Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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MdlnK rfntwfl Irftitth , or who tntttr froi
UDrnlllr * pMnllar to their , thould Irr
Thin rnedldne combines Iron with pore TMretab' '
tnnlcnand U InTainable for Dim * * * poenllar t
Women , and allwhMeadcdMitanrllwi. Itltr
rlchm and Vnrlfleft Uie Illooil , Htlmnlnlc
the Appetite , Mtrenallinnn the Maudes an
Meryrw-ln fact. thoroonWT InTI/rnrnteA ,
Glean tbe completion , and mtkeelbe nkln nnootl
It doe not blacken the tooth , MUM headaehe , I
produce constipation < itl l rr trm nudlrtnti if * .
Mna. KuzADcm nmp. 74 F n ell Are. . illliraT
kne. Wla. , tirn. under date nf I > eo. 26th. 18841
'I hare used Unnra'a Iron Bitten , and It bat be <
room than a doctor to me. haTlnn cared msmtl
weaknom ladled barn In life. Alno cured roe of 14
cr Oomplatnt , and now mr oompl il n u clear at
ood. Haa boon beneficial to mr children. "
Genuine hai MMJTO trade murk and croMed red lln
on wrapper. Tnkn no nttirr , Miuleonlrbr
LADm' niirn BooK-niwroI and attractlTe , coi
Uln.K list of pritM for reclpeii. Infomutlon aba
coin * . * o. , irlren T by all dealers In medicine ,
nailed to any iwlrtrowi on roeolptof So Ump.
diil'idl:5Ml tie BROAD CLAlhi ,
Vrort to thnoutiUo. .
Chronld .t Nervous DlHonsc
Quick , Kuro Cures. t T ;
"r < "c'tf/"r" " < c"gi' ' ( ' " < l
tSffSoait t o Btampi for Celebrated Jlediot
Works. Addrovi. If. D. GLAIIKU , M. D ,
186 Houth Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL.
T l aWiifSR
.iB * * i&Qtt
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Ticketa in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tions pro rata.
Bnbjeot to no mulpautlon , not ooatiolled by tt
pullet In Intorest. It la tha fdretl thing lull
Mlara of chanoo In oiistonoo.
Jor tickets pply to SniPSETS CO. , 1212 Bro * .
w y.N. Y. City ; SOLINQ ER & CO. , 103 South 4th B
Bk. Louis , Uo . or U. OTTKNS ft 00 , BIO MUn St
CItr. ITo.
Jafflos Medical Institut
Chartered by theStateoflll !
nols fop theexpresapurpos
of giving Immediate relietli
all chronic , urinary and prl
, vato diseases. Gonorrhcu
'Qleet ' andSyphilla In all thel
complicated forms , also a !
diseases of the Skin am
Blood promptly relieved am
permanently cured by reme
diestcstedina.Fori/l'ear [
Speciall'ractlee. Semlna
Weakness , ght Losses by Dreams , Pimples 01
Donal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
lelnes sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks 01
package to Indicate contents or sender. Addres
DR. JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon SI.Chlcagoll
. .
rngor. - -
. .
Calmbaoher , < *
Piloner . - . * ( , - B ohemiai
. . .Bremei
* .Bt ; Loui
Anhausor. -St. Loui
Best's. . - - . . . . Milwanke
Bohlitc-PilBiior - . . .Milwauke
Sing's - - . . - . - . . * . - - . . < Omali !
Ale. Porter. Domestio and Rhir
Wine. VD. MATJETfiE ,
1213 V arnnm
Croonhouso , Bedding Plants
Roses , Flowering Shrubbery ,
Evorgrcona , Small Fruits , Et
Extras with every order ,
llorol Do i uiUouqucts , Bnskctg , Ktc. . for I'arll
Woddlnga ami tninerals u specially , ouil
sent to uny part of the Stato.
flwcct PoUito ona other vcRetalile pluuU la 111
Icuaou , lUiutratol Catalogue free ,
W. 8. SAWYER & CO. ,
ItUjiou * Xo. Ml. LlnoolD. XTebru
St. Charles Hotel ,
OSTltKET.'BKr Ttbandeth , . . LINCOLN , Nl
Km. K U OoftUr , ProprUtortM.
vly nd eleguiUfornUheJ , Good MO
f oomi on Ont floor.
J TermJ-ILM to H rxr fcy. OpceUl nUa f1
( Dnzdwn U the l gl Utar . oorio-lon
Occupation ol Savannah The Marc'
Through South Carolina ,
Destruction of Columbia High
Priced Flonr Arrival at
Written for the DEE ,
NO. X.
