r1 SHE * " " THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , MAY 21. 1885. CHURCH COUNCIL. Eigtitecntii Annnal Convention of the Nebraska Diocese in Session , "I'ray or the l'c co ol .Jerusalem , " a Sermon by the Ilov. Jnmca lluncir , I ) . I ) . , of St. Joseph Iilst of the DolCKfttcH Present Standing uomm Ittccn , Ktc. The eighteenth annual council , of the protestant episcopal church , for the diocese cese of Nebraska , convened yesterday morning , at Trinity cathedral , corner of Capital avenue and Eighteenth street. The attendance of minister * and dole- Bates is largo , At 9 an interesting mooting was hold , followed by communion services. A short recess iras then taken , and at 10:30 : o'clock , the Rov. James Runcle , D. D. , of St. Joseph , Mo. , preached nn olcquont ser mon , using for his text these words : "Pray for the pcaco of Jeruaolam. They ohall prosper that love peace ; peace bo within thy walls and plentlonsnosa within thy palaces. " At the close of the sermon , the church council mot and organized by the elec tion of James Patorcon as secretary for the ensuing year. An adjournment was taken until 3 o'clock. allowing are the ministers and dele gates In attendance : MINISTERS. Rev. H. B. Burgess , Plattsmonth. Rov. M. F. Carey , Nebraska City. Rov. Robert Doherty , Omaha , Rov. F. 0. Eldml , Norfolk. Rev. 0. L. Fulforth , Bentrlco , Rav. Sam'l Goodalo , D.D. , Columbus. Rov. Wm. G. Hawkins , Lincoln. Rov. John Ilbwltt , Fremont. Rav. Frank W. Henry , Grand Island. Rev. John McNamara , D. D , North Platto. Rov. Ernst McGill , Blair. Hov. FrankR. Millspaugh , Omaha. Rav. Rob't W. Oliver , D. D. , Kearney. Rav. James Patoraon , Omaha. Rov. E. R Richwrdson , Crete. Rov. Thomas Stafford , Ashland. Rav. E. D. Whltton , Edgar. Rev. W. VVhttten , Plum Crook. Rov. John Williams , Omaha. DELEGATES. Dr. Richard Gray , Ashland ; J. E. Smith , Beatrice ; S , R. Patten , Fremont , C. W. Thomas , Grand Island ; M. Mont gomery , Gny A. Brown , Lincoln ; John BlotcaU , William Hodkim , Nebraska Oily ; Thomas 0. Paterson , Notth Platte ; J. JVJ. Woodworth , Joseph Clarkson , H , W. Yatcs , Hugh G. Clark , Dr. J. Seville. Om ha ; D. H. Wheeler , F. S. White , 0. M. Wcad , Plattsmouth ; E. N. Clark , J. J. Smith , Blair. AFTERNOON SESSION. The council convened , as per adjourn ment , Blehop JDohorty in the chair. After transacting a few preliminary mat ters , the following standing committees were announced : Corporation of churches The Rav. Alexander Allen , and Moasrj. D. H. Wheeler and 0. W. Thomas. On finance The Rev. William G. Hawkins , A. P. Hopkins and H. J. Walsh. On privilege Rov. John Williams , Rov. Fulforth , Hugh G. Clark , Phillip Potter and 0. M. Wead. On legislation Rev. Frank R Wllls- p ugh , Rev. K.V. . Oliver , Rev. Samuel Goodalo , Rev. Robert Djhorty , J. W. "Woolworth , Goy A. Brown and Thomas A. Patteraon. On Christian education The Rov. John McNamara , D. D. , the Rav. Dr. Oliver , the Rev. H. B. Burgess , the Rov. Earn est McGill , George T. Labaugh , F. S. White , and Robert Hewitt. Church extension The Rav. E. R. Richardson , the Rov. F. 0. Eldrod , Wil liam Oloburno , M. A. Brown , and M. Montgomery. On Inspection of votes Clerical vote , The Rev. Thomas Staflord and Dr. Gray ; lay vote , the Rav. 0. L. Fulforth and James II. Smith. Nearly the entire afternoon , until al most G o'clock was devoted ta a dlacns- lon of legislative matter * . Last night a largo audience filled the apucious auditorium , 'and listened to ntfrea'.iog and ontortalug mUslonary ddroesBs by 3lsh p Doherty , Dr. Mc Namara , Judge Woolworth , G. A. Brown and others. At 9 o'clock this morning another corn- mnnion aervlcu will be held , after which the council will convene again. Ono of the interesting features tvday will bo the election , at 3:30 : o'clock , ( f a treas urer. TAKIN& THE CENSUS , I'rciiarnlionct I'ortlio Cinniiiir Worlc Xhu KituinorAturii , County Olork Lcavittrecelvedyeatcrdny morning from Coneua Sapcrlntondont lanu , the ncccesary books nnil blanks for taking tbo cciians In Douglas connty , to. gothor with properly lillod-out commis- alon blanks for the several onuineratora. The books , etc. . are very neatly and con veniently arranged , and ombrnco the proper forms for recording all the nooos- s ry d&ta of an oxbauttivo census report The books and comtnlsiiona , however , for the city enumerators bnvo not boon received , and will probably be hero in n day or two. Thu following are the enumerators ap pointed for Douglas county by pro- cinota : U.khorn James W. Mooro. MoAullf Patrick McArdlo. Platte Valley T. J. Toirey. Union J. O , Knight. Jcffenon U. 0. Timmo. Saratoga W. II. Lawton. Millard Fred Robinson. West Omaha Albeit M. Clarke. Chicago Nick Eleken. Waterloo Charles \ \ . Parker. Florence Thomas 0. Price. Douglas P. G. Dolaney. No uotlGcition bas yet been received from Superintendent Line as to when the enumerators must enter upon tholi work. It la probable , however , that all nccuisiry preliminary arrangements wll bo made within the next two weeks. Thi city enumerators Lave yet to bo ap V pointed. ijcznl Notou. la the district court yesterday Robet D. Duncan filed a petition for divorce froii his wife , Oirolluo Duncan. Tlio plaint1 ! In hii bill of particulars alleges that thi defendant , his wife , wni martiod to hin on the 24th daof Dccoinber , 1877 ; tha prjvlous to tbo mirrlago , nuknownot ti plnintiff , she bad boon wedded to ono Olof F , Etlccson , to whom she IB still legally married. Do therefore prays that a divorce bo granted him. Judges Wakoloy and Novlllo will hold a special eoesion of court to-day In the city hall rooms , when tha Gnal busi ness of the present term of court will prob&bly bo cleared airny. COUNTY COUHT , The cnso of Drown vs , the B. & M.and 0. , B. ifc Q. railroads , was taken up be fore B jury by Judge McCullooh to-day. The plaintiff asks § 90 damages for prop erty destroyed In the late freight house Tiro. Tiro.Troxoll nnd Williams have commenced suit against E. Morony to obtain payment on 8245.85 worth of eggs alleged to have sold to defendant in the mouth of April , 1885. The following now suits were com menced yesterday : Lindauor , ot nl. , vs Beer. Ilubor vs. Anlscon. N. D. Lawrence vs. 0. 