Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1885, Image 1

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flany Mailers if Interest in the Oil
Gladstone Attracts Attention
from Eussia ,
The English People , Press , and
Politicians Soured.
The Grand Old Man Finds a Bnr-
doii in his Action ,
Lumsden's ' Eeoall Beearded with
Some Suspicion ,
A Koport That Ho Resigned , Bolnc
Opposed by tlio Government
General Foreign Uvcnt .
LOKOOK , May 0. A Simla dispatch says
It is elated that Lutrudon resigned the poai
Uon of British Afghan boundary commisslonei
because of hti inability to ngroo with thi
policy of the homo government.
The Tlmei this morning complains of thi
the reticence and ambiguity of the statement
of the government in regard to the Afghai
qucetlon , It aovcrely criticises the action o
the government in recalling Lumtden , as th
frontier question will be all settled before h
can possibly arrive In London ant
any infotmation ho may have ma ;
be worthless go far aa negotiation
with lluula and London are concerned , I
lays the change of the'purpoeo.'of the amonr o
Afghanistan has placed the government in ;
different position ; and that it is tlmo to raak
him understand that he must strongly garri
ion Herat and allow thn Engllth to superin
tend the fortification of th-j plica , even i
p&ace is temp iratily secured. It would b
madness to watte the time thus pained whicl :
t least U but small.
The Standard , In an editorial , Rays the re
call of iiutnsden completes the picture of En
glish humiliation.
There IB intense disappointment In London
political circles over the recall of Lum'iloi
and the total onlJHpjo of the war feeling. Th
tories at * benlnmnn to have an nncomfortabl
fooling that thi-y were duped into consentini
the $55,000,000 vote of credit last Monda ;
aight , and that they bavo been onchre
throughout. Tue vote of credit went throug
its preliminary stage with a hurrah , atimu
lated by Mr , Gladst me'a speech , which , however
over It may bn read In cold typo , certain !
carried conviction to those who heard it thn
war was certain and imminent. Now the
believe that the premier knew that peace wo
probable , aud that hit grave , determined ton
and manner , which more th n his words foe
tered the beli f in war , was purposely as
suuied to Invoke a rmh of patriotic feve
which ( should carry the conservatives alon
with the tide
Whether this effect was studied or not ,
was produced , and Tories vied with Whif
In chaers and roars of "aye , " believing thi
they were hurling defiance at the Russia
bear. Now that they want to oppose tb
vote they find their record of last Monda
night an awkward one to get around. Tnoa
who are determined to oppose the grant pine
m ch relUn e on the detection of the radical
from the liberal tanks on the war credit qnei
tion , but the main object of the oppontlo
will bo to extract further statements fioi
Mr. Gladstone , and If p ssible. to entanp'
him In contradiction with which to bombai
the liberals at the comlog geneial election. , .
The universal feeling after Mr , Gladstone
speech Monday night w s the exact reverie i
that produced by his wonderful speech i
just one week ago. Then everyone bi
lieved that the Premier's speech meant wa
though when they came to analytu his long
age they found it difficult to givx a reason I
the faith that wa * In them. Now every DOC
regard * the chances of war as over. At lea
all admit what was patent to insiders long a |
as April 15 , when your correipotdont von
ured to begin his cable dispatch with tl
positive assertion , ' 'Peace It is. "
Now that even the most stubborn w
prophets are convinced of this fact it Is ii
teresting to note the effect en the vario
classes of people most affected. The elfec
range from giitf am ) ra e to jubilation , j
the war oflice aud the military clubs a f uaei
gloom prevails. In the latter retorts mai
bitter romnrk'n are made about Ko glace
harmful retreat , and the loss of uresti
which must result in India aud wherever t
British flag has been respected or feare
In commercial elides generally t
feeling Is one of profound lelmf , but the
ore several notable exceptions to tl
rule. Manufao urers of war material find
market , which was su suddenly opened as
cause them to augment their pluuti at grt
expense , has suddenly clo > el , Speculate
find themselves 1 jaded up with many comti
dltiei bought at prioisi which mu-t slump t
morrow , and the mlddUmen toe the n > <
promising harvoit of a geneiation tllppi
from ttidii gri | i ; but the moit disappoint
men in the United Kingdom are the it
owner * , who are frantic with r ge over t
Aplendid contracts with tha government tl :
they bavo now lost , after having refut
to sell to Jluniia , because they felt svie
getting equally good prices and a reputtti
for patriotism as well by selling to Gn
Britun ,
About the most self-satisfied members
lira community are the politicians. Most
thini ore declaring , vigorously and mem
Uoiuly , "We told you no , " and the re t t
clare that though it certainly looks like pot
at prtuntihu war a inevitable , and is 01
postponed at must fur a few years , and pi
haps for a few months only.
