Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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FroBGonto the Swindlers.
If when yon ell for lion Dltiera ( see
green olnatcr o ( Hops on the vrhlto libel )
the druggist hands out any at&ff called 0.
D. Warner' * German Hop Bitter * or with
ether "Hop" name , reftno it and shun
thai druggist as you would'a viper ; and If
ho has taken your money for the stuff ,
indict him for the fraud , and sue him for
damages for the swindle , and wo will ro-
Trnrcl yau liberally for the conviction ,
With every dlseato Imaginable for the
last ihroo yoara. Our
Druggist , T. J. Anderson , recommend
, 'IIop Bittors" to mo
I used two bottles.
Am entirely cured and heartily recom
mend Hop Bitters to overyono.
J. D. Walker , Buoknor , Mo.
Counterfeiting Proves Superiority.
Although counterfeiting is one of the
greatest crimes ngninat the business of
any country , snd in many cases
"Destructive to hoalth'and llfol"
"It proves beyond a doubt tho"
Of the article counterfeited ;
As no inferior article is over counter *
Proof of this Is to bo found in the great
number in
"Australia , England , Franco ,
"Germany , India , Belgium , Canada
and the U. S.
Of counterfoils of the great remedy.
"Hop Bitters , "
Whoso name and merits are BO well
known the world over that it is a
"Shining mark and favorite prey
"For Counterfeiters 111"
Bownro of those that do not have a
green cluster of hops on the white label.
Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! !
If when yon call for lion Bitters ( see green
cluster of Hops on the white l > bel ) tqe drug
gist bands out nny stuff called 0 , 1 > Warner s
Gorman Hop Bittern or with other "Hop"
name , refuse it and shun that druggist as you
would a viper ; and if ho bastaken your money
for the stuff , Indict him for the fraud and euo
him for damages for the swindle , and wo will
reward you liberally for tbo conviction *
BIB * B * , HBW r t vt H H
aa UMllral kpf > tt.ilaiwH jf q ] rtwt Yorniw lwt rli
, * * u votM , rnr. , Dj.prf * k , Xltkrtbak , kM An ] . , knit LI
ilmd.r * r Ib. PiKMLttt OrtkBI A. . drop * Imrkrl k d.uciou Cm
t * | lk. or .LkiorHn , , kki l kit tfvnimrr JrlBkl. Try II. kk
kr f UDMr.iU. Alk Tour KTOmr ornnAfrtrot U4lfKa
In order to enrlrh
the blood , and thus
impart frorh vigor
an enfeeh ed ayttem
stimulate digging
digettirn vlth the
rational Intlg rant ,
Iloatetter's Htomaoh
Bitters , which , by
Infil'l R0"cru > Into
tha opurattonicf the
etoma'h , promotes
Dav , Injure * thor-
oven dlgattlon and
thn. A potato UD-
pclltolgor and
lleeh , I ) I rvarhbly
found to follow a
ooune ofthlsdetorv.
cJIv , popular torlo
which I' , moreover ,
a reliable rrevcntUe of malarUl fever. For sale
by all Druffglsta and Dealeri
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
HAVKS I < ABOR , TIIIB and So\r AMAZINGLY , and ulvci
unlren-fil nat'efactlon. ' No ftuilly rich or poor should
be without it.
EoM try all grocer * . PRWARK cl Imitations well do
signet to mUloul. I'KARLI.NK U the ONLY HAPS l.iboi
ta > lcg compound aud alwau btira Iho ato\a sym
bcl aud narao ot
ta.OAl > ITAL l'Rl/15 , 76.0UO.
Louisiana State Lottery Oompanj ?
"We Jo hertby cfrtifv that IM tuveniie tht or
rangeiiuntt/or all the Monthly OIK * Semi-Jinnun
Drawing * of the Louiiiatia State lottery Company
and in verton manage antl control the ZJrowinj. .
' thmweltei , and that the tatae are candwttd untl
honitty/a\rntit andin good faith toward all far
titi , aiuiwt. authorize the company to u fAu eer
Hflcatt , tMh/ac-timilei of our ilgnaturet ( UfacA
in tit advertutmtntt. '
faawrpontid la 1M tot ye n by ttui leftdtturi
lot dnoatlonal and ckarltabU purposM with I
oaiitil of ll.OOO.OCO 9 which a iMerr * fund of OTII
ttU > 000 has itno be n added.
Ir ae overwhelming pepuUr rot * IU franehln
wuoitdt apart of Ibi preient itaU oonsUtatloi
ItdopUd Dioembor Sd. A. U. 1870.
Tfao only lottery ever T0t4 on and endoneJ bj
tb * peojiicf anUt
It B TOC toalti or poitpooM.
Iti rrud ilnjlc numtwr drftwlnp tak * plMx
A iru u > orroKTOim TO vn A ronnrai , Fmi
Viv OMJUiM , TDUOIT , MAT IS , 1885 , 1BOU
JW.OOO Tickets * t (0 ecb. Vractioni , ic
Fiftiu , in proportion.
