Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1885, Page 5, Image 6

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Annnal Conyention of the
Diocese in Sessiro ,
'I'ray or the Tcnco ot Jerusalem , "
a Hcrmoti by tlio Kov. James
Ilunclc , I ) . . , of St. Joseph
Iilet of the Delegates
I'rcaotit Standing
uomm Htccs ,
The eighteenth annual council ) of the
protontant episcopal church , for the dlo-
coao of Nebraska , convened yesterday
fjPy , morning , at Trinity cathedral , corner of
& ' * Capital ovonuo and Eighteenth stroot.
, The attendance of minlnlerj and dole-
1 , gates is largo , At 1) ) an
y , ' interesting mooting was hold , followed
. ' by communion services. A abort roccas
? was then taken , and at 10:30 : o'clock ,
the Rav. James Ilunclo , D. D. , of St.
I1 * t Joseph , Mo. , preached an eloquent eor-
' , . ' . mon , noiug for his test those words :
k "Pray for the pcaco of Jcrusolam.
They ahull prosper that love peace ; peace
bo within thy walls and plentlousnoss
within thy palacos. "
At the oloso of the sarnion , the church
, council mot and organized by the elec
tion of Jamoa Patoreon as secretary for
the ensuing year. An adjournment was
taken until 3 o'clock.
ollowing are tbo ministers and dele
gates Inattondauca :
Rov. H. B. Burgots , Platlsmouth.
Rov. M. F. Oaroy , Nebraska Olty.
Rov. Robert Doherty , Omaha.
Rov. F. 0. Eldrtcl , Norfolk.
Rov. 0. L. Fulforth , Beatrice ) ,
Rav. Sam'l Goodalo , D.D. , Columbus.
Rov. Wm. G. Hawkins , Lincoln.
Rov. John Hewitt , Fremont.
Rav. Frank W. Henry , Grand Island.
Kov. John McNamarj , D. D , North
Rov. Ernst McGill , Blair.
Rov. Frank H. Millspaugb , Omaha.
Rav. Rob't W. Oliver , D. D. , Kearney.
Rav. James Paterson , Omaha.
Rev. E. R Richtirdson , Orole.
Rov. Thomas Stafford , Aabland.
Rav. E. D. WhUton , Edgar.
Rev. W. V. Whltten , Plum Crook.
Rov. John Williams , Omaha.
Dr. Richard Gray , Ashland ; J. E.
Smith , Beatrice ; S. R. Patton , Fremont ,
C. W. Thorass , Grand Island ; M. Mont
gomery , Guy A , Brown , Lincoln ; John
Motcalf , William Hodkim , Nobraeka
City ; Thomas 0. Puterson , Noith Platte ;
J. JVl. Woodwoith , Joseph Clarkcon , II.
W. Yotcs. Hugh G. Clark , Dr. J. Seville.
Omaha ; D. H. Wheeler , F. S. Whlto ,
0. M. Wead , Plattsmouth ; E. N. Clark ,
J. J. Smith , Blair.
The council convened , as per adjourn
ment. Bishop Doherty In the chair.
After traueacilng a few preliminary mat
ters , the following ( standing committees
were announced :
Corporation of churches The Rav.
Alexander Allen , and Messrs. D. H.
Wheeler and C. W. Thomas.
On iinnce The Rov. William G.
Hawkins , A. P. Hopkins and H. J.
On privilege Rov. John Williams ,
Rev. Fulforth , Hugh G. Clark , Phillip
Potter and 0. M. Wead.
On legislation Rev. Frank R Wills-
paugh , Rev. K. W. Oliver , Rav. Samuel
Goodalo , Rov. Robert Dahorty , J. W.
Woolworth , Guy A. Brown and Thomas
A. Patterson.
On Christian education The Rev. John
McNamora , D. D. , the Rav. Dr. Oliver ,
the Rev. H. B. Burgess , the Rov. Earn
est McGill , George T. Labangh , F. S.
Whlto , and Robsrt Hewitt.
Church extension The Rav. E. R.
Richardson , the Rov. F. C. Eldrod , Wil
liam Oloburno , M. A. Brown , and M.
On Inspection of votes Clerical vote ,
The Rev. Thomas Staflord and Dr. Gray ;
lay vote , the Rev. 0. L. Fulforth and
James R. Smith.
Nearly the entire afternoon , nntll al
most G o'clock was devoted to a discus-
Ion of legislative matters.
Last night a largo audience filled the
spacious auditorium , "and listened to
nteres'.iog ' and entertains mtrslonary
ddroeses by 3lflh p Doherty , Dr. Mo-
Namara , Judge Woolworth , G. A. Brown
and others.
At 9 o'clock ' this morning another com
mnnion nervlco will be held , after which
the council will convene aguln. Ono of
the interesting features t > day will bo
the election , at 3:30 : o'clock , ( f a treas
iH 1'ortlio Couilnji Work
Tim KiiuiiicrAtoi-if ,
County Clerk Loavitt received yesterday
morning from Cennua Superintendent
Lane , the necessary books nnd blanks for
taking tbo census In Douglas county , to
gether with properly lillod-out commis
sion blanks for the several enumerators.
The books , olc. . nro very neatly and con
veniently arranged , and ombrnco the
proper forms for recording all the nocos-
Buy data of an exbauitive census report
The books and coinmls IonD , however ,
for the city enumoratora bnvo not been
received , and will probably be hero in a
day or two.
The following are the enumerators ap
pointed for Douglas county by pre
cincts :
E khorn James W. Mooro.
MoAidtf Patrick MoArdlo.
PJatto Valley T. J. Toiroy.
Union J. O. Knight.
Jeffewon TI. 0. Tlramo.
Saratoga W. II. Lawton.
Mlllard Fred Iloblnson.
West Omaha Albert JI. Clsrko.
Chicago Nick Rleken.
Waterloo Charles NParker. .
Florence Thomas 0. Prlco.
Douglas P. G. Dolaney.
No notlGcition has yet been received
from Superintendent Line as to whet
the enumerators must enter upon tholi
work. It la probable , however , thai al
nccfisiry preliminary arrangements wil
bo made within the next two weoka , Thi
city onumeratora lava yet to bo ap
In the district court yesterday Robot
D. Dancan filed a petition for divorce froi
bla wlfo , Oirolluo Duncan , The plaint' ' :
in hi bill of putlculars alleges tb&t th
defendant , his wlf , was maniod to hii
on the 24th day of December , 1877 ; thn
pravloua to the mirrlage , nuknownet t
plaintiff , she had been wedded to ono
Olof F , Erlccson , to whom she la atlll
legally married , lie therefore prays that
a divorce bo granted him.
Jndges Wakoloy and Novlllo will bold
n special scasio.i of court to-day in
the city hall rooms , when the final bast
nesa of the present term of conrt wll
probably bo cleared away , '
COUNTY coonr.
