THE DAILY BEE'-TUESDAf , MAY 26 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , May 26 , LOOA.L BREVITIES , Saturday' * bink clearings worn S311 , CC2.78. 11- The bar dockets for the June term of court * ro printeil end ready for distribution , Tbo different apartments of tha new court homo nro being lettered , in gilt on the ) ranaom windows. A small blnze In Keodcr's baVery , Twen tiethand Hurt , called out the fire department yesterday afternoon. Tbo fire waj speedily oxtlnfiulshcd. A man , name unknown , coming over on one nf tbo dummy trains lait night was thrown off on the bridge and fell from there to the ground , lie was not seriously Injured , Gcorgo W. Koborts , resident on Twenty fifth and Capitol avenue , reported at police headquarters yesterday that thiovoa had en lerod bis bam Sunday night and stolen i valuable act of harness. A special meeting of the C. K , of A. I called for this ( TaesdayH ) evening al 8 o'clock p. m. , at their new hall , 1110 1'ar namBtrootCommorclal ( College building ) . Al members are requested to bo present. J. A Whalen , president. City Clerk Southard turned over t "Mayor Bsyd for signature yesterday the 4,1X ( certificates of the city'a 8100,000 funding bonds , Mr. Southard han finished signing them , it having taken him about eight hours to drop his autograph on each indlvidua" copy. The guests and immediate participants o the Woxham wedding which took place o : Eleventh street Thursday night , and waa broken up by outsldo disturbance , wish t have it understood that the row was no caused by them , but by an Insolent tough wh had malicious motives in so doing. Old John Robinson's circus will bo i Omaha without fail next Monday , June Isl and will plcaso nnd astonish the people her with its peerless aggregation of wonders natural curiosities , and the strange animal of land and sea. The array of circus per formers Includes the very best talent of oltho continent. No ono should tail to bs prcsen at either the afternoon or evening perform anco. It is learned from thoroughly roliabl sources that the woman , Mary Jane Dove who was deserted in Howe , Neb , by her hu band and was supposed to hava died in this city , is still in the land of the living. She Is a roidont of Council Bluffs. Her boy , a bright little youngster of eight years is with her , and she avers her intention of giving him up to her husband's relations in order that ho may receive proper training and edu cation , The committee of the Grand Army posts In this city , in charge of arrangements for Memorial Day , desires all who wish to con tribute flowers fcr the purpose of decorating the graves in the different cemeteries , to send them to Mr. A. Burmoister's store on Dodge street , between Thirteenth and Fourteenth , not later than 0 o'clock a. m. , Saturday , the 31st instant ; or by sending word to Mr. Bur- melstor whore flowers cen bo had , they will be called for. Wm. Tuttle , a South Omaha tough struck and severely injured Paul Neuborger Bun- day in a Poppleton avenue saloon. He was immediately nrroated , but while being taken to jail ho passed the house of his father and called for help. The whole Tuttle family , from the father down to a snperanuated dog and a pair of brindle cats rushed to the res cue and took the prisoner from the arresting oiGcer. Yesterday two policemen went to the Tuttle mansion and arrested the doughty pugilist Ho was sentenced by Judge Sten- berg to pay a fmo of $25 and coats. Bates , the negro accused of arson in con nection with the attempted burning , Thurs day morning , of the Eleventh street row houses , between Capitol avenue and Daven port , ia still in jail , awaiting the development of further evidence. The detectives in charge of the CIBO any that though Bates still persists in his former statement ! as to the party