THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , MAY 11 , 1885. 1 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , This week 'we will make a cut-in all De partments , The Greatest of all Preceding Sales. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. 50 pieces of good unbleached cotton , 5o worth 8 l-3c 6O pieces of heavy weight unbleached cotton at 6c worth 9c. 1 case of fine bleached muslin at 5c worth cases bleached soft finished , water twisted muslin at 7 c worth lOc. 1 case best standard prints at 5c worth 20 pcs half wool Cashmeres , good colors , lOc worth 15c. 15 pcs Pacific Blocks , assorted col ors , at 13c worth 20c. Combination Suitings at 20c worth 30c. New colorings in Satin Berbers at 25c worth lOc. Melanges , Drap D'Almas , Diago nals , Gersters at 25c worth 35c. Coventry in Suitings , all wool , 40 inches wide , new shades , 50c worth 75c. Cashmeres & Bun tinge At prices which cannot be duplicated. SILKS , SILKS , UO pcs Summer Silks , checks ant stripes , warranted pure silks , al 35c actual value OOc. ' Ho 1. Black Dress Silks at 660 worth 85c. No 2. The best Black Silk over seen in this market for 5i wortl $1 40. 3. Wo arc showing o Silk a 51.50 , actual value $2. LINENS , LIENS. i'his week our linen department will have to suffer. Having over stocked our shelves we are com pelled to reduce the stock in or der to make room for more sea sonable goods. Towels , Napkins , and Table Linens at rediculously low prices. AUZE UNDERWEAR. 20 doz Mens' Gauze Shirts at 15c worth 25c. 20 doz Mens1 India Gauze Shirts at 25c worth 40c. Mens' Balbrigejan Shirts at 50c worth 75c. Mens' Heavy India Gauze nt 50c worth 65c. Mens1 Silk Finish Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 60o worth 85c. "Our Own" perfect fitting Jeans Drawers at 50c worth 75. LADIES' GAUZE UNDERWEAR , Ladies1 Ganze Vests at 25c wortli Ladies1 India Gauze , three threat ] yests , at 45c worth GOc. Childrens1 Gauze Underwear atfron 12io to 3 DC. Our Hosiery department has some of the biggest bargains ever offer' ed in Hosiery. Remember this Week Drj For the Money than you Ever Received Before. At the GREAT RATAIL DRY GOODS STORI OF GOCKE & MORBAN 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , A HANGMAN'S MUSEUM. A Siclal Ghat With fto Leading Ctiofcer of Ntw York. Innocent Mementos o ( Ohnttly Kxo- onttono Death's Night Cap * na Nooses. Now York Mercury. On the night after the hanging of Mills , the wlfo murderer , A short , stout man , sandy hnir and musUoho , with a hard sat faoo and bnshy oyobrowa tot over a pair of remarkably penetrating gray eyes , entered - torod a saloon on Evergreen avonno , Brooklyn , and Invltod all present to join him In n qulot "amllo. "The hang man , " whispered the lonngors In chorai , aa they fctrodo towards the bar to In dulge. Seven or eight rounds were or dered and paid for by the abort , atout man , who exhibited an extraordinary largo roll of "tons and twenties , " and after Bottling with the proprietor ho loft the saloon. Aa ho oloiod tbo door a puz zled Mercury reporter , who waa standing near , ntked one of the party the c uio of the excitement over the man who had beaten anca a hasty rotrcat. "Oh , " ho replied , "tho'T 'T suou A HAD Fallow. Ho always treats the boys after ho re- reivoa 'tho boodlo' from the sheriff for Bonding an unfortunate to the other side ; although Borne folks are really afraid to go near him , and wouldn't even paaa his houao , I'd jnat as leave drink with him as I would with you. " The reporter treated , and after receiving a promlso of an Introduction to the hangman on the following Monday night , bid the man good night nndtook _ his departure. On the Monday night In question the re porter was on hand early In the aaloon. About half-past 8 o'clock the executioner came in , and , after a few minutes' con versation with the proprlotor , ho was in troduced to the reporter. Clgara were handed around and politics were dis cnssod. When the reporter loft that night ho and the hangman were good friends. They met again , and the reporter was invited to call at the hangman's honso. Tha houao is a neat little two- story frame , sot bank from the street , with a aPRETTY PRETTY LITTLE FLOVTEU GARDEN In