8 THE DAILY BEE -TUESDAY , MAY 12 , 188 THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morningi May 12i LOOM , BBEVITIE3 , The worthleM dogs muit go , The city council will moot to-night. That court house picnic is to come off on the 28th , Yostrday's receipts nt tha county treasury were $501 92. Justice Soldon tried his hand yesterday at the work ot pronouncing n marriagn ere- many , nnd joined together A pair of Bohe mian ) Joseph Stelger nnd Josephine Drdlft , , , The subject of the ! lecture at Urclgaton college on Tuesday evening , 12th Inst. , will boone ono which oicitcs a great deal of interest In the city nt prciont : "Rabies , its nature and moans of preventing it" As Rev , M. Stone was attempting to board amoving street cnr yostccday morningho loit his footing nnd wan thrown to the pave ment , striking in such a manner at to dlslo * cata his right arm , The Injury is a very painful ono , The committee soliciting stock for the Omaha Fair fool that they cannot spare moro time from their business nnd therefore urge the citizens of Omaha to como forward and subscribe the balance of the stock in order to make the fair n success. Mrs. Minnie Drcxol , wife of Coroner Drexel , died yoatorday morning about G o'clock , nftcr a short illness , ngod twenty-two years and ono day. The funeral services will beheld hold Wednesday morning nt St.t 1'hilomena cathedral. Mass will bo said nnd the remains interred at the comotry of the Holy Sopulchor. Rev , J. A , Brodrtck loft yesterday morning for Burlington , In , , on business. Mrs. R. W. Chamberlain and son left yes terday for Worcester , Mass. , to visit friends. Mrs. Emma Gordon loaves to-day for DCS Momes , IB. , nnd will make that her future homo. Henry Mies , who has boon hero visiting his many friends left yesterday morning for Norfork , Neb. , where ho is connected with the Union Pacific road. I At the Millard : Ed. M. Coffin. Ord ; 8. S. < Switzer , riattsmouth ; J. B. McMillan , Portland , Ore , ; I" . M. Marquette , Lincoln ; 3 > . P. Lillie , SprlngBeld , Mass. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin H. Price are nt the Millard on their way to San Francisco. Mrs. Price is moro familiarly known to the public as Dannie Davenport , of theatrical fame. Mr H. M. St. Clair , n prominent attorney of Plamb Crock , was in the city yesterday , but left for homo last night to defend Long and Powell , tht ) Brighton ranch murderers. J. Care , Covington , Ky. ; H. M. Sinclair , Flum Creek ; James Slovens , Shelton ; 0 , Boohlor , Jr. , and wife , Blue Hill ; C. 15. Magoon , Lincoln ; A. 0. Colton , Beatrice , are at the Pax ton , At the Canfield : E. C. Graham nnd wife , Marshall ; F. C. Dodge , Wood River ; James Batchelor , Lincoln ; Mrs. C , A , Yates , North Platte ; R. T. Maxwell , Clark's ; J. T. Jack- on , North Lonp ; II. P. Judy , Do Witt ; W. R Kelly , Lincoln ; Joseph Hoppock , llichwcod , Ohio. At the Metropolitan : W. W. Bride nd wife , Rivorton ; T. J. Cummings , Craig ; M [ Burns and daughter , York ; J. C. Kahn , r ( Schuylor ; Henry 0. Miller , Grand Island ; " ' W. H. Clinton , Lincoln ; I. 0. Whiteslde , * ' Am-ora ; Clarfc Ward , Indianola ; J. H. Rlch- iS * . ards , North Loup , and T. R. Leighton Plattsmouth. HEAPED OFF. A "Wedding that was to HRTO Oc- cnrrod at * 1 O'clock Yesterday Nlppoil in the Bud , A very ordinary looking individual calling hlmaolf Ezra Ebrlght , meekly entered - tored the county court room yesterday morning , and naked Judge McCulIoch for a marriage license. With his usual , pleated to-accommodato - all - candidates- for-tho-matrlmonlal-yoko style , the judge dropped every thing else , and soon had the desired document made out. Miss Oora Bowman appearing aa party of the < aocond part. Aa Mr. Ebrlght started to I-- ' go , ho expressed his thanka at being BO [ ; nicely treated and promised to return h promptly at 4 o'clock with the object of F his affections and have Judge McCal- \f \ lough perform tbo ceremony for them. p. This arrangement wni satisfactory all L around and the judge commenced 1m- K mediately to study np anico little speech. ; , . , ; But before the anxiously awaited hour came another little