8 THE DAILY BEE I-SATURDA1T , MAY 30 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , May 30 , LOOBTBREVITIES , Hi "V" Is coming. Yesterday's weather was drizzling and disagreeable , "V" will soon be here. Testimony In the Brighton Ilancho case wasbelng t ken Thursday and yesterday before Judge Hull , master In chancery. The Omaha Pair and Exposition Asso ciation adjourned last evening to Saturday at 3 p. m. , to give the committee tlmo to call on few moro citizens. The MICSSOW will all complete their work to-day , and not later than Monday the books must bo turned over. Union precinct has already been turned in. There will bo an Important meeting of the stockholders of tha Omaha Fair and Ex position association at 8 o'clock Saturday oven ing at the Board of Trade rooms. Every stockholder Is earnestly requested ts bo pres ent. Cards are out announcing the marriage nt Alton , 111. , on the 27th inst. of Harry 1' . Whltmoro , ol Lincoln , to Kosallo A. Trench- cry. Both the brldo and groom are well- known and liked hero. Mr. and Mrs. Whit- moro will make their homo in Lincoln , On la t Monday night Mr. Edmund Paulson , son of Mr. J. T. Paulson , was mar ried to Miss Katie Michaels , at the residence of the groom's father , Twenty-first and Lake , uslico Bartlett tying the knot. The occa sion was made ono of pleasant social festivity. "Vis liable to create a stir. Lawyer Baldwin , who recently circulated a petition for Gnthiio's pardon and submitted it to Gov. Dawes , has received notice from that worthy that the executive clemency will not bo exercised. The ex-marshal will.hence , wear the stripes for several months to come , "Babe" Edgorton , the Infant detective , has returned from a pleasant jaunt to Lincoln. While there he called on ox-Marshal Guthrie. lie reports that the ex-marshal is looking halo and hearty the perfect picture > of health. Hois leoling in good spirits and has passed the stage of anxiety about his release. Guthrlo wished to bo remembered to his friends In Omaha. The Bands of llopo , under the auspices of the W. 0. T. U. , will decorate with flowers the grave of Col. Watson B. Smith. All per sons wishing to offer flowers will please send them to the W. 0. T. U. lunch rooms , 120 North Fifteenth street , by 12 o'clock Satur day morning. The Bands of Hope of thecity are urged to be prompt in nttendanca at the same time and place , Mrs. G. W. Clark. C. A. Dcllow and wife , North Flatto ; J , 0. Thompson and wife , Lincoln ; L. Baldwin , Chicago ; T. D. Peters , Sioux City ; F. E. Frlck , La Porte , Ind. ; J. L. Bitter , North Bend ; E. Isabella , Osage , la. ; F. Sanders , Bockportli'Hanpt ; and wife , Philadelphia ; W. Keller , Troy : C. L. Fox J. A , Stevens , Kansas City ; J. P. Purcell , Odoll , are at the Canhcld. f f- Night before last a tiunk was dumped by aomo expressman upon the sldowalk in front of the livery stable of Atwood & Fox , on Sixteenth street between Douglas and Dodge. The trunk was afterwards1 broken open and a portion of its contents taken out. It was re moved last night to the city jail by Officer Mostyn whore it now awaits an owner. A portion of the clothing Is marked "J , H , Johnson , Dakota City. " There will bo an open session of Div. 183 , B. of L. E. , at their ball , corner 14th , and Douglas streets , on Sunday , May 31 , at 2 p , m. , upon which occasion Bro. Geo. Royal , of Diet. 157 , will deliver an address. All en gineers and firemen , members of the order , with their families are invited. They are alto requested to attend divine service at the Congregational church at 8 p. m , at which time and place the Bev. Bro , Geo. Koyal will deliver an addrois to all friends of tha order. The celebrated Westoreard mule case in its latest phase came up for hearing Thursday before Justica Selden. Myera & Huntz sued Mrs. Lucinda Jonea to replevin the mule alter she had recovered It from Rasmussen Nelson , to whom Westorgard had given it -after ho hail lost a replevin suit to Mrs. Lucinda Jones , but had failed to give her the property , The court yesterday Rave judgment in favor of the plaintiff , Meyers & Huntz , and again Mrs , Jonea loses the mule , A very small occurrence took place Thurs day morning about half-past ono , tha tiring of a couple of shots near the corner of Seven teenth and Capitol avenue , which furnished to the local brains of tha two morning dailies a highly sensational narrative , which is duubt- leas without grounds o ! truth. Says one lot the jaurnals : "About tha hour above stated , a man came into the Club Stables on Sixteenth street and quietly in F formed