ono of the proprietors ot the llavoro
louae , is here on a visit to his sister , Mrs. A.
Ernest Brock , ona of Iho most successful of
? eregoy & Moore's salesmen , spent Sunday at
iomo , and starts out to-day nn another mla-
ionary tour.
Mrs. E. Brown , ot Craig. Mo. , has moved
lero , and with her son , J. W. Dixon , who is
n the employ ot Hatle , Ilaas & Co. , will go
o housekeeping.
John Kiatz , cashier of the Chicago. Bur-
ington & Qulncy in this city , has returned
rom a six weeks trip to Hot Springe , Ark. ,
wheio he went to improve his health.
Henry and Robert Haynoa , two of Council
ilutfs well-known youn ? men , have bought
ut a meat market on Sixteenth street ,
Omaha , and take possession nt once.
Mrs. S. E. Sloan aed three children , of
Cameron , Mo. , and J. L. Craig and family ,
t St. Louis , arrived here yesterday afternoon
n a visit to their father , Mr. James Cr aig ,
12 Third street.
J. R. Haworth , who has been assisting
Harry Haworth , of Haworth & Sons' , check-
ewer in this city , has returned to bis home
n Decatur , 111. Ho is very favorably 1m-
ireasad with this city and hopes to soon re >
urn and make his permansnt home her e ,
C. J. Best returned yesterday from a visit
; o friends in the central part of the state , and
; o-day starts for NoliRh , Nob. , where , with
bis brother , he will start a democratic paper ,
nd get tbe postofllce. They are both Rood
newspaper men , and would doubtless make
qualiy good postmasters.
A $4 000 echool Is rising on a hilltop
at Hampton.
There are 127 doctors of the opposite
ex in the state.
A § 5,000 school tnilding has been con-
ractod for at Whiting.
Ottumwans are working vigorously for
a soldiers' monument.
The Catholics of Crcston have bognn
work on a $25,000 church.
Tbreo confidence men , operating on
he Q. , have been csged at Creston.
Six divorces were granted during the
aat term of tbo Gnthrlo county circuit
James Rollon , a workman on a farm
near Sioux City , wa * kicked to death by
i stallion lait week.
There is to bo an examination of touch-
ra for state certificates held at Creston
Tuly 22 , 23 , 24 and 25.
Marshalltown pays § 2,000 for twenty
ileotrlo lamps. A similar plant would
: est § 3,000 in Sioux City.
The third reunion of Crookor's brigade
will bo held at Iowa Clly on Wednesday
nd Thursday , Sep'omber 23 end 24.
Fho destroyed a barn and seven head
if horeoa belonging to Prazall Bros. ,
oar Pacific Junction a few days ago.
At Cedar Rapids Albert Frank , an
Italian , was struck with a club by Al
? ranko , and will die. Franko was
The Iowa episcopal convention , in ses
sion at Clinton , adjourned on Wednes
day. Dnbuquo was selected as the next
ilacs of meeting.
The now version of the census returns
of Oodar Rapids gives the city a popula
tion of 15,420 , a gain claimed of 50 per
cent ever the census of 1880.
An old gentleman named William
Styles reported to the Dubuque police
his loss of § 300 cash , taken by a young
woman with whom he waa traveling.
Mrs. David Hawthorn , the oldest mar
ried woman in the state , died at LeOlalro
on the 24th. She celebrated her sixty-
sixth wedding anniversary last January.
The beer recently seized f < om the , de
livery wajzon of the brewers , Kramer ,
Hoffman & Uo. , at Ottumwa , was con
demned In the justice's court on Wednes
day.Judge Grant of Davenport , has a § 50 ,
300 interest in a California , gold mine ,
which ho told a Davenport newspaper re
porter the other day he will trade for a
Jersey calf.
"Hon. G. W. Anderson and wife , of
California , " billed for a temperance re
vival at Sioux City , ooened tbo campaign
by getting gloriously drunk. The re
vival collapsed.
J , W. Roper , of Fort Dodge , was acci
dentally shot In the head by a colored
man named Sugarfoot , who TTas shooting
rats. The shot glanced , hitting Roper ,
who will recover.
