Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1885, Page 7, Image 8

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    Pj BPHBT * "
Prosoonto the Swindlorat
If when you call for lion BUters ( sao
grcon cluster of Ilops on the white hbol )
the druggist hnnds out anyBtuff called 0.
D. Wntnct'fl German llop Blttera or with
other "llop" name , refiuo It nnd shun
Out druggist nu you would a vlpor ; and If
ho has taktn your money for the staff ,
indict him for the fraud , nnd ano him for
damages for the Dwindle , and wo will ro-
waid you liberally for the conviction.
"iHavTsufFered,1' '
With omy dlsoaeo imaginable for the
lat thrao yoara. Oar
Diagglst , X. J , Anderson , recommend
-'Hop Bittern , " to mo
I asod two bottles ,
Am entirely cnrcd and heartily recom
mend Hop Bittern to everyone.
J. D. Walker , Buoknor , Bio.
Countot felt ing Proves Superiority.
Although counterfeiting is one of the
greatest Crimea against the business of
any country , find in many casas
"Destructive to health and llfel"
"It proves beyond a doubt tho"
Of tuo article coan'orfoHodj '
As no inferior article is over counter
Proof of this Is to bo found in the great
number in
"Australii , England , France ,
"Germany , India , Belgium , Canada
nnd the U. S.
Of counterfeit ! * of the great remedy.
"Hop Blttere , "
Whoso name and merits are so well
known the world over that it is a
"Shining mark nnd favorite prey
"For Counterfeiters 111"
Buwaro of tlmae that do not have a
green clatter of hops on the white label.
Proaccnto the Swindlers ! ! !
If when you call for Hop Hitters ( see { . ' ) ! i
cluster of Hops on tbo white label ) ttto drue-
olat linnds out nny etulf called C. 1) . Warner B
German llop 15tters or with other "Hop"
nninu , tvfueo it nnd Minn that druggist as you
would a viper ; nnd if ho haataken your money
for the BtulT , Indict him for the fraud and PUO
him fur damages for the swindle , and wo will
lewnrd you liberally for the conviction'
AonMUanltppettilnff tonic rfeiqutiluflaror , uowniej trrvr llirf
tab world. tarii DiqrpiU.lXuuin , Incruil An > .ul > U
Slionl otllt IXenUn Oifaii. A fe Uropi ! Br rt nMlclout lUrt ;
So fl.l aoimmfat , iod to H umu > itlnU. fr , It , W *
V .McfCTO l.rftlii7.Vjrotcrw. . jrdrjtc' ' " f jU
latUdt , iMMbcttnl by DR. J. O. II. tJtCUll A SOX 3.
4J , , SOLE
xitojj ) 'Ay' y.
In order to enrich
tlio Mood , and thus
Impart ( rosin Igor ,
an onlcoh.'cd system
V stimulate ) flagging
( 'location with the
rational imprint ,
Hostcttor'd Stomach
Hitters , which , by
; Infuslrg cncrgj into
? the oporatlonioltho
\ etomarh , promotes
nay , ItiMi'oa thor
ough digettlon and
assimilation , and
consequent nutti-
tl-n. A pain to appetite -
petite , vigor and
llosh , 1) 1 ivarlibly
fuund to follow a
eJIv , popular tonlo
which i * , moreover ,
rcliiblorioventiro of malarial fo'ver. For sale
by all DiuprglstH and Boalor KoneraIly.
Washing & Bleaching
r - In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
universal Mtlsfactlon. No lan'ily rtih or poor should
bo without It.
Sold h ) nil proccr" . DRWARK "f Imitations well do >
slgno I to miaioicJ. VRARLINX is theoMr HAPR Uhoi
savlni ? cotopeiuid and alwaya titarj the atxno sjin'
Lcl autl name r > t
&J& . If AIR'S
Thlslnvalmb'e epcc'fli rfniltlv and pcrm nontl }
cures nil Muds oA8lima ( , The most ( .bstlr.ato > ml
lora slanJIni ! roacti It-Id promjiti } to Its wnudorfu :
cmlnj-vroiortloa. It Isktown tbroughcut thiworlc
( or Ita unrivaled clllcacy.
J L. cALDWKTA. o'ty ' TIncoln , Nil ) ; writes , Jit
IB , IfWl. a nco using Dr , U-lr'a Astliun cure , Joi
moro Ihiu ono icar.yiy vl'e ' lua Ken octlrily wtll ,
and not men a symptom ot ttio dUoualuwapu rod ,
WIUIiM nVNNCTT , Ttlch'anJ ' , I wa , rltesNov
d. 18t3 lluvulicon ttlllictod with Hay Koor uni
Aithmks'iicolSSD J'ollowud jour dirertloiis m
am happy to Bay tint I no cr slept better in my lllo
1 am K.'ad that 1 am nmone the many nbo can fcjioal
BOombly ( : ot your ru.Lcdlcs.