Lut or ruxui
I 0pH l PtiM . I 76,00.
1 dl d . . U.OOI
i do da . . . 10,001
PrUe.of K > . (00 W.OO- -
l. 0 10,00
MO . . . . . lO.OOi
too JWg
JOOP ! aeol 100 M.09
( Approilmation I'rlie * of 7M
B do ilo W9 , M
9 do do 0
1MT Prltei , unounttng to . . . . . . . . ,
Application foi r U to club * ihonld b madeoEl ,
to tfieoifiw ot IM Company In N Orleans.
For further Inl.iriniUoo . wrlto flfarly glrtnj : fa
addren. POSTAL NOTK8 , KiproM Uonof Orders , o
K w York Fxchangd In ordinary Ittttr , Ourrenc
br Rxpieu ( all sums of | 6 and upward ! at our e >
Or U. A. DAUPU1N. Ntw Orlean * . L
607 iteYenth St. , WathlDKtcn P. a
Uak * r O. Uooer Orders i yablo and addiit
lUjUtored Uttin to
nnd Drearr.
Ah , the days ro sod and dreary
For the hapless politician ,
With hit little roll of hnnor ,
Signed by citizens of promt *
Nence , informing G rover Cleveland
That they long have hare known their hon-
Frlond and noble fellow citlztn. [ ered
And Hto confident that no one
Could to lately bo entrusted
With the duties of pMlraWter
In the Tillage ol Kehunkton ,
Yea , the days are tad nnd dreary ,
Under this administration.
Homeward goca the politician.
Homeword gooa to far Kebunkton ;
There to fade away and languish ,
Tbero to perish broken-hearted.
Dying , with his nerveless finger
He will trscs hm toma's intcripttont ,
' 'I am dead. The Mugwumps dunnit. "
No more with cold the small boy's nose
At early morning tingles ;
And , na tno weather warmer grow < ,
Ills hair his mother shingles
Soon to the placid pool he'll bio ,
Whoso batiks with wild flowers bospanglo.
And as the sunny hours glide by
For hornspouts ho will angle.
Perhaps he'll of the water feel ,
And whcra ho thinks it warmest
Upou the bank he'll quickly peel
And plunge right ia head foremost.
O'orbithinc luitr ho makes no fuss ,
Their toiture or their trimming ;
In purls naturalibus
a tint's how ho goes in swimming ,
[ Boston Courier.
[ By Oathrino Welts. ]
The bright sunlight of a clear April
morning was stealing in through the half-
closed shutters of the parlor of Widow
Clayton's pleasant homo , and lighting
with occisional fiuhoa the fine face o
Albert Marshall , as ho paced restlessly
across the room ; and encircling with a
halo of golden light the bowed head o
the young girl half reclining In the low
Oat of doors all was bright nnd beauti
ful scarcely in harmony with the sorrow
ing excitement which wan convulsing
every federal heart , for the electric wires
had berne to every part of the north the
tidings of the defeat of her sons by the
It was that which lighted up Albert
Marshall's facowlth ] such stern enthulasm ,
and caused his rostloes movements across
the snnlighted room.
"It haj booomo a matter of duty now , "
ho was saying with sparkling eyes ; "tho
best blood of our native state has been
shod by the rebels , and it is time every
man who can shoulder a musket should
use it to rodrtss the wrong ! My placa Is
the ranks , and I cannot shrink from dnty
now. Do you bid mo go , Genie ? Are
you willing I should gi'i"
"How can you ask it ? ' she said at last ,
with lips which quivered In spite of hot
effort at naif-control. "You know full
well I should never bo willing. "
"Not when you know it is my dnty ,
and that I should bo proving myself a
coward and traitor to shrink frcm It ? " ho
eald earnnstly.
' It Ja not duty,1' she answered impa
tiently ; "it is only a boyiih onthulaam in
yon a love of change and excitement. ' '
"Ooly a boyish onthuiasml Oh Genie , "
ho said , reproachfully. ' 'how little you
understand the feelings of a man in suoh
a moment as this , when our country's flag
has boon torn down and defied. I must
go , Gonle , I cinnot shrink from the duty
so stcinly impoicdl In one , mouth ,
Genie , " ho resumed , after waiting in
vain for an answer , "you Hero to have
been my wife , and I came here thlt morn-
to ask you to forestall that time and be
come mine before wo part. Shall it be
so , darling ? "
Bo bent tenderly over her , awaiting
her auswor.
Fora minute or two she remained silent
then raising her head , and turning to-
war da him a face , white with intensa
feeling , she said with passionate earnest
ness : "No , not now , nor over , If you
persist in this mad scheme. "
Ho rose slowly to his feet and stood
with folded arms sternly regarding her.
