NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . 8250,000 BUlirLUa NOV. 1,1884 22,000 omcing : B , W , YATEB , A. E. TOCZALIN , President. Vlco President 'W.V.MonaE , JNO.S.COLLINS , LKWiaS.IUiD K , KUavdenAss't. and Acting Cashier. BANKING OFFICE : The Iron Hank , COB , 12th AND FARNAM STS , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upcn favorable terms and upon accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bonds and County and City securities bought and sold , In its treatment of customers the most lib. oral policy Is pnrsnod consistent with Bafety end sound banking , and wo invite correspond ence or personal Inquiry In connection there with. . FINANCE AHQ CUMMfcRCE. Nsvf YOBK , May 23. Money Easy at 1 per cont. Prlmo mercantile paper , 4@C per cent , Foreign Exchange Dull "at $1.80 } ; do- imand , &I.83. Governments Steady and ipchanged. In stocks prices were somowhas irregular , taking the day as a whole and weak , declines this evening as compared with twenty-four hours ago ranging from 4 to Ic. 1 ° early trading this morning there was a drive made in the market K hich reduced prices email fractions from the opening quotations but which mot in a short time , but sustaining orders. High est prices wcro reached generally beforu noon. In the afternoon the market became dull , with a dropping tendency , but without any decided breaks , which continued until 1 o'clock , when prices again yielded. The decline was chocked shortly before 3 o'clock and the markot'clojed steady on a rally of J to jc from the lowojt quotations of the day. coupons , ! JA ) B - * - * ! - 4&'i Oonpona . 113i Tr n Jn 19 * > I U i Ui vn * * * t * tt * * * t * * * * * > i * * j FaolSo C's ol ' 05 . ISO BTOOKS AND BONDS , Conual pacilio . < . . . . . . . . . 134 Chicago & Alton . , 137 do do pfd . . 150 Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy . 1214 Delaware , Iiackawana & Western . 101 J Donvcr &Rlo Grande . . & Erie . 93 \ % do pfd. . . . . . 19 Illinois Central . 127g I Indianapolis , Bloom , & Western . * i 9 Kansas & Texas . 175 Iiako Shore & Michigan Southern . „ Olg Iionlavlllo & Nashville . . . 32 * Michigan Central . Missouri Pacific. . . . . . Northern Pacific . do do pfd . Northwestern . , . . pfd . New York Central . Oregon Trans-Continental . PaoifioMail . P.D.&E . Pullman Falaca Car Company. Itock Island . 113& 6t , Louis & Son Fronclaco . 18i do do pfd . 324 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan ! . „ . . 07 j do do do pfd. . . . . 101S Bt Paul & Omaha . 19 do do pfd . C9J Texas Pacific . . IX Union Pacific . „ S3 Wabash , 8t Louin & PaciBo . 31 do do do pfd . . Gj Western Union Telegraph . 109 $ U R. &N . „ 7-JJ GENERAIj PKODUOE. cnioAoo. CHIOAOO , 111. , May 19. ! Flour Dull and weak ; prices about unchanged. Wheat Activeat lower prices ; opened about at yesterday's close , sold ell gc , rallied | c , de clined lie below ontside nnd closed 1 Jo under yesterday ; 84)t@85o ) for cash : 81c for May ; 85i@80go for June ; Sljc for July ; 83J@834o for August ; No. 2 red , 9203e. ! Corn Active , weak and lower ; opened stronger after fluctuations , declined Ijje , and closed about Ic under yesterday ; -HJo for cash and May ; il& ( < $41go for Juno and July ; 45c for Angust. August , Kye Dull. Barley Nominal , Timothy Seed Quiet and unchanged , 1'laiseod Quiyt and unchanged. Poik Active ; at limes brisk , weak , easy and declined 30g33c ( on whole range , rallied 2i@5o later and ruled irregular to close ; S10.15@10.20 for cash ; S10.17J@10.20 for May nnd Juno ; S10.274@10.30 for July ! S10.374@10.-10 for August. Lard-Fairly active nnd demand rather urgent ; prices easy , declined 0@10c , and closed steady at reduction ; $0.374@6.-10 for cash May and Juno ; ? G4BaC.454 for July : SG G5@G 57J f or August. Bulfc Meats Shoulders , unchanged ; short clear. e5.C5@5.70 ; short ribs , SD.1U , Whiskey Steady at $1.15. Butter Quiet and easy ; goodl to fine creamery , 13@lGc ; ordlnnry to choice dairy , Cheese Lftsy , but prices nbaut unchanged. Ecrgs Kasyat 12c. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged. _ . . . Keooipts. Bhlp'tn. Flour , bbls 8.000 14,000 Wh8 t , bushels 50,000 25,000 Corn , bushels 239000 238,000 Data , bushels 103.000 103.000 Rye , bushels. . , 4,000 1.000 Bulgy , bushels 11,000 0,000 MILWAUKEE PBODCOB MILWAUKEE , Wls , , May 79. Wheat- Strong : No. 2 Milwaukee , 80c ; June , 801c : July , 87Jo. Corn Lower ; No , 2. 45c. Oats Weak ; No. 3 , 31 Jo. Ryo-SteiidyNo. ; 1. 74o. Uarley Weaker ; No. 2 , 658. Provisions Lower ; mpss pork , cash and -Juno , 810.27 ; July , § 10.37. NEW IOBX rnoDuoi. NBW YOEK , May 29. Wheat Receipts , 232,000 bu ; exports , 8,000 bu ; l@ljo lower , with more doing for export ; ungraded , 85 ® 02c ; No. 2 red , 81,00@1.00J elevator ; Julv cloalng at lOOJc. Corn-Receipts , 150,000 bu ; exports , 139. . 