THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , MAY 26. 1885. 1 LEGAL LORE , A fcnrao IiUt or Attachment * Onsen Cfitlinod by .TuctRO Btcn- uotR to the District Court , In the cno of N. K. Faltbanka & Co. , vs. Heath and Atkinson , attachment : KOTO Issued yesterday by Jcdgo Mo Cullough , of the county court , for th < merchants' national lunk , Nell & Con rad , E. J. Coder , M. Lee , O.B. Harding , J. H. Wlnspoar , Urlow & Schwab , Ounv mlna & Slmma , Downey & Daffy , W , II , Hitchcock , F. J. Bonglo , J. W. Jonce , John Svaclna , Shavlick & Krob , Jamoa Byrne , LowMcOoy , J. A. Keller , M. J. Scannol , B. Weiiman , W. Mnto , M. W. Mnnlll , Mrs. Allco llynn , J. E. King , Andrew Stanley , F. W. Dwotak , Van Grcon Brother ? , E. S. Flagrj , J. llodoraskl , M. BI , Hon > il , Henry Sanlter , John Frank , and George 1. Monroe. These attachments wara issued - sued on < ho affidavits of George JelTory nnd James Woods , attorney and agent , respectively for pUInt'lFi , who dopoios r.nd say that they have reason to , and do bollovo that each nnd every ono of thoto parties Is In posjcssion of property be longing to plaintiffs. CERTIFIED TO THE DIST1UCT COUIIT. Judge Stonberg ycslordoy cortlGcd to fifteen citBos that have been sent from his law mill up to the district court. They ara : State vs. Charles Phillips , ohorgo of forgery. State vs. John D wight , assault , with Intent to commit bodily injury with a knifo. State vs. George Williams , for rob bery. Strxto vs. Pat Gibson , two cases. Fuat Having a forged Instrument in hla pos session. Second Trying to pass a forged chock on the Om lm National B nk. State vs. Lydla Haynes , grand larceny. Slat3 vo. Frank Knbobeck , atsaultand bittory on John Rosicky , peace war rant , State va. Frink Ncilln , disturbing the poica , appealed. State vs. Charles H. Kyle assault and battery , appealed. State va. E. A. Wallace , fraud in part nership affairs. State vs. D. 0. Holmeg , grand larcony. State vs. Alfio Gilmore and Gas Lam bert , grand larceny. State vs. Clara Thomas and Lon Brown , larceny.u. . u. s. COUHTS. Mr. Fred W. Peck , of Ohicagp , filed papers in the United States circuit court yesterday , commencing suit against But ler county , Nebraska , for $800 , an amount ho claims duo him as Interest on bonds. The Union PacIGo railroad filed Its answer yesterday to the petition of Caroline Dowd , who , some tlmo ago , brenght suit against them for $5,000 damages on account of her husband's death from being run over by the cars. The answer sets up that that ho was not crossing the track on a rcgalar crossing , therefore the company is not responsible for his death. ARRESTED AGAIN. A Model Young Blnii oi'Council Blnfl'd la Jail for Forgory. Robert J. Sklloa , the yoncg man ar- rcstod fonr or five weeks ago far forgery , Tvca taken in again last night , on com' plaint of William Sierra , a stock man from Antelope county.V hllo oat through that part of the state last December , as travelling agent , soliciting buei- nesa for the Homo Flro in- anranco company , Skilos lorgcd two ordcra , or nutos. of $50 each , on Mr. Storra , nnd sent thorn to the oilico of the company hero. At the sitno time ho nho forged notes on two other men , Rol ler and Bill , of Antelope , the entire amount of hla crooked transactions cover- lug about $ ; ! 00. Tlicso notes wore oho sent to tbo ollica hero , and In commlo- aiona for his work the company paid him SCO. Yonterday Mr. Storrs arrived in Onmha , and wont dirootly to the oilico of the Homo company. Whllo there , tind talking about the notes , he Baw Skilos paoelug along on the appoaito eldo of the etroot. Immediately - diatoly Storra went to Jnstloo Andrew's oilico and a word out a warrant for hla arrest. It wai plticsd in OfHcorjWhalan'ii lunde , who captured tbo ynnng roan about 10 o'clock last night and gnvo him qtuitors in the city jll until this morn- Ing. It acorns that Ukllua has been con- stdorod qulto a model follow horo. Ho owns a boot and shoo homo in Council Blafld. While getting the warrant for hla arrest last evening n man tr s sent to watch him. Ho wont directly to General Howard's house and made a call thoro. On the way ho mot the Ilov. Savage , nnd the watchman heard him s y that ho expected to join the church at Council Bluila soon ; also hoard him invite the minister to come over next Sunday and enjoy communion services with him. Ho was not aware that nn officer was then on his track to atrost him for forgery. MAEBIAGE AND DIVOEOE , Monilftnor Onpel'a Second Lecture In Omaha. Monalgnor Oipol , the distinguished divine and orator , Icctnred again last night , but this time at the catholic cathe dral , hla subject being , "Marriigo aud Divorce. " The attendance was only fair , not what It ought to have been , became In In the subject chojon , Honslgnor Oapel is an eloquent and pleating speaker , That the mar riage ceremony is of divine origin , the speaker quoted that p&teage of scripture which sayt , "It U not good for man to bo alone , " ai on example by which to prove the atsertion Ho hold that the creator could have , had He BO chosen , created every man sepa rately but Ho preferred to delegate that power onto man , therefore Incentive should be a moans of making doubly eacrod the marriage tlo. The first Idea of marriaiio it a union of tire persons , and to effect that union it is necessary thafthere be mutual consent - sent on the part of the contracting par ties. The speaker dwelt at considerable length on the propriety and adaptability of making Ufa contracts and showed thai too many unfortunate mtriiiges ate being ing made either on account of persons ; beauty or wenUb. His remarks on di vorce , and the law which pounits a separation ration of hatband and wife , were llstono to with & threat deal of attention and In terest. Monglnor Capol leaves this morntof for Denver. His May In Omaha ho say hai been greatly oa joyed by him. FIXING TOE A FAIB , PrcllintnnTy Steps Tnteon at n Mdet Ing Held IJ BC Night. The Omahn Fair and Exposition aeso elation held a meeting last night at the Board of Trade rooms , with Joseph Qar- nean , Jr. , as presiding ofllcor , and George E. Gibson , locrotftry. The attendance for euch an enterprise , in which Omaha Is certainly interested , was rather small but those who wore present manifesto : a firm determination to proceed with the work of getting up n fair. As an encouraging inducement