the ostler there that he was laying for his wlfo who was out strolling with another \ man and that he he had a great big pun for the man. Within a few minutes ho left the stable , and , lo , met a man and woman walk ing up Capitol avonuo. lie at once opened fire and discharged his pistol several times until the woman fell half-swooning against a fence and liar occort find In the darkness , Then the shotiit took the woman's arm and placidly marhcd away with her , " Mayor Boyd , PoHceJudgo [ Stenber ? and tha roembars of the council police committee were engaged t s-day In looking up the matter of locating the city jail , ai the old ono Is pos- lively dangerous. Inspection of the old Illillcko building on Thirteenth street proved ttiat tha pluca was unsatisfactory and in oil probability it would not bo accepted , It would require more money to repair it than thu job would bo worth. The plan now under con sideration is to take the two rooms immedi ately north of the pollca court room In the city hall building and tearing down the par titionbetween them to throw them into on < apartment. These could be divided off tuti cell * , using tbo material In the shape of ban doors , etc , , now iu use in the old jail. Thl change"ccvld eaiily bo made with b'ut littli expense. Judge Stenberg Is anxious tint tin police court shall bo removed to the councl chamber up-etalrj , if thia provision for th * prUoners Is made , and if nrcaisary the presen police court room could ba added to tha other in arranging the im"ed ' hold-over. Military Blatters , Maj. Justus M , Drown , surgeon , hav log reported at the headquarter * herd , 1 cjmpHanco with p r graph R , special 01 dew No. 105 , current series from th hoidquartars of the srmv , la assigned t duty at Fort Oauha , Neb , aa post am geon. geon.Capt , LMI'U BrooVomtn , assistant ou peon , U rcliev'1 from temporary duty i Fort Omaha , Neb. , and la rsilgned ' duty at Fort D , A. Russell , Wyo. , aipo Burgeon. MORE SMALL POX , Tiie SiraDEC Case ReporteUo Mayo Boyfl , Thnrsilay , The Boonrgo Commnnlcntod by FAther to Clillcl Criminal Carelessness. Thursday another case of smallpox was reported to the municipal authori ties , which from attendant circumstances , Is rather moro serious than cases which have developed within the pott few months. Tnoiday night Dr. Paikcr was called in to attend the liltlo two-year-old girl cf William "Nichols , who lives at Twenty sixth and Douglas streets. The caao at first appeared to bo ono of chicken pox , and was BO treated by Dr , Parker. Later on , however , unmistakable signs of smallpox developed , and the case was pronounced to bo gen uine by Dr. Parker1 yesterday afternoon. It appears that there nro connected with the affair circumstances of the grossest negligence.Vhou questioned by the doctor , Nichols , the father , said that ho had como from Shonandoab , Iowa , about two weeks ago , and while there had boon in direct contact with the small pox had even slept with a small pox patiout. Ho had then como to Omaha and had associated with the members of his family , without taking the precaution of having thorn vaccinated. Why ho had Inken this course ho could not explain , but certainly , if the story bo true , his actions are nothing else than criminal. The matter was reported by Dr. Parker to iMoyor Boyd Thursday. To day stops are being taken to have the ontlro family , father , mother , the sick child and a two months old Infant removed to the post house. They will probably bo taken out to-day , If Dr. Pottlt has things In readiness for the re ception of the delegation , and the neces sary vehicle is obtainable. The matter Is in charge of Dr. Brown , who is acting as city physician In the absence of Dr. Lelsonrlng. Dr. Parker ( aid , In conversation with a reporter yesterday , that ho dldnotbellevo that the case wonld spread contagion. The rest oljtho family , none of whom had yet developed smallpox symptoms , had been vaccinated , as had every ono elsa who had oomo in contact with the dis ease. The house has been thoroughly disinfected. Iho little patient will , it is feared , die , an the case has turned out to bo of the serious "confluent" type. POLICE OOZTBT , Six Drunks Disposed Of and Several "Vags" Bent Out of Town Otber Business. Judge Stenberg was not over-occupied yesterday morning with business , a few cases of ordinary importance being called for trial. John Robinson was fined $5 and costs for being too much involved in tangle foot. Ho did not pay. H. M. Petersen wai mulcted a llko turn. Ho , too , bad been intoxicated. Charles Tassell met with