Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    DAI& * B E---WEDNESDAY , MAY 6. 1885.
A Bnky Session of foe Oily Council
Last Nielit
Mnny niattcrn of Munlclpcl Interest
Conaldorofl and 1'nsscil upon ,
Communication ! ) . Itcpotts , Etc.
The city conncil mot In regular weekly
session last night , but before bslng M-
eemblcd Mayor Boyd came in with a
batch of ordinances which bore his name
approving them. The council was called
to order at 8 o'clock by President Bechol ,
and olofon members answered to roll
call , as follows : Biiloy , Bohm , Datley ,
Ford , Goodman , Goodrich , Leo , Lecdor ,
Sclirocdor , Thrauo and Bechol. Absent ,
A slight ranglo ensued between Behm
and Loedor over dispensing with rend
ing the proceeding of the Init mooting.
The reading was finally dlipsnsed with.
A communication was read from Mayor
Boyd approving ordinances , declaring
the necessity of changing the grade on
Barney street from Fifteenth to
Twenty-fifth streets , and of Six
teenth street from Farnam to How
ard , of Seventeenth from Far
nam to Eightocth , and of Nineteenth
from Farnam to alley nnuth of Harnoy ,
and of Twentieth from Farnam to Dow-
ard ; an ordinance ordering th&t part of
Gaming street in paving district 34 and
part of Farnam street In paving district
'M ; the ordinance creating paving
districts 40 and 47 and an ordinance
appropriating curtain moneys out of the
various special funds to pay for public
The ordinance cstablithlng the grade of
Loavomrorth street from Twentieth to
Jacob street , and the ordinance to es
tablish the grade of College street from
St. Mary's avenue to Mason street wore
returned without the mayor's approval.
The veto of these ordinances was sus
tained by the conncil.
The mayor's suggestion that crosjwalks
on Pruuam street ba laid with flat stone * ,
and that the- board of pablio works ba
Instructed to have this done was referred
to the committed on paving and curbing.
The annual report of John
H. Butler , chief of the
fire department , wai submitted and ac
companying It a communication from the
mayor , recommending thit temporary
quarter * bo secured for hose cart No. 3 ,
and the Hook and Ladder company on
lota at the corner of E'ghtconth and
Farnam streotn , Referred to the com
mittee on fire and water works.
Having lud his attention called by
Judge SvenbarR to the fact that all city
prisoners are no w kept in the onnty jail ,
Mayor Boyd , suggested that unless an
ordinance Is pasted making said jail the
legal place of confinement such prisoners
are liable to bo released under writ of
habaos corpus. The matter was referred
to the city attorney , .with an Instruction
to prepare an ordinance.
The mayor Bant in a request , to have
three disinterested parties appointed to
appraise , assess and dotermlna damages ,
to property owners which may be caused
by the grading of Farnam and other
streets , confirmed.
The bond of R. T. Shannon & Co. ,
was received and approved. This is the
firm that have a contract to lay gas and
water pipes.
The bond of John F. Diy , also
authorized to lay gas and water pipes was
approved. Likewise the bond of P. W.
R. T. Shannon & Co. , sent In a peti
tion offering to lay the sewer from
Eighth and Dodge streets to Ninth and
Capital avenue lor $2.15 per foot. Re
ferred to the committee on sewers.
The city engineer , Mr. Andrew Roio-
water , sent In an ordinance ostabllshlnt
the grade of Davenport street .from Hll
side addition No. 1 to the west side o
the city limits , and of California streo
from Twenty-seventh to the city limits
They wore accompanied with profiles
representing the grides and grounc
Referred to the committee on streets
and grades.
The city engineer also sent In a profile
outline of the sewer to drain the lowe
end of Casu street.
This was referred to the tame com
mit too ,
Quito a lengthy petition was read from
E. F. Test , protesting agalnut the pro
pjsad em lug of Twenty-eighth street
between Fftrnam and Harney , according
to the profile that has been drawn.
Referred to the committee on street
and grades.
A petition signed by John Wldeno
and _ forty others , complaining ngains
parties who allow their cows to rnn'a
largo and destroy everything they can
was referred t < > the committee on police
The Wllbw Springs Distillery company
prayed teat the street eomratssiontr b
empowered to construct a watir couta
from the north side of Fierce ttroo
across to the south sldo of straet , am
their prayer was referred to the commit
tee on streets and walks.
A petition from Robert Purvis am
others , calling attention to an obstruc
tlon on Jefferson street , was referred to
the city engineer.
A petit oa signed by twenty-five citl
soni , asking for a sidewalk on the west
tide of Fifteenth street and on Centre
street from Eleventh to Thirteenth
streets , was referred to the committee on
George E. Btratmm and others sk
to have the grade established In the alley
between Division and Mortimer streets.
Referred to the committee on streets anc
A petition from property owners In
ewer district 21 , asking a reassessment
In said district , was referred to a special
committee. The petitioners claim tha
several errors exlit In the amount
allowed that are uojust , and they refas
to piy them.
The citizens living on lower Douglai
Ireofc lent In a protest against the pavinj
of said street this season. Referred t <
committee on paving and curbing ,
Several property owners on Twenty-
fourth street pray to have the curbing
gride on that portion of Tirenty-fourtl
street between California street and Cap
Ital avenue established 20 feet from the
center of the street. Referred to the
crmmlttea on streets and gradoj.
A comraunUutlon from GusUve Beneke
calling attention to an article publisher
in the evening * BEE , and asking that a
committee be appointed to Investigate his
record as pollca judge , WAS tofened to
tha oraraitteo on police.
Offii'n of lots 1 , 5 , C , 7 , and 8 on
Capital avenue aik to have the stioe
pavad. Rfdrred to the ommltteo on
The owners of loti 7 and 8 on Capita
avenue , district 41 , want paving don
there. Referred to committee on paving.
Also the owner of lots 0 and G , dis-
rict 42.
Attention was called by 0. , A. Bale-
Iner and others to the paving on St.
Mary's avenue , In district 32. Referred
o the paving committee.
Guy 0. Barton and others , petition for
an ordinance providing for ostabllehing
ho cutb line on Twenty-eighth street.
deferred to committee on streets and
; rdcs.
The band of W.G. McLeod &Go. was
G. L. Green , calls attention to the
ondltlon of the sidewalk at the south
east corner of Twentieth and Davenport
troots. Referred to committee on
Louis Schrador asked to have $85 75
int in the April approprlttlon ordinance
or Tim Collins for work on street force.
