THE DAILY BEEi-THTOSDA * , MAY 21 , 1685. THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning. May 21. LOOAL BREVITIES , Gen , Sweitzer U in the city on n visit. Hi many friends hero nro glad to see nnd we' ' como him among thom. The board of education is racking its col loetlvo brain In the attempt to secure bctto ct of rooms for headquarter purposes. The painting which is transforming ih U. P. headquarters building Into ft red strnc ture is progreoing rapidly. Th effect wll be very fine , when the painting Is complete. To thee doalers-Uefore you order yqu robber boots nnd shoos fcr fall write to us lt > prices. 2. T. I.mdecy ft Co. , Council Bluffs Iowa , Thomas IJrady , n llght-BoRcred gent , wft sent up yesterday afternoon by Juigo Bton berg for stealing a watch nnd 818 from a man nt the Slaven homo. Ho pot fifty days. The anuuM exhibition a * , the Institute fo the deal nnd dutnb will t ko place on Friday the 22d nt 2:30 : p. m. No carls will bo issued The public i ) cordially invited to bo present The last grand Mny puty of the season will bo given nt Masonic hall Friday evening May 2U , under the management of W. Brown W. J. Whitehouso , C. Cheney and J. R Barnacle. A woman named Belle Hewlett , living on Ninth street , between Dodge nnd Capito avenue , attempted sulcido yesterday by taking morphine. The dost was small and emetics saved her. An Omaha drutnmor named Johnson pal < 321 into the police court of Cheyenne for th privilege of painting that town last Sunday He howled llko n prnrio zerhlr , but gave up the duit , The Memorial Day services this year wll bo conducted by Cutter Post , G. A. It , Comrade A. Alloo has been selected to net as chief marshal , nnd Hon. J. L. Webster ns orator of the day , A. U. Wyrnan , ox-treasurer of the Unitoi States , arrived In this city yesterday , nnt will make Omaha his futurj homo. Mr. Wy man has bccomo vice president of tha Omaha National bank nnd president of the new trusl company , The Law Library association removed its books Into the now courthouse Wednesdnynnd will engage as librarian n lady who is familiar with the use of the typo-writer , which wil bo n great convenience to the bar in obtaining transcripts of some of the records In the building. Marshal Cummings was so unfortunate _ the other day as to kill the dog of a woman 'named Matilda Johnson. Perhaps he did it intentionally. At nny rate Matilda's feelings have boon harrowed as with the sharp end of a duplex cyclone. She needs n pecuniary salve for her wounded love. Marshal Cum- micgs has been sued for $200 , Twenty-four druggists in this city and ten from Lincoln , it is said , have been sum moned to appear at n poison case which is soon to como up for hearing at Wntoo. It seems that n druggist named Lamb , of that place , filled a proscription containing certain solution of strychnine. In the course of n week or moro the patient for whom the medi cine was prescribed , died and an autopsy rovoaledthe cause of death to have been strychnine poisoning. Lamb was at once ar rested and indicted for manslaughter , The prosecution and defense are both hard at work , each to gain their ends nnd havn been operating most quietly. PEKSONAU Postal Inspector Steen returned yesterday morning from Lincoln , Mrs. William Donnelly has gene to Fre mont for n fortnight's visit. Miss Minnie Wnlcott of Springfield Ills. Is visiting friends in this city. Miss ForbesNew York City.Is the guebt of Mrs. O. H , Dorrance , at the Mlllard. J. H , Humphrey , traveling agent of the Chicago & Atlantic road , is In the city. Sheriff David N. Miller has returned from n month's visit to Toledo , Ohio , where he was called to attend his sick boy. Ho has returned , nnd with him David , Jr. , in perfect health. A. G. Peterson will leave his homo , Aurora , Neb , , to-pay , for n four months' trip to Duropo. lie propo ca to visit the principal cities .in England , Franco , Germany , Denmark mark , Norway , and Sweden , Mr. M. O. Mnul , of the well known uudor- tnking firm , received a telegram yesterday informing him that his ulster and her infant child had died m East Berlin , Pa. In this ead allliction , Mr , Maul will ba accorded the hearty sympathy of hia friends in this coin munlty. Miss Anna B , Waterman , an exceedingly popular young lady , who m company with her aunt , Mrs Perkins , came to Omalm last An- guit from an extended northern tour nnd took rooms nt the Mlllard , left Tuesday for Newport - port , New York. Mrs. Perkins nnd Misi Waterman are accomplished travelers , nnd during their sojourn hero have made many friends who hopa to again see them la Omaha. A , L , SpearmntifJ. K , Perkins , George Hayword , Springfield : F. Saunders , Lock- port ; G. K. Davidson , Norfolk ; It. P. Shel don , Lyons ; A , 1) , Bcemer , II , S. Rollins , West Point ; H.B. Stout and wife , Louisville ; W , C. McGregor , Santa Fe. ; J. Murfeldt , Newburub , Now York ; W. Daily , Peru ; Goo. Hadkin , Nemaha ; B. F , Daily , Mount Pleasant ; C. Kberhardt , Leroy , Wis. ; F. L , Gotten , Barney ; J , 8. Corpion , Council 'f Bluir ; Low Gibson , Atlantic , R. D. JOIIOB , Red Cloud , are at the Canfield. L , J , hlowors , Oecpola ; M. D , Kecs , Jef- fjrfonCity ; D. 0. Brown , Hastings ; 13. 0. Came , Suwaril ; J , B , Hartwoll , Hastings ; J , Motcalf , Nebraska City ; N. W. Mndcett , Monroe ; J. L. Ohamberloiu , Red Oak ; Mrs , T , 0 , Horuady , lied Oak ; C. lj , Anderson , Philadelphia ; Frank Hall , St. Joseph , Mo , ; G. J , Rubclnian , Doa Molnea ; A. II , Broach , Hamburg ; M. C. Dally. E. H. Barrett , Dunlap , la. ; M. C. Hlggins , Fremont ; H , Boardsloy , Olarks ; J. H , Keyes , Terra Haute , Ind , ; and A , W. Reeve , Newark , are ftt the Paxton. > At the Metropolitan : William Ilccht , Kearney ; Benjamin R. Gawdrey , Columbus ; George H. Powers , Beatrice ; Tiiomai J. Carney , Plattimoulb ; R , E , Livingston , Lows Creek ; R , D. Kenyon , Hastings ; A , II Harms , Hooper ; Lee S. Kstelle , Blair ; 0 O. Sulley , Lincoln ; J. 0. Uniley , Huron ; F , W. Levin * , Liicoln ; Mus Minnie Bur Denver ; M. L. Biagliam , Worcester , Mats. ; W. K. Hamilton , lUwllns , Wyo. ; W. W. Castle ? , Lviarlr , III. ; F , MoMarngsl , A J. Wrisht , Chicago ; Milton Reiier , Richmond , Ind , ; George H , While , New York ; Charles F. ) Butcher , Burlington : George W , Holbruk , UostoDj W. Fmk , El in , 111 , ; nnd A. M. JUtadj , Citj , Is. MEDICS IN MEETING , The Tenth AnonalSessU of the Stale Eclectic Society. A. Now Stnto Mcdloal MnK zino lo bo St-nrlcd Election of OfHccrs Other Business , The Nebraska State Eclectic Medical association mot Tnosday night In tenth annual session In the parlors of the Mlllard. A fair attendance of members WAS pres ent. President Isaaa Van Oamp was In the choir , and Dr. J. M. Keys , of Pawnee Olty officiated as secretary. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. lloll of officers called Absent , L. F. Polk , vice president ; H. Y. Bates , trcas- nror ; J. H. Woodward , A. M. Moore and E. M. Butler , board of censors. Report of committee on medical sug gestion , consisting of Dra. McOarlaud , R. S , Grimes and W. S , Latto , was re ceived nnd committee discharged. The commlttco on the slain * of cclcct'clsm ' In Nebraska , consisting of Dra Southorland , Nichols and ilnslor , bolng absent , no report was made , and the committee continued. The following names were presented to the association for membership : W. K. Ohnbbnck , S. A. Schafer. Alex Coleman - man , H. A. Fatrich , J , J. Young , It. B. Crawford and S. B , Sutgon. The board of censors bolng absent the president appointed Dra. Litta , Keys and Morton as such board pro torn. The board reported favorably upon all appli cants and they were all duly oloctcd members of the association. Next in the order of business cnmo the election of ofllcorj , with the follow ing resells : J. W. McCasland , of Pawnee Oity , president ; 0. S. Stnrdlvant , of