event occurred nnd If tbo couple got married at all Judge McOullongh was not the man who married them. Abont 2 o'clock p. m. hia front door swung open again and In walked an extremely repulsive looking old woman who wanted to ascer tain whether ono Ezra Bbrlght had ob tained a marriage license within the past month. Being Informed that ho secured that coveted document only a few hours before her arrival and would bo back - . with his blushing brldo at 4 o'clook to P get spliced , the old woman ' vehemently declared that she would bo there , too , and proceed to give them a S picnic. Then she entered Into an elab orate story about how , years and years ago , when aho was a fresh and handsome young girl , brigh had courted and mar ried her and la still her husband ] , though they bavo been living apart and in the city of Omaha for the past four years , She alao asserted that he has never boon divorced from her. Aa Air. Ebrlght and hia Intended failed to put In an ap- pcaranco at the appointed hour , or any other time , and aa the old lady did not return again U la supposed aho must hare headed them off , aomo place el o and blo < k d their move ments. She waa after the gentleman red hot and proponed to nip hia llttlo game in the bud. fltnbbcil. Sunday evening John Holmes ( col ored ) residing on California street , got into an altercation with John White ( colored ) at the corner of Tenth and Cap itol avenue , when White drew A large knlfo and stabbed Holmes In the right cheat , Inflicting a dangerous wound , Drs. D/sart , Mercer and brown were called and dressed the wound. They consider the wound a dangerous one , though not Eocossarlly fat I. Whlto did not remain I to 040 the result of his victim's injury but fled , and his riot yet been appre hended. Now Watches from 83.0 to $500 each , at Kdholm & Jtrlckaon'a. < A RIDE TO PORTLAND , From Laraiie to Pocalello ; tough Coalfields , SageM and Tnuu&s & ] , Over Grcon Vnllcrs * nd Along RipI pllng Rlvorg Wnyaldo Scones nml Incidents. FRIDAY , May 8. At 0:20 : Thursday evening the Omaha-Portland party halted at Laramlo and received the visit of a atnt number of citizens who called to pay their respects. Among these was Will 11at . Kent , now editor of the Boomerang , and once well known In Omaha. Leaving Laramlo the train kept its westward way without accident , having previously passed Sherman , the highest point on the Union Pacific road and near which stands the Oakes Ames monument ment , which by reason of the darkness and falling snow , was Invisible. The night passed in frlandly chitchat and refreshing sloop , preparing all for the nice breakfast in Grcon River , which Mrs. Johnson , writ known to the Pax- ton's guoats , had prepared at the Desert honso. At Rock Springs a fine view of the IMMENSE COAL BEDS was had. That entire country for miles Is ono continuous bed of coal of the Gncst quality , and the mines now open supply 750,000 tons per year , filling the great lack which the railroad people so feared In the early days of the Union Pacific. General Freight Agent Shelby gave the BRE roproaontatlvo many useful and In teresting facts touching the discovery , developments and yield of thcso most valuable properties , to all of which the stir and activity of the camp bore elo quent testimony. Passing along to Granger and bidding adieu to irlonds bound for the Golden Gate , the Bogota and Merlin sleepers were switched on to the Oregon Short line train and then began the NOBTinVZSTWAUD JOXIUTEY. which will continue to Umatllla Junc tion , Oregon , 758 miles away. The O. S. . L. runs to Huntlngtun , C-10 miles from Granger , thence the train moves via the 0. R. W. & Nav. Co. 