Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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-THE g
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonlct , quickly nnd complete : ! ;
< ; nrr l > y | > cp ln , JmllRrMlnni VVrnktiF * * ,
Impure Illnod , lUalnrlntClilllsnmlltoi CM ,
mill ftenralatn.
ltd an unmllinc ; remedy for Diseases of the
Jtl lnrj nnil J.Ucr.
It It Jnvnltmblo for Dlson os peculiar to
AVoinon , and nil who lend scdentnry ll\cs.
11 doca not Injure the teeth , cnuso
produce constipation o/Arr / Iron tncrtlctntmlo ,
U enriches nnd purifies the blood , stimulates
Iho npnctlte , nlds the nsMmllatlon of food , re
lieves Heartburn nnd Jtelchlug , and strength
ens the muscles nnd ncr\cs.
for Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lndcol
Energy , &c. , It lias no equal. r
WS- The genuine 1ms nbovo trndo mark nnd
crossed red lines on wrapper. Tnko no other
. iuiTHioRF. ir >
BROAD PLAIfcibeai \
to 1tin t > nbU
r -
flhronic &Ncrvniis
QIll < 'lt. Sure Cures. tST A
urittenii'iruntcn given n
PrcricSf , inttortnlcpn.
t3v 8cna two Blnnipi for C lobrat d Medical
Works Addro-s. If. I > . OI.ARKE , M. D. ,
ISC t-outli Ulirk Stroct , CirraAao , ILL.
Koyal Havana Lottery J
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholea $5. Frac
tions pro rata.
Bnbjecl to no manipulation , not controlled by Ihi
Mrileiln Interest , h lo iho Mmi thlnj In She
Btloir of ch nooln eiletonco.
lor tlokota apply to SII1PSBT& CO. , 1212 Braid
l yH. Y. City ; SOLING KU & CO. , 103South 1th Si
Bt Loalg , Mo , or U. OTTEN3 ft 00 , 019 M in St.
Ktnua City. Mo.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capitnl Stock , - - - 915 ,00l
Liability o Stockholders , 300,0K (
Fiye Per CcntIiitorestPiiiJ oaBejioslti
O QLoox ea dlj Xlix-ootoaroi
JAMES E.BOYD . - Fie a
VT. A. PAXTOH. " Vleo President
t. U. 11ENNETT , H n glnz Dlreotoi
JOIINK. WILBUR . . . . . .Onhlw
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jn
Will Btanil for Block at Omaha Fair grounds the
season of 1885 , UoljlO } ban Os high , weight 128E
Iba , hl3 ilro JACK Sur.rrARD U mil brother In blood tc
IlRxrxa 2:17 : } , also to DicTATOBthe elro of JAT-STR-SEI
2:10. : FALIAS. 2:13 : } and DIBKCTOB S:17. Call nt th <
Fnlr Kreunda and eoo him and gob hla podlgreo It
fall , terms 824 lor the botson. A. THOMSON.
nlds will ba received up to 12 o'clock noon , Jum
IDtb If85 , for orectlng a fr mo school bouse at Elk
horn , Neb , , Pinna and eneclfloit'ons may bo eccn a
the dlrcctori clllro In Elkborn , and at the otllcj o
Henry Voig , Aiehltoct. 27 Itcdlck Ulock , from tin
22nd of May to Juno IK.
The committee recurves the tlgbt to reject any o ;
all bills. ClIAIRMANOFDuARDOl1 EllUCAllOS' ,
m-i7-S8. KIkhorn.Nob.
All'Sorts of
M tl < * > l'
hurts and many sorts of ails of
man and beast need a cooling
lotion. Mustang Liniment ,
Th ! Invaluable ( pcolflo readily and pernunentl'
euros all kinds ol Asthma , Tbo most obstinate an !
IODK slandlnf CMOS i leld promptly to Its wonJotlu
curing properties. It U ktowo throughout the orli
for Ita uurlrale -
J. k OALDWKLU dty UncolD , Neb ; write ) , Jai
IB , 1831 Umoo using Dr. Hair's Aitbmx cure , (01
rnoro than one jtar , wiy wife has been entirely well
aud not even a "jmptcin of the dlsoise has appeared ;
WILtl&M BBNNKTT , Hlchland , I > wa , writes Nov.