Atkin son , vice president ; J. M. Keys , of Paw nee Olty , secretary ; I. Van Oamp , of Omaha , corresponding secretary ; R. S. Grimes , of Lincoln , treasurer. Board of censors Drs. Guild , Woodward and Nichols. After general discussion of ways and means to permanently establish the Ne braska Medical Journalmotion was made by Dr. Grimes to appoint a committee of three , consisting of Drs. Morton , Ohnbbuck and Kojs. After duo consid eration the committee made the following report : f- "We , your committed , recommend forming a joint stock company for the purpose of pub lishing the Nebraska State Medical Journal. That the shares bo fixed at $5 each and that every member of the association be urged to take ono or more shares. That the secretary correspond with different physicians in rela tion to the matter an urge their support of the journal. K. B. MORTON , i \ O. K. CHDBBUCK , VCommittee. J. M. KEYS. ) On motion of Mr.'Grimes Messrs. McOarland , Ohnbbuck and Keys were appointed a committee to perfect the ar rangements for a joint stock company , shares to bo non-asscsiablo and the stock limited to § 10,000. On motion the following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the society : WHEREAS , The eclectic physicians of the state of Nebraska exceed one hundred and fifty in number , who are located in all parts of the state , and who hold distinctive princi ples differing from bath the allopathic and homeopathic schools ; and , WHEREAS , The professorship made vacant In the medical department of the University of Nebraska by the resignation of Prof. I. VanCamp has not yet been filled by the board of regents , leaving only two proressorshlps In the eclectic section as shown by the catalogue of said university ; therefore , Resolved , That we earnestly request the board of regents to appoint a successor to Prof. YanOamp from our number to represent our principles in said medical department. Resolved , That we as heretofore recom mend E. B. Guild , A.M. , M. D. for said po sition. Resolved , That the secretary be required to furnish the board of regents a copy of these resolutions. On motion a committee ) of two , con sisting of Messrs. Grimes and Latta wore appointed by the chair to print the con stitution and by-laws as amended. On recommendation of Dr. Guild the applications of A. M. Curtain , of Hold- redgo , and J , S Iloyt , of Oxford , were received for membership. General discussion of canes of Interest was made the order of business and par ticipated in by all members present till a late hour In the evening , after which the association adjourned til 0 o'clock of the 20th. MOUNINQ SESSION. Nine , a. m. , society called to oidcr by the president , Dr. Van Camp. On motion of Dr. Gnlld the work of the association was divided into sections of theory and practice of medicine , eur- gory , obstetrics and gynecology and ma- terla medlca and therapeutics , and the following gentlemen appointed as chair men of the different sections : Mnterla medica and therapeutics , J. H. Woodward , chairman , Practice of medicine , R. S. Grimes , chairman. Obstetrics and gynecology , E. B. Guild , chairman. Dr. E. B. Guild presented a paper on puerperal fever which was well delivered and led un animated discussion by the society. Bills were presented by Dr. Grimes for postal cards for $1 20 ; nod by Dr. Latta , postage and stationery , $4 00 , and ordered paid. The following delegates were elected o tbo national convention to bo held at Alloonn , Penn , , June 17th , 1885 : Alex ' Dolman , W. S. Latta , H. S'Grimes , It. B. Crawford , H. O. Hates , W. H. Bab- cook , J. W. Key ? . A vote of thanks was tendered the iropriotora of the Millard hotel for cour- eslea extended to members , also to the officials of B. & M. and U. P. railroad lues for reduced fara. No other business coming up the aeso * iatlon adjourned to meet In yearly se.s ion at Lincoln the third Wednesday in May , 1880. Most of tbo members will