"Virginia Olaytonl"
"Albert Marshall ! "
There they stood face to face ; his ro-
reallng sorrow , disappointment and sur
prise hers firmnets , scorn and defiance ,
"Virginia. , " ho ssli at length , in slow ,
measured tones , "what am 1 to under-
Blind by thlt ? "
"Just what I have slid : If you penis !
in this , onr engagement Is broken forever
over I The man whom I marry must love
me well enough to be willing to sacrifice
his wishes to mine , and not , for a valr
glnry , rush headlong Into danger froir
which rojsoa aud judgment would re
strain him , '
"And this is your final decision ? " hi
asked coldly.
"It is , you can take your choice ro
miln at home and I will bo your wlfo a *
the npolntod time , but pertlet in this ab
surd sohemo of leaving homo and frlondi
from a mistaken idea of duty aud we par
forever , for I must stand first ; no othei
love must como between mo and the mat
1 marry. "
Very , very eloquently ho pleads will
her , portraying in vivid colors all thi
neoesiitlca of the case ; but sll in vain
Virginia Clayton was very solfieh , bu
firm as granite in that selfishness ; to al
arguments she only uuworod , "I cat
oifdr no other alternative , "
"As well as I have lovad yon Virginia , '
ho said at list , finding all his efforts use
lots , * 'as well as 1 loyo you now , I canno
falter In the path of duty. I must go ; '
cannot fonako my country , tn her hou
of need ! "
"Very well ; you hare made you :
choice ; do not.blameme if yon regret It. '
Slowly and deliberately she took thi
engagement ring from her finger andAelc
it towards him.
For a moment be stood silently regard
ing her aa she held the ring out toward
him , with that cold , stern lock on hei
face ; then talcing it , ho cast it to the
farthest corner of the room ,
"Thus would I oastout from my heart , '
he said , bitterly , "every thought of t
woman so unworthy my love , that t thi
moment when I needed love and sympa
thy most , sternly withheld them * except
on condition of my becoming a coward
and a traitor I I wiih you joy of youi
freedom , MUs Oltyton. "
Ho bowed haughtily and tnrncd'tc ]
leave the room , but his better nature
trlnmphed ; ho could not leave in scorr
and anger the woman bo bad loved bet
ter than his own life , even though shi
bad proved herself unworthy. Anothei
moment and ho was besldo her , foldlnj
her in bis arms with all bis old tender
nets "May heaven forgive you , Genie , " hi
§ ld , sorrowfully , "the great wrong yoi
are doing us both. ( Joe d y you wll
think differently from wh t you do now
Heaven bleci you , " And with hurrie
kits bo wis gone.
With her eyes half tUttfsd with teai
aho watched him until he was lost to her
sight ; then , burying her fco in the sofa
cushions , gave way to a passionate burst
tf weeping.
For three long months Virginia Clay
ton had lived In alternate hope and fear ;
and now the terrible battle of Bull Ran
hid been fought. Sbo knew the Sixteenth
was engaged in It ; throe days had passed ,
and with great anxiety she had wn'ted
for tidings from one member of the regi
ment you and I cm tmiglne , who have
waited thus for tidings of ono dearer than
onr lives.
At last among a lUt of wounded men
conveyed to various Washington hospi-
tali , the read with a sharp pi Li at her
heart , "Captain Albert Marshall , In the
brens' , serlouslyl"
Neither prldo or sofishnesi could keep
her from him and In
now , six-and-thlriy
hours she stood In the < fEco of the hospi
tal , inquiring for Captain Marshall.
V'hethor sbo were Vtifo. sweetheart , or
sister , the attendant could not have told ;
but tbo pale face , intensely brilliant eyes
and the half-faltering accents of the
voice , told that eha was ODD whoso hap
piness hung on his answer ; and his tones
softened while the usual abruptness of
his manner became gentle almost ai a
woman , as his lips spoke the words which
crushed her last hope "Died this morn
ing at ton. "
There was no outcry from the pile Dpi ;
only a hand of Iron seemed grasping her
heart a terrible weight had fallen upon
her brain , crashing every feeling. Thou
slowly , as if every limb had turned to
s'one , she moved mechanically towards
the doer.
Some ono from outside opened it be
fore she reached It.
Without looking up she stopped aside ,
but the newcomer seemed in no haste to
pass , and for an instant both stood silent
ly , nntll her name , spoken In terms which
filled every fibre of her heart , caused her
to raise her eyes with a sudden start of
glad surprise ; for there , before her , in
health and strength , stood the man she
mourned as dead. Joy seldom kills , but
the sudden reaction of feeling lolt her
faint and weak , and she would have fal
len bad not his arm lent a willing
An half hour later seated together in a
private parlor of a hotel , when their mu
tual explanations wore over , she believed
herself to bo the happiest woman in all
the world. So sudden , so unexpected
had this happlnets como that she almost
feared lost it should slip again from her
grasp ; and her heart wont up to heaven
In earnest thanksgiving for this great
blessing , whllo ho humbly prayed to bo
made worthy of it.