000 bu ; J@1Jo lower ; fair export demand ; ungraded , 4yB3c ; No. 2 , 62i@03io elevator o3o a i f ; July closing at 52c. Uats-Receipts , ll.OOObu ; exports , none 5S ? , tter ; lnlxcd WC8tern , 35Jg40s ( ; white , 4&U4 HC , jaifej Film antl in 'air request ; western , 1'ork Dull ; mess spot , 811.50. t U@17cs renm KANSAS OITT , KANSAS OITT. Mo. , May 29. Whoat- > 78c } June' 7777 > ; Jul > - jui , Jo asked. OaU Nominal ; 3Gio bid , HZ ' ' 7" IOLSDO , ' "w01 ° ' ? laxvr --Wheat-Dull an , weak No. 2. cash ; , May and June 90Jo. n ftnd eiay { N ° * 2 Mny * nd June Oats Quiet ; Ko. 2 cash nnd June , 35c. CINCINNATI , Corn \Ve 1e and lower ; No. 3 mixed , 471 , OMs-DnU and lower ; No. 2 mlxod , WJc. Kyo Dull ; No. 2 Ml , 73@T5c. Barley Nominal. 1'ork T.ow r at $10.75. Lnrd Dall ftt 80.20. Whisky-Steady at 51.13. Ltvtnroot , , , Liverpool , May 29.-Whe t-FUt and In no demand , headers offering freely ; No. 2 red western spring , 7 @ 7s 3d. Corn Dull and In poor demand , JJIVB HTOOK. onioAoo. CHICAGO , 111. , May 29. The Drovers' Jour nal reports ! C ttlo Kowlpts , 5,500 headopened ; B@10o higher ; ruled utronff and closad weaker ; smp- pinit steers , 8I.70@5.75 ; common to good cows. S2.30@4.GO ; bulls , $1.75@4.1C ; stockers and feeders , $3.G ) < a4 80. HORS Receipts , 28,000 ho d ; opened r > @ 10a hinher and closed weak ; rough and mixed , $3.r > 0@3.70l packing and shipping , ? 3 OS ® 3.00 ; light. 83.00 ® 1 00 ; skips , SJ.OOJgS.DO. Sheep Receipt * . 8DOO head ; strong : com * mon to fair ihorn , S2 50@3.CO ; good , 83.50 © 3.55 ; woolcd , 83.50 ® 1.70. BT , LOtna , BT. Lonia , Mo.May29. Cattle Receipts , 1,400 head : shipments , 1-IOQ head ; qnlct and weak ; chipping steers , common to choice. SlCOtgS.GOj exports would bring $5.75 ; good butchorM stoore , 51.50 ® 1.80 ; mixed butchers' stock' S3.2E@-1.25 ; stackers and fcoderi , $3.50 © ( .CO. Shoop-Recelpts , 2.COO head ; Bhlpmonts , 700 hood ; best grades wanted , poor stud dull ; fair to choice clipped , S2.75 ® 1.00. KANSAS CUT LIVE BTOOR , KAHBAS OITT , Mo , May 29. Cattle Re ceipts. 1,000 head ; shipment ) , 025 head ; shipping grades firmer and Co higher ; butchers steady ; exports , $5.20@5.40 ; common to choice shipping $ l.GO@5.18 ; feeders , $4.20 © 4. CO ; cows , $2.80 ® I 00. , Hogs Hocelpts , 0,400 head ; shipments , none ; assorted steady at $3.GO@3.05 ; heavy and mixed 5c higher at$3.4j@3.55. Bhoep Receipts , 71 bead ; no shipment ) ; common to good muttons , $2.00@3.30. OMA.Ua JUttUKEJXS. OFFICE or TUB OMAHA Bsn , 1 Thursday Evening , May 29. f The following prices are charged retailers Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is [ noted at the prices furnished by the olova- m and other local buyers : block Market , Hogs Receipts wore libeial at the Union lock yards ; the market is steady at yeater- lay's prices ; all sold. Common rough mixed lacking , S3 20@3 25 ; good to choice lixod packing , $3.SO@3.35 , Common iugh hogs and skips unsaleable. All inlos of stock in this market nro made per ; wt live weight unless otherwise stated. "oad hogs sell at Ho per pound for weights : 200 pounds and upwards , ana lo for under 100 pounds. Pregnant sows nro docked 40 onnds and stags 80 pounds. Sheep 83.508 3.75 for good sheep. Cattle Butchers' stock , $3.50@4.25 ; dressed eef steers , $1.505.00 for coed lielit averag- ig 1,100 pounds to peed choice heavy averag. ig 1,350 pounds , OrAln Wheat Cash No. 2 , GSa. Barley 45@60c. Rye Cash No. 8 , 52- . Corn No. 9 , SGa. Data No. 2 , SOo. Hlrtoa. Steady : green butchers' 6c ; green oared , i@7fc ; dry flint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@llc : ' imnped hides two-thirds pnco , Tallow 4J@5o. Grease Prime white , 34o. Bhoep Pelts 25c@75. Flonr niiil AIHIstuffa. Winter Wheat Firmjboat quality patent at i3.00@3.SO. Second quality 82.7C@3.00. Spring Wheat Boat quality paten t'at $3.10 , Second quality $2.40@3.00. Bran 70s per owt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 95o@Sl.CO Corn Meal $1.00@1.20 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , GOo per owt ; No ! 2 , COc , Hominy $1,50 per cwt. Shorts 75o per cwt , Orahaiii ? 2.00 per cwt. Hay $18.00@19.00 per ion. General Produce Eggs Stronger , strictly fresh bring 10 © lo. lo.Butter Butter Only the best grass butter taken iy the trade and nothing above 12Jo obtnln- Poultry Old chickens nro steady at $3.00 © .50 per doz , according to quality. Spring ihickens , mostly very small , selling fairly well .t . 83.00(33 50 ; larger sizes in good demand , nd will brine batter prices. Potatoes Receipts very light and demand ; oed at 60@75c , according to quality ; Galifor- la new potatoes Belling at 3@4o per Ib. Onions New southern sell at 66,25 per arrel , and California choice at Co per Ib. Beans In moderate request ; navy , per inshel , $1,50@1,60 ; medium , per bushel , 180140. Grocers' List BooABS-Powdered , 7SJo ; cut loaf , 7io ; gran ulated , 7Joj confectioners' A , 7c ; titandard extra C , OJo ; extra 0 , OJc ; medium yellow , fl 31 dark yellow , 5Jo. OorifKta Ordinary grades , lOo ; fair , 12- oed , 11O120 ; prime , 12@13c ; choice , i6@17c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16Jc ; old { ovornmont .Tava , 20@26c ; Arbuckle'a roast- d , 14Jc ; Moliaughlin's "KTfXX. roasted. 