0. Campbell. Troxoll & Williams vs. Edward Mo ro noy. Wnllor Ilnghson vs. John W. Boll. TRACK AND THAI A Little Girl's ' Hand Rnn ( tor by the Cars and lint Off , Stark niul Stiff AVIth A Ilullot Hole HlB Ilcnrt Foil from tlio Oars ntul Instwutly Killed. The past few days acorn to have boon nnasually productive cf sensational and horrifying ovonti along and on the various lines of railroads loading into Onwha. Monday , Frank Williams , a brakoraan on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road , waa killed by a tramp at Hubbard Station for no other reason than that Wllllauu put him off of the train , whore ho and his partner In the tourht business were stealing a ride. The body of Williams was brought to this city last night , and a coroner from Chicago by the narao of M. W. Ranfield , will ar- rlvo hero thla morning aud take It back to that city with him. In the mean time Williams' slayer and his accomplice lan guish In durance at Dakota City. STAUK ANU STIFF. At Ponca. a station on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road , 130 miles north of hero , the dead body of A. G. Coleman wai found yesterday moinlnc , laying In a freight car , stiff and cold. The yardmaslcr and his crew were loading a lot of stock and when ono of the can moved up to the echuta they were horrified at the ghastly sight which met their oyes. Coleman was laying on his back , held a revolver in ono hand and his clothing was red with blood that had streamed from a bullet hole directly through the heart. Ho had been In the employ of the yard master several months , and it is supposed committed suicide , but for what caueo no one knows. The body was ta.cun in charge by a coroner at that place , and is now at the undertakers Fuller particulars of the affair could not bo learned hero last night , farther than that Coleman was an unmarried man. His folks llvo in the cist , but at what point Is not known. An effort will bo made to find and notify them before the remains are bnrled. A SAD ACCIDENT. A handsome and bright llttlo girl , 5 years old , daughter of Thomas Hobbj , whose homo is at Osceola , this state , mot with an accident yesterday that renders her a cripple for life. Mr. Hobbs and his family wore aboard the Union Pacific train , inurneylng weetnard. It seems that at Divld City this llttlo girl wont ontsido and was standing on the platform. When the train started to move , in some way she was jostled , and losing her bal ance fell to the ground. A wheel of the car passed over ono of her hands , cutting it entirely off. The father then stopped at David City with his unfortunate child , nnd placed her unchr the care and treat ment of a doctor. NOTES. J. S. Recd , a brakeman on the Laramie - mie division of the Union Pacific , fell be tween the cars whllo the train was going through a shed near Dale creek , Sunday , and was Instantly killed. Ho was s'and- Ing on a car when the train entered the shod , and was struak by ono of the tlm- bofs Reed was a single man , and had been in the company's service two years. The Union Pacific telegraph depart ment received yesterday a very firio now awltoh beard , to bo put up In the oflica. The Oinnlia Iteo E.xcolslor Band. The Millard hotel now boasts of a full- Hedged , well organized brass band , corn- oaed entirely of young colored men .able . waiters and ofllco boys. They are nder the leadership of Lovl Spencer , rhosa skillful manipulations of thocornet vould etlr the soul of Levy himself. The aHk and file includes Jim Wanghfiold , Wat's ' , Gaorgo Smith , S. M. Lswis , oh n Moealtt , John Sapplcton , Frank Golden , John Martin , John King , George Boulden , Richard Gamble , Charles Wash ington , Charles Tolson and Mr. Yojgor. The boys have jast been sappllod with a new set of fine Instruments , and when ' , ho weather Is pleaiant guests of the 'ilillard enjoy evening serenades that ileasa their most aesthetic fancy. On receipt of a telephone message four or five police officers wont out to Boyd'a pock ioff liouse lost evening after several tramps that md congregated there , but before the ollicers arrived they vanished , Judge McCullougb , of tin county court , lerfurmed a double marriage at his oflica yes terday afternoon , The parties were Nelson Nelson and Christouia Noeqimt ; 1'ete John son and Hannah Steora. Frank Burns , the man killed ono day last week , nt Dodge City , Kansas , was run out cf Omaha not long ago. It seems that ho bore the reputation here of being a very bard citi zen , end spent most of tils time In jail for ways that were wicked and lawless. Hans Larson and Fred tiwanson , two amateur Swede pugilists , engaged in a llttlo knock down aud drag out last night at Ten ner's saloon on north Twenty-third street , Swanson was hit over the head with a beer bottle and badly wounded. Both were ar rested and locked up , The Combination Store opened to day ono hundred fine largo oil pilntince which will bo sold nt $3 20 and 83.CC each. Call and Examine , as they are o great bargain. CLEAN ROSEDALE COAL , $0.25 Cou TAST AXUSQUIUES 213 HO. 13 ST. MORE OF THE MURDER. Additional