THE DAILY BFE- MONDAY , MAY 11,1885. Hi NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . $250,000 SURPLUS NOV. 1,1884 . . . . 23,000 OFFICERS : 8. W , YATW , A. E. TOUZAUN , Precedent. Vlco President W.V.MooRR , JNO.S.COLLINB , LKVTISS.RCED K , K.HaydonAsi't. and Acting Cashier. JUNKINO OFFICE : Tlie Iron Bank , OOE , 12th AND FAENAM STS , A. GENERAL BACKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon favorable terms and upon accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bonds and County and City securities bought and sold. In its treatment of customers tlio most liberal - oral policy is pursued consistent with safety and sound banking , and wo Invite correspond' once or personal inquiry In connection there with. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. N w YOBK , May 0. Money Easy at 1 per cent * , Prlme ] morcanttlo paper 1 4@5 per cent. Foreign Exchange Unchanged. Governmenta Were qnlet khd strong , the quotations showjng an advance of i per cent for 4'a ' and J par cent for currency G' ' . Stocks Opened strong for almost every thing , and during the forenoon developed no other feature than that of an active market , with steady buying by both bulls and boars. The market finally closed steady , and gen erally within a small fraction of the higboat prices reached. OOOTOHfl. S's „ 103 4V § Coupons 1132 tf.8.4's. 122 FatlfioO'io ! * 95 128 OTOOEB ADD BONDS , Central paciho . . . . . . . . 30J Chicago & Alton * 137 dS do pfd IBS Chicago , Burlington & Quiney 1221 Delaware , Lackawana & Western. . . . . . 104J Denver & Rio Grande Cj Erie 11 do pfd 24 Dllnols Oentral 125 Indianapolis , Bloom. A Western 9 : Kansas & Texas 18 , Lake Shore & Michigan Bonthern 53 : Lonlsvillo & Nashville SO , Michigan Central 48 Missouri Pacific 9ft Northern Pacific . . . 17 ; do do pfd - . 39. Northwestern 95 pfd 128 Now York Central 87 , Oregon Trans-Continental , . 13 : Pacific Mail 54 , P. D. &E. 9 ] Pullman Falaco Car Company 118 Hook Island 113 B . Louis * San Francisco IGjf do do pfd 294 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 69 § do do do pfd. . . . . 105 Bb Paul & Omaha „ 209 do do pfd 72i Texas Pacific 104 Union Pacific 504 Wabash. St. Louis & Facifio 2J do do do pfd 6 Western Union Telegraph 589 U. B. &N 744 GENEHAIJ PHOirCOE. OHIOAOO. CniOAQO , 111. , May 9. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat A tlve ; unsettled and decidedly stronger on reports of bad weather ; opened g@io nigher , advanced to a point of 2o over yesterday's close , eased off , declined ic , fluctu ated anrt oloaed Ific over yesterday ; 894@90io cash ; OOic , May ; 92@92Sc , June ; 94J July No. 2 red. 3100@1.02. Corn Fairly active and firm ; opened a shade stronger , Improved ic , eased off slightly and closed about go over yesterday ; 484c cash , May and June ; 48g@48 c , July. Oats Moderately active and firmer early and closed a trifliea ler than yesterday ; 84J@ 3ic , cash ; 34c , May ; 4g34Jc. June ; 34 Jc July. Kyo Firm at 72c. Barley Nominal at G5c. Timothy Seed Steady and unchanged prime , S1.XX&1.50. ( Flaxseed-4o lower ; No. 1. S1.37@137J. Pork Fairly active ; demand principal ! } for Juno and July ; advanced 10@lfic anc closed at 8U.25@U 30. cash ; 3ll.374@11.30 May and June ; 11.S71@11.40 , July. Lard Id fair demand and stronger ad vanced 5@7 { and closed steady ; 80 84@G 87i cash and May ; S0.90@G.92i , June ; 80.974 * 7.00 , July. I IBnlk Meats Shoulders , $1.35@4.40 ; shor clear. SG.15@G.20 : short ribs , $5 74@5.80. Whisky Steady at 91,15. Butter Quiet and unchanged , Cheese Quiet and unchanged ; cheddars 9@ > lScskimmed ; cheddats , S@5o. Effgs lie. Illdea Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged. Keoeipti , Bhlp'ta Slour.bhls 30,000 21,0 Wheat , bushels 78,000 145,00 ( Corn , .bushels 157,000 582,001 OaU , bushels 129.000 177,00 Bye , bushels 2.000 19,001 Barley , bushels 16,000 10,001 MILWAUKEE FBODCOB MILWAUKKE , Wls. , May 9. Wheat Easy No. 2 Milwaukee , cash , SOgo ; Juno , 91Jc July , 933o. Corn Quiet and firm ; No , 2 , 4B\o \ , Oats A little easier ; No. 2 , 38ic. Kyo Firm and advancing ; No. 1 , 734c. Barley Firmer ; No. 2 , Olc. 1'rovlslona Higher ; mess pnrk , cub , Ua ; and June , $11,35. HIH TOBK FEODCOB. Nw YOBK , May 9. Wheat Ilecelptt 119,000 bn ; exports , 45.000 bu ; spot lot advanced l@2o and options 24'2go wltl ; some excitement , closing firm ; ungraded red 87c@81.084 ; No. 3 red. o. I. f , , 81.004 : No. red , $1.05 : flavator $1.034 ; f. o. b. Jnl cloeing at Sl.OOJ. Corn Spot lots stoidy and quiet ; option opened Jfajffl higher but closed weaker ; re celpts. 