Good Agents Wanted T > J33DIjlJ Brs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Ftctory , No 80 , Fourth St. , Council Elufls , Iowa. Miscount all Pt'iccs. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Council Bluffs , lena 3 Broadway , SMITH & TOIXEK , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. AGomplete Line of New m. KIEL BALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell In retail cr carload lots All Stock Warranted as Renresenteil Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. . 1'rlcos rea sonable Satlstacticn Guaranteed. SODaX/EJTEIR < Ss BOLE'S" Cor. Glli Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. In Couno Bluffs ha\lng a : HSO.A-FE : : , And all modern Improvements , call bolls , fire alarm bolls , etc. , is the CRESTON HOUSE Nos. 21D , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX M' " Hir , - PROPRIETOR N. 80EURZ , Mi ) ornon oven A.UBRIOAH EXPRESS COUNCIL BLUFFS. TO W A. knit * 01 inirlnx ct blot * . CHBOHIC DISEASES" " " " * ' * Orei tiurty yun pnctlaal txptrlmu 6AM B * ( , Pearl etrcet , OooncU Dlufl * . tr . THOS. OFFICKn. W. II. M. TCSE Officer & Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealora in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Homo Securities. SIMS , COUNCII , BLUF1B.IOWA. Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shujartlnnd I2cuo block. Will practice In Biatcinu tate court * . SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special ft vortlscmcnti , eve as Lo3 Found , To Loan , Fet Salt , To Boat , Wants , UonrJ. In ; , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS TEH LINE for each rcbeeqnont rilon. Leave advertloomentl ai our oSoo , Ho. I'osrl Street , near Eioadwav WAHT8. _ _ SALE Team of largo b'uok liorto , aultablo ! * ) FOIl farm or hoa\y work In city. Ono gear's time on Btlefautory security. Hoiaco Evcio.t , Council ElufTa. Iowa rANTKO-Flret-class cake baker at Smith W LocrclibV , 623 Main street , Council Bluff * . WANTJJD- nnd sUtlonery business In lively iiiwn of five to ton thousand Inhabitants ; or nouldllko to bear of good opening to stilt business In either loxn or Nebraska. Ibce. J. Q'.rlo , Tor- note , Canada. WANTED \ flftt-ila's cock , at the Oicston House , Council Ulutlf. Y OU KENT llonss of 6 rooms , 18 N. CtliSt JD Aptly A. Louie , C25 Broadway , IjUU KENT House , 1 roomi and 1 lulls , corner J ? Haimonvaud Beaten 8t8. Apply 210 Harrison 77011 SiLE AT A UAHGAIN-Ttio dwlrablo rest- Jj donco or bmlnas properly on Upper Broadway - way , bnownss the Powers plaoo , Apply to Quo. 11. llmitu , 82 Main street. TO TitADri-Oood Io a tr Nebraska WANTS land for a small stock of hardware or general merchandise , well located. BWAN & WALKER , TjiOK B&LK Ararechanietogct a One , neil 1m- Jt ? proved farm ot 400 ocies , within a few miles of Council Bluff * , at a bargain. Low price and easy terms. bWAN & WALEHR 17011 SALB A goo < l paying hotel property with l ? livery stable , In one of tbe beat small towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade ( or a email farm with stock etc. SWAN & WALKKB. TOOK WALK Lands Improved aad unimproved. JP It YOU want a farm In weitern Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us bear from you. SWAM a WALBXB. _ , HALB A larite number of business and resl < denoo Iota In all parts of Council Bluffs. Bet us before you buy , SWAM & WALEER. i.Mm ttabb I'artles wishing to buy cheap lots tc 1 } build on can buy on monthly payment * off ion ft to 110. BWA & WAUIB Ij OK MtU i We will rent you a , lot to buUd on 1 ? with tbe prlvllMto to buy U you with on verj liberal term * . BWAN & WALEEB. < ii01l bALE-llouwa , Lots and Land. A , J , J Btepbenton , 603 Klrst avenue. a T aj ' boay in uouncu Ulufls o laki TUEBEE. r d by curler it only Iwinl ) is a week. TJVJS. EICUAKOI Nil. iw , 10.COO acres land tei JD miles south of bldney , heb , , for Ccundl Bluff i property. No. 115. A good steam flouring mill In Cedar Co Iowa , for a stookof general merchandise or hard ware , ratue IS.CCO. No. 169 Hotel property la Tajlo Co. , low * , lo treed ( arm properly , value ft.OOQ. No. IfO. Land la Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , ( o Council Bluffs propel ty. No 101. line Improved farm ( or cheap wosteri land. land.Ho , 191. One of tbo best ( arms In fottawtttaml rounty , Iowa , < 00 acres ( or wild Kaoiai or Nebiask land , No. 169. Hotel In I'ucUlo , Col. , woith JO.CW , ( o Iowa , K ura < , cr Nebraska land In par and Ion time on balince. No. 171. Good ( arm , ( or stock ol goodi or hsri No. \VlldlandslnUooksCo. . , Neb. , tor stoc ct dry coeds. No. IID. House and lot In Clarlnda. Page Co Icwa , for Nebraika or Iowa Uiri ; value I1 , OJ. No. 117. Hotel In ons ot Uaxota't leit town value tO.COO , for stick cf diugs lo ; pan and Uu improved or unlmpioved. No. 178. Bilondld barealns In Klcth Co. , Neb vildlatdtor lands tuwcitera Iowa cr good sloe ofdip tcr hardware. No. 18) . A bail Interest In a flnt-cUei p'ow work well located , ( or lands v < lued tS.KO. No. 18S. iOOicie liopioud ( arui ID CtuCa , lov also one la 1'tli , Alto Co , , of 316 , ( or stock of KOCIJ No. 183. ttore bul.dlcg and stock of genir rccrctandue , la a Iho wittvm town ( or o te and , Improve- unimproved , > alui JU,605. And buodredsot ether special cb nje baral or rartlculati , call anl tee or wrIU to fcWid & MrAlEEB , Council tlufli , It. Narrow K'scapc. * HociiEltriR , .liuio 1. 183Z. "Ten Yotrs RO I as attacked with the most Intense mul deathly palm In mv back and Kidnojs. "Exlonding to the end ot my toes and to my bralnl "Which made mo delirious ! From ngonylll . "It took throe men to hold mo on my bed at timeel "The Doctors tried In vain to rohovo mo , but to uo purpose. Morphine and other opiatosl "Had no effect ! "After two months I was given up to dielll ! "When my wife heard a neighbor tell whit Hop Bitters had done for her , oho at once got and gave mo some. The first dose eased my brain and deemed to go hunting through my Bystom for the pain. The second iloso castd mo so much tint I flciit two hours , something I had not done for two months Before I had used IHo bottles , I was will anil at work as hard any man could , foro\cr three weeks , but I worked too lurdfor my strength , and taklniftt hard cold ; 1 was taken Ith the most acute nnd pain ful rheumatism all through my sjBtem tint ocr -nas "I cillcd the doctors agtln , and ixttcr several wcoky they left mo a cripple on crutchci for life , as thco said. I meU friend and told him my case , and ha said DoiiUittcrs had cured liimind would euro me. I poohcd at him , but ho\\JSbo carncbt I waa induced tousuthcmnioln. In less than four \\ccks I throw aw ay my crutches and w en to work liihtly and kept OH using tbe bitters for fl\o weeks , until I became ns ell as any man liv- ng , and ln\obeen to for six jcirsiincu. It has alee cured ray wifowhohad bean sick for years , nnd haa kept her and my children well and healthy with from two to throa bottles per year. There Is no need to ba sick at all If those blttors-aro used J. J. BEHK Ex-Supervisor. "That poor invalid wlfeSlster. Mother , "Oar donghtcr ! ! ! ! "Oati bo made the picture of health ! "With a few bottloi of Hop Blttorsl "Will you let thorn suffarllll" Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! ! If when you call for Hop Bitters ( see cluster of Hops on the white Intel ) tqo druggist - gist hands out any Btuffcallod 0. I ) . Warner's German Hop Bitters or with other "Hop" name , refuse it and ehun that druggist as you would a viper ; and if ho Imataken your money for the stuff , indict him for the fraud and BUS him for damages for the swindle , and a will ewa-d vou liberally for the cenvhtion" iotl.l. tur.i Dm" > : > . PI"1" . llTir , l tr , > r.l ll mcf lit liitll Kju. . A fwdnpi tapiil il.llda . O.Tef . m-"r dricln. t' II , 1 r inrtlu ( or , > v. . : ; , SOLS y. r. In order to enrich the blood , and thus Impart fresh vigor an enfeebled system etlmulata Higglng digestion with the national lnviorant , llostctter'u Btomaoh Hitters , wblch , by InfuiicK cnerg ) Into theoperatloniofthe stomach , promotes nay , Insmoi thor- ouRb