A \oluiWo : 04 | Ke tr'athooontnlnincela llarproo
from t\oy State in tlio U , S , Canal * aid Uiea
llrltaln ; Kill bu mallcil upon spplicatlon.
Any druvRlst not hi\in ? It In stock lll procured
toordftr. Ask ( or Dr. lliir a Asthma Cure.
DH. II IV HAIKAsSON. Pron'sCln'ti. 0.
The Mirror .
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale ?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
unit 17 Wabahh Arrnu
Hair Cloth and Wit
Bustles. Hoop Skirts ,
Hair Cloth Skirtsf
7N0 cut rcprt > citu Tl
Lanu-iry , ho iiioft popul
comTilnulluu of llutllu ai
HoopbUlite riaad . A lai
who lias worn onu * lll i ' \
< ar wny other Hyle. fca
\ > t& ntfSSlTone SJ , 141
ho. 110.411 , ijTAnyouoftt
MIIIO Btylo pf bklrt " °
liur - " pii ' wlu IH > i'ii ' 't ' wi
- law.
. .
li . a V iimi vi i , 'U. T s fi.u
( sr 'lirr r,4V 'l. ni tTuBATlyaonJMtdUM
1) * uulrtf ' 1 tpr fc 4 1" II A.r PI.
JIB - " 1oJi , t f rU < . , S > c i t
TONS OP II < Vttl > OASU ,
IntctcstliiR FACtn About the Count
Hoccntly Ooinplctcil In the
NntlonnJ Treasury ,
_ On the 25th of l al month the prcas
digpntchca annonnccd the appointment of
a committee to cDtint the monoya iu the
United States treasurer's oflico In Wnsh-
ington , and n low days ego U WAD nn *
nonncod that the count was practically
completed. The report of the committou
which wai completed to-day , shows that
Et-Unlted .Statoa Treasurer Wyman'a
statement of assets reported on the 30th
nit. la comet. This "treasury count" Is
necessitated every time there la a chacgo
mndo In the oflico of United States troaa-
nrar , so In tbia case Mr. Jordan having
succeeded Mr.Yyman , three gentlemen ,
Mr. Cnjuoll , representing the out going
troaautor ; Mr. Smith , the now treasurer ,
nnd Mr. Diskane , roprcsonting
the aocretary of the treasury were ap
pointed to superintend the connt. Forty
expert counters and ns many clerks , who
kept the records , wore steadily at work
nearly tbrco weeks counting the paper
money , bonds , etc , and n dozen clerks
and as many laborer * wcro bard at work
for n week or ten daya counting the gold
and silver coin In the vaults.
Some idea of what la involved in a
treasury connt may bo gained by a moro
statement of the vast sumo of money
handled , counted nnd verified In this
recent count. The spoolo handled ac- ;
Rrogatnd nearly $12,000,000 , , about 9.-
000,000 iilvor dollars and n half million
minor silver coins , and § 2,500,000 in
value of gold coin. The silver coin
weighed about 270 tons , and the ( old
.oln about four and one-half
tons. This hard money , strict
ly speaking , was not counted but
weighed. The silver dollars , Tihon
originally placed In the vaults , wore pub
In bigs , each containing § 1,000 , coin uncl
bags weighing fifth-mno and a quarter
pounds ; the gold was In bags containing
$5,000 In each bag , and gold weighing
eighteen and a half poundo. An actual
count by pieces was only made of a few
bags on the start to ascertain the proper
and exact weight of n bag of § 1,000 in
silver or § 5,000 in gold , and afterward
of such bags an wcrn not satisfactory in
weight. But very f aw biga either of the
silver or gold fell short of the standarJ
weight , and in such instances actual
crunt showed the required number of
coins , but nith a few tf thorn sullicloatly
abraided to account /or the deficiency in
thn weight of the bags and content ] .
When the last bag was weighed ai > d the
record footed up not a dollar , not a cent
was musing , BO the commlttoo report ,
and so Treasurer Jordan may feel certain
his ptodecoisor , Mr. Wyman , has turned
over to him every dollar o hard money
that the latter claimed was in the vaults
hero on April SO ,
The piper money and securities handled
embraced n reserve fund of nearly $104-
000,000 , nude np of § 31,000,000 in
United States notes , § 101,000,000 In gold
ceitificatcs , and about § 20,000,000 In sil
ver certificates ; also interest checks and
coupons aggregating § 8,000,000 , unissued
clearing houeo coulficitea amounting to
$55,000,000 , and bondn and coupons
amounting to § 345,000,000. , a total cf
§ 572,000.000 , which , added 10 the § 12- ,
000,000 In coin , make a count of § 584-
000,000 In coin and paper values , aa the
not result of the cimmltteo's work. The
count of the paper and necutltlcs was as
satlcfnctory ai that of the coin. Every
item of paper assets. United States notes ,
bonds , gold and silver certificates , was
examined and counted ploco by piece , and
each and every package found intact and
correct , and the aggregate In some in
stances running up into the millions , was
fonnd to correspond exactly with the
records of the books in the reserve , loan
and redemplion divisions , and in the
cashier's room of the treasurer's ofiico.