who bribed him to commit the act , they are open ing now lines of evidence which toed in a contrary direction and which prove undoubt edly , In fact , that the man to bo accused is not a member of the local bar at all , but in a different kind of business , The original party euspocted , they say is to be entirely relieved of the odium of suspicion. As the case do- vclopes the proper patty will ba brought to justice , If you have n sere Throat , Cough or Croup , use 13. U. Douglass & Sons' Cap- slcum Cough Drops , they are pleasant to the taste , peafoctly harmless and will juroly euro you. fj i'onl Estate Transtoro. Fho following transfers were Tiled Msj 23 , with the county clerk and reported for the BEE by Amos' real estate agency : Willsam L , Peabody and wife to Thomas 11. Patterioa , lot US and o 4 of o A of lot 87 ir Glses' add. to Omaha , w d $050. Idalyn G , Yates and husband to Samuel llelchenberpr , o i of w J lot 7 In Capitol add , tc Omaha , qu$25. I Jusoph Kavan and wife to Joaoph Pallck , n 4 of lot 5 in block 2 Kouutzo'a 3d add , tc Omaha , w d $1,000 , Hobert L. Cijctichs ( single ) , to Ha 0. Nero lot 10 In relham 1'laco In Omaha , w d & 10 < V Ida C. Nero nnd hmband to Joseph I 3So tty , lot 15 m Telham 1'laco In Omaha , w i S3SO.W. . W. T. Seaman and wi fo to Catherine M , illoel , lot3Alltn' tub-division of block i JJscan'a add to On.alio , w d S4CO. Kent 1C , Hayilen and wife to John 1) Mocko , n 50 feet of lot 3 in liecd'a 2d add to Omaha , w d § 3,000 Cathrina Welch to Bernard Shannon , wd part of Market Btreot , block U'J. Ouwha 53,000. Abaiures J. Quistgard and wife to horetm Y , Morse , w d , lot 0 blocks , Hnrucom place , aidltion to Omaha ; § 1.000. Heirs of Charles L Clarke , dece.vod , tc Prank HJobneou , q c , undivided 4 of uiuli vided i of a piece ot land , bting part of w A , n w J of lot 10 , section 21,15 , )3j S250. Frank IJ Johnson and wifa to Byron Heed , undivided i of part w J. n w i of lot 10 , ace tion 21 , If , 13 : SSOO. Dexter L Thomas and wife to Joieph Ilirker , w d , lot1 , block 13. Kouutzs'a J ! j addition to Omaha ; $1,800 , John B Cuneo and wife to Dorothea llou , w d , n 60 feet , lot 02 , Okuhoma , Sl.COO. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- bacco. Don't ' fail to rcudMottor'a prlco Hat ci groceries on 6th page of tbla Itsue. A Correction , The report havini gained currency that Mr , Shoemaker' * appointment by Mayor Iloyd WAS rtcmmanded , or urged by tbo G. A , 1 ! , we take occasion to moat emphatically deny that uy o'gmlzed lulluonci ) . or even a reo numiDiidatioa by niembais of Cmtor I'o&t , at Joist , looking t > hii appointment was given , CCSTUl 1'oiiT. Dwi't fill to toad ftlot'or'a prlco Hat of groceries on 5th p > go of this Ivuc. VAILIANT VISCHER. TheMoryof H&w & Two German Girls Were Sawfl from Rnio , A Brace of Chicago Villains Follct ' by nn Oltl Newspaper Mnn Trjlnj ? to Kidnap the Inno cent Crciuurcs for Vllo Purposes. The Chicago , Darlington & Qalncy train brought to this city , yertordoy morning , two young Indies , German girls , who left Florence , Italy , I'M weeks ago , and troro on their way to join rehtlvoi at San Franeleco. To fully round out the somewhat remarkable story , which follows , let U bo known that the names of those young ladles are Margarota Duronborgor and Elizi Grontz. The ormor Is a daughter of Baron Jacob Daranbcrgor , who recently died at Basle , Switzerland. Her mother Is also dead , tnd being left ia that far-away land without near relatives or frlcnda , Marga- eta started to make her future homo 1th an only brother , who lives at Betha ny , San Joaqnln countCal. . The other oung lady , who la the daughter of very nrcalthy parents , her father being now orgomastor ( mayor ) of Station , Ger many , accompanied Miss Duronborgor , , ud goes to visit