IT II THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY MAY 9 , 1885 A Q UESTION AB 0 UT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Th QTIMtlon run rr > b btbwm iwltnd lhffaMnd of UmMklllnw cnn Ilrown'ii Iron liltum car * BTBIT * UUiwT"Vll , it do ii 't Hut It clcmi cam MIT dlwwM for which anpuUhlr phi lel n would prwcrib IIIOS FhrticUnn roeoRnlzi Iran M too li t rtor tlf . and Innalrj of nj i < nt known to thn profwislon. l Mjin ch mlc l Urn will nbountl t tlioMw > rUon thm thnre < a * moro I repiMlloni of Iron tn n of another / other irabnUncn tiiind In madlclns ThU showt con- cln iT lf Ui t Iron h * cknowloclir d to b tha mort IrarwrUnt factor In w ecmwfal modicd practice. It Is , howSTKr , a rcmnrkAli fact , that prior to th duooT- . mrof IlllOWN'.S ) HON HITTHHHnopertect. It aatUfactorj Iron nblnatlon had eterbeen found. BROWN'S ' IRON BIHERSfett bnadaehft , or prodaco constipation nil other Iron rncdlclnrfttio.ltlinXVN'HIUONIUTTKUH cnronlndlRCntlm , Illlloiiftnrn * , Wcnknefl * , Dynpppnln , ninlr.rla , Clillln anil I'cvrrH , Tired VecllnRUrncrnllcbIllt7I nln In the Kill is Hnclt or J.lmlnIIrrii1nchc and Nrnrnl- la-for alt tno ailments Iron la prescribed dallj. mlnnto I.IVo all ntLer thorough mndlclnM , It act * Monlr When t on bj m n the flmt urmptom or twni > nt 1 < ron wort onorw. Tlie mnnclM th n lioooms flrraer , the dl tK < lon ImproTM , the limtuls re ncllvo In womtn thooliRct In nsunllr mnrti rxpld nnd mirkod. ThoyjM twirln M ones to brluhlcn. ths Bkln cloam < ip ! hoalthr color comm to thochtx-kis nerronsnosi disnpponrii ! Iiyirtlimnl dcmncnmentstiroomo rcun. lur , anralf A naming mother. Mmndunt trnxtcn ncfl I * nuppllod for thn rlilld Ilomnmbor Hrown' Iron IIItU-TB la the OMY Iron niRdlcIno that Li not In. jariout. / hytieiini and Jntgyl ta rernmmcn I It The Oonnlno hu Trodo M rk and crwwd rod lines on wrapper. TAKK NO OTllliU < Minted la tie BROAD GLAIfs V8ES BEST OPEBATINGr , QUICKEST SELLIN8 AND tJi'illiti amirnntrrfflrtn In _ tv\n Hfmnrii for Olobmtotl Medical Work Acldro . l1 > r.AUKU , AI. II. , 180 Miutli CHrk < 5ff > r ntlfAno. It I. "ifl OONDUOTKD BX Soyal Havana Lottery ) ( A GOVERNMENT INI TITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 : Days. Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac tions pro rata BnbJftcJ to no nunlpalntloD , nal ooatrolled by the ytrtleala Interest. It Ig the fklroet thine In the atnieof ohanoaln eilitonco. fortlckctsapply to SHIPgEY A CO. , 1212 Broad. way.N. T. City ; SOUND KH Jc CO. , 103South 4th St. Bk Lootg , Mo , 01 II. OITENS fe CO , 019 Main St. Kansas City. Mo. hChartcredbytheStateofllll- jnois for theexprcsd purpose f of givinglmmcdlatc rellelln gall chronicurinaryand ptl- Jvnto diseases. Gonorrhcea , VOIeet andSyphilis In all their 'complicated forma , also all diseases of tho'Skin and Blood promptly relieved and perrnanentlycurad by reme- . dicstcstcdinni"ortt/lVtra _ _ , . . . } Special'racHce. Seminal Weeknesa , riigrit Lea3C3 by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe PaceLost Manhood , t > oalltvely cured. There la no oxporlmenUtHl- appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or byUetter , oacredly confidential. Med icines sent-by Mall on < ! Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Wddresa DR. JAMES.Na. 20 Washington St.Ch5cagolll. Culmbiohar , . , - . - . . Ptlauer. . . . . . < - * . .iBohomion Kniaar . . , .Brnmeu - * * , . < . , , . . * * .3t , Louis. Anhanscr. . . . , , . . . . - r.L , _ .St. Louip. , . . .Milwank o , .Omnliti Ale , Pottar , Domestic and Rhine Wine. 15. M iFfnilR , Sj UNCOLN FLORAICOHSBIVATOR II ! Cor. Q & lulu aliu9 o f itrMtun. Croon house , Boddlng > 'Pantst ! Roses , Flowering Shrutafcory , Evcrorocns , Small Fruits , Extras with 0 17order. . floral Dcilgnt , IkiuquHg , BnsUrts , Etc.for r rtles , Woddlusumul i-Xincruls ucpeclalty.aua Ecutto any juut of H > B Btnlo. RnectFotatoand otlier esetnWoilautslutbcIr icaeoa. llluAtroteilCatalojuofrif. W. 8. SAWYER & . CO. , No. Ml. Unotln. Nebrwk * . St. Charles Hotel , 0 HTUKET , UET Ttb and 8th , . . LINCOLN , NKO : Un. KaU Ooaklf , Prcpriatoraa. MTN Ir ind elejaoUy fornUbed , Good iaaipU icomi on Crtt floor. _ _ Teima-ILM toll p r day. BpccUl ntoi gl f , H. U * cf UUB ItgicUtsro. lt How Poetry Is "Written. The editor aat at hia soap-box desk , Ills vlssgo was grave and solemn , Aa ha scratched hfa head for a fitting tens To RO at the head ot a column And thia Ia the way ha got there : How softly when the day ii done- la dona la d > uo well , let me tea What rhymes with done-gun Bunrunone- , I find a word to geo. Doggone > ll abut that door I Bay How softly when lha day la done , By r.ucki , that Una sounds pretty gay , Here goes now for the other one. How aottly when the day la done The rcatful houra the riMtful hours Thi rentlul houra ot what ! The ann Gone down ! Oh , museful powers , That line wont fit , I'll have to try Some other. Shut that door , I fay , How can the muse ah , yea , good-by , Come in aealn when jou can stay. How softly when the day la done The restful hours of even Haw. I'vo hit it centre ! Whoopl What fun It is to write these Terse * raw ! That makes two lines ) I went I'vo s-ot The imido track , and now I'll wrlto Two other Hnoa to match the rest , So hero I go m fancy's flight : How softly when the day is done , The rcUul hours of even Fall gently on the wearf one , AA benlsons from heaven , There , that joh'a clone , now hustle , boya , And lot up all the moss , Wo'vo got a sight of work to do Before we go to press. ICinclnnail