Tno balance dno Hugh Murphy & Co.
' 300 , WAS ordered allowed.
The marshal reported a list of druggists
n tbo city.
The resident ] living on Georgia avenue
> otltlon to have a grade established. Re-
erred to the committee on streets and
[ A claim from McHugli , McGoocck
t Co. , for constructing sewers , was re-
erred to the committee on finance and
A list of the wholesale and retail liquor
dealers was handed in by the marshal.
The city physician's report was received
and filed.
The board of public works related the
needs of repairs In certain alloys and
curblngs , and they were instructed to do
.ho . work.
An asconnt cf $1,349,33 , duo Aaron
3nll w s approved and placed on file for
ho next appropriation.
A largo number of property ownerj in
laving district 32 , on St. Mary's avenue ,
'eportcd that they have selected gum and
) lock for paving purposes.
The following resolutions wera offered
and adopted or referred to proper com
mittees :
By Sohrooder Instructing the city
auditor toplaco in the April appropriation
$85.75 in favor of Tim Collens
By Behm Requesting the Union Pa-
clfio railroad company to widen Thir
teenth street to Us proper width. Re-
[ orrad to the city attorney with
instructions to prepare on ordinance.
By Behm Providing for paving the
intersection of Fifteenth and Douglas as
Thirteenth aud Douglas are paved. Re
ferred to committee.
By Furay Changing the time for
3ommitt90 meetings of trie council from
Monday to Friday evenings. Rjforrod
to olty attorney for an ordinance.
By Goocjaiu , diieoting the city en
gineer to report the probable cost of re
setting curbing on Tenth between Mason
and Pierce streets. Adopted.
By Ford , directing the city clerk to
advertise for bids for purchase of all old
stoves belonging to the city. Adopted.
By Dailey , ordering the city clerk to
notify owners of certain lots to file them
within thirty days. Adopted.
By Bailey , Goodrich nnd Leeder , reso
lutions for sidewalk. Rsferrad to the
board of public works.
By Thane , Instructing the fire depart
ment to pump out a pool of stagnant
water on Eighth ntroet. Adopted.
By Furay , ordering the street com
missioner to look after ono Stanley , who
has blocked up a certain street with a
brick kiln. Adopted.
By Thane , directing the chief fi e
marshal to see that the Tank Line com
pany comply with the city ordinance reg
ulating the keeping and storage of tero-
sene. Adopted.
By Leo , instructing the auditor to ad
vertise for one week In the Omaha BEE ,
Republican and Herald for sealed bids
for all kinds of lumber that may bo
needed by the city. Adopted.
By Thnme , Instructing the B & M.
railway compiny to construct a foot
crossing on the east sldo of the street
between Pacific and Mason streets.
The following raports of committees
were made :
The committee on finance and claims ,
reported back the claim of William Dew
for $250 , racommendlng its rejection.
The proposition of F. D Cooper to
pay $104 12 taxes and cost of advertising
In the sum of $15 on eleven lots was referred
forred to the city attorney to report
whether such a proposition can be
The committee having under consld or
atlon a matter relative to establishing the
grade on Capitol avenue between FiftI
and Twenty-sixth , recommededthataun
ordinsnctbo drawn to that effect at once ,
The matter of opining Nenotoenth
street from S. V. Smth's addition
was continued for further reports.
The opening of the alloy In block 2
Armstrong's addition , ns prayed for by
H. Loud and others was ordered by thg
The committee on police , reported anew
now ordinance relating to privy vanlU
and disinfecting purposes , which was
The committee on finance , recom
mended that ono man bo employed to
aislttboth the city auditor and clerk ,
end they recommended Mr. Haynes foi
the place. Adopted.
The committee on streets and walks
recommended that the claim of Andrew
Murphy , for blacksmlthlng , of $45 10
be allowed when funds are avallblo
The committee on streets and walks ,
o whom wss referred the mayor's ap
pointment of Thomas Swift to theposi-
tion of street commissioner , roco-
mcnded that he be rejected , The re.
port was adopted.
Immediately on the disposition of this
report , a communication from the mayor
appointing James B. Callahan street
commissioner was read and referred to
the came committee.
The committee on police reported ad
versely to the confirmation of Gustavo
Benoke for city marshal , and their report
was adopted by a vote of 8 to 4.
The name of Andrew M. Frlck was
then sent la for the office of marshal and
referred to the ssmo committee.
The committee on public property re
ported bsck the request of the Wornats
Christian association for permission to
build a home for friendless women on lo
5 , In block 10 , recommending that the
city attorney bo Instructed to secure
poiseislou cf aald lot for the ctty.
The grades on Davenport and Call
forma streets asked for by A. E. Tonzallc
and others was referred to the clt >
Several bills ware ordered allowed and
The gas inspection account for Feb
rnary and March wai allowed by the
committee on gas and electric light ,
Tha ordinance repaallng a portion o
No , 843 relating { 0 the-
of a part of Howard street In paving dls-
rlot 38 , and of Twelfth street in district
? o , 45 reported In favor of the repeal.
Recommitted for ono week.
The petition of 0. S. Goodrich and
then , for paving Farnam street was
ordered placed on file.
The appointment of John H. Butler
nd J. J , Grtlltgia as chief and assistant
hiof of the fire department , wera con
firmed ,
The special committee , recommended
he paisago of that ordinance to change
ho grade of Tenth street from Mason to
Morco and Pacific from Ninth to
Eleventh. Adopted.
The committee on paving recommended
ho adoption cf the ordinance providing
or laving double rows of lltgging , at
rois walks on all intersection of streets
o hereafter bo paved. Adopted. .
The matter of securing room in the
ounty court house for the city clerk ,
uditor , and treasurer , is still unsettled ,
ho committee recommending that the
ntyor bo requested to ask for the north-
> ast corner room of the basement and In
ho event of being rehuod cancel the
out r.ict. Adopted.
The ordinance requiring the construe-
Ion of a viaduct over the Union Pacific
nd Burlington & Missouri railroad
racks \vai recommended for passage.
The following now ordinances wore of
erod and road :
Appropriation for April expenses.
Roeuiattog the construction nnd cleans-
ng i f privies. Passed.
Establishing the curb line on California
treot between Eighteenth and Twenty-
fth. Referred to the committee entreats
treats and grades.
