H i THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , May 19. LOO Mi BREVITIES , Julius Meyer left yesterday ( or Fremont on a short business trip. A Thirteenth street car WAS thrown from the track yenterday , near Howard trect , and ( omowhat injured. The weather yesterday was cool nnd spring overcoats once more cloudy , nnd ths called Into requisition , The district jndgM wilt decide to-day whntlicr or not they wont to Issua an order calling for a grand juty nt the Juno term of the district court. The child of Michael Foley who hnd a piece of noodle extracted from itb stomach a few days ORO , died yesterday motning nnd burled nt 10 . . to-day. will be n. m. _ _ _ _ _ Gootgo Sautter commenced proceedings in the district court yesterday for n divorce from his wife , Louise Sautter , lie charges that she deserted him nnd refuses to return. Judge Selden furnished an unlimited amount of happiness to two joyous souls Sun day. The contracting parties were August Jorick nnd llosaria Huirhal nnd both reside in this city. The bank clearings of Saturday amounted to § 313,570.02 , while the buiinoss of the week presented a totnl of $2,000,201.80. Omaha still rnnks very high in the list of cities hnv- DR clearing houses. & Wins Gish , of the coroner's office , found , while nt the circus Saturday , n plnsh covered lady's reticule , evidently , dropped by some thoughtless dame. A purse , containing n small sum of monov , was found Inside , Phillips , the man whole life is blackened with murder , forgery , larceny , seduction nnd several other diabolical crimes , was sent up yesterday by Judge Stenberg , to await the notion of the next grand jury. Carrie Theresa llino nnd Catherine Grlet filed papers with the district court yesterday praying to bo released from any further do * mostia alliances with their husbands , Omar Alexander llino and Joieph Gist , There is to bo n sermon by n clergyman from abroad n' the opening service of the episcopal council at 10:30 : a. m. nt Trinity cathedral on Wednesday next , with mission- rry speeches nt 8 p. m. Lot every one go. Mr. nnd Mra. J. J. O'Connor rejoica In n now addition to their family. The Infant put In an nppearanco last Friday. Though it is I not a boy , Mr. O'O. Is determined that his if f i mantle as a lawyer of talent nnd ability shall I descend upon It , and the girl will probably bo christened Bolva Lockwood O'Connor. In Judge Bartlott's court , Friday , the case of Culver va , Mercer was on trial , The suit s the outgrowth of ono recently tried In the i district court , Culver claiming that Mercer had forcibly ejected him from certain pro mises without reason , and causing him great Injury. On'rds' ' 'invitation ' have' been issued for a private May party at Masonic hall Friday evening , the 22d inst , The committee in charge is composed of the following gentle men : Harry Hunt , Charles H. Taylor , Frank Wasserman , John Booth , George S , Sterns- dorf , nnd Thomas Dugdalo , The corn-planting throughout Nebraska is drawing to n close , and unless the weather fails , the crop this year will bo a good one , probably above the average. In Iowa tbo farmers are hardly as far advanced in their work in this direction , as the weather there has been highly unfavorable for planting. Even in Illinois nnd Missouri the planting is by no moans finished , in some counties work having just commenced. As will bo seen by reference to the tele graphic base ball report , Omaha confronted Cleveland on the diamond yesterday and was annihilated by a score of 10 to 1 , This is beautiful. The Gate City ought to bo proud of such n team , The news is received here with dismay bordering on incredulity and the general impression among lovers of base ball is that the team should bo "braced up" or vanish from the list of the Western league altogether , Yesterday morning a woman , giving her name as Kmma Green Krambeck appeared in the po lice court , desiring , ns she said , to swear out a complaint against her husband , Wil liam Krnmback , ot Florence. This worthy , it is alleged , seduced the girl , and being com pelled to marry her , has bjaton and abased her , and has failed to provldo for the child. On ono of the coldest of the winter days , she was