it was slated that fully § 000 has already boon 'ubscrlbod ' towards a fair or exposition Bnd $500 more promised. The question f undertaking success- ill , In opponltlon to a atato fair , TTOB raised , bat there seemed to bo an nlmosl unanlmoua opinion that , with $50,000 capital stock as n basis to work on , and selection of dates tint will not conflict with the state fair , there can bo no question of success. After discussing the matter nt some .ougtb , Mr. James McShano moved that a committee of thieo men bo appointed ; o confer with the owners of the fair 'rounds and ascertain at whnt figurec iboy can either bo bought or leased. That motion prevailed , but another motion , made by Mr. Sheaw , that this committee bo Instructed to solicit sub scriptions to the stock and raito the amount from § 25,000 , at which it stands now , to $50,000 , the committee was ncroasod to five mombors. They wore ippolnted by the chair , and nro ns fol- ows : 0. N. Ramsey , Ohurchlll Parker , lamca McSbano , R'clmrd Kitchen , ? rank Colpolzor. The meeting thonadjonrurd PERSONAL. Mnson GrogR and wife of Lincoln , were guests at the Fnxton yesterday. John , Steen , Wahao , nnd II. J. Hitter , ! rand Island , are at the Arcade , H. F. Wiley , 3 : . H. Lupton and O , D. Bisael of Konrney , are nt the Paxton. W , Welsh , of tlio Unltoi States army at iako George , Now York , is a Paxton guest. Airs. Mathlai Trantlien presented her hus band Sunday with n nine pound girl. Mother and child are getting along nicely. N. N. Vinriuoet , for many years a lead- ng ice dealer In Omaha , but now a resident E Kansas City , la the guoat of Mr. Simeral , Mr P , 0. Bachuj and family accomoanlod jy about twenty othsr Omaba people , started net ntpht for the Pacific coast. Mr. Backus ; oe3 to Las Angola ? , Cal. Mrs , Helen L , Baldwin , MIsi Mary Bald. win , Mies Laura Baldwin and Miss Helen LInsley , n lively party of Chtc go ladles oat n a tup for pleasure are cuoata at the 'nxton. Doctors Grady , Denlse , Merrlam , Kelley , Jeo , Coffmnn and Galbraith , left last night or Grand Island , to attend a meeting of the tate medical association which begins there o-day. Mr. J , H , Valoin lott Sunday for a visit of ovoral months duration among friends at Stockholm and other points in Sweedon. Saturday night Mr. Valoin treated a few of lis friends to an excellent banquet. Dr. Galbraith left last night for a few lays trip to westnrn points , in his ollicial apacity as local Union Pacific surgeon , Ho vill also attend the opening of the State Mod- cal association at Grand Island to-morrow. F , & 1. McDonagh , publisher of the Watch- nan , has returned from a futile trip to the ast in search of health , Mr. M. ia a very ick man , and his many frienda in Omaba and Nebraska will hear with sorrow that his lisoase threatens toterminato fatally. Mrs. Col , Mason and children left osterday for Fort Snolling , iliuu. , the future residence of ho family. Col. Mason will remain hero , wo weeks longer , closing up the dataila of lia business , when ho will leave to assume hla luties at Fort Snolling , Maj. D , U. Hall , who , for the past twelve cars , lias been deputy clerk of the district ourt at Chicasro , was nn Onviha visitor Sun- lay and yesterday accompanied by Mra , lall. Ho has purchased property at Kear ney , and loft for that place last night to reside hero in the future. A. G. Breson , Lincoln ; C. S. Wheaton , j'edar llaplds ; Goo. K. Hammond , North Platte ; D. O. Corley , Aurora , 111. ; W. F. Webster , BocheEtor , N. Y. ; Oid Hill , Ft. ? aul , Minn ; J. B. Grant , Demer ; J. M. rrol , St. Louis ; .T. M. Peaslep , Chlcapo ; FeeeD Smith , Malvern , In.Dr. ; K , C. Loomis , Araboy , 111. ; 1) . P. LiUie , Springfield , Masa.j 3oo. W. Waluwrlght , Blair , are at the Mil- rd. rd.J J , Gardner , Kansas City ; S , J. Faria and wife Auburn ; L. B. Mack. Hockford : J. M. McCott. Dawson ; W. F. Wlloy , C. D. Bes sie , K , II. Lepton , Kearnc > ; W. F. Lord , Missouri ValleyMason ; Gregg and wife , Lin coln ; A. Blakestart , Wahoo ; J. T. Anderson , Albion ; A. W. Gumalr , St. Paul ; N. 13. Sarat , Nebraska City ; Jos. Hamilton , Albion ; J. T. Hansom , Nebraska City , are at the Paxton. A. L. Spearman , Samuel Staitzer , Spring field ; Michael Partridge , Laramie ; J. M. George , GtrardPa.E ; E.Horendotter.Marys- vlellej 8. Van Wnlkanborg , North Bend ; L. V. Jenkln , Kansas City ; J. L. Gates and wife , Daa Moinea ; T. Bellinger and wife , Denver , Col , ; James Mullownoy , G. Renold- son , Albion ; 3. Hartman , Grand Island ; Jaa. McGreavy , Bancroft , Neb. ; Mien C. fatill , Syracuse , N. Y. ; A. Hoght , Columbui , are at the Canfield , J , A. Cattnon , Beatrice ; J. D. Graham , Grand View ; W. J. McLaughlin and wife , HubbplljT. R. Lslghton , Plattimoutli ; John Bradford. Herman ; J , H. Kimball , LaPUtte ; B. B. Oatz , Springfield , Neb. ; IT , Weatbrook , Canada. MIis. ; Anna Burk , Minneapolis ; C , S , Smart , Stuart , la , ; G. S , Curney , Chicago ; Frank P. Lawrence , Utica ; C. H. Cotter , Ostge , la , ; Frank Norton , Toronto , Canada , and P. McCormlcd and wife of Kansas City , Mo , , ara at the Metro ; olitan , | Mr. Will Viacher , one of the brightest wittiest and best known newspaper men in the west uojoxirned within the gates of this fair city yesterday and made the BSB a pleasant \lsit. Mr. Vlecher was acom [ i in led by hla wife and daughter and they were enrouto to Cheyenne , from a visit ol several weeks duration among friends in Kentucky. He croes to take editorial charge of the Cheyenne Leader , As a modern humorist , he ranks hih and with hi * funny lectures has electrified audiences of Intelli gent people from Maine to California , and threw many into such \Iolont strains ol laughter that they never got in er it. Mr Vischer Ii not only an excellent newepaper man and cyclone cf humor , but he roja boycn'l description , Several visitors looked through the nen court homo yesterday , - Five car-loads of emigrants left Omaha for the west yesterday. Complaints were made to Judge Stcnbcrg ycsUrday against several parties who permit filth to accumulate and rot in Ihclr backyards and alloyt. W. F. Wilson was arrested yesterday on complaint of hla wife , the story being that ho had assaulted and almost pounded the life out of her , TAX titles are being taught up so fast by speculators that the county treasurer says that ho is kept away bahind making out the certificates , A city base ball league ia being "organ ized , with the Croighton college and High school clubs , and a nine that Is bslng organ- i/cd , with Fred Smith aj capUin , in the league , The street car company has just com pleted and occupied their now stables o\or by iho IT. P. depot. They are a'eo extending heir Farnam street line westward , and will soon have tin cars running on It. The police found a lost bay yesterday on Sixteenth street , and took him to the head quarters of the womons' Christian temperance union. The little fellow Is about t yoats old , md on a blun shirt and checkered trousers. Mayor Boyd wai n badly broken up man esterday , when City Clerk Southard laid ba ore him the ? 