'o Port land j , 0-14 miles from Granger and 1820 miles from Omaha. From Umatllla Iho route Is nearly directly went , 180 miles to Portland , the metropolis of Oregon and the northwest. The route passed over to-day after leaving Granger Is Interesting , plctnr- esquo and lovely. The wide , level val leys ' of Ham's Fork , of Green River and of th'o Bear river are clothed in green grasses on which great "bunches" of fatted cattle were hero and off yonder peacefully grazing. The faces of thoao valleys are dotted with miniature lakpa , on whose crystal waters flocks of wild forrl dlvo and sport In the merriment of their artloas life , and their sides are bor dered and fringed by rolling uplands that In places arlza to the dignity of footstools to the mountains beyond. Upward and upward , higher and high er , the has way mounted to-day , and nearer and nearer grow the CASCADE KAHOE , whoso cloud-piercing peaks catch with a klas the winds of the Pacific sea on their passage to the east , and , In the form of rain , give them back like "gentle dew from heaven upon the place beneath. " Near "Border , " on the Idaho line , as a reminder that the Wyomingplains were left far behind , the bright sunlight that was flooding tbo beautiful valley , was suddenly shut oat by a rain-cloud that came down , BOILINO o'en THE HIILS and bursting upon the darkened plain , washing the port faces of the frisky prairie-dogs and' baptizing the green young grass. At its coming , on cither aide along the bordering foot-hills , rosy- cheeked daughters of the lowlands were seen hurrying about their pretty cottage homes , "taking In" the bright-colored apparel of "fatner and the boys , " which hung side by side with theirs of finer texture upon the homoHko clothesline Ah ! the wonderful progress of this mighty and splendid neat Indeed it Is A wild land of earth , and atone and tree : Wnere breathes no costl'd lord nor cabin'd slave ; When word and thought , and men are free , And friends always welcome , foes find a grave. And where none kneel , save when to God * , they pray ; Not oven then except In their own way ! At Soda Springs station , in Blngham county , Idaho , are the magnificent "SODA " smiNds , that are already famous and destined In the near future to become of world lo repute. Of theao moro full in will bo given to-morrow. Suffice it now to eay that the two Bloopers in which the Omaha party travel were cut looao from the train and thus , an opportunity was afforded to visit the springs , aomo ono and a half mllod fatant from the line of railroad. UJTHER DRAKE'S TRIAL. | I During the day the party were all dis mayed aa the whisper passed from ono to another that Mr. Luther Drake , who had already made himself beloved by the members for his pleasant , genial and gentlemanly deportment , bad been caught during the night taking articles of apparel belonging to Messrs Rogers and Galla- ghor. Men who had been chatting cheer- lly looked at ono another in silence , and with blanched cheek and pallid lips , Soon the whisper grow into loud com- plant , and aa the enormity of the deed became more clearly understood an ex- curalonista' court was organized , and Hon. J , 0. Oowln appointed judge there of , with Jackman , of the Herald , mar ahal , A complaint had boon filed with the judge , charging the unfortunate man with the theft of a tooth brush ( old ) , and a night robe ( unwashed ) , of tbo gooda land chattels , oto. A jury , con sisting of Messrs. Dawey , Urelghton , Metz , Norseman , Llnlnger and Huitln were _ selected , the prisoner brought to the bar , and M. A. Kurtz ap peared to prosecute , The accused pleaded not guilty and poverty , and John II Donnelly was assigned by the court to defend him. The trial waa deeply In teresting and moat solemn. The wit noiiea were many and their testimony damnlrg and conclusive of hia guilt 1. The poor man was abowu to have no semblance of good character , and In the argument of the prosecution he fairly sank nndor the denunciation of tbo zeal- ona prosecutor. Every act of hia lift * yjwaa shown , until It win seriously dii- cusaed if it were not beat to atop the train and put him off alone In the dreary waste to die. The jury retired , and notwitbstand- llng tha Pullman car porter ( Oharlea Watklns ) , testified that tbo tenth brush had belonged to the car for two years , and the night robe was left by Geonjo Q. ] Cannon , the mormon , in his last flight , they soon returned and handed in a VERDICT OF GUILTY. For a moment all was still ; ! then Jadgo Cowan , with great emotion road the verdict and In scathing Il terms pictured the nature of the crime ; . its meanness , littleness and lack of cinso , and then sentenced Drake to the ex treme punishment known to the "Oodo of the Excursionists" to bo "shut np each day for ono hour In the smoking room with Lawyer Kurtz until ho shall bo talked to death ! " Oh ! mercy what a doom ! Whew ! how the BO two cars are flying ! 