THE DAILY BEE SATURDAY , MAY 30 , 1885. AlQUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron 'Bitters ANSWERED. thlnn ! " NVell , It rte n't. Hut It dn cnmanydlwiwj f Jnlch a m'rra table phy-lcKn wmil.l P ci1bol rhr lcl n recoirnlin Iron the \ > mt rratoriitlvo ( inert known to tlin profnuslon , and Inquiry of ny ImdlnR chflmlenJ llrmwIllnubrtiinlUto tlmaMnrtlon that there are more t tt > p r tlon of jrnn thin of any other unbuUnoiuswl Inmodlclno lhl hnvr con- elntlvely that Iron t" ackn < ra1odir ( > d to IH > the mnst ImporUnt fActor In ccc flfnl medical tiractlco. It Is , howevnr. n rrnnirkul , 'o fiict. tbnt prior to the dlpoov * SSS Ilifim'N'M rt ' . 1 K ( > lin'TIIHHnopyrfect. Ij gattsfactory iron ct mblnitlon bad over been found , BROWN'S ' IRON BinERStosasSK headache , or prodaco eon tlp tlon nil otlirrlron mcdlclnrKilo.HUOWVHIKONIIITTIiltH riirnnIndlKCRtlnnIJIliouHiic-n , WrnUnr- , Dynprpxliu .llnlnrln , ChllN nnd FOTITN , TlredFcrllnR.Ucncrnl Ilcbtlltytl'nln Inlho Sldc nnrkcrIImliiIIcniliielioandNrurnl- dn-for all thoeo ailment * Iron h proscribed dalb/ . BROWN'SIRONBinERS.noTc . a mlnnlo Pko all nlhcr thoronKh mMlclnM , It act" wowlr. When Ukon by m i the first urmptnm of Innollt 1 Knowod onorCT. The mtmclei then bocnraa flrmor , the dt piitlon Improvtn. tha IKIWPII uro active. In v omen the effect l usually mnro rapid and marked. The oypB lx > ( ( in at oncn to brlshton : the nkln clwirs npt healthy color eomoH tfittio chocks t nervousnoKi lusappnarat functional ilfranKnmontn Itecome r eu * lar , and If a nnntlng motfapr. abundant Bustpnanco In nnppllad f or thn rhilil. Ilemi > mb r Urown'B Iron lllttoni lathe ONf < V Inm modlclno that Li not In * jarioai.'Ayifefan * nn I Jtntgyi * ! * reramtnend It. The Genuine has Trade Mark and eroded rot ] llnca on wrapper. TAKK NCI OTIlliU. I .11 tt&3ttf { ! A MA ' 8ROAQ CLA Ift to ! w * jEJST 'BUST OWSBATING , Sure Curt * * . SVL . , , , . , , iiimr n pogltcntu i i . i i . . . . lJHnl.llkhcdJ5Sl.v.1/ | % „ „ „ undertaken. tS ? 8ooil tno clnmpj for Cplehrated Medical Works Addro-R. Jf. J > . m VItIUJ , AI. I ) . . ISO outh Clark Street. CuiCAno , ILL. IB CONDUCTED IIY Royal Havana Lottery ! ( A. QOVERNirEHT LNST1TCT10H.I Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rata. Subject to no nunlnaUUon , oat controlled by the H'tlefln Intorogt. It la tbo ttlregt thine In tie ttaieof cbuicoln exlctenoa. lor tickets apply to STIIPSEY & CO. , 121Z Eroid ayN. T. City ; SOLINQKU & CO. , 103South Unfit BL Louis , Mo , or II. OTTEN3 ft CO , 019 Main St. Kanmm flUv. Wa. Wa.PINKEYE. PINKEYE. Romarknblo euro of a Horse In the ( all of 1883 I hai a mlmblo horeo taken with the pinkeye , resulting In blood po'son. After nlno montha ol doctoring with all the remedies to bo found In lioreo books , 1 despaired of a cure. His right bind leg was as largo us a man'u body , and bad OD It over forty running cores Ho was a most piti able looking object At Utt I thought of Swift's Sdociflc , an commenced to ese It I used fifteen bottles. In Auffnst Install symptoms of tbo disease dlesppoarcd There hmo been no algna of a return and the horse has done a mulu's work on my farm over plncc. JAB L. I'LHIIINO , Auguita , Oa. January 0,1885. Swift's Specific U entirely vegetable. Trcatlso on mocdnnJHMn Diseases mailed free. The Swift SpeclflcJCo. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. or . Y. Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jn Will stand for etock at Omaha Fair grounds tha season of 1RS5. Hoia 18j hanJa b l h , weight 1285 Iba , hia tire JACK SIUUTAIID li full brother In blood to DIHTBB. 