front. The blinds are always kept closed and the rooms darkened. The re porter entered a hall neatly carpeted and adorned with a few articles of bilc-a-bric. Through the ontlra house , excepting one room , which might rightly bo termed the "chamber of horrors , " there Is evidence of quiet , good taato and a desire to make it a home In every sense of the word. The parlors are moderately furnished and contain a few cheap palntinga of figures and landscapes. The "chamber of her rors" Is Boldom entered except by the executioner himself , but the reporter succeeded in gaining admission to it. On the walls are tacked numerous photo graphs of niurdorera who had paid the penalties of their crimes upon the scaf fold. M ny of these were taken from life , while others represented murderers in the coffin. A neatly framed photo graph of a full-sized scaffold was sus pended above a closet door and on the oppoaito wall hnmr the motto , "QOD is LOVB. " On a shelf in the closet were a number of books on physiology , old newspapers and a cell of thin rope. On a rlckoty rosewood table of ancient style , which was propped up against the wall by means of a biick , was a dusty old volume , entitled "An Account of the Hu man Body , " and a well-worn diary , In which are recorded the names of the mur derers hanged , the dates upon which they were hanged and newspaper clip pings of the crimes for which they were executed. It was at night when tbo visit was made to this dingy little room , and the rays from a dim lamp foil upon the blood-stained and greasy nooses and black caps which were plica together in a huge old ohosb which the hangman opened. IDE GHASTLY CONTENTS OF THE TRUNK sent a thrill through the reporter which made his blood run cold. Twenty-four of these horrible and deathly looking black caps , which served to con ceal the distorted features of na many murderers who died on tbo gallows , and twenty-four nooses fthlch strangled these unfortunates , were exhibited. In a corner of the room lying upon tbo floor was a crossbeam of the old Tombs scaf fold which has served to execute many of Now York's criminals. This scaffold was recently removed from the Tombs , -and replaced by a now one , erected by a Brooklyn carpenter. The hangman superintended the erection of this scaf fold and had the old one carted over to Brooklyn , and placed In the baok yard of his house. Recently the neighbours complained about it and ho took It apart , saved the cross-beam and reduced the re mainder of it itTO TO KINDLINO WOOD. The reporter called at the sheriffs ofBca In the Klng'a county court houeo recent ly , and was Informed by Under Sheriff MoLaughlln that the hangman had re quested the sheriff to keep his ( the hang man's ) business "dark. " But It was as certained that at a recent execution ho had tire assistants , ono of whom "cut the rope , " while the hangman Itokod on. He hasa wife and two children , a boy and a handsome looking daughter of eighteen. The latter has many admirers and Is quite a society belle. 1 OLD WOMEN CROSS THEMSELVES and pray when they pass the little brown house and strong men avoid meeting the hangman. Even the police officers pre fer not coming in contact with him , aa they Bay to moot him Is an ill omen. Ho Is a very early riser. At present he does small jobi at his regular trade In this city. lie Is very superstitious and wouldn't allow any ono to cut a twig or lift a atone on his premises. Ho imagines that boos , ants , reptiles and beasts have the power of giving onion of good or bad fortune. HOW HE ATTENDS TO HIS QHABTIY WORK. The hangman partakes of an oarlj breakfast upon the morning of the da ] on which a murderer is to bo executed loaves his house about six o'clock , am goes out whistling "Tho Girl I Left Bo bind Me , " his favorite tune. Ho gen erally drops into tbo first aalooi he comes to for "an eye opener , ' I and then starts fcr the place a which the hanging ia to occur. Upoi his arrival he goes direct to the aherli and reports for duty , A few minute before the hour appointed for the oxocu Uon , in company with the sheriff , h visits the condemned man's cell , pinion the murderer's hands , places the blac cap upon his head and the noose abou hli neck. The rope which