Bd.1883 I hue been afflicted with UayKcier and
Asthma since 1853. I followed jour directions and
am happy to say that I ne\er slept b tter In my llfo.
1 am ( 'lnd that I am amen ? the many who can speak
so ft , ) orably of your lemedlcs.
A Taluablafll pigetrfatleooonUlnloKslnsllarprool
llrltatnj will be mailed upon application.
Any drujglst not h loj U In stock will procured.
toord r. A k for Ur.UairsA.thma Curo.
Pit , a Vf IUIU & SON. rroo'a Cln'tl. O.
IVIaiifiood Restored
rau < ioK Premature Decay , KenousUebilltr ,
Altubood , Jo..havinK tried In rain ctery k
Ita Demoralized Condition Duo to
1'ollllcml Favoritism.
Translated from tlio German "Uber Land and
Meer. "
Daring iho present civil aorvioa reform
it cannot but bo of Interest to the Ameri
can people to observe tendencies towards
similar movements In other republican
countries , and more especially whcro
former raonarohlal government
affords n direct comparison between what
bna been and what it.
Ono of the moat Important branches of
any government la by all moans that
which Insures the execution of the lawn ,
protects order , and property and guards
against the violation of personal liberties.
The records of crlmo against morality ,
lifo and property an reported by the daily
press show a marked increase , demand
ing not only an ably conducted and Im
partial administration of justice , but also
a well managed and onorgotlo police and
detective corps. The comparison above
referred to Is Riven by a Mr. Manse , for
merly chief of the detective service of
the city of Paris , both nndor the regime
of Napoleon III , and under the present
republic , who has published his experi
ence regarding the different branches of
crlmo , and the police organizations pro
vided to subdno and control them. It la
the present condition of the latter which ,
In republican form , has caused great
doubts as to its efficiency , and the
opinion * prevails that President Grovy
and his cabinet do not warrant public
public protection , as did tbo police of the
Empire , which was known as a model oi
rapidity In the detection and persecution
of crime. Even In Franco It Is natortod
by many that to-day the police of Parlt
ranks the last In Europe. Mr. Matae
published some very remarkable details
about Individual and corporate existence
in the world cf crlmo , but what will
most attract Iho attention of the Ameri
can reader , la his well based opinion as tc
the cause of the decay of the police
service of Paris , meaning also Franco.
Maiso complains In first place of the
lack of immediate subaltern ofliccra to
assist him in the performance of hie
office ; that ho has had for assistants
only such persons from the number oi
hla agents who volunteered for such s r
vice , thereby obstructing an energetic
and ripid proccis of action. Ho com
plains that in the selection of police
agents ( which In Paris especially require
each an extraordinary energy , coolness
and deliberate nerve to effectually oppose
the thousand-headed hegdra of crime ) ,
a very doubtful partiality Is employed
under the republican government , on-
tlroly unmindful of the judicious aim oi
the subject. At the appointment of po
lice agents by the chief of the municipal
police , thrco classes of applicants are
chosen from :
1. The well recommended.
2. The recommended , and ,
3. The not recommended.
The "well recommended" have forpro-
toctors a certain cotorlo of senators and
deputies , and are employed at all oven's '
The applications of the "recommended"
are supported by conncllmen , prefects
and undorprofec's , and are considered
favorably if anyway passible , according
to the Influence of the re-
spectlvo patrons , not minding , however -
over , the fitness and ability of
the applicants. The "not recommended"
are frequently moat able and deserving
candidates , but there is never a place
open for them , and after years of wait
ing they withdraw their applications.