2:17 : } , also to UicrATOittha slro of JAT.KTE-SKI 2:10 : , FALLAS , 2:18 : } and DIUECTOB 5:17. : Call at the yalr grounds and BCO him and K t his poolgreo In full , terms 325 for the ecason. A. THOMSON. All Sorts of ' * s hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment , ASTHMA CURE Thla Invaluable tpeo'flo readily and perminentlv cur 08 all klndi of Asthma. The most obstinate and lonir ( landing caaeatleld promptly to Ita wonderful cutinir propertied. It la keown throughout tbo world for Its. unrivaled efficacy , J. L. CAUWELL. cltytlncoln , Neb ; write * , Jan IP , 1B3L a nee uilng Dr. Hifr'n Aatbmt cure , for more than one year , my wife haa been cntlttly well , and not eveo a ajmptem of the dlicuebatapptared. WIUI&U BENNETT , Rlchland , Iowa , writci Nov. Sd. 1883. I hate been afflicted with llay Fever and Aithmi elnco 1859. I followed your dlrectlona and am bapny to uy that I never slept bttter In my Ufa. I am glad that 1 am amonc the many who can ipeak 10 favorably of jour remedies , A Taluible U page triatlio containing ilmllaiproof from every State In the U , 8 , Canada nod Great Uiltalnj will be mailed upon application. Any druighi not huln ? It In stock will procured , to order , Aak for Dr. Ilalr a Aithma Cure. DB. U. W UAIU & BON. Proo's Cln'tl. 0. EUROPE. COOK'S KXCUlUlOtf PANTIES tM from Now Voik la April , Uty , June nd July by tltitcliM lten hlpi. Hl'KOIAL TOURIST TICKETS for INDIVIDUAL TKAYELKltS t roduood rite ) , by tbo boot routes tot i > I iuT tr L COOK'd KXQUUSintflST , with nupl , ccutila full p&rtloalAn ; by mill ( or 10 oenti -n > a4ntc kflnu i F. d tr S T PATTI AT HOME IN WALES. How the Fair Singer Manages to Pass Her Time at CraiH-Nos , Her Drive in a T-Oart--Tho Castle's ' Appoiutinonts A Pretty Mountain Nest , An Account of Her Arrival of Grout Interest to Her Many American K/lentls and. Admirers , Not many day a have pasted tinea Pott won in America. She _ is DOW nt hot homo la Wales , the oubjoined description of which by a correspondent of the Philadelphia Proas Is of Interest : The diva who recently sot I'hlladolphla nn faror la now the chaimlnq hostots o the Castle of Cralg-yNos. Oa her nr rival at Liverpool Mmo. Pattl takes four- wheelers to n Bpccial train , which , head ing southward , Is soon Trhiillng througl the loveliest poislblo country. ACtsr n quick transatlantic passage the prlma donna cannot put up with the rcgula "Welch train , the pace of that conroyanc being , It seems , a sort of market golrjj jog , with halts made whenever tto en gtnccr or guard wnnle to ohat with som of hia numerous relatives along the road About 4 o'clock In the afternoon , Gra ; Station being near , where wovcro t leave the train , a roar and n crash wor hoard away to our right. "That's th Krnpp , " explained Mmo. Pattl , and sh wont on to tell us that the head kcopc always fired It In salute whenever eh returned homo. At Cray , which is bu a mile or so from the castle , wo found dozen or BO carriages of every doaciip lion , from a dcg-cart to a landau , i waiting , and a crowd of people , wh cheered like a republican rally. I hav not had niuch experience In regal recop tlons , but I am euro a queen could no have boon more heartily welcomed tha Pattl was by those whom she affectionately atoly calls "her people. " There wor arches of ilowora across the road , rnor arches at tbo castle gates , flags fljlng flowers filling the air , gans booming , am people shouting , until wo began to ap predate the fact that Patti was la diva a her homo as well as on the stage. A soon as Patti's carriage turned into th driveway the band struck up "Home Sweet Homo , " The tears came int Patti'a eyoa then , and I remembered ho farewell singing of that song In America Footmen in livery were stationed ot the porch and assisted madamc as I fine she Is always called here and her fiv guests to alight. There was a market absence of ceremony and every ono wa made to fool at homo at onco.Vooc fires burned in the great open fireplaces and there were maid and men servants 1 every room while the unpacking wa going on. At dinner , over which Pat presided with wonderful grace and tac there wcro fire works and music by a bam from Swansea , the festivities contlmiln until midnight. At 9 o'clock the nex morning breakfast was served in the con scrvatory. Madame looked as fresh am happy as a child. No sooner was break fast begun than the footman brought i the letterbag and gave It to rnadamo , wh unlocked it and distributed the mat No excuse Is needed for reading letter here sensible fathlon ! and so for while every ono was busy. Every ono too , whatever ho or she thought woulc bo interesting to the others , so that I was more like a family party than any thing eho. The morning was chiefly devoted voted to correspondence and louogin around. After lunch the ladle ; changed their wrappers for warme