141o mltatton Java. 16S@18Jc. EOPB-Sisal , J inch and larger , 7Jo 9 Inch , c : 4 inch , 81c. BALT IJray loads , per bbl , 125 ; Ashton , n sacks , 8 50 ; i sacks Ashton , 100 ; bbls dairy 60@2 75. Bricw-Pepper , 18o ; spice , 14o ; doves , 20o ssia , loo. BIBOT Standard Com , , 27o , bbls ; Standard o 4 gallon kegs , $1,30. Dur FBOITB No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls 50 ; N 0 sliced , boxes , CJo : evaporated , boxes , c ; blackberries , boxes lljc ; peaches , boxes , 9Jo ; poachea , evaporated , none in the market ) raspberries , FOi. OANDt Mixed , 10@11 ; stick , fl@Uoi twist tick , flo. CiucKEBa Garneau's soda , butter and pic- lie. 4i : crcamB , 7J ; ginger snaps , 74 ; City ode , 6 } . Fisu No , 1 mackerel ( half bbls. , 7 CO : Family J bbls. , 3 60 ; No. 1 kits. 106 ; family kits 60oj No. 1 whitefish. hall bb . ,6 CO ; No. , kits , 860 ; family half bbls. , 300 ; family kits and palls , COo ; No. 1 trout , bait bbls. , 6 25. BTAncn Pearl , 4Jo ; Silver kQloss , 8c ; Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7jc. OANNID GOODS. Oyster ; (8tandard ( ) per case. S 03 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case , a CO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 CO ; California poaro per case , 6 80 ; apricots , per cose , 6 00 ; leaches per cose , 6 SO ; white cherries per case , 6 Id ; plums per case , 4 60 ; whortleber ries per case , S 00 ; oftg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 1M ; greengages , 21bper case , 2WJjpine iplcs , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 60. OASntKB Boxes , 40 Ibs , ItV , 12J.O , 8s. ISJo , boxefB 401bs , 16 or , 6s , 12Jc ; half box , 201bs , , 8s , 12 0 , MATCHES Per caddie , S6cj roundrl.caso 265sqnaro ; , cases , 170 ; Onhkosb , cases grL.20 SoDA-In Ib papers 8 25 per tease ; keg , per b,21c , PIOBLBS Medium in barrels , 5 01) ; do In irJf barrels , S 00 ; small , in barrels , G OJj do in half barrels , S 50 ; Rherkins in barrolt , 7 CO do in half barrels , 4 00. TeAS-Gunpowder , good 45@55c : choice , X7jjo ) ! good Impenal , 4043o : choioa , 60 ® 660 ; Young Hyson , good , 850o ( ; choice , 66 @ 100 : Japan , natural leaf , 76o ; Japan choice , 6076o ( ; Oolonc good , S5@40oi Oolong choice 40ffi55oj Boucbong , good , 8040cj choice , 36 84BO , Rioi Louisiana , prime to choies , 6J@7Jc. WOODINWABK-TWO hoop palls , 186 ; three hoop pailf , 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 60 ; pioneer washboards , 1 76j Donblo Crown , I 90j well- buckets , S 76. Bnjpa Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 316i Kirk's , , & ? Russian 3 ! f'oV1 " "ndard , 3 65 ; Kirk's White , 4 86. POTASH Pennsylvania cant , 4 cans In case 3 35 tUabbitt'a ball , 2 doz. In 'case , 1 00 ; An tuor'ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 60. VIOTQAH New York apple , I6o | Ohioap. pie , loo. Tobacco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c : Charm of th West , COe ; Fountiln , 74o ; Golden Thresd C7cj Favortte , COc ; Buds'COc ; Rocky Moun tain , 50at Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40e. Plug tobacco Climax , 44c per Ib , ; Horse- slice , 463 : Star , 4Gcj Hpsarhoad , 406 ; Our Rope , BOcj Piper Heldslek , 6)c : Punch , 40o. Smoking tobacco O , a. , 22c | Moorscnanm. 80o ; Long Tom SOo. BUekwell's Durham , 10 or.,51o ) 8 oz. . B5c ; I or , 67d 3 ox. , GOo , Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz. , 42o ; 8 or. , 45o ) 4oz. . 48oJoz , , Me , N vy Cllppingi , 2Gc. Killlkinlck oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. Ornai , Dnoua AND CncuiOAta Acid , carbollo , 4 lo odd , tartario , 65oj balsam copaiba , par Ib. C5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ) cnlomoi , per Ib , OOo ; cinchonidla , per or. , $0 60) ) chloro. form , per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , 81 26 ; epeom salts/ per Ib , Sic ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. 25c ; lend acetate , per Ib , 20c ; ol , castor , No. 1 per poL , 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40j ol origanum , BOoj opium , 84 60 : quinine , P. W. , and R. &B. , per oz. , 8100) ) potassium : lodldo , per Ib. . 83 60 ; salicin , nor oz. , 40oj sul hate morphine , per oz. , 83 60) ) fulphur , pd b. 4o ; strychnine , per oz. , 81 80 , Fnlnta Oil * nd Vnrniaho * . OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lloi 1J50 headlight , per gallon , 13o176 ; ° headlight per gallon , 16c ; 160 ° water white , 16cs lln- seed raw. per gallon , 2c ; linseed belled , per Ballon , 65c ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70o ; No. 1 , COc : No. 2 , 60 ; castor XXX. per gal. Ion , 1 60c ; No. 3,140 ; sweet , per gallon , 100 | sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. , per gallon , 65 : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; rammer , 15o > golden machine , No. 1 , per cal- Ion , 86c ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon OOo ; turpentine per gallon. 