The mistake which had caused her so
much sorrow waa occasioned by her Ignorance -
noranco of the fact that Albert Marshall
bad a coaoln bearing the same name as
himeolf , an officer In a western regiment ,
who had received his death-wound In the
same battle from which he had escaped
unhurt. In reading the name Virginia
bad never stopped to see that the tcgi-
mont was not the one for which she was
looking ; but she never regretted the
mistake which had eo effectually cured
her of her prldo and eolfnhness , which
bad been the carao of her life.
With the disaserouB battle of Bull Hun
Albert Marahall's term of service expired ,
and a few days later ho returned to bis
native town , whore the vows to rudely
broken were renewed for life at the al'ar. '
A C * RD. To all who are Buffering from error )
anil Indigestions ot youth , nervous weakness and
decay , toes ot manhood , eta I will Bend a recipe
that will cure you FUKB OF CHARGE. Thlas great
remedy waa discovered by a mleelonar to Bouth
America. Send eelt-addrcased envelope UKV. Jo-
aim X. iNiiiM Station "D " New York
The annual games of the West Side
Athletic Club will bo contested next
"I have been nllllctcd with an Affection
of the Throat from childhood , caused by
diphtheria , and have used various remedies ,
but have novfr found anything equ l to
P. Hampton , 1'lketon , Ky. Sold only in
Gus Wilson has been engaged to pilot
Mr. Gordon's Cllngetouo and other fast
ones this year.
By ICe. Frazior'a Maelo Ointment. Ouros
If by magi : : Pimples , Black Heads or Grub
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the akin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
Bait Rheum , Sere Nipples , Sore Lips nnd old ,
Obstinate Ulcers sold by druggists , 01
mailed on receipt price. CO cants. Sold by
Kuhn & Oo. aud O. K Goodman.
Eight thousand dollars was offered and 1
refused for the race horse Forg Kyle re
t Angostura Bitters do not only dlatlnl
guUh themselves by their flavor and oromalc <
odor above all others generally used , but the ;
are also a euro preventive for all diseases eric <
inating from the digestive organs. Bownro ol
counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist foi
the genuine article , manufactured by Dr. J ,
J. B. Selgort & Sons
Thoannusl epring gsmes o { the Pastime
Athletic clab will bo held at Washington
park on May 23.
By using lr. ) Frazier's Throat and Long Bal
sam the only euro euro for Coughs , Colde ,
Hoaruenoas and Bora Throat , and all disease !
of the throat and lunga. Do not neglect e
cough. It may prove fatal , Scores and
hundreds of grateful people owe their lives to
Dr. Frazier't Throat and Lumr Balaam , and
no family will ever bo without It after once
using it , and discovering its marvelous power.
It is put up in largo family bottles and solder
or the small price of 76 conta per bottle. Bold
KuhP & 0 * . and 0. K. Goodman.
There will be a state cricket match on
or about June G between Pennsylvanli
and New Jersey.
"I have no appetite , " complains many
a sufferer. Hood's Sartaparilln gives an
appetite and enables the stomach to per
form its duty.
The coming meeting of the Rockawaj
Hunt club will probably be the boat thej
have over had.
, BbcutuatUm and Rebellion
BUFFALO , N. Y. While attempting g
to arrest a rebellious drunken man re
ointly , a policeman was pushed into thi
catvaJ , and was only rescued after reoolv
ing severe ducking. Acute rhenmatim
set In , which entirely inoipacitated thi
officer , After vainly trying various doc
tors and Bundles , tbrea applications ol
St. Jacobs Oil cured him.
The Canadian wheelmen have decided
to hold their Annual moeiae at Wood
Amerlc.x Alie d ,
The American manufacture of a re
mark able floor covering , "LiNOLKOU , " li
now acknowledged to N co superior t <
the foreign article that rnly inferlo :
< rades ctn bo imported , The homo-
mide gouds mikes a perfect fl v > r cloth o
inrabllity and artiitlc effect beyond dU
pute. All carpet dealers keep It.
James F. Walden will train his sUbl
this year at Brighton Bescb ,
The Fleet wood track is now pro
rs 1 ° PB9J { ? I17 drivers to be f terth never
The Gay French Capital Gargeonsly
Attirci in Garlands of Green.
An Omalm Family Vlowlna the City
The Theater * , Clrctmcs , Fairs
And Catacombs Iiifo In the
American Colony ,
[ Extracts from letter to lion. Chai. Dewey. ]
PAIUS , April 22. Wo ara rejoicing In
the arrival of sprint ? days , the winter baa
been BO long and bitterly cold. Now the
sun comes down in true spring style and
warms the earth.