Particulars in tic Killing of Freiik Williams , ACImpteronilie Nuliruicoof Tramps , Who Ijlno Freight Trains , to Stoul Hides from 1'Uco teAs As noted In 'Track and Train" Items Itho body of Frank Wllli nis who was murdered at lIuLbord last Monday , airlvod hoio yesterday evening and will bo aont on to Chicago this morn ing. Th < j Sioux City Journal of Wednes day morning contains patttcnlara about the inquest hold over Williams at Dakota City , Tuesday , as follows : Tno coronor'n jury found that decease came to his death from a gnn-ahot woun at the hands of Ncah Robinson , and thai Oharlcs Davis was nn decompiles In thi kllllnc. This verdict Was ronched nfte hearing the evidence of the men who eair the affair , nnd of the surgeons who mad a post mortem examination of the body , The two tramps , Robinson and Davis , ar confined In tflo comity jail at Dakota Oily , and are to have n preliminary ex amlnatlon on Friday. Frank Williams , biakoman on No. 10 , had boon In the env ploy of the company about two months , was a single man , and had relatives in Chicago , A telegram was yesterday received from the Chicago chief of police asking that his remains bo sent to that city and they are to bo fornrarded to-day , From a gentleman who talked with n brakomin who was with Frank Williams and saw the killing , the follow ing account was obtained : The two tramps ivoro found on the train at Hnbbard , and Williams put them put of the car , using no moro force than is usual or necessary , The men were abusive , pnrticu'arly ' Hob inson , a email man with a withered hand. Robinson , as ho wai leaving the car , called Williams a vile name , and Will iams ran after him. lie had not struck the tramp nor overtaken him when the folioir turned and shot , the bullet hitting Williams in the breast. Ha died almost instantly. Conductor Iloberl , of the Norfolk train , speaking cf the ahootlng of Wil liams , said : "What to do about this tramp business ii not BO ossy to deter mine. This morning In leaving Noifolk throe of those fellows tried to get on the train as it was pulling out , but I spotted them , and they quit when I spoko. It is uot ono day now and then , but every day. I venture to say that every freight train that comes or goes from Sioux City t night brings in or takes out tramps. Suppose the trainmen find them , they : an only pot them off at the first sta tion , and very likely they got on ( Lo iamo train again. It Is easy enough to ; ot on freight trains at night , and as long is the only punishment Is to bo pub oil' tt the firat station they will ride when md where they please. 1 had aomo ? spcrlenco with tramps whllo under- ihcriiT In a Wisconsin connty. They are IB well posted as any commercial traveler , know the towns whore food is plenty and ; nsy to get , whera they ara well fed in jail , ana whore they are wcrkod on the itrcels or stone pihs. " The fourteen tramps rounded up by the combined force ot the police depart ment and the sheriff's oflho the afternoon previous were brought before Justice Foley yesterday morning. Low Wallace was the name given by the tramp who emptied his revolver at Deputy Sheriff Ornikshank. Lew wan sent up to await the action of the grand jury on the charge of assault with intent to kill. Iho others answered to various names , three of them slandering the honest name of the highly respected John Smith by jlvingthatas theirs. Theywcrosontup for thirty days each on the charge of nnlaw- [ u ly assembling. It Is understood that they will bo turned loose after the circus tins loft town. Here was a splendid apportunlty to organize a chain gang wasted. VIOIOTJS VIRAGOES. \n Iowa Justice of the PCACO on a " 'co"in Oinal , "Sp ) HcfiOts tlio Worst of it. twelve o'clock yes'erday David Dunkol , a man from Council Blufia wont Into Iho notorious "csatlo" of Bcllo Henderson , aliaa Johnny Bull , at Elev enth and Capitol avenue , to got a wntch which bo claimed bad been stolen from him the night before , and taken there , Ho became Involved in a dispute with Bella end before ho could protect him self , the enraged female waa belaboring htm savagely with a stove poker. In this operation elm was -misted by Sadie McBride ( white ) another notorious siren , who was nt , I hat time In the houso. Before Dunkel'a cries for help could avail anything , the two women hnd Indicted several eovoro cuts on his face and head. Responding promptly , Officer Frank Bellamy appeared upon the scene , arrested both worn on nnd took them with Dunksl , to jail. Two men , Wil liam Plum and John Campbell whom Dunkel accused of having stolen tha watch were also placed under arrest , and locked up , Daring the afternoon Henderson , Me- Brldo and Plum , were arraigned before his honor , Jndgo Stonborg , and given a tiial , The two women were fined andaon- tenced to servo a term , each , in the work house. MoUrido got $20 and thirty dajs ; Henderson , $25 and forty days. As neither of thum imvo any money , tbli moans , fifty acd sixty-Are daya for them. MoBrlde had only boon released on Tuesday from serving a term. Plum was remanded back to jail for farther ex amintilcn , but as theru was no specia ! charge against Campbell the judge Io him go. To-l ) y on the Turf. LOUISVILLE , Ivy , , May 29 , At to-day'i races the attendance was large , the weatbe : pleasant , and tha track in prime condition , First race Tnree-quartor mile heat , al agea. The flrat run rouulted in r. dead heal for Mono and the California horse , lUplde Lenian. second ; UHinntuu. , third. Time 10. ! The aecoml beat wan won by Rapid * Aleck-Amoat necond ; Ultimatum , third Blona belnp eighth Time , 1:101. : Only Mo and Kapid started in the third heat , lUpi winning. Time , 1:171. Becoud race The event of tha day was thi Clark stake , la which Joe Cotton , the dertr winner , was beaten. Mile und a quarter for throe-vear-oldsj Blm.on won ; Troubidour , secondj Joe Cjttan , tblrd , Time , 2.