Establishing the grade of California
treot Irom Twenty-seventh to Kennedy
treets. Referred to committee on
Irect ) and grades.
Establishing the grade of Divonport
trootfrom Hillside No. 1 addition to
ait curb of Thirty-sixth street. Re-
Declaring the necessity of constructing
a viaduct over the Union Pacific and
iurllngton & Missouri tracks on Six-
oenth. Referred to committee on via-
[ nets.
Tndco Brewer Mndo * Decision In tlio
Slcttnlicuo VB , Latta Oso , Sus
taining the Judgment.
Very llttlo business of any Importance
was transacted in the United Statea cir-
cnit c < urc yesterday. Judge Brow or ar
rived yesterday morning , aud during the
lay ho delivered ono opinion. That was
n the case cf Slottuisoho vs , Litta ,
> riught to sot aside a judgement for
J3.5UO. This seems ta bo a very fnnny
itigatlon. In tbo lower court MM.
Listta aosurod judgment against Slatt-
ilscho , for the amount named on a note
made by him to her. Ho claimed that
, ho note was made In 1874 , but It la dated
1884 , In a contract rnde with this
woman , he s'atea that ho ii worth , over
and above all liabilities , at least $10,000.
Soon after making that contract ho en
tered into another with his owa wife ,
[ which was introduced as evidence ) In
which ho declares that ho Is financially
away down at the heel. She agrees to
support him and the family , and also to
Rive him § 00 , then § 00 a month , and
Bnally § 1CO. Judge Brewer sustained
the judgment.
In the district court yesterday the
esses of Ida Wade vs. James Genau wore
withdrawn by her.
Fred Sladen leaves frjjr Weat , Point to-day ,
where ho enters the military school.
The lion.J. M. Thnnton left yesterday for
North Platre , to appear for the defence on the
examination of Stolle ,
Mr. H. A. Johnson , general freight agent
of the Missouri Pacific road , with headquart
ers at Atchiaon , is in town ,
Judfjo David J. Brewer , of the United
Statea Circuit Court Bench , arrived yesterday
morning and is quartered at the Paxton.
Dr. Stone and son , of Wahoo , arc registered
at the Millard , They are on their way home
from a vltlt to the Now Orleans exposition ,
Samuel Brown , ono of the greatest corpora
tlon lawyers in Now York , arrived hero yes
terday morning to attend U. S. court and ia
at the Paxton.
Mr. Milton A. Noble , of Clarke , and Mies
agglo W , Morrison , of Princeton , 111. , wore
married last evening at tha Millard by the
Rov. T. 0. Hall.
Principal Lewis , of the high echool , who
baa gone to New Orleans to recuperate after
an attack of pneumonia , writes to friends thai
he Is rapidly improving.
Conductor Prank C. Fuller returned yester
day from Tampa , Florida , where he has been
nearly all the winter among the orange
g'ovea. Ho reaumoj his train on the St. Paul
In a short time.
M'llo , Marie Aimco , the most charming
little comndienne on , the American stige , is
at the Millard hotel. She ia accompanied by
a dozen or moro large trunks , which contain
her magnificent wardrobe , which , by the way ,
is said to bo simply gorgeous ,
At the Metropolitan-G. W. Gulp , Noraa-
ha ; John Korbn , Lincoln ; Dennis Hurley ,
North Bend ; George II. Power * , Beatrice ; J ,
H. Showalter , Fremont ; M. Pyle , Nebraska
City , Neb. ; George A Coleman , Shenandoah ,
Iowa ; W. W. Parker , Odgen , Ut h ; Cha § ,
E. Walker , Davenport , low * , and J. B. Well
of Kookuk , low * .
W. J. Crandall , of Duncan ; E. N. Moro ,
Fremont ; Chas. E. Anthony and wife ,
Washington , III. ; I. D. Hobbs , Minneapolis ;
Chw. Cook and wife , Waverlyj B. Tf. Smith ,
Hastings ; Geo. n. Palmer and Clifford West-
cott , Plattimouth , C. F. Hob rt , Waioington ,
D. O.j James Hooshey and John Hollman ,
North Platt ; B F. Hick. , Columbus , and W.
0. Cutherwood , of Blair are at the Paxton , J
The ( rents waiting room at the Union
Pacific depot has been Improved to the ex
tent of a new floor.
John Smith defrauded the Planter's
house out of a "square meal" yesterday and
now languishes behind the bars ,
Fred Barnes , a young rascal , was run in
last night for stealing a clothes line. It is
supposed that he mutt have Intended to hang
A colored boy , twelve years old , with one
foot eighteen inches loog and the other very
im.ll , was a great curiosity at the Burlington
& Missouri depot yesterday ,
The first stock train , extra , of the season
from here left for Chicago yesterday over the
Burlington & Missouri road. It consisted ol car loads of cattle.
H. P. Anderson , a bruiser living down In
the bottoms , was arrested and locked up laal
n'gbt , charged with wife-beating. He will
bj called oo (9 ( f c the mtuta this morning.
Another Gnmo Between tlio Otnntm
and Indlftnupolls team
Crushed Again.
The third gatno between Omaha and
Indianapolis was pl yod yesterday after
noon and aa was confidently expected t > j
everybody resulted In another defeat to
tlio home club , though not qutto so
crushing sjthey wore subjected to Satur
day and Sunday. This tlmo the visitors
showed a llttlo conipnsrrion on the boys
and "let thorn down easy , " but it la un
derstood that to-day , which Is the list
game hero for some tlmo to come , the
Omaha'a will not got n smell. The fact
la Omaha'a olnb can't play moro than n
good amatenr game , and has no earthly
business to bo in the league.
Following Is the sooro of yesterday's
game :
Indianapolis. . . ! 4000204 * H
Jmaha 0 20000400 C
Runs Earned Indianapolis , 3 ; Omaha , 2.
Tbroo Base Hits O'Donnel 1.
Two Basa Hits Donnelly , 1 ; Collins , 1.
Shuck Out-By O'Donnel , 2s by Miller , 1.
BMO on Called Balls By OVDonnel , 4 ; by
Miller , 3.
Ptsied Balls-Bandta , 1
Wild Pitchea-O'Donnel , 2.
Time of Garno 1 hour and CO minutes.
Unipiro-Jno. Bremen ,
Official Scorer J. L. S.
The last of the series with Omaha will
bo played thla afternoon and it is hoped
[ hat the attendance will bo bettor than
It was yesterday. The fact Is Manager
Hey has lost money simply because the
people have not patronized the games.