84.000 bu ; exports , 73,000 bu ; un graded , 67 * COcj No. 2 , 674 ® 680 In elevatoi 5Sl'jE'Jo ) alloat ; July closing at 57o. Uatu-Quiet ; receipts , 57,000 bu ; export ! 500 bu ; western , 4143Jc ( ; ; white woatorc 45c. 45c.ERPB ERPB Finn and quicti woitern , 13@13Jc Pork-Steady ; clear back- 811.0014.60. Lartl Fairly nctivo ; western steam spol 17.10 ; July , $7.2I@7.27. Butter Unchanged. OIKOINNAn. CINCINNATI , 0. , May 9. Wheat-Strong No. 2 winter red , ? 1.07@1.C8. Com Firmer ; No , 2 mixed , 63J@B4o. OaU In fair demand and firmer ; No. mixed , 39i@40a Kyo-StoAdy ; No. 3 fall , 71@72c. Barley Scarce , firm and unchanged ; extr No. Siprlng , 66@G8o. Pork Easy at $11 G21@ll.75. . Lard-Virm at 6 70. Whisky Steady at $1.13. TOLEDO , TOLEDO , 0 , May 9. Wheat Kasiei No. 2 red , riash and May nominally 05Ac. Corn Dull tut urm ; No , 2 cash an May , 53c. OaU Inactive ; no quotations , KANSAS OITT. KANaAHOiTYMo.Ma . Wheat-Highe cfh , 8 K82iJc ; Juno , 85cj July , 874 ° * Corn Higher ; cath , 4 § 42c ; June , 4Ji ? July , 43Jc. Oata-Xomln l10o l ; bid ; 4Sa asked. HVKBrooc , Uvrapoot , M y 9. Wheat Quiet an unchanged ; No. 2 winter , 7a lOd. Corn-Quiet ; new mixed western , 6a MVE STOCK , cniOAoo , CniOAao , 111. , M y 0. Cattle Rewipt * , 2- 400 head ) brisk and utrontrer' shipping steers , 84.90@5.90 ; butchers' , 82.7o@4 75 ; bulk , 83.50 ® 4 00stackers ; and feeder * . $3 9C@5.00. UMTS Receipts , 8,500 bead ; rough and mixed , 8t.lO@4 35 ; packing and shipping , 81.30@4.50 ; light $ ,25@4,60 ; ( kips , ? 3.80 ® 4.20. 4.20.Sheep Receipts , l.BOO head ; steady ; com mon to good thorn , 52.60 ® 1.23 ; wooled , 83 50 ® 435. BT , LOUIS. Bl , Louis , Mo. , May 9. Cattle Receipts , 50 head : shipment * , GOO ; no supply , nothing done. Shoep-Recelptf , 100 head ; shipment * , 1100 head ; supply too small to rnaka a market. KANSAS CITT LTVS BIOOK. KAKBAO OUT , Mo , May 0. OattleRe - eelpta , 104 head ; itrong and shade higher ; oxpnrtnrs , $5,25@5 40 : common to choice , 84.50@5.25 ; feeders , ? 1.00@4.50 ; cows , 82.80 @ 3.25. Hogs Receipts , 4.000 head ; firmer and 5 @lOo higher ; Sl.00@4.20 ; bulk , 51.10. Sheep Receipts 412 head ; steady ) common to good , 82.25@4.CO. OSIAUa A1A.UKKTB. OFFICK or THE OMAHA DIE , ) S&turday Evening , May 9 , f TRA.DE UKVIEW , This hai been another good week for busi ness in Omaha. In almost every branch of business merchants express themselves as well pleased with the outlook. Flour and millatuffj remain steady at earn * pricofl as last wsek and in good demand. Eggs and butter are liberal ; butter is steady , same prices , but eggs , owing to heavy de clines In'oattorn markets , which stopped some shippers from buying , stocks could not bo moved readily , and commission houses that depended greatly upon that trade dropped prices ; are now quoted at lOc , Ic lower than last week. The grocers list is unchanged , and business is reported good. Business fairly booms in lumber , and but few changes are noted In prices. JL'aints , oils and drugs are lively at steady prices. Llvo stock recaipts were about the same aa lost week , and with the exception of hogs the prices are the same. Hogs are 10@15 higher , In other branches of trade business ii re ported good , nnd prices remain unchanged. The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : IilTO Mtock Market , Hogs The receipts were light at the Union stock yards , South Omaha , but firm at 5o higher and all sold. Common and mixed pack ing , 3.80 ( 3.85 ; good to choice mixed pack' ' ing , S3.904 00. Common rough hogs and open sows and skips unf tvorablo. Sheep Good to choice , $ ) .00@4.00. Cows Butchers' stock , $3.25@4 00 for good to choice cows , heifers and fat bulls. Steers Fat ponoy doers , weighing 1.000 to 1,150 pound * , 84 25@54 50. Hideo. Qteady ; green butchers' 6c ; green cured , 7Sc ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc : damaged - aged hides two-thirds pnce , Tallow 41@BJ.c. Groaae Prime white , 4@4)c , Bhoop Pelts-25c75. Grain Wheat Cash No , 2 , 62o. Barley 45@50c. Rye Cash No. 3 , 4G@47o. Corn No. 2 , 85o. Data No. 2 , 35o. Flour and Mlllsfuffa. Winter Wheat Firmbest ; quality patent at 270. 270.Second Second quality 82 40 , Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 82 70. Second quality-$2 15@2 50. 