Masse has agitated in vain against such
abuses ; ho hai always encountered the
opposition of an impenetrable ring of
politician ? , and concludes that through
such a "remarkable" system , the eorvlce
employs many agents who openly avow
the principles c f the commune , and num
erous others who at every oscaslon side
against all "well-dressed" persons iu
favor of the co-called "Voyaux , " perhaps
properly interpreted into "rowdies. "
The consequence has been that the ward
bummers have become ( in his language )
tbo "rings of the pavement. " Since
1871 six hundred agents have been ap
pointed who had nolthor the necessary
education , nor any qualification
for the service , but who
were recommended by some
politician of influence , or employed in
recognition of some sort of party obliga
tion. Less than 600 "agents of the old
administration remain now In service ,
being In fact the only disciplined servants
of the law , and oven those ore acting
under constant fear of discharge and dare
not attempt to develop any energctio
activity. The cntlro police organization
is operated after a ccdo of political opin
ions. An Incident has occurred whera a
certain criminal was wanted , whllo the
agent in charge ot the affair worded a
message of arrest in such a manner that
a very respectable and Inoffensive person
was erroneously apprehended , giving the
"partisan" criminal ample time to cross
the frontier. Agents refaso to act
against persons because they belong tc
the some political party. They menace
their chief with complaints to their pat
rons , and being In constant connection
with journals of the opposition ,
denounce with them tholr chlcfi
whenever these tighten the
the reins of discipline. For pay they undertake
dertako all ktnda of service in vlolitior
of their duties , and there are not a foil
who , although drawing pay aa police
officials , refuse to appear at the bureat
as they do not wish to bo known as police
Maico has bitterly complained of sncl
conduct , but without avail , excepting
that the guilty parties were transferred
to some other department whoso chiei
was less inclined to make enemies of the
reapeetablo patrons of such peculiar
sycophants. lie gives a few Illustrations
of agents in h'a ' direct employ. Ono of
them had been indicted for rlof.lng and
Insult to the state authorities , but later
on pardoned ; another had borne a sentence -
tonco for adultery and murderous asssult ,
while a third was so decidedly near
sighted that ho was unable to roc-
ognlza anyone , and besides wholly
unacquainted in the city ; yet
another was a bankrupt wine mer
chant , who demanded a pits to all the
atres and resorts , refusing all ether duty.
Promotion waa most always granted to
those who had done nothing but to con-
tinuilly neglect their duties , while thoao
proposed by Mauao for actual merits were
entirely ignored. The records of tbo
police department are in such a state of
disorder that reference to thorn , neces
sary for the prosecution of this or that
offender , was ronderad Impossible , In
uany instances , even , the records called
'or by Mas to were refused him , If It BO
suited the agents or their rejpectlvo
matrons. To operate against the extreme-
y cunning and well organizjd criminals
rf the present day , with such * a force
mutt indeed bo difficult , while each da-
eels in 0110 of rtho most , important state
department ] cimiot serve much to iniplre
public confidenco. Every government ,
of monarchlal or republican , absolute or
constitutional , If it alms to deserve pub
lic trust , needs a well ordMc'ed , n uni
formly and impartially managed system
of police , and it Is to bo regretted If po
litical errors and prrty should Induce -
duce the French or any other govern
ment to neglect and violate the supreme
duty of protection to ih subjects.
_ _ A. M.
* * * * Secret , involuntary dralni
upon tbo system cured In thirty days.
Pamphlet giving particulars , tlirao letter
stamps. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Decorations "Whloh Oost More Than
the IIouics IIlRlx Art Kt a
New York Sun.
Within the last five years wall decora
tion has advansod with rapid strides , and
enormous prices are now p id for the in *
torlor decoration of hoiuej. In fact , the
Interior decoration of a modem house
sometimes exceeds in cost the building
and material of the house itself. .
A gentleman who has one of the finest
houses In Jersey Oily went to a first class
interior decoration house in the city a
short time ego. His house was a now
one , and ho desired to have the > walla
and ceilings treated in the latest fstylos.
Ho was shown into a handsomely fur
nished room , and requested to seat himself -
self on au embroideredplush-upholstered
chair made of antique or bogoak and
valued at $600. After a few questions
concerning the house , the alzo of the
rooms , the light , and so on , the gentle
manly clerk said ho rrould show him a
few styles of parlor docpratlondcarcfully
adjusting a rack meantime , In order that
the right amount of light should fall on
it. Adollcito paper , la which the pat
terns , wrought In harmonious colors ,
stood on a background faintly threaded
with gilt , was placed on the rack. An
other roll of the sumo pattern was placed
bosldo it , in order to give a larger sur
face. A frlczo to match and a deep gi\t \
molding between the fiieze and paper ,
to break the monotony , completed the
wall decoration. Then came a colored
wood molding above the frieze , to show
in what color the base of the cornice waste
to bo painted.