an aunt who liven at Oakland. It so happened that on their rrial here they wcro In the company of ilr. Will Vlschor , a well known western newspaper man , and wife , who were on route to Cheyenne , nnd the pntlro party remained In Omaha until eight o'clock ast evening , when they took the over- and Union Pacific train and pro ceeded on their westward journey. At the depot a reporter for the BEE mot Mr , Viacher , and from him ascertained some facts relative to the young ladles which may bo told in those lines : After leaving Chicago Sunday , Mr. Vlachor and his wlfo noticed two very smootho talking , well dressed lake aldo villains , paying exceedingly close at tention to the young ladles , offering thorn ill sorts of inducements to forego their onrnoy In the direction of Sun Francisco farther , and accept homes at elegant country coats near Chicago. Ono of the hounds represented to Miss Duronborgor that ho owned an Immonno stock faun , ind 400 head of fine horses , but had no children , therefore If she would go to hts house and ba a companion for hia wife , horses , carriages , fine clothing , jewelry , money , and In fact anything her fancy craved , would ba here. Mrs. Yischor being able to understand and talk Gor man , heard this conversation and Booing that the girls were badly frightened , told her husband of the dangerous trap they were falling Into. Ho wont to ono of the follows and warned him that unless he let the cirls alone there would bo trouble. Vlscher's conversation -was to the effect that ho , a native Virginian , had boon nlno years among minors In the Rocky mountains , therefore would not eeo Innocent , unprotected females Imposed on by designing scoundrels with out making complaint. At that Mrs. Yiacher took the girls into coats with her , and cut the two emart alecs off from having any moro conversation with them. The girls were so overjoyed at finding friends that they wept and went on over Mrs. Viacher as though she had been their mother , just dropped llko an angel down out of the clouds. The villains , however , still pursued them , and never loft the train until It' roichod Council Bluffa. There Mr. Vlachor called an oflicar and pointed them out to him , a transaction which they Interpreted right ly , and made themselves scarce , though they threatened all sorts of dlro disaster to Mr. Vischer. After coming to the depot on this side of the river Miss Durenborger discovered that part of her money was gone and it Is supposed that the loot with four hundred fancy horses must have picked her pock- eta. It was then learned that , by reason of their Igndranco regarding the ways of thlsrconntry , and Inability to speak a word of English , the glrla had been grossly imposed upon over slnco they landoi In Now York. At Castle Garden Miss Grentz had boon sold an emigrant t'ckot ' for Grat-class passage and until they reached Chicago both traveled ia the emigrant cars , though Miss Darenbergar had purchased a first-clans ticket. But rather than sopir.Uo from her compan ion eho praferred to bunk In the emi grant sleopor. While here Mr. Viachor went to Mr. Morse and had him ralac Miss Grontz'a ' tlckot to a firat-class pas sage , Their frlonda were telegraphed to last n'ght ' and will mot them at Ogdon. Miss Darenbcrger Is a handsome girl and highly educated. Only a few yoaie asjo she graduated from the young hdles' ' seminary at Paris. Sbo Is about the average holghtb , slim , well formed figure , and would attract attention any place. Mlta Grentz is alto good-looking and stylish. Being the daughter of wealth } and titled parents , of course they have bjon pampered , potted , and kept con' fined , therefore know nothing , compara tively , before slatting on this trip about the ways of the world , and traveling alone it Ia quite remarkable that they had