By noon of December 21,1864 , wo or
mcamped In the suburbs of Savanna !
and a few days later arc comfortabl ,
edged In shanties built by the boys c
material gathered up In the nolghboi
lood. The citizens generally were vor
riondly and It was quite evident tha
hey were greatly relieved In baring th
ilaco quietly abandoned by the confodoi
to army before any damage had boon IE
llotod by cannonading , Here I rocoivrv
a lieutenant's commission and choorfull
otnrned to our Undo Samuel the rlfl
which I had carried many weary mile
as a matter of fact the miles were neve
lalf so weary as I wis )
January 28,18G5 , wo bid farawoll t
Savannah and start on onr march
crossing the Savannah rlvor at Sister
forry. It was In the midst of the rain
eason , the country was low and swamp
and many days wera occupied with mal
ng "corduroy" roads with poles an
alls In order to got onr heavy wsgo
rains along. It was a dismal tlmo , bi
inally wo reached a section where an o
caslonal hill was to bo soon ; the stead
rain-pour ceased , the sun made his ap
> earanco , sweet potatoes again becarr
onr main article of focd and once moi
ifo became worth living. Occasional !
3on. Sherman ( familiarly known to us t
'Billy" ' Sherman ) , would pass us on tb
march , riding a chestnut horse , whet
[ uick action , small clean head , brlgl
iycs and restless can proved that , Ilk
ils master , ho possessed pluck and ot
luranco. Wo had come to the conclnslo
bat wo were invincible , and our slog
and capture of Atlanta , the marc
hrough Georgia and capture of Its chic
ilty , certainly warranted such cot
.lualon. When our advance woul
> o checked it would b
mt temporarily. Skirmishers would b
brown forward , the ranks closed uj
nd on wo would go with a yell wadln
wamps , across old fields , and throng'
ho woods. Meanwhile wo were llvln
m the fat of the land , and frequently 1 :
reaking camp in the morning onoug'
revision would be left by a single regl
aent to keep a dozen families snppliei
or a year. As wo journeyed , rofngooe
rhite and black , joined us by th
housands. Ladies who , before the wai
lad never waited upon themselves
ooted It along the roadside for weeks
omo were in carts drawn by a single o :
n shafts , some on horsebrck , some i :
pen wagons , and , here and there In th
irocession , could bo seen a family stowoi
way in a fine carriage , driven by th
olored coachman. It is estimated tha
0,010 of these people have joined Shei
man's army by the titnp wo reach Faj
ttevillo , N. 0. . at which point wate
ransportotlon to the north via Wilmlng
on , was furnished them by the govern
February 16th we arrive in front o
lolumibla , the beautiful capital of Soutl
Carolina. But little opposition la me
rlth and the night of the 17th finds ou
Ivislon and another camped in the olty
Vade Hampton's cavalry was the last o
ho confederate forces to leave the place
nd they had attempted to burn a lonj
trlng of cotton bales which had beoi
ilod np In the center of a wldo street f o
ho purpose of being destroyed , but th
Itlzens turned ont in force and endeav
o save It , As wo marched down thi
troot towards the new capital bnlldlni
I'procoss of erection we could see tha
ho cotton had boon drenched and thi
treet flooded with water , and , to all ap
xmrances , the fire was entirely subdued
ien , women and children turned ont t
OQ us enter the city , and as wo marcho
last the crowded sidewalks whisky wa
dealt out by the bucketful to a !
who would drink , by these people , ovl
lently with a view of propltiatlu
bom. Meanwhile a high wind ares
during the afternoon and the smonldei
ng fire In the cotton bales was fanne
nto flames unnoticed in the oxcitemoc
and by dark the fire had reachoo the bns
ness houses lining the street. The liquc
llstributod to the soldiers has excited ;
lesiro for more and the discovery of
distillery near onr camps results In seal
; oring ten thonsanand drukon soldioi
hrough tbo city , many of whom contii
mted to the destruction of the place , j
detail of five thousand men la made b
order of Sherman to aid the citizens 1
putting out the fire , hut the five ban
engines ore entirely Insufficient and It 1
apparent that the fate of the city whlc
passed the first ordinance of socosslon-
: he capital of the ono partlculo
state which had always bco
too proud and arrogant , wi
coaled. It was a dreadful'scene ; hut
drods of houses were on flro at once ; mo
swore and women and children acreame
and cried with terror ; drunken soldlei
ran about the streets with blazing torcho
the fire engines were manfully worke <
soldiers and citizens heartily joined I
the effort to snbduo the flames as long i
tbero was any hope of success , and lor
lines of sentries did all in their power I
restrain their reckles and desperate con
radea. A few years later I saw the city <
Ohloigo , many times larger than Oolun
bla , destroyed by fire but the scene d
not equal , in horrible details thatwl
nossed In the fair southern city on tl
night of February 17th , 1805. Wo spei
two days In
In the vicinity of Columbia and then r
sumo our march to the northcaU , croe
Ing the North Carolina line on the 8th
March. About this tlmo the smallp <
made Its appearance in the army and i
dncod the ranks somowlut.