turned out bjr him and almost froze to death. It is farther alleged that there Is an other woimn who has at times lived with this individual , nnd who lays claim to the ques tionable distinction of bsing his wife. Don't fall to road Blotter's prlco list of groceries on 5th pngo of this lame. A DrntiKlitsman in Trouble. Flro Chitf Butler appeared before Judge Anderson yesterday mornIng - Ing and svoro out a complaint for the arrest of Jacob R. Ilanck , formerly in the city engineer's o 111 eo. The complaint states that Ifauck represented to Mr. Butler that he had about $100 coming to him from the city for wages duo , and tliua Induced him to sign a promissory note for $80. Later , Mr. B discovered that Ilauck had trans ferred his Interest In the money duo him to Mr. J. E. Riley , for a. corta n amount of cash. This , of course , throws out Mr. Bntlor's claim , and he Is determined to prosecute Uauck to the full limit , Hanck la supposed to bo out of the city. Don't ' fail to read Blotter's prlco list of groceries on 5th page of this Issue. Card of Tlmnks. Mr. John Drezol desires to convey to his friends his gritofal thanks for the kindly assistance and sympathy which was tendered by them In his recent heavy silliotloD , the death of his wife. To thoeo whoso timely aid was given in the dark hour of trouble , as als } to the friends who have endeavored to lighten the burden since by oxproislons and actions of tympathy , Mr. Drexel de sires tr make this expression of apprech- tion and gratitude. W. F. Griffeth , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific road , has gene to Chicago. Thomas Miller , general freight agent for tbe Burlligton it Mlsiouri River road , loft for Chicago yesterday at attend H mco"ng of freight ogenti Wednesday , when the Oainh * matter will bo brought up and considered. Buy gasoline au < i oil from Omaha Oil Co , Cans furnlshtd and dillvereJ. Of- ilea HOC Daug'at ' af. A.M. Ko'.cbon ' , Mgr. FAMILY MARKET BASKET Delicacies Afforded by tlio Marts Prices , The local markets are becoming wcl stocked and the housekeeper has n trouble In finding plenty of material t select from In cooking tha throe moah day , The situation Is briefly summed u below : FISH. In the fresh water article , white fish trout and bats retail nt 15 conta pe pound ; white pickerel Is soiling at 10 onts ; cropplo and.perch can bo had fo 121 cents ; catfish aio just coming In and sell for 12i to 15 cents a pound. As for alt water'lish , codfish and haddock are worth 15 cents a pound , halibut 25 cents Shad sells from CO to 80 cents each Flounders are not In very lively domain at 12J. Eels sell for 20 cents n pound Codfish tongues are rare , but retail for 20 cents. MEATS. The boat cuts of sirloin sell for It cents , rumps and npper part of room fttoak at 124. Roasting ribs , firm ant juicy , can bo bought for 10 to 12& cents. Veal is extremely scarce and comes high from 25 to 20 cents , according to the cholcenoss of the part. Sweet broads can bo purchased at 25 cents a pair , Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to cuts. Prime logs of mutton can behold for 12J cents ; mutton chops " 12 J to 15 cents , "Ham Is a staple article In good demand at 12& cents in bulk , 25 cents sliced. PorklO to 12 $ cents. Sausage 10 to 12 'conta. FKUIT8 AND VEOITABLE3. The vegetable market iawoll stocked. Early Rose potatoes are In fair domnnd at ? 5 to 00 cents ; the Peerless and White Elephant bring 65 cent ] a bushel The Colorado , of largo and mealy variety , is sold at 00 cents to $1 a bushel. The Ronalno Salt Lake potatoes sell for $1 a bushel. Asparagus ia worth 5 to G cants a bunch. Rhubarb can bo bought for 3 to 5 cents a pound , water cross 5 cents a bunch. Parsley Is sold at 50 cent ? a dczan. California cabbsgo can still be bought for 5 cents a pound. Fresh rad ishes are worth 5 cents per bunch. Spin ach Is worth 35 cents a pock , while cu cumbers sell at from 12 to 15 cents " apiece , according to ska. Fresh homo grown lettuce , a delightful salad delicacy at this season of the year , is sold at 5 and 0 cents a head. Fresh tomatoes are In lively demand at 25 cents a pound , while green peas are put ting In an appearance and sell for 121 cents a quart ; string beans