"Tho ether parts of the cornice will
have to bo treated differently , so aa tc
tone with the coiling decorations , " eald
the clerk. "Now I will show you some
styles of frescoed ceilings to go with this
aide wall decoration. "
Several cards , with elaborate and
beautiful paintings of ceilings , were now
"That Is s very pretty one , " said the
customer , selecting one.
"Yes , It will harmonize well with the
paper , also. "
'It seems to mo that the whole thing
ia perfect , " said the Jorsoyman , delighted
at hla success In finding what he wanted ,
and cartaln that his parlors would be the
envy of his friends.
"Woll , I am glad you like" it , " respond
ed the clerk. "As I have now an idea
of your taste I can easily fix the other
rooms. Perhaps , however , boford wo go
any further , you had bolter say how
much you are willing to fpend on the
houso. When I know that , I will go
over and BOO your houeo and make meas
urements , and will then show you the
styles for each room that we can give you
at your price. "
"I have tw paper-hangers over in
Jersey City whom I had thought of let
ting do the work , " began the gentleman ,
"Oh , no ; that won't do , " replied the
clerk. "It requires an artist to hang
that paper so that it won't show the
seams , and we would have to fresco the
coiling anyhow. All the work will bo
figured in with the ccst of the job. It
will only cost you the price of the board
for the workmen extra. That will bo
about § 3 per day for each one. "
The Jerseyman's face fell a Ilttlo. But
lie felt that ho was in for It , and might
as well see it through. Ho had been
willing to pay 81,000 for the sake of
eclipsing his neighbors. He would double
the amount now.
"Well , " ho said to the clerk , who waa
carelessly twirling a diamond ring on his
finger , "I am willing to ho liberal in this
matter. Sao what you can do for
$2,000. , "
The clerk looked dumbfounded. For
a moment ho Boomed paralysed ; then
Kciog to the rack , he threw the moldings
on the floor , and , taking out a roll of
paper , he said coldly :
"I guess you have not got a very good
idea of .tho cost of decoration. That
ceiling you looked at would coat you
81,600 alone. This paper is a home
made French print , and Is worth $12 a
roll. It would take thirty rolls to do the
ordinary slzad parlors. It would take
about two hundred feet cf this molding
at 75 cents t. foot. Without charging
for any thing else , your parlors would coat
you § 2,000 alone. You had batter think
It over and call igiln. "
In former days the cost of decorating
a parlor waa greater than that of any
other room , and often amounted to BE
much as all the ether rooms together.
But the modern dining room Is finished
iu the most expensive of hard woods , and
such decoration as is used Is of thai most
costly kind. The halls of a fine house
are decoiated with marvelous hand-
painted LIncrutta Walton , or some kind
of bronzed plaster work , which Is even
more expensive. Either dining-room 01
hall would cost is much as the parlor.
The foremost interior decoration firms
in this city vie with each ether in ob
taining now and elegant effects. They
employ ortlsts of all kinds at enormous
salaries to assist them in this. With
ssvoral of those firms , where the em
ployes have shown' themselves Indispen
sable to the success of the business , they
have been given a partnership in cense
quence. Such firms rocolro as high as
§ 00,000 for decora'ing ' a single house. A
fair price ia $10,000 , and they seldom
go below 85,000.
But whllo theao firms recolvo small
fortunes for single jobs , the intelligent
buyer of wall paper often gel savory
pretty effect for a small price , The sale
] f wall papers and of interior decorations
ins come to bo two distinct branches of
juslnetB , and It is In the stores of wall
paper deelora and manufacturers that
Bargains are generally to bo obtained.
An odd lot of paper and a small quantity
of frieze are often sold for trifling sums ,
Dcrasionally the sarno bargains may bo
iad In a fine decoration store. Aa an in-
itanco of thia , a sileeman of one of the
jest-known houses in the city allowed tea
a reporter twenty rolls cf a paper he had
sold that day.
"This paptr , " ho eald , "coit us § 2 50
> er roll. Wo cold some of it to ox-Sec-
clary of State Frolinghnyson for hti pri
vate ofllcb in Washington a little over a
ear ago. It cost him 81 a roll. A gen-
Icmeu came in to-day who wanted
wcnty rolls , and as wo had just that
amount of this on htni wo sold him the
remnant for $8. It is a French embossed
bronze , and a very fine office papor. "
In the reading room of one oi the moa
beautifully decorated hotels In ( ho
country there la an English paper on tin
walls which probably coat $2 per roll. A
short tlmo ago , while in a conntt/ town
in Connecticut , n reporter noticed the
same kind of paper pasted on the wall
of a small store.