1COCCO worth of funding bonds .hat have been purchatod by the Firnt nation al bank , and told him that ho would have to ign hla name 1.109 times , An oxprets team filled with double geared fnrht nt a parsing engine , tried hard yesto'day to make a wild dash through Boll's Irug store , on Tenth street , near the U. P. rossinif. The driver , however , was nervy and succeeded in turning them down the ide walk , and therefore % ery little damage ojultod. _ Thcro are many cheap cosmetics offered or sale , which claim to contain nothing njurioua to the skin. Thin is nil bosh Ml , or very nearly all are compounded rein the most deleterious and polslonocs .rugs In the matorla modica. They do- troy the vitality of the akin , ranking the onsumor prematurely withered and old , ' . A. Pozzonl guarantees his medicated : omploxion powder entirely free from nil njurious matter. Use none other and 'ou ' will never regret. Price 50 cento nd 51 per box. Sold by all druggists nd perfumers. Card or Wo wish to thank the kind friends fho sympathized with ua in oar recent > ereavomont , and especially those who wera with n s during the sickness and oath of our little son. MR. AND Hits L. St. ANDEHSON. "TJF faf.gfte * . i i } ? ' * * WftSKJWi.77.VZ 25 Yg.ARS IN USE. Cho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago SYMPTOMS OF A _ Lfc Lornofnppctltc , llowels costive , 1'nln In the head , with a dull Hennntlon In the /mck part , 1'nln under the tUonlilcr- liladoi I'ullucss nftcrcntlnir , wlthtidli- InclInntloD to exertion of body or mind. Irrlmliility of temper , I.ownplrlts , with a fccllneof hnvlnnncclcctccl dome duty , Wcarlnc 9 | Ulzzlncsc , I'luttcrlnc nilhc Heart , Dots bcforatlic cyc , Hcndachr nvcr the rlfiht oyo. Ilcstlcsunosa , with atful Urcrimo , Jlichly colored Urine , aud CONSTIPATION. TDTT'S PlXiXiB are especially adapted to oucli cases , ono dose effects euch a hanBooffcellnprnatonstonlshtnosnfToror They Itirrcnsotlio Appetitennd cause tlic body to Take on Vlcsli-thus the nystem lj nourlahcil.and bytnelrTonlo Action on the lineiUveOrcaiiflll Stools are rtronncprt. Prf e a.ic. < 147tliirrn v st..H.V. GRAY IlAin or WIIISKERB changed to n Gtossv IJLACK by a slnglo cippllcation ol this DTE. It Imparts n. imtural color , nets Instantaneously. Sold by Dmgglits , or cut by express on iccolptof 91. Office. M MurravSt. . Now Vorlc. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY , , TOMti' ' M0tMONn ' " Money to Loan On \lchattelsecuiltyby\V. H. Crcft , room 4 , With- ell bulldlrK , N. K. corner l&tn and Hirnuy After cars ol cxperlcii20 and a careful study cl the hual itsa cf loaning money on porsinal property , I lm\o tl st | icrtrctod a sjatcm wheroiy the publicity scd In such caeoi Is done awiy with , end lamnow n a peg lion to rncettho dcmimla of all "ho lioconn empoilily tmbarrasscd sn.l dcjlro to raUo nuncy Itliftut ikliyi.nJ hi a quiet manner. Ilomotecri- rs , pro'csfloniliKentlcincii , incflianlcjatnl others In , hla city c n obtain nit nice ] Irom S10 to $1,000 on uchtccurlt } as liomiluld firnituro , pianos , m.v- ilner ) , horses , wanona , wirchnusi rccelpta , ticcur- d notcKf hind , etc. , with ut rcmmngfamo Irom nois residence or place ol builnea ? . Ono ol the dvantacos loiter U that anv part of tnv loa i can o pall at any time which will reduce the Intertfct ro rat * nud n'l loins renewed at the original rat'a f Interest. I hate no brokers In conne.tlcn with ro > olllo butptraormllyeuporlntendall my lont' , ha\e prhate olllcus connected with my genual ( Ucosothat customers do not come in contact with ich other , consequently n-aklcg all transactors trlctly pilvito. W U Croft , room i , Wltbnell ullJliiK' , N. K. cor. 15th mi4 Harney. 037-J.21 ' toloin on Knal eetito in any amount and Mosi'V to suit , I om 830 tiSIOOO on aollttcrali on Dirty to ninety da > a time , in euma of fifty dollira ndupuir e. Unohattcli , Ineurasof fl\e tofho hundred dol- ara at low ratcjaml tlmo to suit. illscellancouB. UortK ? o secured notep.cltjr claims and Judgement bought , adiancns made to e ntrac- ore , andRonertl iltuncUl biulnftaclftll kinds tram- acted promptly , quietly and without dtlav , at the OinalmjlnaicUltxch : DK0.160)raruomSt.uBUI | 057-SO csar roToan In euoia of $200 ami upwards on first-claw real csUto eecurlty. 1'olter & Cobb , fil&rarrjamet 01C-tf otrr TO LOAN kt lowest rates ol Interest by lit. M mU 15th and Douglas. 0)3-27 LOAN Ono diet clusi bocurlty , ( HO ) ( or G jeaia To Ames , I6C7 Fa n ui it , C3&-2J T ° loaa &t CDCe'a ' > ums ' " ) m tloo U. tofJOOO onDOdiysto Ojcirstlrno. Money on hand ; no delay. Omaha fltaccUl E < - chtnge , 1533 Kornam iticet , up eulri. 471 SOp l/rosir / to loan on furniture , horses , wagons.planoi .VA personal property , collaterals and anything cf aluo , everthing itrlctlyoonBdertial ; lloods Kmtn clalagency John PBchmlnkeCashier. 298-jll TO LOAN On1 ffil ertite security. In Bums MOSET 140,030. kt reasonabla latei. 0 E. Mayna &Co , 8 W co&th and ( arnarn. % BOC-J11 lyfoNETTOUAM In'tinountu to suit , on chattels , .VI collateralioranrigoodstourlty , OmahaKlnan- del Exchange , 1503 Varnam it. , up ( litre. 