the aamaj Wax beans can ba bought for 20 conti a quart. Sweet potatoes are very scarce and retail for from G to 8 conta a pound. Green onions are selling for 5 cents a bunch , southern onions three pounds for quarter. FRUITS. The local marko's are well stocked In the fruit line. California oranges bring from 25 to 35 cents a dozen ; moasina oranges are beginning to cumo In and sell for about the same. Bananas , fresh and rlpo , are very plentiful and can bo bought 'or 25 to 50 cents a dozen. Pineapples ) f the largo and lascloua variety , are icarcp , soiling at from 40 to 50 cents ipleco. Apples are very scarce , retailing 'or from 50 to GO cents a peck. Straw larrloa are comparatively plentiful , am ro at present bringing 20 cents per quart California cherries are an appreciated lollcacy , being worth 25 to 35 cents a sound. COUET OULLIN&S , Cho Grand and Petit Jurors of the District Court General Uogal News. The county commissioners submitted rosterday to Clerk I jams of the district : ourt the listof names from which are ; o bo drawn the grand and petit juries 'or the Juno term. Mr. 1 jams informed L reporter this morning that the grand dry -would not bo drawn until no ordered > y the judge of the district court , in iomplitmco with the now law enacted last Tinier. This Judge Wakely will prob ibly do at once and the grand jury will > o selected in time to commence sitting ; wt > Tfcoka from to-day. Under the enna of the old law , tbo first sixteen lames drawn furnished the grand jury , rhile the petit jurors were selected from ho remainder. Mra. Toegon con"noncod anlt In the llstrict court yesterday against the Jnlon Pacific Railway company , c'aim no ; § 5,000 for the loss ef her husband , rho potitlouof the plaintiff sots forth that in the 7th day of July 1882 , as Henry rcrgcnwao crossing the U , P. tracks tear the smelting works , ho was struck intl knocked senseless by a freight car rhlch waa running down a grade [ "ocgon sustained injuries which eoan Afterwards caused his doith. A session of the district court will bo told Thursday morning to dlspoco of cor aln business of minor moment. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Dundy held & short sjaslon of ho United States circuit court yesterday ml recorded a few motions , as follows : W. B. McKlnloy va. Johnson Heasley t al. , decree on a foreclosure. W. G. Hurrleg : vs R. T. Laaholl et al. ) ecreo on cross bill of W. G. Harrleg. Cnsslus H. Roadvs City of Plat t- noutli. Motion for new trial overruled nd judgment for plalntliTon verdict for 8,225.83. Don't fail to rend Blotter's prlco Hat cf jrocorica on 5th pngo of this ieano. NOTICE. Having bought the lithographing de lartmont of the Republican all orders or lithographing should bo sent direct to ho Omaha Lithographing and Statlonrey 3o. J. J. OUMMINQI. See and Treas. An IntcrcBtinu Gasp. Mr. E. M. Bartlett , the well known ittornoy of this city , has returned from IVahoo , whore he baa boon arguing an mportant case In'tho district court. The aso [ a ono in which M. Bellman & Co. , ilcCord & Brady of this city , Henry I'urman , of Fremont , and S , 0. Crawford b Co. were the plaintiffs , while Sheriff 'lerce , of Saunders county , was the do- ondant. It seems that a firm at Clear /rook , Nebraska , Parmcntor Bros. , by mme , failed for $5,000 and tbo plaintiffs bove named , as creditors , secured a bill f sale on the property. The property was florwards replevined from those attach- ig creditors , by other creditors , who verred that they had apriority of claim ater the properly was replevined from 10 Saunders county sheriff by the cor ner on behalf cf the Omaha men. The IBO waa ably handled by Mr Bartlett > r the plaintiff * , the argument which he isdo before the jury being ono of tha , ablest and most telling of his c\reer. Tha verdict was in f tvor of the Omahn men and they now hold the $5,000 worth of property subject to silo. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. RUSHING BUSINESS , Henry Work In the Pollco Court Yesterday Morning Vines Impos ed , There have been bnt few days lu the lilstory of the police judiciary when as much bnslnoss.was transacted as yester day morning. ? bo pollca had been "rustling" In a lively man ner Sunday , and the jail was filled to overflowing in the morn * ing. By dint of hard work and prompt disposition of the cases brought before ilm , Judge Stonborg managed to clear the docket , and now rests happy in the achievement of a tremendous morning's work. John Smith , James Bark , Jacob Cyril- ns and Tbomas Burns had boon on moro or loss protracted sprees and had baon : akon to jail to sober up. They were fined 85 and coata.aplec ? , upon payment ; f which they were told to "get hence. " [ o a moro unfortunate claw of sproestcrs lelongod James Wilson , D , E. French , ? ronk Gillosplo and Charles Poteraon. They too had boon toying with the charms of Bacchns , but wcra nnablo to > ay the fines and were sent to spend n ow days with Joe Mlllor , of the county all. all.J. J. H. Jacobs , n gentleman of dudlsh appearance , had been arrested at the InJ tanco of his wlfo for raising a disturbance anco in the houso. This morning she allod to put In an appcatanco and her wayward spouse was , perforce , released. H. 0. Phillips , who is charged with orglng n chock on Mr. Satphon , was bonnd over to the grand jury in the sum of $500 , in default of which ho was sent o the county jail. George Williams , the colored thng who Is charged with knocking down and obblng a brother in the fraternity of 'coons , " was likewise bound over to the rand jury in the sum of § 1,000. Antonio Payne , the Italian who was nested as the principal of the shooting plsodo In the Thirteenth street collar , was fined $5 and coats. No evidence of rlmlnal assault could bo adduced , and onsequently the fine was made rather ght. Tom McGregor , a worthless loafer who is la the habit of hanging about vile osorts , was sent up for sixty days , having md a desperate fight with Colored Belle anford , his Inamorata. Maggie Johnson and Maud Miller are 10 namoi of two colored women who ebbed Angiut A. Swartz , a greenhorn , unday of § 23. Both plead not guilty nd the case went to trial. The evidence was conclusive and the defendants , where ro notorious women with thieving pro- entitles , were found guilty. They were ontonced to pay a fine of § 50 and coats , aoh , and In default , went to jail. Eight prisoners had been arrested as trampa and suspicions characters. Part of them ware boys , living with their pa rents In this city , and had contracted the bad habit of loafing late at night. They were discharged with reprimand , while the others were sent np to the county jailJudge Judge Stenberg has telegraphed to District Attorney Estollo asking him to Dome hero Immediately. Eight cases await his coming , and the judge is anx- lens to have them disposed of. Public speakers and singers find B. H. Douglass & Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops sure remedy for horsouess. 2 BEEF SLAUGHTERING , rho New SlRnghtorlng and Packing Houses to bo Opened at Once , The work on the beef slaughtering and packing house , to be operated in South Dmaha by Geo. H. Hammond & Co. , has 3oen delayed an extraordinarily long ; imo , but is now drawing to a cloao. The jroction of the buildings which have al ready boon described in those colamns IQB been completed and to-day ; ho last of the now machinery will bo placed. On Wednesday morning , Mr. Hammond will bo In Omaha and will mperviso the formal opening of the ilaughter-hoiuo. Ho will bring with him -ho men who are to cuperlntend the various deparlmonta of the oatiblishment. The capacity of the slaughter-house ivlll enable Messrs. Hammond & Co. to illl and dresa from -lOCto 500 beeves a lay. To commence with , however , a nnch smaller nnmber will bo handled. I'h I a dressed moat will bo immediately itored and shipped in the refrigerator mra to cistern paints. So far as coucorna the supply if cattle it ia not antic- .hat . there will bo any trouble. The itock-yarda people have aasured Mr. Jammond ttmt plenty of cattle can bo' ibtained to keep the establishment run- ilng the year around , The yards are low full of cattle awaiting slaughtering ind when all arrangementa are complete , ho establishment will ho running at full riaat. The supply will bo steady and iniform throughout the year , it la honght. From 400 to 500 hogs are now being ilaughtored every day and ahlppod to ho east , for homo consumption and ex port. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco ia the beat. A Narrow Escape. Sunday afternoon a very fresh young nan was practicing with his revolver icar Uanscom park. He became very arelcea and turning to hla companions omarlcod that ho thought ho could hit .he window of a house located ia the vl- sinlty , and owned by Mr. J. E , Wubb. Ele fired and the ball passed through the vlndow , driving glass across the room md falling in a rocking chair In the con- ro of the room. The affair came rery near being serious , as Mr. iVebb'a daughter bad just before left tbo rlndow through which the ball waa fired , nd taken her position at another one. lot for this lucky circumstance ehomight ave been killed. The young man was questioned about ho matter and gave his name ai Brown , lo has not been arrested , though his ot was one of criminal carelessness. Under the Cover of Dnrlcnesi , For some time It baa been surmised b t the belt railway people would at- ; mpt to steal a march on the city coun- II by laying their truck wes1- , cresting lightoenth street and continuing onward , 'hey ' have been unable ta secure the IW YOUR BAKINfl POWDER TO-DA1 Brandt adt ertl e < l a > absolnt lr pur * TilETESTJ w11 on . hot itOTe " * " h * t d.ln t , n4 ' " " " * chemljt will not bi r ttlr 4 to d t ot th pr i nce ol ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. > HEiLTHFtUSSJ HIS NEVER BEET qUSTIOT . " " * THTTESTjSTTHE OVEN. PRICE BAKlNG rOWDEItCO.5 Dr.Prico's . ' Special FlayoringExlracls. Thi llrrai lnoit d.llttom inj nituril fitter knownu4 Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Geiai Tor Light , U * .lthy Iireail , The Il it lrj Hop VfMt In the World. FOR BALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - , OT. LOUISA consent of the city fathers to any ouch move. To head off any injunctions which might ba gained ngainst thorn , the Bolt railway people determined to lay this portion of the track at night , when no resistance could bo made. Ac cordingly , Saturday night , nfter dusk , n force of eighteen laborers was collected , and they were set to nork at laying the crossing. Before morning the job was completed and the property owners In the vicinity awoke to find that the "Belt- era" had come to stay. Absolutely Pure. nils powder never varies. A marvel ot purely , strength and wholeaomoness. Moro economical than the ordinary kinds. nd cannot bo Bold In competi tion with the multitude of low test , short weight ilam of physphrto powders. Bold only In cans ROY At BAKLNO.rOWDEIS. CO. . 108 Wall BI ; N.Y Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " ' ' Use nothing but Natural Mineral Water , such as APOLLINARIS , free from all vegetable poisons" Boston Journal. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grxcrt , Druggists , & Min. 'at. Dealers. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. CAMELLINE POR THE ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned phyaiciana of San Francisco are familiar frith the composi- ion of the principal articles used for the inmplexlon , and freely certify that 0AM 5LINE is harmless and free from all > olsonous or injurious substances. j 0 Lanp , M D G F Cooper , M D I H 'Poland , M D S W Dennis , M D I A McLoin , M D J M MoNnlty , M D. ) B Br'gham , M D J O Shaffer , M D Jenj J Dean , M D vV Carman , M D 1 Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D r J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D V H Bruney , M D W Hammond.M D L MJLoryea. M D W F McNutt.M D 3 L Bard , M D A J Bowlo , M D IL Simms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D ' H Stallard , M D F A Holra'an , M D J McCuotton.M D J Rosenstirn , MD JOKeonoy , MD J D Whitney M D L M Wilder , M D T Boyson , M D J H Powers , M D 0 G Kenyon , M D J R Swan , M D 1 S Titus , M D L Door , M D J L Muares , M D W Keeney.M D T Prlco , M D molland , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adolina Patti , Writesj " 1 shall have to repeat the iraltoj of your OAMELLINE hoard from ill sides. For sale by I. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , Vud nil first clasa druggists , mjoracxU EASIEST RIDIN VEHICLE Mf < . Udei u eujr with on per * oo j vwu. 11 , ni 'ThH Bonnie ingthen and shorten according to tht wtlohi Ih'r " 'f. & ) > i lly we I d pted to rough count * ro.di inii ! ? < lr ei'clu" ' Manufacture * and soli ) br U umU | < akai Oulldm in * Oialirt. SOWING & GO JOBBE1U IK 'ROUGH ' ! IRON PIPE , K.llr > lil.uirittln > , ead Pipe and Sheet Load , , I51II1U , iiD DRIVE U.L I IBI-S , 'ImnJtu' Gas anJ Mean ntiEts' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SlflES , lUjADodaeSlj-.OMAHA.tiEQ , lip-Stair Up-Stairs ON THE 8 CITIZEN MEETING LAST NIGHT 1312 VARIOUS DISCOVERIES Wore made. First , a stronger 1'ollco fores Is needed for ttia protections of the citizens. Second , nome ono to introduce the schema to establish n grade or to brine ; a street to a grndo. Third , the Cats street park provided with seats , nnd a complimentary band to furnish music. Fourth , a wagon bridge over the Missouri ; it was nlso discovered that It ii moHiJ to pay the oxtravcgnnt pricas of $10 , 815 , S50 , $55 , SCO. nnd SG5 for a suit of clothes in order to got what you want In pittorn , c it , quality nud finish , where the snmo goads can ba found nt the Misfit Clothing Parlors , KIIU Douglas street for loss than half the prlco. You can buy SUITS , A § 25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for. . § 12 30 30 00 " u II . 14 80 uu 40 00 " u II . 18 CO 45 00 " it II . 22 00 CO 00 ' tcu I.II . 24 70 55 00 " u II . 27 00 CO 00 " It II . 30 00 05 00 " 1C II . 35 00 PANTALOOHS , You can find In an endless variety In the style of cut and fabric , nuflbiont to satisfy anyone ; a few of the many. A $ G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for § 3 20 800 " " " " 4 10 1000 " " " " 5 00 1200 " " " " G 30 1500 " " " " 7 GO Cut nnd trlmmod from such fabrics that in made they are formed in such ologruioj that they nro uustirpnMod ; purely made upon the reputation of a Merchant Tailor for a particular and single individual and found only at such prices , nt the Original 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-UP-STAIRS , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. Ujp-Stairs. OmaJia M edical &Sur gical Institute. 13th St. , Oor Oaoital Ave , Qhronic and Surgica1 Diseases Diseases of Females , of the Nervous System , Prl ate Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual organs and Meeaoca of the Head , Throat and Lungs , specialties. Mseaees treatol by an experienced specialist , also llpcascsof the Heart , Liver , Stomach , Kidneys , Dad- ! ler , Neuralgia , Ifieumathm , Piles , Canrers , etc , Lndall other diseases of the Throat nd Lunjs , treated od by Medicated Vapors Send far Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. All diseases of ths Blood. Uilrmry and Sexual Or- ; ana , Prhato Diseases and Plica Cured or no Pay. 15 Years Hospital and Private Practice * . Consultation and Examination Irco Itllorwrltoforclrculargonchrontodlaeases and deform tics , Diseases of Females , PrH ate Diseases oil i Jtlnaty and Sexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Ncr- OU3 Debility or Exluustlon , etc. , oto , and our new estoratho treatment , All letters nnd concultatlonR Confidential. Medicines cent to all parts of the country bv ex- ircas , securely packed from observation , If full do- crlutlon of case la Riven , Ono personal Interview referred If convenient. Open at all hours. Patients from a distance can obtain rooms and ioard , iddroso alt letters to 3inalia Medical & Surgical Institute _ 13th St. . Cor. Caplto A\a , Omthi No > i DR. PJJHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aus- ria. Late Surgeon to the Military Hospital , f Vienna.Villdo a general Medlcul and lurgical practice. All calls in city or country iromptly attended. Oflioo nt the Omaha lodical and Kurcical Institute , Corner IStb itroet and Capitol Avenue. o nurco as well Invalid will flu bent ( It In the occasion l USD cf IllJ 's Food ml ojpoclilly atnljht Bfloirsieasy o Ul' < u3- lion , It docs no pie- leut sleep comlrg t once , ma at ttia same time will Impait strength ai few other things 111 do It la a preparation of wheat , and all Its etrorgthen o KJiaiucil Ury It nurses. Sold by tra. Four sizes , 35 : onU to81,76. end far pamphlet containing Information on the ibjoct , Woolrlch & Co. , I'almer , Mass. IAIBTO-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY. Hrect Line for England , F/ance and Germany. The tteamablpa ot this well known Una ire built lion , In witer-tlght compartments , nd re fur- ihed with every requisite to make the paauge > tb safe and agreeable , They carry the UnlUd ; > tea and European malls , and leav * New York Quidari and Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON ierboug.i ( > A.KIH and 1IAUUUKO. Uatcs , Kiret Cabin , eo-100. SUerage , to or Dm Hamburg , 110. 