Three llnnsona
Why every one neodn , and should take
Hood'a Sareaparilla In the spring :
1st : Because the system it now in its
greatest need. Hood's Sareaparilla gives
2d : Became tin blood Is sluggish and
impure. Hood'a ' Sarsaparilla purifies.
3d : Because , from the above facts ,
Hood'a Sarsaparilla will do a greater
amount of gocd now than at any other
time. Take it now.
"Wonderful Little Board Th t
Writes Without Human Aid.
Utica Observer.
There ore some Indications that the
mysterious little planchctto board , like
teller akatlng la coming into fashion
again , No adequate explanation of it
haa over baen received , though many
have bean oifdred. The construction la
aa v ° u see , a plain , heart shaped cedar
board fixed upon two metal legs , to
which are adjuetad wheels that move
easily nnd light in all directions At the
point of tho'neart a hole la made , and a
soit of round rase is fixed to hold an
ordinary ptncil firmly. That ia all thcri
is of it.
Pot a pencil at the point , as you see ,
put two bands npon the board , as yon
alao BOO. After keeping the hand *
lightly and quietly in their places a fo\v
minute : , planchetto will often begin tc
write. It usually scribbles yet
and no , and Bonseloes gab-
bio of ono sott or another to whist
no Importance must bo attached. It ie
claimed positively , however , tlms the
board lua written intelligent answers to
thoio questions , which those holding
their hands upon it oonld not pos
sibly be award of. It may ba. But be
fore believing this la true , ask some qncs
tlona and ceo for yourself. It ia ono oi
the a 9 ca os in which tbo word of no oeo
end poison must bo taken. Above all ,
do not have any superstitions abont the
thing , taking for granted that the writ
Ing Is done by epirita.
Flanchetto ia merely a puzzle , to b (
investigated as any other scientific cub
juct wou'd be , on the same sort of evidence
dence , and weighed by the same tort o :
judgment. Don't admit the dement o
humbug , acd witchcraft , and nonsense
and superstition into yonr soul. 'Ihui
yon will not ba likely to loio your head
even when amusing yourself with plan
chetto. It Is a fascinating atudy in p y
cbologlcaleclenco , nothing more. It ran ;
bo t bat there are powers nnd forces In th
human organization that have hithcrt
been undeveloped in all but a few ex
coptlonal cases. It may be that wo cr
on the verge of some marvelriu diecoyei
ies iu mental ecicnco. So much it I
eafo to admit.
The board writes best In the positio
shown , with two hands , a right and Icf !
upon it. What dcoj the writing nobod
L" knows , The best authorities have cor
cludtd that it is done uuconedoudy b
tbo pencil whoso hands are upon th
basrd. A nervous lluld is supposed t
pass from the hands and form a currer.
hit moves the board , The cxplanatlo
tt best is a It mo ono. But this much :
ctraiu : Plaucho t to n riling na an tutei
talnmont can do no harm as long ai the
experimenter does not let go his common
sonsoandpntn superstitious faith in its
Vlllnccrs Mystified R Hcncon In-
Soared by rx
The little 'village of Steamburg , four
miles oaat of Randolpc , N. Y. , la agog
with excitement over the remarkable
mcdinmlstia achievements of Miss Carrie
Nutting , I who was recently graduated
from the Chamberlain Institute iu Ran
dolph with honors. Abont a week ago
as the waa sitting at n small tnblo in her
father's house , with her hands resting
idly upon the edge , suddenly the table
b&gan to move , compelling Miss Nutting ,
ai she says , to follow it about the room.
It came to a halt directly in front of the
picture of her grandfather , who died
some yoara ago. Members of the family
call to mind the fact that the spot at
which [ the table atcppod waa that in
which i4-formerly ttood when the old
gentleman used it as a writing table.
The next day at about the simo hour
the young woman was gazing out of the
window , thinking over the peculiar cir
cumstances of the previous day , nhon , as
she explains it , a gradual lassitude took
possestion of her , nnd , although aho had
never been known to slug , uao begin
chanting some weird , sweet melody ,
which the family say they never heard
equaled. As the music died away she
began repeating a poem , the woids of
which none of those prcaont had ever
hoard. This trance were off tin about
half an hour , and the young woman says
she has no recollection of doing anything
unusual , nor did aho experience any
By this tlmo the news rf the utr-iugo
behavior of Miss Nutting had sprettd
among the neighbors , and the following
afternoon twonty-fivo or thirty
persona had gathered to witness
the phenomena , nearly all being
skeptical as to the stories sot
Shortly after 3 o'clock , while the sun
was shining brightly into the window ,
the young woman seated herself at the
table , looked ateadfastly at the picture of
her grandfather , and the table Boon
moved and was gradually raised from
the floor. A lumberman who happened
in with the others , thinking there wus
some trick , seated hlme elf upon the end
of the table , but notwlthstand ng his
ixldod weight it continued to rise , nnd
sailed about the room in such a rays-
toroua way that Myron Sllvorhoad * , a
Seneca Indian from the reservation near
at hand , made a break for the door , and
did not stop in hla mad rush until ho
crossed the boundary line of the reserva
tion. The Indiana now take a rounda
bout road rather than pass the homo of
Miss Nutting.