Merchant Traveler. HONEY FOU THE UtlDIES. The latest ia "Progressive Poker. " Feather trimmings are still used for man tles. Woolen gauze m lace designs Is very pop ular. Bengalinca grow slowly in foahionahlo favor. Chenille net is used for overdreisea. ia made in all colors. Golden oata and wheat are sold by the head for bonnet and hit trimmings. Woolen laces colored , embroidered and plain are more popular than over. Rod and yellow , golden brown and tan are iminen ely popular spring colors. Braid used for finishing jackets la laid over some color which shows through it. Cottumea mode of plain materials hare the trimming of etrlpcd or figured fabrics. The jersey ia the boat bodice for lawn ten. nis , for It IB a game that ia rough on sleeves , The Recamler coiffure requires the use of i * largo old fashioned comb of tortolso shell or jewelled metal. Nun's veiling , with a profusion of lace trim * mini ? , will ba the favorite material for "sweet girl graduates. " The French call love the "toothache of tbo heart" The worst of it la it ia generally a jumping toothache. Combination costumes bavo plain material for the bodice and ovordreea , and figured Bluff for tha underskirt. Green in all shades , mignonette , willow , linden , ruih , maple , moss , lichen and sea , ia still a favorite color. lied woollen laoo trims admirably dark blun cloth and blue wool etamlno suits for "enaldo and mountain wear. Toil e d'ombalhge is to bo bad In all colors. It is a loosely woven woollen ntuff , resembling , as ita uamo implies , packing cloth. The Swiss or Spanish glrdlo la a pleasing addition to young girls' toilets. It is made of silk or velvet perfectly plain , or else le so covered with beads tba ; none of the material is visible. A Brooklyn girl claims that roller skating is a preventive of f rookies , because the skater ia Bheltered from the aun'a rays , But the son'd raiae Is often Been in a riuk just after he pees down. A scientific observer claims the mouse is more afraid of a woman than of a man. No wonder. A man never jumps up on a chair and yells "Kt-yi , " when a mouse appears on the scane. [ Oil City blizzard , Tne skirt destined to cummer popularity Is destitute of drapery or flounce * , is pothered full in the back , pleated at the sides , and plain in front , simply hemmed or has a hem and threo. two , or eeveral overlapping lucks or folds above the hem. Some women can keep a secret. The Ro- bekah degree of Odd Follows is tha best kept secret in the order. Men have been expelled from the order for divulging the secret work , but there U DO instance on record of a woman proving recreant to her trust. Bonnets grow in stature but not in loveli ness. The towering height of the crowns of Bomo of them may now be almost measured by Feet rather than by inches , and many small women who daringly adopt them have the ap pearance of being roofed and tbatched rather than bonneted. _ Most of the new sunshades are of very great size Immense is the word. Some are shaped pagoda fashion , others no perfectly flat , like the Chinese p&ra'ol. Some are unlined , with gilt ribs conspicuous ; others have colored lin ings , in monochrome ur thotsUk. And again , there are parasols with several tiny flounces put on iniide. tha outside of the sunshade be ing unadorned. The latest freak among the young folks is the "electric party " Ic U held at any hou > e where there is a heavy carpnt , and consists in ehufllinp rapidly over the .floor to generate electricity in the person , and then dlsctmrp- Ing It through tnefanRorn , nose or Dps against some other person or u nietnlic object , When two well charged person * klsa the "snap" may be heard in the next room , and when a young man bolda his nose near a gaa burner pparks fly from it and ignite the gas , * * As was customary last yoir , summer mus lins , lawns and other peml-diaphanoiu gowns ara being trimmed with velvet colUrand culfj with a liberal sprinkling cf velvet bow * scat tered over the bodice and aklrti. These are .very effective and greatly add to the appear ance of a light colored toilet ; but it is always necessary to have these fastened in a manner tbat admits of detaching them when the inev itable wash tnb arrives. The very amallestof eafety pins nro of commendable value for this purpose , and by fastening them inside tbe bodice or draping they are rendered Invisible , They were coming out of .the theater , and AS be put her cloak about her , , he asked ; "Well , how did you like It ! " "Oh , * didn't like it all ! xt waa miserable. " ' 'Indeed ' ! " "Yec , J couldn't sea anything oico about it " "Wlxr , ll'rn. ' surprised I thought it magnifi. cent , " "Magnificent ! But then , of course , you couldn't tell : why , it waa nothing but commonjiluab. and the thinks everybody will fcuppoaelt scalrkiD. " "But I win speaking of the play : " "Ob , yea , the play was , p ttr good , butjjldn't you notice that aacqua tfcat horr.d SmrihKirl wore } " [ Boston Pott , The bundles of .many new parasols am Suite too abwrd : Jointers'claws of tba brll- , ant ' 'boiled" color , anall ehalla , ocean ehelli- . Japanese idol * , amiHc ? dogs' a > od grinning monkuiV facifand quaintly carved effigies of every description belng.utllized , Some of the parasols an finished witb a looped arrange- .rnentat tbe top which admlta of their being tlung around ( ha waist. Thia la a sensible aad convenient appendage , aa a sunshade ! wlwm furled ia iaoat ener ly ! In the way , par- tlcvlaily when shopping or looking up small change ia a 