0 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BEUFlfS-WEDNESDAY MAY 6 , 1885 rj COUNCIL BLUFFS Wednesday Morning , May 6 , 8UU30B1PTION BATK3. : _ _ 10 W--- - - - * - Br Carriei . . . - - - 110 00 pet ye .ornoc : No , IB rcftrl Street. MINOB MENTION , attractions nt the dim The now well. museum * ro doing Now hats just rooolvcd nt Mrs. F , P Jones' , It Main street. Brick for aalo , In largo end small lols byJ. A , Weaver , No. 815 Sevontl nvontto. You can got nlco baby bonnets for 50 < nt Mrs. F. P. Jones' , U Main street. A. Goldjtoln la removing his piwn shop from No. 210 Broadway to No. 222 Broadway. Three moro vagrants were added to the troot gang yesterday and given ton daya work , The Young Men's Christian Association gave a pleasing entertainment in tholr now hall last evening. The George French dramatic company that are playing at the dlma museum are quartered nt Kiel's hotel A drunken follow disturbed the com mercial schoolao yesterday thst thopolloo had to take him in charge. Chris Staub has begun the erection of a residence for William Arnd on Tenth avenue , east of Third street. The city attorney is preparing an ordl nanco providing for the extension of the fire limits on Broadway to Ninth street A pocketbook containing omo papers , of value to the owner , has been found on the street and left at THE BEE office for Identification. The funeral cf Mrs. Hariourt was held yesterday afternoon at the family resi dence , No. 428 Twenty-sixth street , and was largely attended. These who want to hoar the celebrated orator and scholar , Joseph Oook , at the opera homo next Monday ovonlng should Bocuro tholr seats without delay. A cigarette carelessly thrown Into a box of sawdust In the Herald office yes terday cauied a llttlo ucaro , the smoke filling the room , and causing a hunt for firo. firo.Mrs. Mrs. D. A , Benedict , who has one of the best lines of hair goods In the west , and whose goods are "on honor" as represented , offers to discount any prices given at other places. The filthy condition of many of the alloys will canto the courts to bo busy , If the health officer does as ordered , and commences proeocntion against those who neglect the notice to clean up. The city officers , who have so long been hanging on the edge wondering who tholr successcrJ era to be , have been given another week of suspense , the council having postponed the election un til next Monday evening. The state pharmaceutical society is to moot In this city next Tuesday , and the preparations being made give assnranca that it will excite rouoh interest , and draw to this city a largo number of strangers. Mrs. A. F. Opltz has commenced a. divorce suit asking to bo restored to her maidenly freedom on the ground that her husband to whom she was married only two years ago had threatened her with a revolver , and In other ways had made her 1 fa rather unpleasant. These who on joy trno elocution are promised a rare treat at the opera house next Friday evening , at which time and placa Miss Jessie Couthoul is to give ono of her entertainments. She has in the east a great reputation , and is by no menu ? unknown In this part of the land. The Danobo society held an interesting R : mooting Monday night. A number of now mhmbora joined , swelling the mem bership to over seventy , and this number frill soon bo alill hrgor. The society Is beneficial and social , and is ono of the moat Nourishing and popular in the city , Dirt haulers will now have to provide their wagons with tight boxes , so that the dirt cannot rattle off , end drop in the streets through which they pats. On some of the streets , over which a good many of these wagons past , the dropping dirt has caused much ( rouble , aud the council now propose to do away with the cause of complaint , having pissed an ordi nance , and fixing a fine of from $5 to $20. The annual firing of city council reso lutions at the Union Pacific railway com pany has begun and will probably close , as in previous years , by the council for getting all about what they were trying to do. The passage of resolutions threat ening the Union Pacific unless the com pany docs so and S3 is getting ridiculous , aud these resolutions naturally have no mcra ciTeot on the company than water on a duck's back. Tha Barrios party ai rived over tbo Union Pacific yesterday morning , there being about thirty In the party , and they being provided with a Wagner sleeper and a Central Pno'fi3 special car. The ; Uf t over the Chicago & Northwestern road for Chicago. J. n. Mountain , ol the Northwestern , wont to Sidney to meet the party , aud came In from there with them. He remained at his home hero Instead of going further east with the party. The party left San Franclcco Ust Friday. City warrants were being sold yester day fcr 75 cents on a dollar. This brlngi the monthly pay ff the polios down to $52 50 In otah. This Is too little for a good officer , and too much for a pee ono. If the ordlnanoo la strictly live up to , the pay would only amount to $4 in cath , and some of the aldermen ar favoring this chnngo. Plenty of men ca ba got at this sum , and perhaps as goo men as some of these on the force now but It Is a serious question whether ! would not bo cheaper for the city to In croaio the pay , and Insist on having men who are worth the full aalary. Cheap wages , and still cheaper men will rosnl In making the police force of this clt ; worse than nono. 3IFrom a late number of the Topoki Capital the following Item la taken , show tog how some of the Council BlaiTi citi zens are getting along In the Insnranc business ; "Tho SouthwesternBonovolon association yesterday filed Its bond wit ! the Insurance commissioner , ro-organlzot the company , elected now officers and re ceived tholr cortlficato of authority from the insurance commissioner to do bus ! ness. The following gentlemen compos the board of directors : Maj. T. J. Andersen son , A. Q Cameron , J. W. Berger , th Hon. George R. Pock , J. H. Biggs , 0 0. Hoadloy , J. T. Hart , the Hon. PI Bonebrako. The now officers of the aa sociation are the Hon. George R. Pock president ; J. H. Biggs , vice president .ho Hon. P. I. Bonobrako. treasurer ; J. W. Berger , secretary ; 0. 0. Hoadloy , assistant secretary ; A. Q Cameron , superintendent of agencies ; J. T. Hart , manager. " Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 ? enrl street. DOINGS OF THE DRUIDS. a Largo Jjodgo Instituted aim a Fro sontntion to the Instructor. E..Rosecrans returned yesterday from Slonx City , with a beautiful tribute , be- towed upon him there , the details of which are thus Riven by the Journal : Rosecrans Grove No. 46 , Ancient Order of Braids , met at the hall of the ocioty last evening for the installation of officers. The hall has boon fitted up t an expense of something over § 300 , nd Is said to bo ono of the most com plete of this order in the state. The rove , instituted byE. Rosocrans , spec'al oputy , numbered fifty-throo charter nembors , the largest nxcept ono organ- zad in Des Moinea , Instituted in Iowa , .ho officer ! Installed last night wore : Charles Oliver , N. A. ; A. HaUotb , V. A. ; 0. W. Cormeny , corresponding sec- otary ; Charles Selz3r , financial secro- ary ; William Loaroh , treasurer ; William Klage , I. G. After the Installation ceremonies , hioh were conducted by E. Roaocrans , 10 aoblo grand , Charles Oliver , n behalf of the grove , iresented Mr. Roscrans with an elegant ; old-headed cane suitably inscribed. Mr. liver , in a speech , expressed no more ian the sentiments of the other members E the grove in the compliments ho paid heir Instructor. Surprise prevented any eng answer by the recipient of this legant present , but ho found his voice o lhank the member * of the grove loirtlly and feelingly for this token of heir Jrlendshlp and for all tholr kind- io s to him during his stay in the city. dr. Rosorans returns homo to Council Bluffs to-day. Art Kxbibltion. The Miaaas Rabso , Craig and Hatcher Ivo an art exhibition next Wednesday nd Thursday afternoon and evening at No. 502 Broadway. Admission 25 cents. PERSONAL. George Metcalf has returned from Colfax prings. Mr , McCarthy , passenger agent of the Bal- moro & Ohio railway is in the city. Jerome McClmtock , acting general agent f ths Hock Island hero , returned yeaterday torn Colfax Springs. Mr. Souer ono of Omaha's prominent real state men , was looking over Council Bluffs nd its proepetity yesterday , G. D. Bacon , general western passenger gent of the Ohio & Mississippi railway , with leadquartera in St. Louis , was in the city esterdny , James H. Mountain , the western traveling gent ot the Northwestern railroad , left last vening for Salt Lake , and other points in the ar west , intending to bo pone about thirty JS. J. M. Lane , of Chambotlnin , Dakota , has rrlved bore to enter upon the duties of r eight agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & it. 1'dul railroad , in place of J. H. Hurlburt. Mr. Lane has the reputation of being a first- tats railway man , and Is heartily welcomed to a residence In the railway center of the west , Artists' ' Materials"atGR. Board's Wall 'apcr Store. Send for prlco list. .Facts worth remembering when you ny wall paper : 1st. That Beard , next oor to postoflice , has the largest stock to elect from , 2d. That his prices are aa otr as the lowest , 3d. That he Is a iractical Interior decorator and employs none but skillful workmen. Stock Shipments , Following are tl > o shipments of stock torn the union stock yards in Council Bluff * : Reed & Smith , 2 cars cattle , Gl head , Chicago , via. 0 , , M. & St , P. P. Anderson , 1 car hoga , 76 head , Chi- ago , vu. 0. , B , & Q A. Wiggins , 1 car nogs , 70 head , Chl- ctgo , via. C. & R. I , G. Wiiner , 1 car hogs , GO head , Chicago cage , via. 0. , B. & Q. O. F. Smith , 1 or hoc * , GO head , Chi- cigo , via. C. , M. & St , P. W. B. Smith , 1 car hogs , 6G head , Chicago cage , via. 0 , M. & St. P. J. M. Hill fl cars sheep , 055 bead , Chi- o go , via. G , , M. & St. P. A. Spetman , 22 oirs cattle , 40G head , R ck Creek , via. U. P. Underwood & Co. , 28 cars cattle , 523 tead , Chicigo , via. 0. , B. & Q E. Wllcox , 1 car hnnei , 19 hold , Solnx City , via. 0. & N. W. P. E Frederick * , 1 car horses , 17 ie d , Cheyenne , via. U. P. F. 0 Dawks , 1 c r hogs , GO head , Chicago , via. 0. & R. I. Lansing & F. , lGcir cattle , 209 head , Ohio go , via 0. & N W , Same , 2r doge , 121 toid , Chicago , via. 0. & N. W. R. Dvt , 2 cars sheep , 100 head , East St. Louis , via. Wabath. A. 0. Nxth. 1 car hogs , 58 head , Chicago cage , via. 0. As N. W. Same , 1 o ( cattle , 17 head , Chicago , via. 0. & N , W. OOMMEUlOIAlj , ooumni , BLUiru MAIMR , Wheat-No , 1 milling , 70 No , 2 , C5 No. S , CO. Oorn Now , ISc , Oats For local purposes. JOe. H y ? 00 pot ton ! baled , 60. Bj-o COo. Oem Meal 1 60 per 100 ponndi. Wood Good supply ; prices at yardi , 6 OOfi 6 60. 60.Coal Coal Delivered , bard , 9 60 per tcnj to 40 porton Lard Armour' * , wholesaling at 741 , Flour City flour , 1 60@2 SK ) , Brooms 176S 00 per dor , UV STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows ] 8 25@3 76 , Butcher itoors , 3 754 00. Sheep 3 00@3 DO. Hogs-3 50 ® 3 76. FBODUOI AND Eggs - Continue to dy at lie. Butter Choice new creamcry22.r c ! pooi hold at 13 Al4c : choioo country roll , 15@17c fair toRood , 12 ® lie ; poor and old stock , 6@ lOc. The receipts of poor and fair grades an Increasing. Choice roll continue * rcarco ant eclli readily at quotations when wrapped In cloths and well packed. Poultry Supply is short of the demand. Live spring chickens , per doz , 6 00 ; live olt chickens , pei doz. , 350(2 ( ! ! Tfij live turkeys , per Ib. , 9@10c : dressed chickens , per lb , , 12(2 ( 13c ; dressed turkeys , per lb , , 14@15c ; dressed ireeso , per lb , , 10@12c ; dressed ducks , per lb , ll@12a , The present weather is unfavorable tor dressed poultry and great care should ba taken in both drestinff and picking , Game- Ducks , in fair demand at 2 00 par doz , , for mallards , 1 60@1 76 for mixed and 10X3125 for teat. Ship only best killed birds , No sale for old stock. Onions-Choice stock scarce nt 1 2 > @ 1 GO per bushel : wet and sprouted , 7 > @ 1 00. Beans - Supply fair , demand light. Hand picked navies , 150 ; clean mediums , 1 25 ® 1 10 ; dirty and unscreened , " 5@100c. Potatoes Iho market has been almost 'or the past week. Choice stock of any variety will bring C5@GOo ; fair to good COo. Apples Good to choice Kansi and souri , 3 25@3 75 per barrel. Market is fu poor and soft stock Belling at any price buyer may w Reiter , In order to clojo out his prof cue stock of tailoring goods , is putting prices it 25 to 35 per cant below cost. No. 110 Broadway. The "baby" census returns of Daven port obow 1,837 births during the three 'ears ' lait past , 021 boys , and 000 girls , and seven aex not stated. Fair field has been oflorcd a quarter > lock of land near the public tqnaro by Senator Wilson , conditioned that the own will ralso $15,000 with which to root a library building. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND TUEATElt. 5tb A\o. and Pearl Street , ( Formoily Martin's Rink. ) PAI.MEK & SANDKB , Prop'rs & Managers. One week only , commencing MONDA MAY4TH , : , The Celebrated and Popular eone France Dramalc Compy In tbo Highly Soneatlonal Dramas BLOCK GAME AND WIDE AWAKE. OUR CURIO HALL. Vill contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , nd Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will be found the world reputed won- or , BIGNOR DEL FUEGO , ! he King of Fire-E iters. PROF. E. M. DUNTON , lluaionist. MISS EX PATTERSON , 'ho Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , lie Armless Wonder , POOAHONTAS , 'rinccssof the Todas tribe of Mexican In- ians , MADAME HOWELL , 'ho Bohemian Glass Blower , THE LIVING HALF LADY , .nd many other novelties. L Resort for Ladies. A Resort for Ladiea. Museum open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. a. 'heater Matinee 2 p , m. Evening 8 p. m. lOcts ADMISSION lOcts SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Spodal vertlsomonU , Buo u Lost oand , To Loan , For Sale , To Root , Wants , Board ing , etc. , will bfl Insartod In this column at the low ate oi TEN CENTS PER UNK ( or the flret Insertion and FIVE CENTS FEH LINE ( oi each rabseqaont crtlon. Leave aJvcrtleomonti at our offlcw , Me. earl Street , near Broadway WAUTS. 7011 RENT New Houw , 6 rooms. Inquire at 810 ? Flatncr street , or Dr. lUtchett , H 1'oatl street. TIOR StLE AT A BARGAIN The dcsicablo reel- . ' deuce or builno's proper ! ) on Upper Broad- ay , knovnti the 1'OHurs place. Apply to OHO. 11. HARP , 82 Main stuet. 7OR SALE. - .other hotel In a lv < . Nobrtuka - town , now dolnp a business cf about ? ! 50 per month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal , BwAN & WALOR TOR'BALK OK TUADE. 8fO ftores ot land In J Wayne county , Uo. Will trade lor Council luffe city property er sell cheap for cosh ot part Ime. TOTrtADK Uood Iow cr Nebr k WANTS for a small Block of hardware or general merchandise , well located. SWAM & WAUIH. TlOH 8ALK-A rare chance to get One , well lm > J proTed farm of 400 aoiea , within a few miles ol ounell Bluffs , at a bargain. Low price and uy enn . HWAM & WALMB ; pOK HALC A good pajlDK hotel property with ? llyery liable , In one of the best small towns In western Iowa will tell with or without furniture , or will bade for a small farm with ( took to. SWAM & WALKXK. 7\OH \ 84LE Klgbty acres unimproved laod In ' Union countv , luwo , S ) miles southeaster At- on , the oi unty eeat , or will trade lor Nebraska or Kaneaa land. SWAB & WAI.KXIL [ i\0ll 8AL.B A2i acre tract ol good land about t1 ono and a hall nlloa from Council B'ufli ' post ffloo. at a'barcatn. /OH MALK In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres L1 grass land , all under fence a SOO &rre farm with fine Improvements all under cultltatlon except 0 acres graaj 8D acres good grtsa or pasture land , id iav ra ! other tracts ol Irom 40 to ISO acres ol mliaprood land. SWAM & W < LK t. FOll SaLK Lands Improved aad unimproved , It you want a larm In western Iowa , Kansas ( cbraska or Dakota , let us beur Irom you. SWAN & WAIIU. UR ) SAlE A lanre number o ! business and rest denoe Iota In all parts ol Council Bluffs. See s before you buy , BWAH 4 WAUtm. 8lg-raTtie Uhlnztobuy cheap lots to build on con buy on monthly payments of from 2 to 110. HWAK& WAL > 011 KEN 1 We will rent you a lot to ba.ld on F with the privllag * to boy It > ou with on very beral term- . KWAX tt WALKBK. 10 o < rrtspond with any out wUbtnira WANTKU location f r ( tanning mill , saib , door and blind manufactory , we bate building ; ud machinery , well located , for sale , Irase or trade ; ; Kc.ri 1 Ltgv twu > tor > Iran * tulldu g suit Fur able lor warehouse or storage purposes , nor allroa4 depot. - - WiLsire. U KKN-r ui ; UALB uAi Dg and ground * su'tat I * tni ica'l trui d 5 and rracblne ehnp ] oed b Jller , erclne , cupola , blower vlth flied share- DC etc. , leady to put In motion Ij' UAI.K Uuu e . lot * au Laud. A. J. I1 Ptent e * nn , fiB Pint avenue. tl/AMlivij w i > bouj u. uoiu.cU UluCl o takt YY TmUit. Delivered by carrier at only tweet ; nu a wo k. f\U ) PAPKR8 ro tale al Bii otBoe , at it oeau \J abundred. HARKNESS BROTHERS 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , CARPETS , CARPETS. CARPETS. A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. DryGoods , DryGoods All the Novelties in Dress Goods , s and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices , We make a sueoialtv of Store Shadiiigs. Office Mattings , the fiu-nishino- cliurclies offices and public buildings. Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. Beautify your homea by ualng the above. Over 500 designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES Heaiitiful , Strong and JLasting. Estimates given on any style either put np or delivered here , by applying to KEELIFE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock. 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part of a photograph of a NIAGARA vine , planted 1878 , aa It appeared Fall of 188O with 63 clusters weighing B 26 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood 1st. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons nt Lockport , Aug. 20th , 26. It never drops from tha stem if left to hang till frost comes , and improves in flavor the time. 3d. It is purely native , and therefore hardy , Has stood 35 degrees below zero without njnry. 4th.BearK n good crop the 3d year and often the 2d , and is a regular bearer , and nc vaste , as bunches are compact t over foils to ripen ita crop as the thick leathery foliage lolds oven to the base of the canes until front kills it. Cth. Vineyards ore in bearing in various socti us from Georgia to the Northern Lukes nd Canada , and from Kansas to tbe Atlantic coast , there being more than 1,000 acres planted within thojaat fiva years and o\cr 200 acres were planted t Brocton , Chautaunua Co. , N. r , last spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jams Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest vineyard of Niagaras , jcinfj planted ft Highland , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sam'l Hogera , Ksq. , which contains 80 acres f this one variety , and he Imi realized from 20 to 30 coats per pound for hia fruit , while Con cords grown In tbo same locality brought from 4 to G cents only. G. All parties planting vineyards have signed a contract to return all the wood and cut- ng ovcry year backto the Company up to , and including 1883 ; so it has Inon tha sole owner of 11 the stock , and no one but the Company aud its authorized agents can sell and deliver ronuina Niagara vines. So all persons should examine agent's certificate of authority , and eo that it has the corporate seal of tbo Company attached , and every vmo that it baa a load eal attached , bearing the impression of tbo Company's registered trade mark. 7th , We now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines at retail at $2,00 each with- nt restrictions , to ba delivered en and alter March 1st , 1885 , WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa Having accepted ppolntrrcnt a'B [ > cclttlagint for tlieNIAQAIM WHITE OIUPE CO. for Iow d No- f prepared to promptly deliver "rtlAOAllA , " vines under the Registered Trade Mark Set ! 001 1217 3E1 r C 3SI rrOBE J. L. Met Apnt , No. 607 Broadway Council Bluff * . Railway Time Table , COUNOIL BLUFFS , Tbt following ro the tlmea ot the trrlvkl tad At- trtore ol trains by oentnl stuidard time , U tbe neil dcpoto. Trains leave transfer depot ton mm- toi euller ind irrlve ten minutes Uter. BEBUT. 0.25 A u Mail and Eiprew . ' O'r M iHO r M > ooomrnod tlon 4 : 0 r M iSO : v 11 Kxpreu 9.0S A M CUlOiOO AID tCCI I8LU.'P , ,25 A u Will and Exprcea 8.63 r u n A u Accommodation 5:15 : r M :30 : r u Ki.ireta 0.00 A u mnoAoo , WILVAUKXI An IT. r Art. 20A u 1'a'l and Eipioss fl W ) r u :2 : ( r M Expresi 0.05 A u cmcAao , Knuiaioa AVD uun. 9 tO A M Uall and Expreit 7:10 : r u 2 SO p M > ooom iod&Uon .00 r u 6:45 : r M Exprevj 8.M A u VAIUD , IT , bODII AJTD rlUTlO. From Trioefer onlr. 30 r u SI. Ixmli Express 2:16 : r u M r M Chloigo Exp vU TeorU 0,10 A M BAUAJ OITT , IT. 101 ASD COUSCIL SLOW. 0 Oh A M M 'l ' uid Eipresa 6.10 r M S.16 r 11 Kiprteu 0 fi A x HODS CTTT ABU rACmO. 10 A d Mall ( or Sioux City 6 50 r x 50 r u Express lor 8t P'ul 8.50 A 11 1-00 A M DlBT.r Kjpre 9 4 31 r M 1:06 : m LlDCClo FisOatR V 2 31 r M 7.U r M OrerU&d 1 xp [ < es 6 SO A u PUHXr TXAIXS TO OMilll , Leave Council WuEt * 7:15.SO : 9 80-10.30 1 % . m. 1.IO-J JO-8 JO-4Z8-6Z&-e.S6- : : l:45 : P. m. Leave Omha- 4 - -efO-lCfO : : _ i"6 | a. m. -JlilOP. m. \ W. E. Sherradoa DENTIST , Masonic Temple. Oonnoll Bloflg t Iowa R , Rice M , D. fl 1 trnTJTjfl of .tbu tutors ieaar 4 vttlioit Ui UAflUlJUDj kallt er drawlnf ol blM * . CIIRONIC DISEASES < " kl" ' "u ' Over tairtj jr § ri priclloil cxinrUo * * eBf * tif I , Fear ) Blr 't , Ooondl Uaflt ( WOcaiolU/lOB trta. ONLY HOTEL InConno Bluff * hiring a And all modern ImprovemenU , call bells , fire alarm bells , etc. , is tbe CBESTON HOUSE Nos. 215 , 217 nd 219 , Main Street. MAX MOHW , - PROPRIKTOIl THOH , Or-FICKIl. . H. M. PCrill Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluff ? , la. Established , - - 1856 Dealeri in Foreign and Domestic Exch&ngO and Home Securluw , WAR , WAR , WAR FOR TEN DAYS ONLY , , ! ! k9 h ° y wlII ° 4'10 ' Snn "hirjo * ; " "N or put off until to-morrrow what yon can day ; " "Stnko whlio the iron is hot. " "Bo sure your right , " then mnko a BKK line for CHAPMAN'S PICTURE STORE , 105 and 107 Main Street. New stock of FRAMES , MOULDINGS , Pictures , etc. , hate arrived and cannot bo ox celled in the west. Engravings , Oil Paintings , Water Colors , etc. , will be Bold at actual cost for 10 days only. See the Following Prices : Hteel Engravings S1.65 worth § 3.00 Steel Engravings $2 CO worth $3.75 Steel Engravings 2.fiO worth -1 50 Steel Engravings 4,00 worth 0.00 Water Colored Panel 2.25 worth 4.00 Oil Paintings in deep gilt nn T , n , . . , . . . , frames , 24x30 at 81.50 former price , 33.75 Oil Paintings in t inch gilt framen. 22i3G. at S2 CO former price 84 50. Cabinet Iramos atcost , Brass Picture Rxis , Brass Brackets ; Picture Chains , Brass Nolls , etc , will ba sold at hard times prices. If you have pictures to frame , call and examine my new styles of mouldings , which will bo Bold at wholesale prices. ri W. CHAPfVJAM 1OS ami 107 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whla we will sell In retail or carload lots. All Stock Warranted as Renresented , flil ) diclmli Grnlr ird I'elid liny. Price eonable Satisfaction Oturantced. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CounollBlnus. W. P. YLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick bmldingfl of any size raised or moved and natisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT tracks , the beat In the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs HAIR GOOD Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizesSwitch es , etc , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs , H-JS AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffa. TUB ONLY ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN THE cm. Kv.irythiog served in first clus style and on shoit notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready , Good Agents Wanted TO S33XJXJ Drs. Jucld & Smith's NEW .IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office Mttl Fictor , No 80 , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , lowi. SMITH tt TOLLER , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. AGomplete Line of New Goods to Select From. , ' ri evtry dcccilptlon and at prices low M the lo cjt. Special attention to noitom work. The remain der ol niy ttoclt cl NOTIONS are \iu\uf \ \ dlipoatxl ol at COST. A KAUT.call atid be oonvlooed. . J > . A. 337 Broadway , Council s , Iowa