4Ca ; naptht. , 74c , per gallon , ICc , , Splrlto , COLOORB SrmtTS 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 proof , 120 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1 9 : do , 188 proof , 118. ALCOHOL 188 pooot alcohol 3 80 per wine gallon , WniSKiES-Rodlstillod whiskies , 1000160 ; Fine blended , 1 503 00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 2 00@6 08 : Kentucky"nnd Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 0006 60. BHANDIKS Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domes tic , 150(6.8 ( CO. , . GINS Imported , 450000 ; domestic , 150 © 300. RUMS Imported , 4 60@8 00 : New England , 2 00@4 CO : domestic , 160@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ® 84 00 ; American , per case , 10 CO@1G 00. Dry Palnta Whlto load 88c ; French tie , Co ) Fath whiting , 2ic ; whiting gilders , l c | whiting com'l , lie ) lampblack , Gormnntown , 1465 lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o nntramarino , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; tun bo burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; slonno , burn4ctr slenno , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 25o Paris greoncommon,20c ; chromo green , N. Y 20c ; chromo green , K , , 12o ; vcnnllllon , Eng 76o ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red lOo ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , red , Oookson's 2c ; Venetian , red. American. Igc ; red lead 7jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow low , K. , 12c : ochre rochollo.Sc ; ochre , Frenh 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , 2jc ; lohigb brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown. " ' Prince's mineral , So. VABNIBKES Barrels , per gallons extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach , extra tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70o ; osphaltum , extra , 85o , shellac , 83 60 ; hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. 6Jo ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 60 ; Marseil les green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French zinc ; green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , llo , French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc , In oil osst , 15o ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 'b ' hanj , lOo : raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke trown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , ICc ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Sc ; Tus can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P. * ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M , , O. & P. 0. , 18oj yellow ochre. 9c ; golden ochre , ICoj patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. lee Dry Goodn BEOWN SHEETINGS AtlanUa A , 7jo ; Atlan tic P , 60 ; Atlantic LL , 6Jo ; Brunswick , 74oj Beaver Dam LL,5c ; Lawrence LL , 61c ; Pa cific B , 7 o ; Royal Standard , 6Jo ) Indian Head AV 7c ; Wanchusett A , Go , FINE BEOWN SHMTiNas Argyle , 60 ; Pep- perell R , 6io ; Salisbury R , 60 , BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , 6Jc | Bal" Ion , 7-8 , 5Jc ; Cumberland , 4-4,74o : Davoll DD , 8io ; Fnirmount , 4c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8o ; Glory of the West. Sic ; Golden Gnte.SSo ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; HIU 4-4 , 7\o \ ; Lonsdalo , 7go ; New York Mills , lOJo : Wamsutta , lOJo. DCOES ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz ; , 11 to : Bos ton , 10 or , 10ioBoaton , 9 oz. , 12io ; Fall River DnoKB ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz.llo ) West Point 10 oz. , 12&c | Point Bear , 8 oz. , llo. TIORINOS Amoskeaft. 13o Continental Fancy , 9fo ; Oordls , 13o ; Pearl River , 21c ; York , lajc ; Homleton Awnings , 12i& DINIUS Amoske g , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA lie ; Beaver Creek BB , lOc ; Beaver Creek CO , 9c ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jaffrey D & T , 12 o ; JaHrey XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River , ISc ; Warren - ren AXA ( brown ) , llo ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAUBBICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4o ; Keystone glove finish , Bo. 4 tCoBSET JEANS Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 8c ; Kearsarge , 7ic ; Rockport , 6o. PBINTB Allena , 5jc ; American , 5&oj Arn old's 60 ; Oochoco , 60 ; Harmony , 4&o ; Indigo. 