'bus or atreetcar. Tbsy are : 11n 11o far lesa liable to low , u it Is tia moat common matter to learn a paratol an tha leat or coun „ ter when making a tour of tha shop or when leaving ; * cab or stage. Tbe spring and summer druses show a de cided departure in tbe .construction of their skirts. P I a aklrta cf alllc or rrwlin 6' ' nude eepuiuta from the sUrta oowrjcsed of the gooda proper. Thia latter akirt fa caught to tbe lower jklrt by stltchei beneath tbe over draperies. Tha .light woolen goods to bo worn over a falte skirt haa a lining of .crino line. The front wldtlu are plain , tbe back ona laid ia plala. A pretty effect for tbe back breadth ) , which are caught firmly down on either tide , is to have three broad tucks with a hem on tha latvtr edge. If the lower tkirt in front ia of bUon lao * . tba full back widths are effectively finished with rows of narrow biton , Tbe capilctaua ipriog weather favora every sort of mantle , from tha keg pellcae to the small shoulder-cape. Tbe mantilla of diya gone by la revived , with kmar scalloped , . pointed or equate end * in front , tbo back ba- j/ng / very ibott. I'Ulu and mlped tcri ! s in combination are nscd with excellent effect for vlnitts. Coats fitted to the fi urc , with A full skirt art on just below the waltt , reaching almost to thn bottom of tbo drees , urn readout light-weight . woo'en ' matfrlnli. Tha vltltes for dress occasions in warm weather are made of brocnrlod catin , ilk or oshmere , but arose sean covered with trimming , paitementerio , lace and all sorts of bond embroidety , that very little ofthe mateiial ia visible. For young < tlrl , jtcketa are worn tight-fitting at the back , and are fastened at the neck by a tingle Si' ' button ; they open over a vett of figured or striped material and are fastened at the waitt also by a single button. Pluth ia uted for capea. Bo Never Knowcil. Old Billy B , was n pious rasn , And heaven was his goal ; For , being a > verv saving man , Of course he'd laved hia BOU ! . But , oven In thia , ho mod to say , "One can't too careful be. " And ho sang with a fervor unaainmcd , "I'm glad aalvation's free. " But the moans of grace , he had to own , Required good , hard-earned gold ; And ha took ten pews , as well became The richest of the fold. "Ho'a a noble man , " the preacher cried , "Our chiistian Brother B. " And Billy smiled as ho sublet nine , And'got bis own pew froo. In clas ) meeting next , old Billy told How heaven had gracious been , Ye * , e\on bank in the da k daya when IIo was n man of em. "I wna bullilm' n barn on my river farm "All I then bed " he said ; "I'd run out o' board" , an" was fcedln' hands "On nothin * but corn broad. "I tell ye , brethren , that I felt blue , Short o' timber nnd cash. And thought I'd die when the banks then bust. And flooded all my mash. But the Lnrd was merciful to mo , And sent right through the rift The tide bed n.ndo in the river banks A lumber raft adrift. "Plenty o1 boards were there for the barn , And on top was a cheese , And a bir'l o' pork as sound and sweet As anyone ever sees Then I had broad and moat for the men , And they worked with a will , While I thanked God , who'd been good to me , And I'm doin' it ttlll. A shrill-voiced ulster cried "Bless the Lord ! " The whole class cried Amen ! But a keen-eyed man looked at Hilly B. In a thoughtful way , and then Asked : "Brother 13 , did you over hear Who lost that raft and loaat" And Billy wiped bii eyes and laid , "Bretherin' , I never knowodt" [ Boston Evening Gazette. | PEPPERMINT DROPS. The root of evil la a hog In a flower-garden , An egg in the cup ia worth two in the nest. The busy b'a of early tpring Bonnets , buds and belles. The Colorado saloonkeeper is pleasantly called a "dispollor of business depression. " A Troy m n fired at a hen with a revolver , nnd hit n neighbor who was watching him. Moral Don't watch your neighbors , An enterprising journalist In Thomas county , Kan , , has made a bo strike for fame by calling hie paper the Thomas Cat. I "Will the coming man workf'ia the current I conundrum. If he gets himself attached to a large family and daily newspaper he will. [ Lynn Item. Snuff taking has become fashionable among New York dude * , and the average dude is so weak in the legs that when he takes a pirch it brings him to his sneeze. [ Boston Courier. Russia "Look here , John Bullarp you coiug to fiphtf England "Perhaps.1 Russia "Well , who don't you make up your mind ? " Eogland-"What's the hurrj ? ' Russia "That's so. " [ Boston Post. They talk now of the nervoui system of sponger. We always supposed they traveled on their cheek , though It must be confessed that all we have ever come in contact with have displayed a good deal of nerve , [ Boston Budget , The way your umbrella will hang around and force itself upon your notice on a clear day Is wonderful , but let a cloud no bigger than a man's band rhow up and the same umbrella will sneak off and bide itself where no amount of searching will unearth it , [ Bos ton Post , It Is impossible to please some democrats , A politician , upon hearing that a certain man bad been appointed as minister to one of the South American countries , wrote as follows to the president : "i am mighty s'eprized at you that feller ain't no preacher an' why you send him off as a minister Is a big n'sprize to yourn truly. " [ Arkansaw Traveler , The discovery of a bed of solid salt sixty feet thick in Erie county , New York , of which Graver Cleveland was once sheriff , ap pears to be another case