186JOp /TONKVToloaa / o cb ttel , Wootley & Harrison , VI Room 20 , Omaba National bank building t/TONEYTOLOAN / On ical estate and chattels iVl D. L. Thonus. Olfctl. \/rONE7 / Loaned on chattels , cut rait , IL It Ylttokebj oouchtand sold. A. Forman13 S.lSth St 187.fl VTONKY LOAKED at O. K. Heed &Co'e. Loan ofllct .VI on lurnlture , nlanoi , horses , astons , personal property of all kinds and all otbe rutlolee of value , ritbout removal. Oter lit National Bankoorner 18th md Farnam. All tuuluess strictly ooaOdentlal050tf 050-tf \flOHBTTOLOAN In turns of tiOOind apward Yl 0 , t. D vls and Co. , Real Eltatl and Loao lumte , U06 Farnam Bt 051 tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANiru uiMEOlAtJM A Eoid f\tl \ lor houscuork , Apply B. W. cor lltban' A girl for general houiowoik apil ) be WANTKD lite and six p m al otBco of u. K jr > ) nci da , li'.hanJ forcam 0)117 ) WAVTTO Ait Intelllpentiulck wore fin or clll elllis e crydax or four dsjs for week MOYonDmn 810 south S2d st. B37-tflp W .r house work , S41J Capitol uve. 63.1 S7p i Oofd slil for neneial hcuio work ; oi W ply Fred Urexcl , ctrner 10th and Wllllinu. JMTD A clrl at 1'jclllo homo 10th and In\cn W port. BSS-SOp WANTIID-I girls at Slavcn Hole ) , S loth it. f f ROJ-tCp WANIID Girl to do generalhousoworl.tOlfl Hurt st. 003-27 WAXTKD-A flrst c'ass ' girl for general hmisowork S419Sowardst. 816 2Bp te rty dlil or nomnn to do homonotl WIVTMI small family at 1'H Howard st , no child reti. 8U-2tp _ A < iTKt > Old for general houewoik at Darn Hotel , 1010 I ! ft son St. 611 25p At SOS north X ! < 1 ft. nglrl to do genera W house work , mutt bo a good plain cook. 400 20) ) WARTjb At once , a good wet nurtc 102 , 25th st corner Dodge. r43-tf WAMitD-Good girls , experienced cocks ; Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf WAMIID Flrjt oa ! s dining room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 824-tl TT'A'sTrn Immediately , thrco bas't finishers , two IT tklittrlrmncrs , three slee\o maker * , atplv to Mr ) It O AVfcltlock'adrcismaklngparlor * , room lOand 11 Arlington block , 160 } and 1511 Dodge st. OIS-2r > ri VITANTKD by Kensington Art C . , female help i V In all parti of tbo country , to do our light , plcvant work nt their homes , font bj null to any addrcts , nocamosisnir , caiy to loirn anil nny cno ran earn from 8' ' to ? to pjr week. For full Intorma tlon tddro > a Kfnilostrra ArtIlooms,3S Congr s ht , , Boston , HIM Box 6078 , ODO SCp WANTED MALE HELP. WASTKII By cm of the InrjfciS nn I cldcjt lu lo palaclothlnj hctisesof 1'A lajclphh , asalcsmiii to represent them In this state. Art llculonalll bo considered from such only us can furnl < h npprcntd Eccurit } ; fcr samrlo &o , nnd tnv their own tr \ cling exposes Tim hcuio \\illlng to pay \ciy liberal O5inml3'lon and to the rlk'li > man n ipIcndUl orporttiolty offers. Address 1' ( ) Ilex 110 ! I'hllldofphlt , Pa. CSS-3 D AjouDBinan forttgcno'al mcrctnndlso i itore ; must ha\e experience and comouollreo- omuicnded ; German prefcrrcil. Addrois M Kohrj , Aurora , Neb. 03C-2T WANTED Ono man toBclleoods steady , employ * mcnt. Call 421 South 10th ht. 031.27p WAhTBU A traveling ealesmtn , ono who has hud Pcvcrol je. rscxpcrlnnco In cho clftnr bus iness , and 1ms been traveling In Wietcrn Io i and Eastern Nobtaska , Oood roforoncea required , Ad- drea Itathmann & liirnor , Cigar llanufacturers , Stutrt , lawn. 638-29 WATTED An oiperlcncodtravellDK man to cllcl6 conilgnmonti f jr an established grain receiv ing commission licusc ; must 1m o Boino tindo , and Hretclafu rcfeicnois Address for one wcclr , Com mission Omaha Boo offiC } . 623-27 FOUR cljrarmtkera wanted , inquire of Ceo. D. Gcdtrej- , Fremont , Hob. 0o-2 ANTED - Attl\ ealcsaiau 105 North 18th W 18th503j2p WASTKD A good smart woman to do chamber wcik , wt-es per week. Apply at 012 Douglas btrcct , betHCcu the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. 469-tf ITAJiTFD H\c good parcr hanger at 413 North IBth s'rect. ' 312-tl T)17TI'D ) U 8 f nergttlc men with horse and car- 11 rligo to bijJIo flrst-clasi article tin CUB h the country ; call at onco. C. II. Eaton , 111 S. 14th. 316 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WAXTLU A situation , byacompotcnt joungman , aifaltBtuan o'othlne preferred has 0 years ox- pcrlenco and epcaksEncl en , German unlScicdlna- \lan ; Address "Clcrk".Bee Office. e30-S7p "VT7AST11D ' -0"lon a3 hcuso keeper , Is competent V > to tike entire charge of hou'o ; can gl\o good references. Address \\ith particulars ; "C ! B" Bee oiTlce. 029 2Cp WASTED Situation as coachman bya jtunr man of uxpeilener ; used to hones ; testlmo Mi fur nished. J W N Ka'z's grcc-rj store. 6S9 Gp TTV ANTKD Situation b > a Gorman 20 jeira eld to \ \ doany kind rf work , store work preferredhas bern ! \oa < s In his latest placa and can furnish flrtt c'ass references ; Address "A B"Beo olllro. C04-26p TX7ANTED Situation In real cttato olllco as ccl- Vl lector or ofHco man. Addro's F. Br , No 423 NorthlDth St. 6b7.23 WANTKD A well educated Udy from Germany , In tLIs country for the past two ironth ? , would hhensltu.tlon as hou'cbcepcr or nurse In a giod family , on or before Juno 1st. A family o ! in oldcoup'oor wldoner ulth children preferred , la capable of doing all kitchen and hnuscAork. Would prefer a J farlj cng igcment. Addscss Mrs Hattlc Ford , L'ncolo , Neb. 637 SO MISCELLANEOUS WABTS. .D To rett Broom cottage \ iclnltofSt 11 Mnn'a a\c orllnnfcoiu park. Address stating location and term" , "N L M" Uoo olllce. C31-25p TTfTANTBD Eraplojmsln need of help to call ornd- V > dress Orrahr. tmplaj mcnt Agencj , 1221 Farnam St. 032 tf one having a good boggy hoiso fnrra'e can ANY u purchaser by addrubing lio77J , Omaha , Kcb. 021 25 KOTfamsfor Holarcdge , Neb. , on P. WASMRD n. II , no olllca fees and free transporta tion , 1120 Farnam st. 013 tf A 80odrcIUblo cut-By horeo wiUhlnR WANTED about ten or clc\cnbunOredpoujds. Adlrta Uox773 , Omaha , Neb. 025 25 Ti > buj alight onu boitw eccnad hand WANTFD wagun , Innairo at Central Market llBSiethSticet. 539 25p 'AMFD To purchase eocoid lurid Kroccn , flx- W turepchcnr ; ; apply 115 south 15th st. 002 tf - ' ncodrf help to call or WANTKD-Kmp'ojernln > ment Agency , 1221 fair am St. AstroTwo rooim with board for gentlunan , W w lo tmJttto children ; rofcrcncoa. Address "F a IL" W3-tf . Add'oss St , 1 Dins MLCtrls Lamp AOKSTSWAMPU. for clrcuUr , cuta inil termi ol th o D ? cindlo po cr Ua-sli Zlcctrle Limp 311J12 "ITITAMFD E\erybody to try our Prepared Corn VV Meal , ready for Inntant use with the addition of milk or oo'd ' water. I'ut up In 3 and C Ib. puckes-ei. Sold by grocers. AY. J , Weljhant & 03 , , Manufact urers 07 ° tf TTrAHTKD Eicry dy In need of a scwln ? ma- VV chino , to see the new Improved American No. P. K. Flodmnn & Co. af nt3 ; 220 N 10th. o52tf TX7ANT D A man or woman In every country In U YY 8 ? ' .S5 eamrlo free $7fi per month , salaky or commission. Send etamd. Paul Tahcl , Chicago III. BlO-m-Jlp FOR RENT HOUSES AND LOTS. nitST HOUSJ , 7 rooma , freed wtll , cistern , FOR ! per month Inquire of 0. E , Thomp < on S. W. corner 1Kb and Harney , 555 tf riRvr Now house , 3 roomt , 2 cloieta , collar FOR oa Wa nut St. , enquire Aug. Itandovr , 1317 ChlcigoSl. 