After the table had c-rased its wander-
inga a gold ling worn by the young
woman was mysteriously removed from
her finger and dropped npon the window
sill ; a series of rapplngs followed , and
some of thoHO present , say they Deceived
through the medium , moseagea from de
parted friends and from people whom
she could never have known.
Miss Nutting ia just past her twen
tieth birthday , and looks young for her
ga. She la rlightly above medium
height , has asymmetrical , well-rounded
form , a camoly faca , dark eyes , and luxu-
lent black hair. She Is modest and ro-
iring In disposition.
Virtue in tlio Family.
There are all aorta and degrees of vir-
no , and aomotimoss we are told that
Ittuo ia its own reward. Mr. A. F.
Svans of Burr's Ferry , La. , cays , in
writing about Brown's Iron Bitters , "I
' ave been the recipient of its virtue in
my family to a considerable extent.1
This great iron tonic has superior advan-
oges as a reliable family medicine. Its
lower has been thoroughly tried , and its
Irtucs abundantly proved. Nearly a
million bottles a year are eold by the
'rugglsts of this country.
A Iot Crow Dies of Sorrow.
irio ( Pa. ) Special to Cleveland Linden
George M. Doll , a Mill Craek farmer ,
few yoara ego caught a young crow ,
which he raised , and bj perseverance
luccoeded In teaching it to say many
hings. Tbo pot waa called "Jim , " and
10 waa made to much cf by Mr. and Mrs ,
Doll , who were childless , that he seemed
ilmost human. Six months ago Mr ,
Djll sickened , acd In a couple ot weeks
.led of pneumonia. "Jim" sat on a chn'r '
iesldo bis master during his entire Ill
ness , and , when tbo hour of dissolution
, "Jim" joined his mistms in
amontations , and repeatedly raid , "O ,
rlear George , " and similar endearing
.hiugo. Afcor Mr. Doll's spirit had gone
; ho pet crow hopped up onto the pillow
and give vent to the most piteous cries.
The grlof-atiicken bird refused to leave
Its master , and after the body was coflinec
flaw up onto the lid and gazed sorrowfully
down through the ghes at the features o !
he dead , breaking out repeatedly in
such expressions as "Pour George , " etc.
' 'Jim.1 refused food and could net bo
forced from his perch until the casko
was closed. When the casket waa borne
from the homo "Jim" flow after itutter-
ng shrill noiaes indicative of extreme an
gulsh. Aa the funeral procession movoc
oft the crow followed , hovering over the
hearse and a portion of the time waa
perched upon it. At the cemetary ho
flew npon the top of a monument close
by the open grave , and remained there
till the body was covered f lorn sight
Afior the concourao of sorrowing frioadi
had turned away from the grave , "Jim1
fell down upon It and gave way to the
moat pltiinl cries of distress. At nigh
ho came flying homo tired and cold
Next morning bright and early iluw oil in
the direction of the cemetery , and was
found there fluttering and stalking up
and down the grave like a sentinel on
duty. Day after day ho returned to the
rave of his dead. Ono day , three
months after the death ot Mr Djll , the
lilted man , Fred Dwell , was fatally klckei
by a horse , and the morning of the
funeral "Jim" rode to the caiaolcry on
the hearsa and from that day never re
turned , but duy In and day out througl
the suvortot weather he might hava been
found there keeping hla sl'ent ' vigils eve
the grave which hold all that waa dear tc
him , Wra Doll had a corafoitiblohoui
built for "Jim , " and daily a meesenge
carried food to him. "Jim's" domonetra
lion of sorrow gave way to tilent grltf
and hla tender crlea for "Poor George ,
were substituted by suppressed moans
Bis appetite began to decrease , and hi
glossy black feathers which ho used t
dross with o much care were nogleote
entirely Sunday when the widow won
vi'h frienis to view the grave of ho
hsobini ] , elm waa almost overcome a
finding poor "Jim" lying with hia wing
spread out cold and lifeless upon the heat
of the grave , a victim cf an uncontrolla
bo ! consuming grief that cculd not be ae
suagod. "Jim" had been faithful unti
Tlio lUitUl Coup I o United While
Standing Under A Lover's
Knot or HOBOS.
BOSTON , May 15-rEdwin Booth , the
.rflgodhu , was Urn afternoon a partici
pant in a little drama of real life at his
oildonco , 29 Chostnnt street , attending
ho marriage festivities of his datight or ,
iliss Edwina Booth , and Mr. Ignatus G.