dresses and the gentlemen donucc coats , hats and gloves , while the horse were being brought around for all to tak a drlvo. Patti started off in her high ' cart , driving und handling the licci Ilk a coachman. Wherever wo made our ap poarauco , no matter what they wer doing , the people would stop their wor and ' 'drop n courtesy. ' As wo drov along the old people wonld ilock to th doors and dip and drop , while oven th babies playing in the road would ssnrr 4way , und then bob up and down wit the solemnity of marioDots. The land of Oralg y.Nos must bo almost a domain for in all cur drlvo that day wo did no go outsldo o ! the caurtesylna ; of the Pat ! tenantry. The cattle of Cralg-y-Noa Is porchec high up on the cleft of a beautiful ! wooded mountain , nnd limpid lakes lie I the valley balow. The castle la built afto the common fashion of all Welsh castles with low bastions , and what is called curtain between that Is , a straight Jin of wall joining two seml-clrcalar towers The walla which nro of the grayiah-greon slate to plentiful hero , ar topped with battlements and cov ered hero and there with Ivy whllo the windows arc either arched o gabled. Spreading away In front are the gardens and lawns , all terraced because of the prcclpitlous character of the ground , and BD coming gradually down to the little valley along which wo had j IB driven. Through this valley runs a tumbling river , with an unpronounceable name , spanned with pretty bridges anc well stocked with fish. The valley opens into the great Swansea Valley , while the whole country around Is extremely moun tsnoui and abounding In game. The castle contains twenty-two rooms , none of them very largo , but all warn and cozy , as they should bo in this cli mate. Patti'a own Is hung with blue silk , all the upholstery being to match , while attached to It la a little dressing room that Is complete enough In ita ap polntmonts for a princess. The drawing log-room is charming , and he must be a dull person who could not find some thing to Interest him there. It contains two grand planes , albums , statuettes , pictures , and offerings from admirers , chief among the latter being an exquisite Inlaid cabinet containing gold and silver coronets , with which almost every na tion In the world has crowned the diva "Queen of Song. " The morning-room contains a plctnro of the late Duke of Albany , with his autograph across the top , and a manly , modest letter begging Patti to accept his picture in return for ono.tho had sent him. In the billiard- room It an immense orchestrion , which is sot p'aylng every night after dinner. The conservatory leads out from the dining-room prooer , and it In turn leads to the winter garden , which I consider the great beauty ot the estate. This Is a garden of great size entirely covered In with grass and containing running foun tains , graveled walks , and rustic seats. Adjoining the winter garden are the hot houses one in which nothing but grapes are cultivated , the second devoted to pineapples , cucumbers , and itrawberrlos , and the third for flowers. A short dis tance fiom this conservatory Is the gas homo , whore , under the superintendence cf two men , gas for the whole establish ment is manufactured. Then come the stables , containing ten n ii.nlira hnnni nd rwrjjajregjmd c rs ! other are an Immense flower garden , cltchon garden , orchard , afmnyard with cows and chhkeni cf ell sorts , and a 'phoaoantry , " which , ai its name Indi cates , is filled with pheasants. Yon will easily Imagine that such an establishment is thii is not run without considerable "help. " There are , Indeed , twenty ser vants , not including the gamokeoDon and gasmen , distributed as follows : Tw < cooks , two chambermaids , two butlers , ivo gardeners , two coachmen , two foot men , two stablemen , madamo'n twonulds nons'onr's ' valet , and the women of the laundry , -whoso number varies according ' o Ih at cf the guests. Abundance and good cheer are on al sides , whllo Pattl anowa a now and more lovable side of disposition In her anxiety to please everyone allko and to make al around her happy and at homo , HONEY FOR I1IB Ilcd remains the dominant color of the season. Vrnps are us varied in their