leave for holr homes before to.nlcht. The IIlKh Hcliool Grounds. "Why don't you stir np the sohoo oard before breakfast over/ morning ? ' emarked an Indignant resident of Cnpi- ol hill. "Why , what'a the matter with their Igostlve apparatus ? " " 'Tain't that ; its the high school rounds I am kicking about. The board mt in a lot of shrubbery there two years go , bnt U is all killed out. Now they ire putting in more , to suffer the same 0. ato. There Is ample play ground for bo children within the clrculir walk , nt the scholars pay no attention o orders , if they over roceiv- d any. Saver * ! Inso ball , iamonds disfigured the green plots'G and if the gardener objects the boy simply tell him to go to hades or som other summer resort , It Is A shame an disgrace that such an elegant park shoul bo cut np and the work of the girdono destroyed as fist as It Is done. Some on should bo given authority to keep old an young off the grass , and a pollcoma conld bo profitably employed there afte dark , bouncing courting couples from nndor the elms. " "Give the board n lively blast , " an the agitated kicker chatod his collar an disappeared In the fog. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco Is I bost. POLIOE OOUET , Brady nnd Cly | > ort Sent up Othc BUHtnCHB. In the police court yesterday morning D. P. Anderson was arraigned on the ol charge of Intoxication , Ho plead man fully for mercy and the judge was at flrs Inclined to bo lenient nnd lot him of Anderson admitted , however , that h had boon drunk onca or twice before the judge finally concluded thnt it wonl not do to lot him of ! scot frco. Ander son succumbed to a fine of $3 and costs James Tracy , a glib talking Irishman was arraigned on a charge of disturbing the peace. There had been n hot row about six o'clock ' last night near a house of ill fame on Eleventh and Capito' Avenue , and sombody bad sent sovcra' ' brick bats crashing through the window. Tracy had boon aeon lurking suspiciously in the neighborhood at the time , nnd was arrested as the king-pin in the fracai. Ho Insisted stroncoualy upon his inno cence to-day , howovsr , and his case was continued for evidence. Charles McGregor and Michael Slioii- dan were two tramps , at least so the com plaint against thorn alleged. They like wise plead tenderly for release. McGreg or , who claimed to bo an old Union soldier , told a piteous story of how ho had three small children in Terre Haute , Ind. , and how ho had loft the Ho osier state to earn a living for thorn. In the went ho had a recurrence ronco of the old army disease , disrrhcui , was compelled to quit work , etc. , otc. Sheridan's story was equally heartrend ing. The judge , in a fit of good humor , released them both , on a promise to pro cure work at once or leave town. Thomas Brady and Frank Clay- port were the two crooks arrested yesterday for robbing n granger at the Slavon house yesterday of $30 , while brushing him off. Brady was sentenced to twenty days In the county jail on broad and water , and Olayport , who was moro Immediately concerned In the rob bery , was given fifty days. This latter worthy is also accnecd of having stolen a watch from a workman employed In the U. P. chops. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco , NOT GUILTY , Brldonbaugli Says that Ho "Was Not Implicated in tbo Cole- ridge Itior. Tuesday night U. S. Marshal Blorbower returned from Coleridge with the young man , John Brldendangh , who is accused of complicity in the criminal assault upon Postmaster Pollock of that place. Bridenbaugh was taken to the Mlllard hotel , where ho was kept under cloio surveillance all night. Yesterday morning ho was taken into the room of Assistant United States Distrlct Attorney Bartlett , whore ho engaged in an informal discus sion of the charge on which ho has been arrested. Brldonbaugh denies in tote the serious charges which are preferred against him by Postmaster Pollock. In conversation with a reporter