dlge ttlon and asslmllailon , and ronicqnent nutii- tlon. A gala to ap- iwilto , Igor and tlesh , Is Uvarlibly fcijiiVrOMACH found to follow a oiureooftbladetorV' BITTER5 cdlv , popular toolo _ wblch If , moreover , reliable rretun of rra'ar al fever. For Bale y all Druggist * and Dealer * Kenerally , The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. WeaKNervoiisMen Seeking perfect restoration to health , full manhood and aoxunl vigor without Htomnch DruRKlniti should ecndforTrca- tlaeou tbe Jtlunioii llulun. YounR men anJ cthora who uuffjr from iicrvoim and { ihysl- rut ili'lilUtoxhuuttml vitality. i > re- t-iutiire ileclluo. Vurlrocelr , tvc. , are peclally beneQted byconiultlng Ua contents. Diseases of tbo 1'roHlat * ainiid , ICIilnfyH anil lllmliler effectually cured. Kudorted by thouaaods who have been cured. Adopted lu HonplUla and by Physicians in Europe aud America. Scaled Trnatlso free. Addre s UARSTOH REMEDY CO. cr D . H. TKE3EOW , 40 V/oot 14th St. . Now York. 1 htv a posUlrd rcmcdr for IbaaboTe dueuei by 1U io ttiououtiiof c i lol IU worn ktndaodol Ion' tuoiluKtim t u cured. InJMj.ioilrocjUnijfm. ' will 1.04 T 'o BOnlta fllKB ' jluf ittff r r , ( lr iD rc i nd r O. aArcti. _ i ) * . * * KiQv ! COUHCjyillFFS , ADDITIONAL LOOAL. llo l Tlio following arc Iho transfer1 of real estate ns recorded la the office of the registrar , and reported to the BEE by A. J. Stephenson , for Saturday , May 20 , 1885 : Alexander Valllor to Lonls Vallier , nf J ec | 28 , and nw | sw | 27 , 70 , 43 , § 1,000. Frano E. Wrlggs toHerbcrl A. Woodby , lot 4 , block 12 , Uyati'a snbdlv. , $1,500. J. D. Edtnundson to Victor Jennings , lot 20 , original plat , $150. Joeodh Crawford to J. 0. Ilnnt , ncl 25 , 75 , 40. $1,000. James Qulnn to J. P. O&sady , lota 15 and 1C , block 73 , and lots 3 and 4 , block 47 , Riddle's eubdlv , $320. W. n. McCartney to Julia A. Mc Cartney , part e f nwj 7 , 70 , 43 , and n < 4 awl and nw $ soj 12 , 74 , 43 , $1,500. Total nalca , $0,070. Sunset mul Ills CONSTITUENTS , Oh , Sammy , dear Sammy , don't RO ! Wo want you in congress , you know , And onr big royal Gtovcr lias led us to clover , So , Sammy , dear Sammy , don't go ! MR. co.x. Constituent' , dear , don't you know Thnt Grover lias aaid I muit go ? I'd sooner quit jokjng Than do BO provoking A thing aa decline , don't you know ? THE rniSIDKNT. Yog , gentlemen , Sammy must got llin value I very well know ; But the moro that you praito him The moro do you raise him In my estimation , you know. THE BULTAN ( IN THE DISTANCE ) . Come , Sammy , my funny ono , cornel 1'vo got n barrel of ftosh turn ; We'll get "half-seas over" And roll in fresli clover , So , Sammy , my funny ono , como. [ Columbus ( Ohio ) Democrat. 1GIOUS. The Bnptlat anniversaries will be held in Saratoga from the 27th ult , , to June 3. The First Unitarian church society of Min neapolis are preparing to build n $20,000 house of worship. Prussia baa now 17,059,114 adherents of the Evangelical church. 0,220,329 Koman Catho lics and 357,554 Jewa , The 1'reo Will Baptists of southern Michi gan will hold their annual meeting at Browns ville , Cass county , May 22.24. The annual mooting of the Now York Cen tral association of Umvorsaliata will ba hold in Poolville , N. Y , , June 3 and 4. The Now York Advocate claims that the Methodist church has had -10,000 persons added to its membership during the past three months. The thirty-second convention of the general synod of the Lutheran church in the United States commenced at Harrisburg , Pa , , on Wednetday , May 27 , The oldest of the existing religions was es tablished by Zoroaster , in Persia , about 1,200 years B. C. The youngest was "revealed' to Joseph Smith in 1827. Leading citizens of San Francisco presented $10,000 to Archbishop Alemany , who is soon to leave for Rome , and the cUrgy of the dlo- cose gave him a puree of § 0,600. Washington is a remarkably religious city. Statistics show ISO churches , with 49,351 members. Of this total membership , how ever , 21,000 are in the colored churches. The fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Second Presbyterian church , Spring field , 111. , will bo duly celebrated , commenc ing Sunday , May 31 , and continuing every al ternate night through the week. The Itsv. George Moberly , bishop of Salis bury , will resign the bishopric this summer. He is 62 years of age , and is ono of the five clergymen who published between 1857 and 1870 revised versions of the gospel according to at. John , and of the epistles to the Rom ans , to the Galatians , to the Corinth'ani and of St. James. It is estimated that there are 200,000,000 Mohammedans In the world , of whom 0,000- 000 are in Southeastern Europe and 20,000 , - 000 in Asiatic Turkey , 7,600,000 in Persia , 25,000,000 in Arabia and Central Asia , and 00,000,000 in Hindostan. Considerable moro than half of them are in Asia , and the re mainder in Africa , except the 0,000,003 in European Turkey. The specialists who teach that the seventh day Sabbath is as obligatory on Christians as it was on the Jews , have joined hands with a certain class of Adventists , end are showing great activity In some parts of the west. The work they are engaged in , says the Central Christian Advocate of St. Louis , is a most unprofitable one , without n tingle good fea ture. It is a play upon the conscientiousness of persons who , not being fully Informed , are made to believe that unessential things are of almost infinite importance. Statistics wore producad at the church congress , held at Hartford , Conn , , to show the remarkable progress of the Episcopalians in New England and the Middle Statss. The figures are interesting : 1867. 1881. Maine 1,442 2,469 New Hampshire 7iO 2,199 Vermont 1,804 3,518 Massachusetts 7,780 19,911 Rhode Island 31B1 7y88 Connecticut 11,575 21,283 Totals 28,409 67,090 The increase in the Middle States ; lus been larger ; New York 35,326 UC.221 Now Jersey 3781 18,469 Pennsylvania 14,100 ' 12,785 Total * 63,212 167,405 DROPS. The stronger the butter , the weaker the price. The beesy bee's sontr Bo it ever BO bum ble , there's no place like comb. Never Judge by appearances , A $10 dude may have A $2 salary. It cost a man $10 and a sore nose to express , n opinion at Jackson , Michigan , the other lay. He inferred that another man was a Jar and said BO , A man can get gloriously drunk in Japan or twenty cents. This Is why the Japanese who come to America save their money and 'ake it homo with them. "Why Did He Leave Hei ? " is the title of a lory now going the rounds. Perhaps he noticed that the ice cream season is corn ! Eg around again. [ Philadelphia Call , A cow attached to the gubernatorial man- ion at JerTenon City , having been milked or fire years by convicts , now refuses to allow anybody in citizens' drees to approach her , [ St. Louis Republican. An Arcola woman rot a speckled ben on a dried apple pie , and In three weeks the hen hatched fourteen nightmares with the blue ribbon on their tails. [ Newman Indepen dent , An old lady In Indiana fell from a tricycle the other day and broke her jaw. It ii hardly necesiary to say that her son-in-law desired this result when he made her a present of the machine. When a man baa had the free run on circus lemonade and baa been Introduced to the man who feeds the monkeys he feels too etherea- IIzed to tit down and wiite an unromantic re port of the how.-Fall River Herald. It is considered fortunate in tome quarters that Boyd Winchester , the poker playing minister to Switzerland , has been sent tu i country where the mountains ere to high thane no one on come along with any higher variul ) and "raiso him out. " A Burlington boy , who can imitate a cat tc the life , has secured quite a number of boot ) and shoes , besides other bric-a-brac , tht spring , by the exeiciie of bis talents unde people a window * alter dark. He supplies th whole family with footwear , [ Burlingtoi Tree Pre . "There , " said a merchant , picking up wba appeared to bo a marble paper weight iron Ills dock , "Is the only thing I ever stole In mj life. I got that at a hotel when I WM on tnj