THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , MAY 19. 1885. 1 MEN OF THE MOMENT. The DistinsaisliCu Parly from Washing ton will Arrive This Moraine , 31io Secretary of Wnr to bo Given a Fitting Uccctitlon unrt Enter tainment by the Citizens of Omaha. Tito Programme. Senator Mandoraon received a tele gram yesterday from General R , 0. Drum , assistant iudgo advocate , naylng that the aocrotary of war , Hon. W. 0. Endicolt , and pnrlywill arrive In Omaha this morning , about 7 o'clock , remain all day and leave this evening for St ! Paul. The party , In addition to Mr. Endlcott , la composed of MM. Undlcotto , Mies En- dloott , Major General John M. ScoCold , Adjutant General R. 0 , Dram , and Col onel Thomas M , Barr. They come hereto to inspect the military post at this clly , and will drive out there during the foranoon. From the fact that Mr. Endicott is a member of President Cleveland's cabinet , and this being his lint visit wear , the loading citizens determined yesterday to show him that recognition and courtesy duo to a man occupying such an elevated atation in the affairs of the nation. There upon , Senator Mandorson , Mayor Boyd , J. M. Woolwotth , and several other gen tlemen mot last evening at the rooms of the Omaha club and agreed npon a. programme that will bo carried out to-day. Jn short , committee of five yonng men from the Omaha club wore appointed to make all necessary ar rangements to give the distinguished gnctta a drlvo through the city and then dine them at the Paxtoti hotel. In the meantime a reception is to bo held at the Omaha club rooms , whore all the mom- bora of that orginizatlon and other citi zens will bo given an opportunity to moat the scojetary of war. Mr. Endicott will bo mot at the train this moiulng by Gen , O. 0. Howard , and tali CD , with his wife and daughter , to the ' goneiat'a residence , corner of Chicago and Twqnty-toocnd streets , for breakfast , they hsWng previously accepted an Invi tation from Gon. Howard to dlno with him. him.After After broakfait the secretary and his patty will go out , to Fort Omaha , Inspect the biriacks and troups , returning to the city about 1 o'clock. From 2 to 3 o'clock they nro to bo driven around with Senator Maudcraon , Mayor Boyd , W. V Morse president of the Omaha club , Judge Si rage , nnd Mr. Wpolworth as an escort to paint out the principal places of interest and give any Information regarding the city that may "be desired. From 3 to1 o'clock the re ception will bo held , bnt at the conclu sion of the drlvo , Mrs. Endicott and daughter are to rotnrn to the residence of Gon. Howard and remain there until the patty gets ready to proceed on Its journey. From 4 to 5 o'clock a special dinner will bo given the gentlemen visitors at the Paxton hotel. In connec tion with the event of Secretary Eudl- cott's presence in Omaha , roadora of the BEE naturally desire to know all they can learn about him , there fore a short biography of the man Trill not ba unlntarcotlng , and especially at this time. March the 5th he was select ed by President Cleveland a member of his cabinet , and placed at the head of the war department aa Its secretary. Judge William 0. Endicott , Massachu setts , was born at Salem that state In 1827. His father was William Potnam Endicott , and his mother Mary , daughter of the Hon. Jacob Crowisbield , who WHS a representa tive in congress. Ho attended the Salem schools and graduated from Harvard college lego In the class of 1817. Ho married his cousin , a daughter of George Peabody - body , and has two children , u. eon and a daughter. Judge Endicott studied at Harvard law school and road in the office of the late Nathaniel J. Lord. Ho Was admitted to the bar about 1850 , and a few yeara later formed a partnership with the late J. W. Perry and continued with him until his appointment by Gov. Wash- barn to a ecat on the supreme bench In 1873. This position he hi Id until 1882 , rrhiin ho resigned on account of bis health. In 1872 ho inado a tour of the con tinent. Ho was a member of the Si'om ' common cotmc'l in 1852 , 1853 and 1857 , when ho was elected president of th t board. Ho was city solicitor from 1858 to 1803. Ho Is a prominent member of the AlastactiuDttto Historical society and of the board of ovoreosrs of Harvard col- logo. Mr. Endicott is a direct descend ant from Gov. John Eadlcott , Until the Boll and Everett campaign he was an old- line whig. At that timu ho went Into the democratic patty. As a lawyer ho hat been very thorough , and In pleading a case very dignified. As a judge hu stood high in ratik. Ho has nc\vr been prorafin nt in politics , but was the nom inee of tbo domoc.atc ! party In Massa- chuscats fcr the govonorshlp last fall. SEVEN SHOTS FEED , A Moll AttacIc i ho Poatolllco nt Conlcdgo The Kliif ; licatlcrs to 1)0 Arrciteil. A thickly plotted story , giving In do * tall the postoulco trouble at Coolodge , was related yesterday at the Inspector's headquarters. It runs something like this : On the night of May 1st , W. A. Pollock , the postmaster at Coolodgo , wat attacked by a mob of citizens , whose names era Jchn Broadenbaugh , Gocrgo W. Hutton , Jefferson Kirk , F , H. Frond , Henry Martin , Richard Martin , and Thomas McCoy. It was about half past nlno o'clock p. m , , when this gang appeared on the econc and opened a red hot fira , with revolvers , on the office. Pollock , accompanied by his wlfo and a gentleman friend from Michigan , visiting them , were In the building at the time. Several of the random , reckless bullote whized close about hn head and knocked all of the front window lights out. Mrs. Pollock was so badly frightened that she has bon prostrated over tlnce , and ii said to ba In a precarious condition. At the radians rode up and commenced shooting , Bredciibsagb , who acted ai their leader , was heard to say : "Nov we've ' got you. " The trouble , 1 appom , grew out of n fallur on the p&rt cf Bredonbaugh t secure the appointment of pott