The cnso of Brown vs. tbo B. & M.and
0. , B. & Q. railroads , was taken np before
fore a jury by Judge McOulloch to-day.
The plaintiff asks ? 90 damages for prop
erty destroyed in the Into freight house
firo.Troxoll and Williams have commenced
suit against E. Morony to obtain payment
on § 245.85 worth of eggs alleged to bavo
sold to defendant in tbo mouth of April ,
The following now suits were com
menced yesterday :
Lindauor , ot al. , VB Boor.
Huber vs. Anlscon.
N. D. Lawrence va. 0. 0. Campbell.
Troxell & Williams va. Edward Mo-
W Uor Hnghson vs. John W. Boll.
A Little Girl's ' Hanfl Rnu owr by
the Cars ani Unt Off ,
Stntk nnil Stiff With A Ballot Hole
His Heart Fell from
tlio Ours mill Instantly
The past few days seem to have been
unusually productive of aeneatlonal and
horrifying ovontj along nud on the
various lines of railroads loading into
Onwha. Monday , Frank Williams , a
brakemau on the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha road , wan killed
by a tramp at llnbbard Station for no
other reason than that Williams pnt him
off of the train , whore ho and his partner
In the tourist business wore stealing a
rido. The body of Williams was
brought to this city last night ,
and a coroner from Chicago
by the narao of M. W. Ranfiold , will ar-
rlvo here this morning and take It back
to that city with him. In the mean time
Williams' slayer and his accomplice lan
guish In durance at Dakota City.
At Ponca , a station on the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road ,
130 miles north of here , the dead body
of A. G. Coleman JIM found yesterday
motnlncr , laying In a freight car , stiff and
cold. The yardmaster and his crew wore
loading a lot of stock and when ono of
the can moved np to the echute they
were horrified at the ghastly sight which
met tholr oycs. Ooleman was laying on
his back , held a revolver in one hand
and his clothing was red with blood that
had streamed from a bullet hole directly
through the heart. Ho had boon In the
employ of the yardmaster savoral months ,
and It is supposed committed suicide , but
for what caueo no one knows. The body
was ta on in charge by a coroner at that
place , and is now at the undertakers
Fuller particulars of the affair could not
bo learned here last night , further than
that Coleman was an unmarried man.
Hia folks llvo in the cist , but at what
point Is not known. An effort will bo
made to find and notify them before the
remains are burled.
A handsome and bright little girl ,
5 years old , daughter of Thomas Hobbs ,
whose homo is at Oscoola , this state , mot
with an accident yesterday that renders
her a crlpplo for llfo. Mr. Hobbs and
his family wore aboard the Union Pacific
train , { nurneylng wettnard. It seems
that at Divld City this little girl wont
ontsido and was standing on the platform.
When the train started to move , In some
way she was jostled , and losing her bal
ance fell to the ground. A wheel of the
car passed over ono of her hands , cutting
It entirely off. The father then stopped
at David City with his unfortunate child ,
and placed her undar the care and treat
ment of a doctor.
J. S , Reed , a brakeman on the Laramie -
mie division of the Union Pacific , fell be
tween the cira while the train was going
through a shtd near Dale creek , Sunday ,
and was Instantly killed. Bo was Blind
ing on a car when the train entered the
shod , snd was strnsk by ono of the tlm-
bors _ Ileod was a single man , and had
been in the company'a service two years.
The Union Pacific tolcaraph depart
ment received yesterday a very fin'o now
switch beard , to be put up In the oilica.
The Omalin Ueo K.xcclslor Baud.
The Millaid hotel now boasts of a full-
Hedged , well organized brass band , com
posed entirely of young colored men
table waiters nnd oflico boys. They ate
under the leadership of Lovl Spencer ,
whosa skillful manipulations of thocornot
would stir the soul of Levy himself. The
rank and file Includes Jim WaughOold ,
Al Wat's , Gaorgo Smith , S. M. Lswis ,
John Moesltt , John Sappleton , Frank
Ooldon , John Martin , John King , George
Bonldeu , Richard Gamble , Charles Wash
Ington , Charles Tolson and Mr. Yoiger.
The boys have just been supplied with
now set of finu instruments , and when
the weather la pleasant guests of the
Mlllard enjoy evening serenades tha
please tholr most aesthetic fancy.
On receipt of a telephone mosBago four or
five police officers went out to lioyd'a pock ! DR
house last evening after several tramps that
had congregated there , but before the officers
arrived they vanished.
Judge McCullough , of tin county court ,
performed a double mnrrUco at hia offlca yes -
terday afternoon , The parties were Nelson
Nelson and Chrlstonia Noequiit ; 1'eto John ,
son and Hannah Steoin.
Frank Burnu , the man kilted one day last
week , at Dodge City , Kansas , was run out cf
Omaha not long ago. It aoonu that be bore
the reputation here of being a very bard citi
zen , end spent most of his time lu jail for
ways that wore wicked and lawless.
Hans Larson and Fred bwanton , two
amateur Swede pugllUti , engaged in a little
knock down and drag out last night nt 1'en-
ner's saloon on north Twenty-third street ,
Swaunon was hit over tha head with a beer
bottle nnd badly wounded. Both were arrested -
rested nnd locked up.
it The Combination Store opened to day
in one hundred fine larpo oil piintince
inff which will be sold nt § 3 20 and ? 3.0C
10 oaob. Call and Examine , as they are i
great bargain.
Additional Particulars in Ike Killlo
of Frenlc Warns ,
iV Chapter on llioNuUiuico of Trninps
AVho Line FrclRlit Trains , to
Stoul IUdcs from IMaco
to 1'lttOP ,
As noted In 'Track and Train1
Items Itho body c Frank William ,
who was mnrdorcd at Hubbard las
Monday , arrived hoio yesterday ovonlnj
and will bo sent on to Chicago thU morn
Ing. The Sioux City Jonroal of Wodnca
day morning contains pattlcnlars abou
the Inquott hold over Williams at Dakota
Olty , Tuesday , as follows :
Tfio coroner's jury found th&t deceased
oamo to his dcnth from a gun-shot wound
at the hands of Hrah Koblnson , and that
Oharlca Davis was an nccompllca In the
kllllne. This verdict was reached after
hearing the evidence of the men who entr
the affair , and of the surgeons who made
a post mortem examination of the body.
The two trampi , Robineon and Davis , are
confined In the county jail at Dakota
Oily , and are to have a preliminary ox.
amlnatlon on Friday. Frank Williams ,
btnkeman on No. 1C , had boon In the em *
ploy of the company about two months ,
was a single man , nnd had relatives
In Chicago. A telegram was yesterday
received from the Chicago chief of police
risking that his remains bo sent to that
city and they are to bo forwarded to-day.