On this campaign no regard wai pate
to roads. The army was kept in as con
pact a form as possible and as we carrli
pontoon bridges streams too deep f
fording could be crossed at almost ai
point. In fact tbo rebels burned all tl
bridges across the large streams. 11
member that on ono ooetiion our cent
division of , perhaps , six thonsvnd me
marched through a grist mill in operatic
crowing the stream on tha dam whi
our teams forded It. The boys said tl
Sherman Intended to march his art
through every door'yard on our route. .
Fayettevllle , North Carolina'we we
told that flour was selling at eight ho
drod dollars per barrel , and every thi
Iso In proportion , pricoi being based 01
onfederato currency ef course. On
Vorth Carolina " cracker" remarked
Bread corn is pow'ful ' skaco down hya
ills hyar year , " and wo believed him.
On the 21st and 22dof March is fough
horman'a last battle , at Bontonvlllo
rhero the rebels under Joe E , Johnstoi
ook to annihilate ns. But there is no
much annihilation ; the left wing of on
army , on which the attack is made , holi
lielr ground while the right moves for
ward on quick tlmo and got in the rot
f the enemy and it la only by skilful
mauevoring that Johnston makes his es
ipo to Smithfield , to the northward
hough ha succeeded Inlnfllctlng | consid
rablo lota upon Sherman's army. Marcl
4th wo roach Goldsboro ( our objootlv
oint ) four days less than two month
rom the date of leaving Savannah. Her
TO found rations , clothing , news froc
ho "outer world , " and roat , nnd al
these things were welcome. Wo hai
lurched COO miles through the heart o
ho enemy's country and for the laa
week thousands of the men had hobble *
long ragged and soro. with bloodln
oot wrapped In pieces of blanket.
From a copy of a rebel pacer I cltppoi
bis comment on affaire In Tennessee :
The following Is the test oath require
iy Andy Johnson and Lincoln , to b
akon by the citizens of Tonnossao bo
ere they will bo allowed to voto. The
who will swallow such an oath are nnt
o bo free men and deserve to bo slave
orovor :
"I solemnly swear that I will hencefort
npport the constitution of ths United Btnto
nd defend it against the oitaults of Its er
mies ; that I am an actlvo friend of the BO'
rnmont of the United States ; that I ardent !
eslro the suppression of the rebellion agalni
ho government of tha United States ; that
incorely rojolco m the triumphs ot the ormii
md navies of the United States , and am a
nemy ol the so-called confederate utatcs , an
n the defeat and overthtow of the armle
navies , and of all the armed combinations i
ha Intnreat of the so-called cot
cdernto statoi ; that I will cord
ally oppose all armistices or negototioc
or peace with rebels In arms until tbo con
titution of tha United States , and all Ian
and proclamations made in pursuance then
of , shall bo established over all tbo poopla (
every itntn find territory embraced within tl
national Union , and that I will henrtily ai
and assist the luyal people in whatever mea
uro may bo adopted for the attainment (
beso ends ; and further , that I take this oat
rcoly and voluntarily , and without inenti
eservatlon , so help mo God , '
"Tho ovldont design of this oath Is t
irovcnt Tennessee from voting for M <
Jlellan. So plain and palpable is thi
hat a committee of prominent Unlo ;
non visited Washington and requoste
jincoln'to revoke it. But the old tyrac
ofusod absolutely to do so , telling th
committee that McOlellan might play hi
wn game and ho would play his , and 1
o many words admitting that tbis oat
ras a part of the game by which ho an
ils tool Johnson were to secure to them
elves the electoral vote of the state. . 1
he people of Tennessee have a sparkf c
manhood left the scheme will fail. "
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching an
Jlcorated Files has been discovered by Di
Villiams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Di
William's Indian File Ointment. A slngl
x > x baa cared the wont chronic casoa of 25 c
10 years standing. No one need suffer Cv
nlnutoa after applyine this wonderful soott
ng medicine. Lotions , Instruments and eloc
uaries do more harm than good. William' '
ndian File Ointment absorbs the turners , a !
ays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nigh
after getting worm in bed , ) acts as a peulnct
Ives Instant relief , and la prepared only f c
lloa , itching of the private parts , and fo
othlne else. I
Read what the Hon. J. M. Ooffinbevry. c
lloveland , says nbout Dr. William's India :
'Ho Oolntment : "I have used scores of Fil
tares , and it affords me pleasure to say that
iavo never found anything which gave sue'
mmedlate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil
am's Indian Ointment. For sale by all drug
lets and mailed on receipt of price. 50o ani
L. Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Airont.
nbstantlal Evidences ol ; Growtli-
Capltal and Settlers Coming In.