Parla is clmply doltghlfal ; everyone
looms to bo out of doors enjoying the
change. The Champa Elyacos is dally
crowded with prettily droasod children
with nurses ; the daisy bode are rod and
white with bloitoma ; the fountains ,
great and small , are playing , chottnut
trees are all In loaf , nnd the frnlt trees
In the Jardln dos Plantcs and Invalldos1
Gardon'aro in full bloom. Wo arc mak
ing excursions almost dally to some uui-
ron and fiud the country beAUtiful In its
coat of grcon and fresh , fragrant blos
soms. Blids are tinging In the tree tops
and they too are happy that the cold is
past ,
Village fetes In different parta of the
ciuntry have already commenced , and
form an attractive dido of French life.
The great Gingerbread fair is In progress
at the Place du Trono. Wo bovo visited
It twice , ate the glngoibrtad in form of
soldiers , horses , elephants , etc. , oto , un
til wo wore sick of the sight of it ; stood
In front of the clrcuaoa and listened to
the thundering munlo by a string or
chestra of tbreo performers , each playing
on a different key ; took , for two sons , a
' parti" in a lottery ; now a cake of gin
gerbread great chancal Ate fresh
nongat , and hot gaufres in a word ,
frto a llttlo of everything that looked any
way tempting , and ended by riding in a
chariot , back of two stiff-necked os
triches , in a "merry-go-round"and were
made so seasick that our heads went
round like a windmill , and wo imagined
ourselves In a storm at sea , tossing on a
vessol. When wo go to a country fete
wo usually try to become a part of It , but
hereafter wo will forego the excitement
of riding In the "merry-go-rounds. " it
suggests too strongly the sensation of
mat dc mer to bo agreeable. I bought a
gingotbread man ( half as ( alias myself )
and carried him in my arms all the way
from the country to our hotel. Wo rode
in the tramway , and I hid no easy tatk
to keep him from bending and breaking
In two. Fortunately ho kept together
ani delighted the table d' note , where ho
wns served with the desert.
Pero LaChaisa looks green and attract
ive. We wont to the tombof Abelard and
Hcloise , and saw the tire lovers lying sldo
by aide in efliay. Our sentimental feel
ings failed to be aroused , to any great
extent , and wo shod not a tear over this
shrine of disappointed love. The poor
llttlo willow , over the grave of the pott ,
Alfred do Musiot , i ] not in a very flnir-
ishlng condition ; it had bsen carefully
watered and attended to the day wo saw
It , but from Us fragile appearanca I im
agine It will not bo long before It follows
the example of thoio planted before It ,
and die.
Having seen Paris , proper , we thought
we would explore the subterranean part
of It , and visit th'o Catacombs. Wo were
a large party of over two hundred per
sons , who , with a lighted candle oich ,
descended the narrow stone steps leading
Into oppressive darknoes. I presume yon
have explored underground Home , and
know the sight. So many ekullr and
bones are not an especially cheerful so
ciety to bo among , but it Is Interesting to
eee. Onr lone procoeslon carrying their
burning tapers on 1 igh followed the eight
guidoj through the narrow anti-chambers
and corridors , and it was a curious slpht.
Wo were a llttlo over an hour In explor
ing the Catacombs , and now I am anxious
to got mamma to visit the Sonus. But
she saya "No 1 I promised the good Loid
tint if Ho would oiily allow ma to live to
got out of the Catacombs , I , in return ,
would promise Him to never again leave
the surfaca of the eart'a. " Wo are look
ing forward to tbo opening of the
"Salon" which ocurs next month , and
to the Grand Prix races , run
In Juno. Wo Intend forming a
party , take a landau , and go in ntco
stylo. As the prices are so extravagantly
high for the rac2s I presume I oball have
to ecnomlaa on "Bon Marohe" novelties
Wo went to thoLouvro again yesterday
to take a look at the lovely Von a a de
Milo who is , to my mind , the loveliest
Venna of all , not excepting tbo Mod :
which 1 saw in Florence.
You remember , do you not , the llttlo
speak of living antiquity who has been
ono of the permanent lights of the Louvre
since tbo third Napoleon ? I refer to the
tiny , white-haired man whu la always at
his peat by the door loading from the
Sallo d'Appolou to tha Salon Carro ,
painting his pictures of the view of the
long hall. Ho ia there yet , and having
eomo cutioslty to know how long ho had
been thorofor , ( I remembered him dnrlcp
my school days here ) I questioned one of
the gens [ d'armes In charge. He Informed -
formed ma that the industrious little
painter had been at his peat , tha raraa
door , for seventy yearj , and wa now 90
years of age , and commenced his work
when he was twenty ,
He has bsn faithful to his art and hie
Earticular petition In the grett hall , hu
e notf
This Is the tea-ion for making cxcuri <
ions en the scene. The little boat * arc
crowded , and the river presents a vorj
amlnated Scelnewith IU surface crowded
with so many boats. The bathing houiei
along'its banks are being repainted and
preparing for the summer seaion , and
the fishermen have their lines over the
stone wall , waiting for the "merlans" tc
Yon would have hughed to have reec
my immense American flig waving from
our window on the 4tb of March.