" .Hollo I" ho said to the proprietor
"whoro did you got thial"
"Oh , I qot stuck badly on It tome
tlmo ago. I bought about forty rolls o
it from aomo follor or ether for 8 cents n
roll. I couldn't sell it , so I used part o
it for this wall and aomo I put under my
carpets. I've got ton rolls loft , which
/ou can have for 50 cents if you want It. '
High-art wall paper , as the English is
often termed , was not appreciated in that
section of the country. The valuable
imported papers are often found in
country towns and sold at less than tholr
cost in Europe , How they get there la a
A Bountiful Woman.
A woman with pleasant smile , clear
akin , bright eye , generous expression ,
elastic step , hearty hand shako and court
eous welcome. Such n woman Is not the
victim of debility , languor or dyspepsia.
She has overcome those peat ] by using
Brown's ' Iron Bitters , the world's great
tonic. Mlts Mattie Benson , South Par-
sonfioldMo. , says , "After using Brown's
Iron Bitters fer weakness and lack ol
appotlto and energy , I felt like another
person. "
A Wonderful Garment that will
Foretell the "Weather and
Keep Away the
Now Orleans Time-Despatch.
"Herman , " said Hoffjiutein , as ho en
tered the store and hung his hat on a
nail , "I haf shust had a big subrlse , you
know. "
"How vas dot , Mhder Hoffcnsteln ? "
Inquired Herman , noticing tbat the old
man waa in good humor.
"Veil , you see , I goes up mlt do ox-
boiltlon dls morning , und vat you dink ,
I meets Jnko Loowonbnrg nnd Solomon
Myers , vat vai old fronts uf mine in
Vlcksburg dwenty-fivo years ago. Lee
wonbnrg vas at do oxbcsittcri as vqn ul
dose Turks , und vas selling beads nnd
oder lecdlo dinks , nnd Myers told mo dot
ho via dera aa an Egyptian , uud yaa
making blenty uf money. Veil , veu I
sees dose follows it takes my breath right
avay , because I dinks doy vas dcat.
Myera' broder Jake vas courting my vifo
Lean at do same dime I vas , und vo vas
great fronts. Myers dells mo dat Jake
failed in pisness at Leedle Hock a abort
vile ago und vas doing veil , bocatuo ho
falls on von sldo nf his store un runs do
oder. "
Hoffenstoln smiled pleasantly at tbo
idea , and walked to the door and looked
down the street , and as ho did so a
customer came in.
"Vat con I do for you , my front ? ' ' ho
Inquired ,
'I want to get a good coat , but one
that is cheap. I'm a farmer , and CD infer
for comfort more than I do for style. "
"You voa right about dot , my front ,
and I dlnka dot I can fit you mtt a good
article at an eaiy brlco. Now , here vos
a coat for 88 , vlch is do very ding you
vant , " and ho pulled a coat out of a pile
of rather tough-looking clothing.
The customer commenced to examine
it , but suddenly lifted bis HOBO and ex
claimed : "Whew ! by jingo I there is a
last year's smell about this coat that is
not pleasant. What have you been
doing with it ? "
" 1 know you vos going to aay dot , "
said Hoffensteln in a nonchalant way ,
"all of my customers cay dot von doy look
at do coat , because dey don't know dot
it vas onv uf dose aim nine , disinfecting
coats vioa haf ahust been put on do mar
ket not more as dree months ago. De
coat vet you haf in your hand vas soaked
in do vool factory vera it vas made mlt a
breparatlon cxproasly for de purpose of
keeping the cholera avay , nnd my bruder
vet llfs in Europe writes me last veek dot
de Prussian government vent lot do people
plo vcor any oder kind , so dot If do
cholera comes along doy vlll keep helty ,
you know. Herman , look la my desk
nnd get my bruder Ike's letter , vlch vo
shows do gentleman. No , nofer mind , I
forgot dot I leaves dot letter mlt my vlfo
dls morning. My front , dot ooat vos
hotter for do cholera den all do doctor *
nnd do medicine vet you can haf , und do
emoll uf do breparatlon goes right avay
von you goes out mlt the air. Put on de
coat , my front , und vo sees how it fits ,
you know. "
The customer did so , and surveyed
first ono aide of himself and then the
ether by the aid of the dingy mirror in
the rear of the store.