7o ; Indigo 7-8 , Hid Indigo 1-4,14&o ; Steel River , BJo : Charter Oak , -Ijo. PBINTB SniBTmas American , 4c ; Oocheco , 4Jo Gloucester , 4Jo ; Southbr'dge , 4io ; Waver- leys 41cj Rosedole , 4Ja HCHT Hrclwaro Jjlat. Iron , rates , 210 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible , 5o ; cost tools do , 16o20c ; wagon spokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot , 126 ; lolloet sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , inch , 70c ; ruloc , each , 75c ; square nuts per b , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8cj rivets , per b , llo ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2a ; malleable , ! c ) Iron wedges , 601 crowbars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4o ; spring steel , 7a8a ; Burden's horse shoes , 4 30 ; Burden's muleahoes , 6 80 , BABBED Wins In car lots , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 225 ; ateel , 2,65. 2,65.SHOT SHOT Shot , 160 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do quarter kegs , 160 blasting , kegs , 3 85 ; fuse , per 100 feet , COo. LKAD Bar , 1 C5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump , 5 00 ; Whitebreast nnt , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 ; Iowa nut , 6 001 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- det , 11 26all 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on , Dry Lumber. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIMBEns. 12 ft. lilt. 18 ft. IS 20 It. 22 It. 21 ( i Zxt 18.60 IB CO 16 03 17.00 18.00 1000 21,00 2x8 ID 00 15.00 15 03 10 00 17,00 10.50 10 50 2x8 10.00 16.00 160 17.CO 18.CO 10.00 2000 2x10 1500 15.80 15.6) 16.00 17.00 1800 10.00 2x12 1600 16.00 1000 17,00 18.00 20 00 21,00 4xi-8x8. . . . . . . 1060 16.BO 1050 17,50 18.50 10 60 20.60 DOABDS. No. Iboards , 12,14ond 16ft. . . . S1G 7fi No. 2 boards , 12,14 ana 10 ft . 75 No. 3 boards , 12,14 and IG f t 12 70 No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 10 ft. ( shipping dl ) 10 76 FENCING , No. 1 , 0 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . .817 CO No. 1,0 inch , 1C feet , rough 1750 No. 2 , 0 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 SO No. 2. 0 nch , 10 feet , rough. 15 60 No. 1 , 4 nch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 17 60 No. 1,4 Inch , 10 f ee" , rough 17 50 No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 60 No. 2 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 16 60 SIDING , 1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet 822 00 2d Com. . 14 and 10 feet 10 0 ( ' ' ' ' ' Sd Com. , 14 and 16 feet , . , . . , . , 15 0 ( Fence , 14 and 16 feet n a BEADID OKILINO , 1st Com. I inch , Norway 15 50 2dCom , g Inch , Norway H B rtOOBINO. 1st Cora , 6 Inch , white pine $38 OC 2d Com. 0 inch , white . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3d Com. fflnch , whitu pine , 28 OC Sol. Fence 0 Inch , white pine , 20 C 1st and 2d Clear yellow pme , 4-6 inch. 21 6 BHIf LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch 818 CX No 2 , Plain' 10inch. 16 C NO.I , o , a m o Itt. 2d and 3d Clmr , 1 } Inch , , (2s ( $50 00 l tSdnnd3dCIoar.nand2inch , i. 2s 60 00 B Select , 1J. 1 and 2 inch , s. 2s EG 00 1st. 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 3 45 CO A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 40 00 B Select , llnch.s. 2s 30 00 STOCK BOARDS. A 12 Inch , R. Is. 12,14 and 16 feet 45 CO 1312 Inch , s. Is , 12 , 14 and 16feet..41 00 0 12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 36 00 D 12 inch , s. 1 R , 12,14 and IG feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s , 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 ln..s , 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft , 14 75 BATKNS , WELLTUBINO , riOKBTS. O.G , Bata,3lnch 8 ,85 O. G. Bat * , 2J Inch , .75 } inch Bat , s. 1 40 8 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bav 23 00 Pickets ! D. & H. Flat , S' l 00 ; D & H. Square 23 00 BUNDLES AND A1II. 15 Inch , Clear 83 23 A'Standard 2 GO 5inch , Clear. . . . . 1 40 No.l. 120 Lath 2 10 rosia. White Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11 o Whlto Cedar , 51 Inch , halves Ota Whlto Cedar , 8 inches , quarters Ofr White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 12 c LlttE , KTO. 'ulnoy ' white lime ( best ) OOc Cement $1,76 Plaster ( Michigan ) 2,40 'arrod felt , per cwt 1,70 traw board , per cwt 1.50 DENVEK MA1UCET. FLOOB Colorado. 100 Ibs , 2 15 ® 2 20 ; pat- nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 © 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 CD ; ryp , 100 Ibs , 25. 25.QBAIN QBAIN , FEED , Eia Wheat 100 Ibs , 8135 orn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 23oats | , Nebraska mixed , 100 Ibs 1 GO1 Co i Nebraska oats whito. Gftl 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , com , 100 bs , 1 20@126j76 : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 1 50 @ 1 GO ; corn meal , 10U Ibn I 40160. HAT Lowe , nor ton , 10 C012 CO ; baled , ocond bottom , 10 EO11 00 ; baled , upland , 2 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 C0@16 00 ; traw , ton , 0 007 00. BUTTEB Creamery , Snort , Ib. 27@2S : ; creamery , rgood , Ib , 218255 ; Illinois and oira daur , Ib , lfi@2o ! ) ; Ksnenj and No- irasia dairy , Ib , 15@l2c ; common , lb,6@8c ; rattcrino creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; butterlna airy , Ib , IHQlgo. OUEESK Full cream , Ib , 13@lBc ; half ream , Ib , lO'.cllc ) skim , Ib , 9c ; Swiss , Im- lorted , 82o ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , S0@22 ; Llm- inrger , 20o. Eoos State , fresh candled , "doz , MlCo ; resh ranch , doz , 15@lGc. POCLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5 50(2 ( G 00 ; rossed chickens , Ib , 1516c ; dressed turkeys , b. , 20@22c. POTATOES 100 Ibi. 1 6E@1 ! )3 ) ; Salt Lake , 00 Ibs , 2 00 ; now California , 100 Ibs , 25& 00. 