1c They have hitched on a special engine to catch the train which wont on from Soda 1I Springs ; the telegraph poles appear like a long , tall fence , and of the piles of rooks I hero and thnro In the valley is caught but I a glimpse then a flash and a vanish , "Toot , toot , " growls the engine , the stat.on Is near , and thus kind reader have paas'od the evening and the morning of the second day. D. 0. R. Every lady uses Pozzonl'a medicated' complexion powder. It Is a honioholo treasure. The madam finds it linpoisiblo to go down town without first rubbing It on. If the baby cries she goes for the puff box. If the "old man" comes homo ruffed or chafed , because buslnoaa Is dull , etc. , Pozzonl's powder cools and allay a his troubles. Then all Is gladsome joy. No family should bo without it. MONDAY"MOBNING , Plenty of Arrests , But Four Appear ances .Before the Court. There were quite a number of arresba made by the police between Saturday and Sunday nights , but a good many of the individuals so arrested were released on ball , which they preferred to forfeit rathof than appear before Judge Ston berg yesterday morning. Thoao bashful Individuals bore the following names : Frankie Miller , O. Boon , H. Solluger , F. Sohull , Henry Lovl , Nels Nelson , Charles Dor- soy , George Jordan and F. A. Oluoy. Most of the cases were for Intoxication and disorderly conduct. George Smith came before the court on a charge of disorderly conduct and dis turbing the peace , to which charge ho answered not guilty. George has been selling songs around the streets , and with his loud talk and other offensive ways ho created conaiderablo disturbance around the entrance to Wood's museum. Ono of the employes of that institution , and Officer Lowrey , who made the arrest , were on hand to prove the charge , and Judge Stenberg sentenced the young man to pay a fine of $5 and costs. Sadie McBrldo was also arrested for disturbing the peace of the city of Oma ha , but oho pleaded not guilty and was discharged. William Jones was only a plain drank. But as it was his first offense and ho a hard working man , the judge was len ient with him and allowed him to depart In peace. Merriam Bates , colored , was accused of being an Inmate of a house of profit ! tution. Ho said ho was not guilty , but the judge concluded to give him $5 and costs. J. G. German , arrested on the same charge , was discharged. James Rossman was accused of va grancy , but the charge was not sustained and ho Is again at liberty. Two boys named Morris Penvillo and Will Rugg were brought before Judge Stonberg , charged with using Indecent language on the street. The woman who made the complaint appeared In court this morning , but it was decided to have a jnrv trial , and the case Is to bo tried before Judge Stenberg on Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock. B. H. Douglass and Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops are manufactured by them selves and are the result of over forty years experience in compounding -cough mixtures. G Bicycling By Steam. Mr. L. D. Oopoland , of Arizona , ar rived in Omaha Sunday morning , bring ing with him a bicycle which is some thing of a novelty In Its line. In fact it Is the only ono ia the world of its kind , having been Invented by Its present own er. Tbo bicycle la ono of the Star varie ty , its peculiarity existing in the fact that it Is propelled by steam Instead of by foot power. The little quarter-horso-power engine which does the work is located just above the amall front wheel , and ia as complete a machine as ono could doslro. The steam la generated by benzine , and the englno is easily controlled by a contri vance which makes it as cafe a mode of conveyance as when run by foot power. Mr. Oopoland Is now on his way to New Jersey , where ho expects to have his machine manufactured. Ho will re main In Omaha this week , however , visiting his