But this la not to bo wondered at much.
In thofirjtplac' , the grounds are too far
out , and secondly , the people of Omaha
nvo no time for a club that la always
getting roosted.
Following will bo the position of the
players in to-day's game :
[ Hack Pitcher. MuKean.
Webber Catcher Keonnn.
Dwyer First base McQuary.
jeiss Second bate Urano.
J. Say Third base Donnully.
L. Say Shortstop ColMna.
Meleter. . . . . . .Left field Moriarity.
Graham Center field..Thompson.
Bandlo Right field Poorman.
The Orrmhas will leave on the evening
train for Hannibal to play Thursday and
open with Toledo on Saturday.
Alderman Foray Explains TVby
Mayor Boyd'd Alan WAS Not
The city marshal matter bunted oat in
the council lait night Into qalto a lively
breeze , and gave aomo indications as to
the true status uf affairs. Whoa the
committee to whom was referred Mayer
Boyd'a appointment of Gustavo Banoko ,
ono week ago , aa the nun whom his
honor at that time held up , in glowing
terms of pralae , aa being bettor fitted to
succeed Marshal Cammings than any
other man in the city , made its report ,
recommending that Mr. Bonoko'a ap
pointment ba rcjcciod , Alderman
Ford was the first man ta
apeak. Ho thought that the fight on
Mayor Boyd's appolntmonts was confined
to the races , both the Irieh and tbo Ger
man citizens wanting ono of their nation ,
allty to head the police forco. That
statement brought Mr. Bohm up stand
Ing , and bo quietly but firmly perhhed
all such thoughts as Mr. Ford would
have the people to believe. Two or throe
other members of the council had a few
words to say on this subject , bat they
\fero commou-placo and of no special in
terest. Finally , however , a brisk
and rather loud bombardment com
menced over on the oatt sldo and Alder
man Furay bad obtained the floor. He
aroio , so ho stld , to set everybody on
the right pics regarding this matter.
An allepcd.rcport had been started , to hie
knowledge , to the effect that the republi
can member * of the council hai formed
an alliance to reject the appointment of
all democrats , wade by the mayor.
This ho had been authorized
to atito was a malicious falsehood , and
that when the mayor made an appoint
ment of a Rood man , a man equally aa
good or bettor than the pressnt incum
bent , bo bo democrat or republican , the
republican members of the conncil will
gladly vote for his confirmation. Other-
who they will steadily oppose every name
ho sends In.
With this explanation Mr. Furay sub
sided , the report of his committee was
adopted and the crowd , which up to the
time had been larger hurrldly got out.
The tluee colored females arrested last
Friday night on complaint of having stolen
$500 from the gay and fe tiv Conrad Fas-
aler , bad their trial before Judge Stenbertf
yeiterday evening , CUr * Thomu , was held
and bound over to tha dlitrict court , but the
other two Delia Green and Mamie Howard
were turned loose , Fastler , u the prosecut
ing witne was required to giro a bond of
8209 , for his appearance when wanted ,
All kinds of fancy work at Jchl B n.
210 N. 10th street , Mus Kate Kennedy ,
Office , 1304 Douglas St.
Le ve orders , call by dldrict box or telephone : nc
charge for messengen to order ctrrUge or tranifei
bagg ge. Teephote No. 177 , J. UOSMUJ.Y , Jr
" "
BjgBMe checked to aad Ircm the depot" MH
irt ol the city. Can l es lurtlihid lot loneralg oi
ti Onloe optn day and night :
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr ,
Will itand for itock at omiia V lr groundi tin
leaionollRSS Ileli 1BJ bioJihigh , eight 12SI
Ibi , hl lire JACK 8uwMRD Ii fult brother lo blood t
Dim * ! :17i : , aUo to IJicriTORIho lire of JVT rj
2:10. : KlUU , f.l and Duscro * ! :17. : Call at thi
yalr .nnd andie him and get nU pe Igrie Ii
la fufi , ttroi | 28. Jor th MKO. t. TIIOMSON.
All atlrtrtiiemtntl interttti in the tjxeial column *
titt be charged at the rate of pne cent per \eonlfor
\nitrtionand not Itti than twenty-fire taili for
he firtt htttrtion. t'igurti and tlgni to becharged
he tame an the verdi repretentinj thoie fgurct.
"hen atlrtrtittmenti will be inttrttd in both Morn-
nyaml Krenlnj Kititiont , rtprttenting a circula-
ion vfmtr Kiyht Tlioumtul. Thin ela of otlrtr
tttfotntt muttpotitirtly be paid in advance.
TO LOAN-MONEY , anchtttolt , Woolltyfe Harrison ,
M Room 20 , Omaha Nitlonal bank ImllJlug
ONEY TO LOAN-On teal esuto ami chMHs
D. I * Thomm. fllttf.
\ffONK ? toaneJ on nhattoU , out t\\i , R R
1)1. tlokoto nought anil olJ. A. FormnS13 8 , ISth 8t
(170 ( tl
VfONEY LOANKI ) at tt P. Reed &Co' . Loan ofllco
> i on furniture , pianos , hortun , waeotu , penanal
property of all klnaj and all othe tutloles of value ,
irtthout rcmotal. Orer Ut National Dinkcorner 18th
nd Farnam. All business strictly oonllJenUal
950 tl
ONKTTOtOAN In umi ol * 200 and upward.
0. F. Dtvls and Co. , IUal Ealtlt ami Txiao
Igentu , M05 rarnam St. 051 It
\17ANtKD-Oood gill at Pac'flo ' house , good wages.
T f 137-tl
Vt7ANT n-Glrl for general housework , Ocrtuaa or
i T awtde prcforroJ ; good wagca to Competent per-
son. lira. ( Jetty , 1417 DoujUi et 1105
J7AMRD A gnod Irlfor genenlhnnro work la
> mini fAmlly , S K corner 18th and Jackson St ,
| 7"AMKD Four girls at Sin en hitol one door N.
> ol Paxton & Gallagher wholesale grocer ? house.