OGALT.ALA , Neb. , May 7. I have beoi
o busy for the past few weeks In keep
ng pace with the rapid Improvomon
nd development of this town and count ;
ist I have been somewhat derelict 1 :
Slnco my last I will note a few of th
Town hall , 44x80 feet , nearly com
loted ; Congregational church , 24x0
oot ; ono flour and food store by Mossre
Josack & McLano ; largo fine businee
louse , Wm. Lucker , and dwellings to
numerous to mention.
A bleak has been purchased for schoc
ouse ; the old building will be moved 01
amo and a largo addition made therot
n a short tlmo.
A now lumber yard , making the fourtb
s the latest venture. This Is of itself
naranteo that the county Is rapidly sel
ling up.
Capitalists from the east ore findln
nt that Investments In Keith count ;
ro safe and profitable.
Mr. L. 0. Empkle , of Council Bluff *
owa , was hero a few days ago and put
hosed 2,000 acres which he will improv
t once ,
< Hon. B. F. Olty ton , state secrotar
rom Iowa , was hero last week makln
Several parties from Now York stat
iavo purchased twenty sections in th
outhern part of the county which the
> repose to colonize.
A now furniture store Is being ereote
by R. H. M. Dow , of New York , whic
will be opened for business In a shoi
imo.A number of our basinets men sni
> rhed our worthy editor of the Reflectc
t few evenings ago , it being the fin
innlvorsary of the first Issue of the papei
Hr. Neeves was completely as ho wt
unceremoniously awakened from th
arms of old morpheus , and received hi
; uests in his dressing gown of mlnlatui
proportions. Music , dancing , apseohei
md feasting was the order of the ovenln ;
and all passed off pleasantly and satUfai
torlly to all present.
The Ogallala brass band Is the latet
acquisition , and the sound of new lion
Is heard issuing from all points of tl
compass , to tha Infinite delight of tt
drowsy Inhabitants.
The prospects for the B. & M. II. I
coming to this place are crowing brightf
every day , Yours onoo In a while ,
Ob ! Oast that Mliwlovr from Tl
Brow , "
Yon csn't do It If you have liver coi
plaint or dyspepsia. The darkeni
countenance tells the story of Inwa :
commotion and woo. ' Clear yo
stomach , strengthen your digestlon.reg
late your liver , tone your nerves and thi
away goes the shadow from your bro
and you are happy because yon are we
Mrs. M. J , Alston , of Littleton , N. (
sayn , "I recommend Brown's Iron B
ters to the nervous and debilitated.
greatly benefited me. "
n Which a Lori ) , a Cerate and Twi
Lovers Figure ,
A-lilttlo Jealously Injootcd to Bpic <
the Tnlo The Marrlnno of
tbo Ghost.
When I first took orders , I wont tc
orvo a curacy of ono of my friends In r
lld and remote put of Donegal. The
HlaRo waa not far from the aoa and the
hnrch stood half Tray between thorn , ir
dismal place , which even In anmmoi
was oxooodlngly dreary ; but In winter II
was bleak and deserted.
In the village lodged a medical student
rho pretended to possess the faculty ol
orotolllng the death of his neighbors
la often exorcised his powers of dlvlnrv
ion fur revenge ; but ho carried on hli
iractioes with so much skill and cunning
hat the simple vlllogora foarec
9 much as they hated him ,
lis predictions sometimes happened
o bo true , but they might havi
> oen very safely made without the inter
vontlon of any supernatural agency
The rogno thought fit to call In the ai <
cf a superstitious tradition , and for thi
purpose rued to pass Allhallows' Evi
alone in the church porch , where , hi
aid , ho behold the shadowy forms o
these who wore doomed to die passing li
weird procession along the ohurchyan
Among others , ho declared ho hai
ioen the specter of a young man wh
was serving with his regiment in Soutl
Africa ; and ho declared that to his belle
and oartaln knowledge the young lionten
ant would dlo in the course of the year
Phis mischievous prediction was likely ti
iavo very serious consequences
jloutonant Novill was betrothed to i
> eautlfal and innocent girl whi
Ivcd in the village , and * they woio to bi
married on his return. Evoleoi
Verschoylo was at this time about eigh
teen years of axe , lovely , accomplish
md refined. She had berne np for i
eng tlmo against the apprehensions one
anxieties which Musgrave's dreadfo
irophectcs had aroused ; but now ho
loilth rapidly declined , her spirit
ailed , and It seemed but too probabl
hat she would form ono of tbo grin
roop who , on Allhallows' Eve , were t <
make their terrible journey through thi
church gate.