Grcsjman. The guosls , who numbered
sixty , included t'tiends from Now York
ind other cltlofl. They were ushered
nto the house fiom their carriages under
a long canopy between the sidewalk and
the main door , which WAS overhung with
iprays of smilax. Just insldo the door
he eye was greeted with a luxurious ar-
angomont of hydrangeas and palms ,
rhlch half concealed the orchestra and
ormod an admirable foreground ( or a
> ronzo butt of Mr. Booth. On ascend-
ug the broad stalrcato , around which
were twining flowers , the guests fonnd a
iovol and unique arrangement of ma
le floral fence , forming the two nidoa of
curving lane , which led to a transverse
octlon of similar fence crossing the head
f the front part or near the bay win-
ows. In the wlndowa wera three gatea
led with alike a cords , and on every hand
were strewn flowers. Occrtho interior ,
nsldo the middle gate , where the mar-
[ ago ceremony was performed , was hung
no of the most exquisite floral dovlcea
mt has been made for an interior for
nany years , Itwasairao lover's knot
itorwinlng a horseshoe , and showing in
the word "Oroklo. "
ewers Hungatian , .
For ever ) beneath which were the lot-
era "Q" and "B. " The knot was made
f May flowers and sweet olyeium , and
10 remaining portions of the device
bowed crlmsDn king pinks and a cluster
f forget-me-nots.
When the time had arrived for the cer-
mony the sister of the groom , who stood
mar the central gate with four cf the
) rido3maida , arrayed in whlto , unfastened
10 tilkon cord for the entrance of the
ifliciating clergyman , the Rev. Cyrus A.
iarton , D , D. , and the contracting
> attiee , after whom came the immodlat-j
: latlvoa , Mr. Booth strewing flowers as
icy moved. The bridal party and ontlro
; rouping presented a picture of rare in-
orett , and the effect was enhanced when
10 notes of the Swedish wedding march
were hoard from the orchestra below ,
with the intermingling sounds cr silver
hinio bells. The ceremony was eimplo
ad Impressive , mid at the close , aa the
lorgyman passed out by the side gate of
10 luitic fence , the wedding party stood
aclng their company of friends , who
loved forward in line to tender fellclta-
ions. During and after this portion of
bo social ceremony the orchestra played
Jrahm'a Hungarian dances and selections
rom Faust and Schubert , a prominence
> olng given to the Hungarian pieces In
ccordanca with the taste of many friends
f the groom from Now York.
The groomsman , a brother of the groom
with five ushers who were also relatives
f the families , were active in attandltig
i3 tlio xory select patty present. TLo
wedding breakfast aud attending festivi-
,30.1 occupied several honra , during which
Jr. Booth and hla daughter were the
enter of interest , and received the con-
ratulatlona of friends with manifest hap-
) lncas.
When Kariis Firm Showed Bis
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The story of the hipoodromlng tour cf
tarns and Goldsmith Maid haa recently
> acn made public by John Splan. As
he driver and horses are well known to
ho horjemon cf BuQalo , wo give the
aiory in full : "Hams joined Goldimlth
tfald in a hlppodromlng tour through
California in 1877 , their lint exhibition
> elng given at Sin Jose , where the Maid
von In 2:22 : , 2:10 : , 2:10 : . By his races
vlth other hoiss iu California Splan had
discovered that Rarna was improving in
speed all the time , aud had little doubt
of hia ability to beat Goldsmith Maid
f fli3 matter over came to a test But
, ho races between thceo hones through
California were advertised as exhibitions ,
and It waa understood that Rarus would
make no attempt to beat the Maid because -
cause he waa still eligible to the 2:21 :
class , aud it would be bad policy to glvo
ilm a faster record when there was tiuth-
ng but glory to bo gained by it.
"From San Jose the horses wont to
Dhico , where they were to open a now
; rack , The people of Cbico were very
proud of thair enterprise , and had offer-
id soina extra money in the case 2:17 :
was beatf n. There was plenty of betting
iron in Chlco at ihat time , and in addl-
.tou to these hundreds of miners came
'rom all parts of the country to ECO
jolJamlth Maid trot , and all of them
were willing to bet their last dollar that
2:17 : would not ba beaten. Andy Dan-
els , who will bo remombared as an old
: iiin driver and eportiag man , was in
alifornia at the time , and had gino
along with Splan to Ohio' ) . Budd Doble ,
who was drlviug tha Maid , having been
detained In San Francisco by sickness ,
but It was arranged that he should come
l.o Chicn in time to rlrivo the mare.
'After the horcus had been in Cbico
for a day or two Daniels ( aid to Sphn :
"Thoao poopla want to hot some monty
on your race. "
'What do they want to bet , " asked
' That 2:17 : won't bo beaten in the
race. "
" 'That looked to me , " said Splan in
telling the ttory , 'like finding the money
and I tcld Andy ti start in and never
stop hotting as long aa hla money held
out. Ho wont out among the baiting
men , and the day before the race re
ported that he had hot $2,800 oven that
2 17 would bo beaten. "
" 'Tho next morning Doblo came
down from San Francisco and we told
lilm that wo had piled all our money rn
tlmo and considered him in with It "
"Well , Bndd hemmed and hawed a
little ; talked about the track being a now
one , and rather intimated that wo had
thrown our money away , but hoiookone-
third of tbo game , although I could ECO
ho waa not particularly charmed with the
prospect. The next day wo went out to
trot. The weather waa warm and ploes-
ant , and 1 knew my horse could go well.