From a gentleman who talked with a
brakeiuin who was with Fiatik Williams
and saw the killing , the follow ing account
was obtained : The two tramps wore
found on the train at Hubbard , and
Williams put thorn put of the car , using
no moro force than is usual or naccsmry.
The men wore abusive , pnrticu'arly Rob'
inoon , a email man with a withered hand.
Robinson , as ho wai leaving tbo car ,
called Williams n vile name , and Will *
lams ran after him. lie hid not struck
the tramp nor overtaken him when the
fellow turned and ehot , the bullet hitting
Williams in the breast. Ho died almost
Conductor Iloborl , of the Norfolk
train , speaking tf the shooting of Wil
liams , said : "What to do about this
tramp business h not co easy to deter
mine. This morning in leaving Noifolk
three of those fellows tried to get on the
train as it was pulling out , but I spotted
them , and they quit when I upoko. It is
notonoday now and then , but every
day. I venture to say that every freight
train that comes or goes from Sioux City
at night brings in or takes ont tramps.
Suppose the trainmen find them , they
can only pnt them off at the first sta
tion , and very likely they get on the
name train again. It la easy enough to
got on freight trains at night , and as long (
as the only punishment Is to bp put oil'
at the first station they will ride when
and where they please. 1 had some
experience with tramps while nnder- '
shoriifin a Wisconsin county. They are
as well pcsted as any commercial traveler ,
know the towns where fiod is plenty and
easy to got , where they are well fed in
jail , ana where they aio worked on the
streets or stone piks. "
The fourteen tramps rounded up by
the combined force ot the police depart :
ment and the sheriffs oflio the afternoon
previous were brought before Justice
Foley yesterday morning. Low Wallace
was the name given by the tramp who
emptied his revolver ot Deputy Sheriff
Crnikshank. Lew was sent np to await
the action of tbo grand jury on the
charge of assault with intent to kill.
The others answered to various names ,
throe of them slandering the honest name
of the highly respected John Smith by
giving that na theirs. They woresontnp for
thirty days each on the charge of unlaw-
fu ly assembling. It Is understood that
they will bo turned loose after the circus
has left town. Here was a splendid
opportunity to organize a chain gang
An Iowa Justice of the Pence on a
"Spree" in Omnli * . Ho gets
the Worst of it.
twelve o'clock yes'erdny David
Dunkol , a man from Council BIuQa wont
Into the notorious "caatlo" of Belle
Henderson , aliaa Johnny Bull , at Elev
enth and Capitol avenue , to got a wntch
which bo claimed bad been stolen from
him the night before , and takun there ,
Ho became involved in a dispute with
icllo and before ho could protect hlra-
elf , the enraged female waa belaboring
Im savagely with a steve poker. In
hia operation eho was -misted by Sadlo
IcBrido ( white ) another notorious siren ,
ivho was at. Hint time in the honao.
ieforo Dunkel'a erica for help coald avail
.nythlng . , the two women had Inlllctect
evtral severe cuta on Ills facet and head.
Responding promptly , Oillcor Frank
"Bellamy appeared upon the aceno ,
irreatod both women and took them with
Dunkal , to jail. Two men , Wil
liam Plum and John Campbell whom
Dunkol accused of having ntolon the
watch were also placed under arrest , and
"cckod up ,
Daring the afternoon Henderson , Me
Bride and Plam , were arraigned before
"ila honor , Jndgo Stonborg , and given i
rial. Tbo two women were fined andaon
encod to servo a term , each. In tbo work
louse. MoBride got $20 and thirty
dajs ; Henderson , $25 and forty days ,
An neither of them htvo any money
ibli means , fiftyacd sixty-dye days fo :
; hem. MoBrldo bad only boon released on
Tuesday from serving a term. Plum
was remanded back to jail for further ox
amitutlon , but as them we a no special
charge against Campbell the jndgo lo
him go ,
To-l ) y on the Turf ,
I.OUI.SVII.LK , Ky. , May 20. At to-day
races the attendance was large , the weathe
[ Peasant , and ths track in prime condition
First race Tnree-quarter mile heat , _ . .
ages. Tha firat run resulted iu c. dead hta
for Moca nnd the California horte , Kapid
Loinau. secondj UltinnUm. , third. Tim
1:10 , The second beat wa won by llapid
Aleck-Amont second ; Ultlmatunj. thlrii
filona beiog eighth Time , 1:10 : , Only MOB i
and HapidB aturted in the third heat , lUpid
winning. Time , 1:17. } .
Hecond race The event of tha day waa the
Clark stake , la which Joe Cotton , the derby
winner , waa beaten. Mile and a quarter for
throe-vear-ohis ; lllereon won ; Troutudour ,
second ; Joe Cottun , third , Time , 2.091 ,
Third race Mile , three.year old ; mnana
won ; L dy Wayward , stuond ; 1'owhatao ,
third. Time , 1:11.
Fourth race Mile and a half ! Vnnuuard
won ; Thiatle , second : Aretino , third. Time ,
BALiiuone , Md. , May 20. Tha attendance
was large , splendid trsck and fist.
riret rsce Three-quarter mile daeh ,
won ; Kv n , second ; Bill , third , Tlmt , 1:1 :
Second rnco One mile , for three year old. .
Teoumseh won ! llatcfoot , tecoud ; Kugglo J
third. Time , MSJ.
Third race Hall-mile , for two-year old ;
BlfrRonnettee , first ; Quito , second ; Bcsi
thfrU. Time , \Vl \
Fourth race Bllla and one-eighth ; Wlnci
sail won : Marmaduko , second ; Gem , third
Time , 1:505.
Filth race Mile and A quarter , all ages
Franklo B won ; Milft Stanhope , second
Chanticleer , third. Time. 2il2.
Dow tlio Man Who Died jxt AVnh
Onmo to bo 1'olgoncd.
The drug and medical fraternities o
Nebraska nro jast now moro or loss In
teroatingly agitated over n queer case o
death by poisoning out at Wnho. No
many days ngo n man who had recently
emigrated to Waho from Illinois , very
suddenly laid down and died. A pos
mortem examination of the body wa
made , nhich resulted lu the pbyslclnnn
doctoring that the deceased came to his
death from bolng polooncd. On the
strength of this conclusion , a druggist
in Wnho , by the name of Iamb ,
from whom this man had boon getting n
proscription filled , was arrested nnd hold
to answer to the charge of manslaughter.
To nttond the preliminary trial of I.ntub ,
five dragglsta of this city and ton from
LlncDlu were summoned to appear as ex
port witnesses In the caso. They wont to
Waho last Monday , but the ciso was continued
tinuod until some further dato.
lllghthoro comosln the particulars , as
related to a reporter for the BEE last even
ing which makoa this nlFiUr not only In
teresting but rather peculiar. Probably
thoronro not very ninny similar cases on
record. When the man who died ,
came to Waho from Illinois , ho brought
with him two bottles cf prepared med
icine that he wnatnklug for aomo kind of
disease , which is not stated. Hia Im
ported supply was ( limlly exhausted , so
ho wont to Mr Lamb , with his receipt ,
and had the latter fill tip his bottle again.