composes th noose is well oiled and made very sll [ pory , and upon the end of it la a ana boor. After these preliminaries are a1 tended to by the hangman , the murdoct : Is led , to the scaffold , Here the nooi ) which encircled the condemned man's nock Is attached to the icaflbld by means if the snap hook. The hangman goes to his station , in a little honso adjoining the scaffold. Through a small peep hole In the tide of this houio , ho Is enabled to see the signal for him to cut the weight ropo. This signal is generally given by the sheriff , who simply passes a handker chief across hi * month. When the hang man procelvcs this ho cuts the weight-rope , which permits 275 pounds of metal to fall upon a mattrosf , and jerks the mur derer high into the air. When the phy sicians prostnt pronounce llfo extinct , the man lowers the corpse and places it in a coffin. This completes his part of the programme. ON FRIDAY , THB 15m INST. , Charles Rngg , the Long Island mur derer , will bo executed at Long Island Oily , and this man will bo master of ceremonies on this occasion. Hla first stop will bo to erect the scaffold in the yard of the now jail , pftor which ho will attend to the rigging of it. This will bo done on Thursday , the 14th , the day previous to the hanging. Although the time ia not very near at hand ho la al ready sharpening the welght-ropo knlfo. It Is said that for this job ho will receive $100. In the fall ho will swing Gnldlcl Gulsoppo , the Italian murderer , in the Oily of Churches , and bo $150 richer than ho Is at present. In Now York county his p y for n hanging Is In the neighborhood of $250. IOWA IN CHUNKS. Dry Fads Saturated With Prohibition aiifl Personal Liberty , A. Variety ol Incident and Accident Gleanings from tbo Now * Centers of tbo Stmto. Population of Clinton , 11,300. Oreston has been divided Into five wards. The Presbyterians of Mcrldan propose to build. The newsboys of DcsMoInos iavo a fund of $2,000. The now route from DCS Moinoa to St Joe opens to-day. It costs $25 n month to sell back door budge In Dubnquo. Revenue collections at Mnscatino range from $3,000 to $4,000 a day. A soap faker cleaned up $200 among the bucolics of Strawberry Point. A Cedar Rapids saloonkeoperwaa fined $100 for selling liquor to a minor. Hamilton connty Is without a saloon to irrigate the wilderness of dry throats. Smco the collapse of tha chain Ot- tumwa has become the tramp harbor of the state. Patrick Murphy was badly crushed in the Eureka mlno near Dss Molnes , Tuesday. The Ministerial association , of Creston , has , by resolution , condemned the skat ing rink. Gangs of tramps give railroad men con siderable exorclso In the yards at Pacific Junction. One hundred patients are in the new cottage of the Insane hospital at Independence. Sioux City claims , If the spring census Is "properly taken , " it will show a popu lation of 15,000. A mllltla company has been organized in Slonx City. Forty striko-domollshers have been enrolled. Mahaaka connty decided to add $50- 000 tojtho $60,000 already expended , to complete tno court house , William Hartonott , the boy who was so brutally assailed by the Missouri Val ley night watchman named GOBS , is re covering. Two scared girls and a mouse brought t out the ontlro police to a house in Dos Molnes. The fire deparomont narrowly escaped a call. Burglars are helping the democrats to clean ont the postofScos. The former raided three offices last week , but the harvest was poor. That whisky is a cafe road from afflu ence to poverty was instanced in Daven port last TTOtk , when a former wealthy one' prominent citizen joined the stone gang to pay hla fine. Joel Bearer , a Linn county farmer , harrowed his vitals with strlchnlno , all on account of a woman. He waa planted by aorrowlng friends. Tramps make It a rule to change care and shirts at Oreston. Citizens of that town camplaln of the numerous drafts made fof the latter purpose. Oreston la confident that a nest oi counterfeiters is flooding the town with bogus dollars. The market price of the qaoor is $100 bogus for $30 genuine. A deadlock In the city council of Mar- ahalltown has resulted in extinguishing the electric lights In that city , and loaves the world to darkness and