85Bran 800 per owt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o. Corn Mea 80.85@100 per owt. Screening No , 1 , GOo per cwt ; No 2 , COc. Hominy 1,50 per owt. Shorts GOo per cwt. Graham $1.75 per cwt. General Produce ; Eggs To-day'/i sales could not be made above lOe , and that price is likely to last lome time yet. , Butter Good grades sell rapidly , but prices can hardly be called firm. Creamery , 22@ , 25o ; fair to good , 18@14c ; choice dairy , 15 © 17c ; inferior grades , 8@10o. , Poultry Chickens are in food demand , especially spring chickens , which have BO far been very scarce. Spring chickens , fair size , per doz , 6 00 ; old chickens , according to weight and quality , per doz , 8 60 ® 4 50. Game-Quiet and receipts very light , con sisting mostly of small ducks , which sell read , ily , and some snipe , for which demand is very limited. Ducks , mallard , per doz , 2 00@2 50 ; ducks , teal and mixed , per doz , 150@2 00 ; geese , per doz , 2 50@3 00 ; enlpe , per doz , Onions Scarce and good stock will bring $2 00 per bushel. Beans In fair supply and demand moder ate. Navy , per bushel , $150@1 GO ; medium , per bushel , SI 30 1 40. Potatoes In fair supply , but demand quite steady and prices firm. Choice stock selling at 70o , and peed at GO < jG5o. Very little difference is made as to variety , If only the stock Is sound and of good size. Grocer * ' List BUOABS Powdered , 7c ; cut loaf , 7o ; gran ulated , GJo ; confectioners' A , CJo ; Standard extra 0,6Jo ; extra 0,5go ; medium yellow , 6o ; dark yellow , 5&o. Ooima Ordinary grades , lOot fair , 12 ; good , llH > 12o ; prime , 12@13o ; choice , 1617c ; fancy green and yellow , 16@164c ; old government Java , 20@26c : Arbnckle's roasted - . ed , 14io ; McLaughlin'i XXXX roasted , " " Imitation Java. 16J@18Jc. ROVB Siial , 4 inch and larger , 7io ; | Inch , 8c ; 4 inch , 8Jc. BAIT Dray loads , per bbl , 125 ( Ashton , In sacks , 9 50 ; i sacks Aahton , 100 ; bbls dairy 2 60@2 75. SFIOES Pepper , 18oj eplce , 14c ; olovoa , 20c assia , lee , Sinup Standard Com , , 27o , bbls ; Standard do 4 gallon kegs , 120. DBT FBUITB No. 1 , quarter apples , bbli 4Je > N O sliced , boxw/Cio : evaporated , boxes , h8jc ; blackberries , boxes 11 Jo peocbos , hd boxes , lOoj peacnes , evaporated , IGo ; rasp berries , 860 FISH No. 1 mackerel ' half bbla. , 7 50 Family 4 bbls. , 3 50 ; No. 1 kite. 1 06 ; famllj kits COc : No. 1 whitefish , half bb . ,6 50 ; No 1 kits , 95oi family half bbla. . 300 ; famUj kits and pills , COc ; No , 1 trout , half bbls. , 5 25 STABOU Pearl , 4Bc ; Silver Gloss , 801 Oort Starch , 8c ; Exceliior Gloss , 7oi Corn , 74c. OANNBD Uoooa. Oysteis ( Standard ) pei case , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per cose , 3 50 raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 60) ) Callfornli pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per cose , 5 00 peaches per cose , 5.80 ; white cherries pei ease , 6 76 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber rioa per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per coso 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pint aplea , 2 Ib , per coso , 3 20@5 50. , 40 Ibs , 16s , 124o , 8s , 12o gl boxers 401bs , 16 or , 6s. 14o , MATonca Per caddie , S5oj roundrlcasi 2 65j square , cases , 170 ; Oshkoeh , cases grl,2 ( SODA In Ib papers 3 20 per case ; keg , poi lb,2i PIOKLSS Medium in barreli , 6 40 ; do Ir half barrels , 3 30 ; small , in barrels , 6 40 ; do Ir half barrels , 4 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 5 ( do in half barrels , 4 50 , TBAB Gnnpowder. good 45@56ci choice 607Gc < good Imperial , 10@43ot choice , Gfr3 65c ; Young Hyson , good , SI © 60o ; choice. Gl (31 ( 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice 6075cj ( Oolon ? good , 85@40c : Oolong choice 40 < & 55cj Souchong , good , 80@40c ; choice , W prime to choice , WOODINWABIC Two hoop palls , i 85 ; thro hoou pailf , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 8 50j ploneei 31J washboards. 1 75j Double Crown , 1 90 ; well buokeU , 8 75. SoApa-Klrk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk'i mtinet , 3 SO ; Kirk's standard , 3 65 ; Kirk'i White Ruaglan , 4 8S. POTASH Pennsylvania cant , i canu in case 3 35 : Babbitt'i ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; An ad mor hall , 2 doz. in cose , 1 50. OANDT Mixed , 1 rticlr , gallcj twia tick , 9c. VDJEOAB New York apple , ICe ) Ohio ap ple , ISc , Tobacco. Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the West. GOc : FounUln , 74c : Golden Thread , G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , 60c ; Rocky Moun tain , 50ct Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tobacco Climax. 44o per lbf Horse shoe , 4Gc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 50c ; Piper Heidsick , GOc ; Punch , 40o. Smoking tobacco O. 8. , 22ot Meerschaum , 80o ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell's ' Durham , 16 oz. , 51c ; 8 or. , 55o ; 4 oz , , 57c : 9 or , , GOo. Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz. , 42c ; 8 oz , , 45c ; 4 oz. , 48c ; 3 oz. . 