weddfng tour eighteen years ago. That's i cake of hotel o p , and alter trying for sever yeats to wear it out In my bathroom I hav < l > c n using it as a paper weiRht eleven years. ' Onn of them was just coming out of tht postofllce. The other was going in. Thej stopped , shook hands , smiled , and the firs ! ono observed : "Quito a swell affair , that of Smith's. " "Indeed ! WhatwisltJ" "A boil. " And th n they separated without shaking lands. Wo have talking planes and dumb planoi now , but what the youth ot this country eally yearns for is a self acting piano that will keep right on playing ' 'Sweet Violets" and the "Pizzicati" polka loud enough to be heard out In tha library while the young folks ro sitting on the sola in the parlor talking philosophy and looking over the photograph Ibum , OONNUUlAtilTIES. The postmistress of Napoleon , Mich. , has narried the democrat whom she expected tex x : appointed her successor , John Huber , the nrmloss man of the Phila delphia dime museum , was married on Fri day to Sadlo Borkstoln , a buxom Gorman maiden , "This is my wife ; she is very entertaining , and I am hlphly pleased with her , " is the way a Natlck , Mass , man , just married , In- reduces his wife , according th the Citizen of , hat place , The wedding of Piincoss Beatrice Is to take ilace from Usborno in the parish church of Vhipplnghiun ( Canon Prothero's living ) on Thursday , July 23 , The whole affair is to bo as quiet as possible. By way of compeu- atlng for the comparative absence of state , here is to be a full choral service. , and the nuslc is to bo very elaborate. Mr. Walter , 'arratt , the organist of St. George's chapel nd musical Instructor to the late Duke of Vlbany , and to the Princesses Christian and ieatrice , hag entire charge of this depart ment , and it Is probable that the boys of the heir of St. George's will go down to sing at he wedding , The organ of Whipplngham : hurch hai boon overhauled and strengthened n order that it may prove equal to the de mands that will bo made upon it. The queen will herself give the princess away , and ? rince Henry will be attended by his brother , Prince Alexander of Bulgaria , as "best man. ' SOBANTOS , Penn. , May 25. While a party f young people were enjoying asocial hour ast evening at Durr'd restaurant , In this city. io conversation turned on the subject of matrimony , and Fred Martin , In a joking way , said that bo would marry ono of the ounpr girls present named Miss GalTga if llr. Zlmmerly would marrv another young ady named Miss Shadt. Ximmerly said ho tvaa ready at a moment's notice , and , after a oed deal of laughter , Alderman Roesler was ailed in from an adjoining room to tie the luptiilknot. Up to that time Martin had tad never spoken of marriage to Miss Gaffga , nd when the good-natured justice appeared nd announced that bo was ready to perform tie coremoay then and there , few of those resent regarded the affair as anything nero than a joke ; but Martin assorted that le was in earnest , and declared that if Miss Jaffna would accept him bo was ready to be- ome her husband. His companions heartily pplaudod this sentiment , and the applause was renewed when Miss Gaffga , blushing like Juno rose , took her place by his side and ndicated her willingness to become his bride. That looks like business , " said the alderman , djusting his spectacles , The laughter of the yectatora was hushed and the words were poken that made Mr , Martin and Mies Jaffga husband and wife. Miss GafTga , who s a charming brunnette , was immediately ongratuloted by her friends , the girls of the tarty crowding around and kissing her , wbilo lie men shook Martin warmly by the hand tid aaid how glad they were that ho had won uch a treasure. Then came Mr. Ximmerly's nd Misa Schadt's turn , hut at the last mo- cent the lady declined , and said che wanted ; o ba married by a clergyman. This was omething of a disappointment , but the party nited heartily in celebrating the impromptu uptial of Mr. and Mrs. Martin , and kept up ie festivals until a late hour. Trout