to tallow dips. The Presbyterian minister at Farley has sued a member of bis flock for $10- 000. Ho says the sheep has slandered him. Of course there is a woman in the case. case.Tho The charter of the State National bank , of Keoknk , expires May 23 , and will no ) bo reiifiwed , but will bo reorganized undoi tbo state laws as the State Bank ol Keoknk. The thlaty-socond annual conventlor of j the Protestants oplscopal.'church It the diocese of Iowa will assemble In St John's church at Clinton , on Tuesday May 20. Great excitement prevails in Mltsonr Valley over the enforcement of the pro hibitory law , the last saloon In the towi having been forced to close np severs days ago. The Riymond Mill company , of Otce ola , has recovered a judgment against th Mill Owners' Mutual Insurance compan1 for $7,000 , lees by fire on their mill ii February , 1884. The cracksmen were discovered In th act of rifling the Wiota bank last MOE day night. The police wore a little to previous and before any harm was don the burglars skipped. Frank E. Day , the youngest preachc in the state , a mere boy , was married 1 Cedar Rapids last week. The yonn divine belongs to the methodlst denote ( nation and is stationed at Allison. A meeting of the officers of the IOM division of League of American wheolme will be held at Oskaloosa on May 20 , i which time the placa will bo selected fc ask holding their annual fall convention. nt Bishop Ooagrovo , of Davenport , has a bo cured a desirable tract of land for tl boP proposed Catholic college at that plac Pap the ground coating $0,800 , and will it- once proceed to the erection of the fii er college building , se The pirUhoners of the Her. Fath Nugent of DM Molnes presented him with an elegant and costly silver service on the 7th , The sot consists of a large pitcher , cups , bowl and salver , all but the latter being gold lined. A half-dozen officials are now claiming Iho $1,000 reward offered by Gov. Sherman man for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of ox-oonvlct Thnm , killed nt Cedar Rapids In 1884 , Mitchell and his accomplice having been fonnd guilty. William Gallagher , an expert horseman well known to the sporting fraternity , attempted to aulcldo by jomplng from a Davenport ferry on Tuesday night. Long-continued absorption of too much personal liberty had unsettled William's limited reason. A Dnbuquo doctor had a call at 12 o'clock on Saturday night froma stranger who , when fairly into the office , re quested change of a $5 bill. The doctor quietly opened his safe , drew out a huge glittering bowie knife , when the caller fled. fled.Will Will Clark , a former omployo of E. H , Ryan , a Davenport hatter , Is charged with having stolen from his former em ployer goods to the amount of $200. It is also alleged that the matter was com promised by Clark's paying $300 cash hush money. Ohas. Kissinger , the Slonx City sausage peddler , who failed to ferry his wife over the Styx with a bullet , attempted to kill the policeman who arrested him. Charley drew a bead on the officer's palpltator , bmt the gun failed to go off. The would- bo murderer was jailed. The Northwest crematory association , of Davenport , Is rapidly gaining strength In membership. Ono hundred and fifty shares of stock at $25 per share have already been taken , and the building of a temple for the Incineration of bodies will be commenced at an early dato. The fascinating warbler and heart smasher , Emma Sherwood , who recently married George H. Evens , a promlnont Dos Moines grain dealer , has disappeared because her husband's bank account was not sufficiently long for her taste. George ia to bo congratulated on his good luck. Sheriff Webb , of Boone connty , offers a reward for the capture of Andy J. Dyer , who broke jail April 30. Webb had effected the arrest of Dyer at Ooloiua , In California , and was holding htm on an indictment for forgery. In dictments are also nut against him at Dos Molnes for like crimes. J Warren Parrot , a Marshall town gam bler sentenced to six months in jail on January 20 and pardoned by Gov. Sher man on the 22d of the same month , has had his pardon revoked by the governor for re-engaging In his nefarious business contrary to promises made , When cap tured ho will finish his term. Preparations , now being made for the coming firemen's tournament at Daven port , include a 000 foot track in front of the grand stand , which has a 10,000 seat ing capacity. A four-inch main will bo laid to the course to supply the water tanks from which both steam and hand engines will take their supply. Garret Brink , living near Fifiold , had a hard tussle with robbers Tuesday night. Ho was assaulted , tied , robbed and shot In the ear , the ball coming ont through his mouth. The villains then fired the house with the intention of cremating him , but Brink escaped and thoagh badly bruised Is still In the ring. . A Dss Molnes amazon , encumbered with a crying babe which she held under ono arm , fairly whipped two policemen on Tuesday night , loosening an ear from ono official's head and requiring the united efforts of four husky men of the force to get her to the station. The woman was arrested for living in adul tery with her Bister's husband. Miss Mary Gelgor , a young lady o Burlington , who has been In ill-health for a number of years , attempted suicide Wednesday night by shooting. The ball passed entirely through her body below the heart , and although she arose to he : feet after the shot and walked to he : room , no hopes are entertained of be : recovery. George H. Nichols , commander of Kinsman post , Grand Army of the Re public , Des Molnes , In a circular without data , addressed "to the boys who wore the blue , " desires to hoar from all old aoldlera in the state interested in secur ing a grand reunion to bo hold In DCS Molnes In 188G. Commander ' Nichols suggests a convention for the thorough organization bo hold at an early day and solicits correspondence on the subject. A prohibition informer named M. H. Miller , said to bo In the employ of the temperance alliance , came to grief in Carroll , where ho Is said to have got gloriously drunk , drew a revolver and proclaimed himself a b-a-d man with a record. Ho finally run a bluff on the wrong man , got called , was soundly thrashed , arrested and fined $50 for dis turbing the peace and carrying concealed weapons. Mr. T. L. Tracy , of Missouri Valley , had been forbidden the house by the father of his Inamorata , but met his love on Sunday evening at tbo home of the young lady's brother , Mr. W. H. Brad ley , where the Irate "parlent" put In his appearance armed with guns and other conveniences. Miss Bradley flew out of the baok door , and Mr. Tracy was getting out the front way , when the wrathful father shot him through the shoulder. The Eldora grand jury failed to find a bill against E. 0. Ellis , the rink expert dude and marrying man. Ellis waa dis charged from cnstody and Immediately repaired to the residence of Mr. Aloher- man for his wife Belle ; securing her , ho started to return. The Irate father , dis covering the turn of affairs , turned him self and the house dog loose , and the go-as-you-plcaso race between the dude , the dog and the outraged father , is eaid to have been highly interesting , the old gentleman winning second money. II. G. STRIPE , LAW AND GENERAL-- 10 Type writing and copying ol all kit lU on ihort not o nDO 1511 Farnam Street , Omaha. DO Telephone No , 95 , ne B. 0. BELLI ItLS. / . II. MAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREA1 U 1120 Farnam Street , Prompt attention will be given to thee di tiring good help alihort notice , and aliotboi dulnng Rood iltuatloni ; both malt and fi male , office noun : 8 a m , to 12 m. 1 to 7 p.i BKLLE-ISLE k LANC1HBINE. MRS. L. J. DUNCAN , FASUIONAULE S DRESS MAKER irit Perted Work OoanDt d. Room It , OrooQM ier Block. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY it * n ii1 i ullRlbrlli T u mm DEWEY&STONES' One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States To Select From ; NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR WHEN SOLICITED TO INSURE IN OTIIKU COMPANIES , Remember These Important Facts CONCERNING The Mutual Life Insurance Company , OF NEW YORK. 1. It Is the OLDEST active kite In ur nee Company In thlt country. 2. It lilho IiAKOKST Life Insurance Company by many millions of dollars In tha woilJ. 