brother , who rcaldea at 807 Leavenworth street , and any person who would like to see the machine operate is at liberty to call. Don't fail to read Mottor's prlco list of groceries on 5th page ol this lesno. Standing Off Poor Bfen. It Is reported that Myers & Duffy , con- I tractors on the grounds of the now school building on Williams street , between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets , are not using the men employed by thorn in a fair minuet. The men say that they have received no money for three weeks , hut have been given duo bills , which will not bo taken except at a heavy diaconnt. They have made numoroua complaints to the contractors , but have been put off on the plea that the firm had no money. Yes terday , when they came to work , one of the bosses appeared aa the eceno and Informed them that work would bo dia continued for the present. All the men employed are poor and need the money , and should not be kept waiting for it If the contractors cannot ralee enough to pay them , they should abandon their contract , and turn it over to some one | who can pay. 1 Don't fall to read Motter'a prlco Hat of ' groceries on 5th pigo of this Isiue. It is surprising to see the amount of good an advertisement in the BEE will do. T. N Bray , the Douglas street shoo man has just received an Inquiry for gnods advertised by him from Sherman , Wyoming. Printer's Ink pays well LAWN MowEiia repaired at EVANS' SEED STOKE ? Krai Eatto Transfers. The following transfers were filed May 0 , with the county clerk and reported for the BEE by Amos' ' real estate agency : Thomas J. Staloy to Sarah J. Staler , w d , part of stv | ne | of lot 2 , sec 10 , 15 , 13 , In Omaha. $1. Eunice D. Patteo and hnsb to Jacob Kinfmann , w d , n 22 foot of lot 5 In block 0 , In Omaha. $3,000. Goo. N. Illcks and wf to Carroll S. Montgomery ( trustee ) , w d , lota 39 and 40 , In block 8 , In Hanicom Pisco add to Omaha. 81,800. Augustus KonntzQ and rrf and others to William MoDIarmld , w d , lot 20 , In block 10 , In Konntzo and Ruth's add to Omaha. $050. Henry Lonfera to Peter S. Lolsonrlng , w d , B 12 feet of o 5 acres of s 18 0-100 acres of t $ of nw | of sec 20,15,13 , In Douglas county. $1. Jamoi E. Rlloy and wf to Henry C. Crumb , w d , n CO foot of lot 2 In block 3. of sub-division of J. I. Rodlok's add to Omaha. $1,250. Skipped the City , It Is reported that a man named ' Norrls , who has boon noting as book keeper and collector for several fir ran in the city recently , has disappeared from Omaha with money collected for persons trho have lately employed him. The last time ho was soon in the city was Friday night , and at that time ho Is said to have had In his possession $180 , which ho had collected for Dennis Cunningham , n blacksmith on Sixteenth street , and It is thought that ho also had collected a considerable amount for G. M. Hitchcock , who acta as agent for Judge Crounao. Owing to the absence of Mr. Hitchcock from the city Judg'o Orounao was telegraphed to at Fort Calhonn and arrived Sunday to look Into the matter. So nothing definite 1) known , and no trace of the man Norrls has boon found. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot pnroty , strength and wholesomenoss. Moro economical than tbo ordinary klnde.snd cannot bo sold In competi tion with the multitude of low teat , shorl weight lum of physvhrto powdore. Sold only In cine ROY All BAKING POWDER CO. . 109 Will SI ; N.Y The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. EASIEST niDIM lUdei * CUT lengthen and shorten according to the weight they carry. Equally well adapted to roufh country rotds C = i gae drives ot cltlet. Manufactured and ipjd b all Uadict oolofli Builders tnd Dealer * . CAMELLINE FOU THE COMPLEXION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned physicians of San Francisco are familiar with the composi tion of the principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that UAH ELINE Is harmless and free from all poisonous or Injurious substances. L C Lane , M D G F Goepor , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D R A McLean , M D J M MoNnlty , M D. 0 B Br'gham , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruncy , M D W Harnmondnl D A M Loryea. M D W F IvTcNntt.M D 0 L Bard , M D A JBowio , MD H L Slmms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D J H SUllard , M D F A Holman , M D 0 McCooBton.M D J Rostmstirn , M D COKoonoy , MD J D Whitney M D A M Wilder , M D T Coyson , M D G H Powers , M D 0 G Kenyon , M D B R Swan , M D 1 S Titus , M D L L Door , M D J L MoarcB , M D J W Keenoy.M D T Prlco , M D GHollaud , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adelina Patti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the pralios of your OAMELLINE heard from all sides. For sale by H , T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class drnggists. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " 27ie dangtrous qualities of con taminated drinking wafer are not obviated by tht addition of wines ot spirits1 Medical Officer of Privy Council , England. < ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS.1 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ARTICLE' ' ARTICLE'A A NATrONAKl N 6ttSfT 1 THE SOURCE OF SAVING IS AN Assurance of To see is to realize more fctrongly than to hear of , nnd to see those Merchant Tailor Misfit nnd Uncalled for Clothing Garments now on sale at tlio Misfit Clothing Parlors , J.31SJ Douglas St. , np-stnirs , the source o your snvincr in easilv realized. Sea that $25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for. .812 GO 35 00 " " 1C . 18 20 40 00 " " II . 20 30 45 00 " " It . . 23 00 50 00 " " I.II . 25 70 CO 00 " " II . 31 25 05 00 " " II . 35 00 PAHTALOONS. V i. . $ C 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for 3 00 8 00 " " " " 4 30 10 00 " " " " 5 00 12 00 4 " " " C 20 15 00 " u " ' 8 00 SPEING OVERCOATS. Cut , made and trimmed in the highest art to be fouud in elegance unsurpassed outside of the 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-UP-STAIRS , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. COWING & JOBBERS IH WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Biltrablt ud Cut Iron 350 : rc" a ? X w < 3r s , Load Pipe and Sheet Load UOUUIISCTOV BTKiU I'lHTS , WINDBILLiNDDUITKHHX l'CHI'8 , PlomtiErs1 Gas and dteam Fitters' IRON & BRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES , 14U1 & DodflO SU-OMAHA.NEB. DR. PUHEK , Graduate ot the University "Vienna , Aus tria. Lace thirepon to the Military Hospital , of Vienna , Will do a general Medical nnd Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner IStb Street and Capitol Avenun. Omolui Medical & Sur gical Institute. " ' " v 13th St. , Cor CamtalAvo , Chronic and Surgical Diseases of Females , of tbo Nervous Sjbtem , Prl < Mite DUoaaesof the Urinary and Sexual organa and Diseases ol the Head , Throat anil Lungs , Diseases treated by an experienced ircoltllat , nlao clltcascaol the Heart , Liver , Stomacli , hidnojB , Dlail der , Neuralgia , lV ouuittl'm , I'll'fl , CanrarB , eta , And all otlier diseases oltlio Throat and Lunea , treat oJ by Medicated Vapors Bond lor lahalor or circular on Inhalation , All dllcasoa ol the Blood , Urinary and Sexual Or * gang , Prhato Dlseiecs and I'ilea Cured or no Pay , 15 Yts.ro Hospital and PrUale Practice Consultation and Examination Iroe GillorwrltolorclrculaiaonchronlodlsoMca and deform Itlca , DleeiBcs ol Koialca , I'rHato Dlsca e * ofi h Urinary and Sexual Ortjans , Seminal Weakness , Ner \om Debility or Kilnuatlon , etc. , cto , and our now restoratho treatment , All Ictlera and consultations Confident 111. Medicines eont to all parta of the country bv ex < press , iccurely packed from observation , H lull do ecrlptlon of case la given , One personal Interview preferred If convenient , Open at all hours. Patlenta from a distance can obtain rooms and board , Address all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 18tb EL , Cor , Cap ) to Ave , , Omaha. Nob. ASTHMA CURE This Invaluable tpeo'flo readily and permanently cure all kinds of Asthma , The mo t obstlnata and IODK standing caiei leld promptly to It * wonderful curing propertied. It It keown throughout the world for Ita umlraled efficacy. J t , oALDWKLU city T Incoln , Neb ; writes , Jan 19,183 C H nee utlog lr. lUlr's