forma ns coa Lumci. Pink-tlnRocI granlto paper la n novelty in stationery. Jacket corsages in every Imaginable shtip are in vogue. Gold turtles are tha latest golden fancy fo bat and bonnet ornamentation , The high collnra of the newest jackets and frocks are stiffened with wlggan. Gaur.o ribbon , now so fashionable , is th "lovo ribbon" of our grandmothers. Largo poke bonnets will bo worn as well a shade-hats in the country during the summer A young mnrrlod mnnln Wntcrlniry , Conn has persuaded both hid wife and his mother In-law to leave off corsets. InPaTi'fl , handkerchief bonnets are ngal worn. The silk handkerchief is mounted 1 irregular folds on a capote frame. It ia said that a St. Louis girl'a _ oars are i loiious inconvenience when walking agatus the wind. Mats of black or colored fttrnw have velve brims and are trimmed with largo bows o etrlpod canvas. A little jeweled dagger pinning the corsng bouquet to the dress front is the latest caprlc In fancy jewelry. "What is a dude ? " inquired ono girl o another. "It Is a delusion and a stare , " wa the response , as they passed ono on tbo corner A little cold cream la good for chapped lips That's the reason the girls are always leadin the footsteps of their beaux to the confection nry saloon , Philadelphia girls have quit chewing ccum and until the dealers got it made into cane beads for dudes the demand for this swec staple will languish. Veils ore secured by pina beneath the bon net bafora the latter ia put on. They are n longer knotted at the back , nnd the nair i left perfectly exposed. Rhine-stone , eilver and tortoise shell pin are worn in the back hair. Flowers one feathers nro worn with full dress. Youn girls wear knots of ribbon , The most extravagantly dressed women i Paris are the actresses , some of whom do no hesitate to pay six and eight thousand dollar for a single dress to bo worn in a society play Dust cloaks , of alpaca , have fronts , turnei back cuffs and high collar of bright-colorei silk. For half-mourning they nro of tin black and white checks , trimmed with sof black silk. A parasol o cream-white gauze , covere with silver-embroidered lace , is bordered wit a band of cardinal velvet , the edges of wbic are outlined with silver soutache. The ban die is of olive wood. Bo natural , girls , bo natural. You ma think that you lose something by being inno cent and nrtloss , but you don't. Men of sens always fight shv of paint shops and powde maeazines. [ Fall River Herald. The cheerful alacrity with which a yonn man will guldo his best girl toward a milliner show-window before they are married : equalled only by the marvellous skill wit which he will steer her away from it after sh is hia wife. It is to bo all the fashion this summer fo young ladies to look as if a great sorrow wa gnawing at their hearts. The look can b called up by any mother asking her dnughte if elm has darned these stockings , [ Detroi Free Press , The newest jacket shown by the lead ing ladies' tailor of Fifth avenue is of whit < cloth trimmed in a crack artillery regimenta braiding and buttons , with gold poutacho con formed of four strands of cord , two gold , am two of a dark blue gray shade. A girl in Westchester county found a bur glar in her room the other night , and nlmoa choked him to death. This is tha sort of girl to meet in the gloaming. Any fellow with a spark of romance in hia compositlo would take all ports of bull dog and shot gu chances for a single hug from the tuporb ft male. It would bo a memory to heris through a lifetime of feeble ice-cream am fried oyster squeezes. [ San Francisco Now Letter. The woman quojtion has como up in Sa Francisco in a peculiar phase. Airs , Alic Hiuklo petitions the supreme court for leav to become n sola trader In the business of car rymg on a bjardlng house , to buy nnd so real estate , sell letters patent.nnd to operate manufacture , lease , and sell patent articles elevators , tramways , and vehicles. Sbo ex pects to place $5000 capital in the business and her application states that her husbauc and her mother , aged sixty , are dopenden upon her for a living. She asserts that he husband is unable to support her , but sh does not sue for a divorce , because ehohaa rn legal