for the BEE yesterday ho told a story which , If true , ought to release him. Ho eays that the trouble first originated from an arti cle which was published by Pollock in the Cedar County Nonpareil , making so- rions charges against him ( Brldonbingb ) . The latter and his friends argued with Pollock and endeavored to Influence him to make a public retraction of the charges. This the postmaster refused to dp , and though his intimate friends urged him to repair the wrong ho steadily de clined to take any such steps. During all this time BrJdonbaugh and Pollock mot each other several times , and the former declares that ho did not draw a revolver on Ptliock or make any threatening re marks , bat that tbo latter did attempt to flash a weapon on him. Furthermore. Bridenbaugh did not make any threats that ho proposed lo "do up" Pollock. Qo admits , however , that the postmaster seemed to bo in mortal terror least lie should bo assaulted by him , ( Bridon- biugh ) though for what reaion was not apparent. So far as the as.'anlt on the house , which was tbo Immediate causeof his arrest , Bridonbaugh says that he knows nothing. The attack was very much exaggerated as only a few brick- bata were tired through the windows. So far in ho knew , no shots were fired . Tno attacking party might have boon composed of Indignant trionds of his , though ho had no reason so to believe. Certainly , ho himself had nothing to do with it. So far M the statement was concerned that he was jealons of Pollock because ho did not secure the Coleridge pontoillcc , it WBB the sheerest nonsense. The solo cause of the trouble was the offensive screed in the columns of the Nonpareil. Tint , In brief , is Brldenbaugh's version of the case , published as a merj matter of justice to him. Many cosmetics for the complexion have from tlmo to time been upon the market. But none have stood tbo test as has Pozzonl's medicated complexion powder. It la an absolute curative for blotches , discoloration , freckles , eto. For sale by druggists. Foresters First. Ball. The first grand ball of the Ancient Order of Foioitera given Tuesday night at Masonic ball was a brilliant and well at tended affair. About fifty couples were present and a programme of twenty-eight dances gene through. Hoifman'a orches tra provided the music and the following committees cllhlated : Committee of Arrangements John Rnef , John Oanuby , John Elliott. Raception Commlttee Wra. Falkner , . S. Watson , G. A. Stating , Dr. Erring - Floor Managers Edward Gowinner , Dharles Morrison , Edward Fernandies , 3icar Gowinner. Door Kt cpore J , D. Jamoj , J , T. ' jirvio , ] DESERTED WOMAN , Th o fcart History ofn "Wife A Hrotl ci's Scnrch , About the first of May a lady arrived In this city late in the evening , on th train from IIotro.'Nobraska. She gav her name as Mary Jane Dovel and said that she was In search of her husband who , she chimed , had dcsotttd her In Howo. She had with her a child and when ndin telligent looking , reached this city , she was BO worn and broken down mentally and physically that she was taken si ok very soon , and died within a few hours at the house of a lady whoso name present can not bo ascot talnod. Mis. Dovel said , just before her death that she had boon basely deiortod by hci husband , Virgil Dovel , and M she wonlc probably never find him she did not care to live. A brief mention of these facts was made ID the columns of the BEE on the eecom day of May. The paper waa forwardot to n brother-in-law of the dead woman who Is living in Holt county , Missouri , This gentleman became at once very much Interested In the caso. and doslret to have the matter silted to the bottom. Unable , however , from press of bntlneis to attend to the matter himself , ho turned the CASO over to another brother of the alleged runaway hutbandn yonne lawyer resident lii Baltimore , Md. This gentle man at once Interested himaolf In the case , and by the suggestion and dcsiro