It is stated tbo proscription distinctly di
rected that the modiclno should bo well
shaken before taking. But it appears
that the patient , ai nearly all patients
do , became careless and ' 'took his medi
cine" without piying attention to the
shaking of it. This of conrao loft the
heavy drug oil at Iho bottom of the
battle , therefore nhtvt ho drank
out at first nna woalc.
An ho Beared the bottom , however , It
was doubly strong , and rank enough to
poison. The Ingredients contained In the
medicine have not yet been made public.
Before dying the victim acknowledged ,
what has boon stated above , about the
manner In which ho used the medicine.
Iho dlrcctiona also raid that It should
bo taken In mossured doses , and the man
Further testified that ho never stopped to
neaBuro any of the quantities taken each
ime , '
Died from Being
John Weldensawl , who was slogged about
'our weeks ago near the Union Pacific depot ,
lied yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital from
laralysia caused by the blow ho recBivBd on
he head ,
Election Methods In Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 20. Late last night a novel
levolopment in connection with the city >
ouncl ! canvass of the votes cast ot the late
municipal election was made known. Last
Monday evening the council referred to the
returns of thirty precincts of the second ward
from which the ballots were stolen to the
council committee on elections tor its de
cision U3 to their admiGablity. | Alderman
Appleton , of jthe second ward , is chairman of
this committee and the returns in question
ire legally in his possession. Lost night he
left the city saying he would ba gone a month
For his health. Without these returns Neurn- :
sister is elected city clerk ; with them ho is
defeated , Thua claitcod tbe council will
now close the canvass on the grounds that it
tannot wait for Appleton's aprearance.
Cattle Dreedcrs Organizing.
ELGIN , III. , May 20. About twenty
representative breelers of Holstein cattle from
the different parts of the state met here this
afternoon to consider the advisability of form
ing a state association. R. M. Patrick , of
Marengo , was elected chairman nnd n com
mittee of five was appointee to procure a char
ter. Dr. Joseph Tefft , S. N. Wright , John
T. Mann , N. J. Wheeler , and Dexter Severy
were elected directors for the ensuing year.
The secretary was instructed to iesue a cir "
cular Inviting all breeders to attend n meeting
nt Elgin on Juno 1G for the purpaae of per
fecting a permanent organization.
t'hs Greatest medical Triumph of the Ago
Ijoasoftippclltc , llcnvclo costive , 1'nln ID
tbe bend , with a dull ccnaatlon In tbo
hack part , i'alu under tbe shoulder'
Jludo , fullnciH nftcr online , % rlthudli <
Inclination to exertion of body ormln-l ,
Irrltubllltyof temper , /.ow spirit * , rrlth
afocllnnorhiiTlneneelcctcil umoduty ,
VVonrlneHK , Dlzzlncn , I'liitterlnir QI tbe
Heart , Dots before tbo cyr.a , Hoadacbo
over tbo right eye , ICeatleasncBt , wltb
( Itfill dreams , Hlcbly colored Urine , and
TtJTT'H 1'ILT.M uro especially adapted
to such cases , ono dose cllecta such u
liango of fecllnfns to astonish tnoBUtrercr
They Incrcnge tlio Aii | > etlteaml rauae the
body to Take ou Flejl , tliu tbo nystcm 1
nourlilicil.nnd bytnelrTnnlo Action on
ttio lucrativeOrunniItmiilarMtoolBore
- - - . ' - . . .
l. l'rl"o-JSc. 44 Murray Nt..tV.Y
tilt AT lUni or WIUSKCUB oriangeil to a
GIXISSY LLACK by a sliiRlii application 01
this DTK. It imparts a natural color , act >
Instantaneously. Bold by Uniegiits , or
cnt by express on receipt of 91.
dfflco. < t4 Murray St. . Now York
Ofiico , 1301 Douglas St.
tcive orderi , call ly district box or telephone ; n. .
harge lor messengers to order omlago or tranifei
ToophoLo No , 177. J , IIO.VSKLI.Y , Jrc
BigzMje checked to and from tha depot to an
n&rt or the city. CariUirei ur i.sied lor tanerals o :
bhort notice Ofllce open day and night :
Real Estate Agent !
For list of propeitlea lor gala eoeOn-aha Heal Ea
Ute Qizette , to ko found In Iho reading loana of al !
tholiotelf. i l8de
213 North 10th Bt.
All nitc ertitrmtnti in the t ] > tcial tolutnn * iril
ti thargttl at the rate r/10 ( cnt * per line /or the
firtt intertion , anil 7 etntii > tr line /or each tubte
quoit inttrtion ; Xn aJrtrtitrment tetll be inserts
A > r leu than ! S centi pr the firtt time.
Theteadeertitemcntt vttlbe inserted in both Morn
ng and Utening XMioni , rrjiretenting a circula
tion eif over Eight Thmitaml. TMt clatt oaiiter -
titetntnto muttpotltirtly le. paid in advance.
Toloanatoncoln sums from ? IOO
toJ2COO on03d v to Sjenrstlmo.
Sloucy on hand ; no delay. Omali * fltnncUt K -
chtngf , 1E03 Karnani Btioct , p-8talr . 474 > ! 0p
MoMtr to loan on furniture , liorsca , wnfon8iiUnoi
piraonkl property , oolUtorals ami anyth'nE ot
\aluo , etctj thins strictly confiJoi ti&l ; Hoods Km n-
clal ngoncy John I'Schmlnkf.Caihlof. 283-JU
MOMIT TO LOAN On rial csUto eccutlty. In sums
of ? SOO to (10,000 , at reaooniUs rates. U K.
Majno &Co , 8 W cor 16th and Kornam. 8tO-Jll
MONRT TO LOAN In amounts to rait , on chattels ,
collaterals or nnv good Bccurlty , Omalin ( Inin-
clal Exchange , 16C3 Karnam it. , up ettlis. 186j0p
MONEY To loan on chattels , Woclloy & Haulson ,
Room 20 , Onuha Nttlonal bank building
PONKY TO LOAN On real mtato and chattels
1 D. U Thoinan. DIBtf.
\TONSY Loaned on chattels , cut ratu , H. 11
l > ItlokotaixUKhUndiold. ! A. For man,213 S , 13th St
\TONEY LOANF.1) at 0. P. Rood ftCo'i. Loan ofUco
IT I on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho rtrtlcles otaluo ,
Kltbout rcmr > al. Over lit National Bunk.corncrlSth
nd Farnim. All liuslncsa etrlctly conOdootlal
960 tf
OHnTTO LOAN In Bums of MCOand rjpwarcl.