-C9 } . Third race Mile , tliree-year olds ; Banana won ; Lwly Wayward , second ; 1'owliitau , thlid. Tlme.liJI. fourth race Mlle and a half : Vanguard won ; Thistle , second : Aretioo , third. Time , BALTIUOBE , Md. , May 20. The attendance wvi latgu , splendid track and fast. Flrat rtce Throe-rinatter mile daeh , Bjuch won ; Kvan , second ! Bill , third , Time , 1:17. : Second rnco One mile , for three year olilsj TecuiiiBoh won ; Hnrrfout , second ; Maggie J. . third. Time , 1'luj. Third race Hall-milp , for two-yoar oldsj Hlgeonnettce , first ; Quito , second i Ikss , thrrd , Time , :4J ! ) , Fourth race Mils and ono-cinhth ; Wind- nail won ; Marmruluko , second ; Ucm , third. Time , lifiOJ. Filth race Milo and n quarter , ell ages ; Frankie B won ! Liila Stanhopo , second ) Chanticleer , third. Time , 2:12. : SOMETHING'OF A STOKY , How the Man Who IMcil nt Wnho Cnino to bo Poisoned. The drug and mcdicil fraternities of Nebraska are just now moro or loss In * terostingly agitated over a queer case of death by poisoning out at Waho. No many days ego a man who had recoutl emigrated to Waho from Illinois , vor suddenly laid down and died , A pos mortem examination of the body wa made , irhich resulted In the physician dcclaiing that the deceased came to hi death from being polooncd. On thi strength of this conclusion , a druggls In Waho , by the name of L mb from whom this man had been getting < i prescription filled , was arrested and held to answer to the charga of manslaughter. To attend the preliminary trial of Lamb , five druggists of this city and ton from Lincoln were summoned to appear as ex port witnesses In the case. They went to Waho lost Monday , but the ciso was con- tinned until some further dato. Right hero comes In the particulars , as related to a reporter for the BEE last even ing which makes this affair not only In teresting but rather peculiar. Probably thoron.ro not very many similar cases on record. When the man who died , came to Waho from Illinois , ho brought with him two bottles cf prepared med icine that ho wostakiug for some kind of dlsoasa , which is not stated. His Im ported supply was finally exhausted , so ho wont to Mr Lamb , with his receipt , and had the latter fill np his bottle ngain. It is stated the proscription distinctly di rected that the medicine should bo well shaken before taking. But it appears that the patient , ai nearly all patients do , became careless and ' 'took his medi cine" without piying attention to the shaking of it. This of course loft the heavy drug oil at Um bottom of the bsttlo , therefore nh&t ho drank sut at first was weak. Aa ho neared the bottom , however , it was doubly strong , and rank enough to poison. The Ingredients contained in the nodlcino have not yet been made public. Before dying the victim acknowledged , , vhat has been stated above , about the uanuor In which ho used the medicine. Hio directions also raid that it should 10 taken in mozsured closes , and the man urthor testified that ho never stopped to neasuro any of the quantities taken each ime. Died from Being Slagged , John Weidonsawl , who was slugged about our weeks ORO nonr the Union Pacific depot , lied yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital from laralysis caused by the blow ho received on he head. Election Methods in Chicago. CHICAGO , May 20. Late last nifiht a novel lovolopment in connection with tlin city ouncll canvass of the votes cast nt the late nunicipal election wna made linown. Last tlonday evening the council referred to the eturns of thirty precincts of the second ward rom which the ballots were stolen to the ouncil committee on elections for its do- : isnn ! ns to their ndmtcenbliity. Aldenrmn Vppleton , ofjtlio second ward , is chairman of his committee and the returns in queation ire legally in his possession. Last night ho oft the city eayini ; he would he gene a month or his health. AVithout these returns Noura- ister Is elected city clerk ; with them ho is lefontod , Thus claimed tbe council will LOW close tha canvass on the grounds that it annot wait for Appleton'a aprearance. Gattlo lirceders Organizing. ELGIN , III. , May 20. About twenty eprosentativo b reel era of Holstein cattle from , he different parts of the state mot hero this iltornoon to consider the advisability of form- ng a state association. K M. Patrick , of Marcngo , was elected chairman nnd a cora- nitteo of five was appointee to procure a char ier. Dr. Joseph Tefft , S. N. Wright , John r. Mann , N. J. Wheeler , and Dexter Severy vero elected directors for the ensuing year , Hie secretary was instiuctcd to iesuo a cir- ) ular Inviting all breeders to attend n meeting it Klgin on June 1G for the purpose of per- 'ecting a permanent organization. Cho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago SYMPTOMS OF A T0RP3DUVER * liasm ofnppellie , Htiwcli coatlvo , I'nln In tbo hcnil , with rv dull cnsntlon In [ be hnch pnrt , 1'iiln under tlio ( boulder * iilndo , I'ullncin nftcr imtlne , with u < ll . Incllnntlon to cxcrtlonof body ormlnd , IrrltuMllty of temper , X.ovrNplrltitTlth a fccllusoflinTlnif neclcctcil omo duty , Wuarinemi , Dlzzlncsi , I'lultcrlnzuv the Heart , Dots before tbo cyc , llcadacba over tbo rlzbt eye , HeiuIcBsiicm , nrftb atful dreninn , Jlicbly colored Urine , ani ) CONSTIPATION. TCTT'S riLTH are eapeclally adapted to eucU cases , ono ilnso otlects eucli u hnnBooWeellnfrnuto astonish tnoBuffercr They Increaie til AipctUeanlraune the body to TnUe ou KltJU , tlnin tbo ny tom li iiourl > licil. nnil by tnelr Tonic Action on lUKeitlvoOru-nin.ltrijiilarMtoolHare ho [ rrrxluc.