50c , Navy Clipping , 2Gc. Killlkinick , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28c. DBDUB AND UnEMioAW Add , oarbollo , 44o acid , tartaric , C5o ; baUam copaiba , per Ib. G5o ; bark , saasafras , per Ib , 12o ; calomel , per Ib , 90ot cinchonldla , per oz. , 80 50 ; chloro form , per Ib , 81 00 ; Dover * powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; epsom salUi per Ib , 3&c & | glycerine , pure , per Ib , 25c ; load acetate , per ID , 20c ; o ] , castor , No. 1 per ( taL. 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; ol origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 50j quinine , P , & W. , 'and R. & 8. , per oz. , 8110) ) potassium ; Iodide , per Ib. . 83 50 ; solicia , per oz. . 40c ; snl hnto morphine , per or. , $3 50 ; lulphur , po b. 4o ; strychnine , per or , , 81 80 , Paints Olla and Varnlshoo. Oito 110 carbon , per gallon , Hot 150 headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lin seed raw , per gallon , 52o ; linseed boiled , per gallon , 55cLard ; , winter str'd , per gallon. 70o ; No. 1 , GOc : No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 50c : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. , per gallon , 65 ; neaUfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; rammer , IBc ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal * Ion , 35o ; No 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon OOo ; turpentine , per gallon , 4fo ; naptba , 74 ° , per gallon , IGo. Spirits , COLOONB SPIRITS 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 Eroof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 9 : do , 188 proof. 1 18. ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 3 SO per wine gallon. WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 0091 CO ; Fine blended , 1500200 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 200@600 | Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00G 60. BBANDIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domes tic , 150&3 00. GlNa Imported , 4 50 ® 6 00 ; domestic , 150 @ 300. Runs Imported , 4 50@8 00Now ; England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00. CnAUFAONES Imported , per cose , 23 00@ 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 00@16 00. Dry Paint * ! White lead 88c ; Froncb EC , Co | Forli whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gilders , l c | whiting com'I , lie ) lampblack , Germantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c untramarine , 18c ; vondyko , brown , 8a ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4a ; sienna , bum 4ctj ; alenno , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o Paris green , common , 20c : chromogroon , N. Y. , 20c ; chrome green , K. , l2c ; vermilllon , Eng . 75c ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod , lOoj rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Cookson's , 2fo ; Venetian , ted. American , lie ; red load , 740 ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle.8c ; ochre , Frenh 2jta ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral , 2jo ; lohigh brown , 2jc ; Spanish brown. 2&o ; Prince's mineral , So. VABNISHES Barrels , pet gallon : Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex tra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspholtum , extra , 85o , ahollac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , F. P. 5o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 50 ; Marseilles los green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ; green seal , 12cj French zinc , red seal , lie , French zinc , In varnish anst. , 20c ; French zinc , In oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b ' baa. , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; vaudyke fcrown , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L , M & D. . ICc ; blind and shutter preen , L. M. & D. , IGo ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tus can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.- : yellow ochre , 9c ; L , M. , O. & P. 0. , 18a ; yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 16c ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 15o Dry Good * BBOWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 71oj Atlan tic P , 5c : Atlantic LL , 5c ; Bmnawlok , 74o ) Beaver DamLL,54c ; Lawrence LL , Clo ; Pa cific H , 7Jo ; Royal Standard , Goj Indian Head A7c ; Wauchusett A , 6o. FINB BBOWN SHKSTINQS Argyle , 60 ; Pep- perell R , 6Jc ; Sallsoury R , Go. . onuj j : luruiuuubj nuAIUK ui iuo J-JUVUA * t Bio ; Glory of the Woat-SJo ; Golden Goto. 8 Jo ; Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jo ; Lonsdnle , 7fo ; Now York Mills. lOJc : Wamsntta , 10a DDOKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or. , 11 Jo I Bos ton , 10 oz , lOJojBoaton , 9 or , 13io ; rail Eiver ic , BOOKS ( Gray ) West Folnt,8 o * . , llo | West Point 10 oz. , 12 Jot Point Bear , 8 or , llo. TIOKINQB Amoetcftft. 