Atthmi cure , for more than ono vear , tny wife haa been entirely well , and not even a sjmptem ol the dlieuehaj appeared WILLI&M BKNNKTT , RIchland , I iwa.wrlteaNov & 1.1883 lhave been atillcted with Hay fever and Aithma elnce 1859 I followed your directions and am happy to lay that I never elept better In my life. I am glad that I am amonir the many who can tpcak go favorably of your remedies. A valuable M pigo trratltecontainingitmllarproof from every State In the U , B , Canada aod Great Britain ; will be mailed upon application. Any druirglit not having It In etock will procured to era st. Ask for Dr , Hair e Aethma Cure. DH U W HAIR & SON. Prop's Cln'tl. 0. u/ceTp'cee Nerroa * V I Ixw & Wc kneM UtMUlf - * Uubeod ud UOIMJ AfttorlU prescription of t. ooled < pcliltl ) ( noirt- " ) DrocKliUna fill II. Addrtit DR. WARP CO , . LOP1SIAJO. W AX W1EY Established 1865. ) Jewelers and Music Dealers ARE NOW OFFERING Pianos and Organs Either for Cash or Easy Payments GREAT BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS WATCHES , Full Lineof Sheet Musicnd Books. Northeast Cor. Farnam andjJJji Sts. . OMAHA NEB & JSO&TJE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer Windows. Window Caps. MetallloSkv.LlghtB , &o. Tin , Iron and slate KooferB , 316 South 12th Btreet.Oixnua.Neb. Work done In any part of the country. ESTABLISHED 1069 FIRE , LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Orricci Con,14TH & Douo.ua STB. COMSTOCK & ANGELL , Agents. OUTH 0 MAH A The Advantage of Settling in theNewTowa Tbo title "South Omaha" doeanot moan thoiouthern part of the city of Omahabut iatho narao of the thriving town commenclnp at the Union Stock yardj on tbo south , and extend ing for n milo nnd a half north , nearly connecting with thecity limits of Omaha. Tbo company have again concluded to tmtontalo 1,000 lute , aod let the rmrcbaiora of the tama realize the profit which the enhancorl value of thene lot * ia sure to mako. It now being an assured fact that South Omaha is deatlnod In the near future to bo the largest live atock market west of Chicago , there can ba no doubt that this property In o few yeura mil bo worth five or oven ton times the amount that it can be bought for to-day , Homo may auk : If thia IB to , why dc not the company keen it and realize tula profit Tha answer IB , that In order to roako lots valuable , there must b improvements on or BUT rounding them , and at ia the case in all new towns , special Inducements must bo ollorou first to eet the people to take hold and build. There are probably more such inducements offered by South Omaha than were ever pn forth by any new town. The largo bushess dona by the stock yards company and the im mense slaughter and packing houses together with their auxllaries nro no small foitnra mill aggregate of events that are destined to make South Omaha a large pltce. Agun , tuo town ia not an addition to Omaha , and is not liable for city taie , although it enjoys all tlw benefits from the growth of Omaha that it would if It were just INHIDB the city limits , but bemji Ja t ODTSIDK , only county taxes ara collected , which ore merely nominal. The town owns and operates iU own water work * , which furnish an abundant supply of pure spring water. Dum i my trains will ran aa the B. & M. and.U. 1' . railways every hour , stopping at the north end 11 site aa well aa nt the stock yard . The Thirteenth street horse caw will run to nascall'i park this spring , and to tbo stock yarda At no distant day. The high altitude and the location a healthy one. . . . . . . Of courae there are those wlio do not believe that South Omaha will amount to much. This kind of people didn't believe Chicago would ever be anything better than n cranberry patch that Omaha would ever outgrow her village clothes , that there never could be any fruit raised In Nebraska , etc. . etc. Who made It ivfnT The sceptics , or those that had an abiding faith in the energy , intelligence and retourtea of this great country ? For Information , maps , prices and terms npplv at the company's office , 210 8 , Thirteenth BUoet , Merchant's National Bank Building , urut floor , . A. UPVONAa8l * 8ec'y and J9fana > \