master. Pollock resigned March 3 I favor cf his deputy , a man by the ram of John J. Mooro. Bredcnbiugh nude bitter fight fqr tbo position , bnt Moci was appointed , and this excited his wrat beyond peaceful endurance , so he organ ( red hlsfiicuds into a mob to clean 01 the cnliro rancho , United States AUo ; noy Lambcrlson filed a complaint yestor * day against Brcdcnbaugh , charging him With assaulting a United States official when on the discharge of his duties. A warrant for BredenbangVs arrest was placed In the hands of Deputy United States Marshal Showaltor , who left for Coolodgo last evening , THE CANADIAN-AMERICANS Their Plcntant Entertainment at St. OcorKo'n Ilnll tiast NlRht. St. George's ball was crowded last night by a cultured and attentive audi ence assembled to listen to the musical and literary programme which had been prepared by the Canadian-American so ciety for its members and friends , The occasion was one of rare enjoyment , every feature having the perfection of refine ment. .hot to mention the programme in detail , everything passed elF smoothly and well. The exercises conformed to the following order : TAUT I , 1. Piano Vnhe. K Flat . Durand 1'rof . Will T. Taber. 2. Song Selected . Mies Georgia Boulter , 3. llecitatlon-"Jennio McNeil's ' lUdo , " Mm Mnmlo Fitch. < > . Violin ami Piano -Fnntaslo . Dnncla Miss Louise Na h nnd Mr , D. D. McDonald , C , Song "Tho Temperance Mill , " . Mr. Thomas Laing. C. Duott "I llvo and Love 'lhecl".Cnmpan Miss Belle Gewiunor nud Mr. W. O , Sanders , 7. SODR ' 'Golden Love , " . . Wilhngs Mies Lulu Cromcr. PAKT II. 8. Piano "Fnntaalo do Concert , " . . .Wnlthers Prof. Aug. Wnlthors. 0. Son ? Cavatinn , from "Robert le Di- nble , " . I . MUs Delta Gowinner. 10. Recitation ' Curfew , " . Miss Kennedy. 11. Song IIumBrous. . . . . . Mr. W. 0. Sanders 12. Quartotto-Seloctod . Messrs. WilkiiiK. Ueull , Alexander , 13. Song Selected Mr , Revel R , Franco. The proudont , Hon. Ezra MUlard , oc cupied the chair. 1'EllSONAIj. Dr. Wllcox la ill. J. M. Welch , of Washington , Kansas , is in , the city , The Hon. P. O'llawas ' has returned from Washington. Robert L. Raynolds , of Lincoln , Is quar tered at the Millard. Dr. L. Brechenlm , of the United States army , is ot the 1'axton , Mrs. D. G Burgess of this city la visiting friends in Burlington , la. C. S. Reynolds and wife , of Toledo , Ohio , are guests at the Millard. M. R. Uopewall , a prominent citizen of Tokemah , is at the Paxtoti. Mr. Goo. Caufiold leaves to-day for West Point on a cattle buying expedition. Mr. Walter Sperry is visiting Mr. J. W. Morse , general passenger agent of the Union PaciQc. The lion , Low May , secretary of tha dem ocratic state central committee , proceeded , yesterday , on hia journey homo , to Fremont. Mr. Gottlob Zlmmermann loft Saturday for Europe on a pleasure trip. He will ba absent four months. His friends wish him a happy return , Mr. Hoe , foreman of R. Hoc & Co. , New York , the frreat printing press manufacturer ? , ia in the city. Mr. Hoe has not been here before elnco 18C > 8. Deles P. Beard of engine house No. 1 left for Denver last evening. It ia rumored among the boys that ho will return in an 'augmented condition. " A. Montmorency , Esq. , the head clerk In the office of General Manager Holdredgo , of thoB. & M. , left yeaterdayfor Laa Vegas , N. M. , for a pleasure trip. Henry 0. Smith , Falls City ; R. D. Jonof , Red Cloud ; Henry A. Thompson , Valentine ; William P. Porker and J. H. Jewell , Sidney , are Nebraska arrivals yesterday at tha Paxton - ton , Secretary of War Bndicott and w'fe ' will take breakfast Una morning with Gon. How ard , while Gen. Drum , adjutant general , and Col. Barr , depu'y judge advocate , will break fast with Col. Stanton. Gen. Swoi/er of Fort Brown , Texas , and Capt. C. B. Viele of the Tenth cavalry are in the city. They constitute an official board to purchase horses for the government and are in Nebraska for that pnrpose. Rev. W. J. Haraha returned Saturday from Jacksonville , 111. , whither he accompanied Mrs. Harsha , who la \ biting her parents in that city. Ho will start In June for Harbor Point , Mich. , where the family will spend the summer. J. D. LaCourse , W. J. Gloason , Lincoln ; Frank Rosoberry , Dallas , Tex. ; L. W. Wolfe , Topska ; Mr , a'nd MM. E. L. Eno , Fremont ; W. L. McDould , Missouri Valley ; J. S. Lehew , Sutton ; Mortimer Ayera , C. M , Whitney , Los Angeloa ; F. Fredorickson , II , J. Clark , Louiaville , Ky. , A W , Card , North Bend ; R. T. Shannon , Nebraska City ; W. F , Allen , Lincoln , are at the CanBold. At tha Metropolitan yesterday : P. M. Pal-ner , Hastings ; J. W. Job , Ord ; F. A. Anderson , Stromtburg ; C. G , Barnej , Til , D. Albion , J. D. Kvans , Sutton ; L. W. Wright , Hustings ; E , D , Emsel , Holdrldge ; George A. Powers , Beatrice ; Mr. nnd Mrs. E , 0. Cole , OsceonJ ! ; , B. Skinner , wife , and eon , Hardy ; J , G , Snyder , Blua Springs ; James Clmoe , Lincoln , Nebraska ; Henry 0. Chap man , New York ; W. J. Davis , Denver , II. Perkins , F , Clark , John 0. Hill , Chicago ; 0 , F. Shaw , Siour City , Iowa ; A. J. Upham , Sycamore , Illinois. Ko l Estuto TruistorH. The following transfers were filed May 1C , with the county clerk and reported for the BEE by Amoa' real estate agency ; James M. Woolworth and wife to Wal lace N. S ge , lot 1 in blk 1 in Oakhnrst add to Omaha , w d , § 000 , Fred Heddo and wife to School dis trict No. 38 , part of ne j of nw of tec 5-15 13. S acres In Douglas county , w d , Paul Grossman and wlfo to Bertram rUmen , lot 8 ID blk 108 In Omaha , w d , S12.COO. Bertram Hanson ( single ) to Amalla Groaeman , lot 8 blk 108 In Omaha , q o S12.COO. Auguitua Kounlza and wlfo to Preator IReves , lot 2 in b.k 8 In Konntzo'i 4th add to Omaha , w d , $1,022.84. Frances Wear and wife to Clans Slav rrs , part of BW | of ue | of BOO. 23-1D-12 Ii Douglas county , w d , 81C2. Geo. P. Bomla aud wife to Hang J , E Braonlcg and Henry J. 0. Brnenlnj ul lot 12 in blk G , In College pl&co in Omahi w d , ? 