18a OonUnental Fancy , 9 o | Oordts 18o | Pearl lUver , 21o ; York , Ujc ; Hamloton Awnings , 124c. Demits Amoske g , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA 12o | Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CO. 10o : Haymakers , 80 } Jaffrey D & T , 12 c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12io ; Pearl River. ISc ; Warren - ren AXA ( brown ) . 12o ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAIIBBIOSFifth avenue glove finish , 4io ; Keystone glove finish , 5o. COBSET JEANS Amory , Ticj Hancock , 8c ; Kearsatgo 74c ; Rockport , GJo. PBINTBAliens , 54c : American , B4ot Arn old's 6c ; Cocheco , 6c ; Harmony , 4io ; Indigo. 7c ; Indigo 7-8 , llic ; Indigo 4-4,144c ; Stool River , 54o ; Charter Oak , 4JO , FEINTS SHIETIIIOB American , 4io ; Oocheco , 4Jo Gloucester. 44c ; Soutbbrdge , lie ; Waver- leys 4ic ; Rosedalo , 4Jc. GINGHAMS AmoBkcag staples , 801 Batee staples , 7o ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnkel plaids 9c ; Hudson checks , 84o ; Amoskeafl Persians , 9o. DBEsa GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 94 ° J Per alan caahmsre , 234c ; Hamloton cashmere , 16 Jc Hamloton Fancus , llic ; Hamloton brocades 16o ; Arlington brocade , ISc. Hoar Iron , rates , 210 ; plow stool , special east , 4c crucible , 60 ; east tools do , 15a20c ; wagoi spokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot 125 ; telloct , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues each , 70c ; axles , each , 75o ; square nnta pei Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; riveU , pei Ib , llo ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable So ) Iron wedges , Co : crowbars , 601 harro * teeth , 4o ; spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden's ' horse shoes , 4 30 ; Burden's muleahoea , 5 SO. BABBED WIBE In oar lota , 4 00 per 100 , NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 , 2 40. SHOT Shot , 150 ; buckshot , 185 ; orlenta powder , kegs , S 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; di quarter kegs , 150 blasting , kegs , 8 86 ; fuse per 100 feet , 50o. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blackimlth , 10 00 ; Mor rls run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump B 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 001 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra det , 11 Saall 60j Canon City , 7 00 per on. Dry trambor. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha. BATIKNB , WKLLTUEINO , riCKETB. O.G. Bats.Slnch 8 , O. G. Bat * , 24lnch .71 4 inch Bats , s. 1 a 31 § Inch well tubing , D. & M 21 0 3 inch well tubing , Bov 21 0 Pickets : D. & U. Flat , $21 00 ; D & U. Square 22 0 DIMENSIONS AND TIUBEBS. lilt. lift iett. 18 ( t 20 It 221k. S4 fl Sl4 , 1B.5H IS CO 16.00 16.00 17.00 18 00 10.0 2x6 , u oou a It. 03 16.00 10,00 IB 00 190 2x8 , 16 00 16.0(1 160 IB CO 17CO : 18.00 100 2x10 11. DO 1160 (1.60 ( 16.60 18.60 17.601 at 2x1 ! 16.00 1F.OC 16.CO 16.00 17.00 1800 19.0 4x1 8x0. 15 60 IS. M. 16 60 I860 17.60 IB 60 19 f > No. 1 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough..510 0 < No. 1 , Giiicn , 1C feet , rough 10 o < No. 2 , G Inch , 12and 14 feet , rough. . , . 14 0 No. 2 , G inch , 1G feet , rough. . , 15 O1 No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 16 Oi No. 1 , 4 Inch , 1G fee' , rough , . 10 6 < No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . , . 14 0 No , 2 t 4 inch , 16 feet , rough 14 & BOABDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 18 ft JIG Oi No. 2 boards , 12,14 ana 16 ft 14 0 No. S boards , 12,14 and 10 ft 11 & No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft. ( shipping cull ) 10 Biur LAP. b. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch . . . . .916 60 b. 2 , Plain , 10 inch. 14 50 0.1 , 0. Q 11750 FINISHING. it and 2d Clear , ljinch.s,2a , $5000 it and 2d , Clear , 14 and 2 inch , s. 2s. . 60 00 d , Clear , 11 Inch , s. 2a 49 00 d , Clear , ij and 2 Inch , s. 2s 49 00 t and 2cl , Clear. 1 inch , i , Ss 50 00 d. Clear , 1 inch , s. 2s 44 00 Helect , 1 inch , § . 2 3900 Select , 1 Inch. B. 2s , 29 00 lear Poplar , g inch , s. 2a 35 00 F LOOTING. it Com , G Inch , white pine (36 50 dOom. 6 loch , whlto plno. . . . 83 50 d Com. G'Inch , white pine 27 00 ol. Fence Inch , white pine 18 60 t and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 2-1 50 BIDINO. t Com. , 12,14 and 16 foot $21 50 d Com. . 