180 Sfl TOR RMI Uoujo J roomi 21th end Barney by 0 , J-F. l ) vli\Co. lOTtl BEKT 2 now 6 room cotUgea 13th and Vlnton FOR . Inquire on premises or o ! S II Moiham , at 1'iclflo Kiprc89 Co. e01-t p Ion BEST FMoro on Cumtngitreet betwcfn 10 tnd F 20th > t , (25 a mouth Jno , Erck , 015 N 10th tt 017-20 OR RRHTA house on Hickory ana 9th street at 3 a month , John Erct , 015 N 10th tt. - C18-59 K RIM 7 room homo 2011 Hurt it. 82J.28p . IOR LKAIR - A lo'l ooMior ht near 13th and Fruam I' it , will lease for a term of 60 or DO years , Morse & Drunner , Faitoa Uctk , corUthand Farnam tt . S60 27 STTVOR BK.ST A house ; Inquire Thoa S ilt , corner I ? UtbandObtcigost. 671-25p TTViRSKM OnCaplt'l hill , oittize 8 rooms one Jj block from strett cars. Apply 2440 Capitol avo. 081-28P 170r. Rr.iT A bou8 of a roimi 8 olosts , well , els- I' tsni , one block south of tie U 1' deooi , Inquire ol M Lee , grocer , 22J and Learenworth. C18-tf ITVia RENT - \ S room cottage on California street , L1 btUuen mil and 2 th ttiLOts. I'J Crtodon. 430 tt Fan RKM The south-fast i "action t , 16 , 12 , ( he rrilcsfrnmOinilia , f Jr a ttrni of yeard. 0 W Hamilton , t U S N'l HunV , < S'.2S / > OR RK > r Collate 610"mi audbousu 7 roum > , J 1/ I'hlppiltoo , 15 28 6th 8t 331-U , " laKIXKloHJUrlun paw ttaruu blocks lr m Btr'tt o ra oneny termr. W H Citceu , ner Ut a 'lbank. 991U T fbreestory brick store bullJtnic ; en qulro of t/lward Norrlj & Co. , room 19 Ciounse Clock. W3 tf ROOMS FOR UKNT. KORRK T Tmflhanddcme tarnlsbeil roomo , Ksst sldo of 2Ist street , second iloor noith of Mt Mary's a ( nue , OEOS'p FOR rtnxT-9 unfurclsned rooms and stable 1C10 Frnam Et. K70 25 F 'OR ' nrvT IhtM nlco unfurnlthol rooms for llftht hotistkcerlnfr , 1703 Hurt t 0237 FFOR FOR 2S02Sp RKXT Furnished front room 1BOJ Farnam , FOR RRST-A Urge furnished room , 71010th si near Webster , 693-2Sp FOR nxvr-Ono Urge furnished front room , Inquire 1812 furl si , l92flp FOR RRM ttoora ; Inquire Drug store loth nml Doiulos Wt-tf roRRK\T Fimilihcd front room 1714 California st 377-25p TiORnhsr A > ery nlco front room with buy win ' dow tnd bath ronmaisantco smtl'cr ' room fur. lUhod suitable far ono or t o gontlencn ; beautiful ocitlon , close to itrccl ur. CM rleasant str-ct. 12 IS RK\T Two untilrnl jhcil front rooms at No 161 : 1 Douglas street ; Inquire up-stitrs. 679-23 FOR RHTT FarnlOic.1 roon ; atsj day bosr.l at $3. pcrwcclr , 15J9 Huney a ) . 4M-0 FUo furntihod rooms cheap at 1SI2 F Di\cnportFt. 614.17p I pen nR\T-T\\o nicely furni-liod roDmi at 1310 1 Street. Uodgi 6SO-27p > ORRr\T-Furnlhcd rooms 1S11 Cass St. , with board. 358 2Cp Fen nr\T A pltasant front room , furnlihed ; 9. E , Cor. 15th and How > rd. 4Ut tf Fort INT A room for gentleman and wire or for Uo gentlemen , flrst-clita beard 1022 Burt tt. 703 tf TT on RR\T I.irgo front room on first floor ivlth or JD with board ; inquire at 1001 farnam St. S67-tf [ 70RRKNT-Furnished rooms , ISlBDodgo street , j 217-J10 j OR RP\T Furnished rooms with or without J board , 2112 Ilaruoy St. , ono block from street cor. D34tf 'ORRnsT-inirnlshed ' front room with board In F prhato family , 1617 Chicago tt. 085-t ( T'OR RRM With board.nlcely turnbhod front room . gut and bath , 1419 Jones 987 tf T oii MAT Furnished rooms 1021 Capitol a\e. J 007-m30 7'ott nit\T- Furnished room 1313 Jackson 6t. JP % 812-m20p 70n llENT-Nlcoly lurnlshcd rooms 1517 Davenport J 722.J5p ROOMS With board.doblrablofor summer. Apply at hi. Chailca Untoi. Dll-tf 7IOU RENT Several flno cfBcos In Crounso' block , ? Inquire Ed Norrls , room 10 Crounso blook B 2tf FORSALE FARMS. 70HSAI.K ( V 0 JO acre stook and grain firm , all Improved - ? proved ; four hours' rldo Irom ttao Onaha Sto.k atas ; cen miles from the city of Fremont ; two dlroiils nltbln turoa miles ; 300 acre ) under plow , 10 ro t In pasture ; board fence , runnlne stream irough pasture ; house with ten roora9 ; Mill bos Id uapjl sold tmmcdlatclr ; on terms to suit. For urther particulars Inqulto of Qeo. C. Grodfrov , Kie- lent , Nob. 1D7 tf JVm BALK Oood farm in WishlDgton Ca ; 171 ? icrcs80 ; ncroi c'llthated ; good buildings ; fine rcbard ; running water ; all fenced. UJward Norrla Co. , room 10 Crounso Block. 47411 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. T'OR ' MI K At a sacrifice , double brick house -very ? dislraole location , lirstcnsi ranting property . K. llayno & Co. , Fifteenth and Farnam. 602 27 7ou SALK Three beautiful rcildenco lots In Shlnn's " 3d add. Splendid view , § 2,750. Bemls , 15th nnd oujlas OJ327 T'ORB K South wet corner of 10th anl Izird , . onouf the most comfoittble houses and beat lay- g corner lot In North Omahit. IIoii'o contains 8 om' , bath and lummer kitchen , cel'ar i.u. Good arn for 4 horses , cow , carriage , 3 good cistern" , fruit on , shrubbery and In all respects cue of the best mproved lota In the city ; prlco § 7COO , terms cay. _ COO 20p , 'OR HAtt. At a gr at bargain In a fine lot and ' house 8 rooms , stable and other nut buildings , 111 grou Into 3 line botncS8 ! lots In a 1 ery few j cars 1 000. Fort KALECbcip , $100 osh , balance on monthly aymcnte , Bomo choice Iota fronting on street rnr ne. Mono & Brunncr. G91-J2 /ORBILK iwocnotic In Uariicom 1'licc. ono 1 block east of park g t < > , cut front , corner lot , enccd ; part cash ; address "O , " box 483. CC3-2Gp J'ORSALP Savcn room house , barn , and two lots. ' 82,210 ; wouU takoSSOO In ro tiurant fixtures , cars , etc. , 5503cash baUnco on tlmo ; appl > 310 8. 1th street. 414.rn30 , 'OR jiLtt-ti\elDts4 < xl3U ; tugctLcr oa Leaven- . worth'utrcet ; bcautltul location , 00 One- mth each , on long time , cosy toimj , ralle & Jnnf H. 2tO-tf T'ORBALK Tnenty-two feet on r rnam street , D . bargain If taken Immediately. Vr' H Green 419-tf TOR SMK At a bargain , three gnod homes 817 ami . 817J 18tbsouth of Lca > en orth ; rent $ Q5 per er month ; pilca $5,500 c-wy pajments ; inuxt bo 11 bctDro Juuo iBt. Apply S. Murtonsen , tailor , IS Fnrnini Htreet. 13t.lp TiORBALK House full lot , well , cUtcm. birn , nil In 1 gnod condition , ono block from street cars 61 00 a y terms. WI1 Grocc , o\cr lit Nat'lDink. B4I-tf 7ou BALE Good fi room housa , lot BOM32 fcct.eai 1 front , 1300 ; S100 cash. baUnco $15 per month. V. II Grc D , ocr 1st National haul. . 