750. AUTHORIZED TO ACT. The School Board Aiwriatis $5,000 , Toward a City Bniliins , A Tow rotitlona Conslrtoreil Ar- rafiKcmonta for Commencement "Week Now Quarters Desired Matters of Business Attended To , The city school board mot last night In adjourned session , eight members pres ent , and with them Aldermen Goodrich aud Schrador , a committee frcm the city council , who , at the last mooting of that body was appointed to lay before the school hoard a preposition looking to the erection of a city building. Such anod- IQco is badly needed now , but as the city is a little short of funds , and the school board not bolng blessed with a porm.v nont abiding place , It was thought that If they would make an appropriation of $5,000 , which sum wonld pay for the ex cavation and foundation then the coun cil can raise enough to rear npon said foundation a structure that will not only bo credit able to Omaha but glvo the clly oilicora a permanent and pleasant homo. In consideration of this $5,000 It is proposad that the school board shall have its quar ters In the building. This proposition was laid before the board by Mr. Goodrich , and after closing bis remarks ho stated that if any further information was desired Mr. Rosowatpr , of the BEE , who was present , could give it. Being called npon , Mr. llosowater , In Eubstanco , said that under the law the board had a right to appropriate the amount asked for , then If an additional sum should bo required It could bo given by a special election for that purpose. Ho futther called atten tion to the feasibility of holpilng to erect a city building , and by donating n partcf the Minds necessary then the board will have authority to assist in Bottling the detail of work , the plans , and also dlciato the arranging quarters to suit Its pnr- pasor , On motion the matter was referred to the finance commiltoo , Mcssra. Hall , Cobnrn , and Points , with power to act. After that tha board proceeded to the consideration of a fnw business matters and among other things acted on several petitions , I. S. Hancall sent in ono offering to furnish 10,000 cubio yards of earth for $1,000 , and in the event of Its requiring the removal of more than that amount , to rocelvo 40 coats per jnrd. The of for was accepted. The bond of Truman Buck as treasurer of the Echool district of Omaha , was re ceived and approved. The bond amounts to § 250,000. The bond of Charles Connoycr , secretary of the board , wr.s also approved. A petition from eonlor scholar a of the High tchool , asking that an orchestra bo added to the school during commence ment exercises , was rejected. A motion prevailed instructing Secre tary Connoyor to s < cnro the use of Boyd's ' opera houeo far commencement exorcises , and it was also agreed that a general admission foa of ten cents , and twenty-five cents for reserved seats , shall be charged for these exerclseo. This fee will go to the litbary fund. A claim of § 75 , held by Contractor Duffy , for grading , was ordered paid. On motion of Mr. Connoyor , the plans of Cloves Brothers for a basement to the Hartman school building were adopted , and the committee on buildings and prop erty was authorized to advertise for pro posals and enter Into a contract for the immediate erection of said basement. A resolution offered by Mr. Copeland fixing the salary of the secretary at $1,500 a year was adopted ; also one providing for an assistant secretary , whoso duty it shall be to have the supervision of the fines and licenses , at a salary of $000 per annum. This assistant la to bo ap pointed from the members of the board and ho hi to work at least ton hours a week. In tha rooms it now occupies the board is not very comfortably altuitod , and on motion of Mr. Lang last night a commit tee wa3 raised to secure other quarters. That committee is composed of Messrs. Long , Ooburn , Clark , Copeland , and James. Messrs. Copeland , Ltvcsoy and Clark were made a special committee to confer with E. ( J. Ojndit on the question of putting hosting upparatus in the Oass street school. Adjourned. It ! < iuor and Ct ar Thlcvcu. Thlovcs broke into the wholesale liquor houto of M. Wollstoln , on Thirteenth near Jackson , Sunday night. Entrance was effected through a backcsllar door , the burglars then coming up through an in side door from below. They rilled the money till , securing a small amount oi cash , and then turned their attention to ward the 1'quor ' and clgara. Savora boxes of the Utter , of most valuable quality , were got away with , while an unknown quantity of whisky , champagne and wino formed a portion tion of the plunder. There is no positive clno to the rascals. It is probable , however , that tbcy were con versant with the affairs of the firm , ant expected to make a good haul , because the receipts of the day previous had no been deposited In the bank. This money with the exception of a small portion wa put in a safn place and was notducovorei by the Invaders. Many cosmetics for the comploxloi have from time to tlmo been npon the market. But none have etood tbo tec as has Pozzonl's ' medicated complexion powder. It Is an absolute curative for blotches , discoloration , freckles , etc. For sale by druggists , Patrick Kennedy nnd George Canon supposed to be the crooks who robbed M Wolstine's saloon , Sunday night , wer arrested last and lodged In the city jail. The police arrested a tiuplcious charade last night who had in his possession and wa trying to sell an elegant , large gold ring. WeakNervousMeis Seeking perfect restoration to health , full riiiuiliooil and vexuul > lu r tiltliuut Moumcli OrugRlnR , should need for Trca- tiso on the Murmoii liulu , Vouug men am ] others who suffer from iirrvoui and jiliynl- cal delilllly. oihuuited tltulllv. l > re- liuturu ilcflliiu. Vurlrnciilr. ilf. , are peclally benefited bycocanltlng its contents. DUioie * of the I > ro tu < CJliinil , Kidney * nml llluildcr cffoctuilly cured Kudoraot' ' by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In HoipltaU and by Physicians lu Kuropo and America. Scaled Trtttlie free Address HABSTOH REMEDY 00. or Da H. TBESKOW. i 46 West Hth St. , Now YorK , i SPECIAL NOTICES. .Ill adr trtutmtntt in the tp < c\al \ tolumni ml to eliarged at tie rate of 10 eent fcr line for the trtt { ntertion , anil 7 eentt ftr line Jor raA ! qutnt InttrtionA'o atlrtrtitemrnt trill It interttd for ltf than ! K centl or the first iwif. Theteadnrtitementl irilllie inserted in both Horn n0 and JSvrning Ettitiont , rc ] > rntntinj a etrnila ion of over Eight ThaiuamJ , TMt elan of adver- itementi mutt potitittlff It JxiM < advanft. TO LOAN MONEY. /TONitr / to loan on lurnltme , horses , wagonspl noi 1VJL personal property , collaterals and anything of iiluo , oven thing strictly conflds'tial , Roods Finan cial agency John PSchralnke , Cashier. 2)3 Jll TO WAV On real csUte security , In sums MONRT to 140,000 , at rcasontbla r t . 0 K. Wayne ft Co , 8 W cor 16th and Faiium. 8CO-J U In amounts to suit , on chattels , MONKTTOUUN tmv good security. Omaha Fin n. clal Exchange , 1D03 Farnam tt. , up stairs. IStJSp A fONKY Tolo'Vd on chattels , Woolloy A Hatrlson , 'Vl ' Room 20 , Omiha National bunk building 9 7-tf trONEYTOLOAN On real estate and ehattMi .VI D. U ThoniM. OlEtf. % /rONKY / Loaned on chattels , cut rats HH Jra tickets nought and oold. A. Forman,213 3 , ISth 8t 3f)7tf ITONEY LOANED t 0. F. Hood SCO's. Loin offlco .VI on furniture , pianos , horses , w&pons , personal iropcrty oi all kinds and M otho r nicies ol value , without removal. Over lit National Bank.corncrlSth nd Farnam. All business strictly confidential BfOtf VfOmrr TO LOAN In numa ol WOO nd upward. VI O. F. I vl4 and Co. , Uetl KtUla and Loan . ( tents , 1605 Furnatn St. 051 tl WANTED FEMALE QELP. r\"AOTED FourRO'vl saleshdle" , one In n oh city , Om ha , Council lllufl * , Plattgmouth , hlr. Address crcillon Barms , liON. 10th. St. , nmha. 455-21 D-Girl for Roneral hou ework ; apply at WANT . I'hntersHouse , Tucjday betvsccntnomid ( ho m. 445-18 ] ) rXTANTi D Competent second girl. Mrs. Morso. S. W W. Cor. 10th mid Capitol me. 444-10. WANTKD Neat Rlrl ( or general houtowork , trnall Umlly , rtferenrc required ; 1411 1'irk Wilde \enuc. 4l050p WAMFD Qood glil for general hou > o work. Ap- plv at Porter Rrca gioccry. corner 1'hll Shcr- lan nnd Lcivcnworth. 350 tl WANTKD-Qlrl lor RenoralhouBawojk. none but n comiiotont girl nerd apply ; small fondly , good ages. S VV Cor. 17th and Oasr , Grand Union Tea o. 410-lOp W ANTKD Agltl for general house work , 211G California Street. 409 ID WAVTKD Two Scandinavian glilfono as cook and ono to do general house work ; apply Pacific heel - ol , IMclflc street , between G an J 7. 310 18p I7ANTID At once , a good wet nurjo 102 , 25th st V corner Dodge. 143 tf AMKD Second ook , Emmet louse. W 317-lPp WWAMni WAMni A girl for house work ; apply at Will to towing Machine office , 121 N , 15th St S3S-U WANTKD- Good girls , experienced cooks ; Omaha Kmplojment Bureau , 1120 Farcam St. 701-tt W 'AXTKD A good girl for general house w ork 1017 Chicago ; St. 832-tf WAMKD Flrst-cliEs dining room girl at the Met ropolitan botcl ; none other need apply. 824-tl WANTED Atonco , a lulj cook at Commercial Hotel , Gcno-v , Nob- Waxes $25 per month 351-10 niTANTBD by Kensington Art 0 . , female help W in all parts cf the country , to do our light , leaeant work nt their homes. Kent by mail to any ddrcsa , nocanvasiBS ? , easy to learn and any eno can oara from $7 to S10pr week. For full intormv ion addro's Komlnzton Art Rooms , 35 Congrass tt , , DoatonMasa Box 6078. 900 30p WAMKD-Lady agen ta for "Queen Protector diUy stacking and skirt supporters , shoulde trace ; , bustles , bosaii forms , diois shields , safety elta , slcevo protector , etc. ; entirely now devices un- rcccdentid profits ; we have 600 agents making $100 nonthly. Address with stamp , E H Campbr U & Co. , South Jliy St. , Chicago. 870-mlOp WANTED MALE HELP. WAMKD At once , two outside gthanizcd Iron oornlco makers at John Epirctjr , Council iluHe. None but tint class men need arplr. 431-19 WAM8D-For a Drst cliss jewelry house , a tra\el- Ing naUeman fdr Nebraska and losa ; address J this ollico 4:0 18 W ANTKD Two good moulders immodlatelv at York Foundry , York , t ob. 442-tf w ASTKD A expeilorceJ grocery clerk , no others need cpply ; inquire ol 723 N. 10th street. 425.10 Ion nssT Koorns at 1510 Harney ttreot. F 42019 'ASTKD A good wide awake boy at BEE mill W room ; or.quire between 9 and 11 a m. 419tf WAMBD Young man or woman to wait on table tnohouraa diy fir their boinl , ono not afraid to work , apply at Canfleld Hou'e. 418-18 flood man with 2 hundred dollars to take charge of office , appoint agants and collect troney. also half interest in a manufacturing bus- ncis. Address 23 Dee office. 407-22p A good nnn to take cfaa'go of our WANTED office. P. F. Collier , rocra C7 , Parker block. , 309-18 Firet class cigar salesman to t-avel In WASTBD . U. 0 ham , Eoa olllise. 327-tf FANTKD Five goal paper hanger at 418 North W 18th : a'rect. 312 tl TTTAMED Live energetic msn with horse acd c VVrligato hi'.dlo flrst-clas * article thioush the country ; call at once , C. M. Eatoa , 111 S , 14th. SITUATIONS WANTED. TTTAMBD Situation by good siort order an 1 ret- VI tnurant cook , e'.caJy habits , and ro'iavlowoulJ ' ; prefer night worlJ. Address "E A B" Ueo offleo. 