Senator Wade Hampton , in a letter to
the New York Herald , says the Wade E.
Hampton arreited in Iowa for robbing
the malls , Is not his nephew , nor any rel
ative of the senator , as reported.
The railroads at Des Moines subscribed
to the state fair grounds aa follows ; The
Ohicaso , Rosk Island & PaciQo , § (1,000 (
tbo Ohloigo , Burlington & Qatnny ,
§ 3DOOj the Chicago & Northwestern
83.000 ; the DUgoiul , 81,000 , making
§ 19,000 in fill.
Reaen Morford , an old resident o
Pleasant YalUy township , Johnson
county , commlttol snlcldo on Wednesday
day by hanging himself. Old ago , pov
erty and dlscaso were the good and
sDllidont causes that led to the act ,
Flvo persons escaped from the jail al
Logan on the night of May 25 by cawing
out a piece of the cell floor. Four ol
thorn have already been captured. The
ono still at Isrgo Is described as follows :
George Johnson , G feet , stoop shouldered ,
pock marked , 50 years old ,
0 , F. Carlson , n Swede , was arrested
noir Slanton Thursday charged with
tampering with the United States malls ,
In having taken out and receipted for a
registered package , at Huston , Minn. ,
containing $141 , addressed to a follow
countryman named Adolph Jonson.
Horio thieves have boon raiding the
stables of farmers In Cedar county , eight
head having been stolen in the last six
daya. Three horses were stolen near
Clarence , Monday night by tramps , who
were captured near Tiptou on Wednes
day morning with the horses in their pos
The Van Dor WoiiT brothers and Cot-
nollns Teem prove to bo the parties who
attempted the murder of old man Brink
iomo weeks ago , near the town of Otloy.
Teem and ono of the Van Der Worfis
iayo contested the crime. All the par
ies are in the Fort Madison jail for safe
cooping , being nnablo to famish the § 13-
000 bill required of each.
Through the effort of Senator Allison ,
ho commandant of the Rock Island
racnsl has boon ordered to sell to T. K
Cook post of the grand army of the re-
rablio at Cedar Rapids a gun carriage
nltablo for mounting the howitzer ro-
ontly recovered after being stolen and
lecrotod for Bixtoon years. The historic
lowltzsr was captured by an Iowa regi
ment on ono of Sherman's campaigns ,
nd was a feature in memorial
xorcIsoB In that city of extended
The sensation of the wcok in Bedford
raa the icrvlnfr of papers on Tuesday in
ho case of Lizzlo Laird Howltt vs. James
j. Brown. Tbo action ii for a breach of
iromiio of marriage , and the amn of
110,000 Is claimed as damages. The
ilalntiff la a widow balling from Sacra-
nouto , Gal. , and is said to bo the daugh-
: or of Judge Laird , of Rcckvillo , Indiana.
? ho defendant is the well-known lawyer
of this city , who la already provided with
a wlfa and family , and Is consequently
not in a position , nndor tbo statutes , to
undertake any noir responsibilities of a
matrimonial character.
"Tho city government of the city of
jioux City , " says the Journal , "has ro-
irod with no amonnt of grace from an
iffort to enforce taxation against the sa-
eon traffic , the prohibitory law of the
late to the contrary notwithstanding.
'ho father of the § 1,000 license ordinance
was deslro for rovenno stimulated by do-
lire for municipal peace. What Is pncu-
iarly humiliating abant the Sioux City
Itnation is the foot that the dictation in
; ho present instance , and to which the
city government has surrendered without
how of contest , comes from the most ir
responsible and moat baneful element of
hat interest. The representatives of
; hat interest cover up the state law.
? hey are richly entitled to the f nil merits
of It. They protestthat they cannot pay ;
hey defy the authorities to make them
[ ult. The city government washes ita
landa. "
The gold medal was awarded Mellln's
Teed at the Now Orleans Exposition , in
ecpgnitlon of its great nourishing pro-
Bill Njo on Life Insurance.
Boston Globe.