-ii. 1'rfn'jrir. t Murrav M..W.Y. r'J f Y S HAIR DYE. UlUT JIAIU or Wiiisiccita ohnngeil to a Gissv ULACK by n siiiBlo application ol UiU DTE. Jt Imparts a tmturul color , acti Instantaneously. Sobl by UrugBlits , 01 ent by cxprusn on rocolpt of 91. < jfflco. 4 MurrnvSt. . Hew York. THE AMKHICAN DISTIUOT Oflice , 1304 Douglas St. Leave ordera , call by district box or telephone ; n. charge for moiuengera to order cmlago or traniter baggage. To upbote No. 177. J , IJO.V.S'KLLT , Jr Manage. Bigeazo checked to and from the depot to any part ot the city , Canltvea ur i.aitd for funtia'.a en abort Dotbt ; Olllco open day and night ; CLARK & SELLS , Real Estate Agent 1108 FARNAM STREET , For Hit of prorcrtlea for eale eee Oiruha H al Ea tile Qizettr , to Lo found In the reading 1030-9 of al the hotel ; . mlS < lo PHO-rOGEAPHEE STUDIO ON GROUND FLOOR , SI 3 KotthietbHt. SPECIAL NOTICES j4M tttlo ertttementi in the tpetlal eflntnn * in 6 thargeil at the rate of 10 eentt per line /or tti flrtt intertimt , anil tttnttftr lint for rath tulle ( jMent interlion : ffo adurtliement will be inscrtet for Ittt than J6 cenil or the frtt time. Theuatlrertieetnentt iciltte inserted in loth Mem ng anil Keening Etlitiont , rrpretentinj a tireula fiono/otvr Eight Thoutantl. Thil clatl of atlcer titeinentt muttixittHrtly be i > aid in admnce. TO LOAN MONEV. S1A nnfl Toloanatoncaln turns Icom ? 1CX LU UUU to$2 coo on 03 dm to S yours time Money on hum ! ; no delay , Omaha flinncltl Kt- chtngt , 1503 Karnam street , up-st&lrs. 474-SOp VYosKr to loan on furnUmo , horses , ni.Kumui.iju iiJL ptrsonal property , collaterals ntul nnyth'ng ' o value , cvei } thing ttrlctty confide' tial ; Hoods Finan clal agency John 1'Schmlnke.Caihlor. 28S-J11 MOXKTTOIXHN On rial c t to security. In sums ofSWtu ( (10.000 , at reasonable tatrs. U K. Mayno 4i Co , S W cor Hth and Fnrnam. SCO11 MONKT TO LOAN In amounts to suit , on chattels , collateral ) or nnr good security. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 15CS Karimm tt. , up'tUlts. 185jOp 'irONnVTolonn on chattels , U'ocllcy & Harrison 'VJL ' Room 20 , Umtha National bank building BIMf ,1 fONKYTO LOAN On real citato and chattels 1 > 1 D. L.Thoma < . OlStt. /TONKV Loaned on rhattctg , cut rats , U. R i VI tickets nought and Bold. A. For man,213 S. 13th St 107-tf \TONKY LOANED at 0. F. Rood ftCo's. Loan olllco i'l on furniture , plano : > , horses , vagons , personal property of all klmU and all otho rirtlolos ot value , itlthout romrval. Over let Matloc'tl Bank.corncr ISth ted Farnam. All Imslnwe etrlctly oonfldontlalDBO DBO tf VfOKHT TO LOAM In sums of ( SCO and upward , ixi O. F. I > Tl and Co. , Heal Kgtale and Loan tgents , 1605 Farnam St. DS1 tt WANTED FEMALE HELP. \v 7ASTKDA Rnnd girl for ceootal louse work : ml- drois M. Williams , 1330 Sherman ave. 493 20 I/ANTKn M 303 north ! 2d Ft. ft girl to do general \ bouse work , mutt be a good plain cook. 400-20i > VTT'ASTBD A treed Kill for general bouse work. In. T > quire 2110 Hartley street. C07-2 ! TTTASixn-Apprentice to learn drcs.making at 218 \YnortH10tli. 487-M W ASTKD Nuisa girl ; apply F. U. Howard , Hcra'd oince. 485-tf ANTKU A coat capable glil In fatn'lof throe ; wages ? 3 , perwcckOOl nertb 17th st. 4S3-tf VTfTANTKn At fil3 Pleasant street , gltl to do gcner- VI nl house wprk. MrsTJIOrr. 4S3-20p llfAOTED Four Rood salctlvlloi , ono In fiach city , Omaha , Council llluff' , Vbttsmouth , Heir. Address crcillon n.trnuUCN. . 16ih. St. , ) mahx 455-21 0 Nrat K'rHor ' cencrat ho'lFowork , unall fitnlh , tjltrtu c required ; 1411 Park Wlldo , \cnuc. T'ASTin At once , a , god vet uurto 1C2 , 25th a t corner Dodge. 148-tf W ANTKD-Qocd girls , pxpcrlencod cooks ; flinaha Kmplojmcnt llurcnu , 1120FarnamSt. 701-tf rcTAXTFD First-class dining room girl at the Met- T V ropolltan hotel ; none otbor need apply. 824-tl nfTANTED by Kensington Art Co. , female help VT In all parts of the country , to do our light , 'leasant ' work at their homes. Heat by mall to any ddrcss , nocanxasisntr , easy to lo rn and any one anoamfrom SMo SIO p'.r week. Fortull inform- Ion address Kciulnctim Art Rooms , 33 Congrana btt loatun , Mass Box 6078 , 8flO-3Cp WANTED MALE HELP. i'CUK clgarraakera wantid. tnqulro.ot Ooo. U. Godfrey , Fiemont , Meb. 070-2 \7ASIKI ) - Acthe salesman 105 North ISIli V 603-J2p ntTANTKD Tuilir , to work by the week ; goo liny VV to good man. Address J. Ilalberg , 1'apillfon feb. 4S1-23 HIT ANTKD A good eniart wcnnn to do clumber HITW W 'virk , wc eaSI perwtclr. Apply at B12 Uouglas l , Letneou the h Jurs of 11 and 2 o'clock. 403-tf w'ANTED Two good m uldcrs immedhtcly at York Foundry , York , n eb. 442-tf [ T7AVTKD Good man with 2 hundred dollars o W take charge of office , appoint agents and collect roney. also balf interest in a manufacturing bus ncee. Address 2S life olllce. 40M2p lT7ANrr.D Five gocd paper hanger nt 418 North W 18th ulrect. 312-tf rjITANiBn Ll\e energetic men with borse and car- VV rltgeto handle flrst-clas * article thiouch the ountry ; call nt onco. C. M. Eaton. Ill S. 14th. 310-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. nc/ANTKD By a rcspcctalilo young man , a situation It in grocery tttoio or driving dclUery wagonbas ilr educttloD anil can bo highly recommended for onesty acd ability. Adurogs "A B" Hco olllce. 