00.VEGETABLESOnloni VEGETABLES-Onloni , 100 Ibs , 400@I25 ; turnips , 100 Iba , 1 75 ; cabbage , now Califor- in , 100 Ibr , 3 C03 iC ; lettuce , doz , 50c ; addlshes , doz , 40c ; yonng onions , doz , 20c ; oraloy. doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster ) lant , doz , fOc ; spinach , doz , 80 ; asparagus , j. 40c. cnlllloBcr , Ib , ISc ; cucumbers , doz , 50@1 75. GBEENFBDITS Applis , bbl , 850 ; Messina omens , extra , < box , 5 00@6 00 ; cranberries , ) bl , 12 00 ; Messina c ranges , box , 5 7o@GOO ; lulifomla osanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; banana ? , ranch , 2 00100 ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@ 50 ; Strawbsrrles , California , 15c qt , 300/j 25 box ; strawboriies , eastern , crate , 3 5u © 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25. ODBKD MEATS fiams , sugar oared'lo , 101 0c ; baoon , breakfast , Ib , lOj'ail&o ; salt Ides. Ib , 71@7Jo ; lard in palli , 02flc ; lard n tierces , 80. TTBJSH MEATS Dressed beef. Colorado , per 00 Us. 7003725 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs , 25 © G 75 ; mutton , 100 Ibs , 6 10@6 60. LIVE STOCK Boot grass cattle. 100 Ibr , 4 00 @ 4 50 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50@4 75 ; cheep , 100 bs , sheared , 2 75@3 50. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lli13c ; To. 2. Ib , 9@10o ; preen steers and COWB , > , 4@5o ; green calf , Ib , G@8c ; proon'.klp , ) , 56o ; branded calf , Ib. Co : shearlings , Ib , OglCci Bheop skins , dry , Ib , 5gC : ; deer skins b , 1210 : ; untelopo skins , lo. 1215 ; elk kins , Ib , 9@10c ; tallow Ib , 4@4Jo WOOL Colorado choice , per Ib. 1416ci Davy , 12@lScJ ; New Mexican , average , 7 @ 10o. FIBH Mackerel , No. 1. 140 , kit , 116 © 35 : me n. 1602 00 ; California salmon , air bbl , 9 50r Holland honinjr , keg , 126 ; resh lake trout , bbl , 15@lGc , FRED W. GRAY , ( SDCX3KSSOB TO ) FOSTER & GRAY , LUMBER VHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. lear Cieek Lime , Louisville Cement ? ottland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Eto. Etc. Cor. GtJi & Jbouglas HAMEUEG4MEEICAN PACKET COMPANY. Oirocfc Line for England , France and Germany. The steamships ot this well known line are bnllt I Iron , In wntor-tlght compartments , and are Inr- libed with every requisite to make the passage nth safe and agreeable. They carry tbo United tites and European malls , and Ioav New York Tausdaysand Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON Ct > trbougt ( > ARIS and IIAMDUKQ. Rates , First Cabin , $30-8100. Steerage , to or rom Hamburg , 810. 0.1) ) . UiGHAKD & CO.den ralPass. Agents , 61 Broadway , New Vork and ViBhlnjrton ml La Belle streets , Chicago , or Hcnrv undt , Mark Hauscn , F , E. iloores , Harry Deuel In Omaha ; Oronewlg&Schocnegon , la Council UIuOs PltOBATE NOTICE. a lha nutter c ! the estate cf Qoorgo K. Hubbard , Deceased. Notice Is hereby given , that Ui i creditors cl salj dcccieoJ , will meet the Administratrix o | said Es- itc , befcromo , County Jud0 ol DougUs County , Nebraska , at the County Court room , In eald County n the 'JOtti Jay ol July 1885 , on the 20h day of Hop- ember , 1S85 , and on the 20U day ot November , 835 , at 10 o'clctk a. in. ojch day , lor the purpose o ( proientlng their claims lor oxamliutlon , adjuitment , nd allowance. Six months are allowtd lor siedlton ( i preront their claims , nnj one year lor the Admin- stratilv toicttle eald estate.lrom the 20th rfayol May B85 Thla not lea will be puill-bcd In the Omaha Dally nee lot lour weeks , pilor ta the 20th day otJuly 18 = S. J. II. ilcCi'LLOcil , County Judge , Attorney , mJO-l-safi PKOBA.TE NOTICE. n the matter ol the citato ol John Mlnlkus , De ceased , Notice Is hereby given that the creditors d s ! d decotaed , will meet the Administratrix ol said Ks- atf , belurome , Omnty Judge ol Douglas County , Nebraska , at the Courty Court room. In salil County , on the ISth day ol July 1885 , on the lath U y ol September 1816 , and on the IStb dtycl November IB8t , at 10 c'clotk a. m. ach day , lor the pnrpf se ct prmentlng their claims lor examination , adjustratir and allowance. Six moot I s are allowed lor creditor * , o proient tbelr chlmi , and one } oar lor the Adtnlo- itratrlx torettlesildEitite.lrom the 18th day ot llaj 1855 , tb's rotlce will be published in the Omaha Dilly Bee lor lour wetls ut nel > ely , pilor to the )8th day ol July 1685. J , H , UcDptuicuCounty Judge. m--J ! I-8-1D THE AMKUIOAN DISTKIOI Office , 1304 Douglas St. Leave orders , call by district box or telephone ; n charge lor messengers to order ourlage or tiantlo baggage. Telephone No. 1J7. J , DO.