of the right thing in the wronc place. There is no great freshness about the democrats in the president's old home , but In some other localjtlcfl a bed of salt sixty feet thick would just about care them. A Healthy Profession "Journalism must be nhealthy professlon"said old Mrs. Squiggs na she laid the paper on her knee and rubbed her-eyeglasses wich her apron. "What makes you think so ? " said old Mr. Squagga. ' Ba- causa I see the writers who used to have pieces in the paper when I was a girl are still living : and writing away the same as ever : theymuit bo viryold. "Who are theyj'1 asked Mr. Squaggs. "Well , there Is 'Ventus' . fur one , and 'Anon' and 'Vox Populi,1 and ' 'Pro Bono Publlco , ' and many others I nee some of their names every day and I declare If the tight of 'em don't bring buck the old school day a. " Then the old lady gazed med- ] it itlvcly Into the fire and old Mr. Squtggs went out on to the back stoop to Indulge in a quiet laugh'to ' himself [ Boston Courier. A well-known prohibitionist , writing to a friend , says : "I never bad more fun in my life than I bad last week. While out in the swamp , looking for a stray shoat , I was bitten by a snake , It hurt mo pretty badly , but the doctor threw whisky into me like pouring hot water into a rat hole. I have been back in the swamp ithreo times since I got well , butlha\ea'c tmcceedod In finding another snake. The oauie of temperance Is progress ing finely in this community. Brother Ham Jackson lectured night before last to a large audience , and -saveral old timers foresworn the fiery demon. If we stand together , I don't see why we should not swetp thing ] next fall. The cau o of sobriety and morality mutt finally win. The curse of lutrmper Anca can , I am ure , be swept from the faca of the earth , I used to spend considerable money in raloona , but I do so no more. Old Aba Pondlfiton waa bitten by a aplder yester day , He is now Jn a hl h state of enjoy ment. Well , oome up and see ma. Bring medicine with you , ( or ithii pleasant weather ia apt to bring out tha tnakea. My wife U very uneasy about me when I go into tha awamp , through fear that I may ba bitten , and I Am anxious for fearitbat I may not , " [ Arkansaw Traveller , Welcome to May. Haill sweet month of all the year , When spirit drinking closes , And men resort to ala and beer And CrnLng nod * , , sparking clear Bweet month of Mar , arwn thour't here , Thy dayaare'hright , thy ckieiAre clear Thou bricg'tt the- early rose * , And top ra take to lager beer And paler ? rwr their noses [ Boston Courier. MUSIOAh AND DRAMATIC. Fanny Davenport will go to VPriaco before cloting her aaaton. Strakoicb ii negotiating witb MII , Van 2andt for an Amenoin tour. Lawrence Uarrett will end bia dralnatic teaion on &Iajr 23 , at Montreal Mr , J , K , Emmet will reappear In New York on May 25 , at tha Tluija theater , Henry Irving w ] e"t n hit re-appearanca at T , May2i. Rubinat'ln'a "Nero" has been produced In Vienna. It ia spectacular and traofc , and has made a hit. A young American violinist. Mist Uadge Wlckhim , has made a aacccai/ul / tour in tba Prnttian province * . Yedi. the cged ItalUn compoier , will pro- uca his opera of "Ingo" at Patls during tha oming winter teivaon , Chriititio Nilnon has rfccivod from King Hon'o the ctots of the Order of Beneficence , innded by bia mother , Sarah Bernhatdl'a troupe will play "Theo- .ora > " at the Galey theater In London fcr welve nights , beginning July 11. On the 18th Inst , Mr Lawrcnca Barrett 111 brgln a Week's engagement in Montreal , blch will close his season of ten months , Miss Annie Pixley , who returned from a jng tour In Europe last month , will play her exl ergagement at the Boston theater In eptomber , Sam'l ' of Poson Curtis recalla that ho played with Lotta in New Orleans seventeen yoara > go , and certifies that to-day tha looka as oung aa over , Jinny Llnd Is coming out of her retire ment , for the first time in twenty-two yeara , his summer , to aing In old of the Children's nfirrbary in Norwich , England , The Ford & Wallace Kngllkh opera com- jiny will appear next week at the Chestnut itrcot thnatro. Philadelphia , protcnting "Bo- icmlan Girl1 , "FraDiatolo , " "Martha" and 'Chimes of Normandy , " Madame Welter , the colfgratod Vienna no- rofa , will the tly perform Snidou'n ' The-1 dora" before the King of Hnvarln. On these occasions his tntjesly excludm the general mblie. The ladita of Munich must carry the , ig hat nuitnnce to great cxtimnos , or the .Ing would hardly bo BO extravagant , Tbo mortal remains of Beethoven ard Schubert will bo tramforrocl this aprlrg from their present resting ploce to tlio new Central Cemetery lu Vienna , It is n melancholy fact that tbo rema'ns ' of Mozart tmo been mis laid , nd there is no sign to indlcato where ho was interred. It was to at oid such n contin gency that Wngner prepared tiis own tomb in advance nnd hud it Inscribed with tbo solitary words"Richard Wagner. " Bartley Campbell says ho has figured up thn net profit ! which have accrued to him In royalties aa manager since ha began hi ) car eer as n dramatist , with the following refulls : "My Partner , " $10,100 ! ' Slbeiia , " J4JOd < ; "My Geraldlne , " SIS 000 : "Galley Slave , " 8GO.OCO ; "Friend and Foe , " StO.OOO ; ' Whitn Slave , " 550.0CO. "Peril , " $18,00(1 ( ; ' Kisk,11 89,000 : "Van the Virginian , " $0,000 ; "Fair fax,1 SVOIO Total 52-12,000. Ha estimates nt $60,000 thopofitaon bis companies tins season This indicates that Mr , Campbell is the original man