14 and 16 foot 19 CO d Com. , 14 and 16 feet 14 50 once , 14 and 16 feet 10 50 BEADED .OIILINQ , st Com. 8 Inch , whlto pine. . . . $2260 d Com. 8 Inch , white pine 20 50 d Com. g inch , white plno 15 50 st Com. jj inch , Norway 15 00 d Com , jj Inch , Norway 1400 lear Poplar , panel , 4 inch , s,2a 27 00 STOCK DOABnS , V12 Inch , B. 1 B. 13,14 and 16 foot 45 00 112 Inch , s. Is. 12 , 14 nnd 1C foot 41 00 12 Inch , s. IB. 12,14 and 16 foot 3G 00 312 inch , 12,14 and 16 foot 23 00 ? o. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 14 and 1G ft 17 00 Jo. 1 Com. 13 in. , B. 1 e. 12 ft. 16.50 b , 1 Com. 12in. , s. 1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 To. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12,14and 16 ft. 14 75 8UNQLE3 AND LATH. 6 Inch , Clear $3 50 A" Standard 2 60 inch , Clear 1 70 'o.l 125 ath 2 35 roars , rhito Cedar , C inch , halvoa 11 Jo f hi to Cedar , 54 Inch , halves 9 Jo foite Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9Jo Thito Cedar , 4 Inch , round 110 outhern Rod Oodar , 64 foet. . . . 15o DENVER MAJBKKT. Flora Colorado. 100 Ibs , 1 50@1 75) ) pai nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 76S 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 )3 ) 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs. 1 50 ; rye , 100 Ibs. 25 ; buck-wheat , per bbl , 7 50 , GBAIN , FEED , Em Whoati lOOlbe , 8100 era In sacks on track , 100 Ibs , C5@70 | ata , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 16120 ; Colorado whlto , 120@1 SO ; mixed , 10@115 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 85 ; bran. on , on track , 14 OCS416 00 ; chop , com , 100 w , on track , 70c76 ; chop rclxod , 100 Ibs , n track , 100120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibi. 180 ( 140. HAT Baled , upland , ton , IS 00@15 00 ; pland , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second hot- om , baled , 10 00@1100 : alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 0015 00) ) etratr , baled , on track , ton , 6 00 @ 8 00. BUTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib. 41o creamery , fine , Ib , SGCdSSo ; dairy , choice , Ib 022o ; dairy , good , Ib , 18@20o ; dairy , fair i , 16@16o ; cooking , Ib , G@8o. .Baas State , candled and warranted , doz , 5@S6o ; ranch , doz , 36@37o CHEESE Full cream , 15@17o ; hall cream , 10@llo ; skim , Ib , 9o ; Swiss , domoatia , 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , SO@S2o | Fim- nrger , 18c. FOULTBY Live old chickens , doz , 5 00@5 CO ; reased ducks , Ib , 15@16o ; dressed turkeys , b. , 1516c. POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibi , 96105 ; sweet , rer Ib. , 4o. VEGETABLES Onlona , yellow , 100 Iba , 25 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs , 260 | boots , 00 Iba , 1101 25) ) turnips , 100 Iba. 1 25. FBDITB Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00 ® 50 ; oranges , Florida , per box , 6 50 ® 7 00 ; pploa , fancy bbl , 5 00@5 50 ; apples , medium , bj , 350. CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 1 © life ; bacon , breakfast. Ib , 12@124o ; dry salt sides. Ib , 7J@8o ; lard in pallo , 9J 9' ard In tierrea , 8jjo. FBJCSH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per iJ , 7i@8o ; hogs , Ib , Gl@Gio ; mutton , Ib , 7 ® 7io. LIVE STOCK Colorado steen , per lOO'lba 10@460. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lli13oi 3o. 2. Ib , 9@10o ; green steen and branded sail , Ib , 4Bo ; green calflb , 8@lOc ; green kip , b , 6@7c ; Bhoep skint , dry , 810o ; deer skins , b , 15@20o ; antelope skins , lo. 12@16 ; tallow , b,6 6b WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 1415c ; buck , Ib , So ; Mexican , 710o. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140. kit. mess , 1602 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; land herring , keg , 1 500160 ] trout , { per FRED W. GRAY , ( SCCOESSOB TO ) FOSTER & GRAY , LUMBER WHITE PINE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FORNIA REDWOOD ASH , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. Bear Cieek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cement-Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Etc , Etc. Cor. 6th & Douglas St HENRY BODDELING. Carpenter and Builder , No 831 South 17th St , between Jactoon and Leavon' Fashionable Hattsr * * * . Mays' Fvstfisnxx. A. Merchant Tailor Slo.South 12th Street , 3 DOORS SOUTH OF FARNASl First-class tailoring in all its branches. G. SviKBO.v. ADO. BcinrrORKr G. svansoM & co 11IG Faraam , Bet II and IZtti St , MERCHANTTAILORS TAILORS Finest