The cause of her illness was wol
tnown. The matter was talked n
ivorywhere , and had spread a pan !
hrough the place , which had grcatl ;
roxod my friend. Lord O'Qrady. Hi
old mo that Harold Muegrave enter
talned for Evoloon Vorschoylo a love a
iolent as it was hopeless , and ho hac
ioen heard to swear that If not his , ehi
hould bo no other man's.
Lord O'Grady now visited mo , to con-
ult as to what could bo done to put t
top to this daring imposture , and to ro
toro peace to the mind of tbo unhnppj
girl. Ho might have compelled Mus
rave to leave the place ; but this ironic
lot have remedied the past evil , and he
wished first to convince the people thai
ho pretended vision was false. He
heraforo proposed to mo that I shoolc
iass the fatal eve in the church porch
, nd that I should publicly proclaim tbi
esnlt of my observations during the tor
iblo hour to my credulous parishioners
Allhallow'a Eve arrived. I dined witl
ord O'Qrady , and spent a dellghtfa
venlng with him and his family uatl
within half an hour of midnight , when ]
eft them , with great reluctance , I con
ess ; and protected by a warm and capao
ous great-coat , I walked rapidly toward )
bo church.
I took my seat In the porch of the an
lent building , the appearance of which ,
n the moonlight , was at least as strange
s the times in which it was erected. Thi
wind moaned and blew with mournfu
orce from the sea across the flat high
anas which lay between. It shrieked
hrongh the old church tower with wile
nd fitful sounds , and rnehod round thi
orners of the buildings with swift ant
arrylng blasts.
I had not sat there long before I begai
o wish with an exceeding great deain
hat the hour of my lonely watch hac
xplred. I was chilled to the very boni
iy the keen wind , and I could no longoi
ontrol a painful shudder which occasion
illy ran through my overstrained nerves
at last dad only a few minutes to stay
I began to pace quickly across thi
mall porch , hoping to warm my shiver
ng frame , when I distinctly hoard thi
reaklrjg of the churchyard gate. . '
nrned Instantly toward the place whenci
ho sound proceeded , and looking dowi
" saw in the now clear moonlight a figuri
up the path that ran throngt
ho churchyard.
At this moment I must confess thai
error got the better of reason , and thai
my shivering Increased with alarming vl
olenco as I continued to gaze on the ap-
iroachlng object. I could imagine nc
latural cause for which It was possible
hat any ono could bo traversing thai
ath at such an hour.
The figure suddenly stopped , and stood
with Its back towards me. I saw that II
wasdroajedin a soldier's uniform. The
carlot clothes showed in the moonlight ;
ho glittering buttons , and the sword
wnglng from the holt , all convinced me
hat the apparition were the dress of an
fficer in too army.
Musgrrvo's prediction rushed back tc
mind , and in the confusion of the moment -
ment I was almost Inclined to admit Iti
ruth. It is true that I hsd never seer
ho young soldier who bad been the sub
eot of It , but the coincidence was st
trong as to atagqer mo. Moonlight al
vays gives a strange paller to the huraat
ace , and this aided perhaps by my ex
cited fancy , gave to that of the sllon
ipuro before me a pallid , death-like op
1 suddenly remember the duty which'
lad consented to perform , and , snbdnini
with a strong effort the panic which hai
seized mo , I stopped forward and calloi
out , "Who pees there ? "
"A friend , " replied the figure , In i
loarso but certainly natural voice.
' Why do you seek hero at this hour o
the night ? " I asked.
"Before I answer you , " replied th
apparition , "let mo ask what right yoi
iavo to question mo ? "
'I am , " I eaid , "tho curate of thi
"Well , air , " it replied with a cheer ;
laugh , "my name is Neville , and I am
lieutenant In the army. Yon are prob
ably acquainted with my mother wh
lives In the village yonder ; and I am noi
on my way to surprise her with a vi i
as my regiment has been ordered horn
so suddenly that I arrived almost as BOO
as a letter would have done. "
I was ao overcome with surprise thi
for a few momenta I could not answoi
At last I found volco to explain to th
young officer the reason of my stranp
vigil and the critical condition of b
lovely and Interesting betrothed.
He at onoo declared that jealouiy Hi
prompted Musgrare'a horrid scheme , an
I had difficulty In preventing him fron
rushing to his lodgings and taYiug sum
mary vengeance upon him.
Wo proceeded at once to the honso o
Lord O'Grady , who was s ill sitting up
anxiously waiting for my report. Hi
irlded his yorsaaslons to mlno , and wi
induced the young man to remain then
'or ' the night , and to allow mo to breal
, o his mother and his bride the jojfu
news of his arrival on the following
morning. I shall not attempt to dosoribi
their delight.
Sweet Evoloon teen recovered whor
icr anxiety and terror were dissipated
and n few nooks after his return I hac
ho pleasure of uniting her for life to hoi
rank and handsome lever who was wol
worthy of even this priceless treasure.