It is n. w aiieited and generally beliov
that Gladstone' * announcement la tha hoi
of coimnoL's ye.torday tbat Sir Peter Luc
den hid bein recalled to Loudoa it n iab (
luge , and that Lum.d n , thoroughly d
trusted with t.Vtfturu of alf. irs regarding i
Musio-Afghan frontier dupute and tha vi
dilating policy of Uio government , tender
his resignation , and peremptorily refnicd
overtures to continue longer in office ,
LONDON , May C. Denmark li willing
to net is arbitrator of the diiputo between
England and KtusU , should her services be
requested by both those countries ,
LONIKIN , May C. 1 p , m. Consols opened
this morning at OS , shortly alter noon ad
vanced to ! )8jj ) nnd now are 08 } , Russian se
curities , 91J , Stocks firm and foreign socur
itloi strong ,
SCIKAM , May 0. Wolseley is slightly In-
disposed. It is believed hero that Oiman
Dlgna is collecting an army , bat owing to the
scarcity of food for his command ho cannot
become sufficiently formidable to call out a
British expedition against htm. Tokar Arabs
oak Knglith protection against Osman , and
almost all other tribes are willing to tubmlt , ! l
the English are willing to remain in the coun <
try and protect them from the vengeanceol
Oitnan lign ) ,
LONDON , Mav 0. The Exchange telegrapt
dispatch from Vienna stntoa that Baron Vor
Sch at II tr , Austrian minuter to Washington ,
has been instructed by his government to ob
ject to tha appointment of Ktnly as Unitec
BtateH minister to Austria. It is nupposei
that Klely's wlfobeing | a Jewess , is responsi
bio for the objection ,
CONSTANTINOPLB , May 0. The Turklnl
nlntstrv are discussing n system of Hefensi
or the Dardanoloa proposed by the Germai
ST. PKTXRSBimo , May 0 , The czar bos is
ued a decree creating the trans-Caspian re-
ervo battalllons.
SAN FBANCISCO , Cnl. , May 0. Advlcss jus
ocoived state tbat a collision occurred 01
\Inrch V8h , on the Huantupa river , betweoi
.he . Chinoio ferry steamer Lin Yuu , plyin
letwcen Woo Sune and Panhai , and th
) cean Steamship company' * steamer Orestes
"ho Chinese etoimor , which carried about
iundred passtngera and a crew numberlr
wolve , was cut in two All but thirtv-tw
laisongors and Heveu of the crew are behovei
o have perished.
peclal Telegram to TllR URE.
COLON. May C , General Keyeo , bavin
icon promottdto CDmmander-in-chicf of th
Colombian army , has prolahnad martial la'
n the isthmus , There had been n riot i
Cullbras , due to pay-day and rum. It ha
> een magnified by rumor and the negroes be
smo panic stricken and prepared to leave tt
sthmus by thousands. General Koyoj the
ssucd his proclamation requesting the poop !
to continue their usual pursuits and saying 1
would punish by military law all offentt
against life and property. This morning I
made a formnl demaad on Admiral June *
'or the port of Ozal.
The rebel chit-fa are now prisoners on Ui
alenB , wh'i helped to burn the city. Porte
zal i& the Haytian who burned Port au i'rtnc
andJacemal. Gen. Preston has escaped I
Carthageuea where t he has been made chief
of the rebel forces.
A large force of Colombians Is now hen
and in a few days there will be 1 200 nation
troops. The Columbians desire the withdraw
of a part of the American forces. This Is tl
nnhealthful reason here and tl
mortality will bo great if tl
'roopi are not withdrawn at one
t _
BBOOKLTN , May C , The work of diggli
'or the bodies in yesterday's fire commence
hln morning. The excessive heat yeaterdt
prevented tyitematic learch. The firemc
who worked among the debris In the interli
of the building said they could smell the sic'
ening odor of burning human flesh , Tl
ns wera surrounded by thou
unds of people , some merely curious , otho
; aklng a sad interest in watchir
.ho laborers , the firemen. Ten tenemei
houses , which had burned out , are still uno
cupied , and were in charge of policemen , tl
occupints being obliged to shelter themselv
as best they could last night. The lament
tions of friends of the victims as the dei
bodies were removed from tbo ruins lost nig !
wore pitiful.
A bed quilt was thrown over the bodies ai
many persons called to see if they could re
cgnize the indiatinguishable mass All faili
and all statements were simply guesses O ,
of the body'a legs were burned to the kne
aud tha arms to the elbows. Other bed i
were merely a ma's ol black cinders. T
bodies were all those of men. Wh
the father of the missing bo
John McGrath , went to the pu i
fctatlon he fainted twice , and when be w
able gave vent to the most piteous moat
"Oh , sergeant , " he critd "do tell mo r
poor boy , my only support , is Lot dead
' 'Oh. ' brlnp him back to me ! " The man vi
getting delirious and bad to bo removed , 1
son pemhed beyond a doubt.
After two hours work tha remains of
oth r body wa i fuund and identified ai tb
of EJward Butler. Up to 12 to-day none
the bodies recovered yesterday had been ful
identified and probsblj never will be. .
noon nine parsons had been reported as ml
ting ,
At 3 o'clock two more bodies were recc
ered. They were burned beyond recognitic
At 3:30 : o'clock th ro were four bed
found , and at D o'clock the workman took c
two more , lliin rnadonino discovered di
iog the day. All were lurrlbly burned ,
Tlio llulormVnvo. .