with a cast-iron gall , Mmo. Madeleine Broban , the charming and once beautiful acteess has rerolvod to leave the stage. Her departure would be o loss to all playgoers , but she Boems determined , "I shall not appear again , " she laid to a , visi tor yesterday. "It is time to take leave of the public. I should never have a better part than that which I played in 'Lo Monde ou 1'on s'ennuio ' I have lost my figure and I don't want to have jokes cut about mo hko that ot Florentine , who , speaking of a buxom Rosins , onca said , 'I never saw a pupil BO di lated.1" Some plays have bad very long runs on the Paris stage. "Dlvorcons" at the Palais Royal ran for 830 consecutive nights ; the "MaUre do " the for 308 Forges , at Gimnase , ; the "Mondo ou 1'on s'ennulo , " at the Comedio Francaiso , for 230 ; the ' 'Cabinet Piperlinat the Athenco , for 203 , The four illustrations comprise the greatest varieties , both of style of piece and character of stage. At the Theatre Cluny , howc\er , the Vaudevlllo "Trols , Femmea Dour un Alari" ha bad even greater success. It la still running with nnabntod vigor , innd this week attains ita 4COth night , Tbo Baseball Enthusiast. Ycu may talk of the place ; statasmen take In the temple of fame sublime , Of men and women who strive to make A name in prose or rhyme ; But give to me no classic dcgreo , Be Hi honors over eo high , Tha bit I'll swing and I'll try to bring Tbe ball that goes whistling by. Some men may follow tbo greed of cold Till their hair grow * thin and gr y. But worry and fret makes joung blood old , And they fritter their lives away. Though my fe.ce Is bruised and I'm badly used By a hot ball , what of that ? I'll boldly stnnr ) , with blistered hand , A catcher behind tbe bat. The 'cyclist m Tbe'ekater his rollers don , And pugilistic cran&s may feel Great piide in the doughty John ; But Rive to me the diamond free , With ita bases , its rush and shout , Though a tooth I've lost , do I count the cost When I've caught their best man out ? -William [ Paul in Boston Globe. EDUCATION All. Dr. Koch , the German cholera investigator , baa been chosen a professor at the University of Berlin. Cornell university claims tbo best-arranged collection of shells in the world. It has cost § 16,000. ACsnandalgua ( N. Y.Jlody has been re jected to act as governnees for one of the daughters of the king of the Sandwich Islands The boya in the College cf the City of New York are making excellent progress in me chanical education in the building known as the workshop. The cost of maintaining ( he Now York schools is rapidly increasing. Twenty years ego it was ? 1,817,81 , tan yeara ago § 3,763 , 000 , and now it is $5,610,811. During the Inet two or three monthi be tween thirty and forty Chinese bova have been sent from San Francisco to China by their parents to bo educated. Of tbo pupils in the public schools in the city of New Vork last year , only about ono in ten computed the course of Btudy pretcribad for the highest grade. In tha graduating data of forty hormr : > - pathio pui lid of the New York Medical college - lego a Brnhmln nf Bombay , Indln , received the first honorable mention for excellence In his studies. There is a schojto on foot to make Phila delphia the center of Roman Catholic educa tlon In tbe United States , m contequpuce of the gift of $350,000 stma timg ago for found ing a university. It is a question whether tha St. Charles Boromeo feinlnnry , in Phlla- dolphin , or Seton hall , at South Orange , will be cnosen for the university , with the chances in favor of Philadelphia. The archbishop of York , speaking at the annual mooting nf the York Diocesan Society , said a good deil had been said about overpressure - pressure- school * , but ho believed that overpressure mlRh betransIated " " pressure "uuder-fetding , In many cases' he had uo doubt penny dinners had done mucl good , and _ were children bat- ter fed there would be fewer complaints of headache. The dean of York referred to the rame subject , pointing out that in higher class schools , where children were probably better fed , more satisfactory results were ob tained. The report of the superintendent of public nchools In Boston discuaiea the experiment of manual training for boys. Two hundred boys , from ten different grammar tcbools , have been under Instructions In carpentry two hour * a waek since Saptomber , They were selected by tba matters from among those fourteen yeara of ago or older , who had the permission of their parents to take the in struction. "The experiment boa already gjna fir enough to prove that work of this kind can be joined to tha ordinary grammar-school work with good effect , " saya the superinten dent , and ba advocates the mnkincr of pruvit- Ions Cor induitrial training for glrla aa well aa forbo.vs , Tha ignorance or neglect of hygienic Uwa relating to the ichool life of children ia the ciuta of many phvaical leisons of inQimltlai , which aio In a Rraat measure preventable. Incorrect and awkward sitting posture ? , for Instancp , kept up for many boura daily in badly constructed benches , not adapted to the alze and ega of the scholar , will give rlso to Ttcioua attitude , to devlationa of the verte bral column , to cardio-pulmonary trouble , Glosa confinement and crowded and badly ventilated rooms will produce chlorosis , anm- mia , and all their results ; improper li ht , the use of badly piintcd booka , will produce de fective accommodation of the eye gluba and myopia ; exceailvo atudler , without * any re gard