-&KLLT. Jr. lktlif ( Baggate checked to and Irom the depot to an part ol the city. uru.sKd foi lunerala o ehoit notice ; Offlco open dav and olght ; CHICAGO AND BBb KM MB * N WESTERN "w RAILWAY. THK BEST ROUTK AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago , Th on y to take for DCS llolnwi. Jttrsh&ll- oirn , Cod r Hiplds , Clinton , Bltlo , Chlo&KO , Mil r ukp and all points cast. To the people ot No. mika , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , N vd rcgon , Wftehlngton nnd Ctilfotnl * It odors superior BdmntaKCS not posslblo by any other line , Amen ; a low of the numerous points ot tnperlot- y enjoiod by the patrons ol this road between man * Mid ChloiKO , art Its two trains > il y ol DAT JOACflKa which are thoflncet th&t human alt and nffonulty can croUo ; Its PALACE SLKEriNQ CARS which ro models ol comlort and elcgnnoc ; Its PAR LOR DUAW1NQ ROOM OARS , unsuipMtcd by any nd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DININO OARS 10 cquil ol which cannot be ( ourd elsewhere. At Council Dtnas the trains ol the Union Fiolflo Ry. conned In Union Depot with those ol the Chic * ro & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ol thlt ne maV , close connection with thoeo ot all eastern DCS , For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati. larara Falls. DulUlo , flltsbur ; , Toronto , Uontrcal toalcn , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash- nicton and all points In the East , ask the ticket agent lor tickets via the "NOaTJI-WESTERN,1 I von wtsn the b st accommodations. All lloket gents sell tickets via this line. i. nuoniiT. n. s HAIR , Q eneral Manager. Oct. Piss. Agent CHICAGO W. N. DABCOOK , Oon 1412 FarnamSt , Omaha , hob. if ate & St. Paul THFJ SHORT LIN And BEST ROUTE. IR01I 01IMIA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETIVEEN 01IAHAAND Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwaukee , t , Paul , Cedar Itaplus , Davenport , llnton , Dubuque , Rockford , lock Island , Kreeport Janesvillo , Slgln , Madison , La Crosse , ololt. Winonn , And all other Important points East , North east and Southeast. Ticket offloo at 1401 Fornam street ( In Faxton no el ) , and at Union fuclflo Depot. rullman Sleepers and tbo Finest Dining Cars In 10 World are run on tnematn lines ol the CIUCAOO PAUL Il'r and e\ cry attention Is paid to passengers bycouitoous cmrloyci ot the company. S. S. MClUULL , A. V. U. OAKP NTEB , General Manager , Gcn'l Pa aonecr Acent. R. MILLER , OEO. F. HEAFFORD. Ass't Gen'l Manager. Aea't Oen'l Pass Agent J. T. CLARK , Gen'l Sucorlntendenb Hallway Time Taftlo. In Effect April 6th , 1885. The attention ol the travelling public Is called to be ( act that this Is the only complete and absolutely orrect tlmo-UbIo published In the city , All trains arrito at and depart from Omaha by entral Standard Time. Trains ot the a St. P. U. ft 0. trrlvt at and do art frem their depot , corner ol Uth and Webstei .nets . ; trains 01 the B. 4 II. , 0. B. & Q. , and K , 0 t. J. & O. B. from the B. ft If. depot ; all others Irom the UnionTtdflo depot a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; e , except Sunday ) d , xcepl Monday. DEPART.WESTWARD DEPART. AIUUVE. A. K. r. M. Union Pacific. i. M. r. K. BIO * Paclflo Eipreos 760o " ' Tsia . . Denver Express. . . "i'ioi O.A , Rop. Valloy. ISOa . . Hall ana Kxpress _ IlOa B.AM. In Nsb. 810a . . . Uall and Express. . . 8 Eta * * 8 OOa . . . . Night Express. _ 10 Ha BOUTUWAUD. Missouri Pacific 0 Uo . . . . . .Day Exp reel. fl 101 SJJa . . . .NUhtExpress B lea K.CSt.J..G. B. 0 10 * r.iib . . . . Tla FUttsmoutn. . . . . 7 OOd 7 t 8 60a 7 COb _ .Vu > Council BIuOs' . . . 7 COd 7851 Wabash Route. 7 COb . . . Oh lea goKxprees. . . . 045J I OOa . . . .B t.Louli Expreis 3 Ma BASTWAKD. C. M. & 8t-Paul. 8 He Express , 7 SIC i SOb . Night Express. . ! . . BfEd O. R.-l. A Pacific. 8 He .Day Express. aSOb Night Express BiEd . Accommodation _ . C , A N-W. a HO . . .Hay Express 7 tit JOb _ .Night Exprees BaM o. B. & 6. 0 Ida C 85 for Chicago via Platsm'th B ! 0a T IEa Blia a S0 For Chicago TU 0. Binds r BS. NORTHWARD. C. St. P. IVl. & O. BBOc . .Bloax City Express. . . 5 tOC S 600 Oakland Accommodation 10 t < Jo Iowa Dlv. S-C.&P. e&oa . .St. Paul Day Express. . Fill OC6i .St. Paul Night Expreaa. OMAHA BRIDGE TKA1ND Dummw Trains I-oavo Omaha at B ,7 60 60 , 10 00,11 ID a mlS60 , 2 00 , 8 00.100 , 165 , G CO 110pm. OnSondaysthe 7 CO and 10 00 a m and 00 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans- oi depot 18 minutes latert Broadway depot SO mln. tea later , Leave Conncll Blnffa ( Broadway depot ) at 715 , BO , 10 80,11 id a m ; 1 80 , S SO , 8 SO. 423,625. and 1115 p m. On Bundays the 0 0 and 11 40 km nd 8 20 and 6 25 p m trains will not run. Arrive at 'raniter 7 minutes later , Omaha io minutes liter. Transfer-Trains Leave Omaha at B is , an m , 12 S5 , i 20,4 IB and 7 00p m , dally. Arrive at 9 U and 11II a m , 1 20 , § CO , 7 It and IB p. m. _ SUNDAY TRAINS To and horn Chicago via the Tripartite Alltanoe tines. SUNDAY MOBJIIXO. | B1ICBD4T MV1. I Mil. | K.I. I N.W I N.W I U.I I Ml 'ebruary. . | IE 1-82 8 | U 7-28 14 March . . . . I 8-79 IE 1-221 14 21 7-28 April I IB 5-JO IS I 4-25 11 18 Hay 110-81 17 8-24 I . IB 1-28 B-80 Unuday ereutngand Monday moroing trains arrlv 3 ooncepondlnE order. 