My wife at first objected seriously to
an insurance on my life , and tald she
would never , never touch a dollar of the
noney If I were to die , but after I had
> een sick nearly two years , and my dispo-
Itlon had suffered a great doil , she Bald
hat I need not delay the obseqalea on
-hat account. But the life Insurance
lipped through my fingers somehow and
. ' recovered. L'fe Insurance Is a good
. I would not bo without it. My
lealth Is greatly Improved since I got my
new policy. Formerly I used to have a
eal-brown taste in my raauth when I
raso in the morning , but that has disap-
teared entirely. I am more hopeful and
mppy , and my hair Is getting thicker on
op. I would not try to keep house with
out life insurance.
"That tired feeling" from which you
, ufl'er so much , particularly in the morn-
ng , is entirely thrown off by Hood's Ssr-
Make No Mistake !
Up-sts irs , Up-stairs
1312 Douglas Street
Up-stairs , Up-stairs
Make No Mistake !
Seventeen years Experience.
loader c ( Disease * o ( lien anl Women. Electric ,
Maguetlo and Herbaliit rhyshUn Mow located at
1210 DougU , Bt Ornaba , Neb. , up stairs.
A correct dUgnosU given without any explanation
'rom the patten t. Consultation tree at oflice.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh ft tbe Head. Plseaso ol the Eve and
Ear. Heart Disease : Liver Comphlpt.Kldniy Com-
plamt.Kert ou Dcbliltv , Mental Depression , Loaio (
Manhood , Diabetes , Drlght'a Dlxate , Bt Vltue
Dance , Uheumat'toi ' , l'.ralj ii , Whtto Buelllcgii
Bcrolula , Fever Sore , . Cancer , and Tumor , rcmoto
elMillinut the knle. or the drawing ol a drop ol
blood , Woman , with her dollcato organ , , Ilestcred to
Health , Droiay Cured W thout Tapplrg , Bpocla1
Attention Olvon to 1'ilvate and Venereal Iltoac4 o :
ill Kind , , Ta ( H'orma llomc\ed In two or three
hour , or Mo Pay , Uemuiorrbold , or 1'ilos Cured or
Ko Chjrgci Made.
Tliosowhoaio atlllcted will , "e live and Ima *
.1 aoUarby Wl
Uertal UodlclDM ,
One of he Best and Largest Stocks m tbo United States
To Select From ;
Who have trifled away their youthful \lRor and power , rrho r
5IiVrJrSri,'pr.t'1IlI ? ! < > CHAINS mid . Jt , O s S I ! S .who are wonk ,
ISIl'OTKNTand until lor luarrltiRO.
MEN of all ages , who find , tholr POWER
nmUitnllty , iivmi nuil'SKXHM aritKNUTH weakened. t > T
P.'Vly ll''JbLl9 or BXCIM3E8. crt . -oeclvo ntioHltlroandlnitlliiK
CU n ] : , NOmattrr of how lonv stnuillnftlho casoinay be. or who
lias frutiu tn eitrr.tiv n few weeks or month * n o rtc Ihn celebrated
Athotno without ripoiure , tuLrSS lime , nnclior l.KSS monrr than
nny nthcrinelhod In ( ho world. Weak buck , headache , RIlltiblONB ,
laMltnde. lossofpplrltaandaintiltlnn.ploo ir thouclit9 , cl r o R I tut
d ream , ilelcetl\a memory , IMPOTKNGi : , ni , ImWdlmcntii to
iiiarrlapc , nud many oili r pytnptoiiis luadhiK to CONSUMPTION or
INSANITY , nro promptly icmuTCd by this treatment , and vigorous
manhood restored.
MarriedMan , ortJioscwJw intend to marry ,
. . . . . REMRMIIEK. perfect lrcnptli iMeani. health.lforom ( off-
sprlnff , IptiR llfo and the lovoand respect of n faithful iro. Weak incimhoiild be restored to 'VlRor A
xianhood before tnarrlaRO , I'rnnfH. tcntlniotilnlH and valuable treatise u ttampg.
USstab.1877.Address The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo.
Remember These 1 moo Ft ant Facts
The Mutual Life Insurance Company ,
1. tt s the OLDEST active Life Innuranca Company In thli country.