IV * . > - A girl for house work , 1 il Chlcigo t.
w U47p
17 ANTFI-First data button hole makers , 307 8
1 llth 3t. lC7-5p
> AMn-Nunc girl who tikes meala at homo
W apply room 9 , Oooj llotol. 105-6p
WANTED A gl'l ' ' general housework , gotd
w gcjaml ttiady woikto a good girl , at (09
NlOthSt :
Six young ladles to tell a verv popular
WANTED : call at 1018 Dodge tit. , bet the hours
f II and 4. 105-5 ] )
" \T7AxrKD Olrl to do general house work ; apply
V V at 1015 California et. 031-5
TASTEn A girl for general houio w rk , three
. . miles from Peat office. Inquire 6 < 3 Plo fant st.
Mrs. Jol T OrlCcn. 879-6p
ANTKD Dlih washer at Emmet houia.
W houia.OS2'p
- good girl for general homo work In a
small family. Apply to lira 1 A QillUth , 829 S
1st Bt. '
ANTED -A tfood girl for seneial ; houjs work 1B17
Chicago St 832-tf
> ANTED-Flrft-clW9 dining room girl rtt the Mct-
WANT hotel ; none other need apply. 624-tl
'ANTED A good cook at 820 South I Oth St.
W 766-tf
I7ANTED-18 good girls , 7 experienced cooks
> Omaha Kmployment Duroau , 1120 Farnam Ht.
TTTANTED by Kensington Art Ca. , fomilo help
V f In all part * of the country , to da our light ,
ilca'ant work at their homes. Mont by mail to any
.dd'cea , no canvas ! snr , eaiy to loirn and any ono
anea from $ ' to $10 p'r week. Forfull Inrormv
Ion address Kcmlnston Art Rooms , 35 Cong' a H , ,
Bostun , Misa Box 6078. li00-3Cp
ta for " Prot tctor
TXTASTKDtidy agen "Queen
VY dilsy stocking and skirt supporters , ehoulde
> race , bustles , bosau forms , data thl-lila , tafoty
iclta , sleeve protector , etc. ; entirely new devices un-
iroocdenttd profits ; we have 500 igontu making $100
nonthly. Address with stamp , EII Ctmpb'li & Co. ,
6 South Jliy St. , Culcago. 670-ul9p
WAXTT.D Dry good Bilcsman , ono nho rpeaka
Ucrunn aud bkandlnttlan Ianguigespretcrro'1 ,
lo a good man , a permanent position can bo given.
Address wifj rtferenccs "DS1 Bee offl.o , H2-7
ANTED-Uoys. Apply at tactory. N. K. Ealr-
bink&Co. 135-7p
Three or four flrst-cljsa carpenters and
WANTED nuliera. Frank D. Mead , 109 south
Iflth at. 018-7
WANTED A German prescription drug o'crk sin
gle ; references required. Address Dllojden ,
GrindIfcUnd , Keb. 031 Op
VT/ANTUD A position by a man with 0 yours ex-
Vporlonce In dry goads and flhie store ; speaks
German and DanUh. Address "B W. " Bee olllcc.
WANTFD S'tuattin by traveling aaletrnan , to
handle n line of goods for a first cla ° a house ,
on commljtion , In Nebraska ; addroea A. K. I * . Bee
office. 103-Gp
WASTED Employment. Tiooal or Traveling ; "tate
which preftrred ; alnealary per month ; all ex
penses advanced ; wattes promptly pa'.d , Sloan & Co. ,
George Et , Cincinnati , 0 , I03-7p
AnUintlonbv ft flrst-c's's nurse who
can five tbo Viry best of references ; address
"Mlas. H."care cf Bto otHce. 974-tf
The ladles of Omalix to Lnon- that ther
can get their few Ing dons cboipemt 1414 Dndgo
Etrcct than > ny where e'ae ' In the city. 123-Ep
Gentleman wants ( urn ehed room "hero
nn iue | tlons will be aikcd ; addrcsi I , A lit nry ,
P. 0. BJX 604 City. 113-7p
ITANTrc A gentleman room mate and two Joj
> lioarderi" , 1614 California St , 103 7p
I/AniES ASD OKNJLRMBN to take nice ,
lightple atnt work , at their own homes.
Work rent by n all any dltUnco ell the yeirround
E2 to 85 n day quietly made ; nn ranvasslnif , Address
Kello' Ii JUnTic Co. , rhilideljhla , Pa , Box IMS.
" \ TrVNTl'DHoom and board not more than eight
V > blocks from P O. AddroiB "S. " care B e.
\ 7ANTED By good tenant , a cottaze centrally InV -
> V cated , by the 10th of Hay ; address lla , thli
oulcp. 100 Sp
iULE-A good saddle borce gentle and sound.
Apply * 013 DouglM tt. T A Fox. 03) Dp
WAKTEU-E\erybody to try our Prepared Corn
ileal. ready for tnstint u o with the addition of
milk or cold water. Put up In 3 and 0 Ib. nicktges.
Sold by grocersW. . J , welibans & Oo. , Msnulnct-
urcra. 070 tf
TX7ANTir > A man or woman In evtry country In U
TT U $1,26 ( ample free $76 per month , ( alary or
oommtoion. Bead ( Umd. Paul Tabel , Chicago III ,
WANTID-TO rent a largo furnlihed room , In
BUter'i block 10th and California , with board ,
also a few more table boarders. 76tt
WANTED 13 60 will buy ona doten Roger Bro'a
trlpple plated table knlres at Uoodjrri china
torecorner IStb and Par en port et. ii5-tf
rXTANTED Erery ady In need of a Mwlng maTT -
TT china , to e th new Improved American No.
I , P. i KJodman 4 Co. agenU ; 220 N 10th.
oE iEXT-6 rooms over a itore with dty water
ndal comecienoo for house ketplog 116 per
month. Elfgant residence 12 roorra moit dulrablo
put of citygj per month , OKIIavne , ii Ca. , 8 W
corner Htn and Farnam , I5J.J
FOR UIM . .Ftutroom houie with water : ocnven-
iencei Cth and Hickory st Ill-lip
FOR BEST Three room oittag * . Warren Swlttler ,
FOKRtM-Abousewltli 6 roomi n good order
1419Uuwardt. llf-Sp
BUT New home 11 rooms realv now ;
a month ; inquire of G E Thomiiton. S W cor.
llth and Ilarney. 841-tf
FOR REST-Three cottages J , 6 and 8 rooms. J ,
Pblpptltce , 1612 Booth 6tb ( t. iOi-tf
- located J. Phlpp
liw , 1512 south 6th it. 23i-tt
F I OR Rusi-Lwo housea 7 and 10 room * 1612 south
Mb st J , Phlpps Hoe. 093-tf t
FRR RES-D-4 iplendl 11'fbt roiner brick Lawmen
o Iycn block from tbe pntoffic oily I'O i <
, onih. Alia a spleujld ocrutr itore on pivrd tt.