O. F. n Tli and Co. , Ue l KeMt and Loan
, 1605 Farnam St. 051 tf
W ANTKIIA Rood girl for K < S < ! " > 1 louse work : ml-
drota w , Williams , 133J Sherman avr. 493 20
I/ANTHI M303 north 22il St. nfilrl to do general
T house work , mutt bo ft good plain cook , 400 50i |
W ANTKD A eood clil for general homo work. In-
qulro 2110 Hartley street. EOT-2 !
TITANnn-Apprentice to learn ilrcsimakln , ? nt218
Korthiath. 4S7-t >
TV Nuiso girl ; npplj F. M. Ilounrd , HcrtiM
olHcc. 485-tf
A ccatcapabloilil In turn'Iol ' three ;
wages $3 , porvcckGOl north 17th Bt. 43S-II
WANTPD At B'3 Pleasant street , gill to do pcnor-
nl houao nprk. Sirs T M Orr. 453-20p
\\7"AOTED Four Rood sald-Udlo" , ono In each
IT elty , Omaha , Council IllnrT' , HMtsmoutli ,
DUIr. Address crcill on B.irnis , 4lON. 16th. St. ,
hnaha. 455-21
W ANTKD Nrat girl for ccncral bo'irowork , fraall
ftmll } , r.Krtn v required ; 1411 1'uk Wilde
i\cnuc. 410-IOp
WANTED At once , n good wet nurto 102 , 25th s t
corner Dodge. U3-tf
WAKTKD-Qood plrle , experienced rooks ; Omaha
Xmplo mcnt Bureau , 1120 Farnam St. 701-tf
W AVTFB Flrct-class dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan hotel ; none other coed apply. 824-tl
WANTED by KenslnKton Art Co. , female help
In all parts of the country , to do our light ,
ilea'antwork at tholr homes , font by mall to any
iddrcra , nocamasisoir , easy to learn and any ono
an earn from 8'to ' 810 p'r week. For full Inlorma-
Ion addrc's KcnttnKtnn ArtBcoma,3S Congress M , ,
ioeton.JIiBS Box 078. 996-30p
EfCUIl clgarmtkers wanted , tiiqulro.ol Gen. B.
1 Qcdfrojr , Ficmont , Hob. 070-2 >
r.VNTKD - Acthe salesman 105 North 18th
18th603j2p :
WANT. " ! ) Tmlir , to work by the week ; goolpay
to good man. Address J. Ua.berg , Vaplllliiu
Jcb. .1S1-20
WAMKD A good pmart we nun to do clumber
wirk , wrgcs $ > per week. Apply at 812 Dou Us
tr ot , titnecu the h jurs of 11 and 'i o'clock. 403-tf
W 'ANTKD Two good mnulders immediately at
York Foundry , York , li tb. 44v-tl !
Qood man with 2 hundred dollars to
take charge of office , appoint agents and collect
roney. also half interest lua manufacturing bus-
nces. Address 23 Bea office. 407-22p
WANTED Fhogocd paper hanger at 418 North
Iflth street. 312-11
rr/'ASTKn LUo energetic men wltb horse and car-
VV rligeto bardie flrst-clas < article thioush the
ountry : call at onco. C. M. Eaton , 111 S. 14th.
\\7AMTD-By a respectable joung man , a , situation
It in grocery stoio or driving delUcry wagonhaa
air education and can bo hlghlv recommended for
lonesty and ability. Address "A B" Bee office.
WANTPU By a young and well educated German ,
a situation In a general mercantile business ,
mvirg til the knowledge of language and butlness
icccsaary. Address "A H" Boa ollco ! 492 20p
WANTRD A gentleman hating fHocnrfl experi
ence , as head book koaper for the lirgcst
ninu'acturerln ' tin U. S..ln hislln of business ; dc-
ilrcj a situation as book keeper or salesman. Address
"S A"Ecootllce. 602.20p
Mluutlon by on experienced Grocery ;
W ; Clorh ; reference &c. "E & W" Iliooinco.
TITANTKU A. youn ; ; man anxious lo Dnd employ.
YV mcnt , vill work t anj'tblriK for small utgjr ;
references. Aadrcsi Qeo Clark , 1' . 0. 478-llp
\\7AMKD-6ltiutlon by younp ; innn as salesman In
city r country frroctr' ; county preferred ; can
ipojk InsIUh , German nnd Skjndlna\lan ; best ol
rtfcrunccs. Address "E it K"lo80lUco. !
7 AVTKII To o thoufanddollirslngood
vs 1 ? pjjiug bus'ucfls. Acdrcss "I110" Bco oflico.
- \ \ rooms \ \ ith board lor Bcntleman ,
wlfo and t o children ; reJerencea. Addrusj "f
M IL" KH-t
\T17ASTBD To runt \'inall c-ottaijo In a conveul-
YV ciitaiiddeslrablonelirhboliTOd , with Improve.
lUfrtstircferrtd. Address with lull pirtlculars. H 0 ,
McClurc , box SOI city. 1 tl
A OKNTBWANTKD. Add tss St. Louis Klcctrla Limp
/XCo , St Loulj for tircuhr , uutj ttiul terms ot th o
69 candle fatet Marsh Zlectrlc Ij m | ) . 8I1-JI2
AMKU Boarders at 1616 Capitol a\o ,
- \ to try our Prepared Corn
Meal , ready for Instant use wltb the addition ol
milk or cold water. Put up In 3 and 0 Ib. p ck ( ; 'S.
Hold by grocers. W. J. Wchlianb & O'J. , Manufact
utcrs 070 tf
A man or woman In every country In U
WANHD sample free. 876 per month , ual ry or
commission. Bcud Btamd. Paul Tabcl , Cbluaeo III
irANTEU Kvcry dy In need of eewlnjf rn *
V chine , to BOO the new Improved American No
P. K. Flodnun & Co. kgents ; 220 N leth. O52tf
FORRKVT New ho-.te8 room , 2 o'oseti , cellar ,
on Walnut St. , enquire AnHaiidow , 1317
Chicago St 180-22p
HIST Furnished bouse ol fix rooma , nortl
FOR , (35. per month. C , E. Maii3S Vf corne
16th and Kironm. 432-21
I/OR BK.NT 12-raom bouse oo ht. liar i'a avenue
f1 boit reeldercilooalltj ; toilght pamesa fa\or
able leaio. Apply for iuxt ten dajato AMKK , I'D
Karnim. 471-22
[ > K li KM KB room cott t ! ° on Calllornla etret't
I 1 between Nth aud 26th ktiuots. P J Creed on.