2. It latlio LMtUKRl' LUo Inaurnnco Company by many millions of dollars In the vvotUl.
3. Us rates of prcmln'PS arc LOWCH than those of any other company.
4. It lug no "ttockfollars"tcclalm any part of Its profits.
D. It offeis no SOHt MK3 under the name of Insurance for speculation by spcclU chscca Upon the
mslf ottuncs of each oti cr.
8. Its present avalULlo CASH nESOCUCES exceed those of any other Llfo Iniurano Company In tin
world.It hag received In rash tram ell source ; , from February , 1843 , to January , JSPN f 2TOCO'2f.Cf. .
It has returned to the people , la cash , from February , 1843 , to Jinuary , 1885,8210,091,211,00.
Its cash Assets on the lut ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than
General Apent for Gen. Astt. for
Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa
Ulnh. and Minnesota ,
OlTica Cor.Farnam and 13th St.Over 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan ,
Bunk , Omaha , Neb M. F. ROHRER.
Special Agent for Iowa , Conncil Bluffs , Iowa
NOTICE. Special a veitlsemente , tuo ig toot
round , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board
ing , eto. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS I > KR LINE for the Drat Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PER LINE for oacth enbeeqnent
ertlon. Leave kdverttsomonti at onroffio * , Ho.
Pearl Street , near Broadwav
EB IIou'i ) with 4 ; o a loams. No cht.d-
ren. Address/C. , Bee office.
FOH SALE Team of largo b'ack horccs , suitable
for farm or heavy \\ork In city. One \ear'n time
on natltfactory security. Hoiaoo E\cio.t , Cou-cll
Bluffs , Iowa
rANTED-Flrst-cIass cake baker ot Smith
: Locrcki/V , D23 Main street , Council Bluflu.
WANTED- and stationery business In lively
town of five to ten thousand Inhabitants ; or
would like to boar of rood opening to stirt business
n either Iowa or Nebraska. Thos. J. Q'.rlo , Tor
onto , Canada.
ANTED A. ( lr > t-cla'8 cook , at the Cicston
House , Council ElulTj.
"JOH KENT House , 7 rooms and 2 halls , corner
JU llarmonv and ISojton Sts. Apply 210 Uarrlsan
TO TxlADlS Uood Iowa or Nebraska
land for a small stock of hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALKIR.
T/OR SALE A rare chante to get a flue , well 1m-
JU proved farm of 400 acres , within a lew miles ol
DouncU Bluffs , at a bargain. Low price and cosy
terms. bWA.N & WALKIK
FOll SALE A good pa ; tag hotel property with
livery stable , In one of the best small towns In
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or
will trade for a small farm with stock eta
ITOU SALE Lauds Improved aad unimproved. ,
JD If you want a farm m western Iowa , Kansas
tfobraaka or Dakota , Ictus hoar from you.
TJVJH SALE Alarito number of business and reel-
JP den oo lots In all parts ol Council Bluffs. See
ua before you buy , SWAN & WALKKH.
HlOK SnLfc I'artios wishing to buy cheap lata to
build on can buy ou noutuly jmymcntu of from
? 2to810. SWAN&WAtHBB
EWH KEN1 Wo will rout you a lot to build on
wfth the prlvllafo to buy If you with on very
liberal term > . BWAN & WALKBR.
. , iOU HALE Ileuses. Lots and Land. A. J.
JL1 Ftopl on on , 603 First avenue.
uouyin Uouncu itiuns o t io
WAN1HU . rod by carrier M only tw njy
Is a week.
KXCIIAXOK NI > . 16 ? , 10,100 acres land ten
FOR south ef eldney , lub , , for Ctuncll Blults
No. 1(5. A good steam flouring : mill In Cedar Co ,
Iowa , for a stuck of general merchandise or hard-
are , value 18/00
No. 160 Hotel property In TaUir Co. , Iowa , for
reed farm property , \nluc J1.COJ.
No. KO. mud la Hnll and Lincoln Cos. , Nob. , for
Council IJIuIIi prupeity.
No 101. Fine Improved farm for cheap western
ami.No , 16) . One nf the best farms In 1'ottawtttamle
county , Iowa , < 00 acres for wild Kansas or Nebraska
land.No. . I CD. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , woith SO. COD , for
Iowa , Ktnra' , or NebribUa land in pir and long
time on balince ,
No. 171. Good farm , for stock of goods or hard
No. 172. Wild lands In Rook ) Co. , Nob. , for stock
dry goads.