a similar fate for a llko offense. James Robinson , a brother of Johntho victim whoso sentence fa recorded above , was arraigned for making a disturb ance. It appears that ho had come come to town Thursday and had devoted hlmeclf to a great spree. Ho went t o the house of his sister and commenced abusing her and the children , drawing a formidable slung-shot which ho dlsp'ayed to thrilling advantage. He was ordered out of the house by his brother-in-law , and falling to co mply with the order , was shortly afterwards arrested. He was fined $10 and costs , which ho managed to pay. James Fox and John Dllly , charged with disturbance of the peace , wo.o dosed with a § 5fino. WllllaraLyon , charged with disturb ance of the peace pleaded not guilty and sustained a continuance of his case. Four vags wore arraigned , and ordered to shake Gate City dust from their feet , Instanter , or Buffer dire penalties of im prisonment. Moso McDonald , a tough negro , was cent up on a ntno days' term , for using insulting language about a police officer. Ho was arrested Thursday as a vag , re leased on trial , and yesterday was engag ed in the risky business of inalignlpg the arresting officer in the presence of Judge Stenborg and Oapt. Sullivan. There are many cheap cosmetics offered for sale , which claim to contain nothing injurious to the skin. This is all bosh All , or very noarlyj nil are compounded from the most deleterious and polsionocs drugs in the matoria medico. They de stroy the vitality of the akin , making the consumer prematurely withered and old , J. A. Pozzoni guarantees his medicated complexion powder entirely free from all Injurious matter. Use none other and you will never regret. Price 50 cents and 81 per box. Sold by all druggists and perfumers. Hnnson Tjlnilburjr , Last Thursday , one of Omaha's young men , Mr. Gus Hanson , Invaded the little town of EISBX , la. , and bore away froir It as his brldo the moit charming younf lady thero. The woddlag ceremony unl led In marriage Mr. Gns Hanson , o : Omaha , and Mies Sophia Llndburc , o ; Eiser. A largo numberof invited ftiondi were present to witness the happy oven and they carried with thorn numereu costly , appropriate and useful presents Among the gifts may bo mentioned i handsome silver tea sot from Mr. Join jlndburg and family , John VMlti , Swai Vuliu and Aug. Kelson. Silver castor f ton Ojcar Fiid and A. Anderson. Set of silver knives and forks , f tor Henry Valln. Beautiful lamp , from A. Vallln. Exquisite tidy Irorn Mlta Klla Join son. son.Broad plate and butter dish froi Hilda and Oscar Swanson. Pickle cistor , J. B , Vcak and Aim Bjoiklond. Bed spread , Charley Allen. Table cloth , Charley Sigbeck. Water pitcher , Mlsi Tillle Johnson. Half dozen niplcini "and two napkl rlnus , Wiilia end Mulllo Qaist , iialf dozn Ublo spconi , Frank Job ) son. son.Hilf dozen teaspoons , A. Carlson Bed Bpraad , vtry handtomo , Go Sllfa. Spoon castor and ono dozen spoons , J. A. and F. W. Anderson. The festivities attending upon the event were of the most enjoyable nature. The groom , Mr. Hanson , Is well known hero , being connected with the clothing homo of A. Polack , and has a great many friends to welcome himself and brldo. May they live long and prosper. Seal of North Carolina Tobtcco la the besUA A MTSTEEIOLTS AFFAIE , The Bonsfttlon 'Which Developed It < elf In Murahftl Gumming' * Mall. Marshal ( Jammings received yesterday a letter , which is reprinted as tolling its own story , ono of interesting and sub stantial points : OMAHA , May 28. Mnralinl Cummin s : Dear SirUnvo been up to your ofllco twice to-day , but could not see you in. As I leave to-day at noon , going west , I with to tell you what I witnessed Tuesday evening. A man by the name of Kelley , an ox-pen itentiary convict ( who embezzled from the 13. tt M. Kallway Co. ) , had In lila possession a little olrl about 11 or 12 years at Fifteenth and Webster streets. Them I first saw them , torn there they walked to Fifteenth nod Cal- fornia streets and took a veil and tied it over the girls ( ace , then turned around and went back to Fifteenth and Webster , then back and forth four or five times when ho mot a man and they both took tha little girl Into the second or third house from the coiner of Webster and Fifteenth. About halt an hour afterwards Kelly ran out of the homo and called back to some ono in the house , "I will pet a doctor , " Then ho ran up Webster to Sixteenth but came back alone and went into the houto ntraln. My opinion Is that thia man Kelly and his companion outraged and killed bis little girl. My first