430 tf
F'OK KKST-Tlioeouth-tast } section J. 16,12 ; C\
rrlloslroui umtba , for ft lerm ot jrcira. 0 V
Hamilton , at U S Nat'l lUnb. 42T-28
Ttoit BKS -Cottajo D ron and bouse 7 rooms J
< Phlppi Hoc , 1512 8.6th St. SSMI
TT'on nim-A brink baneincnt on corner 20th and
I1 Fierce titreet , $3per moiuii . oiu-iv/
. /OK DAUB li oed lotsMjrluii pl.LO tbree | JOIMU |
I' Irom utrfet c > r oaoity tertui. W II Ureep ,
o\er let baVl bank. 001 tl
70tt HEM rhrce story brick store bulMlDB ! en-
qulie of Kdward Norrll & Co. , room 10 Orounao
Block. 053 tl
FOK IlENT-Kurnlshol TOttH'e , 7 roomi , with
clcxeU , rnntry , vto. , In beat locality lu City otn
nay rent llh board. Call In alternoou at 625 Plena-
nt B * 967-tf
ox UENT-Hooui at 151U lUrncy bt.
inj Hiisfr r'jrnl > hel rooajaUj f y board u $ ) .
JO per weot , 1533 II irnsy st ,
F on RUNT Fnrntihoi front room. 1711 C llf "roll
C street. S77-JOp
1on Kp\r Kino furnished rooms nt 7C4 siitll
KUhtotnth strrtt. isosip
FOR RUNT Tuornom * I"1'hcd ' or nnlnrnlshcd ,
lth bmrd for t ORO-itom ! n , or for tn n nnd
Ufr. 1213 Park kvcnuocat slilo. 43i.2Ji
f'on nitxT Uoiitoot fl\e rooms , ? 16. Apply ftt 211
' i St. (1-S1
tfOR RPNTFiirnlshtd room at 1015 0 j'ltol ovc.
1on RK\T Two furnl hfd rojim for Hcht ho 0'
kosplnj.Uccmcr's blxik , oornir h'glithand lion
rd. 43S-lf
tT OR nivt-3 or 0 roomi at Gilllotnlfi and tsth at.
A1 ml 4room hoimoti nicVorv > . , neat nth St
Inquire at II .V M Undo.llco , GiOS 12th Itrctt nr 60S
North 13th St. 432-200
1 [ 7 > ORRr.sT-Kuit.l-hcil I coins 1S11 CMS M. . , lih
boanl. 358 2 p
JRBRNT 3 furnliihr(1 roonn for Usht house
koip'n ; ) uy rout With beard ; 2013 Charlo * St
"iron nitsT-FmnUlinl rnonu wllh modern conron-
J. ' loncesat \Vearner 13lh Mid llovraul , up ctaln.
, -OR RUST HanJsome fnrnUheil room with bathing
F room Mtachtd at 2209 Dodge ft. 4ilS2p
Fonnrvr Apt Mint front room , fimilihcil ; 8 , G.
Cor. 15th and Howinl. 401 tf
TTViRBNT A room lorcontlorrnn ami wife or for
JC two gentlemen , Drtt-cUes board 1022 Hurt st ,
TJVm nxTThree room , rclUr , neil and cistern ,
J1 410 outh 28th trcot , 810. Wm b Itonrno , Btn
nd DotlKlai , 378-tf
Ton RKNT-IjirRo front rniin on lint II > or with or
1 \\llli board ; inquire at 1001 furnam St.
307 tf
Fen RRVT Furnlihoil front room 1902 Farnim ,
2SO 22p
I. OR RKNT Furnlthtd rooma , ISlODodgo Btrcct.
I ? 247-J10
FOR TIKVT Furnished rooms with or without
board , 2112 Harnoy St , ono block from street
car. Mitt
, -OR RUST-FurnUliod front room with bonril In
FJ family , 1U17 Chicago et. 085-11
F Ion Rxvr With bo.uilnlccly furnUhcd front room
gai and batli , H'9 Jcncs 087 tf
Foa IIRST FiirnlahoJ rooma 1021 Capitol nvo ,
F [ OR RKST FurnUhcil room 1318 Jackson et.
8l2-m ! > 0p
FOiillBNT-Nlccly turninhea rooms 1617 Dartnport
T > OOilB With bonrddetlrablt f > r summer. Ai-pU
Ilat Chilua Ilntoi. 011-tt
FOIl IlKNT "ovcrnl flno cfflccs In Crouneo' block ,
Inquire Ed Korrla , room 10 Crounso Waal
042 tf
( 1 ha\o lH)1ncroiof ( ) tliiowatcrcil f rm-
1 IIIB aud Rrozlng land lu tJrcclrfJ- county , Keli , 18
milts from Albion , i nJ 8 mlloj from rnl'road , at SO.
rerncro , hlchl wl'l trodo In small lo e , or other-
uleo , for city prorurti. H a. Stupe ; 1611 Frnjra
Street. 5CO-2p !
FORHM-f. A laroUitncc togxt a farm cheap , wo
vlil ilia ironcruhojcsttntl wltoln 6 mlloa of a
urOKlcRcltj with gnoJ house , him , carrall , two
liorrc" , ciw with ca f , ore buzgy , plowr , harrow , lot
of small tools , chlckun' , turko)9 , l.nriio'8 , 10 acres
planted In putatovr , pnri en and corn , tplendld rin o
of If nd ; possoff ion Ken at or co the whole thlrg f ir
tl.OOO. 0 E Maj no i. Co , S W corner 16th and r'ar-
aam. to22
FORSAU 2 Oacrcscf bottom hud In the Rorjub-
linn > tllov , 7 relics wo-tol Arapahoe , on Iho B
: U. R. It , JUInctei Icnccd , stable 14x50 , bouse 14x
> , grancry , buggy ehod , ben houj" , corrals etc ;
price $10 per acru or wi 1 trade for s'ccrs ' ; also ICO
o upland $ " > per aero. Addrois F il Nicholson ,
\rapaboo , Neb. 601-22
SAI.K Hcst frult nnrs n southern CM fornla.
rasy terms ; call nnd POO simple of fruits , and
nfotmitlou ; 1 Jackson , 1313 Chicago St. , city.
363 21p
Foil 3AtK \ 0 K ) aero stock and griln farx , n'l im
proved ; four hours'ride Irim tno 0-rfthl Sto.k
i'arup ; FC\en miles from the o'tv of Fremont ; t o
rallronila ltllu ) tnros miles ; 300 acre ) > tndcr plow ,
the ro t in ntfltutc ; hoard fence , runninif stream
through pa turo ; house with toi roonwnill ; bes'li
shiaplf sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For
lurlhor particulars Inquire ol Qeo C. Qrodfrov , l'o-
tnont , Kob. 157 tf
SAI.R Good farm in M/ishlngton Co. ; 171
FOR ; 80 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; fine
Mclmrtl ; running wstoi ; all feucod. KJward Norria
Co. , loom 10 Uiounse Block. I74tf
. $3K)3 ( ) ctoo't of newharnwaroat In-
vclcii prices for good Nebraska land. For sale
bv K C Patterson ,
KXCIIANOR Two splendid fauns for merchandise
hotel for farm.