494-22p rTTANTKi ) By a young and well educated German , VV a aituatlon In a general mercantile business , avlrgtll the knowlcduo ol language and business cccsaary. Adarcss "A U" Besollico , 492 20p rTTANTBD A gentleman ba\iog five years exjierl * VV cnco as head book keeper for the lirgcit lanu'acturerin ' Hit U. S.ln Ills Urn of businese ; de- Ires a situation as book keeper or salesman. Addrcsn 'S ' A" Boo olllco. 602.20p AxiMi Mluatlon by on experienced Grocery W Clerk ; reference ic. "E AV" IHo olllco. 5CO-Op ! ! > L young nmn anxious to find employ , WANIKD ill work t anything for email \n > K-1 cfercnces. AuJrcm Oeo Clark , 1' . O. 478./li \\7AMH ) bltiutlon by young man a3 salesman In * \ city nr country groctt' ; county preferred ; can ipoik bullish , German oml SK , > ndina\lin ; ; liebt of efereiccn. Address "E JI K" lies olllco. < DO-20p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. | 7 A.\TPI > To e \v thoupnndriolhralngood I p > ) iiig bus'ucBS. Acdrcsa "I'lO" Jlco olllco. TTl7ANTiB : Txso rooms with board for pcntlcnuin , V wltuftnd t o children ; refcrcr.ceB. Addresi " ! ' II IL" W3-tt -To rent Vinall c-ottano In a conreul- WANTKD desirable nelrhbobrmd , with Improve- ncctaprcfcrnd. Address lth full pirttculars , U 0. UcClurc , box 01 city. 44 tf . Add ess St. Louis Elcctrlalarap AOKNT8WASTKP. for ilrcnhr , cutj and terms ot th o S ) candle poner Matsh Xlectrle I/imp. 311-J12 Boarders at 1615 Capitol avo. WAvrKU 100-21P E\crybody to try our 1'repared Corn Meal , ready for Instant use with the addition of milk or cold water. Tut up In 3 nd CII ) . pickaxes. Bold by grocers. W. J. WoUhant & Co. , Manufact urers 07" tf A man or woman In every country In U WANTID sample free. 975 per month , mlary or commission. Scud etamJ. Paul Tabel , Chicago 111. BlO-m-tlp IT ! rANTKU Kvery ay In neml of K Bowing ma. V V chine , to BOO the new Improved American No , P. K. Hodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. n52tf FOH RKNT HOUSES AND LOTS. BBS r New hovee S room" , 2 o'oseti , cellar , FOR on Walnut St. , enquire AUf Ranilow , 1311 Chicago St. 180-22p mar FurnUbel bouse of flu rooms , north FOR , f35. per month. C. E. Majii9S W come 15tb and Karoam. 432-21 ITOR ItKNT 12-raom house on St. Mart's avenue F belt residencelooallt ) ! toilght pirllos a favor able lease. Apply for tuxt ton days tu AMKD , I'D Karnim. 471-22 ii HK\r - K 8 room cotUge on California itreet F,1 ? flth and 2 th btieots , 1 * J Crccdon. 430 tl FOK itKXT - The aoutbait J section t , 16,12 ; Eu rrllea from Omaha , for a term ot rein. 0 W Hamilton , at U S Nat'l llink. 427-23 BKSr Cottage D roni3 nnd house 7 rooms. J inou 1 Hoc , 1BI2S , 6th St. 331. ' BUST A brlok baiement on corner 281 b am fierce Street , 3 | > er month. 3IO-21V ItigoodletaM rlun pl.tu tbree iPOKHALB 1 ' c rd onutiy tcrmi. W H Oreep o cr let l > at'lbank. COltt FOB. REST fhreeetory brtik atore bulMlcg ; eu qulio ol Kdward Norrla tt Ca , room IB Crouiiw Block. 053 tf FOK KENT Kurnlshe-l cottage , 7 roomi , will clonetd , pantry , vto. . In btat locality In City oir pay i ut vtlib board. Call lu alternoou at62f > l'lea nl Ut W7.ll UOOM8 FOH KENT. IpOH iiCM-lloom at 1610 Haruey ht. JJ > JR riK r FamlthoJ roooi ; oU ] Cay board a * { I. I ? per v/tet , 15 Hirnsy at. ( OR RK.VT FurclnhcJ front room. ITU Cttlf-reli street. 377-COp Mwiii Ktoo furnished rooms M 704 Snftii KUhlotntli trctt. 4SOSlp I OR RRST Two rfiomo fiirnl htil or untnrnbhci ! , with biurd lor two gentlemen , or for nun rtnd mf. 1813 Park axcnuo , cst tide , 485-Z2f > - fl\e rooms , 3l& . Apply at 2110 Jlarnfj St. 4tO-21p I7VR RENT-Furnished room nt 101 ! Capitol vc. 1 J33-220 Iron RKVTTwo furnished rcnun for light homo- ko&pln Uocmcr's bUck , oormr h'ghthand How- Mil. 4S.MI T70R RitT3 or 0 roomi at OUIfornU unit 1811 St A1 Mil4roomhni ion ( IlcHorv ! . , nrnt 0th SI Inquire At It k M Land ofllce , 60 S 12th ttrect or Co North 13th St. 4S2.Of > IJV > RRKrFutril.hod rooms 1311 CMS * , , li 1 board. 358 Z8p IpORRRNT .1 fiunUhql roomi tor light houji 1 koip'ng p y rout # itli board ; 2UI3 Chariot St. 417-tl FOR nitsT-FmnUhf d rooms * llh insdorn convon loncoj at SV earner 13lh and Howard , up Malm , 3iJ-fOp . on nRNT IlnnJsomo furnished room with bathtn F room attach' d at 2209 Dodge st. 411 ! 2fi roRRp.vr A fl asint front room , futnlthoil ; 8 , E , Cor. 15th and llowitil. 401 tf fT'ORiiNr A room lor ( tontloir.Bn and wife or to V Uo gentlemen , Ortt-cUss board 1022 Duttut , 703-tf FOR HKNTThree room , r ll r , well and cistern 410 cmth 29th itrcot , $10 , Wm b Monrno , Otn nd Douglai. 378-tt ITou RK\T-l.ugofront room on first II > or with o I ? with board ; Inquire at 1901 farnam St. 3 7-tf 7on HUM Fmnlthed front room 1902 Farnim , 1 2SO 22p , OR HRNT-Kurnl hnl rooms , 1810 Dodge street , ? 247-J10 Ton nKST Furnished rooms with or without ' board , 2112 Uarney St. , ono block from street M. 091tt roil RRVT Fnrnlihcd front room with board In prhato family , 1017 Chicago tt. 085-tt F 'OR ' RUM With boardtilcely furnltbcd front room ga ) and bath , H'OJcnca 087 tl Ijpon RUM Furnished rooms 10.U Cipltol avo. J 007-mSO pOK RUST FurnUhod room 1313 Jackson et. 1 812-m'JOp FOUIlKNT-Nlccty luinlbbcdrooms 1617 Davenport 722.J5p PI OOM8 With berddetliabli 1 ) | summer. Applj tiat 61. ChMlea Iletol. Dtl-tt [ 71011 ItKNT Sovcral flno cfllcos In Crounco' block , I ? Inquire Ed Norrls , room 10 Crounso blooi 042 tl FOR SALE FARMS. [ TlOR B.n 1 have 1,00) acroiof tbiowaterml farm * D Ine aod Rrozlng land In ilrcelo county , Neb. , 18 ilhs from Albion , i nd S inlloj from rai'road , at $0. cr acre , which I wl'l trade In small lu B , or other- Uo , forclty proierty. II. G. Stupe ; 1611 Fin.im trcot. 