Everyone paislng looked , and
no doubt wondered what tic
"national holiday" was that we
were celebrating. With democrat ! :
pride , I felt elated that day , and my flag
was put out the first thing in the mornIng -
Ing , and not taken in until G o'clock.
Wo feel very sad over poor Gen ,
Grant's condition , and each day the
Morning Neiva , a dally American
paper , published in Paris , Is eager ) }
read for the latest bulletin regarding bta
I have an acquaintance at theAmerlcax
Exchange who keeps me supplied will
the New York World , and tluse
with the M N. , keep me au couran
with what Is tianiplrlng in that good lam
. beyond the seas. ittr. Naddy Is the cam
r. I of the young gentleman , and , Jjp remem
btrs yon very well. Says ho used often
to meet you at the Exchange.
We have boon to the opera and thratro
a number of times ; have seen Sara Bi rn
httdt in ihti latest soniation ot the day ,
vfz : "Thoodor * , " which shoplajs with
wonderful fotco ,
The Hippodrome Is now open , and I
think wo matt soon go and see the horse
which walks the tight-iopc la
Blondln ,
The Americans are making up a purse
for a copy cait in bronze of Bartholdl's '
ttatuo of " Liberty Enlightening the
World , " which goes over to America
early next weok. The new statno will
bo on a smaller scale than the original ,
and will bo presontnd to the French people
ple as a souvenir of their gift to us ,
They have decided toplaco It in the Place
dcs Etats Unls , and dlroctlr in front of
of the legation ; and , as our hotel faces on
this Place , and it Is the American quarter ,
the spot selected it highly appropriate ;
and alto agreeable to us. My undo wrote
mo that Mr. and Mrs. Lewis llecd , of
Omaha , had sailed for this sldo ; wo shall
watch for their names to appear in the
register In the Morning News , and when
wo see their arrival , nil ! c ll I shall bo
glid to BBO them , and may bo able to
give them some Information , as I know-
Paris qulto as well as I know onr own
ittlo city in the west Wo are socle-
Ightfully situatednear A rode Trlumphe ,
iust bit the beautiful avenue Kllber ,
'ormerly ' avenue du Rul do Rome one
of the finest avenues in the city. Onr
neighborhood it one of royal palaces
ox Queen Isabella's is on our block and a
few steps from our door is the magnifi
cent palace of the Duke do Montponslcr.
Oar gaotti In the house are all Ameri
cans , and the rooms are taken always by
writing In advance , so wo are at all times
very full. The house is kept by an
Amorloan lady , and thii is the reason for
her popularity.
Btock Shipments.
Following are tbo shipments of stock
from the union stock yards in Council
Blnffi :
W. G. Fox , 1 car horeos , 1C head ,
Cozid , via U. P.
Illch & L. , 1 car hogs , CO bead , Chica
go , via 0. &N. W.
M. Eollncr , 1 car hogs , CD head , Chicago
cage , via 0. & N. W.
D. Mlloj , 1 car horses , 17 hold , Gellrr ,
viaK. 0.
W. E , Smith , 2 cars hogs , 120 head ,
Chicago , vii 0. M. & St. P.
George Armattong , 1 car cittlo , 25
head , Giddon , via U. P.
W. J. Wlleon , 1 car horses , 1C head ,
Dtnver , via U. P.
J. G. Mickey , 1 car hortea , 20 head ,
Oiccola , via U. P.
J. Coe , 2 can cattle , 73 head , Bancroft ,
via 0. & N. W.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the tnusfe s of real
estate filed in the office of the registrar ,
and furnished to the BEE by A , J.
StepheuEon , May 8 , 1835 :
Cbai. C. Honn to J. E. Hollenheck ,
lot G. block C , Beers' subdiv. , § 50.
S. A. Winchester to Mary E. Cook ,
sti sri 14 , 77 , 44 , $500
0. R. I. & P R R. Oo. to William
Duff , st sw J 21 , 70 , 41 , $320.
Peter fleas to Rudolph Toiler , lots 3
aud 4 , block 4 , Cjsadj's odd. , $475.
Alexander Anderson to Peter Ander
son et al , cA nwj24 70 , 40 , @IOO.
Tctal salts , $1,445.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 70j Nc. 2 , 65 ;
No. 3 , GO.
Corn Now , 28o.
Oats For local purposes , fOo.
Hay $ 00 per ton ; baled , CO.
Corn Meal 1 GO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ®
6 50.
Coal Delivered , b&rd , 0 CO per ton ; tct
40 per ton
Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 711.
Flour City Honr , 150@2 90.
Brooms 175@3 00 per doz ,
Cattle Butcher cows S 25 < g3 7B , Bntohsi
steers , 3 76@4 00.
Sheep 3 C0@3 50 ,
Hogg-3 60fe 3 76.