Musgravo loft the vllliago some dayi
mforo the marriage , to the great plena
nro and comfort of the Inhabitants.
"Worse Than n Uovolvor.
In commenting ; on several cases in tha
city where children died from the offocti
of taking cough syrup containing mor
ihla , the editor of an Omaha paper remarks
marks that opiates , poisons and narcotic
are moro dangerous than firearms. Mothers
ors should note this and also that different
ont Boards cf Health , after careful an
alyses have certified that the only purol ;
vegetable preparation of this kind , am
ono that Is harmless , and effective , I
Red Star Cough Cure. The Commit
slonor of Health of Baltimore pnblioi ;
endorses it.3
Bill Nyo'B Carving.
Bill Kyo in Fuck.
My carving is like my dancing. It I
not conventional. It is extremely orh ]
Inal , bold , and audacious. I try to Ir
trodnco joints , where raturo did not In
tend to have them , and I seek to mak
short cuts across a fowl In a way that i
productive only of chagrin , vexttlon , an
fragments of hen. Man Is a weak , fallible
iblo creature , and ho ought not to see !
to monkey with the anatomy of a fowl o
to improvise joints and apertures whor
they do not belong ; for at such tlmo a
yon think not the knlfo will slip , and 1
re ill trip over the celery glass and fill th
bosom of a warm personal friend wit !
To attract attention and keep up th
iplrlts of the company , therefore , I mak
It a kind of business , as it were , to fil
kho air with harmless amusement at th
same time that I shod staffing throng !
the atmosphere and mutilate the boson
of the hen. This gives mo an opportn
nlty , occasionally , to gather up the sago
bread crumbs , and gizzards ont of my la ]
and return them to the platter wlthou
exciting remark.
A few weeks ago , on an occasion o
this kind , a cousin of mlno , a young law
yer connected with the Omaha road , i
roang man of good parts , and whoti
business It Is to stand between thi
Omaha road and substantial justice
at so much a year and traveling ozpon
BCB , was present.
I had just said something smart t <
seep the company good-natured , while . '
asked a young lady at the other end o
; ho table to please return the dnckwhlcl
[ had Inadvertently presented her wltl
the carving fork stuck in it. Everyoni
was laughing joyously and trying to con
ceal it by putting their napkins to thei :
nonths , when my cousin turned to mj
Htlo daughter , and said :
"Bessie , haven't you got a funny papa
though ? "
"Yes , Indeed , " said the ungrateful , un
illal , and Irreverent heir apparent to t
; reat name. "You better believe he'i
'nnny when wo havi
company. "
And yet people wonder why I am no'
ho same genial host that I used to bo
and why the children do not eat at thi
irst table , and why there Is a sound o ;
dcklng against the door of an adjoining
rocm , and the occasional wall of a hungry
child as the meal progresses.
Educated and Experienced.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is prepared by 0.1
ECood & Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell
VIMS. , who have a thoroughkrtowlodgeo :
pharmacy , and many years practical ox
Dorionco In the business. It is preparec
irith the greatest skill and care , under thi
direction of the men who originated It
Eenco Hood's Sarsaparllla may be depended
ponded upon as a thoroughly pure , hon
oat , and reliable medicine.
The HaH-Broea W r.
TOBONTO , Hey 9. A cable dispatch to thi
Globe says the accounts pabliihed In the Lon
don daily papers concerning tbo battle be
; ween Col , Otter and the Indians unde
Poundmaker la so very conflicting that man ;
'ear tbo gravest consequences may follow up
on tbo withdrawal ot the Canadian force
roro the field of engagement. It baa bcoi
luggested from an influential quarter that thi
mperial government act as mediator betweei
he.dorainlon government and the half-breeds
An official telegram issued to-day allays ex
citement somewhat.
# * * # Rupture , pile tumnrs , fis
nlns , and all diseases ( except cancer ) o
ho lower bowel radically cured. Bool
of particulars two letter stomps. World'i '
) inponaary Medical Association , Buffalo. .
N. Y.
A Brute BIOWB Ilia Ho ad Off.
ST. Louis , May 9. Frank Knbechecb ,
Ivlngten miles from Carlinville , Illinois ,
quarrelled with his wife Tharcday , and beat
ior with a club till nlie became insensible.
Thinking bo bad killed her he took a shotgun ,
placed tbe muzzle under tils chin and blow
he top of bis head off. The woman will
irobably die , The couple has baen married
27 years.
Few People Escape
The taint of scrofula in the blood. Witli
many it is hereditary ; but it may also be
acquired from want of air or lack of ex
orcise , from Improper food , or any cause
which brings about weakness of the bodj
and impurity of the blood. The disease
is charaoterlzad by running sores , ab
scesses , swelling ! , enlarged joints , sore
eyes , oto , No medicine has been so ano
coiuful in curing scrofula as Hood's Sar
saparllla. The most terrible running
sores gradually disappear under the purl
fying influences of this great medicine
If you ore a sufferer from scrofula one
deslro moro evidence as to the wonderfu
IUCCOBS of Hood's Sarsaparilla , send to 0
I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. , for a boo !
containing many remarkable cures ,
May Snow Htjowern ,
BiUNTrono , Ont , , May 9. Snowing ban
bero this rooming ,
OtEViLAND , O , , May 9 Snow DM falloi
at Intervals throughout tbo forenoon.
DETROIT , May 9. There has been severs
flurries of enow here to-day , but it melted a
fast as it fell.
When Baby wu dele , wi I T her CutorU ,
When eho ITU a Child , ibe cried tor Cotiarla ,
When eho became UU , ih6 clone to Cutoria ,
6TUa ibo had Children , su ( T tlitm CutorU ,
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica.
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
KoroTlit-ont-K < TrlllnE.Nprnln .Hrulic ,
lIurnn.Menlila , Fruit mica.
Bold I j DnaMi iD4 t rrwli ri. nnj OnU tottx
DlrKilonala 11 L 0lliijCr | *
( Butthoti to A. TOOlUa a 00.1 B ltln r , J. . C. B. A.
C17 St. Charles St. . St. Louis , No.
A rcgntftr imduaH of iwo Mdlei Uollnn , hM bon l < tnrM
and ntooo DiiiiiulhMi uf > thtr rtijiltlin la Gtix > al *
u rtty r rcrs ihirftKd All old rrtt < 1 < lt ka w.
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Monlct E <
Physical Weakness : Mercurial and otn : K ? c <
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood PotjKTirj ,
old Sores and Ulcers , tro tt tM ith ncr > ikii i > 4
loeeo'i , OD Itivii > fl * > iltif rtrlnetrlet. Hi'clr. rrlTAUlj.
Diseases Arising trOm indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure er Indulgence , vkich rro < ) ne < iom < or tin
following tlTtelll ncrtouinrm , dcbllllr , dlmnt > l ot it hl
aoddereetlTe mcmorj , flroplei on tba facep& tleiLl
rbf mallfrco , aadlDTlt * d. Wrlto forqueitlona.
A Positive Written Guarantee
irtrcaln all enr&hta tMts. ) l dklaciieat T er7iib re.
J'aniph'.eti , XnKllah or German , 04 paj i , de-
tcrlblng above dlieaaea , in male or fa malt , PUB *
MO r * ti. An rlttci. tlliitrated la ilotK and ( lit > Uilr
& 0e , niotiej * r poiui 1 1 tame. | > * per eovtrt , a e. TfiH hav
ao&uloi all ti eunoui. doabtral or laaoliltlTt wait ii
knov. JL. took ' treat ( Ugrwi to aU. UtaUti ,
OT UCM ai. pren tc4
irth A eiokle , oo A i
Thla brand H a happy combination of flno , yonn
crlep rod , burly long tiller , with a
and It Just mcota the taste of a large number c
Orders for "Plowshare" are oonlncln rapldl ;
from all parts of tbe country , demonstrating hoi
quickly the great army of chowcra strike a goo.
combination of Tobacco , both as to quality am
quantity. Messrs Loilllard& Co. h&ve exercised ni
little tlmo and labor In endeavoring to reach th <
Acme ot Perfection In Plowshare , and seem to havi
done It. Besides the TEN CUNT errs of Plowshare an
Which li a point not to bo overlooked by dealer
who will find It to their Interest to order some am
glvo their customers an opportunity to try it.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealers supplied by
Gronowcg & Sctoentgon , Council Bluffa.
1'eregoy & Moore , " "
L. Kireeht & Oo. " "
Stewart Bros. " "
L'axton & Gallagher , Omaha.
McCord , Brady & Oo , , Omaha.
For sale in Omaha by
H. YincrllnEt , CIS S 13th Street.
Henry Ditzen , COI S 13th St.
Heimrod & Co. . G02 S 13th St.
Gee Carismn.lOlB Farnam St.
Kaufman Broa. , 207 S 15th St.
Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St.
Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St.
August riotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St.
Geo. Heimrod , C13 N 16th St.
Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum <
ing Sts.
Van Green Bros. , N , W. Cor. Division and
Cuming Sts.
Z. Stavons 013 N. 21st St.
J. H , Spetman , Uor. Douglas and 12th St.
Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St.
Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
Mrs. G M. Lawley , 800 S. 10th St
H. Msnfelt , 8. W. Cor. 13th and Howard.
Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 80G S. 10th St. . Omaha ,
3eo. Anderson , 318 8.10th St. , Omaha.