Budd and I had some little talk about
beating 2 17 , but he was still in doubt.
You can have jtut two chances to win
it for us us , ' said I to him , 'and if yon
fall just say goodbye to mo when thn
word for tno third beat Is given , end I
will show yen a trotter , ' S3 Budc
cheered up a little , mid said ho wouli
chovo the old mirj alocg aa fast as poa-
tibo ! Well , wo trotted the firtt host
bat 2:191 : was the heat the Maid could do
When tno time wan hung out Budt
looked soberer than ever , and oven And }
Daniels wore a subdued aspect. You
seethe/both saw it waa a caao cf life
and death , thinking that if Goldsmitl
Maid could not tiot a mile in 2:17 : there
was no uaa in any ether horse trying.
"When they came up for the eeond
heat the Maid was going ttrun and fan !
with Rarus about a length behind.
I nodded for the word , the judges give It
and away wo wont. Rarus kept the earn
distance behind the mare that ho was I&
the start , and when wo began to go down
the back stretch I saw that it would be
quite a heat , The homestretch at Chlco
is over a quarter of a mile long , and , as
wo swung into It , the Maid gave a wab
bio or two , nnd was evidently getting
ready for a break. When she finally
went into the air , I sent lUras right up
to her.
" 'Hit hyr a cJack , ' said I to Bndd.
"So ho let her have the whip , and she
pave a jump or two that would make a
deer look sick. Then ho caught her , unil
wo came homo n flying , the mirj beating
Llarus out by a nose.
"When Budd got out of the sulky ho
'ays ' to mo : 'Tho old mare kind of wab-
) les to-day , and does not seem able to go
any. ' 'You will find she pulled yon a
milo to-day abont as fast aa she over
went in her life , ' I said , for Rarus
hewed mo ho was going well , and when
hat horse got in a hurry it was oafo to
vagor that thora would bo a raco. Pretty
eon out came the board with 2:14& : on
t , and wo know that the money was
ler MArrliiKO witli tlio Ugliest Man
She Ever Saw In llcr Life.
Vaghincrton Critic ,
The gentleman from Ponnsylvacia and
.bo . reporter of the Critic woto talking
ast night about cx-Attornoy-Gonorol
) rowater. Reference waa made to the
xct that Mrs. Browstor was a grand-
aughtor of Benjamin Franklin , nnd
bat after her husband died she waa a
lork in the treasury department.
"I will toll you , " said the gentleman
rom Pennsylvania , "about the first
mooting between the ox-attorney
onoral and hla wifo. Browater ,
is a lawyer , had some business
> oforo the bureau of tbo treasury in
vhich hla wife was employed. Ho went
nto the room in which aho waa nt work ,
jooklng np aud catching sight of her
ituro husband , she involuntarily ex-
laimod to the Indy seated uoxt to her :
Well 1 That ia the ugliest man I over
w in my life. '
"Browater took off his hat and , baw-
ng very politely to the surprised
idy , said : Thank you , niadamc. I
Iffuys like to hear a lady speak frankly
vhat she thinks. ' An acquaintance fol-
owoi aii'l a marriage came after. Brewer -
; or haa f tequontly twitted his wife about
10 fust worda aho over spoke to him. "
No well ro ulatad household should bo with-
it n bottle of Aiifot urn IJIttcrstho world
onowned nppetizor and invigorator. Beware
counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist
or the genuine atticle , manufactured by Dr.
. G. B. Siegort & Sons.
The Ivookuk board of health is cleaning
p the town.
William Beadle's barn , at Amoj , waa
mptied of two Valuable horsea ono night
ast week.
The corner stone of Griswold college ,
Divenport , was laid Saturday with im-
loaing Maeohic ceremonies.
The etato board of health hos elected
) r. Kcnnoky to fill the position made
ecant by the death of the lats Dr.
It ia reported that some twenty rail
way postal clerks running Into Dnbnquo
rjm Chicago have made a virtue of ne-
eeslty and resigned , to make room for
democratic appointees.
Governor Sherman issued a proc'ama-
ion yesterday offering a reward of $200
or the capture of the parties implicated
n the robbery and attempted murder cf
Vir. Brink , residing near Otley.
In the Eldora courts on Frldcy , Briggs ,
convicted of aiultery , was sentenced to
hroe years in tbo Anamos * penitentiary ,
and Essio Etta Hutzcll went to jail fur
wenty daya nnd paya a line of $50.
A Dubuqno woman assaulted the fiovon
year-old daughter of a neighbor on Fri
day in a fiendish manner , beating the
child over the head most brutally. A
mslnesi man rescued the little one and
entered complaint against the brute.