443-1 Op / Sl'uatlon ' Drugelst e\porlcrred and W/NTfD tent , aa aadsttntor to take chvgo. Ad dresu Druggist , tare Clarke Drug Co. 42M > p WAMKD Iy a re8potiblo young man , aeituitlor In a private family to take care of honea anC act ai a drlv or. Addreal "N L" Bee oHoJ. 375-18p > ASTKD Situation bv bov of 20 , at anything W iddrcju D. JOIICB , 1415 California St. 4CO-IBp MISCELLANEOUS WAMS. YX/ANTSD To rent A'mall cittazo In a oonvenl- VV cat and desirable nelsrbbohood , with Improve- meets preferrid. Address with full pirtleulara. It 0 llcClure , box SOI city. 474 tf WANTED Furnished room and board In strictly prh ate family near Capltd hill , by a young nun ; addusj , etat eg termi , II 0 , lice office 433 tf To Invest from ten to twenty thousam WANTED in an uttabllsbed ravine bubloesa. Ad dress drawer No , B 2 , Omaha , lleo EOMBp A ORNTawA\TKD. Add'cia St. Louis Electric Lamp rit'o .fit Loulifor ilrcuUr , cutjnml turmsof the 59 candle potter ila'Bh Zlectrlc L\mp. 311-J12 WANTKDShorthand puplli ; Pltmin sys'cm ; Mil Nllea ; 10th and Hlokory , Speciil ternu to va cation paplls. 23M8p w 'ANTED Boarders at 1815 Capitol avc. 198-21p WAvrxD-Kverybody to try our Prepared Corn Meal , ready lor Instant use with the addition o milk or cold w ater , Put up in 3 and 0 Ib. ptcktges Sold by grocers * W. J , Welihant & Qj. , Manulact urcrs 070 tf A man or woman lu every country In \ WANTID i sample f ree. $75 per mouth , salary o oommlulon. Send Umi Paul Tabel , Chicago 111. 819-ra-Up IfAHTED Every dy tn ncc.l of cowing ma- I chine , to see the new Improved American No. V. E. Floduun ti Co. agents ; S2Q N 18th. i ' " ' FOR KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. on BFNT i 8 room cotUge on Califcrnla ttrect , bttwcen JJth aud th itKcts. P J Cue Jon. 430 tf 'Thesauth-ratt J lection ! , 16 , 12 ; five FORKKST n > llj from Umaha , for aturm of ycard. 0 W Hamilton , at USNat'llUnk. 1S7-23 REW-Neiv houio 8 room" , 2 o'csats , cellar , FOR oa Wolaut St. , enqulru Auc lUniJow , 1317 Chlc go St. 180-lOp HUM- Scull hcu'e 01S Jonca St. PC RKVT-New house 8 rooms Howard Etreet be- FOR 2Cth > nl 2ltt. $3,6.0 , U. E. Miyce i , Co. , S. W. cgrocr Uth od f rasm. SOI'19 JifNT Cottdjo f , rooms and house 7 rooms. J. Phlrpinoc , 15(23. ( 6th St. SSl-tf TTViR RRXT A brlfk basement on corner 26th and JL1 Fierce Street , $3 per month. .110-20J > I , " > OR RRST Oood brick house 0 rooms f 22 per month JL1 H O Patterson , ISth ana Farnam. 324 tf FORSALII 12 good lots SHrlon phco three blocks from street cars onoa y terms. W II Greet , over 1st 1 > at'l bank. 002 tl TpOR RitsT rhrc story brick store bulMlrg ; en- 'V quire of Edward Norrls & Co. , room 19 Crounse Dlock. 053 tf FOB RENT Fnrnlshod cottage , 7 rooms , with closets , ranlry , to. . In best locality In City c n pay teat with Voaril. Call In afternoon at 626 Pleas- m 81 067 tf 1UMS ) ( ) FOR RENT. 170R RRST Furnished room at 1016 Capitol M c. JL1 433-220 P'OR RRVT Two furnished roams for light houto- ketplngDccmer'a block , cornir Klghthand How ard , 435-tt TToiiRim 3 or 0 rooms at Oilllornla nml 13th St. , J ? nd 4room housson Ulckorr si. , ncarOth St Inqnlro at II & M Land ollbo , BSDS 12th street nr 60S North 13th St. 432-SOp | 7oRR NT-One lirgo furnished front room with JctOBCtcotner2dandLca\enwarth $10 per month. "I70R RK.NT Largo lurnlshrd room on grouad floor , Jl ? east front open on roreh , 1803 Calilornla St 421-lOp lORRRNT-Furnl'hcJ rooms 1811 Cass st. , with board. 353 25p rtriNT Furnlsho If rent parlor with bed room FOR ; 1714 California st. 377-13 ? V\f A\TFn To rant 3 cn'ti'idshod roorrs for light V > housekeeping ; Address "C. A. B. " Poeoltlco. 44M9p iunnsi' 3 furnlshoi rooim for light homo- botp'ng p y rent vtlth board ; 2313 Charloi St. Vl/'ANTicn In the neighborhood of St. Mary's A\o. to rent aplcaamt room in a private family for cntlcinan and lfe : no boarding liouso ncid roily ; ddrojs C E 1) , Dei ofllco. 451-10 UOR nitsT-Furnliheil rooms vllh modem convcn- D lencos at S Woorncr 13th and Howard , up etalrs. 3J3-20P BFNT-A Inndsomclv furnished parlor ; modern comcnlcnces , 1720 Capitol a\o. S82-18 | ) Ion HUM Handsome furnished room with bathing F rocui attached at 2203 Uodgost. ill 22p T A nicely furnlshod front room with L1 dressing room 1D10 Capital oc. . 412-lEp FOR RKST V pleasant nbrly furnished room with alco\e , suitable for tvto ; board if required 225 Dodge. 416-tf REST -Good business bi'emont 18x40 feet N V. FOB 13th audCapItol ate , 413 l&p FOR RKM A pleasant front room. fuinMr.d ; S. G. Cor. 15th and Howard. 401 tf F I OR RUNT Furnished room , 1623 Didgo street. 176-lDo K.VT A room for gentleman and wife or for Foa t\vo gentlemen , Qrst-cUea board 1022 Hurt su 793-ti FOR RKYT Three rooms , cellar , well and cistern , 410 south 20th street , 3(0. Wm L Jlonroo , Ota nd Douglas. 378-tf | i"OR RENT Ijtrgo front room on first floor with or L' with board ; inquire at 1001 farnam St. 387-tf FORRKM Two front rooms furnished , cheap 1012 Paclflo ft. 2S5-18p Ion RKM FuruUhed front room 1002 Farnam. F 280 22p FTOR RKM-IUndsomoly furnished rooms onPbasant F St. Address "J J" ciro Bco 182-Sp ] I , OR RENT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodge street. C 247-J10 F'OR RKIIT One largo fiont room , bay window and mantle on first floor ; modirn conveniences 20th , near St. Mary'aave. Inquire at S. W. corner 10th nd Dodge ut , 175-tf Ion BKNT Furolshoil front room with board In F pih ate family 1017 Chicago St. 103 tf RKM Furnished rooms w'th or without FOR board , 2112 Harnoy St. , ono block from street car. 994tf [ TOR RKM Furnished front room with board In JD prhato family , 1017 Chicago st. 985-tf FOR RKM With boardnicely furnished trent room gaj and bath , 14:9 Jones. 007 tf F I OR RKM Furnlsho J rooms 1621 Capitol ava. 907 m30 roa mistFurniahod room 1318 Jackson Et. 842 m2Cp FUKHENT-NIcely furnlshoa rooms 1517 Davenport 722.J5p T > OOMS With boarddotlriblt for Bummer. Apply IXtt St. Charles Hfitel. 041-tt FOIl KENT Several fine c dices In Crounse' block , Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 10 Crounso bloot 942 tf FOR SALE FARMS. "looRBAUt-Bcstfruit ant's n southern Gil fornla. J ? Kasy terms ; call and ree simple of fruits , and nfornntlon ; 1 Jackson , 2323 Chicago St , cl'v. S6321p FOHHALK0 0 aero steak and grain farm , a'l ' Im proved ; four hours' rldo from the Omaha Stok Yards ; se enmllca from the city of Fremont ; t o railroads within thres miles ; 300 acres under plow , he re't in pasture ; hoard fence , running stream through pasture ; house with tea rooms ; will bo a. M : htapif sold immodlatelv ; on terms to suit. For further particulars Inquiio ol Ueo C. Qrodfrov , Fio- mont , Nob. 167 tf Ton gALH-Oood farm in Mashlngton Ca ; 171 XBcres * ; 0 acres cjlthated ; good butldla s ; fine orchard ; running water ; all fejccd. Edward Norrls Co. , room 19 Crounso Block. 174tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. POKSAIR Twenty-two feet on Fnrnam Blrect , a I bargain If taken Immediately. W II Ureoa. 139-tf Foa HALK-Lot CoxHO. Iru o 2 roomi south 12th St , line view , beautiful location , 81,300 , S50 down ntid $15 per month , riillloton lltn t. , between Certer and Dcroa ! 3 room home , 81,6(0 ( , $1SO clown and ? 16icr ] month. Half acre on Caljfornlvbt. , net of Sacred Heart homo 1 rooms , good barn , veil , cl to-n , etc , , $1 750 , $150 down and $15 per month. C K ITujno & Co. , S WCnr. ] 5 > .banirarnam. f07.18 FoRBvLB-Ocneral Mcrchand'aoetock ' of b-ots and slioej , hats , caps , dry gocda and notions , a nice s'lok ' clean etock of goods lu good location , a goc trade and mostly canh buslnese for i rlcs und terms , Addreis P 0 Box 25 , H sward Nebiaska. S3 ; 22 FOR BALK An aero of ground on ISthSt , 8 blocks south of street ou HLO 81.2CO ; this Is cheaper than a common sized lot , can be bought in that lo CDllty. 0 K Majno & Co. , S W corner 15th tnd Far mm. S3-18 : ! F ORSALB A lot In West Omahi , wdl build house on It and sell on monthly payments. 0 E llavno . , 15tb i' Farnam. 40218 Aoio lots in Norwood Park , ? ! 0 each rroRBALK ' lots In Bellalr , 82W each , Bciutllul lots In Thornburg Place on Lea von worth St , West Omt- lia , $ 75 to 9160 each. Lot ) la OraudvliW100to $300 each. I/ct9ln Barker & Macne'a sub-division , S 13th St , Koater't addition ? :01 to 8350. Donoclicr'a addition 8(75 ( to $250 BiinnT8ldoi 'V > toSOO. . Llddlet'BubdUUIoo , KouthOmtha , S500 t3$800 \ValnutHlll820C to $500. Parmcntcr 1'laco 8276 to $350. Parker's sub division , south Oth St. , 350. llano's addition , half acre lots , $7CO , Forbca sub dlrltlon north of tbo fair grounds , 5 and 10 acre lots , ? 750 to (1,000 each We are exclusive agecU fur All tbo above ad ditions and well ( ell lots In any of them on irral monthly r > 3v.ments. 0. E. J ! jno i ; Co. , B. W. Cor Kthand Kainam. 403-14 TTtoR BALK69xtO corner Hth and Jackson , 8J.COO i' terms easy , 0 E May no ii Co. , 15th and Karntm 89509 FORSALB-FUc residence property on Charles St one blockfrein Haunderi , house 0 rooms , well cistern , cellar all conveniences , fruit trees , cirne lot , ba-galn , 13 OOJ easy terms. C. K. lla ) no i Co ttliaod farnam. 401 ID A nice two itory brick noise , full eornt lot north Omaha , 3,100 , 500 down anil $ ? 5 I o mon'h O KlUjne & Co. 400-18 ? ALK New S room cottage with two lots i ' Walnut III 1 , ? & 0 50 down and $10 per inontl UacottattoBrcomii with two lots Walnut HI ) SI HO tiO down and ? 20 per month ; both ready fo ccuiuucn. C. H Mavne&Co , , a. iV. corner 15th A bargain on Hth St . 01-140 goo ! room Outt'ge ou ttreut car line gi.OuO , $ ! W dow and 115 per month , 0 E , Mayno _ 19918 IToanALK-AbetutltultlawOD 1'oplcton avecur 1 } In Shul's aadltitlon , One view of city , new cut tizeSruomr , good tUtle , luiia lot , } : ,7W , ea Urtss CEiUjoe 4. Co. , * 9.-18 FOR SAW On Jd street botw ten tf arcnworth o M i.nhouso 7 rooms , c lhr , well , cistern ind ull lot. nice placa ? IOCO. , sj terms. C K Xtav ne A Do. ' S W corner Uth and r.irnam. SSI-IS IOR ALR Svtn room HOOK , btm ( and two lots. 1 $2,210 , WA H take JJOO In r st ut nt fixtures , -Iffatj.ctc. , SSOOcashbalincoon time ; applv Sin 8. Hh street. 4i4.mSO IpOR SAIKlloau'lftil inbtirbin ld nco properly lSi\20l , nlc" house , fine barn , nustlflccntvUw wc tOm > h > , $0CIO ( e f fcrms. 0 E Mayne & Oo. , S W corner Itth and Farcam. 357-10 I70R 8 , -Ono of the finest lots In Wc l Omaha , A'Mew of the whcle city , cheap , or will bullet hou eon on It and sell en monthly iujment ) . 0 KMavn & Co. , a W corner 16th nnd tarnam. 835-10 FOR KM.R At asiorinco , hntise 7 rconn lot 6CxlSO t N W owner H ti c3m Park , $ ,600 m v terms. 0 K Majno .t Oo. , 3 W corner 16th and Farnam. 18019 IOR SAM Ton acre * cf land wltMn 8 Wools of Poit otf co nt Wteplng Water , CMJ Oo , Neb , will sell n easy terms or exchange for Omaha propcrtv.V. . 1. Orecn. over 1st Nafl 1U kOm\ha , Noli. ' t40 It fT > OR sAtn-Flic lots4'xlSO : together on tcavcn. A1 worthstreet ; beautiful location , Q 00 One' ourth c Mi , bal rjoj on Ung time , cruy terms. rallo 4 , Jones. 210-tt [ TlOR MAlK-notutlhil and dcilrabb tots at J20)cach JL1 on ( to monthlj ramcnts. 11. 0. Patterson , ISth nd Faruam. 3-n MARION ftArriis good lotj In thli addition with- In 3 11.tks of street cats , can bo h d on c ay ° " ° s. W U Orcoi , over lit N t'l Bank. lH-tf TOR RAM At bargain , three good houses 817 and A1 817J 1Mb , noutli of Loivcnworth ; rent $85 per > crmonth ; piloj $5,500 exsy ] uimerits ; mint bo old befiro Juno l t. Apply S. Stortonson , tailor , 413 F rnaru street. 131-jip T'ORBAJ.R-Houjo ' full lot , well , cittern , Imn , all In I1 good condition , ouo block from street cars $1 SOO aty terms W H Green , over Ut Nat'llUnk , 041-tf 70R B us Oood 6 room hou e , lot 60x13 ! fcctoa9 1 front , $1300 : Sino mill Inlinco 416 per month. V , D Grow , over 1st National bank. 83111 FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. IORBATK Agricultural Implement business , cs- - tabll4hcd trade , Iirgo stloi two } cars lease , of cst location , verj ohuan , g od warehouse , otly tnn etlois In the city , but lltuo stock to buy. a bargain r sixty dap ; address Lock lox C3 , Wlinoro Neb 42S.2ZP > RICKB for sale at.Merer iKunz brick jarJ t 8. > 15th bt , , ojlco 2o7 a IStn. 40J-22P . ORBALK-IO acres within 3 miles of P O with . fniall house , $2 600 on very easy terms. 0 E a ; no & Co. 00 IS IJ'OR SALK-No 1 lot of milk cows 25th and California /streets Frcemaa& Pnenj. 