of Ills wife and the immediate relatives of .ho family , has como to Nebraska for the nirpOEO of looking np the history of the case , and to determine , if possible , the Thereabouts of the child who was loft jy the dead woman. A reporter for tholBEE mot this gentle man yesterday nnd engaged htm In conversation upon the somewhat myste rious subject. Vlrgl 0. Dovel married its wife in Virginia something over n lalf dozen years ago. They did not live altogether happily while In the east , .hough Mrs. D. was apparontly.falthfnl , and rendered the wifely obedlonco and roespoct while the husband was of kind mil pleasant disposition and not addicted ; o harshness or violent jealousy. Finally , lowovor , hoping a change of homo might servo to effect a changoof mutual feelings , ho oouplo moved out west ; a IIowo , Nebraska , where Mr. Dovel Dought a farm. Hero , It was learned .ho ill feelings between husband nnd wlfo increased rather than diminished and load , finally to separation. Just on what grounds this separation occurred , : annot at present bo learned. The wlfo s dead andtho husband has sold his farm and gone away , perhaps with the deter mination never to return , nnd the secret , may'never bn brought to light. Mr. J. E. Dovel , the brother of Virgil D. , has boon plying an assiduous searcher or the mtselng child , but ser r as his labors have up to the irosent time revealed anything , there s not the slightest clue to the miesing mo. Ho Is anxious alike to provide the ittlo waif with a homo , and to clear up .ho . mystery of the mother's death and he father' ; flight. He cays that ho , as well ai the other relatives of the yonng man Virgil Dovel , believe that whatever act oE desertion the husband may have committed , that he ww justified in It by ho course of the wife. Coughs , Cold and Sere Throat yield oadlly to B. H. Douglass & Sons' Cap- > nin Cough Drops. Keal Eatato Transfer * . The following transfers were filed May 0 , with the county clerk and reported or the BEE by Amos' real estate agency : Adolphua Clark and wlfo to George W. Amos , lot 12 , blk 5 , in Park Place add o Omaha , q c , $1. St. Philomenas church of Omaha and thera to city of Omaha , part of lot G , GO > y 24.G feet , to extend Howard street , of Omaha , q c , $1. Charles J. Harbich and wife to Mary J. Paxton , n 37 ft of lot 5 and n 37 ft of w 22 ft of lotG , blk 138 , in Omaha , w d , S'JOOO. Robert L. Garllchs ( slnele ) to Elbert J. Harrow , lot 20 in Polham'd Place , In Omaha , w d , $750. John L. McOaguo and wife and others o Louis Godola , si of lot 1 In Bonfiold , ) ougla3 county , w d , $375. Henry L. Stuart and wife to William A. 'axton , undivided J of ni of m J rf sec. 0-15-12 , Douglas county q c , § 250. F. B. Johnson and wife to Will Blna Graddy , lot 5 In Johnson's add to Omaha , xcopt s GO foot , w d , § 7,500. Lonls J , hm ( single ) to Cjurria J. VInrko , lots 1 and 4 blk 3 , in Cunning ham's sab-division in Omiba , w d , 81,800. Gcorgo B. Tzjchnck ( single ) to Joseph Jarker , lots 25 and 20 in W. A. Red- ck's add to Omaha , w d. § 700. TEST YOUR BARIMIWM TO-DAY ! rirandi iwlrcrtUeil aa nb olutely rnro COItfCPAXIST THF TEST : n can lop down on n liot > tovo until heated , them emovo thormerund unietl , A cheinift ivlll not be r * ulrod todotoct thu prbacnco of ammonia. of IOrS NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS IIEiLTllrtLNESS IUSNCVER DK.f Ql'tSTlOXra. In million homn for a auirtrr of century It bu stooJ tbo coniuintri' reliable teit , THE TESTJJFJHE OVEH. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , Uintns or Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , Il itrooinlD l dtlicloui mi ) oilaril ( Inor k > , u4 Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems for IJght , .a.thy . "rgJjB. . . . Dry Hop FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - BT. LOUI8. I Apollinaris IK II I "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Pure water should be available at K all timest but this is especially necessary inwarm weather. " Lancet. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OJalt Crtxtrt , JJrureiitt , & Min , Wat , Dtalin. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , Absolutely Pure. Tills powcier never varici. A marvel at pu strength nJwhoo90nunc8S. ] Moro eoonomlcAlthun the ordinary klmle.aml cannot bo Bold In compel ! ' tloo with the multitude ol low test , thort irelghl lorn ol iihrBDhrto powders. Bold only In o n KOYAt , UAKIKQ POWDKH CO. . IHIJ Wall H : H.Y T1MKEN BERING VEHICLES ; EASIEST . . . - . . . . . . . Mffv , JUdes as easy ( with one ptr son as two. Tha Sptln lengthen and ihorloniccordlno to tht weighthiy ? carrr. Equally well adapted to rough country roads c = d Sac drives ot cities. Manufactured and sold br CAMELLINE Fin THE ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San Francisco are familiar with the compoal- : ion of the principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that CAM ELINE is harmless and free from all solsonous or injurious substances. L 0 Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D H H Tolano , M D S W Dennis , M D R A McLoin , M D J M MoNnlty , M D. 0 B Brlghsm , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , MOW Carman , M D BL Gibbons Jr , MD W flyer , M D J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruncy , M D W Hammond.M D A MLoryca. _ M D W F McNntt.M. D 0 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , M D I L Slmms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D J H Stallard , M D F A Holruan , M D 0 MeCuostoUjM D J Rosenstirn , MD 0 0 Keonoy , M D J D Whitney M D A M Wilder , M D T Boyson , M D G H Powers , M D 0 G Kany'on , M D B R Swan , M D IS Tituu , M D L L Door , M D J L Mearos , M D J W Koonoy.M D T Price , M D GHolland , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adelina Patti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the > ratcc3 of your OAMELLINE heard from all nicies. For ealo by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And nil first class druggists. Omaha Medical &jSur gictil Institute * 13th St. , Cor qamtal Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Dlprases of Komnlea , at thu Nervous System , Frl- ate Diseases of tha Urinary and Sexual organs nnd Diseases of the Head , Throat anil I.ungs , specialties. Meeaees treated hy an experienced specialist , also lecascaot the Heart , Liver , Stomach , Kulnoye , Blot ] . cr , NeuralRli , Ilicumvtl'in , 1'llcs , Canrers , otc. And all other diseases ol the Throat &nd Lurif n , treated od by Utdlcitcd Vapora 8eml ( or Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , AH diseases of- the Ulaod , Utinary and Sexual Or- ; an8 , 1'rUato Diseases and 1'lles Cured or no Pay , 15 Yearn Hospital and 1'rlvnto Practice. Consultation and Kxainlnatlon iroo Iillorwrltoforclrcularsonchronladiseiecsanddelorro JCB , Diseases ol Foaalcs , l'ri ate Diseases ot I Urinary and Sexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Nor 0119 Debility or Kxhiustlon , etc. , cto. , and our new cstora the treatment , All letters nnd consultations Confidential. Medicines sent to all parts of the country bv ox. > rcs9 , securely packed from observation , If full do. criiitlon nf case h git en , One personal Inttrvlow referred If convenient , Ojicn at all hours. I'ntlouU from a distance cau obtain rooms and man ] , .ddrods all letters to Oiuuhn Medical & Surgical Institute _ 13th St. Cor. Capito A\c. , Oman * N > > < DR. PUHEK , Uraduatoot the University Vienna , Aus is tria , Late thirRocn to tbo Military Hospital , Vienna , Will do a general Modlcal and Surgical practice , All calls in city or country promptly attended , Oflico at tha Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th of Street and Capitol Aveuun. COWING & GO , JOCDKIIS W WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Millrille inj ( ' ( Iron 01 OB" I rJ ? 