< oi.d ihilriojjcountermand celar , 136 per month
Horse & Hrunner , Paxton Hook , earner
aud Faratm BU.
nixT-ColUse with 6 rooms ne block Irom
ttmtoari. loqulie SI 10 Harney It , 9376
I7on RRM Flnarottsgo of Cl r < criifvtrycontonlfnt
' and fctautlM boallun. Inquire ofV B Altxaru
d r at Dewey and Stones. 097.0
FORRKNT-A brlek hni e tfgrfonntlSrerrronth.
Apply to John llu'f lo , IUrd * ro store 2407 cor.
CumlngandSiundenstf. P. Clark. (93-6p
FORB ls-l ! good lots Mutnn | > hco tfcrro blocks
from street cirs on vity tcrnn , W II Orccp ,
o\ct 1st > at'lbank. B81.ll
FORRRVT 10 room hou f , modern ltnpro\cni < > nta.
Ucnlford , Souer & Davis , 213 8. llth St 703tf
FORRRXT rhreejtory brick More bnlUIng ; en
quire of KJward N orris & Co. , room 19 Crnurme
Block. 063 tf
Foil HKNT S-S room hniurs Inquire Jno. F
UartonSmcltIng works , or 311 North St
F > OU IlF.NT-8to-e building 44x3 thrra story and
ba > cmeut No. 110andll2 14th. luuulre 1409
Doilge St 950-tf
FOR HF.NT Fnrnlshcd cottage , 7 rooms , with
oloiKts , rantry , etc. , In best locality In City cm
pay rout with board. Call In afternoon at676 Plcis-
ut Ut
RRNT A largo room on ground floor tu'tiblo
IpOR ' drisa making Mr ) . A Sorrel , 1519 D > > dgert
FOK HKNT Slnclo room for ccntlcman or hdy ,
with or without b > ard , Istchssaocomrnoditloaf ;
brick house 1818 Chicago St. ( SO Cp
on RRVT-lUnlsnmcIv fitrnl'hedrooms onFlcaiiut
Jf St. Addte "J J"c roUco 182-Up
1OR IVT A room for genlloiran and wife or for
1 ? IAO gentlemen , fltli Ortt-cUEs bcnrd 1622 Hurt Bt
703 tf
nr.M-FnrnUhod front room with board In
ipOR 1 family 1017 Chicago St. 10 } tf
FORREVT Large , nicely furnished room , raodc > n
convi-nlcrces ; BlsjbvOBiuill rooms on cir lice ,
1720 Cap tal A\cimo. 10l-5p
? RKXT One corn lUt I ) Lorcnzen block S W
corner Howard ai d 1 th street with modern Im-
Vro\cuicLtt ; Inquire of W F Lorenzcn , tOSScuth 20th
St. 111-tl
IIKNT Furnished rooms with t > r without
' board , 2112 Uarncy St. , ono block from eticst
car. 03Ut
( 'oa RRNT A Btere cheap 809 n rth 16th ,
IToR RUST3 or 0 rooms ckvet , cellar , city water ,
V Icfjulrd at COS North 18th SI. 702 flp
T70R RXVT2 ell furnished roomi In tlrdlck'iblock
_ P 16i 0 r arnam ; good location , pleisant for two or 4
gentlemen. In > | Ulre of DE Burnett , 218 south ISth
street. H6-6p
, ' RKNT Nicely furnlstied front room suitable
I'OR two gentlemen , location excellent 1418 Hon.
aid St. 990-flp
UK.ST Pleisant room modern aooominodatlonF.
Inquire 1724 Capitol avo. 069 Dp
RENT Handsome furnished room with bathing
FOR a'.tach'd at 2209 Dodgost. 078 8p
R KM-Furnished front room with board In
private family , 1017 Chicago et. OSS-It
FOR RENT Furnishi d room for one or two gentle-
meo , 3 blocks from IVet olnco ; Inquire Opera.
Uouso Cigar factory. 817-fp
RENT With boardnlcely furnlihed front room
FOR * and bath , 14 9 Jones. 007 tf
FOR REST First-clasn ft1ce , L ) tlo'a Block Farnam
street , between llth and 12th. 9U-8p
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms 105 N ISth
RENT Furnished room , wltn board. Suitable
tor t o gentlemen. 1117 Howard. 770-Ip
RENT Furclshol rooms 1621 Capitol avo.
_ J 007 m80
FOR RK.NT - Suite of rocmi cen'rally located , well
flnlebed suitable for cilice or IMng rooms. G M
Ea'on , 111 south 14th St. 8S4 tt
REST Office and third flour suitable for whole ,
ealo or manufacturing , at 1207 faruamSt
RK.ST- Furnished room 1318 Jackson Bt
I OR RENT Nicely furnished rotm for ! ) eemlamen
2225 Doi'go. 854-tf
F I OR RENT Nicely furnished front room for lady
and gjutleraan ; Inquire 521 Pleasant St. 712 tf
FORRF.NT-Nlocly lurnlshod rooms 1517 Davenport
OOM8 With board.detliablt t > i eummer. Apply
, t 81. Charloa n teL 911-tl
FOR KENT Several flne cfBocs In Crounso' block ,
Inquire Ed , Norrls , room 10 Croanse bloot
942 tt
1011 KENT Furnished room 1816 Dodjf J.
Fi 10R UBNT-Nlcely furnished rooma at 1718 Casa
St. 943-tf
FOR BALK-Ka mand unimproved land lots and
hones on Ionic ci edit U&U Land ofllce , 620 c.
ISIh St. Vadlcka & Goantner. E63-n > 18p
lon BALK Good ( arm In Washington Co. ; 171
JL1 tcres ; 80 acres ciltlrated ; good buildings ; fine
orchard ; running water ; all fujcod. KJward Korrla
Co. , room 10 Uiounao Block. 474tf
I7oiiSALit Full corner lot with nice house of 0
V rooms ono block from fcauivJeis street $3000 , thh
la a bargain
Lot at N W corner of Ilanecom Park , tO\182 feet ,
136 feet fronton Lciven orthet , with now house ,
3 blocXBwest of 1'ark avo2,200 ; thla hacoriifraud
it cheap pieru of proper ! ) ; ala > 1S'2 feet front on
Leavenuorlh near the above with hiu'o ? 3,2ro.