0. B. It Q. trains rua eve ay. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Union PaclOo depot at 0 40 a m and 0 15 m. Arrive Irom Stock Yards at 7 25 a in and fl 25 p m. Seventeen years Experience- , DR.G.W.PANGLE .ieider of Diseases cl Men airl Women. Electric. Magnolia anil Horballit I'hyuHan Now located at 1210 Dauu-lis 8t Omaba , Neb. , up ttalre. A correct dlainogls given without any eiplanatloi from the pat leu I. Consultallon Ireo at oQioe. / Treat the Following Diseases , Catarrh ol the Head. Diseases ol the Eye and Ear. Heart Dlseaie. Lner CoicpltUt , KUney Com- plamt , NertousDebllltv , ilental Deprosatcn , LOSIC Manhood , DUbelo , Ilrlgbt'e Dlstaie , Bt Vltuu Dance , Itbeumat'sm , IVraljdr , Whlto Bwclllcg Scrofula , fe\ei Bores. Cancers and Tumors remove od without the knlle , or the drawing ol drop c blood. Woman , with her do Icato organ * , RettoreJ to Health , Dropsy Cured W thout Tapplri ; . Bpccll Attention Given to Private and Voneieal Diseases o > 11 Kinds , Taru Worms llomctetl In two cr thrt tours or No Pay , Uemmorrbolds or 1'Ues Cured o NO Chuses Made , These who ure amlrted will tare live ani liun c'reda ol dollars by ealllog on or uvloe Dlt. 0. W. PANOLE'3 HerUl Medlctnes. S eXi Af TorUa ruicrlptlOQ of a aotud p d lUl ( oowre * tied. ) DrugclitiuaAIIU. Adjrei. DR. WARD 4 CO. , CHAfcJ. FURNITURE 1 UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , PMionger Elevator to All floon. 1200 , 1203 nnd 1310 rntnam SUoot OMAHA , NEBRASKA MAX MEYER & GO. , ( ESTABLISHED 1805. ) Onlylmporters'iu Omaha ot SMOKERS' ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions FIREWORKS , FLAGS , Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , 'ROLLER SKATES. SE3SI3D 3LISTS- Meyer Co. , OmtiJitt , A Full Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Poplar. Redwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stair Builders' Material , Rod Cedar Posts , Common Oak Dimension and Bridge Timbers , Cedar Boards for moth proof closets.Etc , Veneers , Fancy Woods for Scroll SawingEtaEto. S.'W.Cor.Otli ' and Douglas. - - Omaha. Nob. 'IfRY ' X. CLARKE , Presl. and Treat. A C , ARKBVice Presiden JOlItf T. CLARKE , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG- COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIGMTON & CLARKE , ' AROE3T Jobbing Drug house between Chicago and San Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , $200.000. We - / shall be at the bottom of the mirket atoll times. Will duplicate Chicago and St. Louis prices with eight added. Our specialty will be FiireJfrruys , Paints , Oils and Window Ctta&v Esl ( mates given on platoglasa. To these about to embark la the drug business will do well touii our Interest by calling on us or send for our prloe list which will appear bout January 6th , Mill orde olloltod 114 H .ftVKy HPIteKT. I DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and FERE AND BUBGLAB PBOOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , ETC. XOSBO V k SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. J WE OALL TOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake It ia'l ho best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la oqna.1 to breo ponids of 9 orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qtlko In the Fall and Winter nstoad of nnln down , will increase In weight and bo In good marketable aendl- lon In the Dairymen , as well BS others , who use It , can testify to Its mer- : B. Try It and d o f or yourselves. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge for sacks , Address _ WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS. Omaha. Nob. THE < L. L. STRANG COMPANY ? Double and Single Acting Power and Hana 'Eoglno Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belling , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings at wholesale or retail. HALLADAT W1ND-MILLS , OHUROH AND SOHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. C. 'P. GOODMAN. AND DEALER IN IV OMAHA , NEB. M , HELLMAH & CO , , Wholesa ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TE , A. TDU.OOK , Eng , & Supt. o. r. N , BADLKII , Asst. Eng. H , w. DIAMOND , Asst. Secy MISSOURI VALLEY BBID&E AND ] RON WORKS OFFICE AXD WORKS LEAVKNWOnTir , KANSAS , ol WroDglit Iron , Sletl , Howe TriiiiaiiJOoiabluatlon BRIDGES For Railroads and Hlghwaya Turn Table ] , Draw Spans , Iloo Tiuuet , I'lcrs anuHuo- tatructurus , & lull I'JIOPUIETOUS , \ , iloLouth , Aycnt ill. A. W1M , " Pleaje send us notice ot all bridge work to let , Correspondence soUdt&J liom englaven nnd bridg