"Why do you call it an almanac coat ? "
askud the costomor , who was rather
pleased with the cut of the ooat.
"Because It vos made oxbrestly for
gontloment vet lifs on a farm , und it vlll
doll you how do vcdah vlll po , und vet to
do to sive your crop. You see do
changes in do Tedder haf do same effect
on dot coat as dey haf on eo much quick
silver , und vos dwlco so much more reli
able. Yon yon eoa do coat commence to
turn .red around do collar it vas a sign
dat dero is a full moon und it V&B time to
blant vatormolons , und ven do tall uf de
coat thrlnks nnd do buttons on it go hall
vay up yonr back shuat look out for bad
vet vodder , und don't pull fodder , you
know. Von de buttons drop don you
knows dat do vedder vill bo fine und cau
act accordingly. Yon dako my advloc
nnd by dot coat , nnd yon vill find dat
you makes better cropa den any von vere
you llfs. "
The customer appeared to bo sntisQed ,
and after purchasing the coat and leaving
the store , Hoffansteiu said : "Herman ,
I vas ahust dlnklng do oder day dat I
vould glf dat old job lot avay to aomo or
phan asylum , becauae It baa been in de
stock efer alnco do var , und it smells do
whole atoio up. I dink ve better keep it
a vlla longer , und vork it off mid the al
manac scheme , " and again ho walked to
the door in hope that another customer
would come in.
The 1'aciflo Mall Steamship Go.
NEW YORK , May 27. The directors of the
PeAclGo Mall Steamship company were reelected -
elected to-day. The annual report shows the
earnings from passengers to ba 31,381,000 ;
freight , Sil'JOCOO : ; nubsldfes , 8200,000 ; in
tercut and dividend. J65.000. Total , $4,820-
000 ; expenses , 53,20'J.OOOj net earnings ,
81,017,001) ) .
When Baby TTM lick , wo gave her Caatorh ,
When she. was a Child , she cried fur CutorU ,
Whea eho became Mint , eho clan ; to CaslorU ,
WTiw aho hod Children , BUO gave them C&storU
I'rce from Ojif < iYo , Zr'tneffr * nnd 1'oUoiij.
For Conslift , Sere Throat , ll. > utncr > s Influcnca ,
Cold" , llronrlittli , Croup , Uliooplrm Congli ,
Aithmn , Quln > r , I'nlnntn Clint , ndother
ITwtloM oflh Thmnt n-l Imiff * .
Prlco no pent * n bottle. Sold tiy Drncciita nnd DcM-
CM. wrtlttunatleto Inttiicetheirtlenltrtoiiromtitlv
gtl It for thtmclll recrtrttieo lotattKxpret cAarv l
paid , by ttnitlna one dollar la
THE cimim A.Toanrn rrmnsv ,
Sou Uwntri TI 1 llMiiirtctimrii ,
IKIIImon , .1I niandC. B.I.
017 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , Bfo.
t tntuitr p i ) unit e f i t MnlicM Oollr fci , I.M bion l im
agtge < llo Uiflnpec.Ultrcf.tmeatof O.nonir , NIMVO'I , Bra
llnl DUIOD Di nnlh n anr otti r fOjilcUn u Et , l.toJn
fcielt/Itpertlhowan t hlloM rcildentt kBO * .
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcr.lrl 3 iJ
Physical Weakness I Mercurial and otne * Sec
tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PoFliitofl ,
old Sores and Ulcers , n > trciio.i viih tnrui" . . - utm ttltntltte principle MVlj. F-lrattl
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exc'eir ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhlth produce iocs or I
llojlnn eCcetii ttcriouiacti , itWltr : , dtunti | of iji !
' " ' " ' '
fuelled cnrclepo.'frceto nVuJlYr < i"'conYu"lUtT'i'nt'
Ctoorbymilllrcc.jnOlnTlitil. Wil'n forqucillom.
A Positive Written Guarantee
R'Tei In tt curable eniea. HVtUclnes lent ercrrffiire.