are caught In the Truckeo river , ov. , EO easily that anyone with a bit of reeked wire tied to a stick can get a basket- il , The arrival at fresh herring in five days at ie port of Gothenburg , Sweden , amounted to 5,000 cubic feet. It has been the best winter or herring evsr known. Black bass are supposed to bo in a semi- ; orpid condition in winter , but a Gloucester ounty , N. J. , miller caught ono through the co that weighed nearly four pounds. Winter fishing In lake Manitoba is bo oming quilo mi industry , several handred arsons being engaged in it. The fish is sold a the Ice at a cent and a quarter a pound , of iree cents delivered at the railway. In Lord Mansfield's fishing grounds near cone Palace on the Tay , n salmon weighing ighty pounds was recently taken. It wai eturned to its element. The heaviest Tay ah on record weighed seventy pounds. The champion fish story teller is n stage river in Southern Oregon. Ho says his stage wnsupsot in Applogate creek by a rush of ahnon. Ho cut the horses lees ? , and escaped n the backs of the fish , The school was a nile long and crowded the river from bank to rank , In 1872 a thousand marked salmon were urned into the Wceer , but not until recently was the llrst capture reported. Tee fish was akcn near the place where it was put Into the water. It weighed thirty pounds , and its murk" allowed that it was thirteen years old i 1672. Seth Green said recently : "Wo shall this eason deposit In Lake Ontario about one million whitefish. The total distribution for Ilia toason from tha Caledonia Statellatchery will be about 8,000COO jouog fry , which in- lude salmon trout , brook trout , California nountain trout , McOloud river trout , hybrids , nd whitefisb. We shall also distribute sev- ral hundred of the bass family , yelloiv perch , ullhoads , and other vaiieties. ' * A race between a trout and awitersnako was recently witnessed near Oawego , N. V. 'ha fish was in its spawning ground , and cept swimming about in a circle , a little n advance of its pursuer. The snake finally aught the iiih by the tail , but the trout bad ie use of its fins , and kept its body well head of the snake. The snake then backed p toward shore , and with ono final effort rew the fish out oi the water and swal- owed It. The largest salmon of the Beaten was re- eived at Portland , Ore. , a few days ago. It measured four feet three inches in length and wo feet six Inches around the thickest part of be body. A C H D. To all who are luHertng from errors ind Indigestions ot youth , nervous weakness od ecay , lou ol manhood , eta I will send a reape hat will cure you KREE OF CIIAllOE. Tblia gre.t cmedy vta discovered by a mlsslonar to Boutb America. Send self-addressed envelope BBV. Jo xru T. IHUIM Station "D " New York Xlio RUlng Generation , It la tbo opinion of a leading medical ouraal that It In time mothers should enow how torloasly the health of chil dren is Imperiled by the use of prepare- Ions containing morphia and opium , and given for the euro of colde and cooghi , The chemist cf the Brooklyn Board of Health , Otto Grotbo , Ph. D , a giadnate of the University of Kiel , jjerroany , certifies officially that a harm1 ess and yet effective article for each complaints Inn come to his notice. Hi refers to Red Star Cough Cure , whlcl lie found purely vegetable. It Is said that einea be entered the prest dential mansion Mr. Cleveland has neve once been late for breakfast ; and be require ! the tame peculiarity of all the houtehold , A. Needed Caution , There will be imitations of aucceeafa articles , and that most remarkable of al floor coverings , "LINOLEUM , " Is no ex coption. Beyond all controveny the sup ortorlty of tbe American make of thce goods ii proven. The boit English good never reach this msrkot , for tbo blgl quality of the American goods complete ! supersedes them. All carpet dealei keep It. "For economy and comfort , every pring , wo use Hood's Sarsaparllla , writes n Buffalo ( N. Y. ) lady. 100 Doses Ona Dollar. It has recently been ascertained tint tbo jhlneso coal fields occupy an area of 40)ODC square miles. Professional Etiquette. irovonts some doctors from advertising , holr skill , but wo are bound by no snch conventional rules , and think that if wo make a discovery that Is of benefit to our 'ollowa , wo ought to spread the fact to .ho whole Isnd. Therefore wo cause to 30 published throughout the land the act that Dr. R. V. Tierce's Golden Mod- oil Discovery Is the beat known remedy 'or ' consnmptlongcrofnla ( of the lungs , ) md kindred diseases. Send two stamps or Dr. PJerco's complete treatise on con sumption , with unsurpassed means of salt-treatment. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N.Y. _ _ _ _ _ The knights of labor count among their col- oagues once governor , ono United States sen ior , throe congressmen , and 120 members of tate legislatures , Angostura Bitters are the best remedy or removing indigestion and all diseases orlg nating from the digestive organs. Bowarolof ouotorfelts. Ask your grocer or druggist for , ho genuine article , manufactured by lr. ) ; J. G. 13. Siogort & , Sons. YOUNOIHENI KKA THl. Tno VotTAio BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich , , Her to send their celebrated EtKOTno-Vot- AID BELT and other ELKCIBIO APPLIANCES on rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) fflictod with nervous debility , loss of vitality nd manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to lealth , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No sk is Incurred as thirty days trial is allowed , Vrito them at once for Illustrated pamphlet rce , "During'tho cholera visitation in 1851 there were 29,247 deaths from it in New York city. Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Oil of Town Orders , Tpliolstery and Drapery Worlt a Specialty. Onr stock la the nd is being continually replenished by nil the latest and choicest novoltlca. 405 Broadway Council Biufis j. L. DEBEVOISE. in Tide ! V Ho. 507 Broftdvrey Council Bluff * . COUNOIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of Ike arrival and de. arturoof trains by central etandard time , at the oc l depots. Tralna leave transfer depot ten cila- toi earlier and arrive Un minutes later. DBMBT. ARBIVI , eiauoo and soBTrnraamv. 0:25 : A M Matt and Express Ol.'O'r M 2:40 : r u Accommodation 4:10 r u 6:30 : r M Express D.OS A u CniOAQOAHD KOCEIBLASD. 26 A H Mall and Express 8:63 : p 11 : ? 6 A ti Accommodation CI6 : r id 30 r M Expretn 0:00 : A 11 OHI0100 , UILWAUEII AMD BT. rACl. 20A M Ma'l and Express B:60 : p u 26 p u Expresj 0:05 : A u cmcAao , BnauHoros AHD QVTXOT. 60 A M Mall and Express 7:10 P u I | . Accommodation S:00 : ! ; 5 I- Exprcui 8:60A : 11 VJBiSU , BT , LOUIS ABD FAOinO. ? M5 P U Local St. Louis Express Local :80 : p M Tranjfer " " Transfer 8:20 : r M e-.tifi r u Local Chlcigo & Et L Exp Local 8:55 : A u 'UOPM ' Trantfcr " " " " Tranifcr 0:10 : A M KAMA ! CITI , BT. J0 AVD OOOSOU ILUTTi. 0 Oh A u Mall and Express 0:40 : r M 8:15 : r > ( Express 6:26 : A n cooi cm AND rAome. 20 A M Mall for Sioux City 0:60 : r x :80 : r x Expreia for 8t Paul 8:60 : A x UNION rAeiric. 1:00 A x Dinver Express 4:55 r x 1:06 : PX Lincoln Pan O'a & H V 2:35 : p x 7:65 v x Overland Kxpress 8:30 : A x BUWIIT THAWS TO OXAIU. Leave. Council BluBs 0.66 7:65 : 9 : 0 10:80 1:10 : a. m. 1:80 2SO-BBO : : 4:28 : 5:16 CSS 1:15 : p. ra.j Leave Omaha 8:25 : 7Z6 : :60 10 nt5 : a. m. aaM-:00-8oo-4 : : : o:656:6B : : 11:10 : v. a. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITER NO. 2 , la the Higfteat Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 89 keys to learn aa operate. It prints 76 characters Including caps and small letttn. punctuations , firurei , elgnt ant fractions. U sthe simplest and most rapid writing machine made at well u ) ae most durable for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sertvnns & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Sole Agents 0. H. SIIOLES , Council IJlutls Agent ( or Western lows MANDEMAKERS & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No , 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs THE CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO JBU1 ONES' One of he Best and Largest Stocks in the United States To Select From ; NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELUGANT PASSENGER ELEVAT DUFFY-S Pneumonia Consumption , * .PURE TFasttnff'JDiacases WHISKEY , PojINcefjJleMerecl end JVY THIS WHISKEY SHOULD BH FOUND ON THE SIDEBOARD OP EVEBY FAHIWZ IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. DO NOT BE DKCllIVED.