to the sga and personal aptitude of scholar * , the ayttem of cram ruing , so generally followed nowadays , will brinir en cerebral excitement , nervou * susceptibility , lire-dispo sition to nocrotli-the dliease of the ( fry and finally cerebral inertia and impairment of Intellectual /unctions. All tlifsa banefui consequencei can be avoided by a proper physical and mental ichool programmee , adapted to the age and Intellectual capacity of lhi child and f alblliDg the desiderata of Her First Kl . Her chetki were flnihed , her evea wore wet , Bhe hravoa a gentle sigh. Her hair Is mussed , the scarce knowa yet What'a bett to laugh or cry. IVhat makes her bluah and tremble so With mingled Joy Mid frlghtj 'ho ' first time In hia life her beau Has kissed her sweet gsoil-night , SINGUbtVltlTlKS. Lake Krlo was frozen from shore to ahor ° his year for tbo first time In forty-two years- A citizen of Scrlven county , Georgia , bos gosling which iporta four legs. It walks on ut two , the other pair hanging just behind ho oiipa uitd , and being as fully developed > nd aa long as the front pair. A mule at Los Angeloj , some time ego , lulled Ita toot entirely out of the hoof In its rantlo endeavots to bo reloaied from aomo ort of s > trap in which It ) foot had been aught , The atrango part of the story la that i new and perfect hoof Is growing In place of the old one , A resident of Silver City , N. Mcx , , bai a iunoui relic of the daya of the Montezumai. t Is rondo from what ia called serpentine ( tone , and is In the shape of a turtle with ate [ to ? en Us back , and was worn as a charm , uspondod by n siting around the neck. This iszi tbo kind of stone from which the Monte * ziri ; umM manufactured their gods. It Is very ri are , and Is susceptible of very high polish. I .r The stone contains tbroo dllTeront shades of reen. ' According to Pero Hue the Chinese mod bo cat as a clock , "They pointed out to tig , " inys tbo missionary , "that the pupil of Its 5 lye contracted gradually as noon d row near ; 5t hat at nnou it was like ft hair , or an ox * tremely thin line traced perpendicularly on t 'bo ! eye ; after midday the pupil began again titl o dilatu. When wo had attentively examined the cats in the place wo concluded that it was past noon. The oycs of all presented an exactly similar appearnnco " Mrs. Asa Ress , of Wabaih , found ono of hrr fine chickens apparently dying from an nffdctinn of the throat or ciaw. With a sharp knife she cut the craw , or food tack , opun and removed n large quantity of dry grata nnd undigested corn which bad bo- coma packed In the craw , and then stitching up _ the cut carefully , liberated tha chicken , which edliroly recovered from Its stupor , capered around and finally brought up on a neit , layine an egg within two hours of the time Mrs. Ross performed the operation. [ Indianapolis Sentinel. Indications' . Now doth tholittlo onion Pop up Its little bead , And the restlws little radish Stretch In its little bed. The snnfish and tha minnow Wag tbelr shiny little tails , While the chipmunk and the robin Adore the fence's rails. The bloseom by the hedgo-sido And on tbo loafer's ntse. Tells of tha coming spring-time And blooming of the rose , [ Old Paper. CONNUBIAXiIIIES. An eight-year-old miaa of Stratford , Conn , is makn g preparations to enter the bonds o : matrimony. The coming marriage of the Princesu Beatrice dues not meet the approbation of her uncle , the duke cf Saxo Coburg-Gotha , Sig. Cardinal ! , the handsome tenor of thu Mupleson Opera company , ia to marry a daughter of Judge Sanderson , of California in June. The bridal parlor of thonewKimball HOUBL in Atlanta is decorated with the astonishing "notation , "The melancholy days have come , ; ' the j earl' ' On the authority of an English paper it it stated that Mr. Parnell will shortly marry a young and wealthy American lady , an Inti mate friend of that Irish leader's mother. The engagement of Emma Nevada with bei nmcag'r , IJr. Palmer , is announced. For Innately Nevada doesn't need to Palmer eel off us a prize. She it one. [ Pittaburj Chronicle. Henry Sigoniney , of a wall-known BustoL family , has married one of the coryphees in the ruillbt of a Boston theatre. Mr. Sigourney is about thirty year * old , and baa an incom of nearly -SCO.OOO a year. The engagement ot tha hereditary gram duke of Jt5 Jen with the daughter of the do possessed duke of Nassau , ia officially an nounced. Tha engagement la said to bi based upon affection , which is rura in tin union of princes. Mrs. Mary A. Lynch , a wealthy resident of Newport , waa married May 2d to Mr , John Sinnott , of New York , at Ht. Mary't church , by Rev , Dr. Grace , The affair was a very brilliant one , and was largely attended by leading citizeua of Newport. Ellsworth , Kansas , has become the home o : a married couple who were joined In holy wed lock , with much of romance in their aborl lives. G. H. Elllcott waa living in London and was acquainted witb Misa Harriet Jll- lam. Mr. Kllicott came to America last fall. After getting a start at Ellsworth he tele graphed to Miss Gillam asking her hand , am proposing that she come to him. She nc copied ' , Foiled across the pecan , and last weak reached Ellsworth , where the ceremony wa , performed at once. George M. O. BrorJerlck of San Franciac recently advertised for a wife and rec ived . patisfactory nniwer from Mien L'zzlo Jones ol Lockeford , in San Joaquia county. A cor reepondcnce followed , and Mies Jones wai sent SlU tn coma to San Francisco where th1 