3 It * ratoi ol premiums are LOWKll than those ot any other company. * . II ha ) no " tockhoMers"tocUlm any part ot It ] prvfUs. 8. It offeti no SCUUME3 under the name of Insurance tor epccuUtlon by tpoclal cliesoi upon the mlifottunea ol each oUcr. 0. Its present available CASH RESOURCES cxcood these ot any other Lite Iniurinoo Company In the world. world.H baa received In cash tram til sourccn , from February. 1843 , to January , IE ? * , f2TofODf4.00. It has returned to the people , In cnsh. from February , 1813. to January , 1885 , eilC,09 , * llOe. Its cash Auction the lat ot January , 188D , amount to more than Three Millions of W. JB1. ALLEN , MERRILL & FERGUSON , General Agent for Gen. Afia. for Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming nnd Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa Utah. and Minnesota , Office Cor.Fnrnam and 13th St-Over lat Nat'l. Detroit , Michigan. Bnuk , Omaha , Neb M. F. ROIIRER , Special Aftont for Iowa , Council BlntTs , Iowa a - \Vhobavo trifled niray tliclr joutlifullRorand power , rrho are Biin-crlnRfrom torrlhlo liUAINS nud LOSSES , who nro\vcak , ISlI'OTKNTand unlit for marriage. MEN ofallagos , who find their POWER laud vitality , nervo&nn < l 'SKXUAI brKKmSTH weakened , toy early lublis or KXC'KMSES , CM ceceUe a positive and lasting CU R12. NO matter of how lout ctninlliiR the caiomay be , or v ho lias failed to curc.hy a few weeks or months line or tlin celebrated . , MYRTLEAIN TREATMENT At home without exposure , liiLHSS time , nnd for IThSS money than nny otlirr method liitlioworlil. Weak back , licadacho < BUISBIONB , Uesltudo , loss of spirits nnd ammtlnn.Rlno ir thoughts , droadtnl dreams , defective memory , IMl'OTKNCU , fits. Impedimenta to marrlaEc , nnd many other symptoms leading to CONSUMPTION or INSANITY , are promptly removed by this treatment , aud viperous manhood restored. Married Men , ortJiosowJto intend to marry , ftEArKMDER. perfect xcxiiil Blrcneth means , health , viperous off spring , lonR llro nnd the lovoand respect of a faithful wife. Weak mcnshoiild be rcstornd to vl or & manhood before marriage 1'roofrt. tcotliuonlnlH nnd valuable treatise Btanips. { Estal.iS77.Address ) The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo. A. IDLLODK , Eng. & Supt. C. P. N. SADLER , Aast. EnR. H. W. DIAMOND , Asst. Socy MISSOURI VALLEY BBIDGS AND 1EON WORKS A. McLOUTH AND H. A WISE , Agents. Agents.Man'fg'a Man'fg'a nnd Dealers In Wrongiit Iron , Steel , Howe Trust nnd Combination BRIDGES For Knllroada and Highways Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Boot t. Flora and Sub structures. Ulns'ey.Sliiie ' . & Tullock PROPRIETORS. Office anil works , LKAV R.VWOUTIJ , HAS. Pleoso send us notice of allbrldge work to be let. Ooncspondencosollcltoa trom crglneora and bildgo contractors , etc. etc.ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest in Weight. With no bay proBaeiol any kind can tlla amount of work prolucod. such llttlo expense ( ten tons ot hay and overload r.llroad boz car , ) as caa be done with the Ertel Improved MMblms Warranted or no sale. For Illustrated new circular addrcsn , IITEL & CO , , Qulncy , ° te- Mention Omaha Bee. llem EtUbllBhei In 18 03. C'CARETTE Smokers who are wllllnj ! to pay o IIUlu for OiearotUS than the price charged for the ordinary tr p < - . . _ RIGHMONPi tttes.wM flnd the RICHMOND STRAIGHT OP ' MO. I vB < BBiiwB-vrBv < - SUPERIOR to all others. They are made from the brightest , most delicately lUvored . and highest cost gold leaf grown In Virginia , and are abjoluUly WITHOUT ADUIT , . _ . . . EBATIOS or drugs. Weu e the Conulno Frpnoh RICO I Paporjf OUT owi dlrBct IraDortatlon , which Is made especially for us , water marked with tbo oamo of theorand , Richmond Qtralgnt Cut No. I. . STRAIGHT CUT eacli I'sirolto ' , w th3i wM'h nan re ( tirtlno. Imitations plthli bnnl h vo boon put on al dOlzareitmmJkora ara nvitlonoJ thsk thli Ii the old anJ original brand , anl to obiorve tnat each oka a or box ot Richmond Straight Out ClguattJl ba M the signature of CICA HIL L & YOUNG , DEALERS TN GENERAL fe.m lane HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Cutlerv Etc. Crockery , , . GOODS SOLD ON WEEKLY & MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1213 FA.KWAM STKEJET. Omaha , Nebraska.