grounds for obtaining one , The bracelets worn to-day are in remark nbla contrast with the old-fashlonod chain manacles nnd stiff broad bands of former timea , The.latter were valued chiefly accord Ing to size and weight , while the present styles include only tuch as are delicate nnd dainty in const.iuct.lou and of artistic pattern and finish. Numbered with new things at tracting deserved attention and promising to liavo a long run , are elastic reversible gold bracelets. These bracelets are composed ol little box shaped sections , strung together ou n gold wlro spring , ani BO arranged that the jrncelot can bo slipped over the band with perfect ease , and yet ndjust Itself closely to , ho arm when In place. By this arrangement iroublesome fastenings ore entirely dispensed with , and there it not the slightest danger of osine the bracelet from the arm. In addi- ion to the merits of flexibility , durability and elasticity , is tha fact that these bracelets are reversible , They are equally well finished on > oth sides , and show two distinct styles of iaieb , affording two bracelets In one. The fashion of combing the hair high in the back o ! tbo neck ia generally adopted. Some new combs and ornaments are now uaad which greatly facilitate the proper arrange ment of the now style. The peigne tuteur oonsltts of a email comb with a itraight ileco extending through the centre. A hor- zontal piece , forming a doubla curve , is aatenod to this , with small prickles all over he top , The upper part support * the hair ilgh on the b k of the head , This comb lu many advantage ? , Among others It ceeps the whole weight of the hair off the op of the head , and obviates the use of many hairpins , A great Improvement hai Iso been made of late in b&ndeaui. These are divided through the middle and show the eal part of the head , Small aide combs aaten them on the tides , and a very little natural hair ia crimped and taken over the > lace on which the false hair Is laid. When iroperlv arranged It is impossible to dl > - ingulsb the false from the real hair , A very lecomlne ttylo is to have two thick curls istened to a "poigne tuteur" with the nat- ral hair taken up between the curia and rawn over the point at which the curia are mounted , Thu front consiata ot light ban- eaus like those already described , Fancy icll , garnet , or jet ornumentu are placed mong the hair , Kotsutb , though now 83 years of age , la as ctive os a young man and an enthusiastic lotaniit , Many a victim to Blight's DIseaeo has > een restored to s-jiind health by Hunt's Rjmedy. Hunt's Remedy is not a new com- ound ; It has been before the pnblis ilrty years. Hunt's Remedy purities the blood by silstiog the kidneys to carry off all im * NORTHEEN NEBEASEA.B Omnha's Connection Therewith. To the Editor of the BrK. In your Issue of M y 16th you had a strong article on "Omaha Trade Tcrti lory. " You say : "Oonld Omaha secure the trade of Northern Nobmka , it wonli prove moro profitable than any trade tha could possibly bo obtained by innumora bio excursions to points thousands o miles distant. " * . * "To do this wo must have n direct railroad of our own reaching into Northern Nebraska , No moro Important enterprise can bo engaged gaged In than such a railroad , nnd the sooner it Is bulle the bolter it will bo for this city. " You then advise that the matter engage the earnest attention , no only of citizens bnt ot the board of trade These words are viscly spoken , Omaha must have a road of her own if she wishes to secure and retain the trade of the rapidly developing region of noithorr and northwestern Nobrnoka. A rlva rival city in Iowa has already secured by an ox-bow sweep of railroad from Sioux City southwest to WakcOold , in Dlxon county , aud from thence northwest to Hnrtlugton , in Cedar county , almas complete control of the trade of four o the finest counties in northwestern No braska'a territory , the Irado of which legitimately belongs to Nebraska's mo tropolte , and fee which the citizens o Omaha should make a determined eflbr to ( rot and rataln. If wo wish to thrlro and become tha loading point of trade on the Miosonr river between Kansas Oily and the month of the Yolloirstono river adoat plainly indicated , if proper exertions ar put forth no must employ sjmo of on capital in making connections with th Interior by rail , being carofnl to holt control of every road of this character and not bo subject to the ciprico o moneyed men abroad who have no special Interest In our local department This Is a point thtc mutt bo sedulously attended to. Omaba as the writer soon it , wants a road of her own to West Point , Gamin , count ; then up the valley of Plum creek leading for Concord In Dlxon county , do fleeting towards Wakofield on the oaa aide , or "Wayne on the wesi , which eve will afford the moat support in construe tlon ; then from Concord along the Treat ern line of the townships of Dlxon cnun ty to the valley of East Bow crook ; then along the northeastern townships o Cedar county to St. Jamet , or some poln below on the Missouri river ; then acres the river for fcr an appropriate Dakot connection. Concord is a station on th ox-bow road , nlno miles northwest o Wakefield , and is tbo exact point to ge inside of the territory now controlled e absolutely by said road. Of course thl contemplated road wonld look to bavin a branch eventually fro Wayne or Con cord towards Nlobrara , The ox-bow road , no doubt , will be extended from Hartington , where it now terminates , to Yankton , else It might b advisable to seek the latte as the crosoing place into Dakota b following up the Missouri valley. As th prestige of Yankton may bo on the wan directly , it Is esteemed better for the In tereat of Omaha that the now state of Da kota should ba sought a little fnrthe down the river , especially as the objoc is tc got control of the trade of Dakota Dixon and Cedqr counties In northeastern orn Nebraska. This IB a plan , which , if means nr raised to back it quickly , It ia boliovoi will win. Money or credit by Omaha nnd the tawns and country along th route , let It ba understood , is n part o tbo scheme. There may be other plans but the belief Is entertained that pnshlni for resolutely and securing the north eastern counties by crossing the ox-bow line , already in operation , about as atatec Jo the way to initiate a ajatem by whicl the whole of north Nebraska will b made tributary to Omiha , its nature trading city. Horslord'n AciU Phosphate. IN DEBILITV. Dr. W. II. HOLCOMBE , New Orleans La. , siya : "I found it an admirabl remedy for debilitated slate of the ays tern , produced by the wear and tear o ho nervous energies. " The Jersey 3kccttfn Sons. I'm a jolly Jersey eieeter , Hear me nuiil Thanmy taste thoro'i nothing sweeter Ah , yum-yuml 1'or I love to kiss a maiden When herlusciousBpu are laden With red nectar richer far than ruby wine 'Tin divine ! I've a thirst that beitj a bu minor Yea , it doesl I'm a howling , hungry hummer , Hear me buzz 1 Don't you like my minor singing , With its liny echoes rinplng. Likethemuiicoi a mermaid's melody Out at tea1 ; On my fairy wings I'm ' floating In the air ; On my prey I'm gayly gloating , See me glare ! When I'm full I then just flit , O. For I find that I must quit , O , As my vim fnr veno ection's all in vain , If I'm ' alain. Tbo Dudclct , Now doth tha little dudelet , Unto hia tailor strut , And order suit of "cortacrew" Of tha very latest cut ; And there ia no material Could suit hia nature more. The alim ethereal creature , la each a "perfect bore. " [ Norristown Herald. The first elephant bora In this country was n the old Illdso avenua street car station , at he corner of Twenty-third street and Ridge avenue , Philadelphia. Ijesson from Mastodon. The tusks of a mastodon recently onnd in Illinois weighed 176 pounds ach. What a gigantic toothaoho that nlmsl must have been capable of having ! ind such neuralgia I Neuralgiaor nerve oho , generally proceeds from n dlsord- red condition of the blood. Brown's ron Bitters enriches and purifies this nd drives neuralgia ont. Mr. W , W. ledman , Plqua , 0. , says , "Brown's ron Bitters permanency cured mo of enralgla. Albany. Oregon , ynung men under 21 and Iris ana ladiei under 18 must be under cover y 0 o'clock at night unluu they have legiti- nate bualnets outilde. Then B by iru sick , we YO tier Cutorta , Then sue waa a Child , she cried for Caatorla , ihca > ho became Ml a , alie