thoughts were to run for the police and have them Investigate , but as I am at present in poor circumstances I feared I would get Into trouble and bo bold as a witness. The only other person who took particular attention of Kelley's action was a lady living on Fifteenth street , between Webster and California. She Is nuito a stout lady and I think she will cor roborate my statements. What 1 have said above is the God's truth , and I could not leave tha city without letting you know. Yours truthfull TH03 , G. The letter was Immediately placed in the hands of Officer Tnrnbull , who went to the lady , whosa name la at present withhold by reqneat , and found that the man Killing worth's abatements are en tirely true , except that the little girl has not boon "murdered" as aha has been eeon since. She la a resident of Council Bluffs. It Is probable that Ilia further investi gation of the matter will develop a rich state of aflairs. A BOATING CLUB ; A. Projected Organization Promising Great Things for Uocal Sport. For some tlmo the question has been agitated among aomo of the athletically Inclined young men of this city of estab lishing a boat clnb hero , and hav- lag connected therewith a four-oar crow , composed of some of the best material available. The project has fast been as suming tangible shape and will , no doubt find realization. Thursday nlqht a mooting of some of the young men Interested In ihe scheme was held in the office o Mr. F. N. Connors , In Crelghton block. About a dozen or fifteen were present and it was decided to at once organize the boat clnb , and immediate steps will bo taken to that end. Tne meeting adjourned to meet next Monday night at which time officers will bo elected , and the futther details of the organization perfected. There.Is , without doubt , plenty of ma terial for such an organization in this and first-class four-oared city , a - - crow could bo "put afloat. " capable of coping with any of the western clubs. For instance , there are such men as Joseph B. Olarkson , form erly of the Yales , 0. K. Cralle , formerly of the famous Cheaapeakea. E. S. Raft , formerly of the well known Ecllpio team , champions of Ohio , F. N. Connors , of the Hlllsdalo , ( Mich ) team , which boat everything in America and Europe , besides Messrs. Moody and Brown of the old Narrapansatt club , which has distinguished ItstH on numer ous occasions , and G. M. Holdredge , for merly of the Harvnrds. From this list It be noted that there is no lack of imme diate available and first-data material for the crew organization. It is balloved that the entire membership of the club will be something llko fifty or sixty. The place tclocted for a course will bo Cat off Lake. This body of valor has been inspected by Mr. Connors who , In such matters , is to bo regarded as an ex pert , and bo has pronounced t first-class for rowing purposes , In fact ono of the finest courses in the west. It is to be hopad that these gentlemen will logo no time In pushing the matter of organization to a successful consumma tion. THE WIOKED WILLIAM Bound Over to the District Court , lor Attempted Arson. The notorious William Bates , who was arrested ono night last week when In the act of Betting a homo on fire , hid hla preliminary trial Thnrcday afternoon be fore Judge Stenberg , and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $500 , Not being able tofir n'nh ' security for that amount , of courfui.iti n retched William must languieh behind the bats , a safe and appropriate p'nco for him. The testimony given revealed conclus ive proof that Bates lad , maliciously and premodllatedly , made np bis mind to bum the building , and it ecoraa also that arrangements were on foot several d ya to consummate the crime. The man wao owned It had deeded the property ovei to his wife , and William's "woman , " who lives next door , took tlmo by the forelock about ono week previously , and had her home , which is next doer to the doomed building , insured. It also op prar-i that BV 05 tried to burn the prop' erly or.co before. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco , 0. A. RINGER'S CLEARING HALE OF MILLINEHV , Comincuch g to-morrow. 500 fine irmmeu Il ls wl Bonnets 50o , 7oo , SU 0. 82 00 , § 3.00 , ? 4 CO B5 00 , § > 7.0J , $8.00 , $10.00-311 Us * tlmi half prise as compared with other houioa 2,000 untrlmmed Hats and Bonnets n 25o. GOc , 7oo , § 1.00. § 1.25 , 81.50. Thes figures ara at loist one-half the prlc charged at other stores. 