3Sltf JrtW SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ISOR HUE Thirty tons rf good bottom bay at 1 SJ 60 per lo-i. John O'Donnell , Florence Ltko , 850 27p OH HAUhorse wagon and harness cheap. Ap < ply to Ccsrge Johnson , AtUntlo total. 470-26p T1 on HAT.VS35 dollard n 111 buy pool tah'o at Paclflo houiv , 10th and la\eiif ) oit , Umalu. t78-3Cp T'ottcu.v Aline Ictoi joun-r graded cows with ' c l\e" , HoUtctnHerforda Short hoiiu and Jcr- ) ; a'm horsie , WCKDIIJ , harncsitc , for sale ores- hauRO at Major Crctt'i ) place , tear fair grcumlj 0 0 29p 7lonHiLK Wt on umbrclhi , line lien stock at I1 HO ) and 1411 Dodcu st. 672 tf A For ealo , C4 In Columbia , hall ticaring , cnqulruU drug store coiner 18th and Cumirgs 650 25p fORBALR-Oood delivery natron , horse and Inr- luces. Icuuire 12th and VYIIIUms. W. Novacok. 603 26p POR SAI K - A ceoJ rclliblo horse and ladies ra nopy 1 phaeton , 2440 Capitol aveimo. 68ili8p T OHHAI.B-\ : four hundred dollar piano at a bar gain , 1810 California St. 616-tl T < OR BALB Furniture ta , ef an 3 roomed home 'In good condition , uUah'e for a httrdlcg bouag oed ntlghDcrbood. Addreta "U Y" Ilco offlcs /OR BAM A magnificent new upright piano c le- 1 brated makeali the latest Improvements , hcatitl * ul tone , tjuch and finish , an Intt ruction lipok free o charec for deliver ) ; a great bargain , | ; 65 ; 10I2 Pa He. 18t 25p f\UH \ RALE Elgat marbla top restaurant table 1 A. J. Maude ) , 326 liroidway , Council Ilufts , 36i-t F IOR BALK-SOO.OOO brick , for Bale at lldlevue or Omaba. II. T. Clarke. 200 tf T'OR BAm-Vlwo No 1 seooal bandbugi . y. AppkyJiOO DdliUDodzast , llstt BOOTS AND SHOES. „ , * I'retty ihoe for gents fu'l ' dress and the com lage , d enameled leather " "HEAL ESTATE : nd lots In any pari ofomaha , SI.loo to 16,000 Item ) ) , Uth and Doujlas. 646-27 HALK The cbcipcst lots In tha city only 1 | FOR north weit of the 1'ont olllce. prlcM ranging from ? 225 to LOCUracb ; terms to suit , llimls , 16tb and Douglas. etC-27 7oa n.u.K-Lolilu Credit Frontier add , grand \low 1 etc , near U P and H A. tf depot 82W acd uiwirdi. crnls , 16th nod Uouilat. 010:27 : iJALK-Du'lneaa lot on Ittli street 1V5 fett cait FOR t 2,530 ; n' t a wars heutc , lot rum Null works ! , tOO. lieiuli , Uthacd Uouilis. 017-27 r oithALB Lot audaba'f In I'arkenadi ? , f > 00 rr L * (5001 ( rlutf lolsUalot ; < lnthlnn'i 21aid ) SOO tch. Ilimli , 15th acd Douihi. 04)-27 1/ORHtW Acre lot uuUuimjing Bireut IrgntD uu I1 three btruts. 54,10' . Three quarter ) ol nu acre on California Etreet.nior Sirred Heart AciJtmy , t2UO. liernls , 15tb tnd 0 uk'lis. ORmi.r.-Li.ti or Bauideri street 8ICUJ lath O41.i7 FOR stlx BenuY new maps of Omaha $500 eaeh , llemlj , 16th and Douglas. 039 27 FOR Ur-Two lots In Lake's aJrt St.COJ ami $ ISOJ etch , thjffl IMi M. Himlltoa , west ol S under street , * SS9 , JCOJ and S3CO each , U ml , 16th and Douglas ts , 010-27 I/OR t tin Onsouth 22d H. jce 4 room A id one S I1 roomcjt'mc ' , barn , , .lli cl ern , Jkt , on same lor , rent forttAiiormonthVrn1 } $3,200 ; would tell cparat > lj 1'otlnrJ : Oohb , IMJFamam Rt. 850 If FOR par Lots In Hillside addchinrcit ami best ln de lo i In tlo city , $7 0 to $3iO < xclusl\o cent . Putter & CoVi. flM-lf I/OR SUK 7 room cotUse , vo I hum an I cistern , * - " on ISih st'cet 0 blocks framhr | SJ.MO , on tan- te'tpf. Potter & CobS , IBIS Farnam Ht fN2 tl jVR ) HAI.R Ont ot rtncit riKlileuces In clti ltnln 5M rkiof I'ott tfllac , Uliti corner , chcip at $16,000. Teller & CMib , 1614 FirniiuSr. 053 tf | ? OR HALF - Three cho licit lots In llnrnji in place JL' 6i4-tf ToiturACobb. rpiFXruivait A 5JtKJ ( ) te > ok of now hard. JL are for peed Nebraska land A fltcfarm fontrocoile orothermerohacdiii. For sale A full lot and hmnj on S 13th it , faring cn t a'omt car line , pilco $3KX ) . Fcr s lo Two lots on Fornam st between 10th and 2Cth , $ ? ,603o-ch For s lo Flno fo IJor > pa and full lot on Daxcnport bclaw fOlh st. piles $0nOO For sale six lots In Grand View addition , \ cry chow , For falo flno ro'1'cneo ' lots > cry chair , In Hans- coin t'laco. pile ) ? K60 , to ? ) CO each. For sale lots In all additions to the clfy atbotlom prices. 11. 0. fnltcrson , 13th and Farnam. tor sale Four cottages , ono ? lu0 ! , for ono $2,030 ono for $2V ! ( ) and one fur ? 2,7CC ; To loanS 1,030 on flrst-clatseltv icruilty. For rale Four lots In ( Vest End addition , six In Hawthorne. Kft'.i tcrics. For sale Beaml'ul and dcslrab'o lots at S2CO cich onraonthlj jajnuntsof $10 cacbj 1 1-2 inllci from the city and I lllM'l4t uortliy parlleito buill nl taho tnnll monthly Intttllmcnti. 1 will show proprtv In any part ot the ( Uy frco ol charge Addresser cell upon It. C. 1'attcrson , N K cor 13th and Fat mm , 611 tf MARIOM LACS 3 gootl lotj In this addition H Hh- In S Mocks o ! street carp , ctn bo Imd on cosy terms. W U Urcoo , oa lit Nat'I Dink. 115-tl MoBflB & IIRDSSI R g-lhrgalns For rent Tuo fine brcJt ilwilllni.e , moocrn inipro\cnts , 50.00 per month Forlloit-Storo houses , rooms , furnMisJ and nfurnlti For ShV * Aero lotn 03 Saunders street , nou street oars , $ leM > . For Sulo Ten acres thrco blocks from street car torflO.COO. For 8 lo Vlcifoii * house and other Improvcmrnt' , Including ol < ht iul ! lots , alt for Si.OCO , ono bbck from rtrcct car. For Si'o-Hou o , 8 room , fine homo , fu'l lot on : aunJcr street , $1,000 For lo A splendid butlnois corner lotou Far- mm , 09x132 feet , $3,600. For Sale House , 6 rooms , an J i lot 01 street car , S1.6CO , For Sals-Lots In "Hnnsaorn rlico500 , o y : crms ; also lots In Shlnns addition. 810) to $503 , ; asy terms , f.ota in Lone's aidltlon$160. t or Sala House and lot Harney street , nca : court I3iise , $2,260 For Sale Lot 140x131 on Tark A\enuoCar line , fOCOO. For Sale Hctuefi room" , full lot , on Ilnui'lton ' itreet , fine ptaco , $ ,030. For Sale House and lot on Davenport street , ! 2,500. For Silo House 9 rnom , modern Improvements , ot 183 foi t front by 70 leal uoep , line place , ussy erne , $ > , 00 For Solo -Two Ills , ono ft corner , ono half mlle rom postolll-c , near oar line , for both $5.010 MOUSK & IIRUNNKR , 70 20 Taxton Bif lllni , Fllteenth nnd Fnrnini. PAI LHKV&CO Specllbirialna Kor silo 4ncns Imlln from cltj limits (850 , 10 acres joining fort Omaha $3,500. Lot f 0x14 41 ait fronton lOlh , i < tnrcn Hlckcrr md Center with ncn Orocm houic , W.OtO can bo radod for firm. Coiner lOlh util Fierce , 03\144 S E front , 2 story louaa 2C.0 , cistern , well , stib'o etc. , $ i,5iO , Choice let In Ai bor place , $350. Half Interest In nncll centrally located grocery luslncee , chimp on account cf 11 health. 