( Pamphlet * , JCnRllah or German , 04 pauoa. l
crlbiuff abova diseases , lo xaalo or fomaU , F L2 ;
iWp i ; . fioerl m. llluitr ua | a rtotkaad tlltUi lu
lie , money trpoi tt : i mr.n ? r e Mrt. s a. t : tii5i !
< oiu la alt lee n.-lon , ivjliful cr Ujc < > mT vut tt
iaow , A fcwt t frroat ( ntoru-l w > ia b ttt ! te-ij
ofclvlnglmmcdlatc rcllclln
all chronic , urinary and private -
; vato diseases , Gonorrhoea ,
GiectandSyphdisin nil their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rchevedand
pcrmancntlycurcd by rcme-
( liestcstcdinrtZ'ut ff/lr < ir.t
8l > cet < ill'rarllcc. Seminal
Weakness , ; fiht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
iheFacc.Lost Manhood , iiasltlvily cut tdTJtcra
lane experimenting. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon Si.Chcagolll. !
M'l ri ifn ( Bk.ooD * ic nr
caic tiie LlVCRatMl KIDNEYS.
illd ItESTOltS TMU IT TftA f .TI3 „
- - Want nf Appetite ia >
lion , I.nek iji ,
. . .IT Ire-1 " ' " -Unn absolutely
enroll. Bonpa. luusclcs&nu
t ) rv ca rccoivo ucw lorcc.
Lrllvcns llio mind and
supplies llraln I'owcr.
5 Snllcrlnvlroni complalnti
9 - - - | lr , > | r e > xwill
, „ . _ „ . . „ . - ! IONIC u sifa uu
li turn , . -lives a near , Ucail1 - ' '
jffrcqucnl atim/nlhat e" " "T onlj anil }
Ij thenoptihrltyui tlie otl.inn ! . . ,
l > eilt Kftllll > OUHHNAl. AHll UKMT
* " * " " ' ' ' " ' ;
' ''"iKKSS"BOOlI. [ ) ' ]
MncM.I. . * t * fnt Intta mi t iiir < > ,
J. M.
QtM 1 nm using your Fluid Eitrnet Erd Clover
Dlossomand Wet Coniiircss for Canccron tbo brufct ,
niMl am Troll. I am utUQod It li tbo beet remedy for
Cancorlnown. You nro wrloomo to u o tills for the
fceneflt of imtrcrlnit liuinanlty.
llcapi.ctfully , Mn3. L. A. JOIIhSOK.
J. M. .
-Jly wlfa lias for dome tlmo been afflicted
, tli oiuetnlnBllkoaBcrofulousdUrAso.nnil found no
relief until the gave your Kxtrnct of lied Clortr a trial.
I am linppy to say nlie hu experienced ( Treat relief.
Thli la l.ut . mllglit tetMinonlal of ray appreciation ot
your efforts In behalf of humanity , which you are
welcome to use for their benefit.
iVeiy respectfully , IL ARMS ,
, , . . TOLTOO , O. , Doa lit , 1885.
J , M. Loof * Co. . MONRO * . Mich.
Oavrs 1 oommfiticod taking your Ext. nod Clorer ,
Vo years ago , for Frynlnelns , and li ve not teen
tro ubled since. It Is hereditary with me. Think you
Lave Uu > best blood raodlclno known
Yours truly , W. M. BEIDEKI.
R. I ) . Hyra&n , of Qrond JiAnlSn , Mich. , B ys ifter
two Doctors ndvUeil him to usa Ixxuo's hxt. lied Clover
for A bad case of Kciema , or forer Wore on the Icir.
Only vied two pound ! of your Solid Extract Itod Clover.
jliaSprinB Medicine Tonlo and general Dlood I'orl-
fler 1 1 ri&fl no oual. 1'or solo by all druirffliiU , or J. M.
loosed , Co. , Monroe. lUcu.
I bare had a oncer on my faoo ( or ycsre.
rled acrtat many remodleg , but without relief , I
Inioet ga\o up hope of ever tclntr cured. l > i. Hard
trail , my son , recommended Bwllt's Spcdflo , which I
tare taken vlth great rcaaltr. UytaceU now well ,
nd It Is Imiioailble ( or mu t ) cxprcea iry thanks In
AOldslor what this modlcitie his done ( or me.