selection of Spring Suit- in ejs , Perfect Fit , and complete Bat isfaction guarnntced. ALMA E. KEITH. Omaha'sPopularMillinei ' AND ff A Vff fhTff Ki G & TF -Mm > B MS , JLfjLf'jii/f9fyjl/jLt9 III S. 16th lie . . Opp. Postoffii CHICAGO WESTERN RAILWAY. THK BEST nOUTK AND Omaha Council B uffs and Chicago , The on ylnoto take lor Det Molne * . iftethall- town , Oedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Ohloago , MilWAukee WAukoe unfl all points out. To the people ot Ne. bratka , Colorado , WyomlDr. Ulah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and OaufornU U offers superior ot ponlblo by any other lino. Among a few ol the numerous points of superior ity enjoted b ; the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , ire Its two tnlns day of DAT COACHES which are the flncel that human ait and Ingenuity can create ; Its PALACE SLEEPING ! OARS Which are models ot comfort and eleganoo ; 1(4 ( PAR LOR DRAWING HOOM OARS , unsurpuiod by any and Us widely celebrated PAIATIAL DINlNOCAItS the equal of which cannot be found elsewhere. At Council Bluffs the trams ot the Union Ptolflo Ry , connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chloa ire & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains of tbil line make close connection with those ol all oMtorn lints. For Detroit , Columbus , Indlanapolli , Cincinnati , NUgara Fills , Dudalo , nitsbarg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash ington and all pouts In the East , Mk the ticket agent lor tickets via the -NORTH-WESTERN , ' If von wtan the b 6t accommodations. All tloket agents ecll tickets via this line. M. nuanrrr. n s HAin , OenoralUanagcr. Gea. Vim. Agent CHICAGO W.N.BABCOCK , Oon Agt , HIS FumamSt. , Omaha , Mob. Railway Time Table. In Effect April Cth. 1885. Th attention ol the travelling public Is caned to tbo laot th t .this Is lha only complete and abtolnWy correct time-table published In the city , All trains arri < e at and depart bom Onuth * by Central Standard Time. Trains o.l the a St. P. II. ft 0. anlvt at and d part fNm'thelr depot , cornet of Uth anil Webstei streets ; trains 01 the B. ti M. , 0. B. 4 Q. , and" E , 0 St. J. * O. a from the B. ft U , depot ) all others from the UnlouPaclflo depot a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ! o , ezoepl Bnndayl d , except Monday. DEPART.WBBXWAKD DEPART. ARMVE. A. U. . _ . i union Paoino. A. H. r. x. StOa . Paciflo Express . . TEOa ' ' illo * Denver Express. . . 'a'ioi . & Rop. valloy. ISO * . . Ball and Express 10 * - B.A M. In Nsb. 8 10 * . Ilall and Expreea. . . Olto * * 6 00 * . . . Night Express. _ 10IO SOUTHWARD. Mlonourl Pacific 10 B5o . . . . .DavExpren. 0 lOt 8 MaT , . . .NlRhtExpress , 8 Ida K.CBt.J..C. B. T iEb , . . .TU FUttamoath 700d r us 7 COb _ .Vla Council Binds' . . . 7(0d 7 ICl Wabash Routo. 7 COb ' ' ' ' 1 C0 > irTst.Lonli Kxprcra. . . . . EABTWAIiD. 3. M.3t. Paul B 150 . . . .Dy Exproaa. . . . , T lit 4 XOb Nlgbl Exi 0 Ud C. R.lA Pac C. Dy Express T tJc tSOb Night Express , . . . . Bald . Accommodation _ . C , & N-W. Day Exproaa. T > 5c . .Night Express B AW C BA Q' 5 85a FoiOhloxgOTlA Putsm'th B 20a r SO * For OUcajo vl 0. BluDe B 5a r so NOBXHWABD , o. st. p. HIa o. . .Blonx City Express. . , G MeT 8 500 Oakland Accommodation 10 SOc Iowa Dly. 8 CAP ' ' . .St.I'aol Day press T Ua 'i'esi fit. Paul Night Expross. B aia OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS DummvTraln 8 Iave Omaha at fl 40,7 M B 60,10 00 , II15 a mlS60 , 8 DO , 8 00. i 00 , 4 65 , 6 10 1110pm. On Sundays the 7 60 and 10 00 a m and 100 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans let depot IS mlnutoa iatet : Broadway depot 80 mln < ntMl tr. Loaye Council Dluffg ( Btcadway depot ) at T IE , B 80,10 80,1140 a m ; 180 , J 80,8 80. 4 28 , B2f , and 1145 p m. On Bnndays the 0 SO and 11 40 a m and B SO and 6 2B p m trains will not run. Arrive at Tianifor 7 mlnutea later , Omaha iO mlnntea later. TranaforTraln8-i > ve Omaha at s u , 811 am , 1185,420,8 16 and 700pro , dally. Arrlvo at 0tl and 11II am. 120 , 180 , 7 U and 816 p. m. [ SUNDAY TRAINS To and bom Chicago via the Tripartite Alllanea Lines , SUHDAT Moasrsa. 1ATUBDAY BT1. I MIL | B-l. I N-W | February. . 15 1-22 8 I 11 7-28 K 122U Much . . . . 8-18 U 1-22 I 14 SI T-28 April 19 6-2fl 111 4-2B 11 18 H y 10-S1 17 & -24I 18 1-23 u-sa Band y evening and Uondny morning trains urlvt In oorrospondlnz order. 0. ft b Q. trains run ever. dft T . STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Iieave Union Faclflo depot at B 40 a m and B U 3. Arrive from Block Yards at 7 25 a m and 0 22 p m. CHICAGO , And BEST ROUTE. IROil OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETTHrEEN 01IAHAAND Chicago. Minneapolis. Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport , ' Clinton , Dubnquo , RockfortJ , Rock Island , Freeport .Taneavillo , Elgin , Madison , La Orosae , Belolt. Winona , And all other Important points East , North east and Southeast. Ticket offloo at 1401 Farnam street ( In Paiton llo tel ) . &nd at Union rnoillo Depot. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Oars In tbe Werld uru run on tnennln lines of tbo OUICAOO UILWAOKHII& Br.PiDtiK'riknd every attention Is p ld to puaeueera bycouitooua eraployci ol tbooompaor. S. B. lIEKIULIi , A. Y. II. OAKPENTKK , General Manager , Ocn'l PasBeneer Agent. H. MILLEIt , OEO. F. HEAPFORD , ABB't Oen'I Manager. Aaa't Gcn'l Ftu Agent J. T. CUAIIU , Ocn'l Superintendent The nnrse at well M the Invalid will find beneflt In the occotlon el U80 of nidg'a Food ana eepeclally atnlgbt Uolng eo easy of dlges tlon , it docs not pro font Bleep coming at once , and at the eami time nlll impar itrengtb u few otbe ; things will da. His i preparation of wheat and all Hi strengthen noTieTtica are iculnoil. Try It nuries. Sold bj r rugclit * sn-l Grocort. Four sizes , S5 cents to 91.76 EcnU for pamphlets containing Information on thi subject , Wool rich & Co. , Palmer , II tea , DE. DYSART 1222 FAKNAM , Con , 13th. TliroaUiss&Hsari SPECIALIST , And GYNAECOLOGIST (14 ( years hospital and private practice. ) Cot > HULTAT10N 1'BKK. Ofilce llOUTS-10 to 12 8.110 2 to B and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p m. OFFICE AND K3IDENOE' 817 Dodge St. , - Omaha. ELKPUOHEH CHAS.ISHIVEHICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , : Passenger Elevator to all floor * . 1300 , 1203 And 1210 i'arnarn'lStroot , OMA11A , NEDRASKA. a , BCARDWOOD T. UMBER A Full Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnnt , Ohorry , A h , Butternut , Yellow Poplar , Redwood , etc. Hardwood ami Poplar Panel , Hardwood Moorlnff , Wagon Stock , Stair Builders' Material , Ked Cedar Pout * , Common Oak Dimension and Brtdfjo Timbers , riSSiSJ B2Mdg tot 2 > otl > proof closots.Etc. V noor , Fancy Woods for Scroll SawlnfrEto..l5tc. S.W.Cor.Qth and Douglas , - - Omaha. Nob. H , T. CLARKE DRUG- COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LBIGHTON & CLARKE. LARGEST Jobbing Drug homo between Chicago ml San Fnuidsoo. CAPITAL BTOCK , 9200,000. Wo shall bo at the bottom of thorn irket at all times. Will duplicate Chlc go and St. Louis priooa with freight added. Our spoo'ally ' will bo JPurc Drugs , Faints , Oils and Window Cflasy Ea ( mates gen \ on pUto'glass. To these about to embark In the drug business will do well to 1111 your Interest by calling on us or send lor our prloe list which will appear bout January 6th , Mall onto solicited. 114 1IARNK ? BTRICKT. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Look Gomp'f FIBE MD BUBGLAB PEOOF SAFES , VAULTS , IOGKS , ETC. 2.O9BO SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Oak © It la'lho beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la oqnal to throopouidn of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall and Wlntoi Instead of running down , will Incrooso In weight and bo In good marketable oondl Ion In the opting. Dairymen , aa well tm others , who use It , can testify to Its mov Its. Try It and iiidgo for yonraolvea. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No ohargo for saoki Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb , THE A. L. STBANG COMPANY ; Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WESTD-MILLS , OHUROBl AND 80HOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. C. 'F. GOODMAN. Wholesale Druggists AND DEALER IN Paints , Oils , M OMAHA. NEB. AS , A , EDKHT. W. A L. GIDDOK Gibbon , IRON , STEEl HEAVY HARDWARE Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time buyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , adding freight to Omaha , 121V and 1219 JLeavenworth St. SOLID SILVER. Goiham's TroJo Mark. O. S. RAYMOND The Jeweler , is sole agent for the sale ot Gorham Mnf'g. Go's Ware , and all solid silver goods can be obtained of him at exactly New York Prices. The ahovo arrangement with the Gorham Company enables mo to show a much larger stock of their beautiful wares than formerly ; and my customers will now have the advantage of being able to select from a large assortment at home , and at prices established by the Company. My stock will always contain their latest and best productions , com prising every article made in Solid Silver. E. Corner Douglas and 15th Street , THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1411 DotteeSt. { C4Wo aTpuMh8d } Omaha He