FOR 8A1.K Acre pror crty 2 miles from citr , at $2.SO
and 33 09 per acre on monthly pijmcnts.
FOR HAI.K Sli ro"m cottage and all modern tin-
rroxcmenta In flrst-cliss locallt ) ; rrico $2,000
insy terms.
SALR Botutlful nnd dcsirabb lota at C20.cach )
Fort mom hi ) payments.
Ion RKNT flood Lrick hocsc 6 roonia $22 per
JD moutn.
BM.E Hotel atd salrni lith oil fixtures , re-
FOR 500 rcr ( lav ; pic 84fin If taken peen ;
L'lBy terms. H C Patter on , 13th mil Fainim 401-tf
HALF IIu ewitht o roomshriok ; basement ,
FOR lot ; Twenty BCCOII ! tt act , bctnron Spring
isd Oak ; ( .heap for cash. Inquire.on preml > ep.
470 21p
Pen BALK-T enty-t o feet on F rna-n s'.rcot , a
baruaiu If taken lamediatoly. W H Groei
SALR General Mcrchand'so itock of bnots and
Foil , hats , caps , dry goods and notions , a nice
slick clean ptcekof goads 11 food location , a go'd
trade an ! inoglly caihbuelno's for crloand terms.
Addrois P O Box 25 , Ssward Nebiaska. 337-22
' HALK New 3 rooirftot'ago with two lot' In
Walnut 1111 , $850 S.W downnnd $10 per month
Also oottajo fi rcoms with tuo lota Walaut HI ,
81,7fO. , ? 0 down and 820 per month ; both re'.dy for
wccup-inoi. C. E. ilayno&Co , , H. W. corni-r 16th
and Tarnam SU2 21
' -Sovcii room house , barn , and two lot' .
P'OIIKAIK ! ; would toke S500 In restaurant fixtures ,
tlirats , etc. , s500 cash baltncoou time ; a ) ply 310 S.
llth street. 414ni30
TOR B I.R Ion acres of lacd wlttlnSblocksof I'O't
I ' o'lcoftt Wcvplng Water , Co , Neb , will fell
on easy tirma or exchange for Omaha property. W.
U , , ot or 1 st Na''l Hat k , Om iha , Neb. ! 40 tf
BALK-Fhe lots4'xlSO ; together on Leaden
1 worth street ; beautiful loottion , 000 One
fmi'tli ca li , balaLui on bng time , easy teinn.
Cralla & Jones. 210-tf
MMCB1 ! good lots In this addition withIn -
MARIOK . street cars , can bo had on easy
terms. 1st Nat'J Bank. llE-tf
HALR-At a bargain , thieo good houses 817 nd
FOR 18tb , south of Lcatcnworth ; rent $05 per
per month ; pi lee $5,600 vaay piyme-nts ; mutt be
soil before June Ibt. Apply S. llortonaen , tailor ,
1413 Firnaoi street. 131-Jlp
TTtORBALR-IIouee full lot , well , clitern , htrn.all In
I ; good condition , ono block from street rara 41 800
y terms. W II dreou , over lit Nat'lBauk. Cll-tf
BALE Oood 6 room house , lot 60x132 feeteas
FOR , $1300 ; $100 cash balance. $16 per month
V. U Green , our Ibt National bank. B31tt
17VH BALK The old ichool building In dlit let No
J1 37 , will bouJlilat public auction on June 1st al
" .0 o'clock a. ni. , by order cf board. 409-2 ;
ou BALK Kcsantelde bir buggy and ono carl
Uic i ; room 1 , Omaha Nat'l bunk building
oil HALKDdoilon " 111 buy pool table at I'nclfl
F bouie , 10th ana Ducnpoit , Umtlu. 178 23
70HHAI.V. - horuo u agon nnd harnc88 cheap. Ap
ply to o.rno Johnsjn , Atlintlo l.otol. 479-a/p /
HALR L'ibliiKt' , trinumto , rupjier and c (
Foil hum Ilciiitnin liru ? . , Noith taim-iem . . . bt . . , ,
ro r Fort Omaha.
uit BAUK rinnltuiu no , if an b ro.mud bou-n
J' In good caudltlonHii tali'u for a bearding bouaj
irood iuixliDcrouo.1 . , Adtlrua "U Y" HOD olllce
1/oitHALK-A moKi'ill uatuuw upright piano c lo
1 bratid the latent
fill touo , tiuch and llnUb , an Imtructlunbook
no charuo for do'.hcry ; a great bargaln$26 ( ; 1UU I'a
clOc. 181 26p
Ti'OB m'K-Aurlcultural Implement bualneia , ( >
P tablhhed trade , lirgegilei. two jfara | C K , I
boit Inat'onM-r ) cbean , g od warehouse , 01 ly t
daileia In the city , but little btcck to buy , K barK > In
lor sixty dill , addreat I/cck Lox tS , Wjinoro Ntl >
"Q KU K tor aalo at Men r A Kunz brick } nr I
JiJ 15th bt , , ofce 2 7 a 13tn.
SALB-EUitinarbh top ruJ'.aur ,
FUH J , Uandd , 3J5 liioidway , Council
" 1Cl" Tt" }
ISO tl
> 'Uno
MOSSK. A imuNviri's-ilarfr.lns - For rcnt-Tuo Ono
' dwi1" " " lno < ; °
' ' Improxent * . $53.00
hou" " ' '
. " < > "trcot
* Cr < " tbrco llMl" ' " "
nlt"'r l
oi street ckr ,
ForFalLoB ( In "IUnom PI ro."J5CO
crnu ; also lots In Shlnn" , addition ' , ju , to 5o7
cay term * . Lot , In Io o'.Mdltlor' 3160 '
I or Sale- House and lot lliinoy street , near eou-t
house , 3 ,2oO
oa Tark AN onus Car line ,
lot > mi
, .