WASHINGTON , May C. The prasident i
pointed the following postmasters : Sami
P Stone , Uibina , Ohio , vice Samuel
Price , suspended ; S. Corning , Chicago , II
vice Frank W. Palmer , suspended. O ,
Chapman , Hartford , Conn. ; William D.
Master , Woodstock , Vt i Conrad F. Suder
Saugorties , N. Y. ; Horace 0 , Crittendi
Ulens Falls , N , V. ; Lemuel B. Treadwi
Port Henry , N. Y. ; William Groesbick , :
dependence , Mo ; Putnam A Fulkerson , L
iugton , Mo , ; Charles A , Fester. Bellevi
Idaho : Wil ard P. Carr , Sioux Falls , ltt
F , J , Stokes , ilacoo , Mils. ; Abraui a. Ma
Walton , N. Y. ; Mrs. M. E. Fcrguion , Kieh-
mend , ( ) . ; Charles J. Cttf. Lowliton ,
Idaho ; II. S. Herbert , Ilolla , to ( Newton
J , Price , Neosba , Mo. ; Oliver Welles ,
field. O ; William T. Lewis , Statetvillo , N.
0 ; Frank A. Mitchell , Menominco Mich ;
Benjamin F. Uurer , Charleston , S. 0 ; Jacob
tj. Uaker , Red , In. ; P trlck Cain , Fort
Dodge , IB. ) George A. Clerk , Bloomsburg ,
Pa. ; William Huunowcll , Exeter , N. H.
Stewart Taylor , nppointtd naval officer of
San Francisco , is a native of New York , but
resided in California ten years ago. Ho be
longs to Judge Field's section of politics In
California , and is a brother-in-law of Pierre
LmtlUrd , of New York. The president his
commissioned L. II. Edwards postmas
ter at Waterloo , Iowa. The attorney-general
appointed N , T. N , Robinson , of Louisiana ,
as law clerk of the department of justice ,
vice A. It , Dutton , resigned. Joseph Ninimo ,
Jr. , chief of the bureau of statistics , hai re
signed at the request of Sectetsry Manning.
It is said that William F. Switzler. of Mis
souri , has been appointed to succeed him ,
George J , Yoit. son of Senator Vest , hai
been detal'ed by Secretary Bayard as consu1
Ur clerk nt Liverpool ,
WASHINOTOV , May 0. Treasurer Gordot
iay < ) the treasury count is practically ovoi
and that everything was found to bo the mosl
satisfactory. The three silver dollars whicl
eicapeJ from a broken package In the stive :
vault have been found , so that the only dls-
Tcpnncy Is 2 cants , missing from a five dollai
ack&ffo of pennies In the cash room.
Yesterday n heavy rquaro box , wrappoi
redt tape and securely bound , wai
und in an out-of-the-way nook o
he vault. The key was mislaid , A lock-
mlth opened the bor , and found it contains
bottle of diamonds , a bottle of pearls , i
ottlo of ottar of roses and lumpi of gold
'no of the old emoloyes identified the article
> presentsjto President Monroe , about the yea
823 , from the Japanese government , am
which hid been stored In the treasury petid
ng the passage of an act of congress author
zinc their nccepssDce. Coogreis failed t
egislate on the subject , and tne articles wer
lepotited in the treasury , where they hav
emained ever since.
The state department has not re
lived any protest from th
Austrian government concerting th
npolntment of Minister Keilty t
Aenna , as cabled. The rumor thatobjectioi
would bn mndo against him because his wif
's a Jewess finds no credence in ndmlnistra
, ion clrclts Tbls government rocognizps n
llrterence between Jew and Gentile. It i
leo remarked that Mrs , Keiloy is not
ewess , except by parentage , as she abjure
.Br religious faith when she married a Oath
illc ,
Commissioner Coteman recognizing the Ira
lortaiico i f closer and more intin.ata aesocia
Ion ol the different vgrlcultural colleges an
ither Industrial and educational institution
with the department of ugriculcuro , has calle
i convention of tha reorosentativrs of atrricul
ural colleges and allied state Institutions.
Tha Austrian minister to this country sai
o-night that ho had received no communlci
ion Iri'in ' hi home government coucerniu
' .llnlstor . Keiley.
It is understood that Blackburn , a brothe
> f Senator Blackburn , of Kentucky , was ti
day appointed collector of internal revenu
for the Ashland , Kentucky , district , vice Mi
Stall. Mr. Blackburn's commission has no
been issued to him.
S. Corning Judd , who was today appoh
d postmaster of Chicago , Is an o'd ' citizen c
Chicago and a prominent member of tt
episcopal church. He Is about 65 years i
age , a lawyer by profession and was an appl
cant for the position of solicitor general i
the United States. He has always bee
identified with tha democratic party and i
present IB a member of the democratic n
tional committee from the state of Illinoi
He has been a member of the legislature i
his state and wa a member of the state col
tltuticnal convention ,
Illinois Oattlo Quarantine.
SPRINOFIEID , 111 , , May 6. Govern
Oglesby to-day sent a dispatch to a number i
western shippers of cattle naming several re
erinarians in Missouri who , having bet
recommended by Dr. Paul Paqnln , state ve
erlnarian of Missouri , have been declare
qualified to act aa Inspectors
cattle passing through or comli
frem Mtrsouri Into Illinois. The certlficai
of any other inspector recommended by tl
Viesouri ttate veterinarian will also be recoj
ntztd , but the certificate of no other persoi
wi 1 be accepted. This apparently ends tl
conflict between the Missouri and Illino
Gen. Sheridan In the Southwest.
SANTA FE , , N. M. , May -Lieut.-Ge
Sheridan arrived to-diy on an inspection ton
accompanied by his wife , Col , James F. Gre
ory , nlde-do-cimp , and Col , Charles 1
Tompkini , chief quartermaster , division
the Missouri. The party leave to-night f
the west _ Gen , J. M Schofield , command ! ]
tha division of the Missouri , en route fie
Texas to ( hlcago , is also spending the d ,
here. Both officers were received with mil
tsry honors , and a reception is in progress t
night at Gen , Brad ley'a residence ,
Extending an Iowa lUlIroart.
DUHDQDB , Iowa , May C , The Dubuque
Noithweatern railroad company to-day c
tered into a contract with the Minnesota lo
and debenture corrpany whereby the li
ter agrees to build fifty miles of road , begi
ning at Dubuquo. At least eight miles mi
be completed this year , for which thecompa
is lo pay in cash $70,000 , besides the right
Way and depot grounds. Nothing more is
be paid until the whole fifty miles are cji
pletod ,
The ImllcatloiiB.
WASHINGTON , May 7 , Indications for I
upper Mississippi valley : fair weather , nor
orly winds , higher barometer , lower temp
ature in the southern portion and itatlom
temperature In tha northern portion.
Indications for the Missouri valley : f
weather , northerly winds , lower temperatt
in the southern portion and ttatloiary te
perature in tbo northern portion , higher 1
Fciimln Ucl'Katoi Excluded.
AUGUSTA , Ga. , May 0. In the southi
baptist convention to-day majority and m
ority reports , concerning the admission
lady delegates from Arkansas wera diicun
at length , The debate wa * very spirit
The Arkansas delegation finally withdr
. , the names of their lady delegates , whereur
; i the report advene to their taking seats T
) , I alto withdrawn.
Sreoljcg of Ex-CoDfcflerates lo the
Army ol the Potomac ,
The Bine and tbo Grrvy Mingle
in Fellowship !
The Interesting Incident of an
Army Bonnion ,
Ex-Union Soldiers Almost Fight
over the OldEnomy ,
Gen , Grant Ee-eleoted Comman
der of his Triumphant Army.
Ho Bonds ALotter of Thnnkain whlol
lie IlcRardB his Farther Attona-
nco AS rrjvldcntlal.
BALTIMORE , Md. , May C. At a builnes
eetlng of the society of the army of the I'd
mac , held at Ford's grand opera honso tc
ght , Gen. King Enid ho had boon commie
oned by Gen. Grant to say that he wa
realty disappointid at not being able to pro
do over the deliberations of the society , bu
hat his sympathy and heart wore with hi
d comrades. The nominations of officer
ir Ilia ensuing year being In order , Gen
ohn 0 IIJbinson advanced on crutches. H
.hanked . his friends for the mention of hi
lame for the position of commander of th
rmy of the Potomac , but would under [ n
ircumstsnca allow it to be used'ii
osition to tbat of the illustrious soldier noi
aiding the position , and he moved the eccre
tary bo authorized to cast one ballot on whicl
1 i inscribed tbo name of Gen. Grant
ftrlous corps associations seconded Gen
lobinson'a motion and it was carried by
tanding vote amid the wildest enthusiasm
The other oflicors were also reelected. Gen
Y. H. Brown , of Wathington , suggested tha
s the It K. Lee cntnp of Richmond , Vii
.inia , were in the immediate neighborhood
hat it would bo generous and graceful t <
nvlto them to occupy seats on the flee
louse and make their acquaintance. 1
motion to that t fleet was made and seconded
than two or three men jumped up n
iolently opposed euch proceedings , one c
.hem . eaylng thit rebels , no matter how re
entant , had no interest In the business o
nion soldiers and that their preeenca was a
mult which he could not endure. Near )
ivory man in the house was instantly on hi
eet trying to make himself heard , an
or a while a scone of tbo wildei
confusion prevailed , which threatened t
.eriniuato in a personal encounter Th
: bairman violently endeavored to restore 01
'or and threatened to call the police Quic
ras finally restored and a cutamltteo at
olntod to invite the confederates to mte
heir old opponents when the business meet
ng wai disposed of. After the adjournmet
; ho committee came in , bringing with them
eng string of men in grey cuits. Thny wei
.treated with great applauie , and i
return return filled tha honso with
tenulne rebel yell. The qi-confederati
, hen scattered among the bliin coats , an
, helr officers were invited to the stage. Col
Moglns , of Montana , welcomed them , an
Commander General Cooke retrxmi'ed. She ]
addresses were also made by Col. Charli
Marshall , chief of Gen , Lee's staff , and Co
vans , of Richmond. The reception in tl
ipera house to night was a brilliant succes
A hundred ladies were presen
on the stage were [ many me
distinguished In military circle
nthe audience were B. B. Lea camp i
x-confoderates. Grn King , secretary of ll
lociety , read the following telegram fro
"en Grant :
' Please thank the members of the society
he Army of tha Potomac for their pattiall
n electing me for a second term their prei
dent , I wish my health promised the probi
billty of my being at the next meeting ,
would regard It as Providential should I 1
able to attend , but I accept the honor , thpug
without the hope of performing the duties
.ho office. Wishing all the members mai
happy reunions , I remain
U. 8. GRANT.11
Special Telegram to THE BEE ,
WASHINGTON , May 6. W , L. May , seer
tary of the Nebraska state democratic co :
mitteo , and Charles II. Brown , of Omaha ,
hero , and have been reoonnoiterlng the 01
posts of the postoffica department under t
special guidance of Senator Van Wvck ,
doubt with the intention of ascertaining wli
vacancies exist or are likely to be made ,
reply to an inrjulry , Brown said : "There
no serious division of the party in our eta
and when it come" to on election It will run
smoothly ts o\er. The troub o there is si
ply a personal contest. The two princi )
leaders are Dr. Miller and J. Sterling Me
ton. The former Is , and always has been , t
friend of the railroad magnates and t
monopolies In general , while thn latter is
fiiondof the people and champion of tb
rights. " Brown said , In conclusion , "Pre
dent Cleveland' * administration up to di
pleases us all , bat the boys all want offic
and they want them quick. "
Commodore Garrison's ! Bequest. .
Nuw YOBK , May O.-The will of the 1
Commodore Cornelius K. Garrison , filed
probate , gUes his house In Park avenue i
all that It contains to his wife. He i
leaves her 9500,000. A part of the estate
bequeaths to his children , grand children i
other relatives , The reminder la to be L
for five years and then one-half Is to go to
daughter , Catharine M. Van Aukun , c
eighth to his grand-child , Martha K. G
rlson , and the remaining two-eighths to. 1
grand-children , William B. Garrison i
Catharine E , Garrltou ,
Ilpimbllciuiy try to Steal a Marat
Spni.vapiKU ) , Illinois , May 6. Retu
ia i from the 31th district whore the election c
representative to the state legislature t
place to day are Tory mesgcr up to a late
hour , but so far tha indications are favorable
to the democratic candidate , Loeper , of Vir <
ginia , although the majority will bo small In
comparison with the last election , The re
publicans did not put a jindldate In the field
until nosrly 3 p. m. , and then attempted to
carry his election with a ttiih. They had se
cretly orgnnlted for that purpo o. The dem
ocrats were vtrr much excited hero to-niahl
over the fact that A report was received that the
republican candidate , W , A. Wo ver , wet
elected , but later report * made them feel
easier ,
NEW YORK , May C. The ttlal of Bichatt
Short for attempted assassination of Capt
Phclan continued to-day. Pholan was re
called and answered some Imporiint ques
tions , after which the prosecution roit'd , Thi
dtfenso opened with an addrcrs by Counso
Hrooks , who mainttlnpd that Pholan came tc
Now York to wreak vengeance upon Bossi
became the Utter had p blishod noroethlupli
the United Iilsbman censuring Pholan Tbi
counsel said Short went to Bossa' * oflice ti
attack him and acted boisterously. Shurt. hi
laid , spoke to Phelan but the latter ntUckei
him , and Short stabbed him with a dagger Ii
protecting himself. The dairger , the lounte
maintained , was one of the ornaments o
Bossa's oflice Walker J. Klliott testified ti
hiving heard Pholan threaten to lay out botl
Bosia and Prof Mezzeroff , the dynamiter
Kearner , a naloon-Veeper , described 1'helau'
boisterou conduct m Bnssa's oifica and bi
quarrel with Short When the fight began
Kearney said he loft the office. Other wit
nesses corroborated the stoiy of Phelan'
threats with regard to Bossa , and tbo bgh
between Short and Pbelan ,
This afternoon when the jury retired , tin
lobbies of the court hou o remained throngtx
with people. The jury having made know )
that an agreement had been reached , wer
brought into court and asked wha
their verdict was. "Not guilty ,
answered the foreman , Shoits' friends so
up a tremendous shout , but wor
quickly quieted by the officers. The judgi
frowned in indignation and amazement at th
verd'ct ' and said : "Gentlemen. I am aston
nished at your verdict. You are discharge' '
from all further service on this panel. "
"I move for the discharge of the prisoner ,
Baid Counsellor Brooks.
' Granted , " said the court In a manner thn
seemed to show that bis honor won anxlou
to get rid of such extraordinary business.
KOUD , May 5-Now Yorkllerald Specla
At seven o'clock on Saturday evening
now opening came In the side of Mom
Vesuvius , near Terre del Greco , twelve kill
metres from Naples. The lava abundant !
flowed from the now mouth , while the gran
enter only belched a reddish smoke. Scicrj
tlfic observers said in the morning that thei
was no great Hanger , but there was a panic I
Terre del Greco , the site of which has bee
several times covered first in 1861 , whe
many thousands perished again in Juni
1701 , destroying tbo cathedral , th ) churctx
and houses , and last in 18C1 The Inhabitant
who witnessed this last eruption pay that tt
present appearances are like the beginning <
that one. No sand or aches have jtt bee
seen as at tbo memoiaUe emotion of 187'
when showers of these reached Rome. Sign.
L.iuis Palmlnri , the celebrated _ meteorologi
who , slnca 1851 has bad tha diiectlon ol. tti
Vesuvlan obtervatory and his written bool
on the eruptions , said this evening to yoi
correspondent : "The absence of any tr 09 i
tremblings indicates no immediate gran
eruption and I think this a light growth i
the eruptive l erlod beginning iu Ilecembe
1875. " Nevertheless the alarm continues i
the town of Terra del Greco and the village
Camaldoli , to the southward of it. Lava
still flawing in great streams ,
CHICAGO , M y G. The politicians we
engaged in discnjslng the probabilities of t !
United States manhalship to-day , and no 01
was thinking of any olhbr ofBce , when tl
news came that Frank W. Palmer , pot
master in this city , bad been tmponded fro
his oflice , and that S. Corning Judd , the we !
. known lawyer and one of the best-knov
democrats in the west , had bten appolnti
In his placo. Mr. Palmer has bei
an able conservative , and tfficie
officer , thoroughly devote to his dution and
the interests of the public. lie was prub.vb .
cla'sed under the head "offensive partisans
as he is and always has been an ardent r
publican , and never hotitated at proper tlm
during the campaign to advocate the views
the party to which he had been attached i
bis life. A reporter waited on Palmer to-d
as teen as the news of his suspension had a
rived , to ask him what ho thought of
Pdlmf r had not netrd a word of it. Hi BD
ho hud not had time to think about It BI
had nothing to say. lie did not appear
bo much torn up about it.
WASHINGTON , Mtiy 0.-It was slat
at the postoffice department to-d
that Postmaster Palmer of Chlcaj
was remove i for "offensive partUansbi )
The postiuavter-general said Palmer was
active worker in the recent campa'gn ' and c
of those republicans whose continuation
office was not deemed advisable by tbo i
The Western Uniturlana.
ST. Louis , Mo. . April 6 , Tbo westi
Unit ilnn conference convened here t
morning. The Bev. 0. J. Jenes , of Lot
vllle Ky , , W B elected permanent chairm
The Bev. 8. 8. Hunting , of DCS Molnee'J <
Snyder , of St. Louis ; W. 0 , Gawnett and
to 1) . Jones , of Chicago. 0car OH ter , of Ir
City , Iowa , and II J Crooker , of Madli
id Wis. , were an executive committee , B ,
Hunderland , of Chicago , read the secretai
report ( bowing the slow growth of Uuitari
ism in the went and pleading for home v
ship. The treasurer s report showed that
total receipts of the year were S3 378 ;
bursements , thesama. By vote all tha d
gates wore allowed to take part in the de
era ions , agamtt the by-law irovidlng fo
special representative
F llrl to Arijtittt the Freight Itni
CHICAQO , May 6. The general manage !
the western roads , In seision here , reau
ns consideration of the demoralized fre
a rate B to-day. Many remedies for theevlh
i > k suggested and discussed but none was fo
worthy of adoption , The mooting finnlly ad
journed is nothing worthy of mention hm
been accomplished , and It now seems probable
that the closing session will last throughout
thn week.
The arbitrators of the Western Trunk Line
association were alto In sossi n hero to-day.
They devoted considerable time to cons'iler ' *
lug tha action of the Northwestern road in
refusing to report its dloux City > t Pacific
bmiucss and are understood to have agreed
to read that road out of the association.
BATTLKroni ) , Man , , May C. Further do-
talls of the engagement between Col. Otter's
forces and Chief Poundmakcr's Indians ( how
that the fight lasted seven Lours , The In
dians used miiiketg , war-clubs , spearp , bowi
and arrows , and every conceivable weapon ol
warfare. No mention U made of the dis
patches of the killed and wounded being
brought back , and It is judged from the hasty
march back that they were left
behind. Nothing but the la t extremity
would induce Otter to leave thorn behind. No
ono has any doubt now that a bloody Indian
war will follow. The Q'Appelle Indians are
to-day reported to have risen and loft Schervo.
Crowfoot , chief of the Blackfcct , is related , ta
P. undmakcr and will , it is said ,
join him against the whites ,
The dominion government and Col ,
Otter are blamed for not securing the raosoir
of Factor McLean and other _ whlto captive !
of the ludiani bolero precipitating matters ,
\ pi Unto ndvico from Clark's Crossing to
day says that Middleton began his advance
this morning. A battle is expected al
Uatouche to-morrow.
Arrest of Maxwell , the Butcher.
ST. Loom , Mo. , May 0. Chief of i'olici
Harngan received tbo following cablegram
announcing the arrest of the murderer o
Proller :
AUCKLAND , New Zealand , May G , Max
well arrested yesterday ; will give trouble
has counsel , Suid ollicer.vfllh requlsitioi
and aworn depotitnms on fiiBt Pluamer. Ad
vise state department and cab'n when the
office starts. GAMBLE ,
Consul at Auckland.
Acting upon this information the officers a
once had extradition pipers Issued for W. II
Lennox Maxwell. No agent for the st te ha
as yet been appointed , there being d mbt as ti
the method of procedure. There ii. however
no cause for haste , as the next vessel for Nov
Zealand will not depart until Juno G.
Chief < f Police Harngan cabled Mr. Gam
ble to hold Maxwell at all hazards until ai
officer from Missouri could arrive. The po
llca board have nlno telegraphed Secretary eState
State Bayaid , notifying him that an office
will leave S n Francisco for Auk land on J un
G , an urging Mr. Bavaid , in conjunctioi
with the British minister at Washington , t
see that Maxwell is not released on a technl
cality until the officer arrives.
Ilio Liamont Strike.
LAUOUT , III , , May G. The In
inquest on the body of the strike
killed by the militia in the sklrmis
Monday was resumed at 10 o'clock this men
ing. The strikers were all at the funert
and only the jury end coroner were in towr
Deputy Sheriff Potter testified that h
v > arm d the crowd In the streets and on the trc
tops not to oppose the troops , lie though1
the toldiors were justified iu firing on th
mob in order to defend themselver
The first abet was fired by one of the mob , bu
could not say that it was aimed at the milltti
Deputy Sheriff Neckerson's testimony wi
The Polish Catholic church was crowded a
f he funeral service. Bov , Dr. Govern , (
Lackpjrt , preached a n'rmon. Ho advocate
quiet , He said that this was a free countrj
where men h d a right to sot the price to pa
for labsr. He bade them to go back to wor
to-morrow or stay quietly in their housei
No further disturbance Is expected.
A Nebraska M vnHeard _ From ,
DENVKB , Col , May 0. ABantaFe , N. M
special from Fort Canton says : Yestorda ;
about 3 a , m , at Bocito , fifteen milei fro :
here , Martin Nelson arose from his bed , am
while committing a robbery , thot and kllli
Dr. WillUm H. Flynn , late of Boston , wt
was Bleeping in the same room with Nelsoi
upstairs in the house of M. S , Maybur ;
Tne firing aroused the family , tLo mi-mbers' '
which Nelson shot. He killed Maybury , h
wife and two BOUB. A little daugl
ter was wounded fatally. A neighbo
was alarmed and came to the hou
and ho too was shot dead. It was Bupposi
tha murderer remained in tha house and ti
persons watched it to prevent his escape , bi
at 11 a. m , , the guard was surprised to he
a shot from tha rear and Herman Beck fi
dead , N"laon then came down the strc
f firing hia Winchester until he was shot den
I Nelmn , when sane , was a food citizen , i
came here four years ago from Nobraeko.
Brokers Hold tor Bad Sales.
CLEVELAND , O , , May G. A suit of Inten
to brokers and speculators was decided I
day in the United States circuit court lie
Hipgins & Gilbert , Chicago broken , en
James McCioa of this city for $32,000 , claim
to be duo on a pork and lard deal. 1
brokers bought nearly 9200,000 wortn. of m
pork and tierce lard for McUrea in 1883
August delivery. The produce was sold
Augint 1 , no instructions having been
calved from McO/ea , at a less of $30,000. 1
brokers sued to recover that amount. McC
answered tbat he had paid the firm 919,0
and that it was a Rambling deal. Ho a l
for judgment in that rmmnt with inten
The juty awarded him 822,000.
' "
Hatter and Clieeso Men In Coum
DBS MOINES , la , , I May G. The ann
' meeting of the Iowa butter and cheese
' change was held hero to day with a laige
tendance. The tecretary's and the trcasnr
reports show the exchange to bo In a gc
healthy condition. Officers were elected
follows : President , 6 , V , Olarkfon , '
Moines ; vice president , O. L. Trutblc
lodianola ; secretary , G. F. Sehleck. ]
Molner ; treasurer , B. S. Shermvrhorn ; bo
< , f directors Robert McAdams , Atlantic ;
Potter , Prairln City ; L S. Houlett , Win
Bet ; R. G , Welford , Jefferson , and E ,
Todd , Des M > ines. The first tales-day
be Tuesday , May 19.
of 1'liclpH GOCH to Hucccod J.owrll.
ed NEW YORK , May G.-Hon. E , J. Pht
ht United States minister to Kngland , sailed
Europe to-day accompanied by his wlfo , M
tie of Minister Phelps' Irieuds fathered on
ad pier to bid him farewell ,
Chicago Specalators Porcliasc Eycry
on tlie Bjard ,
Efforts to Shako Out the Country
finally Abandoned
The Market Merely Kept Easy to
Allay Snspioion.
Enyors Find Interesting Features
in May Corn ,
The Impression Still Prevalent
that it is being Cornered ,
Now York KcfiiRCB to Forsake Its
urcs andHoldH OhlcaRO Firm
At tbo Sleek Yards.
Special Telegram to TIIK BKB. .