0. A , HINOKU , 110 N , 15th St , Absolutely Pure. This powder never mies. A minrot ot strength and wholeiomcneM , Moro eoonomlcftlthan the ordinary Vlndi.and cannot bo sold In competi tion with the multitude ot low tott , ehort weight alnm ot phTBDhrto powders. Sold only In cant ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . 108 Wall 8t ; N.Y COWING & GO , JOBBERSIV WROUGHT IRON PIPE , tilllr 1 > U and Cut Inm Load PIpe and Sheet Load , wotiTiiuraroi srnn rtnrs , nllUIllLL AIM UltlTKUELL 1THP9 , numbers'Qas an ! fleam Titters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUpPt-IES , Ulh4DodanSis..OMAHA.NEB. DE , POHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Ana tria. Lace Surgeon to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medic * ! and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Comer IStb Street and Capitol Aveuun. STOPPED BY A THUG , Mr. BetiRon Wnylaycd and Reiiicstctl | to Glvo up Ills Money or Valu ables , About 1 o'chck lixit night Officers Matza and Brady landed a young sonn drol In the city jail , who had tried to waylay and rob Mr. Be neon , the ice man. On the corner of Twelfth and Capital avenue , as Mr. Benson was passIng - Ing along tbs scoundrel approached him need fed nskr a match. Ho sold , ' 'I have no matcb , " ' 'Then glvo mo your cigar to light mine with , " was the next request. This Mr. Benson kindly consented sentod to do. As ho took the cigar bick and started to move away the fellow re quested him to hold on and give up what j money he had. Mr. Benson informed him that ho had no money at ( hat time. ' 'You have something valuable about yon though , " and the ruffian made a mction to strike Mr. Benson , but ho ran , getaway away and went up to Douglas street , whore ho mot the officers and told them of the occurrence. They went back to 8hul < ! s's saloonfound the scoundrel there and arrested him. At the iail ho gave the name cf Wm. McGrlen. Buy C. H. Douglass & Son's Capricorn Cough\Drops for your children ; they are harmless , pleasing to the ( asto and will cure their cclds. D. S. and Trade Mark en every drop. 1 A. Card , To the Editor of the BSE. We , the undersigned , wish to say trough the columns of your respected aper that we believe Charles Pitts to be nnocent of any connection with the rob1 ery of our store ; that the money found y said Mr. Pitts was found at Mr. Wal aco's barn and not at Mr. Pitt's reel- ence , as was erroneously stated In your Issue of the 27th. 27th.FIELD FIELD & FARNSWOUTU. TEST YOUR BATOWUEH TO-DAY ! nrands advertised AS absolutely rnra _ /VTVTT T < - > T rT M THE TEST : > can top down on < x liotetoro until rteattd.tht * the carer and vmell. AchemUt will neb barr quirad to detect the prcvonco ol ammouia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS iixiLTiiriuiua ms NEVER BEIX qiunonn , In a million homei for a quarter of * century U hit itMd tbe coniumon" rcll&ble test , THE TESTJDFJTHE OVEH. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , UiEEKS 0 ? Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , Tbiitronf tit , moil dcllclouiMndoatornl fluor kntjwa.tnil Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems lor Ufibt , Healthy Urond , The Beat Dry Hop Yeait In trio World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - OT. LOUIB. EASIEST I Utit. Illdes u | wilhonen r > easy ion ai two. _ ThO SBjfnjf lengthen and shorten according to tha Nilght thty eirrj. Equally well adapted to . roug country roaa r = d M Jrlrca ol cities. Manufactured and | 04 ! bj HI UadiH ( tUat Guilder * and Otalara. Apollinaris 'THE ' QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS , " "ff has steadily secured increasing popular and professional favour ; as a pure and agreeable Table Water" British Medical Journal , May 31 , 1884. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS , O/all Croftrt , Druffittt , & Sttn.Wat , Dmitri , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , Make No Mistake ! Up-stairs Up-stairs MisfitOlothingParlor 1312 Douglas Street Up-stairs Up-stairs Make Kfo Mistake , CAMELLINE POR THE COMPLEXION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San Francisco ore familiar with the composi tion of the principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that CAM ELINE la harmless and free from all poisonous or injurious substances. L 0 Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D R A McLoin , M D J M McNulty , M D. C B Brlgham , M D J O Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W Hommond.M D A MJLoryea. M D W F AfcNutt.M D 0 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D H L Slmms , M D J C Shorb , M D J H Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D 0 McCuoston.M D J Roaanstirn , MD 0 0 Koenoy , M D J D Whitney M D A M Wilder , M D T Boyson , M D G H Powers , M D C G Kenyon , M D B R Swan , M D I S Tltna , M D L L Door , M D J L Moares , M D J W Koeney.M D T Price , M D GHolland , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adelina Patti. Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the praltos of your CAMELLINE heard from all sides , For sale by . T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class druggists. OmaJttt , Medical &Sur- gical Institute. 13th St. , Oor Capitol Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Dlfuraot ol Koinaks , ot tbo Nervous Sjttcm , Pri vate Dleoaaes ol the Urinary anil Sexual organs and DUeisos ol the Head , Throat and Lungs , Bpcclaltlti , 3EnBT"3E3 W-Tvnr f w * - * m DUeanej treated by an experienced urcolalUt , alao dlreaaoaoltho Hi'artU\or , btomachHidneyg , Dlod- dcr , Neuralgia , K cu'inatliu , 1118 , Canr r , etc , AnJ all ether illseaws of tbo Throat and Lnnefl , treated od by Medicated Vapora Mend for IthaUr or circular on Inhalation. All dltcases ot the Blood. Uiloary and Sexual Or- gam , Frhato DlicaiM and Vilca Cured or no Pay. 15 Yean H capital and Private Practlo * . Consultation and Examination tree 0 > I1 orwrlte forclrculari on chronlodlseuta and deform It'os , Ultci&ea ol FetnalM , Private Dlneaiei ol the Urinary acd Sexual Organg , Semuial Weakness , Her- roui Debility or Exbtuetlco , etc. , eto , and our new restorative treatment. All lettcri and coruultatloni ConfdentUl. Medlelnei tent to all parta ol the country br ex. prcea , tocuielv packed from oDBervatton , II lull de- ttrlptlon ol ouo U plven , One persona ) Interview preferred U convenient. Open at all hours. Patient ) from a distance can obtain rooms and board , AddreM all letter ! to Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 18th St. , Cor. Caplto Ave , Omitu Manhood Restored ItEMLUY t IIEE. Avlctlm of youtliluHmt.rudeaco 1-ieinatura Decay , Nenoui Debilitr. Lout Manhood. „ Ao..uatlnB tried In rain e r Vnown remedy.haidl > cover6la lmplomeanioa lf-cur3 , which 6e will wnrl rilHB toul ellowullfjr - . AdOiew , J.U.iUiUYWiJOUtUiwaW.rfleW i MING. ' 1 4 41 OMAHA The Advantage of Settling in theNewTown The title "South Omaha' 'doesnot mean thosouthern part of the city of Omahn.but istb name of the thriving town commcncln ? nt the Union Stock yards on the Bouth , and extend ing for a mile and r. half north , nearly connecting with the city limits of Omaha. The company have again concluded to put on gala 1,000 lota , and lot the purchasers of tha Fame realize the profit which the enhanced valtio of these loU is sure to make. It now being an assured fact that South Omaha is destined In the near future to bo the largnet live Block market west of Chicago , tbero can bo no doubt that thia property In n few years will be worth five or oven ton timoa the amount that it can bo bought for to day. Borne may aik : If this U BO , why do not the company keep it and realize thu prout The onswer I * , that In order to make lots valuaLIOj there must bo improvement ! onoraur rounding them , and as la tha case in all new towns , special InducecceuU must bo offered first to get the psoplo to take hold and build. , . . _ , There are probably more such inducements oiferod by South Omaha than were over pu forth by any now town. The large business done by the atock yartla company and the im mense slaughter and packing houses together with their auxlloriea ore no amall feature mill segregate of oventa that are destined to make South Omaha a largo place. Again , the town Is not an addition to Omaha , and ia not liaulo for ttty taxes , although U enjoys all the.benefit * from the growth of Omaha that it would if It were Just INSII > K the city limits , but being Juat OOTHIDK , only county taxes are collected , which are merely nominal. Thu town owns and operates ita own water works , which furnish on abundant supply of pure.aprlng water. Uum. my trains will rnn on tha B. & fcL ftad.U. V. railways oyory hour , atopmog at the north ond. of thatown Bite as well as at the stock yard. . The Thirteenth street horse cara will run' > iraucall's park tills aprlog , and to the stock yards at no distant day. luo liigu altitude ° nd ' ' ' 01 who do not believe tint South Omaha will amount to much rae er , . , . faith in the energy , intelligence and reiourses of this great country ! For Information , maps , prices and terms applv at the company's office , 2103. Thirteenth Street , Merchant's National Bank Budding , first floor. . A. VFTONjAsst. See'y and Xftmager.