umnrous Georga would meet and wed her Lizzie did not put in an Bproaranceso Georg started for Lockeford only to find that hL gold O3glo had gone into tha pocket ot John Paul Jones , n rtiitlc with six feet tf brawn and n strong lovoof a practical joke. Two couples- girls 1C and 18 and the boya 18 and 20 respectively recently formed an acquaintance at a Lirooklyu skating-rink and induced nn old minister to perform the double marriage ceremony. The clergyman rays that ho was imposed upon by their frank WHj-a and glib speech , and believed that their parents had given consent to the marriage. It afterwards transpired that the glrlji were even younpcr than they s Id they were , and that none of the parents knew anything about their childrnu'd intentions. A clergyman who would marry four children under euchcircum stances ought to bo deprived of that power. At Pearson , Ga , a few daya ago , a justice of the peace was sent for to marry a couple on the outskirts of the town. He walked up tha railroad track a short distance , when ho was met by a man , woman and two small children , the man carrying n sack of potatoes on hia bock. The man of tha law asked if thia waa the marriage party , and was told that it was , when lie , with the license lu his hand , stand ing on one Crosslin , tha marriage party on au- other , proceeded to make the man and woman one , according to the statutes. After tha ceremony , it being then dark , the magistrate aaked the groom where he waa going , and the reply wat that be intended to "split right out through the woods for homa , " about six miles. Then amid tha gathering shades of night the wedding parly started on their way for "home , sweet home , " guided by the light of the stars aa it glimmered through the trea tops , The parties were white , Shutting Down on Stock Kalaere. CHICAGO , May 1 , A. meeting of the parties to the railway pass agreement waa held to day and it waa decided neither to itaue passes to western stock ralseri nor to allow a stop page In Iowa for tha purpose of feeding cat- tin in tramit. a Another McLean Scheme Flattened 1 CtRViLAND , Ohio , May 7 , The itatemtn B. published in several newspapers that Senator Henry B , Payne Intended to resign hia aeat In congress on account of 111 health , aad In f aor of Mr. John R McLean , is pronounced by Mr. Payne too ridiculous to deny , Whan Baby traa tick , we gave ber Cutoria , When the waa a Child , ahe cried for C'aatoria , When aha becuno Mlai , aba clang to Ca toria , SSHj n aL liad Children , aba eve Uem Caatorla , free /rout Opiates , JZmctfc * ami 1'otion * . A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE For Oongtift. Bore Thront. Ilo r cneM , Inflotnxa , Colilo. llronchllln. Croup , \\hooptnr Congh , Attlima , Quill * ? , rnlimln ChmU * > 4 ether ftfr ctlonicf lh Thront * nl Lnnir * . Price BO fonts a bottle. Sold bv Drncclcts and I ) ( > 1- cro. f\trllti imabltla Iniltiff Uielt iitiittrlOfirompUo jalit , by ttmllng one dollar to THE timar.s i.xoiirl.rn ronruNT , 8ol Uwncrl ftnl MAnuracttirrrn , lUlllnon- > ril dC. B. At 017 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , Mo. ArrltDUrnrtiJuat of two Medical Collect , h b pn lonr ana HIOB tiiiitiuthkti tor ttir fbytldta M elty f ftperi nhow * * J til old reM nu kio * . Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mentet oc4 Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otnoVfcc ( < lions of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Polioc tf , Old SorCS and UlCCrS. are trrtt * ) with nnrmJU > 4 lueefxi.on Utf l fItnUCa prtnclrUi PkVlj rrltiUty. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exce , Exposure or Indulgence , * i > ieh prelate toma of lu fellow , og eUpcUi Hfrtoumei'i , deblHlr , dlmnt'i of lit tit ind defective metnorj , plmplei oa the r fe , pojilcil decaf , tTWlontolht * ocltt7 of ) tnklffeoDriita of llwui.rti , rendorlnp Uarriaee Improper or unhappy. u Mrmt\n tttjenrM , r mpLlet(2A ( rteeino the abore , tecri ( ttfclwl enrelopf , frva to any addrcm. Cou ntttlfln 4 * f Bee or bf mall free , an dlnti ted. Writ * for quciUoaa. A Positive Written Guarantee Irtrca la til eprabln CUM , UfJIdnn lent fTtrj h . faniph'.eti , Knellnh or Oerraan , 04 pairea. de- KrlblDE above dlicaici , la male or famal * , riUB. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! WO t > > ( Fi. Cce pl > i i. llloitrmtf ! to tlolh and jilt lUdlnr , Msiuonr7 ro < uiti iunMj > r r eofiri , Jao. Ttl bwfi tonulni all tke turloai. doublful or laaol.iiln wvit tl A toot l trut lnt rwi no tU. UeOUi. ftnrtl u r mt ) § 50 BEWABB IF Ton FIND TUB EQUAL 07 1 -.QRILIARD'S 'Vfjm "tarn imnvuiiEB * . ELUQTOE SB and aa QQQD TlrTW y. _ _ inn & mo e. 00 A 32 VriUai'.aw.CU ae Itila brand ia a happy combination ol fine crlap rod , burly lor g flllor , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and U Just meota the tosto o ( Urge number ol ohewori. Ordora for "Plowsharo" are coming In rapidly from all parts of the country , demonstrating how quickly the great army of chowera strike B good combination of Tobacco , both aa to quality and quantity. Measra Loilllard& Co. have exercised no little ttmn and labor In endeavoring to reach the Acme of Perfection In Plownhirt , eocm to hare dona it Boeldca the Tra CXKT ccra el Plowshare are Which Is a point not to bo overlooked by dealtra who will Qnd It to their Interest to order tome aad give their euttomora an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by Groneweg & Sctoentgon , Council Bluffs. I'oregoy is Mooro. " " L. Kirscht & Co. " " Stewart Bros. ' " 1'axton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co , , Omaha. Fur sale in Omaha by H. Ylncllncr , G18 S 13th Street. Ilenry Ditzon , 001S 13th St. Heimrcd & Co. , G02 8 13th St. Gee Carisian.lOlC Farnam St. Kaufman Broa. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Broa , 1009 Farnam St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St. August riotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St. Goo. Heimrod , G13 N Itith St. Bergen & Smiley , N , W. Cor. ICth and Cum. ( UK Sta. Van Green Bros , , N , W. Cor. Division and Cumlng Sta. Z. Stevena 913 N. 21st St. J. H. Spotman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St. Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St. Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St. Mra. G M. Lawley , 80G S. 10th St. II. Mnnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard. Mr * . G. M. Lawley , 80G S. 10th St. . Omaha Geo. Andoroon , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha. J. II. Spetman , corner Douglaaand 12th St. Chas. Ying , 712 S. 10th St. . . . . . , . , . . , , , lirt Cl.OOtJ.'ic-ra' .iluthc LlVCFl.-.iHl KIDNEYd , anil IfiMomc IIIK 1IKAL.T1J and VIGOR of YOUTH. I.f V"p la. Wantol Appi'llte , In dlKistloii , I.TC nl MlruilUI' , and'I Ir-j'1 " ' ' UKabsolHlclr curuil. lilll'3 , , OI > I\LO rccclioni wlorco , UrllM'iis tlio mind ana Biiillc3 | | llralii 1'uwt'i , r. . tlDcrllisfioiacoliiplalnll -J * pi-ujarto | ! tlioh-HPK will > nd InDIUCt'tRTCIt'OIIlON TONIC nualu anil " < ; cdy euro. Ulliea a clear , liualUir conipluxlon , rtiiuent fctlcnipts at fwmfpjjnVlnn onlyarft * )3 tlio pop ilarlty of tlio orlRtrml. Dolot exycrl- r ent fLttliuOltiaiVALANl > llKST. rhenrt jouriuli1rn 3loi'ti Dr. ] lnrt rM > l Oo.V lMoforoar."IltKAM-lJOqK."m i jp J THB ONLY BXOLUblVB IN OMAHA METAL POISON. lam a'h by trade , an ! the mall par- Doles of bras * and copper from BUnj get Into torea on my arm * and poisoned my whole mttcm. Ucrcuiy admlnlittred brought on iheuroaUim.and I btcamo helplCM Inr IIJ. I took two doccn bottles of Hwlft'i Ipeclflo Uy lig * , aiuu and bandi are a'I rlghtagala use them without pain. Uy rnUirallon la due to . 8.8. I'ma r. la\i , Jan. V. 183S. AVguita , Oa. Malarial Poison. VT havt uiMHwllt'i Bpicldc Incur family u an antldcte for malarial prison for two or tbr < e lean , and hare ntrer Known It to fail In a single Inifinoo. W. U. 11 awnr" Sompter county , Qa. , Sept. 11,189 * . Ulcers. for atz or eight yra < a I suffered with nloera rn mv light lef. I wan treated wl'h ' Iodide of 1'oUMlum and Mercury , and I became iulpleta. BU bottlea of Hwl't's ' lp elSe madr a i > eiman nt cure rok. ti , 1S85. U. I ) . YYlLBOV , aalooarUleOa , Bwtft'a Bpedflc la entirely vegetatU. TrtatlM on lood andbkln Olseaaea mailed ( rw. IbaBwirrBracvioCv , Drawer I , AtUoU Oa , , o * 69 W , ttd Bt. , H. Y , The romarkkbla aroTrlh ol * 0mfihpu daring the laat (017 yoaro l a inatto ? o great astonishment to those who pay an occasional visit to thU growing city. The development of the Stoo Yards the. noooaaftf of the Bolt Lin a Road tlit finolr paved atroola the hnndroda of now rcsldonoos and oostl * bnslnous block * , with the population of our oltjr more than doablod In the last five yoatri. All thtr IB R great inrprka to vktton. u > d la thr. admiration of oar oltliona. ThU rapid growth , the bnalnosa activity , and the many substantial Improvement ! mudo B lively demand for Omaha real caUto , and every Investor hu made handsome profit. Since the Wall Btroot panlo May , with the Bubaonuont cry of hard time * , there has boon loss demand from spocnliv ton , bat B fair demand from Invoatorir seeking homos. Thla latter olasi art taking advantage of low prices In build ing material and are scouring tholr hornets at much lees cost than will bo possible D yoai honoo. Speculators , too , can bay roaloBta * B cheaper now and ought to take advantv e of present prices foi fntnic pro ts. The next few yean promises greato * divolopmonta In Omaha than the put livj yoara , whloh have boon aa good ac wo oould roaaonnbly doalro. Now man- ufooturing ostabllshmcnta and largo Job- blng hoasea are added almoat weekly , unfl all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through- bat the State , who have tholr mono ? In the banks drawing a nominal rate of In * terost , whloh , If judiciously Invented ID Omaha real estate , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargains which wo ara confident Trill bring the purchaser large profit * In the noas future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north western parts of the city. North we have fine lots nt reason able prices oa Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Faruam , Davenport , Gaming , and all the eadmg streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Borne of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line oat Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in We also hove the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tua developments made in this sectioa by the Stock Yards Company nnd the railroads will certainly doable the Drtoo in a short timo. We also have some fine buflinosi lots and some elegant inside resi dence ? for sulo , Parties wishing to invest will fine ! some good borgfmig REAL ESTAT1 BROKERS. 213 South 14th SB , Bet .reen Foruham end Donglaa. P. B. Wo ask those who bar * property for Bale at a bargain to giT [ as a callWe want only bargain * We will positively not handle prop erty at moro than its real value. , ,