Eggs-Dull nt ICc ,
liuttPr-lleceipta are Increasing ; choice
lW2-l i : choice country. lOc ; gooii
poor to fair , G@10o. Hace buttei
should be wrapped In bleached butter clot !
and closely packed ,
Poultry-Demand strong supply light ; liv (
spring chickens , good me , $3 W ) perdozliv | ; (
old chickens , light and medium weight
3350a,3 ( " 0 perdnz , ; live old chickens , heavy
weight , $4 00 ; live turkeys , lOfellc per lb
At present the weather ia too uncerUin tc
ship dressed poultry ; however high prices can
be obtained for choice itoU arriving in good
Game-Demand is. only for fresh killed
ducks ; nmllardB2 00 ; rnlxtd.Sl f > 9 ; teal , 100 ,
OniouaNone In uiai kot ; choice otocb
would likely biing § 1 7sprouted ; and poor
S10J@125 ;
lienna Clean stock in good.'demand at SI 3C
© 1 40 for mediums , and i CO for navies ; dirty
stock is dull at $1 00.
Potatoes The freight war has given U (
choio Wiscaniins and Mlnnesotas at C5@70c ,
Good natives are going at COc in bulk ; email
lots of sacked , G5c.
( Jreen i'eai None but poor stock as yet , al
$2 03 * 3 00 per buibel.
String Beans 75o to $1 OO'per box of ono
third builiel.
New Potatoes $2 W(33 ( 00 per bushel ,
Sweet Potatoes-Table , 3@4c per Ib.
Strawberries Fair ArkansA,25aper quart
ABDMBRUS - Small native , 70s to 1 OD ; Col-
ifornU , 91 & 0@2 CO.
Spinach &i CO per bbl.
"Young Lady at Boarding School ,
At eomo of the French boarding sohooli
In Paris , tha girls are fed on weak soup ,
two or three degrees ttongor than hoi
water , meat , from which nearly all thf
nourishment ii extracted by boiling
course veal , watery carrots and gray ioui
bread. The young lady who oomeshomi
if ter a few terms of this sort of diet ma ]
bo very learned , but is pala and poor
looking , lacking vigor and health. Q.v <
her Brown's Iron Bitters the best tonli
In the world for young ladles with Im
poverlshod blood and bring the roses In
to her choekt.
During tha ' five days' hone sale al
exlngton.'K y. , 212head realized $77 ,
The entries to tbo bench show of tin
Philadelphia kennel club closa on May 7
The athletio games of the Oolumbli
college club will occnr on Satnrdiy next ,
The bench show of the Toronto aaso
elation will be held at Toronto , May 1 !
and 1C.
Ltme Back ? Hunt's [ Kidney am
Liver ] Remedy cures distressing dtaesic
of diabetes , gravel , andretentlon of urine
'I otn't tleepl" Sufferers from nei
voas prostration , and wasted vitality
can regain health by using Hunt's Kid
n y Remedy.
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
To Select From :
DUFFY'S Pneumonia Consumption , ,
Wasting Diseases ;
WHISKEY. FottUvely JleUetett and Jfatuft
. aiilatctHnrtitoringrUalpoicers
DO NOT HE DECEIVED. Many Druggists and Grocers who do not hare. Dairy's ) Pure
Uult TVhlikcy in sjtock , attempt to palm oft on customers , whiskey of thelrownliottllng , which
jclncof nn Inferior grade and adulterated , pays them a lancer profit.
jt. ju lee C5KT3E3 * r > sf > Tr.T . / \ . .irtJPoir jtsottlo *
Send u your address nnd wo wlllmall book containing valuable Information. Sample Quart Jlottlet
sent to ouy address In the United Stntrs ( East of the Ilocky Mountains ) , securely packed < n plain
cate , Exprett charges prepa til on receipt of DL.2t3ForBix Bottles sent for & * 3 .O O
DUFFY _ MALT WHISKEYCO. _ , Baltimore , mid. , U.J.JL1
Selling Agents , Omaha , H. T. Clarlte Drug Co.
CFCARETTE Smoloro who ro willing topayn ll'Uc '
RICHMON lor CigaretUs than the price ohwgcxl tor the ordinary tmln 01-
LlJVlr.luJl.flnitl > 0 R'pHMOND STRAIGHT CU" no. I
SUPERIOR toulothera. They are rnido ( ram the brightest ,
moit delicately filtered , anil hip-heat cost * oJ ! lost grown In Virginia , snd MO ttbiolately WITHOUT ADULT
IBATIO * or drugs. Wou-o the COfiUlrlO French RICO Paper ot our ovri ill rod ImporUUon ,
whlcb U m do especially for ui.witor marked wltntbe name ul the oianJ , Richmond OtmlKht
Cut No. I.
each ! 'c ' > T3'.to , w th ) 11 'Y\l'.h neil 10 ; inli9. Imitations o ( thU brnl hxco beai put on sila
ni arottn n ikotri i\itliial thit th'i li tha otlnnl nrizlnat b-itiil , nnl t3 obierro tnat eaoh
oi goorb3xol fllchmarid 3tralghc C'Jt ' Cimnttn bsirj th > slgmturo ot
Manufacturers , Richmond , Virginia.