J. L. Kinnor , a farmer living twelve
miles north of Belle Plaice , dropped
dead in his barn Thursday night , and be-
ere being discovered by his wife Friday
norning was hcrribly mutilated by the
toga , which had fed npon the body the en-
ire night.
The commirsicn rs of pharmacy were
n session in Des Mcinea last week , re
viewing court records of convlctiona for
violations of tbo pharmacy law. They
ssued citations to Uvoregistered pharma
cists to abow cansd why their certificates
should not be tevoked.
Dr. Carrel , ono of the victims [ of tlio
jreaton railway horror a few weaks ego , '
ia snfliciently recovered to attend the
jurlal services of his wife at Das Moinca
on Friday , killed in the disaster mert-
rlonod , and whoso remains have been iu
ho vault awaiting the locovery of the
At a church fair in St. Paul recently
whoio they voted for household fiivoritoi ,
it. Jacobs Oil received nine-tenths of
.ho votes. This slows the popularity of
.ho Great German Remedy which con
quers pain
No. 507 Broadway Council Bluff * .
Railway Time Table ,
Ibe following aie the times ol the arrival and de
parture ol trains by central standard tlmo , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mm.
at earlier tnd arrive ten minutes later.
0:23 : A M Mall and Express BjZO'r M
12:401-11 : Accommodation 4iO : r
5:30 ! M Express 0.05 A VI
0:25 : A M Mall and Express 0:53 : r u
725 ; A M Accommodation 6:16 : r M
5:30 : r M KxproiB 8:00 : A u
0:20 : A M lla'l and Express OBO : iM
6:25 : f u Kxpreel 0.05 A M
0:60 : A M Mall and Express 7:10 : r M
12:30 : v M Accommodation fee : cu
6:15 : [ M Exnrtuj 6:60 : A a
w > un , it. LOWS AHO rAoino.
1I5 ; 1' M Lccil 81. touU Expreea Local
1:80 : I'M Transfer Traonfer S:20 : ! M
u Loctl ChtcigO t fit L Exp Local 8.56 A M
I'M Iramltr " " " " TrauilcrOllOAM
kAiisaa cm , BT , JQI AKP OOUSCIL num.
lO.O1) A u Mall and Express 6:49 : r M
8:16 : r u Kxprecs 6.26 A M
KIOUX cur ADD mine ,
7:2o : A M Mall for Sioux City 6:50 : r M
7:10 : f u Eiprera lor St Paul 8:60 : A M
l'MO.N i-Aeiric.
11:00 : A M Diiuer Express 4:35 : v M
J.6 : f II Lincoln Pais O'a & 11 V H:35 : r M
7:55 : v M Oturlsnd lupuss 8:20 : A M
tesvo Council llliltj 7:15 : 8:20 : 9:30 : 10:80
11.10 a. m. 1:80 : 2:30-8:80 : : 4:23 : 6:15 : 8:25 :
11:16 : p.m. I-ea\o Orualii 6:10 : 7H : c.fO 10
-Ili5 : a. iu. 1250-2.00-3CO-4.C-4:55 ; : : : 5:55 :
-li:10p. : in.
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the Unit.od States
To Select From.
Remember These Important Facts
The Mutual Life Insurance Company ,
1 It Is the OLDEST active Uta Innuranoo Company In thU ronntry.
2. It Istlio \KURSrLlfolnsuranco Company by many mllllors of ilol'ats in the woiU.
S Mt titles of premiums are LOWEIttbcn those ol any other company.
4 It h 8 no "ttockK > Mor8"tcclilm ny part of 111 ptollts.
5. It ofle'8 no sclIIMKj under the ntine of Itisutancu for tpeculation by niocltl thsscs upon the
null ortimea of each ot'cr.
fl. Its present n\al , bloCA8nnESOCKCESc\ccoJ those ol any other Life Intur. noi Company In tlio
It lias rccchcil In cnsh from til sources , from February. 1843 , to January , IFF * , I 2'0f02 CfJ.CC ,
It lias returned to the pcoph , In rush , from February , 1S3 , to January , 1ES5 ,
It3 cush Assetsontho 1st ot January , 1835 , amountto inoro than
Hinted ei
Gonernl A font for Gen. A ts. for
fobraskti , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Mich'gan ' Indinnn , Illinois , Wisconsin , lawn
Utah. nnd Mlnuosotn ,
Olhc3 Cor.Farniun nnd 13th St.Over 1st Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan ,
13auk , Ouinha , Nflb M. P. KOII11KK ,
Special Agent forlown , Council BhilTs , low *
Pneumonia ,
Dyspepsia ana.
JVasting Diseases ;
I'oiltlvcly JleUcvcil and Katurt
E IjOTJjS asatstciHiirestoringrttalpouiera
DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Many Druggets and Grocers xvho do not have Dufly Pure
Halt \Vlilslcey In Block , attempt to palm off on customers , whiskey of Uictrown bottling , which
jelngof an Inferior Rrado and adulterated , pays them a larger profit.