) 1 Rint reiidcnco property near ttMny'i ave , 12
roome , full lot , SIO.COC. 0 K Uayne Ii Co. . S W cor.
16th and Karnam. 140-7
FOR BALE Hill Interest of n well established cen
trally bcattd uroccry busincca fur eale cheap on
account of 111 health.
Choice let In Arbor place $160.
G acres , 4 room houtto north Saundera street 81.CC.
6 acre rear Fort , 10 0
2 lots , ca t front , Dwlpht & Lyman'a ajd. , $750.
Corner Shlrleyand I'hll Bherldin ave , Bun Or.k
add. , $300.
2 lot In Arbor place , C room houeo and [ table
Lot 76 140 east front , 7 room bouse , birn
Bedlck'aSub-rllvlslonndd. near car line 8ICOO.
Corner lot 27th and Dodge 4 room houto 81660.
4 lots In Durr Oak add , $2200. Paulsen & Co , ,
1513 Karnom lit 117-11
rLACi12 iood lot In thli addition
MARIOS rLACi - { ) nIth-
In 3 blcksof street cars , can be had on cany
terms. W H Green , over l t Nit'l Bank. ' 115-tf
ITOB fliLK At R bargain , three good houses 817 and
1 817J IBtb , south of Leatenworth ; rent { 65 per
per month ; prloa $5,500 ciay payments ; muit be
acll before June Itt Apply B. Mortenacu , Ullor ,
KI8F rnaaitrcet. 131-j < p
FOR BALK At a btrgaln , R good lot and new houio
with fumlture , 1C06 Georgia A\e. M Batlli ,
City. 897.6p
FOR BALI Two lots In block 8 , Hanicom place ,
50x180 , east Iroct , finest location In the tltyap
ply to W Ii Alexander , 1108 Dodge ( trcet , ut J A
Waktfleld. 61-30
FoRstLi-Houie full lot , well , ditern , bun , ( II In
good condition , one block from street cara ft 800
euty terms. WH Qretn , over UtNatl Bank. 041-tf
170R BALI flood 5 room hou < M , lot 60x132 fret.eaa
I1 front , 81800 ; $100 cash , bilince t5 ! pel Bonth.
W. B Green , over 1st National bank. 881tf
FOR IALI A pair of ponlei with a lUtbt spring wa <
gen andharnrei very cheap for caib 1217 Howard
( treet. J80-tf
FOR SALE-A light bay family bore * wtljht betwten
Un acd cloven hundred ; age fl \eari. . Innnlre
12U Uccgest lM-7p
ros BALI One good work horse , cbean , and one i !
JL1 seated covered carriage. Apply "T" Bee office.
FUlt BALE A palrof extra good work hoi > e > ,
welhltg about 1,4'Opouods each ; flteyeirs eld ,
( ound tud will Lfiken. lieiBcu lor stlilog , toe
valuable for my bu l tn. ImiulrcatGco. Ileaton'i ,
tfii L'roaJwiy , Council Ulufl * . 04-7
I rot. HtLK-Bprlng limit tt tt. per head delivered
1 to uny part ol the city ; I'n freih oowa. Tile
phone number (03. liuary Eva ) , Slat and CallfornU
titrceta. 924 Op
OR RALc-Piuio , a $7CO Uf right piano at a bir
K ln , niVBouglu. 78S-m21
p lAtrHTATK DROKKfts-Lobtck & Co' , 1J1J Farntn
-Lt > ttrett corner 18th , real citato bought , ami toll
on oommUsion , exchanges of rtalor personul proper
ty eOecttdthe ; pair > nageif partlK bavingreal estat
or took i of goodi to tell or excbingo at rcnouill
piled , Ii sc-UotUd , ana will have ur kiut ittei tlou
MM K. Jt HOOFER , Trancs t IMrvoyant. anj he ) .
IngtreilumreadrforMuln.Mo/er NOMSSR
orner Iflth and Webittr. Teimj rewonablo. 4SZ mio
[ T'tR ' R\rilAVoit Kcbraadklaad and lu.provrd bu -
. 'no' " I' l'oity In 1 1 > , r boutfr,60llor a ( took.
I Urrdiinilue or bu lneM. Address It Wllke , e re
co oitlcc. JQI o
po KXCIIORI hire fllty thouMiid acres ol Chej
JKi ° DC , ? ; > il"ty UnJ wlllcn ' c * " exchange at Birurc *
n ch ill be pronublc lor eastern proiwrty. Cimw
nd ate It. W. J , Vaiinlcc. Sldner , Neb. 80tf
Ho KTciiASOK-440 acres well Improved land 3 mill
L iruro hs ei. loirn , for a stock cf eoncr.M mcrolian.
Ise or hard aro. Addrosi John Llndelhclrn. K Ka
I poll SAth-Or exchange. Wo have for sale th
cxchiiUo right a this state to sell the ooal
tuiomlier and soot destroy , r , dentrovs the seat and
if < | " cftM- " ' "
, , , - ° ° un y
righter the slater will exchange fnrre l caiata or
M- toed property on application will send sample
'tt aland giro m'tlcuUrn. Ilea'on lor selllne
) a t cannot KUe It hU attention : , rare chance lor
1 ) len ! Ucdfofd , S ucr .V Dav.a. 945 tf
IfonsAiE OR ruciHNcm-ln part for roitturant , fut-
nlture and Btoek , clgirs * o. 7 ro-iraoj houio ,
barn , anil two loti. Apply 310 south Utli st. 10 mS'j
troR 8\Ln-ButcherBhop doing hrgo bmlncner
IWrciru'ar eiKtoinrrr , or will inke a pMtrcr
' 'fj'tril'uliif , apply to 0 K Miyno & Co. , b W MI.
lothitfl Farnim. iss-7
IfoR RAtK-A wtll cstablUhi-d bakery. Addrew
' "It. " this
otncc. 126 J-4
WAsrKn-Apartrcrwllh$15CO to take cmo-hilt
Intcrcft In ni eatabli'hoil grocery bunnetii ol
years standing In a good localljn In tha cUf.dotni ;
good butlncs < ; ho mmt boUlIrR to attend to the
tiio sales ; musub tcmiieiate and give gco < l refer-
rets. Apply t "T lit" Dtn nnico llB-7p
IroasALX A. we loittbll hed tailors buslnou bo-
tw oo j now nd Juno 16th , low rent ; go d look-
op ; ho'd ' lease of a'.nro for two yean ; only arnall c p-
Ul required. Addrcjs ' N. O. " 182-j-4p
FortBAtrtoii ETciiAtoB-Ia ! ( parl ) lor reoUurant ,
lurmturn 7 roomed house , bun and two lot * . Ap-
ly 818 soulh llth tt. 108-mM
FORBALE-III Oakland Nob. flrst-class meat market
aho the furnl urc of rho Bt Paul hotel. For pu.