0,15 U'CIIAIIU ' b CO.Den all'asa Agents , 61 Broadway , New sork and aahlngton ml U Belle itreeta , Chicago , or Henry iindt , tlark Hauren , F. E. tioorei , Harry I'cuol In loaha ; Oronewlg & Bchoenegen , la Council UluBs H. S. ATWOOD , Plattstnouth , Neb. Dreader of thoroughbred and high grade [ eieford and Jersey Cattle , And Poroc and Jersey Itad Swine , The Advantage of Settling in tha WewTown The title "South Omaha" doosnot moan the nou them part of the city of Omahn.but is the . name of the thrlvintr town commoncm ? at the Union Stock yards on the south , nnd extend / ing for a mile and a half north , nearly connecting with thocity limits of Omaha. ' The company have again concluded to put on solo 1,000 lota , and lot the purchasers of the Fame realize the profit which the enhanced value of thcso lots is sura to make. It now being an assured fact that South Omaha is destined In the near future to bo the largest live stock market west of Chicago , there can be no doubt that this property in n few years will bo worth five or even ton times the amount that it can bo bought for to-day. Some may ask : If this is so , why do not the company keep it and renlizo this profit The answer ! > , that in order to make lots valuable , there must ba improvements on or sot rounding them , and sa is the casein all new towns , special inducements must bo offered first to cut the p ° opla to take hold and build , There are probably more such inducements offered by South Omaha than were over pu forth by any now town. The largo business dona by the stock yards company and the im mense slaughter and packing houses together with their anxllanes are no small feature in , i ( aggregate of events that nro destined to make South Omaha a large place. Again , tha town is not an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city taion , altboagh it enjoys all the benefits from the growth of Omaha that it would if it were just INSIDE the city limits , but being just OUTSIDE , only county taxes are collected , which are meruly nominal. Tha town owns and operates its own water works , which furnish an abundant supply of pure spring water. Dam- ray trains will rnn on the B. & M. nndlU. P. railways every hour , stopping at the north end of thatown slto as well as at the stock yards. The Thirteenth street horse cars will run to IlnecaU'a park this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude and the location n healthy one. Of course there are those who do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much , This kind of people didn't believe Chicago would over bo anything better than a cranberry patch that Omaha would ever outprrow her village clothes , that there never could bo any fruit raised in Nebraska , etc. , etc. Who made It win ? The sceptics , or those that had an abiding faith in the energy , intelligence and reiourses of this great country ? For information , maps , prices nnd terms apply at the company's office , 21G S , Thirteenth Street , Merchant's National IBank Building , first floor. M.A. , A.ssi. Sec'y mid Manager. ( Established 18663) ) Jewelers and ic Dealers ARE NOW OFFERING Pianos and Organs AT FACTORY PRICES Either for Cash or Easy Payments GREAT BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS WATCHES , JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE Full Lineof Sheet Music and Books. Northeast Cor , Farnam and 1 1 Hi Sts , - OMAHA NEB AS , A. KDNKV. W. A L. GIDBON Idney & Gibbon , IRON , STEEL HEAVY HARDWARE Wayon Stock and Jlarilwootl Jsinnber , 1217 ami 1219 JLcavcnivorth St. Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time buyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , adding freight to Omaha ,