355-21p Ton BAtK A horro. wtgon nnJ hatncsi choup JL1'Aptly to Ueo. Johnson , Atlantic Hotel 350 19p 70R SALK A good horEJ , harness and wagon , flno ? outfit for pedJlor or oipressnun 213 north 12th 354 lOp TOR SILK Sand , boitquillty B > vnd for Mason'n xise ? choai ; pit i.oar eolith Uinaha Wcr Works , jeood In first class sham ; apply for tickets at com- anj'sotllco , 210 south 13thot. M AUpton.As'U antSeo'yandManegcr. 351-tf j oR 8\TE-Ei"lt marbli top restaurant tables JL ? A. J. Mandtl , 325 Broidvvay , Council Dlulls. 358-1f 7 OIl SALE-A 12 raonths lease of the Union A7 photo rootr-s. Koomslocated In the best busl- CEB portion of the tl'y ol Haillnga , Neb , und are ho best jliVoroomn In the city. For pirtlculars en or addttsUulon Photo Rooms , Hastings. 7"OR SALK Cheap o'ti-ranteldo bar bujgy , ono ca t , J room cue , Orniln Nat'l Bank Bulloing. 317-tf J'ORBALK-A magnillccnt now upright piano colo- 1 brated maiic.ali the latest linprovomonts , bc-iutl- ul tone , tiuch and finish , an Instruction hook free ; o charno for dellvcrj ; a great bargalnS265 ; 1012 Pa He. isi ISp TOR SALr-SOO.OCO brick , forsa'oat llsllevuo or ? Omaha it , T. Clarke. 2CO tf 70R BALK two No 1 plneton.onceeconl hand bug- . gy. Apply J4C9 and 1411 Dodge at. 145 tf TOR BALK A pair of ponies with a lUht spring vva- ? gen and lurncaa very cheap for cash 1217 Howard reot. iso tf T < OR BALB-Plano , a $7CO upright piano at o bur- 1 gain , 1719 Douglas 733 m21 GROCERIES. LI3T-Of W. II. Mottor'j Grocery House. 0 Ibs Grunulst d Sugar S l oo " CutliafSugur 1 00 "Fine pondoicdSupar l 00 COFFEE. J Ibi good Hln ccffco . ' 100 T " Uoldcn Rio ooffce 1 CO 7 " g > od roasted coffco l CO J " best roaitcd codec i co 4 " extra JaM cnffce l to 3 " best Java coffee i CO bejt Jdv a and Mocha cafKo mixed 100 TEAS , 1 Ib good Japn so t" beetuncolo .J Japan h6 I " best Kng'tfh breakfast 6 1 " choice gunpowder Bo SYIHJP3. 1 keg best IICBfydrlp 2 00 Ikegbcst Hcntydri , ' 160 1 New Orleans 6 1 Oal Strictly puio maplj i oo 1 Oal Vermont uuile In cans GO lOalUockcandj l 00 KICK. ? Ibs lies' Carolina rlco i 00 3" " Louisiana jlo3 ICO SO IPS 4 b r German Mottled 25 6 Fc l . W 3 P&lm 25 CANKED GOODS. Ic 13 Ib Tnblj Peaches J6 20 ' Standard Tomatoes 10 " " Pumpkin JO " " Apples 10 " corn 10 " Ita pbcrilo3 25 French Peas 30 " Jtnslirooni SQ lest floosbiiirlos 15 st Blackberries f6 cggriumba 25 SUNDRIES. 1 bottle cholnt I'.cl Us 25 Ion Sweet Potatoes 15 3 Ib Jellchilco ( ) i'fi 3 b 1x05 I'lttsDilrg Ljp , 25 2 Ibs linking Powder 2i g < i < i " 76 2 " cowValencU UaUjns 25 3 ' peu'P/uiiea 25 2 ' dried Ihckbcrrlcs 25 2 < dried apples ( evaporated ) 25 3 ' ilrlodpoiches 5 25 ' Navy boms 25 C.acUcru by tbo box 07 MEATS. 3uzar cured bronkfaet bacon 11 Jugarcured Hams 11 Dry ( alt 0 OTHER GOODS , 1 broom 1 ° 1 good ucuse broom 20 1 F et carpit broom 25 4 papoisNatlonol joist 25 iKcrubbrueh 15 6 Ib ] Slher glcsa starch 2ft 3boxc3Corri8Wch. , 25 1 8 Ib box KlO'S starch . . . , M 1 kit fain ly maoeral , 60 Igalilnogar v 26 Iwash board 25 INo. 1 tub 100 1 No. 2 tub FO INoS. tub 0 ; 1 map ttlolt 23 1 larrfe clothes basket (0 1 can condcns d ml k 20 2lb Jelly in ] rs , 15 This Is only a very small list of the very large stock I carry , Imlng the Urgj-t stock to seleo * from In tbo cityI can and will lve bitter inJuounenls than anv other houie In the city Call and ece mo and I will save yon from 10 to 25 per cent Itctncmber tbo place 1110 Farnmn St. W. H , Hotter , Successor to JD. French Si Co. N , P. ( mr new and complete price list mailed free on application. liOl'ELS. TSBTICITTKHotel , foimerly Cro'ghtorj house , newl JL furplbhed , ternu moJerate , 13th aud Capitol nvc 428-Jl7p TO EXOUANGE. _ nno KXCIIAMIB-TWO e lendld'armifor inorcbtndtae Jl botc.1 for farm , H. 0. Patterson , Itth and Far naro 162 tf ff\o \ KXCIIANOK 440 acns will improved land } mil I IromEsaox , lo a , fnrastouk ol ifouoral uierchan ( ino or bard ware. Addrusi John LmUerbolm , Ksse ! & * tl w _ _ _ _ _ _ BALE-Or oxchaoge. Wa have for sale th FOU * e right lu this data to sell the coa cnomlzer and soot destroy , r , destroys the aoot an wil save twenty per cent on coal , will soli count right , or the state , or will exchange for real canto o u ; rood property on application will send wrapl 111 aland gUe pattlcuUri. Keatoo ( or lelllo > vu rcanrotdve It hla attention ; a rare chance fo Ivo lenH'dfofd , Holler & t > V _ 845 tt BOARDING , 7AsmAfDwt rl8bo rd rjat N. W o rnc W Itlili and Ilaru > . 4.1 - ° V\fAMitn-Afo bcardcuat 141 IIoin ilSt. - * f lRST CLASS Bed and board 1S1J Cpttol vo. U ASJ PERSONAL. M' K , M ItoorKR , Tranoi clatrvovnnl Rn R ' T , " ' -n ebster. Teiins rea < onalla. 4 2 mlO BUSINESS OUANOKS. [ 3tsiy-is ciiAvrn-llrft rlwt opening for iorl ro 1 IJ cotatcman ; forpaitluira ! aJdrcs lock Hex 67S. vearnor , Neb , 429-21 I OR SALR-Oo < nlbii liie' ' s in Onrtlii ; tirnlU 1)1 IHT cent , rapltnl required , thrco or four thouwml , ; cr8 "icalll 'tw ' , micM Lock i 301 , tea Mollies. lowu. 2tTJll J6 { o M-wole Utm > hc.U iiow bti tnou bo- iiJinJ ? i' ' 'I90.0 ' , ' f'rro ' lot twofamonly ; smill nip. Itol required. Address' N. O. " B.e otlloo. IS ! J.4i' Str'n'llT" ' c" c't bU hoJ bakery. A > ldrfis K. this office. Its j-4 OR OR R\ciiAMii-In ( patl ) for rostauran * . e , bun and two toUAp' j OR 8AM-In Oakland Noi Ont-clasn at roarkcl l o the lurnl'uro ' ol the st Paul hitcl. KOI mr. ctiUrs , Inquire or write Wlfgeri. ft Uchllng.OakUnl ob- 074 mia ? oa SAIR rrusstorolnadiviltablo looalltv , wll ; invoicoabout81.600 H 0 Pottcnon , NK corner 3th and Farnam. 439 tj j Oll SALE Or exchange full stock ol clothing boots and shoes , gent' furnMilngtrnodi , wllloi. hngo for NebrwiKa Lands. O. II. 1'ctoreon.SOt S. Oth St. , Olnlha , > cb 010 tf ICE OR13AM. TIRKSII lee cream plea ami cake every dav. Orders 'prcmptly attended to. Carl Schmld , SO * fmth UO-J5 DRESSMAKING. Mi KfliKM ! < \ MAIL , nlll make t < p Mik drcsios t IS a _ i flee ttooloti dros ! at low tljitrea ; satisfaction ! Uar nteoJ ; cutting im flit UK taughtNo. 009 north 8th street between Cass an ! Callto i la. 40 lOp THS JtDCAiinoLi , , t7ir.nortli ISth street , do. 11 sires to callattont'onot the ladloj , that eha la trodmlngN II Mormon' * nyst-m Ijr cutting ladles' , outlcmon'a and children's clothlne. This j atom la cry caiy to learn , logons will bo g M3a during all onrs ot the day. 838-13p MISCELLANEOUS. OST On Itth St , n rcil Icolhcr poctoMirok J contnlnlrg § 30. a lumber tlclcr n'giud by ) lton. I'lnUor will rccthoSlOroward linturnlne ithll ofllco. 4E4 21 , our Atmili I lack mill tin do ? Had m red - leathercoll r with three nlckla-ihtod IHlsjntmo eno ; lluder will pleaeo return to J20 FIiico St. nd icccne $5 ronard. 419 21p on HTOMH Oatho Iflth lint , a ciw , llsh roanc , nearly white , Durham stock , ono horn IghUy drooping , red cus ; reward foi return to A. llllng ) ! ; 2103 Hartley St , 453-tf T'STBAV Anyone hiving taken up n roan cw 1/nitlilu th last ten dis will ploiso notlfv John aumor , at 1314 Farnam St. 3SO 19 inooii MAIMS Parties vviahliiif to purch o brood Imarcs for ranch purpiFoj p'caso oH at IIoBmu'n \ cry ttible , 413 so ith 13th street , Oonln. F02-tf > RitK$3ptrm. T.Muraay. -A hrown mara mvkcd with kttor Y L and half ctrelo nn luttehou'Jcr ' ; ore mile west of 10 re'crrolronmllltarj reid ; owner OJD ha\o came r plj ing cosvs. Janicu F. Uoluy. KJj-lSa 1iiKW8il\RiiTAo , does n t ghe jou hoirtlmrn. /lagsicdccmodat ono cent , each by the dealers , i > eke Bros , Agcuts. 653-tf ) A8TUKK On ElUliorn and i'hlte. T. Murray. 800 U tliK\vfiiuKRTAo , Its fruit flivnro l , Ing * rcdremod JtA n J cent uvji by the dea'crs , Pojclio llroi ) . , goLts. OSS-tl on banjo ghcn by O E Oellcn- . beck , at 1116 Ca iltol ao. . 430 tf "Ini-w \ KII TAO , It iloes not taint the breath , tags redeemed ut ono cent each by the dealers. 1'eycko ros , Agents. 033 tf ) IUVY , vaults , etnka tnd ccsipools clcnned at tbo . shortest notice and satisfaction guaranteed by F. . Abel. P. O. Box B7H 490-m2p } m\\ vault * , ind ccwpirls rloaned at shortest no- ticoany time of ihoclay , In an entirely erdorlcsa v 1th our Improved rump aad dencgnu appara- us , all placus cl-ano I by us dlscufoctod free , charroj oisonablo. A. E an , 12C8 DodL-a street un Binlrs. 248-J10 UAQU1EP. OK PAUIYQTSRT ASD COlfDlTIOS LIST. S03 rooth Etieit , tetwocn F rn m and llajr. cy will whh tbeald of guarriiis ZfliUo , obUlnloy or anjono t larino In the pa&ttna | > rtscui , Mid CD ertilncondlUCins In the 'uture. Boots nnd > ho i o to order I'trfoct bUthlf.ctlon iil rartc"i Stallion , Jack , Shsppard Jr , W1 > 1 Bland for ftock nt ' raaha Fair grounds the casonot 1KS5. llul-i 16 ] h Uli , weight 12S5 is , lilailru JACK SiiFiTAiiu i < full brut her In blcod to ) KxtKR2:17J : , aljnto DiCTATORtho lire ol JAV.Y.MI XK :10 : , FALLAB , 2:1J : and DIRKCTOH * :17. : Call at the air grounds and eeo him aud tet Ms to lpr(0 ( In n full , terms $25 , for the ticason. A. TUOUSOW. NOTICE OF TAX SALE. Towh'inlt may concern , that the lUrchaFcd at private uac , In tha county treasurora Ilico. in Douglas Couiitj Ntbraal a , on Aug. 9ch , nd 8tit.2Ut,18S. ) , thofbl uilngdta > lhd property n-Hlt Aug. eth north half of lot I hlrti tn ( IS ) block vof > ) , In Wiltrx'aaddi Ion , taxnl ii the niruo rf t. 1. Donaughcj ; an nn Sepl'Jlst , 1SS3 , lot ll\u(6\ ( jloclt two ( J ) , in i ellen 'H a Jill lor , tiled In thu larrootK. M. Cliri llanaid | lot elx(6) ( ) la block two ' . ' ) , In IHllsno's addition , taxoil In the iiauv cf H , V. t-uilth lhoabo\odcscriLi'ilproprrtv wai ( nxed on the tix iftcfsiUl county ; nnd imic iuBa wan mailo for the tax if A. D. nSl ; tbo time of > cdcmptlon .will ixplro in the mcnth anil rn > iibo\o gUcn , Intbejcar ,885 , end that upon biltj diy , or imiricdlitluly herta'ter ' tbo undertlgnod apply for a t'diHuru a leed foreamo. J A. MKAIIAN mi-IMS _ PUOBATK NOTICE , i Die matter o' John Sllnlkin , Pocca cd , Notice l hereby B vcn th ttVo crcdt'ors of x&M deceased , will mpct thoadmlnlit'aiilx of raid curate jo'nroino , Ciuntj Judge of LoiisliB counts , Nub. at the coun y court nom In mldccunty. on 11.3 18tb day ol July 1835 , nn the 18th day of BerjtcnuVr. 1835 and on the Uth day of 11crnber , 1685 , it 10o'clock a in each day , lor the jurposs ot presenting their claims for oxamlna'Ion , a ustiruot aud allowance , ilx months aroalloned fur crohtors to preecnt their claims , Mid mo } car 'or the admnltratrx ! ! tl tcttlo sildeitatu , from the ISth fay of Mav. 1SH5 , thla lOtlco will ho ruhllahod in ihu Omalu Daily 1109 far 'our ' wceka sucoessivcly , prior tn the 18th day of Jul ) , 1685. J. H McOULLOCH , County Juc'gt , mlS-10 20 11-11 Seventeen jeara Kxperionco , BR. G. W. PANGLE liutdircf liUease i tf Men ail | Women. Electric , Magnetic and Herhal | t rtiyul'.lan Itovr located at 1210linunli8bt OmaH. , h b , up stalrB. Aoorruu dltoiotn glvui w < hout anr explanation Irtia the patient. Consultation fi o at cilice. / Treat t/ie Following Diseases. Catarrh rf the Head. Disputes of be Kjo end Far. Heart UUteato , T.Dcr Ccuil > lili t. Kidney Com- r'lant , Ncr ouBlleWlliv , Mui'il Deprunltn , lf\a Manhood , DlabeUs , Jldljht's Il6t eo , Et Vltu uancv , HIeuuiPtBin , IVraljd'hitu fcwdllrg 3 rufola , Kevcr Soim t-'uncurs and Tumors romov olwillinut the knlfi , or thu drawing cf a drop o a'nid , Womtn , wltlihtrilo lento o gam , Heftcrudto Heiltn , Drofny Cured W thou' T ri < liKi BpciUI Atti in Ion Given to I'llta'u ' tnd UlfcaBenof .11 Kinds , Talu "cmu HUIIII til In Ino cr thrru "ou 4 or Ko Pay , llcmiuurtholdij or I'llos Cured or tin 'hir eiMade. 'HIOJO ho ere allllrUd will rate live and liuti. ic a of il-U ru bj ci 1U | ; on cr unlcg DU , O. W PAKOT.K'8 Herbal MedlUnu , aniiood Hestored Hi Jllivl'lil. ! Avlulrnof ) outhfulliiil'ruden ( . u-inx Premature Dec > urvou Debility , l * t ManliiKHl , Ao.havinK tritd In vain every known riMii'ily.baidluovtrcdniilmplamciiritrjfMlf-cure , bl h bu will nil ( 1 Ill'K tuliUfcllowutrr / " - .U.lU.liVU >