Remember These Important Facts
The luHial Life Insurance Company ,
1. It It the OLDEST active Life In-uta-ico Company In thl < country.
2. It lathe \KilhSf Life Insurance Company by many millions of dollars In the woilj.
8. Its ratea of prcrulumg are LOWEH tt n those ot any otner company.
4 It haa no "ttockt tlJer8"tcclilm any part of It ) pr Qta.
B. U offuis no HLHUlEi under the n mu of luiuranco for epeculatlon by tpocUl clkeeoi upon the
mlifoitunta otcacb ot'cr.
6. Us present uva'UMe CASH IIHSOCRCES exceed thoeo of any ether Llfo Inturinc ) Conpiny In the
world.U has received In cmh tram ill sourcop , from February. 1E < 3 , to January , 1SFP , t270D2f1F..CC. ( |
It haa returned to the peorb. In rash , frnm February , 1813 , to January , 1BE5 , 8Jie,0'J , llOC.
Its cieh Abscts on the let ot January , 18SD , amount to more than
General Agent for Gen , Azta. for
Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa
Utah. and Minnesota.
Offioa Cor.Farnaro and 13th St.0ver IstNnt'l. Detroit , Michigan ,
Bank , Omaha , Neb M. F. ROI1RER ,
Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest in
Weight. no hay prepicn of any bind can tile amount of work pro'ucctl , nuch llttlo expense ( ten tons of hey
and o\erto load rtllrotdboi car , ) as can bo done with the Eitcllm ) roved Marfclnra Warranted or no
Bale. For Illustrated new tlrculiruddrcse , EHTEL & CO , , Cjulr cjIllinois. .
Mention Orraha Dae. allem Kbtabllnhedln 1868.
NO. 2 ,
lathe Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With only 89 keys to learn a
operate. It prints 70 character *
IncluillrfT caps and small letter * ,
punctuations , figures , tlgnt and
tractions It sine simplest and
most raflJ wrltlrB machine
mode as well as the most durable
for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Serenas & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Sole Agents ,
0 , H. SIIOLKS , Onuncll Bluffs
Agent ( or Western low *
No , 201 TTrjper Broad way , Council IMufls
In Couno Bluffs hiring a
And all modern improvements , call bells , fir
alarm belli , etc , , is the
Nos. 210 , 217 and 210 , Main Street.
J Artists1 Material at GR. Beard'a W '
Paper Store. Send for price list.
Justice of Hi Peace
COOK'S ' KxcunaioN FARTIKS sail irom NOW ' , 'i |
Voile In April , Uay , JULO and July by first clan <
stoinuhlps. It
TIIAVEI.KH3 at reduced rites , by the test reutea \
lor pleasure travel. I
fOOK'8 KICUIlSinNIST , with maps , oonUln ;
full particulars ; by mall lor 10 cents
TIIOS COOK * SON , 01 Prfadn y , K. t.
Or 109 Dearborn SI , , CMoai < oIlls ,
Flattsmouth , Neb.
Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Duroc and Jersey lied Swine.
Direct Line for England , Franco
and Germany.
Th iteamsblps of this well known line us built
> t Iron , In water-tight compartments , and art fur-
ilshed with cvtrr requisite to make tha passage
xilh safa and grtable , They cany the United
ilatcs and Kuropean malls , and Icar * Now York
Fhusdari and Saturdays tor Plymouth ( LONDON
Jhirbouz. ( PAKI8 and IIAUBUltO.
Hates , Kir it Cabin , WO-4100. Bteirsze , to or
from HambuiK , 119. 0. II Il'CHAUOi C0.aeu
rral Pa s ( Keats. 01 Droadwar , New lork and
Wublnxton ml La Belle itreets , Chicago , or Henry
Pundt , ifark llau > en , V. K. Uoattf , Hairy Deuel la
nn r : D'rri'irlir &Prhnrnren. I" Council Uluflu.
E. Arlctlmof jouthfullmprudcooa *
etuilng Pcematore Decay , Ntnoai Dobilltr. I t ' -
Manhood , ie.n rlne tried In T ln tTer/Vnown
rtmtdy.hiidlKiOTered ilmple raoniof ulf-cure ,
vulcb h will M-tul KHKI ; tohlif llowuff > n > ra.
AddrtM. J.ll.HIiU VLB , U Uii team ttt-.Kcn Yoik.
SeX ?
Neriout m J Ixut
IHMllty VMa.hood .
A bTorlle j > i Cltlloo of a noud > p cUlUt ( BOW > v
" ' ) DruiteUU c n all It. Addrn.
DR , WARD v co. . LOCMIANA. * * *