Sale IIolI0 ftl"1 Iot on Dispart street ,
For 8 Io-Houso 9 room * , modern lmp'oment .
lot ISJIott front bj 70 Icoi deep , line pUoo , oisy
tccros , 5 itbOO
For Salo-Tno Ills , ono ft cotncr , rnohnlf inlln
from pcstofll c , near oar line , fo both 81,0 o
. , , . MOIISK ! i UUUNNKK ,
„ „ „
170 SO 1'axton Hu'HIinr ' , Flltecnth rd Fiirn.m.
T.vsmyTB Hotel , formerly UroVhtcm hou o ,
J. furnUhuJj terms moJoratc , lath and Capltcl avc.
_ 4iiS-J17p
- the biokwardnom of the
-l-Biaion , I am dcto'inlncdto cUiiont inontlro
stcclcof of spring nrul mmmer dothlDR at'a great
aicriflco , they nro liound to bo eoM.s' < tall oarlv and
. ° c' ' ° thln * t low prlcjs. Poiack cloiliicr
Sf , - , . - - - - - .ui , inija. the ,
13111 tornamsttcot , near 34th. 4B7-tt
t no KXCIHNOR 440 acres well Improve J land J mil *
.1. from toox , Iowa , for a stock of gourrtl raorclian.
dtso or hardware. Addrosj John LlDicjholm , Enox
TOK SAT.K-Or oxohiiiRo. Wo hMo for ailo the
X' exclude right In this Btato to aril the ooal
ecnoniizor and soot destroy , r , destroy the eoit nud
will siio twenty per cent on coal , will sail county
right ) or the stat * , or will oxchaniro for roil csitto or
w ? rood property on application will send simple
at aland glvo pvtlcuUrn He1 * on for selling
) vn rcanrot d\a It hl attention : larochanco for
l\n icn ; lledford , Souor A Bavin. _ B4B tf
-A few ttiilo boarder ! at N.V. . oirnor
lOtli anil Ilarn y. 431-20
\I7ANTFD A few boarders at 1419 llouard St.
' ' 437-23 , }
"CMUST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Cipltol o\e.
TFRSOVAI-PG therao'oinodand cur'cd trodrced
J prlC3 , at FIT Bdiadcira 218 NoithlOth. 4EQ to
PRRBO\Ai-llyon ant dotoolUc , Rend your ad-
adnroes to the Orcaha Dotectho Agent y , P O box
514. cinccs 216 south 14th It. hf.n.m27
TH'eisi-ss cil\scn-rir t cb 9 opening f ir giod ro I
_ L > cbtutotnan ; forpatllculara aidrets leek Dox 672 ,
Kearrio , Neb. 128-21
"IT'ORSiLK Ooodbusiness In Omilu ; nronti no nor
I1 cent ; capita ] required , three or four thousand
dolliTH Persons ineanlng business , addrev * Lock
llox 301 , Tea Monies , IOHT. 28'-ll
Fonsan 4 olestabll"hpdtallor3 buslnois he-
tweo.i now and Juno 16th , low rent ; good loca
tion ; ho'd lease of stcro for twoyfarmonly email o p-
Ital required. Address N. O. " Bco olHco. ] 3-2-j-4 ] >
FOR SAI.E A well established bakery. Aildress
"K. " thla oinec. is j.j
OR BALK OR xxciiANon-In part ) for reetauran
furniture ? roomed house , barn and two lota. Ap.
ply 31B south llth tt 108-mSo
FOR 8 < i.K-In Oakland Nob. first-eKssmeat market
nl o the furnl uro of the St Paul hotel. KOI par-
tlcuUrs , Inquire or rite Wipgem & Utbllug , Oabfand
Neb. e4-ml
FOR BALK fruit store In n desirable locality , wll
lu\olcoabout$1.600 HO Paltcreon , NK corner
13th and Farnam , 438-tf
Tj OH SALE Or oxelianKo a full Block of clothing
Jj boots an J shoos , gent' furnlshlng oods , will ex
change for Nohrtelta Lauds. 0. lI.Petorstin.FOt S.
10th St. , Otntba , Nob. 1)10 ) U
on crcim pics and cake' every dav. Orders
P promptly attended to. Corl Schmid , CO' south
16th St 149-J5
n/i KsiB\r.v ! IIAI.II , will make np fl'k drcsioa at ? 3 n
IV ! i flco woolen drem nt lov JUuits ; satisfaction
guaranteed ; cutting nd fltt n < tnugh , No. 039 north
18th strict between Ciss ani Callfuirh. 40,10p
Ji ST rcfisHud another of these excellent pltnrs , I
am polling so cheap U 1012 Pacific et 493-22
LOST On Hth 8t , u red Icothcr pockotbool :
contninlrg $ OD , a luirber ticket n'gned ' by
Dalton I'lndcr will rcctho ? IOic\\nrd bv returning
tothlB ollloo , 464 21 ,
Acnnll Hack and t > n IOL' Had 'n rrd
jlcathercoll ir w itn three nlrKIahtcd ] 1H1. < ; niino ; Under will jihaso rituin to VS.'O 1'loico St.
and rcccno j5 reward.
' 410 21p
on hiGi.m Ontho 10h lint , a o > w , 11'h
STimfii nearly while , Durham ntcck , ono horn
ligh'ly drooping , red tnrs ; reward foi leturn to A.
> . Billing * ; 2133 ifarnoy bt , 45J-II
EtTRAT Anyone hating taken up a roan cow
witbin th list ten d ) s will pletno notify Jclui
lauinor , at 1314 Farnam St. 330 10
MAR < H Parties wishing to purch o brood
marcs for ranch purpvoj plcaie ill at lloman'n
Lit cry itibte , 413 ao Ith 13th street , O mh t. 102-tf
B" ? 3 | or in. T , Murray.
/ lMKWHir.vKRTAn , does n t glvo joii hoirt hum.
Vyiaaiodeeme | > Iat ono cent , each by the dealers.
Veycko llros. , AgcuU. 033-tf
) AHruiiR On Wkhorn and I'lalto , T. Murray.
800 tf
/ 1llnw sibVKii TAO It ) fruit ilivnroJ , UKS redeemed
V/at nu oeuttaJiby thu dealers , l'ecke Ilroa. ,
on banjo given by Q E Oellon.
J. bcok , at 1110 Capitol ave. 480-11
VKR TAO , It Hoes not taint thu breath , tag *
CIIKW at ouo cent each by thu dealers. 1'cjcio
llros , Agcuta 633 tl
> IUVV , vaults , slot ) ind ccaipoola oleinwl at the
I shortest notice nd satlslactlon guarautwd by K ,
U , AM , P. O , liox 87ti 490 ni2p
vaultt , > nd rosipiols rbinod at ohortrat no *
Puny lin-.u of tlio my , In ftn entirely urderUsn
w v v Ith our Improved r nine and dcMft > Ti nipra- )
t'H ' , all rlac it cl 'ono I by na dltenfocted Iroe , iharcoi
luisonable. A. Ean , 1ZP8 Uudfc'o utreet uji ialr .
Se-jlO !
Omtba , Neb , May idth , 1S5S. |
Roiled pioposals In duplicie v.111 bo rocmol it
tin. oillcc ui 11 11 o'clock a. in , llondtj.Uiy UJth ,
Ib at b'cb tlmo they will I opened In tin prca-
n ' o "t l.dil | rs lor Ktn lirtiiuont supplied ol Hit follow.
Ugklcdt ,
ilaidare ; ttcum
ony , brlci nd
I n and
lu'i < brl ; nip ,