6 acres on N Sauadeis , 4 room home , splecdld or- : h rd $3 00. 22 fett on r , < mem\oith noir 13th st , $5.300 , suit able for vhoU sale. 2 choice lots cast front , Dwlght & Ljmann'a add 760 3 choice corner lots In Lake add 1671fcot 'rant on ,7th and lake with 0 rooms , nen house , fenced , .table . , well eta , $3,600. 4 lot' , cast front in Burr onkadl 32,600. , Choice lot on Parka\o , $ ' , ' .00. Corner lot Dorcas and 12th , 1 equaro from Si car ilth 4 room liou-ostable , c'etern etc , $1,700. 75 feet cost front , li square from StMarj'a mo. , 1.450. t'orr.Mit or ealo 2 lota near Red line and Cumlng treet , with tlcRaot 10 room houpe , with nil modern rapiovcincnte , Faulscn & . Co , , 1513 Farnam St. 691-20 Jn RILBT & , co. Lots Linda Loans , 215 south ) 3th st , between Firnam and Doujlas. Lands LCim > , law. $2too-lno of b-et rcFlJccco lots In the : tty. $1,801 Beautiful corner residence lot , a bargain $1 000 Corner lot ou draco street , desirable locc- lon for residence. $300 Desirable rciijcncoon 22d et , ncarStcar. ? 3OCO-3J feet , business location en Cuxing it , laved. 81.EOO Ncwhouao 4 ronns. collar and cistern , fu'l ot , 2Llocksfromttrcctcarcasy ; juj meats ; agrcut jargaln. Farnam street business property thai will double n value In twocars. $30CUtoloan. J. E. Hlleyi Co.,2tS South 13th ticct. 63i tf - , the kitchen , parlor and bed room furnltuic , completf , cf ni eight room ictiso , most of the furnlturoncw , enil Ortt-cUesox- o I jut ctnnco of parties w iahlni ; to coiuinnso house- .ecplng. Inquire at A J 1'eoks ro l ostuto agency , ipposito 1'ost olHce. E45-25p orn'R IOR BALK Eaet half of block 8 Smith's Wr add , tCO feet front , two acre lots , nicest in Imaha , full Mew of cily md DIulTa , making 10 lots CJ feet each , will sell balf or all. Lots 44 amlCO , Nflson'Hiuhl , $700 each or will ell half of iltber ; Lots 6C\145 Kountz's 2d add. nar th ncd Center , $100 each. lot 5 , block i , Kuiutz'ti Ith add , bchv store en Oth st , full lot $2Jl 0 , also lot 9 simc b'ock ' 81,350 Two lot * In ti nth Omaha , I > J Ooodnuii'd , with icuse , oichard , cistern , and well , all 100 , 10 InoacroUts In Vlncland , fi miles north cit > lmitso\cilooklrg city and lInT9 ! ! , $35 pcr crc. LoHlOnnilll blocU 19 , UauBCum place \crj l bllv , $ ' ,20Jforbith. Hall atrol'Of-ctfiontblock B , Pork phtc , with iDUoe , birn , wtll tndrlstcrr. Corner , 2 lota In Uautoorno on Caes tt , 0.0 f.r loth etc etc. Call nnd BPO us , Dcx'er JJ. Tiiomas fi , llro , I'ool ; ttitf ; Room 8 Creighton tlol. ( . 1)78 tf riiiALiii iV J' KS , room 0 , Urcl bton lllonk. 4,00 \ > acres line firnileg and grazing lands $3 CO per crc. 4,000 ocrurHUeiiur liacis , icry click * , $350 er acre. 3'CO ao s og'l and grazlDg linds $1 60 per aero. 20 OU ' < " " 8400 " ' SfiO'O ' " 82 CO " " . " " " " " $300 " " 37000 ' " ' S3 00 to ? J 63. cracre. 76,000 acres tg 1 and grazing lands $3 60 to $5,00 icr acre. Ihese very desirable lands ate ton great extent old on the bisis cf 10 per rent rash and balance In en 3 cars at a low rate of Interest thus placing Ilicm ntli reach i fall classes. I.l.OOOacresagriculture sch'ol lindii f'r sale rr ease , These li lids are In great demaod at present. tnprcn id and unlmproMJl fanning and grt zing land hroughout the slate. A luge and cireMilly select id list ot c'ty ' property In Omaha and outs ! " o ton us md cities at Uucs-t rates To actual ecttlers or hue for speculative purpoco vo rfler the greatest Induceinenta In the west I'artlesdetlrlric to buv , rent , ur sell , should call on is at once as the bsst rargalns will bo eono In ten lays or two weeks , Correipondonco solicited. 677 ? fi FOR BALK-By 0. F , Davis b Co , 1605 Ftrnam St. Omaha House and lot on south Eighteenth St. , 11,000. Twentieth " 81,400. 8 homes " Dod ? near .fth St , (2,200 , fl otdinUnnscoml'lice.cach,8625. Hnuse and lot on Park avenue , $4 , ( 00. ii n Davenport St. , 812 000 , < i ii ii " 12fOO. i ' south ISIh " 4 000. 15,003 acres of land In Boone county , (7 to (10. 20.0UO " " " Btinton " ( F7 to 812 , Land In Madison , Wajne , Phttoand Hall counties in easy termr. Mcnef loaned on long time. TO'-BXOHANGE , T7ott HILK on Kxui ur W acrcg of good land In t * Uerilck Co. ; would exchange for bouse to bo built on my lot. Inquire at S K corner Howard and IroneBt. n C55-S7p < , rpo7)ftlANU ) ? - guoaT vTktcties and a quantity o ? JL goods mido from now patent of great merit and rculy sale for lot , Omaha , : or other properly. Ad. Jrum "H Y" Bee oplcii. 6ii025p rno BICHAXOK 140 acres well Improved land i mile 1 from Esiex , Iowa , for a stock cf generalrnerchan dlse or hordnare. Addicsi John Lmderholm , Ejsei owa. 684 tl T710K HALK-Oreichougc. Wu buo Inr * lo tht i1 exclutlie right la thin state to sell the ooal uriomlzer and Boot deetroyi r , destroys tbo soot and willsa > o twenty per font on ooal , will sell count ) right ) or the staU , or will exchanno for rcil ealato 01 u / rood property on application will send eampli ! : t aland glvo pattlculari. IUaon for eellfny l vu i cannot cite It bin attectlon , ft rare cbanoa foi lw > ten ; Bedford , Suuer & Uavis. _ P46 tt TTiHUiT-OLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol ie. . BUSINESS OHANCES. TT oi IJALKAt a bargain forcisti , a ml ) luciy acd I1 and hair good * tor In a splendid location , be > t of riasocs Itr fcclllng upon appllcatloa toilav. llec office. M7 25 j nip * KAtn-Drtur store In ft i ! < wwMo ! loonlltr , lt iV.inTol.eS.boulI > wo R l' ttcrson , NK Miner ISth nnd Famam. 1.1011 SALK Or exchange a full Mock of tlothlog boot * and - ' jhocM-oni' furnlshlngtoods , wlllex > change for Nebraska Lands , n. U.l'etenen . RO4 a. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. _ _ " " - - - ji i , po pronto ; ; -j in VIM * tcr r cent , raplt.ilrequired , Ihrco or four thoiwml uolhrs Person * ineinliiir buMncs * , ruldte. * Lock Box SOI , EC * Jfolnc * , Iowa , 101JU T7oRS t.R . wellc < tabllihcdtailors bu lnow be- i. ' twcoa now and Juno 16th , law rent ; L-ooJ loc * . tlon ; hold ICASO of store for tiroyeftr : only smtllcip' IUI required. Adilrcs ' N. 0 " Bee otllco. 