not been decoyed and lured to their ruli long before now. They can thank Mr , Visshor and his wlfo for their dellvoranci from the hands of a pair of blackhcartoc scoundrels , who would surely have cap tured and carried them oil to some dot of sin and shame. FAMILY MAKKET BASKET , Afforded by tlio IJOCA IMnrts I The local markets , are becoming well stocked and the housokeopar has nc trouble in finding plenty of mat nr Isl tc select from In cooking ftthj thrco nioala i dsy. The situation is brleily summed uj below ; In the fresh water article , white Cth , trout and bits retail at 15 cents pat pound ; white plckeral Is soiling at 1C cents ; croppla and perch can bo had foi 12.1 cents ; catGth aie just coming In and soli for 12A to 1C cents a pound. As foi ' tall watcr'lish , oodfieh and haddock are worth If ) otnta a pound , ballbnt 25 oonts Shad sells from OH to 80 coats osoh , Flnundors are not In very lively demand tt IL'i. Eela sell for 20 cents a pound. Ojdliah touguoa or ) rare , but retail for 20 cents. MEATS. The boat cuts cf elrloln sell for li coals , rumpy and upper pait cf roc in toakatl2V , Koaatiog ribs , firm me juicy , cau ba bought for 10 to 121 cents Vtais \ exlromely soatca and comes high from 25 to 20 cents , nccnrdioi ? to the cholcencss of the parr. Sweet brcuda can ba purchftscd at 25 cents a pair. Corn boot Is selling at from u to 10 cents , according to cats. Prime legs of mutton n bo hod for 12J cents ; mutton chops 2t | to 1C cents. Ham Is a staple ortlcli it good demand at 12 cents in bulk , 25 onts sliced. Pork 10 to 12 cents 'insago 10 to 12J cents. mUlTS AND VEOITABIES. The vegetable market is well stocked Early Rosa potatoes are In fair domain it 75 to 00 cents ; the Peerless and Whit Slophantbring 75 toSCcontiabushcl Th Colorado , of largo and mealy variety , i old at $1 a bushel. Tin eiinlno SaltLako potatoes toll for $1 a nshol. Asparagus is worth 5 cenle bunch. Rhubarb can bo bought for 3 o 5 cents a pound , water cress 5 cents n iitnch. Parsley Is sold at CO conic n c/.sn. California cabbage can still bt ought for C cents a pound. Fresh rnd ahea are worth 5 cents per bunch. Spin1 ich Is worth 25 cento n peck , while cu- lumbera sell at from 12JI to 1C cents .piece , according to alr.o. Fresh homo grown lettuce , a dclightfu hd delicacy at this season of the year. . . sold at C cents a head. Fresh omatoos are in lively demand at 20 cent pound , whllo * green peas nro put ng In an appearance and tell for 10cent quart ; string beans 75 cents a quart Wax beans can ba bought for 20 cents a nait. Sweet potatoes are very scare nd retail for from G to 8 cents n pound Green onions nro selling for C cents a ' uncb , southern onions three pounds fo quarter , Bermudas two pounds for a uartor. FRUITS. The local markolo nro wall stocked In ho frnit lino. California oranges bring 'rom 25 to 35 cents a dozen ; mcesim ranges are beginning to come in and sol ! or about the same. Eanacns , froth and Ipc , nro very plentiful and can bo bough or 25 to GO cents a dozen. Pineapple if the largo and luscious variety , nr cfl , colling at from 40 to 50 cents piece. Apples are very ocarco , rolnllln * or from CO to GO cents a peck. Straw errioa are comparatively plentiful , andre ro at present bringing from 1C to 2 onta par quart. California cherries r.r in appreciated delicacy , being worth 2 ! , o 35 centa a pound. ECOS AND BUTTEU. Eggs have a standard price of 12A cent dozen. Butter , best dairy and cream1 ry , is selling for 25 cents n pound. POLICElOOUET , londny MornlnR Culprits Hushing the Growler. " Business in the police court yettorJa morning was fairly lively , though no cases pecial importance were called for trial. George Thurston , a granger who had jus .rrivcd . in Omaha , had celebrated bis entrei iy getting on a bitr spree , "Five and