clung to Csutorla , IHigu liohad CkUdres , eho g io them CutorU _ i/ /Vro from Opliitcn , Hmetlcjt nnd 1'otsoitit , A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE 1'or Couch' * Pore Tlirunt , llonmcnr * * . In0ucnEp Cold * . llroneliHU , Croup. Whooplnc Couch , Aetltnin. Qiitiuy , 1'nlnn In Clir t , inJother IT lI < i in rflhs Tli rent 111.11nnc . Price BO cents n bottle. Bold ! > r Ilrucclits nnd DcM- cr . l\irtle ttnaMt to Mdi.'cs thttr itenltr to promptly pit It for them if I/I recflrt two boitle > , Exireischarget txilO , df tending one dollar to THE niAULM A.VOnn.Frt COltPANT , &l Uwimtftnil MAmirnctnrrrn , lllltlroorr. Jl rUnd , V.B , .L , 17 St. Clmrlcs S' . ' . , Sf. Louis , No. ATCRDltr KFAdDftlO Of tvo MMISnl CoUrCf ft , flM btca lOSf flaigtil In the ipKUUreiatimii ot G aoir , Ni T < t'f , Dr s and BLOOD DitiApulhtn ftDT 4lh < r rtytlelto fi Di.l4& . U f Ity I ftpcri bow anil llclj rtiMenu I taw. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mer.tjt irj-.J Physical Weakness i Mercurial and otnc- i' > JU tlons ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Polieztog , old Sores and Ulcers. r trutti - lih r t < i. - I3i u > , on Ittnit KltntlUs | > rlneljile > . Bi'tlr , ITlTMtl Diseases Arising ( ram Indiscretion , Exccc ; , Exposure or Indulgence , which poJoct m tllowlnl ( ITtctil ernrouincil , dtMIHr. Cimnn. o c.l defectlm rasmirj , f l-nrltn oa thn fact , rtijileil Mcriloatotht oelet7 of faualet , eontust * * oMJcuet3. rrndcrlna M rrlnio Improper or unhappy , 114 ptnnaDiitlyearra , rAmpbtei(3A ( T < ftet ) f > Qthe * bovBMr. ! talcd cnrelope , fr 1o ADTKJilrrAt. ConiultallBn li ? . Trllofarc ' . A Positive Written Guarantee Itrci In > 11 connlc r v ; . Mi-llclnti lent cTerjtthtre. Pamphlet * , Kncllnu or Oertnnn. U4 pace * , < r * hnuli.FKTA RflARRBAGE QUBD& ! James Medical Institute Chartered by theStateorilll- fnois for thcexprcsd purpose of giving immediate rcllciln all chronic , urinary and pri- yato diseases. Gonorrhccn , QleetandSyphtlisln all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme diestcstciiln aZ orfi/l'cttr * Special 1'racttce. Seminal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , jio Jft'cf/ciircd.2'/icro ( Istio experimenting- appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Dlt.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chicagolll. latu tlie LtVCH anil KIDNEYS , and IE TOI Tlife , nnd VIOOK or YOUTH. cured , lionre , muscles and uorvcs receive ne\v torcii. I'.rllvcns the mlnil and etipDllcs Jlralu iuwci < lulTurliiRlroni complaint : _ x-cullartu llirlr SPX vrlll > ud loX > n. juk' HXjui&'urRON TONIC n eafe auJ 'Qeity euro , tiltrca a clear , licultliv couiploxlor. . i'reii'iotil fttifrnpts at e " " ' Tf ° VlUK onlyafl j'hi ) | ) i > ; ilarll > urtliuoilffluil Doiiotezpeit- jent fttlliu OMOINAI.NU UK.SI. jn Sead yiwi nddrenato'Lhu l > r. H r ( rM6I t5 * * M lxj ! , IMo.foi oor 'UltJ'i&M BOOK JtFnllnJ VUUUC wml v , fpl Uifarini&OS.f. " ' Irnici , llioh. , Feb. 1,1882 , I.M. LooiE&Co.Mo , > mo , Mich. OESTS 1 am using your Fluid Extract Red Clorcr Clossomond Coropresa for Canccron the brcafet , mxl am well. I am utlsHeii It la the beat remedy for Cancer kpqvrn. You are wrloomo to uio this for tbo benefit or puttering humanity , ICespcctfuuy , MRS. : L. A. JOIIKSON. . . . OKNTLKUEV-JlywIfn has forsomotlmo been afflicted with something llko aVrofulous disease , and found no relief until she gave your IMract ot Kcd Clovers trial. I am linppy to nay ehe has experienced crent relief. Tlili Is hut a. ellght testimonial of my appreciation ot your ctrorts in behalf of humanity , which you ore welcome to use for their benetlt , ww 1 " * . very respectfully , H. AIUIS. . . , _ , TOLEDO , O. , DOC. let , 1882. J. M. Loosi & Co. , lloxnoi , Mich. QiNTS-l oommwicMl UUntr your Ext. Red Clover , TVO yearn KO , for hryelnrliu , and have not been troubled since. It U hereditary with me. Think you ba\8 the best blood mcdlclnoknoun. Your * truly , W. U. BEIDEET. It , n. firman , of Orand Haplds , Mleli. . iayi > After two Doctors advised Mm to use I.OOJC'H Kit. Hid Clover for a bed co&o of JcKcmo , or 1'cvcr Bore on tha Je ? . Only used to o pounda or your Solid litract Hod Clover. Am now well. AsaSpring Medicine Tonic nnd gcnerol Dlood Porl- flerltliosnoequal. For alobyall 1.0050 { Co. , Monroe , Mich. (8DCOZ3SOU3 ( TO JOIIlf O. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS i At the old ( Und KIT Farnun St. Orders bjr M * graph 0ollclt d and prompt ! attended to. Telephoni Imported Beer JN BOTTLES. Erlanger Bavatla I fulmbacher lUvarla PllBiier Bohemian I KaUer . Uremcn DOMKbTIC. Budwelscr St. Louis I Anhiuior . . . . . .St. I.ouls lies fa M..MlIi ukeo | Bchllti I1 liner. Ullnaukee Krug'a Omiha i Ale , 1'ortcr , Douitstloand Ithlatt Wlnee. ED MAUEEB , 1213 Farnam St , H , S , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Puree and Jersey lied Swine. Summers& Jennings eel. Wfite.-n Agti. Iron , Eteel ft i , O&lvaulied Jr : i , I'M StoxjI'lpo KI , etc. Crawl's 1'atcnt Iron Ilootlnt ; . Only doable capped corrugated roofiDgand ; the nly one prepared by the manufacture ) a ready or laying- Plain aud corrugated Iron Hoof ing , I'iint , Etc. Bend for circulars. .511 Douglas Bt. Omaha , Neb Real Estate "T 213 S. 14th STREET , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city , Wo have business property en Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge , Dougln ? , Fnninru , Ilnruey , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th mid 10th sreets. Wo Imvo fine residence property 011 Fnruain , Douglas , Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cnss , California streets , Sher man , Sfc .Ttfnrys and Park Avenues , in fnct on all the be < 3t residence street ? . Wo have property in the following ad ditions. Hawthorne , McCormick's , Millard& Galclwell' s ICountz & Xtuth's , Lakes , Jmpr'nt Association Elizabeth Place Wilcos , E.V. Smith's , Burr Oak , Horbacli's,1 ! Isaac & Seldon's * Patrick's * ISEanscom's Parker's , West Omaha , SBinn's , Grand View , Gise's , Credit Foncier , Nelson's , BZountz' First .Armstrong's J ountz' Second , G-odfrev's , Kountz' Third , Lowe's , J onntz' Fourth , Kirkwood , Syndicate Mill , College Place , Plaimriew , Park Place , Hill Side , WalnufcrHilL Tukev &Kevsors , West End , Thornburg , Clark Place , Capitol , Mvers & Richards , Reed's First , Bovds , And ailStheiother ' Additions to the City : Adjoins the stock yards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey < & Keysors Sub-division. Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leavonworth street , w fine location aid the cheapest lots in Omaha$125 ; for inside lots and 150for corners ; terms $10 down , balance 35 per month ; dent fail to see those if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. We have a few lota left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer at low I-rices , terms 25 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high level ground and ate desirable. Hawthorne. This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition near the besfc Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade tbo "rade < J have neon established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower tnan adjoining additions for a home or investment. Tbese lots caunot be beaten. Lot on Davenport with fine FOB SALS Lot 28th and Farnam atreet , ,000. good property , $1,000. FOB BALE Full lot 2i t and Clark afreet , 6 FOB HALK-J acre on California , cast ol room house , 82,800. Sacred Heart : house , barn , an-1 cittern , cheip Beautiful lot In Glae'i odd. only $1.009 Fern BALK aero FOB HALE Lota In Hanacom place each , . 81,200. $500. FOB SALK 1 lot on Chicago alreot between $500.FOB . FOB BALE 109 feet front on 18th atreetwith 13th and 14th , 2 , X ) small hotua lust south of lUrtman School , on _ lots corner F rnam and 20th ly 81,700. atreet cheap. FOB BALK Full lot and 5 room house corner FOB BAiK-Lots In Walnut hill , 5200. llth and Caatellar , 82'100. Ken BAIX- ! lot withO room house 2l t FOB BALK Lot and 2 houses 18th andNlcb * atreet easy payment * , $2.000 , olw S5.000. TFe will JurnisJi conveyance free to any part of the city to show property toouvjrlen&s and customers , and cheerfully ( five informa tion regarding Omalui Property , Those who have bargains to offer or wish property at a arfjain , are invited to see us. Bedford < fc Souer , Real Estate Agents 2l38.l4fhSt , , bet. Farnam & Douglas