132 J-4p I T'OR SAtit-A well csUbllihcd bakery. Addresa 1 "K. " this ollleo. _ 125J-4 FOR BAM OR mrilA\on-ln ( part ) for resUuran furmturn 7 roomed house , barn and two lots. A p. ply819soullillthtt. 108 mlu IJOR ALR-In Oakland Nor > flrst-clanmcat mailict 1 al o the tnrnl'urool the St I'ftul hotel. Foi Mr. llciiliirs , Inquire or v , Hto Wlggem j. Uohllng.OaXlund Nch _ 874 mtS PERSONAL. irnsotAL- Mrs II M. Hoarcr. trance cl li\ojant. and healing medium , o\or 710 North 16 list. 652-JSl T\H. A rimsTrR iriTj-M gncllcphy lrl ii , test ami JLf dtv cloi Ing medium , u\cr 09 ! north 10th SI. PKRiONAt.-Ifjou anta detective , send jour aj. adrtress to tbo Omahj PottctUo Agency , p o box 541. ollktt 216 pouth 14th tt. MOn < n ' . HOTELS. Thitittrir Hotel , fnrmerly Cro'chtin hou'o , nenl\ JL fiirnlehoJ ; terms tnoJoratc , 13th and Capitol n\p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 488-17p pltli'h LUl-Of W. II. Uo"iti ? "llr'ucn > -t House. 10 Ibs Qnnuht'il Sugar . 8 1 00 12 " Cut b f Sugar. ? . . 100 11 "Flno po doicdSurar . l CO COFFER. 8 Hi ! good DlnccfTen . l oo 7 " Uoldcn Illo o flco . l CO 7 " g od roasted rolTco . l 00 0 " bcs ) roaitod coCfco . i oo * " extra Ja\i mtlco . i co .1 " best Java coffee. . . . - . . . , . i CO 21 " best Java and MocbacofKo mixed . 100 TEAS. 1 Ib R3od Jitun . so 1" liatt ancolo cJ Japan . H6 1 " bust Kng Ifh breakfast . F5 1 " oiolco gunpowder . prj svnui'3. 1 keg beet llciicy drip . j 00 Ikcubest Hcneyilrlp . j 50 1 gal New Orleans . . 05 1 Oal Strictly puio maple . i oo 1 Oal Vermont imp lo In cans . BO 1 Gal Hock und ) . j QO 1IICF. I ! Ibs best Carolina rlco . i oo 13" " Loulshnailoo . i CO SOAl'3. 4 liars German Mottled . Et B " I'cirl . - . . . at B "Palm . - . 25 CANNED GOODS. ] 0 10 10 10 26 30 Mueh'oom . 30 2 " c3t Ooosbcrrloi . S5 2 " b'st nuckberries. ' . . f6 SUNDRIES. 1 bottle cholcu l'ctl8 . 20 1 0111 Sncct Pota'oes ' . 1C B Ib Jelly , ( choice ) . 26 3 boie'3 Pittstmrg L } o . 2 ! > Z Ibs Baking Powder . , 26 . 8 . 76 2 " now ValcncU Kalsons . 26 ' ncwl'/unci 26 dried Ilickbcrrlcs 26 dried apples ( u\aporatcd ) 26 drlod patches 56 ' Navy boms 26 backers by tbo box 07 MEATS. Jujar cured brenkfastbacon „ . . . . 11 ! ugarcurod Hams 11 Dry ealt D OTHCIt GOODS. 1 broom 10 1 peed bcuso broom 20 1 beet carptt broom S6 tpapo's National joast 26 1 scrub brush 15 5 bj SlUercloBS slarch 26 J V > o\ci corn starch 26 I Olb box slois starch 65 I hit fain ly macoral 00 Igaltinegar - 25 1 wash hoard 20 INo 1 tub 100 INo. 2 tub SO ! No3. tub 65 1 mop etick 20 llarjo < lothcs basket CO lean condensedml'k ' 20 21b Jelly lu Jus IB This Is only a very small list ot \cryUrzo stock I cinv , hu'lngthu liuK < vt etoclt to ecloot from In : lie cltyI can and will j.ivo bitter inducements than lav other house in the city. Call and see mo and I . 'III sa > o Jon from 10 to2Sper cent. Ilcmcmbor tbo ilnco 1119 Farnam St. W. II. Hotter , Succcusor to 1,0 French & Co. N , F. Uur new and complete prlco list mailed f room m application. CARRIAGES. Grtvrro\ . IIRBMMOMJ display lh finest grade of lehlclcsforlhomorioy to be found in the city. iVe will take pleaturi ) In showing } ou surreys with unopy or cxtor.blcm lop. Laurence Canopy topv , Klmbill style , ciirroy 2 poitot open anl top Joba , Ladies' phaetons low or high wheel , IlroHKtor , open and top bobuggies. . Corning bungles. 2 wheel road cart. 2 wheel Cottage gig , 'i nhicl Glad'tono cart for 4 pcrscnU Wo nnko a specialty of repairing and guirantco latlbfictlcn mil and examine jur tip top Jointed md fii gtdumbrellas Oration is Drummond. 13IB mil 1317 Harnc ) etrcct , 634 U lpni\\ vault ? , ndcoispocls cleaned at shortest no- I ilcoanytimoof thoUaj.ln ( in entirely orderlceu vayvlth our improved rump anddctiegun appira- : us , all places d'anol by in dlponfected free , charges easonablo. A. Evani , 12l'tj Dodge street up elnira. 24a-io CLOTHING. 'T AKK .NOTICK Owing to the backwardness of the JL ma on , I am dctonnlned to cl itaout my cntiro > tcc' < of of spring acd rummer clothing at a great ii-nllco , they ara bound to bo sold , so call carlv and ; et flno clothing at low prices. 1'olack the clothier , 1310 1'nrnamstreet , near 14tli. 4D7-H ICE CREAM , IiMiKHii loocrcau pies and cakni orery day. 'Oriicrs 1 prcmptly attended to , Carl Hchmld , 01 south [ 6th St 14B.J5 MISCELLANEOUS. LOST A ladlrs gossimer and rubbers on Martha , between Flcventh and Twelfth. Finder will p'taio leave at No. i engine house and rocelvo to ward , 080 ! 5 OTIU\ED A light rea ouw with tot o aroundf her kJhorns and gei milk on three tits. Finder will bo rewarded by returning her to Fred Newman , BIO 4th and Chotnut street. Omaha. 020-2fp TVT OTIC * Persons iudtbtid t ) tbe firm Heath & J. i Atkinson are requested to pay no monev to Ur. Atkinson until the afulri of the firm are let ! led , J. 11. Heath. 600-25 _ " TRAMUORaroLxs Un 17th Imt , oow , baycoloi. about 6 years old , part of left ear and tip of left horn rolfslng ; reward for return to Joseph Poi- pIsbll.BU Junes Bt _ iSil'P- STRAifD-TnoooltP , one two year old ; dark grey mare and a cno Tear old bay horse colt ; a liberal levard will be paid for Information leading to their recover ! . Jacob Weber Mlllcrllerence Neb. _ 676p ij One small dark brown borne six years Oolil , May VOJ any Information leading to hit re. co ery will be thankfully rewarded by OLtlgo & Bon _ 626p ( ) Oatho Jflth lnit..a oiw , llgh ST8AVMORHnyLii white , Durham stock , one horn slightly drooiilng , red cars ; reward foi return to A. B.llIltnEi2493IarneyBt ! ; ! , 457-tt lj ROOD MAHIS Parties nlshlnt ; to purchtie brood O mares for ranch purpoici please call at Uoman'i Uvcry liable , 413 soith 13th strust , Omaha. 862-tf RICK tS rerrn. T. Murray , B tfll.t /"IIIKWBILVKRTAO , does not gUo > ou heart-hum , VjCagaiodecmcdat ono cent , each by tbe dealers , I'uycko Bros. , Agents. 683 tf J AHTVKK On Klkborn ana 1'latte. T. Uurray. BOOU S 1urrw SILVER TAO , IU fruit flavorej , tags redeeuiod V at t tie cent each by the dealers. I'eycke Bros. ler.U t NSTRCCTiov on banjo given by O K adieu- t beck , at 1116 Cap'tolavo. ' 180 U ' mew VER TAO , It dcxsnot taint the breath , tags redeemed at one cent each by the dealers. 1'oyck trng , Agents. (83 tl , vaults , sink i tr d coxipools cleaned at tbo L nhorti ttnotloo an I subjection guaranteed by IT. 0. Abd , 1' . 0. Box 873 , iM m2p