costs' ' lls the sad tale. William Avery , a Washington county far1 mer , who had come to Omaha with the o ires a purpose of "tinting the town , " succeed d remarkably well. lie waa released b. Tudgo Stenberg and told to set his face homi wards. Thomas McDarmott , likewise accused c ntoxlcition , explained that ho had got a fe' ' drinks in him Sunday , had got to eingin , in a saloon and had been ejected. Ho mot i Doliceman , who voiy foolishly arrested him for attempting to render a few choice vocal selections in the open air. Ho was lined $5 and costs. John Doe , an ex-pohceman _ suffered , a sim- lar infliction for a similar offence. James Oroesloy WAS arraigned for attempt- ng assault and battery upon the person of one L. E , Jones. The story told by the plaintiff was that ho was walking past the corner of Twelfth and Howard streets , Sunday afternoon , when ho was accosted by Crossley who asked him if ho had money enough to ' rurh the growler , " i. e , to pay for the boor. Jones replied that he had 16 cents which he would gladly give him , Crossley at first declined to take the money , bnt afterwards accepted It , He then re turned it saying that he guessed Jonea needed it moro than he did. Just at this point , Jones claims , Crossley went up to him and struck him with some sharp Instrument which he thinks was a revolver. The latter part of the accusation , however , Crossley denies. Crossley attempted no special defense and was fined by Judge Stonberg 825 and costs. Charles McGregor , an old offender , waa arraigned for vagrancy , nnd was sentenced to nu imprisonment of five days in the county jail.William William Tollan , same charge , promised to leave town betore noon and was released , G. D. Anderson , accused of stealing lumber from Bradfdrd's yard , austained a continuance of his case. John Keene , who was arrested Sunday as baing suspected of firing Meyer's lumber yard , was released , as there was no evidence whatever o' hia guilt. Don't fail to read Motter'a price list of groceries on 5th page of this isauo. JJEABD-SIDNER , A Jlnppy Event in Which a Young Ouinlia. Man Participates , DeloaP. Beard , of this city returned homo yesterday , bringing his brldo with him. The young Iftdy , formerly Mlea Katie Stdnor , ia well known here , where ahollvod until about a year ago when she moved with her parents to Denver. Mr. IJoard ha a lived in Omaha since hia boy * hood and is well and favorably known to all oil eottlore. Bo has always taken a prominent part { n all musical mattera In the city , ho being an expert player on the guitar and several other Instruments , For the past three years ho baa been a member of JSo , 1 fire company. The groom hes built himself a neat cottaRo at the corner of Nineteenth and Izird Directs and hero the happy couple will aottlo down to murrtcd biles. There will bo a wedding reception given [ tlin evening at the residence of the groom'e parents , to which a largo number of iu- vltatlona have boon issued. The DEB extends its congratulations to the young couple end trusts that their married life will ba a sunny ono , and that co clouds vrill over lower 'round the housa of Beard. Army nrclera. Mnjijr George I ) , Dandy , quartermaster , U. S , A , chief buartermaster of the depart ment , will proceed to Forts Sidney , Neb. , and Bridge r , I ) A. Hussell , and Laramie , Wyo , , on public business connected with the ( [ uuttormaster'a department , and on comple tion of this duty wll return to bii station at th ° e beadqutr. tore. Tnti travel directed is necessary for the pub lic service M > rvicn , A board of cllrera consisting of Captain Mnrrli 0. 