Monroe , 0& . , Sept. 2,1834 ,
Hwilt's Spectnobascurej a cinccr on ray ( ace , and
a almost n.ado a now nan ct me ,
T. J , TKUB , Wacliea , Fla ,
I ba > o had a cancer In laytlzbt ear (01 three jcars
tried e ry remcdv the pbjtlclans practiced , to u.
crmuicnt good. Shift's Sptclflo t at wrouzbt won *
eis lor me. It la the best blcxd purlHcr In the
JOHNS Modttow , Hortcce , Ala.
Svtlft'lEpoclOoll entirely egcUllt , and teems to
ire oncers by throwing out the linpurltlei from the
Troatlieon Blocd and Skin Diseases mailed free.
TuKSHirrSiEciric Co. , Drawer 81 Atlanta On. , or
W , 2iJ St. , N. Y ,
213 S. STREET ,
3 Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
prope.rty in and around the city.
Wo have business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglap , JTfunani , Ilnrnoy. Howard , 9th , 10th , 18th nnd
16th sreots.
We have fiuo residence property on Fnrnam , Douglas ,
Dcdge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St .Marys end Park Avenuea , in fact on all the best
residence sheets. Wo lave property iu the following ad
McOormick's ,
Millard& Caldwell's J&oirntz & I&utli's ,
Lakes , Jmpr'nt Association
Elizabeth Place _ Wilcos ,
E. V. Smith's , Burr Oak ,
Horbach's , Isaac & SeMon9s. <
Patrick's ? Manscomi's
Parker's , West Omaha ,
Shinn's , Grand View ,
Grise's , Credit Foneier ,
Nelson's , Kountz9 First
Armstrong's ! '
ountz' Second ,
Kountz9 Third ,
Lowe's , : iKountz' Fourth ,
Syndicate Hill , I
College Place , Plainview ,
Park Place ,
"WalnurffHilL Tukev &i evsors ,
West End , ThornbuLrg *
Boggs&Hill8 Clark Place ,
Capitol'j Mvers c Richards ,
Reed's First , JBovds ,
And all the other Additions to the
City :
Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha
These lots are aol.d at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convening cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
yards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division
Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leaveuwotth street , . .
fine location aid the cheaco t lots in Omaha ; 5125 for inside lots _ and
§ 150 Jor corneis ; terms10 down , balance 35 per month ; dent fail to
see three if you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Kirk\voo3 addition , which we offer afc low \
[ .rices , tcvrus 25 downbalouce $10 per month. These lots are on high
level giound and are desirable.
Hawthorne ,
This addition is more centrally located tfian any other new addition
near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
the grades have ueon eslablisbed by the city council , and is very desirable -
blo residence property , only 16 blocks from Post oflico , prices lower than
adjoininc additions for a home or investment. These lota cannot be
Let on Davenport with fine Fen SALE Lot 28th and Farnatn etreet ,
, CtO. good property , 31,000.
Fen SALE Full lot 21at nnd Clark street , C Foil BALE- } aero on California , oaat of
room IIOUEO , $2,800 , Sacred Heart ; house , barn , anl cittern , cheap
FOR BALE Beautiful aero lot in Giuo'a add. onlySl.COO ,
, . Ifon SALB Lots In ITamcom place each
51,200. 8500 ,
Fen BALK i lot on Chicago etroet between
15th ntroot.with
Fen BALK 10D foot front on
13th and 14th , $2,500 ,
small liotiso just south of ilnrtman School , on
BICAUTIFDL , lota corner Fcrnam and 20th ly S1.7CO.
street cheap Fen BALE Full lot nnd G room hausscomor
FOB SALE-Lota InWalnut hill , § 200. llth nod Oaatollar.82'100.
Fen BALK- } lot \vithG room house 2Ut Foil BALK Lot and U bauson 18th andNlch *
street caey payments , $2,000 , olas S5.COO.
TFe will furnish conveyance free to any
\ > ar oft1ie city to show propertyto ourfriends
ana customers , and cheerfully yive injorma-
tion regarding Omaha Property.
Those ivho have "bargains to offer or wish
property tit afbargainf are invited to see us.
< fe 'Souer ' ,
Real Estate Agents
213 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douglas