.cultrs , Inquire or write Wlggera & Uchllng , Oakland
Neb- 87ml9
FOR flALit-Uriii atoro In a desirable looalltv , wtl
Invoice about $1.600 KCPattcrton , NE cornra
Sth and Farnam. 450-tf
IplOU SALE Or oxohango a full Block of clothing
boots and shoes , gent * furnishing uoods , wllloi-
hangs lor Nobraskk Lauds. G. U. Peteraon,804 B.
Oth at , Omaha. Neb. _ Bifrtf
BOARDINO Nicely furnUhrd south front rrom ti >
rent lthbo\rdn w residence with modern oon-
enlonrcstcrais ; reasonable ; Rtutlenuu preferred 536
Heaaint at. SS3-Dii
FIRST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol avo.
_ _
] OST Gray coU two jeira rlJ , had halter oFin -
_ /rur will bo rcnardcd by nturnlr g same to W. F.
Clatk , corner 10th and Douglas tt 102-Cp
E STRAY On April 2 M , ftda-kbjy horse about 8
icarao'd , blick rrano anl tall ; a liberal rovard
will ba pa'd for Its return to corn ) r 12th and Dodge.
C K ItcalldJ , 33 60
OUT -Dis olJtlmiSila. Afwo ha\ebeeu
unable to diiso'\o our co-pirtcutshlp m pretri-
j anno.ncod , wo will ofTer our ojtlro wholosili-
toe' * at such prlcsa aa h vo never been
quelled In the annals of clothing sales. To mention
irlccs would look simply ftbuloui , but no Bay to one
and all that were you to purchaio even on jour
> \sn jud innut you wjulcl pay uilar moro nnnov
ban we will ask. llcmtmber , wo wtll nell you a
better suit lor 82.60 thin ever was sol 1 for 0
All wool spring goods , go il Btlia lor from 85 to
83 a suit that cannot bs bought ordinarily lor twict <
the money.
Jlooa' Suits.
Bojs'Sult * .
rinUrcnj * Suita.
Kilt Sulla.
Youths' Sulta.
While Shirts.
Ccljred BhlrU.
Under Shirt ; .
Over Shlrti
Jlenb' Hats.
Childrcn& ' Hata.
And In fict allond i\crf tkbg In our store will be .
sold rcgarjloas of coat or value. To call and oxirn-
no iy to ba oonvln.ed. It HellmaiA. Co.tbt
Clothiers , Cor. IStn and Farnim. 1319
MAKIKQ Mrs Lind his returnel fr m the
oa-tand is once more prepared to 'ccelvo all her
old cuUomeri and many now cnc ; first oln'H work
most reasonable prhcs guiranteedgl\ober ; acalland
cncouraeogo9d drcjimakers to remain In Omaha ,
, 1114 DoJge et , 12I-6p
T70RKALK Double set hirnots , Inrcber wagnnand
1 horec , together or toparatc ; wl'l ' exonange tori
liorsewa ori andharntsa Copaon , south 16tb , be-
MOcn Center and Dorcia. lOCO-Op
Wanted on notoi secured by mortgage
on property worth $7,0:0 : , hill to bo
jable In ono year , balance In two years , will give
ten per cent Interest and also a bonus of SiOQ for the
use of the money. Address "Loan" Boo otllco.
770 tf
JAHTUKK-OII Elkhorn and I'Uttc. T , Murray.
/1liKwniL\Kit rAU , lt Irult ( ItvnroJ , tags redeemed
\Jni i no centeashby the dea'era , Pejcke Bros. ,
sgonts. 033-11
rMtTKueriON on banjo given by O E Gcllen- 1
L beck , at 1116 Caltol , avc. 480-tf
TjKivv vaulta , tlnks and cesspool ) o'eanod ' any tliuo
1 o'tho day In aa entirely odorless way with our
Improved pump aid apparatus Orders by mall
I romntly attended to. A. K\ans , oflloo and residence
1208 Dodge St , up stairs. 400 m7p
It does not taint the breath , tag >
V redeemedat one cent each by the dcaleri. C83-U m
T loiiT.vr.voRODS-J JUcLiln has for sale the best
JL rodi inanufajturcd In the United Btatea annealed . ,
tUctrloiteil center oo\cred with sheet copper , orders ; 1S
li < t ce < red' or repairing old ones promptly attended if
,0 AddresulOll UaundciKt. S30-mC ' ] $
IIIEW BII.VKR TAO , docs not giro you hosrt-linrn
. . . . . . .
11 .n.innmat .k - -
each by the dealcr8.
vaults , sinks snd cesspools cleaned at the
JL shortest notice and satlslaotloo guaranteed by If.
O. Abel. P. O. Box 878 490-m2p : M
( iDcorasoBa TO JODK a. JAOOBI )
At the old ( Und 1417 fimam 8L Crden by Ul * .
rraph solicited and prompt ! attended lo. TeiepbxiDt
no SSfl.
York In April , alay , Jute and July by Drnlcltw
7IIAVELEKS at reduced rites , by the belt r utxai
for pleasure travel.
COOK'B KXCUIlSinNIST , with mM , contain
full particulars ; by mall for 10 oecU
TIIOH COOK * BON , 01 Prf ( dwar. R , r ,
Orl ti ( h rn Bt , OUloaijollli.
St , Charles Hotel ,
0 BTUEET , BET 7lh and 8th , . . LINCOLN , KKU.
Utt. Kato Co kly , ProptletoreM.
ASTNevly and elegantly lurnl&hed. Good nmj > )
roomi on Drit floor.
MTTcrtns-ll.tX ) to $2 per day , Special raUs give
tmberi cl the liglilatura. novlP-lm-aiK
Mendelssohn & Fisher
Ilooini 28 and 29OmahaNatl.Bank Block
Dufrene & . Mendelssohn
Beo. L , .liher , Ictmery wttb W , U B , Jeou
irchltect , Chicago ,