1'noto , Klnth Infautrr , Captain William K II if man. Ninth lufantry , and ] "irut LieuttcaDt Oiin 1) , Mitcbam , Ordnance department , Is appsiottiii lo rnueton Juno 1 , proximo , to uppraiso tin buildings balonglng tn the post trader nt Fort IX A , Itusiell , Wyo , with a vie * to their purchase by the Kovnriuniiiit unrter the nulhprity of the war department of April U , 1835. The report of the board will be submitted to tbe department commander , throuzh tbe coinmandirfr ollicor , 1'oit U. A Kustell , Taking the Consul. > I5Q | Mr , 0 forgo i < ane , Buporintendont of the census , hiyi returned from Lincoln , having made all necessary arraogcrnont for the local branch ot the work of taking the cenius , The actu a prosecution of the work will commence next Monday , Juno 1st , Tbe following gentlemen Imo boon ap pointed to serve as enumerators for the various wards in the city ; First Ward Mcssri. Khronport , Hanson , Kubon and Raven , Second Ward Frank Kasptr , John Iloyo , has. S. nnd George 13 , Stryker , Third Wnrd-Oharloj U Scott , Winfield irnwell , J. II. DauiMs and Dr. II. M. Blair. Fourth Ward-William Phillips , H. M , Juileon , T , H Carpenter nnd W. J. Mount. Fifth Wnrd-U. U. Balcombo. James Al len , George A. Slurring nnd Frnnk Williams. Sixth Ward -J. A. Onscadan , C. C , Fields , Gustav Iiindqucet nnd D , J. Smith. Theceneui tikcrs have ndoptod the euggcs- Ion of the BKE nnd 111 bo provided with badges which will distinctly announce their mlsdon. It is highly desirable that the people ple of Oniahn respond readily to the efforts of the enumerators nnd furnish them nil in for mation desired as inlly nnd quickly na possi ble. It is thought the work of taking the : lty census will consume about two weeks. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco fs the best. A Much-Owned Mule. Last winter one Charles Wostcrgard do rtuuled Mrs. I.uclnda Jonoa In a horse rade , tobbing licr , as she alleged , of a valuable - blo mule. An indictment was iound ngainst him by tbo grand jury. In the meantime Mrs , Jones instituted civil proceedings ngainst Wcstergard in Judge Solden'd court n the shape of n replevin suit. She won the ult , but could not find the mule. The other duy , as she claims , she found it in the posses- ion of a tnan bv the uaino of Hasmua Ncl- on , nnd seized it as her property. Proceed ing * of replevin wcro then commenced by coram - ; am parties , Messrs. Meyers and HULZ , who claim that though the mule was in temporary possession of Nelson , It in reality belongs to 'hem. In this shape the case at present timds , and the issue is awaited by those in- orestod with some decree of anxiety , Tills powder never varies. A marvel ot pnroty , strength and wholosomeneBB. More economical th fl the ordinary klndB , nd c nnoi bo sold In competi tion with the multitude of low tent , abort weight lnrno ! physphrto ponders. Bold only In o nl HOYAL BAKING POWDKU CO. . 108 Wall St ; N.Y Apollinaris 1 NATURAL MINERAL WATER "Issues from a spring deeply embedded in a rock , and is therefore of ABSOLUTE ORGANIC PURITY. " Oscar Liebreich , Regius Professor * U'lirersitv of Berlin. " The only Tt'arcr safe for the traveller to drink is a NATURAL MINERAL WATER ? Sir Henry Thompson , F.R.C.S. Lond. England. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grocers , Druggists , 6 * Jlfia. ll'af. Dealers. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. TOR THE ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The unders'gnpd physicians of Son Francisco are farnilfar with the composi tion of tlio principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that 0AM ELTNE Is harmless and frao from all poisonous or injurious pubatancon. L 0 Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D U A McLoin , M D J M MoNulty , M D. 0 B Br'gham , M D J O Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D J J Olerlio , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W naroinondM D A M Lcryen. M D W F McNutt.Bl D 0 L Bard , M D AJBowio , MD II L Slmras , M D J 0 Shorb , M D J n Stallard , M D F A Bolraun , M D 0 McCuoiiton.M D J Ilosonotirn , MD 0 0 Keonoy , M D J D 'Whltnoy M D A M Wilder , HI D T Boyaon , M D G II Powers , M D 0 G Kenyon , M D B R Swan , M D IS Titas , M D L L Door , M D J L Moaros , M D J W Kooncy.M D T Price , M D G Holland , M D H Gibbona , M D Madame Adolina Patti ( "Writcaj " 1 shall have to repeat the pralroj of your OAMELLINE heard fron ull aides. For ea by H. T. OLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha And all first cla < u druggists. DR , POHEK , Graduate ot trie Unlvertutv Vienna , Aus tria. Law Hursocri to the Military Hospital , of Vienna , Will do a general Medical anr Surgical practice , AH calls in city or country promptly attended. OUice nt the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Comer 13th Street and Capitol Avenun. EASIEST niDinU Klilci ai easy on j two. . . . . . . . . lengthen and ihorten according lo th wtlght tb / Cirri. Equilly well adapted to rough country roads ' - ' > c < ol citic. . Manufactured tad told bj I MISFITS 1 1312 1312 Up-Staira UNCALLED FOB Up-Stairs. 1312 CLOTHING 1312 a ? BOUGHT UP FROM THE LEADING Throughout the country , will bo sold only at 1312 Douglas St. , up-Stmrs , 1312. , , Make lo Mistake , Up SUITS , SUITS. S25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for $ ia 20 30 00 15 110 35 00 18 00 40 00 20 20 45 00 23 CO 50 00 2G 80 GO 00 30 CO 05 00 33370 PANTALOONS , 8 G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for . ? 3 20 7 50 " " " . 3 80 F8 00 " " " 4t . 4 15 10 00 " " " " . 5 25 12 00 " ' " " . C 10 15 00 " " " " 3 8 00 Which are allko the suits and pantaloona ; purely made by a Merchant Tailor , will bo oold tban the coat of material and can ba 'ound , only Mahe No Mistalse , 1312 DOUGLAS STEEET-UP-SrAIES. 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. N. B Merchant tailors with misfit and uncalled for garments will confer n favor by addressing Misfit JJlotliirg Parlois , 1312 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. , Up--tairs. . HAIR'S This Invaluible ppcc'fla readily and permanently curoa all binds oAsthma. ( The most obatlnato nJ DDK standing caaemlold promptly to Its wonderful uilnjf properties. It U keown throughout the world or Ita unrivaled efficacy. J L CALDWKLL. city Tlncoln , Neb ; writes , Jan 0,1831. S nco using Dr. Heir's Asthma euro , for moro tban ono year , my wife hts been entirely well , nd cot e\cnn Bjmptcm of tbo disease has appeared. WILtlAM BHNNETT , Ulchland , lowa.wrltosNov. J. 1883 I have been afflicted with Hay Fever and Aethm * since 1859 I followed your directions and m happy to Bay that I nov er slept batter in ay life. am glad that I am amone the many who can speak o favorably of your remedies. A valuable 04 page treatise containing elmllar proof rom every State in the U , S , Canai * and Great Britain ; will bo mailed upon application. Any druzglst not havln ? it In stock will procured , o order. Ask for Dr. Hair a Asthma Cure. DH. a W HAIR & SON. Prop's Cln'ti , O. COWING & GO jonnr.n-i w WROUGHT IRON PIPE , llillraUe nnd C t Iron Lead Pipe and Sheet Load MOUTllIMnOX faTKAJI I'lMW , U1MIJ1ILL AM ) Dim KU li 1 Ull'8 , Plumbers' Gas ana steam Fitters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUP UES , UUiADodnoSls-OMAHA.NF.R. K3" ; sug2.I& iMW { as& ixtce ib&i ( BCCCK3BOHS TO JOHH O. 7 AGO US ) ! At the old stand 1117 Fmnim Bt Orders by lele- gr [ > h solicited ixndpiompil tttendodto. Telepboo United States Depository. I OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZK imOTnKHS , Organized in 1858 , Organized as a National Bank In 18GO. OBPITAL $200,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS. . . . 1(50,000 ( OFTOBUS AtiD DIRECTORS : IlKRkUK KOL'NTZH , IVtaldl'llt. JOHN A CRIIOUTON , Vl"o Proildcnt , Ami'STUs houNTZit , 2d Vice I'rosldent. A. J. FoirLirrov , F. A. DMia , Caehlor , W.It. JIi-cijuiRB , AsslBUnt Cashier. Transacts a iicnoral banking lunlncej. Issues tints rcrtmrntts healing Inlcrett Draws drafts n8 > n Friuclico > nd | lncli > aldtlcialn tlio United States : lto LoDdon , Dublin , Kdlnburift and tbe principal cities ol the continent and Europe. OLLEOTIONS PROMPTLY MADE Omaha Mm U. S. DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLARD , WMKWALLAO F reslilcnl. Cuhlt $ B008000. Flro and Durelar Proof Snfoa , F < r rent at f < owl5 ts $50 rer samjra. ( ESTABLISHED 1805. ) Only Importers in Omaha of SMOKERS' ARTICLES , G-uns , Sporting Goods and Notions FLAGS , Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , ROIXER SKATES. S3D IFOR LISTS. Maoo Meyer Co. , - OmaJw , Neb. The Advantage of Settling in the New Town The title "South Omaha' doosnot mean thosouthern part of the city of Omaha.lxt i th name of the thriving town commencing at the Union Stock yards on the Boutb , and extent ] ing for a inilo and a half north , nearly connecting with the city limits of Omaha. The company have again concluded to put on sale 1,000 lots , and let the purnaiera of the same realize the profit which the enhanced value of thcao loU is sure to make. It now being an assured fact that South Omaha is destined In the near future tc-bo the largeot liva clock market west of Chicago , there con be no doubt that this property In a fuw yanrn will lx > worth five or oven ton times the amount that it can ha bought for to-day. Some may ask : If this Is BO , why do not tlio company keep it and Mali7X > this prolit The answer IB , that In order to make lots valuable , there must bo improvomeDis OH or 8ur rounding them , and iw is the case in nil new towns , special Induce reuto must to ollorod first to got the pjople to take hold and build. There are probably moro such inducements offered by South Omaha , than were over pu forth by any now town. The large business dorm by the Block yards company and the im mense slauKhter and packing houses together with their au-tllari'-s ' nro nonmall feature in , it aggregate of events that ate destined to make South Omaha a Ifirge iJaca. Again , the town is not nn addition to Omaha , and U not liable for city taxes , alt ) ough It enjoys all tbo.beuofits from tbo growth of Omaha that it would if It wer just IXSIDK the city limits , but beinfc just OUTOWK , only county taxed are collected , which nro merely n ornlnat , 'I no town owns and operates ita own water works , which furnish au nbutuUnt BUMply ol puro.sprinf } water. lwm < my trabia will run on the U. 4 M. aid.U , I' , railways nvpry hour , mopping at the north end of tlmtown Bite 3 well as at the stock yards. The Thlrt eonth troet horBO cars will ran ; > Hascall's park this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day. The high nltitudo und the location a healthy one. . Of course there ore those who do not belevo : that aauth Omaha will amount to much , This kind of people didn't ' belitvo Chicago would BVT 'oo anything bsttor than a oianborrjr patch that Omaha would aver outgrow her -jillMO cloUr es , that there never could bo any fruit raised lu Nebraska , etc. , etc. who made It win ? Tb a sceptics , or thoao that had au abiding faith m the enerRy , intelligence and reioursea of this great country ? , , . , , , , J'or Information , maps , prices nnd terras apply .t the company's office , 2108. Thirteenth i Street , Merchant National Hank Building , first ll , or , M. A. 171TOffA88t. Scc'y and Manager. AS , A. KDNKY. W. A L. GIBBON STEEL HEAVY HARDWARE Wat/on Stock anil Jlawlivooil lumber , JL217 and 12X9 JLcavenwoi'th St. Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time buyers , Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , adding freight to Omaha ,