-SIany Druggists and Grocers who do not liaro Dnflty'B Pur * Unit Wlilskoy In utoclc , attempt to p-ilm off oncuatomcrsvhlskoyof Uictr own bottling , whldl > clng of on Inferior grodo and adulterated , pays them a larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY/ TAKE NO OTHER SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS AND CROPBRS , ' Send ua your address and wo wlllmall bookcontalnlng valuable Information. Sample Quart DotlJet cnt to any address In the United States ( East of the Rocky Mountains ) , securely packeiHn plain case , Exprctt cliarget prepaid on receipt oC & 1.2S3f or Six Dottles sent for $ O. DUFF Y M ALT.WHISKE . C0.9 Baltimore , Jil.J.i Selling Agents , Omaha , JET. T. ClarJte Drug WHEN SOLICITED TO INSURE IN OTHER COMPANIES , Remember These Important Facts CONCERNING The initial Life Insurance Company , OF NEW YORK. 1. It 8 the OLDEST active TJfo Innuranco Company In thla country. 2. It latlio IAKOEST Llfo Insurance Company by many millions ot dollars In the wotM. S. Its rates of premiums are LOWEU than those ol any other company. * It hag no " tockholdera"toclalm any part ot Us profits. 6. It ofle's no SCUtMES under the tuino of Insurance for { peculation by Epcclil clxssca upon tha mslfoitunes ot each otr cr. 8. Its present a\alUble CASH RESOCRCES exceed tlioso ol any other Life Insunnco Company In tbo orld. orld.It 1ms received In CAeh Inm ill sources , horn February. 1843 , to January , J8PS f270f02,684.0C. H has returned to the pcoplo , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , 1SEG , $210,091,211 .Of. 113 cash Assetson tbo 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than W. J ? . ALLEN , MERRILL & FERGUSON , ' General Agent for Gen. Aztg. for Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa TJtnli. and Minnesota. Office Cor.Farnam and 13th St.Over IstNat'l. Detroit , Michigan. iBank , Omaha , Neb M. F. ROUKEK Special Agent for Iowa , Conned Bluffs , Iowa G , B. GREEN. GEO. BURK ( Will pay customers Draft with BUI of Lading attached , for two-thirds value o'f stock. ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEBCH'TS UNION STOCK YARDS , KEFKllKNOES : / - * \ _ _ _ _ I _ M . U Merchants & Farmer's Bark.DavidCity.Neb. wITlcincl. lM6D Cearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb. /olnmbus State Bank , Columbus , Neb. .tcDonald's . Bank , North Platte , Neb. ) maha National Bank , Omaha , Neb. Norene & Landstrom , Suits to order la Ir.teat styles at cheapest possible prices.No. No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluifa. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Everything served in first clati style and on nhor notice , Ilot and cold lunches always ready. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. Formerly MBS. J. J. GOODE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. W.'P. ' A.YLESWORTH , HOUSE MOVER v AND RAISER. Urick buildlrjca of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Vrtano hcu moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat in the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Mnth Street , Council BluQi N , OKOUKH AND DMLEK AND VEGETABLES Vegetable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants > i speclaltv. Plants will be ready for shipment by Slay 10th. Orders should bo placed early. J.RMcnEIlSON , 2181 Pit rce St , Council Bluffc LIVE STOCK. STOCKKlfS AND FtiEDEItS. Iltlltrl and cows cf all uses furnlihel In any desired oumbc-rs ; ranchmen ehould corresjiond with u Ltfcre puichatlct ; cUewheie. WINDOW & ORAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa ,