THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , MAY 19 , 1885 , BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVERS ' TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALK XYALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine hal Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. drtDiUgtielLii tie BROAD GLAIh WST BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND illMfSHIM nrorl to Chronic. t * yulolc , Sure Cures. , , , . , 'Jrlttcn gunruntcat/lren In 1B1. U.f/ rnsne , . , , , / . . , . , , . n78ond tun stampi for Celebrated Medical Works. Addro . if. I ) . OLAICKi : , M. I ) . , ISO South Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL. IS CONDUCTED I1T Royal Havana Lottery i ( A. UOVKRNIIENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 : Days. Tickets in FifthsWholes $5. Frac tious pro rata Bnbjecl lo no manipulation , not controlled by the partita In Intereet. It IB Iba falreat Ihlnz In Iho Kftlnio of chanoo In exletonoe. tot tickets apply to SHIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broad. wayN. Y. City ; SOLINOKR & CO. , 103 South 4th St. BL Iionli , Uo , or It. OTTEN3 ft 00,619 Main St. Kansas CUv. Mo. Cor. 13th and Douglas Sta. Capitol Stock , - - - 5150CU Liability of Stockholders. 300,00(1 Fiye Per CentlntetPail on Deposit ! LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTA1X JAUE3E.BOYD Pro a W. A. PAXTON Vice President JL H. BENNETT , Managing Director JOHN K. WILBUR Caihler CIIAB. 7.1IANDKB80N , THOS. L. KIMDALV , J. W GANNETT. UAI MKYKR. HENRY 1'UNDT K L. 8TONE. LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR * Cor.O tniti.oallnoofHiwtciri. Croon house , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery , v Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc * Extras with every order. Floral Deslcns , Bouquets , BnsVets , I'.tc. , for 1'iirtlcs Weddings anil Funer sent to any part of tliu Suite. BwcotroUUo and other vcKCtil ! > lai > luutsmtUcli Icasou. Illustrated Cntulo uo free. W. 8. SAWYER & CO. , klcpLaug K . 311. Uncoln , Nebraska , German Insurance COMPANY. Freeport , - Illinois 1 CASH CAPITAL , 5200,000 M. lUrn.vasn , Prest. r , 0 UNO , Secretary. Polity holder * pleaie call on or addrea Oeib & Maaa , AgenU for Omaha , Nebraska , 1505 EARN AM STREET , 1 tire a poiltlTe reiutJ ; tor lb < ab T dli ; bi IU tn thouitDdiof CM > IU | tli want llnd mulct fou IKHlloelitre te * ucurM. lude d..oilronKlt toy fait iaiu tac > crtii . i win MD4TUO HorrLta KHKI t.'rctb r itu a VAU.U BI.KTBtlVlSK on Jhl. dlxu * ON THE TRAIL , The Object oMbe Nebraska Sb&riff's\ & ' \ Visit io tbc Mectcesc Gonnlry , Uo WAR After FtirntVftl , Who Mur dered Flvo Persons In Nance County , Nol > r ska. Laramlo Boomerang , 14th , A few wocka ago the Boomerang chron icled the arrival In this city of Deputy Sheriff Orobo , of Omaha , who had been upending a month In the Mootooeo conn- try In search of a fogltlvo from justice , whoso name was nt that tirao snpprcisod In the Interests of justice. Events hav ing nlnco removed the ban , it nuy bo itatod that the rcd-handod criminal who was supposad to bs hiding up In the Mcoteoio waa none other than the notorious rious Nance county , Nebraska , man , Furnlval , who brutally murdered five pcracns last fall , and who was traced by Mr. Grebe , ( who dlrcovered that ho waa In commnnlcAtion with certain friends In Nebraska ) , out to Wyoming , when ho lost track of him , The man supposed to bo Fnrnlval ho found had been living with two others In on abandoned cabin In Northern thorn Wyoming and had only two days before the arrival of the officer called at the postouico for bis mall. The men wore euspocted from their actions to bo fagl- tlves from justice , and it IB probable that the mall received just beforeGrobo'a arri val brought a warning of the pursuit. Just before they deseitod the hut in which they had been living , they announced nouncod that ttoy were going over to visit the Lost Cabin country , but It was ascertained that , Instead of doing to , they wont north and crossed the Stinking Water at Niowmoycr's bridge. After a long and fruitless search in a rough and dangerous country , Sheriff Grebe returned turned without his man , and , sfter put ting United States Marshal Schnltzorand Oity Marshal Fee In possession of the facts , left for homo. A few days ago the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Perclval , two of the victims of the atrocious crlmo charged upon Fnr nlval , returned from Owntonna , Minno sola , where they had ro interred the re mains of their children and the other victims of the tragedy. They have spent considerable money In hunting for the murderer , but , under the advlco of friends , were on their way to Lincoln to see if the state cannot be in some way induced to increase the reward offered. The English government , it Is said , has had London hunted all over by her paid detectives , and every ship's pas sengers closely Brntinz9d ! by them. Thpy have paid for every cablegram sent to England from America and are still expending money t j capture the fiendish murderer. The only man who sti'l ' doubts Fnrnl val'a guilt is his grief stricken father , who was met in London last January by the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Ferclval and who refuses to bellovo that his son would commit such a crime , although the evidence pgilnst him Is overwhelm ing.Thus Thus the whereabouts of the rain Fur- nival , whoso horrlbla deed Is nnprece dented In the criminal annals of the west , is still as much of a mystery as over. If ho is ever caught , In Wyoming or oho- where , ho will never live to put Nance county to the expense of a trial. Early Maturity for Beef. Mass. Ploughman , It is a recognized principle by cattle breeders and feeders for homo and foreign markets , that early matured steers fur nish a broader margin of profit than any other class of beef , and that no farmer or feeder can afford to keep steers more than 20 to 24 months. Ho must have good grades that will mature and make good beef at about that ago , or quit the business of raising cattle for profit. Instead of 2000 pound four-year-old steers , It is bettor to pack within the hides of two-year-old steers from 800 to 900 pounds of juicy , tender , delicious beef for exportation f jr. Britons , than to send old , tough , flabby bcof. The for mer Is far more- acceptable to English connolstoare. If farmers want to make beef of steers from one year to two years old , they must grade up. Grade short-horns are found to bo the most profitable animals for beef miking In the west , bacanso a rapid Growth and early maturity. There Js probably no other broad of cattle that will make as much beef at the ago of twenty months or two years , as well bred grade Short horns. The tame Is nndoubtedly true of veal calves. A statement was lately nude by an English feeder of stcore that an experi ment made proved that two-year-old steers , fed with three-year-olds and four year-olds , made moio baef In proportion to the food consumed than oltnor three year old's or four-year-oldsalso ; , thv the three-year-olds were mora profitable than the fonr-yoar-o'ds. Thus is It no doubtedly true that the earlier the inatn rlty of the beef animal the more profit to the beef maker , a point that graziers and foodets will do wo'l ' to heed if they would secure the greatest possible advantage tago from their business as gnz'.ors ' and feeders. When noted grazers , and on English experimenter all agree that early maturity for beef Is most profitable , lo learners In this art or business of bee : making , bo Instructed and thna acquln the skill of money making in the pract'.ci of grazing cattle for beef. Each succeeding year the gain will ma terially decrease , while the proportion a food consumed will bo much greater. Lat it bo kept In mind that such early maturity Is only possible with well bred cattle , grades , crosses or full bloods. Thoroughbred bulls must bo used to secure this early maturity. Healthful VlRor Ibr the Girls. Mrs. Llvermoro tnyi. In one of her lectures on girls , "I would give to girls equal Intellectual and industrial training with boys. Yes , and give them equally good health , too. " When your girls are snffeting from paleness and debility , It Is a elgn that their blood Is thin and that they need Brown's Iron Bitters. The only preparation of Iron that can be taken safely. Miss Barton , Chestnut at. , Louisville , Ky. , says , "Brown's Iron Bitters cured mo of rheumatism when v erythlng else had failed. " Kansas Sheer , Alice Wellirgtou Rolling iu Harper's Maga zine for June. Sheep there wcr : , Indeed ; thousands cf them , objectc of unfailing concern to the gentlemen and delight to the ladies. "Whit Is that itpno wall ! " asked , ono afternoon , a lady tilting on the piazza with her opora-glais. "That stouo wall , madam , answered a Harvard graduate , politely , "is the sheep coming In to the corral. " To see the sheep go in and out , night and morning , waa a never-failing amuse ment , Sometimes the ladles wandered down to the corrals nt snniot to see the herds como In , and you would have oup- potod them to bo waiting for a Fonrth-of. July procession with banners , from the eagerness with which they exclaimed , "Oh , here they cornel there they arol" as the first faint tinkling of the bolls was hoard In the distance. If two herds op- oared at once from opposite directions , ho ona with lambs had the "right of ay , " and Sly , the sheepdog not the nly commander who his controlled roops by tilting down in front of them -would hold the other herd in chock till ho lambs were safely housed. The lambs orn on the prolrla during the day frisk- d back at night to the corral beside their mothers , a lamb four hours old being able o walk a mile. When sheatlng-tlmo come , they wont nto the sheds expecting to BOO the thick wool fall In locks beneath the shears , like 10 golden curls of their own darlings : Oroat was the amazemontto BOO the whole woolly fleece taken off much is If It had 'icon an overcoat , looking still , If It were oiled up In a ball , like a vcrltabla sheep , , nd oflon quite as largo as the shorn and ' .Imlnlshod creature that bad once boon iart of it Ono very hot day they braved , ho heat themselves for the sake of going iut on the prairie to ceo how sheep keep : ool. Instead of scattering along the rook , seeking singly the shade of the lushes or the tall trees only to bo found ioar the crook , they huddle together In ho middle of iho sunny field more close- y than over , hang their heads in the ihadow cf each other's bodies , and re main motionless for hours. Not a olnglo head is to bo scon as you approach the herd ; only a broad level field of woolly 'jacks , supported by a small forest of lit- .lo legs. The Grant Boys. Chicago Ilorald , The Grant boys are about to begin life , now. Fred will seek an appointment In ; ho army , and the others , "through the kindness of friends , " will resume the rokorngo business In Now York and San Francisco , "well content , after ; helr terrible oxporlonco in Now York , team am no moro than $4,000 or $5,000 a ear. " It may well be doubted if the parsons > rho are to set these young men up again n the speculative business In which they made so disastrous and shameful a fail ure are real friends of theirs. It is not usual for a man who liai shown his utter incapacity In a certain line to renter ntor it , and very few ( f his friends wonld advise him to do so. The General whoso army Is surprised and routed Is not given another command. The car penter whoso houses fall down does not get another job , and the physician whoso patients always die soon looses his prao tics. There is but ono course for such people to take , and that Is to try aomo- hing else. If the sons of Gen. Grant had been applied with common ooueo and the average business ability they would not have brought themselves and their father 0 ruin. They had capital , credit , great name and friends , They deliberately asiificed them all when they engaged In L scheme of finance which a fool must iiavo known could have but ono ending. They lived extravagantly , paid little at tention to the source of their revenues so .ong as they got them , and were silly enough to suppose themselves rich when hey wore living off the donations of the hiovea , Ward and Fish. Such men are not competent to engage in the brokerage business anywhere. They lack the knowledge Indispensable to a successful bueincas career. They do not kuorr the value of money. They have false notions of things. It Is probable that the developments and humiliation ) of the last year had aome effect on the young man. They would bo dolts if they were unmindful of what has happened. But It Is not to bo lupposed that they have learned in Idle ness and luxury a leason which has boon dulled into thousands of others only through toll and privation. They do not yet know whore they stand , who they arc or what is the great requisite of a iuocesstnl business career. They need to be taught self-roll acca , Independence , true pride , modesty and the nicest honor. These things will not como to them by once again making a splurge in the financial field which they have proved themselves BO unfit to occupy. They might bo learned 1 they would go to work manfully and ndopendently , resolved to do something themselves and win success by meriting It. Betlor men than they are have done this very thing. The proposition to open ofliios in New York and San Francisco simultaneously is worthy of the young Napoleon ci finance wno Is now InLndlow Street jail. Insatiate Jesse and Buck , would not ono auflice ? "With Moro Thau Horse Sense. Lewlatou ( Me , ) Journal. Familiar to the eyes of all horsemen In and about Lewiston for several yoira haa boon a veteran whlto horse , formerly driven by a Lewiston tailor aud more "atoly owned by the driver of a job team. The horse has already been credited with more than common horse sense. He came of a long and valued strain of blood whence , no doubt , ho drew Iho finer per ceptions of hia nature. The horse was driven into the barn at Reuben Mor row's In Auburn , Saturday , before the Ill-fated funeral which was Interrupted by a fire. Ho was tied firmly out ol reach of the hay , and the barn doors were closed hahlnd him. They were tbo old- fashioned swinging barn doors , with a polo across the coaler horizontally. Liter , ai is known the barn was dis covered In flumes. Oat of the flames o mo a pig with a circle of fire around him from his burning bristles. The horse was supposed to have perished , as flames were issuing in great volumes from out the open dcon. The horse had not , however suffered such a fate. Ho was discovered f co toward the fire , fifty zois from the yari , wltb nostrils dilated and a brown singe on his forelock. Ho waa ecarred and bruised , and his harness was hanging in pieces. The horse seems to have re versed the accepted course of action which horses in view of fire are said t < puraue. The marks upon his head showei that ho pulled upon his halter as the fire swept down in front of him , breaking finally the bits , and In to doing fallini upon his side. Then ho btcked throngl the shut door , knocking tbo paint off tbo baggy , but finally escaping with every thing but the halter. The do.ors mu have given a firm resistance , and it i wonderful that the horsa was able tobreal through them. The harness was ropaire < and the team driven home to Lewiston Saturday afternoon , where the horsa a nightfall aio a comfortable sapper out c his own crib , Duoases of the kidneys , liver or urin ary organs , uro speedily cured by tbo Infallible Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy. Captain Wlnship , Providence Police , suffered five yous from kidney diseare , was cured by Iluat'a [ Kidney and Liver Remedy. DIXON OOUNTY , ( H Thriving Towns , ' lllcli Fields ml I'ro icrou8 Bust. ness Men. pcclnl Correspondence of The 13RE , PONCA , Neb. , May 18 Althongh not oiling along la a grand Tollman oar mid the beautiful mountain soonory now istng to the Bummlt then descending nmltl the Bodn springs , nor reveling mong the grand old plnzia of n southern lime , wo however find ono of the moat rodnctlvo stock and grain prodnclng ouniies of the great and fnr-famod for- ilo Nebraska. Dixon county la ultuatod n the northeastern portion of the state , with the tnrbld waters of the Muddy > oundlng It on the norih , and la con nected with the enter world by the 0bi ngo , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnlm nilroad. The surface of the country oncrally la rolling , whllob Ita many prlnga and crooks give It an abundance f water , with several choice water power * yet remaining vacant A largo amount. < f natlvo timber still remains in this ounty , probably about 20,000 acres. ? atlvo lumber Is said hero at $12 per , OCO feet. The larger portion of the grain produced hero Is earn , and It Is a uro crop , the rainfall being sufficient ind uniform. * Nb severe wind or hall torras have yet visited this section , and aklng into consideration Itsgrtzbg fncll- tics with Ita other natural advantages , It s ono of the best localities for fattening md stock-raising purposes in the north west. This county has n population up- vard of 10,000 , with forty-five Eohool districts , each district having a good school house. Good , dry loais are the rule and plenty of them. TOWNS. It Is well dotted with several thriving illagos , among the moro prominent bc- ng Ponca , the county teat , with a pnpn- ation of about 1,5CO ; containing a good > rlck court house , good school house where they employ six teachers , and if ho schools are to bo judged by the gon- iral appearance of the sshool ma'rns , wo ihonld say they were first-class in all ro- poets. A fine water mill is also situated icro , with a grinding capacity of four lundrod bushels of wheat per day ; It also has a gocd creamery working to Its "ull capacity , nor Is it without the usual ikatlng rink , besides several fine church edifices. This thriving little city num- icrs among its business Interests two ) anks , several dry goods , grocery , hand- ware , and general stores , in addition to ho usual compliment of lawyers , doctors , merchants , mechanics , and other dealers 'n the commercial lino. WAKEF1ELD n the southern part of the county , is a railroad junction , and Is said to contain about a thousand dear people , enjoys n icalthy and prosperous trade aud Is fast assuming metropolitan airs in the way of teed store ? , streets nnd sidewalks. Then 'ollow the villages of Emoron , filartins- > nrg , New Castle , and several others , which are nice trading points , with hopes of being larger as they qrow and the country becomes moro settled up. PERSONAL MENTION. I would like to give our readers a brief ilogrophy of the many good people I met while here , but I will only mention ono or two , that parties contemplating a trip or settlement in this locality can correspond spend with or visit them and bo assured hat they are being honorably and rclla- ) ly dealt with. FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS' BANK. of Dorsey Brothers being composed of the Hon. G. W. E. Parsoy , present member of congress from the third dls- , rct ! , and F. M. Dorsey , resident man ager and cashier. This bank was eatab- lahod in 1883 , ° cd transacts a general stinking business , also handles real estate ) uth country and city , and furnishes ab- itracts of title to any lands In the county. They have a largo list of choice unim proved lands which they era offering on nest liberal terms. B. w. WOOD .s a gentleman who gives his whole at- ; ontion to the land basuieas and is an old resident cf this county , consequently inows nearly every ploco of land In the county. He also has an extensive list of improved and unimproved lands for tale , In Dakota , Cedar , and adjoining counties and if you bring or need an abstract of title to your land , will carefully prepare the same , and If you get hard np and need money , and have a good title to your land , ho Is prepared to lean you some of the "filthy lucre. " Both of the above firms can bo reached by addressing them at Ponca. I cannot cloeo without saying a good word for the railroad boyf , who made the trip very pleasant , for 1 found them courteous , kind , and accommodating , and I hope always to bo able to speak a gocd word for iho Chicago , St. Paul , Minne apolis & Omaha people. Now tbat "Nobreska" has beccnio a housahold word to nearly the entire east , and that the tldo of emigration is about to move , I wish to especially call the at tention of home-seekcN to the noithorn portion of the state. Having traveled extensively throughout the west , I speak candidly when I nsjcrt that I never saw a locality that offered so many natural advantages that are available es Dlxon and adjoining counties poster * , and they can be procured very easily at present , but the day Is fast approaching when these lands will bo hold and s Id at a figure far from the reach of a moderately poisoesed man. A. H , F. YOUNOMETJt IvKAD Tilt. TUB VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to Bond their celebrated KlECTllo-VoL- TAIO BELT and other ELEOTBIO APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) afflicted , with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete ) restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred aa thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free , AVlso In the Ways of the World. Texas Slftings. A young man of ability but not of much means was talking about starting a new paper in Houston , and was telling a friend about it. ' You can borrow $50 and atait a new paper , " said the friend , encouragingly. "You darned fool ! " replied the would- be journalls1 ; "If I could borrow § 5t what would I want to start a paper lot' I want lo start a paper so I cm borrow the § 50. " we sro her Caatorlfl , ATlien elio was a Child , die cried for Caatorla , When she became Miss , elio clang to Caatorla , Wlien she had Children , she B TO them CwtorU lu l"rce from Opintes , Emetics mill Volsons. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE for ConithsPoro Throat , IIonr rno , Inflntnsa , C'oM - Ilronehllls Croup , WhooptnE Cough , Afthmn , Qnlnny , l'nlnIn Clint. n Jether fTfctlotn cf tin Throat in 11ina - Prlftp BO cents n bottlr. Sold by DrngEliti and Df ! era. JMrtlti unablt la Induce their tteiiter toprmnfiUv get It far them Kill rectlre tint botlle , Krpreii cAargtt pahl , ty ttmting cnt dollar lo HIE ciuntrs A.TOdttrn rojiriiiT , Sot * Owiitrc fcnd Munufuctnrf rt. lUlllnorf , JUrjUnJ , C.B. JU ' . (517 ( St. Chnrlcs St. , St. Louis , Mo. - r < nul r graduate of t o HcJIeal Colltijr. , , h i 1tcn , lout * DjrtffftJ In the I ptctftl treatmentof O uosic1 , Ni.rovi , BKIU aol III.OOB Iii.iit than anr oibtr rrij.lcUiiln 81. LocJji. u tHj rkpcri ttiow ttBit nit old rt U m kaow. Nervous Hrosirallon , Debility , Monttl jni hyslcal Weakness ; Mercurial and otn r ( Melons lens ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Olooil Poli& ij , Ad Sores and Ulcers. r irf.t-.i vtth unrtn" . * acreit , OD lAte.t lelcntltlc principle * . Hi'plr. rrlratcl Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excer. xposuro or Indulgence , nMch rrojnco iom > ot a. .Mlowlm cHeetll ctrvoa.nrM , dcbllllr , dlmn l ef > l < hl cd defectlTO mrtnirjflmplcion tha lute , t > 6Jilt \ dewy , rerlloatolht .oeletj or fetnitleontiiiu * orilpMet4 endcrlne Marriage Improper or unhappy , au > eniiAnfill7earcd. l'atnphletjn ( raceicn ) tto abore , atrtl icaled forelopc.frfato AtijaJdrcm. ConHiiltttlontef e orbm llfrro.ciJlnTlltJ. Hrllo forquciUoni. A Positive V/ritten Guarantee jl In nil curable c ei. Urdlclnti sent rcrj b r . I' ropheti , SriRlUh or German , 04 par ? . , d < v- sorlblnz above cli.eoseB , la male or famaU , rlUUl CARRIAGE GUIDE ! MO j > nei. One rl. ' . lllnitntrd la lloth and ctlt tlaiUos , Of.moncT rp ! iamMm < r eorcri. Jao. ThK l o taint all tbe url ct , doubtful or laqal.ltlTft v % t tl iw , A book t crvit Intarwt lo ill Uutli ! " BEWABB ECU AL O * " QJULURD3 Ihla brand la a happy combination ot fine , younff rlep rod , burly lorp filler , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR nd It Just meets the taste ol a largo number of hovers. Orders for 'Tloweharo" uro oomlnR In rapidly rom Ml parts of the country , demonstrating how lulokly the great army of chowora ettllo a good omblnatlon uf Tobacco , both as to quality and u&ntlty. Messrs Loilll&rd & Co. have cicrclucd no ittle time and labor In cndcatorlng to reach the icmo of Perfection In riowehtre , ai.d scorn to have iono It. Besides the XEM CIUT curs ct Ploneharoore Which la a point not to ba overlooked by dealers iho will flnd It to their Interest to order omo and ; Ivo their customers an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by ! ronewcg < fc Sctoentgen , Council Bluffs. 'erecoy ' & Moore , " " , . ICirscht & Oo. " " Stewart Bros. ' " 'nxton & Gallagher , Omahn. iloCord , Brady & Oo , , Omaha. For sale in Omaha by YlDclintr , 518 S 13th Stroot. Heury Ditzen , C01 S 13th St. leimrod & Co. , 602 S 13th St. ieo CurisiaD,1015 Parnam St. Caufman Bros. , 207 S 16th St. Caufman Bros , 1009 3Tarnnm St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Fornam St. August Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. oo. Heimrod , CIS N Itith St. Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. ICth and Cum. ing Sta. m Green Bros , , N , W , Cor. Division and Cumlng Sis. . Stevens 913 N. 21st St. T. H. Spetman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St , Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St. Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St. Mrs. G. M. Lawlay , 80G S. 10th St. "I. Manfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. lira. G. M. Lawley , 80C S. 10th St. . Omaha. .loo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha. T. II. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St. Chas. Ying , 712 S. 10th St. iif ( ho nLOoi > , "ri > r& .uuthc LSVERaml KIDNEYS , llll ! IIIC.-IDUL. Till. HCAl/ni nnd VIOOH ot VOUTH. J > jv sluVantnf Aliliullte , J& . m'slicin , 1 acic of btrt'iiruK ml ' 1 li e'4 " " 'iiiK ali ulHlelf on it'll , luncf.stuiisclvsaiio ici vi i , r"celvu ntw force I'.r.l'vcns tlio iiilnil ace piiHUi.3 | llrnln rower. _ Bun < ilHRfroni roinplalntt C.3 pe < ullur to their s < t 'il * 'nil In SK. LV BJIilVB ll'.OM TONJO rnfn uutf -HjoUy cure , dues a ilc.u , liuuitliv complciloa y-friiieiit | iMrniptu at. c"'ffh * tii o lya < ! r ) , hu popularityiifllmorl linl. D I , llt KItlllO < HtIOINAI. < tM > lil.ST. A inuriiildretsloTtU'lir. Miirlnr.Mf.1 alt \ > * - . Wo.oi our"DKKAJlI J1OOK. ' > UVi'iot ' Btrunsr taut < tIeUnluna U.f : jJ | J XJN33 OP IN OMAHA Nidi. I am a old man. Kor ! 8 years I luflcred with ulcua on ray right leg as tbo result ol typhoid ( ev et , AmiutatUn wa ag eala < l it the only mean ol pro- eorvlrBllle. The doctor ! could do nothing ( or mo and thought 1 mutt die. For three years I ne\cr lia-i a shoo on , f\\Wt bpcclOohiu made a pcimancnt cuio and added ten j e r to my IHo WM IU llKKi > .IIMICo.a ; I have taken 8 I It's S ] > cclho ( or blood polaon con- traded t a rntdlcal college at * direction ; nhllol was a medical Btudect I am grateful to say that It gave me a ipeedy and thorough cure alter ay rants had spent hund-cda ol dollari lor treatxuit Al'Ql'BEuaWliNDil. , II D.Newark , N. J My wile Irora eaily fir hood hit been euQerlrg from rhtumatUm. She has tried ininy rcmedloi. and I mutt frankly iy baa derived more benefit IromSHllt'sSreclio than from all the others , alter lone ac.d Ulthlul trial. . UBV. jAa. L. FIKKCE , Oxford , 0 Bwllt'i BpedBo U cntlrily reeetable. Treatleo on lood and bUln Ulacasoa malUd free. The Swirr Brxcinc Co. , Drawer I ] Atlutt fla. , 01 (9 W. tSd St. , N. Y . Real Estate 213 8.14th STREET , iBET. FAENAMAND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city. Wo hnvo business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge , Douglnf , Fauinui , Ilnruey , Howard , Oth , 10th , 13th and reels. We hnvo fine residence property on Fntnnm , Douglas , Dodge , Dnvenpott , Chicago , Cnss , California streets , Sher man , St , M nrys nnd Park Avenues , in fnct on all the best residence sticets. We have property in the following nd- ditinis. Hawthorne. McCormick's , Millard& ; Caldwell's ICountz & ; Lakes , Impr'nt Association Elizabetli Place Wilcos , E. V. Smitli's , Burr Oak , Sorbacli's , Isaac & Seldon/S' Patrick's ? Hanscom's Parker's , West Omaha , Grand View , Credit Foncier , kelson's. Kountz' First Armstrong's Kountz' Second , Godfrev's , Kountz' Third , Kountz' Fourth , Kirkwood. Syndicate Mill , College Place. Plainview , Park Place , Hill Side , Walnut Hill , Tukev &Keysors , West End , Thornburg , 1 Boggs&Hill , Clark Place , y Capitol , Mvers & ; Hichards , Reed's First , Bovds , And all the other Additions to the City. yndioate Hill Adjoins the stock yards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de sirable homes for the employes of the ttock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-division. Located in Wept Omada , two blocks Boutli of Leavoiuvo'th street , ; > J ine locntioa ad the cheapest lots in Omaha.Sl ; 5 for inside lots and $150 tor corners ; terms § 10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to see lliofeo if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. We have a few lots left in Kirlcwoo3 addition , which we offer a * low I-rices , terms $ 2b down balance § 10 per mouth. These lots are 011 high level g ound and are desirable. Hawthorne. This addition is nitre centrally located thin any other new addition near the best Schools m the city. All the Erects are being put to gr de the grades have oeeu established by the city council , aud is very desira ble residence property , ou'y ' 15 blocks from Post oflico , prices lower than adjoining additions for a homo or investment. These lots cannot bo beaten. - Lot on Davenport with tine Fen SALK Lot 28th and Farnam atroot , , cco. peed property , 31,000. FOR SALE Full lot 2ht and Clark street , G Foil HALK-1 acre on California , ooat of room IIOUBO , 22,300. Sacred Heart ; house , burn , t.ncittern , cheap Ton SALK Beautiful aero lot in Qiao's add. only 81 CO'J 31,31,0. Foil BALK Lota In Hanecom placa oath , 1'ou Sii.K-1 lot on Chicago street between 8500.Fon 13th and 14th , S2.500. Fen HALK 10) feet front on 15thfitroetwiUi mnnll IIOUBO just uouth of Hartmaa School , ' on * BKAUTIFDL lots corner 1'ernam and 20th . etrcet cheap. ly S1.7UO. . , Foil BALE Full lot and C room house comer Foil SAiK-Lots In Walnut bill , - $200 lltli and Caatellar , $2'lOo , Kou SALK-J lot wlthO rociu house 21 > t Foit BALK Lot and 2 houses 18th andNlch. strdet easy payments , $2 000 , olan , 85,100. ? IFe ivill jfurnisH conveyance free to tiny part of the city tosliow property to our friends antl customers , and cliccrfully yiue informa tion rcyardinfOmaJia Property. Those ivho hate bttryains to offer or property at a Itaryain , arc , invited to see us. Bedford & Souer , Real Estate Agents 213 S.I4th St. , bet. Farnam& Douglas ,