6CO-2.'p [ 710RH\LK A lareilutjco tORnt a farm cheap , wo L1 will ell a KOaerohojcstind witilnB mlloaof a ronitig city with K od huuso , him , oorrall , two ortc , ciw with ca f , ono buzgy , plowr , harrow , lot I small tools , chicken' , tutkojs , harno < s , 10 acres lantcd In potatoes , frari'cn and corn , rplendld \ In o tlnidj poBSOfflon tt venator 06 the while thlrtf fir 1.000. C E JIayne & Co , SV corner Ifith and Far- m. 0022 TOR BALK -2 0 acres rf bottom Und In the Rorub- _ bnjn Miller , 7 miles o-t of Arapahoe , on the 0 U. R. R , 109 acre ! Irnced , st.iblo 14\50 , house 14x ) , Rranoiy , buggy ehcd. Leu hous , corrals oto ; tlco10 pcracro. or wl 1 traJo for s'ecrs ' ; also ICO : ro upland $ . * > per acre. Addreis F JI Nicholson , rapahoo , Neb. 601-22 7\ousAi.K lirst fruit aa's n southern Gal ferula. 1 tn y lurnis ; cab and POO simple of fruits , and ifanmtion ; 1 Jackson , J3J3 Chicago St. , city. 383.21p 7 OR SALK \0i0acro steak andgriin f.irn , a'l Im- pro\cdfo'irh"ura'rldo ; Irim tno OTiahaSto.k aru evtca miles tram the o'tv of Fromnnt ; too illroails ltbln tnros miles ; 300 acre ) under plow , 10 ro t in ptntuic ; tuard fence , runnlnir stream trough pa'turo ; hnuBo with ten roomi ; will boa < U iiaplt sold immodlatcU1 ; on terms to suit. For irlber particulars Inquhe ol Quo G. Orodfrov , F.o * lent , Nob. 167 tf TICK SAI.K Oood farm in Mishlngton Ca ; 171 J acres ; SO acres oiltlvatod ; good buildings ; flno chnrJ ; running water ; all feuced. Edward Norrla Co. , teem 19 Crounso Block. 474tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. xu'UANOK $ jX ( etnok of new bare ware ut In voice prices for good Nebraska land. For sale r K C Patterson , po KXCiiANOK Two splendid fauns for merchandise L hotel for farm. VOR SAIK Aero prof erly Smiles fromcltv , at $2.50 . and $3 00 per acre on monthly pajmcnts. J"OR SALK Si ro"m cottage and all modern lm > J rro\ements In flrst-cliss locality ; [ rice $2,600 isy terms. TTOR SAtx BotiitUul and dcsirabl ) lots at $203 each J on $10 monthly payments. j on RRM1 Good Lrlck house 0 rooms $22 per J montn. TORBMKHotel ordsalrm 1th oil fixture ) , re- J ci Ipts SCO per ibi ; p i o 84 , fin If taken fnou ; isy terms. U C Tatter on , ISth and Faintm 401-tf Tou HALF -IT.U'O wltht o rooms ; brink basement , i1 full lot ; Twenty scciml tt ect , between Sjrlng oil Oak ; cheap for caeh. linialroon tireinlio ? . 470 21p .K Tnenty-twafait on F'rna-n street , a ' bargain If taken Immediately. W H Green 439-tl - ' of b'ota and Hliooi , hats , caps , dry goods nnd notions , a ill en : lck clean rtoek of goods 11 food location , n go-d raile airl moHily cnjli bubliai'S for prlojAod terms , .ddrois P O Box 25 , Saward NobiasVa. SS7-22 [ 7on HALK Kcv S room-tot'age with two lots In I1 Walnut III 1,63.10 S-10 downand 810 per uiintb , Iso rottaze B rcoms with two lots Walnut HI , l,7f 0 , f 0 down and $20 per month ; both re'.dy for ccuiunot. C. K. Mayno&Co , , H. VV. oorni'r Kith nd larnara S02 21 HAI.KHaven room house , barn , and two Intl. FOR , ( ; wmiU take 8500 In restaurant fixtures , Igatu , etc. , 5500 cash balance on time ; a ] ply 310 S. Ub strict. 414ni30 /OR HU.K 'lun acrea of land wlttlnSblocksof 1'ott I 1 o'co at Wevplng Water , 01.99 Co. , Neb , will pell m easy terms or exchange for Omaha property. W. 1. Green , n > erlstNat'l 111 ; k , Om tha , Neb. 240 tf * BALK -Fl\e lots 4'xl30 ; together on Leaven 1 worth street ; beautiful location , 0 00 One ourtli cash , baUuui on l' ng time , caty tuinn , Irallo & Jones. 210-lf ii IS guod lots In thU addition with Iu3 lUcksof etieut cars , can bo Had on easy orms. WllOrcen , over lit Nat'lllank. lU-lf ' BAI.R At a bargain , thico good bouses 817 and F'OR 18tb , eoiitli of Lcmcnwcrth ; rent ? fl5 per ier month ; pi lee 85,600 uisy piymet.ta ; muit be loll hcforo Juno 1st. Apply S. Mortonaen , tailor , 413 FarnaaiBtnut. 13t-J4p TTioRBALK House full lot , well , cittern , birn , oil In L1 good condition , one block from street cars 11 800 saey terms. W II Green , over Ut Nit'llUuk. olt-tf SALE Good 6 room house , lot 60x132 feeteas FOR , $1300 ; 8100 cash balance $15 per month. IV. U Qrceo , overlbt National bank , S31tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALK The eld school building in dbt let No ITVm 1 37 , will besMdat publloauctlonon June Ut at ID o'clock a , m. , by order cf board. 4B9-S2 [ OR SALK Keiiantdde btr buguy and ono car F che i : room 1 , Omaha Kat'l tank tiulldloir 17.tf on HALK - $ : G dollon v , III buy pool table at I'Aclfl F bouie , lUth ana Davenport , Umalu. 178 ! 3 | K - horse Hagoii and bariums cheap. An I ply to Cc.rgo Jotinjjn , AtUntlol.otel. tlS- HiLK-Cibbizo , t'mmato , repper and Foil Heiiiinin Urof , , Noitli caim-lera be , , roir Fort Omaha. 47fi-21p BAtK runiituie KO , it au b roamed lion- JTViu good tsinlltlon.Hil tab'o for a boarding lious good ntlghDcraood. Addrtia "U Y" llo ottlce 455-25J 1/oiiHALK-A magulll oat new uprlgnt piano c lu ' bratid man'an thelateit iJiprovemoaU.bcauti lul touc , tiuch andflnteb , an Imtructlunbock fdu no cluruu let delivery ; a great bargain,8 J ; 101) ) ! Pa clQc. 13l-25p T/oa s ? , K-Agricultural Implement buelnerv , i V taullihed trade , lirtvailci. two ytara lent , belt l ) > atoncr ! } chcao , g.cd warehouse , o < ly t' dadera In the city , but little atcck to Iniy. barg > for ehty daji ; addreaa I-cck Lox t3 , Wjmoro Nub . , ft 1 " 13mika for sale at Hew A.Kunzbrick jarJ at-f 115 IBthbt , , ofcoZ 7H. 18tn. 405/tlOi TuH HALH-iin'it : inartb top rcstauri ' JL1 A J , Uuadd , 325 Uiojdvvay , CwUUC.ll for cah Hi ; Howard ISO If At OBSR * imuNvan's-niUKMns For - tfnt-T o duo icrmoi'.thdw'"ln"1 ' mwiol' ' > lmrro\cnt , JJJ.OO nVuinl t 8t0f ° tlov" ° > ' room' ' ' " "Wild nj 01" ° ' 8lu""Ior8 stlosl' btoii Far * ' " ° ll"1 ' ° 'ni''aDl1'u ' 01 street ' , . For Pali Ixt ) In "n.msjom PI po" ifn terms ; also lots In Shlnns addition. lei tV wj easy term , . . Lot , In I.OBo'aaldlilon.JlM. ' rorSaio- House and lot llatnoy street i fl111 Ior'on S mo Sale -Homo nnil lot on I.itoiDrt ) street , i /Vl,8.10..1101"900111'1"1" ? " lmp'o\cinent , ot 18)fp t front by 70 tcoi deep , Hnu pl oo , umy Kor Sale -Two bts , ono n coiner , Piio.haK mile from postolll c , near oar line , fo both S3.0 0 . . . . , MOHSi : & UUUNNKR , 1.0 SO 1'axton Ilu'HIiig ' , Flltecntli 'tl Fntna-u. HOTELS. TXSTITUTB Hotel , lorinotly CroVliton house , rowlv I. furuljhoJ ; tcrnu moJcrate , lath and Capitol ave. _ 4i8-J17p ! OLOTIIINQ. _ PAKK.oilcKOHlticto Iho liMkwardnrm of the X Btiunn. 