CIUOAQO , May G , There \vos rather inoio
activity in the corn and wheat markets on
'change to-day than there lias been lately ,
though the bcorUh feeling continues on the
higher quotations of consuls , Juno wheat
opene'd at 88c , being go lower than lust
night's close , but it was soon apparent , by
glancing over the pit , that the leading firms
had placed brokers there with orders to fake
in everything that was offered This was dun
to better cables and the fact that the New
York market was go up. The condition o
affairs was decidedly lively for a while. Op
tions ( to dlly worked up to 89a and hold
firmly there. The leadirg local ihorts
tiied hard to hammer the market
down by throwing quantises on it at the top
figured , but their efturU did not meet with
the det-ircd eucccss Offsetting this deslra to
pound the market was the fact that NawYork
still evinced a desiio to buy , and orders came
in thick and faat , and the Inoal crowd could
not keep tbo jinco down. Options Bold up to
SOgc , but just before the cloeo of the morning
session prominent brokers throw a lot os to
the market and succeeded iu casing It oil to
88jj@SS2c , where it closed.
Corn as has been the CIEO for some time pact ,
prof en t intereatlug features. There is n
steady demanil for it , which iu parts n ,
Btrength which Is lacking in other speculative
mark ) ta. The ttrong feeling was duo to the
lighter roreipts and a laige outward move
ment. The riceipts were only 230 cars ,
while the thlprntnts wore 600,000 bushels.
The first salts were at 47a for June last
night's closing pilcss - while July was sold at
47JJO There wai an eager desire to buy from
ttie start. Pticesquickiy advanced nutil Juno
was quoted at 4 7ii and .Inly at 47Jo. Hero
the market was held for some tlmo on the
continued good buying and a better general
outside bunness than there has been for eomo
time and a further advance in Juno options to
47Jc and in the July to48Jc , was noted. Foe
the hr t few minutes there was no trade in
May corn , but after a little there came a
small demand for it. In view of the fact thot
close observers still believe corn is being
manipulated thoco figures prove interesting.
A little later on May old at 48c , while July
was only bringing 48c. Toward the dose
parties who hsd bought early commencnd re
alising and the market eased oD to 47fio for
Juno , where it closed.
Provisions opened up very heavy , and ,
though Juco poik was sold at 811,25 , which
was an advance of Cc over last night's close ,
tradfl in it amounted to almost nothing np to
12.30 p , m. , the price being pushed up or
down with the fluctuations In wheat. After
the hour mentioned it went down to 311.124
where it closed ,
The average run of fat steers and shipping
cattle so'd ' a shade hiirbcr , and ainco Monday
there has been an advance of li@IGoon the
ordinary run of ( hipping and dressed beef
cattle. The top price to-day was a bunch of
1,418 pound oteere , told at 95 80 ; good to
choice. 1,400 pound steers , wore Belling at
from $5 611 to S 7fi , and 1.2 0 to 1,800 pound
steers at $ * > 00 to 55.40 ; light bandy steora ot
1,150 to 1ICO , and around about there , uro
selling quick at $1 7/i / to SI 70 , acd common
butcher's steers at $1.50 ( 1.09 ; stockers and
feeders arr in fair supply and iu coed de
mand ; distillery cows muy be quoted at $4,00
@ -l 5U ; choica fat com fed cows and heifers ,
$ i.UO@4 CO.
Tbo bog trade opened brisk , with specula
tors leading tha buyere , and under their stim
ulation values ruled stronger , most o ! tbo
fresh receipts telling at once at a etioDffCc
cdvance , here and there a load erie makintr
lOc more than at the clone yesterday. Tl > o
recelpte so far for the week vbow an increase
of about 3,003 ns compared with the fame
tlmo last week. Common and rough packeru
told around about ? 4.20@4. ' G , and peed to
choice mixed et S135C 440 , with the best
heavy at S4.4D@4.50 , packing and shipping ,
240 to 300 pounds , at SI 354 05 ; light , 130
to 210 pounds , $4.55 ( < r4 85 ,
The Lexington Unco Moetlnn.
LEXINOTOK , Ky. , May 0 , The races vrero
favored with a good attendance.
First race All ges , 1 1-1C miles ; Van
guard won , Jose Phillips , second ; Villsgo ,
third ; time , 1:52.
Second race Two-year-old fillies ; half mile ;
Virgie D won ; Vie , second ; Kuloolah , third ;
t- time , 50.
Third race Three-year-olds ; IJmile ; Bler-
d. Bon , won ; Favor , second ; Troubadour , third ; time , 2C8J. ;
as Fourth race Handicap ; all ages ; 11 mile ;
asS si Monocrat , won ; Htepaway , stcund ; Ilallfel-
i low , third' ; time , 1:50 ,
The Illinois
i8. SrniNQiriiLD , 111. , May C , In the senate
8. ill today good progress wa ) made in advancing
bills on Beoond reading. A bill regulating
fish catching passed , In tbo joint Beseion
there were forty-five representative * , On
vote was cast , Adjourned , In thohouso the
or pay roll question was tettled by resolution
ory employing twenty-four janitors , twenty pages ,
he ami eight pollctmen , Hoveral senate bills
were read tecond tlmo.
coftere recognizes ! .
5eafer )
Smoking Tobacco