. . -
Information. Sample Quart Bottles
Send us your address and wo wlllmall boolccontalnlncvaluablo
sent to any address In the United States ( East of the Rocky Mountains ) , securely pacltedUn plain
ease , Express charges prepatdon receipt of 1.2Q , or Six Bottles Bent for S < 3. * * *
3 , Md. ( U.J.J ,
Selliny Af/ents , Onuilta , II. T. larhe ZPrug Co.
Finest Selections of
Merchant Tailor ,
6th anil Davenport Sts ,
Caterers ,
And Ladles' and Gents'
Eeneslnnent & confecllosery
Special attention given to
Families , 1'artlosVeil -
dlnRS , Dances , I'lcnics , Ac.
Cor. I6th and Capitol Avc.
F. M. Schadcll & Co. ,
218 N. 10th St. ,
Lustro and Kenslng'on '
taught at noc. n I.esMin.
Tlio Complete Course
taught for SiOO. 1'alnli
'rco to practice while
earning. Also cleaning
of real and Imitation laces
Cleaning of lace cm tains
B ipeclalty. Tlio liest n ork
at reasonable juices.
P.B.riolniE Ca,220H.ieth
Mrs , T , E. McNally ,
BusiisfAX's BLOCK ,
1633 Douglas Street ,
Corner Sixteenth ,
Dr. Haugliawout ,
Teeth without plain. Gold
Crowns and Ookl 1'lato
Work a Specialty ,
at Reasonable J'.ules
Leslie & Worrell ,
Central Pharmacy
'rcscrlptions a Specialty.
Soila and Mineral
S.W. for. 10th & DodgeSts ,
mil Copylnjj House.
702-7O4 N. I Oth St.
"Irct-Class Work done In
lie latest Mylci ol the art
IniHlicd in India Ink on
'rayon , aiilcsluJ.
Prnctlcn limited to
cuperflousllalr r.cmovo.1
Crounso lllocU ,
lOtli St. lloom 12.
AM )
Fancy Goods ,
Cnou > 'sr. HI-OCK ,
lit ) No. 10th btieot.
Also , First-Class Dress
making , Oencral Agent
for NcuraskafortlioAcmt
JollorSyblcm of Culling
Tlio OM Iti-Hithlu
217 N. IGtli St. ,
Are always ready to (111 (
ordcrH promptly for help ,
and girls c < m alwayi find
; oed situations Ly apply
ing :
In ronnictlon with the
itabllshinent , we liep a
line stock uf Stationery
and News matter , 1'tuuiou
Hooks , Klf.
Dealer In 1'iuicy Goods.
Art Needle Work
Taught and Executed.
Indelible Stamping a Spe
cially. Materials fur
1'ancy Work.
210 No. 10th Mrcet ,
Decorators , Paper Hangers
Ktr. , tc.
Slzn WiltlnzaSDBclaltj.
Xo. 511 North 10th St.
Central Dining Hall ,
101 South ICth Sis.
tcul Tlulcotx , $1.00 ,
Cicala nt nil Hours ,
Market ,
Iflth mill Cumins ,
In the place lo buy your
Meat cheap for Ciah. do-
Ihcrcil to any part of the
city. MeaUof nil varieties
cheaper hero than at any
other market ,
13. A. MAItSH , Prop.
Dr. LAME ,
Office ,
liUSIIMAD'a lil.OCK ,
Sixteenth it Douglas Sts.
02IN. ICthSt ,
Cor , ICtli and Chicago.
I _
! Prompt attenlion given
ito rrescrlptlons ,
PnlilisIiingCoDiiiany ,
117 N. 10th St.
cnouNsn BLOCK.
Second-hand School Boobi
Flno Stationery ,
llcllgloui Gia Bookj ,
Seydel & Ahlqulst ,
Dealers In
Jewel Stoves and
Crown Jewel Vapor SUTM ,
NW. Cor. JOth
and California Strceti.
IJcfnro UujlnRT Klso-
liuro , Itfini'inbor
Milliners and
Dress Makers ,
218 N. IQtli HU
J. L. ROY & CO.
Watchmakers end Jewelers ,
Silverware , Musical
Instruments ,
Watches , Clocka ,
and Jewelry.
Wntclics Ilepalred ant
Cleaned and work Gu r-
antecd for One Year. Olt
Jewelry repaired & mad *
over to Bult , Flno Gold
nd Silver Coloring.
COT N. 10th St.
M.J.O'RourKB.M.D ' . ,
Cor. 10th it DouclaJ ,
13tli A Cinitro SU. ,
South Omaha.
Illustrated Cataloim * on
Ktocti Icily , Tree.
L , W. Wolfe & Co.
and Dealers in
Electrical Supplies
Cleclrlo Hells , Annuncli-
tors , Ilurglar Alarms , lied-
leal Datterlcs , Telegraph
Apparatus , < ic. ,
300 10th St. , North ,
WTiOT * !
faft n u n n
lilt IkflUINUUKri
1409 and 1411 Douglas St } ° " < OIlft5ifiaS1- ? 1 Omaha Nebraska