1 > X TUT < 3r S , Load Pipe and Sheet Lead , HOUT1I1M/TO.V bTF.tli I'DII'S , Plumbers' Gas and steam niters' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SUSIES , UthiDodfloSls..OMAHA.NEB. DREXEL , & MAUL , JACOB * ) UNDERTAKERS ! I At the old et&nd KIT Firnira Bt. Orders by lets rsph eollcltcj and prompt ) attended to. Tek-pbon- Manhood Restored KtllJ.uv FHEK. A victim of youthful Imprudence rauilnv I'rematora Decny , Nervous Debilltr , Lout Manhood , Ac. , having tritd In vain every known reraedy.hadiscovered a iimplemeaniiof lf-cure , wblcu ha wlll nd KIU'U tolili fellow-iutffror * , tii i V HP-STAIRS. 1312 MISFIT CLOTHING AND Uncalled for Garments. XTP-STAIRS - , 1312 DOUGLAS ST CTO AT THE- New Orleans Exposition , GSrCXC -HAS BEEN AWARDED TO THE For Eemarkable Fine Quality of Tone. ( Excellence of Design , Perfection of Workmanship. Call and see these Pianos , which take FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER EXHI BITED. MAX MEYER & BRO , , G-eneral Western Agents. TJbe Advantage of Settling in tha KewTown The title "South Omalia1 doeanot moan thn southern part of the city of Omaha.but H tha name of tlie thriyino- town commencing at tha Union Stock yards on the south , and extend ing for a milu and a half north , nearly connecting with thocity limits of Omaha. The company have apain concluded to nuton'salo 1,000 lota , and lut the purcha era of the eamo realize the profit which the enhanced value of theno lotn is euro to mako. It now being an assured fact that South Omnlia is destined In the tioar future to bo the largcat llva stock market west of Chicago , there can bo no doubt that this property la a few years will ba worth live or even ton times the amount that it can bo bought fur to-day , Some may ask : If this is HO , why dc not the company keep it and realize this proflt The anawer It , that in order to make lots valuable , there imut bo improvements on or eur rounding them , and ns ia the ciwo in all now towns , apodal luducBfcunta must bo olferol first to ot the people lo take hold and build. There are probably moro eucli inducements offered by South Omlm than were over pu forth by any now town , The largo buainosn dona by the etock yards company and the tin- menaoslaughter and packing houses together with their auxllanes are nomiial ] foaturom , iv aggregate of events that are destined to make South Omaha a largo place. Again , the town not an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city taxes , although It enjoy * nil the benufiU from the growth of Omaha that it would if it wcro just IN8IOK the city hmltu , but buine jurt OUTSIDK , only county taxes are collected , which ara merely nominal , Tha town owns and operates its own water works , which furnish on abundant supply of pure spring water , Dum my trains will rnn on the U. & M. and.U , P. railways nvory hour , stopping at tha north end thatown site as well as at the stock yards. The Thirteenth utreot horse cars will run J i Hnecall'H park this sprlug , and to tbo stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude and the location a healthy ono. 9'cur/etlier.anr.eM10,8tVvho ' ? do not bohevo that South Omaha will amount to much , ruts kind of people didn't beliuvo Chicago would ever bo anything bettor than a crauburrv patch that Omaha would ever outprow her village clothes , that there never could bo any fruit rawed In Nebraska , uto. . ic. Who made It win ? The sceptics , or those that had an abldta * faith m the energy , intelligence and recourses of this great country ? Street 1 Merchant's National ! l.n-"la' ) 'Jr'06,8 ' ' anj , terms apply at the company's office , 210S. Thirteenth , liank Huildlng , lirnt lloor , JUT. A. UFTOWAfi8f.8cc'y and Manager. . A , KD.NET. AH. W. A L. GJUBOK IRON , STEEL HEAVY HARDWARE Wagon Sfocli and Hardwood Aiunlw , 1217 and 1219 JLeavenworth St. Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time auyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , idding freight to Omaha ,