J. H. Spetman. corner Douglas and 12th St
Chos. Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
Will rnrirr thn OLOOD.TofT
late tlie LIVER anil UIDHEVO.
und VIGOn of VOOTIt I/ *
p psuVantofApiiclltc ! , Ia <
-1' ' n , * at HtreiiKUu
> ' > ' -UnKnlisolMtcljr
curuil. Hone ? , luusclcsariu
ni-rvcorociilvoiiciwrorce ,
Eiillvviis the mind and
euphllca Ural n rower ,
nffLTlngfroni coniplalnti
_ _ * IlllClllllU'tl ) tlll'll'SfX V7J1I
Jnd InDK. Et' SXISll'SIilOW TON1O n Kaf ooii
"Pfjy euro. ifllTcauclu.ii.licaUhyconiiilGxIon.
frequent fcticmpts nt p" - "rt > ' Miit ( only add
l > tliQ popularity nClha orlctiial. Do uut expen *
Uent gutllioUmoiNAi. ANUJIEST.
cur artdrmtoTbe Or. IInrt rM l.Oi.y
tLoul . Mo. , for our"DKKAM J1OOI"H )
f ullol aCruoianN > fi > il rcmatjoo.naJr J
I im a coppermnllh by trade , tnd the inttll pai
tldcaof brain and copper from filing itotlnto torei o
my armi and poisoned my whole vvitem. ilcrcur
dmlnlstcrcj brought on rlieumatlim , aod I becam
a bclpleu Invtlll. I took two iloieu bottle ) of Swift' '
BpeclSo , Uy legi , arms and hands art all rlghtagklr
I u > a them without rain. My rotorallon U due t
S. 8. B. I'BTBR r. JX3V ,
Jan. 0.1885. AugwU , Qa.
Malarial Poison.
We have uicJbwllt'iBpfolflo In our family H .
antldet < for malarial poison for two or three vein
and b ve uorer Known It to fall In a tingle loiianoi
Sumpter oounty , Oa. , Sept. U , 1B34.
For eli or eight yran I laffered with nloeri on m
light leg. I wn treated with Iodide of I'oUwlur
and Uercnry , and I became hilpleu. Biz battlM c
Bwl't's ' epeelflo madt a i > erman nt cure.
Feb. j , 188S. U. D , WiLaos , ailnonllle , Oa.
Bwllt'i Bpftdflo Is entirely vegetable. Treatise 01
lood and akin I > louoi mailed tree.
TheBwtrr8r nnoC , Drawer t , Atlanta Oao
M W. JSd 8t. , N. If.
The remarkable growth of Omaha
during the last loir yonra Is a mattot o
great astonishment to those who pay an
occasional visit to thla growlngcUr. The )
development of the Stoo Yards th *
nooosalty of the Bolt Linn Road th
finely paved ctreeta the hondroda ol now
roslaonoon and costly business blonka ,
ivlth the population of oni olty raoro than
doubled In the last five yo&r * . All this
la a great surprise to visitors and li th
admiration ol oni oltlsonn. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and thi
many anbatantlal Improvements made a
lively demand for Omaha veal estate , and
every Invostoi baa moda si handaoms
Stnoo the Wall Btroot panic Hay ,
with the anbsBqnent cry of hard times ,
there ban boon loss demand from specula
tors , bnt a fall demand from Investon'
socking homes. Thla latter class an
taking advantage of low prices hi buildIng -
Ing material and are scouring their homos
at much losa cost than will bo powlbla e
yea > honco. Speculators , too , can bay
real ostaf i ohoapoi now and ought to taki
advantirg of present prices fo fntnti
pro to.
The next few years promise * groakei
djvolopmonts In Omaha than the past
fivj yean , which have been aa good ai
wo conld reasonably doalro. Now man-
nfactnrlng establishments and largo Job
bing hortaoa are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
bnt the State , who have thols money In
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In *
torost , which , If judiciously Invested In
Omaha real ettato , wonld bring thorn
much greater retnrna. We have man *
bargains trhloh wo are confident will
bring tbo pnrohanor largo profits tn thi
neoi fntnrn.
We have for sale the finest roni-
denco property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North , we have fine lots at reason
able prices oa Sherman avenue,17th , , ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets. '
West on Faruara , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the eading streetr
in that direction.
The grading o Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valun ,
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company nnd
the railroada will certainly doable
the once in a short time.
We also have some fine business
lots and some elegant inside reni-
dencep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find J
BOmo need bargains bycnllingi
233 South 14th St ,
Bet .toon Faraham and Douglas.
P. S. We aok those who hays
property for sale ot a bargain to gir
us a callWe want only bargain <
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value. . , ,