1 am ilcto-inlncd to clMi out inv ontlro ttckof of sprliiKnnil nimmer clothing nt'a crott iciinco. they are liound to bo sold 8i tall oatlv ami ; et line clothing at low ptlen. 1'olack the cloihlcr , 318 Katnametrcot , near 34th. 497-tl TO EXCHANGE. _ I la I'.XCIUNOK HO acres well lniirol | land ? mlla . Irom BHOX , Iowa , for a stock of eoucrnl motchan. Inc. or hardnaro. Addtcsi John Llndoiholui. Ewox ° 'Y0' 6S4tl rjlOIl SAU-pr oxchanRo. Wo hnvo for silo tha I' exclusive right In this utato to sell the coal uionilzcr aud soot dcstroyi r , Uostroi s the nt and 111 sa\o twenty per cent on coal , will sail county [ Rhti or the slater will cxrhame ferro I osiato or .a/ rood property on application will solid sample : t aland glvo tivtlcnlara. Ucr > on for acllfnir vu rcancot eholt hlnattmtloiii laro ohanco for u ) ten ! lledfotj , Souer & Davli. _ 04S tf BOARDING. rXVANTnA few tihlo hoorder.1 at N.V. . o'riior lOlh and Ilarn y. 431-20 [ \7ANTRD Afow lioardore ot 1411 Hoivaul 8t. ' ' 437-53 _ , > IllST-CLASS Bed and hoard 1212 Capitol vc. _ _ 12-aSB PERSONAL. 3FHSOSAt.-r0 thcrso'cinodaml cur'ed 'trodrced prlca < , atFMSchidcll'a , 218No thlOtb. 4EO-20 DRRSOXAt-Ifyiuwanta detective , semi your ad- adnross to the Orcaha Dotcctho Agency , P O box II , efllccs 216 south Nth tt. bfiO-mZT BUSINESS OHANOES. DWISKSS ciiAKCK-Flnt cla a ononing f it gifd ro I J estaletnsn ; for particulars address leek Jlox f,72 , CBTDO , Neb. J 8-21 Ton BALK-Ooodbusbiess in Oimh.i ; limits ! H imr cent ; ipitalrciulred | , three or four thousand slUrs Pcrsoni inc.ining btulncsa , addruss Lock ox SOI , PCS Aloincs , luwa. SB'-jlt 7011811,1wol ost&blhheil tailors busineo bet - . t ooi now and June 15th , low rent ; good looa. onjho'd lease of strro for twoyrnrd ; only small op al required. Aiidrcsa'N. O. " Bio olfleo. 1S2-J-4J ) 70R SAI.B A well established bakery. Address ' "K. " thla olllco. 125 M KXCHASaB-In ( part ) for rostauran , ? furniture 7 roomed house , biro and two lota. An. ly 319 south llth st 108-mSO Ton BALK In OiUand Nob. flrat-cKsi moot market al o the fural'uro ot the St 1'aul hotel. Fo par- fiilnrs , Inquire or write Wlggern & Ucbllutr , Oakland 7 OR BALK 1'ruir store In a desirable locullty , wll luvoico about S1.600 HC 1'attcreon , NK corner Ith and Farnam. 4S6-tt 'j Oll SALE Or excliamto 6 full stock'of clothing J boots an J shoos , gent' furnishing sooJs , will ex- lanRO lor Nchrisla Lands. G. U.retor nnF04 8. ) tb tit. , Omaha , Neb. UIG-tt ICE ORE AM. TlRKsu Ice cream plea and cake' every day. Orders ? prcuoplly attended to , CorlSohmld , E0 < outh 5th St. U3.J5 _ DRESSMAKING. l/i / UHiiKMivim. ! , , will make upd'k ' VI i tier woilon drc i at to * tljiucs ; satisfaction iiaranteed ; cutting and fltt n ? Uuiht-No. ; 003 north 3th street bctuctm Cans ani Callloir.Ii. 40lDi ) MISCELLANEOUS. "I rut recsUed another of thoa cicollont plmri , I ) am Pb'llni ' ; so choojiLt 1012 I'iclllo fct 433-22 f tOST On Klh St , a red Icother pocketbook J contnlnlnir $00 , a lumber ticket 8'nntd ' by ) alton. Finder will rccthoSlOicnard hvruturnliiK otlils olllce. 164 21. A fimll Hack and ttn doir Had rn red rosr Jlcatborcollir wltn three nlrkle-j htcd b < IU ; n n.o Euro ; tinder will phase retuin to V2 > 0 rioico St. nd rcceno j5 ronard. 410 21p 3Tiuin > ORtiTOiii Onthoia'.h lnst.n o w , 1'u'li rnane , nearly while , Durham atcck , ono horn llRliMy drooping , rediars ; rowardfoi teturn to A. > . Hilling ; 2113 Hatnoy Kt. 45tf R TnAr Anyone having taken up a roan cow 'wltbln ' thn lint ten ilaya will plgauo notlfr Jehu iaumor , at 1314 Karoam tit. SSO 19 MAiiiH Parties wishing to purchkto brood HIIOOIJ ma tin for ranch purpiui plcaso oil ! at lI' c,4naouh 13th8treot , O-nihi. B RICK $3 t at m. T. Murray , rai-t r 1iiKWHiiVKRTAa , doea n > t give you heirthurn. OlagaioJtcmoil at ono cent , each by the dealers , I'eyckollroa. , AgcnU 033-tf On Elkborn aud 1'Uitc , T , Murray. 8UO-tf f \nrv HILYKR TAO It } fruit lUvnred , faus redeemed VVat no cent lu.-liliy tlio dtalera , 1'ujcke llroa , . oas-tf TMifRUCTioi on hanjo given by Q E Qelleu. JL bf ok , at 1110 Capitol nvo. 480-tf VKH TAO , It rioeannt taint tbe breath , tai < i redeemed at ouo cent each by the dculuru. 1'eyclio Urea , Aifents. ftSS-tl ' , vaults , Hint ! ind oeiMpoola cle nwl at the IJUIV'V notice ml natlefactloa guaranteed by r. U. Abe ) , 1' . O. llo % 87d 490 In2p vaultt , nd ceupiola cleaned at ehortmt no- PIIIVY any limool the day , In Rn entirely wrderlns wiyvlth otu Impnncd [ unit. anddrntRan ajipira- t'H , all placn cl 'ane I by in dlrcnfocted free , tbarcoj teiuonabte. A , Ean , 12C8 Uodgo Btieot up aialrt. 249-J'O ' ( SO } 'KHNMKNT S UPPLTES. IKrOTQuiKTK8HA TK6.'HO HCK , I Omaha , Neb , May 1Mb , 13(5. [ Roiled piojwtals In uupbeaie will be reoiltel < t tl , I , uillco ui tl 11 o'clock a. m .Mondaj , IfayiSth , lS39at li'cb time they will toopened Uthi proa * n ' 'u < , ( Mdileru for Korcrunicnt suriiilloaol the follow. ilard are ; team oay ; brick and I n and ttoil ; 1 Omaha Nebraska