No. 17G. House and lot In Clarlnda Page Co ,
Iowa , for Nebrotka or Iowa Itn'l ; value 81,607.
No. 177. Hotel In ona ot IMKota's lost towns ,
vtlue $9,000 , for stoc' of drugs lor pare and Una
Improved or unlmpiortd
No. 178. Splendid bargains In Klcth Co. , Neb. ,
lld land for lands In western Iowa or Recd stock
of drug * or hardware ,
No. IS I. A half Interest In a flrst-clasi plow works ,
well located , for lands valued (3.500.
No. 182. SOO mere iopioved farm In CassCo. , Iowa
also ono In Ptla , Alto Co , , of 316 , for stock of goods.
No , 183 , Moro huldlng and stock of gcntral
merchandise , In a Iho western town for weitern
and , Improveor unimproved , value $ UEOO.
And hundreds of ether specUl exchange bargains
or particular , call and see or write to
Council 1)1 ufft , la
THOS. omoKii. w. HI if. rose
Officer & Pusev.
K i D rkO
Council Bluffs ,
Established , - 1865
Dealer ) iu Foreign and Domestic Exchange
and Ilome Securities.
OfficeU ln Strut , Uoorin Tand 8HhugMtl nd
Bimo block. Witt printing In BUtctna Utv oourtt.
oio ihomnuiliof c * ol tti wonk Mud ftiid o < fou
lu'uieiuctcrtthtt'l will'Knd'ru'o ' HOITI.1.3 FUKH
tt eilTer with a Y AI-riBUiTuerriiiK onJtili dUtu.
iikuU 1 *
1 111 1-i
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Hugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders.
Upholstery mul Drapery Work a
Oar stock la the
Larpst in tie
and is being continually replenished by
nil the latest and choicest novoltlec.
405 Broadway Council Biufls
No. 507 Broadway Council Blaffs.
Railway Time Table ,
The following are tha times of the arrival and de
parture oi trami by central staadard time , at tbe 4
local depots. Trains leave tranifer depot tea mm- f
ate * earlier and arrive ten mlnatea later.
0:25 : A H Mall and Express fll'O r u
12:40 : r H Accommodation 4:10 r H
6:30 : r u Kxpreai 8:05 : A M
8:26 : A M Mall and Express 6:53 : r u
7t5 A M Accommodation 6:15 : f M
6:30 : ! u Ex.ireiB 6:00 : A X
cmiiuoo , HILWAOKII ARD . MCI ,
D:20"A : U Ma'l and Expreta ttO ; f H
6:26 : IH Kxjirusi 0.05 A u
i ruuutiaron AND QDIKOT ,
0:50 : A M Mall and Kxpreaa 7:10 : r H
3i | . Accommodation i':00 : IHti
BT. Lonia
2:15 : r u Locil St. toulj Exrrota Lccal
8.00 r u Traniler " ' " Traoefsr 820 ; v M
7:43 : ! M I oo l Chlcigo It Et L Kxp Local 8W : A M
7:36 : r it Tranifer " " " " Trantfer DH5AM :
100fi ; A M Mall and Exnreaa 6:40 : r H
8:15 : v u Uxprces 6:25 : A u
noox cm AVD rAoinv ,
7:70 : A M Mail for Sioux City 0:1.0 : r M v"
7.-SO r u Ejpro a for St I'aul 0:25 : A u ;
I'.MOX t'Aeiric. j
11:00 : A M Denver Kxpreai 4:39 : P M - ' ;
1:05 : r M Llucoln r&4 O'a 4 n V X:35 : P M
7:65 : ! M Overland > r"X ) B:3 : ° A "
Leave Council Ululf , - 6.55-7:55-9 : 0-10:80 :
lliifl a. m. 1:80-2:80-8:80 : : : 4:2S-5J5-fl:25 : : :
) l:45 : v. in Loavs Omaha 0:25 : 7:25 : etO : 10
11:15 : a. m , U:50 : i:00 : 8oovs : 1:15 : 55 ;
-11:1U : u. u.